
cbrowneI'm having immense trouble setting up my Ubuntu 9.10 server as a Wireless Access Point; I've followed the various howtos and even tried compiling 2.6.32-wl (the rt2x00 project's kernel), all to absolutely no avail; chipset (according to lspci): "03:0b.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI"; lsmod confirms I have the rt61pci module installed.  Any help would be greatly appreciated (sorry for the uber long message)00:02
HypnozI had problems with wireless in 9.10, which worked perfectly in 9.0400:35
Hypnozso i finally went back to 9.0400:35
Hypnozyou might consider trying your setup on a 9.04 install00:35
Hypnozif you get desperate i guess00:35
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ruben23hi are there ways to optimize ubuntu-server default..01:18
qman__ruben23, you're going to have to be more specific -- ubuntu server is optimized for typical situations out of the box01:23
ruben23qman__: what are ways i can enhance and optimize ubuntu-server. my application need extensive processing...01:30
qman__ruben23, ubuntu server has no superfluous or performance-hindering configurations by default01:44
qman__there are some things you may be able to remove, but they would also remove functionality01:44
qman__if a base ubuntu server install is not fast enough, you probably need faster hardware01:44
ruben23qman__:ill take that...i just heard from other modifying kernel stack to preven memory leak.it hink thats wrong.01:53
qman__a memory leak is a different problem01:54
qman__if your kernel is leaking memory, it needs to be fixed, probably by updating it01:54
qman__if your program is leaking, you need to complain to whoever wrote it01:55
ruben23qman__: thank you for clarity.02:00
MTecknologyqman__: there's ways to speed it up...02:07
MTecknologyI figure it's the perfect balance between instant usability, security, and speed02:08
MTecknologyalthough I wouldn't mind sacraficing a little usability for the sake of more security02:08
ruben23 MTecknology:hows that..?02:09
* genii sacrifices a goat to MTecknology's cause02:09
MTecknologygiovani: :P02:10
MTecknologygenii: *02:10
MTecknologyruben23: I tend to remove a lot of cruft from a basic server install, but overall it's not bad02:11
MTecknologyI kinda wish we offered a hardened kernel02:11
MTecknologygenii: you should see my kernel config :P02:11
ruben23MTecknology:you re compile the kernel.02:14
MTecknologyruben23: ya, for my own laptop (only system) - not the servers I run02:15
ruben23ow ok, im just worried on my ubuntu-server i ahd it keeps getting high loadavg- up 12.0:-(02:16
MTecknologyyou check top output?02:18
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ruben23im using htop02:19
Piciruben23: how many cpus?02:20
MTecknologyI don't trust htop, never seems completely accurate02:20
ruben23i got dual core xeon-intel.02:21
PiciCheck iotop then02:21
ruben23Pici: i think the application itself are putting the high load02:23
bogeyd6MTecknology, how is htop not accurate?02:23
ruben23whats the difference betwwen buffer memory to cached memory..02:24
MTecknologyapache under any normal use seems to add a plenty high load02:24
bogeyd6buffer is in the processor02:24
bogeyd6MTecknology, im interested in the specifics of htop being inaccurate02:25
ruben23how about cached..?02:25
MTecknologycached is held in memory but not being used, for being quickly recalled02:25
bogeyd6MTecknology, i ask because a) i assume you are not a troll b) i use htop and rely on it for my consulting02:26
bogeyd6cached is the ram02:26
bogeyd6Cache Memory can be accessed more quickly by the computer microprocessor than it can be accessed by regular RAM02:26
bogeyd6well cached is usually in the ram02:27
MTecknologybogeyd6: there are times where I see top and htop disagree02:27
bogeyd6run on the same box?02:28
MTecknologysame time02:29
MTecknologybuffer = being moved around; used = ready for instant use; cached = ready to become ready for instant use; free means nothing there to be used02:29
MTecknologybest as I know how to explain it very simply unless i'm wrong02:29
bogeyd6i know about the memory usage calculation02:30
MTecknologybogeyd6: I could be wrong and there could be bugs that were addressed in the time since I used it last - ~4yr02:30
bogeyd6but running htop and top at the same is very easy to see the disagreement and why02:30
PiciI've not had any issues running htop myself02:31
bogeyd6Pici, you did on the memory calculation and didnt know it02:31
bogeyd6Pici, fear not it was just the buffer usage02:32
pmatulisruben23: you have a cpu load of 12.0 ?  for how long?02:33
ruben23pmatulis:actually i start at 0.89 then rising.then eventually ill get 12.0 when full usage then my apps crashed up. need to reboot again02:34
ruben23to correct.02:34
bogeyd6ruben23, which app?02:34
pmatulisruben23: geez, change your h/w and/or your app02:35
ruben23bogeyd6: its a dialer system..for voice calling-asterisk, and he do recordings02:35
bogeyd6ruben23, i read your past convo and it seems no one told about the ubuntu linux rt kernel02:35
bogeyd6<ruben23> qman__: what are ways i can enhance and optimize ubuntu-server. my application need extensive processing...02:35
ruben23bogeyd6:  yes whats rt kernel.?02:36
bogeyd6real time processing02:36
bogeyd6linux has an inherent delay in processing02:36
pmatulisruben23: even a consistent load of 2.0 is terrible02:36
MTecknologybogeyd6: so what happens with it? had to run02:36
ruben23pmatulis: yeah its true..worst is 12.002:36
bogeyd6!rt | ruben2302:37
ubotturuben23: The RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/02:37
bogeyd6ruben23, https://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page02:37
bogeyd6ruben23, just to help even further Real-time applications have operational deadlines between some triggering event and the application's response to that event. To meet these operational deadlines, programmers use real-time operating systems (RTOS) on which the maximum response time can be calculated or measured reliably for the given application and environment.02:38
ruben23th recommend distro version for my apps is ubuntu-server 8.10 LTS02:39
bogeyd68.04 lts02:39
ruben23bogeyd6: this process is kernel recompile and patching it up..?02:39
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)02:39
bogeyd6ruben23, as simple as apt-get install linux-rt02:40
ruben23bogeyd6:ow , wow this is a big help..02:40
bogeyd6reboot and try it02:40
bogeyd6if you dont like, remove it and reboot02:40
MTecknologyI wonder how hard it is to write a useful OS from scratch...02:41
bogeyd6upgrading to karmic will be even more beneficial but who knows if your app is supported02:41
MTecknologygnu hasn't even been able to do it yet - obviously i couldn't, i'm just wondering what kind of work goes into it..02:41
MTecknologyruben23: what app?02:42
bogeyd6MTecknology, debian sarge had over 230 million lines of code02:42
MTecknologythat's with the kernel and everything?02:42
ruben23 MTecknology: asterisk, with a couple of record apps, like sox and lame.02:42
bogeyd6MTecknology, the whole release02:43
bogeyd6ruben23, linux-rt is included in ubuntu studio because of the audio and video processing02:43
MTecknologybogeyd6: if you have 10 million devs that's ion 23 million lines each :P02:43
bogeyd6ruben23, asterisk is available on karmic02:43
bogeyd6MTecknology, http://www.dwheeler.com/sloc/02:43
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bogeyd6!voip | ruben2302:44
ubotturuben23: VoIP is Voice over IP. The default VoIP client for Ubuntu is !Ekiga. There is also an xmpp voice component in !Empathy. Kubuntu Clients include Kphone and Twinkle. Proprietary Clients include !Skype and Gizmo5. VoIP server applications include Asterisk and Yate ( both in repositories ), FreePBX, and SipX.02:44
ruben23bogeyd6:  yes it the backend of my apps, using viciidal-created through perl script.02:44
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bogeyd6i would try the linux-rt kernel which is made for sound processing and see how far tht gets you02:45
ruben23http://astguiclient.sourceforge.net/vicidial.html  <-------see ubuntu is recommended..best02:45
MTecknologybogeyd6: I have a hard time reading that article beyond the title, but it sounds interesting02:46
* bogeyd6 feels dirty for helping a telemarketer02:46
ruben23bogeyd6:i will also try it to karmic- the goal is to lessen up loadavg generated..02:46
bogeyd6!ymmv | ruben2302:48
ubotturuben23: ymmv is short for "Your mileage may vary". It means that someone else's experience with compatibility, performance etc. may not necessarily match yours. Also see !wfm02:48
ruben23bogeyd6: this is a big help, thanks so much, il test it on production..02:48
bogeyd6we aim to please here at ubuntu02:49
ruben23 bogeyd6:does karmic already have the rt kernel..?02:49
bogeyd6ruben23, no it doesnt. you install and you "sudo apt-get install linux-rt" and reboot the server02:50
ruben23 bogeyd6: got one more clarification02:52
bogeyd6ruben23,  k02:52
ruben23i got this process on before installing my apps, where i can incorporate the rt kernel here on this part..? ---------> http://pastebin.com/H9MLXRKp  -----> do i need to omit process here..?02:53
ruben23bogeyd6: what you think..?02:56
bogeyd6ruben23, http://pastebin.com/Lj2YrMh902:56
bogeyd6im not sure about why you need the linux-source but it cant hurt02:57
ruben23ok i will omit linux source-im not needing it actually.02:57
ruben23ill replace linux source with rt linux install02:58
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ruben23 bogeyd6:if i install linux rt- do i need to install linux header again..? or no need03:06
bogeyd6not if you followed the order i did it in03:07
MTecknologyruben23: install kernel/header; reboot03:08
MTecknology!info harden03:09
ubottuharden (source: harden): Makes your system hardened. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.35 (karmic), package size 9 kB, installed size 60 kB03:09
MTecknologyruben23: you ever mess with that?03:09
MTecknologybogeyd6: *03:09
ruben23bogeyd6: how do i cehck if rt-kernel is installed propoerly03:15
ruben23i got this---> Linux vicidial 2.6.24-27-server #1 SMP Fri Mar 12 01:45:06 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux03:16
bogeyd6cat /etc/lsb-release03:16
bogeyd6wait sorry im dumb03:17
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sekyourboxI need help with wpa_supplicant. When i run the command its says the following drivers are installed: wext, nl80211, amtel, wired... I need to enable madwifi drivers, and i believe they are already installed by default on 910..Network says im using auth5. Any help please05:01
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twbsekyourbox: that doesn't sound like a server issue.05:10
sekyourboxI need to do this for my server05:11
sekyourboxI cant set up a server with network manager05:11
MTecknologysekyourbox: hm?05:20
MTecknologysekyourbox: vim /etc/networking/interfaces05:21
sekyourboxI know how to set it up, i just need to know how to get wpa_supplicant to recognise the driver.05:22
twbsekyourbox: you generally want the generic wext driver these days.05:22
MTecknologyyou just need to have the driver loaded, the rest should be magic05:22
sekyourboxWext isn't working for me05:24
sekyourboxit connects but wont grab a DHCP address05:24
sekyourboxI dont want to set up a static address05:24
sekyourboxAND i want to use madwifi05:24
MTecknologywhy don't yyou want a static ip for a server?05:25
sekyourboxbecause the wpa part of the setup has nothing to do with my server. I need to setup a PXE server for a seperate subnet in my lan05:26
sekyourboxso its actually a workstation/server05:27
sekyourboxI will also eventually be setting other things that need network manager to be disabled05:27
sekyourboxlooks like I need to re-compile wpa_supplicant05:39
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Carbon_Monoxidehi! i have an Ubuntu Server 9.04 with Error 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure during boot up06:24
Carbon_MonoxideI've used a LiveCD to fsck the ext2 /boot partition06:25
Carbon_Monoxideand it is marked as clean06:25
Carbon_Monoxidewhat else do i need to do?06:26
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sherrCarbon_Monoxide: A google brings up some hits - looks like a serious issue and not solved by many ... filesystem issue/corruption07:37
sherrOne person backed up the kernel and made a copy of it for boot :07:38
sherrMaybe you will get lucky. Good luck.07:38
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ricdanger1hi there14:08
ricdanger1I'm testing ubuntu 10.04 and find something really annoying14:08
ricdanger1no verbose output on boot14:08
ricdanger1is there a way to fix this?14:08
twbRemove "quiet" from the kernel boot parameters.14:12
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twbDepending on what you mean by "verbose".14:12
twbI think there's further output if you add "debug" or someting.14:13
ricdanger1kernel messages show fine14:13
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twbricdanger1: did you install from the server CD?14:13
ricdanger1but everything from init-bottom is just black14:13
ricdanger1both minimal and regular14:13
ricdanger1btw, regular installs plymouth.14:13
twbOh, it's THAT14:13
twbHit Ctrl+Alt+F114:13
ricdanger1so there is a splash, but still no boot messages14:13
twbThere's a vt switching issue.14:14
ricdanger1Ctrl+Alt+F1 shows the caret scrolling vertically but not a single output from init scripts14:14
ricdanger1it's like the messages are being printed black in black14:14
twbOK, at this point I'm just going to say that I don't know.14:14
ricdanger1this is really annoying14:15
twbI can probably fix it from first principles, but I don't have hardware that can run plymouth to test a 10.04 image against.14:15
ricdanger1hope it gets fixed14:15
ricdanger1do you know where can I fill a bug for thgis?14:15
ricdanger1twbn: without plymouth (virtual or minimal install), you only get a black space without any output14:15
ricdanger1so, the problem is there14:15
twbThe usual ubuntu bug reporting procedures should apply14:16
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/14:16
ricdanger1but what package should this be related?14:16
ricdanger1I filled on upstart14:16
twbricdanger1: best guess, and they'll reassign it if you're wrong14:16
twbupstart or plymouth are reasonable guesses IMO14:16
ricdanger1here is the boot result14:18
ricdanger1the more services I add, the more scrolled down the prompt is14:19
twbHmm, what provides the LSB script library14:19
twbricdanger1: do you have lsb-base installed?  Check its bug list.14:19
ricdanger1they have here something about foreground color14:20
ricdanger1fixed on 0.6.5-5 (the one I'm running)14:20
ricdanger1maybe this is why the text is black now14:20
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jmazaredocan you forward to
jmazaredoso that if request webpage on will go to
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RoyK^jmazaredo: there are several ways to do that :)17:37
jmazaredoi need!\17:39
RoyK^iptables can help you, but a simple redirect is easier17:40
jmazaredothats my problem17:40
RoyK^<?php header("Location: http://newbox"); ?>17:40
jmazaredoposted in the thread17:40
jmazaredoiptables perhaps17:40
jmazaredoiptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
jmazaredoiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -i wlan0 -j ACCEPT17:41
jmazaredothe problem is the other box is in virtualbox17:41
RoyK^why would that be a problem?17:41
RoyK^if using NAT in vbox, you'll need their own port forward17:42
jmazaredothe adapter is bridged17:42
jmazaredoso they are on same network17:42
RoyK^sorry. fell out17:45
jmazaredoin the internet i only see forwarding external to internal17:47
RoyK^there isn't really a big difference17:47
RoyK^just two sides17:47
jmazaredoso this command what will this do? iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
jmazaredoall request from that pc will go to
jmazaredoiptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -i wlan0 -j ACCEPT17:49
RoyK^that is, it'll forward the request17:49
jmazaredothat one?17:49
RoyK^that one will accept routing in the FORWARD chain if that is already blocked by policy17:50
RoyK^if the policy is ACCEPT, it won't do much17:50
jmazaredook will try to sabotage my pc now :)17:50
jmazaredoi will run the command17:50
RoyK^you'll have to make sure ip forwarding is enabled in the kernel, though17:50
RoyK^well, no, I don't think you will need that17:50
jmazaredothink all kernels can forward17:51
RoyK^they _can_17:51
jmazaredousing 8.04 desktop17:51
RoyK^I can jump out of the window, but that doesn't make it likely for me to want to17:51
RoyK^see sysctl -a | grep forward17:52
RoyK^there's a setting in kernel wheather or not to do ip forwarding17:52
jmazaredoits all = 0?17:53
RoyK^then kernel won't forward packages17:53
jmazaredowhy is that17:53
RoyK^well, just set it to 117:53
RoyK^you don't necessarily want your box to work as a router17:54
jmazaredofirestarter makes your box like a router right?17:55
RoyK^just enable ipv4 routing17:56
RoyK^in sysctl.conf17:56
jmazaredogot it17:56
RoyK^it's the kernel doing the routing after all17:56
RoyK^not some fancy userspace software17:56
jmazaredowill restart the network dont jump on the window ok17:57
RoyK^jmazaredo: there's no need to restart anything to make those changes work17:58
RoyK^just sysctl -p17:58
jmazaredostill aint workin18:01
jmazaredowill try again18:02
RoyK^jmazaredo: there's no need to restart anything to make those changes work18:02
RoyK^just sysctl -p18:02
RoyK^telnet to ip:port to see what's happening18:02
jmazaredowill try to flush18:05
RoyK^flush what?18:05
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jmazaredostill not working18:21
ChrisRutso there is the 'time' command which will output the time taken to run a process (i.e. time ls), is there a command I can run that will tell me the cpu usage (min,max,average) during a process (for that given process) ?18:35
ChrisRutfor benchmarkign18:38
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pwnguinChrisRut: not as easy as time, but bootchart can probably be hacked to do what you want18:59
pwnguinhowever, min, max and average by themselves are meaningless19:00
pwnguinthe min will be 0 and max will be 10019:00
pwnguinaverage will just be user time / wall clock time19:05
ChrisRutright about min & max... but time's man says it can output cpu utilization(http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?time) using 'P' ?19:05
pwnguin  P      Percentage  of  the  CPU that this job got.  This is just19:06
pwnguin                     user + system times divided by the total running time. It19:06
pwnguin                     also prints a percentage sign.19:06
pwnguinall this really tells you is whether the bottleneck is CPU or not19:06
ChrisRutgotcha, Thanks pwnguin19:07
pwnguini think the manpage for time and the binary don't match19:09
pwnguinUsers of the bash shell need to use an explicit path in order to run the external time command and not the shell builtin variant.\19:10
chocamoI am installing server edition  10.04 beta and I can get a dhcp address during the install, but after installation and reboot I cannot get an IP on either my wired or by hooking up a wireless device19:17
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MTecknologyHow can I reset all permissions on a home directory to their default settings?19:37
sherrMTecknology: if you know the perms you want, you can use find/exec/chmod to change all file (f) perms, and dir (d) perms etc.19:41
MTecknologysherr: what should I use for files/dirs with chmod?19:42
sherrSomething like : find . -type f -exec chmod 755 {} \;19:51
sherrman find (and test/take care)19:51
MTecknology755/744 sound good enough?19:52
sherroops - that example if for "d"19:52
sherrf -> 64419:52
sherrd -> 755 (maybe)19:52
MTecknologyok, thanks19:52
sherrDon;t know defaults19:52
MTecknologyi don't either, 755/644 sounds great19:53
MTecknologyalrighty - time to get cleaned up19:53
guntbertMTecknology: if you don't want anybody your files you might want to use rather 750 or 640 ..19:55
MTecknologyguntbert: sherr: thanks19:57
guntbertMTecknology: you're good if you figured out my sentence ... :-)20:00
MTecknologyguntbert: made perfect sense20:17
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ruben23hi how do i remove startscript of an application on my ubunt-server20:30
mealstromman update-rc.d20:34
mealstromthere is a remove section20:34
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ruben23hi guys modprobe load an application right..? how about to remove..?21:39
guntbertruben23: it loads a module, you can unload it with sudo modprobe -r <modulename>21:42
ruben23FATAL: Module dahdi is in use.21:42
ruben23guntbert: thats the message21:42
PcCowboy2005hello. can you answer a most likey stupid/easy question for me?21:43
guntbertruben23: of course - a module that is currently used cannot be unloaded - try to see what it is with lsmod | grep dahdi21:43
guntbertPcCowboy2005: not if we don't hear it :-)21:43
PcCowboy2005how would you set up a subdomain? (eg. forum.mysite.me goes to root/forum)21:44
guntbertPcCowboy2005: here I have to pass ... sorry21:44
ruben23 guntbert: its empty21:45
guntbertruben23: please !pastebin the output of lsmod21:46
guntbert!pastebin | ruben2321:46
ubotturuben23: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:46
PcCowboy2005oh...ok lol maybe not so easy.  i know on a normal web host i just make a pointer.  but i'm thinking for running my own server from home and was wondering how to do it.21:46
guntbertruben23: strange - and you are certain that the modules name is dahdi ?21:49
rohanroyHey all, I've setup a VPN on a remote server using PPTP and CHAP Authentication on an Ubuntu 8.04 Server. Here in California, I can connect to my VPN on my mac, and Windows XP machines. I'm trying to setup a virtual machine on my home server running Ubuntu 9.10 via VirtualBox, VM is running: Ubuntu 8.04 JeOS. I would like this virtual machine to have a persistent connection to the PPTP VPN. I've managed to set it up so it successfully joi21:51
rohanroyVPN, I can ping and traceroute properly to the VPN server and other clients on the remote LAN. However, I would like to have it so that ALL TRAFFIC is routed through the VPN tunnel. I'm following the information here: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/routing.phtml#automatic-setup However, I'm having difficulty getting it to work. Is there anyone here who can provide any help?21:51
ruben23 guntbert: thanks i thnk i have unloaded the dahdi startup script.21:53
guntbertruben23: you're welcome :-)21:53
rohanroyAnyone know anything about routing all trafic through a VPN tunnell?22:00
rohanroyEverything I've found online describes how to do it with a gui, but I have no gui...22:00
darkpixelAnyone know what's up with nz.archive.ubuntu.com?  I'm getting 'no route to host' on about 5 boxes I manage, and timeouts on another 4.  They are spread out across multiple hosting providers and small business connections (Comcast, Qwest, Sprint/Embarq, etc...) around Washington and Oregon state.22:05
darkpixel(This has been going on all day)22:05
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RoAkSoAxkirkland`, ping23:27
=== Guest66070 is now known as samferry
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rohanroyHey all, I've setup a VPN on a remote server using PPTP and CHAP Authentication on an Ubuntu 8.04 Server. Here in California, I can connect to my VPN on my mac, and Windows XP machines. I'm trying to setup a virtual machine on my home server running Ubuntu 9.10 via VirtualBox, VM is running: Ubuntu 8.04 JeOS. I would like this virtual machine to have a persistent connection to the PPTP VPN. I've managed to set it up so it successfully joi23:44
rohanroyVPN, I can ping and traceroute properly to the VPN server and other clients on the remote LAN. However, I would like to have it so that ALL TRAFFIC is routed through the VPN tunnel. I'm following the information here: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/routing.phtml#automatic-setup However, I'm having difficulty getting it to work. Is there anyone here who can provide any help?23:44

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