
blockyanyone know of some software which can synchronize audio streams, so i can have the same song playing at the same time in 2 rooms of my house01:54
holsteinblocky: ive looked into that before01:57
holsteinfor other folks01:57
holsteini was told you can do that in pulse01:58
holsteinbut i never tried it myself01:58
holsteinand i didnt hear back to see if it worked for anyone01:58
blockywell that wouldnt work for me, unfortunately my room mate uses a mac01:58
blockycan you reinstall the soundsystem on OS X?01:59
holsteinyou want to have the mac and an ubuntu box playing the same stream01:59
holsteinin sync?01:59
holsteinthats the idea?01:59
holsteinintel mac?01:59
blockyyea i think so, its a new macbook02:00
holsteinyou could run ubuntu in vbox on it02:00
blockyi was thinking maybe i could write some sort of vlc plugin02:00
blockyor itunes02:00
holsteini cant believe VLC doesnt have something like that already02:00
blockyim just starting to look into it, it might02:01
holsteini remember google-ing around for it though02:01
holsteinis there something in itunes?02:01
holsteinthat does that already?02:01
holsteinyou could run itunes in wine i suppose02:02
holsteini see this question every couple months somewhere02:02
holsteinSO if you wrote something, im sure it would be appreciated02:02
holsteinCOOL i like it02:05
holsteini hope thats new02:05
holsteinand its not something i just couldnt find ;)02:06
blockyyou tried it before?02:06
* holstein is BK'm-ing it for later02:06
holsteinlooks simple enough02:07
blockygotta setup shoutcast now02:08
holsteini got icecast02:08
holsteinan icecast server going02:09
holsteinon lucid server02:09
holsteinhttp://www.onlymeok.nildram.co.uk/ is a nice client02:11
=== astralja1a is now known as astraljava
Okidesuis there a way to record Stereo Mix in Ubuntu ??15:15
Okidesuyes no ? :)15:15
Andillusionyes shure there is.15:16
Okidesusudo modprobe snd-aloop ?15:16
Okidesuoh that module is not available for lucid :/15:17
Okidesuumm i just want to play some music instead of mic on the net15:22
Okidesuand i don't seam to have stereo mix as option in mic recording, although in windows there is such :/15:23
Aondohmm the ubuntu lucid includes qjackctl v0.3.4, and that version is not on a pair with the jackd version settings in 118, needs an upgrade to qjackctl v0.3.6, specially regarding defaulting to realtime enabled15:47

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