
akgranerpici ping00:32
akgranerjussi01, ping00:33
nhandlerakgraner: Can I help with something ?01:47
akgranernhandler, oh yeah :-)01:47
akgranerlooks like ubot2 in the NC channel isn't logging the channel anymore?01:48
akgranerit stopped sometime mid Feb01:48
nhandlerakgraner: ubot2 is an ubottu clone, not a log bot01:49
nhandlerWhere was the NC channel getting logged to before?01:49
akgranerwonder what happened to our bot then01:49
valoriemassive repeated netsplits01:49
* valorie sees two bots here01:50
ubot2`Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/01:50
valorieubot2 works01:50
akgranervalorie, the bot in my LoCo channel in NC stopped working :-(01:52
nhandlerakgraner: Contact admin@ubuntu-eu.org about that01:52
nhandlerakgraner: It was one of the locobot_X bots01:52
akgranernhandler, ahh thanks!! :-)01:52
valorienetsplits were fierce today01:52
nhandlerFYI https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:52
* akgraner adds to my tomboy note collection on such things :-)01:53
elkythere's been some epic routing problems in general lately. linode has been copping it something fierce01:53
akgranernhandler, thanks again!!01:53
elkysomething about the hurricane electric datacenter connections i think01:53
akgranergrrr dang it ubuntu one is gone now - I just added another computer to it now it's not even showing up01:58
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
akgraneroops - sorry about the mailing list all - I forget to reset my email to plain text...grrr - fixed now though :-)  Thanks to czajkowski and pgraner reminding me :-)  Y'all ROCK!!!11:49
czajkowskimaco: gota link for the ubuntu women artwork for a t-shirt12:19
czajkowskicant seem to find it12:19
Pendulumhiya, so I was just thinking. Hadn't we decided that we were going to do something for Ada Lovelace Day at the last meeting?13:38
Pendulumbecause it's next Wednesday13:38
Pendulumand I haven't heard anything about it *since* the last meeting13:38
elkywell, i'd imagine we all just spamz0r the planets with blogs about nerdy women who rock13:48
PendulumI think the specific thing was to ask everyone (not just us) to blog about specifically women involved in ubuntu who rock :)13:48
nigelbindeed :)13:48
Pendulumbut I hadn't seen any publicity which is why I was asking13:54
elkyPendulum, well, if you have time to send an email to rally the troops, then go for it :)13:56
akgranerPendulum, I just need to hit send on a blog post13:56
nigelbelky: define nerdy women who rock? we pick out one person from uw and tell everyone why they rock?13:56
elkypro tip: many blogging platforms let you schedule stuff, write it now and you won't forget13:56
Pendulumnigelb: don't limit yourself to UW13:57
nigelbPendulum: aha13:57
akgranerelky, yep I need to do that - for some reason I forget about that part13:57
elkynigelb, oh heavens no, pick /any/ nerdy computer woman you knokw13:57
akgranerIT and Science13:57
Pendulumthere are plenty of women who work on Ubuntu who aren't in UW13:58
nigelbOh No.  too many ;)13:58
Pendulumakgraner: I thought we'd specified to encourage people to do women who work on Ubuntu13:58
Pendulumthat the whole point was we were moving the idea of doing it for IWD to Ada Lovelace because it was too short a time for IWD13:58
akgranerwell yes we as a project are encouraging people to write about women in ubuntu13:58
akgranerbut Ada Lovelace Day is women in science and IT13:59
Pendulumwell yes :)13:59
akgranerand we as UW should really highlight other UW members if possible13:59
elkyI'm more interested in highlighting the path to becoming a UW14:00
elkyif it's because of another UW, then fine, but don't limit yourself if you're better served discussing someone outside14:01
akgraneryeah  - I think we all have ways to create some buzz.. surrounding UW and Ada Lovelace Day14:01
elkyI suppose what I'm saying is be visible, don't confine yourself unnecessarily14:09
nigelbI'm going to blog about the amazing women who taught me :)14:10
etaliI completely forgot about Ada Lovelace day until I saw a tweet about it earlier today, can't believe it's looming already!14:42
etaliI might cheat and do a general "women have worked on..." post.  I'm having trouble choosing one specific person to write about :(14:44
nigelbetali: or other groups like UW? PHPWomen for example?14:46
etaliOoh, that's a good idea!14:46
* nigelb thinks up another stock idea for those who might need one14:46
etaliI could write far too much about the IGDA Women In Game Development group.14:47
* etali thanks nigelb profusely14:47
czajkowskietali: did you see the gamers conferce in London got called off due to lack of attendance14:48
nigelbetali: no problem.  I've been building up a list :)14:48
nigelbprobably I'll mail it to the group once it gets big enough14:48
nigelbczajkowski: its sad :(14:49
etaliczajkowski: Yeah :(  They had picked a rather busy time for a conference though.  Hopefully they can pick a better time next year.14:49
czajkowskiI pasted 2 topics of interest14:49
czajkowski11:28 < czajkowski> Research: Help Get Girls & Women into SET -14:49
czajkowski15:29 < czajkowski> Women in Games conference cancelled http://ow.ly/1nPgh14:49
czajkowskipleia2: ping17:23
nigelbakgraner: ping :)17:23
pleia2czajkowski: hey17:24
czajkowskipleia2: cant find the link to the t-shirt art work anywhere17:25
czajkowskiany ideas?17:25
pleia2czajkowski: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Ideas/TShirtDesigns17:26
czajkowskithats the one17:29
akgranernigelb, pong17:30
czajkowskipleia2: thanks, I tried every combo and searching for it17:30
pleia2I just searched for "t-shirt" :)17:31
pleia2have to search "Text" though17:31
pleia2well, tshirt "titles" would have worked17:31
pleia2anyway, I added a link to it to our Projects page17:31
akgranerThought on Global Jam Weekend17:33
akgranerthoughts I mean17:34
pleia2akgraner: I was just thinking about replying on list17:35
pleia2elky made this regarding the wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/WeShouldFix17:36
akgranerOh that's great and even if someone doesn't have time to fix something they can just add it to the list17:37
akgranerThats a huge help as well17:37
pleia2unhelpfully, I don't have any suggestions regarding time/projects/etc for us17:49
akgranerhey all jono just shared this  - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/03/19/two-ubuntu-community-team-intern-opportunities-available/19:56

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