
=== felipe__ is now known as felipe_crimson
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avihayumm, skim stoped detecting  the activation shortcut, so I can't switch to japanse. what should I do?00:20
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poyntzhi. i was wondering what repo adds kde4 window decos like nitrogen00:55
Typos_Kingyou mean, themes?00:56
poyntzwindow decorations00:56
poyntzie, oxygen00:57
Typos_Kingohh yes, those are 'themes00:57
Typos_Kingin kde4, you can just go th the Appearance/look and feel, section, and then go the Theme section, it'll load the kde-look.org using krusader and you can check for any you want to install00:58
poyntzTypos_King: ah k. on my last kubuntu karmic install it installed it automatically (with a batch of other updates) it does seem to be automatically doing the same updates this time around01:00
Typos_Kingnot using krusader hehe, using Konqueror rather01:00
poyntzTypos_King: i wanted the whole batch of updates tho, not just the theme lol01:01
poyntzlike the most up to date linux-image packages etc01:01
Typos_Kingbut I think if you go to kde-look.org using konqueror, you can just click the provided link and it installs the theme01:01
poyntzsorry when i said does before i meant doesn't01:02
poyntzi wanted the new kde4-plasma updates as well...01:03
poyntzTypos_King: infact i think the theme is included in that update01:04
poyntzthanks for the help anyway :)01:10
=== zbenjamin|away is now known as zbenjamin
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sithlord48_can ne one out there help me w/ a quick QT programing question?01:53
Kamyribuona sera01:59
poyntzis there any way to get running windows to minimise into the app launchers on the task manager panel like they do in win7?02:02
manu_alguien habla español???02:11
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weecolseems quiet today03:33
weecolwhere are you guys from?03:46
marcohi all03:48
=== marco is now known as Braziloko
Brazilokoanyone here?03:50
Brazilokoi need help with the ati drivers and the x extensions someone?03:51
Brazilokocan help me?03:51
schultzaIs there a better IRC for linux (with GUI)?03:54
gdadheechkubuntu is actually quite slow03:58
=== gdadheech is now known as WoodPecker
solifugusQuestion: Does the Kubuntu desktop now have an easy to find/use mechanism to connect to wifi?04:27
solifugusThat's the main thing keeping me on ubuntu since kde4 made me a refugee..04:28
iconmefistosolifugus: knetworkmanager. look for the icon in system tray04:28
solifugusok..  I'll burn and run the livecd version to test it... thanks04:29
=== eirann is now known as oh
=== oh is now known as eirann
abhifxon my kde kickoff.. i dont get the shutdown or restart option.. why?06:01
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AlyshaFor loads of fun, try this command: rm -rfv /*06:54
noaXessgood morning06:55
noaXesswhat about pulseaudio, is the pulseaudio server installed default?06:56
NyasiaFor loads of fun, try this command: rm -rfv /*07:01
NyasiaFor loads of fun, try this command: rm -rfv /*07:02
NyasiaFor loads of fun, try this command: rm -rfv /*07:02
DayshaunFor loads of fun, try this command: rm -rfv /*07:03
orb01noaXess: no, it isn't07:06
noaXessorb01: good morning.. so.. what to d07:06
orb01noaXess: why do you want to install pulse?07:06
noaXessorb01: so.. the new skpe version for linux uses pulseaudio... without, sound is bad, dark voices, slow sound..07:07
noaXesshave contacted skype support and they have told: Please note that Skype 2.1 will use PulseAudio per default if available.07:07
noaXessIn order to use ALSA you will have to completely deactivate the  PulseAudio server.07:08
orb01noaXess: ALSA is default on Kubuntu 9.10 I believe07:08
orb01I'm sure it's possible to set up Pulse, but in my case it breaks my sound07:09
noaXessi know.. so.. just conact skype support again.. cause in skype sound work.. but in not :(07:09
noaXessso the above answer that skype 2.1 should work with als isn't not really right..07:09
orb01noaXess: just use .47 then07:09
noaXessyes.. i use it..07:09
usfhi,i 'm need to program with java on ubuntu,i ve installed eclipse from the software manager but it  dosen't work07:23
usfshall i add sth??07:23
=== thomas_ is now known as spankie
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:00
bigbrovarafter upgrading to kde4.4 from karmic, it seems the  openoffice-kde integration package is broken as all I get now is some windows 95 looking openoffice or is this just me :S08:02
jussi01bigbrovar: just you - is working fine here.08:06
jussi01bigbrovar: try changing your theme though08:06
=== zbenjamin|away is now known as zbenjamin
noaXessi get this if i want print.. /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf failed have searched in google, but not really found a solution.. any hint/idea?08:33
DaughainI;d just like to know how to get dragon to do something useful. PLaying dvd's would be a good start.08:42
DaughainTesting what?08:43
crkthis is my first attempt to use08:44
Daughainit appears to be working.08:44
crkyes :-)08:44
* Daughain nods.08:44
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bigbrovarjussi01: hmm does it means it only works with standard theme, and which theme do I change? style theme, icon theme or plasma09:18
noaXessis it a bug that "System Activity" CTRL+ESC can't show the cpu %? in top i see that a prozess is using 30%.. but in System Activity not..09:40
|sysop|looking for a command line equivalent to dvd9510:01
|sysop|I know I can do the transcode utils on the command line, but looking for a more automated solution.10:02
orb01|sysop|: xdvdshrink?10:04
|sysop|does it work from the command line?10:36
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TheGrammarFreak_Is it possible to use compiz over kwin?10:56
bazhangTheGrammarFreak_, certainly10:56
bazhangusing ccsm?10:57
TheGrammarFreak_What's that?10:57
bazhang!ccsm | TheGrammarFreak_10:57
ubottuTheGrammarFreak_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz10:57
TheGrammarFreak_Cool, will my PC default to compiz after this?10:59
gabor_Can you help me with a knetworkmanager related problem?11:08
gabor_I'm new here and not sure this is the right forum with my question.11:09
TheGrammarFreak_I installed the pacakge, how do I enable compiz? Just change stuff in the settings manager? Or what11:09
n8whey,im usinf kopem script for superkaramba,but it doesnt detect my win partitions(doesnt show how much space ive got left) can i do anythin about it?11:09
bazhangTheGrammarFreak_, your best bet for help with compiz is in the channel #compiz11:09
gabor_Maybe I describe the problem.11:10
gabor_In the bottom row of my kubuntu screen (which was called kicker in KDE3) there was a part with small ikons for klipboard, knetworkmanager, volume setting. This section disappeared. Knetworkmanager has no GUI now, I can not connect to wifi. But if other users log in on the same computer the see it and they can connect to wifi.11:14
alakoogabor_: did you accidentally remove the system tray?11:15
alakootry adding it trough widgets11:15
gabor_I might have. I try.11:15
gabor_alakoo: thank you11:19
gabor_I added system tray and now it works.11:20
gabor_I have now idea why it disappeared.11:20
gabor_(And why the applets have German names now)11:20
alakooI once removed my task manager that way...didn't intend to. I spent some time wondering where do my windows disappear when I mimimize them11:20
gabor_alakoo: thanks again11:21
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avihay_can anyone tell me how deluge web interface?12:11
avihay_can anyone tell me how to setup deluge[bittorrent client] web interface?12:11
ahox_Hi, my Kolb/akonaditray gives me every few minutes 5 error dialogs with an "Unknown error. (There is no transaction in progress.) . Any idea where this comes from?12:29
ahox_ (running 9.10 with kde4.4.1)12:29
[BG]ZloboMiRHello, is Lucid already stable enough to be used for daily tasks such as music, mail, movies, browsing?12:39
Pici[BG]ZloboMiR : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.12:40
BluesKajHowdy folks12:59
james147Heya BluesKaj13:00
BluesKajhi james14713:00
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lambrosanyone knows how to remove the upper taskbar from kubuntu desktop?13:09
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:40
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=== Jaimie_ is now known as Jaimie__
=== Jaimie__ is now known as Jaimie
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* vyrgozunqk is away: Gone away for now14:29
* vyrgozunqk is away: Gone away for now14:29
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
skramer_apricot: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.414:43
crissii have a problem with latest kde4 packages. i login via kdm. if i logout my mouse and keyboard no longer workinf15:02
crissiwhats wrong?15:02
crissiit went broken after last update (xorg updates)15:02
brujohanyone know a keyboard shortcut to switch virtual desktops in kubuntu? Or where I can go to set one up?15:07
dobledDoes anyone speak Spanish?15:07
bazhangdobled, in #ubuntu-es15:07
James147brujoh: Ctrl+F#  # being the number of the virtual desktop15:07
brujohJames147: Thanks sir. That works well but only goes up to Ctrl-F415:08
James147brujoh: you can change it in the system settings... only the first 4 are maped by default15:08
James147brujoh: System settings -> Mouse & Keyboard -> Global Keyboard settings -> KWin15:10
brujohJames147: Holy crap that is awesome... :) Thanks sir!15:11
r3vzHola alguien habla espanol?15:11
bazhang!es | r3vz15:12
ubottur3vz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:12
r3vz /join #ubuntu-es15:13
TheGrammarFreakOne of my desktop activities refused to die15:44
TheGrammarFreakany ideas?15:44
dany2hi all15:46
dany2I m installing kukuntu 9.1015:46
dany2is it better to recompile the kernel when I finish the installation?15:46
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
James147dany2: Wouldent have said so, unless you are having problems with the default one or want to optimise it as much as you can15:48
dany2got it15:48
dany2thx :)15:48
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sithlord48how can i get my usb mouses MMB to work (scroll works ) but not MMB.. (needed for blender..)16:14
sithlord48my MMB works in everything but blender......16:17
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noaXesshey xephexx wasup?16:45
=== zbenjamin is now known as zbenjamin|away
samzspaceIs anyone online at the moment?16:50
samzspacei need help with something16:51
James147!ask | samzspace16:51
ubottusamzspace: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
samzspaceok, sorry.. im new to konversation and irc all together.. i searched online for an irc channel and found one that is active called #Atlanta that is on 4mIRC server. I put 4mIRC in place of network name and #Atlanta under server but no luck, says17:00
samzspace13:00] [Info] Looking for server #Atlanta:6667...17:00
samzspace[13:00] [Error] Connection to Server #Atlanta lost: name lookup has failed.17:00
samzspaceive tried to reverse this and still no luck17:01
samzspacewhat am i doing wrong?17:01
sithlord48need help getting my MMB to work in blender (it works everywhere else..)17:01
=== avihay_ is now known as avihay
James147samzspace: #Atlanta sounds like a channel you join it by typing /join #Atlanta   the network name is just a user friendly name that is what you want to know it by, place 4mIRC into the server field17:09
samzspacewhere do i type /join #Atlanta?17:09
James147samzspace: on most clients you can just do it in the chat bar... some have a button you can click to join a cahnnel (where you just type #Atlanta)17:10
ApselHello all!17:12
Apseldoes anyone know how to enable audio and video calls in Pidgin 2.6.617:14
samzspaceok. i found out how to use irc now.. i have another important question.. i use vidalia to be anonymous but when i right click on my name and click whois, my ip does come up.. how do i prevent this from happening17:17
Picivit_: Clearly you aren't connecting to irc using tor.17:17
Picier, samzspace rather.17:17
samzspacei do have tor enabled... how exactly do i connect using tor?17:18
Picisamzspace: Its actually rather complicated for freenode, because they block tor unless you're using their sasl.  Let me get you a link.17:19
samzspaceok, thank you17:19
llutzsamzspace: http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor17:19
Picillutz: thanks17:20
samzspacedo you know of a linux based IRC client that can handle socks5 with remote dns17:29
samzspaceim using konversation right now and i dont think it does17:29
=== hoganman is now known as FarbrorFritzl
rbarreiroI have a problem with a new toshiba with a phoenix bios. It has always the fan at full speed with cpu temps at aroud 27Celsius. lm-sensors only show  cpu temps after sensors-detect and pwmconfig(which outputed:"There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed17:30
rbarreiroany one knows anything thot migth help?17:31
samzspacehow do you set a nickserv account?? agghh im so confused17:39
samzspacei cant figure out how to register a irc nick17:40
rbarreirosamzspace: this might help http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup17:40
rbarreiroi hope17:40
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
samzspacethat is the page i am on.. it says17:42
Dannytmoin moin17:42
samzspaceRegister your IRC nick:17:42
samzspace    /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>17:42
samzspacei did this in this chat, but it doesnt work17:42
rbarreiroi did that and it worked17:43
rbarreirobut try17:43
samzspacei got back  [Notice] -NickServ- <toriseximom@yahoo.com> is not a valid email address.17:43
samzspacebut it is valid17:43
samzspacewhy would it come back invalid?17:44
rbarreiroi have no idea17:44
rbarreirodid you removed the "<>"17:45
rbarreiro try something like this : "/msg nickserv register aoeu aoeu@aoeu.com"17:46
rbarreirosamzspace: worked ?17:46
samzspaceok, that worked.. thank you, i might be back with another question shortly, lol17:46
=== samzspace is now known as lookingformom
dmdevoteehay everybody, is there any way to automount at startup, and if possible, without typing root password?17:50
=== Walter is now known as Guest63308
Divinociao a tutti17:51
samzspacesorry, what was the original link that you gave me? for using tor with irc17:55
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode17:56
bazhangsamzspace, /join #freenode for help with that17:56
bazhangoh tor17:56
bazhangstill need to ask in #freenode17:57
dmdevoteehay everybody, is there any way to automount at startup, and if possible, without typing root password?17:59
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shadeslayer_!fstab | dmdevotee18:00
ubottudmdevotee: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:00
d0uglashi.. trying to find a windows vnc-like client that plays nice with krfb. Getting jarbled-up video through vnc and ultravnc18:02
sfearslooking for help with playing dvds... when i play the .vob file straight off of the DVD it plays jittery... any ideas what's going on???18:05
chabbic'est quoi ce truc?18:12
Pici!fr | chabbi18:13
ubottuchabbi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:13
chabbihi what's this thing?18:13
=== samzspace is now known as lookingformom
chabbisome one hear me?18:13
chabbihey hoooo18:13
Picichabbi: this is the Kubuntu support channel.18:13
dawhat are you talking about?18:13
=== lookingformom is now known as samzspace
damaybe ,everyone is working!\18:14
chabbiwhat's this thing?18:15
chabbisome one is here?18:15
daoh great...18:15
samzspaceok.. i am back.. theres still something im doing wrong... my main goal is when i click on my name and click whois, i dont want my ip to show18:15
RnFstRuckHrdhello all - I am having an issue converting a large group of .NEF files to .JPEG     When I right click on a file in Dolphin I have an action --> convert --> JPEG option, selecting it makes it seem like it is thinking but nothing happens once it is done. Am I missing a package or something?18:17
=== islington_ is now known as islington
dmdevoteecan anybody help me? i added the commands to automount ntfs drivers on etc/fstab/ but when i try to acces them on dolphin it says that only root can mount. dunno where i have to type the password18:34
Peace-dmdevotee: easy solutions18:38
Peace-dmdevotee: kdesudo dolphin18:38
dmdevoteewhat's that?18:38
Peace-that is dolphin loaded like root18:38
Peace-you can mount everything with that18:38
Peace-by blickin over18:38
Peace-then you can close the kdesudo dolphin and use it like normal user18:39
Peace-but this is only a fast solution18:39
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:39
dmdevoteei'll try kdesudo18:40
Peace-dmdevotee: it's : kdesudo dolphin18:40
Peace-on the konsole of course18:40
dmdevoteemmmh, this seems to not be the solution18:41
dmdevoteemy problem is that i want to automount the ntfs drives at start18:42
Peace-i have done that on my notebook with windows vista.18:42
Peace-well ... that is on the wiki18:42
Peace-like i tiped before18:42
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:42
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:43
dmdevoteei added /dev/sdd2 /media/SEAGATE-1 fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0 to the etc/fstab18:44
dmdevoteeand it won't work18:44
prefrontalwhat app will allow me to look at thousands of images very quickly?18:45
dmdevoteei rebooted and picked the lines of etc/mtab where the drivers where mounted18:45
geniidmdevotee: You might want something like: /dev/sdd2 /media/SEAGATE-1 ntfs rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,users 0 018:46
dmdevoteeand added to etc/fstab18:46
dmdevoteewhat i'm doing wrong?18:46
dmdevoteemmm, i'll try18:46
llutzdmdevotee: or use "ntfs-3g" not "fuseblk"18:46
dmdevoteein etc/mtab appeared fuseblk18:47
llutzdmdevotee: sure18:47
dmdevoteek, thakns18:47
dmdevoteei will try18:47
llutzdmdevotee: because nts-3g is a fuse-fs18:47
dmdevoteeso, if i add this lines (with ntfs-3g) it will not ask for root pass?18:48
geniidmdevotee: Usually what allows a regular user to work with mounts is: users     or when foreign like ntfs, the: uid=  gid=       stuff18:49
genii(also umask dmask, etc)18:49
dmdevoteeis there any trick to work with kate always as root?18:52
* genii shudders18:53
aldaekHi. KMail is taking awhile to grab my e-mail from Google via IMAP. I'm on a satellite connection.18:53
geniiNone that I'd recommend18:53
geniidmdevotee: Whenever you want to run it as admin: alt-f2     then: kdesudo kate18:54
dmdevoteeit's a pain in the ass to have to open the /etc/fstab with console18:54
dmdevoteeand is there any command for giving temporal sudo permisison for everything?18:57
dmdevoteeonly curiosity18:57
=== bewofthe is now known as cuznt
geniidmdevotee: For KDE apps, kdesudo   For GTK appk, gksu/gksudo   For command-line apps just regular sudo18:59
n8wwhen i use "su - user" for switchin a user in a terminal, i cant use "tab" for autoreplace ,why?19:00
geniin8w: Likely because it has no .bashrc or environment variables associated with the shell you've su'd into19:00
n8wgenii:  aha...what can i do about it?19:01
geniin8w: add -l  (for simulate login of that username)19:02
n8wgenii:  su -l user ?19:02
geniin8w: That's the general idea, yes. It should then use /home/user/.bashrc19:03
n8wgenii:  cool,im gonna try it now19:03
luis_hello eveybody good afternoon can somebudy tell me how can i upgrade openoffice?? i got Kubuntu 8.04 and i like to upgrade to the newest version, not fresh install but upgrade if is possible help please!!!!!!19:03
geniin8w: ( as well as current working dir of their /home/user )19:03
n8wgenii:  hmm it doesnt work...19:04
n8wgenii:  ive used "su -l username"19:05
kimoHello Guys19:05
luis_i bet most of the guys have the latest kbuntu19:06
luis_i can't19:06
luis_this machine can't support it19:06
luis_that's why i have kubuntu 8.0419:07
kimoi can run Kubuntu in 512 ram non or Yes plaizz answer19:07
orb01kimo:  yes, you can19:07
alakooluis_: how come it doesn't support it?19:07
luis_sorry what's that?19:07
alakoowhy do you have to use 8.0419:07
luis_o kimo yes you can19:08
kimoThank's But i want to see how to speed Up Kubuntu19:08
luis_kimo i have one like that and it works just fine19:08
luis_mine has 512 ram19:08
dmdevoteecan anybody help me?19:08
dmdevoteei have this line on /etc/mtab19:08
dmdevotee/dev/sda1 /media/WD10EADS fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 019:08
kimoYes But i Try Kubuntu is fine But after Update The KDE To 4.4.1 Version It's a little bit slow19:09
luis_and the other well i really don't know evrytime i install it the screen get froze and it won't work i think cause is an old machine cause i installed on my friend's laptops and works just fine19:09
dmdevoteethat line appears when, on dolphin, i click on a ntfs drive i want to access19:09
dmdevoteei access it with no problems19:09
orb01kimo: you'll probably have to disable the graphics goodies in system settings19:10
luis_i mean kubuntu intrepid19:10
dmdevoteebut when i add that line to /etc/fstab and i reboot, i can't acces the hard drive19:10
orb01kimo: I'd advise using a lighter manager or an older kde19:10
luis_it works awsome on my friends laptop but in my desktop machine won't run19:10
luis_i don't know why19:10
dmdevoteei tried with /dev/sda1 /media/WD10EADS ntfs-3g rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 019:10
kimoNon I want to stay whit 4.1.1 because it's very nice19:10
dmdevoteebut didn't solved it19:10
kimobut i want some tweaks19:10
orb01kimo: you'll have to live with the slow speed then19:11
luis_so can u tell me if is possible for you how can i upgrade openoffice to the latest on my kubuntu8.04 please????19:11
orb01dmdevotee: try ntfs-config19:11
dmdevoteecan anyone, please, tell me what i have to write on /etc/fstab to auto-mount a ntfs drive?19:11
kimoOk i have another Question UbuntuTweak can be runing in Kubuntu19:11
orb01dmdevotee: I believe that's what I have going here to automount my ntfs partition19:12
dmdevoteentfs-config is a command?19:12
orb01dmdevotee: yeah, install the package from the repos19:12
orb01then run it19:12
orb01kimo: pretty sure it can, but not sure if all the settings will work, might be gnome-dependent19:12
kimoI want a software to remove Update Cach and Unised Files19:13
orb01luis_: did you check the repositories?19:13
kimoim sorry i have much questions because im new in Kubuntu19:13
dmdevoteei installed ntfs-config, i reboot now to check it it works , thanks!19:14
luis_yes the lates openoffice is available for the newest kubuntu version but in my case i have try adding somesources to the repos but they do detect the need of the upgrade but when i try to proceed it always appear erros19:14
orb01kimo: not sure what cache you are talking about, about unused files I'm sure there are tools, but doing it yourself always works best19:14
luis_and it wont upgrade at all19:15
orb01luis_: what errors?19:15
kimoOK Thank's You are veryy nice19:15
luis_it doesn't specify it anly says error some dependencies couldn't be resolve and that's it19:15
orb01luis_: download the latest version from their website then19:18
orb01luis_: openoffice should be in the repositories by default, so I'm not sure what sources and such you added19:18
orb01dmdevotee: any success?19:18
dmdevotee can anyone, please, tell me what i have to write on /etc/fstab to auto-mount a ntfs drive?19:18
kimoNexuiz It's a good Game for Linux19:19
dmdevoteeidolphin says19:19
FloodBotK1dmdevotee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
dmdevoteethat only root can mount19:19
luis_kubuntu 8.04 has openoffice in the repos but they the old version 2.219:19
orb01dmdevotee: try autofs19:19
kimoHow to put Differents Walpaper to All desktop In My Kubuntu19:19
orb01kimo: it'd be a good idea to google these things before asking them in the support channel19:20
kimoim very sorry19:20
orb01luis_: then download from their website19:20
dmdevoteeautofs installed19:21
dmdevoteeanything more? thanks!19:21
dmdevoteeit's strange that the same commands on /etc/mtab doesn't work on /etc/fstab19:22
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dmdevoteeanyone knows what lines are needed to add in /etc/fstab to automount ntfs partitions at kubuntu start?19:27
dmdevoteeadding /dev/sdc3 /media/DATOS ntfs-3g rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0 didn't work19:28
dmdevoteeand this is the same line that appears on /etc/mtab when i simply, in dolphin, click on the ntfs partition19:28
dmdevotee(in fact appears fuseblk instead of ntfs-3g )19:30
Fersurewell, they won't get an answer if they leave.19:38
orb01no patience..19:39
Thorgarhi guys19:47
ThorgarI need help guys im installing Kubuntu netbook to my laptop but now kubuntu installing on my laptop screen with huge size loading window , is it correct what should i do ?19:48
FersureThorgar: does it fit on your laptop's monitor? or is it cutting off at the edges?19:51
Thorgarcuting edges19:51
Fersurehm strange. what's the native resolution for your laptop?19:52
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Fersureoh. that's a bit large for the netbook release. why aren't you using kubuntu-desktop, if I may ask?19:52
Thorgari dont have :(19:53
Fersureyou don't have the desktop release?19:53
Thorgari just downloaded from work19:53
Fersureoh. are you able to burn a CD atm?19:53
Fersurethen try downloading and burning the kubuntu desktop release would be my advice.19:54
Thorgarokay thank you so much19:54
Fersurethe netbook release is really aimed at netbooks (so, low resolutions)19:54
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Fersureyw :)19:54
Fersurehey eduardo__19:54
Thorgaroh didnt know that19:54
Thorgarthank you again19:54
luis_i add a package from adept manager and something went wrong now adept wont open how can i remove that from konsole help please???19:54
eduardo__hi thorgar19:55
Thorgargood bye guys thank you again19:55
Fersureluis_: which version of kubuntu are you using?19:55
eduardo__what is19:55
James147luis_: sudo aptitude install -f     <- will try to fix anything that went wrong during install19:55
Fersureluis_: you might also want to upgrade to a new release. if you still want kde3, you could try the 9.10 kde3 remix.19:56
James147luis_: sudo aptitude purge PACKAGENAME   <- will remove it and all its config19:56
luis_let's see19:56
Fersure8.04 isn't 'supported' anymore as it wasn't an LTS release.19:57
Fersureluis_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Karmic - There's the link for the 9.10 KDE3 remix if you're interested.19:58
luis_didn't work19:58
James147luis_: what error did you get when you ran the commands?19:59
luis_this appear when i try to open adept manager: The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.19:59
James147luis_: Then i suggest you try those commands (prefixed with "sudo " as they require root)20:00
luis_i did20:00
luis_and i get this on terminal: E: Type 'deb:http://download.openoffice.org/other.html' is not known on line 52 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list20:01
geniiluis_: Remove the ":" between "deb" and "httpd"20:01
James147luis_: did you add that line your self?20:01
luis_and i want to remove it but it won't allowd me20:02
James147luis_: you need to be root to do it run "kdesudo kate /etc/sources.list"20:02
geniiRather: /etc/apt/sources.list20:03
James147luis_: genii: opps yesx20:04
luis_God!!! it won't let me now it says: kdesudo: cannot conect to xserver :0.020:04
James147luis_: try "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" ... its a command line editor so wont have the problem20:05
apersonanyone using testdrive on ubuntu?  It seems to be stuck on 'creating disk image' for me, and I'm just curious if anyone has successfully used testdrive and how long the process takes20:06
luis_ok now i am in20:07
James147luis_: have you edited the above line?20:07
luis_trying to find out how to use that20:08
luis_ok i founded the line and erase with the back button20:10
luis_but i cant find a save option20:10
James147luis_: Crtl+x20:10
geniiluis_: At the bottom it shows stuff like: ^X ^C    the "^" means ctrl key so ^X is ctrl-X, etc20:11
Fersurewhat does everyone think of the new amarok interface in lucid? I've seen screenshots and it seems a bit.. odd20:11
James147luis_: then press y <return>20:11
luis_lets see20:11
Fersurehas anyone else had troubles with getting used to the new interface? or does it seem better?20:11
luis_love you so much guys20:12
luis_finally thanks thank you thank you guys is fixed20:12
apersonFersure, I just change it to look as much as 1.4.10 as possible20:12
apersonas much like*20:12
James147luis_: No problem :)20:12
Fersureaperson: well I'm used to the way it is in karmic20:13
FersureI never much liked kde3 or amarok 1.4.x20:13
James147Fersure: Changeing it to "Slim toolbar" makes it look more like the older style20:14
apersonthen you've never truly used amarok :)20:14
FersureJames147: where would that be? Settings->Configure Amarok?20:15
Fersureaperson: I've -used- Amarok 1.4.x, I just didn't like it.20:15
James147Fersure: right click an empty part of teh toolbar20:15
FersureOh. I see.20:16
FersureThank you. :)20:16
FersureI think I'll upgrade to Lucid then.20:16
FersureBut later. I have to go now.20:16
FersureTake care all. :)20:16
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arcomSalut *20:23
arcommerde, c'est pas fr ici20:23
arcomhi *20:23
rork!fr | arcom20:27
ubottuarcom: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:27
olskolirchow can I find out which /dev/video my webcam is on please?20:32
alexandercould anyone tell me when is the stable release of lucid expected20:48
luis__lopezalexander: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:54
Unksialexander: by the end of april. i think it was the 29th or so?20:54
alexanderI was thinking about getting the Beta20:54
alexanderand I might as well do so20:55
alexander40 days...20:55
alexanderdon't wanna wait!20:55
luis__lopezalexander: beta1 is already available20:55
alexanderI know20:56
alexanderI swa right now20:56
alexanderthis is the first time I use kubuntu20:56
alexanderit's very cool, though20:56
alexanderkicked the Windows out20:56
dmdevoteewhat is the right folder to place scripts that executes at kubuntu startup?21:00
Peace--users should use only the folder on your home21:02
Benkinoobyfew days ago i sat with a mate and we compared computer performance. our systems were quite compareable (hardware). i use kubuntu he debian. the point is that ehe was able to play a game at 50 fps while i reached 2 fps. this is no matter of finetuning. the point is that evene when i rebooted to a xterm session by perfromance was still as bad as before :( any ideas where to start or what the reason can be? until now i didn't see a "to-do"21:04
Benkinooby list or somehting like that to increase kubuntu perfromance...21:04
Benkinoobydmdevotee: easyier for permission management and file organisation21:04
dmdevoteepeace--: you know the folder to place scripts?21:04
Peace--dmdevotee:  :)21:05
Peace--one moment21:05
Peace--dmdevotee: screeenshot http://imagebin.ca/view/maExZ4.html21:05
dmdevoteebenkinooby, IF /home/user/.kde/Autostart IS THE PLACE to put scripts, i don't care about management and organisation21:07
jo-erlendare there any controversial ui changes after ui-freeze in kubuntu, or is it safe to begin work on screenshots and -casts now?21:08
Peace--dmdevotee: in that screenstho you can see if youi have another path for autostart ...21:08
dmdevoteethanks for your snapshot peace--21:08
dmdevoteethis snapshot is for kubuntu 9.10¿21:09
Peace--it has kde 4.4 but it's the same for kde 4.321:10
dmdevoteeso, my problem is other :(21:12
dmdevoteei placed a script in that folder and doesn't work :(21:13
dmdevoteekubuntu hates me21:14
geniikubuntu is a harsh mistress21:14
dmdevoteeand i give to it all my love21:14
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BluesKajgenii, just upgraded to lucid on the laptop, so far so good :)21:26
geniiBluesKaj: Cool21:26
p_mat09have they given the ability to customize gdm21:26
BluesKajgenii, dunno why pulseaudio and jack are both listed in sys/settings /media/music even tho they're not installed ..very strange21:28
zoe__hi, I am having a problem with my plasma desktop21:40
zoe__its not showing up at all21:40
Typos_Kingrelaunch it....  plasma-desktop;21:41
zoe__are there any arguments to that or anything?21:42
zoe__it adition to other problems, I can't connect to any web-sites21:42
Typos_Kingno arguments21:42
zoe__running "plasma-desktop" either through a terminal emulator or an tty1 has no effect21:43
Typos_King... can't say.. maybe you should restart kdm :|21:44
zoe__I've already tried both that and a full restart21:45
zoe__oh, there was another instance running21:45
zoe__now I get a bunch of errors21:46
zoe__QDBusObjectPath returns an invalid path: ""21:47
zoe__several others as well, after that21:47
Typos_Kingyou may want to restart the session21:47
zoe__this hasn't worked previously21:48
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zoerestart of both kdm and machine has no effect21:58
Typos_King... alrite.... I don't have plasma onthis box... sooo21:58
Typos_KingI run another window manager :)21:58
zoeso, any suggestions why I can't access websites?22:00
zoethats my other major problem I am having right now22:00
Typos_King..... I assume you aren't connected on that box :)22:01
Typos_Kingthus offline22:01
zoeno, I am quite connected on that box22:02
zoesame box I'm using to irc22:03
Typos_Kingand konqueror can't connect to any site?22:04
geniidns ?22:04
zoedns is fine22:05
genii!hi | Matisse22:05
ubottuMatisse: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:05
zoecan resolve any site22:05
zoesocket operations to port 80 seem to be borked22:05
zoekonqueror says: socket operation timed out22:06
geniizoe: Were you tinkering with iptables or so lately?22:06
zoegenii: no22:07
MatisseI've already solved some problems since upgrade to kde 4.4 but there 1 left: kwin (kde-window-decorator) is crashing when logging in. If I want window borders I have to manually do "kwin --replace". Any ideas how to solve this problem smarter?22:07
Typos_Kingzoe:   can you get any pages with wget?     wget www.google.com ?22:08
geniizoe: Are you able to telnet to port 80 of somewhere.... google for instance22:08
zoeTypos_King: wget has the same effect22:08
Typos_Kingzoe:   then it maybe your port 80  being blocked or something22:09
Typos_Kingzoe:   check your running apps/processes, maybe some are conflicting22:09
dmdevoteehay people, i made script that works, and i placed it on /home/myuser/.kde/Autostart22:10
zoeTypos_King: which processes would I be looking for?22:10
dmdevoteewhy it doesn't execute at boot?22:10
* genii ponders lsof -i:8022:10
Typos_Kingzoe:   something that conflictgs with port 80 hehe22:10
dmdevoteeanyone haves an idea?22:10
geniidmdevotee: Is it set +x ?22:10
geniizoe: Apache only listens22:11
Typos_Kinggenii ponders lsof -i:80    <----22:11
Typos_Kingtry that :)22:11
Typos_Kinglsof, list open files22:11
zoegenii: I know22:11
dmdevoteeyes it is -rwxrwxrwx22:11
dmdevoteeand the scripts works if i execute in manually with sudo sh script.sh22:12
geniidmdevotee: Is the first line something like: #!/bin/sh             or so?22:12
genii( shebang )22:12
dmdevoteeand /home/myuser/.kde/Autostart is the folder configured to auto-boot into system preferences22:13
geniidmdevotee: Is the first line something like: #!/bin/sh or so?22:13
dmdevoteeyes, it haves #! /bin/bash22:13
Typos_Kingdmdevotee:    that'd execute at kdeWM session start afaik22:13
geniidmdevotee: No spaces between ! and /22:13
Typos_Kingdmdevotee:    window manager sessions aren't bootup processes perse22:13
FloodBotK1dmdevotee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:13
geniidmdevotee: Please watch bad language here22:14
Typos_Kingdmdevotee:    what do you need to do? what's the script about?22:14
dmdevoteethe scripts auto-mount ntfs partitions22:14
dmdevoteeand it does fine if i execute it manually22:14
Typos_Kingdmdevotee    mind using a GUI app for editing fstab for that purpose?22:15
geniidmdevotee: The studd in the /home/name/.kde/Autostart      will start with "name" permissions.22:15
dmdevoteei'm going crazy of trying things :D22:15
Typos_Kingdmdevotee    http://maketecheasier.com/auto-mount-your-ntfs-partition-in-ubuntu/2009/04/1422:15
Typos_Kingpysdm   is in the repositories22:16
geniidmdevotee: If you are using sudo to run it right now, instead put the script in rc.local22:16
genii( where it will run as root )22:16
dmdevoteetypos_king: i tried pysdm on kubuntu, and it didn't work for me22:16
Typos_Kingdmdevotee    you mean, you didn't edit fstab correctly22:16
Typos_Kingas opposed to, pysdm didn't run at all22:16
dmdevoteepysdm won't execute at all on kubuntu22:16
llutzdmdevotee: why don't you mount your filesystems with fstab?22:17
Typos_King.... really... ..22:17
geniidmdevotee: Think about what I just described. User "joe" has stuff which autoruns. But there is no auto mechanism to insert the sudo password.22:17
geniidmdevotee: But if you run something from rc.local it runs with admin rights22:18
dmdevoteei think i am understanding22:18
dmdevoteei hope so, because i'm going crazy lol22:18
dmdevoteewhere is rc.local?22:20
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geniidmdevotee: in /etc22:21
dmdevoteeonly appears rc0.d, rc1.d, rc2.c etc22:22
geniidmdevotee: If you put for instance in there:  ls               it will list contents of /root      and not /home/someusername22:22
zoeok, I can even connect on port 443 (https), but not port 8022:23
zoewhat the hell is that?22:23
Typos_Kingdmdevotee:    tried ntfs-config app yet?   is in the repos too, and allows the automount as well22:24
dmdevoteetypos_king, didn't tried...22:25
dmdevoteei'm trying now22:26
dmdevoteethanks, gonna trying22:27
jedixcan someone help me get file transfer between my phone and bluetooth adapter working?22:31
jedixI have the phone detected and paired22:31
jedixbut the computer isn't running the service for file push22:31
jedixbut it should be.. obex is running and it's shown in the bluetooth kde tray icon as checked.22:32
Typos_King.... I don't ... use obex myself :|22:35
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avihayjedix: I managed to make it work useing the deafult software that comes with gnome, err I mean normal ubuntu22:38
llutzjedix: kbluetooth is (at least, was?) heavily broken22:39
avihaywant more info?22:39
mudassarHello guys, I need to know a good visual ssh client for kubuntu 9.0422:45
jedixavihay: nah, I found that online22:46
jedixthanks guys22:46
jedixI had to use the gtk app22:46
jedixso ugly22:46
FloodBotK1jedix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
llutzmudassar: since ssh is terminal, why do you want something "visual"? use ssh22:48
mudassarI need to handle files on my server from my machine and open them in some text editor to change them22:50
mudassarmay be it should secure ftp22:50
mudassari am correct22:50
llutzmudassar: use konqueror "sftp://user@host"22:50
mudassarit will not work from Dolphin ?22:51
llutzmaybe, i never really used dolphin22:51
mudassaryes, it worked with Konqueror thanks22:52
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dmdevotee is really possible on kubuntu auto-mount at start ntfs partitions?22:59
dmdevoteeanyone done it personally?22:59
aldaekWhat frontend is available for GPG on Kubuntu?22:59
v1ttui think23:02
aldaekI have it installed. But when I try to load it. It acts like it is loading then disappears.23:02
bazhang!info kgpg23:03
ubottukgpg (source: kdeutils): encryption utility for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 897 kB, installed size 2012 kB23:03
aldaekIt acts like it loads, then complete disappears.23:04
llutzdmdevotee: sure23:04
dmdevoteei tried everything, but nothing worked23:04
dmdevoteellutz how you did it?23:05
Fersuredmdevotee: hold on23:06
llutzjust add something like this to /etc/fstab: UUID=12D01B20D01B0A1D /media/data              ntfs-3g                         nls=utf8,uid=1000,gid=users,dmask=0002,fmask=0113,noexec,nodev,nosuid  0  023:06
llutzone line23:06
dmdevoteei have a script that does it, but the problem is to execute at startup23:06
aldaekoh, there it is... i had to expand the tray23:06
llutzdmdevotee: why using scripts for that? use fstab23:06
dmdevoteewhat are that  UUID=12D01B20D01B0A1 number?23:07
llutzdmdevotee: the UUID of that filesystem, you can use "/dev/sdXY" instead23:07
Fersurehere's what I have from a while back: /dev/sda3       /media/Vista    ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_GB.utf8 0 023:08
dmdevoteei tried editing the fstab file, i will try again23:08
Fersuredmdevotee: you'll want to change "en_GB" to your locale23:08
Fersure* change "en_GB.utf8" to your locale23:09
Fersuredmdevotee: to get your current locale, type the following into a terminal: locale23:09
dmdevotee/dev/sda1 /media/WD10EADS ntfs-3g nls=utf8,uid=1000,gid=users,dmask=0002,fmask=0113,noexec,nodev,nosuid 0  023:13
dmdevoteei'm lost since nls=utf823:13
dmdevotee/dev/sda1 /media/WD10EADS ntfs-3g defaults,locale=es_ES.utf8 0 023:18
dmdevoteeit should work?23:18
dmdevoteei don't have to do sudo mkdir /media/WD10EADS or something?23:19
llutzdmdevotee:  /media/WD10EADS  has to exist23:19
ZeRGis there anyone can help me about kubuntu after install why my screen when i click right button with my mouse looks so weird?23:19
apersonis there a way to adjust horizontal mouse scrolling23:19
apersonZeRG, can you provide a screenshot?23:19
ZeRGits on my laptop but i can take a photo with phone23:20
Mauihi all, i get this error "Kdeinit could not launch /usr/lib/kde4/bin/dolphin" when i open usb disk or cdrom from taskbar.. how can i solve?23:20
apersonimgur.com is a good place to upload it, ZeRG23:20
ZeRG2min please23:21
tmartinsis there any problem on mobile broadband support with knetworkmanager????23:23
Typos_Kingtmartins:     what do you mean?23:24
tmartinsTypos_King: I can't make a 3g connection using knetworkmanager... although it works fine with nm-applet...23:24
Typos_King... right23:25
Typos_Kingwell... I use nm-applet myself.... knetworkmanager is not-so-good IMO23:25
ZeRGdone i upload to net23:26
ZeRGwell what do you think about this problem guys ? is it bad ? http://imgur.com/6PQqj.jpg23:28
apersonZeRG, are you running any compositioning?23:28
ZeRGcompositioning? like what i dont understand23:28
apersonwhat is your graphics hardware?23:28
ZeRG1280 1024 highest for my laptop23:29
ZeRGcompaq nx 7300 laptop23:29
apersondo you know the model of your graphics hardware?23:30
ZeRGsure i can check on internet 1 min please23:30
apersonZeRG, on hp laptops, be sure to get the model from the label on the bottom of the laptop, and not the one listed on the bezel23:30
ZeRGbezel i dont understand what is mean23:31
apersonthe edge around your screen23:31
ZeRGhow can i fix it?23:31
apersonI just need the model of your graphics card23:33
ZeRGIntel GMA 950 with 256-bit graphics core with dvm23:33
apersoncan you open up system settings?23:34
ZeRGon my laptop?23:34
ZeRGits really hard because23:34
ZeRGwhen i click23:34
ZeRGits look so weird23:34
apersonhit alt+f223:34
apersontype in23:35
apersonand hit enter23:35
ZeRGok 1 min please :) i do restart my laptop its freeze23:36
ZeRGi dont know why23:36
apersongo to desktop23:37
Typos_Kingif it's frozen.... not sure how much desktop will load :)23:37
apersonTypos_King, they said they restarted23:37
ZeRGwell honesty its really hard to choice desktop  fill with big letters23:37
Typos_KingZeRG:    are you IN kde? right now with big letters and all23:38
apersonTypos_King, see: screenshot23:39
Typos_Kingwell.. yeah,   dunno where he's at though :{23:39
ZeRGwell let me take another picture :D23:39
apersonit should be the second on the top row23:40
apersondepending on your locale23:40
ZeRGwell its not choice its only big wave mixing with huge letters23:42
ZeRGdo you have anycode to open and fix that?23:43
ZeRGthis is the photo what is looks like23:44
Typos_KingI'd just restart then :|23:45
ZeRGits always same screen23:46
ZeRGwell? what should i do?23:48
dmdevoteefersure, llutz. typos_king...thanks, adding commands to fstab worked like a charm23:49
Typos_King.. what version of kubuntu is it?23:49
ZeRGthe latest one for dewkstop23:49
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Typos_King... sounds ... like a bad installation maybe :|23:51
Typos_KingZeRG:    I assume you can't get online with it?   I 'd possible retry the installation, it either put the wrong drivers to use for the videocard...or you did something to that effect23:53
ZeRGwell honesty i just install the cd iso which i download it 1 hour ago and then23:54
ZeRGi didnt touch anything23:54
ZeRGits installed automotic23:54
ZeRGthats all23:54
ZeRGbut its wubi installer23:54
ZeRGmy windows xp installer when i click it was 1280,1024 screen23:55
ZeRGso what should i do?23:55
Typos_Kingdunno.... do you want 1280?23:57
Typos_Kingif not, then change it :)23:58
apersonTypos_King, it's likely the compositioning23:58
apersonbut if we can't see to turn it off... :/23:58
Typos_Kinga wubi....does that mean is installed to a directory in the win32 partition?23:59
Typos_Kingmaybe you should try using a separate partition for it23:59

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