
ddecatormicahg: any idea on a time-frame for getting java to work properly with firefox in lucid?01:49
micahgddecator: should be end of beta 2 for sure...don't know what the issue is offhand, I'll debug more when I upgrade over the weekeend01:50
ddecatormicahg: sounds good, it was just asked in ubuntu+101:51
* micahg shouldn't promise for sure...01:55
ddecatormicahg: i guess it's just a sys link issue according to yofel01:56
micahgddecator: the question is why, which I'll check after I upgrade01:57
ddecatormicahg: fair enough. i'm going to try to figure out this sqlite problem with songbird, i may need your help with it later if i can find the cause...01:57
micahgddecator: did you disable-system-sqlite in the rules01:58
ddecatormicahg: yup. it's looking for it in a folder but it's not in there. it happened at 3am the other day so i haven't really looked into it yet, haha01:58
ddecatormicahg: i guess the firefox issue is java moving from xulrunner-addons/plugins to mozilla/plugins so it just needs to be updated to look in the right area (according to yofel, i haven't looked myself)02:01
micahgddecator: that location should be fine...we might be missing a symlink in firefox02:01
ddecatormicahg: right, that's the problem02:01
ddecatormicahg: or i guess yofel talked about it with asac?02:03
yofelbug 532174 actually02:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532174 in sun-java6 "[Lucid] sun-java6-plugin not recognized by firefox anymore" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53217402:04
ddecatorwhoa, hey yofel haha02:04
yofelddecator: I usually idle around in here :P02:04
yofelmicahg: update-alternatives just creates a link in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins but not in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins so firefox doesn't seem to find it anymore02:05
yofelnote: the linking is done by the sun-java6-plugins postinst script with a list of plugin folders defined in debian/rules, that's why I say that the rules file needs to be fixed02:09
micahgyofel: yes, but in 3,5 we looked in that dir, maybe we should for 3.6 as well02:10
ddecatori think i need to figure out what the vendor equivalent of libsqlite3.a.a is...02:11
yofelmicahg: well, that would fix it too certainly, this was caused by the change how firefox uses xulrunner I guess02:11
micahgyofel: right, I'll ask asac in the morning about it02:12
ddecatormicahg: it looks like i need to change a file so debuild looks for sqlite in the vendor folder, but i don't know what the vendor equivalent would be for libsqlite3.a.a02:23
micahgddecator: songbird should know how to build its own copy of sqlite02:23
ddecatormicahg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/396569/02:24
ddecatorline 7302:24
micahgddecator: did you comment out the if/else block for system sqlite except for the disable flag in debian/rules?02:27
ddecatormicahg: no, should i try that?02:28
micahgddecator: yes02:28
ddecatormicahg: alright, thanks02:28
micahgchrisccoulson: I think I fixed the gcc-4.4 issue03:03
ddecatormicahg: same issue. this is how i have the system sqlite section in debian/rules: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/397587/03:05
micahgddecator: that should work03:06
micahgddecator: what happens if you comment that line out too?03:06
micahgddecator: oh, did you restart the build from scratch after you did that?03:07
micahgthe configure file needs updating03:07
ddecatormicahg: yup03:07
ddecatormicahg: idk how to resume a build, haha, i always restart it...03:07
micahgddecator: debuild -nc resumes03:07
micahgmore or less03:08
ddecatormicahg: very good to know. what config file needs updating?03:08
micahgtry commenting the disable line out as well03:08
ddecatormicahg: alright. can i use -nc or should i restart from scratch?03:08
micahgddecator: start frmo scratch03:09
ddecatormicahg: sure thing03:09
ddecatorthis has been a really good learning experience03:10
ddecatormicahg: same problem...03:43
ddecatormicahg: any other ideas?03:54
micahgddecator: no03:56
ddecatorwell this should be fun...03:56
ddecatorthis is making no sense...04:33
ddecatormicahg: is there a way to run a build and have the entire log saved to a file?04:38
micahgdebuild -b 2>&1 | tee /path/to/file04:39
ddecatormicahg: ty04:39
ddecatormicahg: i guess the issue is sqlite not being properly pulled from svn05:23
micahgddecator: :)05:23
ddecatormicahg: now the hard part is figuring out how to change the rules file so it pulls correctly...05:25
micahgddecator: yep :)05:25
ddecatorand the people on the songbird channel are very helpful =)05:26
Mookwe try :)  we might not always be able to respond quickly though, especially for things like patching.05:27
micahghi Mook05:27
Mookhi micahg05:27
micahgMook: I never got around to it so ddecator volunteered to give it a shot05:27
Mook(feel free to poke me, at least if you need help)05:27
ddecatorwhat can i say, i'm going through songbird withdrawl =p05:28
Mookheh, nice :)  don't feel bad or anything, time is always limited when doing things like these.05:28
micahgMook: any plans on building with system xulrunner for 1.8.0?05:35
Mookmicahg: nothing on the table yet; there has been effort to at least get us to 1.9.2, though05:36
micahgMook: yeah, I saw that05:36
Mook(I would assume that's a prereq to getting merged upstream, since they don't do CVS checkins anymore... XD )05:36
micahgMook: k :)05:37
ddecatoroh, the rules file is pulling from vendor instead of vendor-binaries...05:41
micahgddecator: no binaries :)05:41
ddecatormicahg: except it's looking for the files included with vendor-binaries05:42
Mookyeah, in which case you need to either 1) build sqlite as well, or 2) hack components/dbengine to understand system sqlite05:42
micahgMook: we want to try to build your sqlite05:42
micahgsee if it fixes the build05:42
Mook(I think when things started, sqlite just lived in dbengine directly, which was arguably even worse; at least it's now properly sitting in vendor/)05:43
ddecatorso if the libsqlite3.a file that debuild looks for is in vendor-binaries, but we're not pulling from there...05:44
ddecatornot sure what i need to change to get it to build05:45
Mookis the debian/rules somewhere I can see online? I don't have a copy of it locally.05:47
ddecatorMook: let me pastebin it a sec05:47
micahgddecator: Mook: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emozillateam/songbird/songbird.head/annotate/head%3A/debian/rules05:48
ddecatoror that...05:48
ddecatorMook: except the "use system sqlite" block has been commented out and "sqlite \" was added to the "dependencies we need" list05:49
Mookgiven system gstreamer, that sounds about right.05:50
ddecatorit pulls all of the files from the vendor svn05:51
ddecatorbut somewhere a makefile wants the files from vendor-binaries05:51
ddecatoris there a file in the vendor svn that we can point to instead of libsqlite3.a?05:52
Mookno, you have to build libsqlite3.a - https://wiki.songbirdnest.com/Build_Release/Building_the_vendor_repository05:54
Mookdo it the way taglib does (xulrunner too special to copy from)05:55
ddecatorMook: ty05:55
ddecatorMook: just want to make sure i understand right. i should add to the rules file so sqlite builds the same way taglib does?06:00
ddecatorand building it that way will create the directory that is missing and causing the current build fail?06:01
ddecator...i'm going to assume yes and get to work06:08
Mookerr, yes. sorry, was distracted doing other things.06:12
ddecatorno problem, already getting things setup =)06:13
ddecatoralright, lets try it...06:21
ddecatorso yah, i definitely want to help maintain the packaging and bug work for songbird =)06:28
micahgddecator: to get bugs, it needs to be in teh archive :)06:29
ddecatormicahg: right, which is what the goal is =)06:29
ddecatorfor 10.1006:30
micahgddecator: well, that depends if we can get it to build with libxul-sdk or not06:30
micahgwe're not going to have 4 copies of xulrunner in archive, that's for sure06:30
ddecatormakes sense06:31
micahgok, I shouldn't say that's for sure...06:31
micahgbut TB and SM are already in archive06:31
micahgand FF we needed to do06:31
ddecatorthey all use different versions of xul?06:31
micahgddecator: they each have their own copy06:32
ddecatormicahg: huh, i thought they all ran on the same version...although i guess that makes sense that they don't all update at the same time06:32
micahgddecator: they do update at the same time :)06:32
micahgbut still they have their own copy...they're working on making TB build from system xul06:33
ddecatormicahg: oh, you mean they build their own copy, not that they have their own system copy?06:33
micahgSM if people want it with system xul06:33
micahgddecator: right06:33
ddecatormicahg: ah, that makes a lot more sense06:33
micahgtrying to build the new google-gagdets now06:34
ddecatorhaha, no wonder you guys didn't have time to update songbird06:35
micahgddecator: I'm trying ot update all rdepends on xul191 to xul192 so we can drop xul191 from Lucid06:36
ddecatormicahg: that'd be nice06:36
micahgddecator: necessary is more like it, no way we can keep xul191 patched for 3 years06:37
micahgprobably won't even be able to keep xul192 patched...06:37
ddecatorvery true, xul193 is coming up pretty quickly06:38
ddecatori need to figure out what is causing prism to not work properly for me...06:39
ddecatoror prism-google-mail to be specific...prism-google-calendar works fine, same add-ons and everything06:40
micahgddecator: new version next week06:42
micahgbeta 3 will be in lucid06:42
ddecatormicahg: sounds good, i'll wait to see if that fixes it then06:43
ddecatorgetting there...06:48
ddecatordidn't build right -_-06:53
ddecatoralright, lets try this06:56
vishhmm , what does this mean > (firefox-bin:24007): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead07:00
vishi notice a lot of this in my .xsession-errors07:00
micahgvish: I think it's a problem with flash07:00
ddecatoryah, that happens a lot07:00
vishah , flash07:00
vishmicahg: thanks07:00
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asacccheney: ok cool10:18
asacso the crash ... do you have a backtrace?10:18
asacwhat do we need from intltool?10:19
asaconce we hav ethe crashes fixed we have one more thing to do10:20
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lfaraoneHey, I adapted a patch from bug 123713 into Ubufox, and proposed a merge into lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubufox/ubuntu, with ~ubuntu-core-dev as the reviewer. Is that the proper workflow?14:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123713 in ubufox "package description needs rewrite" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12371314:50
micahgasac: around?15:24
asacbreak atm15:24
asacafter release meeting i have a few minutes15:25
micahgasac: k, so maybe in 2 hrs or so?15:25
micahgchrisccoulson_: can I ping you this weekend for uploads?16:28
chrisccoulson_micahg - yeah, that should be ok16:28
micahgchrisccoulson_: after the archive opens, I want to get xul192-ubuntu2 in ,then prism and fennec16:30
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[reed]asac: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta118:49
[reed]Default search engine has been changed to Yahoo! The default Home Page will use either Google or Yahoo! depending on user setting."18:49
[reed]uh, what is "Mozilla"?18:49
micahg[reed]: do you want to file a bug? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bugs18:56
[reed]micahg: yes, I will19:01
micahg[reed]: also, about the symlink breakage in firefox, do you think we might be able to go for a linux first solution then the other OSs?19:01
[reed]what's the bug # again?19:02
micahgmozilla 55115219:02
ubottuMozilla bug 551152 in XPCOM "Symlinked components break everything" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55115219:02
[reed]how big of a problem is this for you?19:03
micahg[reed]: bug 51842219:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518422 in firefox "Firefox does not start with certain addons installed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51842219:04
[reed]then you should request blocking and say so19:04
[reed]otherwise, it'll be treated as any other bug19:04
micahg[reed]: big problem, I've been testing Mike's patch and it seems to work...19:05
micahg[reed]: that it should block 3.6.3?19:05
micahg[reed]: k, thanks19:05
[reed]micahg: request both blocking1.9.2 and blocking1.9.319:05
[reed]and explain fully19:06
micahg[reed]: can I also dupe the various addon bugs that seem related to that bug?19:07
[reed]micahg: hmm, if you're 100% sure, then yes19:20
micahg[reed]: if I'm not sure, I'll ask in each of the bugs19:21
[reed]micahg: filed bug 54214119:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542141 in ubuntu-release-notes "Lucid Beta 1 release notes mention non-product "Mozilla"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54214119:28
[reed]anything else I need to do to make sure somebody sees that and fixes it?19:28
micahg[reed]: if it's really urgent, you can hop in #ubuntu-release, otherwise, the release team was notified when you opened the bug19:29
asac[reed]: yeah. thats a bug in the announcement19:45
asacmicahg: i am now here for a bit19:45
[reed]micahg: ok, thanks19:45
micahgasac: k, 1st I guess, is there anything you need me to do for the Seamonkey 1.1.19 release?19:46
asacmicahg: did you tell #ubuntu-release about the bug?20:08
asaci would suggest to do that20:08
micahgasac: which bug?20:09
asacthe announcement bug20:09
asacif not i can do that20:09
micahgasac: no, but they got notified by subscription through LP20:09
asacwell ... thats not likely to be seen soon enough to change ;)20:10
asaclet me do that20:10
micahgasac: k, here's the bug #: 54214120:10
asacgot it20:10
asacmicahg: so whats up ;)20:11
asacccheney`: are you here?20:11
ccheney`asac: yea20:11
asacso ... do you have a backtrace?20:11
micahgasac: well, I found a few more packages made it into debian with xul192 support, so I started working on merges20:11
asacor core dumb?20:11
asacmicahg: packages that we didnt port yet?20:11
micahgasac: I was going to bug the release team on Monday20:11
asacabout what?20:12
micahgasac: yep, google-gadgets is one20:12
micahgasac: FFes20:12
ccheney`asac: not atm i can get one, how do i build an individual package with the symbols? i know i can use the special repo for official packages but wasn't sure how to do it for ppa stuff20:12
asacmicahg: are those new upstream releases?20:12
micahgasac: yes20:12
asacor xul 192 ports?20:12
ccheney`asac: do i just turn off dh_strip?20:12
asacccheney`: some packages already ship a -dbg package on their own20:12
micahgasac: new upstream releases for stuff I haven't ported or had issues with20:13
asacccheney`: if not, disabling dh_strip is good ... with seom luck DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt works20:13
asacmicahg: if its bug only releases we don tneed a FFe20:13
ccheney`asac: ok20:13
ccheney`asac: will grab a bt then let you know20:13
asacmicahg: please file bugs asap ... and give rational ... but first test if it really works/runs ;)20:13
asacccheney`: great.20:14
micahgasac: ok, i'll check if it's bug fix only on them...I've been testing some of the stuff...new google gadgets looks good20:14
micahgasac: I'll do more due diligence on the changelogs for the upstream versions over the weekend20:15
asacmicahg: yeah. take care that debian has other approach to libmozjs.so ... so we need to properly merge what we did20:15
asacmicahg: ok.20:15
asacmicahg: how does the insecure list look like?20:15
micahgalmost done I think,, let me check20:15
asacmicahg: try to focus on hardy etc. ports then20:15
asaca few merges are probably ok ... but chrisccoulson should do most i think20:16
micahgasac: I should hand off the merges to chrisccoulson if I find them?20:16
asacyeah. so you can concentrate to get all insecure ready on all releases20:16
asacwe need to roll out soonish ;)20:16
micahgasac: I have to reedit the list...I started doing testing of stuff that built and some of it's broke20:16
asacyeah. so prioritize that20:17
micahgasac: well, insecure should be good till end of April with on march 3020:17
asacand if you see merge targets ask chris to do that20:17
micahgasac: got it20:17
asacmicahg: yeah. but still ;) ... i prefer to have things now - there probably are a few issues we need to do crazy stuff for20:17
micahgasac: understood20:18
ftaBUGabundo, wrt your snaps, are you using nvidia-current?20:18
asacwant to know about tough things asap ;)20:18
asacso we can really do code work on those if neded20:18
micahgasac: stefansld is merging new gears with xul192 support20:18
micahgasac: well now that upstream are adding xul192, I can go grab the patches to speed porting on older releases20:18
asacif nothing happens till mid next week we should take that over20:18
asace.g. chrisccoulson should ;)20:19
asacmicahg: right. thats good20:19
micahgasac: he filed the bug last night, I grabbed it, and he said he was working on it :)20:19
asacand often helps ;)20:19
micahgasac: I'm also loving pkg-config :)20:19
asacyeah. giuve him the weekend20:19
BUGabundofta: yep20:19
asacthen we shouldnt wait if we have cycles idling that could be spend on that20:19
BUGabundoand still getting some random snaps20:19
micahgasac: I'm assuming it's ok to add pkg-config to stuff for flags?20:19
BUGabundoback later20:20
asacmicahg: well. usually we should stick to whatever upstream uses for the backports20:20
asacmicahg: for future things we can try to convince upstream to move to pkg-config20:20
asachowever, often thats not feasible, especially if upstream wants to be buildable with non-distro xulrunner/firefox builds20:20
micahgasac: so if they have the libs and cflags hard coded, I should do that rather than submitting a patch upstream to switch to pkg-config?20:21
asacas those are usually not coming wiht proper .pc20:21
asacso often upstream has --with-mozilla-dir ... or something20:21
asacmicahg: depends ;)20:21
asacsome packages have really rotten old build system stuff20:21
micahgasac: well, I was working on edbrowse and that's still dh4 compatible20:21
asacthats fine20:22
micahghaving trouble linking libmozjs...I'll ping you sunday if I can't get it solved20:22
asaci dont think we should upgrade dh here in ubuntu20:22
asacrather in debian ... otherwise its a painful diff to merge all the time20:22
micahgasac: I didn't, I was tempted to use dh_xul :20:22
asacwell dh_xul is good, but submit it upstream ;)20:22
asacmicahg: libmozjs? right. thats not the same as in debian20:22
asacas we are not shipping it as top level lib20:23
asacyou need -Lxuldir20:23
asacand set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...20:23
ftacould someone please try this with chromium: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/text-canvas.html and tell me if it's readable20:23
micahgasac: LD_LIBRARY_PATH gets set in rules?20:23
asacfta: can read it  here20:23
asacfta: is that about the armel bug?20:23
asacmicahg: or upstream build system20:24
asacrules proably is easier20:24
ftaasac, is it the same in ff? it's not for me: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/fonts.png20:24
asacfta: i can read everything up to bold 14px...20:24
asacfta: yes, chromium is ugly. but i can read it ;)20:24
micahgasac: I was trying to use the mozilla-js.pc file to get libs and cflags...so I guess I was just missing LD_LIBRARY_PATH20:25
asacyeah firefox looks better20:25
asacmicahg: we ship mozilla-js.pc?20:25
micahgasac: yep, I think so20:25
ftaasac, you don't have the mstt fonts, do you?20:25
micahgasac: in the -dev pacakge20:25
asacfta: hmm you mstcore...?20:26
asacun  msttcorefonts20:26
asacso no20:26
asacthat thing is not installed ;)20:26
ftaok, me neither20:26
asacmicahg: ok. yeah i think LD_LIBRARY_PATH20:26
ftaupstream says it's looking good for them :P20:26
micahgasac: I'll try sat night, I was thinking to upgrade to lucid sat night so I can dogfood this stuff better20:27
asacyeah with their nonfree arial stuff ;)20:27
asacmicahg: right.20:27
micahgasac: also if archive is open again, could you or chrisccoulson push xul192-0ubuntu2 to archive please?20:27
micahgit's tagged20:27
micahgthen I'll do final tests on fennec and prism and we can push those over the weekend or monday20:28
asac__we can push xul even if archive isnt open20:28
asac__it will auto get in when freeze is lifted20:28
micahgasac__: k20:28
micahgasac__: I'm assuming we are trying to remove xul191 from lucid before release, right?20:29
asac__chrisccoulson: we really need to go for latest nspr/nss soon20:29
asac__micahg: removing that is the plan20:29
asac__i had beta2 in mind for killing it20:30
asac__together with everything that isnt ported by then20:30
asac__actually 1 week before beta2 ;)20:30
asac__which probably isnt that far ;)20:30
ccheney`wow my internet access is slow today will take a while to update my packages in my hardy vm20:30
micahgasac__: so, I've got about a week...ok :)20:30
micahgI'll try to get a full status per package on the wiki by the end of the weekend so we know where we stand20:31
asac__that would be great20:31
ccheney`moving made it go a bit faster :)20:31
asac__so we can prioritize what is important to keep20:31
asac__and what can go20:31
asac__ccheney`: so thats wifi ;)20:31
asac__reset your AP20:31
asac__and dsl modem or something20:31
asac__that often gives me huge throughput improvements20:32
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ccheney`asac__: yea, working from a library today so it would be quieter :)20:32
ccheney`the gigantic webkit dbg package it taking a while to update, heh20:33
asacyeah. thats the prob always20:33
asacccheney`: what do you see on the console when it crashes?20:33
asacjust segfault?20:33
asacor any warnings/criticals etc.?20:33
asacccheney`: so if you want to produce -dbgsym locally you can also just install pkg-dbgsym package20:34
asacand then build it with debuild -b or dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot20:35
asacit will just gen the same the archive gens  ;)20:35
ccheney`will pastebin it20:35
ccheney`ah found a better ap that is much faster :)20:36
asacccheney`: doesnt work20:38
ccheney`it crashes when clicking into the url bar after debian.org website loads20:38
ccheney`i'm updating to what is in the ppa now should be done in a few min20:38
ccheney`its unpacking now20:38
asacyeah those warnings need to be fixed ;)20:39
asacEphyLocationEntry isnt GtkActivatable20:39
ccheney`yea but not sure why, i have GtkActivatable in the backport20:40
ccheney`from what i recall anyway20:40
ccheney`well or it wouldn't build, heh20:40
ccheney`should i be able to just run gdb /usr/bin/epiphany-browser then bt after it crashes?20:41
ccheney`its either running really slow or something is wrong when i try launching it from gdb20:42
asacgdb is usually slow20:42
ccheney`yea i see disk access so just slow it seems20:42
asacbut i am sure we need to fix the stuff fiurst ;)20:42
asacit cant survive with such errors20:43
asace.g. EphyLocationEntry' to `GtkActivatable'20:43
asacif you click on that it means its getting activated20:43
asacsince whatever deals with that click event cannot cast, it will crash20:43
ccheney`got a backtrace but i need an unstripped epiphany i think20:43
asacccheney`: so check the EphyLOcationEntry code20:44
asacthat should implement the GtkActivatable interface20:44
asacif you post me the .c file i can check20:44
asacccheney`: install pkg-dbgsym and rebuild epiphany if we dont have -dbg packages20:44
asacbut for now do the .c file first20:44
asaclets focus on the warning/criticals first20:45
asacthe casts have to work20:45
asacotherwise everything is unpredictable20:45
asacand a backtrace like this can easily happen20:45
ccheney`i wonder if i messed up something with the way i did the marshal backport stuff20:46
asacusually not20:46
asacbut we can check that too20:46
asaclets first look at the obvious things20:46
ccheney`i might have done something wrong with that bit since it required messing with the rebuild20:46
asac-> post the .c file20:46
ccheney`er code generation at build time i mean20:46
asaccould be.20:46
asacbut lets go through this step by step20:46
asacwith any of the warnings we see there it will not survive i am sure ;)20:46
ccheney`which c file should i post, i think i missed that part20:47
asacccheney`: te file that implements EphyLOcationEntry20:47
ccheney`oh ok20:47
asacif that derives from something that should implement the activatable we can look at that ( i suspect our ported gtkentry thing could be a problem too)20:47
asac"IA__g_object_class_override_property: Can't find property to override for 'EphyGtkEntry::editing-canceled'"20:48
ccheney`ok patching the epiphany-browser source so i can post the built c file20:48
asacthis makes me think that our EphyGtkEntry doesnt implement GtkActivatable ... but should20:48
asacccheney`: cool20:48
asacalso post the EphyGtkEntry thing ;)20:48
asacpaste == post ;)20:48
ccheney`yea :)20:49
ccheney`its too big to paste directly into pastebin easily but i can put in on my people site20:49
ccheney`hmm is ppa.launchpad.net down20:49
asac ccheney` cat file | pastebinit20:50
asacinstall pastebinit20:50
ccheney`ah :)20:50
ccheney`cool thanks for the tip :)20:50
* ccheney` curses at his computer20:50
ccheney`oh i know whats wrong, stupid chroot20:51
ccheney`it had a stale resolv.conf20:52
asacyou should add a post netup script t copy that to all chroots ;)20:52
asaci dont have that either ;)20:52
ccheney`yea, i never did that before because i forgot it changes, heh20:54
ccheney`i'm not sure how this was the first time i've ever been bitten by it20:54
asac_the_2ndif you are at home you usually have your AP as nameserver20:56
asac_the_2ndwhich doesnt change20:56
asac_the_2ndonly when moving to library ;)20:56
asac_the_2ndor roam20:57
asac_the_2ndin general .. so at conferences/sprints ;)20:57
ccheney`yea i've used it at conferences before maybe it just happens to line up with them20:58
ccheney`http://pastebin.com/tT53wg9n  http://pastebin.com/kyyhHC3p21:02
ccheney`that is ephy-location-entry.[ch]21:02
ccheney`http://pastebin.com/CA4Hunga http://pastebin.com/nkyQMGCv21:03
ccheney`that is the EphyGtkEntry c/h21:03
asaclet me check something21:04
asachmm ... what is AtkImplementorIface21:06
asacthat is referred to in doc but isnt documented21:06
ccheney`not sure21:06
ccheney`probably accessibility21:06
ccheney`brb, gotta run to the restroom21:07
ccheney`iirc i just copied gtkentry verbatim from gtk and then fixed it up to work in epiphany21:10
asac_the_2ndso ...21:10
ccheney`so not sure about the Atk bits21:10
asac_the_2ndwhere is the upstream gtk tarball of the hardy version?21:10
asac_the_2ndis hat 2.12?21:11
ccheney`launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/ yea 2.12.9-3ubuntu5 apparently21:11
asac_the_2ndjust found that git.gnome.org doesnt offer tarball exports for tag21:12
asacccheney`: did you do something for GtkAccessible in general?21:13
asacor just copy the interface code?21:13
asacor nothing at all?21:13
ccheney`nothing at all21:14
ccheney`i didn't see any failures relating to it21:14
ccheney`so if that is the culprit it was silently failing while backporting i guess21:14
ccheney`or do you mean GtkActivatable?21:15
ccheney`i do have copies of GtkActivatable21:15
asacman you are so right ;)21:15
* asac had a brain mixup ;)21:15
ccheney`ok so i will pastebin that stuff too21:16
micahgasac: should I hand off hardy -> lucid ff upgrade bugs to chrisccoulson?21:16
ccheney`http://pastebin.com/ABSr6kSG http://pastebin.com/S0uBzVLS21:16
ccheney`asac: it appears that GtkActivatable did not exist in hardy gtk21:17
ccheney`i do see one reference to it only as a comment so i am not sure what was going on with that21:18
ccheney` /* --- GtkActivatable glue --- */21:18
asac_the_2ndmicahg: i would say so21:18
asac_the_2ndunless you know whats going on directly21:18
ccheney`under /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkaccelgroup.h21:18
micahgasac_the_2nd: will you be available on sunday at all?21:19
asac_the_2ndccheney`: is there anything in epiphany referring to GtkActivatable?21:19
ccheney`let me see21:20
asac_the_2ndor did you add anything in your backport referring to GtkActivatable?21:21
asac_the_2nde.g. in gtk/soup21:21
ccheney`not the classname itself, let me see about function calls21:21
ccheney`i don't recall seeing it outside of epiphany though21:22
ccheney`yea its in several files in epiphany21:22
ccheney`hmm i wonder if lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c is the culprit somehow21:24
ccheney`it has weird gtk checks around calls to it, the others didn't and i included the header for those other ones21:24
ccheney`the lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c code looks like this:21:25
ccheney`#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 16, 0) action = gtk_activatable_get_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (widget));21:25
ccheney`#else action = gtk_widget_get_action (widget);21:25
ccheney`hmm should be a link break after 0)21:25
ccheney`and the after the #else21:25
ccheney`that has the whole thing hopefully non-corrupted21:25
ccheney`if that file is the problem it should be relatively easy to fix :)21:26
ccheney`asac_the_2nd: still here?21:31
ccheney`asac_the_2nd: ok21:32
asac_the_2ndccheney`: let me get the epiphany source21:32
ccheney`they are going to close the library in about 20m, so after that i will head home and will be back online around 22:20 UTC21:34
ccheney`but i will be here until they close21:34
asac_the_2ndccheney`: can you please export G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings21:36
asac_the_2ndand then run it under gdb and get a backtrace where it breaks?21:37
asac_the_2ndoh its fatal_warnings21:38
asac_the_2ndccheney`: ^21:38
ccheney`ok will do21:38
asac_the_2nde.g. see here21:38
ccheney`iirc before i patched that to be EphyGtkEntry it collided with GtkEntry21:44
ccheney`the actual terminal output it gave was:21:47
ccheney`GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_class_override_property: Can't find property to override for 'EphyGtkEntry::editing-canceled'21:47
asacccheney`: and you get that when you click on the url?21:48
asacor right on startup ( i guess the latter)21:48
ccheney`i think right on startup21:48
ccheney`i don't recall it coming up all the way this time21:48
ccheney`trying again to be sure21:48
ccheney`it pops up a recover dialog21:49
ccheney`i click don't recover21:49
ccheney`then it crashes21:49
ccheney`with the debug option set21:49
asacand without it takes till activation/click?21:49
* ccheney` seeing how far i can get with it21:50
ccheney`i can use the menu, if i click on the url it crashes, or if i click on go->location it hangs21:51
ccheney`looks like the same crash21:51
ccheney`it just hanged because i was in gdb21:51
asaclet me check something quick21:51
ccheney`gotta leave the library now, should be back within 20-30m21:52
asacccheney`: ok one quick thing:21:53
asacccheney`: that one shows that ACTIVATABLE is only used for get_related_action21:53
asacand set_related_action21:53
asacthat needs to be ported to the old funcs that are called21:53
asac(for set_related_action - take care the arguments are flipped here)21:54
asacand gtk_widget_get_action21:54
asacfor gtk_accessible_get_related_action21:54
asacthen you change the GTK_ACCESSIBLE cast to GTK_WIDGET21:54
asacand can drop all the impl/header parts you added for GtkActivatable21:55
asacccheney`: ^21:55
asacanyway. lets talk in 40 min21:55
asac[reed]: can we trade this against s/Ubuntu Linux/Ubuntu/ on mozilla.org? ;)22:07
asacand mozilla.com ;)22:07
[reed]asac: where?22:17
ccheney`asac: so revert the gtkactivatable part of the patch and switch the parts that use it over to the other code and see how that goes?22:24
ccheney`asac: what about the crash on startup with the debug enabled?22:24
asac[reed]: http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Amozilla.org+%22Ubuntu+Linux%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox22:26
asacccheney`: yeah. write a patch for epiphany ;)22:27
asacccheney`: that uses the old action api22:27
asaclike i described22:27
[reed]there's nothing there that's in one particular place or anything super-official22:27
asac[reed]: yes, the trade isnt ment seriously (at least from me)22:28
asacanyway, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox&hs=CFl&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&q=site:mozilla.com+%22Ubuntu+Linux%22&start=40&sa=N22:28
asacalso on mozilla.com22:28
asaci think we should check whta is from more or less official places22:28
asacsome might be in there22:28
[reed]those are forum threads22:29
ccheney`asac: the editing-canceled part seems to be in gtkentry so reverting gtkactivatable bits will help with that i guess?22:30
asac[reed]: there are some that arent: http://support.mozilla.com/cs/kb/Setting+Firefox+as+the+default+browser+does+not+work22:31
asacccheney`: not sure about that one. just looked for Activatable ting in general22:32
asacccheney`: editing-canceled seems to be related to GtkCellRenderer22:32
asacbut lets first do the accessible and then see22:32
asaclet me look at th ecanceled in the meantime22:32
asacso its only used by GtkCellRendererText22:35
asaclet me check what was done in 2.1222:35
asacccheney`: yeah. i think you can just drop that property definition22:38
asacfrom the patch22:38
asacisnt used anyway, and the rest still accesses the old private field: editing_cancelled22:39
* asac checks what other warnings we have22:40
asaccool. seems thats all the warnings we see before the current crash22:41
asacmight see new ones after that22:41
asaclet me know if you havent fixed it in 10 ;)22:42
ccheney`heh ok22:44
ccheney`asac: what do i do with the set_activatable functions, etc?22:51
ccheney`asac: eg ephy_gtk_entry_set_icon_activatable22:51
asac_the_2ndccheney`: those dont exist?22:52
asac_the_2ndi would think you can keep them22:52
asac_the_2ndlet me check the impl22:52
ccheney`ok yea it looks like they don't actually use GtkActivatable for some reason22:52
ccheney`maybe i am confused, heh22:52
ccheney`maybe its a reuse of a word that makes me confused, heh22:53
ccheney`ok yea i don't see where gtkentry is using GtkActivatable at all22:54
ccheney`so maybe its just reuse of the term22:54
asacccheney`: dont think its a problem to keep those22:54
asacthey dont refer to GtkActivatable22:54
asaclets hope its confusing reuse22:54
asacseems to just set a special icon for activatables ;)22:54
asacwhich are probably all that have a action ;)22:55
ccheney`i think i removed the GtkActivatable bits from my patch now to convert the remaining references to it and rebuild22:57
asacccheney`: instructions are clear for the two cases?22:58
asac_the_2ndccheney`: so for first get_related_action in23:00
asac_the_2nd        action = gtk_activatable_get_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (proxy));23:01
asac_the_2nd        action = gtk_widget_get_action (GTK_WIDGET (proxy));23:01
asac_the_2nde.g. replace the first with the second23:01
ccheney`that looks pretty simple23:02
asacccheney`: well that place is odd23:03
asacbecause it gets related_action from an action23:03
asacthe other matches look more straight forward23:03
asaclike i said23:03
asaci think that func signature is just wrong ;)23:04
asacshould be entry_activate_cb ... GtkWidget *proxy23:04
asacso yeah do i there too23:04
asacmost likely the cast is fine23:04
asacyeah. the function signature is wrong ;)23:06
asacproxy is a Widget ;)23:07
asacnot a EphyLocationAction23:07
ccheney`so is it the same for this one? src/bookmarks/ephy-topic-action.c:              active_action = (EphyTopicAction*)gtk_activatable_get_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE (ancestor));23:08
ccheney`just turn it into (EphyTopicAction*)gtk_widget_get_action (GTK_WIDGET (ancestor)); ?23:08
ccheney`if its safe i can just search replace them all :)23:09
asacccheney`: it should be the same for every match23:22
asacso a smart replace should work ;)23:23
asac_the_2ndso seems no "set_related" is used in ephy code23:24
asac_the_2ndso that might be all23:24
asac_the_2ndotherwise we would use gtk_action_connect_proxy23:24
asac_the_2ndwith flipped parameters23:25
asacccheney`: all done ;)23:27
ccheney`yea doing a build now23:27
ccheney`i nuked the gtkactivatable files and did a replace on the code using it and started the build23:27
asacccheney`: did you also already drop the editing-canceled property override?23:28
asac(and its implementation to make it clean)23:28
ccheney`oh i forgot to drop that part yet23:28
asacyeah. shouldnt be a problem23:28
asacdont stop the build for that ;)23:28
ccheney`ok will add that once i test the activatable bits23:28
asacyes, we want to see what warnings we get now23:29
asacand fix those23:29
asacand so on ;)23:29
ccheney`wow that built fast, /me hugs ccache23:30
asaclets hope that does the right thing 100% ;)23:30
ccheney`i enable ccache by default in chroot since i rebuild so often, heh23:30
asac_the_2ndccheney`: paste ;)23:31
* asac_the_2nd goes offline because thats too confusing ;)23:31
asacso here only now23:31
asacccheney`: what happened ;)23:33
ccheney`didn't crash until i started typing in the bar now :)23:33
asacpaste console23:33
ccheney`thats in gtkentry and ephy-bookmarks23:35
asacccheney`: drop the editing-canceled so we can fail for warning23:36
asacand can get a backtrace23:36
ccheney`lib/gtk-gtkentry (the EphyGtkEntry backport file)23:37
ccheney`to drop editing-canceled do i just remove the code that refers to it on these lines?23:38
ccheney`lib/widgets/ephy-node-view.c:           g_signal_connect (renderer, "editing-canceled",23:38
ccheney`lib/gtk-gtkentry.c:                                    "editing-canceled");23:38
ccheney`or leave it in lib/widgets/ephy-node-view.c and remove it from lib/gtk-gtkentry.c ?23:38
ccheney`asac: still here?23:44
asacccheney`: not sure.23:44
ccheney`asac: ah ok23:44
asaci think from the patch for sure23:44
ccheney`ok i can try just removing it there and see what happens23:44
asacccheney`: the one is a signal23:45
asacccheney`: the other is aproperty23:45
asacjust the properly doesnt exist ... and thats in the patch23:45
asac(now i remembered what why i said that above ;))23:45
asacso yeah. just the gtk-gtkentry.c ... as that is property_override23:45
asacalso drop the PROP_EDITING_CANCELLED23:46
asacand the code that deals with that in set_ and get_property23:46
asacso +  PROP_IM_MODULE,23:46
asac+    case PROP_EDITING_CANCELED:23:46
asac+      entry->editing_canceled = g_value_get_boolean (value);23:46
asac+      break;23:46
asac+    case PROP_EDITING_CANCELED:23:47
asac+      g_value_set_boolean (value,23:47
asac+                           entry->editing_canceled);23:47
asac+      break;23:47
asacccheney`: ^^ drop those from the patch too23:47
asace.g. from enum and from the "case ..."23:47
asackeep the build ;)23:47
asacand make it incremental ;) ... thats faster23:47
ccheney`ah i forgot the EDITING part23:47
ccheney`will redo that now23:47
asacthat has to go too23:48
asacits not used code otherwise23:48
ccheney`is it safe to leave it in the enum, just remove the code references, or should it all go?23:49
asacccheney`: all go23:50
asacalso the enum23:50
ccheney`i'm just commenting it out atm in case we need it for some reason later23:50
ccheney`ok building now23:51
ccheney`built, installing now and testing23:53
asaci think the state-changed connect we can remove too .... have to check if there is some other way to implement the caps lock feature23:53
asacotherwise thats just missing ;)23:53
ccheney`getting somewhere now23:54
ccheney`different crash23:54
asacccheney`: so state-changed we can implement later with GDK_LOCK_MASK23:56
ccheney`i don't see any references to GTK_IS_ENTRY or regular GtkEntry in our code23:56
asacccheney`: please run with G_DEBUG=critical_fatal23:57
asacccheney`: fatal_criticals23:57
asacwe want to see where that is called23:58
asacseems the callback goes into the GTK_ENTRY23:58
ccheney`running now23:58
asacrather than in ours23:58
ccheney`doh i forgot to build epiphany with symbols again :(23:58
ccheney`but i do have the dbg part installed i think23:58
ccheney`oh no forgot that to, retrying now23:59

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