
Sarvattwow, really didn't notice how much louder this laptop was being with 195.36.08 until I just upgraded to .15 and its been silent for a few hours00:24
CosmiChaosxD oops00:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 541749 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "PCIExpress 1.0 16x Port (nforce 630i) and 16x-Card 8600 GTS only synced at bus-type 4x" [Low,Incomplete]00:43
CosmiChaoscan somebody help me on that00:43
SarvattI'm sorry, I can only help so fast :)00:45
Sarvatthave been going over your logs and looking through the kernel source to see if your machine is quirked for 4x for some reason00:46
Sarvatt(i'm the one that asked for the logs)00:46
Sarvattannoying how xfx makes you register to view manuals or bios update info00:48
Sarvattits not like you'll *ever* notice any difference between 4x and 16x though, it just got me curious00:50
Sarvattthe onboard most certainly does not use 1x though, just noticed your comment00:52
Sarvatterr someone else's comment..00:52
CosmiChaoshow ever 18lanes seems a bit low espeacially if nic/igp/hdaudio/ide-busmaster seem to chunk some00:58
CosmiChaosim notis there a way to find out what is exactly leeching pci lanes00:59
CosmiChaosLooks like XFX cheated on my if they claimed this board has all the features + a true 16x pci express 1.0a port01:01
CosmiChaoswhat do you want from registered zone, manuals, driver, bios? product specs is public...01:03
CosmiChaosi see no info how many lanes the controller has01:04
CosmiChaosmay it be an issue that the fanspeed is by default 53%?01:09
Sarvattok just tried out the beta 1 livecd and I gotta say it looks slick :) the themes actually look better with different fonts, mine are kind of screwed up. I dont see how nvidia can be made less ugly booting because the blob ddx actually completely powers down the display and turns it back on before X starts..01:53
Sarvattits a shame because nouveau makes it look so pretty01:53
Sarvattit actually looks better booting off the livecd than installed, plymouth loads right away01:54
Sarvattinstead of 90% of the boot process being in vgacon..01:55
bjsniderSarvatt, but if lucid boots in only a few seconds who cares if the boot screen is pretty02:00
bjsnideri'll trade that for a working, full-featured graphics driver any day02:00
Sarvattanyone around that can fix up fglrx-installer? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/494699/comments/1502:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 494699 in fglrx-installer "Does not support current Lucid kernel (2.6.32) or xserver (1.7)" [Critical,Fix released]02:09
Sarvatthmm i see it in the 32 bit 0ubuntu1 package at least - -rw-r--r-- root/root        15 2010-03-19 20:34 ./usr/lib/fglrx/ld.so.conf02:21
Sarvattmissing from amd6402:22
RAOFYou know what's good?  Triple brie.07:24
tjaaltonwow, suddenly we are below 2900 bugs09:08
Duke`how many before?09:09
Duke`for video drivers only?09:14
tjaaltonno, all the packages x-swat is a bug contact of09:37
=== Sinnerman is now known as Cobalt
shadeslayerhi anyone here using a synaptic touchpad?15:49
shadeslayerthis is a pretty nasty xorg-synaptics issue15:49
tjaaltonfile a bug15:50
shadeslayertjaalton: did that15:50
shadeslayertjaalton: as more and more users are upgrading their touchpads have been rendered useless or worse keep jumping around15:50
tjaaltonthe driver didn't change15:51
shadeslayertjaalton: and idk whether this is a issue with hal or xorg,since with the nouveau driver i had loads of problems,and with the nvidia driver the touchpad works a tad bit better15:51
shadeslayertjaalton: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/54186815:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 541868 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Synaptic touchpad has soft lockups in lucid" [Undecided,New]15:52
shadeslayertjaalton: hdpb has the same issue only a bit worse...15:52
shadeslayerhdpb: oh and please comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/541868 if you havent already..15:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 541868 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Synaptic touchpad has soft lockups in lucid" [Undecided,New]15:53
hdpbi have no response at all.  I have tried changing settings in System>Prefs>Mouse>trackpad and get no response15:54
shadeslayerhmmm weird thing... my touchpad comes up as Alps with xinput list15:54
hdpbshadeslayer: did last night15:55
hdpbmine shows as synaptics in xinput...15:55
tjaalton"same issue"...15:55
tjaaltonit's not the same bug then15:55
tjaaltonhdpb: file a new one15:55
shadeslayertjaalton: like i said its worse on his15:55
shadeslayertjaalton: btw is alps and synaptic the same thing?15:56
tjaaltonsame driver15:56
shadeslayerhmm ok15:56
tjaaltonhdpb: you said it worked before beta?15:56
shadeslayertjaalton: oh and double tap seems to be disabled...15:57
hdpbtjaalton: yes.  the last update i did was on 3/16 or 17.15:57
tjaaltonhdpb: well the driver hasn't changed in a long time15:57
tjaaltonso it's something else then15:57
shadeslayertjaalton: hal?15:58
tjaaltonhal isn't used15:58
shadeslayertjaalton: hmmm15:58
shadeslayertjaalton: it certainly isnt KDE/gnome since hdpb is on gnome and im on kde and both of us have the issue15:59
tjaaltonit's. not. the. same. issue15:59
tjaaltonhdpb's device isn't working at all15:59
shadeslayerok sorry16:00
hdpbi'd update and see if it works since i've only tried live-usb, but i don't want to be stuck with no touchpad...16:00
hdpbconfuses me more that it is essentially a fresh install running live-usb, so it shouldn't be a conflict w something I installed, right?16:00
tjaaltonno idea16:00
shadeslayerhdpb: try this,zsync to the latest iso and burn it to the usb16:01
tjaaltonbeta is new enough16:01
tjaaltondailies don't necessarily work16:01
tjaaltonhdpb: file a bug from the live environment16:02
tjaaltonit should collect all the logs16:02
hdpbi'm fairly noob, can you walk me thru it?16:02
tjaaltonrun 'ubuntu-bug xorg' on a terminal16:03
shadeslayerhdpb: oh just do ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-input-synaptics16:03
tjaaltonsimple as that16:03
tjaaltonor that16:03
hdpbok.  told shadeslayer on U+1 i'm fairly new, but learn by doing, so i jumped in16:04
hdpbwill need to jump off to do it... for obvious reasons, i'm not in it now16:05
hdpbsee you soon!  thanks for the help!16:07
hdpbtjaalton: usb isn't leaving me enough space to do the bug report automatically...16:39
tjaaltonhdpb: too bad16:44
hdpbis it possible to change the location apport saves it to so i can send it from the hd, not usb? in apport-cli?16:46
tjaaltonactually yes, --save16:47
=== shadeslayer is now known as Guest56644
CosmiChaoshello does anyone has anmore ideas or thoughts upon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/54174917:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 541749 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "PCIExpress 1.0 16x Port (nforce 630i) and 16x-Card 8600 GTS only synced at bus-type 4x" [Low,Incomplete]17:43
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe

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