
ccheney`hmm maybe i need a full copy of gtk_entry_completion also?00:01
ccheney`looks like that calls back into regular gtkentry00:01
ccheney`i had just added the parts of that class that were new00:02
asacyes, feels like it00:03
ccheney`and the new parts didn't use GtkEntry at all from what i could tell00:03
asaclet me double check00:03
asaci think things would be easier if we would derive from gtkentry00:05
asacthen that would just work00:05
asaci would hope00:05
ccheney`how do we go about doing that, have a derived class with all the bits newer than the one in 2.12?00:08
asacccheney`: so try to derive the GtkEntry00:08
asacthat might just work00:08
asacyou would drop all fields from EphyGtkEntry and EphyGtkEntryClass00:09
asacuse GTK_TYPE_ENTRY in G_DEFINE_TYPE rather than GTK_TYPE_WIDGET00:09
asacalso you would use GtkEntry and GtkEntryClass instead of GtkWidget and GtkWidgetClass in the EphyGtkEntry and EphyGtkEntryClass00:09
=== Loki_ is now known as Loki
asacstruct as the only member (the topmost that isnt a pointer)00:09
asacthen you would use override_property00:09
asacrather than install_property for all the properties00:10
asacthat are from GtkEntry00:10
asacand that should be it afaict00:10
ccheney`ok i will try that out and see how it goes00:10
asacmight be a bit tricky00:11
asacbut probably easier than copying all completion and so on00:11
asacas then the accessor functions should just call us00:11
ccheney`what did you mean by 19:08 < asac> struct as the only member (the topmost that isnt a pointer)00:12
asacccheney`: search for the EphyGtkEntry and EphyGtkEntryClass struct00:12
ccheney`empty them and have a struct inside them of type GtkEntry ?00:12
asacthe first elemtn is not a pointer00:12
asacthats the parent class/object00:12
ccheney`ah yea   GtkWidget  widget;00:13
asacthats currently GtkWidget and should be GtkEntry/Class00:13
ccheney`oh ok00:13
asacand all the other funcs/fields that are already in trhe gtk 2.12 entry00:13
asacshould be dropped00:13
ccheney`ah ok, i thought that was what you meant but wasn't sure and wanted to make sure i didn't do something wrong :)00:13
asacand then where we assign the funcs in _class_init00:13
asacwe have to assign them to GTK_ENTRY_CLASS (klass)00:13
ccheney`so then anything in my copied code that refers to old items need to point through to GtkEntry00:13
asacrather than EPHY_GTK_ENTRY_CLASS (klass)->set_background (not sure if that function exists)00:14
asacccheney`: give me an example for the last00:14
ccheney`looking at it to see if i understand00:14
asace.g. for "refers to old items need to point through to GtkEntry"00:14
ccheney`eg   widget_class->unmap = ephy_gtk_entry_unmap;00:14
asacyeah right. widget_class is still widget_class00:14
ccheney`ah ok00:15
asacbut there probably also is entry_class or something00:15
ccheney`eg   class->move_cursor = ephy_gtk_entry_move_cursor;00:15
asacccheney`: right so class-> should more or less be GTK_ENTRY_CLASS(class)->00:15
ccheney`class is currently ephy_gtk_entry_class_init (EphyGtkEntryClass *class)00:16
asacyou can make a gtk_entry_class = ... on top00:16
asacsame as done with widget_class00:16
ccheney`so that should be ephy_gtk_entry_class_init  (EphyGtkEntryClass *class)00:16
ccheney`er stupid return00:16
asacccheney`: that func should still be named the same00:16
asacjust the class-> ... assignments have to go against the casted entry_class (aka GTK_ENTRY_CLASS (class))00:16
ccheney`ah ok00:16
asacccheney`: i think one function didnt exist in 2.12 ... so that function might need to be added to our ephy class then00:17
ccheney`then code calling it in ephy should use the new class throughout?00:18
ccheney`and/or cast back from the new class to GtkEntry if needed, i guess?00:18
asacccheney`: well. we overload the functions00:19
asacso things we have changed to ephy_gtk_entry_something00:20
asaccan usually be reverted to gtk_entry_something00:20
asacexcept that thing that wasnt available in gtk_entry00:20
ccheney`i think i can probably determine how to do it with what you have told me above :)00:21
ccheney`probably take a hour or two to get it fully building with everything reverted though00:22
ccheney`and its late where you are so if you want i can let you know how the patching goes and you can head off to bed or whatever (being really late in germany)00:22
asacccheney`: maybe keep what you have for now00:24
asacso in case this road isnt good we can try someting else ;)00:25
ccheney`yea i am going to keep a backup of it00:27
asacmaybe also push somewhere online for desaster scenario ;)00:29
asacok off ... will check tomorrow00:29
ccheney`np :) have a good night00:34
LLStarksasac. you there? i have a question.05:47
ccheney`asac: haven't gotten to a point to upload yet and about to head to bed07:15
ccheney`asac: i'm currently looking at what to do for update_cursors in gtkentry for GTK_ENTRY_GET_PRIVATE07:15
ccheney`asac: i think probably copying that verbatim from gtkentry.c would work and copying the private struct into the derived class so it can see what the original gtkentry has07:16
ccheney`asac: at least the extra functions definitely need access to the private data from gtkentry to work from what i can see07:16
ccheney`asac: ttyl :)07:16
asacccheney`: hey11:53
asacLLStarks: yews11:54
asachmm. did micah's sdk update ever land?15:05
asacor is that staged in mozilla-devscripts?15:05
ccheney`asac: hi18:37
ccheney`so i realized last night that i was way too tired to be sanely working on the code18:45
ccheney`i think the private members aren't needed in the new code, checking that now18:45
ccheney`yea it doesn't appear to use any of them18:45
asacccheney`: what private members are you talking about?18:46
ccheney`so i just need to create a ephyentry private struct18:46
asacccheney`: what did you do up to now18:46
ccheney`and copy the private ones it uses from the new version of gtk into it18:46
asachow does ephyentry class look like?18:46
ccheney`asac: i reverted the ephy gtk entry calls in the code and deleted the old gtk entry copy and started copying just the bits over that are needed to derive from it18:46
ccheney`i'll pastebinit just a sec18:47
ccheney`http://pastebin.com/cww1GymP http://pastebin.com/7WYXZHQ618:47
asacccheney`: you dont have any TYPE_DEFINE18:49
asacand class_init18:49
asacall that is gone ;)18:49
ccheney`yea need to add that back18:49
ccheney`i added things as the compile complained about them18:50
asacccheney`: i dont think you can drop all the  other funcs18:50
asacmy idea was to copy everything18:50
asacjust change the class_init function18:50
ccheney`we already copied everything before though?18:50
asacand make the structs and the G_DEFINE_TYPE18:50
* ccheney` is confused18:50
asacccheney`: you basically need to overload all funcs of GtkEntry18:50
asacthats why you need all the impls18:51
asacwe had yesterday18:51
asacand just set them to the parent class in our new class_init18:51
ccheney`so just take the code i had before and then change up the class_init, etc ?18:51
asacccheney`: well. if you have luck it works as you did it now18:51
asacccheney`: the original idea was to change G_DEFINE_TYPE ... class_init and the structs18:52
asace.g. from the structs you drop all the funcs that are in GtkEntry18:52
asacand derive from GtkEntry18:52
ccheney`ah i think i misunderstood that to drop all funcs that are in GtkEntry period :)18:52
asacin class_init you just bind all the funcs18:52
ccheney`so i redid the files18:52
asacthat will ensure that gtk_entry::something will call our new ::something18:52
asacand instead of install_property in class_init18:53
asacwe use override_property18:53
asacso if you set/get the properties on a GTK_ENTRY casted object it will also call our get/set_property funcs18:53
asacso yeah. only drop the declaration from the structs because they are already there if you have GtkEntryClass parent_class;18:54
asacin there18:54
asacanyway. have to run now18:54
asacthe instructions should be in there18:54
asacwill be back in a couple of hours18:55
dupondjeguys, can somebody check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/526290 ? :)22:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 526290 in thunderbird "Thunderbird 3 hyperlinks broken" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:02
asacdupondje: commented22:23
dupondjethunderbird-gnome-support was indeed not installed, tho it doesn't fix the issue it seems22:25
dupondjeafter install it still asks me what application to open when I click on a link22:25
asacbbin 522:30
dupondjei'll grab some food also :P22:31
asacdupondje: works for me :/22:39
asacdupondje: sure you restarted tbird properly after installing the pkg?22:39
dupondjejl@laptopjl:~$ ps aux |grep thunder22:39
dupondjejl       22662  0.0  0.0   7556   936 pts/1    S+   23:39   0:00 grep thunder22:39
dupondjeits not running :x22:39
dupondjestarting it, and it asks for program :(22:40
asacdupondje: in $HOME/.thunderbird (somewhere below) there is a compreg.dat22:41
asacplease paste that22:41
dupondje|grep http or ? :)22:42
asacthere probably is no http in22:42
asacdupondje: try running sudo touch /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.3/.autoreg22:51
asacthen start tbird22:51
asacstop it22:51
asacand paste again22:51
dupondjeoh and it works btw :P22:53
asacdupondje: fix committed ;)23:01
asacwill be in tomorrows dailies23:01
asacor next upload23:01
asace.g. fix for componetns not getting registered if you install -gnome-support later23:01
dupondjebut still you should 'smell' to install the gnome package ? :)23:02
asacdupondje: i commented that the other part should be tracked in a separate (wishlist) but23:03
asace.g. in #423:03
dupondjeanyway thx for the fix23:04
asacso yes. we should do what we do in firefox since lucid23:04
dupondjesurely for new users it was quite annoying :)23:04
asacproblem is we cannot recommend gnome-support23:04
asacbecause of kubuntu23:04
asacthey complained all the time23:05
asacdupondje: there is a nother issue ... in old tbird package23:05
asacwe had a safety net that called x-www-browser23:05
asacif no gnome component was there23:05
asacwe should consider to resurrect that23:05
asacchrisccoulson: ^^ maybe open those two bugs ;) ... 1. gnome integration should work even without -gnome-support ... 2. ensure that x-www-browser is used if no http handler is found through gnome integration :)23:06
dupondjeit quite improves usability when you don't need to select your browser :) but we are getting close :P23:06
asacboth are regression bugs over our tbird2 package23:07
asaci think for 2. we need a patch to code iirc23:07
asacas it will otherwise always prefer to use x-www-browser23:07
asacbut lets first see and get those bugs ;)23:07
asacdupondje: or you can file those :)23:07
asaclet me do that23:08
dupondje591   Open bugs23:08
dupondjecool :P23:08
asacfiled bug 54306023:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543060 in thunderbird "thunderbird - gnome integration should work even without -gnome-support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54306023:10
asac:( slow launchpad23:12
dupondjeto much thunderbird bugs ;)23:12
asacfiled bug 543064 about us not using x-www-browser as a safety net.23:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543064 in thunderbird "ensure that x-www-browser is used if no http handler is found through gnome integration" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54306423:15
asacdupondje: well. lots of noise ;)23:15
asacthose bugs are important enough, so they will get attention now :-P23:15
asacfeel free to help out on bug triage so we can filter the other important ones and ensure they get fixed ;)23:15
asacstarting with NEW: would be good ;) ... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New23:16
asacdupondje: ^^23:16
asacenjoy ;)23:16
dupondjei'll look :) btw, there is another bug, that thunderbird doesn't move mails when marking it as junk23:16
dupondjebut its set in the setting it should move them :s23:17
asacthat doesnt feel like an ubuntu specific bug. probably best filed upstream23:19
asacdupondje: do you see any errors in error console?23:19
dupondjeI checked, nope :(23:20
dupondjethx for the bugs btw :)23:26
dupondje5 bugs as incomplete :p23:28
dupondje1 as invalid23:28
dupondjelets kill some more23:28
chrisccoulsongood evening everyone23:31
dupondjehi :)23:32
dupondjeasac left you some work ;)23:32
chrisccoulsonyeah, i noticed ;)23:32
chrisccoulsoni've got to disappear again. it seems my laptop drive has corrupted itself at some point today, so i have to go and recover23:33
dupondjeI use Mint-Gloria (Mozilla Thunderbird). Which ever email I try to open, I always (hapend from5 days) get it:23:39
dupondjerofl @ stupid bugreports23:39
dupondjeI user a Thunderbird mail server ...23:42
dupondjeThunderbird mail server23:42
dupondjethats new :)23:42

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