
Sarvattkmsdbh_: oh you are using karmic with the lucid kernel?00:00
kolizI really feel that alot of good stuff has happen with lucid00:00
Sarvattdo things worth with actual ubuntu lucid packages? :)00:00
kolizreally like the new interface00:00
SarvattI noticed you were using my xorg-edgers ones00:00
FullPolarFox1981bazhang Yep... it is a nazi's headquarters,00:01
yofel!coc | FullPolarFox198100:01
ubottuFullPolarFox1981: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .00:01
Sarvattit'd be worth installing ppa-purge, then doing a sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers and rebooting00:01
bazhang!ops | FullPolarFox198100:01
ubottuFullPolarFox1981: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:01
kmsdbh_hmm I upgraded my system yesterday, through aptitude dist-upgrade00:01
FullPolarFox1981bazhang you are a nazi's traitor00:01
CalmvsKhaosty jpds00:02
* yofel shakes head...00:02
kmsdbh_Sarvatt: http://pastebin.com/wsUx1Zmd00:02
barryhas anybody else noticed odd behavior with top and bottom gnome panels on dual headed machines?  seems like they only want to live on the right screen no matter what you do (in karmic they were on the left, where they should be! :)00:02
kmsdbh_Sarvatt: I put the xorg-edgers after having this problem00:04
kmsdbh_ok, gonna reboot, maybe it's my bad, again...00:05
kmsdbh_I'll come back. Thanks people00:06
Sarvattkmsdbh_: have you tried readding quiet splash back to the kernel command line? plymouth is segfaulting there without it, i would try removing all of your extra options and just booting with quiet and splash added just to see how it is as a first step00:06
CosmiChaoshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/541749 - More Data00:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 541749 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "PCIExpress 1.0 16x Port (nforce 630i) and 16x-Card 8600 GTS only synced at bus-type 4x" [Low,Incomplete]00:18
kklimondaCosmiChaos: you would probably have more luck on the #ubuntu-x channel00:27
pepeeI was using another nick... k<something>_00:33
pepeewell, xinit loads, but kubuntu doesn't00:33
pepeedmesg says "client connected" and "client <some number> has disconnected"00:34
marenostrumKarmic Koala here. My home directory is encrypted with eCryptfs. It lies on a seperate partition. What should I do before attempting to make a fresh install of Lucid (not Web upgrade), mounting that partion as home again and without data loss? Additional question: I guess there wont be any problem with Web upgrade without any special measure; am I right?00:38
luca_hi everyone00:48
luca_I am testing the Beta, so far I have a minor but annoying problem: all the titlebars and window decorators are not drawn anymore.00:48
luca_Nvidia graphics, driver enabled00:49
luca_anyone with a similar problem?00:49
marenostrumLuca: Hi. Everybody went to bed I think. I didn't install yet.00:50
luca_marenostrum: ok, thanks00:51
luca_I think I'll follow suit as everybody else then :)00:51
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
ugliefrogthere isnt any pop up notifications that i can see00:55
besi get this error when i tyr to boot 10.4 "GLIB WARNING ** GLib - getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)"00:59
vividluca_, Alt+F2,  compiz --replace &01:00
Linux000What is the name of the LiveCD Installer?01:05
jpdsLinux000: Ubiquity..01:06
JontheEchidnaLinux000: ubiquity01:06
samtoucanapparently my ATI radeon 4350 no longer needs a proprietary driver in lucid, is that right?01:07
ugliefroganyone here use vuze01:09
KruyKazeis ubuntu one syncing for you guys?01:17
avarI can't even get it to start01:19
kklimondaKruyKaze: it does something for sure01:21
KruyKazefirst time i use it on lucid01:22
KruyKazei added a file and it never syncs01:22
kklimondaKruyKaze: what does u1sdtool -s say?01:23
KruyKazelet me check01:23
FeasibilityStudyAnyone having issues with pinentry-qt4 failing with Lucid?  When it pops up, it doesnt give time to enter the password, it just blinks 3 times and says incorrect password.01:23
KruyKazeState: READY01:24
KruyKaze    connection: Not User With Network01:24
KruyKaze    description: ready to connect01:24
KruyKaze    is_connected: False01:24
KruyKaze    is_error: False01:24
KruyKaze    is_online: False01:24
KruyKaze    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH01:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:24
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:24
kklimondaKruyKaze: do u1sdtool -c01:24
KruyKazekklimonda, done01:25
KruyKazeno output01:25
FeasibilityStudyAnyone having issues with pinentry-qt4 failing with Lucid?  When it pops up, it doesnt give time to enter the password, it just blinks 3 times and says incorrect password.01:25
KruyKazenow it says connected and online01:25
KruyKazeno tray icon01:25
kklimondathere is no tray icon01:26
KruyKazethey removed it?01:26
technovikingis there a work around to panels/nautilus not working after updated01:26
KruyKazeit used to show if not connected01:26
kklimondaindeed, that's probably a bug01:26
technovikinganyone else having that problem01:27
KruyKazekklimonda, i see a weird half green half blue syncing sign now01:27
KruyKazekklimonda,  and now it's synced01:27
pepeecan't log in kubuntu01:28
KruyKazekklimonda, am i suppsed to tell it to connect everytime?01:28
pepeexorg just restarts01:28
pepeebut xinit works fine01:28
kklimondaKruyKaze: no idea01:28
kklimondaI don't remember01:28
KruyKazei guess i could add u1sdtool -c to startup :D01:29
KruyKazekklimonda, does it hurt to use it when it's already connected?01:29
kklimondaprobably not01:30
KruyKazeok good to know thanks01:30
pepeepackage kubuntu-desktop was removed while upgrading, don't knnow why01:30
ChogyDanpepee: probably some broken packages01:31
pepeehmm and how to recover access to kde?01:31
pepeeif i run startx, it shows half of the loading bar and then just stops01:33
yofelpepee: what loading bar?01:34
pepeeand if I run /etc/init.d/kdm start it's the same, but then shows the login screen01:34
pepeeyofel: I changed the theme, so kde shows a bar while loading01:35
=== Anzenketh|away is now known as tuxmaster
=== tuxmaster is now known as anzenketh
xfact_This kind of APT(s) "ppa:hydr0g3n/ppa " works on Lucid?01:36
yofelxfact_: it should01:36
xfact_yofel, Ok trying...01:36
yofelpepee: do you have plymouth installed?01:37
pepee(EE) PreInit returned NULL for ""Macintosh mouse button emulation""01:37
pepeethat's the only error I can see01:37
LaserJocksooo, anybody having gnome-panel not start up at login anymore?01:37
yofelpepee: as Sarvatt said before, I don't think that has anything to do with your issue01:37
maxbLaserJock: yup. Interesting errors in .xsession-errors01:37
pepeeplymouth is installed01:38
LaserJockmaxb: ok, not just me, good01:38
yofelpepee: maybe try to purge plymouth and see if it helps, here it caused more harm then good01:38
pepeebtw it's a laptop01:38
LaserJocklooks like there a big issue with .desktop files01:38
LaserJockhmmpf, X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain is getting set twice01:40
BookmanI just updated two of my experimental systems this evening and now they boot up to just a background screen and the cursor.  Nothing else can be done.  Anyone know if this is a known bug?01:40
maxbBookman: It's being chatted about here, I don't know if anyone's filed it yet01:43
BookmanSeems a pretty major one.01:44
=== Stik_ is now known as Stik
tester3478Hi. I am testing Xubuntu 10.04 and want to enable my bluetooth mouse. Is there a graphical interface like in gnome?01:46
thedooranyone else lost the acess to gnome asfter the last update?01:48
pepeewell, I'm not alone.. haha01:48
thedoorlol :)01:48
tester3478bluetooth under XUbuntu 10.04 anyone?01:48
pepeebad luck, I just upgraded to lucid yesterday...01:49
thedoorpepee, im using the alpha by 2 weeks01:49
thedoorand today it crashes :(01:49
LaserJockI've been using Lucid for a couple months01:49
Bookmanthedoor, I'm in the same boat on two of my machines.  Alpha was great.  Beta, not good at all.01:49
LaserJockand this is the first real trouble I've had01:50
pepeeATI anyone?01:50
tester3478very helpful 300 users!01:50
maxbLaserJock, Bookman: all the problems are due to malformed desktop files. I went through and fixed all mine in /etc/xdg/autostart/ and /usr/share/applications/ and my system seems happy now01:50
LaserJockBookman: Beta itself or Beta+installs01:50
pepeetester3478: blueman?01:50
LaserJockmaxb: yeah, I just can't figure out why they're doing that.01:50
thedoorLaserJock, you get no access to gnome too? :(01:50
tester3478there is no blueman available01:51
Bookmanmaxb, what do you mean by 'malformed'?01:51
LaserJockthedoor: well, some access, but things are failing01:51
xfact_yofel, It failures, I think I have to add the whole apt specially available for lucid01:51
maxbkey=value pairs before the [Desktop Entry] header01:51
LaserJockBookman: the .desktop files have an extra X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain01:51
LaserJockwhich causes the .desktop files to not be valid01:52
yofelxfact_: what are you trying to do exactly and where do you use the ppa: line?01:52
hdpbbooting to lucid beta from a usb key leaves me with no mouse on my laptop.  suggesstions to troubleshoot?01:52
pepeeI can't access to kde, except for the login and the "loading" screens01:52
kklimondaLaserJock: which .desktop files?01:53
yofelpepee: anything in ~/.xsession-errors maybe?01:53
Bookmanmaxb, I'm assuming this is something they will repair eventually.  One of my machines has KDE on it and it works fine.  The other is out of commission for the time being I guess.01:53
LaserJockkklimonda: many many01:53
LaserJockkklimonda: applets, gnome-panel, etc.01:54
kklimondaLaserJock: hmm.. those in /usr/share/applications ?01:54
thedoorwell, i will date with my girlfriend while it don't works :(01:54
thedoorbye bye guys :)01:54
LaserJockkklimonda: also in /etc/xdg/autostart01:54
LaserJockkklimonda: hence the login problem01:54
pepeeyofel: yep, there is something there01:54
kklimondaLaserJock: I've just done a clean install and update and I don't have duplicated entries in .desktop files.01:55
IdleOneZykoticK9: I see there was a fix released for the volume bug we were talking about the other night but I still have the bug. has it been released but not uploaded to repos or do I need to apply a patch?01:55
LaserJockkklimonda: in which ones?01:55
yofelpepee: kde usually puts a lot in there, is there anything informational at the end when it stops?01:55
LaserJockon my machine /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator-session.desktop has an extra X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain on top01:56
pepeeksmserver: error while loading shared libraries: libatiuki.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:57
kklimondaLaserJock: hmm.. I don't have this file at all (nor can I find indicator-session.desktop in any package)01:57
LaserJockuh, ok01:58
LaserJockhow about /etc/xdg/autostart/evolution-alarm-notify.desktop01:58
LaserJockthese I'm seeing in .xsession-errors01:58
kklimondalooks fine01:58
kklimondano duplicated entries01:58
LaserJockmust be something weird going on then01:59
maxbkklimonda: I suspect you're on a slightly out of date mirror01:59
kklimondaah, right - I haven't switched after installation02:00
dataghm... my lucid in virtualbox won't log me in into gnome after today's upgrade.. any ideas?02:00
kklimondasaved by the delay..02:00
yofelpepee: o.O, that file is part of fglrx-driver, which isn't supposed to work in lucid02:00
maxbSome broken packages: evolution (2.28.3-0ubuntu5) gnome-applets (2.29.5-0ubuntu2) gnome-panel (1:
datagjust see the wallpaper and mouse-pointer, nothing else02:00
maxbdatag: This is what I, LaserJock, Bookman and kklimonda have been discussing02:01
kklimondabut my /etc/xdg/autostart/evolution-alarm-notify.desktop is fine after I've updated using main mirror.. weird02:01
pepeeyofel: hmm ok, now I understand...02:01
kklimondaoh, it's not anymore02:01
maxbOh, and gnome-disk-utility (2.30.0-1)02:02
datagmaxb: ah ok :) haven't been reading here... I'll have to scroll my chatlog02:02
Some_PersonI just upgraded to lucid, and update-manager wants to do a "partial upgrade" now02:02
yofelpepee: see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1#Known%20issues02:02
IdleOneSome_Person: hold off02:02
IdleOnepartial upgrades tend to brake things02:02
Some_Personnothing seems to be broken at the moment02:03
pepeeyofel: I uninstalled fglrx after upgrading, but removed it02:03
Some_Personso how do i fix this crap?02:03
IdleOneSome_Person: just don't do the upgrade for now. tomorrow (probably) the rest of the packages will be upgraded02:04
tester3478no bluez-gnome package in lucid why is that and how can I add my bluetooth mouse under xubuntu 10.04?02:04
* datag loves virtualbox's snapshot feature in such cases :)02:04
IdleOneand then you can do the upgrade OR go for it!02:04
yofelSome_Person: nice read on partial upgrades: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8423548&postcount=102:04
hdpbi have a mouse cursor, but no movement running off a usb and don't want to install to hd/update until i know why.  suggestions?02:04
yofelpepee: then I don't understand why it would try to load that file, do you still have fglrx set in your xorg.conf?02:05
* IdleOne votes +1 for Some_Person doing a partial upgrade :)02:05
pepeeyofel: nope02:05
yofelpepee: then I'm out of ideas, sorry02:05
Some_PersonWhen I saw that it wanted to remove empathy, f-spot, and other things, I knew it wasn't a good idea02:05
pepeebut it seems like i have to reconfigure kde...02:06
pepeeyofel: thanks02:08
Some_PersonIs this "partial upgrade" problem appearing for everyone?02:13
klaI removed that package that gives me the splash - I want it back but I forgot the name. help!02:13
arandSome_Person: Partial upgrades are almost always trouble.02:13
arandkla: plymouth?02:13
klaarand, yes!! thanks a 1,000,00002:14
Some_PersonSo how do I fix this trouble?02:14
arandSome_Person: Wait, unless you already pulled the trap.02:15
Some_Person"pulled the trap"?02:15
Some_PersonIf you're asking "Have I done the partial upgrade?", the answer is no02:16
yofelSome_Person: resolving it depends on what package is causing it02:17
arandSome_Person: Yea, expression mashup :)   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134343402:17
arand""Most "Partial Upgrade" situations occur due to package archive inconsistencies, which will typically be resolved within a few hours. If your package manager is confused, and so are you, simply wait and hold off the updates until things settle down.""02:18
BoondoKLifePartial upgrades remind me of windoes ME. Stuck in limbo lol02:18
BoondoKLifeBut most people recomend you to just skip it02:19
Some_Personarand: Would that not assume that everybody is having the problem though?02:19
yofelSome_Person: only if we have the same packages installed that you have02:20
Some_PersonHmm, so what should I do right now? I could try to manually upgrade as many as I can without removing anything in synaptic02:20
arandSome_Person: possibly, but it can also be mirror-dependent, some packages have reached them, some haven't02:20
LaserJockjust don't do anything02:20
LaserJockin terms of installing/upgrading packages02:21
arandSome_Person: The forum post kind of tells you all and more.02:21
IdleOneSome_Person: basically be patient and the repos you are using will be updated soon02:26
IdleOneor switch to the main server02:26
Some_PersonAm I better off with the main server?02:27
LaserJocknot right at this second :-)02:28
LaserJocksome fixes need to be figured out and pushed02:28
Some_Personwoah, when did google get a new logo?02:29
marenostrumSome_Person: What2s new with it?02:31
Some_Personstrange, I see the old logo in epiphany, and the new one in firefox02:31
marenostrumSome_Person: FF here and it seems as it used to be.02:31
Some_PersonThere are other slight changes to google.com too02:31
Some_Personthe links have no underlining02:32
samtoucanjust because im lazy and dont have to scroll up, is there a bug filed for the blank screen with only mouse pointer showing?02:32
Amaranthsamtoucan: it's a bug with plymouth and yes, it's reported02:32
Amaranthsamtoucan: you have a blinking cursor in the corner and pressing a key on the board makes X crash and load correctly, right?02:32
samtoucanthats the one02:33
Some_Personnew google.com: http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/5323/screenshotgooglemozilla.png http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/6465/screenshotubuntugoogles.png http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6465/screenshotubuntugoogles.png02:35
marenostrumDid anyone had a separate partition for home and opted for the home be encrypted during Karmic and upgraded to Lucid? Should I take some measures before installation?02:38
anzenkethis there a way to install mysql server without being prompted for anything.02:47
Some_PersonOh, and is it even worth mentioning that plymouth is broken for me?02:50
arandSome_Person: depends, is it different from the 50 already confirmed issues?02:52
Some_Personarand: apport says it isn't02:53
espen77anyone else lost their top and bottom bars after the lastest updates?02:54
espen77maxb: any easy fix?02:55
maxbEdit /usr/share/applications/*.desktop and /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop - in any file where there's a key=value pair above the [Desktop Entry] header, move it to the end of the [Desktop Entry] section02:55
espen77maxb: thanx02:56
marginoferrorI just updated all of my packages and now nautilus is segfaulting!  Anyone else experiencing that?02:59
ArenI am having serious issues trying to use Beta-1.  Every time I try to use the live CD (having given up on Live USB since that wasn't working for me), I get the same issue I had with the Live USB (though it happens markedly faster...must be USB 1.0 on this box).  Namely when I select the option to use the Live CD -or- install from the CD, the monitor instantly goes black on me, and any use of caps lock is markedly slow in responding (i.e.03:02
pepeeyofel: found something: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22952503:04
ubottuKDE bug 229525 in general "no way to open KDE session in Lucid alpha 3" [Crash,Resolved: downstream]03:04
ArenIs there a way to upgrade directly from a Heron install to the Lucid Beta-1?  Or will that give me the same fault?03:04
marginoferrorAren, there is a way to upgrade directly but03:06
Some_PersonThis may be a bit offtopic, but does anyone know how I can stop devede from producing video with out-of-sync audio, or does anyone know a good alternative to devede?03:06
marginoferrorWhether or not it gives you that problem, it probably will break your system.  Currently people upgrading into Beta-1 are experiencing the same problem I am having, namely nautilus and gnome-panel not working.03:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 525240 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel not starting on login" [Low,Incomplete]03:06
Arenmarginoferror: Translation> The Live CD I made is effectively a coaster?03:07
kklimondamarginoferror: your issue is bug 54234303:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234303:07
Some_PersonI just upgraded from karmic to lucid and my natuilus and gnome-panel are working03:08
marginoferrorYes, I just discovered that.  Regrettably the twitter feed "ubuntustatus" linked to the wrong bug03:08
marginoferrorThat is why that incorrect bug is being flooded with comments03:08
marginoferrorHmm, I'm a little skeptical this is actually the right bug.  Commenter endemoniada75 is having the same problem I am having, but neither of our problems describe the original bug #542343.03:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234303:14
Arenbug #542343 sounds alot like what's happening to me.  The black screen and yet not unresponsive state of my laptop when I try to use the Live CD or install from it.03:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234303:16
ArenShould I just toss that particular CD away, since even if the bug is fixed, the media will have the bugged code on it?03:17
marginoferrorAren, I think it's very unlikely that is your bug03:17
marginoferrorThat bug should not be producing a black screen03:17
Arenmarginoferror: What should the bug be creating then?03:17
marginoferrorIt should be showing a cursor and the wallpaper but no window dressings03:18
Arenmarginoferror: And is there an active bug report covering the situation?03:18
marginoferrorThere is no bug report I'm aware of for the live CD, more likely it is at least a little specific to your CD.  Have you tried booting with ACPI off, etc?03:18
marginoferrorYou should be able to press...  Um, F6 or something?  During the boot menu and it'll show you a number of special options03:18
marginoferrorFor compatibility.  If you fiddle around with those you may solve your problem.03:18
marginoferrorWhat kind of computer do you have anyway?03:19
marginoferrorSome_Person, by "just" do you mean just today?  If that's the case for everyone than maybe the bugs are only for people who upgraded from Alpha-3 to Beta-103:19
ArenIt's a Toshiba Satellite A105-S2131 laptop, with the RAM maxed out.03:19
marginoferrorHave you tried noacpi, etc as boot parameters yet?03:20
Arenmarginoferror: I was unaware that boot parameters were even possible.03:20
marginoferrorWhen you put the CD and boot, you first get to a menu that says try Ubuntu, install Ubuntu, test memory, etc, right?03:21
Arenmarginoferror: Just putting the live CD in, waiting for it to ask if I want to use the disc or do an install, and then no matter what option I select, I go black-screen.03:21
marginoferrorOkay, when you get to that menu asking you that question03:21
Arenmarginoferror: With a list of languages on the left of the window.03:21
marginoferrorLook along the bottom of the screen and it should say something like F6 - boot options03:21
marginoferror(after you select a language)03:21
marginoferrorPress F6, toggle however many of the boot options and press esc to get out of that menu, and enter to boot03:21
wgrantThe menu may be hidden by default; try pressing a key when the purple low-res Ubuntu logo first appears.03:22
Arenmarginoferror: I'll take your word on that one, I had to pop the Lucid CD out and pop in the Hardy one just to get back to being able to use the internet without putting in my Hardy-installed hard drive that I swapped out for safety's sake.03:22
marginoferrorKeep doing that with different combinations of boot options until it works.03:22
BoondoKLifeAren: I had a similar issue, if none of the options under F6 do it for you, use the alternative cd. It is a old style interface, but I had to use it with a dell notebook to get lucid on it03:22
marginoferrorI really think that will solve your problem.  The Live CD has trouble booting on all kinds of hardware without that coaxing03:23
Some_Personmarginoferror: Yes, I mean today03:23
ArenBoondoKLife: Which means burning yet another CD...already used 2 on Lucid (the first was a failed burn). *sighs*03:23
marginoferrorAren, you can't use the Lucid CD you already burned?03:23
BoondoKLifeAren: Sorry to hear that, try using RW, that is what I use for OS cd's03:24
Some_Personmarginoferror: Perhaps it's related to my "partial upgrade" problem? It wants to remove nautilus03:24
Arenmarginoferror: Not as it sits unless this 'find the boot options trick' works.03:24
marginoferrorSome_Person: wants to remove it?  That's... strange?03:24
marginoferrorAren: Oh, I see.  I'm pretty confident it will work, though.03:24
ArenBoondoKLife: Got extra money on hand so I can go out and buy a pack?  The CD-Rs I have date back to last christmas and I've been hoarding them like crazy.03:24
marginoferrorUnless you are getting a splash screen and kernel boot after that try/install menu, in which case the problem may be elsewhere03:25
marginoferrorfwiw I really do recommend the USB install if that's an option at all =)03:25
BoondoKLifeAren: lol, I've been using the same RW Hardy03:25
BoondoKLifeAren: since Hardy that is03:25
Arenmarginoferror: Tried that and failed over and over.  Though it might be the same issue, just happening at a far slower pace.03:25
marginoferrorLikely.  Probably both the live CD and the USB stick will block if you don't have the right boot options.03:26
ArenBoondoKLife: You do not understand.  I do not have a CD-RW, and no money to go out and buy one, and no car to drive out to the local Best Buy even if I had the dosh right now.  Starting a new job on Monday, and I'm broke until I get the first paycheck.03:26
Arenmarginoferror: I'll give it another try with the CD before I just give up for the night.03:27
BoondoKLifeAren: Don't Panic! Just try the different boot options, I'm just saying if that doesn't work then there is still hope03:27
marginoferrorGood luck.  I really do think it'll work.03:27
Arenmarginoferror: If not I'll do another live session in Hardy to ask for more assistance.  Are you sure it's F6?  And when do I start bashing away at it like a woodpecker to see if I get any options to work with?03:28
marginoferrorDon't bash away at it.  Select a language and then it'll take you to the menu, and you can press the key at your leisure.  (Assuming the behavior hasn't changed recently -- if it has you may need to press a key at a splash key to get to the menu)03:29
marginoferrorI am not sure it is F6.  However, there is a line at the bottom of the screen showing various F-keys and their functions.  One of them should be clearly labeled as boot options, even if it's not F603:29
Dr_Willisits always F9 or F10 on my 4 machines :)03:30
Arenmarginoferror: Lucid Beta-1 lets you click a button for trying the live CD or installing from the CD without having to select a language.03:30
Dr_WillisYou would think the PC makers would have aggred to a standard by now03:30
Arenmarginoferror: So I think the behavior is different.03:30
marginoferrorDr_Willis, I'm not talking about the key to boot from foreign media03:30
BoondoKLifemarginoferror: F6 sounds right to me03:30
marginoferrorDr_Willis, I'm talking about the key that you press once you've already gotten to the CD's boot menu03:31
Dr_WillisI tink i just waited here on the cd.. and it eventyally went to the 'try it out or install' dialog03:31
marginoferrorAren, well, if you do get to a menu that lets you pick "try" or "install" you are at the right place03:31
Dr_WillisBut ive not tried the beta install cd yet.03:31
ArenBoondoKLife: Your link looks like the Hardy Live CD...nothing like what I see with the Lucid Beta CD.03:31
marginoferrorPress F6 or whatever and select all or any of the boot options and see if a certain combination of those gets it to work03:31
Dr_WillisI did have issues with the daily build cd last week. Taking a VERY long time to get to that first dialog03:31
Some_PersonI used a daily build CD last sunday that worked nicely03:32
BoondoKLifeAren: Even the alpha cd looked similar, I have not looked at the beta one yet.03:32
ArenBoondoKLife: Might be an idea to look at it, because it looks nothing like the Hardy disc.03:32
Some_PersonStrangely, even plymouth worked when booting that CD03:33
marginoferrorYes, plymouth worked on my USB install... and then not after installed to disk03:33
wgrantAren: press a key during the initial low-res purple screen.03:33
wgrantThat will display the menu.03:33
wgrantBut you need to be quick -- you can't wait until it gets into Plymouth.03:33
Arenwgrant: The F6 that marginoferror is suggesting?03:33
marginoferrorAny key03:34
wgrantAny key.03:34
marginoferrorThe F6 is only after you get to the menu03:34
wgrantThat will display the old-style menu.03:34
ArenAt the risk of replaying a VERY old joke....which key is the Any key? *laughs*03:34
marginoferrorwgrant is giving you instructions on how to get to the menu in the first place, if it doesn't behave like I'm used to it behaving03:34
Arenmarginoferror: *nods*03:34
ArenAs soon as this process is complete (doing a fresh reinstall of hardy on this small drive, so if Lucid fails again without installing I won't need to swap CDs to get bootable again), I'll reboot and see if I can get Lucid online here.03:37
ArenIs there anything else I should know?03:37
marginoferrorI can't think of anything.  I think the boot options are the only thing you can reasonably try at this point.03:38
Arenmarginoferror: Which options should I be looking for, precisely?03:38
Arenmarginoferror: Or just randomly alter things until it runs?03:38
marginoferrorIt's probably either or both of03:39
marginoferrornoapic and acpi=off03:39
marginoferrorBoth of those should be in the nice menu that pops up03:39
marginoferrorSelect both of those, press esc to get out of the menu and press enter03:39
marginoferrorIf it boots, maybe reboot and pick just one of those and see if you can identify which one03:39
marginoferrorIf neither of those work, maybe try the others03:40
ArenSo just a general "disable acpi" deal?03:40
marginoferrorapic is separate from that (not sure how), but that's part o fit03:40
marginoferrorI have to go.  Good luck.03:41
ArenThank you03:41
* Aren is about ready to reboot...again.03:41
thedoorhiiiii :)03:45
thedooranyone having problems with the last updates? :P03:45
psusiwhat sort of problems?03:45
Some_Personthedoor: My system wants to do a "partial upgrade" and remove stuff that shouldn't be removed03:46
thedoori can't access gnome anymore Oo03:47
thedoorim talking on enlightment right nowOo03:47
AngryParsleyso I used the alternate CD to install 10.04. I did an aptitude install ubuntu-netbook-default-settings, but that didn't get the correct dependencies so my gnome settings were all borked03:48
AngryParsleybut then I remember alt + f2 and got a terminal03:48
AngryParsleyso I installed ubuntu-netbook as well03:48
AngryParsleyanyway, that dependency should probably get added03:49
JorgeAny ideas on the timeline to the fix to this massive problem?03:50
psusijoaopinto, what problem would that be?03:51
JorgeBooting to a background only.  No icons no menu bars03:52
AngryParsleyJorge: do you get a run menu if you hit alt + f2?03:52
psusiwhat background?03:52
wgrantYou may need Alt+T, since the panel manages Alt+F2.03:52
wgrantSome packages with .desktop files built since the beta release are broken, meanining that nautilus and gnome-panel fail to start automatically.03:53
wgrantAnd other applications will not start at all.03:53
JorgeAngryParsley, no window or text box on pressing alt F203:53
wgrantJorge: Try Alt+T instead.03:54
JorgeOk, get to terminal the what?03:54
psusiJorge, you don't have a fake raid do you?03:54
Jorgepsusi, no03:55
git__is ubuntu+1 as in Ubuntu One?03:55
JorgeNone of my machines do.  It is not just one03:55
psusias in the next release of ubuntu git03:55
wgrantgit__: That's #ubuntuone. This is for the next release of Ubuntu.03:55
thedoormore testerswith problems https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdbs/+bug/54234303:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New]03:58
JorgeSo, I assume that beta is still broken?03:58
psusiworks for me03:58
psusionce I boot with nodmraid03:59
LADmaticCAanyone having mouse problems? like not being able to click?03:59
wgrantthedoor: Yes -- the bug is well known by the development team, and has been announced through http://identi.ca/ubuntustatus, albeit with the wrong bug number.03:59
wgrantJorge: Beta 1 itself is not broken.04:00
thedoorwekk, we assume this risk when we installed a beta version :)04:00
wgrantJust those upgrading now.04:00
Some_PersonSo since things are actually working for me right now, I probably shouldn't upgrade anything?04:00
wgrantSome_Person: exactly.04:00
wgrantIf you install Beta 1 and then hold of upgrading for a day or two, everything should be fine.04:00
psusiI haven't upgraded my existing install tonight since something seems broken and wants to remove ubuntu-desktop, but I tried the beta 1 livecd04:01
Some_PersonWell, I upgraded a few hours ago from karmic to lucid using the repos04:01
wgrantI recommend that you subscribe to the identi.ca or Twitter ubuntustatus feed for alerts like this.04:01
Some_Personseems I barely missed the bug04:01
wgrantSome_Person: Depending on timing you may be safe. If you've rebooted since the last upgrade, you're fine.04:01
thedoorSome_Person, wait the things get fixed :P04:01
thedoorim a update addicted and im trouble now :(04:01
Some_PersonI haven't upgraded anything since the upgrade to lucid, except light-themes (but that was from my own PPA)04:02
JorgeWow KDE as a rescue.....04:02
bjsniderSome_Person, what did you do, put the buttons on the right side and put that in a ppa?04:03
Some_PersonI have a broken plymouth and lightsoff, but everything else so far seems to work04:03
Some_Personbjsnider: Yup!04:03
thedoorimportance:low ? wtf? Oo04:03
bjsniderwhatever dude04:03
Some_Personbjsnider: What's so funny about that?04:03
wgrantthedoor: The link there is incorrect. The correct bug is bug #54234304:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234304:04
Some_Personbjsnider: I also fixed their order (minimize, maxmize, close)04:04
thedoorwgrant, tks :)04:04
JorgeSo, problem fixed yet?04:05
bjsnideryou fixed something that isn't broken. it's a solution in search of a problem04:05
thedoorimportance:critical fuckyeah!04:05
Some_Personbjsnider: I tried to live with the default order, but kept hitting the damn maxmize instead of close (I have Mac OS X experience)04:05
wgrantthedoor: Language, please.04:06
wgrantbjsnider: From the other POV, DX fixed something that wasn't broken. it was a solution in search of a problem.04:06
JorgeWow, I'm surprised they would let a Beta out like this....gives one pause.04:06
wgrantJorge: Which problem?04:06
Some_Personbjsnider: I found it was easier to fix their order on the right than the left, so I did that04:06
wgrantThe bug with the panel not starting appeared some hours after Beta 1 -- it's not in it.04:07
thedoorwgrant, sorry :(04:07
bjsniderwgrant, the reasoning behind the buttons makes sense to me04:07
Jorgewgrant, the one that boots me to a blank desktop with no icons or menu bars04:07
thedoorthe bug comes with an update of beta1 the beta1 image is ok if u don1t update it at this time oo04:07
Some_Personbjsnider: Moving them to the left isn't the problem. I just hate the order that they're in04:08
wgrantJorge: That is not a bug in the beta.04:08
wgrantJorge: It is a bug caused by upgrading *after* the beta.04:08
Jorgewgrant, a bug is a bug04:08
wgrantOnce all the packages were released after being held for the freeze.04:08
Some_Personmaybe someone should add "DO NOT UPGRADE" to the topic in here04:08
wgrantJorge: But you said "Wow, I'm surprised they would let a Beta out like this....gives one pause."04:08
thedoorJorge, when we use a beta version we assume the risk of get something broken :P04:08
wgrantThey didn't.04:08
wgrantThe beta itself is fine.04:08
JorgeOk, so I am beat.04:09
thedoorthere are any developer working nopw? :P04:09
JorgeNo problem04:09
bjsniderthis "beta" used to be called "alpha 4" in all previous releases04:10
JorgeI will switch distros...have fun!04:10
wgrantSwitching distros because an in-development distro broke for a few hours?04:10
wgrantThat seems irrational.04:10
Dr_WillisIve noticed a few similer issues Jorge  - but they got fixed the next batch of updates04:10
Dr_Willisbut You are the one that installed a beta... so...04:11
Some_PersonThis problem will almost certainly get fixed soon04:11
Dr_Willisright now for some odd reason kubuntu dosent start up plasdma-desktop or plasma-netbook04:11
JorgeOk,  but even stable was flaky....time to move on.04:11
Dr_Willisi got to stat them by hand04:11
Dr_WillisJorge:  then leave.. have fun04:11
wgrantDr_Willis: This is probably the same problem that is plaguing many desktop applications.04:11
Dr_WillisWe dont really feel the need to convince people to use this or that.04:12
JorgeWow, Dr_Willis thanks for the sales job.....04:12
wgrantCDBS is currently producing broken .desktop files for main packages.04:12
Dr_WillisJorge:  if you want marketing to to apple.04:12
Dr_Williswgrant:  hmm. that may be part of the issue.04:12
espen77it takes 15 minuttes to fix it, i had to edit {evolution*,evince,gnome-panel,palimpsest,ubuntu-about}.desktop in /usr/share/applications/ and {evolution-alarm-notify,gdu-notification-daemon,indicator-applet}.desktop in /etc/xdg/autostart/04:12
JorgeHoly cow04:12
Dr_WillisIve noticed some qwuirks when using Ubuntu+Kubuntu on same machine also.04:13
Dr_WillisKubuntu netbook started up Nautilus :) and so forth04:13
* psusi guesses he will give up rather than wait until tomorrow to update, when it's fixed04:13
JorgeHave Dr_Willis sell for you....04:13
neotenyDr_Willis has helped me many times over the years04:14
Dr_WillisJorge:  you apraantly miss the idea that we are not here to 'force' people to use ubuntu.  Use it or not, it dosent matter to us04:14
Dr_WillisYou said you wanted to move on.. then go ahead.04:14
JorgeOk, solld me...Carry on.04:15
bjsniderDr_Willis, i dunno about you, but if i'm in here to sell, something, i wants to be paid for it04:15
Some_PersonDr_Willis: I've noticed similar quirks using multiple DEs on 1 system. Example: using bluetooth in xubuntu starts nautilus04:15
JorgeHoly cow, animosity...carry on.04:15
Dr_WillisSome_Person:  yep. The default 'app' for directories can get set to be nautilus when it should be pcmanfm, or  dolphin04:15
Dr_Willisthey are all using the same 'settings' when in fact they need their own defaults04:15
* psusi goes back to experimenting with the new gnome-shell that will be used in gnome3 apparently04:16
Dr_WillisKubuntu makes it easy to set what program opens 'dirctories' gnome makes it much harder04:16
Dr_WillisIm finding KDE4 more and more Useable :) as time goes on. Its decently done now, compared to when it first came out04:16
* psusi hates qt so has never used kde04:17
* Dr_Willis sends Jorge the bill.04:17
Some_Personugh! stupid dput! "Uploading supertux_0.3.3-SVN~r6616.tar.gz: 74781k/74782k" and it seems to be doing nothing04:17
neotenykde's too much for me.  i feel like i'm on crack when i use it.  or always on the verge of an epileptic fit04:17
bjsniderSome_Person, there was a problem earlier today with the ftp server04:18
Some_Personbjsnider: with launchpad's server?04:18
Dr_Willisi dont go overboard with all the kde widgits.. :)04:18
syddrafI'm installing Lucid on a 1TB HD alongside Windows Vista (whole drive formerly NTFS), and it's been stuck at 0% 'Resizing partition" for well over twenty minutes. Is this normal?04:18
wgrantSome_Person: That tends to be a routing problem.04:18
bjsniderSome_Person, yes04:18
wgrantPPA uploads are currently working fine.04:18
Dr_Willissyddraf:  it can take time to resize.. but that seems extreme.04:18
wgrantSome_Person: Your router may be broken, or there may be a bad MTU setting somewhere.04:18
wgrantFTP sucks.04:18
Dr_Willissyddraf:  windows DOES have features to repartion/resize ntfs - that i have found MUCH faster04:18
Some_Personwgrant: This has happened to me before on karmic, and I can't remember how I fixed it04:19
syddrafDr_Willis: is it too late to stop the partitioner and use the windows partitioner?04:19
Some_PersonI don't think it's my router. I haven't touched any of its settings in ages04:19
neotenyi think i'm addicted to vimperator04:19
ArenMore Lucid install attempts failed utterly on my machine. :(04:19
psusisyddraf, no... after 20 minutes it should have shown some progress04:19
thedoorpsusi, are you instaling it in english04:20
psusithebwt, huh?04:20
ArenAny other ideas other than mucking about with boot options before I just take the disc and fling it at a brick wall in an attempt to rid myself of some frustration?04:20
psusithedoor, huh even?04:20
thedoorpsusi, in portuguese the installer didn't work for me (:04:20
Some_Personwgrant: So what should I do about this, and will I have to start uploading from the beginning again?04:20
syddrafIs there a command to cancel the partitioner since there isn't a cancel button or just a hard shutdown?04:21
wgrantSome_Person: I'm afraid so.04:21
wgrantWhen did SuperTux get so huge?04:21
psusisyddraf, nope04:21
Some_Personwgrant: It was smaller before?04:21
bjsnidermaybe he's got the .svn or .git history int he tarball04:21
Some_PersonNo, I did 'svn export'04:22
Arenwgrant: I don't suppose you have any other ideas since that other bloke went offline?04:22
ddecatoranyone else having trouble with recent updates? (nautilus and gnome-panel won't start because the system can't read a .desktop file properly from the sounds of it...)04:22
bjsniderAren, maybe you've got a bad disc04:23
ddecatorfound it04:23
Arenbjsnider: It passes the CD check...04:23
Dr_Willissyddraf:  hard to tell..   It maybe crashed/stuck04:23
bjsniderAren, but the image you downloaded could have been borked04:23
Some_Personwgrant: So should I do something to fix this or just try uploading again on this slow frickin' connection?04:24
Dr_Willissyddraf:  or if its in  progress.. it may cause datalopss by stoppingit04:24
wgrantSome_Person: I tend to build the orig.tar.gz on a fast host elsewhere and upload from there.04:24
Some_Personwgrant: orig.tar.gz?04:24
Arenbjsnider: So fling the CD and try again with Beta-2 when it is released?  Or is there a way to upgrade from Hardy Heron up to Lucid Beta 1?04:24
wgrantSome_Person: tar.gz, in your case.04:25
bjsniderAren, i mean download and burn it again04:25
Some_Personwgrant: Well, this is all I have04:25
wgrantAren: You will be able to upgrade directly from Ubuntu 8.04 LTS to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, but I would not recommend trying that on a critical system before the final release irons out all of the flaws.04:25
wgrantSome_Person: Try uploading smaller stuff, perhaps. Maybe reboot your router, check its MTU if you need strange settings, that sort of thing.04:26
wgrantOther PPA uploads are still being processed fine, so it's a problem somewhere on your end.04:26
Arenwgrant: What is the method to perform such an upgrade?  This hard drive is specifically for betatesting.  I have a larger one with a fully patched 8.04 LTS install on it that I can swap in in case everything goes to custard.04:26
Some_PersonI uploaded something just yesterday without issues and haven't touched my router settings04:26
wgrantAren: Try following the normal Lucid upgrade instructions.04:27
wgrantThey might immediately work for Hardy, but they may need a little tweaking to find the multi-step upgrade.04:28
richthegeekgot a major problem guys04:28
Some_Personrichthegeek: gnome-panel and nautilus broken?04:28
Arenwgrant: I already tried downloading the live CD and doing a fresh install.  Which fails.  So that's why I'm asking what the Lucid upgrade instructions are.  Or where to find them.04:28
richthegeekyes, how did you know?04:28
Some_Personrichthegeek: because it's known04:28
richthegeekright, thought it was cos I changed the icon set04:29
Arenwgrant: Can you point me in the right direction?04:29
richthegeekthat's what triggered it04:29
bjsniderrichthegeek, he's psychic04:29
richthegeekSome_Person, bjsnider: any solution available?04:29
wgrantAren: What fails about it?04:29
wgrantrichthegeek: To make the current session work, hit Alt+T, and run gnome-panel&04:29
wgrantrichthegeek: But you'll need to do that every time you log in until this is fixed (soon, hopefully)04:29
richthegeekright ok04:29
Some_Personrichthegeek: it's caused by borked .desktop files in some update today04:30
richthegeeksweet mother of god this looks sexy....04:30
bjsniderwgrant, how long do these miserable freezes last?04:30
richthegeekoops wrong window04:30
wgrantbjsnider: The freeze is over. That's why all the updates came through and broke everything.04:30
bjsnideri see04:30
wgrantBut pre-release milestone freezes normally last for a few days.04:31
wgrantSoon they'll get longer.04:31
bjsniderthey're a waste of precious time04:31
wgrantThey're not.04:31
Arenwgrant: I try to boot the Live CD, it goes black screen after selecting either the boot or install options.  I asked for help, and following the altered directions, to muck about in the boot options (which I unlocked by spamming Escape, then F6 when I got the normal menu system.  Tried enabling noacpi, no difference.  Tried the second option, it let it boot, but doing anything caused the whole thing to lock up.  Tried both noacpi and t04:32
wgrantThey're critical for stabilisation of milestones.04:32
thedoorhow much time will take to this bug get fixed? :(04:32
wgrantOtherwise this breakage would have landed during the beta preparations, and delayed them even more.04:32
wgrantAren: An upgrade will likely die in the same way, I'm afraid. NVIDIA graphics card?04:32
Arenwgrant: Motherboard ATI.  It's a laptop.04:33
Some_PersonAren: eek, ati has big problems right now from what i've heard04:33
wgrantAren: Hmm. Try adding 'radeon.modeset=0' as an option.04:33
wgrantSome_Person: Not really, no.04:33
ArenSome_Person: Hardy runs fine on here.04:34
Arenwgrant: How?04:34
Arenwgrant: The boot options I've seen are just toggle switches, there's no place to enter custom parameters...04:34
Some_Personwgrant: I heard that the current ATI drivers are incompatible with the current Xorg version. Is that not true?04:34
wgrantAren: Hm, I'm not sure. There is a way, though.04:34
wgrantSome_Person: fglrx, the proprietary ATI driver, is.04:35
wgrantAlthough it's about to be fixed.04:35
wgrantBut that doesn't affect the default installation, which has open source 3D acceleration04:35
Some_PersonAh, so it doesn't affect the free driver. nevermind then04:35
wgrantAnd does not include fglrx.04:35
Some_PersonThis is strange. When I installed to the SD card before, the free b43 driver did not work every time I tried, but it's working here when I upgraded from karmic04:36
AngryParsleyin UNE is there a shortcut to show the start menu thingy?04:36
AngryParsleyhome screen. whatever it's called04:37
Arenwgrant: So what do you suggest I do, up to and including just going to bed?04:37
AngryParsleyalt + f1 just shows the regular style menu wherever the mouse cursor is04:37
Some_PersonEither the problem was fixed today, or something else is at play here04:37
thedoorbye guys :)04:40
richthegeekarg again.... getting embaressing04:41
ArenBoondoKLife: I'm back and still Lucid-less :(04:46
BoondoKLifeAren: sorry to hear it04:46
BoondoKLifeAren: As we have been sitting here talking about not doing the partial upgrade. my wife just did it to her box lol04:47
ArenBoondoKLife: I think I'm going to give up on it.  Going on 1am here and I can't think of anything else to do other than creative CD-destruction.04:47
BoondoKLifeAren: I hear ya. That alternative cd thing is going to be what you need. I had the same issue with my dell laptop.04:47
ArenBoondoKLife: Can you shoot me a link to it so I can tell the laptop to start downloading it?04:48
BoondoKLifeAren: Prolly plymouth or some new fandangled thing doing you in. sure gimme a sec04:48
=== jrib changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 1 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1 | NOTE: Auto-starting of GNOME is currently broken -- see bug #542343
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/04:49
ArenBoondoKLife: Nevermind, GNOME is apparently broken...and that's what I use.04:49
BoondoKLifedo the first one04:49
BoondoKLifeyea i just seen what everyone is yellin about, my wife did that partial upgrade and it borked her desktop stuff04:49
ArenBoondoKLife: Not worth burning another CD unless I'm fairly sure it won't be so completely buggered that I can't even see what Lucid is going to be like.04:50
BoondoKLifenot a major issue so I think it will be fixed quickly04:50
Arenbug #54234304:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234304:50
BoondoKLifeyea and nautilus is segfaulting because of the same issue04:50
ArenGot to love beta testing.04:51
BoondoKLifethe daily build that is up there is from the 17th so it should not have the current issue04:51
BoondoKLifejust dont do the partial update, or maybe avoid updating till this issue is fixed04:52
ArenI can't even get to the point of doing an upgrade unless it's in Hardy.04:52
ArenI should just grab Karmic, which uses the same ext4 file system.04:52
Some_PersonDid all the people having this issue do the "partial upgrade" thing?04:53
ArenOr is it even worth it?04:53
BoondoKLifeYou could, but if you are going to start fresh anyways then why not just wait. this is a major issue that will be fixed quickly IMHO04:53
misterBAnyone else having problems with(/success fixing) screen output freezes? Sometimes I get past the login screen, and sometimes the login screen doesn't even load correctly.04:53
BoondoKLifeSome_Person: I'm not sure about everyone else but my wife just did it and BAM04:53
ArenBoondoKLife: One thing Microsoft teaches you, always do an OS fresh if you can.  External drives are your friend. :P04:54
BoondoKLifeAren: Cheers to that!04:54
* BoondoKLife raises his Red Stripe bottle04:54
Some_PersonBoondoKLife: I'm glad I asked in here if I should do it first. I did not04:55
* Aren raises a cup of Earl Green tea....drinks it in one quaff....then gets up to head to bed.04:56
ArenGood night.04:56
BoondoKLifeAren: nite04:57
BoondoKLifeAren: dont let plymouth bite!04:57
Some_Persondoes plymouth actually work for anyone?04:57
Dr_WillisHmm.. upgrading here . and having an RPM failure :) thats amuseing04:58
Dr_Willis'configuring rpm - RPM failed to Open Database - cleaning it up.....'04:58
Dr_Willisupdate looks like it hung.04:59
Some_PersonWhy do you have rpm installed?04:59
Dr_WillisNo idea.04:59
Dr_WillisThis is a somewhat new install im upgradeing also.. so ive not done a lot to it04:59
AngryParsleygnome-panel doesn't seem to be starting05:00
AgainI want to use dd on my root partition so that I can test the upgrade without breaking my current system.  And I have a question.  Do I have to boot from a live disc before running the dd command?05:00
Some_PersonYou know what, when I upgraded from karmic to lucid, I also got a prompt about rpm not doing something05:00
Dr_WillisLooks like update manager crashed with 2 min to go.05:00
AngryParsleybug 54234305:00
Some_PersonSo I apparently have it too05:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234305:00
Dr_Willisits at '2 min remaining' i guess i will wait a few min. and see if it works05:00
magn3tsAnyone running the Lucid beta in VirtualBox?05:02
misterBmagn3ts: I've done it in qemu05:02
magn3tshm, it won't boot. The CD booted, installed but it won't boot now.05:03
misterBcan't remember if I actually installed it or not...05:03
misterBalthough, I do remember installing it on a real machine and not going to the graphical interface by default05:04
magn3tsIt actually just wrecks the VM, I can't even reset/shutdown it properly05:04
misterBwhat happens if you try [ctrl]+[alt]+[F7]?05:05
holsteinhey, i was just coming in to ask about bug 54234305:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234305:05
misterBafter it's booted05:05
magn3tsmisterB, no not X is failing to stary, it never boots. no grub, no kernel loading, nothing05:05
magn3tswell maybe the very beginning of kernel loading, no upstart, no splash, no output05:05
misterBsorry. didn't have that problem. Gonna check to see if I actually installed it in qemu05:07
Dr_Willisaha - the update seemed to hang because a dialog to 'replace...' was some how below it.05:07
misterBmagn3ts: sorry. looks like I never installed it. I was just using the livecd05:09
misterBmagn3ts: guess I'm can't be much help. I am going to try it in qemu tho and see what happens.05:10
AngryParsleyisn't there supposed to be a package for tor in apt?05:12
AngryParsleyI see torbutton, vidalia, and different proxies, but no tor05:13
wgrantAngryParsley: It was requested that it be removed, since it was not being kept sufficiently up-to-date.05:13
Dr_Willistor iteslef hasent been in the repos in a long time :)05:13
wgrantAnd for something like Tor, updatedness is critical.05:13
AngryParsleyso I have to grab a deb from the tor website?05:13
Dr_Willisat least  the last 2+ releases05:13
Dr_Willistheres a tor wiki page i think forubuntu05:14
Dr_WillisI found tor - less then reliable. :)05:14
Dr_Willisand in some caes it can be less secure.05:14
AngryParsleyless secure than… what?05:14
Dr_WillisThe last node (i recall) of tor - can watch what you are doing05:15
Dr_Willisso thats less secure then not using tor at all..05:15
AngryParsleythat's why the messages are sent to different exit nodes05:15
Dr_WillisI think thats the core of the argument.05:15
Dr_Willisi found the speed decreese also very  annoying05:15
AngryParsleysometimes your exit node is in germany. sometimes it's in another country05:15
Dr_Willisand all it takes is one node.. spying to get some good info on you. So its a debate ive seen befor.05:16
* Some_Person tried tor one and found it slow05:16
AngryParsleyyes, exit nodes can sniff unencrypted traffic, but tor is for anonymization05:16
AngryParsleynot secure browsing or something05:16
Dr_WillisIn short dont trust tor for your banking sites or other imporntant stuff05:16
AngryParsleybanking sites should be using https05:17
Dr_Willistor + torrents  also not a good idea. :) unless you just use it to find the torrents..05:17
Dr_WillisI did see/try out some Free VPN service the other day . that worked decnetly well05:17
AngryParsleyI hardly ever use tor. basically I only use it if I'm visiting sketchy sites like 4chan05:18
Dr_WillisUpgrade almost done.... will be rebooting soon05:18
AngryParsleyif I want security, I run openvpn on an ec2 node05:18
Dr_WillisBRB - time to reboots.05:19
HellowCould someone test and confirm that the patch listed in comment #12 of bug #542343 works correctly?05:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234305:31
HellowI only tested it locally, so I can't confirm on other machines.05:31
BoondoKLifeHellow: Gimme a sec I will05:35
HellowBoondoKLife: Thank you.05:35
tenoch1I upgraded from karmic and my applications are gone. The only thing i see is my desktop. However everything works from terminal. anyone with same problems?05:37
BoondoKLifeHellow: Yup05:38
HellowBoondoKLife: Yay!05:38
marginoferrortenoch1, by "your desktop" do you mean just your wallpaper or do you mean icons too?05:38
Hellowtenoch1: You may be experiencing bug #54234305:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234305:38
marginoferror^--- agreed05:38
BoondoKLifeHellow: The same issue is causing nautilus to crash with a seg fault too05:38
marginoferrorHere's the workaround for gnome-panel http://is.gd/aPHAc05:38
tenoch1marginoferror: I only see the wallpaper no icons or panels05:38
marginoferrorAnd the nautilus workaround is exactly the same only replace gnome-panel with nautilus05:39
marginoferrorYep, that's the same thing I had a couple hours ago05:39
marginoferrorI just implemented the workaround05:39
marginoferrorAnd it works fine05:39
BoondoKLifemarginoferror: Are those the only two affected?05:39
marginoferrorThose are the only two I have noticed being affected but it's completely possible there is more05:39
marginoferrorI just implemented the workaround about ten minutes ago.05:40
marginoferrorFor gnome-panel and nautilus05:40
Hellowmarginoferror: The same problem affects both nautilus.desktop and gnome-panel.desktop?05:40
marginoferrorYes, exactly the same problem with exactly the same fix05:40
tenoch1yeah i read the bug and yes compiz works05:40
tenoch1i do not know how to check nautilus05:40
Blue11i have some weird error:  There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)05:40
marginoferrorPossibly every file in that folder is affected, but I do not know the details05:41
HellowI highly doubt that.05:41
marginoferrortenoch1, if you run in a terminal nautilus --display :0 it will probably (certainly?) segfault05:41
AngryParsleyI can't seem to launch nautilus or gnome-panel05:41
Blue11nor i05:41
marginoferrorAngryParsley, Blue11, check05:41
Blue11AngryParsley: this the error that I get05:41
marginoferrorerr, bug #54234305:41
HellowTwo confirmed issues.05:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234305:41
marginoferrorAnd this link: http://is.gd/aPHAc05:42
marginoferrorImplement that for gnome-panel and then replace gnome-panel for nautilus and do it again05:42
HellowI think a separate bug should be filed for the nautilus issue, unless it's a widespread problem.05:42
marginoferrorThat will get you into a working desktop.  I dunno if there are more lurking bugs05:42
tenoch1marginoferror: it says is not installed05:42
Hellowtenoch1: ...that's a different issue, I think.05:42
marginoferrortenoch1, can you elaborate?  What is not installed, nano?05:42
Hellow^ What he said.05:43
AngryParsleyoh, a corrupt config file was pushed05:43
marginoferrorIt says "vim" in that link I gave you, right?05:43
marginoferrorReplace that with nano05:43
HellowAngryParsley: A corrupt config file or three.05:43
marginoferror... although vim should be installed too, I think?05:43
tenoch1marginoferror: ernesto@ernesto-laptop:~$ terminal nautilus --display05:43
tenoch1The program 'terminal' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:05:43
wgrantThe nautilus and gnome-panel issues are the same thing.05:43
wgrantWe are working on a fix right now.05:43
Hellowtenoch1: Remove "terminal" from that.05:43
marginoferrortenoch1, oh, I see.  I meant IN a terminal, run "nautilus --display :0".  terminal should not be part of the command.  Just take terminal out and add :0 to the end05:43
marginoferrorBut it won't work - you need to do the workaround I linked to05:44
Hellowwgrant: I posted a patch for the gnome-panel.desktop fix in bug #542343 , if that will help you any.05:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234305:44
AngryParsleyI had to edit /usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop as well05:44
wgrantThe main breakage should be fixed on the primary mirror in around twohours.05:44
AngryParsleyit had the same stupid thing at the top of the config05:44
tenoch1marginoferror: (nautilus:2434): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Could not load desktop file '/usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop': Key file does not start with a group05:44
tenoch1Segmentation fault (core dumped)05:44
marginoferrorHellow, AngryParsley, my understanding is it's not a corrupt config file but instead a program that added a line in the wrong place to ALL .desktop config files05:44
marginoferrorPart of the common build system05:44
wgranttenoch1: Open /usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop and delete the X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain line from the top.05:44
Hellowmarginoferror: That's more than a slight problem, then.05:44
marginoferrorwgrant, thanks for your efforts =)05:45
wgrantmarginoferror: Not all, but enough to break everything.05:45
wgrantThat package is fixed.05:45
wgrantWe're currently waiting for it to be published, so we can rebuild the stuff that it broke.05:45
marginoferrortenoch1, that's definitely the problem we're talking about.  Take wgrant's advice, and also do the same for the gnome-panel file in the same folder.05:45
wgrantI currently have a script running working out the full list of what needs to be rebuilt.05:45
marginoferrorSounds like quite a task.  I guess it only hit people who upgraded, not people who installed from the ISO?05:46
tenoch1marginoferror: guys how do i open, i am not very good at linux yet05:46
marginoferrortenoch1, here:05:46
wgrantmarginoferror: The ISO is fine. But anybody who has upgraded in the last 8 hours (whether after installing Beta 1 fresh or not) will see this breakage.05:47
marginoferrorRun "sudo nano /usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop"05:47
marginoferrorType in your password at the prompt05:47
marginoferrorPress "control-K" to delete the first line.  Then press "control-O" to write the file and "control-X" to exit05:47
narakuthankfully i use kde405:47
marginoferrorThen do exactly the same thing only the command is "sudo nano /usr/share/applications/gnome-panel.desktop"05:47
Blue11thanks that fixed it05:48
Blue11I just have no buttons05:48
marginoferrornaraku, that is a good workaround except for the unfortunate side-effect that when you login you end up in kde05:48
marginoferrorBlue11, that shouldn't happen.  No buttons where, on your panel?05:48
marginoferrorThe panel appears but the buttons don't?05:48
narakui want to end up in kde05:48
Blue11marginoferror: correct05:49
Blue11marginoferror: I am going to try gconftool brb05:49
marginoferrorBlue11, how strange.  Good luck.05:49
Blue11marginoferror: and all the desktop icons are also missing05:49
Hellowmarginoferror: That's nautilus also not starting.05:50
HellowErr, Blue11.05:50
magn3tsGood to see that the menu entries are twice the height they need to be and the preferences menu is completely off my screen in Lucid. :) Just as it has in all past versions :D05:50
Dr_WillisHmm.. upgrade failed :) grub aint booting. 'error symbol : grub_puts_  not found'05:51
tenoch1marginoferror: i did what you told me Do i restart the computer?05:51
marginoferrorBlue11, yeah, if your desktop icons are missing, that is because you only applied the workaround to gnome-panel.desktop and not nautilus.desktop05:51
marginoferrortenoch1, you don't have to restart the computer.  Just type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"05:51
Dr_Willisactually 'sudo service gdm restart' is  a better way to do that.05:51
marginoferrorDr_Willis, thanks for that.  I didn't know.05:52
BoondoKLifelooks like all of these are like that:  ubuntu-about, rhythmbox, palimpsest, network-scheme, nautilus-home, nautilus-folder-handler, nautilus-file-management-properties, nautilus-computer, nautilus-browser, nautilus- autorun-software, nautilus-archive, gedit, evolution,evolution-2.205:52
Dr_Williswith Upstart - use the service command. forget about init.d :)05:52
Blue11yeah no desktop icons and the gconftool didn't work either...05:52
marginoferrorBlue11, did you apply the fix to nautilus-desktop?  "sudo nano /usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop"05:53
Blue11marginoferror: yes05:53
wgrantIf everyone just waits a couple of hours and upgrades, the big breakage will be fixed.05:53
marginoferrorBlue11, what happens if you type "nautilus" in a terminal?05:53
SandGorgonhey guys.. could u guys check how much RAM does lucid use on a fresh install ?05:53
marginoferrorI mean, in a terminal in X05:53
Blue11marginoferror: brb05:53
marginoferrorSandGorgon, as much as you have.  Theoretically it should run with 256mb but I don't recommend it.05:53
tenoch1marginoferror: I think i made a mistake it did not work05:53
marginoferrortenoch1, what happened specifically?05:54
Blue11marginoferror: key file error05:54
Blue11it's really broke but I think wgrant has the right idea --05:54
tenoch1marginoferror:  nothing, i still do not see any icons or panels.05:54
SandGorgonmarginoferror, umm.. I was hoping for a number like 350mb or so. is that incorrect ?05:54
Blue11tenoch1: same here05:54
marginoferrorSandGorgon, I'm not sure you can really get a number like that because more or less information will be stored in RAM depending on how much you have05:55
Blue11marginoferror: but I DO have task/tool bars just no desktop icons - and nautilus is hosed05:55
vishto avoid the #542343 gnome-panel bug , the gnome-panel update can be skipped? or do i have to skip any other update?05:55
marginoferrorBlue11, tenoch1, I'm not sure why it would work for me and not you guys -- admittedly I moved the top line to the bottom of those files rather than deleting the line altogether, if that matters.05:55
wgrantvish: Do not upgrade at all.05:55
wgrantvish: Many packages are broken.05:55
SandGorgonmarginoferror, oh.. I didnt know that RAM usage is dependent on total RAM- I always assumed that it would take a fixed amount of RAM05:55
tenoch1marginoferror: when you gave me the instructions everything went fine except on control x what should have happened when i pressed that on the terminal05:55
wgrantBy all means install Beta 1.05:56
wgrantBut do not upgrade.05:56
Blue11marginoferror: i moved the line to the bottom as well05:56
Blue11marginoferror: maybe commenting it out?05:56
marginoferrorThen I'm mystified.  But the update in a couple hours should fix things I guess?05:56
marginoferrorBlue11, the line itself isn't the problem, it's just that the header has to be the top line or nautilus crashes05:56
vishwgrant: ah , ok thanks..  i'm using lucid since earlier.. just saw the topic and stopped update :D05:56
marginoferrorvish, good call @_@05:56
vishthe update had 25secs left to download :)05:57
marginoferrorSandGorgon, the OS is smart enough to shuffle less frequently used data to swap if you have low RAM, or cache large amounts of data in memory if you have a lot05:57
Dr_Willisso does a clean install from the iso have the same issue?05:57
marginoferrorDr_Willis, Yes, afaik05:58
marginoferrorOh, wait05:58
marginoferrorNo, I misread that05:58
marginoferrorClean install from ISO should work fine05:58
wgrantDr_Willis: Only if you upgrade in the next couple of hours.05:58
marginoferrorIt does NOT have the same issue, AFAIK05:58
wgrantA clean install is fine, but upgrading in the problematic 12 hour window will still break.05:58
Dr_Willisthats.. weird05:58
Blue11marginoferror: max nix - made no difference if I commented it out05:59
Blue11wgrant: i think I'll wait for the next cycle05:59
tenoch1guys so when the update is ready what is the command i need to use05:59
marginoferrorDr_Willis, the problem is with a program that handles the updating of .desktop files during an upgrade.  That program does not malfunction if you don't upgrade and instead install fresh.05:59
marginoferrorBlue11, sorry, I'm out of ideas.  =<  But hopefully the updates in a few hours will work for you05:59
vishtenoch1: subscribe to the bug and you'l get update on when it is fixed05:59
wgrantmarginoferror: That's not the case.05:59
wgrantmarginoferror: The problem is that .desktop files in the upgraded packages are broken.06:00
wgrantIt's not something that you avoid by installing fresh.06:00
marginoferrorOh.  That's rather more simple than I thought.06:00
tenoch1vish: do you know what is the bug number?06:00
marginoferror=/  Okay, my mistake.06:00
vishtenoch1: its in the topic > type /topic06:00
marginoferrortenoch1, sorry, I missed your message up there until now -- but, control-x should exit nano and drop you back into the terminal.  Anyway, if all that didn't work, it's probably easiest just to wait for the update in a few hours =x06:01
marginoferroridk why it worked for me and the person who commented to the bug but not for you two06:01
* vish was just saved in the nick of time.. noticed the topic with 25secs left for packages to download and went abort.. abort.. abort! ;)06:01
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
tenoch1marginoferror: no problem i will wait for the update06:11
ddecatorvish: too bad i didn't notice, i'm navigating with the terminal right now =p06:13
Dr_Willisputting grub on the proper HD.. helps :)06:19
=== malnilion__ is now known as malnilion
=== tonyyarusso changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 1 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1 | NOTE: DO NOT UPGRADE atm - Auto-starting of GNOME is currently broken (Bug #542343)
joe_After upgrading to Lucid, I was unable to access my network drives with a message that some obsolete pkg version were installed. I then used the update manager to see if any updates were available and found the ones previously mentioned were among those recommended. I then found I could only do a Partial update and after doing so I could open my Home Folder icon, so I rebooted and now only...06:28
joe_...have an empty Desktop. Any help available to resolve this?06:28
Dr_Willis_joe_:  thers some issue with gnome not getting started right06:29
Dr_Willis_topic mentions the bug#06:29
syddrafUpon moving from lucid alpha to lucid beta, my computer will no longer connect to the wired network. Any suggestions?06:31
espen77joe_: to fix it, i had to edit {evolution*,evince,gnome-panel,palimpsest,ubuntu-about}.desktop in /usr/share/applications/ and {evolution-alarm-notify,gdu-notification-daemon,indicator-applet}.desktop in /etc/xdg/autostart/ on this computer. Make sure [Desktop Entry] is the first line06:32
joe_espen77: Being a novice here, I'm not sure how to proceed considering I have an blank screen with only a mouse pointer and nothing to click on.06:34
tonyyarussojoe_: Do you by any chance have a keyboard shortcut defined for running gnome-terminal?06:35
marginoferrorjoe_: The easy thing to do is wait until the fix percolates, which should take about two hours...06:35
wgranttonyyarusso, joe_: Alt+T will get you a terminal.06:35
tonyyarussowgrant: since when?06:35
espen77joe_: might be safer to pray to the dev god for a coupple of ours then :P06:35
wgranttonyyarusso: Not sure.06:35
marginoferrorjoe_: then press Control-Alt-T to get a terminal and type "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:35
tonyyarussomarginoferror: that won't help him.06:36
tonyyarussojoe_: let me know if you can get a terminal open.06:36
marginoferrortonyyarusso, not right now it won't, but it should help him after the fix is pushed out in a couple of hours...?06:36
tonyyarussomarginoferror: right06:36
joe_wgrant: Alt+T does nothing06:36
tonyyarussowgrant: I'm pretty sure you defined that shortcut yourself ;)06:37
marginoferrorIt's Control-Alt-T06:37
tonyyarussojoe_: I assume you're talking from a second machine.06:37
tonyyarussomarginoferror: that's not a default setting...  (Although I use it too.)06:37
marginoferrortonyyarusso, it seemed to be default for me?  I didn't set it.  I didn't know about it at all before today!06:37
git__can one upgrade from 9.10 to Lucid alpha3?06:37
tonyyarussojoe_: You can get a a full-screen real terminal with Ctrl-Alt-F1 if what marginoferror said doesn't work either.  Go ahead and do that on the problem system.06:38
tonyyarusso!upgrade | git__06:38
ubottugit__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:38
ddecatorhaha, use > not |06:38
tonyyarussohmm, not sure if those will help you.06:38
tonyyarussogit__: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing will link you to instructions.06:38
ddecatorgit__: it's beta 1 now, but tonight isn't a good time to upgrade06:38
wgrantBut do not upgrade right now!06:38
marginoferrorBut don't follow them quite yet!  Wait a couple hours, there is a bad bug in the system right now.06:38
Dr_Willis_Wait a day to upgrade06:39
joe_tonyyarusso: I have a terminal screen, but have already typed the sudo apt-get command, can I stop that?06:39
syddrafUpon moving from lucid alpha to lucid beta, my computer will no longer connect to the wired network. Any suggestions?06:39
Dr_Willis_the ONE time i decide to try to upgrade.. heh06:39
marginoferrorJoe_: If you typed sudo apt-get update, just let it run. It won't hurt anything.06:39
tonyyarussojoe_: You don't need to - go ahead and let it finish - it won't get more broken.06:39
marginoferrorAnyway, just do sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade...  after the fix is out, in a couple of hours I guess.06:40
git__Beta 1 - Released Mar 19th, 200906:40
ddecatorsyddraf: not sure, my ethernet is working for me right now, even with the broken upgrades06:40
tonyyarussojoe_: When it's done, use 'screen -S panel' to create a terminal that you can detach from without killing its contents.06:40
git__i think there's a typo at  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing06:40
syddrafddecator, out of curiosity, what network card are you using? integrated?06:40
ddecatorgit__: why do you think that?06:40
git__b/c beta1 is Mar 19th, 2010, no?06:40
ddecatorsyddraf: not sure to be honest...whatever is in my laptop, haha06:40
ddecatoroh, it says 2009 o_O?06:41
tonyyarussojoe_: Within that, issue 'gnome-panel'.  That will start up your normal panel for you manually.  Then, use Ctrl-A Ctrl-D (in sequence one after another, not together) to detach from that window to get things out of the way.06:41
alkisgWhat package provides nc? On my Lucid: $ which nc06:41
alkisg$ dpkg -S /bin/nc06:41
alkisgdpkg: /bin/nc not found.06:41
marginoferrorsyddraf, ddecator, I had weird problems with ethernet in Lucid.  My system seemed to want to manage my wired ethernet connection entirely via GNOME.  It didn't configure any ethernet in /etc/network/interfaces06:41
ddecatoroh wait, syddraf make sure networking is enabled06:41
tonyyarussojoe_: the will let you use your system until the fix is pushed out in a few hours, and then running updates should fix it permanently.06:41
ddecatorsyddraf: i had it auto-disable on me a few times for no reason...06:41
wgrantalkisg: ls -l /bin/nc06:41
wgrantalkisg: It's an alternative06:41
marginoferrorddecator, me too!  I have no idea why.06:41
wgrantls -l the alternative path to get the real path.06:41
alkisgwgrant: thanks, nc.openbsd :)06:42
ddecatormarginoferror: idk either, that's why i didn't file a bug. hasn't happened in over a week though06:42
syddrafddecator, kind of a beginning/moderate linux user. what's the command?06:42
joe_tonyyarusso: Yes, I'm on a working system here. The first command completed, should I do the second one also?06:42
ddecatorsyddraf: do you still have the gnome panel on top?06:42
git__i'll wait tomorrow to upgrade06:42
marginoferrorsyddraf, are you using a wired network connection or wireless?06:42
ddecatorgit__: good call =)06:42
syddrafmarginoferror: wired; ddecator: yes06:42
marginoferrorsyddraf, okay, my advice is, screw GNOME.  Instead, type this in a terminal: sudo /etc/network/interfaces06:43
ddecatorsyddraf: if you have the network manager applet up top, just right click it and there is a check box06:43
marginoferrorSorry, that's06:43
marginoferrorsyddraf: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces06:43
syddrafddecator: its enabled06:43
marginoferrortype in your password, and add these lines to the end (if they're not already there):06:43
tonyyarussojoe_: yup06:43
marginoferrorauto eth006:43
marginoferroriface eth0 inet dhcp06:43
ddecatorsyddraf: try what marginoferror just said06:44
ddecatorshould be in that file by default06:44
ddecatorby who knows06:44
marginoferrorThen press control-O to save, control-X to exit06:44
syddrafit wasnt. just the loopback06:44
marginoferrorddecator, it should be, but it wasn't in my case.  Idk why.06:44
marginoferrorSo anyway, if you add those two lines06:44
marginoferrorAnd then either reboot, or maybe just type "sudo ifup eth0"06:44
marginoferrorit should work06:44
ddecatorodd...gedit offers a graphical way of doing all of that btw ;)06:44
ddecatoreasier for beginners06:45
marginoferrorI have no idea why GNOME is trying to manage wired network stuff06:45
marginoferrorddecator, true, I got in the habit of telling people to use nano since GNOME wasn't working =)06:45
ddecatormarginoferror: gedit is working for me right now =)06:45
syddrafmarginoferror: still not working =/06:46
marginoferrorDid you try rebooting or just the ifup?06:47
syddrafi tried ifup - nothing; then a new session - nothing06:47
marginoferrorTry rebooting.  If that doesn't work, then you have a different problem (or multiple ones) and we'll have to investigate those06:48
joe_tonyyarusso: after the second command completed, I did the 'screen -S panel' command and the contents of the terminal screen cleared, but nothing else happened.06:48
agitdd99"DO NOT UPGRADE atm - Auto-starting of GNOME is currently broken" well i already did, i am surviving now , no shutdown, no logout, or anything else06:49
ddecatoragitdd99: are you comfortable with the terminal?06:50
syddrafmarginoferror: still not working,  but the network icon on the top panel is missing now06:50
marginoferrorsyddraf, that's normal, apparently the icon only appears if GNOME is managing your networking and not the OS06:50
ddecatorwait what?06:50
marginoferrorsyddraf, go to a terminal and type ifconfig06:50
ddecatorthe icon has always been there for me06:50
marginoferrorddecator, the icon disappeared for me once I added the line to interfaces...06:50
syddrafmarginoferror: what am i looking for or should i paste-bin it to you?06:51
marginoferrorPaste-bin sounds good!06:51
alkisg...so netcat-traditional was the default in Jaunty and supported the -c switch to execute commands, but netcat-openbsd is the default in Lucid and doesn't support it... :-/06:51
alkisgWell, I guess we can use a fifo instead, to redirect both input and output to nc: cat /tmp/fifo | nc localhost 25547 | sh > /tmp/fifo06:51
ddecatorthat doesn't sound right...06:51
syddrafgotta copy it out by hand >_<06:51
marginoferrorddecator, I was surprised the icon disappeared too.  But I was also surprised Ubuntu didn't put eth0 in my interfaces file!  Surprises all around06:52
agitdd99ddecator: yeah i can live with that. i mean i try not to shut the machine down. i really get this thing running until there's a fix06:52
marginoferrorsyddraf, why?  Is GNOME not working for you at all?06:52
ddecatorhuh, my interfaces file doesn't have all of that...06:52
syddrafno internet to get to pastebin ^_^06:52
marginoferrorIf it is, you can just do it in a terminal in X (control-alt-T or whatever) and paste it.06:52
marginoferrorsyddraf:  ........  right.06:52
ddecatorbut not having the icon would suck for joining wireless o.o06:52
marginoferror /facepalms06:52
syddrafthe beauty of flash drives06:53
marginoferrorddecator, I would THINK the icon would stick around if you have wireless.  But I guess syddraf is on a notebook, right?  so if the icon disappeared for him... idek06:53
ddecatormarginoferror: idk either, i never had it disappear so idk how it behaves, haha06:54
syddrafmarginoferror: its a desktop06:54
marginoferrorsyddraf, Oh, sorry, I misread earlier06:54
marginoferror...  huh.  Can someone else take a look at that pastebin?06:55
marginoferrorI need a second opinion.  I've never seen eth0 split up into two sections before06:55
joe_tonyyarusso: I just saw the next message and did the gnome-panel command, which brought up the top and bottom bars and icons, but still no Desktop icons.06:55
marginoferrorOh, I see what's happening06:55
marginoferroravahi is zeroconf06:56
ddecatorwell now we know your mac address...06:56
marginoferrorsyddraf, for some reason DHCP is not working for you.  Are you sure your router is functioning properly?06:56
syddrafI'm on a university router, but i can test it. gimme a min. ill disconnect06:56
ddecatorthat's a really specific interfaces file o.o06:56
marginoferrorddecator, huh?  That's the output of ifconfig, not interfaces06:57
ddecatormarginoferror: ah, that makes a lot more sense, haha. sorry, only kind of paying attention, trying to solve a build problem i keep running into...06:57
Dr_Willis_joe_:  run 'nautilus &' and it should bring up the desktop icons06:58
syddraf__ok. the network cable worked when plugged into this computer06:59
bntlyWas just sent over, Is anyone else having problems with flash playback under lucid? Choppy video but OK sound?06:59
marginoferrorI'm a little stumped.  DHCP works fine for me, I don't know why it would break on upgrade for you06:59
marginoferrorI'm sorry, I might not be much help =(07:00
marginoferrorIt might be a good idea to07:00
marginoferrorOn the computer that works07:00
syddraf__marginoferror: thanks for trying though. i appreciate it07:00
marginoferrorcopy down the IP address, netmask, DNS info07:00
marginoferrorAnd input that manually into the computer that's not working07:00
marginoferrorThat might help you troubleshoot.  If it works, it's only DHCP that failed07:00
marginoferrorIf it doesn't work, it's the whole thing07:00
marginoferrorsyddraf__, you're welcome.  I hope you figure it out.  Also: it's your call whether you want to leave /etc/network/interfaces like that or edit it back to what it was and let GNOME take care of networking07:01
joe_Dr_Willis: That produces an error message, ...Could not load desktop file '/usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop': Key file does not start with a group07:01
syddraf__marginoferror: ill leave it the way it is for now07:02
ddecatori keep going to check my top panel for the time >.>07:02
marginoferrorOkay, I have to go to bed.  It's like 3 AM here =x07:03
* marginoferror waves07:04
Dr_Willis_joe_:  that may be one of the files that got messed up.07:07
syddraf__Well. I hooked up my USB-eth adaptor and its working now, for whatever its worth.07:07
syddraf__thx all07:08
joe_Dr_Willis: How might it be rebuilt correctly?07:14
Dr_Willis_joe_:  not sure. I imagine there will be a fix soon. or find the file on a new install perhaps and compare the 207:15
ddecatorcdbs update is out =)07:17
ddecatorexcept the one i got didn't fix the issue...07:19
wgrantddecator: cdbs is only used to build packages.07:21
wgrantWe still need to rebuild the broken ones with the fixed cdbs.07:21
wgrantThis is in progress.07:21
ddecatorah, gotcha07:21
joe_Dr_Willis: The first line in the file of the broken system shows: X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=Nautilus which the working system lacks. From that point reading down they appear similar, but neither contains the word 'group'07:22
sulleI have a peoblem, i cant go to my home folder or anny other place in the "places" option, u can use programs and go into the system but not in the diffrent directories.07:24
joe_Could someone post a copy of a good "/usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop" file that I could compare to mine?07:24
sulle"no program registered to handle this file".07:24
Dr_Willis_hmm sounnds like some file assouication is messed up sulle  can you run 'nautilus /home/user' ?07:25
Bob_DoleHow's 10.04 coming along? is it still as buggy as the 9.10 release?07:25
Dr_Willis_Bob_Dole:  No.07:26
sulleDr_Willis_: no i cant, i am sending bug report now.07:26
petsoundshi all. i just installing beta 1. will jockey-gtk install default nvidia driver or nouveau?07:27
Dr_Willis_nouveau is allreadyinstalled i thought07:27
petsoundsDr_Willis_,  installed by default?07:27
Dr_Willis_its on my desktop.. and i never installed it that i sw07:28
Bob_DoleOh wait, still no ATI drivers are there?07:28
ddecatorpetsounds: i believe nouveau is installed by default and jockey installs the official driver07:29
sulleStrange proglem this is.07:29
ddecatorsulle: i think that's what it said when i first upgraded and broke nautilus07:32
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Bob_Doleagain...still no ATI drivers, or has ATI updated recently?07:32
petsoundsddecator, thanks :)07:32
ddecatorBob_Dole: sorry, i'm not sure what the status is on that =\07:32
Bob_DoleMy "good" video cards are all ATI. but I have a few cruddy Nvidia's that'd work too.07:33
ddecatorpetsounds: np =), although some people have had trouble with the fan not working with nvidia 195...i haven't had trouble, but if you have trouble you can downgrade to 19007:33
Mikerhinosanybody has problems with gnome-panel after upgrading to beta1 ? :s  My console mode (ctrl+alt+F2) is all messed up to , unreadable07:34
Dr_Willis_gnome panel  - known issue.07:34
ddecatorMikerhinos: should be fixed in a few hours with an update07:34
Dr_Willis_console issues... ive seen problems with some X drivers conflicting/messing them up07:35
Mikerhinosok thanks07:36
joe_It looks like the last line of nautilus.desktop somehow got placed at the top of the file. I've moved it to the bottom and the file now begins with [Desktop Entry]07:39
joe_Anyone tell me how I should proceed? stop nautilus? and restart?07:39
harisundWhat version of network manager is in Lucid? Is it the latest one that will support Bluetooth DUN?07:40
Mikerhinosis there a way to show gnome-panel so i can install the fixed one in a few hours more easily (because of broken display in console mode) ?07:41
joe_On the bright side my ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY video display is no longer corrupted.07:43
wgranti386 fixes should be out in 75 minutes. amd64 might be available then too, but might be an hour later.07:43
Dr_Willis_Mikerhinos:  you could icewm or some  other window manager. so you have a useable desktop/terminal from the GDM login07:44
joe_Can or should I do another 'nautilus &' command to see if my Desktop icons will appear, or is there a more proper way to follow?07:45
Dr_Willis_try it and see.07:45
Dr_Willis_Nautilus handles the file manager and desktop icons.07:46
ddecatorwgrant: thanks for the update =)07:46
Mikerhinoscool i "fixed" it , by hitting ctrl+alt+T which launched terminal , then "gnome-panel"  , gave me 2 error lines then launched. Waiting for the update now :)07:47
joe_Dr_Willis: And they appeared. Nervously, I'm wondering if a reboot will not hose things up again?07:48
Dr_Willis_you could always make a custome .xinitrc  I guess.07:48
Dr_Willis_the fact that gnome is not launchign stuff is rather trivial really07:48
Dr_Willis_Its a few configs/desktop files goofed up.  You could/shoulw be able tolaunch the stuff by hand if you wanted07:48
joe_syddraf__: Thank you, also.07:48
syddraf_Ok. Now I've got another problem07:51
ddecatorwhich is?07:52
syddraf_After installing ubuntu, i hooked up another hard drive, and now grub is throwing an error on start up that it can't find the UUID. so i went into https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows and used the new UUID for my ubuntu partition, but its still attempting to access the old UUID07:52
ddecatorthat's definitely not my territory...07:53
copprohow come trying to upgrade to Beta 1 hangs (on KDE, so GNOME not starting is not an issue)07:54
ddecatorcan you be more specific on when it hangs?07:55
copproIt (do-release-upgrade -d) informs me of the packages which are moving from main to universe, then says "calculating the changes" and stops07:56
ricardinho22hi, in latest update from alpha to beta, something broke and gnome is not loading07:56
ddecatorricardinho22: it's known and a fix will be out in about an hour07:56
ddecatoror longer07:56
ddecatorbut soon =)07:57
ricardinho22good, thanks07:57
joe_Earlier today when I upgraded after being told a Beta was available which might fix my video problem, which it does, the upgrade mentioned Alpha, not Beta. can I someway verify that I am running the Beta and not the Alpha of 10.04?07:57
wgrantjoe_: If you're fully upgraded, you are running the beta.07:57
wgrantIf your system broke, you are running the beta.07:57
Mikerhinosyes ricardinho22 , you can launch gnome-panel by launching a terminal with ctrl+alt+T , "gnome-panel" , and not closing terminal07:57
copprocouldn't you do 'gnome-panel & exit'?07:58
ddecatorpossibly...gnome-panel still won't load for me even from the terminal07:58
wgrantddecator: Which architecture? i386 or amd64?07:58
ddecatorwgrant: amd6407:59
Mikerhinosthanks coppro , "gnome-panel & exit" is better , lol07:59
ddecatorwgrant: it gets an error, then the terminal just sits there07:59
copprohey, it started moving07:59
joe_wgrant: After the upgrade I tried running the update manager, which told me I could only do a partial update. Alpha? And afterwards the system broke. Beta? But still partially updated? Alpha/Beta?08:00
wgrantOK, i386 and amd64 updates made it. They will be out within the hour.08:01
ddecatorwgrant: thanks =)08:01
wgrantThe adventurous might be able to hunt them up themselves right now.08:02
joe_When I click on the 'Home Folder' icon it says "No application registered as handling this file" Have I other files that must be repaired?08:08
wgrantjoe_: That's the Nautilus issue again.08:09
wgrantWhich architecture are you running?08:09
joe_wgrant: 386 on an IBM Thinkpad R4008:10
Mikerhinosthanks everyone for the help , have to leave :)08:11
joe_wgrant: I've tried opening everything I can and it looks like nothing under "Places" will open. I see a "fix" within the hour being mentioned, might that fix this problem? If so will I receive an update  notification? If so, I am willing to wait. And thank you for your help.08:15
wgrantjoe_: It will fix the problem.08:15
Dr_Willis_Some people have no patience.. :)08:15
Bob_DoleI'm on a cruddy little laptop with 512MB of RAM, but I'm VNC'd into a much faster computer about 40 miles away. considering downloading the 10.04 beta and trying it in a VM...is the beta iso out yet?08:16
wgrantYou should receive the update notification.08:16
Dr_Willis_Bob_Dole:  its out.. but you may want to wait.08:16
wgrantThe update notification tool was almost hit by this problem, but it missed it by around 15 minutes.08:16
ddecatorgood save =)08:16
joe_wgrant: I'll wait quietly then. Thanks.08:17
Bob_Dolewill the ISO have this update everyone is mentioning, or will there no be difference and the wait is just for the update to be present?08:17
Dr_Willis_Bob_Dole:  from what i hear - a new cleaninstall will not have the issue.08:17
wgrantBob_Dole: The ISOs don't actually have the broken packages, but upgrading now after a clean install will get the broken packages.08:17
Dr_Willis_but i bet the servers are all getting hammered right now.08:17
wgrantDr_Willis_: That is why BitTorrent was invented.08:17
Bob_Dolewait what08:17
Dr_Willis_Bob_Dole:  theres bug in the updated packages  - a fix is being worked on08:18
Bob_DoleInstalling a clean install now will make it get bro- oh08:18
wgrantBob_Dole: It will become broken if you upgrade.08:18
Bob_Dolethen I'll start the download of the ISO and just not upgrade.08:18
rippssomehow, after a few updates today, the file-roller got set as the system file manager instead of nautilus. Which, of course, doesn't work. How can I get nautilus back to it?08:18
wgrantIn an hour it will become less broken. The desktop itself will be fixed in under an hour, but applications such as Rhythmbox, Evolution, Totem and Empathy will be broken for a while longer.08:19
wgrantripps: Wait an hour and upgrade.08:19
wgrantAnd don't log out.08:19
Dr_Willis_ripps:  right click on a folder, properties, see what its default Open With... item is.08:19
rippsDr_Willis_: I can't even open nautilus, it seems to segfault every time08:22
wgrantRight, that's the bug which is mentioned in the topic.08:22
wgrantThe fix is current in the publisher.08:22
Dr_Willis_apt-get install some-patience08:22
Bob_DoleI really wish I could have brought a more powerful machine to the hospital with me08:25
Bob_Dole512MB and a 1.6ghz Pentium M doesn't quite cut it08:25
ddecatorBob_Dole: hospital? hope you get better soon =)08:25
Bob_Dole1-2GB of RAM and a 1.6ghz Pentium M would have been great though08:25
Busataoh how I wish I read that note before updating08:25
Bob_DoleJaw surgery.08:25
wgrantBusata: A fix will be on the primary mirrors in around half an hour.08:26
Busatais there an easy way to connect to a specific wireless ssid from commandline08:26
wgrantLook for the gnome-panel and nautilus updates.08:26
wgrantBusata: Open up a terminal (try Ctrl+Alt+T) and run 'gnome-panel' to bring it back for now.08:26
Busatait's ok, I don't mind :)08:26
Bob_DoleIt's sad when playing framerate sensitive flash games works better on a machine you're VNCing into than the machine right infront of you08:28
Bob_Dole29 minutes until the beta1 iso is done08:29
ddecatorjust in time for the update to be out =p08:29
Dr_Willis_and new bugs to appear08:32
wgrantHopefully not.08:33
Bob_Doleis ALSA back in the GUI yet?08:34
Bob_Doleor is it still completely removed so you're forced to use pulseaudio unless you open terminal08:34
disismthi all, I upgraded to 10.04 beta1 but now everytime I boot I get the message "your disk drives need to be checked for errors. This may take some time. Press C to cancel disk checking.". However no diskchecking actually occurs and Ubuntu immediately boots to desktop. Is this a bug.08:36
ddecatoras in it mentions 'fsck' ?08:36
Bob_DoleI ask because them doing that with 9.10 was one of my considerations when I was deciding to quit using ubuntu as my primary OS.08:37
wgrantBob_Dole: Why?08:37
ddecatorpulse is based on alsa08:37
Dr_Willis_you worry more about sound then I do it seems...08:37
Dr_Willis_Ive rarely had any issues with Pulse.08:37
ddecatorme either08:37
Bob_DoleAll of my audio hardware has issues with PCM, and PulseAudio won't let me adjust the PCM volume. I can do it with alsamixer in the CLI, but then using any GUI or keyboard shortcut to alter the volume messed with PCM, leaving my audio sounding like crap08:38
Bob_Doleopening a terminal to change the volume in the middle of a game is annoying.08:38
* Dr_Willis_ uses a knob on his speakers...08:39
ddecatorhm, that's something crimsun would know the most about08:39
Bob_DoleI touch the knob and bad things happen with my speakers.08:39
Dr_Willis_Ive notivced my speakers 'buzz' moments befor I get a Cell Phone call.. :)  they have ESP08:39
ddecatorhaha, i got that with my old cellphone08:39
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
ddecatorwell i guess the advantage of this breakage is me getting more acquainted with the terminal, haha08:43
Bob_DoleActually, I realized I've been going about that the wrong way this whole time08:43
Bob_DoleI should have been asking if there was a config file with the default PCM volume, or some such...08:44
Bob_Doleso I could edit it to be below the "sounds like crap" level08:44
ddecatori feel like there is a way to make it so you can control the volume levels with cli more easily08:44
Bob_DoleI can control them easily with the CLI.08:44
ddecatoryah, but i mean without terminal or anything08:45
solid_liqhmm, since I've disabled compiz on this laptop, I haven't had a lockup...  I'm hoping it stays that way.  If so, that means it's the driver for the Intel GMA graphics embedded in the core i5 processor that's the culprit for the random hangs I've experienced on this computer08:45
Dr_Willis_you can alwyas set up hotkeys to run command line tools..  i guess08:45
Dr_Willis_but there are soundconfig files as well08:45
solid_liqddecator, alsamixer isn't easy enough for you?08:46
ddecatorsolid_liq: i use pulse, Bob_Dole is the one who has to use alsa08:46
Bob_DoleI know from experience that I usually use ~600mb of physical memory on Ubuntu 9.04 with my typical usage pattern, but this laptop only has 512MB of RAM..and it doesn't work so well with my normal usage.08:47
solid_liqddecator, you could always connect a knob to your computer and hook it into pulse to control volume level08:47
solid_liqddecator, iirc, alsamixer will still control the volume for pulse08:47
ddecatorsolid_liq: haha, thanks, but i don't have any sound issues =)08:47
Bob_DoleMy problem is using the GUI tools which use pulse audio results in a setting being turned too high, and pulseaudio not allowing me to actually directly change that setting08:48
solid_liqI've thought about getting an arduino board myself, and hooking up sliders to it to use for things like controlling volume and adjusting other things08:48
Bob_Doleturning the volume down turns this setting up. and it angers me so much08:48
ddecatorand i take it we won't like you when you're angry?08:49
solid_liqoh, I'm glad I saw the "don't upgrade" warning :)08:50
disismtddecator: I don't remember if it mentions fsck, but it definitely mentions disk checking08:50
solid_liqnah, he turns into the incredible hulk ;)08:50
Bob_DoleI had a lot of other bugs in 9.10 involving audio though, and a small number of issues with video. I'm hoping to god 10.04 manages to fix those. Dx08:50
ddecatordisismt: i think i might have that too, but plymouth makes it hard to tell...i still have trouble with plymouth -_-08:50
Bob_DoleI hate windows. And I hadn't used it in such a long time I was terribly lost...but I pulled out a year and a half old disk image of when that machine had a windows install..(which it had at all because SiS sucks worse on linux) and used it.08:52
tusharhi how to change the buttons on the window to right side08:53
Bob_Doleif 10.04 doesn't satisfy me by a week after it's officially released I'll have to pick a different linux distro. :<08:54
ddecatorwow, haven't heard that question in a while...08:54
ddecatori don't even remember the command...08:54
tusharfor what ddecator08:54
ddecatortushar: are you comfortable with gconf?08:54
tusharwould prefer a GUI based gnome editor08:54
ddecatorBob_Dole: well remember it's still in beta o.o08:54
tusharbut tell me ddecator08:54
neotenyyou can go into gconf editor and change that.08:54
Bob_Doleddecator, as I said, a week after official release.08:54
Bob_Doleit has a while to go.08:55
wgrantOK, updates should be out now.08:55
tusharhow do I edit gconf08:55
wgrantThe important ones are nautilus, gnome-panel, and ones that look like that.08:55
ddecatortushar: if you run "gksu gconf-editor" then go to Apps > Metacity > General, and change "button_layout" to ":minimize,maximize,close"08:56
wgrantnautilus 1:, and gnome-panel 1:
ddecatorBob_Dole: sorry, missed that =p08:56
tusharBob_Dole, what is the issue with Lucid for you ?08:56
wgrant(yes, those versions are identical)08:56
ddecatorwgrant: yup, i got them =)08:57
Bob_Doletushar, my problem is with Karmic, and they are problems that will never be fixed in Karmic. I've liked ubuntu from 8.04 to 9.04, so I'm hoping Lucid can make Ubuntu usable for me again. :/08:57
Bob_DoleI've been using Ubuntu since 7.04, though.08:57
tusharkarmic was fine on my 5 years old presario , though it froze sometimes but i dont know if its hw or sw issue08:58
Bob_DolePain returning to face. to call for pain meds now or to wait till it gets worse...08:58
Bob_DoleI had a few severe audio bugs with karmic08:59
wgrantBob_Dole: Did you report them?08:59
Bob_DoleI never could track them down well enough, and I opened the bug reporter several times, never submitted a form though.09:00
tusharddecator, i am in General now i want to make the placement of those buttons to the right09:00
tusharits on the left side now completely09:00
duffydackbeta1 fresh install on netbook using netbook beta and I get crash report, plymouthd closed unexpectedly.09:00
ddecatortushar: after you change "button_layout" to ":minimize,maximize,close" you may have to log out and back in09:01
tusharright , what other distros do u have in mind09:01
ddecatortushar: the colon placement determines which side they appear on09:01
tusharddecator, would that make the whole buttons to the right side ?09:01
tushargot ya09:01
wgrantBob_Dole: The bugs do not exist.09:01
wgrantYou cannot complain unless you have reported them -- they do not exist.09:01
Bob_Dolethe symptom was that audio would occasionally play a small piece of the audio file over and over, so the boimp audio sound would turn into boimp boi boi boi09:02
tusharlogging off now09:02
Dr_Willis_hmm - you can change button layouyt on the fly09:02
dodddummythe fix seems to be in09:02
Dr_Willis_ubuntu-tweak tool lets you do it at least :)09:03
ddecatorBob_Dole: reporting against the wrong package is better than not reporting at all, the devs can help figure out the exact cause =p09:03
ddecatorDr_Willis_: i know there is a command to do it, but my comp is too slow right now to find it haha09:03
vishddecator: no need to logout for the button layout , it is instant09:03
ddecatorvish: wasn't for me when i used gconf-editor09:04
dodddummyddecator, was for me.09:04
vishddecator: weird then , it is /supposed/ to change the sec you hit enter after editing the gconf09:04
ddecatorvish: dodddummy -shrug- idk, but a quick log out and log back in did it =)09:05
Bob_DoleI wish I had some fingernail clippers, they're getting too long to type, and it's time for painmeds..also, lets see if the beta ISO completed downloading09:05
dodddummystill think moving them was a 'weird' move :)09:05
tushardidnt work ddecator09:06
tushari changed to colon to both sides and then logged out 2 times09:06
vishtushar: which gconf are you editing?09:06
vishtushar: > /apps/metacity/general/button_layout  ?09:07
tusharsksu gconf-editor09:07
vishtue: no need gksu09:07
vishtushar: just plain gconf-editor and no need to logout09:07
tusharvish, same one09:08
tusharnow  it is :minimize,maximize,close09:08
vishtushar: try /apps/metacity/general/button_layout09:08
vishtushar: menu:minimize,maximize,spacer,close09:09
tushardid that and shud i logout09:09
Dr_Willis_ive never had to logout here.. but  ubuntu-twek may do somthing different09:09
om26erbug 54234309:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234309:10
vishtushar: you shouldnt have to , it should change instantly.. but ddecator says it doesnt work that way for himm.. so why not try logout again ;)09:10
tusharok will do that now09:10
ddecatorand gnome panel is back =)09:10
ddecatorom26er: that should be fixed with the update that just got released09:11
dodddummyyeah, makes me glad i had to get up to pee09:11
Bob_Doleinstalling the 10.04 Beta 1 on a VM on my server over VNC now.09:11
ddecatorand nautilus, yesssss09:11
om26erddecator, in a few minutes? on the main server?09:12
ddecatorom26er: it -just- got released on the servers09:12
ddecatorthis will help me figure out the build issue i'm having...tomorrow09:12
wgrantIt has been available on archive.ubuntu.com for about 20 minutes now.09:12
wgrantIt will not be available on most other mirrors for a while.09:13
wgrantI will attempt to expedite the mirroring, but that may not be possible.09:13
om26erwgrant, I switched to the main server and updated 5minutes ago but not fixed for me.09:13
dodddummywgrant i tried about about 2 minutes after you said it was there and it worked for me.09:13
wgrantom26er: Which versions of gnome-panel and nautilus do you have installed?09:13
om26erubuntu2 but three seems to be the candidate09:14
wgrantRight, you need ubuntu3.09:15
tgpraveen12hey guys i have gnome-shell installed how do i change to it?09:16
tgpraveen12gnome-shell --replace isnt working?09:17
ddecatoralright, 4:20am, my build failed, so i'm going to bed and will figure it out tomorrow09:19
ddecatornight all09:19
Dr_Willis_16mb of updates here.09:25
thstis my "installer is taking extreme amounts of time to load if it ever completes" problem a known one? i cant seem to find it mentioned... amd64/desktop09:27
mortalhow do I downgrade if I just upgraded?09:29
Dr_Willis_You dont.09:30
Bob_DoleI don't think they've made a downgrader yet, despite it being asked for quite a bit during 9.04 and 9.10's releases09:30
rwwubottu: downgrade09:30
Dr_Willis_That wouldbe a very complex task.09:30
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.09:30
wgrantIt's not exactly easy.09:30
wgrantLots of applications transparently upgrade their data files, for example.09:30
mortalthe gnome packages09:30
wgrantSo downgrading would make them unreadable.09:30
mortalI am running lucid09:30
wgrantmortal: What about them?09:30
wgrantWe've just pushed out updates for them.09:31
mortalgood good09:31
wgrantThat are fixed.09:31
wgrantTry to upgrade -- see if you get gnome-panel and nautilus -0ubuntu3, rather than -0ubuntu2.09:31
Bob_DoleEveryone wanted a downgrader for 9.04 because ATI stopped supporting everything below the 2xxx series cards on that release, and 9.10 was buggy.09:31
kblinmorning folks09:33
rwwwgrant: I have -0ubuntu1 installed and -0ubuntu3 candidate upgrade. Can I disregard that bug?09:34
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.09:34
kblinis there any way to get the server install disk to _not_ use the framebuffer? I'm trying to set up a VM with lucid to test a bug report I made quite some time ago, but the installer just blanks the screen and gets stuck eating 100% CPU after loading the framebuffer09:35
wgrantrww: Yes.09:35
wgrantrww: Only -0ubuntu2 was broken.09:35
rwwwgrant: thanks09:35
wgrantWell, plus a few other versions of other applications. But apart from gnome-panel and nautilus, that will just cause them to vanish from mirrors for a while.09:35
Bob_DoleYou know, using the -quality 0 setting in ssvnc viewer probably isn't the best for messing with ubuntu 10.04 in a VM.09:36
Bob_DoleImagine the worst JPG compression you've ever seen- that is -quality 0.09:37
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vishwgrant: is evolution -ubuntu6 a safe update too? [i have nautilus, gnome-panel ubuntu3 available as well]09:41
vishavailable updates > http://paste.ubuntu.com/398227/09:41
wgrantvish: None of the packages apart from gnome-panel and nautilus are really fatal. But evolution -0ubuntu6 is the fixed one, yes.09:42
vishneat thanks :)09:42
Dr_Willis_kblin:  try the nofb kernel boot option?09:44
bbordwellwgrant: i have been reading the devel channel about the latest breakage of gnome-pannel+others, do rythmbox and totem need to be rebuilt before i get them back in my menu? if so is this in proggress?09:44
wgrantbbordwell: They're in progress. They should be available for amd64 and i386 in about 10 minutes.09:45
vishbbigras: i think rhythmbox has been already done09:46
vishoops bbordwell ^09:46
kblinDr_Willis_: perfect, thanks09:46
bbordwellThanks :)09:46
wgrantThere may be other stuff around. I need to process several gigabytes of data.09:46
Bob_Dolepainmeds+laptop keyboard+long fingernails=...accidents. lots of accidents09:48
Bob_Doleaccidental key combos and hitting the trackpad making strange things happen09:48
om26ercan I multiboot lubuntu and desktop edition?09:50
tusharhi guys is ubuntu software center buggy in lucid09:50
wgranttushar: All software is buggy.09:51
bbordwell+1 wgrant09:51
tusharthe problem is that USC doesnt open after I switch to another window ....lets say checking some other apps while installation is going on09:51
bbordwellWorks for me?09:53
bbordwellIm trying it right now09:53
tusharKarmic doesnt have the problem09:54
bbordwellinstalling alien arena so it takes a while, and switching to xchat09:54
tusharkeep browsing for sometime and the09:54
tusharok after the installation is done ...watch it bbigras09:55
bbordwellokay, it is still downloading, alien arena is huge09:55
tusharlol maybe u cud have tried small ones i think09:56
bbordwellI will just let it be and see what happens in a few min09:56
tushari think it comes after the software is installed coz i can see the software installed09:56
tusharisnt that a game bbordwell09:56
bbordwellopen source shooter based of quake III engine09:57
kblinhm, I wonder if that lucid installer change is smart :)09:57
bbordwellI ended up stopping it and installing something smaller, i went back and it was still working fine09:57
tusharok , do ea sports games work on ubunti09:57
bbordwellNot likely09:58
bbordwellthey are windows programms09:58
bbordwellyou have to try them under wine09:58
tusharyes true09:58
bbordwellwine is hit or miss09:58
kblinit asked for "origin of keyboard". mine is "made in germany" but has an US layout09:58
kblintushar: check http://appdb.winehq.org/09:58
tusharso u are getting the software center working fine ?09:58
tusharyeah will check that KB1JWQ09:59
bbordwellare you running 64bit?09:59
tusharno 3209:59
Bob_Dolewhat version of WINE is in 10.04?09:59
bbordwell1.1.40 right now09:59
kblinBob_Dole: I'd use the ppa in any case09:59
bbordwellshould be updated within the next couple of days to 1.1.4109:59
bbordwell+to kblin though, that way after final release when they stop updating wine you still get updates10:00
tusharare u using ydays release ? i am not using btea btw10:01
bbordwellAh, the non-beta is getting very dated10:01
bbordwellit is best to use the beta10:01
bbordwellthey are at the 41st release after 1.0 and there is a release every two weeks, making the non-beta 82 weeks ol10:02
Bob_DoleBuh, the VM and the host can't agree on where the mouse is10:02
bbordwellbob_dole: What VM are you using10:03
bbordwellya thats what i use and I have not had problems10:03
Bob_Doleand I'm using it on my server I'm VNC'd into with x11vnc and ssvncviewer10:03
JEEBheya, can anyone tell me how hard it is to install Japanese input onto Kubuntu 10.04?10:04
bbordwellJEEB: there is already a large selection of keyboard inputs in the default install, is it not there?10:04
joe_been away, but noticed a post that updates should be available now, and have yet to see an update notification on my beta system. something I need to do? Or keep waiting?10:05
JEEBbbordwell, so it's gotten closer to the way getting it to work on the GNOME side? As in, selecting the wished input method editor from the language settings and then using ctrl+space to turn it on/off?10:05
JEEBibus is what I've been using from Ubuntu 9.1010:06
bbordwelltry that page and see if it helps10:06
Bob_DoleI'll mess with it more later when tiredness and painmeds aren't clouding my mind.10:07
JEEBhmm, that page is rather old and the current default on ubuntu is ibus anyways, so.. :3 (the Kubuntu side of that article is even older AFAICS)10:07
JEEBI'll have to try it on a live setup later on10:08
bbordwellI am looking now and it appears that Japanese is supported by default on ibus10:10
JEEByeah, if you have the language packages installed you can easily set it up10:10
JEEBI was just looking for info if it's as easy to install/set-up as on ubuntu nowadays10:10
JEEBbecause on ubuntu you just select your input method as ibus, install the .jp packages and select anthy in ibus to be your default10:11
JEEBno command-line editing etc. needed10:11
bbordwellah, but it is more difficult in Kubuntu?10:12
JEEBIt at least used to be10:12
JEEBWhich is why I asked10:12
JEEBI guess I'll get an iso tonight ;)10:12
bbordwellok then i am afraid i cannot help you as i am running ubuntu10:12
JEEBno problem :)10:12
JEEBI'm mainly using ubuntu too10:12
JEEBI'm just seeing how easy it'd be to possibly move to kubuntu etc.10:12
bbordwellthe beta just came out yesterday so its a good time to try out a livecd10:13
JEEBgiving options to people is a good thing :)10:13
JEEByah, I'm thinking of re-installing my lucid eeepc because the intel 915 drivers don't work correctly10:13
JEEB(on a bug report someone said that it seems to work for him now, but I still get the crash of a python script and all that shenanigans)10:13
bbordwellLuckily i have never had driver problems10:14
JEEBYah, the 915 intel graphics adapter seems to be the unlucky one this time10:15
JEEBproduced some hilarious stuff with compiz on10:15
bbordwellyes i have read about it10:15
bbordwellintel is typically good at writing linux drivers10:15
ryeJEEB - could you please check that you don't have mirror/rotation RANDR applied now?10:17
rye'cause it looks like this, except of the decorations... hmmmm10:17
JEEBrye, where could I check that? I haven't edited x / compiz configuration files by hand at all10:17
ryeJEEB to reset to normal -  "xrandr -o normal"  if that is normal then try reflecting the screen - xrandr --output LVDS --reflect xy10:21
agitdd99hello all anybody have got new update now? how about the nautilus and gnome-panel thing?10:22
ryeJEEB, well, before that you might need to see what's the name of your output - xrandr w/o params, smth like LVDS-1 might be there10:22
bbordwellagitdd99: it is fixed10:22
bbordwellmay take a while to get to update servers10:22
bbordwellbut i have the working updates on my system10:22
JEEBrye, thanks -- I might try that later on, but I'm going to re-install my current system to get beta's default settings etc. anyways, so /o/10:23
agitdd99i am running the latest update now. hopefully fix my lucid also.10:23
ryeJEEB, ah, ok10:23
bbordwellagitdd99: what version of gnome-panel is installed?10:24
agitdd99wait a second.10:24
wgrant-ubuntu3 is the fixed version of gnome-panel and nautilus.10:24
wgrantEr, -0ubuntu310:25
joe_Is nautilus now fixed?10:25
agitdd99mine is -0ubuntu310:25
bbordwellyes in version -0ubuntu310:26
bbordwellthen you should be good to go agitdd9910:26
wgrantnautilus and gnome-panel are fixed.10:26
agitdd99ok i have to restart then10:26
wgrantThe rest of the related broken packages will be fixed for all architectures except sparc and armel in half an hour.10:26
joe_wgrant: Just noticed that nautilus& only keeps the desktop icons if the terminal screen remains open, I assume that is something that is fixed, but how do I apply the fixes? From Synaptic? Or do I have to wait for an update notification?10:33
wgrantjoe_: That's because of the workaround.10:33
wgrantForce an update check in System->Administration->Update Manager10:33
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joe_wgrant: I did an update check, found 27 files, 18.4MB to update, applied the updates successfully, and have no icons on the desktop, but the home folder icon now works. Should I have to run the 'nautilus &' command again? If so will the fix become permanent?10:46
wgrantjoe_: Log out and in again.10:46
Dr_Willis_joe_:  DONTuse teh close button on the terminal. use the exit command10:47
Dr_Willis_nautilus &10:47
joe_wgrant: That worked. Sorry I have to ask so many questions. Everything appears normal at the moment.10:49
wgrantThe last batch of updates are about to come out.10:50
wgrantThen we just have to hope that everybody works out how to fix their systems.10:50
acusterHey all, is there info somewhere on SSD support (and TRIM) in lucid?10:50
rwwLook on the bright side, people might start believing me when I say betas aren't stable :)10:50
wgrantWell, betas make Ubuntu unstable.10:51
wgrantThis would have been much much less of an issue for multiple reasons if the beta hadn't happened.10:51
acusterwhat's the name of the 'testdrive' package?10:51
rwwacuster: testdrive10:51
acusterhmm, that's what I thought, so it's in a special repo?10:51
Bittarmanwgrant, are you trying to say that ubuntu shouldnt do beta releases?10:52
wgrantBittarman: No.10:52
rwwacuster: it's in universe in Lucid10:52
JEEBalso, a question on that MS virtualization thingy's drivers in kernel -- does my friend still have to rebuild his kernels on lucid, or is it fine to use, say, the default server kernels?10:52
acusterrww: but for koala, its where?10:52
Dr_Willisbetas make ubuntu Unstable. :)10:52
Dr_Willislets call them Gammas!10:52
leniosacuster, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:testdrive/ppa10:52
Bittarmanbetas are inherently unstable.. thats the whole point of a alpha / beta10:53
Bittarmanto iron out the unstable bits, and fix bugs10:53
Bittarmaninstability is part of the nature of a beta10:53
acusterGamma is typically *more* stable than beta10:54
Bittarmangamma is just the old name for a release candidate10:55
Bittarmanthe idea for those is that they should be stable10:55
acusterrww, lenios : thank you both10:57
joe_Will there be an Omega version?10:57
gbachotlucid beta seems to have ruined my power supply, now the battery is dead and i'm no longer able to start my laptop10:58
Bittarmanjoe_, nobodys used anything above beta for years... it generally goes to RC releases after beta.10:58
Bittarmangbachot, thats really really unlikely10:59
gbachotusing my desktop now10:59
Bittarmangrab a multimeter, check the vout of your charger10:59
=== gbachot is now known as monkey_dust
Bittarmanif its not the right voltage (as on the sticker on it) then its the powersupplys fault, not ubuntu11:00
monkey_dusti noticed that my screen was dimmer than it should be, last night11:00
chris_debianHi, all! Running Xubuntu and they told me to ask my question here:  Just upgraded to Lucid and my sound has gone.  Anyone know where to change the settings? I suspect PulseAudio has taken over.11:01
Bittarmanmonkey_dust, thats probably because you were running on battery, thus discharging it11:01
Bittarmanmost laptops auto-dim when you disconnect the powersupply11:01
monkey_dustyes, it was running on battery, because the power supply did not work11:02
Bittarmanwell a powersupply is a dumb switch-mode device, its not really possible for an OS to break it11:02
Bittarmanso go check the voltage output11:02
wgrantThey're not really dumb any more.11:02
joe_I appreciate everyones help, and will exit for now and see how 10.04 performs. If any further problems I may have to check in again if I can't resolve them myself. Thanks again to all11:03
wgrantBut it is still impossible for an OS to break it.11:03
Bittarmanwgrant, with regard to what comes up the wire, its just DC voltage11:03
tusharcompiz how to make 3d and all active11:03
monkey_dustlaptop sighs and crackles but won't even get to the BIOS11:03
Bittarmanmonkey_dust, then probably its a coincidence11:04
Bittarmanif your psu blew out, it could have taken the charging circuit with it11:04
Bittarmanwhich would stop your laptop booting.11:04
Bittarmancheck the voltage of the powersupply11:04
chris_debianGuys, I need help with my sound after upgrade; can anyone spare a moment?11:05
vega_!ask | chris_debian11:05
ubottuchris_debian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:05
chris_debianI did ask and nobody responded, so thought you were busy. Just upgraded to Lucid and my sound has gone.  Anyone know where to change the settings? I suspect PulseAudio has taken over.11:06
Dr_Willispulse audio is the default.. so it should be taking over..11:08
chris_debianGreat, but I no longer have sound.11:08
vega_also, not very difficult to browse through menus to find sound settings..11:08
chris_debianAnd I didn't find it!11:08
chris_debianAs stated earlier, xubuntu. The xubuntu channel asked me to ask here as it's an upgrade question.11:09
vega_never used xfce..11:10
Dr_Willisi cant stand xfce11:10
vega_but you could check with alsamixer that everything is unmuted first of all11:10
vega_also the IEC**** stuff, if you use digital output11:10
tusharhow do i make the 3d effects on my compiz11:11
tusharand also how to see the video drivers in my comp11:11
chris_debianOk, I played with the hidden mixer settings and it's working, now. I appreciate you are all busy, but I did check the menus and I did Google around.  I've been doing this for a while.11:11
Dr_Willishidden mixer?11:12
vega_why do people upgrade to alpha/beta if they can't fix/stand broken things..11:13
Dr_Willissame reason i see beginners in #ubuntu wanting to compile stuff from source to 'learn' but they dont want tolearn the basics first...11:13
Bob_DoleI can't stand broken stuff all that well, I regret having upgraded to 9.10 a few weeks after it was officially released.11:14
wgrantBob_Dole: You had no problems.11:14
wgrantAny that you think you had are a figment of your imagination until you report them.11:15
Bob_Dolewell, some of my problems weren't bugs11:15
Bittarmanif its not a bug, then its not "broken stuff"11:15
Milos_SDI have a problem with NFS11:16
Bob_DoleI still have no idea how I'd report pieces of audio replaying, so that the boimp error sound becomes boimp boi boi boi.11:16
Milos_SDwhen I try to start nfs-kernel-server11:16
Milos_SDit says11:16
Milos_SD* Not starting NFS kernel daemon: no support in current kernel.11:16
Bob_DoleANd nothing obviously setting it off besides time, and even the time being random11:16
Milos_SDand I know I have support for it in kernel11:16
jhaigJust installed the beta.  Where is the ssh server?  I cannot find the openssh-server package.11:17
Bob_Dolesudo apt-get install ssh11:18
AnAntHello, is anyone able to run lucid beta desktop ISO on virtualbox11:18
Bob_DoleAnAnt, yes11:18
AnAntBob_Dole: doesn't work here11:19
AnAntsame for alpha311:19
jhaigBob_Dole: Package ssh has no installation candidates11:19
Bob_Doledefine "doesn't work"11:20
Bob_Dolejhaig, let me fire up VB and let me see what I can find11:20
AnAntBob_Dole: I got the first screen, if I press ESC , I get a menu asking wether to install or run without installing or ...11:20
AnAntBob_Dole: now when I select to run without installing, I get a blank screen, and that's it11:20
AnAntI've been waiting for quite a while11:20
sullehow can i change my mouse sensitivity? i have done so i the prefrences, but it is not enough.11:21
LinuxGuy2009gconf-editor launcher has been removed from the list in the menu editor? So Ill just have to manually make a launcher for it. Just want to check if this is suposed to be a known change and not a bug.11:21
Bob_DoleI'm not really in any shape to be helping. I'm rather tired and loaded up on pain medications11:21
LinuxGuy2009Someone verify this change?11:24
jhaigI'm fairly sure the ssh server package used to be called openssh-server, but only openssh-client is available.11:24
* Bob_Dole is currently running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ssh11:25
Bob_DoleIt worked11:25
vega_in karmic i have openssh-server11:26
jhaigHmmm, I'm fairly sure I did an update after installing.  I'll try that.11:26
Bob_Doleso, try that command exactly, jhaig.11:26
* zash gets this http://p.zash.se/0aEpIw.txt on booting Lucid on a old P411:27
jhaigOK, I'm doing the update and seeing it updating from lots of sites using 'karmic'.  Is this expected?11:28
jhaigDoh!  This is a karmic VM.  :-)11:28
jhaig(and, by the way, update followed by install ssh worked.  Thanks)11:29
* monkey_dust is currently in a bad mood, laptop is ruined11:30
jhaigBob_Dole: If that '?' was directed at me, I was getting confused between two VMs I am testing things on.  One running Lucid and another running Karmic.11:33
Bob_DoleOh, no, it was at monkey_dust11:33
jhaigand I want ssh because the VMware console is being such a pain to use.11:34
Bob_DoleI'm having slight issues with my lucid VM, namely it and the host still aren't agreeing on where the mouse is.11:34
Nagatohello) i bought a laptop (sony vaio vpceb1e1r/wi) and installed ubuntu 10.04 (also checked on 9.10). wireless connection is fine, but wired doesn't work - ifconfig -a shows lo, pan0 and wlan0, but no eth0, what should i do?11:42
coachjgetting error as I try to boot the 10.4 live CD:init: unreadhead-other main process (1112, 1113,1114) treminated ststus 4,11:44
zashcoachj: like http://p.zash.se/0aEpIw.txt ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/51777011:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 517770 in ubuntu "when installing lucid lynx init crashes with status 4" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:45
coachjyep that's the one, so is there a work around or something?11:49
zashcoachj: duno, would like to know that too :(11:50
coachjglad i didn't run upgrade11:50
zashcoachj: what hardware do you have?11:50
coachjold MB is asus A7N8x11:51
coachjonly 529k ram 9.10 works great though!11:51
* zash got in on a compaq 8k P4 1.7GHz w/ 512M RAM11:52
coachjgues n we have to wait for next beta11:53
* zash will dl and try the alternate11:54
coachjI'll look 4 you here to see how it went, maybe ill do same11:54
bacwgrant: is the warning NOTE in the channel topic still accurate?  things are fixed now, right?12:06
wgrantbac: We pushed the fixes out a couple of hours ago now. If you're on the main mirror or something reasonably synced, you'll be fine.12:08
wgrantgnome-panel and nautilus -0ubuntu1 and -0ubuntu3 are fine12:08
wgrant-0ubuntu2 will break.12:08
bacwgrant: thx12:08
hdpbI have no response from Synaptics touchpad with Beta.  I have been running Lucid since Alpha 3.  Any suggestions?12:24
kblinhi folks12:28
kblinso, how do I tell grub2 to not use a framebuffer?12:28
kblinluckily I did install a ssh server, so I have access to that box despite the screen being black12:28
Milos_SDWhy openoffice quickstart icon is not showed in my notification area? I have it turn on in options :S12:33
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=== Stargaze is now known as monkey_dust
IdleOneI don't see why ubuntu installs nvidia packages when I don't have nvidia12:51
IdleOneisn't there a way for the package manager to know what hardware I am using and only install packages that are needed?12:52
coachjzash: have Dl and tried it yet?12:53
penguin42IdleOne: You can strip most stuff out again if you need to; it does mean that by default some neat things tend to work - e.g. like moving your disk to a completely different computer or replacing your graphics card12:54
IdleOnepenguin42: true, but I was hoping to keep cruft to a minimum12:55
penguin42IdleOne: Yeh, as I say you can remove packages as long as you are careful12:56
IdleOne"cruft" unneeded packages12:56
IdleOnepenguin42: well I removed only the specific nvidia packages and not the other packages that also came up in Synaptic search12:56
paolophello all! Just upgraded from kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 beta but now I can't see the desktop, what can I do to fix it?13:04
guntbertpaolop: see the /topic - bug!13:05
penguin42guntbert: Is that actually in the beta image or just in the updates after it?13:08
paolopguntbert: I'm on KDE13:08
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pauloHey there, I wan't to know if Ubuntu Lucid already fixed the bug #459716 problem.13:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459716 in ndiswrapper "encrypted modes don't work on ndiswrapper wireless adapters" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45971613:13
qenseIs there a GUI for reading debian-policy and ubuntu-policy? I saw that 'yelp' depends on 'librarian0' and the two policies depend on 'doc-base', which depends on 'rarian-compat'. But I can't find those two documents in Yelp.13:16
hdpbSynaptics touchpad broke for me with beta.  had been fine updating thru alpha 3.  haven't updated to beta yet bc of this issue on usb iso.  any suggestions to fix the issue?13:20
monkey_dustis there a channel for bluetooth specific questions?13:24
setuidAnyone having trouble since last night's update? I updated, and now none of my previously-working kernels boot successfully... they all crash at boot time, right after fsck'ing the filesystem.13:27
setuidinit=/bin/bash produces a "shell-like" interface, but says "Inappropriate ioctl for device" and drops the first keystroke of everything I type... so "ls" has to be typed as "<space>ls" to work13:27
setuidI can't get it to boot cleanly at all, every boot trashes the fs13:28
monkey_dustsetuid, i had the same issue, solution: take power supply, take out battery, press power button, connect power supply, solved13:28
setuidmonkey_dust, Nope, that didn't help13:28
monkey_dustit worked for me, it's a hardware reset13:28
setuidSince when has a software upgrade required a hardware reset? I've booted this laptop thousands of times under these kernels without any issues.13:29
Bittarmansetuid, they dont13:29
setuidI'll have to take a photo of what I see on the screen and upload it... I can't make sense of it, it's not a kernel crash I've ever seen before.13:30
setuidLooks like sometihng deep in the scheduler13:30
monkey_dustsetuid, i only know it worked for me13:30
setuidYour problem was apparently completely different, but I'm glad you found a fix.13:31
monkey_dustmy laptop did not even make it to the BIOS13:31
setuidYes, your issue was completely different and unrelated to the issue that last night's pacakge update introduced.13:34
diverse_izzueany thinkpad people here?13:52
rskdiverse_izzue i would suggest to go to thinkwiki it's a really good resource for tp's13:53
benovicwill gvfs-fuse be replaced by something else? i get a message about obsolete packages, but no upgrade will install new ones13:54
diverse_izzuersk, i know thinkwiki. i wanted to ask about a few bugs i'm experiencing whether other tp'ers also have them13:55
mrdeadlockedIn order for me to load the 10.4 beta livecd i had to run with 'other options' NODMRAID+NOMODESET I want to try it installed, but in grub how do i add these flags.13:59
Do``is there a way to remove the email icon from the new indicator applet?14:04
ArenDo``: Can't you right click on it and go to Remove, like in Hardy?14:05
Do``i dont want to remove the applet as that's the only way to add volume control to the panel14:06
monkey_dustduffydack, no it deletes the indicator applet completely14:06
Do``i just want to remove the useless things from it14:06
Do``it has rhythmbox, volume control and an email icon on it14:06
Do``out of those 3, only the email is useless14:06
pauloHey there, I wan't to know if Ubuntu Lucid already fixed the bug #459716 problem.14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459716 in ndiswrapper "encrypted modes don't work on ndiswrapper wireless adapters" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45971614:07
Do``but the icons have huge padding and i need the extra room14:07
duffydackmonkey_dust, what?14:07
mrdeadlockedhow do i edit grub entries? i need to make NODMRAID and nomodeset default so i can boot into ubuntu14:08
duffydackDo``, can you unlock and move them ?14:09
Do``duffydack: no, they move as one, it's a single applet that has 3 icons in it and no way to configure them separately14:09
Do``exactly like the notification applet14:10
duffydackDo``, You could also remove the menu to the left (applications places system) and replace with the other single icon main menu (add to panel - Main Menu)14:10
diverse_izzueDo``, maybe you can just uninstall the message-indicator package?14:10
Do``duffydack: http://i.imgur.com/DePu5.jpg14:11
Do``diverse_izzue: i'll check14:11
Do``no such package installed or non-installed14:12
Machtinwhat should i do to stop vsftpd from launching after every boot? i just want to launch it via "start vsftpd" or the init.d-script..14:12
Do``duffydack: sorry, wrong link, here's the good one: http://imgur.com/IoECr.jpg14:13
kklimondawhy there are no nvidia drviers 185 for lucid?14:16
monkey_dustbecause it's only a beta?14:16
kklimondathat answer doesn't make sense14:17
monkey_dustthat's why i put a question mark14:17
hdpbHow can i troubleshoot an unresponsive touchpad in Beta?  It has worked since alpha 3 and now doesn't14:19
bjsniderkklimonda, the 185 bob is deprecated in favour of the 19514:28
om26erNOTE: DO NOT UPGRADE atm - Auto-starting of GNOME is currently broken (Bug #542343)14:28
om26eris this one statement14:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in cdbs "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234314:28
mrdeadlockedIs there an option to change the oreientation of the close/minimize buttons from left to right14:29
om26eri get this http://pastebin.com/JjuTzZmF when I upgrade14:30
kklimondabjsnider: it's not supported by nvidia anymore?14:30
tgpraveen12mrdeadlocked: search on google for that14:30
tgpraveen12there are many posts with gconf commands for that14:30
hdpbmrdeadlocked: ubuntutweak also has a gui for it14:31
mrdeadlockedThanks. I need the gconf. I tried looking up all i could find was articles about people hating it and democracy yadda yadda. Thanks14:31
arandmrdeadlocked: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633 has workaround14:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:34
guntbertmrdeadlocked: /apps/metacity/general/button_layout14:34
kklimondabjsnider: and what is the plan for nouveau and cards that are not supported by it? some sort of blacklist?14:34
mrdeadlockedgconf and i moved a : :-)14:35
mrdeadlockedthanks for the help14:35
bjsniderkklimonda, i would think the user would choose vesa during the first boot and then be prompted to install nvidia-current by jockey when they get to the desktop. but the same problem exists with the nv driver except that it supports even less hardware reliably14:36
pitwalkerhow can i enable the grub's menu?14:36
MikeChelenhold shift at boot14:39
guntbertpitwalker: fore once ^^ or permanent?14:40
pitwalkeri want permanently, because i want to attach od independent things14:43
pitwalker...os independent...14:43
penguin42pitwalker: Edit /etc/default/grub and then run update-grub14:44
guntbertpitwalker: in that case edit /etc/default/grub , comment out the line GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and run update-grub14:44
penguin42oh, there's also the answer to an earlier question about how to disable the graphical terminal14:45
diverse_izzueDo`` it's called indicator-messages14:46
petsoundshi all. if The Mana World is not running smooth in Lucid beta, is this the problem with nvidia driver or something else? thanks14:47
pitwalkeri have serious problems with xorg, how can i enable ctrl+alt+backspace?14:50
arandpitwalker: in advance keyboard preferences, or use alt+sysreq+k instead14:51
CalmvsKhaos9 times out of 10 for me, when x goes out so does my keyboard so ANY combo of those above are useless to me and i have to end up pressing the power button lol14:52
guntbertarand: where is adavanced keyboard preferences to be found?14:54
hdpbwhat time does the daily show up for download?14:54
SanderXHello, I am trying to boot Ubuntu 10.4 and it loads, but when it is supposed to go to the desktop it just shows some black stripes and other graphic error stuff. I am using a ATI Mobility Radeon HD4650, is this a driver error?14:54
Do``diverse_izzue: thanks, that solved the issue14:55
diverse_izzueSanderX, presumably14:55
diverse_izzueSanderX, you can try and boot with radeon.modeset=0 and see if that helps14:55
arandguntbert: System>preferences>keyboard^layout→layout options→key sequence to kill the X server14:55
SanderXThank you, I'll try that :)14:55
singhHi everyone14:56
singhJust installed Ubuntu 10.04 beta114:56
guntbertarand: thx14:56
arandguntbert: I've never tried if that works, but I assume it should...14:57
singhHaving little problem, is there anyone kind enough to help me?14:57
diverse_izzuesingh, don't ask to ask, just ask14:57
arand!ask | singh14:57
ubottusingh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:57
pitwalkersingh: hi14:57
guntbertarand: thats ok - I never stumbled upon that dialog before :)14:58
singhAfter I login I just see the wallpaper. No panels, nothing other than the wallpaper14:58
om26ersingh: its a bug that is fixed14:59
om26ersingh: but probably you need to update14:59
holsteinBug #54234314:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in cdbs "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234314:59
pitwalkerapt-get install xfce4-session xfce4-panel15:00
singhom26er: I did Alt+F1 and "sudo apt-get update", then I restart gdm, but same thing15:00
arandsingh: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1434160 also15:00
pitwalkerfixed but repos are slow15:00
pitwalkeryou can use a good xfce415:00
om26erpitwalker: how about lxde?15:00
pitwalkeri don't try15:01
pitwalkerALT+SYSRQ+K works, but after TTY changes not works anymore15:03
JEEBsvhmm... anyone else here on Kubuntu 10.04? I'm checking out the country / region & language stuff, and it sure isn't having an option to set any input methods such as ibus :315:05
pitwalkeranyone knows the "init" command?15:07
singhOK the advise in the newsgroup helped. Do Alt+Ctrl+T and then run gnome-panel15:08
pitwalkerwhat is alt+ctrl+t? alt+f2 a run dialog ut works only when gnome-panel runs correctly15:10
singhAlt+Ctrl+T brings up  a terminal window15:10
singhAlt+Ctrl+T brings up  a terminal window15:11
singhAlt+Ctrl+T brings up  a terminal window15:11
singhAlt+Ctrl+T brings up  a terminal window15:11
singhsorry for that!15:11
git__anyone here use zsync to download lucid?15:12
singhbye guys, thanks for all help15:12
ChogyDangit__: I was at some point I think15:13
git__i'm using it right now to grab the latest build15:14
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
kklimondahaven't you taught bot this factoid yesterday? :)15:26
vishkklimonda: it seems absent minded ;)15:28
rrosIn firefox the blue text in the autocomplete dropdown is unreadable: http://i44.tinypic.com/hx89pk.png How can I change this?15:30
thedooryeaaaah the panels bug has ben fixed :D15:30
vish!newunitspolicy is <reply> Ubuntu has changed its units policy ,in Lucid,to maintain consistency. The units now follow the SI standards [ base-10 ]. For more information about the new units policy, kindly read : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnitsPolicy15:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:31
vishkklimonda: seems ubottu lied to me yesterday.. so had to add it again ;)15:32
pitwalkerrros: gone-panel's menu -system -preferences -appearance -clearlooks15:32
rrosok, but I like the new default theme15:32
pitwalkerambiance thele is LOL, not for use15:32
kklimondavish: btw, can we add some alias to this factoid? I'm expecting it being quite popular ;)15:33
vishkklimonda: what do you suggest?15:33
kklimonda !units would be better imo15:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:34
kklimondaor !just_stop_asking or !we_know_you_don't_like_it ;)15:34
vishkklimonda: "units" seems kinda weird..15:34
zniavrerros, you can add something like that into the ambiance gtkrc >GtkWidget ::link-color = "#3666ef"15:34
ZykoticK9what about a "kb", or more accurately "kB" alias?15:34
zniavreit makes links easier to read in dark menu15:35
kklimondaZykoticK9: kB is used for base-10 units15:35
hdpbi lost Synaptics touchpad with beta, but it's worked fine since alpha 1.  any idea how to troubleshoot?15:36
shadeslayerhdpb: i reported that bug a few days ago15:38
mnemohow can I verify that a sync from Debian is safe? i.e. how can I fetch the Debian package and build it on Ubuntu ?15:38
shadeslayerhdpb: the issue was present in jaunty as well.. the mouse jumped all over the place15:38
shadeslayerhdpb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/54186815:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 541868 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Synaptic touchpad has soft lockups in lucid" [Undecided,New]15:38
Some_PersonIs it safe to upgrade yet?15:39
shadeslayerhdpb: if we keep on commenting the bug is sure to get some attention15:39
shadeslayerSome_Person: yes and no15:39
zniavrerros, it gives something like that > http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/2059/capture1xn.png15:39
shadeslayerSome_Person: if you have hardware that is unsupported in karmic and works for sure in lucid,upgrade else just wait for the final release15:40
ZykoticK9question is not for me: is it possible to separate the mail and sound icons in indicator-applet?15:40
rroszniavre, ok that's way better :) I was looking into userchrome.css in firefox, but this seems easier15:41
Some_Personshadeslayer: Not what I mean15:41
marginoferrorThat topic is out of date15:41
marginoferrorGNOME is fixed15:41
ZykoticK9marginoferror, +115:42
Some_PersonI mean, is the gnome-panel/nautilus issue from last night fixed?15:42
hdpbshadeslayer: i have no movement/response at all and haven't had issues til beta...  thought it was weird that it would break there  i'll keep commenting.15:42
marginoferrorSome_Person, yes.  I just updated and it works fine15:42
kklimondaSome_Person: it is15:42
Some_PersonThen why does my system still want to do a "partial upgrade"?15:42
marginoferrorThat's normal in testing versions.  Just type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"15:42
marginoferrorDoes anyone have fglrx working?  I am getting conflicting reports on whether it works or not15:43
hdpbshadeslayer: are you just living with it at this point?15:43
Some_PersonThe partial upgrade says it will remove f-spot, gnome-disk-utility, gvfs-backends, gvfs-bin, gvfs-fuse, nautilus-share, and usb-creator-gtk15:44
Some_PersonI somehow doubt that's normal15:44
marginoferrorI don't know what that has to do with the bug.  A dist-upgrade should work, it did for me.15:44
vish!buttons is <reply> The titlebar buttons have switched to the left during the development phase of Lucid. No need for alarm! The developers are testing this and listening to user feedback. The final decision about the position will be made after beta. Kindly be patient. For more insight , kindly read : http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=28115:45
shadeslayerhdpb: yeah kind of... i have a external mouse15:45
ZykoticK9Some_Person, a little while ago some in #ubuntu mentioned having a problem with gvfs15:45
marginoferrorOh, good, that decision hasn't been made yet.  I don't like the new button placement at all =x15:45
shadeslayerhdpb: it works perfectly on some boots...while on others its horrible15:46
shadeslayerhdpb: oh and switching to the nvidia driver helped... dunno how though.. maybe because of the xorg.conf... not sure there15:46
ZykoticK9I'd like to propose a bike shed factoid for the button placement issue :)15:47
hdpbshadeslayer: i don't (unless I steal it from my wife - read "death") - so I haven't upgraded yet...  just tried the iso via usb 1st15:47
Some_PersonShould I do anything about this "partial upgrade" crap?15:47
hdpbshadeslayer: waiting for the daily and I'll try usb again and see what happens...15:48
shadeslayerhdpb: yeah better not upgrade right now if you have the synaptic touchpad15:48
shadeslayerhdpb: ill poke the guys in ubuntu-x to do something about it15:48
hdpbshadeslayer: poke hard ;)15:48
* shadeslayer gets a iron stick and enters #ubuntu-X15:49
hdpbshadeslayer: i'm fairly new to U, but learn by playing around - hence jumping in @ Alpha - NICE!15:49
shadeslayerhdpb: btw you run gnome or KDE?15:49
shadeslayerhdpb: ah ok then its not the kcm touchpad module in kde15:50
joe_ZykoticK9: The button issue can be changed using gconf-editor.  I didn't like the new placement either.15:50
hdpbshadeslayer: so where should I go next?15:51
BoondoKLifeSome_Person: Are you still prompted for a partial?15:51
shadeslayerhdpb: join us in #ubuntu-x15:52
ZykoticK9joe_, when the gconf-editor keys where released, i created some gconftool-2 scripts to change them back and forth http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side15:52
chiggavelFailed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  multiverse/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) why im geting this15:55
coachjdoes anyone know if using the alternate install CD will avoid the error init: ureadahead-other main process (1515) terminated with status 415:55
ZykoticK9chiggavel, coachj i'm guessing you both upgraded?15:55
coachjjust get the arror trying to run the live CD15:56
chiggavelZykoticK9 im yes15:56
joe_I'm still having a problem accessing my NAS drives. After reinstalling gvfs-backends it gets to an 'Opening "NAS"' GUI message, but goes no further. Anyone got that to work yet?15:57
chiggaveland after new upgrades i see pc eating more cpu15:57
Some_PersonBoondoKLife: Yes15:58
chiggavelusing kernel linux 2.6.32-16-generic-pea15:58
LADmaticCAhas anyone else experienced an unresponsive desktop on a fresh install of beta 1?15:59
BoondoKLifeSome_Person: That is very odd. I know my wife did the partial and since this mornings new updates, it is fine.15:59
BoondoKLifeI didnt do the partial and my system updated just fine this morning too.15:59
ZykoticK9Bug #54234316:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in cdbs "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234316:00
Some_PersonBoondoKLife: I never did the partial because it says it will remove f-spot, gnome-disk-utility, gvfs-backends, gvfs-bin, gvfs-fuse, nautilus-share, and usb-creator-gtk16:00
BoondoKLifeSome_Person: Hmm lemme log into her machine see if she has those.16:01
Some_PersonIt said it would remove even more yesterday (including evolution)16:02
BoondoKLifeSome_Person: Ok yea she has evolution and fspot. But just to be safe you could wait till it is no longer a partial. Not sure why my box isnt showing a partial though.16:05
BoondoKLifeSome_Person: Maybe the mirror your hitting is missing a package16:05
Some_PersonI'm hitting the main server16:05
BoondoKLifeSome_Person: Hrm that is intresting but outta ideas here.16:06
dutchieis it safe to upgrade yet?16:07
Some_Personwoah, something's severely wrong now16:07
almoxarifecan someone tell me the diff between karmic and lucid at the system level, and if it is possible to update karmic into a lucid like level, not complete upgrade??16:07
Some_PersonI opened file-roller, and now my gnome-panel is flickering like hell16:08
Some_Personnautilus keeps crashing now too16:09
coachjdutchie: I would say no16:09
Some_Person I guess I'll try restarting X16:09
=== Some_Person_ is now known as Some_Person
tcsoccermanso does ipod and iphone work yet?16:11
dutchiemy nano 2g used to work in karmic16:11
dutchieit depends on model iirc16:11
MaximLevitsky-v1just asking, how to bring the menu buttons back to right?16:11
tcsoccermani'm talking about lucid lynx supporting ipod touches and iphones.16:12
arandMaximLevitsky-v1: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633 has workaround16:12
tcsoccermangoogle maxim16:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:12
MaximLevitsky-v1I dislike that because its is ala-MAC16:12
MaximLevitsky-v1can't say that new order is worse16:12
tcsoccermanmaxim a simple google search will help you16:12
guntbertMaximLevitsky-v1:  /apps/metacity/general/button_layout16:13
guntbertMaximLevitsky-v1: with gconf-editor16:13
kklimondaMaximLevitsky-v1: aren't the icon on the right side ala-Windows?16:13
MaximLevitsky-v1Folks, sorry for stupid question16:13
Some_PersonWell, now I know that opening "Archive Mounter" (it wasn't file-roller) borks gnome-ppanel16:14
denishi. i've just installed 10.04 and i can't find /boot/grub/menu.lst . where's it?16:14
MaximLevitsky-v1kklimonda: yes, but there is bug differene16:14
guntbert!grub2 | denis16:14
ubottudenis: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:14
tcsoccermanis it a bad idea to copy my documents to an external hard drive and do a fresh reinstall when 10.04 comes out?16:14
ukebanehaha, funny note, if only I saw that before upgrading yesterday :P16:14
tcsoccermanor will i regret it?16:14
MaximLevitsky-v1kklimonda: when you copy something that is very common, then you can assume to recieve no credit for this16:15
MaximLevitsky-v1kklimonda: and you can always say that we do that because we want to be compatible...bla..bla16:16
MaximLevitsky-v1kklimonda: but not everyone knows mac os, so copying from it is bad16:16
MaximLevitsky-v1kklimonda: sure MS does the same, but someone doing something bad, is no excuse16:17
nishanthi have a bug related to plymouth16:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 537262 in plymouth "plymouth pid missing from OMITPIDS and terminated by sendsigs - PLEASE NO MORE CONFIRMATIONS/COMMENTS" [High,Confirmed]16:18
kklimondanishanth: and?16:18
nishanthwhat is the fix?16:18
nishanthubottu: it is the same bug....is there a fix?16:19
Bittarmannishanth, ubottu is a bot16:19
Bittarmanand if there were a fix, it would be noted in the issue tracker16:20
CyLHi folks, I 'll be deploying a fresh ubuntu install on a few machines (even thinking of making a local repo), and I would like to know if, even that 10.04 is still beta, it would be a safe options, to avoid the need of having to upgrade in less than two months16:21
BittarmanCyL, no.16:21
guntbertCyL: in my opinion no16:21
nishanthso is this issue resolved?16:21
kklimondaCyL: development release is never a safe option for the production machines16:21
kklimondanishanth: it is not16:21
guntbertCyL: and you could opt to upgrade still later16:22
Bittarmannishanth, if the issue were resolved, it would be marked so16:22
Bittarmanyou have the link..  you have all the info16:23
ugliefrogi really dont see much of any cjanges except for the theme16:23
mrdeadlockedempathy doesnt seem to work on 10.0416:23
CyLWell, thanks for all the opinions... I have had some problems when upgrading from previous versions on my personal machine, I had to do a fresh install some times, do you guys think this would be a lesser issue when going from 9.10 to 10.04 whe it is release?16:23
mrdeadlockedor am i the only one experiencing a issue16:23
kklimondamrdeadlocked: probably depends - empathy supports so many protocols..16:23
Ian_CorneCyL: you could wait about a month after 10.04 is released to be more sure that any remaining bugs are fixed16:24
Ian_Corneand then upgrade16:24
mrdeadlockedkklimonda i cant even get it to use any. When i enter my details I can never get passed the last apply option when you setup the network chat16:25
nishanthi hope this is resolved when they come out with the actual version of lucid16:25
CyLIan_Corne: thanks for the advice...16:26
kklimondamrdeadlocked: well, I've added a jabber account so it works16:26
CyLThank you all folks, for your time and your kind answers16:26
akioHey, I could swear I have changed the right setting in gconf, is there something wrong with having icons for all the buttons on the Gnome emnu?16:26
tgpraveen12mrdeadlocked: i had the same problem16:27
tgpraveen12reinstalling might help16:28
tgpraveen12reinstalling empathy and it's dependencies16:28
denishmm.. i can't find actual lines for WinXP anywhere in /etc/grub.d/ or /etc/default/grub16:28
denisgrub2 does seem quite complicated :(16:28
nishanthcan anyone tell me if there is a channel for compiz?16:28
nishanthi been trying to set up the cube16:29
nishanthno i mean the sphere16:29
guntbertnishanth: #compiz16:29
nishanthnobody responds there16:29
denisi can't find skype in ubuntu software center16:32
kklimondadenis: because we don't distribute it in our repositories16:32
ZykoticK9denis, it's no longer in medibuntu - get it direct from there site16:32
shadeslayerdenis: you wont find it there16:32
shadeslayerdenis: i think its in medibuntu...16:32
BoondoKLifedenis: or just download it -> http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/16:33
denisok, thanks16:33
Some_PersonSeriously, am I the only one getting the "partial upgrade" crap?16:37
ugliefrogwhy does it say partial upgrade what causes that16:37
akioDoes anyone here have experience with multi touch touchpads?16:37
lifestreamHey, I want to change to nVidia, so simple as going to jockey, right? but jockey doesn't come up16:38
ChogyDanSome_Person: why wouldn't you get that?  It just happens when packages change rather then upgrade16:39
denismedibuntu rep failed to install on 10.04 :(16:40
guntbertSome_Person: say "no" and try sudo aptitude safe-upgrade16:40
histough can't open a windows share in lucid anymore with places > network16:41
BoondoKLifedenis: Just download and install it, I have yet to find a reliable repo to get it from16:41
kklimondaSome_Person: partial upgrade is a normal thing during development16:42
histoJust installed smbfs maybe i'll have to relogin for it to start workign but I can moutn from comand line16:42
Some_Personkklimonda: Not when it wants to remove f-spot and  various other things16:42
kklimondaSome_Person: and? just don't do it and wait until archive is in a better shape..16:43
deniswhat's the most popular analog of  gtalk on ubuntu?16:45
Some_Personguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/398382/16:45
kklimondadenis: by gtalk you mean client? then pidgin and empathy16:46
Some_Personguntbert: Is that safe to do?16:46
guntbertSome_Person: I never got any issues with safe-upgrade - so I'd say Yes16:46
guntbertSome_Person: but I'm no expert :-)16:46
denisyup, thanks16:46
kklimondaSome_Person: yes, it's safe16:47
Some_Personsafe-upgrade wants to remove ca-certificates-java{u} devicekit-disks{u} dmraid{u} kpartx{u} libaccess-bridge-java{u} libaccess-bridge-java-jni{u} libamrnb3{u} libamrwb3{u} libboost1.38-dev{u} libdmraid1.0.0.rc16{u} libicu40{u} libparted1.8-12{u} tzdata-java{u}16:48
Some_Personthat's normal?16:48
histonow I can't even copy a cd in the drive brasero freaks out16:48
ChogyDanSome_Person: you might be able to do: sudo apt-get upgrade ubuntu-desktop          that will maintain the main package, and tell you what is breaking16:49
kklimondaSome_Person: well - do you use software raid?16:49
Some_Personkklimonda: no16:49
Some_PersonChogyDan: That says it will hold back some packages, but not remove anything16:50
kklimondaSome_Person: you really should keep ubuntu-desktop installed during development16:50
Some_Personkklimonda: Who suggested I should remove it?16:50
ChogyDanSome_Person: the reason it tries to remove packages is because of those held back packages.  They are directly connected.  Sometimes it is just a matter of letting the archives fully build16:51
kklimondaSome_Person: but to answer your question - no package that you have pasted here is crucial for the system if you don't use software/fake raid16:51
kklimondaSome_Person: so you can remove them all16:52
Some_PersonIt wants to hold back dmsetup gnome-disk-utility gparted gvfs gvfs-backends gvfs-bin gvfs-fuse libboost-dev libgdu0 parted usb-creator-common usb-creator-gtk16:52
Some_PersonWhat I don't get is why does nobody else seem to be having this problem?16:53
kklimondaSome_Person: every system has a different set of packages16:54
kklimondaSome_Person: also it depends on the mirror you are using16:54
Some_PersonI guess I won't do anything and wait and see if it gets solved on its own on the server end16:55
Some_PersonI'm using the main server16:55
guntbertSome_Person:  be sure - it *will* get solved16:55
psusiprobably because nobody else is trying to upgrade since the topic says not to?16:57
Some_Personpsusi: I assume the topic is because of the gnome-panel/nautilus issue from last night which I was told is now solved16:58
psusioh is it?  you'd think they would change the topic if it were16:59
abhinavI did16:59
ChogyDanI actually upgraded just now, and I can see the fixed package for gnome-panel16:59
abhinavbecause the release notes did not mention this prominently enough .. if at all :)17:00
abhinavgnome issue is fixed I think .. I just updated. But compiz doesn't seem to be working ..17:00
abhinavprobably because of Bug #494699 ?17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494699 in fglrx-installer "Does not support current Lucid kernel (2.6.32) or xserver (1.7)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49469917:00
=== shadeslayer is now known as Guest56644
ChogyDanabhinav: so wait, does that mean ATI cards are supported?17:05
psusianyone else tried using the gnome art manager to install new themes?  when I click install it opens up the appearance window without showing the new theme, and when I click download it just closes immediately and leaves a zero byte file17:07
ChogyDanhmm, I guess so17:07
abhinavChogyDan, I think it is currently working on the open source driver.17:07
ChogyDanabhinav: I think the proprietary driver has been released too17:08
abhinavfor ATI radeon - I have a radeon 4200 IGP17:08
abhinavProbably, I am just doing an update - let me see if it gets picked up ..17:08
abhinavI am trying via System->Administration->Hardware Drivers and it doesn't show anything17:09
ChogyDanabhinav: try the fglrx-installer package17:09
ForserQuestion : Can you like upgrade from 9.10 Netbook Remix to 10.04 LTS Beta 1?17:10
lifestreamSo I have a little big problem. I really want to help test Ubuntu, even if just a little. But I don't know where to start. I came to this channel thinking that maybe the Topic would have a link to where to learn / start. Can anyone help me help Ubuntu? :P17:10
abhinavDo you mean xorg-driver-fglrx ? This is having some unmet dependencies etc.17:11
ChogyDanForser: you probably can, but if you upgrade you will get 10.04 netbook remix17:11
ChogyDanabhinav: according to the bug report, no17:11
ChogyDanabhinav: that why I was guessing fglrx-installer17:12
ForserChogyDan, No worries about that :) Just feel like running the latest to help out with bugs and similar17:12
ZykoticK9ChogyDan, for 10.04 i think remix is renamed to UNE edition17:13
ChogyDanabhinav: well, I looked, but I cant figure that out, gl17:14
ChogyDanZykoticK9: interesting17:15
abhinavI don;t see fglrx-installer in my repo. Doing another update, this time with the main server instead of an India mirror. Trying to see how it goes17:16
ChogyDan!find fglrx lucid17:16
ubottuFound: fglrx-modaliases, fglrx-amdcccle, fglrx-kernel-source, xorg-driver-fglrx, xorg-driver-fglrx-dev17:16
abhinavwill probably take some time to get pushed . See comment #14 on the bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/494699/comments/1417:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 494699 in fglrx-installer "Does not support current Lucid kernel (2.6.32) or xserver (1.7)" [Critical,Fix released]17:18
ChogyDanbut that last comment seems to indicate that there was a problem17:19
setuidanyone know of a good 64-bit bootable, rescue ISO image?17:21
setuidKNOPPIX 5.1 has cryptsetup (latest does not), but I can't chroot into the mounted path using the KNOPPIX 5.1 iso, because my main OS on the drive is 64-bit.17:22
charlie-tcasetuid: tried the Ubuntu live cd?17:23
Some_Personsetuid: Why must it be 64bit?17:23
Ian_CorneYou can't shroot from 32 bit to 64 bit17:23
setuidSome_Person, Because chroot doesn't work into the mounted partition, unless the OS on the bootable iso is the same bitness as the one on the mounted partition.17:24
Some_PersonI seed17:24
laumonierlucid beta version is avaible or not???17:27
setuidPulling 9.10 64-bit now... can I boot from this CD and mount an existing system, to fix it?17:27
setuidThe system is luks-encrypted17:27
Some_PersonWhat's the point of encrypting your system?17:27
setuidSome_Person, So my data remains my own17:27
Ian_Corneyou can isntall packages to read those encryptions setuid17:27
Ian_Corneif needed17:27
Some_PersonWhat do you have that's so secret?17:28
setuidIan_Corne, cryptsetup works to do that, as long as I can boot to the system. 5.1 allows that, but last night's update trashed the system, it refuses to boot under any kernel.17:28
ZykoticK9laumonier, see the channel topic for link17:28
setuidKernel dump at boot time, right when it tries to mount the root fs17:28
setuidSome_Person, I have data that belongs to me, nobody else. It's not secret, but it is my own.17:28
setuidSome_Person, Encryption isn't about hiding anything, it's about securing data.17:28
redhow does nautilus handle photo image rotation?17:29
laumonierok so it is not17:29
redi have some photos, that appear correctly rotated uner ubuntu17:29
redbut not when I upload them to a site17:29
redso id prefer to get the rotation fixing off to actually see which ones i need to rotate manually prior to uploading :)17:30
setuidHere's another post I wrote early in January about something similar...17:31
setuidBut in this case, I can't even boot to the fs itself.17:31
sash_hello everybody. at the moment, i am installing the beta in a virtualbox. why is it possible to partition the /-partition with fat32 but not with btrfs?17:33
CosmiChaossash_, which beta?17:35
sash_CosmiChaos: ubuntu 10.04 of course17:35
kklimondasash_: because it's not yet supported by parted in ubuntu17:35
ugliefrogis there a command that can refresh the panels17:36
ugliefrogfor some reason mine look garbled on the ends17:36
Ian_Cornekillall -9 gnome-panel17:36
Some_Personugliefrog: Usually you can just kill gnome-panel17:36
ugliefrogty ill give it a try17:36
CosmiChaossash_, oh i missread , thought there was a new virtualbox beta to leech for xD17:37
sash_ok, so there is no chance to partition the device with btrfs while installation? but then, it should be possible to pre-partition it and then install the beta? so: is the installer able to read/write btrfs?17:37
sash_CosmiChaos: hrhr17:37
CosmiChaosMoep, bounceing this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/54174917:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 541749 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "PCIExpress 1.0 16x Port (nforce 630i) and 16x-Card 8600 GTS only synced at bus-type 4x" [Low,Incomplete]17:38
CosmiChaoswhat is left incomplete?17:38
kklimondasash_: as the installer won't recognize btrfs at all it won't let you install (at least that's what I think - you can try)17:38
ugliefrogkillall -9 gnome-panel......did the trick17:39
sash_kklimonda: well, there is a difference between partition and writing an fs17:39
sash_i will give it a try17:39
sash_hope that parted magic can do this :)17:41
pepeeI can't run kde because the ATI driver doesn't work with Ubuntu lucid (did an upgrade yesterday), BUT even if I remove/reinstall xserver-xorg-*, kde says17:46
pepee"ksmserver: error while loading shared libraries: libatiuki.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"17:46
penguin42pepee: Did you explicitly uninstall the frglx driver?17:47
pepeedpkg -P17:47
penguin42hmm, something somewhere isn't convinced!17:47
ubottuKDE bug 229525 in general "no way to open KDE session in Lucid alpha 3" [Crash,Resolved: downstream]17:48
pepeeI think I have to reconfigure or delete something, but I don't know what...17:48
penguin42pepee: Can you put the output of ldd /usr/lib/libkdeinit4_ksmserver.so in a pastebin somewhere?17:50
setuidAnyone know of a free tool that runs on Windows 7 that can burn an Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit (690M) ISO image? Nothing I've tried can overburn it.17:50
jpds!unetbootin | setuid17:51
ubottusetuid: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:51
penguin42setuid: Have you got a DVD rather than a CD?17:51
arandsetuid: tried infrarecorder & imgburn?17:52
pepeepenguin42: ok17:52
pepeepenguin42: pastebin.com/PQCfLcJK17:54
Volkodavhow do I set up an app for mms or similar protocol in chromium ?17:56
penguin42pepee: if you ldd /usr/lib/libGL.so.1  do you see the missing lib?17:56
pepeeit says "not found"17:58
penguin42you mean /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 doesn't exist?17:58
pepeeoh sorry, ldd /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 | grep libatiuki  -> libatiuki "not found"17:59
AaronMTHello, I am using beta 1 through vmWare and noticed I have a white vertical line on the left side of my display with this version, i.e., see picture - whats up with that? http://imgur.com/cBjPa.png18:00
pepeelibatiuki.so.1 => not found18:00
penguin42pepee: So what I can't quite figure out is that on my machine libGL.so.1 in the ldd of ksmserver points to /usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so.118:01
penguin42pepee: Can you do a dpkg -S /usr/lib/libGL.so.118:02
pepeeit says it was not found18:03
penguin42pepee: But you have it there?18:04
penguin42hmm; I say delete it - or at least move it out of the way18:04
pepeepenguin42: hah, thank you SO much!!18:05
penguin42no problem!18:06
pepeewell, don't know where it the problem, but I have kubuntu-ppa in my sources.list18:07
penguin42pepee: That just looked like leftovers from frglx18:07
pepeemaybe the ATI uninstaller didn't removed it?18:08
pepeeah ok18:08
penguin42that's my guess18:08
pepeewell, thanks again18:08
ZykoticK9AaronMT, see if running "nautilus --quit" makes it disappear18:11
AaronMTZykoticK9: Yeah just found a forum post, I ran nautilus -q18:11
AaronMTThanks anyways18:11
c_kornthe new theme is not very good for the buttons in vlc. you nearly don't see if a button is pressed or not: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/48032/screenshot_001_dUaV7G.png http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/48033/screenshot_002_Aac7o1.png18:16
Damasceneis empathy working for you from the first time?18:19
DanaGhmm, is it safe by now to upgrade and not get broken gnome?18:23
DanaGer, wait, /topic18:23
vividso nautilus can no longer handle network browsing?18:24
histoIs there a default shortcut key for scale?  I see windowkey+tab does the super switcher and windowkey+e shows the other workspaces18:26
histovivid: I was having a problem with it earlier since latest updates18:27
histovivid: then I noticed that gvfs was hugn taking 50% cpu pegged18:27
foxy123Got a problem with booting up Lucid Beta18:28
vividhisto, im pretty sure im just missing some packages, but these indeed should probably be included in ubuntu-desktop18:28
foxy123Cannot get to GDM even using nomodeset18:28
histoFoudn it windowkey+w18:28
histovivid: I thought so to but its not missing packages there must be a bug or somethign it was working before.18:29
foxy123I have installed it to my laptop using the alternative CD as the live one did not work for me for the same reason18:30
histovivid: newest updates just fixed it for me18:30
histovivid: nautlius network browsing now works18:30
vividstill nothing for me18:31
foxy123I am using Intel 855GM graphic chip18:31
histovivid: run a dist-ugprade18:32
histovivid: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:32
foxy123any ideas18:32
histofoxy123: did you check ubuntu.com/testing page for known issues?18:32
histofoxy123: thought I saw something on there about intel video18:33
setuidAnyone know the solution to these? Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)18:33
vividhisto, the system is up to date, i need packages to be installed but dont know what they are18:33
setuidI'm trying to reinstall some packages onto a mounted drive, under chroot18:33
vividanyone know which packages are required for nautilus network browsing?18:33
foxy123histo: I cannot see anything about Intel graphic chips18:35
=== crimsun changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | gnome-panel and nautilus are fixed. http://bit.ly/9EOJmO | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 1 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1
IdleOnenautilus is broken from main menu....upgrade.....fixed18:37
IdleOnevivid: libnautilus-extension1  probably18:37
IdleOnecrimsun: thank you :)18:37
foxy123There is an issue in Alpha 3 re KMS but I thought that booting with 'nomodeset' option should've fixed it, Unfortunately it did not.18:38
vividIdleOne, installed already18:39
IdleOnevivid: nautilus was broken for me two minutes ago I did and upgrade and libnautilus-extension1  was one of the packages and now nautilus is working so I assume that fixed nautilus18:40
vividapt-get update and apt-get upgrade yields no new updates for me, still broken18:41
monkey_dustvivid, try dpkg-configure -a18:42
monkey_dusterratum: try sudo dpkg --configure -a18:43
vividstill cannot browse network18:44
vividhave a feeling something that needs to be installed, isnt installed18:44
benovicwill gvfs-fuse be replaced by something else? i get a message about obsolete packages, but no upgrade will install new ones18:44
vividso, how should i be attempting to view samba shares18:45
=== Dink|W is now known as Dink
BookmanI get the following and I'm not sure how to resolve it when upgrading:18:50
skyjumperanyone else getting statusbars like this in gimp: http://dev.ideas4.net/gimp.png18:50
skyjumperit should have the cursor position, zoom pulldown, etc18:50
skyjumperlike http://docs.gimp.org/en/images/using/wilber-simple-nogrid.png18:50
BookmanCould not calculate the upgrade18:51
BookmanAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:18:51
BookmanTrying to install blacklisted version 'openoffice.org-filter-binfilter_1:3.2.0~rc4-1ubuntu1'18:51
BookmanAny ideas?18:51
Dr_Willisremove the offending packages and try again?18:52
gnarliemy font settings in the appearance thingie wont stay on18:52
gnarliesubpixel smoothing and full hinting goes away when I close it18:52
Bookmanyeah, no problem.....I will move to another distro I think.  This one is going in directions that I do not see anyways.18:53
Dr_WillisBookman:  have a nice day.18:53
BoondoKlifeBookman: What is changing that you don't like?18:54
Dr_WillisI find once you learn the linux fundamentals. the actual disrto dosent matter much18:54
BoondoKlifeDr_Willis: Very true18:54
vividbut debian based systems are just so much more usable than others18:54
Dr_WillisI dont find much differance18:55
BookmanBoondoKlife, Moving of the windows buttons, the Beta failed on 3 of my machines out of 4....Alpha worked fine....so many little things I guess18:55
Dr_WillisDepends on your needs.18:55
vividwell, back in the day, there was huge difference in usability between vendors18:55
Dr_WillisIts beta... what do you expect.. file bugs..18:55
BoondoKlifeBookman: You have to remember that you are trying BETA and ALPHA builds. Try 9.1018:55
vividit kind of just became first nature to want to be debianized :p18:55
duffydacknever had kernel error messages in alpha3, just started seeing crash report bring it up few times..18:56
Dr_Willisbuttons are trivial and take 10 sec to move back.. but who knows they MIGHT do somthing inovateive with teh move.. (i will be suprised if they do)18:56
BookmanI understand all of that.18:56
BookmanI've just never seen issues like this.18:56
BookmanNot since installing 7.1018:56
Dr_WillisI have found the latest KDE versions  have advanced so much.. Im proberly going to switch back to Kubuntu instead of ubuntu with this release18:56
BoondoKlifeBookman: As for the buttons, there is a reason for everything and I think it will soon be revealed. Personally I don't mind it.18:56
vividdoes anyone know how i can browse my windows/mac networks shares using samba in lucid, since nautilus doesnt want to cooperate?18:56
Dr_WillisIve seen very few issues with the alpha/beta stuff so far.18:56
BoondoKlifeBookman: As far as installs have you tried the alternate install cd?18:57
gnarlieanyone stumbled on these fonts issues?18:57
BoondoKlifeBookman: I always have good luck with it.18:57
BookmanBoondoKlife, buttons are only a small part18:57
gnarlieugly by default and changing settings wont stick18:57
monkey_dustthere was some other guy, yesterday, who was very displeased about the buttons on the left18:57
Dr_Willisgnarlie:  ive not seen them. - I have noticed the fonts in the fiorefox menus look a little different then the ones in the gnome menus18:57
BookmanDr_Willis, I agree.  KDE is my fallback on the machines that failed the Beta update18:57
Dr_WillisI find the direction kde is going . very handy. Its netbook stuff on my AAO i find is better then the UNR stuff18:58
gnarlieDr_Willis: looks like shit in chrome too18:58
Dr_Willisbut with gnome 3 due out in a few months.. who knows what will be the fave a year from now18:58
BookmanDr_Willis, yes....the wireless is a bit flacky though.18:58
Dr_WillisI always seem to fallback to 'bluecurve' and my own tweaks for a theme i like.18:58
Dr_Willisof course since i keep my /home/ :) i often rarely even notice the artwork changes in a new release18:59
Dr_Willismost of the hyped features i imagine will turn out to be 'talked about' for a month.. then no one will care. :)19:00
Dr_WillisNight all...19:01
BookmanHave a good evening19:02
Bookmanok, back to my root problem.  I guess I just have to wait?19:02
BoondoKlifeBookman: What problem was that?19:02
Bookmann unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:19:04
BookmanTrying to install blacklisted version 'openoffice.org-filter-binfilter_1:3.2.0~rc4-1ubuntu1'19:04
BoondoKlifeBookman: Try to uninstall openoffice and then do the update. Then reinstall it.19:05
Some_PersonHey! I think I found the true cause of my "partial upgrade" problem: libparted1.8-12 is now libparted019:06
Ian_CorneI'v had that some while ago :p19:07
BookmanBoondoKlife, attempting19:07
tcsoccermandoes ipod touch and iphone truely work for lucid yet?19:08
Some_PersonIt seems I have a few karmic packages left over19:09
Bookmanopen office uninstalled, same problem19:09
git__what's in store for gnome3?19:10
BoondoKlifeBookman: did it also remove that package?19:10
git__i like lucid kvm transition19:10
BoondoKlifeBookman: 1 sec19:10
git__didn't have to use ctrl-alt to transistion19:10
git__i wonder if the suspend/resume works in lucid19:11
Jordan_UI can't use the keyboard in X from the lucid beta[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C LiveCD.19:12
git__possible to try it under kvm?19:12
git__lucid froze on sleep in kvm19:15
chocamoI am installing server edition and I can get a dhcp address during the install, but after installation and reboot I cannot get an IP on either my wired or by hooking up a wireless device19:16
BoondoKlifeBookmanI wonder what you have installed that is needing that package? if you can figure that out just uninstall it then update.19:16
BoondoKlifeBookman: Do you have any version of openoffice.org-filter installed currently?19:17
BookmanBoondoKlife, I think that the upgrade will just not work for my installation.19:17
BoondoKlifeBookman: Really it is just a matter of something claiming it needs that package.19:18
Bookmanhey, it cannot work for everyone, right?19:18
BoondoKlifeBookman: but the idea is to get as close as possible19:19
BookmanWell, this one is an epic fail.  3/4 machines failed19:19
BookmanBut not your fault.19:19
BoondoKlifeBookman: Take a look and see if you can find what is depending on that package or if you have a previous version installed.19:20
Bookmanyeah, I could learn how to do that or I could just try another distro.19:20
redis there any way to get a screensaver for my 2nd X-Session19:21
redso that when im owrking in X0.0 for 3mins the X1.0 would go into screensaver mode19:21
redwould be better than having to turn on and off my plasma telly to avoid burning :)19:21
Bookmanplasma can burn?  I think not.19:22
BoondoKlifeBookman: Well nothing in my install is showing as a dep. try to install apt-rdepends. sudo apt-rdepends --reverse openoffice.org-filter-binfilter19:27
duffydackcool, I only just noticed pasting a link into gwibber pastes it as a .gd link19:27
BoondoKlifeBookman: See if it has something in your install that is depending on it19:27
* duffydack is new to gwibber19:27
Damasceneare you having problems with empathy not connecting from the first run?19:30
BookmanBoondoKlife, wow, a ton of work for something that should have been taken care of by beta time.19:30
setuidAny humans about?19:30
setuiddpkg seems broken inside my chroot. dpkg -L shows nothing, I can't dpkg -i any packages... but I can apt-get update and fetch packages...19:31
BoondoKlifeBookman: Well not really beta does mean it can have issues. And upgrades are always a no-no in my book.19:31
BookmanDo developers watch this channel?19:31
guntbertBookman: unlikely19:32
BookmanToo bad19:32
git__bookman, have u try suspend and resume on lucid?19:34
Bookmangit__, no19:34
setuidE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libselinux1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)19:35
ullehello everyone, my synaptics touchpad just stopped working, it works in the login window but stops working after i type my password19:35
penguin42has seen a few people say that today19:36
BookmanNo worries, I will try Fedora19:36
ullepenguin42, do u mean my problem19:36
penguin42ulle: Yeh19:38
ulleoh thx19:39
setuidWhat do I do to get around this?19:39
setuidE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libselinux1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)19:39
setuidI'm trying to reinstall dpkg19:39
penguin42setuid: It's pretty unusual to reinstall dpkg; tell me about your chroot - what's it a chroot in?19:40
setuidpenguin42, After last night's update, my system refuses to boot... kernel dumps in every single kernel on the system. Whatever was in last night's update, broke every kernel I had.19:40
setuidSo I've mounted my drive under a chroot on a 9.10 bootable iso, and am trying to "fix" it19:41
setuiddpkg inside the chroot doesn't even show any packages listed19:41
penguin42setuid: Ah I see, that's not good19:41
setuid# dpkg -L | wc -l19:41
Some_Personthat's weird. brasero is using notification instead of indicator applet now19:41
crimsunis there anything useful in /var/lib/dpkg ?19:41
setuidI can't use dpkg -i to install any of the *.debs there19:41
crimsunthat sounds a lot like nasty fs corruption19:41
setuidcrimsun, fs is fine19:42
penguin42setuid: Have you any idea about what went wrong to get it into this state?19:42
crimsunsetuid: you're *certain* of that?19:42
setuidcrimsun, absolutely19:42
penguin42absolutes are good19:42
setuidcrimsun, the whole system is inside a dm-crypt partition, on an xfs fs, and it's been checked and re-checked19:42
crimsunabsolutes and fs corruption don't belong in the same sentence19:42
setuidBut last night's update truncated a bunch of libs to 0  bytes in /usr/lib and /lib19:43
penguin42setuid: Did it shut down OK ?19:43
setuidThat may not be the cause of the machine not booting, I have a photo of the kernel dump, but it's not that useful19:43
crimsunlast night's update? hmm...19:43
penguin42setuid: Ah, so it kernel dumped just after an upgrade?19:43
setuidpenguin42, No, the update hard-locked the machine towards the end, somewhere while updating 'menu'.19:43
crimsunerr, that definitely reeks of hw and/or linux.19:43
setuidpenguin42, No, the kernel dumps under any kernel (I have 8 of them) when I try to boot the machine19:44
setuidThe dump is exactly the same for all kernels19:44
penguin42setuid: OK, the 0 length files are normally a result of stuff not having made it to disk yet (although more common on ext4) - but why is it kernel dumping - go on give us the photo19:44
setuidLet me see if I can upload it somewhere..19:44
ullepenguin42, so there is no bug report about it19:44
solid_liqokay to update/upgrade right now?19:44
crimsunit sounds a *lot* like your fs just exploded (normally a linux issue but could be related to hw)19:44
penguin42setuid: maybe imagegin.org19:45
penguin42erm bin19:45
solid_liqI know earlier it said in the topic to not upgrade because gnome was broken19:45
penguin42crimsun: xfs exploded? The thought19:45
solid_liqpenguin42, xfs will fail if there's a powerfailure without warning.  otherwise it's usually very reliable19:45
penguin42solid_liq: OK so the problem is if that happens just as it's doing an upgrade heck knows what state it's left in19:46
solid_liqpenguin42, well, you'll get data loss if that happens period.  XFS was designed for machines that are on UPS's19:47
penguin42solid_liq: It sounds like it's left you with a messed up set of package data though19:47
CalmvsKhaosUPS are so cheap now no reason not to have one really19:48
penguin42solid_liq: Yeh a machine on UPS that never fails, never crashes, never has any problem19:48
solid_liqpenguin42, XFS was designed by SGI to run on their Unix servers in server rooms...  they tend to be very reliable (full redundancy)19:48
solid_liqand usually, if there is a failure, there's warning so the system has a chance to shut down gracefully (on those machines)19:49
crimsun...except that XFS on Linux has a track record of exploding.19:49
solid_liqcrimsun, only on desktops by people who don't have a UPS19:49
crimsunerm, ok. I'm not even going to touch this can o' worms.19:49
penguin42solid_liq: OK, so where is that crash message then19:49
solid_liqcrimsun, I've used an XFS filesystem for 4+ years on one machine and had no problems with it...  plus on others as well19:50
solid_liqpenguin42, the crash message?19:50
penguin42the photo19:50
crimsunsolid_liq: I've had solid experiences and nasty experiences alike, but that does not mean anything in *this* context.19:50
setuidcrimsun, http://tweetphoto.com/1514232919:51
solid_liqusually, when the XFS filesystem goes down, the whole thing goes down19:51
solid_liqyou won't be able to mount it; you'll need to try to repair it19:51
solid_liqwhich means, I don't think XFS is at fault for this.  I think you're barking up the wrong tree here19:51
crimsunsolid_liq: I'm not blaming XFS; we haven't gotten there yet.19:51
crimsunsolid_liq: extrapolation can be a dangerous thing19:52
setuid# dpkg -i tzdata_2010e-1_all.deb && echo $?19:53
crimsunsetuid: unfortunately the tasty bits that we need have scrolled off the screen19:53
setuidcrimsun, the whole thing repeats numerous times (about 40 times), then stops there19:53
setuidWhen it boots, it gets to the point of where it tries to mount / and then grinds for about 5 minutes, then dumps like that19:54
crimsunsetuid: again, the actual bits are not in that screenshot19:54
crimsunsetuid: if you're lucky, they may be in /var/log/dmesg*19:54
setuidAt this point, I just need dpkg to function inside the chroot, so I can try to reinstall/repair the damaged packages19:54
penguin42setuid: Have you run xfs check on it?19:54
setuidcrimsun, it can't be in /var/log, because /var/ is on the fs it is failing to mount19:54
setuidi.e. /19:54
setuidxfs_check and xfs_fsr come out 100% clean on it19:54
crimsunsetuid: not from the subsequent boots -- from the actual occurrence19:55
setuidI've checked it from both KNOPPIX 5.1 (the last version with crypt support) and from the Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit LiveCD19:55
solid_liqI always make my /var partition ext3 to make sure they're safe19:55
penguin42solid_liq: Ah19:56
setuidsolid_liq, I do the same with boot, though I make that ext2 + ro,sync,noexec19:56
solid_liqyeah, I use ext2 for /boot since there's no need for journaling for /boot19:56
setuidIs there a way to sanity-check the apt/dpkg db? Something like the Debian/Ubuntu equivalent of "rpm --rebuilddb"?19:56
solid_liqI think xfs is great for /usr since it gives you good speed for loading apps, but now that we have ext4, I don't think there'll be much need for xfs once ext4 is for sure good and stable19:57
crimsunnot quite. the check operation for apt-get does a small part of that.19:57
crimsunI don't really care about what fs type is used anymore; I'm leaning strongly toward an Intel g2 SSD for /usr19:58
setuidext4 is WAY overkill for holding large files, like multi-terabyte/multi-gigabyte files19:58
setuidext4 also lacks dynamic inode create/destroy, and the performance lags quite a bit behind xfs... but let's not have that holy war right now19:58
solid_liqit doesn't need dynamic inode creation/destruction19:59
solid_liqa pool of inodes is fine19:59
solid_liqyou can create more manually if you need them19:59
setuidIt does if you run it on a dm-crypt/expandable LVM19:59
solid_liqI do love xfs's great ability to grow/shrink20:00
Again617So I have a *small* issue after installing Lucid Lynx.  Switching workspaces works almost all of the time but sometimes the key combination "Alt+Ctrl+[Left|Right] don't do anything20:00
setuidI just tried "dselect update", but dselect is no longer part of the core OS, so I tried to install that, and now I'm back to the selinux issue20:00
setuidE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libselinux1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)20:00
Again617the key combination seems to be caught by the active window20:00
setuidcrimsun, Any other ideas?20:01
monkey_dusti have to re-enter my wifi wep key, everytime i boot my pc, how can i save it?20:01
penguin42setuid: Well, the man page of apt.conf suggests that you should try explicitly installing libselinux1, and failing that try to disable the immediate-configure option and see if it'll let you fix it20:03
setuid# cat /etc/apt/apt.conf20:04
setuidAPT::Immediate-Configure "true";20:04
penguin42the man page suggests it's a very rare get-out-of-jail card20:04
crimsunsetuid: sorry, in a meeting right now20:04
setuidpenguin42, Apparently the syntax isn't what it thinks it is20:05
penguin42setuid: Try dropping that into a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d20:06
setuidapt-get install dselect -o APT::Immediate-Configure=020:06
setuidThat gets closer20:06
penguin42setuid: And isn't that suggesting you want to turn it off?20:06
setuidNow I get:20:06
setuidE: Couldn't configure pre-depend perl-base for debconf, probably a dependency cycle.20:06
penguin42setuid: If it's this messed up you're going to have a lot of this type of thing to fix - but you're going to have to pick each one apart - personally if it's that screwed I'd seriously consider a reinstall20:07
setuidpenguin42, reinstall isn't an option... and I've recovered myself from pretty ugly Ubuntu/Debian fsck-ups before when I upgrade during a broken cycle20:08
penguin42ok, one package at a time then!20:09
setuidYes, but not unless dpkg and apt work20:09
setuidRight now, they do not20:09
penguin42well, try to install perl-base by hand and see why it fails20:10
setuidinstall it by hand, using what?20:10
setuiddpkg and apt do not work, and dselect isn't installed, and I can't install it without perl-base20:10
penguin42well just try to apt-get install it or dpkg -l it and see if you can see why it's failing20:10
setuiddpkg -l returns nothing20:10
setuidapt-get install requires perl-base, which I can't install20:10
penguin42ok, but WHY does perl-base fail to install20:11
penguin42is perl-base in /var/log/apt/whereverthecacheis ?20:12
Ian_Cornesetuid: compile it?20:12
penguin42Ian_Corne: Nah, not worth it20:12
setuidIan_Corne, that won't help20:12
penguin42setuid: Is it in /var/cache/apt/archives ?20:13
setuidIan_Corne, the problem isnt' that the files aren't physcially on-disk, it's that dpkg doesn't know they're installed20:13
setuid# ls -l perl-base_5.10.1-8ubuntu1_amd64.deb20:13
setuid-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1080044 2010-01-07 16:17 perl-base_5.10.1-8ubuntu1_amd64.deb20:13
penguin42ok good, dpkg -i that file20:13
Ian_Cornedid you link /dev/ /proc/ /sys/ before chrooting?20:13
setuidwhoa, wait20:13
setuid# ls -l /usr/bin/dpkg20:13
setuid-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2010-03-16 11:05 /usr/bin/dpkg20:13
penguin42ahem, a little bit of a problem :-)20:14
Ian_Corneoh :p20:14
setuidSame thing20:14
penguin42setuid: Do you have /usr/bin/dpkg-deb and will it run?20:14
setuidwow, a LOT of files in /usr/bin are 0 bytes20:15
penguin42not good20:15
DanaGholy mackerel.... I now have a multi-touch touchpad, where before I didn't!20:16
penguin42setuid: sure you don't want to reinstall?20:16
setuidYes, positive20:16
setuidit's not an option20:16
penguin42setuid: OK, is it your data you're worried about or config?20:16
Nikolai_Dhi guys, i try to install Ultumatix, but it gives me Python2.5 problem, any ideas?:)20:16
setuidEvery single file on this machine must remain intact20:16
setuidbin, data, files, config20:16
penguin42setuid: OK, except the ones that are already broke20:16
setuidExactly, excpet the ones that I can reinstall from known-good packages20:16
penguin42setuid: OK, you're running from a 9.10 cd?20:16
guntbert!ultamatix | Nikolai_D20:17
ubottuNikolai_D: Ultamatix is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu.  Use of this software may cause damage to your Ubuntu install.  Do not suggest its use in this channel. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/99905.html and !automatix for more info.20:17
setuidBut I can't reinstall, if I can't get dpkg to give me a list of installed packages20:17
setuidpenguin42, Yes20:17
penguin42setuid: Use debootstrap on the 9.10 cd to debootstrap a basic installation in another directory and copy the files accross into the broken world20:17
Nikolai_Dgunbert: okay man, i know, but anyway :)20:17
Nikolai_Dguntbert: *20:18
guntbertNikolai_D: so why do you insist on installing it?20:18
charlie-tcaIsn't python 2.6 now in lucid?20:19
setuidfind /mnt/external/usr/bin -maxdepth 1 -type f -size 0 | xargs -i basename {} | wc -l20:19
Nikolai_Dbecause i want to install all that view programs i need right away :)20:19
setuid118 0-byte files in /usr/bin, as a result of last night's update20:19
Nikolai_Dand they say Ultumatix is better then Automatix, and even if not, if i get problems laiter, ill just have to fix them :D20:19
guntbert!info python | charlie-tca20:20
ubottucharlie-tca: python (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.4-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB20:20
penguin42setuid: debootstrap is probably the best way to fix this - it'll get you a basic set of files somewhere safe you can copy stuff in20:20
guntbertNikolai_D: you have been warned - and it is *not supported* in these channels20:20
charlie-tcaNikolai_D: If Ultumatix is not supported, not recommended, and not discussed here, maybe you have to go ask the developers that wrote it how to make it work.20:21
Nikolai_Dgunbert: i know, thank you :)20:21
guntbertNikolai_D: so you are on your own in this respect20:21
Nikolai_Dhehe :)20:21
setuidfind /mnt/external/usr/bin -maxdepth 1 -type f -size 0  | cut -b23-200 | sort | xargs -i cp /usr/bin/{} /mnt/external/usr/bin20:21
setuidThat might work too20:21
Nikolai_Dguys guys ;)20:21
penguin42setuid: Yeh maybe - I bet you're missing a load of libs and other stuff as well20:21
setuidMaybe, but I just need a working dpkg, I can fix the rest from there20:22
Nikolai_Dis there some #Linux or something where i can ask help then? :D20:22
penguin42Nikolai_D: Feel free to ask here if you're having probs with Ubuntu Lucid, there are generic linux channels as well20:22
guntbertNikolai_D: #linux exists - yes20:22
Nikolai_Dhmm lets see whats ther20:23
guntbertpenguin42: he was asking for ultimatix support20:23
penguin42oh right20:23
technovikinganyone else getting this error when updating /sbin/ldconfig.real: File /usr/lib/libdns.so.64 is empty, not checked.20:23
penguin42technoviking: Well, is your /usr/lib/libdns.so.64 empty?20:24
technovikingmaybe, should it be? I did not do anything to it?20:25
technovikingthink it happen after some updates yesterday20:26
setuidWell, that sort-of worked... forcing an install of everything in /var/cache/apt/archives with dpkg -i *.deb20:26
setuidit's churning on app-install-data20:26
JEEBhmm, just tried kubuntu 10.04 beta 1 on virtualbox and vmware -- I don't have a menu bar o_O20:33
JEEBI mean... you _should_ have a bar on the bottom, right?20:33
rsklook at the errata20:35
Nikolai_Dlol, whats that for something, on linux channel they told me to use suse ^20:36
JEEBeveryone will tell you to use a different distro20:37
Nikolai_Di guess its time to go to fedora channel :D20:37
JEEBin the end you can just try different distros and see which you like the most >_>20:37
Nikolai_Di already use the one i like duh20:37
pepeepenguin42, do you remember the problem I had?20:42
penguin42pepee: The libGL one ?20:42
penguin42what about it?20:43
pepeepenguin42, how did you knew that removing that file I would log in to kde?20:43
penguin42pepee: From the ldd I was trying to figure out what would cause that file to be loaded, my guess was that since it was trying to load an ati specific gl library it would come from libGL since I knew different vendors tended to replace libGL; I checked and my machine didn't have the libGL where your machine did20:44
pepeeahh ok20:45
git__anyone try suspend/resume on lucid yet?20:45
setuidGit, works great20:46
git__setuid, did u try it 9-10 times in succession?20:47
penguin42git__: It's one of those things that is very dependent on the machine20:48
Again617git__, I just tried hibernate and it worked fine except that telepathy crashed on resume20:48
git__yeah, very true penguin42, i want to learn what the cause of my suspend/resume problem, albeit what debugging tool to use to find out the device driver or app causing the hiccup20:48
setuidgit__, yes, I suspend dozens of times a row, every day20:49
setuidI don't run telepathy though, and I use the nvidia video drivers20:49
pepeepenguin42, cause I submitted this solution: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=229525#c9  but I'm having minor problems with some other programs20:50
ubottuKDE bug 229525 in general "no way to open KDE session in Lucid alpha 3" [Crash,Resolved: downstream]20:50
penguin42pepee: Yeh it's not really a KDE bug, ATI bug maybe, possibly ubuntu20:51
pepeeyep, I did it just "for the record"20:53
Again617I have problem with sound with Skype in Lucid Lynx (surprise!).  In every other area Pulseaudio works fine20:59
setuidpulse is a nightmare20:59
Again617looks like I spoke to soon.... it works now21:00
setuidAn over-engineered solution to a non-existent problem... just like arts and esd before it21:00
Again617In Sound Preferences I have three options under "Connector", Analog Headphones, Analog Output and Analog Speakers21:00
Again617I needed to manually change that to Analog Speakers21:01
crimsunpulseaudio is the best test suite for alsa ever.21:06
crimsunyou may abhor it, but you can't deny its effectiveness at rooting out bugs in alsa21:06
setuidYes, in the same way that "Enter a number here: ... " and having an app enter "banana" does, sure.21:07
crimsunnot quite, though that's valid21:07
crimsunpulse relies on your hardware not lying21:07
crimsunwhat we've discovered is that there is a lot of crap hardware that lies21:08
setuidThat's always going to be true, as long as their are developers who take shortcuts to make company deadlines21:08
crimsunit's also a fundamentally different type of operation to alsa's traditional interrupt-based approach21:09
bjsnidersomehow apple and windows don't suffer from these issues in their sound systems?21:09
crimsunbjsnider: both those OSes reach much farther down into the stack21:09
crimsuntheir APIs expose a lot more timing information that Linux itself doesn't21:09
penguin42bjsnider: In Apple's case they have a very small set of hardware they have to code for21:10
pace_t_zulu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer/+bug/54297521:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 542975 in system-config-printer "Lucid Beta 1 - Printer test page should sport new artwork / theme" [Undecided,New]21:11
crimsunonce you constrain your hardware quirks, it's possible to work around them, yes21:11
crimsuntrying to do that for all possible hardware is hard </barbie>21:11
bjsniderpenguin42, it's always nice when you can stop people from using your software on crap hardware21:11
bjsniderlike that poor bastard who's got a problem with his nforce chipset21:12
bjsnidernamely, that he has an nforce chipset21:12
setuidcrimsun, any ideas? -> http://pastebin.ca/184700021:12
pace_t_zuluanyone using Lucid desktop or planning to use Lucid Desktop should mark that bug as "affects you"21:12
crimsunsetuid: I'm pretty sure an strace will be more useful21:13
penguin42setuid: If this is still in your chroot make sure you're /proc and /dev are mounted21:14
setuidI bind-mounted them into the chroot21:14
setuid# su - desrod21:14
setuidopen: Permission denied21:14
setuidError locking counter21:14
setuidNo way to mount a user's encrypted $HOME when that's been mounted under /mnt, even when I am *THAT* user?21:16
setuidThat's a pretty big blocker21:16
setuidI should start keeping $HOME on a USB key, if it's going to be this unstable21:17
=== baba is now known as cozziemoto
Guest59335Installed 10.04 today and I like what I see. Some vast improvements in many areas.21:23
KB1JWQsetuid: Tempting some days. :-)21:30
KB1JWQsetuid: I'd probably lobby instead for a cronned rsyn.21:30
setuidKB1JWQ, What is?21:33
KB1JWQHeh, boatload of udpates...21:33
KB1JWQsetuid: Keeping /home on a USB stick.21:34
DanaGwho was it that was talking with me about touchpads, the other day?21:36
avi_which version of Gnome does Lucid beta 1 include?21:46
avi_2.28 or 2.30?21:46
crimsunwhat will become 2.3021:47
CalmvsKhaossadly lucid wont come with gnome 3 :((((21:47
crimsunfor an LTS? You have got to be kidding me.21:48
avi_Well, gnome 3 is either 2.30 or 2.32..21:48
chrisccoulsongnome 3 is 2.3221:48
avi_I thought that was TBD.21:48
chrisccoulsonunless it gets delayed, yes21:48
chrisccoulsonit was going to be 2.30, but then it was postponed21:48
avi_Oh okay. Any aesthetic differences between what ships with Lucid B1 and 2.30?21:49
redis there any apache log about what IP addresses have accessed my server?21:50
penguin42red: /var/log/apache/access.log I think from old memory21:52
penguin42red: It's the raw set of all accesses21:52
CalmvsKhaosapache2 isnt it?21:52
wgrantsetuid: I do that all the time. What goes wrong when you try?21:53
CalmvsKhaosred also look in the repos, theres something called apachetop or something, that monitors apache logs in a 'top' like manner21:54
Traveler9hi there guys, i'm stuck at the animatoin screen during installation boot, system doesn't totally hang because ctrl alt del still reboots machine, i'm using nvidia system and amd 64 ,suggestions?21:57
blekoshello, my login screen keeps looping after insterting the psswd. I select user name, I write the (right) password. Screen gets black for 2 sec and it returns to the login screen.22:00
bjsniderTraveler9, during installation boot? what does that mean?22:02
git__i think purple is ugly22:04
penguin42git__: My door is purple, but for a desktop I agree, I've just selected one of the other backgrounds/themes22:05
git__i prefer silver, grey22:05
git__that way, the things I do shine because silver and grey is like a background22:06
redpenguin42, CalmvsKhaos: ty for tips22:08
git__i like the way lucid doesn't require me to hit ctrl-alt to get my mouse out22:08
git__makes the VM experience feels intergrated22:09
alkisgIn which vm? vmware?22:09
git__err kvm22:09
* alkisg uses vbox atm...22:09
joelzCan I install Lucid on a VM instance from an iso on my hard disk? It seems the VM needs a separate boot medium (cd, usb)22:12
setuidof course22:12
penguin42joelz: Yes you can22:15
penguin42joelz: I've done it with kvm22:15
git__i'm running lucid on kvm22:15
git__kvm -m 512 -cdrom lucid-desktop-i386.iso22:15
guntbertjoelz: just mount the iso ( use virtual media manager first to include it )22:15
joelzI could create a boot cd and then install on a VM from there, but I'm lazy.22:15
joelzguntbert: Where might I find virtual media manager?22:16
lucas_Hey! I've been trying to use Pitivi to cut a video down from 36 minutes to about 24 minutes and when I render the video I can't seem to get the audio to match the video.  Is there a codec combo that will work best or is this a bug in this program?22:17
guntbertjoelz: sorry - I thouhgt we were in #vbox - you are talking about another VM - so I don't know22:17
git__lucas_, have u try openshot?22:17
git__joelz, kvm is the way to go22:18
lucas_I have not I will give it a try right now22:18
joelzgit_: nope. Can I get it from synaptic?22:18
git__joelz, yeah, apt-get install kvm (i think)22:18
joelzguntbert: I'm using virtual box.22:19
git__the only issue i have with kvm is that it won't boot windows 7 nor windows 200822:19
git__you can use qemu to boot windows 7 or windows 2008 though22:19
guntbertjoelz: then open file/virtual media manager  or type ctrl + d22:20
git__have to make sure your hardware has VT support22:20
guntbertjoelz: but further virtual box support in #vbox please22:20
duffydackand qemu in #qemu ?22:21
guntbertduffydack: yes22:22
guntbertduffydack: with 114 users22:22
marginoferrorHas anyone gotten fglrx to work from the ~ubuntu3 packages?22:23
duffydackmarginoferror, fglrx is installable in lucid now?22:24
marginoferrorIt's not in the mirrors yet but there are installable binary packages22:24
marginoferrorHowever, when I installed them, all gl-related programs segfaulted22:25
marginoferrorSo...  installable is a step in the right direction, I suppose22:25
marginoferrorThis is the source package:22:25
marginoferrorAnd the "lucid i386" link there will lead you to the most recent i386 binaries.  But, I have only gotten them to install, not to actually work for gl-related stuff22:25
cousteauwhat happened with java? is the official java unsupported now?22:33
crimsunthe official java is openjdk. Do you mean the license-encumbered Sun one?22:34
crimsun(it's in canonical/partner)22:34
cousteau"official" as in "the one the java owner provides"... is the new license commercial or something?22:35
cousteau(oracle, I think it is)22:35
cousteauotoh, this is a good opportunity to check if openjdk is fully compatible with java22:36
dupondjesomebody knows if there is some 'server' that fakes to be Exchange, and that makes me able to sync my agenda / mails ? :)22:36
cousteaubut why is sun-java6-* not included anymore?22:37
copproHow do I report bugs on KDE? Trying apport-bug gives me a cryptic error about sudo22:37
matic hey, I've just installed fresh 10.04 b1 and I wonder why the fonts in firefox look different than in other applications?22:38
maticthey're uglier22:38
dupondjecousteau: sun-java6-jre - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files)22:38
maticwhen I compare the same web site in firefox and gnome web browser, it looks way better in gnome web browser22:39
git__ubuntu already frozen the user interface22:39
coppromatic: Are they the same fonts rendered differently or different fonts altogether?22:41
cousteau...ok, so openjdk is also "official", it's like virtualbox ose22:41
maticcoppro, looks like same font rendered differently22:42
copproCan you get screenshots?22:42
cousteauso, if I want to install the java plugin in Firefox or Chromium, what should I install? openjdk-jre, or something else?22:44
cousteauor icedtea6-plugin?22:44
maticcoppro, http://matrix.alpha-force.net/uglyfontsinff.png22:45
ZykoticK9cousteau, if you want a browser plugin, either use icedtea6-plugin for openjre/jde or add the partner repository and use sun-java6-plugin - choice is yours22:46
cousteauok, icedtea6-plugin then...22:47
Mark___I am trying to install 10.4 beta 122:47
coppromatic: I'm not an expert in font rendering or anything, but it looks like FF is rendering it a tad bigger than Epiphany22:48
vossWhats happening with 10.04 beta its still not on the upgrade servers!22:48
Mark___However when I boot the cd and chose the installer it lodas the live cd22:48
ZykoticK9cousteau, i believe for chromium I installed the 64bit java version and manually linked the plugin...22:48
maticcoppro, how can I fix that?22:49
copprovoss: you have to specify that you want the debugging upgrade22:49
cousteaubut I'm beginning to think that it would be easier to ask the owner of the ONLY page I visit frequently and uses java to use java-less alternatives22:49
vossdebugging upgrade?22:49
coppromatic: Edit->Preferences->Display has some font options you can look at22:49
Mark___anyone why it's doing that22:49
copprovoss: err, development22:49
vossso update-manager -d isnt good enough anymore?22:49
copproupdate-manager -d should get it22:49
vossupdate-manager -d still shows the alpha22:50
cousteauMark___: same here, using lubuntu22:50
copproweird; worked for me :/22:50
cousteau(anyway, the live cd also has an option to install)22:50
copprojoin #kubuntu+122:51
vosscoppro, Ive tried changing the server still no difference, im wondering if they took the beta down22:52
copprothey're all on the same servers; if you aren't getting prompted to update to beta, it's probably because either your mirror is behind22:53
mpontillovoss: if you mean the .iso, I got it from here yesterday http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-beta1-desktop-i386.iso22:54
mpontillostill seems to work22:54
Mark___I am trying to install 10.4 beta 1 but when I click install it loads the live cd not the installer22:54
Mark___Anyone know why22:54
vossIve switched mirrors and reloaded22:54
mpontilloMark___: not sure, I just booted the live cd (usb) and used the installer icon on the desktop. haven't really tried any other way lately ;)22:55
nhainesMark___: IRC response times usually range in the 10's of minutes, and not immediately.  But if you're just getting the Live CD desktop, I'd recommend just using the installer icon.22:56
Mark___Maybe u have to do that?22:56
nhainesMark___: and then file a bug on launchpad against ubiquity.  :)22:56
Mark___What's that?22:57
nhainesMark___: that's the Ubuntu installer.22:57
cousteauwell, icedtea ain't working here22:57
Mark___Oh I've already done it22:57
Mark___what are improvements if any in ext 422:57
nhainesYou filed a bug against Ubiquity without knowing what it was called?22:57
cousteauthat's why I didn't want to use it... maybe I need the official nonfree plugin22:57
nhainesMark___: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext422:58
cousteauMark___: same here, using lubuntu23:01
=== Anzenketh is now known as anzenketh|brb
vosscoppro, ive switched mirrors and reloaded and still getting alpha23:02
MajorAstrwhat is so diffenrt with lucid23:02
Sir_KonradMajorAstr: a lot.23:02
vossMajor, 10.04 has microsoft office for linux23:03
MajorAstrI am downloading the beta will I be surprised23:03
Sir_KonradMajorAstr: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/reviews/2010/03/first-look-ubuntu-1004-beta-1-is-looking-good-less-brown.ars23:03
vossOk not really23:03
MajorAstrthanks I read this23:04
Sir_KonradMajorAstr: you already did or you will?23:05
MajorAstri am reading it now23:05
setuidSetting up cpp (4:4.4.3-1ubuntu1) ...23:08
setuidDpkg.pm did not return a true value at /usr/sbin/update-alternatives line 11.23:08
MajorAstrubuntu lucid Dow load is slow23:09
MajorAstrserver must be busy23:10
wjmuse a torrent IMO23:10
MajorAstrI want to dual boot but without grub23:11
setuidtorrents are faster, and the right thing to do, to help others in the community at the same time23:12
cousteauMajorAstr: how's that? do you mean a hidde grub?23:12
DG19075no, something like LILO23:12
MajorAstrmy bios offers pop up option to choose which drive to boot from but don't want to mess up windows23:13
DG19075LILO is the best alternaive23:14
MajorAstrSSS drive are they really noticaaaaaf23:14
MajorAstrare ssd drive really noticable in speed or are they hype23:14
MajorAstrthinking of getting one for u ubuntu23:15
nhainesSSD drives are very fast for random access but not nearly as much of an improvement for streaming.23:15
MajorAstrso I won't notice performAnce etc23:16
bjsnideryou'll notice it23:17
nhainesMajorAstr: it is highly dependant on what you're doing.23:17
nhainesBootup should be quite faster, though.23:17
bjsniderubuntu is already pretty fast though23:17
MajorAstrlike dual channel ram looks Impressive on papaer but in real world nothing there23:18
MajorAstryes ubunntu boots really fast really big diffence over win xp23:18
bjsniderdual channel ram is noticeably faster than single channel23:18
MajorAstrI can't tell the diffence23:19
MajorAstron papaer duL channel looks impressive23:20
MajorAstrbuy in real world nothing there23:20
bjsnidernow we have triple channel23:20
bjsniderwith certain core i7s23:20
MajorAstrtripple channel who23:21
bjsnidertriple channel ram23:21
bjsniderwith the lga 1366 chipset23:22
MajorAstrhow does that work23:22
MajorAstrfaster in real world23:22
bjsniderbut all of those boards are at least $200, and then there's the pricey core i7 cpu on top of that23:23
MajorAstrtell me about office in Lucid23:23
bjsniderthe benchmarks i've seen on phoronix are right up off the top of the charts23:23
MajorAstrdoes this mean windows ssoftware will be porter to linuxl23:24
MajorAstris it pricey23:24
* duffydack snuggles his i7 lappie23:28
Jaymacanyone know how to edit the 05_debian_theme file that ships with lucid so I can set a grub image? can't get update-grub to find my background image23:31
Majorastroalright found a faster download mirrior23:34
Mark___I am trying to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu however whr23:34
Mark___When i turn on my pc it boots right into linux23:35
Mark___I do not see a grub menu to select oses23:35
Majorastrothat is not good23:35
ZykoticK9Mark___, hold shift before grub to get the menu23:36
Mark___So right when the computer turns on?23:36
Mark___Uh oh23:37
ZykoticK9Mark___, yes.  but i kinda doubt your win7 is going to be listed if it's booting straight to ubuntu.  you'll probably have to do the grub update (perhaps from live cd), see the !grub2 factoid link for help.  good luck.23:38
Mark___I only see linux and memtest listed23:38
Mark___What grub2 factold link?23:38
ZykoticK9!grub2 > Mark___23:39
ubottuMark___, please see my private message23:39
JaymacMark___, that isn't a problem.. just run os-prober23:39
ubottuMark___: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:39
litropyhi, all: how o I update to the daily build?23:40
robin0800_litropy: sudo aptitude update then sudo aptitude safe-upgrade23:41
Majorastrohow is flash23:42
ZykoticK9litropy, just keep you system up to date using whatever update you feel comfortable with.  What's really cool, is sometime if you try to report a bug, it will refuse saying packages "such-n-such" needs to be updated first - very clever.23:42
setuidFlash works fine23:42
setuid64-bit flash on Lucid here, and it works fine (using the upstream installer, not the broken Ubuntu versioni)23:43
=== red_ is now known as red
setuidThat npviewer.bin trash is horrid, takes the system to 100% CPU and 4+ load when idle23:43
montcalmI got virtualbox guests to see my usb devices now under lucid.23:44
redany samba users present?23:44
setuidIt does that out  of the box... what did you do any different?23:44
redi safe-upgraded today and it rewrote my samba configs23:44
rednow on a 2nd PC i can mount the share, but can only read/write folders that arent symlinks23:44
setuidred, Restore your configs from your backups and restart smbd service23:44
litropyhas the mounting of other partitions been disabled?23:44
redit created automatic backups?23:45
setuidNo, but you shold have backed up your configs before doing any sort of upgrade23:45
setuidSA 10123:45
redyes, for all the 400 packets upgrading every 2nd day :P23:45
montcalmBefore it wasn't working because of the lack of hal.  For some reason now it works after I added myself to the root group.  And hal is present when I do ps ax | grep hald23:45
redi've set follow symlinks etc and fixed the new config to resemble the old one to the best of my knowledge23:45
setuidThere's even a Debian tool to do exactly that, with each upgrade, /etc/ is snapshot into rcs23:45
redah, that i could use23:46
ZykoticK9montcalm, did you not have to force the hald to start?  I was using this workaround, does it no longer apply?  http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/virtualbox#TOC-USB-support-with-Lucid23:47
Obsidian1723-2I just wanted to say that whoever changed the order of the buttons and also moved them from the right to the left, is on crack.23:47
Mark___When I try to run os-prober I get an error ls; cannot access /var/lib/os-prober/mount/boot23:47
Mark___Boot no such file or directory23:48
montcalmNo, I never had to do the hald --daemon=no thing.  It didn't work anyway.23:48
Mark___any ideas?23:48
setuidred, etckeeper23:49
robin0800_Obsidian1723-2: you can move them back23:49
setuidred, http://bryan-murdock.blogspot.com/2007/07/put-etc-under-revision-control-with-git.html23:49
montcalmI guess I'm lucky I'm blind.  The buttons all sound the same to me no matter where they are. ;-)23:50
reddoesnt fix the problem at hand tho hmm23:50
setuidMark___, if someone knows they'll speak up, untio lthen... idle or help others23:50
redi set the pc to remote boot now, long chance but..23:50
redits quite odd, i set it up exactly  as it were imho, but symlinks under the share arent working23:51
setuidred, same host os?23:51
reddoing ls -l gives access denied and ??? at the rwx etc rights line23:51
setuidred, same remote client version? (i.e. you didn't go from Win98 to Windows server 2008, did you?)23:51
redlucid on host, jaunty on client23:51
setuidred, browsable = yes?23:51
redfollow symlinks yes, wide symlinks yes, unix extensions no23:52
setuidforce-user defined?23:52
reduser / grp forced to "red"23:52
setuidDid you make sure the users existed? (smbpasswd)23:52
redwith -a and then -e to enable23:52
frekwHi! I'm having some trouble with ruby 1.9.1 and rubygems in lucid. I can require rubygems but I can't load any gems. Has anyone experienced this?23:52
setuidremove the 'red' user, and re-add23:52
setuidrestart service smbd, and try again23:52
frekwRubygems is installed from the rubygems site and not the ubuntu package btw.23:52
redill try23:52
setuidred, and why aren't you using nfs for this, if it's Linux -> Linux?23:52
setuidfrekw, If you're not using the Ubuntu package, we can't be much help23:53
redsetuid: i have a friend that prefers windows23:53
frekwsetuid: the rubygems1.9.1 package is really really old and won't support lots of rubygems23:53
frekwthe standard within the ruby community is not to use it.23:54
redwe do a lot of programming projects together, so he makes an ssh tunnel and mounts samba in his lan23:54
setuidred, There's an NFS client for Windows, in the UNIX Services add-on packgae, but point taken.23:54
redalso nfs is kinda wobbly23:54
setuidIf misconfigured, NFS can be wobbly, yes.23:54
redi have a bad router, so get some disconnects23:54
redand it tends to freeze the clientside a lot23:54
setuidWe run ~900 NFS clients per-filer at work23:54
setuid27 filers, globally23:54
setuidWell, you want it to be hard-mounted, hangs are intentional... soft-mount NFS is bad23:55
redsamba handles the timeouts pretty well23:55
setuidred, so what's the problem here? Your two Linux clients can't see each other's exported shared?23:55
setuider, shares?23:55
redi can mount the share np, i can touch files but symlinks generate errors23:56
redand they worked before the update23:56
frekwsetuid: i'm using the ruby1.9.1 package tho23:56
redbut brb, readding the user stuff and retrying once more23:56
KWiersoI'm having an interesting problem with the Lucid beta. The alternate installer worked fine for me (the LiveCD didn't load), and it looks like everything was installed correctly. But when I boot up, once I get past GRUB, the screen goes blank. If I wait a bit, I can select my username and enter my password through the keyboard, and I can hear the login sounds, but nothing shows on my screen.23:57
setuidKWierso, Bad video/fb driver most-likely23:58
setuidKWierso, try hitting 'e' and 'e' at the kernel line, add vga=0, and remove the splash/quiet bits23:58
KWiersoI can choose the recovery mode option in GRUB, and the terminal displays properly23:58
setuidrecovery uses vga=0 :)23:58
KWiersostarting X up blanks the screen23:58
penguin42KWierso: Let me guess, you've got an NVidia card?23:59
KWiersoATI, actually23:59
underdevhas anyone had success installing the beta version of lucid under virtual box (windows host)23:59
penguin42oh, ATI is good for me23:59
redls: cannot access A-DM03: Permission denied23:59
KWiersounderdev, I got it working on a windows 7 host23:59
redd????????? ? ?   ?   ?                ? A-DM0323:59

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