
thiefyhas anyone tried gnash? does it work well? can i use it instead of flash plugin-nonfree00:28
_Techie_umm, tried it a long tiem ago on powerpc hardware and it wasnt that great, it handled basic animation fine but failed on alot of interactive stuff, but then again that was quite awhie ago00:33
thiefyaye. i hear ya.00:39
thiefywonder if they've fixed it by now to work well.00:39
thiefyi'm not a linux champ, so i don't wanna 'play' with it...00:39
_Techie_thiefy, you wotn know unless you try... be adventurous01:03
Balsaqgood evening xubuntu.01:18
knomeumm, hi Balsaq01:19
Balsaqhowdy knome01:21
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pteaguei'm trying to download a bunch of packages via aptitude for installation on a non-internet connected box... is there someway to get it to download the packages required packages or do i have to go through & manually specify all the packages i want to download?04:22
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miika_I have Xubuntu installed on my laptop... the problem is, that the resolution is too big while booting and in gdm... only after i log in, the resolution goes right... how to change this?09:34
traceri need help with getting latest kernel in xubuntu, can someone point me in the right direction?09:43
psycho_oreoswhy latest?09:43
traceri have bought a wkb-2000 wireless keypad and keys don't work09:44
tracerone of the review on ebuyer.com says latest kernel will fix it09:44
psycho_oreosahh hmm09:45
traceri have 2.6.31-20-generic and it doesn't work09:45
psycho_oreoswhat surprises me more is why do they rely on kernels? if its a decent manufacturer, they would be providing source codes to compile against the user's kernel09:46
traceri don't think the manufacturer fixed it, someone who bought one dig a bug report and fixed it from there09:47
psycho_oreosbut anyhow, installing new kernel's aren't easy, there's a fair bit of work involved, and do expect things to break09:47
psycho_oreosyeah in other words the manufacturer show's their naive stance on linux.. leaving the community to fix it themselves09:47
psycho_oreosbefore I'd get latest kernel, I'd give lucid a try, its unsupported but currently imo its fairly close to bleeding edge09:49
psycho_oreosbleeding edge for ubuntu's side anyway..09:49
tracerok i'm a bit new though, i guess lucid is a kinda beta version of xubuntu?09:54
tracerxubuntu 10.04?09:55
psycho_oreosyup, I was about to get to it09:55
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:55
psycho_oreosI'd give that a poke first.. vanilla kernels aren't easy and you need to be somewhat familiar with linux CLI along with searching for help09:56
tracerthanks for the info, just what i needed. yeah i looked at some tuts for upgrading kernel and its a bit hairy so a fresh install is perfect for me.09:59
psycho_oreosI'd start with livecd first.. and maybe dualboot or vm if needed be10:00
tracernah no worries i just got the pc a couple of days ago to make a media centre so nothing to lose by starting again really.10:03
* psycho_oreos nods10:03
tracerthanks to psycho_oreos . keyboard now working fine!11:11
psycho_oreostracer, on lucid? good to hear :)11:12
traceryeah perfect! thanks again11:13
psycho_oreosno worries11:13
tracerhmmm now i'm on lucid i can't install xbmc, is there a way to manually instal xbmc?11:39
psycho_oreoslol have you tried searching for lucid packages? :)11:41
tracerits there but  build status crossed out11:43
tracermight try that one ^^ ?11:43
psycho_oreoslooks like both of them got cross on it, build failures11:44
tracerhmm what can i do?11:45
psycho_oreoshmm maybe try a site called getdeb or something.. you'll still need deps.. or compile it from source11:46
psycho_oreoseither of those methods requires deps lol11:46
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lukaso666hi... my problem is panel applet "keyboard layout" in Xfce. when i put on this applet i can use it only for one session. after the reboot/power off, this applet disapear. do u know why? i use polish and esperanto by this applet, my language setting works also... well - can u help me?13:51
lukaso666i have Xubuntu 9.1013:51
tracerok here comes the noob question -- i got as far as building xbmc using make command. eventually got it working but now when i go to make install its saying permission denied. should i do make install as root?14:43
tracerdone now nevermind14:45
PantchoHi all, i tried to recompile the kernel and when rebooting i get VFS error that it cann't mount the file system, i am using xubuntu 9.01 on vmware16:46
charlie-tcaPantcho: what errors did you get installing or recompiling?16:59
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pantchoHi all, How do i create an initrd file after doing "make" on compiling the kernel? using mkinitrd gives me unknown command! :/19:23
cody-somervillepantcho, update-initramfs19:33
faronhello everybody does anybody know which package installer Xubuntu 8.04 comes with as default ?20:38
Sysisynaptic, apt and aptitude20:40
Sysion base dpkg20:40
faronhmmm well okay but say for instance I go to adobe website to download somethign & when I click on download I am getting a choice of "archive mgr? what then ? It seems like something else should be popping up as default package installer20:42
faronahhhhhhhh dpkg20:42
Sysiget .tar.gf if you want 64bit flash20:43
Sysiyou shouldn't donload other software from adobe, it propably don't work or it's in repositories20:43
Sysior idk about acrobat20:44
faronjust curious really about which pack installer is supposed to be on Xubuntu I think I may have screwed it up & I might need to reinstall it20:45
Sysidpkg --configure -a20:46
Sysicommon fix, that to terminal20:46
faronwellsysi thanks fro all the info20:48
faronsysi are you still there ?21:00
faronhow would I know if I wanted the 64 bit version of anything ?21:01
faronsorry if I sound kinda lame but I really am just kind of a novice comp user21:01
Sysido you have 64bit xubuntu?21:01
Sysiuname -a21:02
faronit says i686 ?21:02
faronentire read out is.....Linux cybertek 2.6.24-26-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 1 18:37:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux21:04
faronall these bits & bytes ! confusing to a {kind of} newb21:04
Sysimine is 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 :P21:05
faronI have absolutly no idea what that even means !21:05
faroncentos ?21:06
Sysilike redhat linux but supported by community21:07
faron anybody tell me how to find out about my graphics card ?22:05
Sysimodel? lspci | grep VGA and google22:06
faronI'm sorry sysi I don't understand {/grep VGA} ? are you telling me to enter lspci into terminal ?22:08
Sysito terminal: lspci | grep VGA22:09
faronah thank you again22:09
Sysigrep just finds correct line22:10
Sysi| is pipe that gives output of lspci to grep22:10
faronhey sysi..is there a way to find out if I have the proper driver installed for that & maybe if anything about it needs to be updated ?22:12
Sysigoogle if you should have open or propietary driver, and check from restricted driver manager do you have it22:13
Sysiusuallu drivers don't need separately be updated22:13
faronthanks again22:15
Sysithat's not very 1337 but propably gives ansvers22:16
BookmanI am trying out xubuntu on my Ubuntu 10.04 installation and it starts up fairly well, but none of my windows have borders.  I cannot move them.22:42
Bookmannor can I switch running applications.22:43
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