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bottigerI've tried to manage my upstart services with both "rcconf" and "bum" to make some services start (or not start) automatically. However, it simply does not work. If I disable "mysql" it shows up as disables in both rcconf and bum, but it still starts up when I boot09:53
bottigerany idea what the problem could be09:54
sadmac2bottiger: that's more of a debian/ubuntu question13:12
donEduardohi there.15:41
donEduardois this the correct group for upstart in ubuntu?15:41
donEduardoor is this group rather general?15:41
Keybukthis is the general group for the different distribution maintainers developing upstart15:42
Keybukif you're having ubuntu problems, you should ask in #ubuntu15:42
donEduardoif got an upstart problem in ubuntu 10.04 alpha... ok, i'll try at #ubuntu15:47
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Ngso process supervision :)20:03
Ngis there any way for upstart to indicate that something has been respawned other than its syslog entries?20:03
Ng(I'm thinking that as a sysadmin I'd want realtime alerts that $IMPORTANTDAEMON has died and been restarted, ideally not by having to do realtime syslog analysis)20:04
sadmacNg: you could detect the starting event from another job and have that fire off whatever20:09
Ngoh interesting20:10
Ngoh the starting event, not a specific respawning event?20:17
Ngactually what I'd care about is the *dying* of a process, but that's implied by it having been restarted ;)20:18
sadmacNg: I think you get a stopping event too20:19
sadmacthere's no respawning event though20:19
sadmacyou definitely don't get a stopped event when respawning. it doesn't make it all the way down.20:19
Ngit might be a little annoying if booting a machine triggered a bunch of alerts ;)20:20
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wasabi`script` stanza could use an extension:21:45
wasabiscript /bin/bash21:46
wasabiend script21:46
Keybukbut then we don't know whether what you give supports /proc/self/fd21:46
Keybukand we don't know whether it supports "-e"21:46
Keybukwe don't know whether it supports being able to give single commands with "-c"21:47
wasabiI'd probably just say: yeah. if it support -e, you have to add it21:47
KeybukI like the fact that script -es by default21:47
Keybukscript sh21:47
Keybuk ...21:47
Keybukend script21:47
Keybukwould bypass that21:47
Keybukand be remarkably inconsistent21:47
wasabithat is true. 21:47
wasabiwell, you see where I'm going.21:48
wasabiscript python21:48
wasabiI'd probably just say adopt the same semantics any +x file has21:48
sadmacKeybuk: what if we allowed you to pipe part of the job definition to the exec stanza's argument?21:54
sadmacexec python <<<END21:54
sadmacimport foo21:54
wasabiThat looks weird.21:54
wasabiIt might be an argument for not using 'script', but instead extending 'exec' into a block stanza./21:55
wasabiwith script being locked to sh -e21:55
sadmacwasabi: it does, but it skirts most of Keybuk's arguments semantically. I'm in the habit of doing this. Eventually it results in Really Cool Things.21:55
wasabiexec python21:55
wasabi  import foo21:55
wasabi  main()21:55
wasabiend exec21:55
wasabiSince exec is already defined as not passing any arguments.21:56
wasabiI think it might be more appropiate too21:56
sadmacthat makes the grammar ambiguous if you keep the one-liner exec21:56
wasabias 'script' might not always even be the right name for it.21:56
Keybuksadmac: I'm just wondering to myself what that exec line would do now ;-)21:56
Keybuksince technically exec is just a shortcut for21:56
Keybuk  exec ...21:56
Keybukend script21:56
wasabiwhat about a utility that reads from stdin to process commands... that you want executed every now and then21:57
wasabibut it's clearly not a scripting language21:57
sadmacKeybuk: it would do the same as always, but make stdin a pipe first, then it'd write the python script into it21:57
wasabishit, nc21:57
wasabiexec nc host21:57
wasabiend exec21:57
Keybukthere's three different types of program21:57
Keybuk1) those that take commands on command-line, e.g. sh -c "foo;bar;baz"21:58
sadmacwasabi: I spent a week in my security class trying to find ways to trick users into doing that. Making it easier to do voluntarily seems wrong21:58
Keybuk2) those that take a script filename on command-line, e.g. sh /foo/bar.sh21:58
wasabisendmail then. :)21:58
Keybuk3) those that take commands on standard input21:58
wasabiexec sendmail admin@isillc.com21:58
wasabi  shit's busted21:58
wasabiend exec21:58
sadmacKeybuk: shock moment, what if we just supported shebang lines21:58
sadmac#! /bin/python21:58
sadmacend script21:58
Keybuksadmac: no way to execute that ;-)21:59
Keybukchmod +x /proc/self/fd/421:59
Keybukdoesn't quite work21:59
wasabiWhat about symbols in front of the cmd name to specify how the body is passed to it?21:59
Keybuksymbols would be ick21:59
sadmacwhat does the command have to do to supprt /proc/self/fd?21:59
Keybukbut I like the idea that you should be able to run things with stdin21:59
wasabimaybe. but there's um21:59
wasabiwhat's the word for it21:59
KeybukI already want to be able to run things and capture stdout after all21:59
wasabicrap. brain dead.21:59
Keybuksadmac: to do #! you need a filename22:00
wasabiexec - sendmail jhaltom@isillc.com22:00
wasabi foo22:00
wasabiend exec22:00
wasabithat gets passed to stdin22:00
wasabi(making stuff up)22:00
Keybukwhy not perlish?22:00
wasabibecause i don't know perl.22:00
Keybukexec |sendmail jhaltom@isillc.com22:00
wasabiThat's sort ofe stablished elsewhere too22:00
sadmacKeybuk: same reason we couldn't do22:00
sadmacscript /bin/python22:01
sadmacend script22:01
Keybukone sec, changing machines22:01
sadmacah, wing-commander. I missed that box22:02
wasabiexec >sendmail jhaltom@isillc.com22:02
wasabior | I guess22:02
wasabiGot me22:02
Keybuksadmac: lol, "missed it" ?22:02
wasabiI don't like symbols like that.22:02
sadmacKeybuk: there's a lot you don't know that happened between me and your computer.22:02
sadmacKeybuk: don't judge us. we were young. we did what felt right.22:03
Keybukshould I dunk my laptop in bleach?22:03
sadmacKeybuk: yes. and you might want to get a new refridgerator.22:04
Keybuksyntax aside for a moment22:04
Keybukwhat magic input/output/commandline things should we support here?22:04
sadmacstdin makes sense22:05
sadmacwhatever the most standard syntax is, it should work by the same mechanism as #!, that is if an interpreter works in a #! line it should work in a job definition with minimal effort22:05
Keybukright #! is "append filename to the #! line"22:06
Keybukwhich should mean we can append /proc/self/fd/N22:06
sadmacreally. thought it was pipe-through22:06
Keybukno, cause you can do22:06
Keybukecho "#!/usr/bin/sendmail" > casey.dahlin@redhat.com22:06
Keybukchmod +x !$22:06
sadmacyeah, you're right22:06
KeybukSubject: foo22:06
wasabistdin and last argument make sense to me.22:06
wasabianything else can be done by hand22:07
wasabiexec /proc/fd/022:07
wasabiexec foo --name=/proc/fd/0 anyways22:07
KeybukI also want to support capture-standard-output22:07
Keybukfor programs that write FOO=bar as standard output22:07
wasabiWhere would you send it, though? :)22:07
Keybukit'd be part of the job's environment22:07
sadmacKeybuk: that's always felt a bit special to me22:07
Keybuksadmac: it's used by just about everything "agent-esque"22:08
Keybukdbus downards22:08
wasabiYeah. That would be much nicer.22:08
wasabiSimply scrape the env exported by dbus when launching a dbus service22:08
wasabino work done.22:08
wasabiexcept to export it in dbus22:08
wasabiand make sure your job somehow fires with that env.22:08
Keybukright, dbus-daemon writes its session address and stuff to stdout22:08
sadmacKeybuk: I like a more general solution22:08
Keybukso any job with "while dbus-daemon" would have that in its environment22:09
wasabiYeah. That's rad. 22:09
sadmacexec dbus-session-bus | xargs upstart-set22:09
Keybukxargs? :)22:09
KeybukI guess22:09
Keybukthen I have to care about process groups22:10
sadmacyeah, the forking is a bit funny around that22:10
Keybukwe do need some kind of initctl to set environment though22:12
wasabiI'm fine with parsing name=value pairs.22:12
wasabithat's super standard.22:12
wasabiIt would be better in some way if you could have dbus communicate in another way that didn't involve any parsing22:13
Keybuklots of people seem to try and parse things in pre-start then punt to exec22:13
Keybukbut I think that's partly because exec sucks and you can't use cat if you're using fork-following22:13
sadmacKeybuk: look at augeas any? speaking of parsing.22:14
Keybuksadmac: no, not yet22:14
Keybukbut I have now sent all my patches to halfline, so I suck less, so can look at that in a bit22:14
Keybukthe good news is we found a major bug with pre-stop in upstart ;)22:15
Keybuk(as a result of plymouth issues)22:15
sadmacI'm figuring this JSON stuff we've been discussing will need a parser anyway, so I'm going to complete nih-parse either way22:15
Keybuknot crasher - as in "clearly this approach is insane"22:15
sadmacah, cool22:15
Keybukand pre-stop was the only thing stopping me from getting rid of all four scripts22:15
Keybukso now I can get rid of all four scripts and be happy22:15
sadmacKeybuk: so we have just one job now?22:16
wasabiJSON stuff22:16
wasabiSo, JSON parsing will be in upstart.22:16
wasabiSo it's hardly surprising that name=value parsing is22:16
sadmacwasabi: yeah, talking about using it for cross-upgrade stuff22:16
Keybukjust one process per job22:16
Keybukso job and process become the same thing22:16
sadmacname=value is hardly even parsing. Its regular for chrissake.22:16
Keybukbut multiple jobs/processes defined in one conf file22:17
Keybukgiven what we talked about the other day:22:17
Keybuk  on foo22:17
Keybuk  exec ...22:17
Keybukit doesn't seem unreasonable to have a kinda "on self"22:17
Keybuk  on self starting22:17
Keybuk  exec ...22:17
Keybukthat's a task as we chatted about22:17
Keybukso that's basically identical to the current pre-start script22:17
sadmacKeybuk: where do names come from then?22:17
Keybuksadmac: names?22:17
sadmacKeybuk: yes, names for jobs22:18
Keybukright, so then i got thinking well22:18
sadmacKeybuk: they come from file names now22:18
Keybuk  pre-start exec ...22:18
Keybukthat's a named process called "pre-start"22:18
Keybuk  reload exec ...22:18
wasabiOh. Odd.22:18
Keybukthose would fire automatically22:18
Keybukit's not "there" yet22:18
Keybukbut I think it works process-wise22:18
sadmacso with the hierarchy thing we get all of it22:18
sadmacfoo exec whatever in a file called stuff.conf creates a stuff foo job22:19
sadmacwhich is a silly name, but real world examples would make sense22:19
Keybukright exactly22:19
sadmacwe can parse it, to be sure.22:20
* sadmac needs to finish up the parse tool22:21
sadmacmy code quality has been wildly inconsistent. I'm going to throw away what I'm writing, but then maybe I'll copy paste some of it. I can't decide if I give a shit whether it leaks memory or not.22:22
sadmacthe joys of writing a program who's first and only task is to rewrite itself :)22:22
Keybukmemory's cheap these days22:23
Keybukthey can buy more22:23
sadmacthe good news is it won't need many tests. It tests itself just by being compiled :)22:23
sadmacKeybuk: that's not funny. Java people still say that with a straight face22:23
sadmacno wonder 2/3 the core dumps I get in during $dayjob report more memory than my hard disk.22:24
wasabitrying to do this: which is failing. not sure why.22:27
wasabi\t /bin/bash << EOF22:27
wasabibunch of crap. blah blah.22:28
wasabiend script22:28
wasabiSeems to break when I add my first complicated line of script: l=( backup users profiles )22:28
wasabiCan't imagine why any of it would need to be escaped for any reason22:28
Keybuktwo shells?22:29
Keybukyou need to escape it from the first shell for the sceond to see it22:29
wasabish is reading from a file in proc, right?22:29
Keybuk  FOO=bar22:29
Keybuk  /bin/bash << EOF22:29
Keybuk  FOO=baz22:29
Keybuk  echo $FOO22:29
Keybuk  EOF22:29
Keybukend script22:29
Keybukwill echo bar not baz22:29
Keybukwasabi: yes22:29
wasabiI see.22:30
Keybukthe outer shell applies full expansion to everything22:30
Keybukeven the bits between << EOF and EOF22:30
wasabistill no worky though22:30
wasabi/bin/bash << EOF22:30
wasabifails. returns 222:30
wasabi<< isn't like, not sh compatible, is it?22:31
Keybukit is afaik22:31
wasabiComments in the script body22:31
wasabieven unindented ones22:31
wasabinot sure why they're breaking it, but they are.22:31
Keybukcan't have comments in strings maybe?22:32
wasabithey're probably being expanded when they shouldn't?22:32
wasabiwould have thought upstart would have removed them22:32
wasabiguess not22:32
Keybukupstart passes everything between script and end script22:32
wasabiincluding leading indents? k22:32
Keybukno ;)22:32
Keybukit kinda de-dents everything22:32
wasabii knew it didn't do that22:32
wasabiso I assumed it realized that a non-indented line was an upstart command22:33
Keybukbut that's actually good for you22:33
Keybukexec sendmail22:33
Keybuk  blah22:33
Keybuk  blah22:33
wasabiand upstart would fail if it wasn't # or end script22:33
sadmacKeybuk: could be a slight problem if we allow different interpreters, including python22:33
Keybukend exec22:33
Keybukgets de-dented22:33
Keybukexec python22:33
Keybuk  blah22:33
Keybuk    blah22:33
Keybuk  blah22:33
Keybukend exec22:33
Keybukgets de-dented too22:33
Keybuksadmac: it only removes the initial whitespace common to *all* lines22:33
Keybukso that comes out as22:33
wasabiI'd adopt python rules. Each line must be indeneted with the same amount and type of whitespace. :)22:33
Keybuk  blah22:33
wasabiAnd that is auto removed by one level.22:33
Keybukwasabi: that's what it does22:34
wasabiSo why is # being passed to the script22:34
sadmaccontext sensitive lexical languages make me cry22:34
Keybukwasabi: because it doesn't remove comments22:34
wasabiBut the comment is not indented.22:34
wasabiSo it should be invalid.22:34
wasabiAnd refuse to run the task22:34
wasabiOR it should remove it. :)22:35
wasabi<wasabi> I'd adopt python rules. Each line must be indeneted with the same amount and type of whitespace. :)22:35
wasabi<Keybuk> wasabi: that's what it does22:35
Keybukthe comment means your block is simply not de-dented22:35
Keybukit doesn't throw out your entire script because you used a space instead of a tab22:35
Keybukthat's just un-necessarily pedantic22:35
Keybukit just doesn't de-dent22:35
Keybukit finds the common prefix from each line that consists entirely of whitespace characters22:36
Keybukand removes that22:36
Keybukif all lines begin \t\t then that is removed22:36
Keybukif all lines begin " \t    " then that is removed22:36
Keybukif, as you've done there, one line isn't indented - then nothing is removed22:36
Keybukit probably doesn't need to screw with it at all ;-)22:36
Keybukbut it does22:36
Keybukit makes debugging perttier22:36
wasabiTrying to remember what i have to escape in this script to script then22:37
sadmacis that french?22:37
wasabi$ becomes $$...22:37
Keybukno that's something else22:37
Keybuk$ becomes \$ in shell ;-)22:37
Keybuk$ -> $$ is make22:37
* sadmac remembers windows programming22:38
sadmacor \\\\Shared\\Folder22:38
wasabiwindows programming is all I do22:38
sadmacwasabi: I'm sorry :)22:39
wasabiFine with me.22:39
sadmacanyway, time to go eat.\22:39
wasabiI enjoy getting things done. :022:39
Keybukwasabi: didn't you end up at Google?22:39
sadmacwasabi: I don't have time to flame you. please pick this fight again later that we might finish it :)22:39
wasabiNo. Didn't take it.22:40
wasabiThey keep asking though.22:40
Keybukthey do that22:40
KeybukMountain View seems like such a long time ago!22:40
wasabiyeah, it does.22:40
wasabiI think about how much fun I had talking with people who knew what the hell I was talking about22:40
KeybukUDS again in not-so-long22:42
wasabiI'm not remotely involved enough to get travel paid for, work is super busy (and has been for 2 years).22:42
wasabiI'd love to go though.22:42
wasabiCan't afford the out of the states trips though.22:43
Keybukthis one's in the middle of NOWHERE22:44
wasabiI didn't make it to the Dallas one.22:44
wasabiBecause of work.22:44
wasabiI LIVE IN DALLAS22:44
Keybukheh, fail22:45
wasabiI saw desrt though. Made him come out and drink.22:45
wasabiWhich he did little of.22:45
wasabiAnd then left early.22:45
wasabiOh well.22:45
wasabidouble escaping this is becoming hard to think about22:46
Keybukwas he at Dallas?22:46
KeybukUDS has got so big now22:46
wasabiDallas can be a great city too. I wanted to come and be the local guy showing everybody where to party.22:46
KeybukI don't think I went into the desktop room once22:46
wasabiBecause it's completely non-obvious where to go.22:46
wasabiHah. Got it.22:47
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