
pedro3005hi catchjaga00:35
catchjagahi pedro300500:38
catchjagaI have been having this issue with ubuntu installed on hard drive.  it boots properly and after 2 minutes the screen crashes and shows weird colors. While running from the live cd I used boot parameters acpi=off and nodma, but I coulddnt find an equivalent parameter for nodma for booting from hard drive.00:38
seidosI've never seen that problem00:40
* seidos wonders what would cause such a thing00:40
seidosI also have not heard of noacpi or nodma modes.  I've never enabled them off of a cd00:41
pedro3005catchjaga, what do you mean you can't find?00:41
pedro3005    This command disables DMA on all IDE devices and may be useful when having IDE-related problems.00:43
pedro3005seidos, weird... I was guessing something more related to the graphics card00:44
seidosI think to enable nodma he would have to add something to the kernel line in grub00:44
pedro3005seidos, yes00:44
pedro3005catchjaga, really I can't see how disabling DMA helps... but it does help?00:44
seidospedro3005, I'm not certain what specifically he would have to modify in order to get nodma working off his hard drive install00:44
seidoswell I found this "Open the file "drivers/ide/ide.c" in the kernel source directory.  In this file, there's a global variable defined. Look for int noautodma = 0; and set it to 1. That's it."00:46
catchjagayup.. while booting from live cd I had same issue, then I tried these 2 boot parameters and desktop was stable and was running for hours without any issues00:46
seidosthat doesn't sound right, kernel source directory?  scratch that00:46
pedro3005seidos, he'd have to recompile00:46
pedro3005catchjaga, then why can't you run with those two parameters normally?00:47
seidospedro3005, catchjaga said he couldn't find a way to enable nodma on his hard drive install00:48
catchjaganodma parameter is not available as grup boot options..00:48
seidosis that right catchjaga?00:48
catchjagasorry thats grub00:48
seidoscatchjaga, I think you need to add it manually00:48
pedro3005catchjaga, just edit the grub line and add ide=nodma00:48
catchjagaI tried that too..00:48
catchjagafrom ubuntu 9.10 ide-ndma doesnt work..00:49
catchjagaI found this info on ubuntu forums00:49
pedro3005canthus13, what info? that ide=nodma doesn't work?00:50
seidoscatchjaga, did you use ide-ndma or ide=nodma?00:50
catchjagaI tried this as well.. didnt help00:50
canthus13pedro3005: Eh?00:51
catchjagaI used ide=nodma00:51
seidoscatchjaga, can you disable dma in the bios?00:51
seidossorry canthus13 looks like a tab-complete gone awry00:52
catchjaga_sorry my net connection keeps dropping00:54
catchjaga_pedro3005: Im now logged in as catchjaga_00:54
canthus13seidos: All good.00:54
seidoscatchjaga_, all right.  I was asking if you can change your ide settings in the bios to pio mode 4 instead of dma00:55
pedro3005seidos, wait wait00:55
catchjaga_how to do that?00:55
pedro3005catchjaga_, add the following parameter to your boot:00:55
catchjaga_pedro3005: ok00:56
pedro3005seidos, were you looking at some link?00:57
catchjaga_I think I have tried that before.. didnt help.. anyways trying once again00:57
seidospedro3005, I'm currently looking up how to modify a grub entry.  I want to know how to do it00:58
pedro3005seidos, I think you press e at the grub prompt00:58
seidosI was trying to find menu.lst00:58
seidosso you can't modify it anymore using a text editor?00:59
catchjaga_its now grub.lst from grub 200:59
catchjaga_seidos: no we can edit01:00
pedro3005seidos, you can, but if you're doing a one-time alteration or test, it's way much wiser to just edit at the grub prompt01:00
seidosah, I see01:00
* seidos takes a look at his grub.lst file01:00
* seidos doesn't have a grub.lst file01:00
pedro3005seidos, neither do I01:02
catchjaga_pedro3005, libata.dma=3 didnt help01:02
pedro3005seidos, try grub.cfg01:03
seidospedro3005, yeah there it is /boot/grub/grub.cfg01:03
pedro3005catchjaga_, try libata.dma=001:03
catchjaga_pedro3005, yup.. trying that now..01:03
catchjaga_pedro3005, libata.dma=0 didnt help01:06
catchjaga_I have tried all options..from 0 to 401:08
seidoscatchjaga_, can you disable dma mode on your ide controller in your systems bios?01:08
seidosprobably not, but not sure what else to try01:08
seidosif it worked with the livecd it should be possible to get it working off of the hard drive01:09
catchjaga_pedro3005, can it be any other issue?01:09
pedro3005catchjaga_, hm... if disabling dma works01:09
pedro3005gotta find a way to disable dma! :P01:10
catchjaga_Im now editing from bios01:10
ibuclawwhat's wrong with his direct memory access ?01:11
pedro3005ibuclaw, i don't know, but apparently getting rid of it help01:12
seidosibuclaw, from a livecd no problems when disabling dma, but off the hard drive after 2 minutes the screen prints a bunch of colors01:12
seidosI suppose it's possible that it's not a dma issue, that the graphical anomaly is a new problem now that he installed ubuntu to the hard drive01:13
ibuclawyou could try booting with: pci=nomsi,nommcon01:14
ibuclawalso, what did we learn about modprobe pedro3005 ? :)01:15
pedro3005ibuclaw, :|01:15
ibuclawactually, libata looks to be compiled into the kernel. ;)01:16
ibuclawif it were a module:01:16
ibuclaw'options libata dma=0' >> /etc/modprobe.d/options01:17
catchjagapedro3005, I couldnt find an option in bios to diable dma01:39
pedro3005catchjaga, try what ibuclaw said01:40
catchjagai got dropped in between..01:40
catchjagawhats that?01:40
pedro3005you could try booting with: pci=nomsi,nommcon01:40
catchjagagrub doesnt accept nommcon01:45
catchjagapci=nomsi didnt work either01:45
pedro3005ibuclaw, help?01:46
catchjagapedro, I finally found a solution that works.. I edited /etc/default/grub and added the parameters acpi=off noapic nolapic nodma to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT updated the grub and rebooted... now Im not seeing any screen crashes....02:22
pedro3005catchjaga, great!02:23
catchjagapedro thanks for your help02:23
pedro3005catchjaga, no problem02:24
ZachK__anybody here need help?02:28
ZachK__i'm available ifn you do02:28
pedro3005lol ZachK__ , you always do that02:28
ZachK__do what pedro300502:28
pedro3005ZachK__, ask if someone needs help... just stick around and wait for someone to ask a question02:29
ZachK__pedro3005: I just feel that it's appropriate to ask sometimes...just so people know that somebody is there02:29
ZachK__pedro3005: how ya doing man?02:30
pedro3005ZachK__, pretty good02:30
pedro3005ZachK__, after all, it's friday!02:30
ZachK__off tonight work saturday night off for three days aftah that!!!!02:30
ZachK__welcome slick66602:40
ZachK__having connection issues slick666?02:59
slick666wifi is flakey03:00
pedro3005ZachK__, you're just dying to help aren't ya? ;) try the UBF03:00
ZachK__hey Phrea!03:00
ZachK__pedro3005: not dying to help....just asking a question........simple conversation03:01
Phreamy wubi install of beta1 doesnt work :\03:01
pedro3005ZachK__, i wasn't insulting03:01
Phreait stalls03:01
ZachK__Phrea: i don't mess with beta one's03:01
Phreaya, thanks...03:01
PhreaI just did...03:01
Phreathe live cd worked fine03:02
PhreaI thought a Wubi install meant that it would install like a program...03:02
Phreaapperantly, that is not the case at all03:02
Phreait creates a dualboot03:02
Raidsongoh yea this is the help room isnt it03:06
pedro3005hi Raidsong03:08
Raidsonghello pedro300503:08
pedro3005Raidsong, how are you?03:09
Raidsongim good how about yourself?03:10
pedro3005Raidsong, good, good03:10
pedro3005Raidsong, are you banned from jswolfbot?03:12
Raidsongno i dont think so why?03:12
pedro3005Raidsong, come over03:12
Raidsongnow im banned03:13
Raidsongso you wanted me to come over just to be banned?03:13
pedro3005Raidsong, no03:13
pedro3005Raidsong, i told you you had to lie03:15
Raidsongyou did?03:15
pedro3005Raidsong, yes, don't you remember?03:15
Raidsongnot really03:16
Raidsonggood chance you did but i wasnt listening03:16
pedro3005Raidsong, yeah03:16
Raidsongwell i was banned for ban evasion from what it looks like03:17
Raidsongalthough i dont remember the first ban03:18
pedro3005Raidsong, MJ94 said you were being a saint03:18
Raidsongi havent been in there in at least a month03:19
Raidsongperhaps longer03:19
=== steelsteve is now known as wishyouwereme
=== wishyouwereme is now known as wishiwasyou
=== wishiwasyou is now known as Steelsteve
ZachK__!nickchange ! Steelsteve03:41
VotebotFactoid nickchange ! steelsteve not found03:41
ZachK__!nickchange | Steelsteve03:42
VotebotSteelsteve: Factoid nickchange not found03:42
ZachK__wb phillw04:28
ZachK__i mean Phrea04:28
ZachK__Phrea: so what's up?04:29
PhreaI just came back from a fresh dualboot install :)04:29
Phreawell, that's up04:29
ZachK__oh wow04:29
ZachK__that sucks....04:29
Phreait does... :D04:29
PhreaOh well.04:30
Phreathe other dualboot [with Beta1] broke04:30
Phreaso I reinstalled Karmic again04:30
ZachK__Phrea: i've enjoyed karmic04:31
ZachK__can't wait to see 10.0404:31
Phreawell, I havent, actually04:31
PhreaI upgraded to Karmic...04:31
Phreathat should say enough04:31
ZachK__Phrea: oh....04:31
Phrealet's say ouch :D04:32
Phreawasnt a great success :)04:32
Phreabut, I'm persistent :D04:33
ZachK__Phrea: ah....so am i....actually i'm stubborn04:36
PhreaI WILL get what I want, no matter what04:37
PhreaOS limitations dont bother me much :D04:37
PhreaI'll just beat it into submission :P04:38
ZachK__andrew_46: question04:43
ZachK__andrew_46: if you have time04:43
andrew_46ZachK__: You have only just caught me :)04:43
ZachK__andrew_46: ok.....are you a member of the wiki fg?04:44
andrew_46ZachK__: I am not even a member of the UBT any more I am afraid04:44
andrew_46Looks like I need to be de-voiced still04:44
pedro3005hi andrew_4604:45
andrew_46pedro3005: hi :)04:45
ZachK__pedro3005: are you a wiki fg member?04:45
ZachK__hey hobgoblin04:45
andrew_46see you guys.....04:45
pedro3005ZachK__, i don't think so04:45
ZachK__pedro3005: would you like to be?04:46
hobgoblinhi ZachK__04:46
ZachK__pedro3005: if so pm me and we shall discuss it......04:46
ZachK__hobgoblin: how is ya?04:46
hobgoblinwaking up04:46
ZachK__be right back folks04:46
pedro3005ZachK__, what's that?04:46
pedro3005hello hobgoblin04:46
hobgoblinhi pedro300504:47
ZachK__pedro3005: what's what04:48
ZachK__welcome back steelsteve04:48
steelstevesorry about earlier04:48
ZachK__steelsteve: ??04:48
steelsteveforgot I was on this channel as well04:48
steelstevethe name changes04:48
ZachK__steelsteve: oh it's ok....i've done it......alot.....just a thought....04:49
ZachK__just wanted to let you know before somebody higher up did04:49
ZachK__pedro3005: what is what?04:49
pedro3005ZachK__, wiki fg04:49
ZachK__pedro3005: would you like a link?\04:50
pedro3005ZachK__, ok04:50
ZachK__pedro3005: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Wiki04:50
steelsteveanyways, I need to figure out the default path for Thunderbird, installed through the USC04:50
ZachK__steelsteve: USC?04:50
steelsteveubuntu software center04:50
ZachK__sorry...memory is a little dull04:51
hobgoblinsteelsteve: it'd be the same as through synaptic I would think04:51
ZachK__ah default path....04:51
ZachK__hobgoblin: i think it is but a little different not sure though...let me do a quick check04:51
steelsteveI still don't know it if it was through synaptiv04:51
steelstevethanks hobgoblin04:53
steelsteveI'm making thunderbird into a RSS manager04:54
hobgoblinsteelsteve: whereis whateveryoulookfor :)04:54
steelstevemuch better than opening up firefox and BAM! information overload04:54
ZachK__pedro3005: still there?04:54
pedro3005ZachK__, yeah04:54
ZachK__pedro3005: look at the link i sent u?04:54
pedro3005ZachK__, yeah actually. but I don't have much time or interest for it, thanks anyway04:55
ZachK__pedro3005: ok....just checking...I'm trying to come up with a comprehensive list about who's actually in the group, who's not, and who wants to be as I probably will be taking over the lead position here soon04:56
steelsteveah!! the guy who was making a factoid of me leading... scary04:57
ZachK__steelsteve: right....04:58
ZachK__steelsteve: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZachK_04:58
steelsteveyeah, your profile pic says it all04:59
hobgoblinchokes on tea ...04:59
ZachK__laugh it up giuys...laugh it up05:00
steelsteveok, I'll laugh it up even if I'm not a giuys05:00
steelstevesorry hobgoblin05:00
ZachK__steelsteve: right........05:00
ZachK__hobgoblin: you should know me good enough by now.....05:01
hobgoblinsteelsteve: it's 5AM I'm awake early and I am now wide awake lol05:01
hobgoblinZachK__: yep - I almost left the channel05:02
ZachK__and steelsteve that is an older pic....i look alot different05:02
steelsteveI don't know, even if I was a helping hand here I still wouldn't put an actual pic of myself online05:03
ZachK__steelsteve: how do you know that's me?05:03
hobgoblinZachK__: you'd almost have to hope not ...05:03
steelsteve"(01:02:08 AM) ZachK__: and steelsteve that is an older pic....i look alot different"05:04
steelstevesuggests that you are the person in that picture05:04
ZachK__hobgoblin: ok enough now.....05:04
steelsteveunless you stole HIS identity, trashed it, and don't care who has it now05:04
steelsteveok, thanks hobgoblin05:06
steelstevebtw your name is also a name of a beer from wychwood in britian05:06
ZachK__steelsteve: wha????05:07
hobgoblinfunnily enough I know that steelsteve :)05:07
hobgoblinthough that is not the nick's origin05:08
steelsteveI work in a liquor store who are specialists in getting odd and cool stuff05:08
steelsteveand hobgoblin is a very popular beer05:08
hobgoblinI'm more of a guiness bloke tbh - but if I'm drinking beer I would much rather have something like hobgoblin than one ofthose nasty lager type things05:09
steelstevegood man hobgoblin, good man05:10
steelstevetry sammy smith, they make good stuff05:11
steelstevetheir oatmeal stout sells extremely well in my store05:11
steelsteve(also from GB)05:11
hobgoblinnever heard of it  - but that is entirely possible as we have many small breweries05:11
steelsteveit's quite large05:12
ZachK__steelsteve: take a look at me page now.....05:12
ZachK__you too hobgoblin05:12
hobgoblinI didn't look in the first place05:13
steelsteveI think he looks better like that05:13
hobgoblinsome nasty bugs in lucid have appeared so if anyone has it don't just update - check the lucid forum first05:15
ZachK__steelsteve: like that eh?05:15
steelsteveis lucid in beta already?05:16
ZachK__steelsteve: i believe it is05:17
hobgoblinsteelsteve: yesterday (19th)05:18
hobgoblinbut there are a bunch of updates today that hammer nautilus and gnome-panel05:18
steelsteveso, the latest update (beta #2) is buggy and back to alpha?05:18
hobgoblinI "think" that an install of beta1 is ok - it'supdates from alpha3 that are an issue - but I am still catching up on the forum05:19
steelstevenot going into lucid until it's complete anyways05:21
hobgoblinsteelsteve: it should be fine by then ;) hope so anyway as I have a hardy box I will upgrade then :)05:23
ZachK__welcome steelsteve05:23
ZachK__i mean st4aluck05:23
steelstevethought so05:23
* ZachK__ hates tabfail05:23
steelsteveZachK__ is LAZZY05:23
steelsteveI have a bunch of problems with facebook and other socail sites that I KNOW will hurt my researching later on05:25
hobgoblinsteelsteve must be american with spelling like that - bet you don't spell colour properly either05:25
steelsteve(using 9.1005:25
steelstevewell excuse me05:25
hobgoblinsteelsteve: researching social sites - sounds dodgy ...05:25
steelsteveI'm not researching socail sites05:26
steelsteveI just know some of the things in socail sites and my reserch sites have javascript, and it appears that javascript is making problems with my profiles05:26
hobgoblinI have no accounts with any of those places - a party I was glad to be late too05:26
ZachK__steelsteve: it's Social not socail05:27
hobgoblinsteelsteve: oh I see05:27
steelsteveso what ZachK__05:27
hobgoblinindeed - I always makle spolling irrurs05:27
ZachK__I'm just messing w/ you man...you messed with me, I mess with you. :)05:27
steelstevewhat are you? italian?05:28
* steelsteve cocks gun05:28
ZachK__steelsteve: me? Heck no!05:28
steelstevesounds very mafia-like05:28
ZachK__steelsteve: I'm American.....but I got Irish, Scottish, Polish, Swedish, German, French-Canadian, Cherokee, and Blackfeet...05:29
steelsteveah! irish, that explains it (gans from new york)05:29
ZachK__steelsteve: no new york05:30
steelsteveit's a reference05:30
steelsteveI found it on those refrence sites that I'm having problems with05:30
hobgoblina film with some extremely poor accents05:31
steelsteveI don't think I thought out the RSS thing out, I forgot that thunderbird, though supports RSS feeds, doesn't appear to show them05:32
steelstevewait, fixed that05:33
steelsteveok, I'm gonna play brawl for a while (1 hour) before I go to sleep, just because I can05:35
steelstevenight guys05:35
st4aluckDo somebody has tripwire???06:45
s4aluckdo somebody has tripwire installed?06:47
pedro3005s4aluck, I don't, but do you need help with it?06:48
s4aluckpedro3005: yes, I was trying to make the setting but something went wrong06:48
s4aluckpedro3005: if you can help from the beginning?06:49
pedro3005s4aluck, hm, researching a bit more, it seems more complex than I though06:50
pedro3005s4aluck, try some links06:50
s4aluckI've already found06:51
s4aluckpedro3005: http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/tripwire/06:51
s4aluckpedro3005: Now I made  make clean and make distclean06:52
pedro3005s4aluck, you are compiling it?!06:52
s4aluckpedro3005: I did but I clean it to start again06:53
pedro3005s4aluck, why not use apt-get ?06:53
s4aluckpedro3005: I have the tarball in /usr/local/src and I am ready to start again06:54
s4aluckpedro3005: tell me, pls!!!06:54
pedro3005s4aluck, just run "sudo apt-get install tripwire"06:55
s4aluckpedro3005: no I must compile it and make the settings06:55
pedro3005s4aluck, ah06:56
pedro3005wouldn't know then06:56
s4aluckdo somebody know how to edit the setins for tripwire???07:10
* seidos doesn't even know what tripwire is07:10
s4aluckseidos: http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/tripwire/07:11
hobgoblins4aluck: it is possible that among the few people in this channel then no-one does at the moment - have you tried #ubuntu or even the forums?07:12
s4aluckhobgoblin: I asked in #ubuntu but nobody replyes07:14
hobgoblinI'd have a go on the forum then - I think I saw you asking about this yesterday? could be wrong of course :)07:15
hobgoblinis it some sort of security app?07:16
hobgoblinthere is #ubuntu-hardened - if it is security then they might be able to help you07:17
s4aluckhobgoblin: thanks07:19
andrew_46Is anybody here able to remove the voice from my nick?07:36
andrew_46oh well, I shall return during office hours :)07:40
* ZachK_ waves08:39
ZachK_nhandler: ping08:52
leoquantespeak -s 140 -v en-westindies "How about a nice game of chess leon?" ; eboard09:22
ZachK_hey leoquant09:22
leoquantlol and than eboard tharts up..:)09:23
leoquanthey ZachK09:23
leoquanthow are you today09:24
leoquantwrong channel==> team?09:24
ZachK_welcome lelamal09:45
lelamalZachK_, hello thanks!09:47
ZachK_lelamal: and how are you?09:49
lelamalnot bad, what about you?09:50
ZachK_heya ya'lll11:43
thewrathjrhey all!12:26
thewrathjrhey jMyles12:26
hcs7daplooking for some help with iplayer/you tube13:28
hcs7dappause/rewind/full screen does not work... any ideas?13:29
hcs7dapanyone there?13:35
nhandlerHello irshad2318 , can I help you with something?13:45
hobgoblinnhandler: some are in a hurry :)13:46
nhandlerI never understood why people log off of IRC13:49
hobgoblinme neither13:50
hobgoblinpossibly they think there are people constantly watching and thus are being ignored13:50
hobgoblinor are just impatient :D13:51
nhandlerBeing connected 24/7 has so many pros that it just doesn't make sense to not be connected13:54
hobgoblinwell I turn this one off at night mostly - but that is only because I am a tight old hippy - the other stays on because I am a lazy old hippy13:56
nhandlerI run one instance of screen+irssi on my laptop at home which is on ~24/7. For the instances where something happens to my computer or I can't connect remotely via ssh, I have irssi running on a remote server that has pretty good uptime14:06
phillwhobgoblin: that looked like a frantic couple of hours for the devs re: the sticky on lucid tesing, that's some awesome turn-around :-)15:27
joeliasjuniorHello people, anyone here knows how to recovery a ext3 deleted folder?15:28
phillwhi joeliasjunior, never tried it, but this link may be of help - you'd need to use something like a live usb boot I figure, as you need to install a programme, and that may over-write the data area you're trying to recover --> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/recover-deleted-files-with-foremostscalpel-in-ubuntu.html15:34
geirhajoeliasjunior: It's not possible to recover files on ext3. You can recover data though, if it can be identified.15:34
joeliasjuniorthanks geirha15:36
joeliasjuniorphillw, thak you, I'll see this article but if really needs a usb boot, it not solve my problem. I need to recovery a especific folder in a remote server15:37
phillwI'm not sure how it will handle a remote server directory, but if you can mount the drive on your local system, and have the programme run on your local machine, I think it would work okay.15:38
joeliasjuniorOkay phillw. I will read and verify what I can do.15:40
phillwjoeliasjunior: good luck15:42
joeliasjuniorPhillw! Very thank you!! I'll need a lot! :-D15:43
cprofitthey -- anyone know why Windows 7 can not connect to an Ubuntu share?16:28
Akoscprofitt: it asks for a password or it doesn't even see it ? Would be good to know on what Workgroups are the two machines16:31
cprofittit sees it...16:32
cprofittasked for password16:32
cprofittthen fails16:32
cprofittreports back login failure16:32
cprofittI have tried lowering the NTLM requirements... to no avail16:32
Akoswell add a new smb user16:33
cprofittthe user I was using is in the SMB group...16:33
Akosfrom ubuntu to ubuntu works?16:34
cprofitthave not tried that...16:34
cprofittbut if I remove the requirement for a password it works16:35
cprofittso sharing is working... but authentication is not16:35
Akoswell, maybe you are trying with a wrong password, or i dunno. Try setting up the smb passwd again16:35
Akosi mean i'm sure you thought of that16:35
cprofittis there a sep. smb password or the users password?16:36
Akosthere is a separata one16:36
Akossamba uses a different password16:36
cprofittah... where is that one defined?16:37
Akoscprofitt: http://samba.netfirms.com/addusers.htm16:37
cprofittI did this by simply right clicking on the folder and telling it to share16:38
Akosyeah, that won't work, you need to setup a password, even for your user16:39
Akossee here too16:39
Akos For example to add a SAMBA user to your Ubuntu system with the user name jseinfeld, you would enter this command at the prompt:16:39
Akossmbpasswd -a jseinfeld16:39
cprofittyeah... got that..16:40
cprofittand trying...16:40
cprofittjust odd that Ubuntu would GUI the process and not take care of that16:40
cprofittthat works though16:41
cprofittso the GUI is borked...16:41
cprofitthow typicall of some of this stuff16:41
cprofittthanks Akos16:41
cprofittI was driving myself nuts...16:41
Akosglad i could help cprofitt (:16:41
cprofittnow... I have to decide if I want him to have a GUI16:41
cprofittor make it a server install...16:42
Akosit should be easier, like samba should take the user login and passwd ...16:42
Akosbecause this way it's just absurd, that you share, but you still have to do a command. Or it would be good to prompt you to input a password16:42
cprofittthe GUI would be fine... if it just had a entry field for the passwd16:43
cprofittor prompted as you said.16:43
cprofittso samba does not differentiate between users either...16:52
cprofittI am thinking the GUI implementation is not... ah... sufficient16:54
cprofittAkos: got anything on how to limit shares to particular users?16:58
Akoscprofitt: i didn't dig that deep17:00
Akosbut you can specify options to each folders in the smb.conf file17:01
Akosyeah, terminal again17:01
cprofittI think I got that...17:02
cprofitttesting now...17:02
cprofittit was a few pages back17:02
cprofittthe GUI did not add anything to the smb.conf17:03
cprofittwhich is ... ah... odd17:03
cprofitt/etc/samba/smb.conf right?17:03
cprofittthat did not work...17:05
cprofittAkos: /etc/samba/smb.conf the right file?17:05
* cprofitt ponders moving to the server install...17:08
asterismohi people18:14
asterismohi pedro3005, ibuclaw, nigelb, Silver_Fox_18:14
asterismohi duanedesign18:15
asterismohi PabloRubianes18:15
PabloRubianesasterismo: hi... this is not the chat channel :P18:16
asterismoi will never understand what channel is for... anyway beginners, beginners-team...18:16
asterismodoes anyone experienced issue with automounting usb pendrives?18:19
ibuclawasterismo, yes. you just stick it in and go :)18:19
asterismoafter upgraded to lucid that feature did not work again18:19
asterismocan't mount external WD 500 GB drive18:20
asterismoneither pendrives18:20
asterismosome thing must went wrong18:20
ibuclawasterismo, as it is a beta, have you tried a fresh install?18:20
asterismoi upgraded 1 week ago18:21
asterismoand yesterday it upgraded near 100 MB of packages18:21
asterismowireless still unrecognized18:22
Sword2318Can any1 tel how stop open n close ports in ubuntu 9.1019:06
pedro3005hello Sword231819:07
Sword2318Helo pedro300519:07
pedro3005Sword2318, do you have the firewall enabled?19:08
Sword2318Yes i enabled it19:08
pedro3005Sword2318, would this help? http://beginlinux.com/blog/2009/10/ubuntu-9-10-ufw-firewall/19:09
Sword2318Ok thank u19:09
Sword2318Il just check19:10
Sword2318Hey nthr 1 can u19:10
cprofittAkos: it was much easier setting up a SAMBA server using the server install19:38
cprofittthe GUI just isn't right19:38
ibuclawasterismo, well, as it still in development, I'd probably recommend you installing a fresh copy of the beta (twas released only yesterday).19:43
ibuclawasterismo, if that is not an option. try creating a new user account, to see if the problem follows.19:44
asterismoibuclaw: i'll try making a new account... thanks20:06
ibuclawasterismo, if it follows to the new user, then there was a problem upgrading your system. ;)20:08
ibuclawif not, then you have a conflicting old/deprecated configuration in your current account - inherited from karmic.20:09
asterismoand if it is the case, is thare some command like "sudo configure-again-my-system"20:09
asterismoor something like that?20:09
Sword2318How to start n stop x11vnc20:11
ibuclawasterismo, nothing that will be easier than downloading / installing a fresh beta20:11
ibuclawaptitude reinstall <every package> will break your system.20:12
ibuclawSword2318, whats the client / server ?20:12
Sword2318Ibuclaw name x11vnc20:13
Sword2318Ibuclaw its x11vnc20:14
Sword2318Sorry am new to ubuntu20:14
Sword2318Ibuclaw can u help on this20:14
ibuclawI've always used vnc-common /meself20:15
Sword2318Ibuclaw do u knw how to start n stop service in cmd line20:17
ibuclawto quote the manpage: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/en/man1/x11vnc.1.html20:17
ibuclawon the server, you'd run:20:18
ibuclawx11vnc -display :020:18
Sword2318Ok thanks lot ,20:18
ibuclaw":0" would be the display of the Xserver. The primary one is usually :0, but if you have many Xsessions on one desktop/system, then the number may vary =)20:19
ibuclawSword2318, to connect from client something like:20:19
ibuclawvncviewer hostname:020:20
ibuclawshould connect you.20:20
ibuclawif you are behind a router, it's usually:20:20
ibuclawvncviewer hostname.local:020:21
ibuclawif name resolution is working.20:21
ibuclawif name resolution isn't working, then you'd specify the IP address instead.20:21
cprofitthow do I list groups via command line?20:22
asterismoif something was carried out wrong, there is should be some kind of log that says... error upgrading... or something in certain packages20:22
ibuclawcprofitt, ^^20:22
asterismois there any kind of log after distupgrading?20:22
cprofittappears to only list 'my groups'20:22
ibuclawcprofitt, cut -f1 -d: /etc/group  ??20:23
cprofittthat works...20:24
ibuclawpipe it to more / less ... if you don't have scrollback20:24
cprofittfarting around with samba server20:24
ibuclawcprofitt, though not sure of any easy way to list them20:24
ibuclawyou could probably alias that to lsgroup20:25
asterismodoes anybody know any how to in compiling a custom kernel?20:26
ibuclawand no - a custom kernel won't speed up your system20:26
ibuclawand if it does, you won't notice20:27
freezeloud_hi, please is possible if i logged few times to irc from empathy that it blocks to get my nick when i'am connecting from another client (smuxi)?20:43
pedro3005freezeloud_, is your nick registered?20:44
freezeloud_don't think so, at least i did not do it, i'am irc newbie...20:46
pleia2freezeloud_: according to freenode, you are still logged on as freezeloud (without the underscore) as well20:50
pleia213:50:47 [freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from freezeloud: Smuxi - running on Unix 32-bit20:50
pleia2were you trying out other irc clients too?20:51
pleia2oh, actually, that must be empathy20:52
cprofittI think I want to shoot the people who wrote the samba documentation20:52
pleia2freezeloud_: look around empathy, you'll probably find that you're connected twice :)20:52
cprofittor maybe just make them use Apple computers20:52
pleia2cprofitt: heh, yeah, it's not awesome20:52
cprofittit sucks beyond all belief20:53
Hellowcprofitt: Making them use Apple computers is worse than being shot.20:53
cprofittand is out of date from what I can tell20:53
cprofittHellow: I know20:53
freezeloud_pleia2: yes, i tried empathy first and now i'm connected on smuxi20:53
pleia2freezeloud_: oh I see20:53
ibuclawfreezeloud_, then disconnect on empathy?20:53
pleia2freezeloud_: so it looks like you connected twice with smuxi20:53
ibuclawor what pleia2 said ;)20:54
HellowYes, what pleia2 said, since both freezeloud_ and freezeloud are responding with the same CTCP version reply.20:54
* pleia2 nods20:54
freezeloud_on empathy i disable account so it is probably both smuxi20:54
Hellow>freezeloud< CTCP VERSION20:54
Hellow-freezeloud- VERSION Smuxi - running on Unix 32-bit20:54
Hellow>freezeloud_< CTCP VERSION20:54
Hellow-freezeloud_- VERSION Smuxi - running on Unix 32-bit20:54
freezeloud_and on smuxi i am connected on two servers what might be that issue? irc.freenode.net and irc.ubuntu.com20:55
pleia2yes, that's the issue20:55
Hellowfreezeloud_: irc.ubuntu.com is just a redirect to irc.freenode.net20:55
pleia2irc.freenode.net and irc.ubuntu.com are the same server :)20:55
freezeloud_:D ouch i'm sorry, that's good to know :)20:56
pleia2no problem, glad we could get to the bottom of it20:57
freezeloud_thank you very much :)20:57
freezeloud_to all of you :)20:58
Hellow...and why is this channel +s?20:58
pleia2Hellow: good question20:58
pedro3005it's obvious20:58
pedro3005we wouldn't want beginners to come over here and bother us20:59
pleia2pedro3005: haha :)20:59
pleia2wb freezeloud20:59
freezeloudthanks pleia2 :)20:59
freezeloudwill try to don't bother you any soon :D21:00
pedro3005freezeloud, aww :P just kidding21:00
pedro3005you can bother21:01
freezeloudpedro3005: i hoped so :) but anyway try to won't21:03
cprofittanyone know why the default install of 9.10 Samba server does not show on a Windows computer when browsing the network?21:11
Hellowbrb, going to reboot for updates installed.21:16
HellowNothing's dead, so apparently it worked right.21:21
ibuclawcprofitt, need to be on the same workgroup?21:30
cprofittthey are...21:30
cprofittwhat is odd... is the workstation w/ samba installed21:30
cprofittwas visible21:31
cprofittbut the home directories were borked21:31
cprofittthe server is not visible21:31
cprofittbut the home directories work21:31
ibuclawI honestly can't remember what I did last time I setup samba to transfer files to a friends computer21:32
cprofittI will muddle throught it21:32
cprofittbut the Ubuntu docs are crap from what I can tell21:32
ibuclawI remember fiddling for a minute or two, then got it to work ... but couldn't connect21:32
cprofittthey seem to mix samba client with samba server21:32
ibuclawthen realised my firewall was not setup :{21:32
hcs7dapubuntu tweak tells me that it can only run on 7.04 or 7.10... whats happening?22:37
hcs7dapbgs100: can you help me with ubuntu tweak?22:39
* bgs100 looks at Ubuntu Tweak22:39
hcs7dapbgs100: tweak tells me that it can only run on 7.04 or 7.10... whats happening?22:40
hcs7dapbgs100: it tells me that it can only work on 7.04 or 7.1022:40
hcs7dapbgs100: i have 9.10... is there an alternative?22:41
bgs100One sec22:41
bgs100hcs7dap, Where did you download it?22:41
hcs7dapbgs100: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-tweak-ubuntu.html22:42
bgs100hcs7dap, That article is from 2007, and probably links to an old version. The official site is here: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/22:43
hcs7dapbgs100: ah silly me... I'll give it a go...22:43
bgs100hcs7dap, :) I tried it, and it seems to work22:44
hcs7dapbgs100: cheers22:44
bgs100hcs7dap, You're welcome :)22:45
cprofittyou there?22:58
cprofittany samba experts in the channel?22:59
Akoscprofitt: i'm here now, just got back from the Cinema23:06
Akosanything I can help with? (:23:07
cprofittthis is what fixed the issues with the samba server23:07
cprofitt[<username>] path = /home/<usename> browseable = yes writeable = yes guest ok = no directory mask = 0700 create mask = 0700 valid users = <username>23:07
cprofittI had to add that for each user...23:07
cprofittthen it allowed them to be browseable23:07
cprofittand only allowed one user to use them23:08
cprofittI also had to add an entry for netbios name23:08
Akosoh, so there is a lot to samba configuration23:08
cprofittand the documentation is not good...23:08
Akoswhy isn'T there a GUI for it?23:08
cprofittwell... I got it working on a server install23:08
Akoswell yeah, config files, but on a desktop, this should be done from the preferences I guess ...23:09
Akoshmm, i found this: http://us4.samba.org/samba/GUI/23:09
cprofittI agree on a desktop23:09
cprofittbut on the desktop it was browseable23:09
cprofittdespite not being in the smb.conf23:09
cprofittand the folders were not created properly either23:10
cprofittnor was the smb password set23:10
Akoshmm i see23:10
Akosi never really dug deep in to this, just used it at home across 4 computers23:11
cprofittI am setting it up for some windows users23:11
cprofittso I had to have certain things23:11
Akosfair enough23:11
Akosplease excuse me, i shall go to bed (:23:12
Akosgood night team23:12
cprofittyeah... not optimal... but it will work for them23:12
cprofittnight Akos23:12
Cogito1729Hi, I'm trying to install ubuntu using a USB drive only, but the USB drive is not being recognized on boot. Could use a hint or two.23:27
Cogito1729Hi, anyone around?23:31
Cogito1729Can you point me in the right direction with my USB installation?23:32
bodhizazenprobably, what you want ?23:32
Cogito1729I'm installing Ubuntu on a ps3, using a USB drive only, but the USB drive is not being recognized on boot.23:32
Cogito1729I'm pretty sure I've incorrectly prepared the USB drive from the ISO23:33
stlsaintCogito1729: what distro are you using?23:33
Cogito1729I'm using Xubuntu 9.1023:34
stlsaintCogito1729: meh, thats not really gonna fly from what i know23:34
bodhizazenI use unetbootin23:34
stlsaintCogito1729: there are other distros made that are more suitable with the ps323:35
stlsaintCogito1729: IE: Yellow linux if i recall correctly23:35
Cogito1729stlsaint: Which one? I got the 9.10 link from the ps ubuntu website itself. http://psubuntu.com/wiki/UbuntuVersions23:35
Cogito1729stlsaint: You recommend Yellowdog instead of ubuntu?23:35
Cogito1729bodhizazen: Should I prepare the USB drive with unetbootin?23:37
Cogito1729Okay, so I'll try YDL on ps3 using unetbootin to prepare the USB drive.23:38
stlsaintCogito1729: or possible puppy linux will be even better suited over ubuntu23:39
Cogito1729stlsaint: I have only basic familiarity with Linux, and puppy seems like it has a very small community. I feel like I'd be better off with YDL.23:46
Cogito1729Although puppy is supposedly so lightweight that it is tempting.23:47
phillwCogito1729: there has been a lively ;-) debate over at http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/236273-38-best-linux-distro23:53
Cogito1729Phillw: thanks, reading that now!23:53
phillwstarts old, gets real new :-)23:53
bodhizazenSlitaz FTW =)23:55
cprofitthey bodhizazen23:55
bodhizazen'lo cprofitt23:55
cprofittjust watched the Kansas game...23:56
cprofittthey got beat...23:56
bodhizazenhere comes spam ...23:56
bodhizazenthat is the Zenix 10.05 Alpha, very very rough23:56
cprofittZenix is yours bodhizazen ?23:57
cprofitt10.05 already...23:58
bodhizazenbut I am NOT the only one developing it23:58
bodhizazenwell, we are going to Ubuntu +1 , it is difficult to develop when Ubuntu is in Alpha23:58
cprofittnice -- how many others?23:58
bodhizazenNot many23:59

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