
jribAggrav8d: boot windows00:00
Loshapyro_: Try ctrl-alt-backspace. If that's disabled, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart should do it...00:00
tuxusereremite: apt-cache dumpavail | less then /Package and n to skip to the next00:00
Aggrav8dMyrtti - same time.  i'm running a little web server on the linux partition.00:00
jastorAggrav8d: dualbooting windows 7 ubuntu  seems to be a popular google search :)00:00
terry_!VirtualBox Aggrav8d00:00
cdsboyLosha: it mounts in gentoo and windows00:00
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Aggrav8dyeah, i guess i can just boot windows.00:00
Aggrav8di wouldn't be doing it that often, anyhow.00:01
jastorAggrav8d: seems youre using linux less than windows ;) but is dependent on linux .. run linux in a virtualmachine in win 700:01
terry_Aggrav8d: So you want to set up dual boot?00:01
VigoMozillaGuerrilla: Is the CD drive set as Boot in the BIOS?00:01
Aggrav8dsee, this is why i need advice :)00:01
tuxusereremite: apt-cache search '.*' | sort | less00:01
MyrttiAggrav8d: trying to play newer games with virtualized windows is a bit... erhm. well, I guess some virtualisation systems actually *can* do proper gaming graphic stuff... not that I can remember any00:01
Loshacdsboy: then it *should* mount in Ubuntu, but it's ntfs, so it's all reverse-engineered and guesswork. Sorry, don't know what else to suggest...00:01
madseneremite: Want only the package names?  apt-cache search ".*" | awk {'print $1'}      :)00:01
terry_!VirtualBox | Aggrav8d00:01
ubottuAggrav8d: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:01
jastorAggrav8d: win 7 does require more power than linux ;) .. so id run windows and run linux in virtualbox00:01
eremiteThank you madsen, that is exactly what I wanted!  Cheers.00:02
madseneremite: No problem. Glad I could help. :)00:02
MozillaGuerrillavigo, yes but it was like 3rd down the list but that shldn't matter should it?00:02
jastorok .. well depending on what you do on the linux server ofcourse ,) but it just sounded like he was going to run lamp?00:02
terry_!dualboot | Aggrav8d00:02
ubottuAggrav8d: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:02
Aggrav8datm my setup is screwy and legacy.  i am not tied to windows for any reason.  the only reason i want windows is to occasionally play games.  the linux box, however, should never be off.00:02
* madsen is off to find answers to his font rendering problems... And sleep. Don't forget sleep!00:02
cdsboywell as i said earlier, i need to know how to make the device page, i know it uses mknod i just don't know how to use mknod00:03
VigoMozillaGeueilla: Yes, it really matters, one moment please, let me pull that page up.00:03
MozillaGuerrillavigo, (in boot order)00:03
jastorAggrav8d: what do you use the linux comp for? other than lamp ?00:03
Loshacdsboy: you can try manually making the device, but I don't know if it will help. A normal ubuntu system will autodetect disks and autocreate the appropriate device entries...00:03
ben__262What time for next Ubuntu?00:04
tuxusercdsboy: I'm pretty sure you _don't_ want to use mknod these days, especially for such a "core" thing as a disk drive device... anyway man mknod is your friend00:04
VigoMozillaGuerilla: Here>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation00:04
spOhow do i change the application menu?00:04
spOpull down menu00:05
ben__262Do we have beta?00:05
cdsboytuxuser: any other suggestions then? it works in gentoo and windows so i know its not corrupted. I read the man page for mknod and it made no sense to me ;)00:05
jastorben__262: 04 = april .. 10 = october ;) .. xbmc uses same system :) just last time it got delayed and became .11 instead ;)00:05
MozillaGuerrillavigo, thanks!00:05
Loshacdsboy: AT YOUR OWN RISK: ls -l /dev/sdb1 and then use the same major number but bump up the minor number to make the device for /dev/sdc100:05
terry_spO: right click00:05
D4m14ndoes someone know a soft silimar to screenhunter?00:06
terry_!hi | ravibn00:06
ubotturavibn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:06
D4m14nfor ubuntu?00:06
VigoMozillaGuerilla: You are very welcome, I hope that clears it up, and yes, it is quite important. But still make a backup, always make a backup.00:06
eremiteHey all, just wondering, you wouldn't knwo how to set a window to always on bottom, would you?  I know you can set one to always on top, but what about never on top?  The only solution I can think of is to set ALL windows to always on top except the one I need embedded onto my dekstop.00:06
ravibnI need skype on ubuntu any links you can provide?00:06
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: you owuldnt happen to be the NR officer magillagorilla?00:06
D4m14ni don't like takescreenshot app00:06
Losharavibn: what's wrong with the skype web page?00:06
ben__262system > preference > main menu00:06
terry_ravibn: apt-get install skype00:07
MozillaGuerrillaNo thats my brother lol00:07
terry_ravibn:  or fire up synaptic00:07
tuxusercdsboy: did it ever work in ubuntu ?00:07
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: couldnt make out if youre serious or not00:07
cdsboytuxuser: nope00:07
terry_ravibn: sudo apt-get install skype00:07
ravibnThanks terry_00:07
Loshacdsboy: got a backup of the data?00:08
MozillaGuerrillaVigo, know of any irc channels regarding hardware?00:08
cdsboyLosha: nope00:08
LoshaMozillaGuerrilla: #hardware00:08
MozillaGuerrillajastor, not serious.00:08
tuxusercdsboy: sorry, my question was not specific enough: did you ever see that sdc1 in ubuntu ?00:08
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: i doubt it .. but just asking if youre swedish anyway00:08
cdsboytuxuser: i have never had a device page for sdc1 in ubuntu00:08
Loshacdsboy: what you're doing may trash the disk....00:08
MozillaGuerrillalosha, thanks (duh) lol00:08
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: tomshardwareguide :)00:08
cdsboyLosha: worse things could happen00:09
VigoMozzilaGuerilla: #hardware? I guess00:09
Loshacdsboy: was that fdisk output you pastebinned from ubuntu?00:09
tuxusercdsboy: I guess you're searching for sdc1 because that's what e.g. gentoo calls it, right ?00:09
MozillaGuerrillajastor, no but im not against a good back rub00:09
cdsboyLosha: yes00:09
cdsboytuxuser: no, because my fdisk calls it that00:09
cdsboytuxuser: i just don't have a device page for it00:09
Loshatuxuser: see http://pastebin.com/MqkMjwbs, apparently from Ubuntu00:09
D4m14ndid you find a 3d driver for [SiS] 771/671?00:09
ravibnterry_ : That  sudo apt-get install skype command gave me error " Pkg skype has no installation candidate"00:10
Loshacdsboy: AT YOUR OWN RISK: ls -l /dev/sdb1 and then use the same major number but bump up the minor number to make the device for /dev/sdc100:10
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: if you were scandinavian ;) i could recommend a ircchannel on quakenet ..00:10
VigoMozzilaGuerilla: You can always look at the /list and maybe hone the Hardware down to be more specific.00:10
danlis there an easy way to get ps aux to output human readable sizes?00:10
tuxuserLosha: wrong pastebin id ?00:10
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: but wht type of hardware is it? hardware in general? or some problem and onlyon linux?00:10
terry_!skype | ravibn00:10
ubotturavibn: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga00:10
ben__262how to login my registered name?00:11
tuxusercdsboy: ...fdisk _used_ to call that sdc1 ?00:11
Loshatuxuser: didn't the link work for you?00:11
cdsboytuxuser: thats my current running fdisk00:11
D4m14ni 'd like to install compiz but seems to be imposible with my video card00:11
cdsboytuxuser: like taken on this session00:11
D4m14n[SiS] 771/67100:11
ravibnubottu: thanks I will try that link00:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:11
Loshacdsboy: did you try the mknod thing I mentioned above?00:12
tuxuserLosha: sorry, forgot to trim the comma at the end :-)00:12
Loshatuxuser: :-)00:12
cdsboyLosha: i'm sorry, brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 17 2010-03-17 15:43 /dev/sdb1, i don't understand where the major number is from that00:12
tuxusercdsboy: what do you mean by "device page" ?00:13
cdsboytuxuser: /dev/sdc100:13
MozillaGuerrillaJastor, Its an older HP desktop, i cant get it to load or boot the ubuntu live disc. I get a blue"UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT" screen.I think the HD might be shot00:13
tuxusercdsboy: but you say it's there, right ?00:13
cdsboytuxuser: no, if it was there, we wouldn't be having this problem00:13
cdsboytuxuser: well i wouldn't00:13
cdsboytuxuser: fdisk says it _should_ be there00:13
desaintsubunttu server 9.10 premade .VDI for sun virtual machine (not ose) no internet connection on the virtual server, shows only connection as loopback( any suggestions on how to reset the adapter settings in the ubuntu machine00:13
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: ok .. tried unplugging the hd?00:14
nishanthwho can help me with some lucid problems?00:14
Loshacdsboy: looks like major number 8, minor number 17. You could try mknod b 8 18, assuming sdc1 is on the same controller as sdb1 but 'one over' if you see what I mean...00:14
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: or could just be that you got the wrong bootorder00:14
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Loshacdsboy: this is all black magic, you understand...00:14
tuxusercdsboy: so fdisk -l shows /dev/sdc1 but ls /dev/sdc1 says "not found ?"00:14
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: depending on if its just old .. or really old .. there are various ways to get into the bios and see00:15
desaintsubunttu server 9.10 premade .VDI for sun virtual machine (not ose) no internet connection on the virtual server, shows only connection as loopback( any suggestions on how to reset the adapter settings in the ubuntu machine00:15
Loshatuxuser: that's about the size of it...00:15
ThuuugsLooking at: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-rc1/ - apparently the Ubuntu team enabled TRIM support in this custome kernels - cant find anything in changelog - can anyone confirm/deny?00:15
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: check during the bios stuff if theres any reference to a F1-12 key or DEL00:15
cdsboytuxuser: yes00:15
nishanthdoes anyone know how to make plymouth  work?00:15
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: or if its a really old computer .. restart the bios three or four times in a row with ctrl+alt+del00:16
bigtom21485I have a 250gb hdd and i just deleted the 200gb windows partition and I'm wondering why the 50gb linux partition didnt just spread out00:16
Loshanishanth: lucid support on #ubuntu+1 only...00:16
bigtom21485how do i make it one big 250gm hdd again?00:16
terry_nishanth: see http://www.python.org00:16
MozillaGuerrillaactually no I hadn't tried that. I got to the BIOS and it had the drive in 3rd order and it was enabled. I tried moving it up to the first in boot order but couldn't figure it out00:16
jastor"restart the computer during bios" i mean00:16
cdsboyLosha: mknod: missing operand after `18'00:16
Loshabigtom21485: partitions don't just resize themselves, you have to resize them using e.g. gparted....00:16
tuxusercdsboy: ok, so please don't call it a device "page", it's a device "node". That said, I checked on my ubuntu 9.10 and all the partitions have their /dev node. What version are you using ?00:16
eremitebigtom21485, because the partition is limited.  Thats what partitioning does.  Use a linux Live CD to make using GPARTED to resize your partition.00:17
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: that just shows which ide/sata channel its on ;) not in which order it boots00:17
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: oh wait .. did you mean you wereinside the bios? or in the bootup bios info stuff=?00:17
mark__how do i readd a cd rom drive to ubuntu?00:17
eremitebigtom21485, sorry, that didnt make a lick of sense.  lol.  Use a Live CD to resize your partition using the program gparted.00:17
cdsboytuxuser: sorry, i'm on 9.10.00:17
terry_mark__: Please restate  your question.00:18
bigtom21485for my level of knowledge, would reinstalling ubuntu allow me to do the same thing?00:18
Loshacdsboy: sorry, mknod /dev/sdc1 b 8 18   I thought you'd check the man page yourself...00:18
MozillaGuerrillai got to it by tapping the F1 key during the boot00:18
cdsboyi did, it was gibberish to me xD00:18
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: if you were inside the bios and could change settings. .. page up/page down, + and - , f5 and d6 are teh variations ive seen that lets you change order00:18
jastorwell .. the varaitions i remember anyway ;00:18
bigtom21485eremite do i get to gparted using the command line or the gui?00:19
Ashfire908How do I change the screen resolution for the login screen (it's still gdm right)?00:19
cdsboyLosha: no suck luck, "mount: /dev/sdc1 is not a valid block device"00:19
tuxusercdsboy: it's "create device node /dev/sdc1 which is a block (b) device, with major number 8 and minor number 18 (those are telling the kernel what hw device that node is to be tied to)"00:19
jastorMozillaGuerrilla: sometimes you just have to select "first boot device" .. press enter and select from  alist ,)00:19
cdsboyguess the black magic didn't work xD00:19
Loshabigtom21485: yes, reinstalling from scratch will let you resize the partitions, but you'll lose any data...00:19
bigtom21485xD...like the scion00:19
bigtom21485losha: is gparted accessable from the gui or do i type something into the command line?00:19
MozillaGuerrillayea that was pretty much the way it was. So if I moved it up to the primary boot you thnk that mgt do the trick?00:20
Loshacdsboy: it was a long shot anyway, something about your filesystem/OS/hardware isn't normal.00:20
terry_bigtom21485: gui00:20
jastorbigtom21485: gparted is gui00:20
bigtom21485how do i send a message on a chat to multiple people without pm-ing?00:20
tuxusercdboy: btw, you should try mkdir /mnt/disk && mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/disk (as root)00:20
jastorbigtom21485: to everyone in a channel?00:20
Loshabigtom21485: which filesystem are you resizing. If it's the system partition, you have to do it from the live cd00:20
cdsboytuxuser: yeah did that.00:20
jastorbigtom21485: or only specific?00:21
cdsboytuxuser: first thing i tried xD00:21
bigtom21485losha i have a live cd do i do the "try ubuntu without installing" option?00:21
n2diy_bigtom21485: just include their nicks in the message?00:21
cdsboytuxuser: results are at the bottom of the link00:21
Loshabigtom21485: yes, from there, you'll be able to run gparted and resize things...00:21
pyrosysLosha: well yes that killed everyting00:21
mark__anyone have any experince installing sta driver for linux?00:21
Loshapyrosys: sorry. Are you back to blue?00:22
terry_mark__: Should already be there.00:22
MozillaGuerrillaon the plus side I have had incredible results running ubuntu in VirtualBox! I can't believe how great it works.00:22
mark__its not installed00:22
pyrosyswhat was the link to the orig as appareantly i saved the modified as the orig when i backed it up00:22
jastorbigtom21485: do you want ot send to everyone at teh same time the same message? or only specific people?00:22
tuxusercdsboy: I'm sorry, I don't think I can add ideas to this issue, I've never seen a system where fdisk -l would report a device that is not there in /dev... btw are /dev/sda1, etc. there ?00:22
pyrosysLosha: i am on windows to even get here00:22
mark__i downloaded it00:22
VigoMozillaGuerilla: That sounds like the fix, that install page I linked explains that  well.00:22
mark__@terry_ tried to install but didn't work00:23
haavarosHow do I make terminal session start automatically after login to Ubuntu? I've tried startup programs, it doesn't work00:23
terry_mark__: Sorry, don't  know anything about sta00:23
cdsboytuxuser: all reported stuff for /dev/sda and /dev/sdb work00:23
cdsboyi've never run into this problem either00:24
mark__anyone familar with sta drivers for linux? their from broadcom00:24
Loshapyrosys: Sorry, Now you'll have to run the live cd, mount the disk, and put the old xorg.conf back00:24
desaintshow can i tell if my ubuntu server 9.10 has dhcp server installed00:24
terry_haavaros: If you leave one open and logout, you should have it when you log back in again.00:24
Loshacdsboy: what kind of hardware is this?00:24
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tuxusercdsboy: stupid question: did a reboot fix the issue ?00:25
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pyrosysLosha: do you have the link to the orig, i tried what i backedup appreantyl after looking at it i saved the modified one00:25
tuxusercdsboy: any syslog or dmesg or /var/log/messages anomaly ?00:25
pyrosysLosha: i need to know what to change it back to, and how to edit a file in command line00:25
terry_desaints: dpkg -L |grep  dhpcd00:25
rameshworhello.. i made a folder in ubuntu to use the file in vista , but i cna't get the folder in vista.. wat's wrong anyboxy plz ( i'm dual booting vista and UBUNTU ULTIMATE )00:25
Pici!ultimate | rameshwor00:26
ubotturameshwor: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition00:26
Typos_Kingdesaints:    apt-cache pkgnames | grep -i dhcp;00:26
tuxuserrameshwor: what's ubuntu "ultimate" ? LOL00:26
rameshworand cna't even delete the folder..00:26
Loshapyrosys: the only difference between the old one and the new one should be line 60, which should say: Driver  "nvidia"00:26
civprohello, wanted to find the best option for mirroring the entire server, to get your opinions00:26
rameshworSORRRY !!!!00:26
pyrosysLoshaL: how do i edit that at the terminal or is ther some way to do it via windows :P00:26
terry_desaints: dpkg -L |grep  dhcpd   # To correct previous typo.00:27
tuxusercivpro: dd is low-level but usable IME00:27
mark__can someone please helpme00:27
rameshworwhere can i find the logs of when my comp. was booted and when shutdown . ??00:27
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terry_mark__: Yes.00:27
desaintsi believe DHCP is installed will that cause the machine to try to acquire an ip from itself?00:27
terry_rameshwor: dmesg00:28
pyrosysLosha: or is only way from booting a live cd00:28
Gnea!ultimate | rameshwor00:28
ubotturameshwor: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition00:28
Zehrila-Hello everyone. My ubuntu installation went just fine but whenever the system boots into GUI, the screen goes black with the backlight on and nothing on display. The same thing happened before when I tried booting Ubuntu from the LiveCD so I had to do an installation from the text-based alternative CD00:28
Zehrila-Is there any way to get the GUI to work?00:28
civprohey losha, got a minute, got webserver finally configured right and i wanted to make sure i use a correct backup plan so i dont have to ever go through this again00:28
rameshworterry_: : i meant the location00:28
Loshapyrosys: try nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and use the arrow keys...00:28
civproits across the net though00:28
Loshacivpro: sorry, hands full right now...00:28
dbook82Slart: i found this bit of code in the ubuntu launchpad , the guy had a similar problem. what does it do? sudo -pv/mount/cdrom000:28
civproah ok00:28
Zehrila-it is working actually, as I can even hear the startup sound - just nothing displays on the screen.00:28
civprocan u give me a shout when u get a minute m8?00:28
civprojust msg me00:29
civproif possible00:29
Typos_KingZehrila-:      do you get a Grub menu at boot?00:29
cdsboytuxuser: yeah its claiming it has an unknown partition table00:29
Zehrila-Typos_King: Yes, I do.00:29
pyrosysLosha: will try hopefully back on ubuntu in a few00:29
cdsboywhich is weird00:29
tuxusercdsboy: yeah, fdisk should complain too...00:29
cdsboytuxuser: one would think00:30
steven__can i link my computer thought if it 2 min down the road00:30
tuxusercdsboy: smartctl -a or smartctl -t long and then smartctl -a ? Sorry but I'm running out of smart questions :-)00:30
Typos_KingZehrila-:      once at the menu, select your ubuntu entry to boot with, press 'e' to edit the line, scroll down to the line that has the  /boot/vmlinuz.....   go to the end of it, and add -> acpi=off noapic; press Ctrl-x to boot from line00:31
Ashfire908How do I change the screen resolution for the login screen?00:31
Loshacdsboy: I would try it with 8.04 LTS live cd if I were you. It's the most bug-free of the releases...00:31
cdsboyLosha: well that wouldn't help me fix my release xD00:31
Zehrila-Typos_King: Do I include the semi-colon after noapic?00:31
Spaztic_OneHow do I uninstall ubuntu?00:32
Loshacdsboy: it's not clear your release is ever going to work with that particular hardware...00:32
steven__can i link my computer thought if it 2 min down the road00:32
cdsboyLosha: :(00:32
tuxusercdsboy: sorry to ask again, but did a reboot make some difference ?00:32
cdsboytuxuser: nay00:32
Loshacdsboy: what *is* the hardware, btw? Anything special about it you've not told us?00:32
jacko_is there a list of ubuntu packages that need new maintainers?00:33
cdsboyLosha: standard intel motherboard using its controller00:33
Loshacdsboy: sata, pci, usb?00:33
steven__can i link my computer thought if it 2 min down the road00:33
mark__anyone know how to install sta drivers?00:33
Typos_KingZehrila-:      no :)  just acpi=off noapic00:33
cdsboyLosha: sata00:33
terry_mark__: Are you sure you don't already have them?00:34
cdsboyLosha: [2:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      ST3500630AS      3.AA  /dev/sdc from lsscsi00:34
mark__terry positive00:34
Typos_KingZehrila-:      that's to bypass the acpi module, which causes issues, usually a blank screen at boot00:34
mark__terry not on my systerm00:34
steven__who can i link my cp thought00:34
terry_mark__: Do you have a sata device attached?00:34
mark__@terry not sata sta00:34
mark__@terry its a driver for wireless00:35
Loshacdsboy: well, if it's a 9.10 bug it's new to me. Options include putting the drive in an external enclosure and accessing via usb. Or try 8.04?00:35
Zehrila-Typos_King it didnt work00:35
tuxusercdsboy: sorry I have to go now. Good luck. And good night :-) by losha00:35
mark__@terry its the sta linux wiressless driver for 802.11n cards00:35
Loshatuxuser: bye, thanks for playing. Helps to have an extra set of eyes...00:35
mark__got it working00:35
Typos_KingZehrila-:      I assume you didn't press ctrl-x to boot from line?   rather than pressing enter which changes nothing and uses whatever WAS there00:36
mark__for some reason it installed b43 instead of sta00:36
Zehrila-Typos_King I did press ctrl+x and it did go through the booting sequence00:36
nishanthubuntu #100:36
Zehrila-but after those several lines scrolled past really fast, when it came time for the GUI to load, I got a back-lit black screen00:37
Loshacdsboy: just a thought, swap the sdb and sdc sata ports & see if it makes a difference...00:37
Zehrila-something like a gray textured wallpaper did appear for a split second00:37
nishanthcan someone help me with some plymouth problems?00:37
Zehrila-before the screen turned black00:37
Typos_KingZehrila-:      you pressed ctrl-x right after typing in those arguments?00:37
Zehrila-Typos_King yup, so I did00:37
dbook82ok, how can I switch to ubuntu 8.0400:37
terry_nishanth: you mean python?00:37
Typos_KingZehrila-:      now we know is not that then :)00:37
terry_dbook82: What are you on now?00:38
Typos_KingZehrila-:      what about the 'safe mode' option?   does it work?00:38
nishanthno the plymouth boot loader on lucid lynx00:38
Zehrila-I don't see any safe mode option00:38
dbook82terry: ubuntu 9.10, i can't use my cd/dvd drive and tried everything i can think to get it to work00:38
Loshanishanth: you've been told at least once, lucid is off-topic in this channel...00:38
Typos_King!lucid | nishanth00:38
ubottunishanth: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:38
nishanthok how do i get to the other channel?00:39
Loshanishanth: type /join #ubuntu+100:39
civproanyone use rsync here?00:39
jacko_civpro, some00:39
steven__can i link thought00:40
Loshacivpro: hi, weren't you researching backup options?00:40
terry_dbook82: What type of drive is it?00:40
civprolosha yes00:40
civprowanted to keep a 1:1 copy of server00:40
jacko_backuppc is pretty badass00:40
jacko_it sounds gay but it's actually great to use00:40
dbook82terry: matshita cd/dvd-rw00:40
civproacross ssh00:40
jacko_and does deduplication automatically00:40
Loshacivpro: how much data are we talking about?00:40
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pyro_Losha: i have never been happier to see a blu tv :P00:40
civprolosha about 16GB00:40
Loshajacko_: please watch your language, I don't appreciate your use of the term "gay"00:40
civproremote server00:41
marekw2143has anybody installed pyside on ubuntu 8.10 ?00:41
dbook82terry: correction matshita dvd-ram00:41
civprobut was thinking syncing would be the best option as it could run on a cron job and only on changed files00:41
jacko_losha: my apologies.  backuppc has an effeminate, windows-sounding name, but it is actually very linuxy in its design and great to use.00:41
terry_dbook82: dmesg |grep cd |grep rw00:41
civproboth computers are at same datacenter though00:41
Loshajacko_: much better...00:41
steven__dose some one know how the link up linux thoght00:42
civprolosha, i know your busy, when you get free'd up can u msg me?00:42
jacko_civpro: backuppc is designed exactly for that kind of situation.  it backs up with either rsync+ssh or tar+ssh00:42
dbook82terry: ok that pulled up 1.2 lines of code on the terminal00:42
civprojacko nice00:42
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CountDownI just horked my system.  My laptop has 9.10 installed.  I inserted the 9.10 install disc, attached a USB drive, rebooted into the LiveCD, installed 9.10 on the USB drive, removed the CD and USB drive, tried to reboot and all I got was "GRUB error.  No such disc."  Help?00:42
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
jrtaylorivMy sound works fine unless I have headphones plugged in. How can I diagnose and fix this?00:43
terry_dbook82: see my private message.00:43
Stargazecountdown, the BIOS should go and look for the USB drive00:43
mumphsterHi! I just tried installing and I get to this screen: http://i.imgur.com/CGGxm.jpg and it sits there and does nothing00:43
jacko_civpro: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/00:43
civprothanks jack00:43
terry_dbook82: pastebin00:43
civprodoes it have a guide there?00:43
CountDownStargaze: I removed the USB drive.  I want to boot from my normal internal drive now.00:43
civproor just download link00:43
civprook great00:43
redskullhello people00:43
terry_dbook82: apt-get install pastebinit00:43
Neo31jrtayloriv > bouta told you to try with another headphones :p00:44
terry_dbook82: and then        dmesg |grep cd |grep rw | pastebinit00:44
Losha!sbackup | civpro00:44
ubottucivpro: sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe00:44
Stargaze!anyone| ilovethislinuxst00:44
ubottuilovethislinuxst: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:44
redskullI got a problem, I started my pc, I got the white ubuntu logo then the screen is black and nothing work, can you help me ?00:45
jrtaylorivNeo31, Sorry, I didn't see that. It doesn't work with any headphones. I've tried 2 sets.00:45
Typos_KingCountDown what filesystem on the linux install, ext4?00:45
dbook82terry: ok. done. what did that do?00:45
danlhow do you tell apt to ignore a dependency?00:45
terry_dbook82: Show us the url it produced.00:45
ilovethislinuxstdoes anyone know if i can get my yahoo voice/ yahoo messenger going thru some im program here?00:46
Loshacivpro: I've never used sbackup or backuppc, but sbackup has been around a while, and it does incrementals, which will save you space...00:46
Typos_Kingdanl:   usually you don't want to00:46
CountDownTypos_King: LVM2 encrypted physical volume with a couple of partitions.00:46
dbook82terry: http://pastebin.com00:46
terry_dbook82: copy&paste the URL here.00:46
danlTypos_King: in this case I know for a fact it is not a required dependency00:46
terry_dbook82: dmesg |grep cd |grep rw | pastebinit00:46
cdavisOn one of my bisigi theme's there is a little triangle below the image that switches the images, but I don't even see any other images? What is the mutli backgrounds for?00:46
Typos_Kingdanl:   I think you can use --ignore-missing00:47
danlTypos_King: but that will ignore all of them won't it, not just the one I want00:47
Terry1I need help, I had 5 hdd connected before I rebooted and now it is showing me 4 hdd is only connected. How do I get around ubuntu to find that hdd that isn't connected? I have tried to reboot few times and see if that would solve the problem.00:47
mumphsterDoes anyone know why when I try installing and I get to this screen: http://i.imgur.com/CGGxm.jpg it just sits there and does nothing?00:47
dbook82terry: i put that in and all it brings up is pastebin.com00:47
jrtaylorivMy sound works fine unless I have headphones plugged in. I've tried 2 sets of headphones, and it doesn't work with either set, so it's not the headphones. The volume is not muted for the headphones either in alsamixer.  How can I diagnose and fix this?00:47
danlI am trying to install a webserver, and under no circumstances do I want mysql00:47
cdavisdanl: then don't install mysql00:47
Typos_Kingdanl    I see.... yes it will... sooo... use it as such, and install the others you want separately :|00:48
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danlTypos_King: true00:48
ilovethislinuxstdoes anyone know if i can get my yahoo voice/ yahoo messenger going thru some im program here?00:48
terry_dbook82: At the terminal type:  dmesg |grep cd |grep rw | pastebinit  and then show us the resulting URL00:48
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cdavisjrtayloriv: did you try to increase the volume of the headphones in alsamixer?00:48
dbook82terry: here's what that commend without pastebin was, http://pastebin.com/w6Duu3p400:48
jrtaylorivcdavis, it's at 100%00:48
Terry1are you talking to me or terry_?00:48
rohithwiz23Can someone give me the show me an application that can batch convert NEF images to Jpeg??00:49
Typos_KingCountDown   where's linux installed at?    sda1?00:49
civprook here00:49
Loshacivpro: I've never used sbackup or backuppc, but sbackup has been around a while, and it does incrementals, which will save you space...00:49
terry_dbook82: Can you open and close the drive?00:49
civproyes just wanting to do changes and uncompressed at that00:50
Loshacivpro: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem#Backup%20Destination%20on%20a%20Remote%20Machine for other options00:50
civpronice, ill start reading it now00:50
rohithwiz23Can someone give me the show me an application that can batch convert NEF images to Jpeg??00:50
civprothanks losha00:50
jacko_rohithwiz23: ufraw00:50
haavarosrohithwiz23: I think you're looking for UFRaw .. apt-get it00:50
mumphsterDoes anyone know why when I try installing and I get to this screen: http://i.imgur.com/CGGxm.jpg it just sits there and does nothing?00:51
haavarosrohithwiz23: OH sry ... you said batch ... dunno if it does00:51
Loshacivpro: ok, we'll be here if you have questions. Note: I would favor any app that has an active mailing list...00:51
Typos_KingCountDown   sudo fdisk -l00:51
jrtaylorivrohithwiz23, http://www.photography-forums.com/linux-batch-nef-jpg-t117702.html00:51
civprook, let me read over the different options that you and jacko recommended00:51
civprothen i shall return :)00:52
dbook82terry: by pushing the eject button on the laptop00:52
ilovethislinuxstguess my question's not technical enough00:52
mumphsterilovethislinuxst: pidgin00:52
Loshacivpro: they're both mentioned on that page or its links00:52
ilovethislinuxstnope. doesn't work.00:52
mumphsterWhy not00:52
ilovethislinuxsti spent an hour talking to them.00:52
danlTypos_King: actually I think I would have to tell it to download only, remove the mysql packages from the dl directory, do another run with -no-download and -mf00:52
ilovethislinuxstit doesn't work for voice. and that's what i need it for.00:52
terry_dbook82: cat /proc/scsi/sg/device_strs00:53
terry_dbook82: pastebinit /proc/scsi/sg/device_strs00:53
mumphsterilovethislinuxst: did you try the official clinet00:53
vividso i updated my karmic server kernel, and now my nfs mount will not mount "mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified"  this happened the last time the kernel updated, but i cant remember how i fixed it00:53
mumphsterlooks like theres one for linux00:53
cdavisWhat does the little triangle mean below multi-image wallpapers?00:54
Loshailovethislinuxst: if we knew an answer, we'd tell you. We don't withhold...00:54
ilovethislinuxsti'm not smart. what is official client?00:54
Typos_Kingdanl  .... that may do00:54
mumphsterilovethislinuxst: made by yahoo00:54
rohithwiz23jrtayloriv: there is no application.. there do know any app for it?00:54
ilovethislinuxstthey don't support linux00:54
dbook82terry: http://pastebin.com/xMCUht3r00:54
jrtaylorivrohithwiz23, No, I just did a google search for: convert nef to jpeg linux00:54
jrtaylorivrohithwiz23, http://otype.de/index.php?id=11800:55
jrtaylorivUse ufraw like haavaros said00:55
terry_dbook82: If  you put a CD in the deivce and close it, what happens?  (have you tried?00:55
mumphsterilovethislinuxst: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Communications/Chat/Yahoo-Messenger-002.shtml00:55
jrtaylorivMy sound works fine unless I have headphones plugged in. I've tried 2 sets of headphones, and it doesn't work with either set, so it's not the headphones. The volume is not muted (it's at 100%) for the headphones either in alsamixer.  How can I diagnose and fix this?00:55
mumphstermade by yahoo00:55
ilovethislinuxsttoo old.00:56
dbook82terry: yes, i've tried two music cds, several data cds and the dvd i used to install ubuntu00:56
ilovethislinuxsti tried it and it crashed the sh out of my system00:56
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
terry_dbook82: And what happens?00:57
od3ncan anyone tell me what this means00:57
od3nE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?00:57
mumphsterDoes anyone know why when I try installing and I get to this screen: http://i.imgur.com/CGGxm.jpg it just sits there and does nothing?00:57
Typos_Kingod3n  I'd think so00:57
danlwhere does apt-get download when using -d00:57
dbook82terry: with the music cds they spin for a few seconds, then nothing. for the data cds and the dvd, nothing00:57
Spaztic_OneAnyone wanna help me uninstall Ubuntu?00:57
terry_od3n: Means that you have apt-get running (or synaptic package manager).00:57
od3nthats what I thought00:58
od3nbut I dont see where it is running00:58
Loshaod3n: open a terminal and type ps ax to see if apt or synaptic is running...00:58
ilovethislinuxst1357 people and no one can tell me how to hook up yahoo voice to a ubuntu os?00:58
Typos_Kingdanl:    apt uses /var/cache/apt/archives   for ALL .debs00:58
danlTypos_King: just found it, thanks00:58
Typos_Kingdanl:    I usually install and back them up hehehe, then do a 'clean'00:59
Loshailovethislinuxst: that tells you something: apparently no-one else uses it....00:59
terry_dbook82: I don't know what to tell you, but have a pretty good idea the drive works and you just don't realize it.00:59
NeoCicakhi all... i'm trying to do SSH with X11 forwarding to a remote machine from my ubuntu... i did ssh -X to that remote machine, and in there, i set up the DISPLAY env variable to point to my mahcine (say ... export DISPLAY= but then when i tried to run xterm it complains about 'Can't open display:').  Any idea on whats happening? I've already added that remote machine to my xhost (by doing xhost +ip address of remot00:59
NeoCicake machine)00:59
CountDownTypos_King: (Sorry, had to reboot)  sudo fdisk -l says that I have three devices: sda1, sda2, and sda5.  1 and 5 are Linux, 2 is Extended.  2 and 5 both start at 13 and end at 30401.  1 starts at 1 and ends at 12.00:59
danlTypos_King: to what end?00:59
od3nwhat would it look like00:59
AndorinHow do I stop Ubuntu from correcting the system clock for Daylight Savings Time?00:59
terry_dbook82: If you want to install 8.04, download  http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04.4-desktop-i386.iso  and burn CD00:59
ilovethislinuxsti guess you have to be a smart linux person to get answers here.01:00
civprolike the web interface jacko and losha01:00
dbook82terry: from the help i've gotten here, we've found ubuntu recognizes the drive, but i can't mount it, and can't run anything01:00
civprodefinitely nice01:00
jacko_NeoCicak: if you want to use x11 tunneling through ssh you shouldnt be setting your DISPLAY env var manually01:00
Loshacivpro: fair enough, that's a good reason to go with it...01:00
madjoeHow to use traceroute in Ubuntu Karmic?01:00
jacko_NeoCicak: if it isnt working for you, you probably need to enable it in the sshd_config of the server and/or ssh_config on the client01:00
Loshailovethislinuxst: you being smart has nothing to do with it, we just don't know the answer...01:01
Typos_Kingdanl:    apt-get install, checks the cache whenever it tries to install anything, BUT if it finds it already there, it doesn't download it, sooooo, I can... say have the Gimp .debs, I dump them in the cache folder, tell apt-get to install gimp, it finds all files, it says, need to fetch 0kb of 5mbs or so :), there's an app also to back them all up too, AptOnCD01:01
ilovethislinuxstubuntu linux for humans, yeah right.01:01
NeoCicakjacko_ : oh... so what do i need to do?  i 've checked those files that you mentioned....01:01
jacko_civpro: yeah, its really nice to use.  i love it.  it's the only open-source backup solution i've used, but it's lightyears ahead of legato networker or veritas netbackup in terms of usability.01:01
terry_dbook82: Not much I can do from here.  If you bring your PC to my house, maybe... but from here I just don't think I can tell much about it.01:01
danlTypos_King: nice01:01
CountDownAll the humans are dead.01:01
terry_CountDown: What have you done!01:02
jacko_NeoCicak: enable it in the sshd_config of the server and/or ssh_config on the client.  'man ssh_config'  'man sshd_config'01:02
LoshaYes, just bots left I'm afraid...01:02
CalmvsKhaosilovethislinuxst, they don't get much dumber than me, and Ive been using Ubuntu off and on for 2 years :D, hang in there man!01:02
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: we're volunteers and we just don't know the answer. Have you tried empathy yet? perhaps it knows how to do yahoo with voice01:02
dbook82terry: i've downloaded 8.04 just haven't made a disk yet. 1) don't want to use another dvd-r 2) i SHOULD be able to use my drive with 9.10. GRR its frustrating...01:02
ilovethislinuxsti can't believe there's not one person on here that can help me with my question.01:02
NeoCicakjacko_: hmm.. you are right.... i can just ssh -X to another machine, do xterm and it works.....01:02
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: have you checked the forums yet?01:02
Loshadbook82: agreed, it's frustrating. I feel your pain...01:02
dbook82terry: i have a ton of info on a thread i posted on ubuntu forums, would you like the link?01:03
CountDownilovethislinuxst: At this point, I don't even know what your question is.  All I know is that you are surprised it hasn't been answered.01:03
terry_dbook82: You SHOULD be able to use it.  I don't see why not.  Yes, send me the link.01:03
NeoCicakjacko_ : so something must be wrong in that first machine.... the problem is that i already have DISPLAY env variable set in that first machine, so i thought i need to change it to point to my machine01:03
plitterhow can i add locations to locate?01:03
ilovethislinuxstso so frustrating01:03
danlTypos_King: worked like a charm... -d, them delete, then, -m --no-download01:03
danlTypos_King: thanks01:03
terry_dbook82: But first.  Is this system fully updated?01:03
dbook82Terry: there ya go, most all of the code from the terminal and two screenshots, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8982958#post898295801:03
jacko_NeoCicak: you need to comment out whatever rc script is setting it explicitly.  that's prbly what's breaking it for you.01:04
djura-sanHello. How to disable grub 2 themes and use just plain text in 9.10? Can i just delete "/etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme" script?01:04
ilovethislinuxsti want to connect yahoo voice/yahoo messenger thru an im that is supported by ubuntu01:04
ilovethislinuxstcan anyone help me?01:04
djura-san*plain text for boot01:04
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: Have You Tried Empathy Yet? Have You Tried Searching The Forums For An Answer?01:04
danlTypos_King: let me see if I get this right, I can delete everything /var/cache/apt/archives ?01:04
* danl has very limited space01:04
CountDownilovethislinuxst: Not sure about voice.  Pidgin or Empathy are the two most popular clients for Ubuntu.01:04
dbook82terry: difine fully updated?01:05
Loshadjura-san: that would work, but I think the preferred option is to chmod -x /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme so it no longer runs01:05
Spaztic_OneLosha, can you give me a hand?01:05
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Spaztic_Onelosha, its not sound this time, I promise =)01:05
ilovethislinuxstvoice is the main thing i need. god.01:05
Typos_KingCountDown   http://pastebin.ca/1844184    <---- in short, I assume your install to usb, updated the Grub in the hd0, or the 1st hard drive and is looking for the usb, by chroot'ing to your linux in the HD, and reloading it back with grub-install... it should point out to the Hd and not the usb01:05
arakthorilovethislinuxst, http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/ may work (I have never used it). Pidgin does not supoprt voice. Empathy supports, at a minimum, GTalk and Jabber (I do not know about other protocols)01:05
djura-sanLosha: thank you. Will try that now :)01:05
* Typos_King dashes01:05
LoshaSpaztic_One: if I can, my batting average isn't exactly brilliant lately...01:05
NeoCicakjacko_ : thx01:05
Spaztic_Onelosha: Can you help me uninstall Ubuntu?01:05
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: are you ignoring the answers you're getting on purpose? there's people who are trying to help you, including me01:06
arakthorilovethislinuxst, according to http://live.gnome.org/Empathy Yahoo voice is not supported in empathy01:06
scarra3quick question I setup remote desktop viewer but is there a way I can use it on my server beccause its headless so I wont be able to give access is there a setting I can set that always it to connect without confirmation?01:06
LoshaSpaztic_One: can you be a bit more specific? The whole thing?01:06
Spaztic_OneLosha, Yes, I'm tired of its shenanigans.01:06
LoshaSpaztic_One: back to windows then?01:06
Spaztic_OneLosha, Unfortunately, yes.01:06
ilovethislinuxstmyrtti, i really am listening. so far no one has one that works. alotough i apprecieat e the suggestions.01:07
LoshaSpaztic_One: nothing to it, just put in the windows install cd, and, er, install...01:07
scarra3Or is there something else I can setup01:07
ilovethislinuxstand by the way, the words and lines are flying past my screeen.01:07
ilovethislinuxstso it's tough to keep up.01:07
Spaztic_OneLosha, I didn't overwrite Windows. I did a dual install without re-partitioning.01:07
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: you could atleast acknowledge that the suggestions you've been given you've already tried, so people know not to suggest them again.01:07
LoshaSpaztic_One: ok, so you want to delete the linux partitions and grow the windows one to use up the freed space?01:08
rohithwiz23Can someone give me the show me an application that can batch convert NEF images to Jpeg??01:08
madjoeTraceroute doesn't work for Karmic??01:08
Myrttimadjoe: try tracepath01:08
ilovethislinuxsti'm trying to read and look and reply so fast. i'm sorry.01:08
plitterhow can i add locations to locates database?01:08
madjoeMyrtti: should I remove traceroute?01:09
ilovethislinuxsti need something that works. i'm sure someone has found something that works %100.01:09
Spaztic_OneLosha, yes, basically. when I had the Ubuntu CD, it chose "Install within Windows"01:09
Myrttimadjoe: no, you don't need to uninstall it01:09
mumphsterDoes anyone know why when I try installing and I get to this screen: http://i.imgur.com/CGGxm.jpg it just sits there and does nothing?01:09
madjoeMyrtti: Does tracepath require traceroute?01:09
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: it might just be that there is *no* app that does yahoo voice. I've not heard of a one.01:09
LoshaSpaztic_One: oh, was that a wubi install do you know?01:09
Myrttimadjoe: no.01:09
novas0x2athe stock jaunty kernel seems to have conntrack built in to the kernel (instead of a module, so i can't blacklist it)... i don't need a stateful firewall, and conntrack is dropping packets due to not enough memory. This machine is memory-bound, so increasing the conntrack memory isn't a good idea. Is there a way to disable connection tracking?01:09
scarra3Ok im using ubuntu desktop as a VM server now im now going to have anything attached to the server like a mouse, keyboard or monitor so I can use the remote desktop because it requires confirmation on the system you trying to connect to is there somthing else I can use?01:09
dbook82terry: did i bury you?01:10
Spaztic_OneLosha, I do not know. What's "wubi?"01:10
scarra3Any suggestions or ideas01:10
dbook82spaztic: wubi is a windows install of linux01:10
LoshaSpaztic_One: http://wubi-installer.org/  Is that what you used?01:11
Gneamumphster: it's probably doing something, but you'll need to tell it to tell you what that is01:11
scarra3Ok seriously does no one have a suggestions01:11
rohithwiz23Can someone give me the show me an application that can batch convert NEF images to Jpeg??01:11
madjoeMyrtti: no, doesn't work...01:12
Gneamumphster: see where it gives you a chance to press ESC?01:12
l3iohazardWhat have you used scarra301:12
mumphsteryes it gives me an option to boot to windows01:12
Spaztic_OneLosha: That has the correct logo, but my download was from www.ubuntu.com01:12
mumphsteror finish my ubuntu install01:12
vividhow can i make portmap start before nfs-kernel-server? i cannot mount any shares unless i manually stop nfs, restart portmap, and then start nfs01:12
scarra3You half to be more specific l3iohazard01:12
terry_dbook82: Now  you know that when you put a CD into the drive and close it, nothing will happen until you make it happen, Right?01:12
Gneamumphster: it also allows you to change the boot parameters of ubuntu01:12
jacko_rohithwiz23: i already did.  ufraw01:12
mumphsteror give it a grub command01:12
mumphsteroaky but why would I need to do this01:12
l3iohazardWell first what do you want to do?01:12
mumphsterI'm using wubi by the way01:12
ilovethislinuxstthat's why i don't want to try it01:12
ilovethislinuxstwithout knowing.01:12
Gneamumphster: so you can change the kernel line to not include the 'quiet splash' options01:12
scarra3k im using ubuntu desktop as a VM server now im now going to have anything attached to the server like a mouse, keyboard or monitor so I can use the remote desktop because it requires confirmation on the system you trying to connect to is there somthing else I can use?01:13
scarra3I want to be able to edit the VM's01:13
mumphsterGnea: gotcha01:13
mumphsterwhat should I type01:13
dbook82terry: so its not like windows. something abt mounting it right?01:13
rohithwiz23jacko_: Its not batch converting.. i can only do it one at a time01:13
Gneamumphster: it tells you which buttons to press in order to [e]dit a line01:13
ilovethislinuxstis there an empathe channel?01:13
LoshaSpaztic_One: you know, I don't know much about it. Best wait for someone who knows it better than I, sorry.... World:1 Losha:001:13
terry_dbook82: What happens when you give the command   eject  ?01:13
mumphsterOh okay so there should be a line to enable verbose mode?01:13
mumphsterill go give that a try01:14
scarra3any suggestions l3iohazard01:14
l3iohazardYou can use the vmware server itself can't you01:14
Gneamumphster: by default, verbosity is on. ubuntu quells it.01:14
l3iohazardAs far as the list of machines01:14
jacko_rohithwiz23: did you read the documentation?  "For batch processing of images use ufraw-batch."01:14
dbook82terry: if i just type eject, nothing01:14
Spaztic_OneLosha, Ah, I'm sorry today has been such an off day for you.01:14
terry_dbook82: eject  #And hit Enter01:14
scarra3I can but I need to connect to the server t edit everything when I half to edit it like updates etc... I can since there is going to be nothing attached01:15
LoshaSpaztic_One: never mind, the small victories, eh?01:15
ilovethislinuxstcan someone tell me if there's an empathy channel or a gnoche channel?01:15
Spaztic_OneLosha True01:15
rohithwiz23jacko_: The terminal command is not working.. do you want me to show you the error message when i try?01:15
dbook82terry: holy crap! thats the first time it ejected when i typed eject!01:15
=== JediMaster- is now known as Guest93233
Gneamelik`: please don't yell, also it's not peter, it's patrick01:15
l3iohazardIDK you could try to set it up to update manually01:16
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
melik`WHAT A KLUTZ!01:16
Gnea!caps | melik`01:16
ubottumelik`: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:16
CalmvsKhaosoh boy we have a live one folks01:16
ilovethislinuxstcan someone answere my question please?01:17
terry_dbook82: eject -t #And hit Enter01:17
neezer96My wireless is set to disabled, when I boot up, and I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm in 9.10 right now, and it won't work in 10.04 alpha.01:17
Gneailovethislinuxst: have you tried joining either channel?01:17
scarra3So anyone else have any sugggestions01:17
CalmvsKhaosilovethislinuxst, ,asked and answered 14 times.01:17
l3iohazardWhat was your question ilovethislinuxst01:17
neezer96anyone know if there is a simple fix?01:17
ilovethislinuxsti don't know if there's a channel to join, and i don't know how to find it. gd it. this so frustrating01:17
dbook82terry: i'm on a laptop it doesn't close by itself01:17
terry_dbook82: oh yea.  Well close it and do this:01:18
Loshailovethislinuxst: first hit on google "empathy irc channel"01:18
Gneailovethislinuxst: you just type:  /join #empathy  and such and see if there's anyone there01:18
terry_strace eject01:18
arakthorilovethislinuxst, according to http://live.gnome.org/Empathy the irc channel is #empathy on irc.gimp.org01:18
ilovethislinuxsti don't like to use google. i'll check another site.01:18
dbook82terry: whoa.... thats a lot of data, hang on i'll pastebin it01:18
Gneailovethislinuxst: you prefer to use bing?01:19
scarra3Ok let me rephraase I need to connect to my server somehow without having to be at the other computer to give athorization01:19
ilovethislinuxstis that a different irc than this one?01:19
Gneailovethislinuxst: yes, you need to type:  /server irc.gimp.org01:19
terry_dbook82: You could do: strace eject |pastebinit01:19
eremiteilovethislinuxst, type  /server irc.gimp.org   and then type    /join #empathy01:19
=== Eddie is now known as Guest19638
ilovethislinuxsti don't understand01:19
eremiteilovethislinuxst, type  /server irc.gimp.org   and then type    /join #empathy01:19
Gneaall IRC commands start with a /01:19
Siria_CalvCan anyone give me the apt lines for the repositories of previous versions of ubuntu? I have 9.1001:19
administrator_hello,anybody here?01:20
terry_administrator_: no01:20
ilovethislinuxstunkonw command01:20
dbook82terry: thats not seeming to work, even tho i got pastebinit, but here it is: http://pastebin.com/R1s6d8h201:20
arakthor!hi | administrator_01:20
ubottuadministrator_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:20
eremiteWhat is there to not understand?  TYPE /server irc.gimp.com in this chat room, and then type /join #empathy in this chat room01:20
Gneailovethislinuxst: like I just typed: "ilovethislinuxst: like I just typed: ", but instead of that, I would type: "/server irc.gimp.org"01:20
=== administrator_ is now known as water_3rd
ilovethislinuxstgd it. unkonwn command01:20
water_3rdanybody here chinese?01:21
Gneailovethislinuxst: oh wait, you're using pidgin?01:21
Gneailovethislinuxst: and please stop swearing, we can read that.01:21
Myrtti!cn | water_3rd01:21
ubottuwater_3rd: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:21
adorablepuppyI tried to copy a partition to a blank partition with dd, but the copied partition now has the filesystem type "loop". Is there any way I can make it so the target partition has the correct filesystem type?01:21
Spaztic_OneOh, um, So you guys know, Empathy doesn't support IRC commands currently.01:21
neezer96hmmm anyone know about getting my disabled network working again?01:21
LoshaSpaztic_One: seems badly misnamed, then...01:22
terry_dbook82: ls -l /dev/cdrom01:22
ilovethislinuxsthow do i make this writing stop going so fast?01:22
rohithwiz23Can someone give me the show me an application that can batch convert NEF images to Jpeg??01:22
ilovethislinuxsti don't care about the chinese stuff and nef images01:22
ilovethislinuxsti just want to keep up with my own question01:22
Gneailovethislinuxst: it's in the pidgin config/preferences then, you'll need to alter your account settings to go from irc.freenode.net to irc.gimp.org01:22
Gneailovethislinuxst: you quit.01:23
adorablepuppyThe partition I backed up was a hfs+, but there is no way to make an hfs+ in linux, so I figured that a clone of the partition would do. But it's marked as loop. :(01:23
=== Guest93233 is now known as JediMaster
ilovethislinuxstwhat do you mean quit?01:23
Aaal3how do i view a list of all command performed at system startup? I have removed gdm with update-rc.d, yet im still booting into X01:23
dbook82terry: ok and this is what i get, http://pastebin.com/x4w9NkP401:23
Gneailovethislinuxst: do you not know how to use pidgin?01:23
Siria_CalvCan anyone give me the apt lines for the repositories of previous versions of ubuntu? I have 9.1001:23
ilovethislinuxstno, i don't. why do you think i'm so frustrated?01:23
n2diy_ilovethislinuxst: that is the only way to stop the fast writing, is to quit the list.01:23
matelothi whoever on Jaunty original kernel, pls tell me what "vmlinuz......" number you have01:24
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: this is IRC we help several people at a time. If you want exclusive help, use forums, as I've suggested before, or pay someone to help in your problem.01:24
Gneailovethislinuxst: I had no idea, I don't know you, so I'm not going to assume what your problem is. anyway, I suggest that you try xchat out, it's a bit more intuitive for this level of chat.01:24
ilovethislinuxsti'm broke and i need an answer now.01:24
mkquistilovethislinuxst: u can scroll back01:24
eremiteilovethislinuxst use a different IRC client, Pidgen is crap.  Use XCHAT.01:24
* matelot hi whoever on Jaunty original kernel, pls tell me what "vmlinuz......" number you have01:25
mkquistilovethislinuxst: my prefis konversation01:25
adorablepuppythe command I made was dd if=/dev/sdb3 of=/dev/sda401:25
adorablepuppyIs that not proper to clone a partition?01:25
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: we're volunteers and we can't do magic and special tricks for you. If there is no application that does yahoo voice on linux, then we can't magically help you01:25
Gneailovethislinuxst: in the free software world, people are in no position to demand anything from anyone, please keep that in mind.01:25
eremiteSpaztic_One, only works if you have a Mozilla browser open, correct?01:25
Aaal3how do i view a list of all command performed at system startup? I have removed gdm with update-rc.d, yet im still booting into X01:25
rohithwiz23Can someone give me the show me an application that can batch convert NEF images to Jpeg??01:26
Losharohithwiz23: check out ufraw, http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/Install.html01:26
ilovethislinuxsti paid fo rthis.01:26
Spaztic_OneYou can get XLU or whatever and run it solo01:26
DILok, 2 questions (1) so i ssh into my remote linux box and it tells  me there are 7 updates, how do i install these; (2) how do i configure the box to login automatically on reboot01:26
ilovethislinuxst35 dollars.01:26
Myrttiilovethislinuxst: for what?01:26
* matelot hi whoever on Jaunty original kernel, pls tell me what "vmlinuz......" number you have01:26
Blue1Aaal3: chkconfig01:26
Spaztic_OneBut I have firefox open constantly anyway, so its no matter for me.01:26
eremiteilovethislinuxst, you should not have payed for Ubuntu.01:26
ilovethislinuxstwell, i did. ok?01:26
eremiteilovethislinuxst, Ubuntu si free.01:26
Gneailovethislinuxst: I don't care, I'm not seeing a single cent of it, I'm an unpaid volunteer. if you want my help, then please, show some respect and patience.01:26
eremiteilovethislinuxst, are you trolling or are you serious about your problems?01:26
Siria_CalvCan anyone give me the apt lines for the repositories of previous versions of ubuntu? I have 9.1001:27
Blue1Siria_Calv: not adivsed01:27
MyrttiSiria_Calv: why would you want previous version repo info?01:27
eremiteHello Hick0rd01:27
madjoeCan anyone confirm that tracepath www.google.com actually works?!01:27
ilovethislinuxsthold on i'm in a different screeen now01:27
eremitegoogle?  What is that?01:27
* matelot hi whoever on Jaunty original kernel, pls tell me what "vmlinuz......" number you have01:27
dbook82terry: ? ya still there?01:27
Hick0rdHow do I find the default ssh motd in Ubuntu?01:27
* Gnea holds onto nothing01:27
Myrtti!repeat | matelot01:27
ubottumatelot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:28
terry_dbook82: So let us see if  we can mount a CD manually.  Put in a data CD and close it.01:28
Blue1madjoe: look hookahed on fonix - google werks 4 me!01:28
juxta_Hick0rd: it's in /etc/motd01:28
Siria_CalvI need previous repositories because the 9.10 ones don't have libgtk1.2, and I have to have libgtk1.2 in order to run some programs01:28
MyrttiHick0rd: /etc/motd.tail01:28
dbook82terry: ok put in data cd and closed01:28
terry_dbook82: sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom01:28
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
madjoeBlue1: Come again?01:28
juxta_but it's generated at reboot from another file, I think01:28
Siria_Calvlibgtk1.2 is in the 9.10 repo database, but is not actually available in the 9.10 repos01:29
Blue1madjoe: yes google works01:29
Hick0rdjuxta_, http://pastebin.com/CGe7cMJu01:29
Hick0rdMyrtti, http://pastebin.com/CGe7cMJu01:29
LoshaHick0rd: look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config for the line Banner01:29
adorablepuppyparted says my partition /dev/sda4 is loop01:29
madjoeBlue1: no, not google, TRACEPATH!01:29
n-iCeHi, why can't I use gzip -dc boot.img.gz >/dev/sda01:29
Hick0rdIt's a random motd.01:29
dbook82terry: didn't do anything, but hang on i'll try again01:29
n-iCesays permission denied01:29
Hick0rdhow do I modify it?01:29
pepper_hazedoes anyone know why I don't get all the graphics with wine?01:29
BUDDAHguys noobie question if the terminal is doing something how do i stop and return to the prompt?01:29
Blue1madjoe: traceroute maybe?  Ive not heard of tracepath01:29
adorablepuppyBUDDAH: CTRL+X usually does the trick. CTRL+Z to suspend. fg to bring it back.01:29
dbook82terrry: ok its says directory exists01:29
GneaBUDDAH: usually ctrl-c (^c)01:30
BUDDAHthx :D01:30
papoamigos tengo un problema que se me esta presentando con el audio sera que me pueden ayudar01:30
madjoeBlue1: tracepath is the default one.. traceroute is a piece of sh*t - it doesn't work01:30
eremiteBUDDAH, there are several possibel solutions.  Try pressing q.  Try pressing Shift : and then Q.  Try ctrl+q.01:30
Hick0rdMyrtti, Need to figure out where is the file that generate this output in /etc/motd?01:30
Losha!es | papo01:30
ubottupapo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:30
n-iCepapo: #ubuntu-es01:30
terry_dbook82: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom01:30
Gneamadjoe: traceroute works just fine here01:30
Hick0rdjuxta, got my point?01:30
CalmvsKhaoshttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/03/09/%23ubuntu.txt  search for ilovethislinuxst, he did this same thing on 3/09/2010 LOL01:31
Hick0rdLosha, got my point?01:31
=== denny_ is now known as dbone
n-iCeHi, why can't I use gzip -dc boot.img.gz >/dev/sda , says permission denied, any ideas?01:31
madjoeGnea: hm.. I've seen lots of reports that it doens't work.. and it doesn't work for me... am I missing something here?01:31
dbook82terry: this is what i get, mount: can't find /dev/cdrom/mnt/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab01:31
LoshaHick0rd: read my msg? look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config for the line Banner01:31
Gneamadjoe: some sites block traceroute, some don't.01:31
DILok, 2 questions (1) so i ssh into my remote linux box and it tells  me there are 7 updates, how do i install these; (2) how do i configure the box to login automatically on reboot01:31
juxtaHick0rd: yeah. I forget the name of the file though01:31
terry_dbook82: sudo mount  /dev/cdrom    /mnt/cdrom01:31
Hick0rdLosha, Banner has nothing to do with the motd message.01:31
madjoeGnea: I've tried it on Google, and my own sites - nothing seems to work01:32
dbook82tery: any extra spaces01:32
LoshaHick0rd: obviously I don't know the answer then....01:32
Hick0rdjuxta, I am trying to search for this file.01:32
arakthorDIL, to update use: "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade"01:32
terry_dbook82: Notice the space between /dev/cdrom  and   /mnt/cdrom01:32
Hick0rdLosha, thanks.01:32
Gneamadjoe: perhaps your country restricts its use01:32
DILarakthor, ty01:33
terry_dbook82: sudo   mount   /dev/cdrom    /mnt/cdrom01:33
madjoeGnea: maybe... perhaps I should call my ISP, or someone...01:33
skullcandyHey guys, how do you install the divx codec in ubuntu?01:33
arakthorDIL, np01:33
Gneamadjoe: I can traceroute yahoo.com just fine here01:33
Hick0rdAnybody knows the file that generate the SSH motd message ?01:33
Loshadbook82: doesn't all this sound weirdly familiar to you?01:33
terry_!dvd | skullcandy01:33
ubottuskullcandy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:33
dbook82terry: this is what i get, mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only. kind of but no. i'm a n00b to ubuntu01:34
happyfaceis there a way to chroot from windows to a linux partition?01:34
Blue1madjoe: from man for tracepath:  The situation with tracepath is worse, because commercial IP routers do not return  enough  information in  icmp  error  messages.01:34
madjoeGnea: this is how I see it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1149996 BTW, Can you try to traceroute to my ip?
terry_dbook82: ls /mnt/cdrom/01:34
eremitehappyface, i have no idea how to access an ext3-4 from Windows, but there are apps for ext2 and maybe ext3 on windows that will endable access to linux partitions.01:34
terry_Losha: so, we've been here before....?01:34
happyface eremite: ok thanks01:35
Loshaterry_: he's been trying to get this working for days. This is the first time i've seen the thing mount. What did you change?01:35
Hick0rdI am searching for the file that generate a random output on /etc/motd. http://pastebin.com/CGe7cMJu01:35
n-iCeHi, why can't I use gzip -dc boot.img.gz >/dev/sda , says permission denied, any ideas?01:35
terry_dbook82: Let me ask you a quick question, (b4 we go any further):  Have you added a new user to this system?01:35
terry_dbook82: Are you in fact using the new user that you have created?01:35
skullcandyThankyou terry i will install and check back when its done01:36
terry_skullcandy: NP01:36
Hick0rdAny ideas?01:36
Blue1madjoe: i don't make it all the way to croatia - this is as far as I got:  20 (  208.324 ms * *01:36
LoshaHick0rd: I'm not convinced that the msg is generated by ssh. It might come from the .bashrc of the user...01:36
pepper_hazedoes anyone here know how to get more windows graphics for wine?01:36
BUDDAHany wifi geeks here? ;E01:36
dbook82terry: i'm under my profile i set up when i installed ubuntu, and that line of code tells me whats on the cd!!!01:36
madjoeBlue1: yeah, that's in Spain, Madrid, I guess...01:36
mumphsterhey Gnea http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v50/Grunt/?action=view&current=CIMG0010.jpg it gets stuck on this01:36
Blue1madjoe: sorry01:36
madjoeBlue1: the same as some result of my testing...01:36
mumphsterCould that mean I have bad ram or something?01:37
terry_dbook82: Your system is reading the CD.  Very good. It works.01:37
Blue1mumphster: have you run a memory test?01:37
pepper_hazeI was also wondering, is there a way of turning off x-server with the service command?01:37
madjoeBlue1: well, it seems I have a problem with my own ISP, or country.. or I don't know who01:37
Gneamadjoe: 9  CROATIAN-TELECOM.POS8-0-0.ar2.VIE1.gblx.net (  156.951 ms  157.245 ms  157.655 ms01:37
terry_dbook82: Have you created a new user on this system?01:37
Hick0rdLosha, Nothing within the user's .bashrc01:37
Gnea10  * * *01:37
mumphsterBlue1: no not yet but I guess thats my next step01:37
LoshaHick0rd: keep looking. Is there a .login ?01:37
dbook82terry: no other user other than myself01:37
madjoeGnea: what's that?01:37
terry_dbook82: How many user accounts are on this system?  1, 2 or 3 ...?  or...?01:37
AndorinHow do I stop Ubuntu from correcting the system clock for Daylight Savings Time?01:38
dbook82terry: 101:38
Gneamadjoe: that's the 9th hop, from there it's all *'s01:38
Hick0rdLosha, there's a file somewhere that generate some information about your system and put it in /etc/motd.01:38
Blue1madjoe: sometimes routers go down....01:38
terry_dbook82: Ok, well the CDROM drive works. Looks like  you are good to go.01:38
dbook82terry: so do i need to type that code in everytime  i put something in the drive?01:38
madjoeGnea: oh, well.. I'm trying to investigate where the problem is.. so you can hop to croatian network then? but not to go all the way to my pc?01:38
LoshaHick0rd: I don't think that's how it works. I think it's a script that runs each time you login....01:39
terry_dbook82: But just just to see what you have, show your /etc/group file.    pastebinit /etc/group01:39
Gneamadjoe: correct.01:39
madjoeGnea: so "the problem" is between me and my ISP01:39
terry_dbook82: Let us take a look.01:39
BUDDAHcan u list creation date of a file in terminal?01:39
Hick0rdLosha, script = file01:40
Loshapepper_haze: most apps don't run exactly the same in wine as they do under windows. Most don't work at all...01:40
Hick0rdLosha, exactly01:40
dbook82terry: ok doing the paste bin it thing only bring up pastebin.com01:40
Gneamadjoe: I think you're right01:40
terry_dbook82: Then just upload the file.01:40
madjoeGnea: could it possible be my configuration's fault? is there something I should do with Ubuntu to double check it? firewall (which I haven't installed), or something like that?01:40
LoshaHick0rd: script = executable file that *runs* when you login, generating output. Not the same as a plain old text file....01:40
dbook82terry: i'm using gedit01:40
pepper_hazelosha, thanks for the info01:41
pepper_hazeI was running a app before in wine that worked, but now it doesn't work at all01:41
Gneamadjoe: not likely, your ISP has its own policy set in place01:41
pepper_hazeLike it works, but I am getting less of the graphics with it01:41
Hick0rdLosha, can you help me on this?01:41
dbook82terry: here ya go, http://pastebin.com/0hsatPFL01:41
madjoeGnea, it's my ISP then... arrrgh!01:41
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
pepper_hazehow do you get the graphics back with wine01:41
BatchAre there any drivers besides i915 for  "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)" that i can use to make the games i play non-laggy and get decent fps?01:41
n-iCeHi, why can't I use gzip -dc boot.img.gz >/dev/sda , says permission denied, any ideas?01:42
LoshaHick0rd: are you logged in over ssh to the remote system?01:42
pepper_hazeI think its beacuse of my graphics driver, right?01:42
Batchn-iCe, sudo gzip -dc boot.img.gz >/dev/sda01:42
terry_dbook82: Ok, looks good.01:42
Gneamadjoe: well, that's not necessarily a bad thing. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ is a good site01:42
Hick0rdLosha, Nah, ssh to localhost.01:42
eremiteBatch, I use the Intel drivers and it makes gaming on linux a joke.  I get 25 fps on games I would normally get 80 fps01:42
n-iCeBatch:  same01:43
bigtom21485if im getting a buffer i/o error when im trying to load my ubuntu livecd what does that mean?01:43
Batcheremite, The fps i get makes even not very graphics dependant games unplayable.01:43
Batchn-iCe, Use that command. :P01:43
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
n-iCeBatch: i did01:43
dbook82terry: do i need to type the ls /mnt/cdrom everytime i put a disc in?01:43
LoshaHick0rd: look around the account you're logged into (ls -al) for files beginning with a period like .login and .bashrc01:43
cecilia_hi guys, i have no sound on flash videos, like youtube, again... i was here today in the morning, someone helped me telling me to sudo pt-get install flashplugin-installer, it worked, but now I restarted the computer, the problem is here again01:43
eremiteBatch, I get 15 fps in AssaultCube, a game made for old hardware and dial-up players.01:43
IGUSSolá sou novo01:43
IGUSSalguém pode me ajudar?01:43
Batcheremite, Lol.01:44
eremiteBatch, also, turn off compiz for gaming if you use it.01:44
Batcheremite, Found a work around yet?01:44
Batcheremite, I have :)01:44
eremiteBatch, yes, Windows XP.01:44
dbook82terry: holy crap! i pulled up nautilus and there is the disk on the left side!!!01:44
Losha!pt | IGUSS01:44
ubottuIGUSS: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:44
Batcheremite, Rofl. If you can tell me how to boot XP off a usb i'd use it to.01:44
eremitedbook82, yes, nautalius mounts discs01:44
Hick0rdLosha, only .bashrc.01:45
madjoeBlue1, Gnea: thanks! I think I know where the problem is.. I'll contact my ISP tomorrow01:45
dbook82terry: so everytime i put a disk in i have to type that ls /mnt/cdrom/?01:45
Ted`Can anyone tell me where I might find a fax modem that will work with 9.10 64 bit?01:45
LoshaHick0rd: read it, some of them source other files e.g. /etc/bashrc which might contain commands...01:45
LoshaTed`: almost any *external* fax modem should work. PCI modems often only work with windows drivers so beware...01:46
dbook82eremite: same question, do i need to type "ls /mnt/cdrom/ when i want it to read a disc?01:46
cecilia_ hi guys, i have no sound on flash videos, like youtube, again... i was here today in the morning, someone helped me telling me to sudo pt-get install flashplugin-installer, it worked, but now I restarted the computer, the problem is here again...i recently installed 9.04 and mu soundcard is fine, media players are working normally01:47
Ted`okay thank you Losha01:47
Gnea!winmodem | Losha01:47
ubottuLosha: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up01:47
Hick0rdLosha, nothing except the usual lines.01:47
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.01:47
Batch!flash | cecilia_01:48
ubottucecilia_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:48
terry_Someone tell dbook82 what to do with CDs because I use LTS (therefore I am on 8.04 and am afraid I will describe something a little different) (and shoot him further into "left field).01:48
cecilia_but i already installed flash...01:48
cecilia_i did it many ways01:49
LoshaTed`: You know about http://www.gotfreefax.com/ ?01:49
terry_dbook82 uses 9.1001:49
Hick0rdLosha, this might help, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1408454&highlight=ssh+motd01:49
LoshaHick0rd: what version of sshd are you running? On what os version?01:49
dbook82terry: what you suggested worked, what i want to know is do i need to do it everytime i inster a disc?01:49
cecilia_via adobe page, via apt-get install flashplugin-installer, via apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree...01:49
terry_dbook82: No, you don't01:49
Batcheremite, What fps do you get on glxgears?01:50
Hick0rdLosha, found it, https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/update-motd.html01:50
dbook82terry: ok then =D thank you, very much, i've been working on this for the last two days01:50
cecilia_why did it work in the morning and now i have no sound again...?01:50
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LoshaHick0rd: ah, well done. That explains it. I'm running 8.04...01:50
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terry_dbook82: If you use 8.04-LTS (as I do), when you put in a CD, an icon comes up on the desktop.  At which point you click on the icon and nautilus pops up on the screen and displays the contents of the CD.  Your may be slightly different bacause you use 9.10 and I use 8.04.01:52
LoshaSpaztic_One: I read your pastebin. I agree with everything in it...01:52
cecilia_anyone could help me? I already installed many times the flashplugin here, but still have no sound on flash videos01:52
dbook82terry: hang on i just put in a different disc, we'll find out01:52
Ten-Eightterry: works the same on my 8.10 as well.01:52
Batchcecilia_, Be patient01:53
BatchSomeone will get around to helping you01:53
terry_Ten-Eight: Well, I thought so, but from the way he talked, it didn't because he kept saying that nothing was happening.01:53
terry_Ten-Eight: You mean 9.10?01:53
=== Bananaburger` is now known as Bananaburger
dbook82terry: ok i just put in an audio disc, it registered but nautilus says unable mount audio disc, DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.error/noreply01:54
Ten-Eightterry: no I meant 8.10. Like you I use 8.04 on my main system but I also have my laptop running 8.10.01:54
dbook82terry: the drive keeps trying to read it01:54
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=== Bananabuger is now known as Bananaburger
terry_dbook82: You can not mount an audio disk.  An audio disk is different.  An audio disk is designed to play music.01:55
Ten-Eightdbook82: bring up Rhythmbox and see what happens.01:55
dbook82terry: ok so if i want to listen to music from an audio disc, how do i do that?01:55
snxsanyone know what this means "Failed to read CAB descriptor from header file 1" im trying to extract a cab file with unshield and i get that error01:55
terry_dbook82: Yea, it may try to "read" it but the filesystem is not created in such a way that it can be read, (not like a data CD).01:56
jiohdiunr screen blanking without screensaver or power management... how do I stop it?01:56
Cressdbook82: Play it with a movie player, I've had no problem doing it01:56
dbook82wait one bringing rhythmbox up01:57
terry_dbook82: You can use any number of multi-media applications.  Like amarok or xmms or ... well someone help me out here.  (I don't listen to CDs any more, I've been just ripping them and listening to my mp3s any more...).01:57
arandsnxs: Is that not a windows-specific question?01:57
CressCan anyone help me out with a dialup connection problem01:57
dbook82terry: nothing shows up on rhythmbox01:57
Wickedany ideas why when i "cat /prob/cpuinfo" its only showing 800mhz for the cpu? this is a brand new amd athlon II x2 250 cpu...its a dual core 3.0ghz cpu.01:57
jiohdiwicked, uses what it needs01:58
cal__if i kill X from the cmd line, it restarts, but loses it's vnc server. how do i start it the same way it starts when rebooting, so that it has a vnc server attached?01:58
civprolosha or jacko 1 more question01:58
Loshacivpro: ask away...01:58
marginoferrorWicked, you may have frequency scaling enabled -- your CPU may be slowing itself down when it is idle to conserve power01:58
Wickedjiohdi, hmm...so like..under heavy load that will change?01:58
Wickedi see01:58
Wickedits a brand new system...so very well could be01:58
Wickedill have to look into that. thanks guys :)01:58
CressIt's my modem, Motorola sm56, I had built the drivers for it afaik, and installed wvdial and the like, set up my sudo pppconfig, but when I try wvdial, It sends my modem init strings, then says modem not responding, when I try pon provider nothing happens01:59
snxsno, im trying to install a game, and i need to extract does files. unshield is supposed to do that but i get an error01:59
Ten-Eightdbook82: i just put an audio cd in my drive, it read the disc and up came Rhythmbox to play it for me.01:59
jiohdiwicked, I have a laptop and i have the panel thing for cpu frequency, it usually rests at 800 but goes up to 2G on load01:59
Ten-Eightdbook82: is the cd you're trying to read a "factory stamped cd" or a burned cd?01:59
cecilia_ anyone could help me? I already installed many times the flashplugin here, but still have no sound on flash videos02:00
dbook82terry: "factory"02:00
Wickedjiohdi, ah. this is litterly brand new...i dont even have the os installed yet...just booted a livecd and noticed it only said 800mhz...and then the whole fake i7 core intel chips from newegg came to mind hehe02:00
civprook, can u walk me through writing a script to run because i cant seem to get the ssh certs to work so i dont have a password prompt, should be able to write a 2 line bash script shouldnt i?02:00
civprojust to take care of password02:00
Ten-Eightdbook82: you're using 9.10, correct?02:00
terry_dbook82: Try amarok02:00
th1ngпо руски тут есть кто ? :)02:00
dbook82terry: i just downloaded it02:00
Losha!ru | th1ng02:00
ubottuth1ng: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:01
terry_dbook82: Downloaded what?02:01
dbook82terry: amaork02:01
NollogWow, ubottu does everything.02:01
od3nanyone use amarok02:01
terry_dbook82: What did you do?  sudo apt-get install amarok02:01
Loshacivpro: it doesn't work how you think. ssh won't read passwords from a file, as a security measure. You'd need to run a special program called 'expect' to script it. Might be easier to get ssh certs working!02:02
dbook82terry: downloaded from ubuntu sftware center02:02
od3nI did that and all it installed was version 2.2.002:02
civproworking on that now02:03
LoshaNollog: not really, it's all smoke and mirrors...02:03
Nollogwhere is gloom?02:03
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NollogI'm idling here to answer her.02:03
Loshacivpro: have you tried  ssh-copy-id ? man ssh-copy-id02:03
LoshaNollog: haven't seen anyone called gloom all day...02:04
civprono i did ssh-keygen -t dsa02:04
od3nversion 2.3 is out but I cant figured out why it wont install right02:04
=== BinaryFu is now known as Ghost|BTFH
Ghost|BTFHMan, now this is what I call a packed chatroom.02:05
cecilia_i have no sound on flash videos, like youtube, but already installed flashplugin-installer package and flashplugin-nonfree...i've tried everything02:05
Loshacivpro: should work, but I use rsa instead -- I know that works....02:05
cecilia_but still nothing... any ideas?02:05
dbook82terry: i'm gonna reboot right quick brb02:05
matulol it is funny to see after performing an apt-get upgrade i have more disk space available ^^02:06
Ghost|BTFHcecilia: What are you using?  9.10?  9.04?02:06
matuor 9.10 maybe02:06
matuit is a good troll over winblow users02:06
mark__what log files should i watch to diagnose network erros02:06
mark__i know its tail something02:07
mark__the command02:07
matuifconfig ? tcpdump ?02:07
jrtaylorivMy sound works fine unless I have headphones plugged in. I've tried 2 sets of headphones, and it doesn't work with either set, so it's not the headphones. The volume is not muted (it's at 100%) for the headphones either in alsamixer.  How can I diagnose and fix this?02:08
mark__no theres a log that you can view that tells you what your adapter is doing02:08
mark__like so you can see whats going on02:08
Ghost|BTFHjrtayloriv: That would depend on what you're plugging the headphones into...02:08
snxsanyone here have ut2004 running ?02:09
mark__anyone know?02:09
eremiteHi Stephie02:09
marginoferrormark__: do you mean dmesg?  Just type dmesg at the command line and see if that gives you any useful info02:09
jrtaylorivGhost, a laptop Gateway m6888u02:09
jrtaylorivGhost|BTFH, a laptop Gateway m6888u02:09
StephieHello eremite02:09
marginoferrorIt's chronological with the most recent at the bottom.  If your network card is behaving badly the driver will likely report to dmesg02:09
marginoferrorOf course, if your network card thinks it's working correctly, it may say nothing of import.  So ymmv.02:10
mark__no you have it run awhile your trying to connect02:10
Yeapanyone can help-me with pidgin?02:10
StephieI was just in here, and asked for help but my irc client crashed so I don't know if anyone responded02:10
Ghost|BTFHjrtayloriv: So, you're plugging into a headphone jack...and you're using ALSA and not Pulse, correct?02:10
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marginoferrormark__: Not sure then, sorry.02:10
cal__if i kill X from the cmd line, it restarts, but loses it's vnc server. how do i start it the same way it starts when rebooting, so that it has a vnc server attached?02:10
jrtaylorivGhost|BTFH, yes, into the headphone jack, and I am using whatever is installed by default, I think ALSA02:11
Ten-EightYeap: what kind of Pidgin problem?02:11
mark__does anyone know02:11
matuwhat do you want to do mark ?02:11
Ghost|BTFHjrtayloriv: Ubuntu 9.10?02:11
jrtaylorivGhost, yes02:11
mark__i know you use tail02:11
jrtaylorivGhost|BTFH, ^^^02:11
mark__i just can't remember the rest of the command02:11
StephieUm, Can anyone help me set up my modem? It's a motorola sm56, I'm trying to dialout, I have installed wvdial, build essentials, sm56setup and sl-modem-daemon, Can anyone help me out?02:12
Ghost|BTFHjrtayloriv: You have PulseAudio installed by default.  System -> Preferences -> Sound.02:12
mark__@matu whats up?02:12
Euyuliowhen's beta1 coming out02:12
StephieWhen I try wvdial it sends my modem init strings and says modem not responding, and pon doesn't work02:12
Ghost|BTFHjrtayloriv: Root around in there, you should be able to figure it out...sadly, I don't do Pulse, so I can't guide you further.  I rip it out right after installation.02:12
marginoferrormark__: first, you don't need to be running tail while you're trying to connect.  Tail monitors a file for additional lines, so if you're using tail the thing you're monitoring is being written to a file anyway02:12
Ten-EightYeap: what kind of Pidgin problem are you having?02:12
harisundhow do I set how long the notification applet's bubbles stay up? It irritates me to see it on for a loooong time.. can I make it click to go away?02:12
marginoferrormark__: The relevant files should all be in /var/logs, but I really think dmesg is the only one that will help you02:12
jrtaylorivGhost|BTFH, Do you think replacing it w/ alsa would fix my problem?02:13
marginoferrorYou can just run the command dmesg -- you could also tail the files in /var/log but I doubt it will give you more useful info02:13
glphello everyone02:13
l7hi, is it possible to change how many seconds totem skips ahead or back when you hit the arrow keys?  either via gconf or other means...02:13
dbook82ok i02:13
dbook82m back02:14
Loshacal__: they are started from different places. When you reboot, the boot-time scripts run and start vnc along with a whole load of other things, including X. When you just restart X, it's not a reboot so the boot scripts don't run. You could re-run the boot script when X restarts, but without a bit of fancy programming, you'll end up with two vncservers when you reboot, one started by the boot scripts and one started by X. See the problem?02:14
mumphsterSo I'm trying to install via Wubi and I keep getting suck at this point and it wont go any further: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v50/Grunt/?action=view&current=CIMG0010.jpg02:14
Ghost|BTFHjrtayloriv: I would try what I suggested first - especially if you're having zero issues elsewhere in your sound.  But if you're having other issues...ALSA is a good way to go, you just have to go through a few steps to set it up.02:14
mumphsterand I just tested my ram and its all in good order02:14
madjoeHey, did anyone took his/her picture for an SSH account at BlueHost? :)02:14
madjoeI'm thinking of doing that but it's just so weird.02:14
mumphsterhelp welp help02:15
Loshamadjoe: no idea what you're talking about. Are you sure it's on-topic?02:15
Ten-Eightl7: not that I know of.02:15
Spaztic_Onelosha: You agree with my decision?02:15
l7Ten-Eight: oh well, i'll use VLC02:16
StephieCan someone please help me..02:16
l7totem is a  nice program otherwise though02:16
Ten-Eightl7: sorry...yeah, it is a nice program. I use mPlayer and it seems to do very well for me.02:16
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: It may have to do with the manga guide to databases, to be honest...02:17
LoshaSpaztic_One: not the decision, but I agree with all the criticisms and the reasons. You're are not the first person to make those observations. Why do you think linux is still only 1% of desktop systems out there. And this is off-topic...02:17
mumphsterGhost|BTFH: perhaps.02:17
mumphsterI want this ubuntu install to work argh02:17
madjoeLosha: http://helpdesk.bluehost.com/index.php/kb/article/180 I was trying to connect to their MySQL database with my Ubuntu, but I guess I'll need an SSH account, because I'm not able to connect directly.02:17
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: In all seriousness...how long did you let it sit like that?02:17
mumphsteri let it sit overnight once02:18
mumphsternothing happened02:18
Ten-EightStephie: I wish I could, I don't use dial-up anymore.  Is the modem a hardware modem like an external USR?  Most of the hardware modems are supported.02:18
mark__can someone help me trouble shoot my wireless issue02:18
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: Okay, because I was gonna say, I've had some that sat for 5-10 minutes and then finally finished up what it needed to do.  Does it work fine in LiveCD mode?02:18
Loshamadjoe: that makes sense. I probably wouldn't let anyone connect to me unless it was over ssh....02:18
StephieNo, It's internal02:18
harisundAnyone ? Can I change for how long the notification bubbles are displayed?02:18
StephieMotorola sm5602:18
mumphsterGhost|BTFH: last time I checked yes02:18
mumphsterbut that was about a week ago02:18
Ten-EightStephie: a winmodem type?02:19
mumphsterand I just checked my ram like 15 minutes ago02:19
mumphsterand it all tested out fine02:19
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: I'd check that, make sure the CD is a-ok...02:19
mumphsterits via wubi02:19
mumphsterand ive tried via a cd too02:19
mumphstersame error02:19
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: If that's not the case, then we've narrowed it down to something to do with installing via wubi.02:19
mumphsterwell lack of error02:19
mumphsterIt's happened from both02:19
madjoeLosha: oh, no... they are not blocking me to connect remotely to my database over there.. there's a whitelist in Cpanel you can assign with your own IP... but it's my ISP02:19
mumphsterya I'm stumped02:19
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: So doing an actual install gives the same issue?02:20
marginoferrorharisund: I'm not aware of any way to configure the notification functionality at all =<02:20
mumphsterGhost|BTFH: yp02:20
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: Have you checked for any compatibility issues with 9.10 vs your lappy?02:20
harisundmarginoferror: that sucks :( It stays on for way too much longer than I want it to02:20
LoshaStephie: does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46033102:20
StephieTen-Eight: I'm pretty sure I had built the drivers for it, and had it all set up (I think) and when I tried wvdial it sent my modem some initilization strings, but then it said modem isn't responding02:20
mumphsterGhost|BTFH: ya theres none. I had the same issue with the last version of ubuntu too02:20
mumphsterits a hp mini 31102:20
damnitHi all !02:20
mark__i need help02:21
mark__network not working02:21
mark__driving me CRAZY!!!!02:21
StephieDo you understand what it all is, Because I just recently had installed linux, back on xp to fix this, I'd need someone to help me through it02:22
madjoeLosha: I thought it was my Ubuntu's fault for a moment.. I don't know how Ubuntu deals with something like a firewall on windows.. I guess it's not necessary... or?02:22
lyraeIt's happened 3 times in i'd say...2 months. but ubuntu sometimes randomly logs me out to the login screen. any thoughts?02:22
mumphsterI guess ill sit and wait and see if anyone answers via launchpad02:22
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: 32bit or 64?02:22
Ghost|BTFHI'm guessing 32.02:22
digitalfizanyone know the best way to kill a detached screen process if i have the sessionid?02:22
Ten-EightStephie: I assume the modem is supported then if you have the correct drivers?02:22
mumphsterGhost|BTFH: 32bit02:23
mumphster3 gigs of ram installed02:23
HowardtheDuckany lxde users in here?02:23
Ten-EightStephie: I assume the modem is supported then if you have the correct drivers?02:23
Loshadigitalfiz: run ps ax to find the pid, and then kill -TERM <pid>02:23
Ten-EightStephie: I assume the modem is supported then if you have the correct drivers?02:23
Stephiewell, There wasn't any actual drivers for it for linux02:23
HowardtheDuckhow would i set up lxde's pcman file manager to always use image viewer to open up jpegs, etc/02:23
StephieI had used something like Losha linked me to, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46033102:24
HowardtheDuckfor instance, i try to open a jpeg, i select image viewer from the list in open with, but there is no option to always use it to open this type of file02:24
madjoedigitalfiz: Add to you panel "Force Quit" and you can do it in GUI.02:24
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: It looks like there *might* be a slight issue with the wireless card...I'm seeing a bug report on it causing intermittent boot issues until they used different drivers...this *could* be causing it to not install properly as well.02:25
LoRezTen-Eight: what's with the repeating act?02:26
mumphsterGhost|BTFH: that would cause an issue mounting to ram02:26
mumphsteror whatever that thing is that its getting caught on02:26
StephieLoRez: he wanted to get my attention02:26
Ten-Eightdon't know....something just stopped working and I was booted.02:26
StephieOr that02:26
LoRezStephie: that's not the proper way to do it.02:26
HowardtheDuckhow would i set up lxde's pcman file manager to always use image viewer to open up jpegs, etc?02:26
HowardtheDuckfor instance, i try to open a jpeg, i select image viewer from the list in open with, but there is no option to always use it to open this type of file02:26
StephieDon't tell me, I was guessing.02:26
Ten-EightLoRez: I apologize. I have no idea what happened there.02:26
Ghost|BTFHWell, if he didn't believe in love at first sight, he might have considered walking past a second time...never know.02:27
LoRezTen-Eight: looks like you lagged so you felt the need to up-enter a couple times.02:27
mumphsterGhost|BTFH: is there any fix for it that you know of02:27
Ten-EightISP may have had a hiccup. connection seemed pretty solid.02:27
Ten-Eightguess not.02:27
Ten-Eightanyway, my apologies to everyone.02:27
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: *Thinking*  Well...you *could* always try turning off the wireless to see if you can install like that...but most lappies will just turn it right back on during the installation process...02:28
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: Or you could physically pull the card and try to install and see if that works...02:28
digitalfizLosha, ty :) madjoe i was looking for a cli command since i need to be able to do it in a script im writing02:28
mumphsterI might as well just stick to windows02:28
Ten-EightStephie: yes?02:28
StephieTen-Eight: Do you think you could help me do this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46033102:29
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: If that does work, you can also use this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/479597 to fix the drivers so it won't happen again.02:29
madjoeHowardtheDuck: Rightclick on your file, go to Properties, then tab "Open With".02:29
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: Saying that is like saying, "I might as well continue dating prostitutes..."  It might seem like the solution, but you're going to pick up a virus and it'll cost you a lot of money in the long run. ;)02:30
digitalfizLosha, does -TERM let the running process shutdown cleanly?02:30
mumphsterGhost|BTFH: it looks like that bug allows the user to actualy install though02:30
mumphsterI cant even install02:30
Ten-EightStephie: type "lspci" in a terminal window.  does the modem show up on the list?02:30
StephieI can't, I had to reinstall windows XP02:30
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: Indeed...however it was just a thought.  It could be the CD...could be a lot of things...you could even try an alternative CD to see if that would work better...02:30
Stephiesince I couldn't get online02:30
Ten-EightStephie: aaahhh....okay then.02:31
StephieTen-Eight: sorry not used to having to type out the name of who I'm talking to02:31
mumphsterill try booting straight up debian02:31
Loshadigitalfiz: yes, it sends a terminate signal to the process. A well written process will catch the terminate and do an orderly shutdown. Occasionally, the process won't respond to a TERM, in which case you can send it a -9, which is an unconditional kill, but then the process won't clean up after itself and may leave lockfiles etc. lying around...02:31
Ten-EightStephie: tis okay. we need to get the "scanmodem.gz" file then.02:32
Ghost|BTFHmumphster: That's an idea...you could also try kubuntu for kicks, and if it works, you could always swap over to ubuntu via synaptic package manager.02:32
StephieHave it.02:32
StephieAlready did the scan02:32
HowardtheDuckmadjoe:  yes then I select Image Viewer, but how do I make it automatically do that so I don't have to select the application every time?02:32
Ten-EightStephie: okay...and it's on your Ubuntu machine already?02:32
Ghost|BTFHWell, have a good night all...I'm hittin' the sack.02:32
madjoeHowardtheDuck: that way you should automatically open that type of a file with the assigned application...02:33
Stephiewell, I only have the one computer, But yes I had it on and ran it, I'm bringing files back and fourth with a flash drive02:33
HowardtheDuckmadjoe:  didn't work :(02:33
digitalfizLosha, shoutcast server seems to respond well to -TERM i just tested so its perfect for what im doing ty :)02:33
Stephiebetween installs of XP and linux02:33
Loshadigitalfiz: excellent...02:34
Ten-EightStephie: okay. you've already been through the tutorial then?02:34
madjoeHowardtheDuck: it works perfectly for me02:34
boumahi, my cpu is stuck at slowest speed w/9.10, its really frustrating as i have to reboot to get it to run at its proper speed and i dont want to disable speedstep in bios cause its a laptop. sudo cpufreq-set -g/-u/-d doesnt change anything. any help?02:34
HowardtheDuckmadjoe:  so once you select the app with open with it starts to recognize it then?  hmm02:34
Ten-EightStephie: well...the page link you sent me has the steps you need to follow.02:35
harisundDoes anybody here use Empathy? Why is it that when I click on Empathy on the top right notification panel, it opens up the Contact List out of focus, in the background? How do I make it raise the window on top of other windows? Right now, I have to go back and click on the bottom taskbar to bring it back up02:35
madjoeHowardtheDuck: yes02:35
Ten-EightStephie: tutorial maybe not the right description.02:35
StephieTen-Eight: Yeah but, I don't really understand what it's wanting me to do, I'm VERY new to linux and don't fully understand the terminal02:35
HowardtheDuckdrat.  how did you install lxde?  i mean, on top of ubuntu or did you do a minimal install02:35
boumastrangely the bug is listed as low prio, i just dont understand this, this bug is affecting many people and has been present in multiple distros for years, whats the go!02:35
Ten-EightStephie: basically, you're building the driver for the modem so it'll work.02:36
StephieTen-Eight: Do you have msn? This is confusing with 1300 people02:37
Ten-EightStephie: hang on a sec02:37
=== david_ is now known as dabid
madjoeHowardtheDuck: maybe you can go to Synaptic Package Manager, click Reload, then Mark All Upgades, and then click Apply. It's strange that it doesn't work with you... for me it works just fine.02:39
monteserver irc.gamesurge.net02:39
=== jason__ is now known as jamdatadude
ravibnHi! my frontech ecam JIL 2214 is not working with ubuntu 9.1002:43
_linux_studentweiss jemand vieleicht wie man auf ubuntu 9.10 teamspeak die sound karte ein stellt weil skype usw funktioniert alles02:43
ravibnAny help is appreciated02:43
ravibnmy frontech ecam JIL 2214 is not working with ubuntu 9.1002:46
_linux_studentweiss jemand vieleicht wie man auf ubuntu 9.10 teamspeak die sound karte ein stellt weil skype usw funktioniert alles02:46
pepper_hazeI have a promblem02:47
pepper_hazeI deleted my panel02:48
pepper_hazehow do I get it back?02:48
pepper_hazeanyone here, I need help02:48
pepper_hazethis sucks02:49
pepper_hazeI finnally need real help and no one is here02:50
Test_would this be correct? /home/james $ wget http://address.com/status.txt && cat status.txt >> newfile.txt02:50
MajorAstrwhat panel02:50
pepper_hazethe bottom one02:51
pepper_hazein gnome02:51
pepper_hazehow do I fix it?02:51
jamdataduderight click top bar02:51
jamdatadudeand choose new pannel02:51
pepper_hazeyeah, but my programs won't minimize to that panel02:51
dabid@lard Aciid02:51
MajorAstrI think right click on existing panel check for options ther02:51
BeirdoHey all... I just upgraded my machine from jaunty to karmic...  and X is now hopelessly busted.  Is there anything in particular I should dpkg-reconfigure to get it to work again?02:51
Beirdoit's having agp issues, it seems02:51
Beirdo(radeon driver)02:52
jamdatadudeis the new panel at the bottom?02:52
jamdatadudepepper_haze: right click that bottom panel and choose add to pannel02:52
jamdatadudePepper_haze and choose window list02:53
al_how would I pipe the output of "find . -type f -name *.dll" to sort newest at end of output?02:53
Blackice115Hello, I'm trying to use the man pages to read about perl. When I type "man perl" it brings up the introduction and then it says it's split up for convienance and I should see "perlintro" next, how do you access that?02:55
CroooowBlackice115: man perlintro02:55
Blackice115I keep trying that and it's not working02:56
Beirdoperldoc perlintro02:56
CroooowBlackice115: You'll need the perl-doc package.02:56
Blackice115sorry, but how do i get that?02:56
jamdatadudesudo apt-get install perl-doc02:56
CroooowBlackice115: sudo apt-get -y install perl-doc02:56
=== david is now known as dabid
Crawling_dragonI want to learn to program for ubuntu02:57
MajorAstrwhy y02:57
Blackice115Croooow: thanks :)02:57
Blackice115What is -y?02:58
Crawling_dragoncan some one help02:58
EastDallasI'm trying to use a USB Startup Disk I created as a portable OS.  It works great until I attempt to install updates.  After I install updates the Flash Drive will no longer boot.  My suspicion is the grub update that's installed.  Any suggestions on how I can get this to work after updates?02:58
HowardtheDuckdamn installed lxde on my desktop and laptop and to open files in pcman, i have to use open with every time.  i can't just click on the file03:00
jamdatadudedo not know that one dallas03:00
EastDallasjamdatadude: it asks me which drive to install the grub update to, and I choose the appropriate one for the USB flash drive, but it still won't boot.03:01
CyberaX2195anyone have a list of the LTS versions, and there expiration dates to hand?03:02
CyberaX2195aha , its ok , found it03:03
Sniper7771325 users03:05
dbook82amarok is freezing when i start it up03:07
EastDallasdbook82: have you asked over at #amarok?03:08
Sniper777I have a problem with High Definition Audio Drivers.   advise where to read help03:09
dbook82not yet but i will, how do i get ubuntu to read audio cds so i can rip them?03:09
Sniper777problem with drivers03:09
DcMeeseBest program for SCP transfers?03:12
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
DrDankHey guys.. Im selling my laptop to my bro which has linux ubuntu 9.10 installed with dual boot with winxp..03:13
DrDankHow in the world do I remove Ubuntu and the GRUB bootloader?03:13
EastDallasDrDank: If it was installed using Wubi you can uninstall it via add/remove programs in WinXP03:14
peepsalotis there a gui text editor with good regex support?03:14
LoshaDcMeese: er, scp...03:15
tamp4xhigh i have karmic, and i cannot adjust my brightnees via Fn keys... whats the alternative solution?03:15
tamp4x(when power supply is plugged in its dim)03:15
tamp4xsorry hi03:15
DrDankWubi = Flash drive correct?03:15
DrDankbecause thats how I installed it.03:15
peepsalotare you high? :-P03:15
EastDallasI'm trying to use a USB Startup Disk I created as a portable OS.  It works great until I attempt to install updates.  After I install updates the Flash Drive will no longer boot.  My suspicion is the grub update that's installed.  Any suggestions on how I can get this to work after updates?03:15
DcMeeseLosha: Will gFTP work well ya think?03:15
BUDDAHWHATS a good ftp server?03:16
DrDanknah i dont reckon so, its not listed in the programs.03:16
tamp4xhigh onlife and coffee :)03:16
BUDDAHnot to tricky to setup :/03:16
Croooowpeepsalot: GVim if you are comfortable with a vi workalike.03:16
EastDallasWubi is the windows installer.  Just look and see if Ubuntu shows up in Add/Remove.  If it does, it was installed using Wubi.03:16
LoshaDcMeese: dunno if gFTP does scp, which runs over ssh. You sound a bit confused, actually...03:16
ubuntubamaEnter text here...03:16
DcMeeseLosha: It says it supports ssh03:17
LoshaDcMeese: cool, go for it then....03:17
tamp4xanyone on adjusting brightness?03:17
DcMeeseLosha: It works... All I gotta do is SSH2 setting03:17
LoshaBUDDAH: twoftpd claims to be simple. Disclaimer: I've never used it myself...03:18
DrDanka friend of mine tried to delete Ubuntu and ended up having to format his whole hard drive.. I dont want to do that because I have very valuable files (family photos/videos..etc)03:19
DrDankI just need a simple and sure fire way to do it03:19
DrDankand I don ahve my windows recovery disk..03:19
DrDankcd/dvd rom is messed up03:19
DrDankinstalled ubuntu using flash drive03:19
LoshaDrDank: if they're that valuable, you should make a backup now!03:21
franlDrDank, you want to delete your operating system but not your personal data files stored on the same disk as the OS?  Not really possible.03:22
franlThat's like saying "I want to delete Windows but the files that Windows gives me the ability to access".03:22
franls/but/but not/03:22
lateniteI am having problems with group permissions. can anyone give me an hand plz?03:23
DcMeeseBUDDAH: Do "FTP://example.com" in browser to FTP easily... Works03:23
DcMeeseWeell for me03:23
Blackice115DrDank: Are the valuable files all on windows?03:24
DrDankNah, the Ubuntu OS is what I want to delete Its on a seperate partition of the HD.. Im just worried about the GRUB loader..03:25
DrDankDamn, Ubuntu needs to make a uninstaller.. lol lol03:25
DrDanka small file uninstaller*03:25
ChogyDanDrDank: you need to run something like fixmbr from windows03:25
franlCan't grub already boot Windows from the other partition?  If you wipe Ubuntu off, grub won't care when you ask it to boot Windows.03:26
etzerdhello all03:26
etzerdis anybody here experience the same problem that I'm experience with my new 2010 i1764 Dell Inspiron laptop?03:27
isolat3dsh33pguys, how to login session into terminal instead of gnome?03:27
* franl wonders if the stage 1 boot loader needs files from the Ubuntu partition even when it's booting Windows.03:27
etzerdthe graphic do not work. the screen turn all black03:27
ChogyDanfranl: Im not sure that is true.  Grub loads up files from the ubuntu partition03:27
DrDankWell how do I remove GRUB then03:28
franlChogyDan, yeah, that's where the stage 1.5 and stage 2 loaders are.03:28
ChogyDanDrDank: you need to run something like fixmbr from windows03:28
etzerdthe laptop came with an Intel Accelarator HD onboard Video card03:28
=== Ghost is now known as Plasmastar
DrDankI just read that windows doesnt boot from the maste rbootrecord, it simply boots from the first acive partition and loads boot.ini03:28
=== trimmer is now known as slackguru
ubuntumay i ask a question?03:29
ShazbotMcNasty!ask | ubuntu03:30
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:30
franlDrDank, the BIOS will load sector 0 of the first disk, which is currently the GRUB stage 1 loader.  GRUB will fail if it can't find your Ubuntu installation (where its config file, menu.lst, is located, as well as the stage 1.5 boot loader).03:30
franlDrDank, you need to fix your MBR (master boot record -- sector 0 of the disk) to put back the Windows boot loader.03:31
robertzaccourshould i cook turkey burgers in the oven or use the griddle? i have ground turkey thawed03:31
robertzaccourits dead in #cooking, thats why i asked here03:32
floydgriddle of course03:32
ShazbotMcNastyrobertzaccour, this is not a cooking channel, but I say griddle03:32
floydburgers should never see the inside of an oven03:32
ShazbotMcNastysounds delicious03:32
ShazbotMcNastynow go from here, and enjoy your burger03:32
Endasilrobertzaccour: if it's ground, griddle03:33
Nard_no griddle03:33
ShazbotMcNastyNard_, don't say that.03:33
Nard_you just call me a nerd?03:33
robertzaccour#cooking channel is dead, this channel is the best place for just about anything :)03:33
simuladid "udevadm trigger --action=change" stop working for anyone else the last update?03:34
macoplease stay on topic03:34
bikcmpHello, when I do apt-get install php5, I get a error:03:35
bikcmpoops, wrong paste03:35
bikcmpReading package lists... Done03:35
bikcmpSegmentation faulty tree... 50%03:35
FloodBot4bikcmp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:35
rugeHey folks, just bought a new SATA HDD... how do I format it in Ext4? Sorry, I just installed Ubuntu like yesterday XD03:36
ShazbotMcNastysudo gparted03:37
bikcmpruge: disk utility03:37
BUDDAHany good tools to scan my network ? to see what ports i have open?03:37
bikcmpBUDDAH: nmap03:37
bikcmpzenmap is a gui03:37
BUDDAHokay il try that03:37
Nard_shileds up03:37
dbook82DANGIT! had the cd/dvd rom drive problem fixed.... and then i rebooted...03:37
rugeerror creating partition03:38
ShazbotMcNastyruge, open terminal, type in 'sudo gparted', go to your drive, right click it, unmount, right click it again, then click format to> ext403:38
rugeError creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:03:38
rugemke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)03:38
rugek let me try gparted03:38
rugegparted: command not found03:39
rugelet me get it.03:39
ShazbotMcNastysudo apt-get install gparted03:39
bikcmpruge: sudo apt-get install gparted03:39
bikcmpShazbotMcNasty: Whoa, same time haha03:39
rugeso quick haha03:39
rugeCould not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)03:40
ShazbotMcNastyclose synaptic03:40
rugethere's a lot i need to learn.03:40
ShazbotMcNastywith linux hopefully you never stop learning03:41
digitalfizhow do you adjust the libnotify settings?03:41
ShazbotMcNastywell yeah, you can't apt-get and have synaptic package manager open at the same time.03:41
rugewhat type of partiton table03:42
rugeshould i create?03:42
dbook82how do it get ubuntu to read audio cds?03:43
rugeill msdos it03:43
ShazbotMcNastywell, are you putting an operating system on it? Or are you using it for storage ruge?03:43
rugestorage really03:43
rugeif i want my vbox winXP install to be able to read it03:43
ShazbotMcNastywon't happen03:43
rugeshould i just NTFS it?03:44
ShazbotMcNastyThere are drivers that make it so windows can read ext303:44
ShazbotMcNastybut I'm not sure about ext403:44
rugeoh right03:44
ShazbotMcNastyso i would make it ext303:44
rugein a nutshell, whats the benefit of ext3 over NTFS?03:44
ShazbotMcNastyntfs is terrible03:45
ShazbotMcNastyext3 is good03:45
rugeive only ever err... used ntfs haha03:45
Croooowext4 is forward(?) compatible with ext3 only if it's an ext3 fs converted to ext4.03:45
DrDankYes, I found that Win2Flash program that puts the Windows Installer CD on a flash drive, Hopefully I will be able to use the recovery console on it to fix the mbr..03:45
DrDankTHanks guys for th ehelp!!03:45
rugeso there's no driver for XP to read Ext4?03:45
ShazbotMcNastywell i've never tried03:45
ShazbotMcNastyext3 is not bad03:46
ShazbotMcNastymy /home is ext403:46
ShazbotMcNasty /home is ext303:46
ShazbotMcNasty / is ext403:46
CroooowPerformance of an external is probably not high enough to benefit from ext4.03:46
ShazbotMcNastyso I can use a driver to read my /home if need be on windows03:46
CroooowBut I could be wrong about that too. :-)03:46
Losharuge: ext3 is stable, doesn't need defragmenting, is compatible with pretty much all versions of linux, and 3rd. party recovery programs work well with it...03:46
dbook82how I do it get ubuntu to read audio cds?03:47
ShazbotMcNastyit should03:47
ShazbotMcNastydo 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'03:48
ShazbotMcNastywithout quotes03:48
dbook82shazbot: are you talking to me?03:48
dbook82ok i have the restricted extras03:48
Loshadbook82: grip will rip music files off an audio cd for you03:48
rugemy OS is /ext403:48
rugebut ill make my storage drive /ext3 XD03:48
ShazbotMcNastyit should "read" the cds by default though03:49
dbook82grip is a program?03:49
ShazbotMcNastyI've never ever ever had any problems with that.03:49
ShazbotMcNastyyes, it is a cd ripper program03:49
ShazbotMcNastyit rips the music from the cd and puts them on your computer.03:49
dbook82shazbot: i've had trouble reading anything, up until abt 30 mins ago, then i rebooted and now i can't read anything again03:50
rugegparted rocks03:50
ShazbotMcNastyruge, yes it does.03:50
rugewe'll see how long it takes03:50
ShazbotMcNastydbook82, it could be your drive03:50
ShazbotMcNastybut then again, I have no idea03:50
eshannonhello everyone03:50
ShazbotMcNastycheers ruge03:50
dbook82shazbot: 30 mins ago i got it to read a data cd03:51
Loshadbook82: I was here when it happened. But you never told me what you did to make it work...03:51
rugesomethings happening03:51
eshannonI am having a video problem when I play a movie with any player it shows up with more green and blue in the picture. Pictures and graphics look great. Anyone help03:51
rugeor not...03:51
rugemy terminal now states...03:51
FloodBot4ruge: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
dbook82losha: the things that terry_ had suggested i try in the terminal03:52
=== makario is now known as smooshy
rugeAh, my bad. I was going to say terminal is stating "/dev/sdb: unrecognised disk label"03:52
Loshadbook82: try them again then, I suppose...03:52
Endasileshannon: for a single video, or for all videos?03:52
Bonsterwhats the command to tell bash u dont want case sensitive when finding files?03:52
eshannonall videos03:52
ShazbotMcNastyruge, are you trying to label it in gparted?03:52
dbook82losha: workin on it... sigh =(03:52
rugeno good?03:52
ShazbotMcNastyin the 'label' part, you're supposed to label it as like,"external"03:53
ChogyDaneshannon: nvidia?03:53
Endasileshannon: is it pixelated and green or is it simply tinted blue/green03:53
CroooowBonster: What command are you using for finding files? find? locate?03:53
ShazbotMcNastynot an official label03:53
rugeactually, may i leave it blank for now?03:53
BonsterCroooow, yea im using find03:53
rugeawesome, thanks.03:54
eshannonNvidia 8800 gts and just blue green tint03:54
CroooowBonster: '-iname' is case-insensitive.03:54
ShazbotMcNastyBonster, I suggest you use locate03:54
ShazbotMcNastyor that03:54
BonsterCroooow, thanks ill give that a try03:55
monteny21are there any french?03:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois03:55
ChogyDaneshannon: try: Sys > Admin > NVIDIA X Server > X Screen 0 > X Server Color Correction, make sure it is 0 0 103:55
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
monteny21good shaz03:56
ShazbotMcNasty :)03:56
monteny21sorry me i'm french03:56
eshannonyes it is 0 0 103:56
monteny21i use the new blacktrack 403:57
Loshawow, the quebecois get their own channel...03:57
eshannonfound it under X server Xvideo settings03:57
ShazbotMcNastymonteny21, join #ubuntu-fr03:57
EndasilIt's not really french :P03:57
ShazbotMcNastyand we do not support backtrack03:57
monteny21blacktrack is great03:58
monteny21but no french support :(03:58
codeshahhey guys, is there any anononymizer software for ubuntu like cloakfish for windows?03:58
eshannonThanks for the help03:58
ShazbotMcNastymonteny21, backtrack, and it's not ubuntu - this is a ubuntu support channel, we only support ubuntu03:59
ShazbotMcNastymonteny21, Il s'agit d'un canal de support Ubuntu, Ubuntu pour seulement04:00
ThuuugsI cant for the life of me get my system booting with grub2 - have edited my fstab with data=writeback,noatime and done the tunefs04:00
Thuuugsbut do i need to be doing sumthin to /etc/default/grub?04:00
RoastedIs anybody running the new ambiance theme? I'm curious if there's a way to darken the top panel... it's too blah gray for me.04:00
Loshamonteny21: essayez le canal #backtrack-linux04:01
Loshawow, that hurt...04:01
ShazbotMcNastyspeaking french?04:01
FloodBot4ShazbotMcNasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:01
ShazbotMcNastyOKAY FLOODBOT04:01
LoshaShazbotMcNasty: yes, but you cranked it out easily enough...04:02
ShazbotMcNastygoogle translate04:02
ShazbotMcNastyit probably makes no sense04:02
ShazbotMcNastybut I tried04:02
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:02
RapsodiusMy X server doesn't start, using gdm, today was perfectly working04:03
hDyI just installed a new mini pci express wireless card in my laptop, installed the appropriate drivers for it, and it shows up on iwconfig and I can configure it manually via the termnal but wicd doesn't pick it up as a wireless interface, anybody know how to fix this?04:03
LoshaRapsodius: you changed something. Gonna tell us what?04:04
RapsodiusLosha: Nothing really04:04
hDydoh, nvm I'm a noob04:04
=== olivia is now known as Guest84568
Guest84568wtf is this??04:04
hDyhad to switch the setting in wicd lawl04:04
RapsodiusLosha: That's the amazing part, I didn't fiddled with xorg.conf, nothing, no change of hardware even04:04
Guest84568this is so weird04:05
LoshaRapsodius: forgive my incredulity. X servers don't often commit spontaneous suicide. Even the new gdm isn't *that* bad...04:05
rugeformat complete, but lost 7GB somewhere04:06
Losharuge: how big a disk? You always lose some space when you format...04:06
Rapsodiusthe error is: error setting MTRR (base=0xe7000000, size=0x00800000, type = 1)04:07
rugeyep, 500GB so its actually 465GB but there's something thats 7GB on it.. so 458 free04:07
ShazbotMcNastythat's funky04:07
=== sejuk is now known as kumbang
LoshaRapsodius: those are Memory Type Range Registers. That's a bad sign, some kind of hardware failure is my first guess...04:08
Croooowruge: The 5% reserved for the superuser, maybe.04:08
rugeah yep yep04:08
hexdumphas anyone used pure-ftpd before?  I'm having problems with virtual users04:08
Losharuge: sounds normal...04:08
rugecool, just checking :)04:08
rugewill i have to mount the volume each time i use it?04:08
hexdumpstrange I had vsftpd running just fine on my other pc but I'm having problems with this.04:08
Losharuge: no, you can add a line to /etc/fstab to have it always mount automatically at boot time (unless it's a removable volume)04:09
LoshaRapsodius: can you bring up a plain old login shell?04:10
RapsodiusLosha: yes04:10
=== kevin__ is now known as uvacav
Rapsodiusand there is my pastebin of Xorg.log04:10
uvacavanyone know when the rest of the purple icons are dropping?04:10
rugeohh sick, thanks04:11
hexdumpthey are just busy m0in04:11
huntHi, I want my /dev/sda7 to be mounted as /media/ntfs, obviously it is a ntfs partition, what do I need to set in fstab?04:11
Rapsodiushunt: man fstab is an interesting read04:12
rugealso, can lost+found be removed?04:12
Croooowruge: Yes. It will be recreated if ever necessary.04:12
rugeexcellent, will delete it now04:12
slinkeeyHmmm Ubuntu-help requires an invite?  Can I ask a quick question here?04:13
dbook82so how do i go about downgrading my ubuntu. i have 9.10 right now04:13
Losharuge: leave it alone, it's there for a good reason...04:13
huntRapsodius: yes very interesting but it doesnt solve my problem, if you dont want to help me, ok04:14
Loshadbook82: downgrading isn't supported. You will have to install any earlier versions from CD...04:14
joshteamhow do you find files that contain a "certain string" in them with grep?04:14
joshteamsorry, I'm pretty green04:14
hiexpoevening all04:14
uvacavslinkeey: dont ask to ask just ask04:14
slinkeeyOk.. Ig you use the guest account feature on ubuntu... can you get to the files related to that session after the session is gone?04:14
Rapsodiushunt: /dev/sda7 /media/ntfs ntfs rw,auto,umask=0,noatime 0 004:14
eremite!ask | slinkeey04:15
ubottuslinkeey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:15
Loshajoshteam: grep 'certain string' <list of files>04:15
joshteamthanks Losha04:15
rugewhat the, i cant craete folders or anything on my drive.04:15
hDyI'm trying to change my gnome login screen, and I press ctrl+alt+F1, login and am presented with this in the terminal... http://paste2.org/p/72228804:15
=== dvz- is now known as jc
=== jc is now known as dvz-
slinkeeyuvacav: sorry I didn't realize you can ask in here as there was a ubuntu-help question04:15
Losharuge: permissions. where is the drive mounted?04:15
joshteamLosha: can I do grep 'string' ./* ?04:15
dbook82losha: how do i go abt wiping 9.10 off and starting afresh04:15
huntRapsodius: thanks :)04:15
swaynecan someone help me whit a gnome panel problem?04:15
slinkeeyuvacav: channel I mean04:15
Loshajoshteam: yes, grep 'certain string' *  (* is the same as ./* in this instance)04:15
eremite!ask | swayne04:16
ubottuswayne: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:16
rugeI've just formatted this 500GB drive. However I want it to behave like my OS drive (\ and \home) so that I can access files without having to mount it.....04:16
lasthope106if I'm downloading updates for Ubuntu and my connection drops, and a minute later connects again will it corrupt the updates?04:16
slinkeey!ask | uvacav04:16
Rapsodiushunt: note that /media/ntfs has to be mkdir'ed first!04:16
ubottuuvacav: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:16
=== bryan is now known as Guest6363
Loshadbook82: as long as there's nothing you need to keep, you can just install 8.04 over 9.10. Does the 8.04 live cd work with your dvd drive. Otherwise, there's no point...04:17
=== kitsune is now known as mmejia22
huntRapsodius: oh yes, thanks again04:17
swaynei cannot remove any of my panel applets or add new ones in ubuntu netbook remix i am running the newest alpha of lucid04:17
eremitelasthope106: not positive, but its best if you re-update the packages after that happens.04:17
Losharuge: It's a permissions issue. Answer the question: where is the drive mounted?04:17
RapsodiusLosha: I am actually irc'ing from a tty since the loss of my dear X04:17
dbook82losha: haven't tried it yet, wanted to give 9.10 one last try04:17
lasthope106how do I do that?04:17
civprowow wierd issue here04:18
Loshadbook82: sorry, you asked about downgrading. I assumed you were talking about changing to 8.04...04:18
lasthope106I tried cancelling the updates, but it still went ahead and installed what it had downloaded up to that point04:18
eremitelasthope106: in a terminal type " sudo apt-get update "04:18
rugeHaha i have no idea where the drive is mounted.... :S04:18
dbook82losha: i was... lol..04:18
civprocreated users with useradd but no /home/username/ <--04:18
civproanyone ran into this before04:18
joshteamLosha: I ran: grep -lir "function buildPage" * -- and it's just sitting there04:18
hiexpomy question is ok my laptop already has an atheros 5007 card which is a great card one of the best // well today i went out and bought a rangemax dual band wirless n usb adapter to use to increase my range and of coarse it does not work outta the box so i have been reading some forums and it is looking like i need to use ndiswrapper drivers /// now will this mess with my drivers i already use for my atheros card04:18
joshteamI don't think it's running04:18
uvacavslinkeey: please dont do that. I believe files created under a guest account are placed in /tmp which means they be deleted04:18
eremiteruge: if it is mounted you might be able to see it by typing   df   in a terminal04:18
LoshaRapsodius: well, I was going to suggest that you have nothing to lose by reinstalling gdm and x11....04:19
s3awhat's the command to determine the top 10 most used apps?04:19
rugeewemite: thx, let me check04:19
TheMozartonce I installed Virtualbox, how do I start the installation?04:19
slinkeeyuvacav: Thank you...04:19
xivenI have an apache installation with a virtual host...http://myserv/, its setup right in apache..but it won't resolve in Firefox. Can anyone shed some light?04:19
Rapsodiushunt: also is worth the package ntfs-3g that gives proper writing support on ntfs, apt-get it first then mount the thing but instead of '/media/ntfs ntfs' do '/media/ntfs ntfs-3g'04:19
xivenI've already tried in #dns (ignored), and #apache told me to come here04:19
eremiteTheMozart: do you mean how do you install the guest OS?  You set an .iso in the Virtual Drive's settings.04:20
CountDownI horked my GRUB and am now trying to fix it by first chrooting into the proper directory from the LiveCD.  Unfortunately, the proper root directory is on an encrypted drive (/dev/sda5).  When I try "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 /media/cryptdisc" I get "Command failed: Can not access device".  What do I need to do to mount my encrypted LVM + LUKS drive from the LiveCD (9.10)?04:20
Loshajoshteam: the -r flag means recursive. Are you sure it isn't looking through a ton of files/directories recursively?04:20
eremitelook at the size of the drive, ruge.  Does it look like it's yoru drive?04:20
dbook82losha: i was just trying to give 9.10 a chance, but there seems to be a lot of things that aren't working, so i figured i'd try 8.04. will install exactly over 9.10? using all the same space?04:20
rugeyep, thats the one04:20
huntRapsodius: awesome, thanks04:20
slinkeeyIn ubuntu was is the best package to use for virtualization?  I plan on having a virtual ubuntu instance that I can boot up as a sandbox..  I know I could use VMWare, but I am open to what the ubuntu community likes...04:21
joshteamLosha: is there a command to see how many files are in the folder(s) within a certain folder?04:21
TheMozarteremite: I install virtualbox but I don't know how to start up the windows  installsation in it.04:21
Rapsodiusslinkeey: openbox might be worth a shot04:21
lasthope106is it ok to assume that if an update to ubuntu installed successfuly, the update was not corrupted while downloading04:21
anonymous_is this b04:21
eremiteCountDown: you might want to check out the Ubuntu documentation about "recovering Ubuntu after installing Windows" as this has a tutorial on how to reinstall grub.  That should fix yoru problem, aye?04:21
CountDownlasthope106: Yes.04:21
slinkeeyRapsodius: Thanks, I will have to give that a shot...04:22
Loshadbook82: you can control that explicitly during install by selecting 'manual partition'. Please paste the output of 'df -h' to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com before you leave 9.10...04:22
anonymous_this isnt /b/04:22
lasthope106thanks eremite and CountDown04:22
TheMozarteremite: any idea?04:22
CountDowneremite: OK, thanks.  I'll check it out.04:22
anonymous_how do i connect to a irc server manually04:22
Loshajoshteam: ls will show them, ls | wc -l will count them...04:22
slinkeeyRapsodius:  isn't open box a window manager?04:22
eremiteTheMozart: yes.  Give me 2 minutes to log into another computer with VirtualBox.  2 sces, man.04:22
Rapsodiusslinkeey: damn its virtualbox04:23
dbook82losha: ok will do04:23
Rapsodiusslinkeey: and yes openbox it's a WM04:23
dbook82losha: says 87G04:23
slinkeeyRapsodius: no problem dude.. you ever give virtualbox a whirl?04:23
TheMozarteremite: yes sir04:23
eremiteTheMozart: open VirtualBox and click on the icon that says "NEW"04:23
uvacavLosha: thats going to get directories too isnt it...04:23
Loshadbook82: I want to see where the partitions are, so that we can redo them during 'manual partition' install of 8.0404:24
TheMozarteremite: then how I tell it to install XP?04:24
Rapsodiusslinkeey: yes, it has usb support even04:24
slinkeeywow cool04:24
dbook82losha: http://pastebin.com/7kiAYHWn04:24
Loshauvacav: yes it is, good catch...04:24
eremiteTheMozart: after that, follow the on screen instructions.  Self explanitory stuff. When you have it set up, let me know, I'll help you with the rest of the setup.  I also suggest a "dynamic" drive.04:24
CountDowneremite: The problem is that I can't even mount my Ubuntu partition because I first need to decrypt it.04:24
TheMozarteremite: I have XP on CD not as ISO04:24
Rapsodiusand watch the conversation between TheMozart and eremite, they're talking about it04:24
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eremiteTheMozart: that is ok, the installation is still the same for any OS iso or cd, essentially.04:25
CountDowneremite: and I'm trying to decrypt it, but I get the "Command failed" error.04:25
syriushow do I remove a certain word a bunch of times in a text file with greb?04:25
Loshadbook82: ok, your root is on /dev/sda5, we'll redo that during the 8.04 install. Do you have a swap partition? I don't see one...04:25
puKAguys how can i get rid of the top bar ? on my desktop >.>04:25
TheMozarteremite: ok thanks04:25
CountDownsyrius: You should probably look at awk and sed.04:26
eremiteCountDown: well, that's a mind bender.  Sorry I cant help you with that, patience will get you answers around here, hopefully.04:26
dbook82losha: i don't think i have a swap04:26
puKAi rember a way with compiz  to make it invisable, but dont like using compiz now04:26
dbook82what is swap?04:26
CountDownsyrius: How many times?04:26
Loshadbook82: how much RAM do you have?04:26
anonymous_how the fuck do i install programs04:26
syriuswhich is better CountDown04:26
puKAomg rrr invisible*04:26
syriusit is a bunch of times CountDown04:26
jastoranonymous_: apt-get install whatever04:26
CountDowneremite: No problem, thanks.04:26
jastoranonymous_: apt-cache search program04:26
syriusI want to remove all of them04:26
RapsodiuspuKA: you should try with right clicking and see settings04:26
dbook82losha: abt 3gig04:26
CountDownsyrius: Is it 100 or a 1000000?04:26
syriuswell let me grep it and find out04:26
jastoranonymous_: yea like .. apt-cache search php-  for all packages about php04:26
soreaupuKA: You mean you panel or your window border?04:27
Loshadbook82: that's probably ok then, you probably can get by without swap. Can you boot the 8.04 live cd?04:27
syriusno it is not 100 probably like 5o times04:27
jastoranonymous_: and when you know the name of a package .. apt-get install packagename-1.1.1 or whatever version it is04:27
CountDownsyrius: Are you comfortable with emacs?04:27
Croooowsyrius: sed 's/string//g' oldfile > newfile04:27
anonymous_jastor i pmed u04:27
syriusnever used emacs before04:27
dbook82losha: i have to burn it first. i downloaded 8.04 in windows just need to burn it04:27
CountDownsyrius: What Croooow said, er, sed. :)04:27
syriusI have used used emacs style shortcuts with bash though04:28
LoshaCountDown: teaching emacs over irc seems like a bad idea...04:28
civproany fast way of making a symlink permanent other than mounting it on restart?04:28
CountDownLosha: Notice that I didn't try.  ;)04:28
RapsodiusUse Notepad04:28
civprolike ln -s ?04:28
mneptokCountDown: do you have the dm_crypt kernel module loaded?04:28
syriusso string would be the word that I want removed right? Croooow04:28
xivenSo, can anyone assist me with http://myserv/ not wanting to resolve on localhost?04:29
syriusthanks Croooow04:29
LoshaCountDown: I was cringing from the thought. Irc support is like keyhole surgery to begin with...04:29
Rapsodiusor better, its open source clone, leafpad04:29
CountDownmneptok: It shows up in lsmod.04:29
puKAsoreau: well the start menu? long bar on my screen :D04:29
soreaupuKA: Just right click on it and delete it04:29
CountDownLosha: That's what makes it fun!04:29
puKAi cant do that with the main bar :/04:29
mneptokCountDown: that's good. rules out that failure point.04:29
LoshaCountDown: I guess I'm just jaded...04:29
puKAand how the hell do i install themes, im so clueless04:29
RapsodiusGTK themes or icon themes?04:30
DrDankHey guys im back. Im trying to get Ubuntu off my hard drive and not mess up my windows installation.. I Used the Windows Recovery Console and used the fixmbr command.. rebooted and damn GRUB still took over.04:30
DrDankAny suggestions?04:30
CountDownmneptok: Yeah.  Would be nice if the error message were a bit more verbose.04:30
ravibnHi! I have a problem with my Frontech ecam JIL 2214. When gstream-properties is used it works perfectly04:30
puKARapsodius, well gtk i think just want it to look nicer then "stock"04:30
RapsodiusDrDank: use fixboot04:30
DrDankRapsodius, just fixboot, and not fixmbr?04:30
DrDankand do I need to delete the ubuntu partition first?04:30
axisysany free site where i can upload about 3M video ?04:30
DrDankI dunno, im a total newbie.04:30
axisys3 meg04:31
ravibnbut when I use skype or any other application I does show blank04:31
RapsodiusDrDank: you'll need to know which partition loads grub04:31
Chris___can I remove old kernel images from my laptop? they're cluttering my GRUB OS choice boot menu, and probably some disk space too04:31
DrDankIm not sure which one loads the grub to be honest..04:31
RapsodiuspuKA: see Add/Remove Applications04:31
dbook82losha: i ran the live dvd for 9.10 and the cdrom drive wasn't availible. is that normal when i run ubuntu from the live cd/dvd?04:31
DrDankI know the swap is a 2 gig partition and the other linux partition is 120gig04:31
Rapsodiusand there you go search for 'theme'04:31
puKAis there such a thing as a free shell acount?04:31
syriusCroooow, it seems to have removed it all04:31
CountDownmneptok: Any other modules I should have in place?04:32
macoChris___: yep, just uninstall the linux-image- packages that have lower (older) numbers04:32
Croooowsyrius: All? Entire file contents?04:32
RapsodiusDrDank: the main problem is Windows doesn't see ext partitions04:32
syriusyes Croooow04:32
DrDankRapsodius, so what do I need to do?04:32
DrDankI need to get this Ubuntu off so I can sell it to my brother.04:32
Loshadbook82: I'm not sure. Isn't the live cd *in* the cdrom drive and didn't you boot off it?04:32
DrDankhe doesnt want it04:32
eremitepuKA: what do you mean, "free shell"?04:32
mneptokDrDank: got Windows boot media? (CD or floppy)04:32
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Chris___maco: do you know how I can get a list of the kernels I have, so I can uninstall all but the most recent?04:33
DrDankmneptok, I been using a Flash Drive for my Windows Recovery and Installs..04:33
dbook82losha: yes it would be, but wouldn't linux still recognize the drive as occupied?04:33
Croooowsyrius: Oops. :-/ Shouldn't happen unless the search pattern was too broad.04:33
DrDankIve lost the cd because my cd/dvdrom quit04:33
macoChris___: dpkg -l linux-image*04:33
Croooowsyrius: Could you paste your pattern?04:33
syriusno I see what the problem was Croooow04:33
eremiteDrDank: use a Live CD and run the app GPARTED, it is a partitioner.  You can format easily into many formats like ext3 ext3 ext4 NFTS FAT`6 FAT32 etc.04:33
syriusit seems that that have to do it in a new file04:33
RapsodiusDrDank: try the shotgun approach: blow up the partition with Ubuntu with diskmgmt.msc (from Windows)04:33
syriusI didn't care for a new file04:33
ravibnHi! I have a problem with my Frontech ecam JIL 2214. When gstream-properties is used it works perfectly.04:34
ravibnbut when I use skype or any other application I does show blank04:34
syriusbut now sinec I tried that it worked04:34
syriusthanks Croooow04:34
mneptokDrDank: boot off the USB key, choose recovery mode, and run "fdisk /mbr"04:34
Croooowsyrius: Ah, yeah. You're welcome.04:34
RapsodiusDrDank: but before restarting check out the drive letters04:34
DrDankwow, ive got 3 different people telling me three different things.. lol04:34
Loshadbook82: I'm not sure, I've never thought about it. But if you can boot off the live cd, that means you can obviously read from it. I know you can't take the live cd out and use it to burn another dvd while it's running, because I tried that once...04:34
RapsodiusDrDank: then fixmbr and fixboot all-letters04:34
JanCpuKA: there are several services that offer free shell accounts, just google for them04:34
Chris___maco: just to confirm, I want to uninstall only 14, 17, and 19? - http://paste.honk-honk.org/8804:34
rodrigoAlguien habla español???04:34
Losha!es | rodrigo04:34
ubotturodrigo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:34
DrDankRapsodius, can I msg you Ive got to much going on and the chats moving to fast for me to grab everything04:35
eremiteDrDank: if you need to format the computer and do a clean install, use gparted from the Live CD, its the easiest and has a friendly user interface.04:35
rodrigoLosha, thanks04:35
dbook82losha: i probably might have tried that too04:35
ravibnanybody can help me with my webcam?04:35
Loshadbook82: actually, I think it can be done, but you need to boot with a special option that loads the live cd entirely into ram...04:35
eremite!ask | ravibn04:35
ubotturavibn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:35
macoChris___: yeah, though id keep -19 around just in case something goes wrong with -20 (like if there's an update to -20 that doesnt move up to -21 and it turns out to break something, you can still boot -19)04:36
dbook82losha: i have abt 3 gig of ram04:36
ravibnHi! I have a problem with my Frontech ecam JIL 2214. When gstream-properties is used it works perfectly.04:36
ravibnbut when I use skype or any other application I does show blank04:36
Chris___ok. thanks maco :D04:36
macoChris___: np04:36
blackrockHow to access an encrypted directory from LiveCD?04:36
CountDownblackrock: What kind of encryption?04:37
blackrockFor recovery purposes04:37
blackrockhome dir04:37
CountDownDo you have the passphrase?04:37
blackrockI'm locked out of my system, need a fresh install04:37
eremiteravibn: perhaps that is a Skype issue and not an Ubuntu issue.04:37
blackrocknope, I've tried http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/03/mounting-your-encrypted-home-from.html04:37
ravibneremite: even other than skype I used Cheese webcam booth by Udbuntu it still does not work04:38
syriuswell if it allowed you to do that than criminals could easily get your infos04:38
eremiteblackrock: you dont need to mount ro unencrypt the drive to format and reinstall, I dont think.  I could be wrong.04:38
CountDownblackrock: Maybe take it to Fort George G. Meade MD, 20755?04:38
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Loshadbook82: I don't think ubuntu supports a 'toram' option. Sorry. Can you use 9.10 to burn an 8.10 live cd?04:38
blackrockI don't even remember encrypting my folder :P04:39
ravibneremite: I think there is some setting that I am missing04:39
CountDownblackrock: eremite is correct.  If you don't need the data, then you can install over the encrypted directory.04:39
CountDownblackrock: It's an option during installation.04:39
JanCLosha: AFAIK lucid will support it (and some older versions supported it too)04:39
blackrockOf course I need some of the data04:39
dbook82losha: not sure i wanna try to burn a 8.04 disc in ubuntu04:39
syriusCountDown, it was put in the 9.10 release04:40
CountDownblackrock: I think your encryption password is just your login password.04:40
syriusI don't remember that option in 9.0404:40
LoshaJanC: interesting. I know knoppix has supported it for years...04:40
CountDownsyrius: Me either.04:40
blackrockCountDown, you mean the passphrase?04:40
CountDownblackrock: Yes.04:40
Loshadbook82: so how do you plan to try out 8.04 ?04:40
blackrockcountdown, that wasn't it04:40
dbook82losha: burn the disc in windows and go from there04:41
Loshadbook82: that should work fine. Best of luck...04:41
dbook82losha: thanks... i'll need it lol04:41
CountDownblackrock: Is it still encrypted after you login as the user whose home directory you want to grab?04:41
blackrockThe pb is I can't login at all, I'm using live cd04:42
CountDownI see.04:42
CountDownblackrock: Can you mount your Ubuntu partition?04:43
stuart_how do i allow users to have homepages in their home directory with apache?04:43
ravibneremite: I also have a problem with my VLC player. It stops in between while watching a video can something be done abt this?04:43
Losharavibn: you mean it pauses periodically?04:43
ravibnLosha: yeah!04:43
blackrockcountdown, yes04:44
Losharavibn: mplayer has a cache option for this. Dunno if vlc has one...04:44
ravibnLosha: Ok! I will check with VLC for setting caching. But I see the audio is perfect only with the video04:45
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Losharavibn: I think that's typical. Video decoding takes a lot more juice than audio. It would be interesting to know if mplayer has the same problem on your machine.04:46
JohnRobertanyone know if lucid beta 1 is out today?04:47
jaycountravibn, what kind of video are you trying to play? what format?04:48
LoshaJohnRobert: someone mentioned it was. Try #ubuntu+104:48
ravibnLosha : it is a Mkv format04:49
Losharavibn: does it play smoothly with mplayer?04:49
harisundIf I want to do some quick and basic picture editing, what's a MS Paint equivalent on Ubuntu? (Doesn't have to be available by default - I just want a MS Paint equivalent)04:49
jaycountravibn, try mplayer but I think a different codec may be the key. I had alot of trouble with h.264 videos (.mkv) on my default install until I installed coreavc04:50
ravibnlosha: nope it does not play smoothly with movie player04:50
macoharisund: the gimp is quite a bit more powerful than ms paint (more like paint shop pro), but umm... maybe krita?04:51
ThuuugsLooking at: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-rc1/ - apparently the Ubuntu team enabled TRIM support in this custome kernels - cant find anything in changelog - can anyone confirm/deny?04:51
ravibnlosha: but the sound is excellent04:51
Losharavibn: try mplayer -cache 8192 ...04:51
CountDownblackrock: After you mount the ubuntu partition, chroot to its root directory and then sudo su username and see if you can see the files.04:51
harisundmaco: That's' precisely the problem .. I don't want something as powerful as Gimp .. the user interface is not something I am interested in learning either .. MS Paint kept everything simple, a color palette on the bottom, a bunch of tools in another toolbar, that's all I really want. I will check Krita out04:52
Loshaharisund: agreed. The gimp is a nightmare for casual users...04:52
harisundugh Krita is KDE...There's seriously no equivalent Gnome app? There seems to be Tuxpaint, kids game but simple nevertheless ..04:52
Croooowharisund: KolourPaint seems the closest thing to MS Paint I've found. It is another KDE application, though.04:52
harisundyeah .. that's cool guess I will have to go with either of those .. thanks Croooow04:53
macoharisund: oooh maybe mtpaint?04:53
FlannelTry OOo Draw04:53
xanguaharisund: if you search 'paint' in the software center you will find a few; there is also 'pinta' (not in the repos) :)04:53
macoFlannel: i thought that was just for vectors, like inkscape?04:54
harisundI see .. ok xangua .. maco I am installing mtpaint to check it out :)04:54
Flannelmaco: Oh, it is vector. Go figure.  I always thought it was raster.04:54
CountDownHa, wait a second -- I don't have lvm2 installed.04:54
Losharavibn: ?04:54
CountDownBut that didn't seem to make a difference.  Bah.04:55
FlannelCountDown: You're trying to mount a lvm partition? or what?04:55
madvirus420I am using ubuntu 9.04. I had nvidia 8500 which i have removed for some reason. I have an on-board graphic card which I want to use now. But, the hardware drivers is not displaying any drivers to use. Can anyone help me install the graphic card?04:55
CountDownFlannel: I'm trying to mount an LVM + LUKS encrypted partition.04:55
steven__i got a ?04:55
Desman3000as do i04:56
pepper_hazewhat is the official release date of lucid and will it have a update on the nvidia driver?04:56
steven__i see if i can help you out04:56
xanguapepper_haze: april 2904:56
FlannelCountDown: install lvm2, then you have to do sudo pvscan, then sudo vgscan, sudo vgchange -a y, sudo lvscan, and then you'll see them as devices (in /dev/mapper/ and /dev/[volume-group]/[LogicalVolume]04:56
steven__desman300: what your ?04:57
CountDownFlannel: Thanks, I'll look into that.04:57
Loshajaycount: where did you get coreavc from?04:57
Desman3000???:I just installed UNR 9.10 on my fujitsu to speed it up. The homescreen won't show04:57
Desman3000the bar on top is there04:58
Desman3000but the whole GUI isn't showing up04:58
Desman3000it flashes every once in a while tho04:58
jaycountLosha, bought the codec and then used coreavc-for-linux to get it running on ubuntu04:58
steven__ok give me one sec04:58
jaycountit was easier than I anticipated, even I got it working =)04:58
Loshajaycount: thanks...04:58
Desman3000thx :)04:58
LoshaDesman3000: but it's faster, right?04:59
CountDownFlannel: The problem is that I can't even get that far because cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 cryptdisc fails with "Command failed: Can not access device"04:59
Desman3000if i could just get it to do stuff04:59
Desman3000then ya04:59
Desman3000it starts up faster04:59
FloodBot4Desman3000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:59
madvirus420I am using ubuntu 9.04. I had nvidia 8500 which i have removed for some reason. I have an on-board graphic card which I want to use now. But, the hardware drivers is not displaying any drivers to use. Can anyone help me install the graphic card?05:00
FlannelCountDown: I'm totally unfamiliar with the luks stuff, sorry.  There's probably some other incantation you have to do beforehand.05:00
FlannelCountDown: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/rescue-an-encrypted-luks-lvm-volume.html05:00
macomadvirus420: you can see graphics, right?05:01
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macomadvirus420: there's probably already a driver in use. that tool is only for if you need closed-source drivers05:01
madvirus420maco: yes, lspci is showing it.05:01
CountDownFlannel: Yeah, I was looking at that.  My results aren't the same.05:01
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macomadvirus420: if your onboard uses open source drivers, the hardware drivers tool is unnecessary and wont show anything05:01
macomadvirus420: because the graphics should start working automagically05:02
madvirus420maco: but i can enable 'special effects' in appearance. also, the display is laggy. i can't watch videos too.05:02
macomadvirus420: what are your onboard graphics?05:02
steven__desman3000: here and tell me if this help you outhttp://www.tuxradar.com/content/ubuntu-910-nets-opinion05:02
Desman3000okay i'll try05:03
madvirus420maco: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Xpress 200 Host Bridge05:03
steven__can link my linux to my dad linux computer05:03
macomadvirus420: could try installing xserver-xorg-video-fglrx05:03
madvirus420maco: a'right. lets see.05:03
steven__ronos can you help me05:04
Zenkersteven__ as far as i know you can connect any puter 2 any puter, its just all a matter of know-how. some will connect right away (if there the same os usually)05:05
madvirus420maco: E: Couldn't find package xserver-xorg-video-fglrx05:05
steven__but how would i do this05:06
madvirus420maco: I have xserver-xorg-video-ati installed05:06
jaycountsteven__, why do you want to link them? what are you trying to do?05:06
macomadvirus420: renamed apparently. this: xorg-driver-fglrx  exist?  -ati is the open source driver. for some stuff it works better. you might need fglrx, which is the closed source driver05:06
steven__being up  his desktop on my cp05:06
Desman3000steven_: I din't find anything that could help me05:08
madvirus420maco: xorg-driver-fglrx does exist? should i install it ?05:08
madvirus420maco : does exist! *05:08
macomadvirus420: yeah give that a try05:08
anonymous_anyone use WINE?05:08
steven__try this one out http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/11/broadcom-wireless-driver-fix-in-karmic.html05:09
Zenkersteven__  you will have a few things 2 learn, start by learning about home networking, you will need to know ths because you will be maintaining the network, they take some maintenance. but if u have vista to vista it should be fairly easy05:09
AndorinHow do I stop Ubuntu from correcting the system clock for Daylight Savings Time?05:09
jaycountanonymous_, i do. why?05:09
LoshaZenker: if he's doing vista to vista he's in the wrong channel...05:09
CountDownIs the dm-mod module still in use in 9.10?  If so, what package provides it?05:09
FlannelAndorin: Ubuntu shouldn't touch the system clock unless you have it set up to treat system time as local time (it just changes your offset)05:09
steven__ok thnk you05:10
anonymous_it doesnt open anything05:10
Zenkerlosha true, but if he knows nothing about networking will ubuntu be as easy to figure out?05:10
anonymous_i right click, open with WINE05:10
anonymous_doesnt do shit05:10
LoshaZenker: I don't follow your logic. This is a ubuntu support channel...05:10
AndorinFlannel: Okay, I meant the operating system's time. Ubuntu's.05:10
Ganymedei wonder why the ubuntu livecds don't have a console-only startup mode...my 256 MB computer doesn't take kindly to the desktop livecd05:10
steven__Andorin: right clike the time05:10
Desman3000steven_: my wireless is working fine, the only problem is that the complete graphical interface that is literally ABOVE (which is kinda weird) the destop keeps flashing on and off05:10
FlannelGanymede: You want the Alternate CD05:11
madvirus420maco: installed. reboot05:11
jaycountanonymous_, have you tried only one windows app in wine or several? some windows apps just won't open at all via WINE05:11
BellinXFelonhow can i terminate an application if i can't see it?05:11
GanymedeFlannel, aww...i can't be burning so many CDs...i was hoping for a one CD fits all...but thanks for the advice05:11
LoshaGanymede: there are distros designed specifically for small machines you know...05:11
Andorinsteven__: If I change the system time will it persist the next time I log in?05:11
anonymous_i pmed u05:11
Zenkerlosha answer my question and you may understand my logic05:11
FlannelGanymede: Alternate CD is my "one size fits all" CD05:11
FlannelAndorin: why do you want it to not change it due to DST?05:12
AndorinFlannel: It's for someone who doesn't do DST.05:12
LoshaZenker: I think I prefer to bow out at this point, if you don't mind...05:12
GanymedeLosha, but i'd like to have a homogenous environment for easier management; like i've pretty much remembered all my default package names and configuration thingies on ubuntu, i don't want to learn them again on another distro, or learn the little gotchas and stuff for another distro05:12
LoshaGanymede: fair enough, just as long as you understand your choices...05:13
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GanymedeLosha, and i'm not necessarily installing ubuntu either, i have an ubuntu livecd and i'm using it to mount an ISO from the network to debootstrap it05:13
steven__Andorin: go into your  up date manger and see if it here i know my was05:13
Desman3000can anybody help? the last link i was given was basically just a whole bunch o' opinions of how awesome/angering the new 9.10 kernal was05:13
LinuxGuy2009Does Ubuntu read/write from/to NTFS formatted USB drives out of the box, or do i need any special packages installed? Ive never used one with it so I have no clue.05:14
GanymedeLosha, but i'd like to avoid starting up the whole X server and friends just to network mount an ISO...and a desktop livecd is the one i happen to burn since it's the one i usually use for normal installations05:14
AndorinUpdate manager...?05:14
macoLinuxGuy2009: should work05:14
steven__desman3000: iam srooy that i cant help up out05:14
Desman3000i might have figured it out05:14
steven__<Andorin> yes hit the system on the top of your mean bar05:15
LoshaLinuxGuy2009: depending on your version, you may need to manually install ntfsprogs and/or ntfs-3g05:15
FlannelAndorin: Well, you could certainly modify stuff in /usr/share/zoneinfo to create a special timezone for him05:15
LoshaGanymede: what Flannel said, then05:15
AndorinFlannel: Now that you mention it, I guess just changing the timezone would be an easy solution, wouldn't it?05:16
steven__thank flannel05:16
steven__i trying to help lol05:16
FlannelAndorin: er... Like, choosing the next one?  No, that won't work, because you'll have to change the timezone again in 5 months or whatnot05:16
awsten32can i have link for files system for Ubunut ??05:16
blackrockcountdown: I can't sudo su username, because username doesn't exist on live system05:17
awsten32how files build05:17
LinuxGuy2009Ok. I aks cause I just got back with a WD TV and a 500GB MyPassport and was deciding between Fat32 or NTFS that it supports. Will need to be able to copy media to it of course. Im kinda leaning toward Fat32 just for compatibility out of the box. I know about the 4GB file size limit but using HandBrake Normal profile even 3 hour long Lord of the rings is only 2GB. Should be ok I think with Fat32. Will that waste storage space or any other05:17
Losha!de > awsten3205:17
awsten32what sir05:17
blackrockcountdown: but I can see the encrypted folders in home/.ecryptfs/username/.Private05:18
Loshaawsten32: would you prefer a channel in german. I find your English a bit hard to follow...05:18
awsten32i speak arabic  only05:18
madvirus420maco: did not work. brought me to a frozen messed up login screen where i couldn't even see the login. entered the rescue mode and uninstalled it.05:19
Loshaawsten32: pardon me, your whois mentioned Franfurt.05:19
shazbotmcnastythat was one gnarly netsplit05:20
Losha!arabic | awsten3205:20
Gneathe bot is split05:20
bazhangits #ubuntu-arabic or #ubuntu-sa05:21
awsten32this is no one there !05:21
anonymous_i am05:21
anonymous_i hate niggers05:22
awsten32I'm not05:22
awsten32so any help05:22
boobooanonymous_,  what the heck is that about?05:22
anonymous_are u a mod05:22
anonymous_well are u05:22
Losha!ops | Please take care of anonymous_05:22
boobooanonymous_,  dont push the issue  this is a family oriented channel05:22
anonymous_are u mods05:23
madvirus420I am using ubuntu 9.04. I had nvidia 8500 which i have removed for some reason. I have an on-board graphic card which I want to use now. But, the hardware drivers is not displaying any drivers to use. Can anyone help me install the graphic card?05:23
Loshaanonymous_: a mod will be along shortly to help you...05:23
anonymous_stupid nigger05:23
anonymous_go fuck yourself05:23
boobooMadkiss,  what is the onboard graphic card?05:23
shazbotmcnasty!ops | anonymous_05:23
shazbotmcnastylol damnit ubottu05:24
anonymous_!ops | shazbotmcnasty05:24
boobooanonymous_,  apparenlty you dont have the sense  to stop when you are already behind05:24
shazbotmcnastychanserv is not even in here05:24
wgrantNo, ChanServ is down :(05:24
Loshathere's a netsplit going on I think. Brings out a certain element...05:24
anonymous_shut the fuck up05:24
bazhanganonymous_, stop that05:25
Zenkeryou are  pathetic anonymous_05:25
anonymous_eat shit nigger05:25
Gneaanonymous_: haha you're going down05:25
boobooanonymous_,  you might want to have another drink or go take your meds at this point05:25
anonymous_U THINK I TAKE MEDS05:25
anonymous_U FUCKING IIOT05:25
anonymous_ILL KILL U05:25
anonymous_IMA HURT U05:25
CyberaX2195oh ffs05:25
anonymous_I LIKE YOU05:25
Gneano balls.05:25
Blue1i have a problem with the netbook remix (9.10) the files are gone, but it did NOT free up anyspace still says 85% utilisation05:25
Zenkeranonymous_hen you should take meds05:26
LoshaWhile we wait for ops to catch up, I suggest people make use of the /ignore switch05:26
wgrantLosha: We're trying, but services are down so we have no privileges.05:26
wgrantBut staff have dealt with it.05:26
Loshawgrant: understood...05:26
* vaysu beachbrake : is always bunking05:26
blackrockcountdown: I tried ecryptfs-mount-private but05:27
steven__dose someknow a site that i can got to to see all the shit i  can put in my tem05:27
Flannelvaysu: please turn that off.  Thanks05:27
blackrockit says, you do not own that encrypted directory05:27
bazhangsteven__, watch the language please05:27
Blue1i am having some problems with the 9.10 netbook remix - I deleted a bunch of files, but it still shows 85% used - there is no trash can, what did I miss?05:29
blackrockwhat does it mean: /dev/sda1: clean, 405287/7028736 files, 21286003/28103701 blocks05:30
blackrock? is my hard OK?05:30
Loshablackrock: that's normal: 'clean' means no errors on your filesystem. I forget what the rest means, it isn't important...05:30
blackrockthen why can't I decrypt my home dir from live cd?05:31
Loshablackrock: sorry, dunno. You need expert help for the crypto stuff, way beyond my expertise...05:32
jetoleDoes anyone know why when you use the tasksel for server in ubuntu preseed I get items like libgtk and openoffice installed?05:32
Blue1i am having some problems with the 9.10 netbook remix - I deleted a bunch of files, but it still shows 85% used - there is no trash can, what did I miss?05:33
Zenkerblackrock ill admit ahead of time i have no idea what im talkin about but i believe this subject came up the other day and they said 2 install ubuntu on a flash and do it frome ther or something05:33
blackrockAny reference for that?05:34
jetoleBlue1: go to the console and use du -hs * from the / dir and work you're way down finding the biggest dir till you reach the one you want05:34
wgrantblackrock: What is the command you're running, and what is the full, exact text of the error message?05:34
Zenkerunfortunatly no, i have no idea i just vaguely remember the encrypting subject being discussed b405:35
blackrockhttp://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/3/ and after entering my password05:35
blackrockit says "you do not own that encrypted directory"05:35
Blue1jetole: looks like I need to put a sudo in front of that05:35
jetoleblackrock: I missed you're question as I wasn't in the room yet. What was it05:35
jetoleblackrock: you might05:36
jetole* Blue1: you might05:36
blackrockThe full is: "Inserted auth tok with sig [some hash here] into the user session keyring \n You do not own that encrypted directory05:36
wgrantblackrock: You're logged in as the 'ubuntu' user on the live CD?05:36
blackrockno logged as myself05:36
wgrantblackrock: Didn't you say you were on a live CD?05:37
blackrockyes, I mounted the /dev/sda1, and chroot-ed it05:37
blackrockit's all here: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/3/05:37
Blue189G root?05:37
DrDankWelp, still havent got Ubuntu GRUB removed from WinXP system..05:38
jetoleDrDank: I think one way is to boot to the windows xp cd in rescue mode and run fixmbr05:39
k3rni am using kvm virtual machines. i am writing some manage scripts atm. where should i put either the images of vms, the pid files, and some other managment sockets. what directories would you suggest me? /etc/ - /var/ ?05:39
jetoleDrDank: I think fdisk /mbr from within xp will work too05:39
wgrantk3rn: Is there a reason you're not using libvirt, a nice management wrapper around KVM and other hypervisors?05:40
jetolek3rn: you can put the images in any directory you like however I wouldn't use /etc but you can make your own. pid files in /var/run05:40
DrDankjetole, Ive already done that.. and it still loads GRUB when rebooted.05:40
k3rnyea i am using VDE (virtual distributed ethernet) as virtual switches05:40
k3rnlibvirt doesn't support that05:41
al_anyone here, (OT I know) ever used business objects???05:41
rugeHey guys, got issues with my new HDD again D: ..... is there a step by step guide i can follow to installing a new HDD? Didn't think it would be this tricky :S05:41
DrDankIm seriously thinking about deleting the two linux partitions (swap and actual linux partition) and then doing the windows recovery fixboot/fixmbr technique.05:41
jetoleDrDank: well I don't think the partitions have anything to do with it05:41
jaycountruge, whats your issues? plug it in and go in most cases...05:42
DrDankjetole, well I done exactly what you described and it doesnt work.. It still loads GRUB each and every time.05:42
DrDankMy linux partitions are infront of my windows ntsf partitions..05:42
k3rnif a user wants to start a VM, i don't want him to use admin rights, for /var/run you need admin access .. or may you specify rioght for a special folder like /var/run/kvm ?05:43
rugeYep, it detects the new SATA drive and I have formatted it using gParted in an Ext3 system. However I cannot write to it and it seems to mount just like a USB drive would.05:43
jetoleDrDank: grub isn't contained solely on the mbr and if you remove the partitions you will likely break grub but we already know windows isn't restoring the mbr properly already so all you will likely do is break the boot loader you have05:43
jetolek3rn: you can specify the rights for a sub folder in /var/run05:44
DrDankwell, how am I suppose to get it off then?05:44
rugejaycount: ive tried following guides on the net from ubuntu and other sites, but no dice05:44
jetolek3rn: you can also look at /opt if you want05:44
DrDankdoes Ubuntu have a uninstall command or something05:44
rugejaycount: still no ability to write to the drives....05:44
jetoleDrDank: google it some moe05:44
k3rnwhat would be the command to set the access for a folder to any user?05:44
jaycountruge, I don't know boss, never seen that problem before05:44
jetoleDrDank: if windows isn't fixing it then I don't think breaking it further is a great idea05:44
rugejaycount: no worries man, ill keep searching.. just thought id see if anyone knew :)05:45
k3rnand in /opt anyone can read/write?05:45
jetolek3rn: chmod a+rwx folder05:45
jetolek3rn: no05:45
jetolepeople can only read/write on folders you give them permissions on05:45
Blue1jetole: it shows /root as 89G05:45
Sato1Hello, i am using xchat gnome. I dont know how to delete of my chat logs or find them on my note book. I am using acer aspire one05:45
jetoleor their home foler + /tmp05:45
jetoleBlue1: so cd into root and run that command again05:46
jetoleand then cd into the next dir that comes up large05:46
jetoleetc etc until you find the source05:46
Blue1jetole: it just shows 2 files 4.0K and Desktop05:47
jetoleBlue1: how big is the desktop05:47
jetolerun ls -a and then du -hs on everything that comes back from ls -a05:47
an0nym0ushello fatsopil05:48
Blue1jetole: shows desktop is 4k (ls -l)05:48
jetolewho said to use the ls -l command?05:48
jetoleI didn't05:48
fatsopi1I'm a newbie and currently having sound trouble with my desktop using ubuntu 8.0405:48
Blue1jetole: du shows nothing unusual either05:48
jetoleall directories are 4k on a typically fs allocation05:48
jetoleBlue1: then it's magic05:49
fatsopi1could somebody help?05:49
Blue1jetole must be05:49
jetolefatsopi1: try using ubuntu 10.04, it will have more modern drives and is the next long term release05:50
MailGonIm installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix, on my netbook (via flashdrive). I'm using the live CD option, and....for some reason....I can't type. And I need to type to enter my name, etc. in the fields of the installation.05:51
fatsopi1jetole: but i dont think my desktop specs can handle ubuntu 10.0405:51
jetolefatsopi1: then I'm not the guy to ask05:51
* jetole is deaf05:51
fatsopi1anyone can help?05:52
jetoleMailGon: that wasn't a joke05:52
blackrockit seems decrypting a ecryptfs-ed folder is a myth05:52
rugeExcellent, found a guide that was super :D05:52
darolu!anyone | fatsopi105:52
MailGonstill funny05:52
MailGonSeriously why cant I type on my netbook?05:52
rugebtw, is it imperative that i keep the lost+found folder of a new hard drive?05:52
* jetole rolls his eyes05:52
jetoleruge: pretty much05:52
fatsopi1darolu:I'm a newbie and currently having sound trouble with my desktop using ubuntu 8.0405:53
ZenkerMailGon perhaps choosing a diff keyboard layout is my best guess, go back to that and try 2 find 1 tht works?05:53
darolufatsopi1, is it a new install or did your sound work before?05:53
MailGonNo, it doesnt Zenker05:53
* vaysu devilsadvocate is little bit angry05:54
fatsopi1darolu: its a new install05:54
fatsopi1darolu: yet already filled with office data05:54
Sato1sorry if someone answered my question. My connection keeps crapping out05:54
fatsopi1@darolu: can i pm u?05:55
darolufatsopi1, go to Aplications - Accessories - Terminal; and then type: "lspci | grep audio" see if it display your sound card (without quotes)05:55
Sato1i need to know where to find logs of my chats. Using xchat gnome on acer aspire one. Thanks05:55
darolufatsopi1, sure05:55
Blue1jetole: weird:  /root/.local/share/trash/*05:56
Blue1jetole: fixed05:56
jaycountSato1, /home/yourusername/.xchat2/scrollback   ???05:56
=== Prodego is now known as alis
=== alis is now known as Prodego
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Ganymedei like how the ubuntu livecd took me a login screen and i couldn't log in until i manually set user "ubuntu"'s password06:07
jetoleBlue1: didn't think it was magic06:07
Ganymedeand i like how setting the keymap to dvorak only changes the keymap in X and not the console on 9.10 desktop livecd06:07
jetoleGanymede: I don't think it has ever changed both unless you change the console map06:08
Ganymedejetole, when you select dvorak keymap and install the OS, then it sets up console keymap for you so when you boot up, all is fine, just not when you're still in the livecd06:08
Ganymedejetole, so it changes the console keymap for installation, but not for livecd boot06:09
jetoleGanymede: I misunderstood. I thought you meant changing the X keymap06:09
Blue1jetole: it's FM -- i never expected to see anything it's when I turned on the hidden files, I found it.06:09
Ganymedejetole, at the livecd menu, you can select the keymap with F3 or something06:10
steven__how do i get new stuff for compiz06:12
Ganymedeoh man, the livecd didn't start up avahi either...how am i going to ssh to it... =/06:12
soreaunew stuff?06:12
steven__like the snow06:12
darolusteven__, what do you mean by new stuff? have you installed ccsm?06:13
soreausteven__: Try /msg FusioBot addons06:14
cafuegoIs there *any* way in Evolution to make it not detect a double dash (--) as signature mark and thus drop all content below it on reply?06:14
ispwhen i install package i must  use  su ?06:14
soreauor ! addons in #compiz06:14
steven__ but i was look on youtube and i saw sown and all type of cool stuff06:14
ispmy friendtell me don't use root06:14
ispit 's true ?06:14
cafuegoisp: When you install packages you must use sudo, because non-root suers aren't allowed to install stuff.06:14
ispthank you , cafuego :)06:15
ispnow am have a lesson LAMP06:15
sriniwhen i type my username in login screen the size of the Fonts are very big why? how to sove this?06:18
rainofkayoshavign a really nasty sound issue, sound just stopped working, (along with video), checking logs under /var/log/ not finding much errors .. do get this in message log looks like from boot up "hda_codec: Unknown model for ALC1200, trying auto-probe from BIOS..."06:18
krainboltgreeneWhy does Ubuntu Gnome have the dependency "eog"?06:21
happyaronhi, how to get my amule work with upnp?06:25
fatsopi1thank you all06:29
fatsopi1gtg now, back to work06:29
rainofkayosi  have no idea whats the issue here. i guess ill reinstall ubuntu i can _not_ deal with no sound/video06:29
rocket16Hello all,06:33
rocket16Trapped in a great problem, :(06:33
rocket16Yesterday, I sent a tower of hanoi programme of mine to a friend of mine, as an email attachment. I use Ubuntu, the best OS,06:34
rocket16So, nothing happened to me. But the person who received it uses Vista, sadly. He says that the hanoi programme (html) contains a virus or trojan, and infected his PC06:35
rocket16I scanned it with ClamAV, but nothing was seen, and he says that his machine caught virus and is malfunctioning, any advice?06:36
sriniwhen i type my username in login screen the size of the Fonts are very big why? how to solve this?06:39
evan64ok i think i have this command memorized wrong06:40
Kartagisis there a problem with pidgin connecting to the msn network?06:40
TheMozarthow do I install Virtualbox on Ubuntu pls?06:40
evan64sudo mount /dev/sdbd1/media/06:40
TheMozartanyone know pls?06:41
dumKartagis: I use pidgin and it connects just fine to msn06:41
KartagisTheMozart, http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads06:41
gotsanityis there any way to adjust the delay with audio over a2dp bluetooth? I am encountering a hefty amount of lag when using my bluetooth headset06:41
rippsTheMozart: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose06:41
Kartagisripps, ose has no usb support afaik06:42
Kartagisdum, mine always says problem from notification server06:43
Kartagisdum, what version are you using?06:43
evan64im sorry, what was the command to mount that drive again?06:43
brucerwillkejrHey all I just started to learn linux and am runnninh karmic koala now any tips on getting sound card input working well06:43
dumKartagis: I'm using 2.6.206:44
Kartagisevan64, sudo mount /dev/sdbd1 /media/06:44
gotsanitybrucerwillkejr, is your sound output working?06:44
dumKartagis: perhaps its your network settings.. are you sitting behind a proxy perhaps?06:44
gotsanitybrucerwillkejr, is the input channel muted?06:44
brucerwillkejrI don't see it as muted06:44
Kartagisdum, yes, but it used to connect fine a while ago06:45
rainofkayosok i made a change in alsa-base.conf and now i dont get device unknown for my sound card, but still no sound06:45
brucerwillkejrWait I see the others got it now n00b mistake06:45
evan64that is odd06:46
brucerwillkejrHow do u see partitions? Gparted??06:46
gotsanitybrucerwillkejr, we were all noobs at one time or another... cept floodbot4, that guy was born awesome.06:46
evan64mount: can't find /dev/sdbd1/media/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:46
Kartagisdum, but what I noticed is, it doesn't connect at home either06:46
dumKartagis: mhmm.. not sure what is wrong though.. did your problem just start now.. or has it been doing this for a few days?06:46
brucerwillkejrapt-get install gparted?06:46
Kartagisbrucerwillkejr, df -h or mount gives you a list06:47
brucerwillkejrAhhh ok very cool06:47
brucerwillkejrI love how much faster this is than win706:47
evan64im having trouble mounting that drive now06:47
Kartagisdum, for a long time06:47
gotsanityAnyone know how i can eliminate the audio lag i am encountering on my stereo bluetooth headset?06:48
brucerwillkejrIs linux similar in that it gets slower over time like windows?06:48
suleEnter text here...heyyyyyyyy06:48
rainofkayosanyone experience the issue where video/sound just stopped working? i think my video issue is related to my sound issue06:48
gotsanitybrucerwillkejr, not usually. if that is the case than you are more than likely running some bad programming of some form.06:48
TimonHey i use "sudo nvidia-settings" to open my NVIDIA X Server-Settings06:49
brucerwillkejrWell awesome06:49
Kartagisevan64, try mkdir /mnt/sdb1;sudo mount /dev/sdbd1 /mnt/sdb106:49
iceroot!gksudo | Timon06:49
dumKartagis: check that your server:messenger.hotmail.com port:1863 http method server: gateway.messenger.hotmail.com06:49
brucerwillkejrWhat's the command so I don't need to type sudo su and I can just type su?06:49
TimonBut i can't succeed disable my second Sreen06:49
evan64mount: mount point /mnt/sdb1 does not exist06:49
icerootbrucerwillkejr: sudo -i06:50
Kartagisevan64, that's why I said to mkdir first06:50
brucerwillkejrAwesome thanks guys06:50
brucerwillkejr@brucerwillkejr on twitter peace06:50
Kartagisdum, it seems I had put in proxy settings :S06:50
evan64yeah same error06:51
al_anyone here got Nokia N900?06:52
Kartagisevan64, try sudo mkdir /mnt/sdb1;sudo mount /dev/sdbd1 /mnt/sdb1 <--- that has to work06:52
dumKartagis: so you are not behind a proxy?06:52
jastorinteresting question ... acpi ... the trip points for the temperatures.. are they set by someone? or does the system just take some?06:53
Kartagisdum, I removed it, and I still have that error. I also verified server etc. I'm suspecting netadmin shut me off06:53
jastorbecause 127degrees C? sound a bit much ;)06:53
dumKartagis: perhaps netadmin simply blocked that port.. ;)06:54
evan64evan@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/sdb1;sudo mount /dev/sdbd1 /mnt/sdb106:55
evan64mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/sdb1': File exists06:55
evan64mount: special device /dev/sdbd1 does not exist06:55
rainofkayoshyaaaaay sound is back and video =)06:55
jastorechinos: and the question is?06:56
jastorevan64: *06:56
Kartagisevan64, sudo mount /dev/sdb1 (mnt/sdb106:56
TimonI can't managa to disable my second screen, with NVIDIA X Server Settings, i opened the settings with sudo06:57
evan64bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('06:57
jastorah .. he had gotten an extra d sdbd :) instead of sdb106:57
TimonSomebody can help me to disable my second screen?06:57
Kartagisevan64, sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1 sorry06:57
evan64there we go06:57
* rainofkayos shivering...06:58
rainofkayostime to reboot and see if the Fix persists =(06:58
jastoris it possible to forbid any program (in advance, so i dont know what pids its going to get ;) from ever using the soundcard?06:59
evan64how do i get adoble flash player07:00
jastorevan64: apt-get install flashplugin-installer07:00
jastorevan64: or just the tar.gz from adobe.com07:00
TimonI can't managa to disable my second screen, with NVIDIA X Server Settings, i opened the settings with sudo07:01
TimonSomebody can help me to disable my second screen?07:01
jastorTimon: --only-one-screen07:02
jastorTimon: --only-one-x-screen07:02
jastori mean ;)07:02
blackrockwhen choosing recovery mode, after * Starting init crypto disks... [OK] there's no update on screen07:02
Timonjastor: I don't understand what to do?07:03
jastorTimon: nvidia-xconfig --only-one-x--screen07:03
blackrockwhat'd be the problem here?07:03
jastor nvidia-xconfig --only-one-x-screen07:03
jastorTimon: not sure if thats it .. but only i can come up with right no07:04
evan64okay i have the tar.gz07:04
evan64how do i install it?07:04
Timonjastor: option --only-one-x-screen not recognized07:04
Kartagis!source | evan6407:04
Timonjastor: So that doesn't work?07:04
Kartagis!configure | evan6407:04
Kartagisubottu is gone07:04
jastorTimon: i dont know if it works or not but its the best guess i have right now07:05
jastorTimon: hmm strange .. nvidia-xconfig clearly says theres a --only-one-x-screen option07:05
Timonjastor: That what i got was after i tried it in the terminal, nut then i got that07:05
jastorTimon: nvidia-xconfig -A07:05
jastorTimon: and it lists everything07:05
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jastorthat you can set07:05
RPG-MasterAnyone here know if Geforce GT 220 works with Ubuntu well?07:05
solarwindrw: are you "super"07:06
Timonjastor: option -A not recognized07:06
Kartagisevan64, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-source-files-in-ubuntu.html07:06
rwwsolarwind: hmm?07:06
jastorRPG-Master: 195.30 supposrts gt 240 ;) so i assume it supports 22007:06
RPG-Masterjastor: :P07:07
solarwindrww: nevermind07:07
jastorTimon: .......07:07
jastorTimon: nvidia-xconfig -v says what?07:08
evan64i thought i had instaleld linux on my larger drive07:08
evan64but now it says i only have 134mb of space07:08
jastorevan64: df -h07:09
the_loraxis this where i can ask for help wiht ubuntu?07:09
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evan64Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on07:09
evan64/dev/loop0            2.7G  2.4G  134M  95% /07:09
hey_boyHello room07:09
evan64udev                  500M  236K  500M   1% /dev07:09
evan64none                  500M  968K  499M   1% /dev/shm07:09
Timonjastor: Error: you don't seem to have the permission to modify your /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Try using "sudo"07:09
evan64none                  500M   92K  500M   1% /var/run07:09
evan64none                  500M     0  500M   0% /var/lock07:09
evan64none                  500M     0  500M   0% /lib/init/rw07:09
evan64/dev/sdb1              75G   66G  9.0G  89% /host07:10
evan64/dev/sdb1              75G   66G  9.0G  89% /mnt/sdb107:10
hey_boyHow do I configure the number of kernels installed and displayed in the boot menu?07:10
jastorTimon: sudo nvidia-xconfig -A then07:10
jastorTimon: thats not an install ;) thats linux loaded fr omteh livdvd07:10
Timonjastor: Still the same; sudo nvidia-xconfig -A07:11
the_loraxi just installed ubuntu and its not reading my SD card07:11
jastorevan ;)07:11
evan64how do i make ubuntu run on my 'd' drive, not my 'c' drive?07:11
the_loraxcan someone help with this?07:11
jastorevan64: ah right .. yumi or whats it caled? no idea about running it on win3207:12
jastorwell atleast you know what im talking about ;)07:12
evan64i used wubi and i told it to install on d07:12
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jastordeos wubi use predetermined sizes for virtual harddrive containers? or do they expand?07:14
Timonjastor: What did you mean with "thats not an install ;) thats linux loaded fr omteh livdvd"  ?07:14
jastorTimon: well since the mount of / said /dev/loop0 i assumed it was the dvd .. since it was to large for cd07:14
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* rainofkayos smiling profusely07:15
the_loraxwhere do i go for ubuntu help???07:16
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jastorTimon: it was a mt07:16
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jastorwas meant for evan6407:16
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nightsjammieshere for 'buntu help07:17
the_loraxcan you help me?07:17
evan64ok so how do i install things to /mnt?07:18
nightsjammiesI don't know. What's your question?07:18
SCIIDiabloIII_Crjoin #ubuntu-cn07:18
jastorevan64: you mean mount ?07:18
Timonjastor: But so you don't know how i can disable my second screen, or did i miss something?07:19
evan64well i have two drives on my pc07:19
evan64one has almost no space on it07:19
jastorTimon: sudo nvidia-xconfig -v didnt say anything?07:19
evan64and it seems to be intalling software on that one07:19
nightsjammiesdon't you typically /mnt to..er, mnt a drive?07:19
eremitenightsjammies: or mount07:19
nightsjammiesokay. I haven't had the pleasure of messing with mount/mnt yet.07:20
eremitesomething like  mount /dev/sda107:20
macoevan64: software gets installed to /usr usually. you could boot from a live cd and set stuff up so /usr goes on the second drive07:20
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nightsjammiesoh I know what it's for, I just haven't messed with it.07:20
macoevan64: putting /home on the second drive is a common thing to do as usually you'll have more of your own data than of system files07:20
eremitenightsjammies: you can also just open nautilus and look ion the side bar, it should auto-mount.07:20
Timonjastor: When i do that, nothing happens07:20
nightsjammiesthat's why :D07:21
the_loraxnightjammies: i just installed ubuntu, switched ffrom windows 7 starter07:21
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nightsjammiesokay, so what's your question?07:21
jastorTimon: youre running this in a terminal right?07:21
eremiteGood choice the_lorax07:21
Timonjastor: Yes, i do07:21
jastoreremite: nothign wrong with win 7 ;)07:21
jastorTimon: try sudo -s07:21
jastorTimon: enter password07:21
the_loraxnightjammies: normally when i insert my SD card into the reader, windows would auto read it or whatever07:21
jastorTimon: nvidia-xconfig -v07:21
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macoevan64: well hang on. is your smaller drive partitioned at all?07:22
nightsjammiesyeah, a scaled down version of 707:22
nightsjammiesyeah, should still do it with nix.07:22
evan64no it isnt07:22
arzonistaguys,how can i update my pidgin IM? I cant log in?07:22
macoevan64: or is all 15gb going to ubuntu right now? cuz even 10gb can be hard to fill for the system files07:22
eremitejastor: I prefer to keep viruses off of my computer, and Microsoft software fits that description to me.07:22
SolarisBoyyea mines recognizes my SDs07:22
nightsjammiesdid you download karmic?07:22
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the_loraxnightjammies: i just put the SD card in right now that i want to read and its not showing up anywhere07:22
macoevan64: ive installed ubuntu on a 5gb hard drive before ;-)07:22
the_loraxor i dont know where to look?07:22
the_loraxcan you help?07:22
evan64i installed it to my 80gb hd07:22
Timonjastor: Still nothing happes07:22
jastoreremite: ;)07:22
nightsjammiesyeah, maybe07:22
evan64but it seems to be writign everying to my 14gb hd07:22
nightsjammiesdo you have 3 menus at the top?07:23
eremitethe_lorax: are you sure its not auto-mounting in nautalis?07:23
jastoreremite: whats wrong with running a antivirusprogram ? ;)07:23
macoevan64: if its installed on the 80gb it should all be going there07:23
the_loraxapp places system07:23
nightsjammiesum, applications, places, and admin?07:23
macoevan64: can you pastebin output of "df -h" ?07:23
nightsjammiesokay, click on places07:23
nightsjammiesthen go down to home07:23
eremitejastor: you mean something like ubuntu?  Ive been using Linux for a while, I forget what anti-virus software is.  I dont need it.07:23
nightsjammiesI think07:23
the_loraxhome folder?07:23
nightsjammiesor probably any of the names under places.07:23
nightsjammiesthat works07:24
jastorTimon: ls -Ssh /usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig07:24
nightsjammiesbloody hell, this would be so much easier if I had the nix desktop in front of me07:24
nightsjammiesokay, look over on the left hand side07:24
Timonjastor: 4,0K /usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig07:24
nightsjammieswhat do you see?07:24
Timonjastor: Does he say than07:24
SolarisBoyarzonista: you can try running updates "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"07:24
nightsjammiesyou might want to pull out the sd card, and then push it back in.07:24
jastorTimon: something weird then :P07:24
jastorTimon: how did you install nvidia?07:25
the_loraxits not showing up07:25
the_loraxthats what im saying :-(07:25
Timonjastor: I don't know07:25
jastorTimon: my nvidia-xconfig is like 160KB07:25
the_loraxin windows, it showed up as D: drive07:25
arzonistasolaris boy:ill already do that sir,07:25
nightsjammieshmm, then try going to the terminal, and /mnt from there. the others will have to help you with the commands, as I don't remember what they are.07:25
SolarisBoyarzonista: but the version of pidgin available is usually not the latest,, they have the packages on the pidgin site afaik but its best to use whats in repos afaik07:25
the_loraxbut in ubuntu its not showing up at all07:25
nightsjammiesyou don't have a D: drive anymore.07:26
SolarisBoy2.6.6 is the current pidgin afaik07:26
nightsjammiesor C:, etc07:26
the_loraxwhat do i have then?07:26
the_loraxim new to all this07:26
nightsjammiesnow it's gonna be something like sda/something07:26
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nightsjammieslike I said, the others know more about it than I do.07:26
macothe_lorax: instead of renaming the top level with different letters, there's only 1 filesystem hierarchy in linux07:26
arzonistasolarisboy:how sir?07:26
nightsjammieswhich version of windows did you d/l?07:26
jastorTimon: apt-get install and 195 of nvidia?07:26
SolarisBoythe_lorax: what type of drive is it?07:26
macothe_lorax: your other drives get mounted under it in logical spots as to how they are going to be used07:27
Timonjastor: I believe nvidia was already on the system07:27
nightsjammiesso like sda/....sdb.....etc07:27
syriuswhat should I use x86 or x64? my processor can use either. is it safe to make the switch now?07:27
evan64hmm i installed the flash player and i still get the flash plater not installed error07:27
macothe_lorax: so if youre going to have one hold system files and one hold users' home folders, you put the one for home folders as /home07:27
SolarisBoyarzonista: try seeing if you have an update in repos, you can do this from the command line "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"07:27
nightsjammiesx84 probably.07:27
the_loraxits an SD cARD07:27
macothe_lorax: while the top level system is /07:27
the_loraxsorry for caps07:27
macothe_lorax: does that make sense?07:27
nightsjammiesso lorax: /home07:28
the_loraxits hard to read everyone talking07:28
jastorTimon: ls -Ssh /usr/bin/nvidia-*07:28
macothe_lorax: you should get a highlight if someone's talking to you07:28
SolarisBoyarzonista: what version of ubuntu are you on and what exactly is the issue with pidgin?07:28
Timonjastor: 1,5M /usr/bin/nvidia-settings       4,0K /usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig  12K /usr/bin/nvidia-bug-report.sh  4,0K /usr/bin/nvidia-detector07:28
the_loraxyeah i do07:28
arzonistasolarisboy:ok sir thank you07:28
the_loraxa bubble right?07:28
nightsjammiesso lorax/home/desktop/eeebuntu3.0.iso, etc..07:28
macothe_lorax: well that depends on what program you use to irc, but sure07:29
jastorTimon: ok rougly the same as me other than nvidia-xconfig07:29
SolarisBoy=) bubbles07:29
the_loraxim using pidgin07:29
SolarisBoyi use irssi07:29
nightsjammiesYay, I'm gonna sync up my ipot and then reinstall nix :D07:29
the_loraxso what can i do about this problem?07:29
arzonistasolarisboy:ubuntu 9.04.i cant log in sir.07:30
the_loraxim trying to put some mp3 from my SD card onto ubuntu07:30
evan64man this is hard07:30
jastorTimon: nvidia-settings -v then07:30
the_loraxam i just going to have to run 2 OS ??07:30
nightsjammieswell, first off, which distro did you install..07:30
nightsjammiesnah, you shouldn't07:30
macothe_lorax: no07:30
eremite_the_lorax, try     sudo mount /dev/tfa0 /media/sdcard07:30
SolarisBoyarzonista: log in to what messenger? (yahoo,msn,irc,jabber) ?07:30
jastorTimon: or installer or the detector07:30
macothe_lorax: if you go to places -> computer does the sd show up anywhere?07:30
the_loraxbecause i can only listen to my music off my SD card in windows yua know?07:30
evan64i have adobe flash player installed but its not working. i dont get it07:30
Timonjastor: He then say: Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".07:30
eremite_the_lorax, if that does not work try     sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sdcard07:30
the_loraxeremite: what?07:31
nightsjammiesI use my sd card all of the time07:31
macoeremite_: what are you doing?07:31
nightsjammiesokay, go to applications> terminal07:31
eremite_mount his sd card?07:31
Timonjastor: And a few other lines with not important things07:31
nightsjammiesopen that up.07:31
macoeremite_: you're just pulling random device nodes out of thin air07:31
brijithhi all, how can I run python2.4 compiled file using python2.6, I am  getting a magic number error . is there ant work around07:31
SolarisBoythe_lorax: you need to simply figure what the device name is if itsn't mounted07:31
arzonistasolarisboy:yahoo & msn sir.07:31
nightsjammiesthen type sudo mount/dev/sda1/media/sdcard07:31
maconightsjammies: whitespace07:31
ardchoillenightsjammies: need a space in there07:31
the_loraxim so confused07:31
nightsjammiesand then type in your password..07:31
nightsjammieswell hell.07:32
eremite_the_lorax, does  sudo fdisk -l   show the card?07:32
ddavidshello all07:32
the_lorax20 people are tgalking to me at once07:32
the_loraxcan we open a IM window?07:32
macothe_lorax: go to applications -> accessories -> terminal07:32
ddavidspls how do i change my default keyring password?07:32
SolarisBoythe_lorax: try this,, when you plug in the card,, "sudo tail -f /var/log/messages"07:32
macothe_lorax: the weird gibberish eremite_ is saying to you are commands to type into the terminal07:32
evan64why does opening the clicking the addon tab crash firefox..07:32
SolarisBoyarzonista: ok and what leads you to believe this is an issue with the pidgin version ? and whats the pidgin version ?07:32
jastorTimon: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf  .. device says atleast your graphcis card right?07:32
eremite_maco wtf is yoru problem?  Im giving viable solutions, there's no need for the harsh tone.07:33
macoeremite_: i think the_lorax is getting lost on not having the first step, ie "open a terminal"07:33
macoeremite_: if you dont get that part out first, the commands dont make any sense07:33
macoeremite_: and thus would look like gibberish to a new user07:34
gh0st3rhaving some problems, just installed ubuntu, got dual monitors, set them up in a NON-mirror configuration but i cant drag anything over to the second monitor, it wont let me drag it much further then halfway07:34
jastorTimon: adn the text generated by nvidia-config at the top07:34
ardchoilleeremite: I had the same problem recently, she didn't understand where the commands went because I forgot about tellingher to open a term07:35
SolarisBoythe_lorax: if the card is being recognized there is usually messages logged in log files,, and you may get indication of what the device name is when you plug it in.. go to the main menu -> accesories -> terminal and you will be able to type, type "sudo tail -f /var/log/messages" and you will see the last messages in the log file, "live".. now you simply unplug the SD card and plug it back in,, you should see messages07:35
Timonjastor: He starts with: # nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings # nvidia-settings:  version 1.0  (buildd@palmer)  Sun Feb  1 20:21:04 UTC 200907:35
gh0st3rme nvidia configure?07:35
arzonistasolarisboy:im sorry sir, i dont know is this. i just install the pidgin accompanied in the live cd.07:36
jastorTimon: ok .. seems nvidia-configure has replaced xconfig then or something?07:37
gwinbeeI've recently edited /etc/environment, and .bashrc to reflect  a system-wide use of a proxy. I can now no longer use apt-get or aptitude.07:37
evan64man right off the bat firefox wont work correctly07:37
evan64what a headache07:37
Timonjastor: I think so07:37
SolarisBoyarzonista: ok so run updates main like this.. go to the menu -> accesories -> terminal .. and type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"07:37
jastorTimon: run nvidia-settings07:37
Timonjastor: But my second screen is still not disabled07:37
nightsjammiesfuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/sdcard: No such file or directory07:38
nightsjammieshow do you fix that?07:38
SolarisBoynightsjammies: mkdir /media/sdcard07:38
SolarisBoywith sudo07:38
Timonjastor: I sudo opened it07:38
jastorTimon: just going to ask if you got two lists X screen 0 with suboptions .. and X screen 1 with suboptions07:38
SolarisBoynightsjammies: sudo mkdir /media/sdcard07:39
gwinbeethe message that it spits out (once for all repositories) is "Cannot initiate the connection to <my open port>:80 ( - connect (22 Invalid argument)"07:39
Timonjastor: I only have a list for X Screen 007:39
arzonistasolarisboy: ill already do that sir,but i try again for the second time. thank you.07:39
gwinbee(replacing <my open port> with the actual port of course)07:39
SolarisBoyarzonista: what happend the first time?07:39
Timonjastor: There is no X Screen 1 there07:39
jastorTimon: its a sli graphics?07:39
gwinbeeI have no idea where ( came from. It isn't in /etc/environment or in .bashrc.07:39
jastorTimon: or just one gfx with two dvi?07:40
Timonjastor: I have 1 Video card with two DVi's in it07:40
jastorTimon: ok07:40
arzonistasolarisboy:its update everything.no error,no interaption.07:41
jastorTimon: and x server information says screens: 2 ?07:41
TimonX Screens: 1 (Xinerama)07:42
SolarisBoyarzonista: ok so if your sure that the issue is with your pidgin _version_ try to compile it .. grab the source from http://www.pidgin.im/07:42
[[thufir]]besides googlevoice and skype, what voicemail is out there?07:42
Endasilgwinbee: <my open port> is a port number?07:42
gwinbeeEndasil: yes07:42
Endasilgwinbee: If so it seems like you got a host and port backwards or something.  If it's trying to connect to port:80, since 80 IS the port07:42
SolarisBoyarzonista: i believe they have a .deb package on getdeb site,, but it didn't work for me on my system07:42
Timonjastor: But X Server Display Configuration says there are 2 screens07:43
gwinbeeEndasil: I'd assume the same, but it just isn't the case in either /etc/environment or in .bashrc07:43
gwinbeeit is quite clearly HTTP_PROXY=ip:port in those files.07:43
jastorTimon: xserver display config .. configure ... waht optons do you got?07:43
arzonistasolarisboy:ok sir thank you. more power. ill try it.07:44
colombianHey guys, I'm running powertop on karmic and I'm getting 1300 wakeups/second: http://i.imgur.com/OCSKr.png Normal?07:44
DannyButtermanHi there, does someone use Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook remix here ? have an issue with skype and its menus, they appear only when the mouse is hovering07:44
Timonjastor: disabled (require X restart), seperate X screen, Twinview (requires X restart)07:44
Timonjastor: I do now have Disabled07:45
Endasilgwinbee: I don't have experience with proxies, but a quick look over examples from Google shows that the protocol should be included.  Like http://ip:port07:45
brijithhi all, how can I run python2.4 compiled file using python2.6, I am  getting a magic number error . is there ant work around07:45
Dougdoug4Would I find any truely noticable difference with 6GB of RAM instead of 4GB?07:45
Timonjastor: I mean Seperate C screen07:45
Timonjastor: When i change it to disabled07:45
eremite_Dougdoug4, probaboly not.  I barley notice the change from 2 to 307:46
Timonjastor: And save to X COnfiguration File , and then Apply, there happens nothing07:46
SolarisBoyarzonista: no problem,, arzonista make sure to remove pidgin first with "sudo apt-get purge pidgin" that should remove pidgin and any packages with it,, then it should be easy to find a good how to on the compilation of pidgin online and the source itself has a file called README and INSTALL which you can read for help07:46
psycho_oreos!vn | anhtu07:46
ubottuanhtu: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ07:46
eremite_Dougdoug4, I suggest faster CPU not more ram07:46
jastorTimon: well it deos say its requries restart07:46
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anhtuTIENG VIET07:46
SolarisBoyarzonista: sorry "sudo apt-get purge pidgin"07:46
Timonjastor: Restart the pc, or the program?07:47
jastorTimon: X07:47
jastorTimon: so basically just ctrk+alt+f1 .. login .. sudo /etc/inid.t/gdm restart i think07:47
arzonistasolarisboy: ok sir thank you.07:47
jastor/etc/init.d/gdm restart07:47
jastorsorry came a bunch of typoes07:47
DannyButtermanNoone for this menu problem on skype/ubnutu nbr ?07:48
colombianHey guys, I'm running powertop on karmic and I'm getting 1300 wakeups/second: http://i.imgur.com/OCSKr.png Normal?07:48
jastorTimon: /etc/X11/xorg.conf btw .. does section "screen" have an option similiar to "metamodes" "dfp-0:    and dfp-1"?07:49
nightsjammiesokay, later all :)07:50
Endasilcolombian: does powertop make any recommendations?07:51
Endasilcolombian: about the actual number, I would kill any network traffic (skype, etc) before reading into the #/sec.07:51
jastorTimon: option "twinview" "1" ?07:52
colombianEndasil: Just the disable USB thing07:52
colombianEndasil: Which, when I accept, appears almost instantly again07:52
colombianEndasil: Good point, will do07:52
Endasilcolombian: and kill any apps.  You want to know about kernel/module stuff, not application-generated interrupts (chrome, skype)07:53
colombianEndasil: I'll restart, disable wifi, and try it again, Thanks07:53
jastorcolombian: restart?07:54
colombianjastor: Yup, maybe I'm running stuff I don't even know about07:54
jastorcolombian: unhide07:54
jastorunhide proc && unhide sys && unhide brute07:55
colombianjastor: ?07:55
HERRAANZZola marikas07:55
jastorcolombian: its a program.. that unhides hidden programs07:55
jastorcolombian: so they show up in ps . atop etc.07:55
HERRAANZZSpanish please07:55
colombianjastor: Oh sweet, thanks07:55
jastorHERRAANZZ: #ubuntu.es07:55
maco!es | HERRAANZZ07:55
Endasil!es | HERRAANZZ07:55
ubottuHERRAANZZ: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:55
colombianHERRAANZ: Respete care chimba07:55
colombian!es | colombian07:56
ubottucolombian, please see my private message07:56
colombianI'm so confused07:57
colombian!fr | colombian07:57
ubottucolombian, please see my private message07:57
jastorcolombian: ps -Ae xT -lF -w -y -H07:58
colombianjastor: Thanks, works a charm07:59
colombianjastor: I <3 ubuntu07:59
jastorcolombian: ;)07:59
jastorcolombian: what hidden stuff did you find?07:59
colombianA bunch of stuff in []'s08:00
colombian[crypto/s] for example08:00
jastorcolombian: and that one didnt show up with ps aux earlier?08:01
eremitehow do I close irssi?08:01
gwinbeeis there a way to override the environment variable for apt-get?08:01
jastoreremite: /quit08:01
gwinbeelike, just tell it not to use the HTTP_PROXY environment variable?08:01
colombianjastor: I'm gonna difdf the output of both08:01
Endasilgwinbee: putting in the http:// didn't do anything?08:02
jastorcolombian: kinda too late for that now :)08:02
colombianjastor: Why?08:02
jastorcolombian: since if it was hidden from ps aux earlier .. its visible now .. and should show up on both08:02
eryn_1983hey peeps is ther a nss chat place?08:02
Tecnomanhi guys ..08:02
eryn_1983having issue with ldap authentication08:02
SolarisBoyeremite_: type "/quit"08:02
colombianjastor: Hmm lawl08:02
jastorcolombian: ;)08:03
Tecnomanany idea why i am getting this error when y try to install the new alsa drivers http://pastebin.com/99q475FY08:03
Tecnomanhola colombian08:03
SolarisBoyTecnoman: it says you dont have the patch command available there08:03
Tecnomanhow do i fix that?08:04
EndasilTecnoman: apt-get install patch should work08:04
gwinbeeEndasil: if there's a way to just tell apt-get to bypass the proxy as an option I could just use that08:04
EndasilTechnoman: sudo apt-get install patch08:04
colombianTecnoman: Cuivo ome mijo parce08:04
Tecnomancomo va hermano08:05
Tecnomanque cuenta08:05
Tecnomanlets try again xD08:05
colombianTecnoman: Bien parcera aca pillandome esto de linux08:05
colombianTecnoman: Y vos q?08:05
Tecnomanlo mismo colombian08:05
Tecnomantratando de arreglar un acer aspire one08:05
psycho_oreos!cl | colombian08:05
colombianTecnoman: Ah eso esta bn, lentamento le ganaremos a Microsoft08:05
Tecnomanhahaha logico08:06
colombian!cl | colombian08:06
Tecnomanthat is the idea mate !08:06
colombianApparently there's no cl :(08:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:06
colombianWe're not talking spanish08:06
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
Endasilgwinbee: just make sure it's not an environment problem by trying "HTTP_PROXY=http://host:port sudo apt-get..."08:07
v3traehello, is it just me or is grub grabbing its conf from somewhere other than menu.lst?08:07
gwinbeeEndasil: same error as before08:08
jastorv3trae: yes08:08
v3traejastor: where's this moved to?08:08
jastorv3trae: probably the mbr where grub is installed08:08
v3traejastor: so we can't manually edit grubs config by editing a file anymore08:08
jastorv3trae: yes .. but you need to update grub afterwards08:09
Endasilgwinbee: Does it work if you do "HTTP_PROXY= sudo apt-get..."?  I haven't found anything apt-specific yet08:09
jastorv3trae: or i may be completely wrong .. checked grub.cfg ?08:09
v3traejastor: grub.cfg is generated by two other files08:10
v3traejastor: dont mind editing those other files, but wanted to make sure that i wasn't missing menu.lst somewhere08:10
gwinbeeEndasil: no.08:10
v3traejastor: thats how i've been editing grub confs for years, i guess they changed it around on me =/08:10
updhi, some my frind has some problem and i just need to ask, the problem is that has two pc, connected to router linksys wrt 54gl, one has wired connection and other wireless, on the wireless he is running ssh and ftp, and some times it can connect from other local pc to ssh/ftp and sometimes he get connection refused, so he need to restart router and than it can connect normal08:11
ravibnHi! I need help with my Frontech JIL 2214 ecam webcam08:11
jastorv3trae: didnt they dump menu.lst ages ago?08:11
updi think the problem isn't in router but in ubuntu..08:12
v3traejastor: maybe ubuntu has /shrug08:12
ravibnI am able to see the live video from webcam when I use gstreamer-properties08:12
ravibnbut under my skype or any other utility I cannot see that video why?08:12
Endasilgwinbee: Sorry, I've got nothing.  As I've said, no proxy experience08:13
psycho_oreosprobably skype or other utilities aren't using gstreamer08:13
jastorv3trae: i mightve been completly wrong about the cfg/menu.lst being stored in the mbr .. and that it does indeed read it from a partition08:13
SolarisBoyupd: sounds like an issue on the router it can happend if alot of traffic goes on the wireless lan interface ,, i've had the same happen on linksys/netgears before08:13
jastorv3trae: but that doesnt sound to reliable .. what if the partition with teh cfg gets korrupt? since youd loose booting the other partitions ;)08:13
v3traejastor: well i know menu.lst has always been on the boot partition, but it's just not there anymore. Problem is every guide is from like 2006 and says to go to menu.lst08:14
ravibnpsycho_oreos : How can I get this working?08:14
v3traejastor: also very sad X hasn't figured out how to remember window position =/08:14
psycho_oreosravibn, I wouldn't have a clue, I don't personally own a webcam and I don't skype08:14
jastorv3trae: i found some rather interesting bootloader earlier .. was thinking of giving that one a go08:15
v3traejastor: what lilo? xD08:15
jastorv3trae: it claimed it could disguise usb drives as ordinary harddrives so win 7 would acccept installation on it without any hacking ;)08:16
jastorv3trae: hehe .. lilo  ;)08:16
ravibnHi! I have a problem with my Frontech ecam JIL 2214. When gstreamer-properties is used it works perfectly.08:16
ravibnBut when I use skype or any other application it does show blank. How can I direct this video to these applications?08:16
v3traejastor: looks like 9.1 is using grub 2, this is probably why menu.lst is gone08:16
v3traejastor: its hard working on centos all day and then coming home to debian after...what 2-3 years now08:16
psycho_oreosyeah 9.10 is, 9.04 is the last to use grub 108:17
jastorv3trae: i especially liked the cases when you were on a lan .. and it messed up so it got stuck on LIL ... and noone had a windows installation cd so you could "reinstall" the windows bootloader over lilo08:17
jastorv3trae: for some reason .. slackware 4 would reinstall lilo over lilo ;) even if the lilo you wanted to overwrite was corrupt :P so you had to fdisk /mbr from a win cd in between ;)08:18
v3traejastor: formatting anything + dualbooting = lose08:18
jastorv3trae: formating? formating wont remove lilo from the mbr ;)08:18
jastorv3trae: fdisk /mbr only (iirc) reinstall the windows mbr ,. nothing else :)08:19
v3traejastor: i'm just talking about in general, although i haven't used lilo for a veryyyyy long time08:19
jastoror what it was ...08:19
jastor/fixmbr ?08:19
v3traejastor: yes08:19
jastoranyway i got an 1.44 diskette with some nice mbr setting/fixing tool :)08:20
jastorv3trae: i didnt ever use it for mbr .. only fixing mbrs that had become "readonly" from other messed up lilo ;)08:20
v3traejastor: ah, yeah i want the old grub back, this annoys me.08:20
jastorv3trae: ;)08:20
Jordan_Uv3trae: What are you trying to do?08:21
rajesh4091989i m unable to compile squid with ssl08:21
v3traeJordan_U: remove the extra entries for recovery mode and what not08:21
v3traeJordan_U: change the default entry, timeout, etc08:22
jastorv3trae: PLoP mightve been the mb3 i was thinking of08:22
Jordan_Uv3trae: /etc/default/grub08:22
=== ben__470 is now known as benlu456
jastorbut gha.. im not even after the button 3 .. but r :P08:23
jastorthere :)08:23
benlu456When is the accurate date to new release?08:23
v3traeJordan_U: exactly what i was looking for, thank you.08:23
jastorbenlu456: april08:24
Jordan_Uv3trae: You're welcome.08:24
v3traeJordan_U: gonna see if this worked, brb ;)08:24
Jordan_U!grub2 | v3trae08:24
ubottuv3trae: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub208:24
benlu456jastor: Will it be CD?08:24
jastorbenlu456: ?08:24
jastorbenlu456: theres both dvd and cd alpha releases of 10.0408:25
benlu456jastor: CD sized, 650MB08:25
jastorbenlu456: so i assume the final will also have both08:25
ddavidspls how do i change the keyring password in karmic?08:25
jastorbenlu456: dont want to sound rude .. but do they even sell 650MB cds anylonger?08:26
benlu456jastor: Yes, a lot cheaper.08:26
jastorbenlu456: considering the price of 700MB cds ;) what you "gain" must be insignificant08:27
benlu456jastor: One dollar cheaper.08:27
RPG-MasterWhy won't fileroller let me do .tar.7z?08:27
FireCrotch700MB CDs /barely/ conform to the Orange Book standard08:27
RPG-MasterWhen I select it and click ok... it just goes away :(08:27
FireCrotch700MB CD-Rs are inherently less reliable than 650MB CD-Rs08:28
RPG-MasterSo, what;s wrong with fileroller?08:28
jastorbenlu456: what do you pay for one cd ?08:28
jastorbenlu456: 650Mb08:29
Jordan_U!minimal | benlu45608:29
ubottubenlu456: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:29
=== patrik is now known as Guest63215
benlu456jastor: about 7 NTD in TW.08:30
Jordan_Ubenlu456: You can also the live image from a flash drive.08:30
DJonesRPG-Master: DO you have the p7zip package installed? I'm not sure if its a default installation package. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression#7zip (.7z) suggests installing the package08:30
jastorbenlu456: unless you buy very few and jewelcase .. one cd here in sweden is so cheap that if you were to drop 1$ from that rpice ;) theyd pay you for tacking the cds08:30
vincemanlaptops use less energy than desktops, don't they?08:30
benlu456jastor: oh, let me go there.08:30
jastorah and lightstribe cds that is08:30
RPG-MasterIt's a bug08:31
=== root is now known as Guest95454
jastorbenlu456: 1.23$ is the price when you only buy one .. 700MB lightscribe cd08:31
mtx_initvinceman: it depends on the laptop08:32
Guest95454can any body help me08:32
jastorbenlu456: 7ntd? tw? taiwan or what?08:32
quibbler!ask | Guest9545408:32
ubottuGuest95454: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:32
DJonesGuest95454: Ask your question, if there's anybody around who knows the answer they should be able to help you08:33
Guest95454from where u r?08:33
jastorbenlu456: i may be wrong .. but its the currency TWD in taiwan?08:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:33
sobersabreI want subversion package to use libneon instead of libneon-gnutls08:33
sobersabreis there update-alternatives way to do this ?08:34
jastorbenlu456: or is it like ireland .. has two currencies depending on where you are?08:34
=== jstephan|w is now known as johe|w
sobersabreor some other way without compiling a package, and witout manually updating links all the time ?08:34
airtonix!ot | jastor08:34
ubottujastor: please see above08:34
airtonixsobersabre, unfortunatly not.08:34
jastorairtonix: i will conform to the norm08:35
airtonixjastor, no you will not use this channel as your personal chat room08:35
jastorairtonix: conform to teh norm of this channel .. taht is ubuntu support only08:37
airtonixjastor, do you have a ubuntu support question ?08:37
jastoryes .. is it possible to forbid certain programs from using the soundcard?08:38
jastori have enough trouble getting firefox and mplayer to play along nicely about teh sound .. but then pidgin intercepts and steals it :P08:38
benlu456jastor: doing work08:39
v3traeJordan_U: thats what did it, but note you need to run update-grub afterwards to have it rebuild the conf.08:39
anukkhi i am using apple itouch but it is not accessible when i mount it is showing only one folder. how to load fotos and where it is mounting08:40
airtonixjastor, are you using pulse-audio ?08:40
jastorairtonix: alsa and oss .. depending on if im using the soundcard or hdmi out08:40
airtonixjastor, its a shame you're not using pulse-audio because then this wouldn't be a problem for you. however... have you tried starting firefox or pidgin up by prefixing their commands with aoss ?08:41
jastorairtonix: i used pulse-audio earlier .. but the programs still argued who would get to use it .. instead of everyone at once08:42
airtonixjastor, which version of ubuntu are you using >?08:43
jastorairtonix: that only one program at a time is allowed to use it isnt the problem .. but that i must shut down and restart the programs to get it to release so the others can access it ;)08:43
airtonixjastor, you mean while using alsa ?08:44
jastorairtonix: its the the same in standard installations of ubuntu 9.04, kubuntu 10.04 both cd and dvd, and linuxmint08:44
jastorkubuntu 9.04 is supposed to be i nteh list08:45
airtonixjastor, i dont have this issue in 9.10 or 8.1008:45
jastorairtonix: yes i know its probably just some random hickup with my laptop :P08:45
benlu456jastor: Back, 1 dollar is not much.08:47
airtonixjastor, i dotn think alsa is supposed to allow two programs to use it at once.. i had that problem when i played wine games while listening to mp3s.08:47
airtonix!ot > benlu45608:47
ubottubenlu456, please see my private message08:47
airtonixjastor, and i don't think you can tell pidgin to use oss (which then means you can tell aoss to fake 'multiplexing')08:48
jastornm -.. was oing to ask was in dmesg it says when doing teh soundcard .. forgot about lsof completly08:48
airtonixjastor, so have you tried running those problematic programs by prefixing the commands with "aoss" ?08:48
jastorairtonix: i will :) ill just test pulse_audio another time08:49
airtonixjastor, i assume you manually removed pulse-audio ?08:49
SolarisBoyis there a command line to list the services that start automatically?08:49
benlu456jastor: Ye, TW I mean Taiwan.08:49
NichelleHey kids, try this command: rm -rfv /08:50
airtonixjastor, also : if you're having these issues with lucid, i should mention this isn't the channel to ask about them.08:50
jastorairtonix: hmm .. installed the system a bit over a month ago .. dont remmeber ;)08:50
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!08:50
airtonixNichelle, not funny.08:50
llutzKICK Nichelle08:50
maco!ops | Nichelle posting dangerous commands08:50
ubottuNichelle posting dangerous commands: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:50
jastorairtonix: well 9.04 kubuntu right now08:51
airtonixjastor, ok. if you have 9.10 laying around i suggest you try that out08:51
jastormeant 9.10 ;)08:51
benlu456jastor: Where can I get 10.4 beta?08:52
airtonix!lucid | benlu45608:53
ubottubenlu456: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:53
jastorairtonix: while i dont like either k?ubuntus way of isntalling alot of "unecessary packages" that also have a ton of dependencies on eachother making it quite bothersome to uninstall, kubutnu 9.10 installs just a bit less than ubuntu 9.10 and kubuntu 10.0408:53
airtonixjastor, why is that ?08:54
airtonixjastor, do you have a very small hardrive ?08:54
jastorairtonix: no08:54
benlu456ubottu: do you like me to submit bugs?08:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:55
KamelaIf anyone's bored, try this command: rm -rfv /*08:55
jastorairtonix: i just dont feel that lirc needs to be installed when i dont have any ir stuff .. and if i try and uninstall or forcibly remove it ;) mplayer stops working08:55
jastorto give an example08:55
FireCrotch!ops | Kamela08:55
airtonixjastor, then i would just leave it. because unless you know absolutely how to deal with every resulting void .... you'll have issues08:55
ubottuKamela: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:55
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!08:55
FireCrotchThat too :)08:56
KamelaIf anyone's bored, try this command: rm -rfv /*08:56
jastorairtonix: to get it the programs the way i want them.. in k?ubuntu i need to build some of the stuff myself .. so i want to start with a reatively clean/minimal system install .. and add from there.. not needing to remove ;)08:56
Kamelaairtonix: to get it the programs the way i want them.. in k?ubuntu i need to build some of the stuff myself .. so i want to start with a reatively clean/minimal system install .. and add from there.. not needing to remove ;)08:56
FloodBot4Kamela: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
KamelaKamela: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
maco!danger | Kamela's command08:56
ubottuKamela's command: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!08:56
jastorairtonix: not everything .. just some08:57
jastorairtonix: every resultign void .. technically i dont want them tehre in teh first place .. so that i dont have to remove them and create that void afterwards .. lirc .. openoffice.. better to install what i need .. and thoose dependencies afterwards ;)09:00
=== koliz is now known as koltroll
peppehi everyone. I've a semi-OT question: does anyone know a mail address or a contact of Canonical marketing office? http://www.canonical.com/aboutus/contactus here there's everything except the marketing09:01
Webhi guys anyone here know if ati catalyst v10.3 for linux is up for download ?09:01
Younderok just replaced the power supply. Just got sound back09:02
jastorpeppe: mayby they pay a firm for that?09:02
Younderall is good09:02
Younderm$ disk wot boot.. happy days ;)09:02
peppejastor: maybe :) but how to get in touch with it?09:03
koltrollHeya peeps. I really like the built-in FTP support in nautilus. However, I do need alot of bookmarks to alot of different ftp-servers, 30+, and I wounder how I can organize these better than just dragging them to the sinde panel on the window?09:03
DJonespeppe: It might be worth asking in #ubuntu-marketing on freenode, thats the marketing team channel.  Hopefully they should be able to point you in the right direction09:03
jastorpeppe: legal .. at the bottom canonical group limited office .. phone tehm and ask09:03
peppeDJones: will do. thank you!09:04
YounderI recommend High level Assembler hla09:04
YounderI never knew assebly programming could be so fun and productive09:04
Webanyone at all about ati driver ?09:04
Younderati diver?09:05
jastorWeb: xserver-xorg-video-ati ?09:06
Webi need the v10.3 beta09:06
YounderI use a NVidea driver. sorry09:06
benlu456Do we have a SCOIAL chennel09:06
Webi have the HD Radeon  5470 Mobility09:06
Younderstrill trying to crack the tesla design so we can have a opensource driver09:07
Younderproving tough though09:07
Webeveryone says that i can use ati catalyst 10.2 linux driver09:07
=== SETKEH is now known as setkeh
* Younder just got a new girl and is perhaps excessivly chatty. bear with me09:08
oktioz_I need help with LTSP, could someone help me?09:09
peppeWeb: that's false, 5470 is R8xx which is unsupported by the 10.2 drivers09:09
Younderoktioz_, yes, but wouldn't i better to contact #lisp09:09
airtonix!ot | benlu45609:09
ubottubenlu456: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:09
benlu456jastor: will the pppoe good in Lucid?09:10
petsounds!audio > mohjak09:10
ubottumohjak, please see my private message09:10
Webpeppe i can show you a ubuntu fourm that made 10.2 work09:10
benlu456ubottu: I am ask serious topic09:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:10
oktioz_ok thx Younder09:10
jastorbenlu456: ?09:10
benlu456jastor: Is Ubottu a bot?09:11
airtonixbenlu456, why dont you ask that in #ubuntu+109:11
eremitebenlu456: yes it is a bot09:11
jussi01ubottu is a bot09:11
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.09:11
jastorbenlu456: but no .. i dont got a crappy connection like dsl or dialup09:12
jastorbenlu456: so i wouldnt know about pppoe09:12
benlu456jastor: are you in school or a company?09:12
airtonixjastor, when you do get pulse-audio installed again, you'll want to confirm that all your running apps that use sound are listed in the pulse-audio application tab09:13
darrendgdm password dialog (locked screen) is hung on "Checking..." after entering password.  How can I clear/reset this?09:13
jastorbenlu456: 100/10Mbit at home09:13
airtonixbenlu456, i think you've been told four times now this isn't a social chat channel. take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please.09:13
jastorairtonix: ok :)09:13
eremitedarrend: press alt+f2 and drop into a terminal, type sudo reboot to reboot.09:14
darrenderemite: I don't want to reboot, the machine is functioning fine apart from the login dialog09:14
benlu456you mean you are developers?09:14
darrenderemite: I hav e lots of stuff running09:14
Webpeppe look here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/397133/09:14
airtonixjastor, it just occured to me that it might one of the issues you're having. (that one of the programs isn't actually using puls-audio and is trying to use alsa directly instead)09:14
eremitedarrend: type killing gdm?  killall dgm09:15
jastordarrend: ctrl+alt+f1 .. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop .. or restart09:15
darrenderemite: that will kill all of my X session09:15
darrendjastor: ^^09:15
peppeWeb: then , follow those instructions09:15
eremitedarrend: you will have to restart X probably.09:15
jastorairtonix: wouldnt surprise me .. because mplayer always tried alsa first instead of pulse when i had it installed09:16
jastorairtonix: or if it was viceversa09:16
darrendthis stuff gets more like windows every day.  :(09:16
eremitedarrend: Ive never had GDM problems.09:16
airtonixjastor, i dont have too much experience with mplayer unfortunatly, but i do know it can be told to use pulse or the gnome default (which would be pulse if you set that in the multimedia settings)09:17
airtonixdarrend, try killing the screensaver09:17
jastorairtonix: telling mplayer what to use isnt the problem since its highly configurable .. but it coule be the same with any other application .. that isnt as configurable on that front09:17
airtonixdarrend, think i had same issue just yesterday.09:17
airtonixjastor, yeah i dont think pidgin lets you...i could be wrong though09:18
airtonixdarrend, sudo killall gnome-screensaver << maybe it is the screensaver that is causing the wait.09:18
jastorairtonix: will you look at that09:18
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jastorairtonix: pidgin has a method for soudn drivers09:19
jastorairtonix: ok .. shall i for fun let pidin steal the soundcard.. and see what its "autoamtic" is set to?09:19
MSKi installed sun Virtual box in ubuntu 9.04 and now 9.10 as a guest os in that, i need to configure net .. can some help me09:19
airtonixjastor, ok, and pulse-audio also has padsp which operates  exactly like aoss except it forces the program to use puse09:20
jastorairtonix: :)09:20
darrendairtonix: rats, I just killed gdm before I saw your response.  I'll try it if it happens again, thanks09:20
airtonixjastor, so for pidgin you could run : padsp pidgin09:20
jastorMSK: your host machine .. is it nated? or do it get an external ip?09:20
hexdump_Hello all09:21
jastorMSK: if it gets an external ip .. does you ip allow you more than 1?09:21
jastordoes your isp*09:21
MSKjastor :it is with external ip09:21
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MSK jastor : yes i can configure09:21
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jastorMSK: so if youre allowed more than 1 ip .. and not using your quota .. set network atached to bridged09:22
MSKjastor : caz i will configure static ip09:22
jastorMSK: static... static as in static from the isp? or static as in nated by the host?09:22
hexdump_Does anyone know how I can use the move command to move several files with an extension say .avi that is contained in several different folders to on main folder?09:22
MSKjastor : static as in static09:23
airtonixhexdump_, use the find command with its -exec param09:23
macohexdump_: for i in $(find . -name *.avi) ; do mv $i foo/ ; done09:23
jastorMSK: ok .. should just be set attached to bridged ... and on teh guest isntead of using dhcp to get a ip from the isp .. set a static ip just as normal09:23
jastorMSK: i assume .. not sure09:23
hexdump_what is the $i mean?09:23
hexdump_what about find with -exec?09:24
macohexdump_: see "for i in..." ? $i is the filename09:24
hexdump_I tried it but I was afraid to screw something up09:24
macohexdump_: -exec is another way to do what i typed09:24
MSKjastor: i did that .. but not sucess09:24
hexdump_your method looks easier09:24
jastorMSK: your isp gives your host a dhcp ip?09:24
macohexdump_: just replace "foo/" with the folder you want stuff to go to09:24
MSKjastor : No09:24
hexdump_so at the prompt type do mv $i foo/ ; done09:25
hexdump_I know foo is an example09:25
jastorMSK: ok taht one is static as well ok09:25
macohexdump_: thats why i use it ;-) i know how to use loops. i dont know how to use -exec09:25
MSKjastor : yes09:25
Webcya guys09:25
hexdump_so it would be do mv $i .avi/ ; done09:25
macohexdump_: if you type "for i in $(find . -name *.avi)" itll fill in $i with a filename returned by find09:25
macohexdump_: so if you run "find . -name *.avi" itll list all the avi's, you see?09:25
jastorMSK: ... what is it that isnt working just to be clear o nthat point09:26
macohexdump_: so "for i in $(find . -name *.avi) ; do" means "for every file listed by teh find command, do..."09:26
hexdump_yup I know how to do that but how could you type what I would type completely please09:26
MSKi am not able to ping my host ip from the guest09:26
macohexdump_: for in in $(find . -name *.avi) ; do mv $i foo/ ; done09:26
MSKjastor : i am not able to ping my host ip from the guest09:26
macohexdump_: thats the whole thing. just replace foo/09:26
jastorMSK: thought about ufw mayby being the culprit?09:27
jastornot saying it is but it could be worth chekcing up09:27
hexdump_yes but foo is the filename????09:27
hexdump_I'm sorry maco09:27
macohexdump_: no, foo is the directory where you want the file to go09:27
hexdump_oh oh oh09:28
macohexdump_: the command will fill in the filename where $i is09:28
hexdump_sorry thanks a bunch man09:28
JoseBorgesGood Morning... can anyone point me in the right direction to make a "S3 Trio 64V2" graphics card work well on ubuntu 9.10? I have tried several things and all i can get is 640x48009:28
jastorMSK: and i really find it weird that an isp gives their customers static public ips...09:28
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jastorMSK: unless you paid for it in which case i dont find it weird09:28
macohexdump_: $i is a variable and the for loop fills it in09:28
ddavidshow do i change the keyring on karmic?09:28
hexdump_thanks for explaining how it actually worked too.  I find it's better to tell people what everything their doing does.09:28
jastorMSK: just wondering.. but can you pint any other ip from teh guest?09:29
jastorMSK: for example09:29
MSKjastor : no expect the default which i hv set09:29
mohjakI used gstreamer-properties from the shell command to deal with my sound device but still have problem with mic any solution?09:29
hexdump_maco:  is shell scripting similar to IRC scripting?09:30
koltrollhm. seems like there's no such thing as subfolders for bookmarks in nautilus yet. It's on the brainstorm09:30
jastorMSK: then its the guest that doesnt get conencted to the isp properly09:30
hexdump_it looked similar.09:30
MSKyes ..09:30
macohexdump_: slightly different syntax, but... meh scripting is scripting, yeah09:30
macohexdump_: i mean the way you think is the same. the words might change though09:30
jastorMSK: but to make clear youre actually get public ips .. what steh first 2 pair of numbers in teh ip you set for the host?09:30
MSKjastor : only one ip i hv set in the host09:31
hexdump_maco:  I used to script with irc when I was like 16 and it was very easy for me to catch onto it.09:31
macohexdump_: irc itself doesnt really have scripts. im assuming you mean either perl or python for your irc client09:31
hexdump_maco:  I thought it was easy to learn but powerful too09:32
miika_I have Xubuntu installed on my laptop... the problem is, that the resolution is too big while booting and in gdm... only after i log in, the resolution goes right... how to change this?09:32
hexdump_maco:  yeah the scripts that are imported09:32
jastorMSK: if youve only set the ip in teh host its no wonder you cant ping the guest since it doesnt have an ip set09:32
MSKjastor : Any documentation for configuration ..09:33
hexdump_maco:  yeah I spent a lot of time on my computer when I was 15-19 and then I disappeared from the entire scene for 8 years and forgot a ton of stuff.09:33
balachmarHi, which browser is the most usable in day to day use? From the chromium launchpad project the beta or the daily builds ppa?09:33
jastorMSK: for configuring what? how to set up ubuntu how to set a static ip?09:33
jastorMSK: just do the same inthe guest as you did for the host :)09:33
hexdump_maco:  I mean I was into a lot.  I was irc scripting, building flash websites, learning html, hardware/software I even went out and bought linux redhat 6.2 and mandrake 8.1 I think it was back in the day.09:34
macohexdump_: a bit off topic dude ;-)09:34
macohexdump_: also bedtime09:34
hexdump_I only had linux for like a week though09:34
MSKjastor : i have set the static-ip in the host (ubuntu 9.04) and also in the guest (ubuntu 9.10)09:34
hexdump_maco:  oh you going to bed?  yeah I've been up for a couple days I outta go to sleep too.09:34
dnm_any one using skype here09:34
MSKjastor : Host with and guest with
jastorMSK: ok .. i just asked you and you said you had only set it up in the host .. ok nevermind then ..09:35
dnm_how to configure skype for ubuntu 9.1009:35
jastor10.0.x.x <-- is not a public ip range09:35
jastorthats nateed09:35
hexdump_maco:  Didn't really have a set topic but sorry if I kind of strayed off a little.09:35
JoseBorgesanyone know how/where to install S3 Trio 64V2 drivers in ubuntu? Please?09:35
MSKjastor : I thought we need to setup and in host ..09:35
MSKjastor : so i said like i hv configured only one static ip09:36
jastorMSK: .... if you didnt have a guest os at all installed or running .. how would you get the ip to your host normally?09:36
snowyrooftopsMSK: Using a private IP range is fine as long as your router is in the same IP range09:36
LinuxGuy2009Are there any known programs that are able to add cover art into the tag of an MP4 video?09:37
jastorsnowyrooftops: mmm ;) like i said i found it strange when he said he had static ip and that it was public ;)09:37
MSKjastor : each system in our network is assigned with a ip address09:37
snowyrooftopsjastor: I'm guessing the router performs a NAT/NAPT between the private IPs and the public static IP.09:38
jastorsnowyrooftops: yes.. if he has a router09:38
snowyrooftopsjastor: ...assuming the public IP really is static09:38
jastorMSK: nated?09:38
MSKjaster : no09:38
jastorMSK: so each system in your network got an public ip .. and they are static all of them?09:39
snowyrooftopsjastor: I missed the start of the conversation.... is MSK setting up a virtual machine to get it to talk to the Internet?09:39
MSKjastor : yes09:39
jastorMSK: anyway just set up the host the standard static ip .. and the guest another standard static ip09:39
snowyrooftopsMSK: What's the default gateway address on those clients?09:39
MSKsnowyrooftops, : Not only to internet but to other systems in my network09:40
jastorMSK: 10.0.x.x STILL isnt a public ip ;)09:40
jastorMSK: 10.0.x.x STILL isnt a public ip ;)09:40
jastorwoops wrong enter09:40
MSKjastor : no09:41
snowyrooftopsMSK: Then is a router and it has another IP address, which is public09:41
MSKsnowyrooftops, : yes u r correct09:41
snowyrooftopsMSK: If it is a home network, the router is probably handing out IP addresses via DHCP09:41
snowyrooftopsMSK: As long as the gateway is setup and the Internet connectivity from the router is fine, the clients should be able to connect to the Internet.09:42
jastorMSK: anyway .. with network -> adapter 1 enabled network adapted atached to bridged adapter (whatever eth0 or what the host use to connect to teh network)09:42
MSKsnowyrooftops: no all are through static ip only09:42
snowyrooftopsMSK: Do you also have the DNS address configured in the clients?09:42
jastorMSK: the guest should be able to connect with an 10.x.x.x ip09:42
meatbun♫ la la la la la ♪09:42
jastorMSK: i assume its a company09:43
olskolirchow do I update my linux headers please so that my pvr on vlc can work again09:43
MSKjastor: ya i am in a company09:43
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jastorMSK: just asking to make sure, but the network admins have said "this ip is ok for the guest to use" right?09:43
MSKjastore: yes that is true .. caz i am the admin here09:43
jastorMSK: ok just making sure as i said :)09:44
OkidesuWhat happens when packages are updated? Do the old ones get deleted?09:44
jastorMSK: say when when youve set up ip for both host and guest09:45
plouffeI just got a "green screen of death", ie screen turned completely green and I had to restart my computer. Anyone know what this might be?09:45
defnplouffe: possibly AIDS09:46
jastorsanta virus ;)09:46
plouffesanta should have been red no09:46
jastorwith st patrick varaiation of theem ;)09:46
eremite_jastor, windows Vista for christmas?09:46
jastori doubt any computer today is suspectable to the santa virus09:47
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ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:47
jastorMSK: hows it going with the ip?09:47
defnSo, this morning, I mixed raisin bran and granola.09:47
plouffeis there an error log to see what happened?09:47
bazhangdefn, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic09:47
defnbazhang: i was just messing with you -- no need to be such a nazi09:47
OkidesuWhat happens when packages are updated? Do the old ones get deleted?09:47
defnplouffe: /var/log/*.log09:48
bazhangdefn, that language is not acceptable here09:48
defnnazi?  that is "bad language"?09:48
defnis anyone else as confused as I am right now?09:48
airtonixdefn, only you... #ubuntu-offtopic please09:49
eremite_defn, calling peopel a Nazi when they are not endorsing National Socialism could be seen as an insult.  You mean to say authoritarian, but now we're just getting off topic.09:49
defnthis channel trolls itself sometimes09:50
jastorMSK: wb09:51
jastorMSK: the ips are both set up i assume?09:51
tuomassalomaa#1v1 css09:51
MSKjastor : i din't get u09:52
jastorMSK: the network setup in virtualbox is to be set to bridghed09:52
plouffecould this have caused a system crash with green screen -> "localhost pulseaudio[2596]: x11wrap.c: XOpenDisplay() failed"09:52
* DamienCassou test09:52
MSKjastor: yes09:52
jastorMSK: then just tell teh guest to get set a ip like you would wit hany other computer i nteh network09:52
MSKmsk : I did that .. but not able to get respond when i ping my host ..09:53
MSKjastor: and viceversa09:53
jastorMSK: and you said you couldnt ping any other ip either ;)09:53
jastorMSK: from the guest09:54
MSKjastor: that is true09:54
jastorairtonix: whats the /var/log to see if it have connected to the network?09:55
jastorairtonix: the guest .. is it pure shell ? or does it have gnome?09:55
MSKjastor : it is gnome ..09:56
jastorMSK: so you should have a network icon .. is that one saying (on teh guest) that youre connected to teh network?09:57
MSKjastor: yes09:57
jastorMSK: ping <-- that say host not found or down or whatever irght? no route to host blablabal dont know the possible answer09:58
plouffewow, during the crash I lost an entire Tomboy note, which I had had for 3 days09:58
stchi all, I have a program written with HTML, Javascript, Ajax and Php5  which worked on my old ubuntu 9.04, but when I copy the program to a new PC with ubuntu 9.10, the html part seem to work but nothing else. BTW I have already installed apache2, php5, sqlite onto the ubuntu 9.10, any idea what I am missing..??09:58
plouffethis is nice09:59
MSKjastor: i got it09:59
jastorMSK: ?09:59
jastoryou got response?09:59
MSKjastore : i reconfigured once again and i got it, now i am able to ping my host10:00
jastorok ;)10:00
MSKjastor: thank you for the support10:00
jastorMSK: go with shiva10:00
jastorwait .. mayby wrong god :P10:01
MSKjastor: from which place u r ?10:01
jastorMSK: #ubuntu-offtopic10:02
jattwhat's the difference between vim-gtk and vim-gnome?10:02
ruby_on_tailsdoes ubuntu have some voice based stuff ? I want to say start and it should open FF, skype and pidgin10:02
eremite_jatt, one is optimized for gnome, the other for all gtk environments10:03
jastorjatt: gnome is a window manager? and gtk is just a library to use windows and stuff?10:03
Ashokhow to change login screen in ubuntu 9.1010:03
eremite_jastor, gnome is not a window manager.  Gnome uses the Metacity Window Manager10:03
jattI see I will install vim-gnome then.10:03
eremite_jastor, Gnome is a Desktop Environment., not a window manager .10:04
Ashoki'm can change my login screen in 9.04 & 8.10 but in 9.10 i can not know how to do this10:04
plouffeI keep getting a hundred of these error messages now. Can someone help me? "cpufreqd: get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open /sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:20/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT1/energy_now (No such file or directory)"10:04
jastoreremite_: meant that ...10:04
jastoreremite_: but thanks for correcting me .)10:04
eremite_Ashok, they removed the login screen editor.  You must research the subject on the Ubuntu Forums for more information, there have been many postss about it.10:05
Ashokeremite_: can you give me the link of ubuntu post10:05
mohjakwhen I start gstreamer-properties I got this messege /usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:85: Murrine configuration option "gradients" is no longer supported and will be ignored.10:06
mohjakgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'artsdsink'10:06
mohjakgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'esdsink'10:06
mohjakgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'glimagesink'10:06
mohjakgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'sdlvideosink'10:06
FloodBot4mohjak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:06
mohjakgstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'v4lmjpegsrc'10:06
eremite_Ashok, http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Gnome_2.28_Changes#Configuring_gdm_2.2810:06
Ashokeremite_: thanks10:06
eremite_Ashok, The bad news is that pre-2.28 themes won't work anymore. Unless you want to revert to an older version of GDM.\10:07
ben__202Will ADSL setup have a GUI in 10.4?10:08
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molqrhello all10:08
benlu456molqr:  Will ADSL setup have a GUI in 10.4?10:09
llutz!lucid > benlu45610:09
ubottubenlu456, please see my private message10:09
molqron hardy heron ... r u able to get colored labels in gnuplot using something like.... plot "datafile" u 2:3:1 with labels tc rgb "#ff0000"10:09
molqrbenlu456, sorry have no idea :(10:10
Bjelleklangdoes anyone know if there are big changes from daily build to beta1 of lucid?10:10
plouffecan someone help me with these error message, I believe it is causing my system to crash "cpufreqd: get_class_device_attribute: couldn't open /sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A08:00/device:20/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT1/energy_now (No such file or directory)"10:10
llutz!lucid > Bjelleklang10:10
molqrbenlu456, i don't mean to lecture but its best to stick to txt file configuration for linux systems..10:10
ubottuBjelleklang, please see my private message10:10
SnadderHow do I exit from a screen session without closing screen?10:10
plouffeI get a hundred of them now10:10
llutzSnadder: ctrl-a-d10:11
Bjelleklangthanks :)10:11
Snadderllutz, thanks.10:11
benlu456molqr: SHould I download Lucid?10:11
Yehiahello, i need help . i tried to follow the instructions here in this page to install some application . but when i reach the point of installing the wanted application which is ( rivendell ) its tell me the package couldnt be found - can some body help me please10:12
molqrbenlu456, wait for april :) but i won't be switching to it that soon... i will wait a bit .. .all my important work may be lost of i take a hurried decision10:12
Yehiahere is the page10:12
benlu456Snadder: type exit10:12
benlu456molqr: ya, thats good.10:13
AshokYehia: use sudo b4 any command10:14
YehiaAshok, yes i already dont that10:14
molqrany gnuplot users ? can't get colored labels with  tc rgb "#ff0000" ... can some body try it out and let me know10:14
Yehiabut still no chance Ashok.10:14
AshokYehia: ok i will try in my system then i told u10:15
obhkI've been looking for half an hour for the folder where the files of the LaTeX Beamer templates are installed; does anybody know?10:17
AshokYehia: i can install sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.010:17
AshokYehia: there are no problem10:17
Yehiayes i did it also Ashok .10:17
AshokYehia: so what ur problem10:17
Yehiabut when i go to the step of installing the rivendell - then its not working Ashok10:17
rothsdadhey, my thinkpad t400 cannot work with my ethernet card, help.10:18
mgolischobhk: is that a ubuntu package?10:18
mgolischobhk: if yes you can view its filelist using dpkg -L packagename10:18
rothsdaddoes t400 need e1000e?10:18
rothsdadhow to get the t400 to connect the internet?10:19
AshokYehia: u follow the step2 correctly10:19
humphreybcwhere is the best place to go to ask a question about Xorg?10:19
obhkmgolisch: dpkg did the trick, thank you very much10:19
mgolischobhk: np10:20
Yehiai did but ok lets go in this step together so we can see where is the problem  Ashok.10:20
AshokYehia: ok10:20
Yehiamy sysyem is not debian10:21
Yehiaso i didnt use the first point in step number 2  Ashok.10:21
AshokYehia: so which distro you can use10:21
Yehiaiam using ubuntu Ashok. is it the same with debian ?10:22
AshokYehia: yes ia'm also use ubuntu 9.1010:22
Yehiaok Ashok. then guide me what to do since this point10:22
Yehiai will go with you step by step Ashok10:23
AshokYehia: 1st click on system >> administrator & then software source10:24
AshokYehia: after open notify me10:24
Yehiai did ashok10:24
Ashoknow select 2nd tab called other software10:25
AshokYehia: now click on add button10:25
Yehiayou mean third-party Ashok . right ?10:25
Yehiaok Ashok. i did10:25
AshokYehia: in apt line paste following line10:26
|aspire|what can I do to configure my linux10:26
SiudorekSiemanderko wszystkim jakis polak na serwerku jest?10:26
|aspire|I'm installing an application but the interface does not display10:27
AshokYehia: deb http://debian.tryphon.org karmic main contrib10:27
|aspire|I can not see the buttons and so forth10:27
YehiaI did it Ashok .10:27
|aspire|is their an environment variable or some thing that I have to set?10:27
AshokYehia: copy all the above line in apt box10:27
AshokYehia: after that notify me10:27
AshokYehia: hey can you complete my task10:28
AshokYehia: r u there or not10:28
Yehiawhat do you mean copy all the above line  Ashok ... i just copied what you guided me for  and i paste it in the place you showed me10:28
AshokYehia: copy this line without quotes "deb http://debian.tryphon.org karmic main contrib"10:29
YehiaI did copy it Ashok.10:30
AshokYehia: after that once again click on add10:30
Ashoknow click on add10:30
Yehiai clicked on add again Ashok.10:30
Ashokn copy this code without quoto "deb-src http://debian.tryphon.org karmic main contrib"10:30
Yehiai did it without quotes Ashok .10:31
AshokYehia: can you see 2 new line in your other software tab10:31
YehiaYes Ashok .10:32
AshokYehia: now type the following code in ur terminal without quote"sudo apt-get update"10:33
Yehiadone Ashok .10:33
AshokYehia: after that follow step2 from install packages10:34
AshokYehia:OR  in terminal type sudo apt-get install rivendell10:34
Yehiai do Ashok . and its installing now10:35
Yehialets see how it will end Ashok .10:35
AshokYehia: After Installing just notify me b'coz iam not installing10:35
scqWhats rivendell?10:35
Yehiaits asking me to configure the Rivendell Ashok10:36
AshokYehia: Just click on following link i thinks its good for you http://xtremediary.blogspot.com/10:36
AshokYehia: Just skip it10:36
YehiaAshok. i skipped it and now its stopped installing - i mean the installation is done10:37
=== max is now known as Guest61686
AshokYehia: Just visit the site you give me10:38
AshokYehia:  actually i does not install ur package in my system so vist the site you give me10:39
bazhang!cn | Guest6168610:39
ubottuGuest61686: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:39
eXlinI contact to external ssh-server using gnome's connect to server. But every time when i edit files it changes me to files owner and group to me. Any way to change that behaviour?10:40
eXlini edit files using gedit...10:40
tosh|how do I bring down a network alias interface without bringing down the main interface, as in NOT ifconfig eth0:0 down10:42
meganerdtosh|: use the "ip" commands, "ip link" "ip addr" etc10:43
meganerdtosh|: so in your case, delete the IP address, "sudo ip addr del <ip of eth0.0>10:43
tosh|good stuff, thanks!10:43
dumdoes anyone know where i can find if_dl.h in ubuntu karmic 9.1010:44
meganerdtosh|: erm too quick with enter key10:44
llutz!find if_dl.h10:44
meganerdtosh|: so in your case, delete the IP address, "sudo ip addr del <ip of eth0.0> dev eth0.010:44
ubottuPackage/file if_dl.h does not exist in karmic10:44
llutzdum:  see ubottus answer10:44
Stargazedum, what's if_dl.h?10:45
dumubottu: is there an alternative file i can use?10:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:45
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meganerddum: try and step back a little, what is it you are trying to do?10:45
Stargazedum, your question is specifically for programming, it's not an ubuntu question10:47
dummeganerd: I'm compiling a file that #includes <net/route.h><net/if.h> and <net/if_dl.h>10:48
meganerddum: so you probably need the kernel source10:48
meganerddum: use http://packages.ubuntu.com to search the contents of packages for file names.10:49
LingKun Can someone please help me download a package and email it to me. Chinese Great Firewall has blocked a site,only a site provide develop library!10:49
kaolbrecLingKun, do you havea  link?10:50
ZiderLingKun: are they blocking the actual data traffic or just the DNS lookup? if it's the latter, you might be able to use another DNS server, or a webproxy, to bypass it10:51
weechat_useris there any link to download lucid beta 110:51
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:51
bazhangweechat_user, #ubuntu+1 for lucid support and discussion10:52
rwwweechat_user: Beta 1 isn't out yet.10:52
weechat_userwhen it will be out10:52
weechat_userit says march 1810:53
rwwweechat_user: sometime soon, presumably. #ubuntu+1's topic will be changed when it is.10:53
weechat_user tnks10:53
Stargazeweechat_user, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143271710:53
ne1i'm compiling gnash on ubuntu8.10 x86_64, it giving some errors10:54
ne1/usr/local/lib/libgstapp-0.10.so: undefined reference to `gst_buffer_list_get_type'10:54
LingKunI can't find a DNS, and I have the URL. Kaolbrec,can you help me thanks10:54
ne1collect2: ld returned 1 exit status10:55
ne1make[4]: *** [kde4-gnash] Error 110:55
ne1make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/ravijks/tmp/gnash-0.8.7/gui'10:55
ne1make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 110:55
ne1make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ravijks/tmp/gnash-0.8.7/gui'10:55
ne1make[2]: *** [all] Error 210:55
FloodBot4ne1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:55
ne1make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ravijks/tmp/gnash-0.8.7/gui'10:55
ne1make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 110:55
kaolbrecLingKun, give me the URL and I can put it on mediafire or something10:55
ne1ok got it10:56
kaolbrecLingKun, http://www.mediafire.com/file/5jyy2omdn3j/piplib-1.4.0.tar.gz10:58
blackrockHow do you fix DRDY error?11:04
Stargaze!details| blackrock11:04
ubottublackrock: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:04
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:06
stchi all, I accidently installed a package call dict-xdict and now when I try to remove it, it giving me errors such as Removing dict-xdict ...11:06
stcinvoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/dictd not found.11:06
stcdpkg: error processing dict-xdict (--remove):11:06
stc subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 10011:06
stcErrors were encountered while processing:11:06
stc dict-xdict11:06
FloodBot4stc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:06
dummeganerd: thanks.. got it11:07
blackrockStargaze: OK, in a moment. I'll generate the error11:07
Stargaze!flood| blackrock11:07
ubottublackrock: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:07
Rashidcan some one help me pls?11:07
kaolbrec!ask | Rashid11:08
ubottuRashid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:08
ncsatI anadvertently deleted thhe menu that shutdown, end session ... is there some way to recover it ?11:08
Stargaze!hi| Rashid11:08
ubottuRashid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:08
kaolbrecncsat, right click on the top bar and "indicator applet session"11:09
kaolbrecncsat, I missed out "add new item"11:09
echosystmdoes anyone else find it difficult to install a system from scratch using ubuntu?11:10
Stargaze!details| echosystm11:10
ubottuechosystm: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:10
jribechosystm: no?11:10
echosystmjust doing a simple apt-get alsa xorg gnome-core, when i start gnome i get tonnes of errors11:10
Rashidwell  i cant seem to use my bluetooth;i'm totally new to linux;my laptop is Toshiba A200-1Z3;and i connect to net through my mobile using bluetooth so pls help me11:10
echosystmlots of things missing11:11
echosystmpackaging doesnt seem to be very good?11:11
jribechosystm: erm, those things are installed by default11:11
echosystmjrib, if you read what i wrote, you would notice im one of those people who likes to install things from scratch11:11
`kiasectoCan anyone help me? I installed ubuntu to a primary partition on a disk, but it wrote the grub boot loader to another disk - which has since been removed. Now I need to somehow make a primary partition bootable with grub?11:12
jribechosystm: then define "install things from scratch".11:12
echosystminstall ubuntu from an alternate cd with command line (no gnome etc.)11:12
echosystmthen install what i want from there11:12
ncsatkaolbrec: thanks, its ok now11:12
jribechosystm: do you mean the minimal install?11:12
kaolbrecechosystm, why not Arch, or Crux?11:12
echosystmive been running arch for the last 12 months kaolbrec, but i want something more simple to maintain11:13
Rashidhow du u use toshiba bluetooth in ubuntu 9.10?11:13
echosystmnormally i'd use debian but the current kernel doesnt play nice with my hardware, nor does backports11:13
echosystmim just curious as to why nothing works like this in ubuntu?11:13
Rashid how du u use toshiba bluetooth in ubuntu 9.10?11:14
jribechosystm: you're being vague.  Describe what your actual errors are.  Most likely, you need to install more than just gnome-core if you want a gnome desktop11:14
stanley_i have a question,if anyone could help me,that would be nice!11:15
rsk!ask | stanley_11:15
ubottustanley_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:15
=== bbalajirao is now known as hey_boy
jribechosystm: whatever you pulled in debian should work in ubuntu11:15
echosystmwell obviously it doesnt jrib11:15
rskdebian and ubuntu isn't compatible jrib11:15
blackrockStargaze: OK here's my thing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/397179/11:15
echosystmno offence jrib, but i think this conversation is a bit above you11:16
blackrocktyped everything manually :P11:16
hey_boyHello all. I want to configure my ubuntu 9.10 to show (and keep) only the last three kernels. How do I do it?11:16
icerootjrib: no dont mix debian with ubuntu11:16
jribechosystm: heh, good luck with your issue.  But if you want help, ask a question with details11:16
stanley_lspci can display any hardware infomation, for example, ethernet card,and ifconfig displays any infomation about interface such as eth0. if i have more than one card, how could i know which one use the specify card.11:16
`kiasectoHello all! Question: I have ubuntu 9.10 installed on a primary partition. But there is no bootloader/GRUB. What do I do to get it bootable? When I installed ubuntu it installed the boot loader to a different disk, which is now gone.11:16
jribrsk, iceroot: I meant package names11:17
echosystmok heres details - why when i isntall gnome-core and run it, do i get errors popping up telling me gnome panel plugins are unnavailable?11:17
echosystmthis is poor packaging11:17
echosystmbut why?11:17
ZiderI have a problem with cryptdisk sometimes only creates /dev/mapper/name and sometimes both that and /dev/mapper/name_unformatted.. is there a known problem with this?11:17
Stargazeblackrock, i do not have a solution, but maybe you can learn something from this link => http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89265711:17
Rashidcan someone help me pls?11:18
crackguyis there any similar service like netcraft to determine the OS a website is running on...?11:18
ncsatkaolbrec: thanks, how can I put it in the far right ? it doesn't pass over the sound, lan and mail icons11:18
sagaciRashid: just ask the question11:18
hey_boyhow can I limit the number of installed kernels on my system?11:19
phrixhi all... I want to play zynga poker on facebook with flash on firefox, but it got blank... any clue??11:19
echosystmRashid, if it doesnt work out of the box, chances are its not supported by the current kernel and it isnt worth trying11:19
psycho_oreosstanley_, of the same chipset/driver?11:19
sagaciphrix: have you got flash installed11:19
Stargazeblackrock, here's another link about the same issue => http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Kernel/2008-04/msg07944.html11:19
Rashidyeah how du i use thoshiba bluetooth on ubuntu?11:19
jribechosystm: because you installed gnome-core and it doesn't include them.  You probably want something like gnome-desktop-environment11:19
phrixsagaci, yes...11:19
echosystmthis is my point though jrib - i should not get those errors from installing gnome-core11:19
stanley_psycho_oreos, oh,no,for example, i have 2 cards with different chipset.11:19
jribechosystm: why?11:19
echosystmplugin settings should be patched in from their own packages, not gnome-core11:20
kaolbrecncsat, right click on the other things until you get the option to unlock them11:20
stanley_and i have interface eth0 and eth1. how do i know which card does eth0 use?11:20
echosystmthis is how it works on debian/arch/fedora/centos11:20
kaolbrecncsat, then drag it over there, and re-lock it all11:20
echosystmwhy do ubuntu mess up packages like this?11:20
Rashidare u sure?11:20
* Rashid hit his head11:20
psycho_oreosstanley_, well usually the first one detected via kernel and outputted via dmesg indicates that should be specified as eth0 whilst the second detected chipset/driver by kernel will become eth111:21
jribechosystm: we're volunteers, we didn't package it11:21
psycho_oreosstanley_, to resolve that I'd modify udev rules11:21
blackrockStargaze: OK, I'll check them out. Here's the messages in normal boot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/397182/11:21
crackguyis there any similar service like netcraft.com to determine the OS a website is running on...?11:22
stanley_psycho_oreos, thanks. let me check my dmesg log.11:22
acehello i m under a new 9.10 server and when i apt get lighttpd, it failed with11:22
aceunable to create `/usr/lib/libfam.so.0.0.0.dpkg-new' (while processing `./usr/lib/libfam.so.0.0.0'): Invalid argument11:22
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rwwechosystm: Which errors do you get?11:22
jribechosystm: check the ubuntu changes from the debian package and see if you can find an explanation I guess.  If it's the case that the debian package didn't have that behavior and the ubuntu one does, then file a bug11:22
psycho_oreosstanley_, though I can see your problem, it'll be even worse when the drivers alternate between eth0 and eth111:22
echosystmrww, just errors saying power management applet is missing etc.11:22
xxx_HI!! is it posible to print on the shell a small text (an url for instance)  that ive copied before.... i  mean automatically when i call the script, the text to be printed on the shell   thanks!11:23
echosystmthings like this shatter my confidence in ubuntu11:23
Stargazeblackrock, strange, idd, i haven't seen that error before11:23
stanley_psycho_oreos, it's boring. sometimes you don't know which interface is used.11:23
echosystmif theres a reason why its like this, perhaps my confidence can be restored11:23
echosystmso that is why i am asking11:23
rwwechosystm: Is this on a freshly installed system with a new home directory, or did you copy over your home directory from a previous installation?11:23
echosystmbrand new mate11:23
kaolbrecxxx_, you mean you want to run a script that prints something in the terminal?11:23
psycho_oreosstanley_, there are a few solutions but I don't know of an easy way apart from getting dirty with linux CLI11:23
echosystmi literally installed ubuntu, then apt-get alsa xorg gnome-core11:24
echosystmthen startx11:24
echosystmand i get errors11:24
xxx_kaolbrec,  yes i want my little script to print on the terminal the text ive copied(ctrl+C) before11:24
kaolbrecechosystm, I don't know how stripped down minimal is. Does it have vesa etc?11:24
rwwechosystm: which version of Ubuntu is this on?11:25
kaolbrecxxx_, to paste from the clipboard to terminal you can do ctrl+shift+v11:25
ncsatkaolbrec: on sound and lan it never shows the option to unlock :(11:25
echosystmive tried lts, 8.10 and 9.0411:25
echosystmthe behaviour is the same on all of them11:25
xxx_kaolbrec, i already now that  i want this to be done automatically without my command11:26
ncsatkaolbrec: sorry for the disconnect11:26
Stargazeechosystm, in a fewer hours from, there are many more people here, so maybe try and ask your question later today11:26
kaolbrecxxx_, you can write a bash script to do such a thing11:26
stanley_psycho_oreos, just now i check my dmesg log, find this "[    1.598582] eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xd800, 00:e0:4c:3c:ad:14, IRQ 1911:26
stanley_psycho_oreos, that's great! thanks a lot!11:26
stanley_10.04 is excellent11:26
FloodBot4stanley_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
xxx_kaolbrec, im looking for the command if its possible11:27
kaolbrecncsat, lan and sound are part of the notification panel11:27
rwwechosystm: If you wouldn't mind, file a bug about it with all the specifics, link me to it, and I'll try to reproduce it when I get a spare machine for testing.11:27
echosystmits not a "bug" rww11:27
kaolbrecncsat, all those status -yicons for running programs move together.11:27
psycho_oreosstanley_, hopefully the drivers won't alternate between ethX11:27
kaolbrecxxx_, well, in a bash script it's just echo yourtexthere11:28
echosystmits just poor packaging - the default gnome configuration loaded in gnome-core still has references to things that arent actually isntalled with the package11:28
echosystmdoes that make sense?11:28
rwwechosystm: Yes. I'm not sure why you don't think that's a bug?11:28
echosystmtheres no bug in the code itself11:28
kaolbrecechosystm, you mean it expects them to be installed11:28
echosystmand it shuoldnt11:28
blackrockStargaze: I could've done a fresh install, but I can't recover my files from the encrypted folder11:29
rwwwhich is a bug...11:29
kaolbrecechosystm, not unless it pulled them as dependencies11:29
Stargazeblackrock, so it's an encrypted folder?11:29
kaolbrecrww, it's not a bug. It's a poor decision.11:29
benlu456bazhang: Do u know I am from Taiwan?11:29
stanley_and i have another question about udp. one of my server always gets many many "udp bad checksum" errors. how do i solve it?11:30
blackrockI don't even remember the passphrase which I set up ages ago :(11:30
benlu456bazhang: what if its wrong?11:31
kaolbrecncsat, any luck?11:31
aceunable to create `/usr/bin/dbmmanage.dpkg-new' (while processing `./usr/bin/dbmmanage'): Invalid argument11:32
ncsatkaolbrec: mail moves but not sound and lan, I cant even remove them11:32
aceis it related to 64b?11:32
stanley_and i have another question about udp. one of my server always gets many many "udp bad checksum" errors. how do i solve it?11:32
disappearednghey which format font is the easiest to install11:33
kaolbrecncsat, try clicking very slightly to the left of the leftmost icon11:33
psycho_oreosthat is more of a networking question rather than things to do with ubuntu itself.. I'd look at which daemons/services are still using udp and what clients are relying on it11:33
kaolbrecncsat, I know that you can move it.11:33
rwwdisappearedng: the instructions for ttf fonts are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts#Manually and look rather straightforward11:34
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disappearedngI realize monospace is awful after my entire life coding in it11:35
ncsatkaolbrec: your right, clicking on the left of the leftmost works ok11:35
ncsatkaolbrec: thank you very much11:35
kaolbrecncsat, no problem11:35
kaolbrecNow if you'll excuse me gentlemen, I am going for a nap.11:36
SpajderixI have two monitors with separate XScreen on nvidia card. Does anyone know a simple way to switch between virtualdesktops/monitors/apps with keyboard shortcut ??11:36
Guest9132hello friends.  i'm running ubuntu server 9.04 and curious if anyone has experience running an RT kernel on that build.  i'm currently using the default 2.6.28-11-server kernel11:36
echosystmwhy do you want RT kernel on a server?11:37
Dr_Willisdisappearedng:  try the 'terminator' font for mono-spaced needs11:37
baratahallo  .. anybody already does win7-linux dual-boot?11:37
ncsatbarata: eu11:38
ncsatbarata: I11:38
ZiderI do11:38
Guest9132echo:  i'm running some processes that need very low latency response times to incoming data11:38
Zideraltho I rarely boot into linux nowadays11:38
baratancsat, can you access linux fs from win-7?11:38
baratawhat driver do you use?11:38
Stargazei never boot in Windows11:38
arandbarata: yes, but do you have a follow-up question?11:38
ncsatZider: I rarely boot to win :P11:38
suolakurkkuwow i guess it's really cold outside, my soda bottles are exploding on my balcony O.O11:38
=== Guest9132 is now known as zaphodd
Ziderncsat: linux is fail for games, which I use mostly on this box nowadays :P11:39
baratayeah .. how to access linux partition directly from win-7?11:39
Dr_WillisI find most games are 'Fail'11:39
Dr_Willisbarata:  theres tools for ext2/3 but not sure about ext411:39
baratawhat win-driver do you use to read ext3 partition?11:39
arandbarata: not ext4, as far as I know, if you have ext3 there is a driver with some support for acces11:39
ZiderDr_Willis: well to each his own11:39
suolakurkkuenemy territory = win11:39
baratayeah .. which one that works for win711:40
barataand that you've used yourself11:40
StargazeZider, for games, check http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html11:40
Dr_WillisI dont use win7 - so no idea11:40
ZiderStargaze: I know which games are available for linux11:40
suolakurkkuet works on linux too11:40
suolakurkkuand some other ID software games11:40
suolakurkkuDoom 3 is for linux also11:40
Zidersuolakurkku: yeah idsoft is good that way.. unfortunately that's not the kind of games I play11:41
Dr_Willisid tends to port all their games to linux11:41
zaphoddanybody try an RT kernel on ubuntu?  just looking for pointers to a pre built kernel and any problems ppl may have had11:41
Stargazebarata, try http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/media/explore2fs-1.07.zip11:41
Dr_Willisbut then companies that use teh id engines.. often dont bother11:41
baratanever heard ..11:41
suolakurkkuyou can play with emulators too if you like retrogames11:41
suolakurkkulike me11:41
ZiderI do that on the xbox :P11:42
Stargazefor classic games, check http://maketecheasier.com/play-classic-console-games-in-linux/2009/11/13?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MakeTechEasier+%28Make+Tech+Easier%29&utm_content=Google+Reader11:42
Dr_WillisSNES :)11:42
suolakurkkunes and SNES FTW11:42
Zidersuolakurkku: indeed11:42
braqoonhi does any one have problems connecting via XDMCP  on 9.10? When i try to connect from win box via xing, i go to gdm login and when type my stuff and press enter it's just freeze on this.11:43
echosystmzaphodd, i dont really think ubuntu is the ideal distro for this kind of thing11:43
echosystmhave you looked into debian?11:43
echosystmyoure likely to get much better support there11:43
echosystmubuntu is for people who rarely even see a terminal11:44
zaphoddecho:  hmm..  kind of already have a bunch of ubuntu installs that would be hard to upgrade11:44
baratawell, explore2fs doesnt support win7 Stargaze11:44
echosystmah, fair enough11:44
Ziderechosystm: the ubuntu I run (server) doesn't ahve anything but terminal ;)11:44
arandbarata: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Installable_File_System#ext2.2Fext3 seemw to be the available options11:45
echosystmyeah Zider, now try asking someone in here a question about it and see how many replies you get :P11:45
echosystmthat was kinda my point11:45
zaphoddwe have played around setting CPU affinities but it's worth trying a full RT kernel as well11:45
zaphoddjust can't seem to find much info on google11:46
Ziderechosystm: most stuff works the same in both, server just lacks the desktop part :P11:46
echosystmzaphodd, here...11:46
Stargazezaphodd, consider yourself a pioneer, then, and making history :)11:46
rwwzaphodd: as far as prebuilt kernels go, you'd want linux-image-rt from the repos.11:46
zaphoddyeah guess I can get the prebuilt & give it a spin.  who knows how it will function11:47
echosystmprobably horribly :P11:47
echosystmbest of luck!11:47
rwwzaphodd: or linux-rt if you also need restricted modules11:47
zaphoddok this should be fun11:48
zaphoddlinux must have changed.  i started running it in 200611:48
sara1where I downlod software BRL-CAD?11:48
zaphoddppl weren't discussing nes emulators in linux irc chats back then11:48
Ziderfirst time I ran linux was in the 90s sometime..11:49
zaphoddbut everyone knew everything about kernel flavors11:49
Sato1_Hello, When I enter  any channel I seem to have all the old chat in there instead of a blank window and the same with PM. How can i stop that and delete the old saved stuff. Thanks11:49
echosystmthe linux community was a lot smarter back then zaphodd, but smaller haha11:49
rwwSato1_: which IRC client are you using?11:49
zaphoddwhat i don't get is, why do ppl who aren't kernel/terminal literate run linux at all11:50
Sato1_xchat gnome11:50
zaphoddmight as well use windows11:50
Sato1_i am a newbie11:50
mgolischzaphodd: its free?11:50
echosystmbecause they cant afford a mac and love anything that isnt windows, just because it isnt windows11:50
crackguyis there any similar service like netcraft.com from where i can determine the OS a website is running/hosted on...?11:50
zaphoddyeah but the whole point of loving things that aren't windows is understanding the systme underneath11:50
echosystmthey live for that air of elitism of telling people they are running "unix"11:50
rwwzaphodd: everyone has to start somewhere11:51
Dan_ESatol_, settings pref logging11:51
nate_my mother isn't terminal literate.  she uses linux11:51
zaphoddmothers are a different story :)11:51
Stargazegetting used to the GUI is what makes people love an OS11:51
rwwDan_E: I don't see that in xchat-gnome11:52
nate_kind of nice being able to browse without getting click jacked constantly11:52
Dr_WillisIts amazing what a little training can do.11:52
arandzaphodd: echosystm: Somewhat slipping -> #ubuntu-offtopic ;)11:52
Dan_EXChat 2.8.6 sorry11:52
zaphoddhey if I get some new kernels (linux-image-rt), will ubuntu automatically set the new kernel to boot by default?  (hoping not)11:52
rwwSato1_: I don't think the option's available in xchat-gnome. Normal xchat (in the xchat package) can do it, though.11:53
theadminzaphodd: It will, old kernels will be in GRUB menu, selectable11:53
stevecamStargaze, you should try the CLI11:53
zaphoddtheadmin:  thx11:53
stevecamthat's what i love about linux11:53
Sato1_rww: Thanks. Guess i have to live with it11:54
Dr_WillisSato1_:  check the log settings and tell it to not save logs..11:54
Sato1_i unchecked that11:54
Stargazestevecam, why do you say that?11:54
Sato1_but it keeps showing every log of the channel11:54
Dr_Willisthen use the clear log menu item for each channel perhaops11:54
crackguyis there any similar service like netcraft.com from where i can determine the OS a website is running/hosted on...?11:55
Dr_Willisa read of the xchat docs/help is also handy11:55
rwwDr_Willis: xchat (and thus xchat-gnome) has a separate set of logs for scrollback. apparently the xchat-gnome developers elected to remove the preferences relating to it.11:55
stevecamStargaze, have you ever used the command line in libux?11:55
Stargazestevecam, all the time, what are you trying to say?11:55
Dr_Willisrww:  theres proberly setable options vya the command line. or the right click menus on the channel tabs. I dont use xchat any more so thats about all i can say11:55
rwwDr_Willis: it's definitely settable in /xchat's/ preferences. xchat-gnome is not xchat.11:56
stevecamyou said that a gui makes a person falls in love with an OS, i love the CLI11:56
Dr_Willisrww:  first thing i do with xchat0gnome is delete it :)11:56
Sato1_Dr_Willis: thanks11:56
theadminabusleem: Hello11:56
Sato1_Dr_Willis: I cant even do that11:56
rwwubottu: ot | stevecam, Stargaze11:56
ubottustevecam, Stargaze: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:56
Stargazestevecam, 97% of users worldwide does not want to use the CLI11:57
Sato1_i delete it and it comes back11:57
theadminStargaze: Huh, i'm in the other 3%, i guess11:57
Dr_WillisSato1_:  i suggest not using xchat-gnome but use the normal xchat11:57
stevecamrww, w/e11:57
Stargazetheadmin, stevecam its because we're an elite ;)11:57
Sato1_Dr_Willis: How do i delete it even? i delete it and it says installing program11:58
Dr_WillisSato1_:  use the packatge manager.. install xchat.. just dont use xchat-gnome11:58
theadminxchat-gnome is a total bleh, wonder why do they even need it :/11:58
* om26er thinks there is no gui IRC client currently being actively developed gtk11:59
theadminom26er: I dunno, i'm a pidgin user lol12:00
rwwom26er: umm. xchat? pidgin?12:00
rwwom26er: probably many more :)12:00
Sato1_thanks guys12:00
om26errww, the last version of xchat came in 200812:00
om26errww, pidgin is an IM client also12:00
Dr_Willisi still perfer some of the features in the OLD xchats12:01
gainhi all12:01
theadminHi, gain12:01
rwwom26er: so?12:01
gainwaiting for beta1...12:01
Ziderwell, how much can you really develop an IRC client? eventually, it will be "finished"12:01
Picigain : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.12:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:01
DaemonFCtheadmin, I had wondered that myself. It uses the same resources that XChat does, XChat is already a GTK+ app, and XChat-GNOME just removes features12:01
gainPici: thx12:01
xxx_how do i print the clipboard on the console?12:01
DaemonFCit seems like a futile venture and it's not even capable of running all XChat plugins12:02
theadminxxx_: Middle click or right click -> Paste12:02
amaureaAfter uninstalling pulse audio, I cannot use the volume buttons on my keyboard to adjust the volume. How do I fix this?12:02
xxx_theadmin, i mean via a  shell command if it is possible!12:02
theadminxxx_: Oh. Doubt it is.12:03
DelphiWorldhi friends/folk12:03
crackguyis there any similar service like netcraft.com from where i can determine the OS a website is running/hosted on...?12:03
DelphiWorldwhat is the default COM1 device name in ubuntu linux?12:03
xxx_theadmin, ok thanks buddy12:03
amaureacrackguy: can't nmap do that?12:03
Dr_WillisDelphiWorld:  i think it may be /dev/ttys0  or S012:04
Torrentowyhey guys12:04
crackguyamaurea, thanks, i didn't know nmap12:04
Torrentowyis there any software to flash sony ericsson mobiles from ubuntu ?12:04
amaureacrackguy: nmap has a steep learning curve, but is very flexible12:05
DelphiWorldDr_Willis: thank you a lot12:05
Sezehave problem to install rome total war. anyone ?12:05
suolakurkkutoday's betarelease time! \o/12:06
theadminSeze: Maybe you should ask in #winehq if it's a windoze game12:06
Sezeoki thanx12:06
Sezetry there12:06
DelphiWorldDr_Willis: i have tty0, i am trying it12:07
Dr_WillisDelphiWorld:  tty0 i think is different from ttys012:07
Dr_WillisDelphiWorld:  but its been ages since i last used serial ports. the names may have chnged12:07
theadminI think i don't even have any serial ports :/12:08
DelphiWorldanyone know?12:08
DelphiWorldhow do i use minicom?12:08
DelphiWorldany other program other thant minicom?12:08
Dr_Willisread its docs :)12:08
DelphiWorldDr_Willis: man can't read it i am using ssh with a screen reader that don't read full window;)12:08
Dr_Willisit has menus somehow to set teh rates  and ports and enab le echoing.12:08
* DelphiWorld is connecting from a ubuntu server12:09
barataname 10 linux apps which are practically DEAD by now, but used to be very functional12:09
barataif you can answer that, you've used linux for at least 10 years12:09
theadminbarata: That'd be highly offtopic.12:09
DelphiWorldDr_Willis: the arg for menu is -s12:09
theadminbarata: I can't :P I use Linux for 1 year only12:09
Ziderbarata: I don't see how that is related to running linux for a long time..12:10
barataname 10 linux distros that are DEAD ... but used to exist12:10
barataif you can answer that, you know linux 'history' good enough12:10
=== Mowiiii`Aw is now known as Mowee
Dr_Willisbarata:  and it belongs in #ubuntu-ot12:10
Zideryes, but it doesn't mean you've used it for long :P12:10
Zideroh there's a channel for that? neat12:11
baratawell ... sure ... ;)12:11
ZiderDr_Willis: heeey, that channel is empty! :(12:12
rwwZider, Dr_Willis: #ubuntu-offtopic, not #ubuntu-ot12:12
Dr_Willisnah.. stay in -OT :)  you can be the op.12:12
ZiderDr_Willis: I don't wanna be op12:12
rwwsince channel creation inside the Ubuntu namespace isn't willy-nilly... no ;P12:13
DelphiWorldDr_Willis: sory! got ttyS!12:13
Sunkan85Hi. Anyone here know hot to remote a win7 pc from ubuntu? I can remote from Win to Win but don't get Remote Desktop in Ubuntu to work.12:14
Dr_WillisDelphiWorld:  Yep CASE is imporntant12:14
ZiderSunkan85: vnc12:14
theadminSunkan85: You might want to look at jrdesktop12:14
DelphiWorldSunkan85: vnc?12:15
DelphiWorldDr_Willis: so i used ttyS0, how do i connect through minicom or any progtram?12:15
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Dr_WillisDelphiWorld:  with a terminal program youuse its settings/menus to select what serial device. then the baud rate and other settings as needed12:16
Dr_WillisOld-skool BBS days info here :)12:16
Sunkan85have vnc installed on the win pc but don't get it to work in ubuntu. din't get the linux version installed so tryed the win version via Wine but no lucky. I'm noob in ubuntu so i might do wrong12:17
Dr_WillisI notice that  Konsole has a 'zmodem' upload menu item.. takes me back to the BBS days of old.12:17
Dr_WillisI wonder if konsole can work as a serial terminalk also12:17
Ziderooo zmodem <312:17
DelphiWorldSunkan85: use web viewer;) :P12:18
Paulo39hi, can you tell me if the grub in jaunty (9.04) is grub 1 or grub 2?12:20
Dr_Willis9.,04 defaults to grub112:20
Dr_Willis9.10 defaults to grub212:20
Sunkan85I did try out an web viewer called LogMeIn but to slow since u run it thru the web browser12:21
Paulo39Dr_Willis: ok, thanks12:21
Dr_WillisI think i got that right.12:21
Dr_WillisYou could install grub2 on 9.04 if you wanted.. and grub2 will NOT be installed if you Upgrade to 9.1012:21
amartinhello, I'm compiling new stable kernel on ubuntu karmic, but encounterd this error: http://pastebin.com/G1Gi1yre12:22
DelphiWorldSunkan85: no, vnc have there own web viewer enable it in settings12:22
amartincan someone please tell me wthat to do with it?12:22
* fat_rat is waiting for lucid lynx beta :]12:23
Picifat_rat : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.12:23
fat_ratPici: ok thx12:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:24
DebijanCan somebody help me with wlan on my eee pc? :/12:25
terry_Debijan: Sure12:26
terry_Debijan: What wireless device does it have?12:26
Debijanim a linux-newbie and i already had a hard time, wanted to try debian first but i currently have eeebuntu 3.01 installed12:26
terry_Debijan: lspci | grep -i wireless12:26
Debijanok, wait12:27
benlu456jastor: do u know how to use network manager12:27
neil_dthere is a script to update the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file... but I can't find it atm. what is its name?12:27
Debijanterry_: 02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)12:28
benlu456jastor: or will it be useful in Lucid?12:28
Debijanterry_: i think wlan is working, he detects it and i can connect to it, on my main pc ( this one ) i can even see that my eee pc is trying to connect in the router menu, but firefox wont open any websites ( failed to connect... as if theres no connection at all )12:30
bytejumperHi All12:31
benlu456Debijan: Will network manager for DSL be useful?12:31
bytejumperscreen -x wojtek/bugs12:31
bytejumper 12:31
bytejumperMust run suid root for multiuser support.12:31
bytejumper 12:31
bytejumperany ideas ?12:31
FloodBot4bytejumper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:31
terry_Debijan: Oh, ok.  Let's see what's in /etc/resolv.conf   Do:  pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf12:31
bytejumperhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/397207/ what's the problem ?12:32
Debijanterry_: Linux jantux 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i68612:33
Debijanbenlu456: I dont know if that will be useful, im a newbie :S12:33
nvsblhey everybody, why does gwibber keep breaking spontaneously for me?12:34
nvsbldoes anyone else have this problem?12:34
terry_Debijan: Open a terminal window and type:  pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf  #And give us the URL it produces12:34
terry_Debijan: Or just do:  cat /etc/resolv.conf   #And see if you  see the IP of your router.  Or tell us what you see.12:35
terry_Debijan: And that is the IP of your router?12:36
researcher1how to save command prompt run into log file or save as a file?12:36
terry_Debijan: Ok good.  Now see what it says when you do:  route -n12:36
Debijanthats the standard gateway ( used also on my main pc )12:36
echosystmwhat do you mean command prompt run researcher1?12:37
terry_Debijan: route -n    #Do you again get  ?12:37
Debijanit says_ Kernel IP routing table: Destination is | Gateway | Genmask | Flags U | Metric 2 | Ref 0 | Use 0 | iface wlan012:37
echosystmyou can pipe the output of a command to file, if thats what you mean researcher112:38
terry_Debijan: iwconfig    #What does that tell you?12:38
benlu456bytejumper: Do u know about SDL connect by net manager?12:38
Debijantheres also another line ( ) but i think thats not relevant12:38
echosystmfor example $ ls > log.txt12:38
Debijanlo no wireless extensions.12:38
rwwubottu: cn | xrobinson12:38
ubottuxrobinson: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:38
terry_Debijan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros12:38
Debijanwmaster0 no wireless extensions.12:39
Debijanwlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:"WLAN-JAN"..12:39
terry_Debijan: Your wireless device is not activated yet.  The correct driver software has not been installed.  See:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros12:39
benlu456how to type chinese12:40
Debijani typed in "iwconfig" a few times and the Link quality and Signal level always changes a bit, so doesnt that mean that there is some sort of connection?12:40
amartincan someone help me with kernel compilation error?12:41
benlu456xrobinson: I am CHinese12:41
xxx_does anybody know where to find the clipboard file in Ubuntu?12:42
xxx_does anybody know where to find the clipboard file in Ubuntu?  where is it in my system? is it a simple text file?12:42
=== nelson_ is now known as Xeo-Bass
terry_Debijan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Atheros/AR9285?highlight=%28AND%29|%28ManufacturerModel%2912:43
terry_Debijan: This is what you need to download and install:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Atheros/AR9285?highlight=%28AND%29|%28ManufacturerModel%2912:44
Debijanok i will try that in half an hour, gotta do something now, but thanks!12:44
terry_Debijan: NP12:44
benlu456xrobinson: 妳可以打中文也12:46
benlu456He is gone12:46
benlu456terry_: Do u know about network manager12:47
Xeo-Basshi :) someone knows when will be released the new beta 1 ? i think today...but what time.....i'm ansious!! :P12:47
rwwXeo-Bass: Lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+1, not here12:48
Varkai'm waintig too12:48
Xeo-Bassaaah ooook :)12:48
researcher1my windows Vista connect to Internet but not Ubuntu. Will u b kind enough to advice the setting in firebox or proxy if required? Its IPv4 address and default gateway
Souljahresearcher1: why you want to put theese settings into firefox??? u need to put them into the network manager12:54
Souljahhave you done this?12:54
xxx_does anybody know where to find the clipboard file in Ubuntu?  where is it in my system? is it a simple text file?12:55
researcher1actually this problem is currently being faced by my friend who is chatting with me from Vista12:55
benlu456rww: How to use network manager?12:56
BluesKajresearcher1, wifi or ethernet and which card?12:56
paranoid_pedlargoodmorning :)12:56
BluesKajresearcher1, using network manager ?12:57
benlu456researcher1: do u know how to use network manager?12:57
pradeepi have karmic installed, apparently the suspend function does not work:( any idea?12:57
researcher1not really12:57
maxlamerparanoid_pedlar:  morning? :O, its 11pm :P12:57
benwa-ktm__Does Wine or Playonlinux exists for ppc?12:58
benlu456researcher1: do you know pppoeconf?12:58
paranoid_pedlarI realize that ubuntu is coming out with a new (lts) release. I'm using karmic, and have tried a lot of new programs from ppa and others. Since karmic won't be supported in April, should I ditch karmic and install a beta of the next release?12:58
basncyliuqin, hi12:58
paranoid_pedlarmaxlamer, ah its only 9 here12:58
researcher1benlu456: no12:59
benwa-ktm__paranoid_pedlar, no it's 2 pm... ;)12:59
rwwparanoid_pedlar: karmic will be supported for 18 months from its release, which was October 2009, so until April 2011.12:59
paranoid_pedlarmaxlamer, need a another couple of cups of coffee before I'm awake.12:59
basncyliuqin, if you are here,call me back12:59
prix83how can I install a login window on karmic..???12:59
paranoid_pedlarbenwa-ktm__, I'm not ready for 212:59
rwwparanoid_pedlar: and no, you shouldn't install a beta of lucid. it's not released yet for a reason :)13:00
BluesKajresearcher1, benlu456 , this tutorial is an alternative to using network managers and it worls very well for ethernet connections, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/13:00
prix83sudo apt-get install /home/prix83/Scrivania/EarthLights.....is it right ????13:00
rwwbenlu456: WINE isn't available for PPC. I don't know what playonlinux is.13:00
paranoid_pedlarrww, is that right!? I should have payed more attention to the article. thanks rww I feel much better :D13:00
benwa-ktm__Does anybody knows how to get flash on ppc?13:00
rwwbenlu456: sorry, wrong person13:00
prix83I ve downloaded a login window theme....how can i install it ?13:01
benwa-ktm__rww, i got it...13:01
POEhey. how do i change keyboard mapping in ubuntu 9.10 when not running x?13:01
basncyliuqin, hey!13:01
rwwbenwa-ktm__: Adobe's official flash plugin also isn't available for PPC linux. You might find gnash or swfdec better than nothing, though they're far from perfect.13:01
benlu456BluesKaj: Do u know DSL setup using Network manager13:01
rwwparanoid_pedlar: Yep. regular Ubuntu releases are supported for 18 months from release, LTSes are 3 years on desktops and 5 on server.13:02
benwa-ktm__rww, yeah, it does not work, even with swfdec13:02
BluesKajbenlu456, it's pretty automatic with nm13:02
paranoid_pedlarrww that is really great.13:03
basncyliuqin, hehe13:03
benlu456BluesKaj: I use login DSL.13:03
prix83how can I install a login window on karmic..???13:03
sara1where I downlod software BRL-CAD?13:03
basncyliuqin, If you want to speak in chinese ,type "/join #ubuntu-cn"13:03
=== nik0 is now known as niko
basncyliuqin, this command is to join chinese ubuntu chanle13:04
sara1who is civil engineer?13:04
paranoid_pedlardid anyone see that flash phishing hack that turns on your victims cam without their consent. Freaks me out13:04
prix83sara1, I am13:04
pradeepplease anyone reply my ques?13:05
AbbyParanoid: I've heard of it. Freaked me out too13:05
BluesKajbenlu456, alt F2 type in network manager , go from there13:05
rwwubottu: ot13:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:05
Varka@POE: Try dpkg-reconfigure console-setup13:05
paranoid_pedlarsorry rww, i'm still waking up :P13:05
prix83HELP ME how can I install a login window on karmic..???13:05
fumanchu182in 9.10 has menu.1st been moved from /boot/grub?13:05
paranoid_pedlaris it possible to convert ext4 to another fs?13:05
stuart_what's the best text based msn client13:06
icerootfumanchu182: there is no menu.lst if it is a new installation of 9.1013:06
iceroot!grub2 | fumanchu18213:06
ubottufumanchu182: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:06
icerootstuart_: bitlbee13:06
fumanchu182iceroot, ty13:06
brianhermani hate grub 213:06
fumanchu182was not aware of the change13:06
brianhermani wish we still used lilo13:06
stuart_iceroot: k thanks13:06
arandparanoid_pedlar: Not without considerable hassle13:06
tbrockwhat is the most popular open source wiki13:06
tbrockthat is easy to use13:07
iceroottbrock: mediawiki13:07
AbbyHelp: I have a Dell Studio laptop. I tried to install Ubuntu by disk but it didn't work. It would ask which OS I wanted to load, and when I clicked Ubuntu it would give me some weird figures and then run a black screen till I got annoyed and restarted.13:07
paranoid_pedlararand, beagle made my laptop drive sound like an old 2gb ide13:07
fumanchu182prix83, are you currently using a gui now, such as gnome or kubuntu?13:07
tbrockiceroot: cool, thanks13:07
cenobyteanyone know how to convert .cab files to .iso files in ubuntu?13:07
iceroottbrock: the one from wikipedia13:07
paranoid_pedlararand, figured it was because of ext413:07
tbrockcool thanks13:07
prix83fumanchu182,  I use gnome, karmic13:07
fumanchu182okay so when you start up it automatically logs you in?13:08
nilsmaanyone know a proper channel to ask some vnc and ssh questions?13:08
paranoid_pedlarbrianherman, do you dual boot?13:08
icerootnilsma: ssh here, vnc #vnc13:09
MartijnHi, I have apache/mysql running; phpmyadmin reinstalled; a working moved www folder with symbolic link in /var/www and apache listing on port 81. But localhost:81/phpmyadmin results in a blankpage. any clues?13:09
sagaciAbby: tried booting it via a usb ?13:09
brianhermanparanoid_pediar: Yes13:09
prix83fumanchu182, no no...the login it's ok, i want change login window with another one downloaded13:09
wmaxhi, i have a problem with sounds on a sony vaio. i can hear only from headphones very lower volume. no sounds from speakers. i've got a hda-intel with alc269 codec. (sorry for the bad english, i'm italian)13:09
Dr_Willisnilsma:  if you ae refering to vnc over ssh.. theres a bot factoid on that13:09
jake1hey room i have porblems w/ sounds on DVDs and in rythem box the rest of the system has sounds like the system beeps and things like sykpe have sound13:09
icerootMartijn: /var/log/apache2/error.log and /var/log/apache2/access.log13:09
AbbySacaci: I have not. I don't have a free usb drive to do that.13:09
nilsmahow to access the bot factoid?13:09
brianhermanparanoid_pediar: I like hard coding my devices to a dev rather than a UUID13:09
iceroot!bot | nilsma13:09
ubottunilsma: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins13:09
brianhermanparanoid_pediar: I like configuration files to stay the same13:09
nilsma!bot | ssh13:10
ubottussh: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins13:10
Dr_Willisparanoid_pedlar:  i set mine to use LABEL instead of UUID :)13:10
AbbySagaci: I am dual booting with Win713:10
xinauhow to increase the fontsize in xterm ?13:10
arandprix83: Theeming is impossible/very hard on karmics version of gdm,13:10
icerootxinau: right click, properties13:10
xinauiceroot, can I do it by command ?13:11
xinauxterm -??? iceroot13:11
paranoid_pedlarbrianherman, windows? I tried a bunch of howto's but still couldn't add my windows to grub2. I've never had a problem with grub though.13:11
icerootxinau: xterm --help13:11
prix83arand, so i can't tray???13:11
brianhermanparanoid_pediar: just go back to grub 113:11
Martijniceroot : GET /phpmyadmin/ HTTP/1.1" 200 43613:11
nilsmathanks btw :)13:11
cenobytei need help does anyone in the room know how to convert .cab file to iso files13:12
=== ben__108 is now known as benlu456
arandprix83: I think if you install the old version of gdm it might work..13:12
benlu456Is somebody using DSL?13:12
xinauiceroot, then it should be in .xdefaults13:13
prix83arand, can you explain me shrtly what's gdm??13:13
Martijnno really phpmyadmin related errormessages13:13
Dr_Willisprix83:  the program that does the 'login screen' is gdm. its been undergoing changes lately13:13
paranoid_pedlarDr_Willis, I'm not following? I did better brianherman, I trashed it, and am happy with karmic. Plus I'm having fun with openoffice extentions. Wish I knew about them before13:13
jake1hey room i have porblems w/ sounds on DVDs and in rythem box the rest of the system has sounds like the system beeps and things like sykpe have sound13:14
brianhermanwho do i talk to if i want to do gsoc for ubuntu13:14
Dr_Willisparanoid_pedlar:  its odd that the update-grub stuff dident see/auto add windows.13:15
prix83Dr_Willis, tnk u..13:15
disappearednghey does mmv have a confirm overwrite flag?13:15
paranoid_pedlarDr_Willis, it missed two ntfs partitions13:15
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
Dr_Willisparanoid_pedlar:  2 different installs of windows? or a Install and a 'restore' partition? It found both mine. (install and restore)13:15
Dr_WillisToo bad it dident label the restore as being such.. :)13:16
paranoid_pedlarDr_Willis,  And I couldn't add them as hard as I tried. I got some errors saying I had to chkdsk for my ntfs partitions, and reboot windows, but how the heck am I supposed to do that if I can't see them in grub. One a windows, and one for media13:17
rwwdisappearedng: mmv or mv?13:19
BluesKajparanoid_pedlar, ntfs's all on one drive ?13:20
terry_brianherman: No, (you mean mv. Right?)13:20
Dr_Willisparanoid_pedlar:   I have some windows 'live cd's' :) that i tracked down from... err. somewhere. :)13:21
paranoid_pedlarDr_Willis, I was going to use a bootdisk to do chkdsk but how would I reboot? meh, I really don't care. The only reason I had it installed is to learn how to protect your pc when using windows. To many conflicting ideas to get a firm answer or decision. Trying to come up with something automated, so I don't have to actually be there to setup my moms computer. Two ntfs partitions and three linux. /boot, /root, home13:21
terry_brianherman: The file manager does tho.13:21
rmt2How is the automatic update of /etc/hosts in the event of a change to /etc/hostname handled?13:21
Dr_Willisparanoid_pedlar:  i tend to keep linux and windows on their own hd's and keep grub on the linux hd.  lets me easially boot windows without grub that way13:21
fumanchu182iceroot, grub2 is hawt, it is pretty cool now that if i go into synaptic and remove the old kernel file it automagically updates the kernel list on grub's menu, "I see what you did there." comes to mind.13:21
djkkI can't gurb from 2.6.31-20-generic13:22
Dr_Willisparanoid_pedlar:  with grub2 i got a 'ubuntu.iso' file saved in /boot/ i can  boot from a special grub entry to reinstall/repair also. :)13:22
brianhermanterry_:what are u talking about i am very slow13:22
rwwfumanchu182: it did that in grub1, too ;)13:22
nilsma#vnc is slightly dead, i hope noone minds if i ask quick Q here: easiest way of connecting from ubuntu to win 7 (starter home edition)? or, the way with the least amount of installing/preparation on the win7 pc?13:22
paranoid_pedlarDr_Willis, sounds like a good idea, accept I can't do that since I'm on a laptop. And I built my live windows with ubcd4win. Unless I can do that with an external drive?13:22
fumanchu182rww, it never worked for me always had to edit the menu file13:23
terry_brianherman: Was trying to answer your question.13:23
djkkbut I can gurb from 2.6.31-14-generic13:23
Dr_Willisparanoid_pedlar:  You can boot iso from external drive. or install to external drive. but ive rarely done that13:23
Mohammad[B]how i can set proxy with user and pass word on terminal13:23
rwwdisappearedng: assuming you meant mv, "mv -i".13:23
disappearedngno, I mean mmv13:23
djkkI can't gurb from 2.6.31-20-generic, but I can gurb from 2.6.31-14-generic! what is the problem?13:23
terry_Mohammad[B]: Please restate your quesion more clearly.13:24
prix83chat about amule please???13:24
jake1no dvd playback on ubuntu 9.0413:24
jacek_hi! it's my first time on the xchat... i have problems with mounting. Automounting suddenly turned off, if I mount anything manually I cannot copy anytihnig (copying stops after 64kb).It;s not the issue of fstab (I didn't change anything there), permissions, or filesystem. what's wrong?13:24
paranoid_pedlarDr_Willis, I've been talking with some ruby programmers about whether I need to be in windows to make sure the script works and they said no, unless I"m using unix specific tools. I think if I have to, I'll upgrade my laptop's memory and run windowz in virtual13:24
terry_!dvd | jacek_13:24
ubottujacek_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:24
terry_Sorry, that was for you, jake113:24
paranoid_pedlarMorning Corbo13:25
Yehiai would like to remove some program from my system and i wanted to make sure - if i will do sudo ---and remove       will it remove all the files related to this program - or there will be some other files saved in some place like what is happening with windows?13:26
rwwdisappearedng: according to the "Collisions and Deletions13:26
josh_I would like to hereby make a 8:30 am declaration to the Ubuntu community.13:26
xae8kooI broke my laptop screen with ubuntu :/13:26
josh_I'm never drinking again.13:26
rwwdisappearedng: " section of the manpage, it should ask by default.13:26
rugehey folks, anyone know how i can get my vbox to run faster? Ive given it 3 cores, 3GB of ram but its so scratchy and hard to use...13:26
xxx_HI  i want to write a script on which             to execute two commands on the same line as it seems --->              com1 com2       but first execute com2 and after com1 is it posible?13:26
paranoid_pedlarDr_Willis, I wish there was an easy answer when recommending software security.13:27
nibblerxxx_: com1 ; com213:27
Dr_Willisparanoid_pedlar:  security is very much  a process and 'habbit' :) of doing things properly. NO magic Bullets for that.13:27
rwwubottu: ot | josh_13:27
ubottujosh_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:27
terry_ruge: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66651513:27
rugeterry_: ty13:28
josh_Yes, ubottu.13:28
rugehaha hang on, my vbox is SLOW as hell13:29
rugenot faster :)13:29
xxx_nibbler, i wanna give priority on the com213:29
[GuS]Gente, alguien sabe como puedo comprimir archivos/directorios pero el archivo que se comprimir enviarlo por ssh a otro lugar al mismo tiempo? O sea sé como hacer el caso inverso, descomprimirlo.13:29
nibblerxxx_: com2 ; com1 then, its not so difficult ;-)13:29
xxx_nibbler, something like   com1 (com2)       .... BUT nibbler  keep the order as it is  com1 and then com213:30
paranoid_pedlarDr_Willis, I tried explaining that to my parents. They know why they're getting problems. And if my mom hadn't paid for her windows oem, I'm sure she would us linux, but to her, it would be wasting her money. Plus I have to argue with my Sisters fiance about why Linux she should use linux. But he went to programming for a year in college and knows so much more about computers than I.13:30
[GuS]ups wrong channel13:30
nibblerxxx_: maybe just tell us what your goal is....13:30
paranoid_pedlarI wonder how he could stay so up to date when he works and I don't. So I've got a bunch of time to sit around and learn about IT13:31
igoryonyahello, I have Ubuntu 8.10 amd64, Can I upgrade directly with Ubuntu 9.10 amd64 distro, or do I have to upgrade with 9.04 first and only then with 9.10?13:31
rwwigoryonya: you have to go through 9.0413:31
rwwubottu: upgrade | igoryonya13:31
ubottuigoryonya: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:31
disappearedngrww, yeah I want this to be DISABLED13:31
paranoid_pedlarplus I study, I have a bunch of IT books, magazines, meh. The silent man is the man of power13:31
rwwdisappearedng: per the same section of the manpage, -d to silently delete/overwrite, -p to error on delete/overwrite13:32
igoryonyaok, thanx, guys.13:32
igoryonyarww: what did you say by "upgrade | igoryonya"?13:33
paranoid_pedlarJust a vote, would you rather be an linux programmer, or a mover?13:33
jake1terry_ what were u asking13:33
Azelphurparanoid_pedlar: what's a mover?13:33
rwwigoryonya: ubottu is a factoid bot, i told it to tell you the upgrade factoid13:33
xxx_nibbler, ok     i want to download flvs from youtube ... so there is youtube-dl on which you  type     youtube-dl  <youtube_URL>   and the video begins to download so me instead of typing- pasting youtube_URL manualy i found the xsel   which pastes automatically what is copied on the clipboard......so my goal is to make a script something like   youtube-dl (xsel)         SO all i do now is copy(ctrl C) my favorite's song URL , run the script   and the video beg13:34
xxx_ins to download13:34
Yehiai would like to remove some program from my system and i wanted to make sure - if i will do sudo ---and remove       will it remove all the files related to this program - or there will be some other files saved in some place like what is happening with windows?13:34
paranoid_pedlarAzelphur, maybe canadian slang, um, it's a guy who moves furniture from your old house to your new one13:34
rwwubottu: ot | paranoid_pedlar13:34
ubottuparanoid_pedlar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:34
Debijanterry_: Lol, i wanted to check out the links you posted me, so i ran my eee pc but internet already works now13:34
rugewow thix vbox13:34
rugeis ridiculously slowww D:13:34
nibblerxxx_: youtbe-dl $(xsel)13:35
igoryonyarww: ahh :), interesting, learning something new every day.13:35
rugewhat the hell.... its running 3 of my 4 cores, 3GB of ram.. no 3D effects and its scratcher than my Pentim313:35
pierre_how are you13:35
paranoid_pedlarruge, does the linux kernel automatically use all your cores? Something I've wondered about.13:36
daniel1234Hi, where should I go to ask about apparmor profiles (of openldap in ubuntu specifically), and packaging guidelines?13:37
BrixSathow can i check if i have the right drivers for audio, video....13:37
paranoid_pedlarBrixSat, lsmod I think13:38
xxx_nibbler,  sorry man... it doesnt work... is it possible at least to save somewhere(like a variable ), the  text that xsel returns  and then call the youtube-dl  ?  like youtube-dl VARIABLE  ?13:38
rugeparanoid_pedlar: yep, all 4 of my cores show activity on my system monitor13:38
rugeDoes anyone here have experience in Virtualbox?13:38
paranoid_pedlarruge, I'm going to check mine out13:38
eremite_ruge, yes13:38
nibblerxxx_: $(xsel) is replaces by your clipboard, try echo $(xsel)13:38
Stargaze!anyone| ruge13:38
ubotturuge: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:39
BrixSatparanoid_pedlar,  well that output is for geeks (sor of speaking), im no expert13:39
xxx_nibbler, yes  but still it doesnt give any priority to the xsel command13:39
rugeI just installed virtualbox, the sun microsystems one. I have an XP install on it, with 3GB ram and 3 cores available to it. However its so scratchy, for example i click and it responds after 3-4 seconds. Anyone know why this may be the case??13:40
viniciusif i run find . -mtime -1 on a bash script, the output is different from doing it directly on the terminal13:40
xxx_nibbler, if i dont have the url first, from where the youtube-dl will read from?13:40
fumanchu182ruge, because it is a virtual machine lol13:40
nibblerxxx_: that makes no sense, if "youtube-dl <content of your clipboard> works, then youtube-dl $(xsel) works aswell13:40
viniciuswhats wrong, then?13:40
=== vinicius is now known as Guest97276
rugefumanchu182: ive seen people run vboxes as smooth as fresh installs13:40
fumanchu182well i have never had that luxury and sorry i cannot be of more help13:41
daniel1234ruge: can be that you don't have your virtualization mode enabled in bios13:41
xxx_nibbler, not on my linux box... anyways man thanks for your time and help!!13:41
fumanchu182i always found it more tolerable to install virtualbox on windows and virtualize ubuntu13:41
delfickHi, How do I give a user sudo priveleges via the command line ?13:41
BrixSatdelfick,  sudo su13:41
daniel1234ruge: can be that you have a normal harddisk (not ssd) and have a lot of disk-io13:41
rugedaniel1234: i actually just turned that on ;) my vbox wasnt even booting before i did that heh13:41
fumanchu182delfick, they have to be part of the sudo'ers list/file13:41
delfickBrixSat: as in another user13:41
Yehiai would like to remove some program from my system and i wanted to make sure - if i will do sudo ---and remove       will it remove all the files related to this program - or there will be some other files saved in some place like what is happening with windows?13:41
erUSULdaniel1234: sudo adduser $USER admin13:41
rugedaniel1234: well, its installed on a normal SATA drive.13:41
nibblerxxx_: of course its up to your shell, but this should be bash...13:42
BrixSathow can i check if i have the right drivers for audio, video....13:42
fumanchu182and if you want to execute a command as another it is sudo -u username13:42
BrixSatcause i got no sound and no visual efects13:42
Guest97276"-1" in this case is a variable13:42
fumanchu182well peace out guys going into windows lande13:42
paranoid_pedlarruge, hah, that's pretty cool.13:42
erUSULBrixSat: well does video and audio work?13:42
tbrockhey I'm trying to install mediawiki and i keep getting a cherrypy error when trying to install it13:42
StargazeYehia, try sudo apt-get purge blabla and then: sudo apt-get upgrade13:42
Yehiai would like to remove some program from my system and i wanted to make sure - if i will do sudo ---and remove       will it remove all the files related to this program - or there will be some other files saved in some place like what is happening with windows?13:42
RamsramboI need help with my Webcam. I have ubuntu 9.10 installed and I hv a Frontech ecaM JIL 2214 It is working with gstreamer but with  other applications like skype or any other application it does not show up any suggestion?13:42
chili555Yehia, sudo apt-get remove --purge <yer_package>13:42
BrixSaterUSUL,  no i got low video qualaty and no audio13:43
erUSULYehia: use aptitude purge13:43
tbrocki mean i get the cherrypy error when i try to go to localhost/mediawiki13:43
daniel1234ruge: i haven't used virtualbox, but usually if you use virtualization with graphics, then lack of proper graphics driver in your virtual machine can make it run very slow. i know you can get hardware acceleration in virtualbox though, not sure how..13:43
erUSULYehia: then check if anything was left behind in your home (home folders are not touched by install/remove routines)13:43
erUSULBrixSat: graphic card?13:43
rugedaniel1234: ohh right... hmm vga drivers.13:44
BrixSaterUSUL,  ati radeon x230013:44
xxx_nibbler, thanks buddy!!!!!!! that was the problem i used the GNOME-terminal... it works on the bash shell13:44
paranoid_pedlarYehia, don't use synaptic to remove, erUSUL advice is good13:44
erUSULBrixSat: so the problem is low resolution? System>Preferences>display does not help ?13:44
RamsramboI need help with my Webcam. I have ubuntu 9.10 installed and I hv a Frontech ecaM JIL 2214 It is working with gstreamer but with  other applications like skype or any other application it does not show up any suggestion?13:45
BrixSaterUSUL,  yes :D and what about audio»13:45
Ritleyi just upgraded from 8.04 to 9.10, running on VMware and my audio (login was actually heard) plays fast, connecting to a uPnP server with Rhythm box, playing mostly MP3 files there doesn't seem to be any audio, but a 5 minute song is played in 15-20 seconds, anyone have any ideas on how to fix that?13:46
erUSULBrixSat: that would be trickier; check that it is not muted in the Volume icon do right click13:46
erUSULBrixSat: you will se two options Mute (a checkbox) and Preferences13:47
BrixSaterUSUL,  no all on and even on the shell using alsamixer is all on 100%13:47
^mNotIntelligenthi all !13:47
eremite_I lost a partition while I was installing and power went out.  Since then I have reinstalled and repartitioned, however, fdisk still finds the partition.  It shares the exact same "Start" number/point as another partition.  It is an "extended" partiton and the other partitions are NTFS and Linux & Linux Swap.  How can I recover this? Full HD format did not solve and gparted only see's disk as 230gb not 250gb.13:47
^mNotIntelligenthas anyone download the 10.4 beta ?13:47
BrixSaterUSUL,  yes on preferencies selecting tab equipment i have none13:47
iceroot^mNotIntelligent: #ubuntu+113:48
bscapewhere can i view all list of all available groups for a user to be in?13:49
sobczykI have a dell studio 14, while installing radeon driver the pc stopped responding, is it a bug or it should be like this? after restart I had a kernel panic "not syncing VFS unable to mount root" and had to reinstall13:49
Ritleybscape $cat /etc/groups13:49
^mNotIntelligenticeroot, i just if someone tried installing that...thats it, btw, thanx for that information13:49
aranderemite_: rewrite partition table in gparted? If really nothing important is on the disk13:49
icerootbscape: getent group13:49
Ritleybscape, might be $sudo cat /etc/group13:50
erUSULBrixSat: :/ can you paste « ls /dev/snd/* » output ?13:50
icerootbscape: and to see the groups a user belongs to use "id username"13:50
terry_sobczyk: Hard to tell. Check your HD13:50
BrixSaterUSUL,  sure 1 min13:50
icerootRitley: no, because there can be additional groups like groups from ldap, so always use gtent group13:50
bscapegetent group worked best, thanks guys :)13:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:50
sobczykterry_ brand new laptop fresh unpackaged :)13:51
eremite_arand, I have reinstalled Ubuntu over the whole disk, and then XP over the whole disk and then partitioned again to install Ubuntu.  None of this detected the extra space.  What does "rewrite" mean if not what I did?13:51
Ritleyiceroot, kinda had a issue with doing stuff the harder way ;) thx for the tip though :P13:51
DolpI'm having trouble, there are two .zip files that I can't unzip, apparantly I'm meant to merge them together or something, when I unzip them I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/397263/ any ideas?13:51
BrixSaterUSUL,  http://pastebin.com/4Us8YVLf :)13:52
terry_sobczyk: hdparm -I13:52
aranderemite_: gparted has an option to make a new partition table from scratch rather than editing the old one, it _might_ work13:52
daniel1234I have a service that I want to write an apparmor-profile for, that service is using slapd. slapd already has a profile, but it doesn't cover the directories I need. Afaik, Apparmor doesn't support having multiple profiles for one binary and it doesn't support "inheritance".. And you shouldn't touch files from other packages. Does anyone have ideas?13:52
^mNotIntelligentDolp, you are not able to unzip them ?13:54
BrixSaterUSUL,  any ideia?13:54
eremite_arand, two partitions share the same start point on the disk, disabling one of them I assume.  I need to know hwo to just get ride of one of the partitions and then place it at the end of the disk, presumably13:54
jacek_anyone can help?  Copying to any mounted drive (pendrives,hardrives,windows partiotions) stops after 64 kb of data. What's wrong?13:54
^mNotIntelligentjacek_, did u google that /13:55
hdtdihi, can someone help me with ffmpeg? i have one picture one mp3 and i want to convert it to flv or mp4 and upload it to youtube.. but when i convert it to flv.. and upload it to youtube.. it says "video is unavailable" and i got no video uploaded.. when i try to convert it to mp4 i cant find out why the picture isnt included13:55
jacek_yes, i googled it, cannot find antyhing13:55
Dolp^mNotIntelligent: yes13:55
^mNotIntelligentDolp, lemme check that pastebin13:56
eremite_hdtdi, use a format that YouTube accepts, like ogg, ovg, and maybe even mkv?  They also support .avi, mpg, etc.  Why uplaod flash?13:56
paranoid_pedlarwhat is the best tool to use when removing software. I'm trying to cleanup my karmic install.13:57
hdtdieremite_, i am reading the "best way to upload" and Preferred containersFLV, MPEG-2, and MPEG-413:57
terry_sobczyk: hdparm -I /dev/hd?  or hdparm -I /dev/sd?13:57
BrixSaterUSUL,  http://pastebin.com/4Us8YVLf :)13:58
civprowhats the best way of getting a ip address from a user on your box13:58
terry_sobczyk: And:  http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin.php13:58
civprowe just had a breakin13:58
civprosomeone created a username13:59
unopcivpro,  who; w;13:59
xtjacobhello everyone, how can i find where my gps is connected? (it is serial)13:59
terry_civpro: ifconfig13:59
katsuodowhat is the best procedure to upgrade from 8.04.4 to 9.10 tried yesterday and it would not mount /?13:59
unopterry_, that tells you YOUR address not the user's address13:59
unopparanoid_pedlar, any of the apt tools will do -- synaptic, aptitude, etc14:00
terry_unop: Well, he asked about how to get an "ip address"14:00
erUSULBrixSat: so the sound card has drivers .... what card does alsamixer show ?14:00
ndocan someone tell me if this have already been fixed? There is a problem with the configuration server.14:00
ndo(/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)14:00
BlizzerandHow to download live stream videos in Linux.14:00
unopterry_, yes, and he did qualify that question too with "from a user on your box" -- heh.14:01
paranoid_pedlarunop, synaptic removes stuff I want to keep14:01
erUSULxtjacob: serial via a usb to serial converter or via a real serial port14:01
terry_Blizzerand: what live stream videos?  From where?14:01
BrixSaterUSUL,   Card: HDA SIS966   │ Chip: Realtek ALC660-VD14:01
Dolp^mNotIntelligent: anything?14:01
Blizzerandterry_ : From internet lol14:01
xtjacoberUSUL: real serial port, i think it's /dev/ttys0, but how do i get the gps working now?14:01
terry_Blizzerand: Ok, well that narrows it down.  Ok14:01
aurillianceI need to check if the ubuntu I just downloaded is correct, where can i find the md5 sum for it?14:01
Blizzerandterry_ : realPlay can do that in windows but not in Linux :(14:02
unopparanoid_pedlar, do any of the other tools do the same? apt-get perhaps?14:02
iceroot!md5 | aurilliance14:02
ubottuaurilliance: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:02
girlgonegeekHi Everyone!14:02
=== ndo is now known as Nikolai_D
terry_Blizzerand: Well, unless you tell us what you are trying to download and were from, we will not be able to tell you much about it.14:02
Nikolai_DHi guys, can someone tell me if the auto logon issue of 9.10 have already been fixed?14:03
erUSULBrixSat: so everything looks ok but no sound? not even in « gstreamer -properties » ? (launch it from terminal make sure you have pulseaudio in both sound systems)14:03
erUSULxtjacob: that i do not know. maybe search for some gps apps in synaptic ...14:03
terry_Blizzerand: But you might be able to use gxine14:03
purveshany 1 know abt screen recordin software for ubuntu 9.10 ? , purvesh14:03
BrixSaterUSUL,  gstreamer does not exist14:04
Blizzerandterry_ : I didn't mean anything specific , there are many softwares in Windows that let you download videos (found  in format ) . But I cannot find any such software in linux14:04
paranoid_pedlarunop, I'm not sure yet. But the reason I ask, is because I would like to be able to browse all installed software, then I can determine what I want to remove14:04
erUSULBrixSat: sorry is without the space « gstreamer-properties »14:04
paranoid_pedlardoes software center show all the packages or just some of them?14:05
unopparanoid_pedlar, then synaptic is probably the easiest way to do this.14:05
terry_Blizzerand: gxine, mplayer, totem14:05
Dolp^mNotIntelligent: anything?14:05
Blizzerandterry_ : How do I download videos with them ?14:06
BrixSaterUSUL,  no pulse audio and test button does not give audio, only on OSS i get sound14:06
hexdumpis there anyway somebody could help me with this script I'm having problems with?14:06
meitneriumhexdump, what script and what problem?14:07
^mNotIntelligentDolp, no idea.. still searching14:07
hexdumpmaybe somebody can identify what's wrong with it.  I'm getting syntax error near unexpected token 'do'14:07
hexdumphere it goes14:07
erUSULBrixSat: :/14:07
BrixSaterUSUL,  im also  :/14:07
terry_Blizzerand: Depends on where from, but here is an example:14:07
terry_gxine http://viewers.multicastmedia.com/asx_files/EWTN_Channel55_English_DomesticEnglish_500k.asx14:07
hexdumpfor in in $(find . -name *.avi) ; do mv -v $i foo/ ; done14:07
vinicius_i got a problem here... it's [ find ...args... | tar -cvf file.tar - ], but some of the files have namespaces on it14:07
meitneriumwhat language?14:08
sipiorhexdump: "for i in..."14:08
BrixSatwell i got to go erUSUL  thanks for all the help :) im will be back14:08
terry_Blizzerand: You can install gxine plugin or mplayer plugin for firefox if  you would like to do it via the browser.  It's up to you.14:09
=== tully is now known as tully|away
erUSULBrixSat: in the sound preferences again does anything change Output conector (in the output tab) or the profie in the hardare tab (the second one) ???14:09
hexdumpI know I can do sudo find ~ -iname "*.avi*" -exec mv -v {} /foo \;14:09
erUSULBlizzerand: ok; good luck14:09
hexdumpsipior:  that's what i messed up u say for i in?14:09
jatthi, I created a crontab with crontab -e to run a script every 5 minutes but the script doesn't run (it has the execution bit set and it logs its output to a file in /tmp).14:09
hexdumplet me give er a shot14:09
terry_Blizzerand: As long as you have codecs to run the various types of video formats, they will play.14:09
terry_!video | Blizzerand14:09
ubottuBlizzerand: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:09
Blizzerandterry_ : Thanks , I will give it a try14:09
Blizzerandterry_ : I hate that bot btw14:10
sobczyk_terry_, ok I used my n900, what should I look for in the hparm output14:10
benlu456jastor: Hello14:10
jattwhat could be the problem? The crontab looks like this:14:10
jatt*/5 * * * * script.sh14:10
terry_Blizzerand: gxine, mplayer, totem, vlc  (thanks root__ )14:10
ManDayMy computer crashed, while I got an open AND unsaved AND untitled document in gedit - I NEED TO RESTORE IT! Any suggestions how?14:10
hexdumpunexpected token do14:10
ikoniajatt: the path to the script has to be full14:10
QueenZHello Yall!!!14:10
jattit's a crontab for a user (not root)14:10
BlizzeranderUSUL : You are welcome14:10
hexdumpsyntax error near unexpected token do14:10
QueenZWhen will Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 1 come out??14:10
jattikonia: yes I tried this too :) I shortened it out when I pasted it here. But in the crontab is a full path.14:10
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:10
erUSULBlizzerand: sorry; tab completion error :)14:11
bscapequeenz: today14:11
ikoniaQueenZ: read the release schedule in #ubuntu+1's stopic14:11
terry_Blizzerand: Hate it all you like. That is your choice.   To me, it is very helpful, brings up information for us without us having to search for it.14:11
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ikoniajatt: is the user in the cron allow/deny file ?14:11
QueenZi know but it's not out yet is it?14:11
ikoniajatt: is the cron daemon running14:11
hexdumptyping sudo for i in $(find . -name *.avi) ; do mv -v $i Movies/ ; done14:11
ikoniajatt: does the script run if you execute it manually14:11
purveshany one know about screen recording software for ubuntu 9.10 ? , purvesh14:11
BlizzeranderUSUL : Luck is always luck :)14:11
erUSULBlizzerand: true :)14:11
Blizzerandterry_ : I guess so14:11
QueenZUbuntu 10.04 beta should be out today but where can i find it?14:12
root__hi every body14:12
ikoniaQueenZ: read the topic in #ubuntu+114:12
hexdumpyeah ya know what it was?14:12
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hexdumpthat was screwin me up14:12
QueenZikonia: what topic??14:12
root__i want to ask14:13
root__hack wifi14:13
root__but i use card bradcom14:13
Azelphur!cracking | root__14:14
ubotturoot__: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:14
ikoniaQueenZ: the /topic command in the channel #ubuntu+114:14
QueenZikonia: oh ok14:14
Blizzerandterry_ : gxine is totally buggy , I am going to give mplayer a try now14:14
CeeriaelIm trying tp compile a driver, but im getting : echo " include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing.";14:14
Ceeriaeli tryed "make oldconfig && make prepare" but it didnt held (auto.conf is still not in the folder)14:15
Ceeriaelive checked, and autoconf.h is there, auto.conf is missing.... and is not created when doing make prepare.14:15
ikoniaCeeriael: custom kernels are not supported here14:15
terry_Blizzerand: What is the matter with gxine?  (Works fine for me.)  (So does mplayer, so play away.)14:16
Ceeriaelhow  do i make a driver on a "non custom" kernel ? as i understand it, its not possible then ?14:16
jattikonia: yes the cron daemon runs and the script works fine when I execute it from the shell.14:16
ikoniaCeeriael: yes you do, you make the driver and drop it into the kernel tree14:16
lanoxx-why does gcc on ubuntu not default to -std=c99?14:16
purveshany one know about screen recording or screen capture software for ubuntu 9.10 ? , purvesh14:17
ikoniajatt: look at cron qllow/deny files14:17
Blizzerandterry_ : The output was xine engine failed to start or something14:17
Ceeriaelikonia lovely :D how do i do that... i have the driver source ?? dont have binaryes....14:17
coz_purvesh,  well there are a few applications14:17
coz_purvesh,   gtk-recordmydesktop is about the best14:17
jattikonia: in Ubuntu I've succeeded to run cron jobs when I put them in /etc/cron.daily for example, but when I use crontab -e from a user account then it doesn't run as expected.14:17
ikoniaCeeriael: making the driver source will make the module14:17
hexdumpoh great these people just like to make everything difficult for me.  heh heh spaces in their filenames.14:17
ikoniajatt: look at cron allow/deny14:17
Ceeriaeland when i do this, thats when i get the error.14:18
coz_purvesh,  that doesnt mean it is a great application... but it seems to be the best of the one available14:18
terry_Blizzerand: Go on and install mplayer, (and keep on ignoring the links I sent you  :)14:18
purveshcoz_, thanx for reply ok... that is the best ... full screen capture software14:18
Blizzerandterry_ ; what links14:18
hexdumpmeitnerium: thanks man.  you too sipior,14:18
jattikonia: /etc/cron.d doesn't have any cron.allow or cron.deny14:18
coz_purvesh,  yeah... as far as I know  that is about the best...you could do a search for linux screencasting   but I think you will find that one with the most promise14:18
jattikonia: maybe I should add one?14:18
terry_Blizzerand: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats14:19
sipiorlanoxx-: the gcc man page sets the situation out pretty clearly.14:19
jatta cron.allow I mean14:19
Ceeriael1) started up ubuntu livecd, 2) apt-get install build-essential linux-source 3) made some symlink the readme for the driver told med 4) copyed .config from /boot/ into linux source dir, followed by make (short) make menuconfig (then save and exit) and then make (10 sec or so, again by the readme)... 5) tried to make the driver... and thats when i get this error.14:20
=== hexdump is now known as hexdump_
purveshcoz_, can u give me the package name or proper command ?14:20
DolpI'm having trouble, there are two .zip files that I can't unzip, apparantly I'm meant to merge them together or something, when I unzip them I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/397263/ any ideas?14:20
lanoxx-sipior, point me to the section14:20
CeeriaelI tried to google the problem (with the given driver) but they say make prepare should do the trix (with getting auto.conf) .. but it dosent seem to do me any god.14:20
coz_purvesh,   I believe  it is   sudo apt-get install  gtk-recordmydesktop14:21
sipiorlanoxx-: search for "-std"14:21
psvastihello you ;)14:22
paranoid_pedlaris there a way to keep synaptic open to browse installed software, and use aptitude in terminal without having package manager conflicts?14:22
cajunI have a dual boot system with Ubuntu Karmic and XP. My HDD has 3 partitions. For some reason the 3rd partition requires a root password  but the XP one doesn't. I did not set this up but I want that 3rd partition to automount on startup. How do I do this?14:23
lanoxx-sipior, it says that c99 will become the default, when all functions have been implemented, that does not explain why its different on mingw14:23
phassingerI'm trying to figure out if it's possible to convert my existing ubuntu 8.04 server (with /dev/sda and /dev/sdb drives) with LVM and partitions currently existing on just /dev/sda. Is it possible to convert the existing to a RAID mirror with /dev/sdb? I can't find anythign in Google about doing it to an existing OS running partition. The boxes are in a building across town and I'd prefer being able to do this remotely.14:24
coz_cajun,  did you by chance try to install ubuntu ...something went wrong and you reinstalled from the live cd?14:24
jatt"When adding a new entry to a blank crontab, forgetting to add a newline at the end is a common source for the job not running."14:24
sipiorlanoxx-: "ISO C99.  Note that this standard is not yet fully supported;14:24
sipior               see <http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.4/c99status.html> for more14:24
sipior               information."14:24
paranoid_pedlarcajun, I think it's asking you to provide your linux password so that you have privlages? to mount it14:24
sipiorick, sorry about that, channel.14:24
aurillianceTrying to install UNR, when I try to boot from the flash drive with the image I get "BOOTMGR is missing"14:24
cajuncoz: I don't think so14:25
terry_Blizzerand: You can also install huludesktop14:25
linenoiseIs there an mp3 player that I can just start in a directory and get a playlist I can click through? I don't want something to 'manage a library' for me or anything.  Remember xmms?  How it didn't need a server process to run?  It just worked?  I want that again.14:25
aurillianceI copied the image etc using unetbootin windows14:25
coz_cajun,  ok and when you put in your password can you mount that partition?14:25
cajunIt's just the one partition, USB drives don't require a password nor does the XP partition.14:25
terry_linenoise: xmms14:25
cajunOh yeah. Once I enter my password it mounts fine but it won't mount automatically on startup.14:25
linenoiseterry_: I just installed it.  It's all sucky now.14:25
lanoxx-sipior, yet it seems that it IS the default in mingw, because code like for(int i=0; ...) compiles on windows with the default options but not on linux, and also something like int x = pow(5.0, 6.0); compiles on windows but gives a link error on linux14:25
massa-pash /nickserv register Rfkfvfhb tretyakova@krm.net.ua14:26
coz_cajun,  ok and is this an ntfs partition?14:26
cajunI want some progs to use folders on that partition.14:26
paranoid_pedlarcajun, you have to add it to your something... someone fill that in with the config file14:26
cajuncoz: Yes it is.14:26
linenoiseterry_: There some kind of server daemon involved and ... I just want to cd into a dir, run a gui and be able to play music14:26
sipiorlanoxx-: i don't know what to tell you.14:26
RamsRamboI need help with my Webcam. I have ubuntu 9.10 installed and I hv a Frontech ecaM JIL 2214 It is working with gstreamer but with  other applications like skype or any other application it does not show up any suggestion?14:26
paranoid_pedlarboot ini?14:26
sipiorlanoxx-: use mingw, then?14:26
terry_linenoise: audacious, bmpx, or xmms214:26
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linenoiseterry_: I haven't herad of audacious or bmpx I'll check them out.  xmms2 is the one I hate14:27
cajunpedlar: thanks for responding to my plea as well.14:27
terry_linenoise: I use xmms sometimes.14:27
coz_cajun,  here is one soluton  http://maketecheasier.com/auto-mount-your-ntfs-partition-in-ubuntu/2009/04/14   however ...I would research this just abit before attempting it  just in case14:27
terry_linenoise: but I mostly just use my SanDisk Express14:27
coz_cajun,  I am testing that now so hold on14:28
paranoid_pedlarcajun, etc fstab14:28
arathaldlanoxx-: i probably missed something, but, out of curiosity, what versions of gcc are you using in mingw and in linux?14:28
cajuncoz:  Ok thank you. Do you find it strange that one partition will automount but another won't?14:28
lanoxx-sipior, dunno, i was just currious as to why it would give me a link error linux but it works in mingw, well anyway, i guess i just have to accept it, its rather broken in mingw, than in gcc14:28
paranoid_pedlarIll search to be sure14:28
terry_linenoise: I don't care for xmms2 either.14:28
cajunpedlar:  Thank you14:28
lanoxx-arathald, in linux its gcc-4.4.1 the mingw version is the one that comes with codeblocks 8.2, let me check14:29
Middlemanhey, can u umount the live cd to put in a antivirus cd in?14:29
paranoid_pedlarcajun, well no, because it's not set permissions, which is why it won't mount. Makes you safe14:29
brontosaurusrexhow about 'moc' as a player (ncurses)?14:29
coz_cajun,  well I also have dual boot with 2 ntfs partitions under windows...however neither of them auto mount  and i dont want them to  but  it is possible14:29
arathaldlanoxx-: yeah, check your mingw gcc version, because, last I checked, it was incredibly outdated14:29
cajunI just found this link:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78526314:29
coz_cajun,  that particular application mentioned on that  link I gave you seems to work14:29
Middlemanis it possible to umount ubuntu livecd? and keep it running14:30
Middlemanor do i gotta load it into ram14:30
cajuncoz, pedlar: well the XP partition mounts just fine without prompting for my password.14:30
coz_Middleman,  you can keep it running but it is definitly loaded into ram14:30
visohi, is there a video converter available in ubuntu?14:30
Middlemanhow do i umount the dvd coz, umount /dev/dvd14:30
brontosaurusrexviso: to convert what?14:30
visoi need to convert video into ipod14:30
arathaldviso: try handbrake14:31
brontosaurusrexviso: handbrake14:31
Middlemandamn says its busy maybe i can force it14:31
paranoid_pedlardo you guys think it's possible to send installed packages and descriptions to a txt file?14:31
visothanks for your help14:31
cajuncoz:  Thanks I'll try it.   I understand the logic behind not automounting the partitions by default but I'm just confused as to why one partition mounts but the other doesn't.14:31
arathaldMiddleman: if you unmount the dvd, it probably will be unable to find a number of things, iirc, you have to explicitly copy the contents into memory to be able to unmount while running live14:32
paranoid_pedlarcajun, what file system is the one that's being automounted?14:32
terry_Middleman: May already be mounted   mount14:32
coz_cajun,  that one I am not sure of...i might have to actually see what is going on with your system to give a decent answer :)14:32
arathaldMiddleman: i believe there's a command to do so, but I don't at all remember what it is... ram something or something ram14:32
terry_Middleman:  mount  #See if it's mounted14:33
lanoxx-arathald, hmm, from what i found googling its some think like 3.4.5 this explains alot14:33
arathaldMiddleman: toram seems to be what you're looking for14:33
terry_Middleman: Is it a data CD ?14:33
cajuncoz, pedlar: woops. I apologize, that partition is Fat32.14:33
Middlemanits a live ubuntu cd14:34
Middlemanim trying to umount it14:34
lanoxx-arathald, the people in my class wont be happy i deducted so many points for link errors xD14:34
arathaldlanoxx-: ok, i can help you out a little bit; is mingw installed to C: ?14:34
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paranoid_pedlarcajun, that's why. it's not a secure filesystem14:34
Middlemanarathald; ok thats what i was thinking too thanks14:34
paranoid_pedlarcajun, vs ntfs and ext4 etc14:34
paranoid_pedlarcajun, which is also why your usb automounts because it uses vfat14:35
cajunah ok.  that makes sense.  I use that partition for extra storage only. shall I format it to another one?  I need it to be compatible with ubuntu and XP.14:35
armor-64i have ubuntu 9.10 and lg laptop14:35
paranoid_pedlarcajun, well in windows you can convert it to ntfs convert fs ntfs ? google convert fat32 to ntfs, it's on the microsoft web site, and you won't loose your files14:36
DolpI'm having trouble, there are two .zip files that I can't unzip, apparantly I'm meant to merge them together or something, when I unzip them I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/397263/ any ideas?14:36
cajunpedlar: wow, I had no idea one could convert between filesystems.14:37
icerootDolp: zip-file is broken14:37
cajunthanks.  that's very helpful.14:37
rwwubottu: tab | cajun14:37
ubottucajun: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:37
icerootDolp: if you have a md5, check that14:37
dante123hi all, im getting a message on boot up.....something about conflicts with acpi or something....where can I go to see a log of the exact error?14:37
armor-64I have laptop LG E-500 and i have prob with ubuntu beacouse it's allways showing me the battery low/(0,0)% battery14:37
arathaldlanoxx-: err.. nevermind, it looks like mingw got off their butts and now have current versions of gcc compiled for windows; i compiled and packaged my own version of mingw about a year and a half ago (well, longer now) that, until very recently, has been, as far as I know, the latest version of gcc available compiled against mingw14:37
coz_cajun,  ah its fat32   now I see14:37
rwwdante123: type `dmesg | less' in a terminal14:38
paranoid_pedlarcajun, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307881 I learned that by doing the same thing you did with your drive. but a long time ago. I'm so old :(14:38
arathaldlanoxx-: so you can find the latest versions on their website now, though you might have to download the packages for each program separately14:38
rwwdante123: (without quotes)14:38
Dolpiceroot how14:38
gardararmor-64, System>Administration>Log File Viewer14:38
AegNuddelWhat the heck?  When I try to install something from the Software Center, it says waiting for other software managers to quit.  I'm not running any other ones!14:38
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iceroot!md5 | Dolp14:38
ubottuDolp: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:38
coz_paranoid_pedlar,   I am one of the "old" guys too  guy :)14:38
gardaryou running a update maby AegNuddel ?14:39
cajunpedlar: No, you're just well seasoned.  :)14:39
AegNuddelgardar, how do I check?14:39
paranoid_pedlarAegNuddel, your synaptic is open or your update. close one haha and you're canadian?14:39
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coz_cajun,  well then since that is fat32 i am not sure that little application would work for you14:39
Blizzerandterry_ : Are you there14:39
outybuntuhi guys14:39
gardarsynaptic, update, apt-get, apdidute, some of those must be open14:39
hdtdiany other software like ffmpeg ? i want to convert mp3 + picture into mp4 ?14:40
AegNuddelI looked14:40
outybuntuim having trouble installing vlc14:40
coz_outybuntu,  where are you installing from?14:40
AegNuddelwhat if I xkill them all?14:40
icerootoutybuntu: sudo apt-get install vlc14:40
lanoxx-arathald, ok thanks, i will try to get the latest packages14:40
arathaldMiddleman: let me know if that works, I'm curious; ive never tried toram with an ubuntu disk14:40
cajuncoz: I'll follow the M$ instructions for conversion.  Thank you so much for your time and information. You were both very helpful.14:40
paranoid_pedlarHTbeeJay, mplayer I think can convert. One cool site I've been following for awhile is tovid. Started up from a forum discussion. It does some cool stuff14:41
coz_cajun,  ok just one bit of info   type    coz  then hit the tab button to complete my nick  this way I will be informed on the irc client that someone is speaking with me :)14:41
paranoid_pedlarHTbeeJay, for converting video14:41
coz_cajun,   you should practice that with each person you talk with :)14:41
CountDownI'm trying to unlock and mount my LVM2+LUKS encrypted internal hard drive from the 9.10 LiveCD.  Problem is cryptsetup keeps returning "Command failed.  Can not access device".  Any ideas?  I've detailed my plight at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=898599114:41
AegNuddelok put them all in xkill...14:41
dante123rww the original message is not showing up....only thing i noted was Phoenix BIOS detected: BIOS may corrupt low RAM, working around it.14:42
dante123nothing in there rww about conflicts with acpi14:42
dante123anywhere else to look rww?14:42
outybuntuThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:43
outybuntu  vlc: Depends: vlc-nox (= 1.0.2-1ubuntu2.1) but it is not going to be installed14:43
outybuntu       Depends: libx264-67 (>= 1:0.svn20090502) but it is not installable14:43
outybuntu       Recommends: vlc-plugin-pulse (= 1.0.2-1ubuntu2.1) but it is not going to be installed14:43
rwwdante123: if it happened during Ubuntu bootup, it would be in dmesg somewhere. If it was during BIOS setup, it's not something we can catch.14:43
FloodBot4outybuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:43
cajuncoz Oh ok.  so that's what those instructions meant. I was confused.14:43
AegNuddelnope oin fact started software center and it still said that even before I started downloading anything...14:43
dante123it is not in bios setup, it was after grub gives menu list of os, and I select ubuntu.....14:43
rwwoutybuntu: copy the output of "apt-cache policy vlc" to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link the created page here.14:43
cajuncoz_, using the tab sure beats remembering which command alerts the recipient.14:43
coz_cajun,   yeah  its difficutlt to keep track of who is talking to whom without nick complettion14:43
coz_cajun,  :)14:43
rwwdante123: then it should be in dmesg =\14:44
dante123do i type that in.....dmesg =\14:44
dante123in terminal rww14:44
evudHello. I have a .pdf file that was converted to pdf from a .ppt file(which I can't find). The pdf file has in one page one slide, is there a way-program to convert the pdf so there are 2 slides in one page or so? I searched google but the only find info on how to merge multiple .pdf files ... Than you14:44
cajuncoz_, someone should fix the bot so the instructions are more clear for newbies.14:44
coz_cajun,  i also have xchat alert me with a sound if I am not looking at the screen..something I used to hate but found useful especially on support days :)14:44
rwwdante123: no, I just had you type in "dmesg | less", that's what i mean14:45
rwwcajun: If you have a suggestion, I can send it to the appropriate people for you :)14:45
coz_cajun,  well sometimes..as in this channel ..there are so many of the bot offerings I cant keep track of them myself14:45
dante123sorry, this is new to me....rww14:45
icerootevud: just print the pdf to a pdf printer and choose 2sides-on-one-side14:45
cajuncoz_, i hear ya. it's hard for me to keep track myself sometimes.14:46
AegNuddeloh it must have carried over from another session...hmm weird14:46
AegNuddeland the manual terminal thing won't install it :(14:47
bludsi'm working on a script and i would like to do a scp connexion and i need to specify the password in the same line14:47
cajunrww, the tab instructions weren't clear enough. they just confused me.  if someone could just add that you start typing the nick then hit tab, the nick is completed and alerts the recipient that they have a msg.  something along those lines would help. i really had no idea what the bot was trying to tell me.14:47
bludsany idea how can i do it?14:47
AegNuddelfinally one14:47
armor-64gardar, ok, now what?14:47
Diverdudeif i write grep "*cvraw*" it searches current folder and all subfolders with files containing cvraw as either individual word or as part of a longer word right?14:47
Dr_Willis bluds  if you set up ssh properly you can copy your credentials over and not need a password.14:47
cajuncoz_, paranoid_pedlar : thank you so much for you help. have a great day.14:48
evudiceroot: oopss :S why haven't I thoght about this? xpdf doesn't have such an option but seems Okular does. Thank you very much :)14:48
dante123one other thing rww, ocasionally i get a "flash" or a 1-2 sec freeze....seems video related.  I uninstalled the nvidia driver......but wondering if I should use earlier version rather than the latest.  Had issues with latest nvidia drivers under windows....but going to previous version resolved my problems.....is there any nvidia driver to avoid?  Choices are 173 and 93 i think...14:48
gardarsearch for your message armor-6414:48
coz_cajun,  no problem14:48
casli have a solution to my problem from yesterday (2010/03/17 @ 20:17 GMT) regarding "unable to authenticate user" & gdm-session-work segfault -->> missing /dev/random & /dev/urandom. recreated these and restart gdm. problem solved. i'm posting this here so it makes it's way into the IRC logs14:48
rwwdante123: I don't have an nvidia card, so I don't know anything about them, sorry.14:48
Dr_Williscasl:  dare we ask how you lost your /dev/random and /dev/urandom ?14:48
dante123okay thanks anyway....rww14:48
MrPiracycould anyone pls tell me which plugin i need to be able to see the live stream on this website? http://www.metropoletv.com.br/14:49
armor-64gardar, sorry what?14:49
dante123i got rid of the nvidia driver, going to see if the issue comes up without it14:49
dante123thanks rww14:49
kdymcahi all. got a few questions related to network shares and different flavors of ubuntu for use in a music production/internet radio/youth club setting14:49
bugalooHello all! I'm using ubuntu 9.10 on my HP dv2000 laptop. The problem is: when I plug the headphones, sound comes out but it still plays on the speakers. Does anybody know why is that?14:49
ulferikWhat program do I need to listen to radio Real and Media player is the options for Sr.se14:49
casldr_willis: attempting to install a udev rule to workaround an issue with cisco vpn client14:50
rskulferik mplayer -playlist url works.14:50
rwwhmm, looks like outybuntu disappeared. sudo apt-get update would have fixed their problem :\14:50
CountDownHow do I unlock and mount a LUKS+LVM2 encrypted internal hard drive from the 9.10 Live CD?  cryptsetup is giving me a "Command failed.  Can not access device" error.14:50
rskulferik dont need media or realplayer14:50
ulferikrsk thanks14:50
rwwcajun: alright, I'll see what I can do about making it clearer :)14:51
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kdymcamainly, what i want to know is, is it possible (and where could i find a good tutorial) to set up a share (samba, ftp, nfs?) so that the local (linux, OSX and Windows) machines can have rw access, and also remote machines can access them in a read only capacity? (say for getting a project i've worked on here from home)14:52
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sllidemy bluetooth icon disapearded...14:53
mhall119|workkdymca: you can do that with user account restrictions14:53
sllidehow can i make it show up in the bar again?14:53
meganerdkdymca: I use samba for local access and https for remote erad only access.14:53
mhall119|workI think you can also do it by subnet14:53
arathaldkdymca: its very possible, I don't know offhand exactly how to do it, but yes, it is possible14:53
MrPiracycould anyone pls tell me which plugin i need to be able to see the live stream on this website? http://www.metropoletv.com.br/14:54
Dr_Williskdymca:  theres the 'using samba' and other docs in the 'samba-doc' packge that are worth looking at.14:54
AegNuddelwell software manager loads again but it keeps telling me to check my internet connection %#%$^#$ AT&T!14:54
purveshi want to record my screen as a Video any software for Ubuntu 9.10 ? , purvesh14:54
kdymcathanks guys. any idea what i should google to figure out how to deploy such a thing?14:54
Azelphur!screencast | purvesh14:55
ubottupurvesh: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.14:55
Dr_Williskdymca:  theres the 'using samba' book and other books avail for free. and in the 'samba-doc' package. and 1000's of samba guides online14:55
=== hftircuser is now known as xorgounet
kdymcathanks a lot14:57
* kdymca goes off to read documentation14:57
Dr_Willisulferik:  working in the vlc plugin for firefox also. (but the site is laggy)14:58
Diverdudeif i write grep "*cvraw*" it searches current folder and all subfolders with files containing cvraw as either individual word or as part of a longer word right?14:58
girlgonegeekI know this is offtopic, but does anyone here use xchat & wouldn't mind teching me how to use it?14:58
wjmgirlgonegeek - I do it's pretty simple14:59
Dr_Willisgirlgonegeek:   last i checked the xchat homepage had some ok docs/guides - check the xchat help menu also14:59
wjmalthough I prefer irsii :(14:59
Dr_Williswjm:  ive switched over to WeeChat :)14:59
coz_girlgonegeek,  well you could type   /join #xchat  and I am sure they can help  since talking about it here would take quite a bit of time :)14:59
girlgonegeekDr_Willis, ya i have - but I still don't understand it.  so im hoping to find someone that could teach me it.14:59
wjmDr_Willis: the the heck is that?15:00
girlgonegeekcoz_,  ya im in there, but the help im getting doesnt make any sense to me. lol15:00
Dr_Williswjm:  a text based/console irc client.15:00
Dr_Williswjm:  with lots of fetures not in irssi15:00
vertxDiverdude: try rgrep instead15:00
wjmnice - I like console things :D15:00
ulferikrsk what do you mean "dont need media or realplayer"15:01
Diverdudevertx, what is the difference?15:01
Middlemanf-secure rescue cd is greater than bit defender rescue cd (antivirus scan)15:01
wjmugh, how do you turn off join/parts in xchat this is getting annoying after only three minutes ;_;15:01
AegNuddelok got it to download again but it's doing something weird as of lately15:02
grandemahatmahello. I've installed windows 7 AFTER having installed ubuntu on my PC. How to install grub to use the dual boot?15:02
vertxDiverdude: I believe rgrep goes into subdirectories as you want15:02
Diverdudevertx, i see....and the regex is correct?15:03
AegNuddelit downloads the program, then gets to about 65 percent, jumps back to 50, the n eventually claims to have failed, but then I try to go to reinstall, and the program ends up alreaddy being installed15:03
AegNuddelit makes no sense!15:03
adamkexgrandemahatma: http://tinyurl.com/yezxy3615:03
vertxDiverdude: rgrep *craw would be fine. Read the manual :)15:04
AegNuddelhmm and my webcam is not showing the photo either15:05
AegNuddelin cheese15:05
grandemahatmaadamkex: thanks a lot.. you're awfully kind15:05
adamkexgrandemahatma: :)15:05
Diverdudevertx, yeah i cannot find any flag to send if i want to get verbous output while it is processing files, like "now looking in file ...." etc15:05
Strife1989I am using Ubuntu 9.10, and I am trying to find a way to get the Line In input on my sound card to "pass through" to the speakers. Can I get some help with doing so?15:05
wjmMicrosoft will rue the day when live.com forgot my password, I swear it!15:05
* wjm shakes fist15:05
grandemahatmaadamkex: only, I did not isntall grub BEFORE installing windows15:06
BlizzerandDo you guys know any text/html decoder plguin15:06
Diverdudevertx, aha...grep -ir cvraw * did the job well15:06
vertxDiverdude: I don't know if there's such an option15:07
adamkexgrandemahatma: ubuntu installs it automatically for you when you install ubuntu15:07
Strife1989I am using Ubuntu 9.10, and I am trying to find a way to get the Line In input on my sound card to "pass through" to the speakers. Can I get some help with doing so? In the Sound preferences, I can see that the sound card is receiving a signal from my source.15:07
grandemahatmaadamkex: I see, thanks15:08
vertxDiverdude: thatks great. Thanks or sharing, I'm a newbie myself15:08
adamkexgrandemahatma: windows replaces grub with its own bootloader, that is why you have to reinstall grub15:08
FerasTest: Hi15:09
grandemahatmaadamkex: thanks for explaining15:09
adamkexgrandemahatma: you're welcome :)15:09
Diverdudevertx, no worries mate. We are all learnes15:10
Diverdudevertx, learners15:10
ilgeniodelmale /join #ubuntu-it15:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:11
Strife1989Is there noone who is willing or able to help me?15:12
leleobhzits a known problem thunderbird simply dont open external links?15:12
DolpI'm tryna open a file and I get the message "There is no application installed for SQLite3 database files"15:13
llutzleleobhz: you have to set network-protocol-handlers https/http15:13
armor-64hello, where can i edit kernel options? i want to add nolapic_timer instead of acpi=off15:13
wasutton3i am trying to compile moonlight on karmic, and after i enter ./configure, i end up with the error "error: mcs_path doesn't exist" does anyone know what that is?15:13
crsHi there. Got a broken cd drive in my laptop and due to that I cant install ubuntu using installation cd. Is it safe to move hdd to other (different) laptop, install ubuntu there and move it back to origin laptop? Will it work on hardware configuration different to that during the installation?15:13
beutdeucewhen using apt-get, how do i specify to ONLY install the package i entered, and NOT the suggested/recommended packages?15:13
rwwbeutdeuce: apt-get --no-install-recommends install whatever15:14
DolpI'm tryna open a file and I get the message "There is no application installed for SQLite3 database files" how do i?15:14
DJonescrs: Is the machine capeable of USB booting? Tat might be another option if it is15:14
chili555crs: i have done it a few times with no problems15:14
leleobhzllutz: set to /usr/bin/sensible-browser ?15:14
rwwbeutdeuce: suggests shouldn't be installed by default anyway15:14
beutdeucerww: thnx15:14
llutzleleobhz: whatever you use15:14
crsDJones: Nope, unfortunately there is no usb boot option available in boot menu ;/15:14
c3lLets say I have 20 files with Underscore where I want a space to be instead, is there any neat way to rename all the files in one command?15:14
DolpI'm tryna open a file and I get the message "There is no application installed for SQLite3 database files" how do i open it?15:14
llutzc3l: "rename"15:14
leleobhzllutz: where i set this?15:14
beutdeucerww: well, whenever i want to install  a java-based package, maven for example, it wants to instll gcj java, even though i only want to use sun jdk 6 that i already have instaLLED15:14
leleobhzin attachement actions have notting inside15:15
vertxbuetdeuce: recommended/suggested packages doesn't get installed automatically, just as what you want15:15
vertx 15:15
llutzleleobhz: about:config15:15
crschili555: Are you sure? Does not ubuntu selects modules to use or so stuff during the installation process?15:15
rwwvertx: recommends are automatically installed. have been for a few years now.15:15
crschili555: Will everything work well?15:15
chili555crs: it selects them in the boot process15:15
llutzrww: apt-get doesn't install recommends by default, aptitude does15:15
c3lllutz, well yeah, I want to change the name in all the files so that  a space character replaces any underscore in the filenames15:15
vertxrww: ahh, my bad. Sorry :(15:15
llutzc3l: the tool you want to use is "rename"15:16
crschili555: That is the answer I wanted to hear. Thank you kindly. Will let you know later on if I succeded.15:16
c3lllutz, ;D well thank you15:16
chili555crs: it has every time i have tried15:16
DolpI'm tryna open a file and I get the message "There is no application installed for SQLite3 database files" how do i open it?15:16
chili555crs: good luck, have fun15:16
PiciDolp: What are you trying to open and with what program?15:16
Strife1989I am using Ubuntu 9.10, and I am trying to find a way to get the Line In input on my sound card to "pass through" to the speakers. Can I get some help with doing so? In the Sound preferences, I can see that the sound card is receiving a signal from my source.15:17
rwwllutz: apt-get installs recommends by default.15:17
leleobhzllutz: how can i open this link in thunderbird?15:17
llutzleleobhz: womewhere in settings menue15:17
beutdeuce--no-recommend-install did the job! now it isnt going to insall gcj java and other uneeded packages15:17
DolpI'm trying to open a sqlite file15:17
rwwbeutdeuce: awesome :)15:17
Dolppici i dunno how15:17
beutdeucerww: thnx15:17
grandemahatmaadamkex: ehm.. ok it indeed worked. Only, now I can only boot in ubuntu :(15:17
PiciDolp: you'd need the sqlite3 package, then you'd just need to run sqlite3 yourfile.db15:18
grandemahatmahow can I figure out where windows is installed?15:18
adamkexgrandemahatma: because you have to add windows 7 to your /boot/grub/menu.lst15:18
adamkexgrandemahatma: hold on15:18
rwwllutz: it has since Ubuntu 8.10, to be specific.15:18
Strife1989I am using Ubuntu 9.10, and I am trying to find a way to get the Line In input on my sound card to "pass through" to the speakers. I have been searching the Wiki to no avail. Can I get some help with doing so? In the Sound preferences, I can see that the sound card is receiving a signal from my source.15:18
Dolppici how?15:19
PiciDolp: sudo apt-get install sqlite315:19
epaphushey guys.. how do I permanently disable the NIC driver in ubuntu? i dont want anybody to use it. same for sd card slot.15:19
llutzrww: ah ok, my bad. it hasn't done last i used it15:19
grandemahatmaadamkex: I see that I should add something like "title Windows" and "map (hd0) (hd1)".. but I'm not sure where Windows is installed15:20
leleobhzllutz: no effect15:20
serg_hola alguien habla español15:20
FrozenballDear #ubuntu, please kickban people who pm me with ads about lame IRC server15:20
Pici!es | serg_15:20
ubottuserg_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:20
leleobhzstill unable to open links15:20
Dolppici i did it15:21
Dolpnow what pici?15:21
PiciFrozenball: dear Frozenball please pm me who is sending you ads15:21
serg_me pueden ayudar15:21
adamkexgrandemahatma: did you install ubuntu before windows 7 correct?15:21
PiciDolp: Open a terminal, navigate to where your sqlite3 file is and then run sqlite3 yourfilename.db15:21
grandemahatmaserg_: join ubuntu-es15:21
serg_tengo instalado xp y ubuntu en un mismo hd15:21
MrPiracycould anyone pls tell me which plugin i need to be able to see the live stream on this website? http://www.metropoletv.com.br/15:21
grandemahatmaadamkex: yes15:21
Johnconnorno puedo15:21
serg_quiero reisnstalar xp pero se me va a dañar el grub15:22
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: checking now..15:22
Johnconnorno te ayudo15:22
serg_y no quiero reistalar ubuntu15:22
MrPiracyActionParsnip: thx15:22
llutzleleobhz: key "network.protocol-handler.app.http"  value  "/usr/bin/firefox"15:22
adamkexgrandemahatma: how many harddrives do you have?15:22
Piciserg_: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:22
Johnconnorno se arreglar ordenadores15:22
grandemahatmaadamkex: only 115:22
adamkexgrandemahatma: okay, http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=6842715:22
adamkexgrandemahatma: however15:23
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: seems to be just flash, its the only plugin i have15:23
leleobhzllutz: dont have this key here15:23
llutzleleobhz: add it15:23
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: works here15:23
MrPiracyActionParsnip: i tried firefox and google chrome, it doesnt work .... i have flash installed cos youtube is fine15:23
adamkexgrandemahatma: try hd(0,1) first15:23
adamkexgrandemahatma: or hd(0,2)15:23
arzonista,pls help me on how to uninstall the amarok,because i will download the updated one.15:24
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: im using chromium daily + 64bit flash and its working great15:24
PeterParkerlol the voices on fedora comunity on beeing owful reppublican christian coservative fanatics bush style that treat users as trash is true :)15:24
adamkexgrandemahatma: for your windows entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst and don't tab your entry like in the post15:24
MrPiracyActionParsnip: also tried to install gnome-mplayer and gecko-mediaplayer from synapse15:24
PeterParkerthis comunity is so much better15:24
ManDayMy computer crashed, while I got an open AND unsaved AND untitled document in gedit - I NEED TO RESTORE IT! Any suggestions how?15:24
MrPiracyActionParsnip: sh815:24
ActionParsnipPeterParker: the gentoo community is also great15:24
MrPiracyActionParsnip: isnt there a way to figure out which plugin it is using?15:24
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: right click the item and the menu may give clues15:25
grandemahatmaadamkex: I'll try15:25
leleobhzllutz: added key but notting15:25
PeterParkerso you did know ActionParsnip that fedora are  ugly reppublican fanatics bush style who treat users as trash or you know it now?15:25
leleobhzii  thunderbird      mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support15:25
Dolppici it won't work15:25
MrPiracyActionParsnip: thatś the thing, nothing happens when i right click it15:25
ActionParsnipPeterParker: ive not used fedora, it doesnt appeal15:25
MrPiracyActionParsnip: its just a black square15:25
adamkexgrandemahatma: the hd(0,1) tells grub what partition to boot15:25
PeterParkerthe distro is nice but the comunity does reflect the horrible spirit of reppublican fanatics bossy arrogant and close minded15:26
MyrttiPeterParker: how is that relevant to Ubuntu support?15:26
=== Adi__ is now known as abhi_nav
adamkexgrandemahatma: hd(0,0) being the first hd(0,1) being the second hd(0,2) the third15:26
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: can you use: http://pastebin.com to give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnas; dpkg -l | grep swf15:26
c3lwhat does y stand for in rename 'y/?/??/' * ? and it can also be a S in the place of the y, what does it mean then?15:26
PeterParkernothing sorry was just upset i been treated bad for going there as i was trying the distro15:26
adamkexgrandemahatma: if you have a swap partition then hd(0,2) should be correct15:26
epaphusAnybody know if there is a way in ubuntu to identify which drivers are loaded and disable them permanently??15:26
grandemahatmaadamkex: shouldn't I also edit device.map?15:26
MyrttiPeterParker: this channel is for Ubuntu support issues only. Please take your antagonism somewhere else or check it out at the door15:26
MrPiracyActionParsnip: sure, hang on15:26
adamkexgrandemahatma: no15:26
ActionParsnipepaphus: lsmod15:26
Dolppici i'll move the file home15:26
Dolppici now what15:26
MyrttiJohnconnor: stop it15:26
adamkexgrandemahatma: don't touch it15:27
TheFuzzballWhy is ping not stopping when I do ctrl+c?15:27
abhi_navPeterParker: you are takling about which channel?15:27
PeterParkeris it possible to make ubuntu 9.10 Myrtti look like mac with the desktop icons bar?15:27
PiciDolp: You just need run sqlite3   followed by the name of the file.15:27
ActionParsnipTheFuzzball: any command stops (usually) with ctrl+c15:27
geniiepaphus: To list the drivers currently in use use something like: lsmod | more                   for blacklist see factoid !blacklist15:27
MyrttiPeterParker: try cairo-dock or awn15:27
llutzleleobhz: typo? works here as desired15:27
Dolppici how do i run sqlite3?15:28
ActionParsnipTheFuzzball: you can also use: ping -c 4 address to only ping 4 times15:28
PiciDolp: The command is 'sqlite3'15:28
leleobhzllutz: ive cut'n'pasted what you said15:28
PiciDolp: What are you expecting to find when you run this?15:28
Dolpuhh backup text info?15:28
leleobhzi dont understand why, but all my thunderbird installations in ubuntu have this issue15:28
sanguisdexis there a way to install ubuntu to a USB drive that will allow me to test video drivers and add and remove software repos?15:28
ActionParsnipPeterParker: or simdock if you dont use compiz15:28
adamkexPeterParker: fedora? fanatics? what arguments do they have that their distro is "superior"? hahahaha15:28
ActionParsnipsanguisdex: sure, the livecd has a usb installer on it15:29
TheFuzzballActionParsnip, That's how it's supposed to work, but I am doing ctrl+c and it just tabs across and continues, getting really f**inf annoying15:29
MrPiracyActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/jSgucUmQ15:29
PiciDolp: This is a database file, you'll need to use SELECT statements to find the data that you're looking for.15:29
Myrttiadamkex: drop it. this channel is for Ubuntu support only15:29
grandemahatmaadamkex: yep.. thanks! hd0,1 was indeed ok!15:29
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: looks fine15:29
PeterParkerthey are just rude arrogant purist and fanatic and reflect reppublican bush and south usa spirit for the most treat you as if you was trash  can't speak off topic anymore sorry15:29
Strife1989DOCUMENTATION report. I cannot follow these (non-wiki) instructions as written. https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/musicvideophotos/C/music-microphone.html15:29
adamkexMyrtti: yes, and that is what i am doing.15:30
adamkexgrandemahatma: awesome :)15:30
ActionParsnipTheFuzzball: just close the terminal is all i can suugest15:30
ActionParsnipTheFuzzball: i suggest you make an alias for ping to ping -c 4  its handy ;)15:30
TheFuzzballkk, thanks15:30
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: could try removing flashplugin-installer and installing flashplugin-nonfree, or if yuor OS is 64bit you could use the alpha 64bit flash plugin15:31
llutzleleobhz: for https, you need key "network.protocol-handler.app.https"  value  "/usr/bin/firefox"15:31
MrPiracyActionParsnip: they're in synaptics?15:31
leleobhzllutz: ive tried with http link15:32
theadminHello. Need help on usb-creator-gtk, to be precise, what kind of filesystem does it format the device to?15:32
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: flashplugin-nonfree is, the 64bit plugin isnt but is simple to install15:32
obscurant1sti applied a icon theme, but my folders icon are not changing in gnaome?? why??15:32
ndoGuys, what do i do with that? http://pastebin.com/HCv3bthy15:32
llutzleleobhz then i have no idea why it doesn't work for you.15:32
ActionParsniptheadmin: ext2 i believe15:32
theadminActionParsnip: Woah that's old.15:32
leleobhzllutz: even me. and i cant find help for thunderbird15:32
ActionParsniptheadmin: it has no journal so makes the device last longer15:32
leleobhzmozilla KB heres give to me a timeout15:33
ActionParsniptheadmin: its not old by any way, its very usable15:33
theadminActionParsnip: "Journal"?15:33
ActionParsniptheadmin: i think you should research what ext2/3 and 4 are before slinging words like "old" around15:33
ActionParsniptheadmin: annd why its a good idea to use ext2 on usb devices15:34
obscurant1sti need to change my folder icons, now it looks like crap, pls somebody help me15:34
epaphusanybody know how I can permanently disable the Firewire port, the NIC port, wireless, and SD cart ports in ubuntu??15:34
theadminActionParsnip: Well, i mean, heck, 2 is less then 4, and i think of those numbers as version numbers15:34
MrPiracyActionParsnip: installed nonfree and nothing changed, needs a reboot?15:34
ActionParsniptheadmin: kinda yes, but if you look at the differences between you will see why ity is still very used15:34
sanguisdexActionParsnip: so I need two usb drives or can I just mnt the live cd in a vbox and install to the USB drive from there?15:34
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: no, you only really need to reboot to change kernel15:35
theadminWhat about ext1? lol does such thing exist?15:35
geniiepaphus: Use: sudo lshw          to get a more detailed list than lsmod of what exact hardware uses what driver. Then use blacklisting as I explained already earlier to you15:35
ActionParsnipsanguisdex: if you want you can use tools etc to put the liveCD on the usb and boot from that15:35
genii!blacklist | epaphus15:35
ubottuepaphus: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »15:35
SlartI'm experiencing some weird lockups on my system.. using ext4 on a SSD for system disk.. nothing interesting in the logs.. just hard lockups.. and always when I'm doing file related stuff.. moving big files around, copying big files... is the fact that it happens when I'm doing things with large files just what finally pushes it over the edge? any hints on what parts I should start banging on to see if they fall off?15:35
ActionParsniptheadmin: not sure15:35
=== jon is now known as Guest19938
epaphusgenii, sorry didnt see it. thanks15:36
llutztheadmin: ext1 was simply called "ext"15:36
MrPiracyActionParsnip: then where do i get the other one?15:36
=== Guest19938 is now known as yon
ActionParsniptheadmin: i suggest you read the links here: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=7368715:36
ndocan someone help me?15:36
Flare183!ask | ndo15:37
ubottundo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:37
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: you need the tar.gz and to copy the .so file to your browsers plugin directory manually15:37
thatcodeHi. Quite a few of my (official) package sources aren't succeeding when I try to update. Is there something going on that would cause this?15:37
gemilang4need help, do you know how to get back volume control in top of panel?15:37
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
tbrockhey guys, I'm trying to get to my mediawiki page at http://localhost/mediawiki but it always gives me a cherrypy error15:37
tbrocki'm installing this for the first time15:37
tbrockany ideas?15:37
obscurant1stthere is no System -> Preferences -> Theme in my ubuntu?15:38
theadminobscurant1st: It's "Appearance"15:38
Tjol_I am looking to try and install Lucis - but the Update Manager tells me I am about to download the Alpha version15:38
sanguisdexActionParsnip: I only have one USB drive handy, can I load the live image on to it, boot from it then wipe the usb  and install on to the usb from the boot in the memeory?15:38
theadminTjol_: Uh, Lucid is in alpha, what do you want?15:38
ActionParsnip!lucid | Tjol_15:38
llutz!lucid > Tjol_15:38
ubottuTjol_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:38
Tjol_when will the Beta be availible?15:38
ubottuTjol_, please see my private message15:38
wjmbecause the beta has not been pushed out yet15:38
theadminTjol_: Sometime soon, can't really tell15:39
igamaTjol_, Lucid is still alpha, beta in about 2 weeks i think15:39
Tjol_According to timestamps it should be out today15:39
gemilang4need help, do you know how to get back volume control in top of panel?15:39
ActionParsnipsanguisdex: sure, i use my girlfriends lappy + this personally: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-ubuntu-9-10-live-usb-in-windows/  works with lucid too15:39
obscurant1sttheadmin, but in there i dont see any options for installing icon themes, as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=245796 says15:39
ActionParsnipgemilang4: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135700515:40
vertxgemilang4: right click on panel, then add15:40
theadminWhat is the package with file-roller RAR plugins?15:41
gemilang4vertx, right click in panel and...?15:41
ActionParsnipTjol_: its not discussed here, please take lucid based chat to #ubuntu+115:41
Jon-I am using conky-colors but for some reason it isn't changing ~/.conkyrc  (it used to work fine). Any ideas?15:41
Myrtti!es | chr715:41
ubottuchr7: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:41
ActionParsniptheadmin: sudo apt-get install rar unrar15:41
Piciyon: stop15:42
theadminyon: Stop that, please15:42
ActionParsniptheadmin: you can also extract at cli using: rar x file.rar15:42
ndoOkay, ive got a problem, i install Ubuntu 9.10 on an old PC, and when i install i choose an automatically login, then when i reboot after the installation i get this error, http://pastebin.com/HCv3bthy , i was searching on internet and there was a suggestion to not auto logon, i reinstalled, and without auto logon and got the same proble. What do i do now?15:42
epaphusgenii, iam looking at sudo lshw output.. which one of those is the module name though? i cant recognize any15:42
theadminActionParsnip: ty15:42
Pici!es > yon15:42
ubottuyon, please see my private message15:42
MrPiracyActionParsnip: ok, i got the .so here, where should i put it?15:42
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: well, what browser do you use?15:43
gemilang4is it normal if skype for linux cannot using microphone?15:43
ActionParsnipndo: looks like a permissions thing15:43
ActionParsnipndo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99706815:43
MrPiracyActionParsnip: chrome and firefox15:44
yonstas con l trea?15:44
MrPiracyActionParsnip: oh, and after installing nonfree, youtube won't play15:44
sanguisdexActionParsnip: I am already using ubuntu, but due to a ATI video card I have avoided upgrading beyond 8.10, but I have heard that people have had luck getting 3d effects by using some other drivers I just want to try15:44
Slart!es | yon15:44
ubottuyon: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:44
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/15:44
yonke scribes?15:45
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: i only know how to add the plugin on a per user basis with firefox, i am not sure where the global folder is as I don't use it15:45
Guest|29359DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 015:45
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.15:45
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: you will NEED to remove the flashplugin-nonfree package so that the 64bit plugin works15:46
gemilang4is it normal if skype for linux cannot using microphone?15:46
ActionParsnipsanguisdex: i dont use arti, so i am no help. 8.10 is getting dropped some point next month so look out15:46
arzonistaguys,i install amarok 2 but there is no sound at all,even i put the volume to 100%. pls help me15:47
ActionParsnipsanguisdex: s/arti/ati15:47
MrPiracyActionParsnip: i removed it, but the command says the directory doesnt exist15:48
sanguisdexActionParsnip: I know, its either down grade to LTS, changes distors, or upgrade and lose 3d support15:48
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:48
ActionParsnipsanguisdex: or a new video card, a cheapo nvidia thing will do much better15:48
rwwsanguisdex: I'd go the LiveUSB route and see if it works. The free (default) ATI driver's 3D support has gotten a heck of a lot better since Intrepid.15:49
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: look in /usr/lib for the chrome and firefox plugins folkder, i use chromium daily so my plugin folder is that, have a hunt, it should be fairly clear15:49
sanguisdexActionParsnip: it's a lappy15:49
rwwsanguisdex: and since it's default, you'll get the same 3D support on the LiveCD that you would (or wouldn't) get in a real install.15:49
donEduardohi there15:49
donEduardoi spotted a problem with mythtv-backend and upstart in ubuntu 10.04 alpha15:50
sanguisdexrww: I will look at that15:50
Hilikushey guys15:50
rwwdonEduardo: Lucid support and discussion is in #ubuntu+115:50
MrPiracyActionParsnip: i searched all the folders starting with C none seems to be chrome15:50
donEduardorww: thnx!15:50
Hilikussomeone said this in a FF bug in ubuntu15:50
MrPiracyActionParsnip: let me try firefox15:50
Hilikus"Mozilla moved to non-versioning"15:50
Hilikus>what's that supposed to mean?15:50
ActionParsnipsanguisdex: ah, i see. Then you hit the nail on the head. personally i'd just sack off some eyecandy for a decent distro of linux. You will find the other distros are the same as they are essentially the same OS, Linux15:50
chr7hola yon15:50
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foobar23hi. does the ubuntu 9.10 alternate cd require an active networkconnection, or are all files on the cd?15:51
ikonia!es | chr715:51
ubottuchr7: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:51
ActionParsnipMrPiracy: whack it in /usr/lib/chrome/plugins then (if the folder exists)15:51
thenthenioAll the times I reboot my Ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS server it loses network connectivity: I found that I need to type this: route add -net default gw . What is the correct place to add this route in order to include it on boot?15:51
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Myrttichr7: Inglés solamente aquí. Español en el #ubuntu-es.15:51
rwwfoobar23: All the files you need for a regular desktop install are on the alternate CD.15:51
ActionParsnipfoobar23: its all on the cd, it just installs in a text based environment (faster) and has a few extgra options15:51
ActionParsnipthenthenio: /etc/rc.local   would be my call15:52
vertxthenthenio: in rc.local would be good15:52
YehiaActionparsnip, i want to clean my ubuntu - as i just installed it - how can i do this15:52
foobar23rww: so if i disconnect it from the net during 'select and install software' that should not be a problem?15:52
ActionParsnipthenthenio: you could also configure it in /etc/network/interfaces to specify a static IP as well as set the default gateway15:53
rwwfoobar23: I don't think it would be, no.15:53
deistHi. I'm have trubbel installing Ubuntu on my Mac but cant seem to find any documentation.15:53
StargazeYehia, try System > admin > janitor15:53
foobar23rww: thanks, saved my day15:53
rwwdeist: What type of Mac is it?15:53
deistMacbook white.15:53
geniiepaphus: Apologies on lag, work required me. In the "configuration" line for a device, if it is using a driver there will follow something like: driver=nvidia          or similar15:53
ActionParsnipYehia: sudo apt-get clean    you can also install bleachbit and run it as both user and root (claso as MANY apps as you can for maximum effeciveness as well as AVOID the options stating they will take a long time)15:54
deistrww: do i need to do something about the bios or something?15:54
rwwdeist: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook would be the starting point for the community Macbook documentation15:54
ActionParsnipYehia: you can also remove apps you will never use from the install (ubuntu comes with a LOT of guff you wont need)15:54
deistrww: I love you.15:54
ndoActionParsnip, ty15:55
interglacialmanHas anyone here got ubuntu running on a macbook or macbook-pro and been able to get rid of the bios start-up delay? (not using refit - linux is sole OS running)15:55
ActionParsnipndo: better?15:55
rwwdeist: It's of rather variable quality, but will hopefully be useful :)15:55
ndoill check15:55
deistThis is what I've been looking for.15:55
Myrttipik: /join #ubuntu-es15:57
vertxpik: you might want to try /join #ubuntu-es15:58
pikthank's Myrtti and vertx!!15:59
deistrww: My big problem is that my mac won't boot the CD.15:59
deistthe Ubuntu ISO.15:59
thenthenioI added a repo to /etc/apt/sources.list, now I get this: NO_PUBKEY 5F99A088342D17AC . How to correct?16:00
rwwdeist: There are Mac instructions for burning ISOs to CD at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Mac%20OS%20X . You might want to double-check you did it right. I haven't had a Mac in a while, but I believe you should be able to just hold down C at startup to boot from CD...16:00
scorch__I'm getting "Maximum number of clients reached" when I try to start a gui program. I've search for it for all I can find are google chrome-related, and I don't have chrome.16:01
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=== overmind_ is now known as overmind
theadminthenthenio: If there are instructions on repo creator's site, you must follow them. If not, you can't fix it.16:02
deistrww:Yeah, I did everything right in the matter of burning. Allthough i burned it on a PC, do you think that can affect the install? That would be really strange.16:02
rwwdeist: no, it wouldn't affect it16:02
rwwdeist: have you booted from CD before? the timing on when to press the button to tell it to boot from CD is rather precise16:03
deistrww, no the CD is booted. It just dosn't happen anything.16:03
rww(apologies if I'm asking questions at the wrong level here :)16:03
thentheniotheadmin: k16:03
deistLooks like Terminal or something.16:03
Myrttideist: did you check the md5sum of the iso before burning and of the cd after burning?16:03
deistJust no texts and no posibility to type.16:03
deistYes, did both.16:03
deistAnd the cd was perfecly booted in windows.16:04
deistrww, lol no problem.16:04
deistrww, the help is very apriciated.16:04
rwwdeist: using the steps in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook , can you find out your hardware revision for me, please?16:04
deistyeah, its 4.1.16:05
jimcooncat_is there a graphical fstab editor available?16:05
deistrww, but every guide assumes that the cd boots properly which it dosn't :P16:05
bigtom21485anyone have issues with frostwire?  i cant seem to get it to install properly...16:06
bigtom21485it says it installed properly then i click the shortcut under applications menu and the computer does nothing16:07
rwwdeist: indeed. It's just a completely black screen?16:07
deistrww, no its just a "-" sign blinking on a black screen. Looks like terminal. Allthough i can't type anything.16:07
researcher1which is the IRC channel for ubuntu 10.04?16:07
deistWaited for half an hour to see if it was just loading but no...16:08
rwwdeist: which version of Ubuntu is it?16:08
rwwresearcher1: #ubuntu+116:08
deistrww, the latest.16:08
researcher1rww: thanks16:08
rwwdeist: the latest released (9.10/karmic)?16:08
^mNotIntelligenthi all !16:08
rwwah, okay. there was a similar bug in the current dev version, hence me asking16:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:09
Myrtti!es | Ariana16:09
ubottuAriana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:09
^mNotIntelligentcan someone help me sharing internet connection from Ubuntu 9.04 to a windows xp machine using firestarter16:09
epaphusHey guys, i went in and edited /etc/modprobe/blacklist.conf and included the line at the end "blacklist usb_storage" ... however i rebooted and typed lsmod and i see it still being loaded and I can still use usb sticks.. why??16:09
fabio666usb_storage blacklisted?16:09
deistrww, really strange. No, I'm not good enough to try some beta-testing just yet :P16:09
ArianaI'm Spain!16:09
rwwdeist: I think I'm out of ideas. You might want to stick around and see if anyone else can figure it out, and/or ask in the Mac-specific support forum at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=32816:09
scorch__I'm getting "Maximum number of clients reached" when I try to start a gui program. I've search for it for all I can find are google chrome-related, and I don't have chrome.16:09
bigtom21485lol ubuntu in spanish16:10
MyrttiAriana: nice. Do you have a problem with your Ubuntu16:10
rwwdeist: there are some folks there who are much smarter than me about Mac stuff :)16:10
bigtom21485cute name though16:10
bcurtiswxhey, how do I rerun DKMS ?16:10
deistrww: Okay. Great thanks for your time!16:10
Apache_33hi everyone. I got problem with ubuntu 9.10 when trying boot till grub everything is and then i press enter and everything look like ubuntu is loading and then I  get error "target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init no init found . try passing init=bootarg. anyone can help me with it?16:11
V3n0xXxaki so tem bot ??? oO16:11
bigtom21485apache_33 sounds like thers a folder of important stuff missing16:11
bigtom21485you could try figuring out what youre missing by booting with your livecd16:11
Apache_33<bigtom21485> but how? everyhting was ok yesterday and i didnt update or upgrade anything16:12
bcurtiswxhow do I rerun DKMS?16:12
bigtom21485apache_33: did you let anyone borrow your computer? or did you leave a file-sharing utility open for an extended period of time?16:12
Apache_33<bigtom21485> nope16:12
bigtom21485apache_33: ask around ive never had that issue with linux only windows (windows is asexual...it will f**k itself just because and thats why i dont use it anymore)16:13
pulse00hi all. i've a ubuntu server running, where i receive a "Connection refused" message when connecting to a specific server from the ubuntu server via ssh. however, from my local machin, accessing the other server via ssh works fine. is the ubuntu server firewall not allowing outgoing ssh connections by default?16:13
bigtom21485what is ssh?16:14
Vroomfondlepulse00: there is no firewall by default16:14
Azeotropebigtom21485: secure shell16:14
Vroomfondlebigtom21485: a way to connect to a terminal session on a remote computer16:14
pulse00Vroomfondle, thanks16:14
c3ldoes anyone have an idea of how to user rename.ul to make every first letter in a word upper case (in filenames where all letters a lower case)16:14
Picipulse00: Is the ssh server installed?16:14
bigtom21485how secure is it?16:14
pulse00Pici. on the server i want to connect to ?16:14
Vroomfondlebigtom21485: very16:14
Picipulse00: Yes.16:15
bigtom21485thatd be great i could get to my desktop in va from my laptop in florida16:15
pulse00Pici, yes. i can connect to it from my local machine16:15
Azeotropebigtom21485: depends on how you secure it16:15
alias7How do I set the path for an individual command? I have a game in the gnome applications dropdown but when I launch it seems to look for files in the directory it was on-execute rather than the game directory.16:15
ndohow to install E16 gnome?16:15
pulse00it's weird, because i can connect to other servers from my ubuntu server fine, i get a connection refused just for that one.16:15
Picipulse00: Sorry, I misread the question.  Are the two servers on the same local network?16:16
pulse00Pici, no16:16
bigtom21485i have a problem...i installed frostwire, and when i run it from ubuntu's applications menu, nothing happens...but all the files are in the filesystem, however ubuntu's software center doesnt seem to know its installed.  what do i do?16:16
Picipulse00: Do you have port 22 forwarded on the router on the remote side?16:16
necrocowdoes anyone know what porcess routinely checks the perms of /var/spool/mail/root and makes sure they are 600 ?16:17
pulse00Pici, not sure, would need to ask the admin. but i guess yes, because i can connect to it from my local machine just fine16:17
bcurtiswxhow do i rerun DKMS?16:17
bigtom21485what is DKMS?16:17
DopeGhotidkms - Dynamic Kernel Module Support16:18
ekceis there any way to change my wlan interface from ra0 to wlan0?16:18
DopeGhotibcurtiswx: do you know what module needs to be installed?16:18
Picipulse00: Are your local machine and the server that you're trying to ssh from on the same network?  Its possible that the remote server's admin is filtering the ip addresses that can connect.16:18
bigtom21485what does that do?16:18
bigtom21485*DopeGhoti: what does DKMS do?16:18
bcurtiswxDopeGhoti: I removed the xorg-driver-fglrx driver for the xserver-xorg-video-ati16:18
pulse00Pici, i asked the admin already, he says there's no filtering going on from his side16:19
DopeGhotibigtom21485: It adds support to the kernel for certain devices and functions, like nvidia video cards, or VirtualBox support16:19
DopeGhotibigtom21485: from the manual:  dkms is a framework which allows kernel modules to be dynamically built for each kernel on your system in a simplified and organized fashion.16:19
Picipulse00: You can try running ssh with -vvv to grab some debugging messages.16:20
markd25i am trying to duel boot between windows 7 and ubuntu16:20
bcurtiswxDopeGhoti: do I need to do DKMS for that?16:20
markd25when i try to boot i get a grub error 1516:20
bigtom21485so its a better way to write the code for a kernel...thats what youre saying16:20
bigtom21485sorry im new to linux16:20
sascha_me too lol16:20
xiven1Hi. I would like to know how secure Ubuntu One is???16:20
sascha_its pretty hard to get used that you are not root ;)16:21
DopeGhotibcurtiswx: I don't know if the ATI driver uses DKMS or not..  If it does, you could try 'dkms install ati'16:21
xiven1How safe are the files that  are stored on it?16:21
rwwxiven1: You'd probably get a better answer in #ubuntuone, though you can certainly ask here also :)16:21
xiven1Ohh.. ok16:21
IndustrialHi. I'm getting this error when I run synaptic/apt-get; https://gist.github.com/1f0aeadd871791e0483b16:21
Industrialrunning the command provided yields another error16:21
rwwbcurtiswx, DopeGhoti: If I remember correctly, fglrx (the non-free ATI driver) uses dkms. radeon (the free, default one) doesn't.16:22
DopeGhotiIndustrial: what is the other error you get?16:22
rww(free as in freedom, not as in price, obviously :)16:22
40FAAMHAUrww: ubuntu 10.04 beta 1 is out ,right?16:22
Industrialdpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' near line 0:16:22
DopeGhotirww: free as in speech is my default parsing of 'free' in here :)16:22
Industrialfield name `f16a9dfb6feb162e95da9628a57b004a' must be followed by colon16:22
markd25i am trying to dual boot between windows 7 and ubuntu getting a grub error 1516:22
rww40FAAMHAU: not yet, and Lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+116:22
rwwDopeGhoti: Same here, but I forgot there are new people around when I send that, and figured I should avoid "you have to pay for drivers!?"16:23
sascha_mark nothing found on google?16:23
markd25do people see what im writting16:23
ikoniathey do16:23
markd25can i get a responce16:23
IndustrialDopeGhoti: my PC froze when trying to install a wireless driver (proprietary) so I guess that messed dpkg over. Can I reset it?16:23
Industrialmarkd25: you are not entitled to help, wait it out.16:23
ikoniamarkd25: if someone knows the answer and has seen your question, they will respond16:23
sascha_why dont use google?16:24
DopeGhotiIndustrial: Industrial interesting; that's the first time I've seen the --reconfigure -a command not fix things.  you could try an apt-get clean perhaps?16:24
rallHow do I edit startup programs from CLI?   im sure there is a confic file somewhere storing the "Startup Applications Preferences"... anybody knows?16:24
IndustrialDopeGhoti: sure16:24
ikonia!upstart | rall16:24
ubotturall: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:24
=== harisund is now known as harisund_
alias7If I call /opt/Wakfu/Wakfu when I'm in / it fails. If I call it in the /opt/Wakfu directory it works. Any way to set up the path for a specific command so I can call from '/' but have it read from /opt/Wakfu as local?16:24
DopeGhotirall:  check update-rc.d16:24
IndustrialDopeGhoti: same thing unfortunately16:24
BuFFcould anybody give me an introductory article about network monitoring pls ?16:24
rallmany thanks ikonia and DopeGhoti :)16:25
IndustrialBuFF: goooooooogle16:25
BuFFIndustrial: i spend ~2 hours and found almost nothing :(16:25
sascha_well i dont have boot problem but it looks like i am too stupid to make working symbolic link16:25
sascha_can maybe anyone start a private with me :D16:25
markd25can someone help?16:26
IndustrialBuFF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_monitoring ?16:26
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ikoniamarkd25: as you've been told, if someone knows the answer and is free - they will respond16:26
DopeGhotisascha_: making a link is muck like copying:  'ln -s /path/to/origianal /path/to/destination/new-link16:26
underdog7Does anyone know of an image optimizing program for Ubuntu?  Just a program to make image files smaller.16:27
pulse00when i get a "connection refused" from the svn command, does this mean that remote side refused the connection?16:27
c3ldoes anyone have an idea of how to user rename.ul to make every first letter in a word upper case (in filenames where all letters a lower case)16:27
underdog7Does anyone know of an image optimizing program for Ubuntu?  Just a program to make image files smaller.16:27
rwwpulse00: generally, yes16:28
josueWhy when I'm playing a video in the fast the sequences it get slow? That happens with totem and vlc16:28
IndustrialDopeGhoti: I still see some broadcome wireless drivers in /var/lib/dpkg/updates, I'll try installing it again (hope that works..) and see if it crashed the system again :P I _am_ running inside Wubi though.16:28
markd25i guess my question is how do i get grub to look at linux parition for grub and not windows16:29
sascha_do you have different pratitions?16:29
sascha_or just one?16:29
markd25yes i am dual booting16:29
DopeGhotiIndustrial: wubiness shouldn't break wireless (or dpkg, for that matter); good luck!16:29
markd25windows 7 and ubuntu16:29
sascha_then i guess you installed ubuntu wrong16:29
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efehi guys16:29
alias7If I call /opt/Wakfu/Wakfu when I'm in / it fails. If I call it in the /opt/Wakfu directory it works. Any way to set up the path for a specific command so I can call from '/' but have it read from /opt/Wakfu as local?16:29
markd25installed windows first16:29
sascha_me too16:29
DopeGhotialias7: is Wakfu a script, or a binary?16:30
markd25using wubi16:30
sascha_whats wubi?16:30
markd25moved the wubi file to paritiion on disk16:30
alias7Dope: script16:30
DopeGhotimarkd25: if you're using Wubi, grub shouldn't even come into play16:30
efedo any1 know how to create sBNC _16:30
DopeGhotialias7: then you can add a couple lines at the start of the script to go to the correct directory.16:30
Stargaze!wubi| sascha_16:31
ubottusascha_: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:31
josueWhy when I'm playing a video in the fast the sequences it gets slow? That happens with totem and vlc16:31
alias7Dope: is adding cd /opt/Wakfu to the top the only way? Is there something I could add to the command line?16:31
jaycountjosue, your video is skipping alot? what format is it?16:31
epaphusHey guys, iam trying to disable the driver for my CDROM drive.. but when I type sudo lshw ... it doesnt list the driver used for the cdrom unit... how do i do this??16:31
josuermvb, just in the fast sequences16:32
DopeGhotialias7: well, you could add a script in ~/bin/ to go to the right place, effectively doing the same thing16:32
jimcooncat_do I have to log out once I've added myself to a group?16:32
QueenZDo you guys prefer GNOME or KDE?16:32
frikinzalias7, you could do : (cd /opt/wakfu ; ./script)16:33
Pici!ot | QueenZ16:33
ubottuQueenZ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:33
jaycountjosue, I'm not familiar with the rmvb file format but maybe a better codec would help? I had a similar problem with h.264 files until I installed a better codec16:33
alias7Thanks guys16:33
daveyjoeI've got a version of ubuntu 8.04, is it possible to upgrade to the latest distro over ssh?16:33
DopeGhotidaveyjoe: sudo do-release-upgrade16:33
daveyjoeNo new release found16:34
=== Patrick is now known as Guest71375
daveyjoeDopeGhoti: Checking for a new ubuntu release ... No new release found16:34
DopeGhotidaveyjoe: did you do an apt-get update recently?16:34
frikinzWhat is the default splash method in ubuntu (karmic). I think I've broken it a bit and I'd like to get it back. I think have a message "xsplash connection refused"16:34
daveyjoeDopeGhoti: yes16:34
LateralForceis it possible to make ubuntu not go into suspend when certain apps are running? i use the inhibit applet now, but id like it to be automagical16:34
Pici!es > Guest7137516:35
ubottuGuest71375, please see my private message16:35
sharperguyHi. It seems the screen for my laptop has gone off. I have tried to fix this issue before to no avail. I'm in the middle of a download so does anyone know an easy way to set up vnc so I can watch the progress of the download before rebooting (i have sshd installed already)?16:35
JanhouseHow can I encrypt my home dir in karmic?16:35
JanhouseI have 2 users16:35
IndustrialDopeGhoti: hmm, I removed (and backed up) $ sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/updates/*; fixed it. (I did back them up but meh :P)16:35
Janhouseone has ecnryption because I choose that option from installation16:35
DopeGhotiIndustrial: glad you found a solution!16:35
Janhousebut how can I do it for new users?16:35
frikinzsharperguy, sshd should be sufficient to check if the download is finished. Just look when the file stops to grow or when the connection in netstat drops16:36
daveyjoeDopeGhoti: Any idea?16:36
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DopeGhotiJanhouse: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedHomeFolder16:36
Janhousethx DopeGhoti16:37
DopeGhotidaveyjoe: Not sure; that command usually did the trick for me16:37
sharperguyfrikinz, the problem is it isn't just a single file. It's a bunch of files being downloaded by a script. Also it's being downloaded in a windows VM16:37
daveyjoeDopeGhoti: 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' works but I don't really want to install a development version16:37
frikinzsharperguy, use x11vnc which will connect to the running session16:38
DopeGhotidaveyjoe: and you're not running 9.10 now?16:38
phox_Hi! So i just installed postfix/dovecot/squirellmail, how do i add a user?16:38
JanhouseDopeGhoti, but does it work the same way as encryption from installation? I don't want to use 2 different tools that do the same thing.16:38
daveyjoeDopeGhoti: cat /etc/issue -> Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS \n \l16:38
sharperguyfrikinz, Right well i have x11vnc but I'm not sure how to use it.16:38
DopeGhotiJanhouse: I _think_ that uses the same cipher, but I've not used it before, so I cannot speak^Wtype from experience.16:39
Janhouseok, thx.16:39
DopeGhotiJanhouse: good luck :)16:40
VersusHallo zusammen (Hello @ all)16:40
epaphusHey guys, iam trying to disable the driver for my CDROM drive.. but when I type sudo lshw ... it doesnt list the driver used for the cdrom unit... how do i do this??16:40
LateralForceis it possible to make ubuntu not go into suspend when certain apps are running? i use the inhibit applet now, but id like it to be automagical16:40
laxula_21Quieres ganar hasta 45 euros al dia solo por navegar? Entra aqui y descubre como!!! http://muchoseuros.wordpress.com/     Inversion 0!!16:41
Stargaze!es| laxula_2116:41
ubottulaxula_21: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:41
JohnTedI can't open alsamixer, it says "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory", there is no sound. everything is silent.16:42
* Stargaze was just going to sell his girlfriend for 10 euro16:42
sharperguyI'm running x11vnc but I just get connection refused on my other computer.16:42
ae86-drifterhow do i get my sound working on debian, it works fine on ubuntu?16:42
DopeGhotiae86-drifter: I'd ask in #debian :)16:43
ae86-drifterDopeGhoti, #debian sucks16:43
IndustrialDopeGhoti: it seems my dpkg problem is not yet fixed; https://gist.github.com/9dfe26bc4e900740717216:44
phox_Hi! So i just installed postfix/dovecot/squirellmail, how do i add a user?16:45
Industrialphox_: thats not really ubuntu specific is it16:45
solid_liqIndustrial, nice answer, jack$*(16:46
jaycountphox_,  http://squirrelmail.org/docs/admin/admin-9.html16:46
DopeGhotiIndustrial: try apt-get --reinstall install dkms16:46
phox_industrial: haha, yeah i guess. But i did it on ubuntu, and i dont know any other good channel xD16:46
Industrialsolid_liq: I'm just saying; keep it separated. I'm not going to ask about apache config options in here either16:46
solid_liqphox_, there should be some script to make the process easier...  I forget what it is though16:46
Apache_33hi I got problem when trying to boot ubuntu 9.10 got error "target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init NO init found. try passing init bootarg" i didint upgrade or update anything and yesterday everything was ok today not. how can i sort it out?16:47
solid_liqphox_, howtoforge should have info on that iirc16:47
Industrialsolid_liq: and there's bound to be manuals flying around on the web.16:47
solid_liqIndustrial, so?  this is a *support* channel16:47
epaphusDoes the cdrom in the linux kernel actually work with a driver... ? could anybody help me identify the driver with lsmod ..? i dont see it (i have a cd in being used) ....16:47
Industrialsolid_liq: so most support channels support what they are about, but have at it.16:47
solid_liqIndustrial, and Ubuntu is the platform on which he's running it, which makes it the support channel for it.  Similarly, if someone needs support for that server software on debian, the people in #debian answer his question.  Same is true in #gentoo and #fedora16:48
MrPiracyi cant open live stream at mms://
MrPiracycould anyone please help?16:49
epaphussorry back.. anybody know about my question about the cdrom driver??16:49
phox_thanx solid_liq!16:49
Pantchohi all, i recompiled the kernel and copied bzImage to the /boot and when restarting i get this message - "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkno16:49
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
IndustrialDopeGhoti: hmm, no go. I also tried just removing the broadcom wireless package (can I force it?)16:50
fahadsadahPantcho: We don't support recompiled kernels.16:50
fahadsadahHowever, that sounds like a bootloader error.16:50
DopeGhotiIndustrial: force removal?  Sure, apt-get --purge --force remove packagename16:51
erUSULPantcho: you only copiez the bzimage? you didnt' used make install nor make modules_install nor did you builded a initrd for it ?16:51
IndustrialDopeGhoti: https://gist.github.com/b210ed03d271f0ebfa9c16:51
erUSULPantcho: this days only copying the bzImage is not enough. also you can use the debian utils (make-dpkg)16:51
erUSUL!kernel | Pantcho16:51
ubottuPantcho: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:51
Stargazephox_, maybe this PDF helps with quirrelmail => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4653463/issue34_en.pdf16:51
MrPiracyi cant open live stream at mms:// Please i need help16:52
Stargazephox, page 1816:52
PantchoerUSUL: i did this, i downloade linux source, opened the tar file to a direcotry then did "make" after "make install" after "make modules_install" then copied the bzImage , and then "update-grub"16:53
meganerdPantcho: read the links provided by ubottu16:53
meganerdPantcho: personally I use make-kpkg (kernel-package is the apt-get name) to build my kernels16:54
DopeGhotiIndustrial: try this:  apt-get --reinstall install dkms fakeroot bcmwl-kernel-source16:54
meganerdPantcho: that way I get a .deb that I can manage with apt16:54
erUSULPantcho: if you want to do it manually do thais. make then sudo make install then sudo make modules_install then sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-<kernel-versionhere> <kernel-versionhere> and finally sudo update-grub16:54
frikinzWhat is the default splash method in ubuntu (karmic).16:54
frikinzboot splash16:54
DopeGhotifrikinz: it's xsplash, IIRC16:54
Juanjoola soy Juanjo y soy nuevo16:54
PantchoerUSUL: thanks i will try that :)16:55
Juanjocomo os llamais16:55
maco!pt | Juanjo16:55
ubottuJuanjo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:55
erUSULPantcho: ubuntu can not boot withoput initramfs becouse it uses uuid in the root= parameter16:55
frikinzDopeGhoti, thanks16:55
Juanjopodeis ablar en español?16:55
erUSUL!es | Juanjo16:55
ubottuJuanjo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:55
SolarisBoyis it possible to remove certain users from the login screen?16:55
IndustrialDopeGhoti: it seems no matter what I do it keeps hanging on the post-removal script of bcmwl-kernel-source16:55
erUSULJuanjo: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:55
fahadsadahMrPiracy: That stream is offline.16:55
gerhardIf I change the UID of a user, the change doesn't stick. When that user logs in again, he has his original UID. How to change a UID permanently?16:56
LateralForceis it possible to make ubuntu not go into suspend when certain apps are running? i use the inhibit applet now, but id like it to be automagical16:56
fahadsadahgerhard: How are you changing the UID?16:56
MrDustyHey guys, I want to find out what modem I have in my laptop (laptop is running  Ubuntu 9.10) what is the easiest way to find out the make/model and the port its using ?16:56
kimnamgilEnter text here...16:57
Juanjomy nime is juanjo16:57
gerhardsystem->administration->users and groups (might be called different, I'm translating here)16:57
erUSULMrDusty: lspci ?16:57
MrDustyhrm thanks16:57
LateralForce!hi | kimnamgil16:57
ubottukimnamgil: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:57
erUSULMrDusty: sudo lshw -short16:57
gerhardThere is this menu, where you can change the UIDs of all users, except the one you are currently using.16:57
Juanjodo you like foking?16:57
fahadsadahgerhard: Sure you clicked apply/whatever else you need to do?16:57
gerhardBut the UIDs only appear changed while I'm logged in.16:57
fahadsadahI don't usually do it that way.16:57
HoodstarAny OS made for hacking ?16:57
LateralForce!hi | Hoodstar16:57
ubottuHoodstar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:57
gerhardThere is no apply.16:57
gerhardfahadsadah: What other way is there?16:58
HoodstarIll had Ubuntu , But is it made for some kind of hacking for just home use?16:58
Juanjogilipollas gilipollas gilopollas16:58
arathaldHoodstar: since 'hacking' refers to using a system in a way other than how it was originally indended, all linux *is* hacking, and any version can be used for further hacking and customixing16:58
fahadsadahusermod -u NEWID -U USERNAME16:58
Juanjosoy tooos16:58
MrPiracyi cant open live stream at mms:// Please i need help16:59
gerhardGroup ID changes also don't stick.16:59
MrDustyerUSUL: Odd, it doesn't show me the modem in either of those commands?16:59
fahadsadahMrPiracy: That server is offline.16:59
gerhardIs there a reliable way to change a UID and Group ID?16:59
erUSULMrDusty: paste the entire lspci in a pastebin16:59
HoodstarArathald , But wich is made for hacking , i know many is , but i need one with tools and all that16:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:59
rallHoodstar  OS made for networksecurity: Backtrack.16:59
fahadsadahHoodstar: You want to break into a remote system?16:59
gerhardHoodstar: try Gentoo, that's the most hackable system.16:59
PantchoerUSUL: thanks i think it is working!16:59
erUSULPantcho: no problem17:00
meganerdHoodstar: google backtrack17:00
HoodstarIm using Backtrack right now :)17:00
IndustrialDopeGhoti: I guess manually removing files would be the only way out here? but thats recipe for disaster :p17:00
SolarisBoyHoodstar: Knoppix STD17:00
arathaldHoodstar: if you're using 'hacking' properly, gentoo is good as gerhard said, but any distribution will either include the right tools or have a way of getting those tools17:00
PantchoerUSUL: but now i get a command line with : (initramfs) .. ?17:00
frikinzHoodstar, your brain and imagination17:00
DopeGhotiIndustrial: there must be a way, but it's out of my league I'm afraid :(17:01
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:01
HoodstarWel , could anyone be my coach :P?17:01
erUSULPantcho: any error mesag? what kernel config did you used?17:01
arathaldHoodstar: start with 'man man' and go from there17:01
meganerdHoodstar: "hacking" is not the term you mean to use.  Security auditing tools are what you are looking for.  Since you have backtrack, why ask?17:01
rallagree with arathald.  use your favorite GNU/Linux os and install the tools you need :)17:01
fahadsadahHoodstar: Are you referring to breaking into remote systems, or playing with your own?17:01
SolarisBoymost of those tools? are just packages you can install on most systems17:01
PantchoerUSUL: i just used makeconfig and exited immdiately just to see i can compile the kernel :)17:01
fahadsadahIf the latter, Gentoo, if the former, Backtrack17:01
gerhardI want to access my NAS via NFS, but the UID and GroupID don't match, since ID 1000 on the NAS is reserved for admin and unmodifyable. But changes made to IDs via GUI don't stick. What can I do?17:01
IndustrialDopeGhoti: should I try in #debian?17:01
HoodstarIm planning to to alot ,17:01
MrDustyerUSUL: http://codepad.org/rK4DPQOB17:01
gerhardIs there a command line version for changing groupIDs and User IDs?17:02
IndustrialDopeGhoti: also thanks for the time ;)17:02
MrPiracyi cant open live stream at mms:// Please i need help17:02
erUSULPantcho: maybe you just did not compiled support for your sata / pata controller or something fundamental17:02
fahadsadahgerhard: usermod -uU NEWUID USERNAME17:02
fahadsadahDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:02
DopeGhotiIndustrial: it's worth a shot; just don't tell 'em you're using ubuntu. Apt works the same with both distros17:02
gerhardThe user I want to change is also the first user on the system. Might that cause any troubles?17:02
encompassI need to change some boot settings but I can't seem to find the grub.lst file in ubuntu 9.10 has it changed?17:02
HoodstarIm wodnering iif anybody could help me start hacking like a coach that helps me around ?17:02
fahadsadahencompass: Ubuntu now uses GRUB2.17:02
fahadsadahYou want /etc/config/grub IIRC17:03
meganerdgerhard: it shouldn't, unless the user you are doing the modifing from does not have sudo permissions17:03
eremiteencompass: I believe it has.  Please see the Ubuntu website for more details.17:03
fahadsadahGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:03
meganerdHoodstar: SANS17:03
PantchoerUSUL: the command line commands works fine anyway to load the interface or to login as root or somthing? i am kinda new to linux but we have a thing in class we need to compile the kernel with a change to original kernel code.17:03
HoodstarMeganerd , What you mean SANS?17:03
encompassk cool17:03
MrDustyencompass: sudo find / -name "grub.lst"17:03
meganerdHoodstar: use google17:03
HoodstarI know , but its easier with live help tho17:03
gerhardfahadsadah do you mean -u instead of -uU?17:03
eirannshould the b43-fwcutter just work straight away? i've had it working before but i've had to do a fresh install and i can only get the STA driver working this time round17:03
MrDustyHoodstar: storage device17:03
nightsjammiesIf I want to d/l and install virtualbox from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads, then do I d/l the amd 64 bit one, or the i386 one?17:03
fahadsadahMrDusty: There's no file named grub.lst in Karmic.17:03
erUSULPantcho: you are in the intramfs not in the ubuntu system17:03
fahadsadahgerhard: -U chowns files as well as changes UID17:03
MrDustynightsjammies: are you running ubuntu 64bit?17:04
nightsjammiesnope, 3217:04
fly2leftMrHeavy, maybe grup.conf17:04
MrDustyfahadsadah: ah17:04
erUSULPantcho: initramfs is a minilinux (with busybox)17:04
Myrttifahadsadah: unless the person has upgraded to karmic from an older version17:04
encompassfahadsadah: there is no /etc/config17:04
encompassso I doubt that one17:04
HoodstarCould anyone teach me how to hack into a computer , like my other computer17:04
[DS]eirann, same happened with me today after a fresh install.. Works fine my side..17:04
gerhardit doesn't work, I get "invalid UID "U""17:04
jiohdiencompass grup2 uses a very different set up, you have to find a completely different file, update it and the use grub-update which makes it on the correct one17:04
fahadsadahgerhard: Try -u newuid -U user17:04
nightsjammiessure Hoodstar, go and get a 10 hatchet, and...oh, wait.17:04
fahadsadahHoodstar: Computers can't be magically "hacked"17:04
fahadsadah_IF_ the other end is insecure, then with skill, you can hack into it17:05
nightsjammiesso then do I just d/l and install the i386 one?17:05
jiohdiencompass: there are detailed instructions if you google for them17:05
YehiaerUSUL , i have some folders and files i want to delete it but my permissions are denied17:05
HoodstarI know17:05
gerhardI get the error "usermod: /etc/passwd could not be locked; try again later"17:05
MrDustyfahadsadah: everything is insecure.17:05
YehiaerUSUL , can you help me17:05
ralladobe reader is your friend :p17:05
erUSULMrDusty: usually in laptops the modem is integrated in the sound chip but should show up in lspci anyway. you are sure the lap has a modem ? maybe it is disabled in BIOS or something?17:05
fly2leftHoodstar, why you want to hack it :P17:05
erUSULYehia: which folders?17:05
HoodstarIts my dads :)17:05
gerhardI'm only logged in under the "gerhard" account right now, which I gave admin privileges earlier.17:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:05
MrDustyerUSUL: it has a modem it has a rj-11 port on the side my cable goes into it17:05
MyrttiHoodstar: this channel will not help you in cracking into a computer.17:05
=== micheal is now known as Msquared86
Hoodstarwich channel will17:06
YehiaerUSUL, how can i paste the pic for you17:06
rallyoutube will17:06
bscapei can't save files to anywhere but my home directory unless i am root, what do i have to do to be able to save as a regular user?17:06
arathaldHoodstar: rule of thumb, if you want to be good at hacking, or cracking (which is what you're referring to), you will probably need to learn a lot of it yourself. also, if you're looking to do something less than legitimate, no one here will help you, nor will we point you towards anyone who might17:06
MyrttiHoodstar: none on this network. it's against the network policy17:06
erUSUL!screenshots | Yehia17:06
ubottuYehia: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.17:06
eirannDS it shows up as et4 under iwconfig and it shud be wlan0, does anyone know why it's not working, when i try to install the fwcutter it just starts downloading then nothing happens, it shows up as installed under package manger but no ap's " network disconected"17:07
YehiaerUSUL   :                   http://imagebin.org/8939217:07
llutzHoodstar: http://catb.org/~esr/faws/hacker-howto.html17:08
scott_ino2Does anyone know if the state of legal bluray playback has changed? anything promising?17:08
MrKeunerhello, can I remove the "clean up by name" feature from the nautilus contect menu?17:08
erUSULYehia: yes but whaere are those files located? and how did they get there?17:08
MrKeunerI clcik on it accidently, which I hate to do17:08
bscapei can't save files to anywhere but my home/user (and just there, not home/user/random) directory, what group do i have to add my user in to be able to save to another directory?17:09
meganerdbscape: change the permissions of the file/folder you want to write to17:09
fly2left+o erUSUL17:09
meganerdbscape: it depends on the directory17:09
eiranndoes b43-fwcutter need anything else to make it work or should it be able to start the broadcom card on it's own17:10
coz_bscape,   well you could do it the easy way  from terminal  sudo nautilus  then just drag your files where you want17:10
bscapemeganerd: it's home/user/school17:10
erUSULeirann: you have to reload the driver17:10
eirannhow do i do that17:10
coz_bscape,  or if you have  a specific file  sudo  mv  nameoffile  nameofdirectory17:10
erUSULeirann: sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b4317:10
arathaldeirann: what card do you have? fwcutter is just the extractor for the windows driver, if i recall17:10
meganerdbscape: is that school directory in your home directory or someone else's?17:10
bscapemeganerd: it's in my home directory17:11
erUSULarathald: no it extracts the firmware for the card so the linux driver can use it17:11
eirannhang on i do lspci i 4get now17:11
YehiaerUSUL : because i cant go directly to those folders i searched for it in the file system - and those folders got there because i installed Application called   Rivendell17:11
erUSULYehia: just uninstall that app17:11
bscapecoz_: i'm actually in ubuntu server so X11 and a basic window manager (ion3), don't know if that affects my permissions17:11
arathalderUSUL: thats what i meant.... more or less.... i stopped using it a while ago, so i dont remember the details of it17:11
=== [1]Pantcho is now known as Pantcho
YehiaerUSUL , i did and they are still exist - thats why i came here to ask you17:11
=== Pantcho is now known as pantcho
coz_bscape,  ah I see,,, mmm I might not be able to help with that then17:12
bscapei've been using mv to get the files to my school directory, but i feel like there should be a more.. direct.. way to do that17:12
pantchoerUSUL: so how do i compile the kernel to access the ubuntu system?17:12
erUSULYehia: how did you removed the app ?17:12
tbrocki'm installing this for the first time, any ideas/17:12
eirannbut i didn't have to do all that 1st time round but i'll try it thanx17:12
tbrockhey guys, I'm trying to get to my mediawiki page at http://localhost/mediawiki but it always gives me a cherrypy error17:12
User45hi, can anyone help me with this error? http://pastebin.com/uq6bg4J217:12
erUSULpantcho: use the ubuntu config as base17:12
IndustrialDopeGhoti: it seems debian people like collectively jumping on anything vaguely smelling of ubuntu and throwing it out the channel17:13
pantchoerUSUL: i did copy it the old config.. never mind17:13
meganerdbscape: what are the permissions of that folder?17:13
FremenBluecan i change resolv.conf to NOT be auto-defined by network manager?17:13
fly2lefttbrock: the detailed error info?17:13
bscapemeganerd: i don't know, how do i check?17:13
erUSULpantcho: and you did "make oldconfig" ?17:13
meganerdls -l17:13
pantchoerUSUL no..17:13
meganerdbscape: ls -l17:13
tbrockfly2left: Page handler: "The path '/mediawiki' was not found."17:14
tbrockis the gist of it17:14
meganerdbscape: or right click, properties, permissions17:14
bscapemeganerd: root root17:14
pantchoerUSUL: but before compliation a .config file should be present so i copied the old config file17:14
eirannerUSUL: i done " sudo modprobe" now should i remove the STA driver17:14
IndustrialAnyone think he/she can help me with my apt-get/dpkg problem? https://gist.github.com/324b803a1c96e869372417:14
bscapemeganerd: -rw-r--r--17:14
meganerdbscape: OK weird, that folder is owned by root, how did you create it?17:14
eirannarathald: my card is b431117:14
bscapemeganerd: mkdir as root17:14
erUSULpantcho: yes you do cp /boot/config-whatever .config then you do make oldconfig then make etc17:14
k0d3g3artrying to print PDF document to a HPLaserjet 5MP printer served on Windows server.  Seems to print most things fine, but with PDFs its failing.  Getting a Connection failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME error in cups error log.  Anyone got any ideas?17:14
erUSULeirann: well you have to use one or the other17:15
bscapemeganerd: i'm guessing that's the issue... how do i change permission to bscape?17:15
meganerdbscape: OH, that makes sense then, as root chown -R youruser:yourgroup ~/school17:15
arathaldeirann: i think thats one of the ones supported by the official broadcom driver... have you looked at that? it works rather well for me17:15
YehiaerUSUL , sudo apt-get remove rivendell17:15
fly2leftmaybe you need add "<Location /mediawiki>  ... </Location>" into the httpd.conf17:15
meganerdbscape: sudo works well17:15
eirannarthur:  do you mean by official the sta?17:15
User45.join #ubuntu-beginners17:15
meganerdbscape: whatever user you are when you create files/folders usually gets the ownership of that file/folder by default17:16
erUSULYehia: do this « sudo aptitude install rivendell && sudo aptitude purge rivendell »17:16
bscapemeganerd: ah!  that makes a lot of sense, thanks :D17:16
meganerdbscape: the -R in the previous command will run it recusrsively on all files under that directory17:16
emghazalI have a question about Wireshark on Ubuntu, is this the right place to ask or is there somewhere else?17:16
frikinzIndustrial, not nem but maybe there https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingInstallationIssues#Exec%20format%20error17:16
tbrockfly2left: where is that guy located again17:16
eirannarathald: that was ment for you , did you mean the STA17:16
meganerdemghazal: depends on the question17:17
Sioux-33hi i need help cant boot ubuntu 9.10 got error "target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init No init found try passing init = bootarg."  any advice ?17:17
arathaldeirann: yes, I believe so17:17
york105Sioux, might as well reinstall Ubuntu than try and recover17:17
Industrialfrikinz: thanks, exactly what happened!17:17
Sioux-33<york105> what u mean reinstall? delete everything i got and install it again?17:18
fly2lefttbrock: if ubuntu, in anywhare of apache.conf, and if fedora, in anywhere of httpd.conf17:18
eirannarathald:  yes it works fine but i remember from last time it doesn't support injection17:18
frikinzIndustrial, I have not real the whole thread here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/512096  but it looks like it was corrected in dpkg 7 days ago. not sure if it's uploaded yet. anyway, you'll have to manually fix yours now17:18
MrKeunercan the "clean up by name" feature be removed from the nautilus context menu?17:18
User45can anyone help me with this? http://pastebin.com/uq6bg4J217:18
User45im currently using a vps and command line17:19
krangamguys, i'm having a problem with Pidgin. Suddenly today, my gtalk id is not working. I'm getting an error message like, "not authorised". i'm able to access my gtalk account from gmail. any clue?17:19
User45i recently upgraded to karmic from jaunty :/17:19
krangamanyone facing similar error?17:19
dfnctIs it possible to set up 4 monitors using an nvidia and an ati card? Or do I need to get matching cards?17:19
york105Sioux-33 init is the base process, its the core that starts everything else, it may be possible to perform a recovery but reinstalling ubuntu will safe time and effort17:19
emghazalWell, when I run Wireshark normally, there are no interfaces to capture. If I use sudo, Wireshark warns me that it's dangerous, but the interfaces appear. So, is there a way to make it work without sudo, or should I just ignore the warning?17:19
* genii ponders "fstab.sys"17:19
Yehia   erUSUL,  i did but i got this still           http://imagebin.org/8939617:20
meganerdemghazal: running anything as root is dangerous, but without root permissions you do not have access to the devices directly17:20
Sioux-33<york105> u are asking me to delete all data and then install ubuntu again right?17:20
rwwemghazal: you should use gksudo, and just ignore the warning.17:20
erUSULYehia: that's normal17:20
york105Sioux-33 I am not asking you :) I am only layng down the options for you, at the end of the day you decide what to do17:20
YehiaerUSUL i want to delete them17:21
YehiaerUSUL how can i do it17:21
meganerdemghazal: usually I use sudo to capture data with tcpdump and then open the pcap file in wireshark.  Usually the machine I am capturing data from is not my laptop.  But yes if you want to use wireshark use sudo/gksudo17:21
emghazalmeganerd: Okay, that makes sense. Thanks.17:21
CountDownHow can I get a full list of the valid boot entries I could feed to grub-install?17:21
arathaldeirann: ah, fair enough, continue then (Ive had good luck with the stl driver, so it's usually  my recommendation provided there isn't a good reason otherwise, like yours)17:21
Industrialfrikinz: aaand its fixed! DopeGhoti, frikinz; thanks for your time \o/17:21
pantchoerUSUL: now did i compiled the kernel wrong, if i use make oldconfig does it mean when i do "make" it will recompile the whole kernel again (a thing that takes 3 - 4 hours in my vmware) ?17:21
Sioux-33<york105> there is nothing lost i think that  its somthing to do with windows and mbr ubuntu can find sbin/init so the solution is to show the ubuntu where /sbin/init is but i dont knpow how to do that17:21
meganerdemghazal: opening a pcap file does not require root privs btw17:21
IndustrialI was on the verge of reinstalling the OS (since I just installed in the first place 5 mins a go anyway)17:22
erUSULYehia: sudo find / -iname '*rivendell*' -exec rm -r '{}' \;17:22
york105Sioux-33, ahh now I see. Well, have you tried grub-update?17:22
adhilhow solve vga problem17:22
arathaldspeaking of which, wl got removed when i upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10... luckily it takes all of 3 minutes to install17:22
erUSULpantcho: well it will recompile what it needs depending on how the config changed17:23
frikinzIndustrial, while it's sometimes needed for windows, it is never required for gnu/linux to reinstall.. well, as long as you know how the system works17:23
Industrialwell it was the easy solution :p17:23
CountDownAh, perhaps /boot/grub/device.map17:23
krangamguys, i'm having a problem with Pidgin. Suddenly today, my gtalk id is not working. I'm getting an error message like, "not authorised". i'm able to access my gtalk account from gmail. any clue?17:23
arathaldfrikinz: it is sometimes easier than the alternative, for example, if you happen to remove /17:24
mickster04hey, im trying to set up a vpn server and i don't know what is going wrong...i've asked in #ubuntu-server but theres no one ther or replying17:24
YehiaerUSUL, is it the command which i need to type it in a terminal ?17:24
pantchoerUSUL: the goal of what i need to do is change a source code in /net/core/... file and recompile the kernel and let the system look and behave THE SAME as before with just few source code line changes..17:24
arathaldfrikinz: or delete your kernel17:24
erUSULYehia: yes17:24
adhilvishual effects not workink17:24
edbianI'm setting up a computer for a friend and I would like to come up with something so that this person doesn't have to worry about removing his old kernels.  Is something like that possible?17:24
Stargaze!details| adhil17:24
ubottuadhil: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:24
YehiaerUSUL, i did it but it gave me this   ( ~$ sudo find / -iname '*rivendell*' -exec rm -r '{}' \;17:24
Yehiafind: `/var/lib/mysql/Rivendell': No such file or directory17:24
Yehia )17:24
macoedbian: he doesnt have to remove them to begin with. their existence doesnt harm anything17:25
york105edbian, are you looking to a setup that cleans up old kernels?17:25
arathaldedbian: using ubuntu, the old versions of the kernel don't need to be removed... are you referring to them  not showing up in grub after a kernel upgrade?17:25
macoedbian: but there's the computer janitor that'll clear up those and more which he can run if he decides he wants more disk space back17:25
erUSULpantcho: ok; everytime you change a source code line or config options you need to recompile. depending on the changes the recompile will take more or less time17:25
edbianyork105, yeah17:25
adhiliam using ubuntu 9.10 asus k8v mx mother board amd athlon processorwhen iam enable visual effects it isnot working17:26
edbianI know that they don't do anything but they waste space (both on the harddrive and in the grub menu)17:26
york105well, can you answer arathald 's question please17:26
edbianmaco, Does the janitor really clean those up?  That is fantastic!17:26
macoedbian: believe so17:26
frikinzarathald, one day, I rm -rf / , it removes /bin, /etc, (alphabetically in fact). it stopped in the middle of dev.. I took the list of installed packages in /var and rebuilt the system17:27
edbianmaco, Excellent, thank you! :)  Ubuntu is great.17:27
erUSULYehia: it is ok17:27
arathaldfrikinz: right, it's not impossible to do my any means, but it can be difficult, especially for a new user17:27
arathaldfrikinz: the very fact that ive built linux from scratch so many times means i could rebuild pretty much any system thats gotten messed up, but it doesn't mean I want to :D17:28
adhiliam using ubuntu 9.10 asus k8v mx mother board amd athlon processorwhen iam enable visual effects it isnot working17:28
sine`hi folks. I just bought a netbook today and want to put the great ubuntu on it. the ISO im downloading is the same size as the normal desktop iso that i have, so whats the difference, Hopefully its streamlined to run smooth as fcuk17:28
pantchoerUSUL: so how do i copy my old config and do a make to it and then the "make" which compiles the kernel? i tried to view back what you wrote but its deleted17:28
malickscilab like matlab with simulink17:28
erUSULpantcho: yes you do (in the kernel source dir)  "cp /boot/config-whatever .config" then you do "make oldconfig" then "make etc"17:29
pantchoerUSUL thanks17:29
YehiaerUSUL, thanks17:29
erUSULYehia: no problem17:29
erUSULpantcho: no problem17:29
malickis there a chat irc here17:30
Sioux-33hi i need help cant boot ubuntu 9.10 got error "target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init No init found try passing init = bootarg."  any advice ?17:30
coz_malick,  you mean just for chatting?17:30
mickster04malick: #ubuntu-offtopic ?17:30
coz_malick,  /join #ubuntu-offtopic17:30
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h3ct0ranybody know how to make auto mount for my media (drive)?17:31
arathaldh3ct0r: constantly connected or you mean when you plug it in?17:31
malickthank's man17:31
york105Sioux-33 have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 you may have to manually point grub to right path17:31
h3ct0ryup constantly connected17:32
arathaldh3ct0r: add it to /etc/fstab17:32
arathaldh3ct0r: look it up if you don't know exact syntax, it's easy17:32
arathaldh3ct0r: and ive gotta go to class, otherwise i might help you walk through the process17:33
Tom22Hello. I read somewhere that you could upload photos to Facebook and other online services directly from an application. Maybe F-Spot? F-Spot doesn't seem to have the option to upload to Facebook. Is there any other application which can?17:33
thevishyubuntu is not working on my friends new i5 laptop though text based installation succeded17:33
igamathevishy, the problem may be the graphic card17:34
h3ct0rarathald, what's syntax that i must write on that file?17:34
frikinzTom22, maybe digikam? It can upload to several websites17:34
User45can anyone help me with this? http://pastebin.com/dTVR9h7k17:34
thevishyhow to rectify this ?17:34
User45its the whole mounting thing17:34
Tom22frikinz, thanks, I'll check :)17:34
thevishyit looks like a graphics card issue17:34
igamathevishy, what is the graphic card? go to xorg.conf and tell it to use vga17:34
thevishyits an acer 574017:35
duffydackthevishy, use safe mode gfx, boot it, and install driver17:35
igamathevishy, the other solution would be use Ubuntu 10.04, that would support all latest hardware ( its still alpha, but works fine with me)17:35
zongo_hey guys, I have just done an update (ubuntu 9.10) and it broke my sound. running sudo alsaconf showed my card17:35
mickster04i can connect to my vpn now, but it cant get thru to the internet how do i set it up roperly17:36
thevishyinstall driver from the where ?17:36
zongo_but no sound card in sound preference17:36
duffydackthevishy, hardware driver (fglrx)17:36
zongo_any idea - hope I wont have to reinstall all the alsa drivers17:36
Sioux-33<york105> sudo fsck /dev/sda1 from livecd it did corect something will check it now if i can boot from hdd17:37
duffydackthevishy, I have an ati 4650 and karmic doesnt boot properly, so I chose safe mode gfx from menu, installed it then installed 3d driver, all was well./17:37
thevishyhow do I go to safe mode gfx ?17:37
User45http://pastebin.com/dTVR9h7k any help please?17:37
duffydackthevishy, F4 or something.. "modes"17:37
thevishyright let me check this17:38
duffydackthevishy, oh, its already installed?17:38
Tom22I'm using gnome, I understand that digikam is a KDE app. will it still work ok?17:38
thevishyi installed ubuntu using alternate distro17:38
epaphus2hey guys, how can I uninstall all the games in ubuntu?17:38
thevishyalternate distro worked well17:38
york105epaphus2, try the Ubuntu software centre17:38
duffydackthevishy, boot to safe mode recovery, then install xorg-driver-fglrx  (cant remember exact name)17:39
Soni18771how should i recover my display in ubuntu, i am able to work on command line but display is not working17:39
thevishysafe mode recorevy doesnt come17:39
no-clueI was using tomcat17:39
Soni18771what can be the issue?17:39
no-clueand it worked fine17:39
Soni18771i tried recovery also17:39
no-cluesuddenly for some reason it says the port is busy17:39
no-cluewhat could it be?17:39
Soni18771but sitll it is showing the same problem17:39
Soni18771anyone please help me out17:39
igamaAny ideia if its possible to get the documentation used in the Ubuntu Courses ( like the Supporting Ubuntu course ) ?17:40
duffydackthevishy, seriously tho, I`d think about using lucid, its out next month17:40
york105Soni18771, has GUI ever worked before? Have you tried updating graphics drivers ? Try switching to proprietary manufacturer drivers17:40
Tom22Will Digikam work on GNOME?17:40
Soni18771ya it was working fine till the evening17:40
york105Soni18771, what errors do you get?17:41
Soni18771york105: now it is showing this problem17:41
Soni18771just gui is not working (the welcome screen is not coming where it asks user name etc...)17:41
thevishyhere is what happens , it displays the text in the usual mode and then screen goes off as to go to some other mode ( GFX)17:41
nasrullahhow to install google on xubuntu17:41
thevishyand then its blank17:42
skritehey all17:42
igamanasrullah, what?17:42
duffydackthevishy, with recovery mode?17:42
om26ernasrullah, google chrome?17:42
thevishyyeah both modes17:42
york105Soni18771, did you try customising welcome screen theme?17:42
thevishyduffydack, ^17:42
Sioux-33<york105> wow it was working :) i was able to boot from hdd so if there is boot problem init missing or any other files then everything u need to do is to run fsck sda1 where sda1 mean partition where is your linux. no need for ubuntu reinstall:)17:42
Soni18771how to do that using command prompt17:42
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:42
eirannarathald:  ok i thought it had worked because it said STA driver activated but not in use but i rebooted and ther was no networking at all ( after removing the STA) can anyone tell me how i can check why it's not working anymore?17:42
kevin009anybody have issues in 9.10 where changing screen resolution with nvidia-settings gives a garbled display *sometimes*? the card is a geforce 620017:43
duffydackthevishy, recovery is just a standard text based boot, thats odd.....17:43
dfnctif I have two matching dual output video cards and 4 monitors, will the default install see more than two monitors on one card?17:43
thevishyvery odd17:43
pantchoenUSUL: i dont understand the logic of compiling so many sources and configuration and in the end the boot image is like 3mb ?17:43
thevishyis there a boot optin I cn give ?17:43
Soni18771york105: i updated dpkg also17:43
york105Sioux-33 sure, glad it worked out for you, fsck checks disks for errors17:43
eiranncan anyone tell me why i carn't get the b43-fwcutter working when it has in the past?17:44
CountDownI just ran "grub-install hd0", the result of which was: grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for 'vg1-lvroot'; Auto-detection of filesystem module failed.; Please specify the module with the option `--modules' explicitly.  How do I fix this?  Do I need to create a mapping manually?  I'm messing with LVM2 + LUKS.17:44
thevishywhat is the mode for no graphics17:44
forestMy audio input & output on Karmic are working but *not* audio THROUGH-put.... what is the trick to monitoring the input channel?17:44
=== forest is now known as kombucha_mobi
duffydackthevishy, recovery mode is no gfx..17:44
eremitethevishy, xtrem or press CTRL ALT F217:44
frikinzTom22, it should. Yes, it will pull kde librairies. So it might take a bit more room that a gtk app.17:44
Trekwhat packages does gparted need to work with all filesystems?17:44
Blou_Aaphow can i mount a *.cue/*.bin CD image in Ubuntu. Or what app cab I use to do that ?17:44
eirannit just will not activate att all17:44
york105Soni18771 try switching to TTY1, CTRL ALT F117:45
kombucha_mobiI can record an audio input using the recorder and play it back.... but can't monitor / listen to it while it is recording!17:45
Tom22frikinz, thanks :)17:45
Soni18771york105: ya it is happing (i mean tty1 is working)17:45
CountDownTrek: You might need fuse.17:45
Soni18771but where is hte gui17:45
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duffydackthevishy,  what should work is, boot recovery mode, drop to shell (from the menu it gives you) then apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx   and reboot17:45
CountDownTrek: Which filesystems in particular are you looking at?17:45
eirannit is showing up as eth2 surely thats not correct for a bcm-card17:46
kevin009Blou_Aap: you should check out cdemu17:46
PiciBlou_Aap: If you're looking for a graphical utility, furiusisomount should do it without having to convert the cd images to other formats.17:46
york105Soni18771 now login using normal user name and password and issue the command > startx17:46
Blou_Aapspank yous17:47
marijuanahi guys, simple question : how to enable automatic update & it install itself automatically everday... im using karmic koala17:47
kombucha_mobiI'm googiing for this audio throughput issue, but it seems like this should be obvious?17:47
thevishyits like , recovery mode also hangs the same duffydack17:47
Soni18771york105: i have done that and it says that server already running17:47
TrekCountDown: the nonstandards, like reiserfs, hfs/hfs+, jfs, ufs, xfs, reiser417:47
EnanisWhat ? I'm a little speak english17:47
Pici!es | Enanis17:48
ubottuEnanis: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:48
freefallWhen will the beta 1 be released?17:48
york105Soni18771, type the following > sudo kill $(pgrep startx) && startx17:48
Picifreefall: When its done, await the release in #ubuntu+117:48
thevishyis i5 processor a 64 bit thing?17:48
TrekCountDown: so that the system can recognize them in gparted, and be able to work with them, I've got a few people who use those filesystems and want me to move their partitions around every so often when they reallocate space17:48
rwwthevishy: i5 processors can run 32-bit or 64-bit17:48
EnanisPorque hablais todos con tantos numeros?17:48
Trek!es | Enanis17:48
ubottuEnanis: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:48
thevishythe OS got installed with some delay ..... so i think it shud be 32 bit only17:49
Soni18771york105: doing....!17:49
Enanispero ... no entiendo esto ,17:49
CountDownTrek: Best I can tell you is fuse.  I've never gotten HFS+ to work properly, but that might just be me.17:50
frikinzmarijuana, in System menu, administration, update manager and then configuration17:50
Enanisesto es un roollo17:50
MyrttiEnanis: Inglés solamente aquí. Español en el #ubuntu-es.17:50
thevishyduffydack, here is what happens I try to take any mode and it display the usual linux text in usual dos like text mode ...and after sometime it just offs the screen and stars a new screen and here it is blank17:50
CountDownTrek: Also, none of the MacOSX tools I tried for working with ext2 seemed to work correctly.17:51
marijuanafrikinz: now already open update manager... then click setting button?17:52
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases17:52
TrekCountDown: i dont mean to mount the filesystems, I mean to format as them and be able to manipulate the partition data, not the actual files within17:52
frikinzmarijuana, yes17:52
duffydackthevishy, seems its a common problem with your laptop..17:52
Soni18771YORK105: it is nt working asking for kill parameter17:52
virtualmanis this the help like for ubuntu?17:52
Picivirtualman: This is not just like the help, this is the help :)17:52
Trek!support | virtualman17:52
duffydackthevishy, go with the beta1 out today sometime...#ubuntu+117:52
ubottuvirtualman: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org17:52
virtualman:) awsomness17:53
marijuanafrikinz: it already checked 'check for updates = daily'17:53
virtualmanI have somewhat complicated anamoly17:53
nightsjammiesYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.17:53
phox_Hi! I just installed postfix+dovecot+squirrelmail on my apache-webservern. Does anyone know how to add a user to the mail?17:53
nightsjammiesHow do I fix that?17:53
virtualmani have been using ubuntu for past month and love it17:53
duffydackthevishy, ah, just found this.  if you wanna stick with 9.10 http://www.linwik.com/wiki/using+the+intel+arrandale+intel+graphics+media+accelerator+hd+with+ubuntu+9.1017:53
YehiaerUSUL, what is the command for changing the owner from Root - to user ?17:54
marijuanafrikinz: there are 3 options... install security updt w.o confirmation, download all updates in the bckgrnd, only notify about avail updates... which one is the best choice?17:54
erUSULYehia: chown; but you better know what you are doing ...17:54
CountDownYehia: sudo chown user:user filename17:54
marijuanafrikinz:  install security updt w.o confirmation or download all updates in the bckgrnd?17:54
frikinzmarijuana, define "best".. I personnaly do everything manually..17:55
york105Soni18771 you got two options, you can attempt to find out what's gone wrong - search log files in /var/log or reinstall gnome desktop using > sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop17:55
thevishyor can I just download the new ubuntu17:55
virtualmanhowever I need to insall Windows on a dedicated drive, clean and need dual boot, so ubuntu is currently the main os on drive 1 and i need to install windows xp on drive 2 essentially, i need native mode, running virtualbox won't cut it, i made investment with steam and need to run certain games effeciently, wine/crossover does not cut it17:55
Phelippe_BRI have some problem with myy two hd´s. I have SDA and SDB - On SDB i have windows7 (200 gb) and SDA (80gb) Ubuntu - When i install the second HD, my grub boot broken windows 7 and not work anymore. There are anyone can give me a suport for fix that?17:55
virtualmanwindows won't let me install on speerate drive ....?17:55
marijuanafrikinz: yes i know... but the problem is.. is system is used by my elder sister, she dont know to type a command17:55
virtualmansimilar what bootcamp would do :)17:55
marijuanafrikinz: yes i know... but the problem is.. this system is used by my elder sister, she dont know to type a command17:55
Soni18771york105: thanks, i am doing.17:55
virtualmanwish there was bootcamp :) for ubuntu17:55
hexdump_hey all whats that shortcut key to run something as root real quick?17:56
marijuanafrikinz: so automatic update & install itself automactically is the best choice..17:56
marijuanafrikinz: which one to choice?17:56
thevishywhere can i download the alpha built17:57
virtualmanu guys know if ubuntu has something similar to bootcamp ? so it let's me install windows xp on seperate drive?17:57
phox_hexdump: ctrl + f2 i think17:57
MrKeunercan the "clean up by name" feature be removed from the nautilus context menu?17:57
luisthey... im using firefox/chrome and my youtube has no sound.. how can i fix it? (ubuntu 9.10)17:57
igamavirtualman, you can install windows on seperated drive, just boot the cd and choose the partition u want17:58
york105thevishy try this link http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha317:58
phox_hexdump_: no, i mean alt + f217:58
eremitehexdump_, in a terminal type sudo before command17:58
frikinzmarijuana, middle one I'd say (ALL in background)17:58
jon5001can someone help me fix my update library?  auto updater is reporting the following:W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.31-20-generic_2.6.31-20.57_i386.deb17:58
jon5001  404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:58
jon5001W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-2.6.31-20_2.6.31-20.57_all.deb17:58
jon5001  404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:58
jon5001W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-2.6.31-20-generic_2.6.31-20.57_i386.deb17:58
FloodBot4jon5001: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:58
igamathevishy, i recommend the daily build of lucid17:58
jon5001  404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:58
thevishyyork105, thanks , where is that igama17:58
duffydackthevishy, beta1 is out today17:58
CRAY-4Linuxhey guys, where's beta17:58
wojoxLucid hit beta today17:58
=== nik0 is now known as niko
igamathevishy, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ - Daily build of Lucid 10.0417:58
CRAY-4Linuxits not on the server yet17:59
phox_hexdump_: no, i mean alt + f217:59
CRAY-4Linuxbeta1 that is17:59
phox_Hi! I just installed postfix+dovecot+squirrelmail on my apache-webservern. Does anyone know how to add a user to the mail?17:59
igamaCRAY-4Linux, just relax or download the daily build ;)17:59
nightsjammiesoh, it's so nice to be running 'buntu again..17:59
marijuanafrikinz: so if i choce download all updates in bckground, can it will install updates automatically?17:59
virtualmanu guys know if ubuntu has something similar to bootcamp ? so it let's me install windows xp on seperate drive without a fuss?17:59
CRAY-4Linuxis it as stable17:59
nightsjammiesnow, can someone help me get virtualbox up and running for itunes?17:59
duffydackthevishy, if you cant wait, then try a daily http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:59
CalmvsKhaosCRAY-4Linux, when the alpha hit the servers it was around 3PM pacific time if i recall, so maybe around then17:59
Trekvirtualman: sorry, had to deal with things, what's your issue?  (post all on one line with my name at the beginning so I see it)17:59
CalmvsKhaosalpha 3*17:59
amikropHello. I have a huge number of tracks (each one of different artist/album/genre) and I want a tool to automatically look up and write their ID3 tags, judging from their filenames. What's the bets option for that?17:59
virtualmanrythmbox = itunes :)18:00
igamaCRAY-4Linux, its still beta, but so far its stable for me18:00
nightsjammiesI need the one from the site, which I've already d/l'ed and installed, I think, but cannot find..18:00
jon5001sorry about the flood.  can someone help with my update libraries?  Info pasted here http://paste.ubuntu.com/397376/18:00
duffydackthevishy, #ubuntu+1 for more talk..18:00
thevishyyeah I am downloading the latest then18:00
nightsjammiesI've got the 3.0+ itouch18:00
nightsjammieswon't work.18:00
CRAY-4Linuxim running alpha 3 now, and im gonna install beta 1 on the media computer18:00
virtualmanis anyone capabple of helping me?18:00
york105amikrop try EasyTAG I find it useful18:00
igamanightfrog, install Virtualbox, install Windows XP on VirtualBox, and then install whatever you need ;)18:00
sykluist, i had that problem what i did was "sudo apt-get install alsa-oss" then "sudo apt-get install alsa-oss" and change FIREFOX_DSP="" to FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"18:00
erUSUL!dulaboot | virtualman18:00
Trekvirtualman: what exactly is your issue?18:00
erUSUL!dualboot | virtualman18:00
ubottuvirtualman: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:00
amikropyork105: But can it do the guessing and auto-writing stuff?18:01
frikinzmarijuana, yes. another choice would be to not install any updates..18:01
igamaCRAY-4Linux, if you update daily ( sudo apt-get update ) you already have the latest version / beta18:01
afrodeityanybody know how to ls permissions in terminal?18:01
virtualmanrunning ubuntu currently, i need to install windows xp in native mode dedicated drive it won't let me18:01
nightfrogigama:? why when i have windows on 2 separate partitions?18:01
virtualmanit want's to wright to mbr wich is highjacked by ubuntu18:01
CRAY-4Linuxim refreshing repos right now18:01
york105amikrop yes its got filters that you can set so it automatically picks up names, artist, etc18:01
erUSULafrodeity: ls -l18:01
erUSUL!cli | afrodeity18:01
ubottuafrodeity: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:01
igamanightfrog, then why did you talk about virtualbox ?18:01
Trekvirtualman: so rewrite the MBR, use the live cd to install grub afterwards18:02
nightsjammiesI'm not nightfrog..18:02
luistsyk, i installed alsa-oss already... where do i change FIREFOX_DSP and what about chrome?18:02
york105amikrop it is also able to look up online and run dB queries against repositories18:02
amikropyork105: could you give me a couple of pointers, please? I mean for the auto stuff18:02
igamanightsjammies, sorry :p18:02
nightfrogigama: i just got home....18:02
nightsjammiesI d/led and installed (I think) the vbox from the site earlier, but now I can't find it..18:02
CRAY-4Linuxtry wine18:02
nightsjammiesany help?18:02
sykluist, gksudo gedit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc18:02
marijuanafrikinz: i think if i chose download all updates in the background, it will just download updates, and not intsall itself automatically...18:03
marijuanacorrect me if i wrong18:03
nightsjammiesand wine won't run itunes 9+18:03
amikropyork105: I mean, I have a directory full of untagged/wrong-tagged MP3s. What should I do with EasyTAG to get them tagged (and renamed to) in the format I want, automatically?18:03
CRAY-4Linuxinstall vbox from the repos18:03
york105amikrop please have a look at http://easytag.sourceforge.net/ look up automatically fill tag section18:03
marijuanahow about install security updates without confirmation?18:03
igamanightsjammies, VirtualBox runs virtualmachines, you can't just install itunes on it, you have to install a virtualmachine of windows 1st18:03
nightsjammiescan't. Windows won't read anything usb then. It's got to be from the site.18:03
amikropyork105: alright, thank you18:03
nightsjammiesI have the windows.18:03
igamanightsjammies, ok18:03
york105amikrop np18:04
frikinzmarijuana, yes, that's what I have. leave this one and forget about normal updates. as long as the system is fine, why update18:04
CRAY-4Linuxim updating the repositories and the multiverse repo is stuck at 99%18:04
nightsjammiesI just need to find out what happened to my vbox.18:04
Treknightsjammies, use windows then, why do you want it to work with ubu?18:04
nightsjammiesI've run the free one before.18:04
Treknightsjammies: how'd you install it?18:04
igamanightsjammies, then, in the bottom corner of virtualbox you have the USB icons, is the ipod there?18:04
luistsyk, theres no /etc/firefox/  theres /etc/firefox-3.5 and there isnt a firefoxrc inside18:04
nightsjammiesI can't find vbox in the first place18:04
nightsjammiesI only want windows for itunes.18:04
CRAY-4Linuxwhy must you have itunes18:04
afrodeityerUSUL: thanks18:04
afrodeityI'm trying to get virtualbox to run as a session, but the windows.desktop file in usr/share/xsessions refusing to show up18:04
nightsjammiesfor my itouch.18:04
CalmvsKhaoswhat would be the command to switch over to lxde when im already booted up into gnome? or do i have to log out? What i want is to be able to use Gnome's features like autoload my wireless, etc, but have lxde as the display manager18:04
thevishyduffydack, i already installed with alternate CD so I can see the boot menu , is there any I can do anything from here on18:05
igamanightsjammies, Applications -> System Tools menu18:05
sykluist, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1193567&highlight=FOT00418:05
thevishyduffydack, that is following the link u gave me from this position18:05
nightsjammiesholy crap, it showed up..maybe I had to restart then..oops.18:05
sykluist, http://lovinglinux.megabyet.net/?page_id=220#No-sound-on-YouTube-or-Hulu-videos-218:05
CRAY-4Linuxiphone and itouch are supported natively in ubuntu 10.0418:05
nightsjammieseven with the 3.0+ firmware?18:05
nightsjammieso.O since when?18:06
luistsyk, found it thanks18:06
CalmvsKhaosI heard that the Software Center will replace apt-get and aptitude in Lucid18:06
CRAY-4Linuxsee here http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-iphone-and-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu.html18:06
LateralForceis it possible to make ubuntu not go into suspend when certain apps are running? i use the inhibit applet now, but id like it to be automagical18:06
blacktoothmy laptop's inbuilt microphone is not working on ubuntu 8.0418:06
igamaAny ideia if its possible to get the documentation used in the Ubuntu Courses ( like the Supporting Ubuntu course ) ?18:06
amikropyork105: hmm, EasyTAG has two modes for that: one needs all the songs to be of the same album (not applicable for me) and the other needs the songs of the same album are under a directory whose name contains album info (not applicable for me)18:06
CalmvsKhaoswhat would be the command to switch over to lxde when im already booted up into gnome? or do i have to log out? What i want is to be able to use Gnome's features like autoload my wireless, etc, but have lxde as the display manager18:07
amikropyork105: maybe, another tool, more good at guessing/looking up?18:07
nightsjammiesI've done that, didn't work18:07
eremiteCalmvsKhaos,  replace --metacity18:07
eremiteno no no, sorry\18:07
duffydackthevishy, not sure on the boot parameter... its a new laptop and that page is describing how to install 9.10 with newer kernel and xorg, so I`d just go with lucid..18:07
marijuanafrikinz: ok, thanks... what is different normal release and long term support release18:07
CRAY-4Linuxmetacity --replace18:07
york105amikrop :) so i am guessing you've tried it and aren't entirely happy, what is it that you're wanting to do18:07
CalmvsKhaoseremite, i have a lot of display managers though other than lxde18:07
thevishyright duffydack18:07
afrodeityubottu: thanks, man intro is great18:07
nightsjammiesI've got 3.1.3 firmware.18:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:07
eremiteJust use the replace command18:07
CalmvsKhaosok ty both18:08
blacktoothmy acer extensa laptop's inbuilt microphone is not working on ubuntu 8.04. help!18:08
luistsyk, it says: Then go to “System >> Preferences >> Sound” and set “Music and Movies” to Alsa    but there isnt any Music and Movies in the Sound Preferences screen18:08
frikinzmarijuana, no idea. most of my machines run debian. I think ubuntu wiki explains it or even wikipedia :) probably lts has.. longer support :) dunno sorry18:08
marginoferrorblacktooth, does it work when you plug a microphone in to the jack?18:08
Pici!lts | marijuana18:09
ubottumarijuana: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:09
CalmvsKhaoshmmm metacity --replace doesnt seem to do much, other than stopped Compiz18:09
blacktoothmarginoferror-- i dint try18:09
nightsjammiesI'd love to not have to mess around with vbox18:09
amikropyork105: my MP3s do not contain any album info (nor their parent directories). I want the software to guess album name just from trackname and artist name18:09
Blou_Aapshortcut keys to restart x-server is what again ?18:09
marginoferrorblacktooth, you should try if you have an external mic available, that will tell you more about what is wrong.18:09
afrodeity!cli | erUSUL18:09
ubottuerUSUL: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:09
york105blacktooth, can you upload output of sudo lshw-gtk18:09
sykluist, restart firefox and see if its working18:09
Blou_Aapshortcut keys to restart x-server is what again ?18:10
luistsyk, did already... i didnt change to alsa anywhere tho18:10
marijuanaOk guys, I understand now. But i currently use Karmic, can i enable long term support release?18:10
CalmvsKhaosi did metacity --replace it took off compiz, how do i get it back?18:10
Picimarijuana: 10.04 is not yet released.18:10
CRAY-4Linuxcompiz --replace18:11
york105amikrop , easytag is able to do so, you don't have to have any id3 tags to populate title/artist, it looks up the actual file name, also you can make it query against song info repositories18:11
ehndei'm having trouble with mplayer audio skipping playing .wmv's, anyone have experience fixing this problem?18:11
Tom22frikinz, you still there?18:11
nightsjammiesbloody hell, headers take awhile to load18:11
marijuanaPici : Oh Ic, so at the 'release upgrade' the best choice is to set normal release? rite?18:11
ehndethe audio in mplayer is tolerable, but "jumpy"18:11
frikinzTom22, hum yeah. did you ask me something I missed? :)18:12
sykluist, does your sound work for everything else?18:12
york105amikrop have a look at documentation at http://easytag.sourceforge.net/EasyTAG_Documentation.html#ch_118:12
phox_Hi! I just installed postfix+dovecot+squirrelmail on my apache-webservern. Does anyone know how to add a user to the mail?18:12
Tom22frikinz, nope :P I was just going to say thank you very much for your help! It works fine! :) thanks18:12
luistsyk, YES18:12
blacktoothyork105-- http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=SHZZCn2h18:12
frikinzTom22, cool. digikam is what I prefer to handle my photos18:12
Picimarijuana: It doesn't matter really if you want the LTS.  The next release is an LTS, so no matter which method you choose, thats the one you're going to get.18:13
york105blacktooth, the link doesn't work, can you try the paste service at ubuntu.com ?18:13
Tom22frikinz, yeah, but I was surprised that there was no option to open photos with digikam18:13
frikinzyork105, querying song info repositories.. interesting.. musicbrainz? does it work?18:13
Tom22frikinz, by right clicking18:13
nightsjammiesthanks much CRAY :)18:14
york105frinkinz aye, it does work, i was talking about easytag18:14
marijuanaPici: Ok thanks.. 1 more question. since i migrate from windows, i never do a 'scandisk' and defrag... how to defrag hardisk in ubuntu? do we need to defrag in linux system?18:15
Picimarijuana: you don't need to defrag.18:15
nightsjammiesOkay, now to see if it works..18:15
frikinzTom22, so you say a photo album software can not show your photos? that's annoying.. my photos are on another machine, I can't check18:15
york105marijuana ext4 doesn't need defragmenting18:15
frikinzyork105, yes yes. I use easytag too, it's good. I'll try that.18:15
skritemarijuana: been on linux 9 years, never defragged.18:15
marijuanayork105:  but why?18:15
blacktoothyork105-- try this.. http://pastebin.com/Z6HMLhhg18:16
york105marijuana, someone wanted to auto populate tag info for several files18:16
skritemarijuana: i think it has to do with the fact that the journals in the filesystem are more effecient18:16
frikinzyork105, but the repository server I know is musicbrainz. how is it supposed to detect which song it is (I'm not talking about cds, mp3)18:16
Trekhow do you force grub to update in 9.10?  i know there's a update command for grub legacy18:16
marijuanadefrag is to manage the files, then the system will run fast rite?18:16
=== i is now known as Guest73189
blacktoothyork105-- sorry i couldnt find paste service at ubuntu.com18:16
frikinzyork105, I'm actually looking for something to find covers and put them in the directory18:16
Tom22frikinz, I can get it to show my photos, but via the application, I can't choose to open the photos with Digikam by right clicking if you see what I mean :P18:16
marijuanayork105: i currently use ext3 file system18:17
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:17
skritemarijuana: speed actually depends on a number of things, disk speed, connect type (IDE, SATA) etc..18:17
almoxarifeplease help me help the rest of the wubi installed karmic users, today there was an update to the kernel and with every other kernel update prior 'ubuntu crashes' , there is a bug in grub2 that only effects wubi installs, the fix is to simple to believe but it works guaranteed, this link provides info on the why's and the fix needing to be done, the fix must be done in windows though, would everyone please assist my brothers in WU18:17
amikropyork105: but it needs the album to be in the filename, or in the parent directory's name18:17
wjmTrek: upate-grub I think is what you're looking for18:17
frikinzTom22, mmhhh if you right click on a .jpg and go in properties, it should ask you somewhere which default app to use for opening jpg.18:17
Trekwjm: does that work with grub 2?18:17
york105marijuana ext3 preallocates file space during creation so you don't have chunks all around18:17
marijuanaskrite: yeah, u rite.. i think the system files of linux is different between windows18:18
wjmTrek: it'll update with the kernel choices from /boot18:18
deistGrr, I can't get the stupid iso too boot properly on my mac.18:18
york105marijuana only comprehensive way to defrag ext3 (if you really really wanted to) is to move data elsewhere and paste it back on to the drive and i am not joking18:18
Pici!defrag | marijuana more info here18:18
ubottumarijuana more info here: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.18:18
Trekwjm: will it detect any other OS installs on other drives that are connected to the system?18:18
thevishyduffydack, what i find odd is that ubuntu doesnt go to Recovery mode , while a small rescue linux does go to rescue mode .....18:19
marijuanayork105: Oh ic.. that's good.. so we dont have to waste our time to wait for defrag a hard drive rite... haha18:19
Tom22frikinz, Thanks :) I'll try that. I'm off now, take care, and thanks again18:19
wjmno it will only scan for them in /boot and update the menu.lst with the appropriate info18:19
Trekwjm: then how can it manually be forced to recognize XP on a secondary drive>18:19
blacktoothyork105-- can you see my output?18:20
nightsjammieswow, it works...o.O18:20
york105marijuana exactly, i am not 100% sure about this but ubuntu uses same principle for ntfs, i have a ntfs 1TB drive that's at zero fragmentation because ubuntu uses it all the time18:20
deistI have burned five copies with five new downloads of the iso but non of them worked. :(18:20
wjmTrek: fdisk -l18:20
wjmfind your Windows partition and thus set it up that way18:20
york105blacktooth, afraid not, can you use the paste.ubuntu.com service instead?18:20
marijuanayork105: marijuana only comprehensive way to defrag ext3 (if you really really wanted to) is to move data elsewhere and paste it back on to the drive and i am not joking... <-- lol i think this way is efficent with below 100GB hardisk... how but if we have a large hardisk like 1 or 2 tera...18:20
Trekokay, then what gets updated manually?18:20
Trekwhat files, wjm?18:20
marijuanathanks ubottu18:20
frikinzso, is there a tool to fetch covers of music albums and put the cover in the directory (and not in its own database like amarok)18:21
duffydackthevishy, is it using a different kernel18:21
york105marijuana again in theory ext3 does not need defragmenting18:21
thevishyit is using the default 9.10 kernel which i downloaded in november18:21
thevishylike say 3 upgrades back18:21
wjmTrek: It's kinda messy to do that read this - http://blogs.koolwal.net/2008/12/28/windows-xpvista-dual-boot-does-not-boot-from-grub2-or-grub-pc/18:21
crazycoolhey guys. which player is the best to play dvd in ubuntu?18:22
duffydackthevishy, the rescue linux?18:22
blacktoothyork105-- http://paste.ubuntu.com/397392/18:22
thevishycud that be the problem for recovery mode too ?18:22
wjmTrek: as a rule, I personally don't mix linux/windows just because it can get mess18:22
Trekwjm: messy is fine, Ubu's already messed enough upon install, I had to do chmod recursively on everything in my /home/ folder in order to edit .bashrc and others without using sudo18:22
thevishyduffydack, it is using older 2.6.2918:22
bombelHei there. How can I disable Compiz from beeing my default windows manager? Everytime I reboot my computer compiz is enabled... I'd like to disable it without uninstalling it, of course.18:22
marijuanayork105: thanks... i understand now.. so ext3 and ext4 same. no defrag needed18:22
Trekwjm: i need win for iPod and Dreamweaver :P18:22
duffydackthevishy, on grub menu, press e to edit it, and remove the quiet splash from the kernel line18:22
eremiteI have some unallocated space on my drive ready to be formatted,  I want to be able to access the partition via Ubuntu AND Windows XP.  What format should I format?  ext3?  NSTF?18:22
wjmTrek: ok then those directions should be easy for you to understand if you know what you're doing (which it sounds like you do)18:22
wjmTrek: my ipod works in Ubuntu? :(18:23
Trekwjm: i use iPod Touch?18:23
duffydackthevishy,  then it might show you something *not* happening.18:23
york105marijuana, only ext4 is better, have a browse through http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext418:23
wjmTrek: not me, but my iphone and ipod work fine18:23
marijuanaeremite: i think ntfs.. because if u format to ext3, windoz cant read that filesystem18:24
Some_PersonIs there a program that I can use to extract a title from a DVD-VR format disc?18:24
wjmTrek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod18:24
dkgHi. Is there a nice gui package for making grub look "nice"? aswell as changing default boot image, timeout etc?18:24
eremitemarijuana, will windows see the nstf for sure, even without an OS being installed on it?18:24
thevishyit just throws up a lot of text and goes to the same gfx mode even in recovery aparently18:24
JaymacTrek, ipod touch i supported out of the box on 10.04 which is out in April (as far as I know)18:24
Neo31Hello, I just changed my ubuntu password like this (system > preferences > about me > change password) but I forgot the password. is there any way i could get back the password (i didn't turn off the computer yet) this is urgent please if you know any tip tell me abt it18:24
Neo31any idea would help18:24
york105eremite marijuana windows has apps available that claim to be able to read ext3 and ext418:24
Julesciao a tutti18:25
ogelamiHi, i accidently enabled the wrong graphic acceleration drivers, does anyone know how to disable them?18:25
jpds!it | Jules18:25
ubottuJules: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:25
solexiousI'm trying to add a line to /etc/default/grub to enable my sd slot, but its not there, has its location changed?18:25
duffydackthevishy, have you had this pc running with it before?18:25
Goldenscorpping Neo3118:25
eremiteyork105,  the pertition will just be for storing files.  No OS installed.  Which type of format should I do?  Do anyone know?18:25
Neo31pong go18:25
Neo31pong Goldenscorp18:25
york105eremite marijuana i personally have tried this by creating a uvuntu virtual machine and mounting ntfs drive18:25
=== _Signal360_ is now known as Signal360
ogelamiDoes anyone know how to disable the Nvidia default graphic acceleration drivers?18:26
Signal360anyone know how to enable cgi in apache?18:26
thevishyits a brand new acer 574018:26
xdemohi, im using fluxbox with xcompmgr to manage transparency effects on ubuntu karmic, if i leave my computer idle for at least 20minutes Xorg starts using 80+ cpu and my desktop becomes really laggy, how can i fix this?18:26
marijuanayork105: i tried use ext4. but i think it is not good enaugh. it is because when i resize an ext4 partition (in windows), the ext4 filesystem corrupt.. and i no choice to format and install ubuntu back again. i also try install debian (stable), there are no option for ext4, maybe ext3 more stable.. what u think?18:26
york105eremite at the end of the day anything is fine, i suggest NTFS for easy accessibility18:26
Neo31Hello, I just changed my ubuntu password like this (system > preferences > about me > change password) but I forgot the password. is there any way i could get back the password (i didn't turn off the computer yet) this is urgent please if you know any tip tell me abt it18:26
thevishywhich comes with Linpus Linux18:26
ePaxhow do i get clear command to work in chrooted ssh?18:26
duffydackthevishy, yeah, well with a newer chipset you are best going with 10.04 for better support...18:27
ogelamiDoes anyone know how to disable the Nvidia default graphic acceleration drivers?18:27
york105marijuana how do you resize the parittion18:27
BlueEagleDoes anyone have any inside info on what's listening on TCP port 19840? I am being spammed with connection attempts to that port.18:27
blacktoothyork105 did u find anything?18:27
duffydackthevishy, mine doesnt work OOTB, 10.04 doe.s18:27
dkgIs there an easy way (gui package) for getting a picture on the grub boot list at startup?18:27
thevishyyeah u are right18:27
marijuanayork105: i resize in windows platform, using a paragon system manager18:27
thevishyi will try that itself18:27
marijuana*paragon partition manager18:27
york105blacktooth, afraid not can you post the question at ubuntuforums.org18:27
Neo31Hello, I just changed my ubuntu password like this (system > preferences > about me > change password) but I forgot the password. is there any way i could get back the password (i didn't turn off the computer yet) this is urgent please if you know any tip tell me abt it18:27
ogelamiDoes anyone know how to disable the Nvidia default graphic acceleration drivers?18:28
darmsterafter I installed mysql I don't get a passwd18:28
blacktoothyork105 okay...thank you..18:28
Lester_server irc.what-network.net18:28
JaymacBlueEagle, not sure: I looked here but it wasn't listed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers#Registered_ports:_1024.E2.80.934915118:28
york105marijuana try partition logic instead18:28
BlueEagleneo31: Do you have any other user accounts that are member of the group "admin"?18:28
york105blacktooth, np, good luck with resolving your issue18:28
BlueEaglejaymac: I know. Google comes up empty as well.18:28
marijuanayork105: 1st, i reduce a ntfs partition, then i extend ext4 for partition. when i restart komputer... ext4 corrupt :(18:29
darmsterafter I installed mysql on my ubuntu machine I can't login into mysql by typing mysql i get error message18:29
darmsterhas any one experience this18:29
Neo31no BlueEagle i dont18:29
york105marijuana, aye this happens because ntfs has limited support for resizing you should read the official partitionlogic documentation for what you can and can not do18:30
marijuanayork105: i rebuilt/resize ext4, for / partition...18:30
Neo31i have only my user account BlueEagle18:30
york105marijuana try this http://partitionlogic.org.uk/18:30
ogelamiis there a application for reading webcontent trough CLI?18:30
BlueEagleneo31: Then you would need to start in safe mode from GRUB.18:30
eremiteogelami, yes.  w3m18:30
Piciogelami: w3m, lynx, links218:30
dkgHow do I get grub to display something more appealing than white text on black screen?18:30
Coborok es esto?18:30
eremiteogelami, $ w3m http://website.com18:30
Pici!es | Coboro18:30
ubottuCoboro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:30
Neo31ok, how can i do that and what is the next step BlueEagle18:30
=== Lester_ is now known as Alex3
darmstercan anyone see this text (Test)18:31
Trekdarmster: we can :P18:31
darmsterTrek, thx18:31
york105Neo31 no worries, restart system (don't reboot) login as root and change your password to whatever you want18:31
Some_PersonDoes anyone know how I can extract a title from a DVD-VR format disc without paying?18:31
solexiousI'm trying to add a line to /etc/default/grub to enable my sd slot, but the file is not there, has its location changed?18:32
Neo31how could i login as root york10518:32
darmsterI have a mysql configure question after installing on 9.1018:32
SquidNoobsomeone has managed to run ebtables in ubuntu? I think it's impossible: (18:32
Neo31and what's the difference between restarting and rebooting a system18:32
marijuanayork105: partition logic is use windows platform rite?18:32
AylaI have a question18:33
york105Neo31 restart your system and you'll be presented with appropriate options, its all GUI multiple choice so easy peasy, once on terminal change password for your account18:33
marijuanayork105: i dont think i want to use windows again :p18:33
york105marijuana, partition logic works in ubuntu, but has a live CD so you don't have to have an operating system installed, make a boot cd and restart system18:33
darmsterI typed mysql and it doesn't give me the mysql> but an error saying user@localhost isn't allowed18:33
york105marijuana, please read documentation for more info18:33
Some_PersonDoes anyone know how I can extract a title from a DVD-VR format disc?18:33
nocturnusis there a tool like pdftk that can burst and join PDF's, not being dependant on a java compiler ?18:33
sinanhow can i make my system use alsa instead of pulseaudio ?18:33
AylaI would like to share my internet connection18:33
york105darmster the command is mysql -u username -p18:33
Aylawith wifi devices18:33
marijuanagparted i think i good... i found this solution after get trouble a few weeks ago18:33
york105darmster e.g mysql -u root -p18:34
Aylahow can I do that ?18:34
SquidNoobsomeone has managed to run ebtables in ubuntu? I think it's impossible: (18:34
york105marijuana aye, gparted is good too, i use them both18:34
Pici!es | Pittu18:34
ubottuPittu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:34
marijuanaPartition Logic is free software, based on the Visopsys operating system.  It boots from a CD or floppy disk and runs as a standalone system, independent of your regular operating system.  It is intended to become a free alternative to such commercial programs as  Partition Magic, Drive Image, and Norton Ghost...18:34
darmsterubottu, us translator18:34
york105our bot's speaking some exotic language18:34
Neo31i got a link on google york105 tell me if i could follow it http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-recover-password-under-ubuntu.html and this one http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword18:34
dkgIs #ubuntu the right place to ask how I can change grub appearance(different colour background/text and image)? or should I ask in another room?18:35
york105Neo31, the second link is more like what i was asking you to do18:35
darmsteranyone playing around with mysql on there ubuntu system???18:35
Trekdarmster: no, why?18:36
darmsterI just installed it on my laptop 9.10 but I can't login18:36
darmsterit's driving me cracy18:36
marijuanayork105: thanks for this software.. but this software is based VISOPSYS OS, can it run on linux system?18:37
Trekdarmster: why did you install it?  you dont need it unless you're running a MySQL database server on your computer18:37
marijuanai never heard VISOPSYS OS18:37
marijuanathanks guys, u help me alot18:37
sinanany idea how to make my system use alsa instead of pulseaudio?18:37
york105marijuana, i run it on ubuntu and works just fine, when you run the Live CD doesn't matter what os it runs on18:37
Neo31ok thanks york105, i was trying to help a friend (i am fedora user for now) well i think that links will solve his probleme18:38
Neo31thatks again for your assistance york10518:38
york105Neo31 no problem :)18:38
marijuanayork105:  oh live cd... like knoppix live cd..? Ic18:38
marijuanai understand now18:38
darmsterTrek, for a test environment; I have it running on another machine18:38
jemarksinan, u have to remove alsa... better install a base ubuntu system using the minimal ubuntu image and than add the essential things..18:38
york105marijuana yes the app has its own live cd18:39
kombucha_mobiWhat is gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad ??18:39
sinanjemark: i see, thanks18:39
jemarksinan, sorry, you have to remove pulseaudio ofcourse... not also18:39
Trekdarmster: you need to do a lot of config on MySQL before you can login, but I don't know exactly how to do it18:39
kombucha_mobiMore importantly, why is it BAD ?18:39
jemarksinan, not alsa...  ;)18:39
york105Trek darmster use the proper mysql command to login its > mysql -u root -p18:40
york105Trek darmster replace root with username18:40
=== christian is now known as Guest87182
Picikombucha_mobi: Per the package description: " GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use."18:40
darmsteryeah I tried that no go :(18:40
SquidNoobsomeone has managed to run "ebtables" in Ubuntu? I think it's impossible.18:40
SquidNoobI'm trying to redirect port 80 to 3129 but does not work.18:40
Aylahello, how can I share my internet connection with wireless devices ?18:40
CalmvsKhaoshow would i start lxde AFTER booting into Gnome? Ive already tried metacity --replace that just takes off compiz18:40
york105darmster can you upload output on paste.ubuntu.com18:40
harisundAnyone knows how to get rid of the networkmanager applet keyring prompt on login every time single time?18:41
eremiteCalmvsKhaos, instead fo metacity --replace use   "whateverLXDE'swindowManageris" --replace18:41
CalmvsKhaosharisund, OMG i get that alll the time too!18:41
marijuanayork105:  CD-ROM image: partlogic-0.69-iso.zip , when i download this file, and burn to thumb drive, it will boot like a LIVE CD like u said just now?18:41
kombucha_mobithanks Pici, I did not see where to view the package info in my browser (it wants to install this for quicktime / mpeg-aac support18:41
harisundCalmvsKhaos: And nobody knows how to fix it, or people just don't care and keep typing their passwords on login18:42
Picikombucha_mobi: I used   apt-cache show gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad   on a terminal.18:42
darmsteryork105,  this is the message ERROR 1045 (28000)18:42
CalmvsKhaoseremite, ok ty ill try that.18:42
Aylaharisund: I did it, don't remember how through, but it's possible18:42
kombucha_mobiPici good idea, though I wasn't sure if that would explain why it was called 'bad'18:42
CalmvsKhaosharisund, yah and sometimes its python that wants my keyring on startup too18:43
CalmvsKhaosvery annoying18:43
almoxarifeharisund: yes, change the config of the connection to 'allow all'18:43
harisundAyla: finally, some positive response .. it iwould be nice to disable it. Most of the instructions on the web talk about System->Preferences->Encryption and Keyrings or System->Administration->Keyrings but none of those exist in Karmic18:43
Daniel__hello, is anyone here familiarized with Ttaskjuggler???18:43
york105darmster i am guessing you've forgotten your mysql password, the error code corresponds to incorrect login credentials18:43
Aylaharisund, they do18:43
Aylaharisund: I don't know, it's all in french here :)18:44
almoxarifeharisund: right click on the network applet18:44
darmsteryork105, right but I didn't give it any credentials18:44
darmsterthat's what killing me18:44
york105marijuana i've never tried running it off a USB stick I use the old fashioned CD to boot when using partition logic  :D18:44
Aylaharisund: type seahorse-preferences18:44
Aylaon a terminal18:44
almoxarifeharisund: see 'edit connections'?18:44
eremiteGNU nano is my favorite app.  There, I said it. (Just had to get that off my chest.  Back to work...)18:44
york105darmster can you type what command you use to login to mysql18:44
darmsteryork105, yup18:45
harisundAyla: oh seahorse-preferences .. so that's what it's called . almoxarife the "Available to all users" is already ticked and greyed out, I can't edit it even18:45
nocturnussinan: adjust it in the kernel18:45
sinannocturnus: no easier way out ?18:46
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:46
almoxarifeharisund: you use wifi?18:46
darmsteryork105, normally with a new install that all I need18:46
harisundalmoxarife: at times, at times wired18:46
Aylaharisund: that was not here if I remember right… It was something more hackish18:46
darmsterwell, I guess I'll try to figure this crap out later18:46
CountDownI need some help editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg.  Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to do that manually, so maybe I instead need some help figuring out how to tell grub what I want.  Right now, root is set to (hd1,1).  I want to set it to something else.18:46
york105darmster can you type in the chat the command you use to login to mysql18:46
marijuanayork105: so it bootable when i burn into cd?18:46
york105marijuana, yes18:47
solexiousI'm trying to add a line to /etc/default/grub to enable my sd slot, but the file is not there, has its location changed?18:47
marijuanaif yes, i think it will work with thumb drive too..18:47
ChogyDanCountDown: have you looked at the grub2 manual?18:47
almoxarifeharisund: look at your wifi too, one of them is not allowing all18:47
darmsteryork105,  I typed mysql<enter>18:47
ddoleif i wana run the live cd, do i need a hdd...or it works without a hdd too?18:47
CountDownChogyDan: Only in passing.18:47
marijuanaanyway thanks for this great software18:47
york105marijuana, i used the bootable cd last time when i wanted to shrink my swap and increase ext4 partition18:47
york105darmster the command is wrong18:47
york105darmster use the command as follows : copy and paste > mysql -u root -p18:47
CountDownI'd like to run "grub-install hd0", but that's giving me errors.18:47
darmsteryork105, ? how so18:47
kombucha_mobi"the selected package was transferred but did not provide all the necessary plugins"18:48
harisundThere's a release every 6 months with so many changes, there needs to be some neat user manual or documentation with all the changes. I had no idea what seahorse does, but it was in the startup applications list18:48
LoshaCountDown: it's ok to edit grub.cfg as long as you understand that the changes will disappear whenever grub gets updated and/or a new kernel appears...18:48
darmsterI've done that as well18:48
kombucha_mobisomeone remind me why I am using Ubuntu again18:48
york105darmster does it then ask you for a password?18:48
skumbaganybody know if the issue whit the floppy disk in Ubuntu 9.10 was fixed?18:48
CountDownLosha: How do I make those changes permanent?18:48
ddoledoes anyone from here has experience with live cd?18:48
CountDownActually, update-grub might be giving me errors: "Cannot find list of partitions!"18:48
marijuanayork105: what u mean u shrink a swap partition? i dont have a swap partition now?18:49
darmsteryork105, yes it ask for a passwd18:49
LoshaCountDown: I'm far from expert, but you generally make edits to the scripts in /etc/grub.d. Unfortunately, the scripts are a bit of a mess...18:49
nocturnussinan: Maybe, I doubt any of the dumbasses in this channel could help you ought though.18:49
sinannocturnus: thanks then :)18:49
ddoledoes anyone know if a live cd needs a hdd there too?18:49
york105marijuana, you need to have some space allocated as swap , its like virtual memory in windows18:49
BromaxSuxddole: no18:49
Loshaharisund: the release notes are supposed to list most of the changes. The rest is google...18:49
nilsmaanyone could help me on how to upgrade to python3 from 2.5.2 on ubuntu 8.10?18:50
york105darmster enter your password here, if you're still unable to login then you've forgotten your password :D18:50
ddoleBromaxSux: ty18:50
CountDownLosha: Hm, I'll take a look.  Thanks.18:50
kombucha_mobioh lovely, the top google hit for installing quicktime on ubuntu is from 200618:50
johnshoot5I have no sound when streaming in karmic, any ideas?18:50
ddolehow can i see step by step what live cd loads?18:50
markd25ubuntu installer is telling me theres no os installed on my computer but i have windows 7 installed18:50
darmsteryork105, I guess18:50
harisundThe problem with Google is most of Ubuntu's troubleshooting refers to 9.04 or beyond, and every release the changes are huge .. for example, most of Grub related questions still refer to grub 1, or startup related questions still bring up results on Init and not Upstart and so on18:50
markd25could that be a issue18:50
kombucha_mobijohnshoot5: I am having a similar issue18:50
eremitekombucha_mobi, quicktime shoudl work if you install the restricted extras pack from the repos.18:50
BromaxSuxddole: dmesg18:50
darmstereventhou I didn't give it one18:50
CalmvsKhaosFriendly reminder: The Ubuntu Lucid Lynx's beta comes out today :)   *dodges the !OT bullet*18:50
kombucha_mobijohnshoot5:  I have input levels, record and playback, but no sound while the stream is playing through18:51
ddoleBromaxSux: where do i type that?18:51
BromaxSuxddole: terminal18:51
=== kienan is now known as arakthor
Aylahello, how can I share my internet connection with wireless devices ?18:51
york105darmster when you install mysql you do need to specify a root password, anyhow, here's something to get you started on recovering your password http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/recover-mysql-root-password.html18:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:51
nilsmahow to upgrade to python3 on ubuntu 8.10 anyone? (apt-get install python3 tried, but still opens python shell 2.5.2 after install ...)18:51
darmsteryork105, I'm already on it thanks18:52
york105darmster np18:52
eremitenilsma open Synaptic and search for Python3?18:52
skumbag[_]P is this a help channel?18:52
aruzsi_Hi, anyone can help me in VNC or NX? I've got font and keyboard characters problem in localized environment.18:52
johnshoot5not sure how to check the input levels but the video works fine, however I HAVE NO SOUND18:52
johnshoot5caps an accident18:53
ddoleBromaxSux: how do i activate the terminal from the live cd?18:53
sipiorsure is, skumbag!18:53
Loshanilsma: did the install actually install anything? You might need an explicit pathname to get python3. Poke around in /usr/bin ...18:53
darmsterI can't wait for 10.04 in April18:53
nilsmaok, i think what i actually need help for is to redirect the shortcut in applications from IDLE to python3 ... :)18:53
nightsjammiesokay, umm..so how do I use rhythmbox to sync with my itouch?18:54
BromaxSuxddole: applications->accessories->terminal18:54
ogelamisynaptic is ubuntu's default auto-patcher right?18:54
pantchoHi all i wish to recompile my kernel after i have updated a few lines in one of the source codes. first i extract the linux source to a directory, copied the old config then these steps: "make oldconfig" "make install" "make modules_install" "make", then copied bzimage to the boot, are these steps OK? or i have left something. thanks18:54
Loshaogelami: kind of. Synaptic is a gui front end to the packaging system. There are other front-ends, but synaptic is a good one...18:54
marijuanayork105: yes, since i migrate to linux, i always create 3 partitions. root, home, and swap area.  but a few weeks ago, people in here say to me i dont need a swap area, it if enaugh if we got a large ram.. what you think?18:55
ddolei can;t start ubuntu, i need to run terminal from the boot sequence18:55
ogelamiLosha whats for CLI?18:55
Loshanilsma: sorry, never heard of IDLE...18:55
marijuanayork105: yes, since i migrate to linux, i always create 3 partitions. root, home, and swap area.  but a few weeks ago, people in here say to me i dont need a swap area, it if enaugh if we got a large ram.. what you think?18:55
Loshaogelami: apt-get and family, or aptitude, which does most everything you need. man aptitude...18:55
BromaxSuxddole: your computer cant boot a cd ?18:55
tankdrivermarkd25: I can confirm the WIn7 - no OS found issue18:55
nilsma"IDLEIntegrated Development Environment (Python)"18:55
nilsmabut nvm, ill figure this one out by myself i hope :)18:56
ddoleit boots the live cd for few seconds, then stops18:56
markd25@tankdriver ah so its nothing to worry about18:56
york105marijuana, yes that's partly right, if you have enough ram you will almost never use your swap partition, but to be on the safe side, say you open a lot of memory hungry apps, you don't want to run out of ram do you? its better to have some contingency swap than have none at all, i'd say 1gb of swap is enough18:56
=== fernando is now known as Guest74072
Aylahello, how can I share my internet connection with wireless devices using NetworkManager ?18:56
marijuanayork105: i agree with you..18:57
marijuanayork105: do you know about preload?18:57
jacek_hi! I have very big problem. Cannot copy to any mounted device (windows partiton,external drives, pendrives, etc). All copying stops after first 64 kb. Cannot find any answer in google or forums. do you have any ideas?18:57
psusithe other reason to have swap is you need it to hibernate18:57
york105marijuana, preloading what?18:57
ddolei do the "try ubuntu without any charge to your computer" it loads and stays18:57
york105marijuana psusi has a valid point :)18:58
Trekddole: you should let it load then, it occasionally stops like that18:58
Trekddole: it took 3 minutes for it to load on older computers18:58
Trekddole: and even longer on even older computers18:58
Loshamarijuana: you can either monitor swap usage, or live with the fact that if ever you do run out of swap, applications will just crash...18:58
marijuanayork105: a utility named preload. it will load our app into memory even we dont use that app at that time.. but once will try to launch the appz like firefox, it will open fast18:59
Loshajacek_: what command are you using to copy?18:59
keneb01how do I make my rhythmbox find the rd/dvdroms?18:59
isolat3sh33phello, how to reinstall nautilus correctly?18:59
ddolehow can i see if it doesn't do anything?18:59
york105marijuana, i know of the utility, haven't tried it myself18:59
marijuanayork105: i think it function like a system cache... like robson technology running with intel cpu19:00
meero_hi, is there already tool to check fragmentation on EXT4?19:00
darmsteryork105, yay!19:00
Trekddole: just let it run, don't do anything to it, wait maybe 30 minutes, if it doesn't load, then your system's hardware might be an issue19:00
darmsterI guess I did forget it ;)19:00
Loshaisolat3sh33p: Not so fast. Did something break?19:00
york105darmster :D19:00
jacek_any copying stops after first 64kb of data. 'cp' and gnome gui...19:00
darmsterbut, I unstalled it19:00
york105darmster try not to forget it thistime19:00
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:00
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:00
ddoleit is not an old system, it is a opentium IV 3GHz with 1GB ram19:00
darmsterit must have kept my passwd19:01
darmsteryork105, :p19:01
york105marijuana i am really not sure, i'll look up the utility later today, sounds interesting19:01
Aylahello, how can I share my internet connection with wireless devices using NetworkManager ?19:01
Trekddole: opentium?   you mean pentium 4, right?19:01
isolat3sh33pLosha, yeah. Makes me reinstall ubuntu in another partition. Now, same thing happen. I carelessly installed nautilus-elementary. Now I want old nautilus back. :(19:01
meero_is someone using online defragmention on ext4?19:01
pantchoHi all i wish to recompile my kernel after i have updated a few lines in one of the source codes. first i extract the linux source to a directory, copied the old config then these steps: "make oldconfig" "make install" "make modules_install" "make", then copied bzimage to the boot, are these steps OK? or i have left something. thanks19:02
ddolehow can i boot in text mode and get a feedback from it?19:02
Loshaisolat3sh33p: it's just a guess, but have you tried: apt-get install --reinstall nautilus ? Or do it via synaptic...19:02
Aylanobody knows ? x_x19:03
isolat3sh33pLosha, not yet. After the previous incident, I'm trying to be more careful. Is it fine to reinstall it like that?19:03
york105marijuana, installed preload, it works silently in the background19:03
Trekddole: trust me, just LET IT LOAD!  if it stays in one spot for 15 minutes or so, then you have an issue19:03
york105marijuana, there's a config file though19:03
mswlhow do you u know if the version u have from a package come from the repositories our you installed form the outside?19:04
Loshapantcho: You need to tell grub about the new kernel. Keep backups of any file you edit and make sure the old kernel is still available in case the new one won't boot or something is wrong with it.19:04
Loshaisolat3sh33p: it should be safe to reinstall, but those are famous last words. Got any files you can't live without? Back them up first....19:05
sharkx58привет всем!!!19:05
TheKnighthello guys19:05
overmind!ru | sharkx5819:05
ubottusharkx58: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:05
Losha!ru | sharkx5819:05
psusiddole: choose the boot options from the boot menu ( press F6 iirc, it say on the screen ) and make sure you have noquiet and nosplash set19:05
isolat3sh33pLosha, I'll try it now. Wish me luck T_T19:05
Loshaovermind's Russian is better than mine...19:05
Loshaisolat3sh33p: fingers crossed...19:06
TheKnightanyone there19:06
knoxyhi all.. I'm using rdesktop to access my windows 2003 server.. After some minutes, the session has been stopped.. Please, how can I do to fix it or debug rdesktop?19:06
Losha!hi | TheKnight19:06
overmindTheKnight: Hi, yes, how can we help you?19:06
TheKnighthi losha, where ru from?19:06
TrekTheKnight: do you have a support question?19:06
pknbfor example I'm from Poland19:07
krnlhi people19:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:07
pknbPozdrawiam Polaków!!19:07
LoshaTheKnight: we don't chat in here, it's support only. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic, or stay here and ask a technical question...19:07
TheKnightis this a support forum?19:07
Trek!support | TheKnight19:07
ubottuTheKnight: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org19:07
TheKnightOh.. great place19:07
LoshaTheKnight: it is, Do you have a question?19:07
TheKnightnice 2 meet you all guys19:07
TrekTheKnight: do you have a support question or not?19:07
crazycoolhey guys... how could I convert dvd9 to dvd5 using dvd95 program? I haven't dvd disc, so I need to convert from tree on hard disc19:08
TheKnightNo thank you so much19:08
Trek!ot | TheKnight19:08
ubottuTheKnight: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:08
AylaTrek, I do :p19:08
pknbheayah! yoyo We love UBUbubuNTU19:08
mswlhow do you u know if the version u have from a package come from the repositories our you installed form the outside?19:08
TrekAyla: lol I know i've seen your questions19:08
MimiHi, I have some .flv  that I want to convert to either MP3, OGG, or FLAC/WAV.  SoundConverter and OggConverter doesn't work. Is there anything else?19:08
motaka2hello ,  does anyone knows a good dock for ubuntu?19:08
sharkx58тут все на английском только общаются!?19:08
crazycoolну не все )19:08
portamotaka2: cairo dock19:08
Mimi!docky | motaka219:08
MimiDocky is great19:08
LoshaMimi: handbrake is favoured by many people...19:08
Trek!english | crazycool sharkx5819:09
crazycoolsharkx58, но лучше на английском19:09
mswlmotaka2, avant window19:09
ubottucrazycool sharkx58: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:09
Mimilosha i will try it htankns19:09
crazycoolubottu, just said him same19:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:09
pknbgentoo better than ubuntu but I will buntu BULLl omg too much %%555%19:09
meero_can someone help me with fragmentation on ext4?19:09
crazycoolTrek, just said him the sam19:09
eremiteMimi, Convert flash to Ogg with TinyOgg  http://linuxbsdos.com/2010/01/14/convert-flash-to-ogg-with-tinyogg/19:10
Picipknb: Do you have a support question?19:10
Treklol crazycool, not a problem, but I thought I'd say it anyways19:10
sharkx58а ты незнаешь есть русские каналы!?)))19:10
mswlhow do u run ubuntu one?19:10
marijuanayork105: can i private msg u, i want to talk about prelod.. i think i want to try this utility at second time19:10
overmindmeero_: Can ext4 fragment?19:10
pantchoLosha: what about initrd? do i need it?19:10
Picisharkx58: #ubuntu-ru19:10
Trek!ru | sharkx5819:10
ubottusharkx58: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:10
eremiteovermind, hardly.  You will probably never need to defreag a linux system.  Ever.  Seriously.19:10
crazycoolTrek, he got it19:10
Loshapantcho: I believe so. There is an app to generate it, sorry, I forgot the name...19:10
meero_overmind: yes for  sure, when i started ubuntu fscheck run, and told me there is 8% fragmentation ..19:11
Mimieremite, oh that tinyogg is for youtube and stuff19:11
crazycoolTrek, he said thank you ))19:11
Trekcrazycool: ah, see I can't read russian :P19:11
BlueEagleovermind: In theory it is possible to fragment any file system to some extent.19:11
FrezeCan i use this channel for my questions about ubuntu?19:11
Loshaovermind: for all casual intents and purposes, ext3 and ext4 are self-defragmenting, you don't need to worry about it.19:11
pknbI've a quastion: when I install ubuntu with windows xp, winXP doesn't work (blue screen) 0X00007b plz help19:11
Trek!support | Freze19:11
ubottuFreze: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org19:11
motaka2can anyone help me installing this on ubuntu?   http://do.davebsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Docky19:11
Jordan_UCountDown: What are you trying to change in your grub.cfg exactly? the root= statement is only there for compatability with older versions of grub, root is set by uuid with the search command.19:12
FrezeI have tried those.. No answer to my support..19:12
FrezeI have tried checking forums too.19:12
TrekFreze: just ask your support question then, lol, don't ask to ask19:12
pknbon IBM x3119:12
BlueEagle!ask | freze19:12
ubottufreze: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:12
Trek!enter | pknb19:12
ubottupknb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:12
crazycoolTrek, ))19:12
duncanidaho1@motaka2 what are you having problems with?19:12
Loshacrazycool: tried k9copy? I think it lets you open a disk folder for source material...?19:13
MimiHey, If i go to my music folder that has song1.flv song2.flv song3.flv etc,  and i type   ffmpeg2theora -v 10 -S 0 -a 10 --sync *.flv   (notice the star)  it will convert all songs in that folder, right?19:13
nocturnusubuntu is way better than gentoo19:13
motaka2duncanidaho1: here is the download page:   http://do.davebsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Docky19:13
nocturnuspknb: what the heck are you talking about?19:13
crazycoolLosha, thank you... will try it now19:14
motaka2duncanidaho1: but what is ppa ?19:14
overmind!ppa | motaka219:14
ubottumotaka2: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.19:14
FrezeWhen i try clicking Install Ubuntu, from the graphic installer i got from setting my burned CD in my PC, It goes to load some shit, and goes to a Ubuntu Desktop, like i have clicked "Try without installing" Which is weird.. On the desktop there is a button called "Install Ubuntu" I click it and fill in Timzone etc and when i get to install it goes with my partitions and the PC freezes at 5%.19:14
tonyhi there is someone tath know how to do work correctly moonligh the alternative of silverlight?19:14
ogelamiMy linux Mint asks me if i want to install NVIDIA driver acceleration, should i do it i think it caused my operativesystem to crash about an hour ago so i had to format the entire hdd19:14
Flare183!language | Freze19:14
ubottuFreze: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:14
Piciogelami: Like I said in #freenode, we do not support Mint here.19:15
Jordan_U!mint | ogelami19:15
ubottuogelami: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:15
motaka2!ppa | overmind19:15
ubottuovermind: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.19:15
duncanidaho1@motaka2 have you tried installing it with the synaptic package manager?19:15
rajogelami:  yes ..19:15
ogelamimy graphic card is NVIDIA Gforce 250, manifactured by gigabyte19:15
FrezeWhen i try clicking Install Ubuntu, from the graphic installer i got from setting my burned CD in my PC, It goes to load some stuff, and goes to a Ubuntu Desktop, like i have clicked "Try without installing" Which is weird.. On the desktop there is a button called "Install Ubuntu" I click it and fill in Timzone etc and when i get to install it goes with my partitions and the PC freezes at 5%.19:15
overmindmotaka2: ?19:15
isolat3sh33pLosha, successful! Thanks :D19:15
motaka2overmind: sorry i was just testing the bot, my first time sorry19:15
overmindmotaka2: Ah okay, no problem :)19:15
Loshaisolat3sh33p: excellent...19:15
nocturnusHas anyone here tried the backtrack repos attachd to ubuntu?19:16
FrezeWhen i try clicking Install Ubuntu, from the graphic installer i got from setting my burned CD in my PC, It goes to load some stuff, and goes to a Ubuntu Desktop, like i have clicked "Try without installing" Which is weird.. On the desktop there is a button called "Install Ubuntu" I click it and fill in Timzone etc and when i get to install it goes with my partitions and the PC freezes at 5%.19:16
Myrtti!es | otto_19:16
ubottuotto_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:16
Myrttinocturnus: mixing is a bad idea19:16
BlueEaglefreze: First off, please mind your language. Secondly; If you press CTRL+ALT+F1 during the graphical install you should come to a text console. There you type the command "top" (without quotes). See if which processes are hoging processor power.19:16
nocturnusMyrtti: I know, especially with the average intelligence of this channel, hehe19:16
Powerworkhi is it a problem to run both mod_wsgi and mod_python ? Got a working mod_wsgi running and want to add Trac on ubuntu which uses mod_python http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracUbuntuMultipleProjects19:16
nocturnusMyrtti: I think it will help with its development though.19:16
Powerworkin apache19:16
FrezeThank you BlueEagle. I'll try it. And I'll type here again.19:16
tonysomeone know?19:16
pantchohow do i create initrd?19:17
BlueEaglefreze: You may also use CTRL+ALT with the other function keys to watch the log. If your CD-Drive is misbehaving that will cause a lot of waiting and the appearance of a hang.19:17
Flare183Powerwork: Not that I know of.19:17
pantchoin the linuxsource direcotry19:17
kacperjest ktos z Polski19:17
Flare183!poland | kacper19:17
ubottukacper: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:17
PowerworkFlare183, so it works perfectly fine together ?19:17
BlueEaglefreze: Before you go; How much RAM in the system?19:17
crazycoolLosha, Is there gnome tool? not for KDE. I dont want to install more pkgs19:17
motaka2overmind: from this page what sould i download?  https://launchpad.net/~do-core/+archive/ppa19:18
Flare183Powerwork: Yup, and if you need help setting it up let me know. I know I had some trouble getting it to finally work19:18
overmindmotaka2: What do you want install exactly?19:18
FrezeI belive there is 1.5 Gigabye, BlueEagle19:18
MimiAnyone know how to stop the stupid Thunar columns from resizing themselves? (Yes, I have resizing turned OFF)19:18
motaka2overmind: the docky dock for ubuntu 8.0419:18
Flare183!dock | overmind / motaka219:19
Flare183!dock | overmind19:19
otto_acabei de instalar o Linus aki no pc ontem...e gostaria de saber eu faço para abilitar a opção adentrar no msn!!!!19:19
Mimi!pt | otto_19:19
ubottuotto_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:19
crankharderwhat's the command that tells me which version of ubuntu is installed?19:19
xanguamotaka2: i don't think you could install docky on hardy19:19
overmindmotaka2: Isn't it in synaptic ?19:19
FrezeWhen i try CTRL-ALT-F1 nothing happens.19:20
crazycoolLosha, oh. sorry man... have seen its not kde tool19:20
motaka2overmind: xangua  no, i cant find it there in synaptic19:20
overmindxangua: The packages of other ubuntu versions works usually perfectly in other versions of it19:20
knoxyhi all.. I'm using rdesktop to access my windows 2003 server.. In few minutes, the rdesktop is "locked".. Please, how can I do to fix it or debug rdesktop?19:20
tonysomeone know the program moonlight?19:20
knoxyhi all.. I'm using rdesktop to access my windows 2003 server.. In few minutes, the rdesktop is "locked".. Please, how can I do to fix it or debug rdesktop?19:20
PowerworkFlare183, ok thanks19:20
motaka2xangua: what do u mean i dont need to install?19:20
Flare183Powerwork: np19:20
=== Huba is now known as Huba_
Trek!repeat | knoxy19:21
ubottuknoxy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:21
nocturnusknoxy: even the users are bots here19:21
crazycoolLosha, crap... however, its kde tool19:21
overmindmotaka2: Add this to software sources >> ppa:do-core/ppa19:21
nocturnusthey forward each other in an human-humanoid orgy19:21
FrezeWhen i try clicking Install Ubuntu, from the graphic installer i got from setting my burned CD in my PC, It goes to load, and then goes to a Ubuntu Desktop, like if i have clicked "Try without installing" .. When it has loaded, On the desktop there is a button called "Install Ubuntu" I click it and fill in Timzone etc and when i get to install it goes with my partitions and the PC freezes at 5%.19:21
pantchoHow do i create an initrd file after doing "make" on compiling the kernel? using mkinitrd gives me unknown command! :/19:22
otto_como eu faço para entrar nesse comando ?19:22
Trekcrazycool: Losha: I have kde tools working on my GNOME system, you can make it do that19:22
overmindmotaka2: Then reload synaptic, and install Do from there19:22
Trek!es | otto_19:22
xangua(13:20:19) motaka2: overmind: xangua  no, i cant find it there in synaptic - because is not; but it is in lucid lynx, you can install it when you update on april 2919:22
ubottuotto_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:22
portaFreze: try the alternate install cd. That works everytime (almost)19:22
FrezePorta: Also for not working, when i click the Install button?19:22
nocturnusTrek: How come all the spics use ubuntu?19:22
Treknocturnus: ?19:23
nocturnusTrek: What?19:23
Silver_lightingguys I am having trouble installing Glade on windows19:23
Frezeporta: I'll go try now. Burn a new CD. Thank you.19:23
Silver_lightingcan someone help me out19:23
Trek!ot | Silver_lightning19:23
ubottuSilver_lightning: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:23
motaka2xangua: i dont like stupid answers19:23
CalmvsKhaosthey recently got a government grant for free laptops from what i heard, thus why you seee so many (SO MANY!!!) spanish this week in here.19:23
kacpera jest jakiś chat po polsku?19:23
obscurant1sti tried installing kubuntu, but now i am using gnaome, but the login screen still remains that of kubuntu, how can i change it back to gnome login screen?19:23
_empemp_why can i not install ubuntu 9.10 with wubi?19:24
Treknocturnus: what do you mean with that question?  I use Ubuntu, but I use a few KDE-built things that are useful tools19:24
xanguamotaka2: then don't answer questions19:24
Treknocturnus: they work, it just adds KDE support19:24
=== otto_ is now known as portugues
phox_Hi! How do i find out the username and servername of mysql in ubuntu 9.1?19:24
nocturnusTrek: ??19:24
dragonNot authorized to view this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta119:24
abe3khi all19:25
abe3kI was wondering how to set the audio output in jack to my digital amplifier, I have a digital out in my sound card19:25
_empemp_ubuntu 10.4 with wubi not working19:25
nocturnusobscurant1st: ?19:25
overmind!anybody | obscurant1st19:25
ubottuobscurant1st: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:25
nocturnusobscurant1st: kubuntu is not ubuntu19:25
xanguadragon: wait a little longer19:25
obscurant1stnocturnus, i tried installing kubuntu, but now i am using gnaome, but the login screen still remains that of kubuntu, how can i change it back to gnome login screen?19:25
Stargaze!lucid| _empemp_19:25
ubottu_empemp_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:25
crazycoolTrek, dont want to install 10 pkgs with just one useful19:26
dragonxangua: alright19:26
nocturnusobscurant1st: ?19:26
obscurant1stby kubuntu i meant i installed kde19:26
nocturnusobscurant1st: Feel free to PM me.19:26
obscurant1stin ubuntu19:26
Loshacrazycool: yes, a kde app. But I don't run kde, and it still runs. Don't get me started on why there are apps in one and not the other...19:26
nocturnusobscurant1st: I think the startup manager is defined in .xinitrc in ~19:26
overmindobscurant1st: Change login screen to gdm19:26
Stargaze!pt| portugues19:26
ubottuportugues: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:26
nocturnusobscurant1st: xdm, kdm, gdm19:26
Trekcrazycool: I don't use KDE, I use GNOME.  It just adds KDE support and it works, regardless of if you're in GNOME or KDE to begin with19:26
obscurant1stok thx guys, ll try it19:26
nocturnusWhat do you mean 'guys'19:27
nocturnusI'm the only one who responded19:27
overmindnocturnus: I did too :-)19:27
Loshacrazycool: the only other app I know of is wine + dvd-shrink, so it depends on your religion...19:27
FrezeCould anyone be so kind and post a link to Alternate Download? Ubuntu 32bit, Desktop Download link.19:28
obscurant1stnocturnus, overmind also replied me19:28
portaFreze: just look at www.ubuntu.com it's there19:28
Frezeporta: Okay. I will, thanks.19:28
crazycoolTrek, Losha yes. I understand what its not necessary to launch KDE for using that tool, but I want to install as much few as I can :) Is there any other tool to make that operation?19:28
obscurant1stnocturnus, anyway now fixed it via /etc/X11/default-display-manager19:28
obscurant1sti changed ti to gdm19:28
LoshaFreze: buried in the text below the regular installs I seem to recall...19:28
FrezeLosha: I'll look at it ;).19:29
crazycoolLosha, haha ))) with wine its very comedy )))19:29
Loshacrazycool: very comedy indeed...19:29
nocturnusobscurant1st: Oh cool.19:29
=== fdh is now known as Guest35423
nocturnusI wouldn't disagree that having some wine gives comedy.19:30
sascha_sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz -C /home/sascha/lampp19:30
sascha_why does this produce an error?19:30
crazycoolnocturnus, )19:30
Treksascha_, what error? put it in pastebin19:30
keneb01Can ne1 help with a cdrom prob?19:31
Trek!pastebin | sascha_19:31
ubottusascha_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:31
sascha_ah sry19:31
nocturnussascha_: what's the error19:31
sascha_no such file or directory :D19:31
sascha_but i am 100% sure i am in the right folder19:31
nocturnussascha_: try providing an absolute path to your file19:31
nocturnussascha_: use ls to check19:31
Treksascha_ are you sure that that tar file is in the directory you're in?19:32
sascha_yep i am in the right directory19:32
Treksascha_, the tar is there?19:32
conb123Anyone have any idea what this might mean "X Error of failed request:  GLXBadRenderRequest" I am trying to play zelda with mupen64, I'm confused because I thought glx was a nvidia driver thing I am using an ATI card. Any ideas?19:32
Loshacrazycool: perhaps http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net/. I've never used it. You sure are fussy...19:33
Trekconb123: show me the output of the terminal command lspci19:33
Stargazeconb123, what is zelda?19:33
crazycoolLosha, thank you19:33
Trekconb123: put it in pastebin please19:33
Trek!pastebin | conb12319:33
ubottuconb123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:33
sascha_the file is in here "/home/sascha/Downloads" and i am ... "sascha@sascha-laptop:~/Downloads$"19:33
sinanwhen i switch between tty's, alsa seems to stop for a second (till it checks the user on the tty, i think). any idea how to solve this?19:34
conb123Stargaze: Dude, legend of zelda, the game, you must have heard of it, shame on you if not19:34
conb123Just pastebining the output19:34
eremiteconb123, what game is that?19:35
eremiteIs that the one with the plumber, conb123 ?19:35
Treksascha_ what command did you run?  PLEASE PUT IT IN PASTEBIN19:35
conb123eremite: You guys are winding me up right?19:35
nocturnusanyone here tried the game 'dvorak' ?19:35
nocturnusIts pretty fun19:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:36
_empemp_i just typed rm *.* in a wrong directory19:36
nocturnusSome say it increases typing speed.19:36
_empemp_is it possible to undo?19:36
Trekconb123: show me the output please, provide me the pastebin link19:36
Trek_empemp_ nope19:36
eremiteconb123, I've never even heard of Link or Princess Zelda.19:36
nocturnus_empemp_: I'ts very unpossible, possibly19:36
acicula_empemp_, dont post that here19:36
Trekconb123: I said provide the output of the command: lspci19:36
erUSUL!undelete | _empemp_19:36
ubottu_empemp_: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:36
conb123Trek: Right I'm sorry it's just someone else asked for the full output I think sorry19:37
nocturnusacicula: let me know if it works for you19:37
sascha_here you go http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ajPba7P719:37
Trekconb123: no, it helps, but I still need lspci output too19:37
aciculanocturnus, does what work for me19:37
conb123Trek: http://pastebin.com/SHDtjM9k19:37
kunjiI was trying to update my laptop (ubuntu 9.10 32-bit) and it froze during the update on reboot it won't boot ubuntu and gives this message: init: ureadahead main process terminated with status 5  Anyone know what it means or have an idea of how to fix it?19:37
ChogyDankunji: I think that is a read herring19:38
nocturnusacicula: data recovery19:38
kunjiChogyDan: what's a read herring?19:38
Trekconb123, make sure that you have drivers installed.19:39
nocturnuskunji: did you google it?19:39
sascha_http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ajPba7P7 any suggestions?19:39
Treksascha_ you need to make the /home/sascha/lampp folder first19:39
aciculanocturnus, in reference to what?19:39
Treksascha_ it won't make it automatically for you19:39
sascha_allright :)19:39
conb123Trek: Using proprietary drivers from the site, 3d acceleration is working, got compiz with 3d cube working fine19:39
nocturnusacicula: in reference to the guides you are reading about the files you are trying to recover19:39
aciculanocturnus, maybe your confused, i do not need to recover data or pointers in techniques recovering data from disks19:39
Treksascha_ go to /home/sascha/ and then run the command: mkdir lampp19:39
ChogyDankunji: I meant red, and I also meant that that message doesn't mean anything19:39
Trekconb123: then i'm not sure what the issue is, perhaps the game requires you to have an nvidia card?19:40
kunjinocturnus: yeah, found some other main process numbers, but not 37619:40
nocturnusacicula: oh i meant to tell emp19:40
ChogyDankunji: did you install a new kernel?  what exactly happens when you try to boot?19:40
LoshaChogyDan: actually, I thought 'read herring' was a great pun on ureadahead...19:40
kunjiChogyDan: yeah there was a new kernel in the update.19:40
ChogyDanLosha: ahahaha, so true!19:41
aciculakunji, if you cant boot the system use a recovery cd to get onto and into your system and try to finish the update, more then likely either the kernel or some other files/configuration are missing to boot properly, what does google say about the err message?19:41
* Stargaze sneezes19:41
ChogyDankunji: have you tried booting the old kernel?19:41
nocturnus!ot | Stargaze19:42
ubottuStargaze: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:42
Stargazenocturnus, ty for reminding me :)19:42
shaullxon kde my wireless doesnt work(dont see any networks) while on gnome it does can someone help me?19:42
nocturnuscan you prove it?19:42
kunjiChogyDan: when I try to boot it loads grub, I select the os, then it loads the usplash and part way to that it cuts to a black screen with that message and some more jargon.  I think there isn't a complete kernel since it froze partway through the update (I only have one kernel option in grub and it is the old one), I try finishing the update with the livecd, thanks I didn't know you could do updates to the main system that way.19:43
halabundHi!  I've a dual boot win-linux system.  I'm going to re-install windows.  I assume it will replace the bootloader.  How can I make linux bootable again afterwards?19:43
nenicohi, is here anyone willing to help whith "little" problem? whih mounting disk partition19:43
marenostrumkunji: This may be useful: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ureadahead/+bug/484677  In this report thereare links to similar bug reports claiming to have solutions, so I advice to read it all before doing something.19:44
kunjimarenostrum: Thanks marenostrum.19:44
Debijanhello, i want to install teamspeak 3 ( im a linux newbie ), im stuck at the license agreement, i scrolled through it and it says (END) and the end, how can i move one with the installation?19:45
eiranncan someone help me install the b43 driver (not the STA ndiswrapper) version19:45
LinuxUser3890halabund: sudo dd if=/dev/sd#@ of=/home/... bs=512 count 119:45
LoshaDebijan: tried just typing "q"?19:46
_empemp_no recover in linux?19:46
DebijanLosha: thanks, lol19:46
geniiDebijan: Usually in text installers, you change fields with TAB key and select with ENTER key19:46
acicula_empemp_, there is a trash system that moves files to the trash until you clean it19:47
ubottusoc is Google's Summer of Code project; see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2006 and http://code.google.com/soc/19:47
thevishydo we have to burn iso to usb stick19:47
acicula_empemp_, other then that deletion means deletion, though there sometimes are ways to recover data19:47
Trekthevishy: do you have a CD drive?19:47
eirannyes use netbootin i think19:47
thevishyto install os19:47
Debijannow it has uncompressed teamspeak, what todo now?19:47
_empemp_acicula: where is that file located?19:47
eirannthevishy: netbootin19:47
thevishyTrek, I wanna install OS through USB19:48
acicula_empemp_, trash is located under .gnome somewhere i think for gnome. you can just browse there in nautilus?19:48
eiranncan u help me find and install b43 driver19:48
nenicoi have problem, after i connect hdd (usb) mount not mount his partitions... /cat/partitions views that partitions, fdsik too.... but mount wrote: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist19:48
acicula_empemp_, if you didnt delete using nautilus but via rm it wont be moved there of course19:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:48
_empemp_acicula; i deleted in terminal19:48
_empemp_running a debian server19:48
blue-frogbye bye file19:48
acicula_empemp_, then refer to the recovery link posted earlier19:48
cncjoin #emc19:49
_empemp_using grep?19:49
_empemp_can't seem to recover .sh files with what19:49
cncjoin #emc19:49
aciculacnc, leave19:49
Trekthevishy: then you can put the image to a USB19:49
nocturnuswhat's #emc19:49
sec0ndI need ubuntu19:49
sec0ndcan I have it?19:49
sipiorcnc: you want "/join", i think :-)19:50
kunjisec0nd: you may19:50
thevishyjust copy the image ?19:50
nenicoi have problem, after i connect hdd (usb) mount not mount his partitions... /cat/partitions views that partitions, fdsik too.... but mount wrote: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist... i have ubuntu instaled on other hdd, not on that "problem" disk19:50
thevishyhow do I "burn" the USB19:50
Debijanwhat do i have todo now, after the terminal said, that teamspeak 3 client has been uncompressed19:50
Trekthevishy: what version of ubuntu you using19:50
aciculathevishy, making a usb boot stick?19:51
eirannthevishy: all i know is you use netbootin to do it i think it's quit easy19:51
thevishy9.10 karmic19:51
Losha_empemp_: what kind of filesystem>?19:51
_empemp_debian 5 lenny19:51
thevishyeirann, this is a standalone system19:51
thevishyacicula, yeah to install from USB instaed of a CD ROM as I dont have a blank cd now19:51
aciculanenico, what does it show up as?19:52
shaullx1who was helping me with my wireless kde issue?19:52
aciculathevishy, unetbootin is probably the easiest way to do that yeah, check the installfromusb linked here for you earlier19:52
eirannthevishy:  thats how much i know, you've lost me, do you mean only one o.s?19:53
Stargazeeirann, you can use netbootin for any OS19:53
nenicoacicula: nenico@nenico-laptop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/aaa/ | mount: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist | nenico@nenico-laptop:~$19:53
eirannwhat does he mean by standalone?19:54
Losha_empemp_: you might try e2retrieve. I had good luck undeleting files with the commercial product EASUS but it costs money and runs only on windows...19:54
fwaokdaI had install wubi ubuntu 9.10 but now I cant get into it... when i try for a split second I see this msg "Try(0,0) NTFS5:wubildr" and then it goes to a command prompt type thing.  Can someone help me fix it?19:54
Stargazeeirann, beside unetbootin, there's also FUSBI19:54
aciculanenico, means it doesnt exist19:54
aciculanenico, does sdc exist? is it partitioned?19:54
* duffydack likes http://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html19:54
Sir_KonradHow do you get 3D Acceleration on an Intel GMA X3100 integrated graphics card on Ubuntu 9.10?19:55
nenicoacicula: but fdisk and cat /proc/partitions says other19:55
aciculanenico, output of file /dev/sdc1 in a console says?19:55
halI imagine this has been asked a million times, so please forgive me, but why is the hoests file in ubuntu configured with  servername  ?19:55
halrather than the usual
aciculahal, it points to localhost or?19:56
nenicoacicula:  nenico@nenico-laptop:~$ /dev/sdc1 | bash: /dev/sdc1: No such file or directory | nenico@nenico-laptop:~$19:56
aciculanenico, prefix with file, so "file /dev/sdc1"19:56
halacicula: no, the servername19:56
aciculahal servername of what?19:56
christopherrodgehello everyone19:56
Nielsen127.0.0.1 is localhost, is the hostname19:57
FrezeWill trying the Alternate disk help on not showing the screen when i boot up from CD? It goes to a Linux Desktop instead of Install Window.19:57
nenicoacicula:  nenico@nenico-laptop:~$ file /dev/sdc1 | /dev/sdc1: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/sdc1' (No such file or directory) | nenico@nenico-laptop:~$19:57
Sir_KonradHow do you get 3D Acceleration on an Intel GMA X3100 integrated graphics card on Ubuntu 9.10?19:57
MyrttiFreze: that doesn't sound like alternate disk19:57
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aciculanenico, then its not there, your assumption of it existing is incorrect19:57
halNielsen: but why not for both.  This is a relatvely new thing - what is the advantage of doing this?19:57
christopherrodgei am trying to use these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick (for OS X) to create a live bootable USB flash drive. but after following the instructions the drive is not considered bootable. anyone else come across this problem? or have a solution? or an idea for a solution?19:58
nenicoacicula: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/kwc2GqRD19:58
Nielsenhal, i have no idea. I just like the fact that is localhost, and not my box' name19:58
FrezeMyrtti: I have tried the regluar download and booting it, But When i click "Install Ubuntu" It goes to load somethings and then it goes to a desktop? Like.. "Install Without CD"19:58
xanguachristopherrodge: for osX¿¿ it only works with linux distros19:58
sipiorhal: it's just a convention. the whole of is set aside for use as loopback addresses.19:58
Sir_Konradchristopherrodge: I'm having the exact same problem.19:58
aciculahal, http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+
eirannStargaze: help me get the b43 driver sorted19:59
Nielsenhal, i changed it, so my box' name points to it's lan ip19:59
aciculafirst hit, read reply to question, has extensive explanation19:59
Sir_Konradchristopherrodge: so I'm trying the Fedora USB tool to see if that works.19:59
christopherrodgexangua: ? what does that mean? i can't use the netbook remix?19:59
Stargazechristopherrodge, try using FUSBI, that's Free USB Installer19:59
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MyrttiFreze: well that's definitely not the alternate install disc19:59
halacicula: there is no explanation there, just talk19:59
FrezeMyrtti: Do you know what's causing it?19:59
aciculahal https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-August/120744.html19:59
MyrttiFreze: no.19:59
christopherrodgeSir_Konrad: there is a Fedors tool for OS X?20:00
duffydackthat was for hal20:00
FrezeMyrtti: Hmm.. Weird really..20:00
darmsterwhat's with all the Fedora talk??20:00
Sir_Konradchristopherrodge: no, I have to do it on a Windows Machine.20:00
christopherrodgeStargaze: does that work in OS X? everyone i've seen has been for windows or linux20:00
ntsasnghelp me please20:00
Blackice115Hey all, I keep seeing youtube video's of ubuntu desktops that have a mac-like application launcher at the bottom. Anyone know what program that is?20:00
aciculantsasng, dont spam20:00
sascha_does LAMPP only run on /opt/lampp ?20:00
=== wjm_ is now known as wjm
spokekillerHi, can someone tell me where to find the progress logs of a forced fsck, meaning when e.g. the mountcount has been reached. My Gnome's up, and I cannot see any output even on the other consoles...20:01
ntsasngacicula: i'm not spam20:01
nenicoacicula: that disk works, on this computer, on wii, on windows... but after i disconet it, from ubuntu, and connect it back... then it stop working, on ubuntu20:01
ChogyDanBlackice115: I think it is called docky or awn20:01
Stargazechristopherrodge, i know it works on that Redmond OS, not certain about Mac20:01
aciculanenico, well its odd that it shows in fdisk but doesnt show up under /dev20:01
ntsasngcan you help me this problem Unable to create ~/.gnome2 directory: No such file or directory Could not create per-user gnome configuration directory `/root/.gnome2/': No such file or directory20:02
christopherrodgeany idea why the original instructions on the site don't work?20:02
Shambattrying to set up my dhcpd to service access points using option 43 ... what would happen with this config? http://pastebin.com/tqZJSv3Z  will all devices get an IP from the given range in the subnet declaration? I want to have only the devices that belog in that subnet to get adresses from there....20:02
aafuentesubuntuone doesnt load on startup, anybody knows how can i launch it?20:02
Sir_KonradBlackice115: Avant Window Manager20:02
christopherrodgeis there some flag i need to use during the copying to make the drive bootable?20:02
Myrttintsasng: you've enabled root account and now you're trying to login to the graphical environment with it?20:02
sascha_does LAMPP only run on /opt/lampp ?20:02
aciculanenico, does it show in fdisk -l now?20:02
nenicoacicula: i know, restart HAL or UDEV not helping.. but restart ubuntu works20:02
nocturnuschristopherrodge: using fdisk , press 'a' to set BOOTFLAG20:02
Loshahal: it's a great question. I see lots of discussion about it, but no actual explanation....20:03
nenicoacicula: yes20:03
Myrtti!xampp | sascha_20:03
ubottusascha_: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.20:03
FrezeMy Install button on Graphic Installer will not work, Anyone know why? It goes to the Desktop without install like "Try Without Install" selection.20:03
nocturnusaafuentes: launch what?20:03
Blackice115Sir_Konrad: Thanks so much!20:03
christopherrodgenocturnus: thanks, i'll give it a try20:03
aciculanenico, idunno, usb based disks can be finicky sometimes, you could try running lsusb, that sometimes wakes up usb devices20:03
aafuentesubuntu one applet nocturnus20:03
Sir_KonradBlackice115: no prob, I used to use that app all the time. ;)20:03
xorlSo I changed the user/group of apache2 problem being20:03
xorlwhen i start it, it doesn't respect it and one of the processes still starts with www-data20:03
FrezeMy Install button on Graphic Installer will not work, Anyone know why? It goes to the Desktop without install like "Try Without Install" selection.20:03
spokekillerubuntu one seems broken in 9.04 when doing a fresh install20:03
xorlit's not defined ANYWHERE in the /etc/apache2 directory anymore either20:04
nocturnusaafuentes: Need more information about your problem20:04
nenicoacicula: that disk is "awake" if i run fdisk, it spins up20:04
plasmablastxorl: did u try acls??20:04
halthank you Losha - if I find the actual answer, I will tell you :)20:04
FrezeMy Install button on Graphic Installer will not work, Anyone know why? It goes to the Desktop without install like "Try Without Install" selection.20:04
aafuentesspokekiller, what do you mean by broken?20:04
MyrttiFreze: please have patience20:04
aciculanenico, just try it20:04
sascha_just this? "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" lol20:04
nenicoacicula: no change :(20:04
Myrttisascha_: no, not really20:05
FrezeMyrtti: I was told if i didn't get an answer quickly, I'd write it again.. :b20:05
aciculanenico, if you unplug it and plug it back in what does dmesg say20:05
xorlplasmablast: heh, of course20:05
xorlapache2 is owened by root/root20:05
aafuentesnocturnus, i have ubuntuone installed... its supposed to show an applet when installed, but it doesnt even show... i dont know the name to look for the process, but no process name even remotely like ubuntu one20:05
spokekillerwell, recently I installed it from the website but had some problems so I removed it completely, then there was an update, and now the package does not contain the applet anymore. I checked the path and it's just gone20:05
Myrtti!repeat | Freze, surely not twice aminute!20:05
ubottuFreze, surely not twice aminute!: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:05
janisozaurbc outputs .64, how can I make it output 0.64?20:05
nocturnusaafuentes: maybe you can use the pkg manager to list all the files that were installed when ubuntu-one go tinstalled20:06
FrezeMyrtti and ubottu: Sorry, I have searched, but no answer there..20:06
nenicoacicula: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3T70FZGC20:06
mgjWhen trying to mount a share in ubuntu on a win7 host, i get this: mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error. Any ideas? I have the guest addons installed20:06
seanaAnyone have any issues with Ubuntu installer? I can't install 9.10 on a Toshiba Satellite Pro S500. I get debootstrap errors. I've tried burning multiple iso's from different machines, using the desktop and alternate installers, if they don't hang then I get a debootstrap error... The laptop is brand new.20:07
aciculanenico, hmm odd, it should create the sdc1 and sdc2 files if it detects them like that20:07
spokekillercan someone tell me where to find the progress logs of a forced fsck, meaning when e.g. the mountcount has been reached. My Gnome's up, and I cannot see any output even on the other consoles..20:08
aciculanenico, dunno :/20:08
=== TrekCaptain is now known as Trek
aciculanenico, never had devices show up in dmesg but not in /dev before20:08
nenicoacicula: i know, ut it behaves like windows20:08
sascha_seriously. i really like ubuntu. its not hard with the gnome gui. but setting up LAMP is too hard for a beginner to understand.20:08
sascha_why is it not included in the standard apps?20:08
aafuentesill look it up thanks nocturnus20:09
aciculasascha_, because lamp is not a desktop app nor meant for beginners20:09
Slade-hey my hosting provider only offers ubuntu 8.04 LTS, is it possible to do a post install upgrade to ubuntu 9.10?20:09
acicula!lamp | sascha_ look here for a guide on Lamp20:09
ubottusascha_ look here for a guide on Lamp: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:09
TrekSlade-: yes.  upgrade to 9.04, then upgrade to 9.10, there should be "Distribution Upgrade" button in synaptic20:10
callaghanmgj: look here http://vmetc.com/2008/08/06/virtualbox-shared-folders-protocol-error-in-ubuntu-guest/20:10
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:10
seanaSlade: You should be able to do a dist upgrade via command line.20:10
TrekSlade-, I don't recommend upgrading though, just do a clean install and back up the data you need first20:10
OerHeksSlade-, no, you have to update to 8.10 + 9.04 first20:10
Slade-Trek: i can't clean install they wont install anything except 8.0420:10
FrezeMy Install button on Graphic Installer will not work, Anyone know why? It goes to the Desktop without install like "Try Without Install" selection.20:10
TrekSlade-, what do you mean?20:11
TrekSlade-, you can't do it yourself?20:11
Slade-Trek: my dedicated server provider20:11
aciculaSlade-, make a /boot partition, slam on that a netboot kernel+initrd and grub of whatever os you want to install20:11
PyroPheliawhen I run -u on an archive will it delete fiels inside the archive that have been deleted from the original direcotry, or will it just add files to the archive?20:11
Signal360is there a command line editing program (i'm using ssh, so i need it)20:11
TrekSlade-, if they provide the server, you have to listen to them, you can't upgrade if they wont let you20:11
aciculaSlade-, requires a remote terminal though to finish the install20:12
Sioux-33hi question. ubuntu 9.10 i want to update something let say compiz and its just example after update compiz doesn't work properly how can i go back with my update? is there any chance if for example application ver2.14 was updated to 2.15 and the 2.15 doesnt work how to go back to 2.14? ?20:12
Slade-Trek: eh after its installed i can do whatever i want.. its just they dont have 9.1 loaded into their system20:12
seanaSlade: I would first make sure that you have all your data backed up and your not running any critical production items on the server. Then just ssh to the server and start the upgrade process.20:13
mintuxI have a hard that when connect it  when ubuntu wants to boot splash screen disappeared and a lot of lines include ata3.00: status: {drdy err} with many numbers come up and continue . I went to windows and delete all partitions of that hard but my problem exists yet and I can't go to ubuntu20:14
TrekSlade-, do you have remote access?  or do you ssh in?  or is it just FTP space?20:14
seanaSlade: sudo apt-get update then apt-get upgrade then apt-get -d dist-upgrade20:14
Slade-Trek: ssh in20:14
TrekSlade-, do you have sudo access on this server?20:14
Slade-root access. i think sudos installed20:14
Slade-its centos 5.4 right now.. which is pissing me off which is why i want ubuntu20:15
TrekSlade-, then you should be able to upgrade, but i don't know how that will work for you, especially if they say "We won't put 9.10 or anything other than what you've got onto the server"20:15
c3l_does anyone know if there is a way to send text messages through my computer, through my iphone?20:15
c3l_...in ubuntu20:16
aciculaTrek, ussually means this is the standard linux cd in the emulated cd drive , but yeah check your eula before switching the os20:16
Trekc3l_, what do you mean?  remote into your iPhone to send a text?  no it cant do that20:16
Sir_KonradHow do you get 3D Acceleration on an Intel GMA X3100 integrated graphics card on Ubuntu 9.10?20:16
LoshaSlade-: nothing wrong with 8.04. Why do you need to upgrade it?20:16
c3l_Trek, yeah something like that. I should probably go talk to the jailbreak community20:16
aciculaSir_Konrad, is it not working now? can you type glxinfo | grep DRI in a console?20:17
jaycountc3l_, why would you wanna do that? sounds like a big security risk...20:17
Slade-Losha: i've never used 8.04 first started on 9.1.. i'd be happier if my machines were the same :)20:17
Trekc3l_ there's no way to do that anyways, even with jailbreak20:17
Slade-they've got debian 5, which i guess is somewhat similar. but.. meh20:17
Sioux-33hi question. ubuntu 9.10 i want to update something let say compiz and its just example after update compiz doesn't work properly how can i go back with my update? is there any chance if for example application ver2.14 was updated to 2.15 and the 2.15 doesn't work how to go back to 2.14? ?20:18
LoshaSlade-: fair enough, I should have said no compelling *technical* reason20:18
c3l_jaycount, security risk? just going through the usb cable, well im mostly at my computer, and im sending text messages for free to my friends. basically im just lazy and write faster on the pc =)20:18
Sir_Konradacicula: did you tell me how to do it?20:18
cikeSlade:you have to upgrade to 8.10 first than 9.04 and 9.1020:18
jaycounti thought you meant remotely via the network, etc20:18
Sir_Konradacicula: can you tell me again, but I don't think my nick alert went off.20:18
aciculaSir_Konrad, is it not working now? can you type glxinfo | grep DRI in a console?20:19
c3l_Trek - Features of iPhone PC Suite 2.8 : [...]- Chat via SMS! - You can chat with your friends and family via the SMS online on your PC easily.[...]20:19
Slade-ah they use 8.04 cause they have LTS on it20:19
jaycountc3l_, sounds like you found your solution20:19
LoshaSlade-: 3 upgrades, what could possible go wrong...?20:19
fwaokdais there a place i can go to get support for a wubi install?20:20
c3l_jaycount, yap, hopefully it runs on ubuntu, or at least through wine20:20
Sir_Konradacicula: I'm rebooting into 9.10.20:20
Sir_Konradjust a sec.20:21
NinoScriptdo you know how to change the keyboard shortcuts of the terminal? like setting ^C to <super>C for example?20:21
vadi01guys have a problem with the ubuntu server. apache refuses to load javascript to LAN users but WAN users can load them when they access the server home page20:22
vadi01ny idea why? or is there a specifig permission i need to set for this.20:22
Slade-Alright starting the process, thanks everyone for the advice :)20:23
=== root__ is now known as lenz
lenzhelp pls20:23
lenzlink me nvidia's driver link for Geforce fx 520020:23
overmindvadi01: Maybe #ubuntu-server ?20:23
Infin1tyanyone had any experience setting the standby mode to zero on western digital my book essential? it's impossible to set it to zero and the drives goes to standby and causing lots of problems20:23
lenzgdm does not starting20:23
lenzxserver does not starting too20:23
Flare183!graphics | lenz20:24
Flare183!ait | lenz20:24
Flare183!ati | lenz20:24
ubottulenz: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:24
lenzI know about this20:24
Slartlenz: you want the actual download link?20:24
Slartlenz: 32bit? or 64bit?20:24
lenzonly download link20:24
lenz32 bit20:24
LoshaInfin1ty: if you don't get an answer here, you might try in #hardware...20:25
Slartlenz: http://www.nvidia.com/content/DriverDownload-March2009/confirmation.php?url=/XFree86/Linux-x86/173.14.25/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.25-pkg1.run&lang=us&type=Other20:25
lenzSlart in private pls20:25
Infin1tyLosha, ok , thanks, i iwll ask there as well20:25
lenzi'm now in shell20:25
Slartlenz: hmm.. it wasn't the right link .. the one in the pm should be correct20:25
callaghanI found some strange behaviour in Nautilus. Search for something, then for something else. Tab away and back again. Now the first search is back in the textbox. That normal?20:26
Sir_Konradacicula: ok 3D acceleration works now, but after the upgrade to 9.10 my Broadcom wireless is broken!20:26
mintuxhow to get list of my hard drives I have 3 HDD but one hdd doesn't has any partitions but in fdisk -l doesn't show it20:26
Flare183mintux: "sudo lshw". That'll list all hardware connected to the motherboard20:27
acicula!wireless | best look here first Sir_Konrad for wireless issues20:28
ubottubest look here first Sir_Konrad for wireless issues: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:28
Sir_Konradok thanks acicula20:28
pequehi all :). Is Ubuntu 10.04 beta-1 available? where can I download it? Thanks in advance20:28
aciculaheu the fix for a not starting X server is not getting people to manually install nvidia drivers ensuring further hosing of their systems. just reconfigure xorg so that it uses the opensource defualt driver?20:29
callaghanpeque: it will be available here: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1 but it still says access denied...20:29
crazycoolgood nigh everybody... Losha Trek many thanks20:29
mintuxFlare183:I found it what does it mean ? > *-disk UNCLAIMED  description: ATA Disk   product: Maxtor 6V160E020:29
Flare183mintux: That's the HD's20:29
mintuxFlare183: *-disk UNCLAIMED  ?  can add partition on this HDD ?20:30
mblummI tried to download  Thunderbird and Arora.  The files come on to the desktop, but the application does not load.  I must be missing steps? Help.20:30
cikepeque:sudo update-manager -d20:30
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pequecallaghan: oks that's where I looked, but as I got that error thought maybe that wasnt the right place :) thanks20:30
Flare183mintux: You should be able too, that is if its not already filled up with them.20:30
dibs_I have a big issue with firefox packages messing up anything I install can someone help?  here's what the console spits out http://pastie.org/87162320:30
pequecike: im not using ubuntu right now20:31
aciculapeque, its up to alpha 3 already and yes you can download it20:31
mintuxFlare183: means I should have /dev/sd* ? for it ? I can not see in fdisk or cfdisk20:31
digitalfizacicula, do you have a link to the lucid roadmap?20:31
pequeacicula: i do have alpha 3, but beta1 release date was today20:31
d4rkn3sshi @ all20:31
cikepeque:im sorry ,than i don't know20:31
Flare183mintux: Yes you should have a /dev/sd*20:31
mintux Flare183: wow . I open gparted and this hard doesn't show in this app20:31
callaghandigitalfiz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:31
aciculadigitalfiz, google20:31
aciculapeque, oh i missed that, great :)20:32
Flare183mintux: ok, run dmesg, and look for it20:32
pequecike: thanks anyway for your reply :)20:32
d4rkn3ssi have a question: is there any alternate to tze adobe cs4 in ubuntu?20:32
xorlthis is so frustrating20:32
xorlI can't get this thing to obey me at all20:32
aciculad4rkn3ss, the gimp maybe20:32
acicula(its a program)20:32
acicula!ask | xorl , try presenting your problem20:33
bscapewhat is the Mod key designated to the Fn key?20:33
ubottuxorl , try presenting your problem: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
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xorlacicula: i did earlier20:33
tierihello all20:33
nocturnusbscape: ?20:33
mintuxFlare183:it's my output http://codepad.org/oOMsy8iY20:33
xorlI am not a goober.20:33
mintuxI think its sdc20:33
xorlOr do I need a bot doc presented to me20:33
d4rkn3ssacicula, i know gimp and its a fantastic photoshop-alternate :) but i am searching for a alternate for more than only photoshop, e.g. for adobe flash maker20:33
bscapenocturnus: like, in lua the Window key is Mod4?  I don't know if I'm asking the right question..20:33
xorlFricken apache2 keeps starting with www-data and I have TOLD it to start and run as a different user20:33
aciculad4rkn3ss, ow flash maker, dunno about that, if at all, since flash is proprieatary20:34
nocturnusbscape: you can use xev to find out20:34
xorlit starts off the root process, forks, first process is always www-data the rest of the processes are the ones I want them to be.20:34
Flare183mintux: Your third HD is failing20:34
d4rkn3ssacicula, k, thx 4 help :)20:34
tommisd4rkn3ss, you can greate simple flashs on oo.o impers20:34
Flare183mintux: It needs to be replaced or something.20:34
mintuxFlare183: when I connected this hard while boot I've got a lot of ata3.00: status: { DRDY ERR } [ 1245.737332] ata3.00: error: { UNC }20:34
aciculad4rkn3ss, i very much doubt you will find an open source equivalent, but you could try running it via wine20:34
bscapenocturnus: oh cool, thanks!20:34
tieridoes anyone know if there is some known issue whit auto login? I can't get it to work either in ubuntu or in xubuntu.20:34
mintuxFlare183: means I can't use it ? and it damaged ?20:34
d4rkn3sstommis, thx, i will try it20:34
Flare183mintux: That's the kernel telling you that the HD is dying/die.20:34
aciculad4rkn3ss, though id reccomend just ditching flash and vesting your efforrts in better technology20:34
Flare183mintux: Yes, exactly.20:34
dibs_I need help with firefox packages, anybody please...20:35
DemiurgeAnyone tried upgrading ntfs-3g beyond 2009.4.4 which is what I get as latest version in Synaptic?20:35
sascha_when i create this symbolic link i cant copy stuff into it... "ln -s /opt/lampp/htdocs /home/sascha/Desktop/htdocs" any suggestions?20:35
mintuxFlare183: can I low format my HDD20:35
Flare183mintux: I don't know about that, but you can try.20:35
tommisd4rkn3ss, but you gannot greate anythinh fancy on it20:35
nocturnusmintux: define low format20:35
mintuxFlare183: low level format20:35
aciculasascha_, you have no permissions to write into /opt20:35
Flare183mintux: I don't know how to do that in Linux either.20:35
d4rkn3ssacicula thats right, but i can make easy gif-animations with flash.. do u know an os-programm which can do this?20:35
nocturnusmintux: define low level format20:35
aciculad4rkn3ss, nope20:35
dibs_why when I try install firefox it fails saying there are dependancy problems? How can I resolve????????????????????????????????????????????????20:35
aciculadibs_, using ppa?20:36
xjuniorhi, I need to install my wireless board. can someone help me? this is the board: 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)20:36
dibs_what is ppa?20:36
eiranni've found a b43 driver will someone help me follow some instructions ?20:36
dibs_I was using apt-get install firefox20:36
acicula!wireless | xjunior, eirann best to start here, broadcrom is pretty notoir20:36
ubottuxjunior, eirann best to start here, broadcrom is pretty notoir: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:36
mintuxnocturnus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_level_format20:36
airtonix!ppa | dibs_20:36
ubottudibs_: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.20:36
mblummhow do I open thunderbird, arora? Do I need some kind of extractor?20:36
Flare183eirann, xjunior: come in #FireFlare . I know how to fix both of your problems.20:36
s4aluckdibs_: Or install ubuntuzilla better20:36
Nollogit's not called firefox in linux20:36
NollogThey have codenames.20:36
airtonix!enter | Nollog20:37
ubottuNollog: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:37
Flare183eirann, xjunior: come in ##FireFlare . I know how to fix both of your problems*20:37
nocturnusmintux: can you summarize it for me, i'm in tty and no GUY20:37
dibs_s4aluck: my apt-get doesn't seem to have it?20:37
d4rkn3ssdoes any1 know which programm can make a moving picture, like a gif?20:37
MrPiracyi cant open live stream at mms:// Please i need help20:37
halLosha: http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2005/06/msg00938.html . Credits go to duffydack for the links he posted.  Thanks duffydack , acicula etc for your answers20:38
jrib d4rkn3ss gimp?20:38
guntbert!piracy | MrPiracy20:38
ubottuMrPiracy: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:38
d4rkn3ssjrib, can i make a moving gif with gimp?20:38
dibs_deff Gimp20:38
jribd4rkn3ss: yes...20:38
faron hello everybody does anybody know which package installer Xubuntu 8.04 comes with as default ?20:38
d4rkn3ssjrib, thx :)20:38
dibs_Anyone know where I can get actual help?20:39
mintuxnocturnus pm20:39
nocturnusmintux: you can just paste it here20:39
nocturnus50 lines isn't so much20:39
airtonixdibs_, use apt-cache to search for packages if you're not familiar with the proper package name. apt-cache search firefox20:39
dibs_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:39
d4rkn3ssjrib, erm... how can i make moving pictures with gimp?^^20:39
farondibs what do you want help with ?20:39
nmvictorMy enter key is not working in my iBook and so their is a key next to my arrow keys which functions as the enter key, however some terminal apps  like mocp and emacs cant detect this key as the enter key, is their a way to map any other key combination to do this?20:39
jribd4rkn3ss: type "gimp gif" in google, read gimp docs that come up :)20:39
DemiurgeDo I have to compile ntfs-3g if I want to upgrade it? Can't find any repositories for it(versions newer than 2009.4.4).20:39
guntbert!paste | mintux nocturnus20:39
ubottumintux nocturnus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:39
mintuxnocturnus: User instigated low-level formatting (LLF) of hard disks was common in the 1980s. Typically this involved setting up the MFM pattern on the disk, so that sectors of bytes could be successfully written to it. With the advent of RLL encoding, low-level formatting grew increasingly uncommon, and most modern hard disks are embedded systems, which are low-level formatted at the factory with the physical geometry dimensions and thus not subject to use20:40
s4aluckdibs_: Whait I'll give you an address and you have to follow the instructions20:40
d4rkn3ssjrib, thx a lot20:40
airtonix!ot | invisibleman20:40
ubottuinvisibleman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:40
dibs_s4aluck http://pastie.org/87611520:41
nmvictorwhich package provide H.264 decoder for ?20:41
tieriSo no one have had any problems whit auto login after updating? I have fresh install and after I Installed all available updates I get the login screen again.20:41
s4aluckdibs_: http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/02/ubuntuzilla-repository-makes-firefox-36.html20:42
nocturnustieri: ?20:42
Alcorno 1 is on #ubunto-offtopic20:42
guntbertAlcor: its #ubuntu-offtopic20:43
nocturnusprobably because every is busy20:43
airtonixs4aluck, why not just use the ppa?20:43
guntbertnocturnus: stop your "smart" comments please20:43
CountDownWhy does Empathy stop scrolling chat message after a while?20:43
dibs_s4aluck: I already have firefox 3.6ninstalled and working, what I am getting at is any install I do now give those stupid fucking firefox errors and fails to install anything properly and it's driving me fucking nuts20:43
airtonixs4aluck, dibs_ https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa20:43
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ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:44
nocturnusguntbert: Thanks for the compliment - and although I wouldn't consider them smart, I had to ask, wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air around here ... 'smart' ?20:44
dibs_excuse the french20:44
CountDownYeah.  I'm sitting on my dad's lap right now.20:44
tierinocturnus: I am trying to set up a home NAS server. And can't get auto login to work. It works fine after install, but when I updated my distro it gives me the login screen again. Even the auto login is enablet20:44
jaracoIn the past, I've sourced the /etc/init.d/tomcat6 script to determine the locations used by TOMCAT. In the Ubuntu package, this script ends with "exit 0" so I can't source it. Is there any reason to think I couldn't just remove that line?20:44
nocturnustieri: Hmm ...20:45
s4aluckdibs_: I think this is better because it alway updates to the newest version of firefox or thunderbird20:45
airtonixtieri, why does a NAS need a gui ?20:45
socket_77dibs_: try sudo aptitude upgrade20:45
tierinocturnus: Tryed whit ubuntu 9.10 and xubuntu 9.1020:45
zcat[1]tieri:  you realise you do not need to login, or even have a GUI, on a NAS server?20:45
dibs_s4aluck: ok will try install, but I bet I still get the same bs errors20:45
s4aluckdibs_: i mean is better to use ubuntuzilla20:45
dibs_k cheers20:45
airtonixs4aluck, explain the logic behind that20:45
nocturnustieri: How did you set up autologin in the first place?20:45
tieriairtonix: because I am new to linux and i find some things easyer to config whit gui20:46
s4aluckdibs_: no way, no reason to have problems20:46
airtonixs4aluck, explain the logic behind that20:46
tierinocturnus: from applications->system->login screen20:46
s4aluckairtonix: http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/02/ubuntuzilla-repository-makes-firefox-36.html read the coments20:47
ePaxIs it possible to link some commands outside of root?20:47
nocturnustieri: try unsetting it and then re-setting it20:47
FrezeWoops.. Wrong copypaste.20:47
nocturnusePax: ?20:47
airtonixs4aluck, yes i saw the page and i dont see any reason to use it over the ppa.20:47
ePaxi mean outside of chroot20:47
tierinocturnus: all ready tryed it.20:47
airtonixs4aluck, its also not for karmic.20:47
nocturnusePax: link how?20:48
nocturnusguntbert: are you obese, by any chance?20:48
ePaxnocturnus: with soft link20:48
nocturnusePax: sure just mount the location20:48
s4aluckairtonix: cause when new version comes you have again to look for ppa but ubuntuzulla aotomaticaly upgrade it20:48
nocturnustieri: how does the .xinitrc look like in ~20:48
airtonixs4aluck, dibs_ https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa20:49
nocturnus~ is the home directory of the user you are logging in from20:49
tierinocturnus: I will check. What should I be looking for? I am quite noob whit linux20:49
airtonixs4aluck, looks like that one ppa holds many versions20:49
nocturnustieri: Perhaps if you xdm is missing there ...20:50
CyberSixnelieee12 is spamming20:50
tierinocturnus: Ill check.20:50
=== jcdury is now known as dury
s4aluckairtonix: yeah, it depends on your test which to take20:51
LinuxGuy2009Are there any Ubuntu apps that can embed cover art picture into an MP4 video file? I need this for my new WD TV.20:51
lxsysweb_pc3Metacity is nomming my cpus, and it won't die. What should I do???20:52
airtonixs4aluck, to be honest that script looks complicated too20:52
airtonixlxsysweb_pc3, sudo killall metacity -920:52
dibs_ahhhh WTF 99% [Connecting to packages.freecontrib.org (]20:52
ikoniadibs_: control your language please.20:52
nocturnusLinuxGuy2009: you can check with lsof20:52
nocturnusikonia: you filled in the blanks20:53
ikoniawhat ?20:53
nocturnusPardon me?20:53
lxsysweb_pc3airtonix, thanks!20:53
dibs_ikonia: sorry, I just want to get rid of all these errors, driving me crazt20:53
LinuxGuy2009nocturnus: What is lsof?20:53
ikoniadibs_: understandable, no problem20:53
airtonixlxsysweb_pc3, it worked?20:53
nocturnusLinuxGuy2009: Its like a soft sofa, made of sponge20:54
dibs_install wtf and then try wtf is lsof20:54
ikonianocturnus: stop with the stupid comments,20:54
ikoniadibs_: I've told you about your language - last warning20:54
dibs_it's a legitimate app20:54
nocturnusLinuxGuy2009: try running lsof |grep binary_name , where binary_name is the name of the program you're looking for20:54
ikoniadibs_: I know20:54
s4aluckairtonix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/397454/ read it20:54
dibs_then why are you giving me petty greif about it20:54
LinuxGuy2009nocturnus: I dont know the name of the app im looking for.20:54
nocturnusLinuxGuy2009: oh ..20:55
dibs_are we only allowed to speak of ikonia sanctioned apps?20:55
nocturnusLinuxGuy2009: well then how do you know what you're looking for?20:55
ikoniadibs_: a.) it's it really the tool to use (man is fine) b.) after I've just asked you to control your langauge, is it wise to push that applicaiton over others20:55
nmvictoris their a way to customize mocp in ubuntu?20:55
datadiggerLinuxGuy2009: lsof = list open files20:55
LinuxGuy2009nocturnus: I need something that can embed cover art into an MP4 video. Its not hard.20:55
nocturnusdatadigger: not only open files20:55
nocturnusLinuxGuy2009: i don't know of an app20:56
nocturnusLinuxGuy2009: google for a tutorial20:56
LinuxGuy2009datadigger: How would listing open files help with cover art in an MP4?20:56
datadiggernocturnus: I know. Just trying to make LinuxGuy2009 curious enough to read the man page ;)20:56
airtonixs4aluck, note the "daily" on that ppa. and if i have to start using more than one program to update my software ill go back to using windows.20:56
datadigger<LinuxGuy2009> nocturnus: What is lsof?20:56
nocturnusdatadigger: He doesn't seem to be interested in foam sofas.20:56
ikonianocturnus: last warning about the offtopic comments20:57
LinuxGuy2009datadigger: Your about worthless too. Please stop trying.20:57
nocturnusikonia: excuse me?20:57
ikonianocturnus: lsof is nothing to do with sofas - so please stop referncing it to people,20:57
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, did you mean mp4 video or just audio file ?20:57
nocturnusikonia: I was trying to entice him to look it up himself, kind of like datadigger  did20:57
TTilusno humor allowed20:57
ikonianocturnus: just help him, referncing sofa's isn't helpful20:58
s4aluckairtonix: no, you will recieve a notice and if you like to upgrade it  you have to open the terminal as usual20:58
nocturnusThat's proposterous I see humour all the time here, its just not as creative as my puns20:58
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: Yes MP4 video. I already use EasyTag-AAC for aac audio.20:58
nocturnusikonia: I don't think anyone was referencing sofas here ...20:58
ikonianocturnus: you did - please stop20:58
airtonixs4aluck, and to be honest why should i start having seperate update managers for just one program? counter productive.20:59
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, ok.20:59
nocturnusikonia: I honestly don't know anything about soft spongy sofas20:59
janjokHi is this appropriate channel fro questions regarding lucid?20:59
ikoniajanjok: #ubuntu+1 is the right channel20:59
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, and you want the cover image to be a part of the mp4 binary ?21:00
* TTilus likes sofas21:00
ikoniaTTilus: stop please21:00
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: Yeah that would be great.21:00
dibs_ikonia http://pastie.org/876150 you want me to control language, then please make this work for me21:00
ikoniadibs_: control your language if it works or not, but let's check the problem21:00
s4aluckairtonix: it's up to you. if you think tha ppa install to you is better than ubuntuzulla do your way21:01
dibs_ikonia deal21:01
ikoniadibs_: it looks like you're 3rd party repo is dead21:01
dibs_Appreciated eh, i have been trying to get help for this for months21:01
ikoniadibs_: I'm assuming packages.freecontrib.org  is a 3rd party repo21:01
dibs_ok so how can I remove it? also the NZ repos seem to fail but i caan't see them in my sources dialogue21:02
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, just a long shot here : but have you tried handbrake?21:02
s4aluckairtonix: I prefer the ubuntuzilla way that's all21:02
ikoniadibs_: you can use the software sources tool, or just remove them from /etc/apt/sources.list21:02
dibs_I turned it off in sources but it doesn't seem to have worked21:02
inertialhow do I add the debian unstable repository if I'm using ubuntu?21:02
ikoniadibs_: ahh hang on, look in /etc/apt/sources.d (check that path) for individual repo files21:02
phrixhi all... I cant share folder, it said you might not have pernission to use the network resource. The specified network name is no longer available... I'm running karmic... this is my samba.conf, http://pastebin.com/XRJJrPhS... any clue...??21:03
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: Yes I love handbrake its awesome. Ripping all my DVDs with it for the WD TV. Just wish I could embed the cover with it. HandBrake 0.9.4 font do it as far as I have ever seen.21:03
airtonixs4aluck, thats nice but when you are offering help to novices, its generally best to provide methods that conform the standard system of installing and updating software.21:03
StargazeMiShary, please do not spam21:03
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, unfortunate.21:03
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: don't do it I mean21:03
glaksmonowhere is xorg.conf in Ubuntu 9.10?21:03
glaksmonoi try to follow this tutorial: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7634021:04
fwaokdaI'm having some trouble with a wubi install... I posted on the forums if anyone thinks they might be able to help me could they take a look? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8989319#post898931921:04
s4aluckairtonix: I am also novice but I prefer that way too21:04
psionso, I'm using ubuntu netbook remix and I added a program to the internet panel (facebook in chromium's app mode). I updated the icon, but when I favorite the app, the icon reverts back to the regular app launcher icon21:04
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airtonixLinuxGuy2009, i use moovidia and i just assume it keeps the coverart for my movies as a seperate image after grabbing it from some where like imdb...21:04
airtonix!es | modestas21:05
ubottumodestas: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:05
modestascomo stan?21:05
dibs_ Failed to fetch http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-security/main/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch How to remove or fix?21:05
infestor i am gonna reinstall ubuntu but one question. win 7 has a partition called system reserved21:05
infestor if i remove it will grub know that there is a  win 7 installation?21:05
* infestor ?21:06
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: Yeah. The WD TV can work that way too, seperate jpg (i hate lossy images) same name as MP4 in the same folder. Would have been a lot cleaner with it embeded though. I scanned all my covers already.21:06
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, maybe ffmpeg can do this ?21:06
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: hmm I can check. That would be on the command line right?21:06
callaghanglaksmono: which version of virtualbox are you using? it works fine for me with 3.1.4 without editing xorg.conf21:07
ikoniadibs_: check in /etc/apt/sources.d21:07
charles_bI want to install a snapshot of JDK 7 (under ubuntu, obviously) for a program I am writing. Should21:07
charles_bI download a JDK file or a JRE jar file?21:07
charles_bThis may be more of a Java question than an Ubuntu question....but if anybody could tell me the difference, that would be great.21:08
charles_bThe JDK file is a binary and21:08
charles_bthe JRE file is a .jar21:08
dibs_ikonia nothing in sources.d21:08
callaghancharles_b: jdk = java development kit, jre = java runtime environment21:08
inertialif I want to install some package which is only on debian unstable how do i do that?21:08
ikoniadibs_: can you pastebin ls -la /etc/apt for me please I've not got an ubuntu box to hand at the moment21:08
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, found this : http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=6272321:09
charles_bI ought to go with the JDK then.21:09
guntbertcharles_b: I don't know - but jdk=jave development kit  and jre=jave runtime environment (maybe that helps to decide)21:09
jaracocharles_b: Since you're developing, you probably want the JDK.21:09
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, check out #821:09
glaksmonocallaghan: i'm using the latest version.. how do you do that?21:10
callaghancharles_b: the jdk helps when you are developing the application, so i suggest you use that one21:10
jaracocharles_b: Why it appears to be a different format than the JRE is somewhat strange - if you've only got a .JAR file, that's not enough to run JAVA, as it requires JAVA.21:10
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, so it seems that even if you do get the cover image embedded, that only certain players will acknowledge it21:10
charles_bWell, I can download21:10
bibornsalam semua...21:11
dibs_ikonia http://pastie.org/87617121:11
charles_bI can download a "self extracting JDK file" (which is a .bin) or a "self extracting JRE Jar file" (which is a .jar)21:11
Ashfire908In Kate, when I open the terminal widget, the bottom stretches out to fit the terminal, but no terminal appears.21:11
glaksmonocallaghan: it's still couldn't be as high resolution as the host OS :(21:11
tharkunIs there a program in ubuntu that works with polar watches?21:11
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: Right exactly. The WD TV comes with a sample media CD with MP4 videos that show covers on the WD TV. So I know it supports it. But yeah good point.21:11
charles_bI intuitively thought to go with the JDK .bin file, since I'm using the JDK, but I wanted to double check.21:12
charles_bThanks again.21:12
callaghanglaksmono: i just boot up the vm, give me a sec21:12
glaksmonocallaghan: alright :)21:12
Ashfire908Never mind, just needed to install Konsole.21:12
BrixSati dont have sound on my ubuntu, and my windowz system is not detected21:12
ikoniadibs_: not quite what I was expecting, can you pastebin your current sources.list please21:13
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, ok i think the keyword you're looking for to narrow this down is "udta atom"21:13
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, http://www.sharewareguide.net/article/Tip/mpeg-4(mp4)--how-tos.html#mp4howto421:13
s4aluckairtonix: i think that you are trying to teach the novices the laziest way or the "windows" way to deal with the software for linux, uh?21:13
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: Trying out AtomicParsley since its already in the repos. Might be what i need.21:14
dibs_ikonia sure gimme a sec21:14
LinuxGuy2009s4aluck: Please stop.21:14
=== gusan0r is now known as Gusan0r
callaghanglaksmono: when you enter fullscreen mode, does the resolution change? (fullscreen mode: host+f)21:15
glaksmonoi have it a bit higher now21:15
dibs_ikonia http://pastie.org/87617821:15
glaksmono1360 x 76821:15
Jon-I am trying to get Pidgin to alert me VIA the built in message system or with the system tray icon (flashing). Any ideas? It seems to only like to use its system tray icon and when you tell it to never display, it doesn't give you any notification on new messages.21:15
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, http://atomicparsley.sourceforge.net/21:15
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, haha i jus found that21:16
glaksmonobut the host resolution is 1600 x 120021:16
conb123Anyone here use mupen64plus?21:16
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: Thank you so much for your help. AtomicParsley is made exactly for what I neeeded. You da man!!!21:16
callaghanglaksmono: you still have a black border in fullscreen mode?21:16
glaksmonocallaghan: yep21:16
=== skyred is now known as BeerCloud
Jon-I am trying to get Pidgin to alert me VIA the built in message system or with the system tray icon (flashing). Any ideas? It seems to only like to use its system tray icon and when you tell it to never display, it doesn't give you any notification on new messages.21:17
dibs_switch to empathy21:18
callaghanglaksmono: make sure you have dkms installed so a kernel update doesn't kill your guest additions and reinstall them using sudo sh VBLinuxAdditions-x86.run (or AMD64)21:18
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: You dont happen to know off hand if jpg compression set at 100% quality is that still technically lossy or is it then lossless?21:18
msandbuhi guys, I have a fileserver running ubuntu thats connected to my TV, but I dont have a keyboard attached to it, so I have to SSH into the box, is there a command that I can run from ssh to start VLC or any media player on the TV?21:18
airtonixLinuxGuy2009, not sure but i dont think so21:19
callaghanglaksmono: if I turn off the additions, i have the exact same behaviour as you describe21:19
digitalfizJon-, there is a plugin for the build in ubuntu notification system in synaptic andi  wouldnt use empathy it sucks :P21:19
LinuxGuy2009airtonix: Ok thats what I figured. Thanks for your great help!21:19
jribmsandbu: set your DISPLAY variable appropriately and then run vlc21:19
=== BeerCloud is now known as skyred
airtonixdigitalfiz, why is that ?21:20
hiexpohello all my question is i have a ath 5007 wireless card built in my laptop and i bought a netgear wnda3100 usb wireless dongle after a little work i managed to find a river but now how do i enable it21:20
agikeHi, I am using ubuntu 9.10 with a 20" screen. I have edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf but keep getting 800x600 max resolution. It is capable of 1600x1200 .. I have pasted xorg.conf to http://pastebin.com/T89mccfZ and would appreciate any constructive comments.21:21
glaksmonocallaghan: so what am i suppose to do to have the dkms installed? i'm new to linux21:21
xorlso anoying, I don't know WHERE apache is getting www-data for I have changed it in every file in /etc I could find envvars, you name it21:21
xorlone of the processes is STILL called www-data21:21
digitalfizairstrike, just seems like a reattempt at pidgin only not as far along21:21
callaghanglaksmono: open up a terminal and type dkms and press enter, if it is installed no error message will appear :)21:22
airtonixhiexpo, have you read through the wifi docs on the ubuntu wiki? (shortcut enabling drivers in linux involves kernel modules, which are enabled with modprobe module-name)21:22
airtonixxorl, why are you trying to change the username for apache ?21:22
xorlairtonix: Security reasons.21:22
glaksmonocallaghan: not installed, i do the sudo apt-get21:22
hiexpoairtonix, no i haven't21:22
xorlIt's weird though21:23
airtonix!wifi | hiexpo21:23
ubottuhiexpo: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:23
xorlthe core process runs as root, second proces comes up as www-data, third and forth, yeah, they're the user I defined21:23
xorlbut WHY is www-data still being called21:23
FloodBot4xorl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:23
xorluhhh, I guess I type too fast for the bot haha21:23
=== JoeWheele is now known as JoeWheeler
jribxorl: just don't press enter to break up a thought21:24
ikoniadibs_: you still there ?21:24
airtonixhiexpo, im not familiar with your particular wifi device, but i can tell you that the easiest way to get it working just to get simple network access would be to use the ndiswrapper method21:24
guntbertxorl: no, you press <enter> too often21:24
xorlguntbert: well that would be the same for most everyone in here :p all my statements were longer than anyone I seen except the bots21:24
guntbertxorl: sorry for the doublette :)21:24
airtonixxorl, see : !enter21:25
xorlairtonix: ...21:25
xorlYou didn't just see the bot tell me that?21:25
jribxorl: anyway, apache shouldn't be running as root...21:25
xorljrib: It always starts a core process as root :P then forks off the rest of the processes as the proper user21:25
jribxorl: yes, as it should21:25
xorlproblem is, it's forking off as two users... Which is completely not what I am telling it to do and NOT defined anywhere.21:26
jribxorl: oh, I thought you were trying to get it to run as root always21:26
xorlI have checked EVERY config file in /etc/apache2/ for www-data (it doesn't exist anymore)21:26
xorlI made sure of that.21:26
xorlyet, somehow one of the first forked processes is run as www-data, that is either a bug or just wrong somehow21:26
Ramy i've a problem in ubuntu21:27
Ramywhen i try to open it says21:27
Ramymount /dev on /root/dev :failed21:27
Ramymount /proc on /root/proc :failed21:27
Ramyand displays a command line21:27
FloodBot4Ramy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:27
jribxorl: what are you trying to accomplish?21:27
xorljrib: Just as I said, just changing the user and the group of apache for security reasons.21:27
xorlSo people can't guess user/group and try to do nasty stuff or attempt nasty stuff at least.21:27
xorlI changed User/Group to the specified user I wanted, changed it in envvars to the users I wanted, still, nothing.21:28
digitalfizxomas, /etc/apache2/envvars is where that should be set21:28
glaksmonocallaghan: it's even smaller now, i only have 800x600 max. I installed dkms using sudo apt-get, and reinstalled the VBoxLinuxAddition-86.run21:28
xorldigitalfiz: already did that.21:28
jribxorl: what does "I changed User/Group" mean?21:28
xorlAnd I said that,.21:28
Ramy*i've aproblem21:29
Trek!ask | Ramy21:29
ubottuRamy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:29
Ramywhen i try to open it says21:29
Trek!enter | Ramy21:29
ubottuRamy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:29
Myrtti!pastebin | Ramy21:30
ubottuRamy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:30
callaghanglaksmono: please check if the additions are running: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv status21:30
dibs_ikonia am back, did you find anything?21:30
Ramymount /dev on /root/dev :failed mount /proc on /root/proc :failed ......21:31
callaghanglaksmono: sorry, wrong command: /etc/init.d/vboxadd status21:31
glaksmonono such file or directory21:31
glaksmonocallaghan: it says that it's currently running21:31
Ramymount /dev on /root/dev :failed mount*/proc on /root/proc :failed ......21:31
guntbert!repeat | Ramy21:32
ubottuRamy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:32
TrekRamy, please listen to me:  stop using enter as punctuation, and PLEASE post everything on as few lines as you can21:32
Trek!enter | Ramy21:32
ubottuRamy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:32
PyroPheliawhat is the easist way to jail a user?21:32
callaghanglaksmono: try pressing host+a, does that make a difference?21:32
jribxorl: well?21:32
Trekpytophelia: jail a user???21:32
Trekpyrophelia: jail a user???21:32
terry_Ramy: What are you trying to do?  Explain your situation, (ask questions and we answer as best we can).21:32
PyroPheliaTrek, chroot.  so they can't leave their home directory21:32
glaksmonocallaghan: no21:32
sascha_anybody has expirience in php 5.3.1 and ubuntu?21:32
Ramyi'm sry21:32
xorljrib: Means I forcefully went into the config bypassing envvars and changed it.21:33
jribsascha_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)21:33
dibs_ikonia help me ikonia, your my only hope21:33
PyroPheliaI don't care what they do in the home directory, I just don't want them to leave it21:33
Trekpytophelia: ah, thanks for the clarification, but sorry I cant help you ther21:33
jribxorl: and then?21:33
xorlstarted apache, like a human21:33
xorlsame issue.21:33
callaghanglaksmono: i take it that you have changed the xorg.conf yourself after installing the guest additions first?21:33
jribxorl: did you stop apache first?  How are you starting it?21:33
jrib!who | xorl21:34
ubottuxorl: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:34
terry_Ramy: What is your native language?  (We can direct you to a different channel if you need us to.)21:34
xorlfrom the init script21:34
jribxorl: and my first question?21:34
guntbertPyroPhelia: no regular user can write anything outside his home directory (except to /tmp)21:34
Slade-hmm apt-get dist-upgrade isnt working for me to upgrade for 8.04 LTS  do i need to do something fancy to make it work?21:34
Ramy*i can't open ubuntu *this mesage appears *mount /dev on /root/dev :failed21:34
jrib!upgrade | Slade-21:34
ubottuSlade-: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:34
xorlJust trying to change the user/group apache runs as. That's it.21:34
Slade-jrib: thanks21:34
jribxorl: did you stop apache first?21:35
terry_Ramy: Are you trying to read a Ubuntu CD?21:35
xorljrib: I've made the changes, it doesn't exactly ignore them, it just does it wrong.21:35
PyroPheliaguntbert, I know.  but I don't want them to leave that directory.  Period.21:35
xorljrib: of course i did, i'm not 221:35
glaksmonocallaghan: i haven't edited the xorg.conf, since I couldn't find it.. what i did was that i installed xdms (or whatever it was) that you said, then reinstalled the VBoxAdditions21:35
xorljrib: I've been using apache for almost a decade, i've never ONCE encountered this issue.21:35
terry_Ramy: Are you wanting to install Ubuntu on your PC?21:35
jribxorl: being sarcastic doesn't make people helping you enthusiastic about help you...21:35
Ramyno i've installed it21:35
glaksmonocallaghan: am i suppose to install the VBOx first, then the xdms ?21:35
xorljrib: That wasn't sarcasm.21:35
Ramyand i want to restore my data on it21:35
airtonixglaksmono, other way round, dkms then vbox21:36
jribxorl: good luck with your issue21:36
callaghanglaksmono: no, dkms first, thats ok, let me check someting21:36
guntbertPyroPhelia: you *can* chroot them - but you would have to provide all binaries, libs,... within the chroot21:36
xorlWelp, time to hit up the mailing list and wait for the same exact answers.21:36
glaksmonoairtonix, callaghan: that's exactly what I did21:37
airtonixglaksmono, am i right in assuming you had vbox installed previously before encountering the concept of dkms ?21:38
glaksmonoairtonix: yes..21:38
airtonixglaksmono, ok so can i also assume you then uninstalled vbox then immediatly installed dkms without first restarting the system ?21:39
lullabudis there a distribution based on ubuntu that includes the non-free things like proprietary codecs?21:39
glaksmonoairtonix: i didn't uninstall the vbox first :(21:39
lullabud...out of the box, that is...21:39
defntry to keep it on topic please21:39
airtonixglaksmono, ah ok, because vbox installs kernel modules that dkms will want to handle, i suggest uninstalling vbox and restarting, then after login install dkms then virtualbox21:39
PyroPheliaguntbert, yea I know, that's what I want to do21:39
lullabudalso, is there an ubuntu livecd that includes vim?  .oO( why on earth did they not include that.......? )21:40
glaksmonoairtonix: ok let me try that, how do you uninstall? i forgot lol21:40
NinoScriptI messed up something with xmodmap, is there anyway to reset my keyboard? :(21:40
callaghanairtonix: are you talking about virtualbox or the guest additions?21:40
airtonixglaksmono, sudo apt-get remove virtualbox (i think its virtualbox)21:40
airtonixcallaghan, just virtualbox and the way dkms will handle it21:41
glaksmonoit says virtualbox is not installed21:41
callaghanairtonix: glaksmono has ubuntu as a guest system21:41
Ganymedehey, i was wondering, i'm trying to set up a home router on a 1 GB compact flash card using one of those CF card to IDE converters from eBay, but the size in fdisk -l keeps coming out to 32 MB. i'm pretty sure the CF card is 1 GB (i've had 1 GB of pictures on it before)...what should i be looking at to fix tihs?21:41
airtonixcallaghan, ok, guest additions should be stored as a deb file somewhere in the system waiting for you to mount.21:41
airtonixcallaghan, you / glaksmono21:42
TrekGanymede: how did you format the flash card?21:42
frikinzPyroPhelia, how are your user logging into the machine?21:42
lullabudGanymede: did you try writing zeros over the disk first?  sometimes partition tables get messed up and the only way to really fix them is to write zeros.21:43
GanymedeTrek, according to fdisk -l, it is a FAT16 volume that is greater than 32 MB.21:43
airtonixglaksmono, dpkg -l | grep virtualbox21:43
TrekGanymede: you using a CLI interface or a GUI21:43
GanymedeTrek, CLI21:43
callaghanglaksmono: one last try: just try to change the size of the virtualbox window, that works for me, the guest additions automatically change the size of the guest...21:43
TrekGanymede: and you're unable to reformat the device to take up the full gig?21:43
Ganymedelullabud, well i was hoping the dd the entire flash card before writing zeros to it...to see what pictures i can pull out using photorec, before installing linux onto it21:43
airtonixglaksmono, callaghan so you already have the guest additions for ubuntu mounted then ?21:44
GanymedeTrek, see above ^^21:44
glaksmonoairtonix: it doesn't return anything21:44
datadiggerglaksmono: /join #vbox  (although it is rather quiet at the moment)21:44
glaksmonodatadigger: done21:44
lullabudGanymede: what's preventing you from running dd to dump the whole card?  also, have you tried putting it in a camera or something else to see what size is reported?21:45
glaksmonocallaghan: so what are you suggesting? :-?21:45
callaghanairtonix: he installed dkms, and then the guest additions again (using sudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run from the mounted cd)21:45
Ganymedelullabud, dd stops after copying 32 MB because it thinks it's at the end of the card...21:45
lullabudGanymede: try using dcfldd, it's got additional features that help when disks are messed up.21:45
Ganymedelullabud, thanks, i'll look into it21:46
PyroPheliafrinkinz, sftp21:46
callaghanglaksmono: if the guest additions are correctly installed (mouse pointer integration works) then just unmaximize the window and maximize it again, that does the trick for me21:46
airtonixcallaghan, ok ( i do remember that guest additions with ubuntu as the guest was not so simple, i do however have virtualboz 3.1 and a 9.10 iso here so i should test it out)21:47
blaine00Hello everyone!21:47
callaghanglaksmono: and make sure that machine/auto resize guest display is checked21:48
callaghanairtonix: yeah me too, vbox 3.1.4, ubuntu 9.10 as a guest, installed dkms, then the additions, works fine for me...21:50
Trekhow can I turn off IPv6 on my ubuntu system?21:50
airtonixTrek, why would you want to ?21:50
Trekairtonix: my ISPs dont like ipv6, it causes conflicts21:50
airtonixTrek, first guess is that it would involve lots of recompiling21:51
syriusgoogle.com is the domain name is that what it is called and then its digits are called ip addresses I know that21:51
syriusbut what is the technical name for the address?21:51
airtonixsyrius, hostname or fully qualified domain name21:52
frikinzPyroPhelia, a few years ago, you needed to change the home user to /home/user/./ in /etc/password to tell openssh to chroot the user. that's the first step. then ldd is your friend. I used this for full ssh. for sftp _only_ you can look here http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/9421:52
syriuslike what about addresses like ~nightsjam@host-72-174-92-176.grf-mt.client.bresnan.net that might not be the ip in there when you do a lookup21:52
nightsjammiesquick question...how do I share folders/ files between my system and virtualbox?21:52
airtonixsyrius, sorry your talking about the ip address ?21:52
Ganymedelullabud, i should point out that the OS only sees 32 MB of the CF Card: http://pastebin.com/1mKJ7gj5 should i just ask dcfldd to keep copying past the end of /dev/sda by using a bs and count that have a product greater than 32 MB?21:52
airtonixsyrius, that example is just a URI21:52
syriusno I am talking about the address that when you do a lookup he becomes an ip airtonix21:52
z0manHow do I view my ipod videos on an Ubuntu 9.10?21:53
airtonixz0man, i think totem or banshee have a plugin to let you do this21:53
syriussudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras z0man21:53
nightsjammiesvbox z0man..21:53
nightsjammiesOr that..21:53
z0manis vbox virtualbox?21:53
syriusz0man, it might not work though if they are DRM encrypted21:54
z0manaw ok thanks soo much21:54
airtonixnightsjammies, 1) power down the guest 2) edit the settings 3) shared folders 4) add a folder21:54
z0manI give them a try21:54
Ganymedenightsjammies, 1. you may use the built in shared folders feature, 2. you may put it in bridged networking mode and use NFS, SSHFS, CIFS, or something like that21:54
airtonixnightsjammies, 2) edit as in edit the guest settings21:54
lullabudGanymede: that is interesting... You can try the dclfdd idea, worst that can happen is that it fails again.21:54
syriusif you don't care about proprietary software you can use the win32 codes on mplayer and put them in /usr/lib/win32 z0man21:54
syriusI think those codecs only work with mplayer21:54
syriusbut I am not sure21:54
syriusI have tried them out21:55
Ganymedelullabud, disk identifier is of zeros is a bit weird too, usually, the disk identifier is some random string of hex21:55
syriusit allowed me to play drm protected films21:55
nightsjammiesum, nfs, sshfs, cifs?21:55
z0manaw ok21:55
z0manthanks syruis21:55
syriusdecompress them21:55
blaine00I have an issue with one of those terrible bcm43xx drivers... during a live boot of 9.10 on a HP laptop, the restricted hardware manager actually automatically detects it and gives me the option to use it. After installing 9.10, it no longer auto-detects it. I'm guessing the CD has drivers that aren't installed... any ideas on how to use the CD to install the driver?21:55
airtonixblaine00, give output of : lspci | grep broadcom21:56
airtonixblaine00, i mean give output of : lspci -nn | grep broadcom21:56
frikinzPyroPhelia, I just checked on ubuntu karmic, it does not work. it has changed..21:56
blaine00okay... one moment while I pull it up21:56
airtonixblaine00, also what hp laptop ?21:57
Ganymedelullabud, yep, dfcldd without any special options still gives me a 32 MB image dump...maybe i have no choice but to zero out the drive and then hope the OS picks up more than 32 MB? will i be able to "rescan" the drive after zeroing it out? rebooting would be a bit inconvenient now21:57
lullabudGanymede: i have a usb key here that has the same identifier21:57
LateralForceis there any way to make ubuntu not go into suspend when certain apps are running?21:57
blaine00it is a ze200021:57
lullabudGanymede: what you could do is zero out the first few mb, then try again...21:58
FloodBot4wladek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
lullabudGanymede: or zero out the first 32gb, and then just use that.  if it can't see past that it can't write to it, so that data is theoretically safe... though, i can't be sure that's how CF would treat it.21:58
Ganymedelullabud, first few megabytes tells the OS how big the sum of the partitions is or something, which is what Linux uses to GUESS the total disk size?21:58
=== outer_space1 is now known as outer_space
lullabudGanymede: there is space at the beginning of a disk that describes the partitions and stuff, so yeah, writing zeros to the beginning of the disk can clear up partition problems.21:59
frikinzPyroPhelia, ah yes I forgot it actually needs a patch.. http://chrootssh.sourceforge.net/ . As said it worked for me some years ago. Not sure if this is the simplest as you asked. As of today, maybe new methods.21:59
airtonixLateralForce, yes and no. 1) best way is to create a python script that utilises dbus 2) but... it requires that the program in question already talks to dbus.21:59
airtonixLateralForce, im not sure it will work but you could try using the gnome-appelt : caffine22:00
lullabudGanymede: i actually don't think this is a problem that can be solved by writing zeros to the beginning of the disk... but hey, i surely don't know everything, and it's worth a shot.  you were going to do it anyway.22:00
LateralForceairtonix, ok, thanks ill check it out22:00
emiliaWitam wszystkich22:00
blaine00the lspci command did nothing... was it "sudo lspci -nn | grep broadcom"?22:00
outer_spacehow did "workspace switcher" take everything I had in the right column, move it to left column, left column to center, and center to right?  It somehow switched them all over!22:00
lullabudGanymede: actually, you could just go ahead and dump zeros over the first 32gb since you already have an image of that disk.22:00
airtonix!info caffeine | LateralForce22:00
ubottuLateralForce: Package caffeine does not exist in karmic22:01
frikinzPyroPhelia, ah http://www.howtoforge.com/chrooted-ssh-sftp-tutorial-debian-lenny  no patch needed anymore22:01
Flare183!info Kaffine | LateralForce22:02
ubottuLateralForce: Package Kaffine does not exist in karmic22:02
airtonixLateralForce, https://launchpad.net/~caffeine-developers/+archive/ppa22:02
LateralForceairtonix, i remember reading something about a script thats run before suspend. maybe i could use it to check for running apps and inhibit suspend22:02
blaine00I actually tried the b43-fwcutter as well...22:03
BrixSati dont have sound on my ubuntu, and my windowz system is not detected22:03
Ganymedelullabud, nope...wrote zeroes all over the /dev/sda then did partprobe /dev/sda and it still thinks it's 32 MB... =(22:03
blaine00it is frustrating because the live boot detected it22:03
lullabudGanymede: what does your digital camera tell you about it?22:03
faronanybody tell me how to find out about my graphics card ?22:03
airtonixLateralForce, could do but its messy and requires you to edit stuff  as root (so its not really going to be a scalable solution for userland) which is why i suggest you use dbus since you can inhibit suspend, screensaver and all kinds of things without being root or having to continuously poll a program to check for stuff.22:04
lullabudGanymede: moreover, what does the card say on it?22:04
airtonixblaine00, yes sudo lspic (apologies)22:04
z0manI've installed  all this software and I still cannot see the ipod videos :(22:04
blaine00that is okay22:04
Ganymedelullabud, digital camera says it's about 936 MB (back when i used it in my digital camera) and the camera says, "Canon 1 GB" or something on it...i can't look at it now since it's inside the case22:04
faronhey there lullabud ! how ya dion today ?22:04
arn0open irc.labri.u-bordeaux.fr22:04
z0manI have tried using vbox with xp22:04
z0mando i need to use itunes?22:05
Ganymedelullabud, you think maybe i have to run some hdparm stuff on it and change it's ATA mode or something like that to see the remaining 1 GB?22:05
Ganymedeit's actually a sandisk22:05
airtonixz0man, are they drm encrypted videos ?22:05
z0manI'm not sure22:05
lullabudwhat's up faron22:05
airtonixz0man, you might like to check out floola22:05
z0manthey mp422:05
blaine00"lspic" is not found...22:05
airtonixblaine00, lspci22:05
Ganymedelullabud, interestingly, it gets detected in dmseg as "SanDisk SDCFB-32", which is indeed a 32 MB compact flash card...but i'm sure this is the same card i've taken 1GB of pictures onto22:06
blaine00"sudo lspci -nn | grep broadcom" does nothing22:06
faronlullabud do you know anything about how I can find out info about the graphics card/driver on this system ?22:07
nightsjammiesokay, quick question, where do I find that shared folder in vbox under xp?22:07
LateralForceairtonix, is caffeine equivalent to Power Manager Inhibit Applet?22:07
lullabudGanymede: perhaps you had two cards and they got swapped?  perhaps a friend of yours swapped your cf card at a party when they had your camera?22:07
airtonixblaine00, ah ok it wants case sensitive words : sudo lspci -nn | grep Broadcom22:07
Ganymedelullabud, i do not own any 32 MB flash cards...and it did say 1 GB on the cover sticker when i put it in...but i suppose i have no choice now but to take a second look...22:08
lullabudfaron: sudo lspci lists your devices, your video card would show up in there...22:08
blaine00aww, that was it!22:08
Ganymedelullabud, thanks, i'm gonna go try out this CF in my camera now22:08
lullabudfaron: honestly i don't use ubuntu in GUI that much, so i'm not the best resource for video drivers.22:08
blaine00BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]22:08
callaghannightsjammies: VirtualBox Help File, Chapter 4.7, Folder Sharing22:08
z0manI'll try foola22:08
z0manthanks :)22:08
HalabundHi!  Download speeds are noticeably slower in Ubuntu than in Windows XP here.  Any idea why that might be, and how I could fix it?  E.g. Dropbox downloads 2x-3x slower, dowloads using the browser are slower, etc.   (If it's relevant, I connect through a pptp vpn all the time.)22:09
faronwell thanks anyway22:09
lullabudGanymede: one time i bought a sdhc card and it said class 5, but when i put it in it was a class 3 =/22:09
lullabudGanymede: but that was in vietnam...22:09
Ganymedelullabud, yep, this CF card came with a canon camera from B&H photo video, i'd be surprised if it was mis-represented in any way22:09
blaine00everyone seems to hate that BCM431822:10
airtonixblaine00, ok but the pci id is what we were after : mine looks like : 03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g [14e4:4315] (rev 01)   <<< see the [14e4:4315]22:10
HalabundI don't remember having this problem with Jaunty.  It only appeared in Karmic.22:10
njbairI am a long-time Desktop user, but new to Server. Why is sshd started and then restarted every time I boot?22:11
blaine00[14e4:4318] sorry, chatting from another computer22:11
airtonixblaine00, next thing you should try is the ndiswrapper method : 1) goto the HP website and click on support drivers etc 2) find the page for your exact latptop 3) download the windows xp drivers for the wifi card22:11
lullabudnjbair: that would be a good question for #ubuntu-server22:11
njbairlullabud, thanks. sorry22:11
blaine00I can try that... but is there any reason you could think of as to why it would auto-detect it from the live boot but will no longer detect it now that I have installed it?22:13
LateralForceairtonix, thanks alot dude! this is exactly what i need!22:13
Time`s_Witnesshey :) how can i install non-english dictionaries for openoffice in ubuntu please ?:x22:13
spasticteapotIs anyone here familiar with spanish? I'm having a bugger of a time implementing the subjunctive.22:14
LateralForceairtonix, how do you find stuff like that?22:14
airtonixLateralForce, lots of google22:14
Typos_Kingspasticteapot:  #spanish or #espanol maybe?22:14
SaeheimAnyone know where i can find drivers for my  Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller soundcard?22:15
raggiskulaa ubuntu security question:  I use qbittorent as my torrent app. suddenly my Internet connectivity slowed down a lot, checked qbittorrent and it's downloading like 7 different files I did not add myself22:15
airtonixLateralForce, really i check apt-cache first, then google "thing ppa", then gnome-files, then sourceforge22:15
raggiskuladoes anyone know how thats possible22:16
beggaboojoin #tor22:17
Typos_Kingraggiskula:   can't say other than I don't use qbitorrrent.... how long have you been using it?22:17
CalmvsKhaosis there a way to mount my main harddrive in vbox, im trying to locate it by sudo fdisk -l, im not seeing it.22:17
raggiskulain whole? a year22:17
Typos_King!audio | Saeheim22:17
ubottuSaeheim: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:17
OerHeksqbittorent is not in the repo's22:17
airtonixCalmvsKhaos, i wouldn't recommend that unless you know what you're doing. why not just use the shared folders feature of virtualbox ?22:18
javiola es el primer dia que me meto aqui y tu tanbien22:18
aeon-ltdstrange icon problem, trying to use ALLGREY but after setting it in gtkrc 2.0 and mine only some icons change any ideas?22:18
raggiskula<OerHeks>:  qbittorrent22:18
Typos_King!fr | ms-lucy-perret22:18
ubottums-lucy-perret: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois22:18
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callaghanTime`s_Witness: see for example: http://packages.ubuntu.com/en/karmic/openoffice.org-l10n-de you have to install the corresponding package for the language you want22:19
zanberdoI would like to install a previous version of a package I've installed via apt-get. Is there a way to suppress the latest release of a package in order to get the previous release?22:19
javiola guapa22:19
Typos_King!es | javi22:19
ubottujavi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:19
Slartzanberdo: have you checked the man page for apt-get?22:19
raggiskulaOerHeks: sudo apt-cache search qbittorrent22:19
raggiskulaqbittorrent - bittorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar with a nice Qt4 GUI22:19
CaneToadI'm running Jaunty and just installed openldap (slapd package)....but in doing that, the entire /var/run directory was chowned to user openldap....that seems to be a bug... but easy to chown back to root.  Anyone got lucid running who could test? If you can reproduce, I'll raise a bug.22:19
CalmvsKhaosairtonix, thats a good idea, but i do have one partition thats on a external hdd that i could safely mount, it has nothing on it could i do that?22:19
javiha vale que yo no lo sabia22:20
airtonixCalmvsKhaos, sure just add it to the shared folder list for that virtual machine.22:20
zanberdoSlart, reading  man pages, yes, but not exactly sure what it would be called...22:21
CalmvsKhaosok airtonix22:22
rugeHi, what would be the best version of VirtualBox to install on Ubuntu 9.10?22:22
Slartzanberdo: try "man apt-get"  then press "/" and type "specific" and press enter.. that should get you to the right place22:22
zanberdoI thought it might have something to do with target-release but I'm not sure22:22
javii name is javi ok yes o nou22:22
hmwIs ntfs3g known to be slow?22:22
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Trekwhere are the GRUB config files stored?22:23
KB1JWQI have a new laptop (t510) that needs an updated video driver, which I can get.  The problem is I can't boot the sucker because video isn't working on it.  Single user mode throws it into disarray.22:23
Slartzanberdo: I think it's pkg_version_number you're looking for22:23
Dan_EI am trying to update a game named Fish Fillets 09.31 i dl'ed the deb package and tried to update and got this error any help? Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libfribidi0 (>= 0.19.2). When i check synaptic it says it is installed.22:23
RaverWildhey guys! problem: cannot connect to my home wifi network. wifi works, i input correct password but it cannot connect. Acer Aspire One here. ideas?22:23
javiyo no se mucho ingles ya sabes22:23
ikonia!es | javi22:23
TrekDan_E: you need a version of that dependency greater than version 0.19.222:23
obboneed to prevent display hardware detection/change during boot. any ideas?22:24
javisi soi javi22:24
hmwI often see ntfs3g in top, when my computer accesses the NTFS partition. Additionally it is very slow. Is that normal with NTFS?22:24
Slartjavi: in this channel, only english22:24
ikonia!es | javi22:24
callaghanruge: i suggest 3.1.4: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads22:24
Slartubottu is dead?22:24
javique pasa que te gusta el nonbre22:25
Dan_Ewould that be in synaptic?22:25
RaverWildhey guys! problem: cannot connect to my home wifi network. wifi works, i input correct password but it cannot connect. Acer Aspire One here. ideas?22:25
CalmvsKhaosslart they know its english only, here lately they're getting more stubborn for whatever reason22:25
danopiajavi, ingles22:25
Slartjavi: type    /join #ubuntu-es22:25
zanberdoSlart, looking at that now, thanks for the hint22:25
callaghanruge: you can follow the guide regarding Debian-based Linux distributions22:25
danopiajavi, #ubuntu-es para español22:25
CaneToadhmw: yeah I find ntfs incredibly slow in comparison to ext3 too...maybe something to do with the fact that it is a user-space filesystem22:25
Typos_Kingzanberdo:    have you checked if the older package you want is in the repository?22:25
Time`s_Witnesscallaghan, thank you, i'll take a look :)22:26
* danopia barely knows any spanish22:26
jhonnyboyHello everyone. My wifi is giving me problems. It doesn't load pages 99pct of the time. Should I try Ndiswrapper?22:26
hmwCaneToad: thanks.22:26
chiggavelLOC:  259475924  202370259   Local timer interrupts whats this22:26
SlartCalmvsKhaos: mm.. someone said there was a big ubuntu project in some schools in spain.. and that was the reason for all the spanish speaking users22:26
measmehello one of the nicest comunity ever :)22:26
* Typos_King quite well knows spinach22:26
RaverWildjhonnyboy are you on Acer laptop?22:26
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danopiaRaverWild, do acers have known wifi instability?22:26
Typos_Kingjhonnyboy:    what chipset is it?   broadcomm?22:26
danopiabecause mine is terrible on some networks22:27
KB1JWQSo how can I get my system to a state (CLI is fine) where I can install this driver?22:27
ubottujavi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:27
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javino entiendo ni papa22:27
RaverWilddanopia looks so22:27
danopiaRaverWild, any tips on making it more stable?22:27
zanberdoTypos_King, this is  a new request for me, so no, I'm not sure how I'd do this. I've used aptitude changelog mapserver-bin (mapserver-bin is the package in question) and I can see in the change log the version I need, but I have no clue if it's in the repo22:27
danopiaat school i normally end up under win7 or with a patch cable22:27
javiquien sabe español que diga que si22:27
Dan_ETrek, where do i get that?22:27
RaverWilddanopia if i has any idea i would make my connect now. my wifi works, but it dont want to connect to my wifi network. seems it does not accept my key22:28
hmwjavi:  type     /join #ubuntu-es22:28
danopiaRaverWild, for me it works but half the time it stops communicating and builds up a packet buffer22:28
danopiathen after liek half a minute everything is transfered again and it works for 30 seconds22:28
zanberdoand when I attempt to install it using $ apt-get install mapserver-bin =5.0.3-2 I get "E: Couln't find package" so I'm guessing it's either not there or I'm doing it wrong22:28
danopiaRaverWild, it gets extremely annoying so i use ethernet when possible, it happens under WEP at home but also on an unprotected network at school22:29
danopiaand it's only sometimes22:29
javime largo22:29
RaverWilddanopia same here. yesterday i left it to download and went out. when i came back it disconnected from the home wifi network and since then it wont accept my password :(((((((((22:29
danopiaRaverWild, sometimes it takes it an huor to fetch 5 new packages22:30
RaverWilddanopia i have win xp on the same machine but what is the point of ubuntu then. this must be fixed22:30
danopiabecause it drops so often22:30
obboswitching between 2 lcd displays. booting with one connected is ok. booting with other connected messes up display settings. any way to not change display settings when booting?22:30
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zanberdousing the -t options as specified in man for apt-get doesn't seem to do anything.22:30
danopiai have win7 with ubuntu installed via wubi22:30
callaghanJavi: por favor, cambie a #ubuntu-es con el comando /join # ubuntu-es. i hope that is spanish :)22:30
nibblerRaverWild: did you try restarting the home-wifi?22:30
hipitihopI can't add users, I get "useradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later" caan someone help22:30
Slartzanberdo: -t option? not the apt-get install <somepackagename>=<version-number> ?22:31
RaverWilddanopia Acer Aspire One laptop here. yes i did. i restarted the whole router and the laptop, tried win xp = no problem. back on ubuntu - problem22:31
DebijanHi guys, i got a problem, when i boot my system i get graphic shit after the EEEBuntu logo, its a black screen with with shit ony it ( also some other colors ) but i cant detect anything on it >:(22:31
zanberdoSlart, as stated, when I use that syntax I get the error stating that the package could not be found... I'm trying -t to target the release I want22:31
Typos_Kingzanberdo:   the -t option requires you know the full filename of the .deb22:32
danopiamy problem is only sporatic connection freezing and it's been occuring ever since i set up ubuntu on my acer aspire 551722:32
RaverWildnibbler yes i did. both the laptop and the router. under win xp = no probs. back on ubuntu and still the same = have wifi but it does not accept my password22:32
zanberdoSlart, what I'm not able to figure out is how to determine which versions are available22:32
Slartzanberdo: they might remove packages from the repos when updated ones come in..22:32
danopiaother than that everything works nicely OOTB, even the webcam (but only gnome-sound-recorder can record audio reliably, which gets annoying at times)22:32
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:32
nibblerRaverWild: well, it wont help too much, but monitor /var/log/syslog while trying to connect....22:32
=== lawrence is now known as lsj85
obbowhat triggers display hardware and/or xorg config check during boot?22:33
Slartzanberdo: tried "apt-cache madison <packagename>" ?22:34
zanberdoSlart, thank you, that returns the version I've been installing, so I guess that confirms what I have in the package.22:35
Slartzanberdo: I think that will return all available versions of a package.. if you only get one hit it might be the only version available22:35
zanberdoSlart, that being said it appears as though I'm sol and will have to build from source22:36
ard1anhow can i add apache to home dir so i can have http://www.mysite.net/~user/22:36
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Slartzanberdo: or try using the main repository.. perhaps it has more versions of the packages available than your local mirror22:37
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Typos_Kingzanberdo:   you're on 9.1?   what ... version of mapserver-bin are you after?22:37
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zanberdoTypos_King, the server is running 9.10. I'm looking for mapserver-bin 5.0.3-*22:38
zanberdoTypos_King, which is available to 9.0422:40
zanberdoSlart, I'm using the us.archive.ubuntu.com repo source22:40
zanberdoSlart, are you suggesting there is another source I should consider using?22:40
hmwhow can I move all files including hidden with 'mv' - neither man nor info mv won't tell me22:41
Typos_Kingzanberdo:    http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty-updates/mapserver-bin22:41
Slartzanberdo: I'm not sure where the main ubuntu repository is located..22:41
Typos_Kingzanberdo:    I'd try to check what depedencies the package needs and install manually22:42
zanberdoTypos_King, I'm thinking using the Jaunty repo on a Karmic install might be bad...22:42
zanberdoI think I can solve the problem by merely installing 9.04 (this wasn't my install, but a co-worker, so he get's to do the work)22:43
zanberdothanks for the help22:43
Typos_Kingzanberdo:    ... depends  on the version, usually it'd say upon installation of the .deb22:43
mdg2hmw: are you moving a whole directory/22:44
Typos_Kingzanberdo:    something like that happened to me in karmic, with Quanta, but I usually keep the .deb downloaded, so, when I tried the install my version, it was already updated,   so I used my .deb files22:44
Cynix01an alle chans bin wieder da :Þ ^^22:44
hmwmdg2: i was trying to move the contents of a directory without removing the directory itself22:45
LateralForcei get this from apt-get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  mangler" safe to install?22:45
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=== jacques is now known as Guest61414
GneaLateralForce: this is from a repository that you added?22:46
Karuptsomeone help pls22:46
GneaLateralForce: which repo?22:46
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:46
Karuptim havin truble with my ubuntu computer22:46
hmw!ask | Karupt22:46
ubottuKarupt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:46
Karupti tried installing a game but it said i need winzip22:47
Karupthow do i fix it?22:47
RaverWildKarupt there is ZIP support in ubuntu. you dont need winzip22:47
LateralForceGnea, ppa:mangler/mangler22:47
hmwKarupt: is it a windows game?22:47
Karupterror screen came up22:48
rugeCould struggle to run it on Ubuntu..22:48
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Karuptsaid i need more space on C:22:48
=== lawrence is now known as lsj85
roman_My desktop doesn't load. I booted into kubuntu 9.10 and all that I see after I login is the animation22:49
roman_Like my KDE got frozen22:49
Karuptwait let me upload a screeshot22:49
Karuptmaybe that will help22:49
roman_How do I restart my kde?22:49
Karupthelp please http://imgur.com/SAru6.gif22:49
tobier_quick question: I did an ubuntu minimal installation. I have gnome-power-manager but it doesn't react to my settings.. that is when I press the power button or close the laptop lid the computer doesnt suspend.. What packages do I need to get this working?22:50
=== Tobarja is now known as 30BAACOZ5
DarkSpiritCan I make Ubuntu Server act like Active Directory? Where a user has to login to ubunut server and gets there files.22:50
Karupthelp please http://imgur.com/SAru6.gif22:51
=== tobier_ is now known as tobier
danopiaKarupt, what's wrong?22:51
jihedaminetobier: you can change the system behaviour on lid close etc in Preferences->Power Management22:52
Karuptlook!! help please http://imgur.com/SAru6.gif22:52
danopiathat looks normal22:52
Karuptoh. ok22:52
parabolacan anyone help me? I'm brand new to this and have installed 9.10 on a new computer and want to install xp too but the cd won't boot22:53
kaolbrecparabola, when installing linux and windows side by side, it's best to install windows first, so as not to overwrite grub22:54
GneaLateralForce: did you get that?22:54
RaverWildparabola if the cd wont boot, then you might look at your bios settings22:54
parabolai realised that afterwards! =/22:54
tobierquick question: I did an ubuntu minimal installation. I have gnome-power-manager but it doesn't react to my settings.. that is when I press the power button or close the laptop lid the computer doesnt suspend.. What packages do I need to get this working?22:54
=== lawrence is now known as lsj85
LateralForceGnea, nope. im in mangler asking about it now..22:55
GneaLateralForce: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2009/05/14/add-ppa-key-to-your-apt-keyring/22:55
GneaLateralForce: sorry, the netsplit caught me22:55
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LateralForceGnea, thanks. its strang that it didnt give a warning when i installed before though..22:57
svenbuntuHi - I have what I think is a basic question. I currently have two ubuntu versions installed on two separate partitions. I want to delete the ubuntu version on the primary partition (which is referred to as bootable) and install a version of windows. Not the question is: if I delete the primary partition, will grub2 still work?23:03
jastorsvenbuntu: if you install windwos .. it will overwrite grub223:03
ikoniasvenbuntu: depends where your stage files are held23:03
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
jastorsvenbuntu: but its basically just reinstalling grub23:03
darolusvenbuntu, you'll have to recover grub2 after you install windows anyways23:03
svenbuntuOk, so windows will overwrite mbr. How do I re-install grub2?23:03
svenbuntuif I'm not in linux23:03
svenbuntuthanks for the quick answers by the way!23:03
darolusvenbuntu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD23:03
hmwsvenbuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD23:03
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=== PhilMath- is now known as PhilMather
jastoron a server with nothing but root as login ... creating a user ... installing sudo ... disabling direct root access in teh sshd and restarting sshd .. is there something needed to be done before restarting sshd to allow the created user to su to root?23:03
svenbuntudarolu, hmw: thanks - that's brilliant!23:03
=== dbdii407 is now known as CtrlAltDemolish
Slartjastor: running ubuntu?23:03
=== CtrlAltDemolish is now known as dbdii407
jastorSlart: well . no matter what dist ;) shouldnt it work on either or the majority of them? :)23:04
Slartjastor: I think you might be better off asking in ##linux23:04
Slartjastor: ubuntu comes with the root password disabled and we don't support setting one23:05
jastorSlart: i suppose :)23:05
Slartjastor: but the procedure should be the same on most distros... I suppose23:05
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jastorSlart: besides .. ubuntu comes with the root password disabled? ;) not always23:06
Slartjastor: oh? the official versions do.. afaik at least23:07
jastorSlart: installing ubuntu server :) it asks if you want a "root user" .. or only allow antoher user to su to root23:07
Slartjastor: I suppose I shouldn't ask if you're sure about that.. I must have missed that when I installed it23:07
jastorSlart: the wording may be wrong .. but the first option anyway lets you login directly as root23:07
heitorhi everione23:08
jastorSlart: were the second option disables direct root login and sets so that oyu can only su to root in able to access root23:08
heitor\ # campos23:08
daroluheitor /join23:08
hmwhey, I like Ubunut's Apache/PHP - It just executed my script in LESS than ZERO SECONDS. :)23:09
psionis there any way I can make it so that ubuntu doesn't ask for a password all the time? for example: I'm on a netbook, if I change the frequency scaling option, it asks me for my password23:09
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com23:09
RaverWildplease help: wifi problem "Failed to initiate AP scan". im trying to google for solution as well but if anyone could help...23:11
Slartjastor: trying the server install now in virtualbox =)23:11
NoMS_has anyone been able to get gnome-shell working?23:11
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tobierquick question: I did an ubuntu minimal installation. I have gnome-power-manager but it doesn't react to my settings.. that is when I press the power button or close the laptop lid the computer doesnt suspend.. What packages do I need to get this working?23:12
jastorSlart: might have to enable "exprt mode" at boot (f6 or where it is)23:12
Slartjastor: yup.. did that23:13
jastorSlart: :)23:13
mleehey all - is there a command line way to launch an app remotely in Ubuntu?23:13
jastorSlart: and the textbased installer (no idea if ubuntu server has a X/gui installer ;)23:14
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darolumlee, you can use ssh23:14
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Slartjastor: if it has one I haven't seen it so far.. "install ubuntu" takes you to the text based install23:14
PeterTNetsplit split is net.23:14
darolu!ssh > mlee23:14
ubottumlee, please see my private message23:14
invisiblemanHey, I need a final say. Can I use my laptop as a wireless connection with ubuntu?23:15
mleedarolu: i'm logged in via ssh, just not sure how to launch the program23:16
KushVaporswhats the recommended size for the / & /home partitions oujt of a 222gb hd?23:16
Typos_Kingmlee:   usuall you'd just type in the name of it :)23:16
nishanthnspluginwrapper bug left mouse button does not work is there  a way to fix it?23:16
Typos_Kingmlee:   its executable that is23:16
KushVaporswhats the recommended size for the / & /home partitions oujt of a 222gb hd?23:18
seyacathola ubuntues23:18
darolumlee, include -X to X11 forwarding23:18
Blackice115Is there a way to find out the exact location of an application on your harddisk?23:18
emmanhi, need  help some with installing zoneminder on ubuntu23:19
SlartKushVapors: that would depend on what you're going to use the system for.. more than 20GB for / would probably be a waste.. even 20GB might be too much23:19
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seyacatplease a question23:20
KushVaporsSlart: so what would u recommend?23:20
seyacatin console ctrl+z, bg, disown, i separate job from terminal, how can i make inverse on this23:20
Slartjastor: you were correct.. it asks if root will be allowed to login or not.. perhaps that's why we have #ubuntu-server ;)23:21
mgolischseyacat: you cant23:21
SlartKushVapors: unless you know you'll be tight on space I would go with 20GB for / and the rest for home23:21
emmananybody know how to install zoneminder on ubuntu, for my webcam23:21
KushVaporsSlart: isnt / where programs are installed23:22
SlartKushVapors: I use 15 GB and I only have one partition.. / and /home on the same disk23:22
KushVaporsSlart: im also gonna use the comp for regular daily use23:22
Blackice115When you download applications with the Ubuntu Software Manager, where do they end up? I see them in applications but are they in a folder somewhere?23:22
Typos_Kingseyacat:   do a quick ->   ps -a;  and then a -> fg PROCESSNAME23:22
seyacatty Typos_King il try noe23:22
SlartKushVapors: yes.. programs are install to /  or to /usr and subfolders like it23:23
KushVaporsSlart: the disk never got filled? i do do some app exploring soo...23:23
seyacatemman: zoneminder support limited number of webcams23:23
Typos_KingBlackice115:  why? :)23:23
seyacatemman: but you can put your webcam on mjpeg stream and call it whith ffmpeg23:24
SlartKushVapors: well.. I have 5 other drives where I put all my crap.. but I don't keep a very slim system.. I install all kinds of stuff23:24
krylwin 123:24
seyacatemman: i make it, use ffserver to make stream23:24
SlartKushVapors: but if it makes you feel better.. go with 30GB for / =)23:24
hiexpo? how do i find out what chipset is in a wireless dongle23:24
Blackice115Typos_King: Well, I may be going about this the wrong way, but I downloaded an app through the center, and installed it. When I was done it didn't show up in my panel, so I went to go add it with the "edit Panel" and it needs me to point to it, but I don't know where it is.23:24
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emmanseyacat, have logitech 9000 pro which works with xatv23:24
cellofellowhiexpo: plug it in, run lsusb.23:24
jastorSlart: ;)23:25
seyacatemman: a lot of webcams works with xawt tv , but zoneminder works with speaciasl drivers23:25
KushVaporsSlart: alright cool as long as my programs wont take up all the space in /23:26
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Typos_KingKushVapors:    I make a small amount, about 10gbs for /, though it uses   around 4gb right now.... have an extra partition(s)  where I dump videos/mp3s/docs/projects and such, when something may inadvertently happen, and I have to reinstall the OS, I just do it over a 10gbs system, rather than migrating all my stuff over before reinstalling, and then puttin them back23:26
Typos_KingBlackice115:  which EXECUTABLENAME;   or whereis either23:26
daroluKushVapors, depends on your needs, but in my experience 8GiB for / is enough, 10GiB if you want to be safe, give all you want/can to your /home partition23:27
daroluHey seyacat23:27
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jastorgha :P23:27
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seyacathi darolu23:27
emmanseyacat, i a newbie ,how do do stream you talked about23:27
KushVaporsTypos_King: yea i kno i did that b4 on a diff comp and stoped makin /, /home partitions...then i learned my lesson23:27
Blackice115Typos_King: Ok, here is the thing, there are a few applications that I have downloaded and installed through the Free Software GUI and when I go to terminal and type executable name it says it's not found.23:28
Typos_KingBlackice115:  what's the name of the app?23:28
mgolisch /home on a seperate partition is great, not only can it be shared among different distros installed but you can just reinstall without loosing any of your files23:28
mgolischBlackice115: probably its executable name is different from what you think23:29
darolu_danmgolisch, + you keep your configs. intact23:29
emman seyacat, sorry about typos ,you mentioned mjpeg etc how do i do this23:29
mgolischdpkg -L packagename helps here23:29
mgolischit dumps the complete filelist of the package23:29
Blackice115Typos_King: Well it has happened with a few. As far as games, Freedoom and FreeDM and then also I tried to use Global menu23:29
cellofellowBlackice115: what's the package name? If you know it, you can find out the package name by doing "dpkg -L | grep bin"23:29
Slartmgolisch: is sharing your /home between distros really a wise thing to do? won't differing versions of software mess up when they share configs?23:29
seyacatemman: im explain in private23:29
cellofellowBlackice115: dpkg -L packagename that is23:29
rugeHey whats the app for RAR file access in Ubuntu?23:29
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:29
Typos_KingBlackice115:     try in the terminal using the autocomplete -> free<tab>23:30
bobby__Anyone know when the Beta 1 is being released?23:30
darolu_danbobby__, today23:30
cellofellowWho uses rars when there's zip or 7zip available? :(23:30
happyfacehow big can a file be in linux/unix?23:30
rugethe files i download are in RAR23:31
bobby__... Specifically today?23:31
Slarthappyface: depends on the file system23:31
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Blackice115Typos_King: I'm wayyy out of my league here. I don't know what you mean by autocomplete and also when I try to open the games they open now but close the program when i try to play23:31
cellofellowhappyface: depends on the file system. Terabytes on some.23:31
darolu_dancellofellow, who uses 7zzip or zip when there is bzip and gzip? :p is a matter of taste23:31
darolu_danhappyface, depends on your filesystem23:31
cellofellowhappyface: while on fat32, max is 4GB.23:31
Typos_Kingcellofellow:    .rar have a slightly better compression quite often as I've seen23:31
mgolischSlart: yeah right, i dont use any desktop environment, only awesome as wm and mostly terminal based apps, never had much problems with that sort of stuff23:31
Slarthappyface: if you look at ext3 on wikipedia.. or even the article about file systems it has a list of limits when it comes to filenames, file size and so on23:31
seyacatruge, rar work perfect on ubuntu, waht is the problem?23:31
happyfaceSlart: cellofellow: cellofellow: let's say a unix filesystem with 15 inode pointers-12 direct23:31
mgolischseyacat: its not free software?23:32
seyacatmgolisch: and?23:32
Slartmgolisch: ok.. good to know.. I haven't tried it myself as I've never run two linuxes on the same box.. thanks23:32
Typos_KingBlackice115:     the most likely spot will be that the executable is at /usr/bin23:33
Slarthappyface: I have no idea what that is supposed to mean..I barely know what an inode is..23:33
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Typos_KingBlackice115:     what's the name specifically of the app you're after anyway? freedom?23:33
happyfaceSlart: alright, i'm just talking about deep internals here23:33
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Blackice115Typos_King: Yes, that is one that will not work. I feel as though I'm completely confused as to what the problem is though. At first I could not find it, and now I can find it and start it but it won't play23:34
Slarthappyface: here are the limits for ext3 though http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Size_limits23:34
rugeits not extracting but saying it has23:34
Slarthappyface: and here's the big table I was mentioning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems23:34
rugeunrar-free is lying lmao23:34
happyfacethanks again Slart23:35
Slarthappyface: you're welcome23:35
Typos_Kingruge:    try installing Ark maybe or peazip23:35
Typos_Kingthere's another....  what's23:35
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mjrosenbis there a reason that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile is assuming that . is in your $PATH?23:36
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Typos_KingBlackice115:     assuming is a win32 game, that's expectable23:36
Slartmjrosenb: where does it assume that?23:37
eirannanyone know about the rt3070 drivers for ubuntu23:37
bobby__ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1: You are not authorized to access this page.23:37
mjrosenbregenerate all architectures run:23:37
mjrosenbdebian/rules updateconfigs23:37
cellofellowsomeone need help with compiling kernels? I was just doing that yesterday.23:37
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rugeah no wonder23:37
rugeunrar-free didnt know it was a passworded file23:37
cellofellowTBH, my kernel didn't work, left out a network driver I think.23:38
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Typos_Kingeirann:   ... I don't have them... for what RaLink chipset versions are they for? 3070?23:38
bobby__Is the beta 1 in the repository's yet?23:38
bobby__I can't find it :s23:38
bobby__Thought that it is released in the afternoon :s23:38
spreadsheetHi, gedit's tab width is switching itself constantly23:38
Slartmjrosenb: hmm.. does that really imply that . is in the path?23:39
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eirannTypos_King: it's a edimax ew7711, it keeps giving me a error message when i try to save changes to "./config.mk" file, and it woun't make23:39
spreadsheetI am setting gedit's tab length to 2 spaces. However, it regularly changes it into 4 spaces23:39
Slartmjrosenb: (I might very well be wrong here.. it's getting late)23:39
Typos_Kingspreadsheet:    anyhow, why not use Geany?   hehe, better editor IMO, just as light23:39
spreadsheetI change it using both the bottom menu and the Preferences window. Still, it does not keep the 2 spaces set23:40
Typos_Kingeirann:   ahhh... you got the .zip from their site?23:40
cellofellowGeany uses Scintilla editor, GEdit uses GtkSourceView. Pick your poison, though Scintilla has more features.23:40
Slartmjrosenb: doesn't it run the "rules" binary in the debian folder? which is a subfolder of the current folder?23:40
spreadsheetTypos_King: no, geany is a full ide23:40
mjrosenbSlart: actually, it doesn't23:40
eirannTypos_King: yes, i've had it before and it was ok, why is that the problem?23:40
Spreadsheet_My other chat is being laggy23:41
davelucan someone help me get thunderbird to open again23:41
Typos_Kingspreadsheet:    the wha?   it aint... well, is a semi-full-IDE, though is a small install anywa :P, about 1.7mbs23:41
Spreadsheet_I have gedit configured the way I want23:41
Spreadsheet_It's like textmate now23:41
Spreadsheet_I tried geany once, and I didn't like it23:41
Typos_Kingeirann:   are you getting an error on 'make'?23:41
eirannTypos_King: yes23:42
Spreadsheet_This is really weird and annoying. Should I contact the gedit devs?23:42
Typos_Kingeirann:   this is for a wireless card, right?23:42
darolu_dandavelu, run it from cli to see what the error is23:42
Spreadsheet_Does it happen to anyone else?23:42
daveluwhen I click on thunderbird icon I get error message23:42
eirannTypos_King:  a usb wireless adapter23:42
Typos_Kingspreadsheet:    no, just get Geany, j/k23:42
Guest78473how to avoid sql injection?23:42
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SlartGuest78473: clean your input.. don't trust it's formed in any special way..23:43
Spreadsheet_So now I turn the syntax highlighting to C. It changes it into 4 spaces23:43
Spreadsheet_Use Storm (ORM developed by Canonical)23:43
Spreadsheet_Or better yet, do what the rails camp does and use NoSQL23:43
psionare there any scripts similar to .bashrc but for gnome? i.e. have them run everytime I enter gnome?23:43
Slart!session | psion23:44
ubottupsion: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot23:44
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:44
Slartpsion: not sure if there is a simple script like the .bashrc23:44
davelucli tells me thunderbird id not installed23:44
jrib1psion: ~/.profile should do I think23:44
jrib1psion: but what do you want to accomplish?23:44
Typos_Kingeirann:   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-844599.html23:45
Spreadsheet_Ok, so I change the syntax highlighting to C. I change the spaces to 2. Then I save it and it becomes 4 again... :S23:45
Slartmjrosenb: I just downloaded the kernel source and debian/rules does indeed run the "rules" binary in the "debian" folder on my system23:45
eirannTypos_King:  i'll have a look thanx23:45
daveluI need help23:45
Guest78473www.mysite.com/page.php?id=sqli  how do i filter my id?23:45
voxpsion: do you want them to run once you've logged in to gnome, desktop has loaded, etc?23:45
mjrosenbSlart: yeah, at some point or other since i started using bash, they changed what happens when you say foo/bar23:45
psionjrib1: ~/.profile isn't being executed.  I want to simply add an alias.  alias vnc='vncviewer'23:45
Typos_Kingeirann:   make sure you edit the os/linux/config.mk from =n to =y on those 2 lines and, make sure you get the build-essentials and linux-headers-generics fromt he repositories, and THEN do the 'make' and 'make install'23:45
psionvox: yeah23:45
ben__332Happy New Year23:46
DopeGhotipsion: try ~/.bash_profile rather than ~/.profile23:46
psionDopeGhoti: I've tried .bash_profile as well.  if it makes a difference, I'm using UNR23:46
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daveludarolu_dan it tells me it isn't installed23:47
voxpsion: gnome has the ability to execute programs on log-in. not sure how to get it to do what you're after23:47
mjrosenbi am getting the distinct feeling that  sudo apt-get build-dep linux did not install all of the programs that i actually need.23:47
darolu_dandavelu, install it then "sudo apt-get install thunderbird"23:49
mjrosenbindeed it did not.23:49
psionvox: I'm having it 'execute' ~/.profile upon logon, I'll see if it does that23:49
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darolu_dan!info fortune23:54
ubottuPackage fortune does not exist in karmic23:54
* jimlovell777 can hear crickets....23:54
daveludarolu_dan, I keep getting error message "Failed to execute child process "thunderbird" (No such file or directory)"23:55
* jimlovell777 not really...23:55
Typos_King!info fortunes23:55
ubottufortunes (source: fortune-mod): Data files containing fortune cookies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.99.1-3.1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 1074 kB, installed size 2732 kB23:55
daveluthis is even after I reinstalled it in terminal23:55
jimlovell777davelu: via apt-get?23:55
eirannTypos_King: yeh it's let me save ./config changes now, it was linux'-'generic i was missing thanx23:55
darolu_danty Typos_King :p23:55
CVirusMy ubuntu disk utility is reporting that my hard disk has bad sectors .. How can I check/fix that ?23:55
daveluyes, vis apt-get instasll23:56
tclugnome is better??23:56
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:56
jimlovell777davelu:  Are you also trying to run it using the command line and that's where you get the error?23:56
NewWorldCVirus:  With the fsck program23:56
tcluare u a bot??23:57
CVirusNewWorld: I'm searching its man page for the word "bad" and I get nothing23:57
davelucli tells me The program 'thunderbird' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:23:57
davelusudo apt-get install thunderbird23:57
daveluthunderbird: command not found23:57
Typos_Kingyou probably typed -> sudo apt-get thunderbird23:58
Typos_Kingadd the 'install' argument :P23:58
NewWorldCVirus:  Do you know the filesystem type of the partition?23:59
CVirusNewWorld: ext323:59
BassTurdor you have a return between install and thunderbird23:59
CVirusNewWorld: fsck.ext3 .. thanks23:59
tcluwhat box prevent forward23:59
caseyshow has intsalled and used postfix?23:59

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