
DanaGoh yeah, so are we going to have an omap kernel in the repos?00:45
DanaGargh, not enough free space on my sd card for a whole kernel tree.00:46
DanaGAnd no cross-compiler in the amd64 host's repos.00:46
rcn-eeyeap, it looks like it.. just emailed amit the usb config changes. ;)00:47
DanaGoh yeah, I hope it'll have the usb-audio gadget, and such. =þ00:47
DanaGthe rcn-ee kernel doesn't have those.00:48
rcn-eelaughs, what's the config change, and it will. ;)00:48
DanaGhere are the lines I see relevant in the config right now:00:49
DanaGCONFIG_USB_ETH=y        CONFIG_USB_ETH_RNDIS=y       CONFIG_USB_ETH_EEM=y        # CONFIG_USB_GADGETFS is not set        # CONFIG_USB_FILE_STORAGE is not set        # CONFIG_USB_MASS_STORAGE is not set        # CONFIG_USB_G_SERIAL is not set        # CONFIG_USB_MIDI_GADGET is not set        # CONFIG_USB_G_PRINTER is not set        # CONFIG_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE is not set        # CONFIG_USB_G_MULTI is not set        CONFIG_USB_OTG_UT00:49
DanaGWhich ones to enable, is partly subjective.00:50
DanaGoh, and the audio one doesn't seem to be there.00:50
DanaGtime for some googling.00:51
rcn-eethose can be tricky..  if you look in my 2.6-stable repo, under patches/rcn/ there is a 002-defconfig-disable-ga***.diff, basicly you can break usb based rootfs on bx and c2 boards.. ;)00:52
rcn-eesd card based rootfs don't care. .;)00:52
DanaGhmm, which repo should I clone, to go experimenting with the stuff?00:53
DanaGI'm curious how that file gadget thingy works.... what does the host see... a raw disk, or some magic files?00:53
rcn-ee2.6-stable is 2.6.32, 2.6-dev is 2.6.33, 2.6-mailine is broken (2.6.34-rc1) and lucid-ti-omap is what ubuntu will have.00:54
DanaGoh, and one issue I do notice: [10468.479431] Class driver suspend failed for cpu000:54
DanaGhmm, I do see... allowing raw disk access from both host system and the ARM device... sounds like a way to have Very Bad Things happen.00:55
DanaGoh, I see... it's file-backed, not raw-disk-backed.00:56
rcn-eeyeah it does, i did that on an 8-bit usb micro to see what would happen.;00:56
DanaG8-bit usb micro? micro-sd card?00:57
DanaGOooh, u-boot environment vars for MAC address and such.00:58
rcn-eeoh, it was an avr 8bit usb micro, was messing around with usb file systems..00:58
DanaGer, wait, no, they just go to cmdline. =þ00:58
DanaGI'm curious how the audio gadget would work... playback to device from host would appear as an input stream on the guest, I suppose.00:59
DanaGoh yeah, and for rndis in win7 64-bit, you can just manually choose "RNDIS-Compatible" in device manager -- and it's even signed.01:00
rcn-eei'm guessing it would be just like those cheap usb 5.1 audio plugins, the beagle would play the stream..01:00
DanaGI have one of those USB sound cards (CM106).01:00
DanaGIt does some rather weird stuff.01:00
DanaGalso weird: there's no kernel here -- http://rcn-ee.net/deb/kernel/beagle/lucid/v2.6.33.1-dl.2/01:02
rcn-eeyeap, i messed up the script last week and didn't clear the queye.. ;)01:02
DanaGI wish the beagleboard had more audio outputs.01:03
DanaG... or would at least hide the non-relevant stuff in the hideously complicated mixer. =þ01:03
rcn-eewhen one of those missing stuff, just take a look at: http://rcn-ee.homeip.net:81/dl/farm/log/  shows the status of my farm.. ;)01:04
rcn-eebasicly the *.deb file wasn't spelled exactly as i was expecting.. .01:04
DanaGoh, and ureadahead main process terminates with status 5 -- happens on my host system, too (drm-next kernel).  Does ureadahead need some non-upstream patches?01:05
rcn-eeit's chewing on that one right now.. http://rcn-ee.homeip.net:81/dl/farm/log/BUILDING-  should be done in another 4-5 hours...01:05
rcn-eeyeah it does...01:05
DanaGIt also breaks the plymouth splash on my host.  And makes it slow to log in.01:06
DanaGoh yeah, and thank you greatly for making those kernel and rootfs images available -- it's a great help for using the board.01:06
rcn-eeor i thought it did... http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap  i'm going blind...01:06
DanaGalso funny on ARM: things like nvidia-kernel-common and virtualbox-guest-additions still exist.01:07
rcn-eei've had reports that "console-setup-mini" greatly speeds up serial prompt login...01:07
DanaGI've come to have a great appreciation for serial console -- my host laptop has serial-over-lan; awesome for grabbing stacktraces.01:08
rcn-eeyeah there's a lot of funny ones, libdrm_intel/radeon/etc.. plymouth actually kinda worked for me today on bootup... although it didn't go any farther..01:08
DanaGI got a kernel panic on my other laptop (a netbook)... and had NO way whatsoever to get a full stacktrace.01:08
DanaGI'm using drm-next on the host, for the sake of radeon KMS power-management.01:09
rcn-eeme too, i'm torn between getting the xm beagle working or test agd5x's new pm patches.. ;)01:09
DanaGI'll wait for it to go into the kernel-ppa stuff.01:10
DanaGoh yeah, does xm have gigabit ethernet, or just 10/100?01:10
rcn-eenot sure, it's smsc and i'm guessing 10/100..01:11
rcn-eecool, it's a usbhub/usbethernet.. so it should be faster then micrel's zippy2...01:12
DanaGSPI ethernet strikes me as weird.01:12
rcn-eeit is... but it's perfect for ethernet enabling a pic 8/16bit...01:13
DanaGThat 3-port-hub-with-ethernet that specialcomp.com sells is pretty cool -- it's also what the macbook air should have come with. =þ01:13
DanaGoh yeah, do you have the monochrome LCD from specialcomp.com?  I couldn't quite figure out how you'd tell the kernel to use 480x272.01:14
rcn-eenope i don't.. usually headless installs.. are you connecting between the lcd pins or hdmi connector?01:14
DanaGer, a classmate has it (and is going to try it this weekend); it goes to the lcd-controller pins and expansion connector.01:15
rcn-eenot sure..  it's the one thing i haven't spent enough time trying to do a one of these boards..01:17
DanaGwhat I've done with mine so far: mostly just mess around with pulseaudio.  It works awesomely well even over usb-net.01:18
rcn-eeyeap, that was too easy.. xm still locks..01:18
DanaGDo you talk to the people who do the kernel-ppa stuff?  I've noticed that it has all of STAGING disabled, as well as CONFIG_MMC_RICOH_MMC.01:19
rcn-eeI think they use the same config as the offical release, so what ever was enabled, gets enabled...01:20
DanaG.config:2069:warning: symbol value 'm' invalid for MMC_RICOH_MMC .config:4418:warning: override: reassigning to symbol STAGING01:22
=== NCommand1r is now known as NCommander
JaMaHi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pixman/+bug/535183 patch V2, which was now included in upstream pixman http://cgit.freedesktop.org/pixman/commit/?id=18f0de452dc7e12e4cb544d761a626d5c6031663, checks for uqadd8 with forced -marm, which means that when we build that binary with thumb enabled, then it will contain not available uqadd8 and fail with SIGILL on ie armv4t06:48
ubot4`Launchpad bug 535183 in pixman (Ubuntu) "pixman doesn't autodetect SIMD support at build time on arm. (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Fix released]06:48
JaMaIf you really want to do it this way, then there should probably be -marm also in coresponding ARM_SIMD_CFLAGS="-mcpu=arm1136j-s"06:50
JaMaah, there is -marm in ARM_SIMD_CFLAGS but somehow not used somewhere..07:00
persiaJaMa: Am I reading the patch incorrectly?  I'd expect the failure to unset have_arm_simd=yes, so that it wouldn't compile that bit in.07:00
persiaI think we're expecting that failure for ARMv4t, so that ./configure can do the right thing.07:00
JaMapersia: but that 2nd run, detects uqadd8 usable but with -marm in CFLAGS07:01
JaMapersia: and than it builds pixmap probably without forced -marm (ARM_SIMD_CFLAGS is maybe used only in this configure test)07:02
JaMapersia: and resulting thumb binary is created with supposed uqadd8 support07:02
JaMapersia: trying that patch v1, which looks safer to me07:02
persiaBut shouldn't the second run only happen if the first run is successful?07:03
loolJaMa: are you setting -mthumb via CFLAGS?07:04
loolJaMa: see <20100314172510.GA3901@bee.dooz.org> on pixman@lists.freedesktop.org07:05
JaMalool: yes07:05
JaMahere is my config.log http://paste.pocoo.org/show/191446/07:05
loolJaMa: So I think configure is kind of doing the right thing here, but in an ideal world we could avoid it07:07
loolJaMa: You're using CFLAGS which in autotools is an override over the per-file and global upstream CFLAGS07:07
loolJaMa: So even if we try with proper -mcpu= and -marm, it doesn't build because you override with -mthumb; perhaps the check could build the piece of code with a newer CPU and -mthumb as well to cover this case more nicely though07:08
loolIt's a bit ugly as it is, and would make it worse I guess07:09
loolideally, we'd move the code to a separate .S file and turn on what we need in there07:09
JaMathis is crosscompile build with OE, so I work-arounded it with --disable-arm-simd for now, but thanks for help, I'll try better, but now I have to go to work..07:09
loolI don't think you should have to --disable-arm-simd; it should be the default?!07:10
JaMalool: after this commit it changes detected value from No to Yes07:11
JaMalool: so with --disable-arm-simd only for armv4t I'm forcing it to stay disabled as it was before07:11
JaMalool: as -mthumb was there for all builds before and after07:12
loolYour config.log indicates USE_ARM_SIMD is false?!07:12
JaMalool: yes for 933540861383da27402680593edefe8d61e6fb02 and older07:13
loolOh, that's an older config.log07:13
loolwell I'm interested in a newer one  :)07:13
JaMalool: but that's I guess expected, because before it wasn't tried with -marm, mmt I'll pastebin new07:15
JaMa933540861383da27402680593edefe8d61e6fb02 http://paste.pocoo.org/show/191449/07:17
JaMa18f0de452dc7e12e4cb544d761a626d5c6031663 http://paste.pocoo.org/show/191450/07:19
JaMaand now really off, see you in an hour or so07:19
loolthat's odd, I see only one compile with -mcpu=arm1136j-s, not the one wihtout07:21
loolJaMa: So it detects it, and then it fails to build?07:23
persiaHrm?  That test certainly looked like "compile without, on success, compile with, on success, set variable"07:24
loolI wonder why it's called as:07:25
loolarm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -mthumb-interwork -mthumb -c -mcpu=arm1136j-s -marm07:25
loolSo I would think it should look like arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc -mcpu=arm1136j-s -marm -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -mthumb-interwork -mthumb -c07:25
loolwhich should fail07:25
persiaCould it potentially be doing $COMPILER_DEFAULT_CFLAGS $USER_SUPPLIED_CFLAGS ?07:26
lool$COMPILER_DEFAULT_CFLAGS doesn't appear on the cmdline usually07:26
persiaTrue.  Hrm.07:26
persiaLooking at the command line, I wonder if maybe the -march and -mtune stuff is added later, using the same $NEW_CFLAGS $CFLAGS approach.07:29
persiaThey all seem to be based on arguments passed to configure.07:29
persiaBut I'm grasping at straws at this point.07:30
loolit seems configure is playing clever with the args07:32
loolarm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -mthumb-interwork -mthumb -c -isystem/OE/tmpdir-dev-shr/staging/armv4t-oe-linux-gnueabi/usr/include07:32
looland then arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -mthumb-interwork -mthumb -c -mcpu=arm1136j-s -marm -isystem/OE/tmpdir-dev-shr/staging/armv4t-oe-linux-gnueabi/usr/include07:32
loolso clearly the only way for flags to end up in the middle is that someone reorders them07:32
persiaIndeed.  That is being overly clever.07:32
looland it's done before running CC since the flags only appear once07:33
loolWell, I'm tempted to walk away in disgust   :-)07:33
loolah perhaps I'm actually wrong07:35
lool-include stuff might be CPPFLAGS07:35
loolac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'07:35
persiaSo $CC is the culprit.07:35
persia$CC is evaluating to "arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -mthumb-interwork -mthumb"07:35
persiaFollowed by -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS07:36
loolJaMa: So you're setting the flags in CC, not in CFLAGS?07:38
ssvb_JaMa: are you getting pixman build failure or SIGILL at runtime?07:44
JaMassvb_: SIGILL at runtime08:09
JaMalool: yes it's in CC08:10
JaMalool: here is whole environment, how bitbake runs configure http://pastebin.ca/184550608:12
ssvb_JaMa: that's pretty bad, looks like runtime cpu features detection is failing for you08:12
ssvb_JaMa: can you add some debugging stuff in pixman-cpu.c to check whether/why 'arm_has_v6' variable gets set to true?08:14
persiaJaMa: What breaks if you put that stuff in $CFLAGS instead of in $CC ?  Having it in $CC subverts the test, causing the issue.08:14
JaMassvb_: runtime? this is crosscompile build and SIMD wasn't enabled before, so SIMD code should workarround missing uqadd8 in runtime?08:15
ssvb_JaMa: I know that autodetection was behaving weird in qemu08:15
JaMaI don't use qemu here..08:15
ssvb_JaMa: so you haven't run your binary on real device yet?08:16
JaMait works ok if I disable simd wiht --disable-arm-simd and probably also work if I disable thumb for whole pixman08:16
ssvb_JaMa: if you don't want any armv6 simd optimizations and want to save some space, --disable-arm-simd is your choice08:17
JaMathe same bitbake build for armv5te works ok without any work-arround and with thumb enabled08:17
ssvb_JaMa: what is your definition of 'works ok'?08:17
JaMassvb_: that's what I used before, but I'm asking why it's autodetected now as available (not respecting -mthumb, well in wrongly used CC)08:18
JaMassvb_: works ok = no SIGILL on device and Xorg running ok08:18
JaMassvb_: doesn't work at all = SIGILL when starting Xorg08:18
ssvb_JaMa: so can you confirm SIGILL?08:19
JaMassvb_: yes08:19
JaMassvb_: that was first message I sent here :)08:19
ssvb_JaMa: I just wanted to have a confirmation08:20
ssvb_JaMa: do you have any way to debug this stuff on the device?08:20
JaMassvb_: and I already prepared --disable-arm-simd builds to get usable device again, because it "restores" old behavior for armv4t with thumb forced08:21
ssvb_JaMa: function 'pixman_arm_read_auxv' is the most likely culprit if it detects availability of armv6 instructions wrong08:21
JaMassvb_: and do I really want simd enabled? as you already said I probably don't need it, so I can debug it, but I'm not sure it's worth it08:22
* lool is back08:22
ssvb_JaMa: yes, if you don't want to debug this issue, then you can use this as a workaround for sure08:22
loolJaMa: So to recap, two issues here: one is SIMD gets turned on as intended when CFLAGS allow it (CFLAGS override CC, so it's correct); this is working as expected; second issue is runtime detection which triggers a SIGILL on your device, that's a bug08:23
ssvb_JaMa: what I wanted to know is whether 'arm_has_v6' variable evaluates to true (that would be one possible bug), and if it is not, then where exactly is the location of the wrong instruction08:24
loolJaMa: In practice you don't care about SIMD, but perhaps you care that everybody with the same use case as yours doesn't have to pass --disable-simd08:24
JaMalool: why cannot you pass -marm to CFLAGS if SIMD is enabled only in that second run?08:25
JaMalool: this would if I get you right, enable working simd for cost of overriding thumb from CC08:25
loolJaMa: That's what's happening actually08:25
loolJaMa: which is why you can build and run it08:26
JaMalool: but only in conftest not build08:26
loolThat should be the case during build08:26
JaMammt I'll check08:26
loolJaMa: Note that it's only used to build a couple of files08:26
loolOnly one actually, -pixman-arm-simd.c08:26
JaMalool: with -mthumb moved from CC to CFLAGS, configure detects simd as "no"08:27
loolJaMa: Yes08:28
loolJaMa: that's a limitation due to the fact that user-specified CFLAGS override our CFLAGS08:28
loolJaMa: But as ssvb_ points out, the bug here is a runtime one; the only real life problem we're seeing is that you get a SIGILL, and it's not clear why08:30
loolit would seem the detection code reports v6 as present at runtime while it's not08:30
JaMathis is how it fails http://pastebin.ca/184551808:31
ssvb_JaMa: can you also add 'info registers' output?08:33
JaMassvb_: sure mmt, have to reinstall faulty version08:33
loolI wonder whether it's a thumb/non-thumb issue08:34
JaMaI think so08:34
loolJaMa: What's your CPU again?08:34
JaMasamsung s3c2442 ARM920T rev 0 (v4l)08:35
loolJaMa: and in configure output, do you get NEON detected or not detected?08:36
JaMalool: neon is disabled with configure option08:36
JaMawith thumb disabled in OE (resulting in -mno-thumb in CC) no SIGILL, but SIMD is detected as disabled, so it's not interesting case08:39
loolthat's odd08:41
loolit should turn on SIMD if you only set -mno-thumb in CC08:41
lool(but not in cflags)08:41
persiaJaMa: If you run that ./configure natively, does it work as expected?  (I don't expect a real compile, just curious if it's an OE-only thing, or a hardware thing).08:42
ssvb_JaMa: do you have -mthumb-interwork option somewhere?08:44
loolssvb_: Oh good point08:44
ssvb_JaMa: I wonder if not having it may also cause some kind of screwup in the linker (even if arm/thumb calls are not supposed to be happening at runtime)08:45
JaMassvb_: http://pastebin.ca/184552808:46
JaMassvb_: configure:11496: arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -mthumb-interwork -mno-thumb -c -mcpu=arm1136j-s -marm08:47
JaMassvb_: and with thumb enabled08:48
JaMassvb_: configure:11479: arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -mthumb-interwork -mthumb08:48
ssvb_JaMa: the most interesting address 0x401af86a (pc register value) is missing in the disassembly08:48
loolWeird, I don't find -mthumb-interwork in our Ubuntu defaults, but we don't seem to have screwups without it08:48
JaMassvb_: http://pastebin.ca/1845535 but still missing I'll try to disassm with objdump instead gdb08:49
ssvb_JaMa: it could be that it is just some garbage padding data between functions and not a real instruction, in this case it would be interesing to know how it managed to get there08:52
ssvb_JaMa: if it was a function call, then 'lr' register should point to the return address (and call instruction itself should be just before it)08:54
ssvb_JaMa: what toolchain are you using? gcc, and binutils versions09:01
JaMagcc-4.4.3 binutils-2.2009:02
ssvb_JaMa: now I suspect that the 'alien' object file with arm code may create some kind of bubble in the resulting binary and the function addresses may get all wrong and shifted on one of the sides of the 'bubble'09:04
JaMammt binutils for target already built, I'll provide disassm with thumb forced09:04
ssvb_JaMa: just tried googling a bit: http://old.nabble.com/binutils-2.20.1-td27432353.html09:19
ssvb_it says something about "broken thumb->arm  intersection branches", don't know if it is relevant09:19
ssvb_JaMa: but if you could downgrading binutils to 2.19 just for testing, it would be interesting09:20
JaMassvb_: http://jama.homelinux.org/org.openembedded.shr.images/om-gta02/pixman/09:22
JaMassvb_: here is disassembled lib with objdump with and without -M force-thumb, but with it fails later on some instruction and Aborts09:23
ssvb_JaMa: btw, I'm trying to reproduce your environment now (gcc, binutils, CC, CFLAGS), I have a gut feeling that it could be one of the bugs in binutils 2.2009:26
JaMassvb_: trying to downgrade now09:26
ssvb_JaMa: could not break anything here with CC="gcc -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -mthumb-interwork -mthumb" CFLAGS="-fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -frename-registers -Os"10:32
ssvb_though I have armv7 CPU, and just noticed that I actually used binutils 2.20.110:33
JaMassvb_: on armv5te it works for me too10:34
ssvb_JaMa: did you try running the same binary on armv5te? or it had its own CC and CFLAGS?10:36
ssvb_JaMa: if something runs on armv5te but does not run on armv4t, then it could be a PLD instruction somewhere10:38
ssvb_UQADD8 and the other ARM SIMD instructions would only run on armv6 and newer10:39
JaMassvb_: yeah same binary10:40
suihkulokkipld or clz10:40
asacJamieBennett: all fine wrt to langpack.mk ?10:42
asacor blocked ;)10:42
JamieBennettasac: still working on it, I have a branch if your available to inspect it10:43
JamieBennett(and using distutils)10:43
asacJamieBennett: yeah if you have that i can look ;)10:43
JamieBennettasac: Its not ready so I would appreciate pointers10:44
asaclet me look10:44
asaci guess in +junk?10:44
asacok found ;) . oh hehe10:44
JamieBennettlots of noise as I had to reorganise it10:44
JamieBennettasac: probably lots wrong at the moment10:45
asacwhy was all that needed?10:46
asacthought we just needed to make .desktop translatable10:46
JamieBennettthere was a comment about the code being translatable too and persia recommended doing it 'properly'10:47
JamieBennettAlso had to add setup.py10:47
asacwhere is the bug? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webservice-office-zoho10:48
asacthere is nothing ;)10:48
JamieBennettasac: It was the MIR which has now been approved10:48
asacJamieBennett: but you were supposed to file a high bug about this ;)10:49
asacalso the MIR bug isnt even there ,)10:49
JamieBennettasac: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/webservice-office-zoho/+bug/53962610:49
ubot4`Launchpad bug 539626 in webservice-office-zoho "Needs translation support (affects: 1)" [Critical,Confirmed]10:49
asacJamieBennett: thats not an ubuntu bug10:49
JamieBennettI know, the project got moved and now the bug is on the wrong project10:50
JamieBennettasac: thanks10:50
asacJamieBennett: where is the MIR bug?10:50
JamieBennettbug: 53732310:51
ssvb_JaMa: Don't know what to advise in this case, the problems could be also related to buggy/misconfigured kernel or silicon bugs in CPU. But in this case you would have stability issues with the other packages too.10:51
loollp #53732310:51
ubot4`Launchpad bug 537323 in webservice-office-zoho (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[MIR] Main inclusion request for webservice-office-zoho (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]10:51
ubot4`Launchpad bug 537323 in webservice-office-zoho (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[MIR] Main inclusion request for webservice-office-zoho (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53732310:51
asacok added ubuntu there too10:52
asaci dont think upstream .desktop files can be translated with gettext10:53
asacbut maybe i am wrong10:53
ssvb_JaMa: extracting the problematic instruction at pc address from gdb somehow would provide some insights. Can you at least read it as just binary data (via x gdb command)?10:53
asacfor real code stuff sure10:53
JamieBennett.desktop files should be .desktop.in10:54
persiaasac: Upstream .desktop can be translated with gettext just fine.  A large number of GNOME packages do that.10:54
ssvb_JaMa: it would be 'x/4b $pc' when it dies with SIGILL10:55
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
gaspawhat happen if I run Lucid on a armv5 board? (nothing|broken|just slow)12:01
persiagaspa: It won't run.12:09
persiagaspa: I suspect that you won't even be able to boot, because upstart will SIGILL12:09
gasparight, as expected, thanks.12:09
gaspafurther question, given a binary, can I know for which armvX is compiled?12:10
persiaI don't know of any way.  There may be some trick you can do with magic numbers, but I'm unsure how far I'd trust it beyond ARM vs. Thumb12:19
JaMassvb_: 0x401af7c2 <pixman_transform_init_identity+10>: -128    -24     -128    3212:23
JaMassvb_: all info also sent to pixman list now12:24
gaspapersia: ok, thanks again.12:29
persiagaspa: I have a couple ARMv5 devices myself, but I have decided Debian is the right distribution for them.  It's close enough, and it works.  The alternative is sticking with Jaunty, but that expires soon enough.12:30
gaspadebian compiles for armv4, as i know.12:31
persiaYeah, but the performance difference isn't that huge.12:32
persiaIf you need performance, get a newer board :)12:32
gaspaand I got a big downspeed, in respect with the montavista default filesystem.12:32
armin76gaspa: readelf -a /binary12:50
armin76gaspa: you can use gentoo :D12:50
persiaarmin76: Nifty!  Thanks.12:57
Laibschpersia: I heard you were looking into mending the chroot build scripts and pbuilder.  Is that correct?13:08
LaibschAnything available for testing somewhere?13:08
loolLaibsch: Not sure how aligned it is with your research, but13:09
loolhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Ports has some bits I wrote down and which might relate13:09
* Laibsch is reading13:09
LaibschI've been out of the loop since about two weeks13:09
loolLet us know where it lacks13:09
persiaLaibsch: I've pushed most of my stuff into Lucid.13:09
LaibschI should already have it, then13:10
persiaLaibsch: http://people.ubuntu.com/~persia/pull-soyuz-chroot may also interest you13:10
persia(that's still WIP)13:10
Laibschlooks like you guys really did some amazing work on making this a *LOT* easier13:14
Laibschsudo pbuilder --create --basetgz /var/cache/base-armel.tgz --debootstrap qemu-debootstrap --mirror http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ --distribution lucid --architecture armel13:14
Laibschall there seems to be to it13:14
loolpersia: Oh didn't know one can download premade chroots from LP13:14
loolthat's great :-)13:14
loolpersia: Do you actually require bash?13:15
persiaI thought I did.13:16
persiaI might not, at that.13:17
persiaGive it a try.  I think I started with sh and something broke.13:17
persiaMaybe the getopts stuff.13:17
* Laibsch suggests /var/cache/pbuilder/base-armel.tgz instead of /var/cache/base-armel.tgz in the wiki instructions13:19
loolpersia: Is there any signing available for the soyuz chroot tarballs?13:20
loolThis is great material because it puts people on par with lanuchpad buildds to start their buil13:20
persialool: That's why wgrant exported them, and why I put together a script to grab them.13:22
persiaI don't think there's signing now : that probably needs Soyuz extension.13:22
persiaThe part that's stumping me is how to use that chroot with pbuilder.  I can't find the pbuilder configuration file that I need to tweak.  Do you know how the last bit shoud work?13:23
loolpersia: So you've just put up for a very nice alternative to the qemu-debootstrap stuff for the pbuilder use case13:23
loolpersia: (Will get to your point in a sec)13:23
persiaThat's part of the idea.13:23
persiaThe other thing is that some stuff FTBFS on the buildds, and not locally, and it turns out to be some odd buildd config thingy.  This helps track that down.13:24
loolpersia: What I hate with the current approach is the "cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /somechroot" approach; it's ugly because we mix files from various architectures with no tracking, e.g. no updates to them, pollute the namespace etc.13:25
loolpersia: Having a pbuilder hook which starts from an armel tarball but copies the qemu binary on every build would be an improvement already (I think)13:26
persiaThat's a much better idea, although I'd want it in sbuild :)13:26
persiaOr better, in schroot, so it gets updated on every schroot instantiation.13:26
loolBack to your point, I think pbuilder is broken with respect to handling of .tar.bz2 tarballs, but "tar" will actually figure out compression if the file uses proper extension13:27
loolSo it would be possible to remove the -z flag from tar calls and have pbuilder support .bz2 tarballs transparently13:27
loolpersia: Note that until now the cp was needed to finish the debootstrap; it was kind of logical to keep that stuff around for actual chroot use13:28
* lool phone call &13:28
asac_bug 51730014:19
ubot4`Launchpad bug 517300 in likewise-open (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[armel] likewise-open needs porting to ARM (affects: 1)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51730014:19
asac_bug 53735614:21
ubot4`Launchpad bug 537356 in webservice-office-zoho (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "application menu entries dont do anything (affects: 1)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53735614:21
asac_bug 45787814:22
ubot4`Launchpad bug 457878 in linux-fsl-imx51 (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "imx51 on board ethernet plug/unplug events not detected (affects: 2)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45787814:22
asacplars: were there any arm specific RC issues discovered in beta testing?14:27
asacbug 51373214:28
ubot4`Launchpad bug 513732 in gmp (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[arm] needs porting to thumb2 (affects: 1)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51373214:28
asacbug 52888714:28
ubot4`Launchpad bug 528887 in maximus (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "maximus does not give default focus to newly started apps in combination with efl launcher (affects: 2)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52888714:28
asacbug 53708314:29
ubot4`Launchpad bug 537083 in linux-fsl-imx51 (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "Suspend no longer works after updating to 2.6.31-605.9 kernel (affects: 2)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53708314:29
ograqemu hang ?14:29
asacbug 49988114:30
ubot4`Launchpad bug 499881 in linux-fsl-imx51 (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "usb storage with ext4 does not work in lucid on imx51 hardware (dup-of: 515023)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49988114:30
ubot4`Launchpad bug 515023 in linux (Ubuntu) "ATA pass-through commands preventing external HDD to be mounted (affects: 10) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51502314:30
asacogra: qemu hang is RC still14:30
asacno news on that front afaik14:30
ograi wasnt sure14:30
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asacbug 52852414:34
ubot4`Launchpad bug 528524 in totem (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 5 other projects) "Sound not working in all apps on dove (affects: 2)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52852414:34
asacbug 53273314:39
ubot4`Launchpad bug 532733 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "apt/dpkg in qemu-system-arm hangs if a big task is installed (affects: 2)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53273314:39
ograshould probably be "in progress"14:40
ograincomplete was added by the server team ages ago14:40
rcn-eehey ogra, testing 2.6.33-500-omap with an initramfs, it's been a long time, what should i normally add to the bootargs.. ;)14:43
ograroot=UUID=<uuid of your rootfs> should be in there14:44
ograbeyond that "ro quiet splash" are ususally the defaults14:44
ograi dont know the exact runes for uboot (loadaddr etc) yet but i think you provided a rootstock patch for that (that i was planning to merge soon)14:45
rcn-eeah found it.. initrd=address. ;)14:47
ograhmm, that shouldnt be needed14:48
asacbug 52772014:48
ubot4`Launchpad bug 527720 in klibc (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "thumb2 porting issues identified: klibc uses mov.*pc (affects: 1)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52772014:48
ograas long as uboot loads it to the proper place in ram14:48
rcn-eesorry, main reason i don't login to irc at work, people keep calling.. ;)14:50
rcn-eeokay, anything beyond 'sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6...'14:57
persiarcn-ee: The thing about IRC is that it can also be asynchronous.  Lots of us idle here when we're out, when we're sleeping, when we're on the phone, etc., and just answer later.  In many clients there are ways to show the last few lines where someone highlighted you.14:57
ograrcn-ee, i think you need to make an uInitramfs out of it15:03
ograor uInitrd15:03
rcn-eeyeap i did: mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C gzip -a 0x00000000 -e 0x00000000 -n initramfs -d ./initrd.img-2.6.33-500-omap ./uInitrd15:04
rcn-eei'm searching google for how other people have done it.. ;)15:04
ograthat should be fine15:04
rcn-eeso i did this for the boot.scr : http://pastebin.com/byy5u0dR15:05
rcn-eeit loads the uIinitrd at boot... but the kernel doesn't like it..15:06
rcn-ee[   31.217498] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...15:06
rcn-ee[   31.217803] rootfs image is not initramfs (junk in compressed archive); looks like an initrd15:07
ograi think you need to include the initrd address in your bootm command15:08
ogrammcinit; setenv bootargs 'console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty0 root=UUID=bfdf1232-7400-4198-a89b-821e69e2fdd2 ro quiet splash'; fatload mmc 0:2 0x90800000 uImage; fatload mmc 0:2 0x91600000 /uinitrd; bootm 0x90800000 0x9160000015:09
ograthats the line i use for an imx51 board with uboot15:09
rcn-eeit's weird cause i got away with it here: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardDebian#Development_PC:_Setup_SD_U-boot_Partition15:09
rcn-eei'll add the bootm change..15:09
rcn-eecool, the bootm change did change things..15:13
ograworks ?15:13
rcn-eethat would be too easy.. ;) now just: "[   33.794677] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs... "15:14
ogratry to drop the initrd= option15:14
ograyou shouldnt need it15:15
rcn-eeactually that was the other change i did..15:15
rcn-eewas going to put it back.. ;)15:15
ograoh, wait15:15
ogra -C gzip might be wrong15:15
ograshould be none15:16
rcn-eeyeah wasn't sure about that one, pulled from a sheevaplug example...15:16
ogramkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0x0 -e 0x0 -n UbuntuInitrd -d "$INITRD" "$UINITRD" ... thats what we used for testing on imx5115:17
rcn-eethanks, i'll use that..15:18
rcn-eeweird still no go, here's what i got.. http://pastebin.com/h8Hq2Ksh15:21
rcn-eei have week or two old .config from the imx tree, the initrd options seem to match up...15:28
ograwell, try dropping rootwait rootfstype=ext315:28
rcn-eeno change...15:32
ograwell, it definately loads it15:32
ogra[   33.773162] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...15:33
ogra[   34.684265] Freeing initrd memory: 7128K15:33
rcn-eeyeap, loads and then cleans it up..15:33
ograwait, no change ? i.e. it still gets you a login prompt15:33
rcn-eeyeap, command prompt still comes up...15:34
ograbut you dropped the rootwait ?15:34
rcn-eeyeap: [    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 ro vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@6015:34
rcn-eerootwait is only really useful for usb rootfs...15:34
rcn-eethe sd card is happy without it..15:35
ograi need it here to make the kernel not panic15:35
rcn-eewhich board do you have again?15:35
rcn-eethis is on a B5, hopefully you don't have a really old B3/415:36
ograi do :)15:36
ogra[   45.171386] VFS: Cannot open root device "mmcblk0p2" or unknown-block(0,0)15:36
ogra[   45.178344] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:15:36
ogra[   45.186889] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)15:36
ograOMAP3430-GP rev 2, CPU-OPP2 L3-133MHz15:37
ograits really old :)15:37
rcn-eeThat's very weird.. are you:  Ubuntu-2.6.33-500.2 or Ubuntu-2.6.33-500.115:37
rcn-eesame core here.. ;)15:38
ograah, no its some kernel amitk uploaded for testing for me15:38
ograsaldy my rootfs is ext4 (default) and there are ext4 issues atm so i cant try building an initramfs15:39
amitkogra: that kernel is equivalent to 500.215:39
ograyeah, i thought so15:39
rcn-eeyeah, 500.1 won't do anything.. other then uncompressing..15:39
amitkthe lack of initramfs is the reason for most of those issues, including the rtc one.15:40
ograamitk, right, we just try to solve that :)15:40
amitkI am in two minds whether to compile everything in now and then make them modules again when we have installable images with initramfs15:40
ograbut see above15:40
ogra[   33.773162] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...15:41
ogra[   34.684265] Freeing initrd memory: 7128K15:41
ograso it loads but doesnt exec it15:41
amitkinitramfs size related?15:41
ogra7M shouldnt be to bad15:41
rcn-eeamitk, full log: http://pastebin.com/h8Hq2Ksh15:41
ograwell, 7M is a lot ... but still should work15:42
* amitk will be back in a few15:42
rcn-eeand it might be a kernel bug, we've never used an initrd in angstrom.. ;)15:42
ograogra@babbage2:~$ ls -lh /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-605-imx5115:42
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.8M 2010-03-12 09:57 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-605-imx5115:42
ograrcn-ee, i think the ubuntu kernel uses the proper options for booting initramfs15:42
plarsasac: sorry for the delay, on holiday today and away alot15:43
plarsasac: probably the most critical issue I found was bug #54047715:43
ubot4`Launchpad bug 540477 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "X restarted, but no .crash file (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54047715:43
plarsasac: it's annoying, but can be worked past, and I think is a dup of an issue that was also seen on x8615:44
plarsasac: which is supposed to already be fixed, we just didn't catch the right version15:44
rcn-eewe are about 7M -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7.0M 2010-03-19 10:17 uInitrd15:44
ograogra@beagle:~$ ls -lh /boot/initrd.img-2.6.33-500-omap15:44
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.1M Jan  1 00:02 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.33-500-omap15:44
ograthough it might not contain everything, i get a lot of ext4 errors while rolling it15:45
plarsasac: also, I believe that GrueMaster hit some bad problems with the netboot images15:45
rcn-eeyeah, i haven't had good luck with ext4 on my beagles yet, whereas cwillu_at_work as been using brtfs just fine...15:45
plarsbug #541399 on dove, and bug #541029 on imx5115:45
ograwell, ext4 is the default ubuntu uses15:45
ubot4`Launchpad bug 541399 in linux-mvl-dove (Ubuntu) "netboot image fails to boot. (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54139915:45
ubot4`Launchpad bug 541029 in linux-fsl-imx51 (Ubuntu) "netboot image fails to connect to the network (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54102915:45
plarsasac: ^15:45
ograso the beagle images will use that too15:46
asacplars: X crash ... reproducible?15:46
plarsasac: yes15:46
plarsasac: boot, press enter15:46
ogra(unless you pick something differently on purpose)15:46
asacok gdm bug15:46
asaccan you make the title better for bug 540477 ?15:46
ubot4`Launchpad bug 540477 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "X restarted, but no .crash file (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54047715:46
asacthats a awful title ;)15:46
ograasac, plars, huh ? i thought that was fixed with the last plymouth upload15:46
ogra(it was a plymouth bug afaik)15:47
plarsogra: I didn't check the version we had in that particular image, and can't really from where I'm at right now15:47
plarsogra: but yes, sounds like the same issue15:47
persiaplars: Do you know which image it was?15:47
rcn-eeogra,  for refeence, what uboot version on your bx?15:48
ograrcn-ee, U-Boot 1.1.4 (Apr  2 2008 - 13:42:13)15:48
plarspersia: candidate image on iso tracker - 2010031715:48
ograthe one that was in NAND15:48
rcn-eeouch.. ;)  i think we still have one of those laying around, going to track it down and try the latest u-boot for comparison..15:49
* cwillu_at_work pokes his head in15:49
cwillu_at_workwhat's the problem with ext4?15:50
ograit makes my kernel panic15:50
ograbut that might be a .33 bug, who knows15:50
cwillu_at_workthat was the "cannot find rootfs"?15:50
ograi can boot just fine but as soon as i start FS operations it spills lots of errors and at some point panics15:51
cwillu_at_workre: rootwait, I've always needed it15:51
ograyou dont with initramfs :)15:51
ograbut yes, without i also always needed it15:52
persiaplars: libplymouth2 0.8.0~-1615:52
ograthats what made me curious in rcn-ee's boot15:52
ograpersia, outdated15:52
cwillu_at_workand this isn't something like a journal having worn out a section of an sd card because there was lots of writes performed while it was nearly full, right? :p15:53
cwillu_at_workbeen bit by that more times than I care to admit15:53
cwillu_at_work(hence the btrfs :p)15:53
ograno, the SD is new15:53
ogra4GB and only carries ubuntu-minimal yet15:53
persiaogra: Right.  Just confirming because plars couldn't look it up.15:53
ogra~17 has the fix15:53
ograand obviously built fine15:54
plarsright, so it *should* be fixed in the latest... just need to confirm that15:54
ograi wonder why its not on the image15:54
persiaRight, just needed a respin.15:54
persiaNo respin, probably.15:54
persiaBut too late now.15:54
ograit was only uploaded last night15:54
persiaYes, which is why beta was delayed.15:54
* ogra didnt notice since KEybuk is raving about the fix since a week15:55
persiaBut nobody did the release coordination to get respins for all three images.15:55
ograi thought he had uploaded it since ages15:55
persia (-server is actually from the 15th still)15:55
persiaCould have been stuck in unapproved15:55
rcn-eeogra, just tested on the oldest bx board i have (b4) it boots, follow this for the latest uboot http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu#Upgrade_U-Boot  there is a lot of issues with 1.1.4...15:58
plarsasac: there are also some other issues like 528887, that are medium, and thus not typically marked RC by default.  However, I think they are likely important/annoying enough that we should make sure they are addressed before release15:58
plarsbug #52888715:58
ubot4`Launchpad bug 528887 in maximus (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "maximus does not give default focus to newly started apps in combination with efl launcher (affects: 2)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52888715:58
rcn-eeand make sure to follow the 'old' notes in that section..15:58
ograrcn-ee, heh, my initrd boots fine here16:00
rcn-eewhat? cool..16:00
asacplars: maximus is on our RC list atm16:00
asacplars: ^^16:00
plarsasac: ok, good16:00
asaci will try to get some support fo rthat16:01
ograrcn-ee, try fatload mmc 0:1 0x80000000 uImage; fatload mmc 0:1 0x81600000 uInitrd; bootm 0x80000000 0x8160000016:01
ograthough i'm worried about the size of your initrd16:02
ogramine definately only has 2.1M16:02
amitkogra: rcn-ee: so initramfs issue fixed?16:05
ograamitk, well see the above paste ...16:05
* amitk likes it when problems get fixed behind his back16:06
ograthough ext4 bugs me hard16:06
ograi cant modprobe rtc atm16:06
amitkogra: please file a bug on ext4, csurbhi is tracking those16:06
ograwill do16:06
rcn-eei haven't looked at the rtc yet to see if it's enabled right either.. ;)16:06
amitkit is a module16:07
amitkas I said before, I am in two minds whether to compile everything in now and then make them modules again when we have installable images with initramfs16:07
ograogra@beagle:~$ ls /lib/modules/2.6.33-500-omap/kernel/drivers/rtc16:07
ogra[  425.706848] EXT4-fs error (device mmcblk0p2): ext4_lookup: deleted inode referenced: 12837716:07
ograls: cannot access /lib/modules/2.6.33-500-omap/kernel/drivers/rtc: Input/output error16:07
ograi would love to load it :)16:07
ograamitk, i'll have images next week16:08
amitkheh, your ext4 rootfs might be fried16:08
ogradont put time into it16:08
rcn-eethe address didn't change it for me, same as the last, although i forgot to log the boot...16:08
ograinitramfs and bootloaders were my main concern16:08
ograboth should be done on the weekend16:08
ograthe rest is image build scripts fiddling16:08
rcn-eeexactly.. ;)  you guys have a shippment of xm boards coming in right?16:09
amitkalready have 'em16:09
rcn-eecool, i haven't got mine to boot yet either, so that's going to be fun this weekend..16:10
rcn-ee0x8000000, doesn't help the initd.. http://pastebin.com/E22QL3iW  as far as the size, i just ran 'sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6....' on the beagle...16:13
amitkrcn-ee: 500.2 ought to boot on XM16:13
rcn-eecool, i'll try that in an hour over lunch, i was trying to get my 2.6-dev (2.6.32) to work..16:14
amitkrcn-ee: I'm going to concentrate on core functionality next week (DSS2/PM) instead of flipping modules to built-ins since ogra will have images for us next week16:14
rcn-eeokay sounds good, get it working first, then move stuff around.. ;)  I'll cleanup my dss2 patch in my 2.6.33 tree to easily merge into yours...16:17
ograrcn-ee, weird initramfs works even with a newer uboot here with the same commands16:17
ograU-Boot 2009.11 (Feb 24 2010 - 10:58:59)16:17
rcn-eei guess i'm confused... where's the best indicator the initrd worked. ;)16:18
ograLoading, please wait...16:18
ograthats printed from /init in initramfs16:18
ograand all the: "Running /scripts/...." lines16:19
asacbug 54139916:19
ubot4`Launchpad bug 541399 in linux-mvl-dove (Ubuntu) "netboot image fails to boot. (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54139916:19
rcn-eeahh.. okay, i'll look for that...16:19
ograrcn-ee, probably drop console=tty0 ;)16:19
ograor attach a monitor16:19
rcn-eei can do that... monitor is attached, but dss2 isn't patched to work yet... ;)16:20
ograinitramfs will definately spit out messages on the second console arg you set (if you set one)16:20
ograwell, then just drop it from cmdline16:20
ograthat should show the messages on serial16:20
DanaGhmm, I set it this way: console=tty0 console=ttyS2,115200n816:23
DanaGthe second one is the one that gets kernel stdin, stdout, stderr.16:23
rcn-eebingo, that did it.. http://pastebin.com/Y42WTD3S .... ;)  so it's loading the initd...16:24
DanaGStarting kernel ...16:24
DanaGUncompressing Linux...16:24
DanaGuncompression error16:24
DanaG -- System halted16:24
DanaGhmm, it might be good to revise install-me.sh to allow it to work on host system (without dpkg -i step, of course).16:26
rcn-eeno usb devices.. back to the config from this morning.. it doesn't look like it can be an external module .. http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux%2Fkernel%2Fgit%2Fstable%2Flinux-2.6.33.y.git&a=search&h=HEAD&st=grep&s=CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HDRC16:26
rcn-eeYeah, DanaG i was thinking, if arch != arm stop. .. ;)16:27
DanaGOn my host, mmcblk0p1 is still mmcblk0p1.16:27
ograrcn-ee, yeah, i was suspecting that, you dropping rootwait and cwillu_at_work confirming it's needs somehow indicated that :)16:28
DanaGso, install-me.sh works if I do "dpkg -i ... || true"16:28
DanaGweird... uncompression error on
rcn-eebut it could be as simple as... ". install-me.sh" -> arm... ". install-me.sh /dev/sdb1" -> on x86...16:28
DanaGah yeah.16:28
DanaGOh, and perhaps check if partition is already mounted somewhere.16:29
DanaGOr even better: pass it the dir, not the device.16:30
DanaGokay, so 33.1-dl2 doesn't uncompress.16:31
rcn-eeIt just dies before uncompression?16:32
DanaGStarting kernel ...        Uncompressing Linux...        uncompression error         -- System halted        (replaced line-breaks with 8 spaces.)16:37
amitkDanaG: could be your addresses? Kernel overwriting itself?16:37
rcn-eeDanaG, it's close to lunch, so i'm going to put on my c4 lucid and test...16:38
DanaGYou can do that after your lunch, if you want. =þ16:39
rcn-eenah, then i can 'unbrick' it during lunch.. ;) i run home...16:39
rcn-eeyeap, bricked it... is bad..16:40
rcn-eewhat's weird, it's based off the head of https://code.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/2.6-dev when i cross built in the lab for lucid/squeeze but with angstrom's 4.3.3...  i'll investigate it tonight...16:41
rcn-ee2.6.33-dl1 had been fine on that machine...16:42
DanaGhandily for me, I just stick the card back in my host laptop and replace uimage.16:42
rcn-eei just saw sd cards between running beagles and run install-me.sh again.. ;)16:43
ograjust dont break your installs all the time :)16:45
rcn-eehehe.. it's okay, that's the 2.6-dev branch.. things are allowed to break... ;) 2.6-stable now that can't ever break.. ;)  i removed it from rcn-ee.net, so it shouldn't propgate to the mirrors...16:47
rcn-eewhat's scarry, it was just the kernel stable bump to
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