
kermitTakyoji: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerdcore_hip_hop00:02
* Takyoji listens to some Dual Core00:16
JChristensenis that like seven fifths00:30
TakyojiNever heard of it00:42
JChristensenmy mistake severed fifth00:45
JChristensenjono's band00:45
* Takyoji digs around in curiosity00:48
JChristensenSeeing as he's a one man band guess it would be more like Single Core.... <- lame joke00:52
TakyojiI find it surprising that some things on YouTube are available in 1080p01:43
kermitTakyoji: wow, like what?01:44
TakyojiI've noticed some music videos, and other things in 1080p01:45
Takyojii.e. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yvEYKRF5IA01:45
Takyoji(note: mild sexual themes at the end)01:46
* JChristensen rushes to end ... j/k01:47
kermitTakyoji: it doesnt seem to be able to serve it that fast01:47
Takyojiserves in under like 3 seconds for me01:47
kermitTakyoji: the whole video is loaded in 3 seconds for you?01:48
TakyojiFor reasonable buffering yes, the entire video, no.01:48
kermitit's not serving it fast enough to me01:49
JChristensen1.5MB Dsl its out of the question for me01:50
TakyojiI believe I have 10Mb/s01:50
* Takyoji wonders if JChristensen is relatively new to the channel or not01:50
* JChristensen is01:51
kermitnot even 720p serves fast enough01:51
JChristensenI did figure out how to save youtube videos though01:52
TakyojiJust snatching it from the /tmp folder, or using a web browser plugin?01:52
TakyojiOtherwise which region of Minnesota are you of?01:53
* Takyoji is in Faribault01:53
JChristensenright down the road01:54
TakyojiFor once I have someone that's somewhat nearby. :P01:54
kermitwow, is anyone here from minneapolis?01:55
mr_stevekermit, yo.01:55
kermiti think obsidian is01:55
TakyojiI think a majority of the members are01:55
Takyojior the general metro region01:55
kermith00k is in duluth01:55
JChristensentalked to a couple from mpls on here01:55
Takyojiotherwise I'm still in decision of an installfest for the south area of Minnesota01:56
Takyojibut still haven't found a location01:56
JChristensenI have a client with a T1 right next to a coffee shop01:56
JChristensenmight be able to talk them into letting me put a wifi router on the t101:57
tonyyarussoOf people that I know where they live, we currently have 4 people in here from the Duluth/Superior and NE area, one or two from the south, and the rest are Metro.02:04
tonyyarussoTakyoji: if you have as few people as you claim, you could just go to Perkins, so don't let me hear you whinin' about location ;)02:05
TakyojiI barely know of anyone whom would attend. :P02:05
Takyojiand Perkins has no electrical plugins nor wireless access (in my town/city)02:06
tonyyarussoSo do it sans computers.02:06
Takyojian installfest without computers? :o02:08
tonyyarussoIt doesn't need to be an installfest.02:09
tonyyarussoIf you want to do that, do that, but don't not have an event because you couldn't do that.02:09
JChristensenTakyoji: There is a lucid release party in st paul on 4-2402:13
TakyojiApril 24?02:14
TakyojiYea, I go to each of those.02:15
TakyojiI'd just like to additionally have something local02:15
TakyojiAs it's an hour for me to Minneapolis, and for others in like Owatonna, Mankato, and so on, it's like 2 hours.02:16
JChristensenUnfortunatly there isn't enough people down here02:16
TakyojiBut if done in Faribault, that would mean anyone in those cities would have less than a 1 hour transit.02:17
JChristensenBut i am working on changing that02:18
* JChristensen thinks the meetings should be at the Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery02:25
* Takyoji wonders if he'd be of admittance to such a facility. :P02:26
tonyyarussoWait, April 24th??02:27
JChristensenthats what their website says02:27
TakyojiI believe that's before the release of 10.0402:28
* tonyyarusso thinks Brian really needs to learn to actually check the darn release date02:28
tonyyarussoTakyoji: it is.02:28
TakyojiWhich yes, don't make sense02:28
tonyyarussoThis is like the fourth time he's done that.02:28
TakyojiHere you go https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule :P02:28
TakyojiWrong one02:28
TakyojiApril 29th02:29
tonyyarussoe-mail sent02:30
JChristensenso whats your guy's opinion on the buttons on the left02:36
TakyojiI'm indifferent. However, in care of those I help, it's a little questionable.02:36
TakyojiThing is, the justification is that supposedly they're first moving the buttons the left in 10.04, and in 10.10 they'll experiment with something new in the right side of the window02:37
TakyojiYet, I don't see how the buttons could just be on the right, and anything experimentally new could just be on the left instead02:37
tonyyarussoJChristensen: It's evil and must die.02:38
JChristensenahh i'm sure i'll get used to it but its kind of annoying thus far02:38
TakyojiI'm fine with it, but again, for the people I support Ubuntu for, probably not.02:38
TakyojiLook at how people crap a brick over some layout changes on Facebook for example02:38
Takyojithat are logical improvements02:39
JChristensenmore agreeing with tony on that one02:39
TakyojiI also just don't see much justification to the idea however (of the button realignment)02:39
Takyojiand we're such nerds for freaking out over such matters. :P02:39
TakyojiI understand however that the hotspot of view is always the top-left region02:42
Takyojiand may be a beneficial attribute for completely new computer users02:42
Takyojithat's the only justification I can think of (even though that's not what they implied publicly at all)02:43
JChristensenEvery OS has them on the right, i'm used to them being on the right, i dont see anything good about moving them02:43
TakyojiI believe OS X is on the left02:43
Takyoji(of course, I haven't touched a Mac in probably a year)02:44
JChristensengreat next thing you know there will only be 1 mouse button02:44
Adremelechyour right, its on the left in os x02:44
TakyojiIt's Ubuntu OS X02:44
Takyoji*cough hint* Ubuntu 10.04 *cough*02:45
TakyojiNote: 1002:45
Adremelechi like the buttons on the left just because im used to using a macbook02:45
Adremelechit did take a bit to get used to though on my desktop02:45
TakyojiWhat I think should be absolutely necessary though is:02:45
JChristensenhavn't touched a mac in over 5 years02:45
TakyojiInstead of forcing it back to the right. Give the person a CHOICE on the Appearance dialog between left or right.02:46
JChristensengood call Takyoji02:46
TakyojiBy all means, it could be set to right on a default installation02:46
JChristensenthat was the first thing i looked for02:46
AdremelechTakyoji, i think you can edit the layout using gconf-editor02:46
TakyojiIt just seems that Ubuntu is degrading to a form of sacrificing choice in favor of "simplicity"02:47
TakyojiWhereas when you want to derive from the norm, it's over complexified than it should be.02:47
Takyojiat least you have the general option to an extent however02:47
TakyojiUnlike Windows where the layout of the taskbar is practically hard-coded02:48
TakyojiI mean,02:48
JChristensenEverything windows is hard coded02:48
TakyojiWindows is an example of severing choice for the favor of simplicity.02:49
TakyojiIt's just irritating that developers conceive the idea of over-simplifying things, when there isn't really much in return.02:51
JChristensenHave to dumb things down, havent you seen idocracy02:52
TakyojiI have certainly seen Idiocracy. 2 days ago in fact. :P02:52
JChristensengreat show02:52
TakyojiThe best useful simplication in 10.04 however would be the new scanner GUI, replacing the archaic XSane interface.02:54
TakyojiWhich brings complete joy to me02:54
TakyojiBecause it just makes me cringe watching a new user try to use XSane to scan documents.02:54
TakyojiBut it has electrolytes!02:54
JChristensenBrother offers scan to FTP on network models. Excellent alternative to xsane in the past02:56
TakyojiWhy not SFTP? :o02:57
TakyojiBut yea, it's beautiful have a level of abstraction like such02:58
Takyojiwhere all you need is a LAN connection to scan a document02:58
Takyojiwithout having to deal with the drivers and so forth.02:58
JChristensenThey offer a driver for that too02:58
JChristensenworks with xsane over LAN02:59
JChristensenNice to see companies offering linux drivers and support for a change03:00
TakyojiA good golf clap in appreciation of HP, as one example.03:00
Takyoji(or at least for releasing specifications for drivers to be built)03:00
JChristensenEpson was a nightmare to deal with03:01
* JChristensen is out of here "See ya later"03:06
TakyojiJust be sure to return eventually (some day). :P03:10
TakyojiHaaah http://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/03/17/2218208/Disgruntled-Ex-Employee-Remotely-Disables-100-Cars03:11
TakyojiIt just gives such a similar feeling to DRM03:11
TakyojiIs it possible to run a VM in VirtualBox "headless"? Or in other words, running the background, without a GUI.03:17
mr_steveTakyoji, I dunno about OSE, but I was doing precisely that with the proprietary version03:18
TakyojiHow do you set it up in the proprietary version?03:18
mr_steveYou can start a VM from the command line, I forget the exact incantation but it has something to do with VBoxManage03:19
mr_steveVBoxManage --startvm <name> -t rdp or something like that, to tell it that the console should be on the built-in RDP server03:19
mr_steveor -d vrdp, maybe. I dunno. I switched to VMWare because VirtualBox fails at DOS03:20
TakyojiWhich type of DOS? :P03:21
mr_steveheheh one results in the other in this case. Try running some old DOS apps in a WinXP VirtualBox. Some of them will lock up the entire VirtualBox process, requiring a kill -9 on the host.03:22
mr_steveIt was BBS door games in my case. I was running a telnetable BBS on VirtualBox, and most of the old games would bring the whole thing to a halt. DOS apps also run real slow, for some reason.03:24
kermitmr_steve: did you try booting DOS directly?03:44
kermit..inside virtualbox03:44
TakyojiOR, just using DOSBox, probably would have been the most sane. :P03:47
TakyojiI don't think there's issues with the emulation of DOSBox03:47
mr_steveeh the problem was the BBS runs on windows, but the games were all old DOS progs03:57
kermitmr_steve: huh, how did they communicate with DOS programs then?  if by TCP, then maybe you could still run it on seperate virtual machines04:03
mr_stevekermit, they talked via FOSSIL driver, these DOS programs were designed to talk to a modem directly, and the BBS software had a driver that pretended to be a modem.04:17
mr_steveI'm happy with it on VMWare for now, until I get around to migrating it to linux native. The BBS will run on linux, with the door games running in a patched version of DOSemu04:17
kermitwhat games?04:19
mr_steveLegend of The Red Dragon, Tradewars 2002, a few others whose names escape me04:20
kermiti wrote a client for tradewars04:20
kermitthere's a 1994 movie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend_of_the_Red_Dragon_%28film%2904:20
kermithmm i just realized BBSes alwasy had much cooler names than websites.04:22
kermiti assume you've found bbsmates.com right?04:23
mr_steveyeah I've checked it out once or twice04:23
kermitwow i'm on their BBS.. man i've spent a lot of time online in my life.04:27
kermitnice it even simulates 2400 baud04:36
kermitmr_steve: wow, plaiyng BBS doors reminds me of when i was young enough to not have to worry about paying rent.04:51
kermitor in any other way/shape/form valuing my time ;)04:52
h00kkermit: Superior, but Duluth is right across the bridge16:30
netbookoops heh17:16
bdunnetteSo where's that Lucid beta I've been itching to get my hands on?18:07
netbookmaybe that's what you want19:00
netbookI had problems with installing guest additions on Lucis in VirtualBox19:01
netbookI think I will be sticking with koala for a while19:02
Obsidian1723What is everyone's thoughts here on the changing of the order of buttons and also the move ovfer to the left hand side? Anyone tried Lucid yet?19:29
Obsidian1723What is everyone's thoughts here on the changing of the order of buttons and also the move over to the left hand side? Anyone tried Lucid yet?Is the whole minimize, max, close button order and left hand move only in Ubuntu or is that in Gnome?20:01
bdunnetteObsidian1723: FWIW, Shuttleworth has said that, though consistency's a problem with free desktops, he's standing behind the leftward shift: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/21820:10
ubot3Malone bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:10
Obsidian1723yeah I know20:10
Obsidian1723We will need to hack the gconf and use Remastersys to make an ISO20:11
Obsidian1723Joe6pack wont do that.20:11
bdunnetteUntil someone packages an "un-Shuttleworth" script -- looks like it's a one-line gconf thing.20:11
tonyyarussoI edited the gconf key to fix my button position/order as soon as I found out how.22:47
tonyyarussoAnd I can confirm that it can be done with a one-line gconf command.22:48
tonyyarussobut of course, both of the people who care are gone.22:48
kermitpeople join/part a lot in this channel23:03
kermiti wonder if they're on laptops and fairly mobile23:03
tonyyarussoI am, but that's what a VPS is for ;)23:03
kermittonyyarusso: do you use ZIRC?23:12
kermitoh you're on the shell, i see23:13
tonyyarussokermit: yeah, I just ssh+screen+irssi23:13
kermiter ZNC not ZIRC23:13
tonyyarussoAlthough I also have irssi-proxy set up so I can connect from another client without ssh.23:13
kermiti'm in about 50 channels, i don't know how i could manage that with a console client23:14
tonyyarussoI actually find it easier.23:14
kermiti used BitchX until about 200023:14
tonyyarussoI'm only in about 10 right now, but I have used irssi for around 100; works great.23:14
kermitdo you just display one at a time then?23:15
tonyyarussoYes, although through the magic of split windows you could do otherwise if you wanted.23:15
kermitcan it split vertically in addition to horizontally?23:15
tonyyarussoWell, I know screen can; I'm not quite sure how much irssi does internally, but I think so.23:16
netbookScreen can do that23:16
tonyyarussoMy irssi setup is actually very near a stock config.23:16
kermitmy pidgin setup is so non-stock that the pidgin devs say "well what do you expect" whenever it doesnt work right ;)23:17
netbookYea, I use ssh+screen+irssi as well23:17
netbookI suggest giving irssi a shot, along with screen, has made my life much easier23:18
netbookcan be online all the time even though I am logged out as a user23:18
netbookand screen is actually byobu or something now, in ubuntu23:21
netbookdon't know why23:21
tonyyarussoNo, screen is screen, byobu is byobu.23:30
tonyyarussobyobu is profiles for screen, which allows you to customize its appearance in useful ways.  It depends on screen, not replaces it.23:32
netbookoh ok, that makes sense23:32

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