
dholbachgood morning07:55
macodholbach: hi there :)07:58
dholbachhey maco08:00
czajkowskiResearch: Help Get Girls & Women into SET - http://girlygeekdom.com/education/aauwresearchse/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GirlyGeekdom+%28GirlyGeekdom+Blog%2911:28
czajkowskiWomen in Games conference cancelled http://ow.ly/1nPgh15:30
MarkDudeBay Area Radio show is looking for Women in Unix Community. I just posted details to ML. Encourage local folks to be interviewed by KPFA15:36
nigelbMarkDude: San Francisco?15:37
MarkDudeUW it is for International Women's day.15:37
MarkDudeYes, nigelb15:37
* nigelb suggests poking pleia2 15:37
MarkDudeWell yes. That was thought , as well as a few others. I doubt my voice has much sway. UW members on the other hand...15:38
rwwMarkDude: You're too late, Grant forwarded it to ubuntu-women@ earlier today ;P15:39
MarkDudeI also dont want to re-enforce the Unicorn deal. so, I cant just ask people I know , if they are always the 1st asked15:39
nigelb9 pm = bed time15:40
nigelblater folks15:40
MarkDuderww, good. has he joined UW yet? It's good to have some folks that are mellower than myself15:40
rwwMarkDude: no idea, I just noticed he crossposted it to a few lists, including UW's15:41
MarkDudeLater nigelb - I think I'll have some events in your region next time :)15:41
MarkDude rww. thats cool.15:42
MarkDudeOh, I am receiving the ML in digest form. Thats why I did not see earlier post from Grant.15:44
rwwMarkDude: told you you shouldn't use it ;P15:44
MarkDudeYes, I knew before I typed the word digest - what your opinion is of them. I should switch my subs to FULL & sort in folders I guess. This is my second *fail* in as many weeks.15:50
czajkowskinothing more annoying than being told, I told you so though15:52
rwwMarkDude: yeah, I'm somewhat spoiled by gmail's label feature. It works well with my need to obsessively sort everything :)15:52
MarkDudeczajkowski,  :)15:54
* nigelb pops in to tell MarkDude "I told you so" ;)15:54
MarkDudeOur email runs through Gmail, I should just go ahead & take 20 minutes to switch the rest15:55
MarkDudenigelb, :) this is a current theme in my life now. rww is batting around 90% accuracy on most subjects. Thankfully he never bothers to point that out15:56
nigelbmaco: lol15:56
nigelberr.. tabfail15:56
nigelbMarkDude: lol15:56
MarkDudeIm always open to I told you so stuff, or even better warnings ahead of time, its how I learn15:57
rwwMarkDude: Some useful pointers: the More actions > Filter Messages Like These menu when you're reading an email, and list.ubuntu.com's mailman interface (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/options/ubuntu-women ) can sometimes change all your subscription options at once so you don't have to iterate through each list to e.g. change digest settings15:58
* rww switched list email addresses recently, the latter was a godsend15:58
MarkDuderww - the nick that needs no tab-complete15:58
rww(the More Actions thing is in Gmail)15:58
nigelbor just get pop3 in TB and fix stuff there15:59
MarkDudeI need to be more granular with my settings, some projects mention other projects. With forwarding included- I have important mail - shoved where it should not have been16:00
MarkDudeThank you for the suggestions , Im going to go see about avoiding redundant posts :)16:04
pleia2MarkDude: i have an interview with that radio guy next week16:31
pleia2we spoke on tuesday evening16:31
MarkDudeCool. Should Courtney & Cathy still call?16:33
pleia2i dont know if he's interviewing others too, cant hurt to email him though16:47
MarkDudethx pleia2 - I think she is emailing right now. BTW its one of the stations that Jessica used to help with - before heading north16:51
=== maco changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://women.ubuntu.com | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: March 25th, 2010 @2100UTC agenda: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/March2010/Agenda | "How I discovered Ubuntu" Winners! http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/InternationalWomensDay/HowIDiscoveredUbuntu
Pendulumwindow move 821:25
Pendulumoops, typing fail :)21:25
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