
wolf89guys, can some1 tell me hot to avoid overwriting my pc mbr when installing ubuntu?08:30
topyliwolf89, you have that option during installation. this is not a support channel though, please join #ubuntu for help08:39
topylifeel free to talk about irc! :)08:40
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ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod14:39
bazhangifuse comes with lucid, there is a PPA for karmic now14:40
bazhangfor the newer iPods and of course iPhones14:40
erUSULok; thanks !14:41
bazhangno real need to change the factoid (imo) as lucid is so close14:41
bazhanghopefully we can !forget factoid by that point :)14:42
erUSULbazhang: even if it is uber-automatic people will keep asking ;)14:43
bazhangerUSUL, good point :)14:43
erUSULbazhang: see what happens with flash and mp3. how many versions have been ubuntu offering to install both when needed? still people pop up on the channel and ask...14:44
bazhangnot to mention the buttons switching sides, and the new popups or lack of14:44
[Raiden]change the ipod on one of the cowon or iriver and no problems to sync14:56
bazhangwell most users want something that 'just works' ; asking them to install new firmware etc is not for the fainthearted14:57
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vishhi , i added a new factoid [!newunitspolicy] to #u+1 channel , it was forwarded to -ops but hasnt been added yet , anyone know about it?15:25
bazhangvish, not shown up there; did you do it correctly ?15:27
vishbazhang: i did !newunitspolicy is <text>15:27
vishand ubottu mentioned it was forwarded15:27
bazhangvish try !factoid is <reply> blah blah blah etc15:28
vishah , ok..15:28
bazhangnot seen it forwarded unless the bot is severely lagging15:28
vishbazhang: now?15:31
vishbad ubottu ;p15:31
vishit lied to me yesterday ;)15:31
bazhangthe more senior ops will review and include or not15:31
bazhangvish, any suggestions for the switch buttons factoid ?15:32
vishhmm , thats a tricky one :D15:32
* vish thinks15:33
bazhanggnomefreak had one iirc but I seem to have misplaced it :)15:33
bazhangwell plenty of time before release at any rate15:33
vishbuttons >  The titlebar buttons have switched to the left during the development phase of Lucid. No need for alarm! The developers are testing this and listening to user feedback. The final decision about the position will be made after beta. Kindly be patient. For more insight , kindly read : http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=28115:42
vishbazhang: ^15:42
bazhangvish thanks :)15:43
bazhangwe may need a fall back option though should the changes be permanent :)15:43
bazhangI'll ask gnomefreak15:43
vishbazhang: we can update that after beta ;)15:44
bazhangvish good point :)15:44
* vish sends factoid15:45
bazhangsorry I dont anything about factoid15:46
vishbazhang: np.. i just forwarded it no hurry :)15:46
bazhangvish just kidding; was received15:46
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