
=== StevenK_ is now known as StevenK
persiaSo, I'm a little confused by https://launchpad.net/builders07:51
wgrantWhat about it?07:51
persiaI see some stuff as "private source" and other stuff in detail, when I know other folk see it as "private source".  What governs how it gets seen?07:51
wgrantpersia: Whether you can view the archive in which it is building.07:51
wgrantOr the branch, soon.07:52
persiaAh.  So if it's building for a P3A to which I've been granted access, I can also see the builds, and if not, not?07:52
wgrantFor the P3A case, 'granted access' meaning upload access, not just a subscription.07:53
persiaOK.  That makes more sense.07:53
* persia has to go dig through indirect memberships at some point : the mess is too complex07:54
mrintegrityhi, is there any integration between launchpad and netbeans?10:56
persiaNot directly.  What sort of integration do you seek?10:58
mrintegrityversioning with bazaar10:59
persiaBased on http://wiki.bazaar-vcs.org/IDEIntegration there is an open call for a plugin.10:59
persiaWell, kinda.  Needs someone to write it :)11:00
wgrant#bzr may be better informed about Bazaar integration issues.11:00
persiaAnd #netbeans on netbeans11:01
mrintegrityI have been using netbeans because of it's relatively good php and symfony support.. was wanting to use launchpad too11:01
persiaJust needs a plugin.  Both bzr and netbeans have good plugin support.  This just isn't the best channel to ask :)11:01
mrintegrityok, thanks :)11:02
=== lionel_ is now known as lionel
mrintegritythink i will just have to use netbeans local versioning and then manually bzr it to launchpad11:10
persiaHow long should "Scanning for processes to kill in build" take?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/2.29.9-0ubuntu2/+build/1569828 seems like it ought to have finished some time ago.11:26
wgrantHow long has it been at that point?11:27
persiaDunno precisely.  At least half an hour.11:28
persiaFinished was > 2 hours ago, but I'm unsure if there's lag in the rest of the commands for some reason.11:28
wgrantOh, right, it's been a while, yeah.11:32
wgrantI've not seen a build hang there before.11:32
persiahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/likewise-open/ is even more extreme11:32
manishwgrant: You there?11:32
wgrantAnd let's not even mention https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghc6/6.12.1-12/+build/152605011:33
wgrantmanish: I am.11:33
manishwgrant: As you recommened using .NET libraries, I was digging through them11:33
persiawgrant: That's intentional, actually.  it has an infinite activity loop because it's expected to take 1-2 weeks to build.11:33
manishI stumbled across X509 certificates11:33
manishis it used in launchpad?11:33
manishi could not find it any the hacking document11:34
wgrantmanish: Launchpad uses SSL, yes.11:34
wgrantNormal HTTP libraries take care of that for you.11:34
manishwgrant: just have a look at this http://code.google.com/p/devdefined-tools/wiki/OAuthConsumer11:34
manishthis guy is using X509 certificates which he generated11:35
manishGoogle allows uploading X509 cerificates.. IIRC Lauchpad has no such option11:35
wgrantOh, no, Launchpad doesn't use client certificates.11:35
manishthen what should be done in this case?11:35
manishshould I set that client certificate section to null?11:36
manishwgrant: so should I still use .NET Oauth libraries or continue from the code I showed you last night?11:38
manishmeans re-doing things11:38
wgrantI think you should use the provided library.11:38
wgrantYou shouldn't need a certificate. I would check the code and see what it does with it.11:38
manishwgrant: even I am trying how to deal with it11:40
qenseWill lazr-js get packaged for Lucid? I assume it's already too late, but I'd love it when it would.11:49
wgrantI don't know of any plans.11:52
qensethen I'll use the branch11:53
lifelessbst way to get it packaged: do it11:54
qenseof course11:55
qensemaybe I'll provide a PPA, most of the work needed for packaging it is already done in setup.py and distribute_setup.py11:55
persialifeless: Hey.  You use netbeans, don't you?12:09
lifelesspersia: when I'm doing java stuff, yes12:37
persialifeless: How do you use it with bzr?  Just bounce to CLI?12:38
lifelesspersia: yes12:45
lifelesswe need someone that use netbeans for java, knows bzr, and wants to build and maintain a bzr vcs plugin12:46
lifelessI don't have time :(12:46
persiaOh well.  I understand, but you meet all the other criteria so well :)12:46
lifelessI know :P12:48
lifelessI did actually branch netbeans to have a look12:48
lifelessbut I ended up yak shaving bzr fast-import performance12:48
persiaSo instead of actually working on netbeans, you just made bzr good at hg?  That's still a win.12:55
lifelessbetter at12:55
slacker_nli'm backporting an appliction, did a backport to karmic, now want to do the same for jaunty. I only changed the release in the changelog and now I keep getting the following error File <UPLOADED_FILE> already exists in <LOCATION>, but uploaded version has different contents14:06
nhandlerslacker_nl: Change the version to append something like ~jaunty114:06
slacker_nlthat is the only solution?14:07
persiaIt is often wise, when uploading to PPAs, to upload to the *oldest* release you plan to support, and copy the packages to the newer releases, rather than work in reverse-chronological order.14:07
mok0slacker_nl: yes14:07
persia(it being usually more unsafe to copy backwards than copy forwards)14:08
slacker_nlpersia: yes.. but.. i made the original backport request for karmic, just wanted to see if it would work in jaunty, if so, create a backport request for that..14:09
persiaIf you're using PPAs to preview the Ubuntu backport procedure then you need a new upload for each release, versioned as nhandler recommends.14:10
slacker_nlpersia: but the oldest to newest approach would give me the same error?14:10
persiaFor normal PPA use (not backports prep), oldest to newest lets you copy without uploading again.  Usually this is fine.  Sometimes you need to reupload to fix something.14:11
mok0slacker_nl: this is also what happens when Ubuntu moves from one release to the next... binary packages are copied14:11
slacker_nlmok0: that I know14:12
slacker_nli was just suprised that I need to change the version to upload the same package for different releases14:13
slacker_nlce'st tout :)14:13
mok0slacker_nl: so if you do like persia says, you will understand that it works14:14
slacker_nlthnx for the help14:14
slacker_nlmok0/persia/nhandler ^^14:15
=== doko_ is now known as doko
rdbWhere can I change my password? This is a stupid question, but I can't find a link to change it anywhere.17:09
nigelbrdb: login.launchpad.net17:13
rdbnigelb, thanks!17:14
slacker_nlquestion, will it be possible to support debian release pockets for ppa's? is this somewhere on a roadmap/wishlist?18:23
cwickertmaybe this is a comletely stupid question, but...18:30
cwickertwhen I'm on bugs.launchpad.net, where is the link to file a new bug or to the advanced search?18:30
crimsuncwickert: you need to pick a project18:39
crimsune.g., bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu18:39
cwickertcrimsun, I don't want to query bugs, I want to file one.18:40
cwickertsay I'm on bugs.launchpad.net and want to file a bug against launchpad. where is the link or where would I start?18:42
crimsuncwickert: bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad18:52
crimsuncwickert: trailing vertical edge, see e.g., https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug18:52
cwickertcrimsun, and how to i get from bugs.lp.net to bugs.pl.net/lp without googeling?18:53
cwickertIMO the start page of a bug tracker should have direct links to file and query bugs18:54
cwickertI just filed a bug, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/54288918:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 542889 in malone "bugs.launchpad.net needs a direct link to the advanced seach" [Undecided,New]18:54
cwickertbug why is it in "malone" and not in "launchpad"?18:55
cwickerthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad reads "bugs in launchpad itself"18:55
crimsunprobably hysterical raisins18:55
crimsunit was originally called malone18:56
cwickertwhen I filed the bug I selected "launchpad itself" as project and the bug ended up in malone18:56
* cwickert is confused18:56
crimsunI would be just as confused18:57
cwickertoh, I selected "launchpad bugs". not launchpad itself18:58
cwickertbut I still don't get the difference18:58
cwickertanyway, thanks for your help18:59
cwickertc u18:59
geser"launchpad" is all of launchpad and should be used when filing a bug about launchpad and you don't know which LP sub-project is the correct one19:24
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
geserdoes https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ list all available buildds? as I've a PPA build running on samarium which isn't listed on the builders page22:21
wgrantgeser: Unless samarium has been marked un-OK or inactive recently, it should be listed.22:24
wgrantlamont: ^^?22:24
lamontI'll check that before filing my virt-manager bug22:26
geserit's just the listing on the overview page, as my PPA build got dispatched to samarium (10 min ago and currently building)22:27
geserI was just surprised to the see the amd64 build in the buildd overview page22:27
lamontgeser: it's an interesting feature of the UI22:36
lamont Active == Whether or not to present the builder publicly.22:37
lamontbecause that's a totally correct definition of the word22:37
wgrantHeh, yes, that was my suspicion.22:37
wgrantThe field is unavailable publicly.22:37
lamontand I suspect that someone marked it inactive, and then it got cycled through the airlock.  I'll make sure that we mark the buildd active when we give it back to buildds22:38
wgrantOf course, I don't think inactive builders are actually listed anywhere.22:39
lamontwgrant: you can still go .../builder/$NAME22:40
wgrantlamont: Right, but you can't find them except by looking at build listings.22:40
lamonton the bright side, having fixed samarium, there are no builders where  active=false and manual=false and builderok=true22:41
wgrantHow do you determine that? DB query?22:41

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