
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (FullPolarFox1981)00:01
jpdsDidn't even know I could do that.00:02
bazhangthanks , sorry to disturb00:02
geniiOk. So you know, I'm drunk as a skunk. Please devoice me where appropriate. Thank you for your atenttion in this mater.00:59
=== Dave2 is now known as Guest75913
elkyi have never actually seen a drunk skunk.01:02
geniielky: Im' seroius01:02
elkyi imagine i'd smell it before i saw it01:02
=== Guest75913 is now known as Dave2
=== _Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
bazhangjust take a rest for a few hours01:22
* genii silps bazhang a coffee01:22
bazhangperfect timing genii :)01:23
* genii slips bazhang a coffee01:23
geniiOK I shuold say I am drunk. Please denounce decry devioce etc where I am porblemmatiuc01:25
genii /me sips01:27
* genii sips01:28
bazhanggenii, maybe time to take a break01:44
geniibazhang: I agree01:46
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Dougdoug4 FAILS at trolling)03:08
thewizordkkathman: got my nexus one :D03:58
wgrantCan somebody please update the +1 topic with a note about the current breakage?04:29
jribwgrant: what should it say04:46
wgrantjrib: Something like 'Auto-starting of GNOME is currently broken -- see bug #542343'04:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234304:47
jribwgrant: done04:50
wgrantjrib: thanks.04:50
ubottushazbotmcnasty called the ops in #ubuntu (foxsocks987)05:56
wgrantCan somebody please fix the +1 topic to have something like 'DO NOT UPGRADE: GNOME is broken (bug #542343)' at the start?06:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234306:04
wgrantIt'll still be broken for a couple of hours, and on mirrors for longer than that.06:04
wgranttonyyarusso: Thanks.06:20
elkyonce it's fixed, change it to "GNOME is broken -- they took away our tooltips :("06:23
wgrantHeh. yes.06:25
elkyso apparently this is also to do with the notifier stuff, just like the window controls. if this is the case, then the notifier can go back to whence it came06:30
wgrantThe notifiers are a good idea.06:31
elkynot if it means we lose other functionality, they're not.06:31
wgrants/The notifiers/indicator-application/06:31
wgrantBut the restriction on functionality... right.06:31
elkythat's like saying "ooh look, i got this new car, but it cost my MY ARMS AND LEGS YAAAAAAAY!"06:32
wgrantThe tooltips issue was Won't Fixed without comment by sabdfl this morning.06:32
elkyThat's beyond messed up06:33
wgrantWay beyond.06:33
elkyunless this is part of the "wait until beta then we'll reconsider", this might just be the last straw for me. If i can't turn that stuff on with a *SIMPLE* click, then ubuntu just stopped suiting me06:34
bazhangthere's always kubuntu :)06:37
elkyyou think i'm ranting now? you've never seen me on KDE06:37
elkythe only thing i've ever been able to say about kde as a desktop system is "well, it's pretty"06:38
elkyonly nice thing, that is06:38
wgrantelky: The "wait until beta then we'll reconsider" think is long gone.06:39
wgrantIt's now "force everything through a few hours after UI freeze so nobody can complain"06:39
elkyI get the feeling I'm going to be using debian by mid-year06:41
* tonyyarusso regrets to say that he too has been seriously considering giving Debian a look because of all the stupid UI decisions made in direct opposition to what people actually want06:43
tonyyarussoI miss the days when Mark actually valued users' opinions :(06:44
elkypersia, unless you've secretly moved to .au, you're totes messing up the dynamic in -devel right now :P07:41
persiaNah, just expanding it.07:44
persiaWe *will* make the Americas look lazy and the Europeans look sleepy.07:44
elkyWell, no, they make themselves look like that all on their own. You're just highlighting it ;)07:45
elkyCredit where credit is due, and all that.07:45
GaryI'm not sleepy, I'm just motivationally challenged07:49
persiaWell, being honest, I was only targeting the subset of people in those places who happen to also be core-dev.07:50
Garymeh, not got the motivation to do that :p07:54
knomecan we do something about him? really?10:39
bazhangreplace the banforward with a straight ban?10:40
mernilioHello fellow ops, im banned from ubuntu-offtopic. I dont know why11:03
bazhangmernilio, just a moment11:04
merniliobut i know some of you might get a fucking elbow in the face if im still banned .. okay.. thanks bazhang11:04
* persia gets a language trigger11:05
topylimernilio, i once removed you for your insistance on pouring racist nonsense on the channel. apparently you were eventually banned11:06
bazhangright off the bat I can see you were banned for language and continuing when asked to read the guidelines11:06
bazhangI'll step back now11:07
mernilioyes. i do have a racial bias.11:09
topylioh found it. elky banned for refusing to clean it up11:09
mernilioand from i can see topyli and bazhang is negros.11:09
elkyeh. looking back over the past few minutes, I stand by that11:10
bazhangmernilio, keep in mind that being banned in the offtopic channel does not give you free reign in #ubuntu channels to be offtopic11:10
elkythreats of physical assault are generally not welcome anywhere on freenode11:10
mernilioI only thret you elky!11:11
elkyit makes no difference who you threat11:11
* persia sprinkles "en"s around in the spirit of grammarianism11:13
merniliopersia: you seem like a muslim.. and we dont like it.. so fuck off!11:13
bazhangmernilio, your ban wont be removed at this time.11:14
merniliobazhang: thanks for supporting free speeach...11:14
bazhangmernilio, as that is the reasong for joining here, please part the channel as our business is concluded11:15
merniliomy what is concluded? :-)11:16
elkymernilio, we're not stopping you from peeing, we're just stopping you from peeing on our carpet.11:16
mernilioIm now alone.. againt all av you fucker.. bullies!11:17
elkyyou're not trapped, you may leave at any time11:18
mernilioGo fuck a duck assholes. To be honest.. i could kill you all!11:18
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)11:19
persiaWow!  Extra thanks to all who handled the first removals and bans for that case.11:22
jussi01That was a very controlled performace, thanks peoples :)11:24
bazhangjust watching #ubuntu to see if he continues11:25
Mamarokcould somebody actually do something about lorenzo? He is getting annoying with his join failures, I wonder if he is not doing it on purpose11:41
Mamarokmaybe talk to the ops in #ubuntu-it11:41
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ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, vish said: !newunitspolicy is <reply> Ubuntu has changed its units policy ,in Lucid,to maintain consistency. The units now follow the SI standards [ base-10 ]. For more information about the new units policy, kindly read : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnitsPolicy15:30
b2p1mpoh darn i forgot all about this stupid time script15:43
b2p1mpi erased it, was just 3 lines in my remote script page15:43
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, vish said: !buttons is <reply> The titlebar buttons have switched to the left during the development phase of Lucid. No need for alarm! The developers are testing this and listening to user feedback. The final decision about the position will be made after beta. Kindly be patient. For more insight , kindly read : http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=28115:45
b2p1mpi was banned from #ubuntu for the !time trigger 4 hours ago.  I have removed all scripts.  I apologize to all.15:47
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)15:47
ubottuIn ubottu, Some_Person said: grub2 is GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager starting with Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:15
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, nishanth said: ubottu: it is the same bug....is there a fix?16:19
bazhangsaintsinner is grow-as-apple16:32
topylibazhang, oh16:41
bazhangtopyli, he's in #freenode claiming I am stalking him16:41
topyliwe should forward him here. our request is not working16:42
bazhanghe entered -ru and engaged me there as well16:42
topylialokito, what can we do for you?16:46
alokitotopyli, nothing16:47
topyliokay. please /part the channel then, nobody is allowed to idle here16:47
alokitook, few seconds16:47
topylihow many seconds does it take? strange16:48
bazhangb2p1mp, had an issue and was banned by jrib earlier, should we wait for jrib to sort it out ?16:49
topylibazhang, would you like to take care of grow-as-apple as he gets here? i have a sauna prepared :)16:49
bazhangsorry topyli that was addressed to you (above)16:50
topylii banforwarded, but did not kicked16:50
bazhangtopyli, no problem16:50
bazhangI can easily remove it, or wait for jrib16:50
b2p1mpjrib did the ban16:50
b2p1mpyou can wait no rush16:50
bazhangb2p1mp, would you mind returning in a bit? it should be no problem to remove your ban at that time17:15
SaintSinnerbazhang: topyli17:15
bazhangSaintSinner, hold on a moment17:16
SaintSinneryeah, I have a time and I'm at the computer17:16
SaintSinnerCan you say what was wrong, for a start?17:17
SaintSinnerI actually admitted it's not speak-about-everything channel. Many people are heartfelt workers maybe...17:18
bazhangSaintSinner, no problem.17:19
bazhangSaintSinner, you were having a conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic that was making several individuals very uncomfortable17:20
SaintSinnerDidn't read Guidelines? Why don't PM me at first? And, am I right about the impression fromthe channel?17:21
SaintSinnerbazhang: That's my true problem.17:21
bazhangSaintSinner, and you were asked to stop, more than once17:21
SaintSinnerI can not really differentiate between what can I say here and maybe in the U.S.17:22
bazhangSaintSinner, you then joined #ubuntu-ru and started talking to me from there.17:22
SaintSinnerbazhang: Asked to stop where my nickname was highlated? When Alk*** asked me, I said OK.17:22
bazhangSaintSinner, you were asked by topyli and myself to join this channel and refused, and then went to #freenode with allegations of stalking.17:23
SaintSinnerbazhang: I know there are many offtopic discussions in that channel. Also, you're know Russian and you know that it's normal.17:23
SaintSinnerbazhang: This all is very strange, why should I believe in your good relation to me?17:24
bazhangSaintSinner, I am an operator in #ubuntu-ru , and you joined there. Not the other way around.17:25
bazhangSaintSinner, so instead of going to #freenode first, its better to come here first and work out any issues.17:26
SaintSinnerEverything pertaining to #ubuntu-ru isn't probably important at all. Besides, you could act more neutrally.17:26
SaintSinnerNo, it would be better to ask you via personal message, and arrange the discussion about problem this way.17:27
bazhangSaintSinner, when someone is asked to stop, they should do so.17:28
bazhangSaintSinner, this has nothing to do with our relationship, and everything to do with the tenor of the conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic17:29
SaintSinnerbazhang: I didn't look in the channel, and if someone asked me to stop, I could miss it. I thought Alk** started to asking me to stop with no reason and even cited him/her my message where I offer to do it. This log may resolve the confusion: http://filebin.ca/urmtb/Log-filecopiedcolouredfortheproblem.htm17:31
SaintSinner"tenor of the conversation" - so this is what was wrong17:33
SaintSinnerSorry for my English. Learning it from one-way news and similar make a bad ... for me17:34
bazhangSaintSinner, your english is fine.17:34
b2p1mpcan I idle in here...? till then?17:37
SaintSinnerno, bazhang You don't understand: it's English of a skilled in something person, or mentor; And I start to speak with people from U.S. with same approach. I understand. Although, some facts of my life said sincerely could melt first bad thoughts about me. And make things clear.17:37
bazhangb2p1mp, if you could come back in a bit it would be much appreciated17:37
b2p1mpok ty17:37
bazhangSaintSinner, you need to more clearly understand the tenor of the conversation, specifically where it was making others uncomfortable?17:38
SaintSinner"wrong beverage" if there's such word17:38
SaintSinnerbazhang: I don't understand this. "Make others uncomfortable..." I only can make this to person I talked to. I made others uncofortable with what I started to say.17:40
bazhangSaintSinner, it is a channel with many occupants.17:41
bazhangSaintSinner, is that clear so far?17:41
SaintSinnerYou mean I should be careful with what I say, right?17:43
bazhangSaintSinner, did you understand the above statement: "the channel has many occupants"?17:44
SaintSinnerTauching something controversial is wrong, I know it.17:44
SaintSinnerAh, I talked tooo much.17:44
SaintSinnerLet me re-read it.17:45
bazhangothers were getting uncomfortable on the topic you were discussing; to wit17:45
SaintSinnerat first.17:45
SaintSinnerI understand, "SaintSinner: Tauching something controversial is wrong, I know it."17:45
bazhangvery detailed dating advice, and personal experiences therein17:45
bazhangSaintSinner, is that clear?17:47
SaintSinnerWhen I "think in English" I understand this sounded not good. And, right, I understand it.17:47
bazhangand it was felt to be not good by those in the channel17:48
SaintSinneryeah, but I don't understand why they could say this more straightforward. It's very unusual for me.17:50
bazhangSaintSinner, its an issue you have had in that channel for a long time now17:50
SaintSinnerSo, I should stop the conversation.17:50
bazhangjust never start it.17:50
SaintSinnerWhat, so bad?17:51
bazhangthe degree of details you were providing were / and are most unwelcome.17:51
bazhangindeed, yes.17:51
bazhangit's an international channel, with members of both genders.17:52
SaintSinnerI can conform to it, all right. Although, I don't like people who can not say "I don't like the theme you're discussing at the moment." Anyway, it's better to be more carefull.17:55
bazhangwell, that's fine. following the guidelines is the issue, and as it is a social channel in nature, respecting the wishes of others.17:56
SaintSinnerThis all is very new for me. I actually should make one another my good kind of it. :)17:57
bazhangthanks for joining for the discussion, by the way17:57
SaintSinneryeah, so, I think I need to part this channel right now18:02
bazhangwell at least he agreed to behave in the future18:03
Tm_Thi all18:08
bazhangTm_T, hi18:08
Tm_Tholiday behind now, I hope I'm now refreshed (:18:11
topylii'm reading the logs. bazhang, great job19:12
topylinot connected to whether or not i believe any of what they said, but that's unrelated :)19:13
topyliwe have a nice collection of interesting people in -ot right now, but i'm not a good babysitter tonight. so if anyone has the strenght and time, freel free :)20:37
ubottuNeobenedict called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:20
guntbert<Lonely_Troll1981> seems to be ban evading in #ubuntu21:54
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (Lonely_Troll1981)21:57
ubottuLonely_Troll1981 called the ops in #ubuntu (Slart)21:57
guntbertjpds: see above21:59
jpdsOK; when was he banned?22:00
guntbertby bazhang - several times in the last days  - (see the ip ban list)22:01
jpdsubottu: hi.22:01
guntbertjpds: used a different nick too - FullPolarFox198122:03
Tm_Tjpds: thank you22:03
guntberthave a nice time22:04
Tm_Tguntbert: thank you too (:22:05
jpdsguntbert: That's never going to be True.22:05
guntbertTm_T: you're welcome :-)22:05
guntbertjpds: I can imagine - still my best wishes for you22:06

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