
vishdashua: kwwii: heya Bug #542659  , not sure where the problem even lies :(13:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542659 in light-themes "2 different scrollbars in the light themes" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54265913:14
vishi tried adding,  class "GtkVScrollbar"   , class "GtkHScrollbar"  but nothing seels to work :s13:16
dashuavish, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/53986113:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 539861 in ubuntu-mono "Banshee needs mono icon (dup-of: 525280)" [Undecided,Invalid]13:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 525280 in banshee "Banshee needs a monochrome icon" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:21
dashuaCan you re-open this or I am wrong here?13:21
dashuavish, Let me take a look.13:21
vishdashua: the main bug has both tasks , banshee has been "committed" in ubuntu-mono13:22
dashuaAh ok, aren't they different icons?13:22
dashuaThe mono icons are darker.13:23
vishdashua: yup a different icon for mono13:23
dashuaAh ok.13:23
* vish thinks ubuntu-mono sounds very wrong ;p13:23
dashuaYou can't even search for the set.  You get ubuntu-mono as in monodevelop13:24
dashuavish, That bug is for non-GTK apps?13:25
vishdashua: i'm not sure , i notice it in firefox and thunderbird.. does it work correctly for you?13:25
dashuaThe steppers are inside on all non-GTK apps, Thunderbird, OpenOffice.13:26
dashuaNot sure what the issue is there.13:26
dashuaSame thing for the window dragging by menubar.13:27
dashuaDoesn't work for those apps.13:27
dashuaI get the same error from my branch as well.13:28
dashuabrb, coffee13:30
vishdashua: yeah right , even for OOo its the same13:30
zniavregood afternoon14:33
* zniavre just see new icons colorized 14:34
vishdashua: one hack could be to use pixmaps for the scrollbars.. that does not affect this non-gtk issue15:08
dashuavish, Yeah, that would work, but I like the engine drawing the scrollbars.16:29
pace_t_zuluhey guys... i have a potential lucid bug that falls under your domain20:10
kwwiipace_t_zulu: check to see if the bug has already been filed, if not file it, please20:32
pace_t_zulukwwii, i have checked20:36
pace_t_zulukwwii, shouldn't the printer test page for lucid sport the new artwork? ie: the new logo and font?20:36
pace_t_zulukwwii, here is a search for the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext="test+page"+lucid+printer20:38
pace_t_zulukwwii, this is an easy bug to fix20:39
pace_t_zulukwwii, i have filed a bug ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer/+bug/54297520:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 542975 in system-config-printer "Lucid Beta 1 - Printer test page should sport new artwork / theme" [Undecided,New]20:52
pace_t_zulu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer/+bug/54297521:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 542975 in ubuntu-artwork "Lucid Beta 1 - Printer test page should display new Ubuntu logo" [Undecided,New]21:10
pace_t_zuluanyone using Lucid desktop or planning to use Lucid Desktop should mark that bug as "affects you"21:12
kwwiipace_t_zulu: the logo and font are not done yet :-)21:31
kwwiipace_t_zulu: but yes, ideally they should be used21:32
kwwiithe font won't be ready for lucid anyway though21:32
kwwiianyway, off to see Konrad Küchenmeister, have fun21:34
islingtonkwwii: is that the reason why no svgs are posted?21:50
pace_t_zuluthe splash screen has the new logo21:57

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