
Aaal3Hello, I have a Ubuntu 9.10 computer connected to my network via a usb wireless card (wlan1), i would like to hook another ubuntu 9.10 desktop via ethernet to desktop 1, and recieve internet through it, since i do not have a wireless adapter for desktop 2.00:00
dsnydersCress, it may be that they're not answering right now.  That's what I want you to check.00:00
erUSUL!ics | Aaal300:01
ubottuAaal3: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php00:01
CressI'm almost positive I could get that issue fixed though, If I could get linux to detect my modem again, anyway to tell what ttyS* I should point wvdial to?00:01
Aaal3thanks erUSUL00:01
Random832Cress, what ttyS* do you have?00:01
Michel75bjr de paris00:02
Random832(or ttyAnythingelse)00:02
CressIt's set at ttySL0 at the moment00:02
dsnydersCress, get a copy of minicom.  It is a terminal emulation program.  You can easily check with that.00:02
mrwizeguy1983i have a mic problem after fixing sound on my vpcf115fm vaio, there's a thread here -- http://code.google.com/p/vaio-f11-linux/issues/detail?id=9#c1 but it doesn't have a fix for the mic, and mentions it.  can someone help?00:02
Cressis it a package dsynders/00:02
Cressnvm stupid question00:02
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dsnydersCress, It's been a while, I think so.  Another way might be to echo ATDT>/dev/TTYSx and see if you hear the modem pick up.00:03
Cresswell, I'm not sure why but when my modem dials ( on windows) it doesn't make any noise whatsoever00:04
dsnydersCress, there are AT codes for that.  (ATM0, if memory serves).00:04
mrwizeguy1983Cress, that one's easy, it's a setting on windows whether or not to let you hear the sounds it makes00:05
Cressno mrwizeguy, It's my speaker00:05
CressWhich is turned up half way00:05
Cressin modemsettings > speaker volume00:05
mrwizeguy1983well, in win, since i think 95 or 98, it had the setting00:05
CressI'm on XP, Actually looking at the option now00:06
CressThere's 4 notches, It's on the second00:06
Cresshey, dsynders, Would the port of the modem be of any use00:07
mrwizeguy1983if i recall, sometimes it plays from the actual card (built in basic speaker) and sometimes from your computer speakers00:07
dsnydersCress, you're in XP now?  Does it indicate which serial port it is?00:07
CressAll it says is Port: COM300:07
dsnydersCress, either great minds thinking alike, or fools seldom differing :-)00:08
dsnydersCress, COM3 is the equivalent to /dev/TTYS200:08
Cressokay, I didn't know that00:08
CressCan I change it to ttySL0?00:09
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, do you know what it takes to get someone's attention in #pulseaudio or #alsa ?00:09
Cresswhen I used sl-modem-daemon, It uh points /dev/modem to /dev/ttySL000:09
erUSULmrwizeguy1983: patience ?00:09
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, Unfortunately, no.  Have you offered beer?00:09
mrwizeguy1983lol good thought dsnyders00:10
Cressmrwizeguy1983 rename yourself00:10
Cressbigtits or something00:10
damianoci sono...00:10
Cressthen ask for help00:10
mrwizeguy1983lol isn't that the equivalent of cross dressing?00:10
rwwCress: comments like that aren't appropriate for this channel.00:10
mrwizeguy1983i don't quite think i can do that00:10
CressI don't use IRC much, My bad.00:10
mrwizeguy1983rww, it was funny and not offensive00:10
mrwizeguy1983though i am nearly to that point Cress, if nobody responds in half an hour what can you do00:11
mrwizeguy1983nothing i suppose00:11
CressJust ask for help, and go afk00:11
Cressdsnyders: Is it possible to change my modems port to ttySL0?00:12
dsnydersCress, If it were a standard modem, it might work.  However, I get the feeling that the winmodem is going to dance around from port to port on you.  You may have better luck with google and pizza on this one.00:12
dangermani have a problem with my ubuntu9.10, the screen blanks out and caps lock lit and blinks00:12
Cressaw crap00:12
CressI'm no good with google..00:12
mrwizeguy1983no good with google? lol00:13
CressYeah, Like00:13
CressI can't google to save my life00:13
mrwizeguy1983just leave out the common words.  like  type in win modem ubuntu00:13
CressI've always typed out long ass sentences00:13
mrwizeguy1983yeah, google search never works that way00:14
dsnydersCress, It might help if you include the actual modem name as well.00:14
mrwizeguy1983just type the unique words of what you're looking for Cress00:14
halhow do I access sensors-applet?  Has anyone used it?00:14
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know if there  python 2.6.5 update?00:14
mrwizeguy1983and what dsnyders said is very useful to, else you look through pages and pages00:14
* niwo says a ubuntic hello00:14
Random832oh he's gone00:14
dsnydersCress, just for giggles, what modem do you have?00:15
Cressmotorola sm56 fax00:15
Random832a blinking LED usually indicates a hardware problem, if anyone else cares00:15
niwoanyone from europe-germany in here?00:15
Cresswhen I do lspci it gives me 01:06.0 Modem: Motorola SM56 Data Fax Modem (rev 04)00:15
dsnydersCress, three seconds of googling: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46033100:15
penguinvI'm a master of googling, cress may I help you?00:15
* penguinv recalls the blinking LED's on computers long long ago. (the kind of computers that got their own room and an operator.)00:16
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, are you any good with sound? i have an odd problem but i have found a thread on it, though it doesn't resolve the problem i have remaining it does mention the problem00:16
Cressdsynders: That's telling you how to build drivers, which I've done00:16
Cresspenguinv: um, I'm trying to move my modem port to ttySL000:17
dsnydersCress, well, it was just the first hit.00:17
penguinvcress, that's what you want to do. What do you want to look up?  (take it slow with me)00:17
CressI found one too, reading through it but it looks like it's got nothing to do with me00:17
Aaal3What is the command-line equivelent of edit connections->eth0->edit->ipv4 settings->share with other computers?00:17
PurpleyIs there a good program for testing proxies for anonymity?00:18
penguinvcress, for a "I want to do this specific" I like to use http://www.ubuntuforums.com  "It's the community."00:18
CressPenguinv, You sound just like me haha.. I don't know what it is I wanna look up, I just know that sl-modem-daemon points modem to ttySL0.. which my modems in ttyS200:18
Typos_KingAaal3:    vi, vim.... depends... you mean a console session editor?00:19
Typos_Kinga GUI or... what?00:19
Aaal3no Typos_King i mean connection sharing00:19
CosmiChaoshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/541749 More Data00:19
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, sorry, my sound-fu is pretty bad.  I had things working in 8.10, then I upgraded to 9.04 and things broke.  I'v stumbled through getting it more or less working, but some less importand programs are still having issues.00:19
penguinvcress, does this help?  http://www.ttyredirector.com/00:20
Aaal3erUSUL: what was the connection sharing link you showed me? and does it tell you how to do it from command line?00:20
penguinvcress, generalize generalize generalize. First word= LINUX next word= MODEM PORT last word = TTY   ----> then see what you get.00:20
DasEiAaal3: there is no single commad to achieve this, amongst the hints you already got can install dnsmasq, which will also do the job00:21
CressPenguinv: I'm not sure, there's no download button LOL00:21
icerootAaal3: you mean "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"00:21
erUSUL!ics > Aaal300:21
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, you know anyone who is good with sound?  maybe you could take a look at the thread?  i'm kinda lost because it mentions the issue but they didn't find a fix on that thread00:21
ubottuAaal3, please see my private message00:21
penguinvlol cress00:21
icerootAaal3: and adding eth0:1 to the other network you want to share, so you can set a gateway/router00:21
penguinvcress tell me if you liked that link plz00:21
Cressone sec buddy00:21
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, My show's about to start.  mplayer /var/tv/BreakingBad_S01E04.avi00:22
mrwizeguy1983always preferred totem to mplayer myself00:23
penguinvcress, think of it like you are looking through a file system, set of drawers, or you are inventing the Dewey Decimal System. From the BIG to the small.  What does it "gotta have"00:23
CressI think I got an idea00:23
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, I've had bad luck with totem.  It may even be one of those apps that the sound doesn't work on.00:23
CressOf what to do00:23
CressI'm gonna boot up linux00:24
CressI'll be back in 1000:24
CressIf you guys are gone, Thanks alot for helping out00:24
penguinvbut cress was that page interesting?00:24
dsnydersCress, good luck00:24
mrwizeguy1983well, ever since i got the gt 330m working i don't have any compatability problems, just the mic dsnyders, but it's the UI i like of totem00:24
CressI didn't understand it penguin00:24
Howardth1Duckis there a way i could disable pcmanfm/lxde from drawing the desktop the way i can in nautilus to get 4 different wallpapers on my rotating cube?00:24
penguinvdittos cress, all the best00:24
penguinvHe never did try the search. Maybe next time LMGTFY00:25
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983,  I have an 800MHz clunker with 300Mb of RAM.  The less clutter I have the better.00:25
mrwizeguy1983ohhh i see dsnyders.  well i'm running with 6gb ram, 1gb graphics ram, and an i7 processor.  if something slows down my laptop, it's simply designed badly00:26
penguinvMY PROBLEM: neither chrome nor firefox "gets" the javascript well enough to display the igoogle page. (Yes, javascript is there and youtube plays.) I've asked in #firefox for 2 days getting no further except to check javascript existence.)00:26
digitalfizhow can i get the dbus headers installed?00:26
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, Sweet!  I've been looking to upgrade.  What motherboard do you have?00:26
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, actually it's a laptop.  vpcf115fm.  i'm not sure what board is in it actually00:27
StopSignim on core2 duo p8400 3gigs of ddr3 1 gig nvidia 9800 gts on a gateway fx laptop00:27
* penguinv pokes along with old stuff butnot as old as dsnyders 00:27
StopSignseems to rock and roll nicely00:28
penguinvmrwizeguy1983, "there's a command for that"00:28
mrwizeguy1983StopSign, what rating does the 9800gts get on win7 anyway?00:28
penguinvok back to IRL00:28
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, Oh, laptop.  Right.  When I see i7 I picture a CPU heat sink/fan about the size of my fist.00:28
penguinvI'll look in later.00:28
mrwizeguy1983actually dsnyders, i7's run quite cool.  they're designed to run at low clock until needed, then turbo boost00:29
StopSigndont no,but i get 500 fps in quake 3 on 9.1000:29
slimCan I get help00:29
mrwizeguy1983StopSign, anything over a fx 5200 would play quake 3 on ubuntu at at least 60 fps, the card is good but that really isn't the best way to measure it00:29
StopSignthats using wine00:30
slimcan someone help me00:30
StopSignyea i know00:30
karpushi, I'm trying to install adobe air on ubuntu 9.10 x64 but it seems impossible (./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin: No such file or directory -- even though I am in the same folder as the file)00:30
StopSigngoogle it lol00:30
slimI have googled this00:30
slimSs, can you help00:30
StopSignright on00:30
StopSignim not too much of a gamer anymore00:31
slimStopSign, I have installed ubuntu on my HD, BUT it says I only have 1GB free space.00:31
slimThe partition i chose is 70GB00:31
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, Really?  I'll have to actually look at one instead of looking at the tricked out, light up, heat pipe, liquid cooled demonstrator.  Anyways, what problem are you having with the sound?00:31
mrwizeguy1983StopSign, any idea where the gt mobile cards come in? that's why i was asking, trying to figure out how they compare to the geforce 9800's etc.00:31
icerootwhat is the opposite of lifo called (last in first out), is it lilo? (last in last out)00:31
StopSignmine is a 9800m gts00:31
karpusiceroot: fifo?00:32
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, it use to only work via headphones/plugin mic00:32
icerootkarpus: first in first out sounds good00:32
dsnydersIceroot, fifo, first in first out.  Lilo is a boot manager that is popular with certain linux distros.00:32
mrwizeguy1983but now it works (after update to latest driver) on speakers and headphones fine, but the mic won't work, neither built in nore line in dsnyders00:32
StopSignbut im dual booting win7 and 9.1000:32
StopSigngraphics are better in win700:33
digitalfizanybody know how i can install the dev headers for dbus so i can compile programs that need dbus.h?00:33
mrwizeguy1983StopSign, that's one of the best 9800's if i remember, which is why i wanted to know what rating it got.  my gt 330m got a 6.5, probably yours is a bit higher00:33
evanottenI was interested in the command line that I can use to update my firefox from 2.0 to the most current version.  Can anyone send me in the right direction?  Thank you in advance for your help!00:33
marenostrumKarmic Koala here. My home directory is encrypted with eCryptfs. It lies on a seperate partition. What should I do before attempting to make a fresh install of Lucid (not Web upgrade), mounting that partion as home again and without data loss? Additional question: I guess there wont be any problem with Web upgrade without any special measure; am I right?00:33
icerootdsnyders: yes i know lilo-boot-loader, just wasnt sure about the correct name of the opposite of lifo00:34
bastid_raZordigitalfiz: you could go to packages.ubuntu.com and search for dbus.h in packages.00:35
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, sorry, nothing is coming to mind.  You do have them unmuted, right?00:35
bastid_raZor!find | digitalfiz ..this isn't that informative though.00:35
ubottudigitalfiz ..this isn't that informative though.: Search for a package or a file: !find <term/file>00:35
ubottudigitalfiz is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner00:35
bastid_raZor!find dbus.h | digitalfiz00:35
ubottudigitalfiz: File dbus.h found in audacious-dev, cairo-dock-dev, devicekit-disks-doc, devicekit-power-doc, epiphany-browser-dev (and 35 others)00:35
karpusI'm trying to install adobe air on ubuntu 9.10 x64 but it seems impossible (./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin: No such file or directory -- even though I am in the same folder as the file, through nautilus I get "The file is of an unknown type")00:35
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, yes, let me show you a link that explains, maybe you'll have an idea for me.  http://code.google.com/p/vaio-f11-linux/issues/detail?id=9#c100:35
digitalfizthanks bastid_raZor00:36
bastid_raZordigitalfiz: good luck00:37
techtronichey folks ive been messing with my virtual hosts in apache, can some one tell me if works (promise there is no "adult material" or any other weird stuff going on - im using the ip address whilst i test the migration from my current server provider to my vps - just need to update my dns if this works00:37
bastid_raZortechtronic: works here.00:37
techtronicseeing the full page?00:38
Griobanyone need any help?00:38
erUSULtechtronic: did not accept your cookies ;P but it works00:38
bastid_raZortechtronic: yes00:38
Griobmkdosfs -F 32 /dev/*** type that, itll fix your problems. :)00:38
techtronicthanks folks - i tried it on my wifes mac and it seems to hang after loading the page title00:38
mrwizeguy1983techtronic, your site seems to work quite fine00:39
mrwizeguy1983Howdy. Welcome to RootAdmin.co.uk!00:39
mrwizeguy1983that's from the site00:39
techtronicthanks for testing guys - much appreciate it!00:39
wathey guys00:39
watnew to ubuntu00:39
jaypurcan someone help me to place 2 roll images side by side???00:39
jaypurwat, welcome00:39
watgreat job, keep it up00:39
jaypurwrong channel00:39
FloodBot3jaypur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:40
techtronicwat: well a warm welcome to the community then00:40
jaypurwrong channel sorry00:40
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, I followed a few links off of the link you sent me.  If I'm reading it right, it looks like you have to patch the kernel to get the mic/line in working.00:41
Howardth1Duckis there a way i could disable pcmanfm/lxde from drawing the desktop the way i can in nautilus to get 4 different wallpapers on my rotating cube?00:41
jhirleysomething is using up harddrive space on my ubuntu machine, any ideas on what to look at ?00:41
dsnydersjhirley, use the du command to find out where the disk space is being used.00:42
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, what kernel patch do i need?  i never found that00:42
bastid_raZorjhirley: run baobab   ... it'll show you a graphical usage of your drive00:42
mikelifeguardOn the "PGP Passphrases" tab of System>Preferences>Encryption and keyrings, I'm told "A supported PGP passphrase caching agent is not running" -- how can I get one running?00:42
Random832how do i make firefox run in padsp?00:43
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, See comment #5 on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/52514900:44
ugliefroghas anyone tried gnom300:44
yates_seeking openarena patch install assistance00:44
G-FarkasHi, I've installed 9.10 amd64 and I have not sound. I installed from the minimal installer. I tried "m-a i-a alsa", everything seems to be ok but still without sound. I seems like I have no a device for sound. Help Please00:45
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, this is going to sound stupid.  how do you run a patch?00:45
techtronicmrwizeguy1983: what sort of patch00:46
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, I think a .patch file is actually a script that patches things.00:46
mrwizeguy1983techtronic, a kernel patch i believe, the one dsnyders found for me on the page link he listed00:46
yates_i am running the 8.1 version and trying to install 8.5 version patch.  I have patch downloaded...00:46
yates_but i dont know how to install the zip00:46
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, should i just chmod and sh it?00:46
=== lmnuksco is now known as sco333
mrwizeguy1983http://pastebin.com/4VgdLhmf   dsnyders that was my attempt to run it00:48
dsnydersmrwizeguy1983, I know less about patching kernels than I do about sound.  I think so, but hey!  Huge grain of salt here.  You could seriously damage things.00:48
ipatrolIs there support for the Belkin USB F6D4050? It's not in the wifi docs00:48
yates_bump - openarena version 8.5 patch install00:48
=== ben is now known as benlu
evanottenI was interested in the command line that I can use to update my firefox from 2.0 to the most current version.  Can anyone send me in the right direction?  Thank you in advance for your help!00:49
sobczykhi anyone have experience with broadcom 4353 wireless card (dell 1520N)? I don't see any wireless networks, iwlist scan tells me the interface does not support scanning00:49
ChogyDanevanotten: are you on hardy?00:50
G-Farkasevanotten, more data pls00:50
yates_bump - how to install a downloaded patch for openarena (version 8.5 patch)00:50
ChogyDanyates_: what patch?00:50
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.00:50
CressYeah, I got it directed to my modem00:50
dsnydersCress!  What's the news?00:51
CressProblem is the dialing times out almost instantly00:51
CressSo, I know it'll work I just gotta find out how to turn that off..00:51
yates_this link http://openarena.ws/download.php?list.6000:51
mrwizeguy1983dsnyders, i found http://code.google.com/p/vaio-f11-linux/wiki/EnableMicrophone that says to patch the kernel and explains why it's necessary....but it doesn't say how to patch.... and it says something about rebuilding....00:53
ipatrolHello? Can anyone recommend a good wireless-n adapter for 9.10?00:54
yates_ChodyDan: That explain it?00:54
kraftyipatrol one with an intel based chip set is a good rule of thumb00:54
G-Farkashello benlu00:54
ipatrolkrafty: Can you give me some examples?00:55
benluI can not normally use SCIM in here.00:55
Blindsitehello, does anyone know how to restore accidently deleted panels00:55
ChogyDanyates_: I think so, you didn't find any directions with it?00:55
ipatrolI need a USB wireless stick that works with ease because every time I try to install the drivers, nothing happens00:56
yates_nope. just to place the patch in the installation folder.00:56
besduring the live cd boot load of ubuntu 10.4 i get this error: GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)00:56
bastid_raZor!panels | Blindsite00:56
ubottuBlindsite: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:56
mernilioWhat the hell im banned for in the off-topic channel?00:56
merniliofucking ass whipes00:56
bastid_raZormernilio: youcould ask in #ubuntu-ops00:56
yates_I wasnt sure what the install folder was as i install via "ubuntu software manager"00:56
ipatrol!conduct | mernilio00:56
ubottumernilio: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .00:56
Seeker`mernilio: not appropriate for this channel00:57
mrwizeguy1983does anyone know how to patch a kernel?00:57
benluG-Farkas: how to use SCIM IM here?00:57
ipatrol!language | mernilio00:57
ubottumernilio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:57
ChogyDanmrwizeguy1983: what patch00:57
sobczykanyone have experience with broadcom 4353 wireless card (dell 1520N)? I don't see any wireless networks, iwlist scan tells me the interface does not support scanning00:57
merniliohaha.. the ubuntu conduct of rule haha.. why not call it communism!00:57
G-FarkasBenlu, I dont know00:58
ipatrolwhy did my ralink drivers fail to work in the WUSB600N?00:58
mrwizeguy1983a patch for an internal mic on alc27500:58
beshow can i get the beta to work?00:58
mrwizeguy1983ChogyDan, do you know how to apply it?00:58
ChogyDanmrwizeguy1983: I would have to see the patch.  Usually it is patch -p1 < the_patch.diff00:59
G-Farkasbenlu, just ask, if someone know the answer someone will reply00:59
Vroomfondlebes: ubuntu beta? Ask in #ubuntu+100:59
=== ShadeS_ is now known as ShadeS
=== Dave2 is now known as Guest75913
mrwizeguy1983ChogyDan, do you have to compile a kernel and apply the patch to one of the files or can you apply it to the kernel that's already compiled? i never did this beffore00:59
BlindsiteI've got my panels back, thanks.  :)01:00
ChogyDanmrwizeguy1983: Im not totally sure.  If it is just one of the modules, then just that module01:00
benluThere is an enhancement.01:00
mrwizeguy1983ChogyDan, i have the link, i'll send it maybe you can tell.  thanks for looking at it  -- http://code.google.com/p/vaio-f11-linux/wiki/EnableMicrophone01:01
CressWhen I do wvdial it gives me a list of stuff like --> Timed out while dialing.  Trying again. --> Initializing modem.--> Modem initialized.  --> Sending: ATDP*70,1902885273801:02
jhirleyhow do I shutdown nullmailer ? I have like 30 gigs of logs from null mailer ?01:02
CressWhy does it time out? Any ideas?01:02
=== Guest75913 is now known as Dave2
ChogyDan!kernel | mrwizeguy198301:04
ubottumrwizeguy1983: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages01:04
ChogyDanmrwizeguy1983: You should follow those directions, but before you compile, apply the patch as directed01:05
roxdragon2&j ubuntu/it/chat01:05
roxdragon2j ubuntu/it/chat01:05
bastid_raZorroxdragon2: /j #ubuntu-it-chat   ..think that is the right channel name01:05
mrwizeguy1983ChogyDan, what should i apply the patch to? which file?01:05
PurpleyIs there a good program for testing proxies for anonymity?01:06
ChogyDanmrwizeguy1983: the kernel root directory, just run the patch command as directed when you are in the kernel directory01:06
Tapoutis there a key combo that brings up the "applications"01:06
yates_how to install openarena 0.8.5 patch to update exisint openarena 0.8.101:07
Aaal3Tapout: ctrl+esc (im using xubuntu 9.10, should work for ubuntu also, if not, you can make your own shortcut)01:07
mrwizeguy1983ChogyDan, it says "You merely need to compile a special driver. For this, you only need to install the linux-headers packages. "01:08
mrwizeguy1983would that apply to me ChogyDan ?01:08
Tapoutctl+esc doesn't pull it up for me01:08
JRoweI have an ancient pentium 3 computer that doesnt have a USB drive. Can I install ubuntu from inside windows?01:08
ChogyDanmrwizeguy1983: possibly.  I really don't know.  I've compiled the whole kernel before, but I haven't done just a driver01:09
mrwizeguy1983neither have i.  compiled a few kernels, but always from a walkthrough ChogyDan01:09
ChogyDanJRowe: unetbootin might do it01:10
yates_bump - how to install openarena 0.8.5 patch to update exisint openarena 0.8.101:10
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=== _Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
jmspeexCan someone help me understand why my cron.daily doesn't start at the time that's specified in my /etc/crontab?01:13
karpusI'm trying to install adobe air on ubuntu 9.10 x64 but it seems impossible (./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin: No such file or directory -- even though I am in the same folder as the file, through nautilus I get "The file is of an unknown type")01:13
ChogyDanyates_: you should ask the openarena folks01:15
KruyKazeis ubuntu one syncing for you guys?01:16
KruyKazeoops wrong channel01:17
CressHey Ten-Eight :)01:17
timClickswho is responsible for system > help & support01:17
Ten-Eighthi there!01:17
CressGo on msn :(01:17
timClicksand is it possible to change the look/feel of the gnome help application01:18
psylinxis there anyway to add sorting options to files?01:24
xiongWhat do you call it when the screen goes black after inactivity? I'm having trouble googling for the topic.01:26
Tapoutwhere do you change the region of your install?  mine is setup for USA, and I want canada01:27
DaveLuwhen using the history command in terminal, followed by say"10", I get a list of the last 10 commands entered01:28
Random832Tapout, what exactly is affected by the settings you want to change?01:29
DaveLuall of these commands are numbered01:29
shazbotmcnastyDave123, yes01:29
shazbotmcnastydo you have a question?01:30
DaveLuhow do I easily reenter say command number 49101:30
samcDaveLu: !49101:30
shazbotmcnastyhighlight it, copy it, paste it01:30
samcin bash, at least01:30
shazbotmcnastyI never knew about that.01:30
DaveLuyes, in bash01:30
shazbotmcnastyI always just copied it n' stuff01:31
Random832Tapout, you can change the language  from "Language Support" in settings, you can change the timezone [for daylight savings settings] by setting up your location in the thing that pulls down when you click on the clock01:31
samcyeah, exclamation mark + history number will re-execute something from the history01:31
samcyou can also do other funky stuff with ! to repeat commands01:31
samccan be dangerous though, especially if you've got some big rm in your history :p01:31
Random832samc, don't forget ^01:31
DaveLuok, like what01:31
chasedawgis there a program better than putty for ubuntu?01:31
Random832chasedawg, just run ssh within a gnome-terminal01:31
samcDaveLu: let's say you do .. for instance .. 'whois google.com'01:32
Random832Tapout, what other region settings do you want01:32
samcyou can repeat that command by running '!whois'01:32
samcand it'll repeat the most recent command that matches that string01:32
Random832and if you feel like playing russian roulette you can type !rm01:32
samcRandom832: what's the ^ for?01:32
Random832samc, substitution01:33
TapoutRandom832, thanks... i changed it to canada and it's working now..t hx01:33
samcoh nice01:33
Random832echo hellp; ^p^o01:33
TapoutRandom832, weather plugin had a F instead of C for celcius ;)01:33
Random832Tapout, i think that's a separate setting too, under the weather thing01:33
Tapouti found it in xbmc as well01:33
BittyWittyYou guys have been helpful in here before and I am not very good with this stuff so I was wondering if you'd help me again. :|01:34
DaveLutks, <samc> that is just what I was looking for01:34
samcno problem :)01:34
BittyWittyI am trying to find all files that have a certain extension (say .jpg)01:34
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BittyWittyI did a cd / to go all the way to root, then ls -R i know traverses subfolders01:35
soreauBittyWitty: sudo updatedb && locate *.jpg01:35
BittyWittybut when I do ls -R *.jpg it doesn't work :S01:35
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soreauBittyWitty: Or, find /|grep jpg01:35
trismBittyWitty: find . -name *.jpg -print;01:35
icerootBittyWitty: you want find01:35
BittyWittylocate seemed to work, can i use that?01:36
BittyWittywhy doesn't ls work?01:36
chasedawgcan you use remote desktop viewer to windows?01:36
Random832BittyWitty, * wildcards are expanded by the shell relative to the current directory01:36
soreauBilge: Maybe you wanted 'ls -R | grep jpg'01:36
icerootchasedawg: sure01:36
Random832for the other suggestions you'd need '*.jpg' with quotes to work properly01:36
BittyWittywhat is grep?01:37
* BittyWitty blushes01:37
soreauBittyWitty: ls -R / | grep jpg01:37
chasedawgiceroot: I tried it an it didn't work01:37
icerootchasedawg: that is a bad error description01:37
icerootchasedawg: rdesktop ip-of-windows-host01:37
chasedawgiceroot: thanks01:37
jpdsBittyWitty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grep01:39
jpdsNetScr1be: Hi.01:39
catorceavoi just bought a dance pad and connected it to usb and i dont know what to do next. how do i view what my installed hardware devices are?01:40
oso3000i installed wine-doors (a gui for wine)... which installed msttfcorefonts... now my firefox fonts look horrible... i tried uninstalling the ms fonts, but looks even worse... what should i do?01:41
igoryonyaWhen i add repo dvds it only adds one entry, but when I did it on freshly installed system, it added several entries to the software sources. is it normal? does it mean that my dvds didn't get completley indexed, or is it because of some update?01:44
oso3000i installed wine-doors (a gui for wine)... which installed msttfcorefonts... now my firefox fonts look horrible... i tried uninstalling the ms fonts, but looks even worse... what should i do  ?01:44
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ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer01:46
Ganymedeto find all jpgs recursively, you may consider doing: find . -type f -iname "*.jpg"01:46
ubottuA good guide for setting up Palm devices is at http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/PalmOS-HOWTO.html#PC-CONNECT-USB01:49
BittyWittyhow can I find out what version of ubuntu is running?01:49
* BittyWitty blush01:49
ChogyDanuname -a01:49
bazhangBittyWitty, lsb_release -a in terminal01:49
dsnydersBittyWitty, uname -a01:50
dsnydersBittyWitty, oops. That's for kernel version01:50
clay_why, oh why, did someone get the clever idea to wrap grub-rescue-pc.iso in a DEB file, which if I could install, I would be already be able to fix my machine without installing the package01:50
oso3000CalmvsKhaos: thanks but that's not the problem01:50
oso3000i installed wine-doors (a gui for wine)... which installed msttfcorefonts... now my firefox fonts look horrible... i tried uninstalling the ms fonts, but looks even worse... what should i do?01:50
igoryonyais it possible to get a list of all installed programs, so that if I have to do a clean install, I remember what to reinstall?01:51
bastid_raZor!clone | igoryonya ..this may be helpful01:51
ubottuigoryonya ..this may be helpful: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:51
clay_I have an i386 rescue image, but my system is amd64. When I try to chroot and fix grub, it can't work with any of the executables.01:51
BittyWittyyou have to use the terminal to find the version?01:51
igoryonyaoso3000: maybe you will have better chance in #winehq channel01:52
CalmvsKhaososo3000, i was just confused at why you'd use wine to install ms fonts when you can do that without wine :)01:52
BittyWittyno pretty About screen?01:52
NollogThis isn't really an ubuntu problem, but I'm using xbmc over ubuntu and whenever I play a video then turn off my wiimote, the video dies a few minutes afterward. Any idea what's going on?01:52
nomadHi,I am having issues with the conduit toolbar mediaplayer playing in linux01:52
bastid_raZorBittyWitty: System > About Ubuntu01:52
nomadflash and java work so it is puzzling me01:52
clay_I can't find that iso, just bazillions of mirrors listing the contents of the deb package in ubuntu01:52
dsnydersBittyWitty, No.  You could always go to System -> About Ubuntu01:52
nomadcan someone please download my toolbar and tell me what the media player is made of (java,Flash) etc so I can narrow down the fix ?01:54
nomadthere is the toolbar but it is the same as all conduits media players,none of them work in linux01:54
oso3000CalmvsKhaos, i didn't WANT to install the core fonts... wine-doors just did it01:54
CalmvsKhaosah ok :)01:55
oso3000igoryonya: in the wine channels they say ask in firefox channels, in firefox channels they say ask in ubuntu channels, and it seems like in ubuntu channels they say ask in wine channels  :)01:55
nomadanyone know why a media player in a toolbar will not work if java and flash both appear to work ?01:55
BittyWittyThank you very much :D01:56
CalmvsKhaososo3000, I'd check the forums then :)01:56
BittyWittyI will be back if I require more help!01:56
igoryonyaoso3000: :)01:56
igoryonyaoso3000: do you have a problem with windows firefox, or linux firefox after this?01:57
oso3000i'm always talking about linux firefox, sorry for being unclear01:57
whiterhello, i'm trying to figure out my modem's ip address. in windows i would type 'ipconfig' and it would come up under the 'gateway address' but ifconfig doesn't give any of that information... how would i get that on ubuntu?01:58
wildboy211hello...can some help?01:58
igoryonyaoso3000: now you puzzled me. I always thought that those ms specific fonts for wine get installed in drive_c/windows/fonts folder.01:58
wildboy211someone help?01:58
oso3000igoryonya: yeah it's kinda strange01:59
Tobarjai just did a linode install of ubuntu. i'm trying to set the hostname. all the docs i've found point to /etc/init.d/hostname.sh but i don't seem to have that. am i missing a package?01:59
igoryonyaoso3000: ...but, since linux firefox gets screwed up because of this, they get installed to some linux folder. If they installed into wine folder, I might of been able to help, since I am a proin windows, not linux yet.02:00
bastid_raZorTobarja: the hostname should be in /etc/hostname02:00
wildboy211i had two hard drives, one had both ubuntu and windows - i removed the one that didnt have any os and now grub wont load ubuntu or windows?02:00
Tobarjabastid_raZor: yep, got that part, but then it says to do /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start....02:01
wildboy211i can only get ubuntu running from cd02:01
igoryonyaoso3000: did you try the -  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto yet?02:01
oso3000igoryonya: yep02:01
bastid_raZorTobarja: no idea then.02:02
igoryonyaoso3000: did you check your firefox config, fonts section, maybe it just some settings changed in firefox?02:02
eloichello everyone!! I'm a new on this irc02:03
igoryonyaoso3000: do other programs look normal, other then firefox?02:03
oso3000igoryonya: yes, everything else looks normal02:03
wildboy211can anyone help?02:03
wd4lkowildboy211: grub was probably on the drive you took out, put it back in02:03
oso3000igoryonya: at least it hasn't changed in a way that i can notice... but firefox is horrible02:04
wildboy211theres no way i can just install grub from cd...or change grub from cd?02:04
DexterF9.10, nv GF MX 440, CRT screen attached via BNC cable, thus no EDID. after fresh installation and installing closed src nvidia driver I can't go beyond 640x480 res02:04
oso3000wildboy211: have you checked "super grub disk" ?02:05
igoryonyaoso3000: check the preferences in firefox, maybe it's just a matter of screwed up settings.02:05
wildboy211whats that?02:05
oso3000igoryonya: already did02:05
oso3000wildboy211: a live cd specialized in fixing grub and related things02:05
Obsidian1723-2Whoever decided on coding the minimize, closed, maxiumim buttons in that order, and on the left side, should be flogged.02:05
igoryonyaoso3000: did you try backing up your firefox profile and creating a new one, just to see if it changes some things?02:06
PurpleyHey guys I was running boxee and it suddenly got really low like I have to crank up my speakers all the way to hear a whisper02:06
Purpleyis there a controller for the alsa module?02:06
Purpleywould alsamixer work?02:06
oso3000igoryonya: yes, no results02:06
wd4lkowildboy211:google for the info on how to, its to much to put here02:06
wildboy211all i got is GParted and disk utility...02:07
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IdleOne!grub2 | wildboy21102:07
ubottuwildboy211: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:07
PurpleyI got it fixed alsa was being dumb for some reason02:07
IdleOnewd4lko: telling people to google for answers is not acceptable in Ubuntu channels. if you don't know or feel like answering, please don't tell people to google :)02:08
IdleOneno problem, just an FYI02:09
letalishas anyone tried the new lts beta? is it stable enough for use yet or is it having teething issues like some of the more recent ubuntu releases have had?02:09
CalmvsKhaostelling them to 'man this-or-that' to me is worse then telling them to go google something02:09
igoryonyaoso3000: I know that this is more like a windows approach, :-& , but perhaps: sudo apt-get install firefox --reinstall02:09
IdleOneletalis: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support02:09
psusiletalis, there is no lts beta02:10
oso3000igoryonya: already tried, no results02:10
psusierr... nevermind me, I'm drunk ;)02:10
ogelamianyone know why i cannot flip down my console in quake3?, Ubuntu->Mint02:10
oso3000thanks anyway02:10
IdleOne!linuxmint | ogelami02:11
=== killown is now known as geek
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)02:11
ogelamilol, why should i get to linux mint? IdleOne02:11
IdleOneogelami: sorry I saw Mint and didn't read fully02:11
ogelamiokidoki :)02:12
IdleOnebut quake3 questions are not really ubuntu related02:12
NetScr1behow do I stop join/part/quit messages in Empathy?02:12
ogelamino, but i think the quake3 im using is made for ubuntu aint it?02:12
igoryonyaoso3000: :) seems to me you've tried everything that I am suggesting, I don't have much experience with linux yet. I can't suggest anything else, I would start searching for something like: msttfcorefonts firefox in google.02:13
jassi9cogelami : no quake3 was originally built for windows02:13
IdleOneogelami: hmm, then I don't have a clue. /me follows his own advice given to wd4lko earlier :/02:13
BoobsALotMaybe you could help me (tho it's off topic, send me to a better place guys?) I decided to get a STA drive and my computer has IDE. I already have SATA tentacles hanging from my power supply, lol.  I noticed there are converters on sale with only two plugs and some wires. They cost a lot less. Is there any reason to get the $15 or $20 ones instead of the $2 ones?02:14
no-namehi im using imagemagick and trying to batch convert .jp2 to plain .jpg can someone help?  someone suggested something earlier but i had to leave so i couldnt work on it02:14
IdleOneBoobsALot: #hardware might be a place to ask02:15
BoobsALotthanks IdleOne02:15
IdleOnesure, hope it helps02:15
PeterThow do you log out via the command line?02:16
SweetHoneyinCalihi guys, #hardware is invite only02:16
GneaSweetHoneyinCali: we're not #freenode02:16
Ten-EightPeterT: logout02:16
tvaughnhow do I access a folder thats on a windows share from ubuntu?02:16
SweetHoneyinCaliwhat's that for?02:16
SweetHoneyinCaliI can try them02:17
PeterTTen-Eight: what about switching users?02:17
igoryonyaBoobsALot: is STA, SATA?02:17
tvaughnSweetHoneyinCali: no its not.02:17
NullEntityIs there a way to downgrade 10.04 to 9.10?02:17
Random832PeterT, Ten-Eight's answer was just to log off the terminal - gnome-session-save --logout to end your gnome session02:17
bazhangNullEntity, full reinstall02:17
NetScr1betvaughan samba02:17
tvaughnNetScr1be: yes I have that02:17
Dougdoug4i thought Lucid wasn't coming out until like June02:17
NullEntity=/ okay02:17
PeterTpeter@petert:~$ gnome-session-save --logout02:17
PeterT-bash: gnome-session-save: command not found02:17
FloodBot3Dougdoug4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
Random832PeterT, are you not on gnome?02:18
IdleOne!register | SweetHoneyinCali02:18
ubottuSweetHoneyinCali: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode02:18
desnaikeBoobsAlot: U get what u pay for02:18
Random832right, but is it ubuntu kubuntu xubuntu or lubuntu?02:18
Random832oh, ssh? i thouht you meant from the command line at the screen02:18
GneaSweetHoneyinCali: and yeah, #hardware is not invite-only02:18
PeterTSSh, Random83202:18
Random832you can just close the terminal window to log out - and there's not really a "switch user"02:18
PeterTOk, thanks02:19
PeterTI was hoping to avoid that02:19
tvaughnswitch user is su :P02:19
Random832eh why?02:19
tvaughnor you can hit control D02:19
Random832ctrl-d ends the ssh and gets you back to your original shell if you are logging on from another unix system02:19
Random832or just type exit02:19
tvaughnRandom832: ^D also closes putty02:19
no-namehi im using imagemagick and trying to batch convert .jp2 to plain .jpg can someone help?  someone suggested something earlier but i had to leave so i couldnt work on it02:20
Random832tvaughn, well, yeah, the point was to _not_ close the terminal _if_ it had an underlying shell from the system he's logging in from02:20
tvaughnwell it won't do that unless you hit it twice :P02:21
ubuntubamaEnter text here...02:21
tvaughnubuntubama: thanks for the irc lesson :)02:21
sicklycan someone help me with mounting a ntfs partition? it is /dev/sdf1, but  i tried doing , "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdf1 /home/user/Desktop" and, " sudo ntfsmount /dev/sdf1 /home/user/Desktop" and it gives me this  http://pastebin.com/ef90E6d102:21
necrocowany remember how, in the `mail` command-line, h prints out the header list but how to make it go to the end instead of having to guess where it ends??02:21
tvaughnhow do you use samba to access a windows share?02:22
NetScr1betvaughan http://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently02:22
Gneatvaughn: you don't.02:22
tvaughnNetScr1be: if you used tab completion you'd spell my name correctly and it would highlight :)02:23
tvaughnGnea: then what do I use?02:23
necrocowGnea: uh, yes you do...02:23
Gneatvaughn: samba is for making unix shares accessible as windows shares02:23
Gneanecrocow: no, you don't.02:23
necrocowsamba is so used to access windows shares02:23
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:23
NetScr1besmbfs or cifs to access Windows shares02:24
igoryonyatvaughn: smb://windowscomputer/share02:24
necrocowGnea: you just proved yourself wrong...02:24
mcurranwhy not just create a server, much easier than shared folders02:24
Gneanecrocow: there's a difference between providing access, and accessing. accessing is done with a client. samba is a server, not a client.02:24
igoryonyatvaughn: smb://username:password@windowscomputer/share02:24
eloictvaughn: nautilus --browser smb://ip_address02:24
Gneanecrocow: methinks you need to read up on what's really what and how it really works.02:24
necrocowGnea: thers also such a thing as over abstracting something ffs...02:25
Gneanecrocow: pardon?02:25
Ganymedeyou totally do not use samba to access window shares, no questions asked02:25
necrocowyou know exactly what was meant by "using samba to access windows shares", I think anyone in here knew, and of the 1284 people you're the only one to nit pick about it02:25
Ganymedeyou use an in-kernel smbfs or cifs, and you use the smbfs package for the mount utilities02:26
DasEi1sickly: got an answer already ?02:26
Gneanecrocow: No, I'm sorry but I don't know. Please don't put words in my mouth.02:26
Tapouti've got 104 bad sectors on my drive, it's warning me about the drive failing.. it's a 1TB drive, does 104 bad sectors seem like a lot?02:26
mcurrandhcp3-server = httpd (much easier)02:26
stercorI can't get Rhythmbox to import folders into the library.  I've tried the intuitive stuff, then the instructions, then the command-line.  Nothing.02:27
bastid_raZorTapout: to me 1 Sector would be a lot.02:27
mcurrananyone here good with nmap02:27
GneaTapout: that's a recognized problem with 1TB drives in general. you should be able to safely map them so that they won't be accessed.02:27
GanymedeTapout, yeah, i do not have bad sectors on any of my drives according to badblocks utility02:27
sicklyDasEi1, no not yeat02:27
necrocowpointless nit-picking serves noone imho. Theres a difference between wanting to be precise and being overly so; the isue you've taken up is like saying "you don't start the car, you start the engine"02:27
Gneanecrocow: you could benefit from your own advice then.02:28
TapoutGanymede, how ?02:28
DasEi1sickly: mount is the command, not ntfsmount like in your paste, also not a good idea to mount to Desktop02:28
necrocowGnea: hows that, you made the bloody nitpick?02:28
bazhangnecrocow, lets move on02:28
necrocowGnea: do you work for Congress?02:28
DasEi1sickly: sudo mkdir /media/ntfs02:28
Gneanecrocow: welcome to /ignore02:28
necrocow'bout time02:28
Ganymedenecrocow, of course, one should understand that you want to access windows shares from linux, yet you insist that samba is used to mount those shares as a client accessing the share, which is false by all accounts02:28
DasEi1sickly: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdf1  /media/ntfs02:29
necrocowI'm sorry to make an issue out of his issue, but I hate unnecesary nit picking02:29
igoryonyaGanymede: I always used samba to access windows network shares, how else would you do that?02:29
igoryonyaGanymede: nevermind, I found your post about it02:29
Gneaigoryonya: really? how did you do it?02:29
DasEi1sickly: sudo chown -R $USER /media/ntfs02:29
necrocowGanymede: ok please show me how it can be done without Samba on the system.....02:29
igoryonyaGanymede: but smbfs is samba02:29
SweetHoneyinCaliQ. How do I Access Windows share from Linux command prompt? I would like to be able to access shared folders on Windows machines from my Linux system.02:29
SweetHoneyinCaliA. There are two ways. Use command line tool called smbclient or you can mount windows shares the mount command. Another option is use GUI tools. Please refer previous articles about access windows share from Linux:02:29
mcurranYes, just mount the windows drive or use smbclient02:29
necrocowenough with the bot spam ffs02:29
DasEi1sickly: cd /media/ntfs && ls02:29
igoryonyaGnea: do what, exactly?02:29
mcurranI've never seen the smb://etc... technique with a browser, but that seems pretty f'in cool.02:30
sicklyDasEi1, i have already tried that , i was jst giving an example of one of the many things i tried02:30
Gneaigoryonya: how you used samba to mount a windows share, specifically.02:30
Ganymedeigoryonya, when you say, "using samba" to access the share, it depends on whether you're referring to the samba server, which is provided by the samba package, or the smbfs/cifs kernel code and mount.cifs mount utility, which probably has code contributed by the samba project02:30
sicklyDasEi1,  many mount places lol02:30
TapoutGanymede, how do you move them...02:30
DasEi1sickly : where are you stuck, in just following above lines ? another pastie ?!02:30
mcurranAre we trying to gain access to an unauthorized system?  If so, just say so, and then maybe I'll help.02:31
GanymedeTapout, like how do i physically move the drives from place to place?02:31
DasEi1sickly:  mount02:31
DasEi1sickly: sudo fdisk -l02:31
Ganymedei always use mount.cifs to mount windows shares...02:31
DasEi1sickly: paste the result of that two cmd's , too02:31
TapoutGanymede, no.. when i've got 104 bad sectors.. how do i get them around or something02:31
mcurranuse ms's chkdsk02:31
mcurranotherwise reformat02:31
GanymedeTapout, oh, that i don't know...since i've never got bad sectors, but i think the solution is to use the badblocks command to generate a list of badblocks and then feed that to the utility you use to create your filesystem and then the filesystem will skip around the bad blocks02:32
igoryonyaGnea: windows share means that it's a network share, not a local drive, so I never mounted them, I just accessed them by placing an address in a file manager: smb://windowscomputer/share or smb://user:pass@windowscomputer/share02:32
sicklyDasEi1, http://pastebin.com/fWJs9gee02:32
GanymedeTapout, the hard drive manufacturer might also make available a utility that will remap bad blocks to spare blocks in a way invisible to the oS02:32
tvaughnigoryonya: I assume that address can be sym linked?02:32
igoryonyaGanymede: I am referring to some windows running computer on the lan/net02:33
mcurrangparted has a tool to attempt to fix errors, but it didn't work for me the other night, Winblows' chkdsk fixed them though (they were on ntfs partition)02:33
Gneaigoryonya: perhaps you misinterpretted how it really works, like necrocow did.  now, you could use smbclient to mount a remote windows share on a mountpoint, then reshare it with samba, but not only would you create too much overhead to system resources, but you'd have to make sure that the credentials are all in-line.02:33
mcurranYeah, just use netcat02:33
Ganymedeigoryonya, yeah, you don't use "samba" to access those, use mount.cifs to mount them, or nautilus probably has a built-in smb client02:33
DasEi1sickly: that all looks correct, where did you get stuck at the above cmds ?02:33
mcurranI agree nautilus02:33
mcurranif you need to force-mount then use ntfs-3g02:34
sicklyDasEi1, i just cant mount my external drive with all my movies on it02:34
Gneaigoryonya: well, yes, you are correct about it being a network share. the point being, is that samba *provides* access *to* that share, but samba is *not* the specific software that an end-user uses on his/her desktop in order to access said share. THAT is the point I was trying to make.02:34
tvaughnim trying to set this up for someone else..02:34
sicklyDasEi1, it just won let me02:35
mcurranyes, then use nautilus with ntfs-3g it works flawlessly.02:35
tvaughnGnea: how can I symlink a file to a windows shaer02:35
Ganymedei usually use: mount.cifs //server/share ./mount-point -o iocharset=utf8,user=Ganymede,file_mode=0600,dir_mode=070002:35
igoryonyaGanymede: so the question is not how do you connect to a windows share, but how do you mount it so it looks as a part of your file system?02:35
Ganymedeigoryonya, ^^02:35
DasEi1sickly: did you follow the above commands ?02:35
Gneaigoryonya: for instance, if you're on a laptop with windows xp and you want to connect to a linux server, you use samba on the linux server. you don't use samba on the windows xp machine. does that make sense?02:35
Ganymedetvaughn, ^^ mount it that way and then use ln -s to create a symlink02:35
mcurranntfs-3g mount -o force /dev/hda1 for example...02:36
Gneatvaughn: you could, if you enjoy utilizing lax permission schemas on your system.02:36
DasEi1(03:34:50) DasEi1:  sudo mkdir /media/ntfs02:36
DasEi1(03:35:17) DasEi1:  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdf1  /media/ntfs02:36
DasEi1(03:35:36) DasEi1:  sudo chown -R $USER /media/ntfs             , sickly02:36
tvaughnits asking for a password :\02:36
Ganymedeyay i participated in a bit of flamewar today...i see why people love doing this now02:36
igoryonyaGnea, ok, I understand now, but when I was saying samba, I didn't presume a samba software package, but an smb protocol.02:37
Ganymedetvaughn, you can either hit enter and skip the password if it's not password protected, or enter the actual password02:37
tvaughnGnea: I already have the files set to shared to everyone as the PS3 required that02:37
tvaughnGanymede: tried both neither worked02:37
igoryonyaGnea: I see your point02:37
Ganymedetvaughn, did you change the username in the options argument?02:37
tvaughnto what?02:37
Ganymedetvaughn, i don't know...whatever user you expect to mount it as02:38
tvaughnI mean is it a user on the ubuntu computer?02:38
Gneaigoryonya: ah, then that is an incorrect assumption, since samba and smb are two entirely different things. SMB is a protocol, Samba is a software package that *uses* SMB. confusing the two only causes more problems than it does solutions. hope that helps.02:38
tvaughnor a user on the windows one02:38
sicklyDasEi1, im going to try the exact comm ands, if i have a problem i will pastbin02:38
Ganymedetvaughn, it's a user on the windows machine and the associated password02:38
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DasEi1sickly: fine, go a ahead02:38
NetScr1beGnea SMB = Server Message Block?02:38
GneaNetScr1be: what?02:38
tvaughnGanymede: can I do //
GneaNetScr1be: yes.02:39
Ganymedetvaughn, the account credentials you use to access the share would typically reside on the server but in some environments, the user credentials are synchronized so it would be the same as your user and password on the ubuntu machine02:39
Ganymedetvaughn, yes, you can access the share by I address as well with mount.cifs02:39
igoryonyaGnea: I understand what you are saying, but I always presumed smb protocol, not the software package.02:39
tvaughnthere I think I fixed it02:40
Ganymedeigoryonya, smb procotol is different from "samba", samba was the name chosen for the software package and was derived from the name "SMB"02:40
igoryonyaGnea, because I always thought that smb protocol is a shorthand for samba protocol.02:40
tvaughnyup works now02:40
igoryonyatvaughn: you can do smb://
GanymedeSMB = "server message block"02:40
Gneaigoryonya: cool. well, in the future, it would be better not to confuse the two when discussing how they actually work, as it will lead users astray.02:40
tvaughnGanymede: how can I make it always do this?02:40
Ganymedetvaughn, that i don't know...maybe an /etc/fstab line02:41
Gneaigoryonya: if you're not sure about something, throw it into google and see what happens.02:41
tvaughnGanymede: and how do I unmount it02:41
DasEi1Ganymede: tvaughn : yes, can be set in fstab02:41
tvaughnand nevermind I figured it out02:41
igoryonyaGanymede: :), now I know that SMB is not short for samba, but an abbreviation.02:41
Ganymedetvaughn, umount.cifs probably...be sure to supply the full path the mount point cuz otherwise, it might stay in mtab in my experience02:41
tvaughnthanks guys for all the help02:42
GneaGanymede: I find it somewhat humerous that the previous fellow that got all pissy and left had referenced the same URL. clearly, he had not actually read it.02:42
Ganymedekids there days...02:43
Ganymedekids these days...*02:43
igoryonyaGnea, that's what I always do, when I am not sure of something, it's just, I was sure about it :), which does not make me not wrong02:43
Gneaigoryonya: lol, well as long as nobody's confused about it02:44
sicklyDasEi1, http://pastebin.com/V1RtCt1A02:45
Ganymedeman...if i had known "badblocks" was going to take 10 hours to run through... =(02:45
anzenkethIs thre a way to install mysql server without it prompting for anything.02:46
igoryonyawhat's an equivalent of chkdsk in linux, I need to check my usb flash for bad "sectors"02:46
NeoCicakhi all... i'm trying to do remote desktop to windows xp box from my ubuntu machine.. and for some reason... it is very slow..close to unusable (when scrolling down , etc i can see jigged images). I'm sure it is not connection problem, because if i run a windows vm (inside virtual box) inside the ubuntu box, then do a remote desktop to that remote windows machine, it is so much more usable.02:46
DasEi1sickly : just to be sure :  sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g ntfs-config02:46
Ganymedeigoryonya, for a filesystem check, i think that's usually fsck.vfat or something like that and for bad "blocks", there's the "badblocks" command...hit up the man pages02:47
DasEi1sickly : if ntfs-3g was already there, it seems the filesystem is broken02:47
igoryonyaGanymede: thanx02:47
DasEi1sickly : we can try to force-mount it ( maybe just not cleanly unmounted), else have to use testdisk or a win machine to check the hd02:47
xorwhyWhen I use aptoncd to create a "distro", does live mode still function?02:49
igoryonyaI couldn't find a clear explanation on web, what's the difference between soft links and hard links?02:49
sicklyDasEi1, it seems i had ntfs-3g, but didnt have the ntfs-config02:49
DasEi1sickly: that isn't needed for that mount-thingy, it's just for automounting02:50
NeoCicakhi all... i'm trying to do remote desktop to windows xp box from my ubuntu machine.. and for some reason... it is very slow..close to unusable (when scrolling down , etc i can see jigged images). I'm sure it is not connection problem, because if i run a windows vm (inside virtual box) inside the ubuntu box, then do a remote desktop to that remote windows machine, it is so much more usable.02:50
nunyaigoryonya: http://linuxgazette.net/105/pitcher.html02:51
Ganymedeigoryonya, soft links are sorta like files that say, "my content is actually in this other file" and specifies that file either relative to itself or via absolute path. a hardlink is a lower level link...it's sorta like a directory entry that says, "may data is at this location on disk" and it points to the same location as some other file entry and contributes 1 to the "link count"...not sure if that helps at all...02:51
igoryonyaNeoCicak, I've  noticed that slowness with VNC, in comparison to radmin, so I just use radmin over wine. :)02:52
igoryonyanunya: thanx02:52
igoryonyaGanymede: thanx02:52
mcurranNeoCicak - What are you using? netcat?02:52
NeoCicakigoryonya: i might as well run remote desktop inside my windows xp vm in that case >.<02:52
NeoCicakmcurran: netcat? i'm just using the one shipped with ubuntu - terminal server client.02:53
mcurranYeah, definately VNC if you want the fancy GUI02:53
nunyaigoryonya: No problem. I've been a admin over 10 years and have never used anything but a soft link02:53
xorwhyThis shouldn't be very difficult, and yet somehow it is. I want grub to create a ramdisk, then I want it to copy a liveCD image to the ramdisk, then I want it to boot it.02:53
DasEi1sickly: mount -o force -t ntfs /dev/sdf1 /media/ntfs02:53
mcurranwell there's many telnet, netcat, smbclient, etc.  VNC is the only one I know of, if you want the screen to look like a real remote desktop02:53
xorwhyThe source of the liveCD ISO would be a path on the physical hard disk.02:53
Ganymedenunya, yeah, i feel like a lot of programs are written with hard links in mind and might get confused by them...but i do use hard links to clean up duplicate files and make them use less space02:54
mcurranNeoCicak - Do you have little RAM?  That would be a good reason for VNC to be slow.02:54
Ganymedewithout* hard links in mind02:54
NeoCicakRAM?mm........... i have 2GB of RAM... also.. i'm not using VNC.. i'm using RDPv502:55
NeoCicakmcurran: i've tried VNC... and that performs worse02:55
nunyaGanymede, I dont know if I have evr actually seen on :)02:55
NetScr1beNeoCicak have you checked things like the connection settings?02:56
mcurranNeoCicak - If you're comfortable just using the terminal, then I would suggest netcat.02:56
igoryonyaGanymede: kind of difficult concept, :) I tried, but didn't see the difference between the two in your explanation, I will open the link, posted by nunya02:56
NeoCicakNetScr1be: yes... i've tried all possible settings... its just slow :(02:56
Ganymedenunya, well for one thing, all files are hard links in a sense...just with a link count of 1. i think the directories . and .. in every directory and considered hard links with higher link counts02:56
NeoCicakmcurran: i cant see how netcat will give me the windows GUI... i need to do remote ddesktop, unfortunately :(02:56
mcurransorry, typed userlist and did not see last message to me, please reask02:57
Ganymedeigoryonya, i guess my description was more OS level and never end-user oriented...a quick summary would be that symlinks can cross filesystems, hardlinks cannot, with hardlinks, you can delete either of the linked files and your data will be safe as long as one hardlink remains so they're all equal in a sense, but with softlinks, you have a destination and a link and if the destination is gone, the link is broken and unusable02:58
Ganymedeigoryonya, but yeah, do check out the reading02:58
igoryonyaNeoCiack, do one of your comps have a gigabit card and the other 100Mb, I had slowness issues, with this setup, that I couldn't figure out without changing everything to 100Mb02:59
nunyaGanymede: yeah you can actually soft link to a file on a nfs mount. Though I dont like to see that, I have seen it.02:59
NeoCicakigornyonya: i dont think thats the issue... coz if i run windows vm inside that box (inside virtual box), then do a remote desktop from the windows vm to the remote windows machine, the performance is much better03:00
EternalCatHello chaps. Brief question, if I may sound like a total newb - if I'm using Terminal in 9.10 and I want to copy something to the clipboard (for example, cowsay and the command I used before that) for use in another program such as Pidgin, how can I do so?03:02
mcurranAnyone know how to configure x-chat to allow more history, for scrolling back?  I changed Settings > Preferences > Interface > Text box > Scrollback lines, but that didn't work...03:02
AzelphurEternalCat: A) Select text with mouse pointer, right click, copy03:02
igoryonyaGanymede: OK, I got it, the hardlink is kind of like an other entry in the partition table, but symlink (softlink?) is kind of like a windows shortcut.03:02
BittyWittyOk guys I am back03:02
AzelphurEternalCat: B) Select text with mouse pointer, ctrl+shift+c03:02
NetScr1beeternalcat highlight w/ mouse, right-click, click copy03:03
Ganymedeigoryonya, yes, symlink is like a windows shortcut (.lnk) file, BUT i don't know about the hardlink/partition stuff you just said03:03
EternalCatRight-clicking in terminal just edits the selection I've made, as in, it selects a slightly different part of the text.03:03
histoIf I install tor will it always be running by default? in ubuntu 9.10?03:03
BittyWittyI need a command that will display all the files (with path) traversing subdirectories that end with an extension like *.*e03:03
histoI just want to be able to enable and disable it for firefox with the torbutton03:03
Ganymedeigoryonya, do you have any knowledge of filesystems? such as how FAT32/ext3 or anything actually stores hierarchical data on a sequential device?03:03
NeoCicakGanymede: i think he's talking about the inode03:03
BittyWittyDoes that make sense?03:04
igoryonyaNeoCiack: yes the problem did not affect the virtual box for me either (I used VirtualPC), because it also emulated a 100Mb network card, not the 1Gb03:04
EternalCatAzelphur: neither seems to be working for some reason.03:04
AzelphurEternalCat: weird03:04
BittyWittyin DOS I could do     dir /s /b *.*e03:04
GanymedeBittyWitty, find /your/subdirectory/here -type f -iname "*.someextension"03:04
NeoCicakigornyonya: hmmm .. thats interesting.... the remote windows machine has 1Gb network card, i believe03:04
nunyawhat Ganymede03:05
EternalCatAzelphur: ctrl+shift+c just produces a ^C in my terminal, which is what I'd have expected from anything which involves ctrl+c+*.03:05
Random832Ganymede, actually a .lnk file isn't really quite the right analogy - and windows has real symbolic links since like NT403:05
BittyWittyGany, thanks I'll give it a whirl :)03:05
Random832a .lnk file is more like a .desktop file on linux03:05
AzelphurEternalCat: ^c is ctrl+c, you don't seem to be getting a shift in there.03:05
GanymedeRandom832, oh, i didn't know that, in fact, i heard windows has true hardlinks also but they're buggy since no one cares about them03:05
GanymedeRandom832, yeah, i do see the difference between a unix softlink and a windows .lnk, but for the sake of explaining to a user, i'd say they pretty much server the same function03:06
EternalCatAzelphur: RightCtrl+RightShift+C does the same thing too.03:06
igoryonyaI know, pretty much FAT16, 32 and NTFS, but not ext3. I've been always confused by all those different types of partitions in linux, but it's understandable, I am using it only for about a month yet.03:06
Random832also don't forget mac classic Aliases03:06
AzelphurEternalCat: weird, what about right click copy?03:06
Random832somewhere halfway between a symbolic link and a windows shortcut03:06
EternalCatAzelphur: like I said, right-clicking just --- oh. my. god.03:07
Random832(i believe they participated in path resolution, but still were an actual file that contained the data for what they point to and had the magic "fix it if the target moved" like shortcuts)03:07
Ganymedeigoryonya, you can think about how softlinks just contain a string that's the path to their data whereas hardlinks contain the inode number (i.e. address on the disk) of the data03:07
EternalCatAzelphur: I'm an absolute retard. Xterm != Terminal from the Applications menu.03:07
AzelphurEternalCat: haha nope, xterm is alot more simple03:07
Random832a hardlink is no different from the original file03:07
EternalCatAzelphur: and I've been using xterm. So, can I revise my question, and ask if there's a way to do it from Alt+F2 xterm? XD03:08
Random832a directory contains entries that are a string (the name) and the inode number. for a normal file, one of these exists. a hardlink just means another one exists. they are equal in status.03:08
GanymedeRandom832, yes, in fact, all files are hard links...most with a link count of 103:08
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AzelphurEternalCat: I don't know, might aswell use gnome-terminal though03:08
igoryonyaRandom832, I knew that windows had real symlinks since that version, but as far as I know, they were useless, I installed the dll, allowing to create them, but couldn't figure out how to use it :)03:08
EternalCatAzelphur: Okay, I'll do that. Thanks for your help. :)03:09
Ganymedei think it's about time i reset my analog clocks for daylight savings...03:09
ftwWhat are "analog clocks"?03:09
Random832the key thing about a symbolic link is that it is name-based but participates in path resolution (so you can do foo/bar/_some_link_/baz or directly fopen() the symlink and get the file it points at)03:09
igoryonyaGanymede, yes, I can, and that clarifys everything.03:11
Ganymedeftw, what do you call those ones with three hands that turn around and point to the number and are driven by gears?03:11
DasEi1ftw: in which conclusion ?03:11
SweetHoneyinCaliBack to a previous discussion (I've been searching it on google and on U-forums) and there's a word issue relating to "a share" as a noun and specifically "a Windows share". I still havent gotten clear on what this means. Can someone define it for me please?03:12
SweetHoneyinCaliGanymede, clocks03:12
igoryonyaRandom832, and that's why I thought that it's an other pointer in the partition table, because Ganymede posted similar thought earlier.03:12
ftwGanymede: I've heard of such things, in the long-ago, in the before-times03:12
Random832that what is? a hardlink?03:12
Random832okay a hardlink has two components - there's the pointer in the directory that points at the inode, and there's a number _in_ the inode that keeps track of how many of those there are.03:13
Random832(so when it reaches zero the file is deleted)03:13
igoryonyaRandom832: about the hardlink being no different from the original file.03:13
Random832normally only one of the pointers exist and the number is 1 (except for directories, which have a link back from each subdirectory in .. and a link back from itself in .)03:14
nunyadeleted = marked as availble.03:14
Random832[also, you can't hardlink directories - it used to be possible but very inadvisable on other forms of unix]03:14
igoryonyaRandom832: ok, I got it, the symlink name resolution is what makes it different from windows .lnk file.03:15
Random832right - a .lnk file is just a file, that contains the name (and other data like command line args etc) in its file contents03:16
ajcarterI have a question03:16
Random832a symlink is "magic" by comparison - you can't "open" a symlink to inspect the name, [ you call readlink() for that], you'll just open the file it points at03:16
ajcarterLets say i want to install a file from my downloads folder through terminal03:16
igoryonyaSweetHoneyinCali: a Windows Share is a Shared drive or folder on windows, that you can access over the net/lan03:17
ajcarterhow do i go about doing this?03:17
blakkheimajcarter: is it a deb file03:17
tehbautif I'm going to DD a partition, I don't need to format it beforehand, do I?03:17
Random832lnk isn't part of the filesystem - without the windows shell (explorer, file open dialogs, etc) they're useless03:17
tehbautthe IF partition, that is03:17
ajcarterblakkheim: yes its a deb file03:17
blakkheimajcarter: dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb03:17
syriuswhen using smbmount to mount windows shares does that show the password over the network in plaintext?03:18
ajcarterblakkheim: i'm now learning terminal, could you tell me what the -i option does?03:18
blakkheimajcarter: man dpkg03:18
Random832ajcarter, stands for install03:18
Slorhey folks.  I was wondering - is it reliable to do a distro upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10? on a 32-bit laptop, if that matters03:18
Ganymedeajcarter, of course, you'd want to make sure this .deb is from a reputable source03:18
Random832[it's easier to use gdebi though, since that'll get dependencies]03:18
HowardtheDuckwhat is the difference between apt-get and aptitutde03:19
Random832so gdebi /some/file.deb03:19
almoxarifeajcarter: clicking on it in nautilus should open apt, but that might be too easy03:19
HowardtheDuckcan i use them interchangeably?03:19
histoWhat is polipo?03:19
blakkheimSlor: i'd do a fresh install03:19
histonvm figured it out03:20
histoWhen tor is installed does it run all the time by default? Allowing other people to browse through me?03:20
almoxarifehisto: no03:20
Ganymededoes anyone else see the problem here: fsck will refuse to check an ext4 partition if it's creation time is in the future relative to the system time...if a system loses power and the motherboard battery is drained, time will be reset to about 1990 and fsck will fail...if ubuntu calls fsck on boot for a routine check, it will fail and the system will not boot up...it may be a headless machine and the only way to reach it is ssh03:20
DasEi1histo: not per default03:20
almoxarifehisto: the default conf sets it as a client03:21
tehbautI meant the OF partition03:21
DasEi1Ganymede: yep, but if you run fsck manually, that gets corrected03:21
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:22
nunyaGanymede: ouch.... the headlass part makes it hard03:22
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nunyadamn I cant type on a laptop03:22
igoryonyaGanymede, nunya, Random832, sorry, if I missed somebody: thanx, I understand all the differences now.03:22
histoalmoxarife: so with it installed I could just start using torbutton right?03:23
Slorblakkheim - thanks.  is 9.10 known to be any more or less performant than 9.04?  not sure I _need_ 9.10 for anything specific, but I thought I would upgrade if there's not a good reason not too.03:23
GanymedeDasEi1, but you cannot reach the machine in order to run fsck manually when it's headless, in a server room somewhere (god knows where) since it won't boot03:23
almoxarifehisto: not sure, what does the torbutton do?03:23
blakkheimSlor: if you want my opinion, i'd stay with 9.04 and do a fresh install next month with 10.0403:23
histoalmoxarife: its a firefox addon to enable disable tor03:23
Slorah - hadn't noticed that was close.  good call blakkheim03:23
DasEi1Ganymede: if you can't access it, you're kinda helpless then, right03:24
ray_how do i install BT4 Dual boot with vista03:24
almoxarifehisto: don't you need to tell firefox about tor being a proxy?03:24
GanymedeDasEi1, and a filesystem creation time in the future is a pretty bad reason to not fail to boot...03:24
blakkheimray_: this is not a BT support channel03:24
GanymedeDasEi1, or rather, to fail to boot03:24
histoalmoxarife: thats what the button handles it looks like03:24
coachjcan someone give me link to DL 10.4 the site makes you click all over creation then it still isnt clear03:24
ray_is there a BT support channel?03:24
DasEi1histo : yes, can03:24
blakkheim!backtrack > ray_03:24
ubotturay_, please see my private message03:24
almoxarifehisto: what about privoxy?03:25
bastid_raZorhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ coachj03:25
histoalmoxarife: looks like polipo is being used03:25
histoby default03:25
DasEi1Ganymede: so responsible is the one who hadn't the server maintenanced right then, battery dained03:26
almoxarifehisto: cool03:26
DasEi1histo: depends on how you install, can use tor /w or without privoxy,polipo03:26
GanymedeDasEi1, 1. be that as it may, i still don't believe a machine should fail to boot for that reason, 2. how can you efficiently survey 1000 machines and locate all the bad batteries?03:27
histoDasEi1: when I installed tor it installed polipo as a dependancy03:27
GanymedeDasEi1, without downtime?03:27
etzerdHello all03:28
histoDasEi1: ugh this isn't working03:28
coachjbastid_raZor: this is it right?03:28
wunjoUbuntu has been Locking on me this last week after a few updates. Anyone going through the same stuff?03:28
Dr_Williscoachj:  for 32 bit yes03:28
wunjocan figure it out?03:28
DasEi1Ganymede: if a machine won't boot, isn't reachable by ping or ssh, that's quite a precise sign, also not a good idea to cancel fsck03:29
wunjocant figure it out03:29
DasEi1histo : what isn't working ?03:29
almoxarifewunjo: locking up? explain?03:29
histoDasEi1: torbutton I installed tor from their repos03:30
wunjoAlmoxarife Its locking up when I open Filezilla03:30
wunjo some times its other programs03:30
histoDasEi1: it installed polipo and when I go to addons and preferences to test it. Its saying that it can't find the proxy running03:30
wunjoIt locks up and I cant even open sysmon03:30
wunjoreally frustrating03:30
almoxarifewunjo: I had grub disappear after last update, but that is a wubi/grub2 issue03:30
crypt-0the latest kernel update broke grub it sets " set root=(hd3,1)" instead of " "set root=(hd2,1)" manual change no luck...03:31
crypt-0error message cant find /dev/mapper/cryptroot03:31
wunjothen I reboot everything is fine03:31
almoxarifecrypt-0: you got a wubi install?03:31
DasEi1histo: default port should be 9050, try without additional proxy first, configure socksproxy localhost port 9050 in browser03:31
nunyawunjo: no errors in messages?03:31
GanymedeDasEi1, i'm not sure what you're suggesting...i thought we were talking about detecting a failed battery BEFORE the machine fails to boot...and about fsck, no one is suggesting cancelling it, it's just that fact that it won't run automitaclly on boot when the hardware clock is broken03:31
wunjoLet me look at the log files03:31
crypt-0almoxarife, whats qubi03:31
histoDasEi1: I see it listening on 905003:32
nunyapoor wunjo03:32
almoxarifecrypt-0: you must not have it, you didn't install ubuntu thru windows?03:32
halis there any way that anyone can think of to determine the URL that firefox passes to another local application for it to open it?03:32
ajcarterhmmm this didn't work... what did i do wrong.. i tried to type into terminal: sudo dpkg -i /ajcarter/downloads/install_flash_player_10_linux.deb03:32
Dr_Willisajcarter:  what error did it say?03:33
ajcarterthe directory must be wrong03:33
ajcarterit said no such file in the directory03:33
DasEi1Ganymede: server eqipment same as better home ones alert when voltage drops, servers used to have long lasting rechargeables often, as I saw03:33
coachjso is anyone running 1o.4?03:33
almoxarifehisto: tor is listening for polipo on 905003:33
crypt-0almoxarife, no i havent touched the dreaded OS in ages -- i am using disk encryption though...03:33
wunjowhich log file should I look at first?03:33
DasEi1!lucid | coachj03:33
Dr_Willisajcarter:  typo on you rpart then.. use TAB to complete names03:33
ubottucoachj: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule03:33
Dr_Willisajcarter:  CASE is imporntant03:34
nunyawunjo: /var/log/messages03:34
ajcarterDr_Willis: oooooo it is case sensitive, good to know XD;03:34
Dr_Willisajcarter:  and  your PATH looks wrong03:34
wunjo thanks nunya03:34
Dr_Willisajcarter:  /home/USERNAME  not /username03:34
ajcarterDr_Willis: i'm new to this XD; thanks03:35
DasEi1Ganymede: if the mobo supports it(sensor) will have an alert in messages (ssh) early enough then, but that problem is best solved with a 'big' nicd or NimH, relaoded by the psu03:36
tehbautwhat would happen if I DD a 225GB partition with 80GB used space from /dev/sda2 to a 100GB partition /dev/sdc1 ?03:36
ajcarterSweet I got it! now its time to learn how to do tricky .tar.gz packages03:36
psusitehbaut, it will fail03:36
tehbautis there risk of sdc2/3/4 getting overwritten, or does the copying stop at the end of the 100GB?03:36
wunjowhat kind of message should be looking for? Nunya03:37
GanymedeDasEi1, ah, didn't know there were sensors for this readable by linux, i'll have to look into that03:37
psusitehbaut, the copying will stop with an error when the partition fills up03:37
nunyatehbaut: filesystem corrupution03:37
DasEi1tehbaut: 775 usable free space remainig, the 225-80 only from within this system03:37
almoxarifeajcarter: may I suggest you get the 'check-install' package, you may find it handy03:37
RoastedI'm trying to install a theme, but it comes back as not a valid theme, yet other users use it. It's based on the Aurora GTK engine. I have the repo version installed. Why is it backfiring????03:37
tehbautDasEi1: say what?03:37
nunyawunjo: any type or errors.03:37
DasEi1Ganymede: better mobos have such, and (commercial) server equipment .. see above03:37
wunjotons of messages03:37
tehbautnunya: recoverable though, right?03:37
GanymedeDasEi1, a server may have a long-lasting rechargeable motherboard battery but it could still be a defective one03:37
crypt-0almoxarife, no i havent touched the dreaded OS in ages -- i am using disk encryption though...03:38
nunyatehbaut: maybe with a fsck.... but I think I tried it once and it didnt work.03:38
tehbautwell the weird thing is, I can't even resize the big partition in GParted... it's got some exclamation triangle, and Used column shows ---03:38
DasEi1Ganymede: earthquake are not predictable, sure, but that small amount of current .. flatpacks are most used, but if you just think of 2 aaa cells for that 3 volts.. everlasting03:39
tehbautnunya: you can of course copy a smaller partition to a larger partition, right?03:39
ajcarteralmoxarife: i can get that by typeing apt-get file right?03:39
nunyawunjo: look for times when the compter locked up.03:39
GanymedeDasEi1, for earthquakes, i think datacenters usually have seismic bracing for the server rooms03:39
nunyawunjo: look for things related to the program that froze03:39
almoxarifeajcarter: I use synaptic, but I assume apt-get will also work03:40
wunjo like this kernal error  0.867263] ahci: probe of 0000:00:1f.2 failed with error -2203:40
nunyatehbaut: yes, I have done that and remeber it worked.03:40
racerdanyone get l4d2 to run smooth with wine?03:41
tehbautnunya: right, well any idea why GParted can't seem to read my Used space on this big partition? ...I tried to resize, but it won't budge03:41
racerdanyone mod an xbox using ubuntu?03:41
DasEi1tehbaut: partition mussn't be mounted for that, use a live cd03:41
nunyawunjo: maybe, you can also try running the program from the command line in verbose mode and see if it spits out any errors.03:41
tehbautah, here's an error: "115 clusters are referenced multiply times"03:42
tehbautoh, I know... I just need to reboot windows, and shut down properly03:42
histoalmoxarife: yeah its there on 9050 but its not working03:42
igoryonya:) you can rename and move files by using hardlinks :))) Create a hardlink to an original file somewhere else with the name and the location you want and delete the original file name. :)))03:43
crypt-0the latest kernel update broke grub it sets " set root=(hd3,1)" instead of " "set root=(hd2,1)" manual change no luck...03:43
crypt-0error message cant find /dev/mapper/cryptroot03:43
crypt-0didnt install from windows...03:43
nunyatehbaut: the old windows support saying "shutup and reboot!"03:44
itlinuxHello, is there anybody could help me how to resolve keyboard and touchpad not responding in laptop NEC Versa E6500 series? I'm installing Ubuntu 9.1003:44
almoxarifehisto: tor is on 9050, tor must get its input from the web proxy (polipo??), so the browser needs to point at the polipo port03:45
zongo_hey guys, was wondering if anyone has issue with sound where the internal speakers cannot get muted when jack is connected?03:45
zongo_and is there a fix for it03:45
almoxarifehisto: tor is a socks proxy03:46
ajcarterhow hard is it to use terminal to install a file?03:47
Dr_Willisajcarter:  sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb     normally works03:47
Dr_Willisajcarter:  depends on the file I guess.03:47
nunyaajcarter: usually pretty easy03:47
ajcarterlike... lets say i have this program called jgrasp in my downloads folder, and its a .zip, how do i approach it?03:47
Dr_Willisajcarter:  with anythong other then .deb - it depends on the package03:48
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ajcarterDr_Willis: that's what i figured =\03:48
Dr_Willisajcarter:  theres soo many ways to 'install' somthing thats  'different' like that03:48
Dr_Willisajcarter:  the program should came with some docs..03:48
nunyaajcarter: make a temp directory, unzip it in there.03:48
Dr_Willisajcarter:  it would be a rare Linux app that came as a .zip or .rar03:49
nunyathats true03:49
nunyausually tgz or tar.gz03:49
ajcarterwell this particular file is a .zip X_X03:49
aaaaaasal all03:50
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almoxarifeajcarter: lets assume it was jgrasp, it's a java prog, so you will need java too03:51
nunyaajcarter: mkdir tmp;mv file.zip tmp/;cd tmp;unzip file.zip03:51
wunjothank you Nunya i will try that03:51
nunyawunjo: no problem.03:52
blakkheimnunya: .. why not just unzip /tmp file.zip03:53
nunyait's hard sometimes to tell what the experience level of the person asking the question. I dont know how technical to answer the question03:54
ajcarteri'm trying to learn the technical stuff, but i'm a complete beginner03:55
crypt-0error message cant find /dev/mapper/cryptroot03:56
crypt-0the latest kernel update broke grub it sets " set root=(hd3,1)" instead of " "set root=(hd2,1)" manual change no luck...03:56
crypt-0didnt install from windows...03:57
Dr_Willisajcarter:  read, read, read, read... :)03:58
Dr_Willisajcarter:   starting with 'using the shell' is always a good idea03:58
ajcarterDr_Willis: I s'pose thats a good idea XD;03:59
Anon497is there gonna be a new bias b album????04:01
Anon497any1 here?04:01
Anon497u fukin serious04:02
Anon497bias b is like fucking awesome!!!04:02
richthegeek!language | Anon49704:02
ubottuAnon497: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:02
richthegeekAnon947: you got a question?04:02
richthegeekAnon497: ask it then04:03
Anon497is there gonna be a new bias b album come out?04:03
richthegeekAnon497: seems like the wrong place to ask that... I here #google is good04:03
PratikAnandHi...how do I generate OLAP cubes on 9.10? Is there any tool available for it?04:03
Anon497yea i've tried it dosn't say shit04:03
richthegeek!language | Anon94704:03
ubottuAnon947: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:03
Anon497soz bout dat then04:04
richthegeeknp, just keep it in check here... #ubuntu+1 (lucid testing only!) is fine but this place has a few kids in it occasionally04:04
AmberJainA quick question... If I install Ubuntu 10.04 beta now and install all updates from canonical till 10.04 final release is out...Would my Ubuntu installation be then equivalent to final release...04:05
AmberJainI think the answer is yes...but I though of confirming04:05
Dr_WillisAmberJain:  thats a top 10 FAQ.. and the answer is Yes..04:05
richthegeekjust for anyone interested, Ubuntu looks really darn good with the "Unified" window and controls (from gnome-look) and the Meliae-Dark theme04:06
AmberJainDr_Willis, hehe Thanks for the answer :)04:06
crypt-0the latest kernel update broke grub it sets " set root=(hd3,1)" instead of " "set root=(hd2,1)" manual change no luck...04:07
crypt-0didnt install from windows...04:07
crypt-0error message cant find /dev/mapper/cryptroot04:07
=== david is now known as Guest34203
Guest34203hello can anyone help me i just went an bought a bluetooth adapter for my pc an it will not pick up my phone on xubuntu04:09
tucemiux__richthegeek, can you post that info in a blog somewhere?04:09
richthegeektucemiux__: I don't have a blog... never updated the ones I had enough to bother04:09
crypt-0the latest kernel update broke grub it sets " set root=(hd3,1)" instead of " "set root=(hd2,1)" manual change no luck...04:13
crypt-0error message cant find /dev/mapper/cryptroot04:13
crypt-0error message cant find /dev/mapper/cryptroot04:13
FloodBot3crypt-0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:13
crypt-0didnt install from windows...04:13
ajcarterthis is coooooooool!04:14
crypt-0he the bot did more flooding then me04:14
anzenkethIs there a way that I can use apt-get to print a list of avalible packages04:14
histoAnyone use tor with torbutton in firefox?  I can't get it working. I installed tor from their repo and it installed polipo and doesn't work out of the box.04:14
richthegeekanzenketh: apt-cache04:15
shir u down the wrong version?04:15
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richthegeekanzenketh: specifically, "apt-cache dump | grep Package"04:16
lifestreamHi, I have an odd problem with a tar file. When I extract, it uses absolute paths, and it doesn't use my own user for permissions,  I'm using the default gnome archive program. BTW, I'm trying to restore a backup I did :)04:16
anzenkeththanks richthegeek04:17
richthegeekanzenketh: one moment, just making it better04:17
ajcarteris there a general run command?04:20
richthegeekajcarter: I think it's "open"04:20
wgrantajcarter: Can you give a specific example?04:20
igoryonyaI have 6 repo DVDs, I added them with add cdrom to software sources, but how can I copy those cdroms (not as ISOs), to some hdd folder and point software sources to that folder?04:20
richthegeekajcarter: sorry nvm,talking rubbish04:20
=== cooperdesktop is now known as o_o
switchgirl1igoryonya: rip them using bravisimo04:21
ajcarterwgrant: i'm now learning terminal for the first time ever, its alot of fun.  I'm just doing basic stuff that wont damage the comp at all.  I created a folder, unzipped something, moved the file, and then redeclare my directory and checked it out with ls and stuff04:21
crypt-0the latest kernel update broke grub it sets " set root=(hd3,1)" instead of " "set root=(hd2,1)" manual change no luck...04:21
faronHello world.faron needs help again.I am trying to "edit" something in a program called greasmonkey & I'm being told to choose my rpeferred text editor first.Problem is,I get this box asking me to type in the location.I have been confused by this for a long time now really & I just don't know what to put inn that box.I don't see anything like "applications - accessories - mousepad".So,what do I tell this thing ?04:21
crypt-0error message cant find /dev/mapper/cryptroot04:21
crypt-0didnt install from windows...04:22
=== o_o is now known as cooperdesktop
faronsorry about thatlong post04:22
wgrantajcarter: To run a command in the normal system application directories, just type the name of the program.04:22
ajcarterwgrant: anyways long story short... i was looking through the files with ls and decided, i want to look at one of these files.  And so i have this file called README.txt and i wanted to open it04:22
wgrantajcarter: Ah. Well.04:22
hang3rDoes anyone know much about clearos and its hotlan functionality?04:22
wgrantajcarter: If you want to open it in a text-editor, use gedit.04:22
wgrantajcarter: So, 'gedit README.txt'04:22
ajcarterok cool04:22
ajcarterso i can use other programs as commands?04:22
lifestreamHi, I have an odd problem with a tar file. When I extract, it uses absolute paths, and it doesn't use my own user for permissions,  I'm using the default gnome archive program. What am I doing wrong? :P04:23
richthegeekwgrant: Possibly he was looking for some program that mimics the double-click action of nautilus within the terminal?04:23
ajcarterthat makes perfect sense, XD;04:23
wgrantajcarter: To open any file with the default configured application for that type, use 'xdg-open FILENAME'04:23
richthegeekwgrant: perfec04:23
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=== `k is now known as cooperdesktop
sioux_somebody know some software that check the change of hardware at lan?04:23
wgrantajcarter: If you just type a program name, it will search in the directories you see when you type 'echo $PATH'04:23
wgrantajcarter: To run a program that is in the current directory, './filename'04:24
halhow do i switch from compiz to metacity?04:24
Dr_Willishal:  one way run 'metacity --replace'04:24
CloudyI'm having a problem with a IR Remote control. a friend of mine gave me what he says is a Media Center remote, and i was hoping to use it with Hulu Desktop04:24
wgranthal: System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects, select None.04:24
halDr_Willis: wgrant , thank you :)04:25
ajcarterhuzah i got it to work!04:25
magn3tsSomething else ubuntu will never be able to get right: http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/19/synaptics-driver-enables-multitouch-gestures-on-older-trackpads/04:26
shii got to go04:26
anzenkethIs there a way from the command line for me to find out what services are currently running.04:26
knuck887Hey everyone I just get a new laptop and it runs intel core i with5 with a 64 bit windows04:26
wgrantanzenketh: 'service --status-all'04:27
knuck887which 9.10 should i get?04:27
anzenkethThank you wgrant04:27
hang3rDoes anyone know about HotLAN's in ClarkConnect/ClearOS?04:27
halI have changed from compiz to metacity and back again, and now my screenlet widgets won't disappear.  Does anyone know how I fix that?04:28
faronhow abbout it people ...I've got a box asking me the "location" of mousepad.what the heck do I tell this thing ?04:28
Cloudyi tired setting the IR control app to Media center remote with no luck so i did auto detect, and it justs comes up Linux Input Device, and Model as Power Button04:28
Cloudyand still dose not seem to work04:29
Dr_Willisfaron:  perhaps /dev/input/mouse or /dev/input/ps204:29
halah, fixed it - the widget layer was disabled04:29
histoGot it working the default polipo config is jacked in ubuntu had to find the one on the tor site04:29
historestarted polipo and all is good with the tor button04:29
faronaha now we might be getting somewhere thanks I'll try that but why....04:29
knuck887would the 32 bit desktop 9.10 be the best choice for my 64 bit intel i5-430M04:30
faronwhen this box should be asking me for the name of a program instead of th e locarion of the program ?04:30
histoknuck887: No i would use 64bit obviously04:31
wgrantfaron: What is it that's asking you?04:31
wjmknuck887:  64-bit all the way04:31
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:31
faronI'm supposeed to be picking out  an app to "edit" a file I clicked "edit" on04:32
CrustyBarnaclefaron: 'which <program_name>' to get location of program.04:32
knuck887as far as the 64 bit goes, i'm not about the AMD64 desktop, would that be alright on with my intel processor?04:32
faron& insteaad of asking me the name of the pro to edit the file with I'm being asked the location04:33
wgrantknuck887: The architecture is called amd64, but it works on both AMD and Intel 64-bit processors.04:33
wgrant(not unlike the 'i' in 'i386')04:33
k3rnhi - is $EDITOR as system variable? i have it in a script here but by ubuntu doesn't resolve it. do i have to set it once?04:34
knuck887thanks, i'll give that a shot04:34
n0obsaiboti saw a video on you tube where in compiz two windows were linked together and made back to back then rotated.. how do i do that?04:34
wgrantk3rn: It's designed for users to override the default system editor. Call the 'sensible-editor' script, which checks $EDITOR and uses the system default if it's not set.04:34
W43372I just installed firefox 3.6. But every time I launch firefox I'm still running 3.5.8, or whatever comes with 9.1004:35
Gnean0obsaibot: you probably saw the cube04:35
n0obsaibotno i have the cube04:35
faronby the way Dr...that wasn't the right path I guess04:35
n0obsaibottwo windows.. linked together back2back04:35
k3rnyea i am running ubuntu karmic - he doesn't seem to recongnise $EDITOR - do i have to set it once manually?04:35
ect`Dear all, I installed ubuntu-server 9.04,but I can player mplayer on it. There's no sound. And mplayer told me that can't find the file 'dev/dsp'. How can I solve it?04:35
Gneacan't recall...04:35
n0obsaibotis there like a newer version of compiz not in 9.10 repositories?04:36
wgrantn0obsaibot: That may be the 'Group & Tab Windows' plugin.04:36
Gneak3rn: edit ~/.bashrc and then add this:  export EDITOR="/usr/bin/vim" or something04:36
ect`By the way, mplayer is compiled by myself04:36
W43372I just installed firefox 3.6. But every time I launch firefox I'm still running 3.5.8, or whatever comes with 9.1004:36
wgrantk3rn: You shouldn't use $EDITOR yourself.04:36
wgrantect`: Why did you build mplayer yourself, rather than using the version in the repositories?04:36
ect`That's an old version.04:37
Gneawgrant: why shouldn't he?04:37
ect`I must test some new features04:37
CrustyBarnaclefaron: '/usr/bin/gedit'04:37
asphaelim tring to instal ubuntu in my laptop i boot from the dvd and then go to the option instal ubunto then the pc starts to "think" after 10 minutes apear a lot of errors an then it popups to me the start sesio ubuntu but i donknow the user name nor the password04:37
Dr_WillisW43372:  depeding on how you installed the 3.6  it may have a icon with a different name in th emenus.04:37
wgrantGnea: Because 'sensible-editor' respects it and works properly if $EDITOR is unset.04:37
ajcarterDo all normal applications go into the etc folder?04:37
wgrantajcarter: /etc contains configuration files.04:38
theadminasphael: Verify the cd (there is an option for that in menu)04:38
mcurranno, usually usr/bin04:38
mcurranor opt04:38
Dr_Willisajcarter:   apps go whever they are supposed to :)04:38
W43372Dr_Willis: I found a page online that told me what to type into the terminal to add a repo and install it, let me find you the link.04:38
k3rnkvsls -la04:38
Gneawgrant: I see.04:38
Gneak3rn: what do you need $EDITOR set for?04:38
Dr_WillisW43372:  i tend to use the firefox-stable ppa i belive.04:38
MSKGood Morning every one04:38
asphaeli use it and the message was no erros04:38
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.504:39
theadminHelp me with one straaaange issue. If i switch sound off system-wide, and run some app which normally has sound, it starts hissing on me04:39
MSKHow to know system name from ip address  ?04:39
W43372Dr_Willis: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-firefox-3-6-in-ubuntu-karmicjauntyintrepidhardy.html04:39
ajcarteroooh interesting04:39
ajcarterthis file tree is way nicer than windows04:39
Gneatheadmin: which sound did you switch off? alsa or pulse?04:39
Dr_Willis!firefox | W4337204:39
ubottuW43372: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.504:39
theadminGnea: I use alsa, pulseaudio works not for me04:39
MSKI know the ipaddress of a system, but i want to know the system name of that ip .. any help please ..04:40
W43372Dr_Willis: ?04:40
Gneatheadmin: you're not the only one. :) so how did you turn alsa off? just mute?04:40
n0obsaibotwgrant: that was it thank you very much04:40
theadminGnea: Yes04:40
Gneatheadmin: master or pcm?04:40
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theadminGnea: Hm, whatever the hell does the applet in panel control04:40
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dako3256anyone else having panel issues?04:41
Seventy8Hey guys, any chance someone can help me out with deluge webui on 9.10?04:41
Gneatheadmin: please to be watching your language, kind sir.04:41
theadminGnea: Woops04:41
Gneatheadmin: check your preferences and see which it is controlling04:41
=== Bubulle_ is now known as leagris
theadminGnea: It doesn't seem to be there. I'll check alsamixer04:42
MSKany please help this , I know the ipaddress of a system, but i want to know the system name of that ip ..04:42
W43372Dr_Willis: ?04:42
GneaMSK: this is what dns is for04:42
benI cant use SCIM with Smuxi.04:42
leagrisMSK, the command is host <ip>04:43
theadminGnea: pcm. Master seems to be not... uh... controllable with alsamixer either, it just sits at 0004:43
Gneatheadmin: that's odd. can you manually select master fro the alsamixer and 'm' it to a degree?04:43
theadminGnea: Sorry, did not understand that04:44
Gneatheadmin: can you mute master from alsamixer?04:44
MSKleagris: i get the following error when i give host --  Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)04:44
Dr_WillisW43372:  follow the ubuntu wiki pages. is the best bet.04:44
faronI'm trying to edit a file...when I click on "edit" I get a box asking me to "choose your preferred text editor first".On the left in this box is "search,recently used,bobby,desktop & filesystem".On top in this box is an empty box beggin me to put in a "location" for mousepad.Anybody know what I tell this thing ?04:44
MSKleagris: actually is a Win-xp system04:44
misterBanyone know if there's a channel for discussing lucid beta?04:44
GneamisterB: #ubuntu+104:45
leagrisMSK, this mean there are no PTR DNS entry for that host on the delegated DNS zone04:45
theadminGnea: Hm, it mutes automatically whenever i set PCM to null... guess it wasn't exactly "muted", it just was close to 0. Because that applet doesn't have a mute button :/04:45
misterBGnea: thanks04:45
W43372Dr_Willis: I've already installed it. The only firefox that appears in my menu is the one that launches 3.5.8. Where would it have installed in the filesystem?04:45
Gneatheadmin: ah okay. yeah, if it's not really 100% muted, as in 'MM', then you're likely to hear a little bit of sound from it04:45
theadminGnea: Sound? Yeah, but hissing?04:45
Gneatheadmin: hissing is a sound. my suggestion would be to actually mute the PCM and Master, if you can, from alsamixer, and see if the hissing reoccurs04:46
theadminW43372: Check whether it is set to launch "firefox-3.5" or "firefox"04:46
theadminGnea: It no longer does04:46
leagrisMSK, windows does not use DNS but WINS.04:46
Gneatheadmin: good?04:47
W43372theadmin: it says firefox %u in properties04:47
MSKleagris: will u please help me how to solve this issue ?04:47
n0obsaibotanyone using gnome3?04:47
theadminGnea: Yeah but i'd actually preffer it to be mutable from this applet. Oh well.04:48
ajcarterwhat's a good programming IDE for java in Ubuntu?04:48
Gneatheadmin: perhaps there is another applet with more functionality.04:48
theadminW43372: Good, it should launch latest then. Sorry, if it doesn't, no idea04:48
theadminajcarter: Netbeans is a rather cool one, but it's also pretty huge04:48
k3rnoh shit i just did a 'sudo chmod a+r+w+x -R /tmp/' by accident =/04:49
k3rnhow do i set the normal rights back?04:49
CrustyBarnacleMSK: Places >> Network (Should show computers on your local network by name)04:49
theadmink3rn: Let me check mine04:49
MSKCrustyBarnacle: that is true .. it shows all the names .. there are 100s of systems04:49
theadmink3rn: Mine seem to be rwxrwxrwx (777)04:50
chelzajcarter: eclipse or netbeans04:50
k3rntheadmin: okay so nothing changed - right?04:50
theadmink3rn: Hope so...04:51
leagrisMSK I guess if you are on a 100 workstation windows network you should look how to setup samba and /etc/nsswitch.conf to propeerly resolve host name against WINS services and/or active directory (if corporate network). I guess there are some tutorials and docs on Ubuntu support sites.04:53
demonacins ghost demonaci patches04:53
ajcarterwhich IDE is lighter, netbeans or eclipse?04:53
theadminajcarter: Netbeans is just huge, around 200MB. Never tried eclipse, but i'm most certain it's lighter04:54
k3rni still don't get the $EDITOR varibale in the script04:55
QuandaHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*04:55
n0obsaibotis there a way to remap certain keys on the keyboard04:55
leagrisajcarter, emacs :), sorry, I can't qualify any of these as light. If you opt for eclipse I advice you to install it not from the ubuntu packages especially if you need to add plugins.04:55
MSKleagris: thank u leagris i will try out that04:55
k3rnmy karmic doesn't understand it - it seems like it's not set04:55
theadminubottu: danger | Quanda's command04:55
ubottuQuanda's command: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:55
theadminQuanda: Also, that should be ran as root ;)04:56
chelzajcarter: you might want an editor rather than an ide if you want light04:56
Dr_Willisajcarter:  geany is a good 'editor thats also has ide features' depends on your exact needs04:57
misterBanyone ever gotten dsl working in karmic without breaking network-manager?04:57
theadminmisterB: Huh? It should be working right away04:58
bullgardHow can I determine the name of the USB bridge of my external USB hard disk?04:58
misterBtheadmin: can't dialup04:58
theadminmisterB: Wait, maybe it's not DSL but PPPOE?04:58
misterBit is04:58
theadminmisterB: You can't use networkmanager for that :P There is a package called gnome-ppp, use that04:59
GneamisterB: I prefer wicd over network manager anyday04:59
theadminGnea: wicd rocks but doesn't have any VPN plugins :(04:59
magn3tstheadmin, I can assure you that nm-applet has a place to configure a DSL connection04:59
misterBtheadmin: if I use it, will I be able to switch back to network-manager easily when I upgrade to lucid, or will it be problematic?04:59
theadminmisterB: It does not replace network manager05:00
misterBmagn3ts: it does, but it's broken in karmic05:00
markddim getting this erros message when trying to un bittrorent this file unable to load ubuntu 10.4.1 beta 1 desktop amd64.iso not enought storeage ia avaliable to process this command05:00
theadminmagn3ts: Yeah, it's broken though05:00
magn3tsmisterB, theadmin, oops looks like someone is late to the party :O05:00
misterBtheadmin: okay, thanks. I'll give it a try.05:00
markddanyone familar with this05:00
sekyourboxI need help with wpa_supplicant. When i run the command its says the following drivers are installed: wext, nl80211, amtel, wired... I need to enable madwifi drivers, and i believe they are already installed by default on 910..Network says im using auth5. Any help please05:01
markddim getting this erros message when trying to un bittrorent this file unable to load ubuntu 10.4.1 beta 1 desktop amd64.iso not enought storeage ia avaliable to process this command05:01
histosekyourbox: are you trying to connect to wifi via command line?05:01
sekyourboxmarkdd, what does that message tell you?05:02
markddwhat do you mean05:02
markddthe message makes no sense05:02
histo!lucid | markdd05:02
Gneatheadmin: good point05:02
ubottumarkdd: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:02
markddi have pleanty of storage05:02
histosekyourbox: are you trying to use iwconfig to connect to the network?05:02
sekyourboxhisto, I'm trying to get rid of the network manager and use wpa supplicant..05:02
histosekyourbox: ahh05:02
BoondoKLifemarkdd: How much free space do you have and are you sure you are saving it to a place with enough?05:03
markddi have 799 gb free05:03
histosekyourbox: I got it working on my old laptop I remember boxing with the config for every05:03
markddso yes i have enough storage05:03
histosekyourbox: ever not every05:03
jzacshhello, i'm trying to pass the following output as an argument via pipe -- to something that says, "remove each line" (trying to keep this a one liner) -- the following produces about 5 lines of text: find ./ -name "._*"      anyone have any suggestions? something like... | rm $i?05:03
markddnot saying it trying to unbittoreent it05:03
BoondoKLifemarkdd: Where does it say you are saving it? maybe it is defaulting to a different drive/parition?05:04
sekyourboxhisto, madwifi is not listed in drivers, and i cannot use wext.05:04
sekyourboxhisto, not much online support05:04
histojzacsh: find with a -exec and a + ?05:04
markddim opening it from its loacted in a temp folder on my drive that has pleanty of space05:04
ajcarteri have a really important but silly question.  When referencing a file that has white space, such as um File Name how do you reference it in Terminal?05:05
histosekyourbox: nah debian seems to have more information on getting it going then ubuntu has documentatino on it. There is some in the wifi docs05:05
histo!wireless | sekyourbox05:05
ubottusekyourbox: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:05
theadminTrying to repeat a message asked yesterday: What does "Please carefully... all instructions... on manufacturer..." mean when i boot up? (can't actually read it completely, dissapears to fast, any idea how to read it would be good)05:05
chelzjzacsh: xargs05:05
BoondoKLifemarkdd: I must be missing some thing, what is unbittoreent05:05
Againajcarter: you can either put quotation marks like "file name" or you can escape the white space with a backslash05:05
Againlike so: file\ name05:06
markddbittorrent i don't know what you call it when you use bittorrent to get a file05:06
chelztheadmin: probably telling you to read the manual that came with your computer or consult the manufacturer's website05:06
BoondoKLifemarkdd: so you have a folder, and in it is what? The iso file?05:06
theadminmarkdd: Something like Transmission, uTorrent, etc?05:06
theadminchelz: Why would i do that lol everything  works.05:06
ajcartercool so that way you treat the white space as a character?05:06
leagrisajcarter, any secial character must be escaped with a \ or whole reference quoted lets say the filename is: file name you reference it with "file name" or 'file name' or file\ name05:07
ajcarterkinda like in java how \ designates special unicode characters that will not display in strings05:07
trimetaDoes anyone here know if Linux drivers are up to the challenge of hardware-accelerated video playback, such that I could play a 720p h264 video, upscale it to 1080p, and output it through HDMI, all in real time with no lag?05:07
chelztheadmin: same as any warning label. probably stuff about "don't throw your computer into a bathtub full of water"05:07
markddits bittorrent05:07
Againyeah, I tend to just use my tab key to autocomplete long file names05:07
markddwhat do you call it when u use bittorent05:07
markddto get a file05:07
markddi don't know05:07
chelzmarkdd: to torrent05:07
markddyea whatever05:07
markddi have a torrent05:07
chelzbittorrent file*05:07
theadminajcarter: Yeah, you can use any "\char" to escape any character basically, (escape means display as character and not as some special mark)05:08
markddits telling me i don't have spoce to bittoreent it05:08
chelzmarkdd: you might need to free up some space then. try deleting files after backing them up, say by burning them05:08
chelzi suggest infrarecorder on window05:08
bullgardHow can I determine the name of the USB bridge of my external USB hard disk?05:08
leagrismarkdd, did you instruct your torrent downloader where to put files?05:08
root_What email program is used in Ubuntu???05:12
ylynfattroot_: Evolution is there by default.05:13
bullgardroot_: Evolution05:13
root_I am looking for a simple email client that enables POP email05:13
charles_My PC has an Ubuntu host op sys, VMware, and a few Windows and Ubuntu guest op systems installed. I want to share a folder on the Ubuntu host so I can access it from each of the Guest op systems. That was easy with the Windows Guests because VMware handled it automatically for me. However, I'm struggling with sharing a folder on the Ubuntu Host and then accessing it from an Ubuntu Guest.05:13
root_any suggestions?05:13
ylynfattroot_: Evolution should work fine05:13
chelzmarkdd: might be using a tempdrive without a lot of room on it05:13
ylynfattroot_: or you can try Mozilla Thunderbird05:14
bullgardroot_: Please do not write three question marks in a row in this channel. This is considered rude.05:14
root_i know i shouldnt ask questions about backtrack but will Evolution work on backtrack??05:14
k3rn" [: 747: -ne unexpected operator " what does this mean? i am getting this before my error echo message (bash script).05:14
justinjstarkQuestion: Should I upgrade my computer from 9.10 to 10.04 beta?05:14
chelzcharles_: that's officially unsupported by this channel. you should probably check the vmware site. you could try installing the vmware tools though, should be similar to the windows method.05:14
shazbotmcnastyjustinjstark, that's a matter of opinioin05:15
shazbotmcnastybut YES05:15
Rahul_Hello.. Can u help me in starting Counter Strike 1.6 in UBUNTU?05:15
bullgardjustinjstark: No. Please wait for at least May 15th.05:15
BoondoKLifek3rn: can you pastebin the script?05:15
justinjstarkbullgard, May?  I can't wait until May05:15
justinjstarkMaybe I can wait for RC105:15
k3rnBoondoKLife: let me try - give me a sec05:16
justinjstarkNautilus keeps crashing on me and I'm hoping a gnome update could fix this05:16
ylynfattI keep getting disconnected from my office VPN. Any ideas why this would happen?05:16
charles_Can you tell me this? How come each time I share a folder in my Ubunto Host op sys, the share is gone when I reboot the host? That question would be essentially the same even if I had only one Ubuntu installed.05:16
ylynfattI'll get connected and as soon as i start browsing, it disconnects.05:17
=== Demonaci is now known as loser
shazbotmcnastyIs there a way to sha1sum or md5sum a directory?05:17
k3rnBoondoKLife:  http://pastbin.com/68YjK1RX05:18
charles_The share only persists (in host op sys) in Ubuntu until I reboot. Then it's gone. Are Ubuntu file shares only supposed to persist until rebooting? How could I make the share be there whenever I boot up?05:18
bullgardcharles_: There are several file sharing mechanisms available in Ubuntu. You better tell the channel which one dd you use?05:18
rtyuianyone know alittle about python05:19
charles_I right clicked the file and then clicked "Sharing Options"05:19
skritertyui, i do05:19
charles_So I used the Ubuntu gui05:19
ajcarterwow java beans is so much better than jgrasp X_X why did that class make us use such a lame IDE?05:20
k3rnBoondoKLife: you got the link? pastebin was wrong typed05:20
rtyuii keep gettting errors from indenting05:20
BoondoKLifek3rn: that isnt coming up for me. try here http://paste.ubuntu.com/05:20
rtyuihow can i fix it05:20
bullgard!who | charles_05:20
ubottucharles_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:20
rtyuiis there any programs out there that can fix it05:21
rtyuicause i keep trying different spacing and nothing works05:21
k3rnBoondoKLife: check the link again - i mistyped the word pastebin05:22
charles_bullguard asked which Ubuntu file sharing mechanism I tried. I tried the gui by right clicking on the file, then left clicking Sharing Options05:22
rtyuii keep getting IndentationError: unexpected indent05:23
bullgardrtyui: You will probably get a satisfactory answer faster in the #openoffice.org channel.05:23
BoondoKLifek3rn: ok, what is the entire error you get?05:23
leagrischarles_, you may sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf but ther may be gui tools for that instead.05:24
k3rnBoondoKLife: [: 747: -ne unexpected operator05:25
k3rnBoondoKLife: and then my echo error msg05:25
charles_Which file sharing interface is best, or does it matter?05:26
bullgardHow can I determine the name of the USB bridge of my external USB hard disk?05:27
bullgard!ask | kt05:28
ubottukt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:28
shazbotmcnastybullgard, he didn't05:28
shazbotmcnastyur doing it wrong05:28
shazbotmcnasty!hello | kt05:28
ubottukt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:28
shazbotmcnasty^^ doing it right05:28
ktAnyone familiar with "cannot find any JVM in Java Home" error when building tomcat6 from source?05:29
BoondoKLifek3rn: So if you run it with out any parameters, just tried it on a box and I didnt get an error?05:31
VigoTo get the zsync or the jigido do I need to fetch a package or ?05:31
sekyourboxZero_Chaos, do you have any hints?05:32
Rahul_Hello.. Can u help me in starting Counter Strike 1.6 in UBUNTU?05:32
theadminRahul_: Use WINE, #winehq for support05:33
shazbotmcnastyhow can I sha1sum a directory?05:34
Rahul_I have already installed wine05:34
Rahul_ Yet it is not starting05:34
tenoch1I installed Lucid Lynx and my icons and everything is gone, I only see the wall paper. Do any of you has a similar problem?05:35
Kismethey i have a problem with my printer.... if i plug it in and print something it dosen'T do anything05:35
theadminubottu: !lucid | tenoch105:35
ubottutenoch1: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:35
KismetI can see that it is pluged in in dmesg05:35
konrHow can I find which (non-installed) package contains certtool?05:35
tenoch1ubottu: thanks05:36
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:36
konrbots are human too!05:36
konroh wait05:36
shazbotmcnastydo you think if I do a md5sum of /home my computer will crash?05:36
shazbotmcnastyIT WOULD JUST GO DOWWNNN05:36
Vigoshazbotmcnasty: Did you look on the forums for Encrypted folders?05:38
sinistradwow, did you md5sum freenode?05:38
Brendan_Mcchey guys need some help with the following error, xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory), im running Ubuntu in XenServer 5.5... want to run the startx command but not getting anywhere05:38
shazbotmcnastyVigo, what?05:38
Vigoshazbotmcnasty: I think that is covered in the Document, Wiki and there is a thread on the forums.05:39
shazbotmcnastyI just want to md5sum my ~/torrents/ directory, but I cannot find a way to do so05:39
shazbotmcnastybut I'm currently installing md5deep05:40
DaNiToalguien habla español?05:41
ajcarterthanks everyone for helping me learn the basics of terminal and stuff, i'll be on another day to pester you guys and learn some more XD;05:42
Kismetno idea05:44
shazbotmcnastyinx is cool05:44
shazbotmcnastyI recommend it to everyone that is like "HOW I LERN TERMINAL?"05:44
shazbotmcnastyit's a distro that was made just to teach terminal05:44
shazbotmcnastyit's pretty, darn, cool.05:44
LLStarksubuntu spotted in anime: http://randomc.animeblogger.net:8000/image/Durarara!!/Durarara!!%20-%2011%20-%20Large%2016.jpg05:45
misterBtheadmin: gnome-ppp isn't working for me. It wants a phone number, and my dsl connection (which is pppoe) does not have a number I connect to.05:46
theadminmisterB: Oh. Maybe i messed something05:46
chelzLLStarks: what anime?05:47
Vigoshazbotmcnasty: Directory , or Folder?05:47
charles_Could someone please help me create a share to a file? I already did that with the gui, but the share disappears each time I reboot. Why does it disappear?05:47
LLStarkschelz. durarara episode 11.05:47
shazbotmcnastyVigo, ~/mytorrents/, which has like 76 folders in it05:48
misterBtheadmin: I usually just log in with my user name and password, but it's broken in Karmic, and when I did use pppoeconf, it broke my network manager and messed with my wireless.05:48
chelzLLStarks: nice05:48
Brendan_Mcchey guys need some help with the following error, xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory), im running Ubuntu in XenServer 5.5... want to run the startx command but not getting anywhere05:48
theadminmisterB: Sorry, actually. Busy now, translating app-install-data in Lucid :/ Gotta do it before the release lolz05:48
misterBtheadmin: okay05:49
sidneysudo nautilus gives me an error05:49
Vigoshazbotmcnasty: I found this> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268985&highlight=md5+torrent+folder05:49
chelzBrendan_Mcc: running ubuntu desktop 9.10?05:49
Brendan_Mccchelz, 9.04 desktop05:49
misterBHas anybody here ever had any success getting DSL working in Karmic without breaking wireless capabilities?05:49
sidneyerror (nautilus:1725): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed05:49
charles_Could someone please help me create a share to a file? I already did that with the gui, but the share disappears each time I reboot. Why does the share disappear after each reboot?05:50
charles_I used the gui to create the share (right clicked on file, then left clicked Share Options, etc)05:50
Vigocharles_: Maybe a chroot thing, still looking.05:51
chelzBrendan_Mcc: http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2005-06/msg00613.html05:51
shazbotmcnastyhow can i move over a huge directory to an external drive as accurately as possible?05:52
Vigocharles_: This may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=288534&highlight=save+shares+reboot05:52
Againshazbotmcnasty, if I were you I would use rsync05:52
Brendan_Mccchelzchelz, thanks. ill take a squiz now05:52
Brendan_Mccchelz, thanks. ill take a squiz now05:52
shazbotmcnastyI thought dd was a good05:52
charles_Thanks Vigo. I'll go read that right now.05:53
SandGorgonhey guys.. could u guys check how much RAM does lucid use on a fresh install ?05:53
ranjanHai is there any way to convert my 32bit ubuntu to 64bit without reinstalling05:53
Vigocharles_: You are welcome, I hope that is a solution.05:53
shazbotmcnastyRanakah, nope05:54
johnzornis using 64bit system more unstable than the 32bit?05:54
shazbotmcnastyino yes JohnBv1305:54
Againshazbotmcnasty, you might be right with that... I don't know05:54
shazbotmcnastytoo many people in here!!05:54
ActionParsnipyo yo yo05:55
chelzSandGorgon: support for lucid is in #ubuntu+105:55
foxsocks987Hey I have a problem getting my apllication to work, screenshot here: http://to./3aqu   ---- I need help ASAP pleaaaase05:56
chelzjohnzorn: generally no. most people are encouraged to go with the 64bit if they know about it.05:56
chelzuhh some op?05:56
chelzthat link is a GNAA thing05:56
shazbotmcnasty!ops | foxsocks98705:56
ubottufoxsocks987: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!05:56
shazbotmcnastyfoxsocks987, those things don't even work usually on linux05:57
chelzthere really should be something for abusive users that isn't as drastic as the ops flag05:57
charles_Vigo: from what I've read so far, it's about how to connect from a Ubuntu workstation to a Windows server. I'm trying to connect from an Ubuntu workstation to an Ubuntu workstation (like a peer to peer network). Hopefully it'll have some helpful info. I'll read it now. Thanks05:57
shazbotmcnastychelz, there might be, but I don't know it.05:57
chelzshazbotmcnasty: yeah i don't know of any others05:57
Vigocharles_: Ok, it has some meta tags or links all over it, also look at pshycocats<spellcheck.?05:59
bullgardchelz: There is: You could have told him that he is using the channel abusively.05:59
eloicI have one question : how to convert ccd, ecm & SUB into ISO fileon ubuntu05:59
qwertyjustin1HOW can i update my tick tock time on karic koala?06:00
b2p1mpTime in USA is: Sat Mar 20 01:01:21 201006:01
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)06:01
Vigoqwertyjustin1: Manual or synched with Time Servers?06:01
Vigowhoos, already answered.06:02
Vigob2pimp: Thank you.06:02
ActionParsnipeloic: ccd2iso will make the ccd into an iso, not sure about the sub bit06:02
shazbotmcnastyHow do I move a directory from my computer, to an external drive, keeping it as 04accurate as possible06:03
shazbotmcnastyHow do I move a directory from my computer, to an external drive, keeping it as 04 accurate as possible06:03
shazbotmcnastywhatever control codes fail06:03
chelzshazbotmcnasty: both rsync and cp have lots of flags for that kind of stuff06:04
=== ashok is now known as Ashok
ActionParsnipeloic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=477795 seems good06:04
bullgardHow can I determine the name of the USB bridge of my external USB hard disk?06:04
chroweI am trying to password protect an entire sub domain. i.e anything.dev.domain.name so that any sub domain of dev.domain.name would be protected automatically.06:05
Vigoshazbotmcnasty: This one may help,is closer: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux06:05
VigoHowdy ActionParsnip.06:06
ActionParsnipbullgard: mount, sudo fdisk -l06:06
chelzchrowe: if you are using apache that would be handled by htaccess06:06
ActionParsnipshazbotmcnasty: cp -pr ./folder /dest06:06
ActionParsnipshazbotmcnasty: -p to (preserve) -r to recursive copy all subfolders06:06
ActionParsnipshazbotmcnasty: its all in the man pages.....06:07
chrowechelz: yes, I am running apache. I know how to do this on a per directory basis, just not for an entire subdomain. any ideas?06:07
wgrantActionParsnip, shazbotmcnasty: -a may be handy. It implies -pr and a couple of other things.06:07
shazbotmcnastywgrant, yeah dpR06:08
leeping_Hey guys, I need some help.  I unplugged a USB drive from a Mac, and now the disk is unreadable.  I need to figure out how to recover the data, are there any programs in Ubuntu that can do this?06:08
leeping_For reference, it's a FAT-32 formatted drive.  I tried a few Windows recovery programs but none of them worked06:08
eloicActionParsnip: with ccd2iso it's doesn't work so I try with k3b!!! thanks for your help06:09
mtx_initleeping_: look at fsck.vfat06:09
ActionParsnipleeping_: foremost06:09
ActionParsnipleeping_: just recopy the data to the partition after formatting, or restore from backup06:09
mtx_initscalpel is better than formost btw06:10
jguzikowskihey guys, are there are tools that can be used in ubuntu to set up a usb-bootable windows xp06:10
leeping_foremost and scalpel are data recovery programs?06:10
bullgardActionParsnip: Your answer is wrong.06:10
leeping_mtx_init, I'm a bit hesitant to use fsck because I'm worried it'll write to my drive if I set the wrong options.  Maybe my worries are unfounded and I should use it anyway06:11
johnzornis ext3 more stable than ext4?06:11
shazbotmcnastyimo yes06:11
mtx_initjohnzorn: more proven yes06:11
ActionParsnipbullgard: it shows the block devices as well as where they are mounted, you can also use gparted but it wont really distinguish the ub drive from the internal06:11
shazbotmcnastyimo =  in my opinioni06:11
ActionParsnipjohnzorn: ext4 is pretty stable, ext3 is very well established and pretty solid06:12
mtx_initleeping_: make a binary image of it with dd06:12
mtx_initleeping_: dd if=/dev/usb of=usbimage06:13
jguzikowskiare there any tools for ubuntu that i can use to make a bootable flashdrive for windows xp?06:13
mtx_initfind the descriptor by sudi fdisk -l06:13
racerdimo = imo's pizza06:13
ActionParsnipleeping_: you can use foremost on the partition itself, you will need a larger destination partition to spit the data onto06:13
leeping_mtx_init, that's a good idea.  I'll do that. ActionParsnip, thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that too06:13
ActionParsnipjguzikowski: unetbootin may do it06:13
jguzikowskiunetbootin works in ubuntu?06:14
leeping_It sounds like I have several ways of getting the data back now, I'll get back to you in a few mins06:14
bullgardActionParsnip: I am looking for the name of the USB bridge and not for "the block devices as well as where they are mounted". See http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/smartmontools/wiki/Supported_USB-Devices.06:14
jguzikowskiwow look at that, it does06:14
jguzikowskii'll give that a shot, thanks06:14
leeping_I hope I'll be able to do all this from a Ubuntu VM running inside a Mac.  I don't know how to get the device to appear in the VM, usually that involves disconnecting it from the host machine first ...06:15
jguzikowskithanks ActionParsnip, i'll try this out06:15
ActionParsnipleeping_: you can boot to a live CD system nd do it there if its no good06:15
ActionParsnipbullgard: sudo lshw | less    may give clues06:15
weechat_userguys whats a good cli "terminal" jpg to pnm image converter?06:16
=== weechat_user is now known as frostY
gdbWeegee: ImageMagick06:19
amougehey all.. having a slight problem setting up my FQDN06:19
amougehostname returns the correct hostname, but hostname -f says hostname: unknown host06:19
^mNotIntelligenthi all06:19
leeping_ActionParsnip, that's a good idea.  I might try booting up with the LiveCD as well06:20
leeping_Thanks for all of the advice!06:20
rocket16Can anyone please suggest a site or link for learning how to develop C++ GUI apps with Glade for Ubuntu?06:20
amougemy host file.. I just added the as advised by someone in my locale06:20
chelzWeegee: graphicsmagick06:20
ActionParsnipleeping_: if its a ppc based mac you will need the ppc iso06:20
Vigoweechat_user: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-692522.html <<maybe that will help.06:21
amougeany suggestions?06:21
leeping_ActionParsnip, doubt it.  I think it's an Intel Core 2 in here .. or something like that.06:22
jguzikowskiActionParsnip, I'm reading that unetbootin doesn't like XP iso's06:22
shazbotmcnastyunetbootin only does linux ISOs06:22
NitrohaxWhat are you trying to do?06:22
shazbotmcnastytrying to be a pirate06:22
chelzdirty pirateses06:22
jguzikowskiI overwrote my XP with Ubuntu06:22
jguzikowskiBut now I want to dual boot06:22
^mNotIntelligentshazbotmcnasty, +1 here06:23
chelzamouge: the ip then the fqdn you want right?06:23
eryn_1983hey peeps i  got a question about suspend06:23
jguzikowskibut its a netbook so I can't just install through a CD06:23
eryn_1983er hibernate06:23
NitrohaxOh that's easy stab your eye out and wear a patch, cut off one of your legs and stick a pole there, and always talk about your booty06:23
amougechelz: yes I believe so06:23
^mNotIntelligent!ask | eryn_198306:23
ubottueryn_1983: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:23
amougehmm.. just noticed that in my terminal.. ssh.. the title bar says root@server1.example.com06:23
Nitrohaxoh easy06:23
=== malnilion__ is now known as malnilion
chelzamouge: you could try a reboot or bringing the network down then up again06:23
amougethat could be causing the problem.. but I dunno where my server would be throwing out the example.com06:23
eryn_1983when i hibernate is there a list of apps to prohibit hibernation?06:23
ActionParsnipjguzikowski: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87768806:23
wazzaaaaahi all , one of my hardware fails a probe or something on start up , i want to check which one is there a log that ubuntu writes some where where i can look up , ubuntu 9.1006:23
bullgard!ask | eryn_198306:23
Nitrohaxuse gparted and make a ntfs partition and then load up your xo and write to that partition. the computer will see the two an dask with grub06:23
amougechelz: done multiple reboots on it.. its a vps06:23
^mNotIntelligenteryn_1983, i guess there is no such option AFAIK06:24
ActionParsnipleeping_: just an fyi :). The i386 iso will be fine then06:24
jguzikowskiNitrohax, the problem is I can't make a bootable flashdrive in ubuntu..or rather don't know how06:24
theadmineryn_1983: Nope, but if you don't have an active swap partition, you can't hibernate.06:24
jguzikowskiActionParsnip, thanks man, this seems to be what I'm looking for.06:24
=== terry is now known as Guest57602
^mNotIntelligenttheadmin, rightly said06:24
Nitrohaxwant to make a bootable flash of ubuntu on flashdriver?06:24
Nitrohaxdrive even?06:24
BatchHey, How do i access my webcam?06:24
chelzamouge: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31357606:24
NitrohaxBatch> a program called smile06:24
NitrohaxBatch> I mean cheese06:25
chelzamouge: http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/hostname-unknown-host-bug-not-resolving-error-fix-p52/06:25
Nitrohaxjguzikowski> i'm going to do a pm to you to help better06:25
amougechelz: checking now.. cause my apache isnt resolving either :)06:25
ActionParsnipjguzikowski: ive not used it  but if you have yuor xp cd you can try for free06:25
^mNotIntelligentNitrohax, you can use casper file system for persisten storage and make a complete ubuntu install in a pendrive, is that what you want ?06:25
wazzaaaaaany help ?06:25
jguzikowskiActionParsnip, I downloaded a .iso or rather I am going to06:25
BatchNitrohax, Confirm it for me, Smile or Cheese?06:25
ActionParsnipwazzaaaaa: read: dmesg | less06:25
eryn_1983theadmin:  i can hibernate,  I just want it to take care of  virtualbox when i do..  i think it  crashes, not sure what happen last time. going to ask in their channel too06:25
jguzikowskiand then I'm just going to use the serial on the bottom of the netbook06:25
Nitrohaxi know i can. i'm not here for a question, just trying to help06:26
NitrohaxBatch> cheese06:26
^mNotIntelligentBatch, for accessing webcam, right? i guess its cheese06:26
wazzaaaaadmesg | less06:26
theadminany idea how to hibernate from terminal? lol06:26
NitrohaxBatch> it's what they use on the netbook remix sides of it to use webcam,06:26
Batch^mNotIntelligent,  Yes, Thanks.06:26
Vigowazzaaaaa: I did not see a question...06:27
^mNotIntelligenteryn_1983, i dont think you can take care of that thing, you mean say you are running some OS thru virtualbox and then you did hibernate and you want when you wake up that virtualbox os should be running as earlire, I dont think that doable06:27
^mNotIntelligentBatch, no probs dude06:27
Batch^mNotIntelligent, Works perfectly. Props. :P06:28
^mNotIntelligentBatch, :-)06:28
ActionParsnipwazzaaaaa: i already told you06:28
=== draconius_ is now known as draconius
ActionParsnipjguzikowski: not smart to broadcast illegal activities06:28
jguzikowskiI have a legal copy of the disc06:29
ActionParsnipjguzikowski: downloading an xp iso is not legal06:29
jguzikowskiand a legal serial06:29
wazzaaaaaActionParsnip , sorry i didnt catch that :)06:29
wazzaaaaavigo ,one of my hardware fails a probe or something on start up , i want to check which one is there a log that ubuntu writes some where where i can look up , ubuntu 9.1006:29
ActionParsnipjguzikowski: then you must make a copy of your disk, not download it06:29
jguzikowskiReally? I thought just using it without permission was the illegal part06:29
BatchDoes anyone have an intel graphics card/chip?06:30
ActionParsnipjguzikowski: i'd look into it06:30
ActionParsnipBatch: many folks do06:30
chiossifHi to all. Has anyone used ubuntu (or any other linux flavor) with stereo desktop (3d view with glasses)?06:30
BatchActionParsnip, Do you play 3d games?06:30
Vigowazzaaaaa: Oh ok, have you tried the ddrescue or similar packages?06:30
jguzikowskiActionParsnip, i'd rather just grab the files off my CD on another computer t han deal with anything illegal06:30
ActionParsnipwazzaaaaa: dmesg is all the kernel messages which will show in great detail your bootup06:30
ActionParsnipBatch: some, i use my main desktop for games with an nvidia chip06:31
BatchI'm having trouble getting decent fps with an intel graphics card.06:31
theadminjguzikowski: By the way, a serial from another CD is not likely gonna work with ISO06:31
ActionParsnipBatch: what release are you using? lsb_release -c   will show you06:31
jguzikowskitheadmin, really?06:31
amougechelz: that didnt fix the problem :(06:31
theadminjguzikowski: Yeah, they are CD-dependent06:31
BatchActionParsnip, Karmic.06:31
theadminjguzikowski: But whatever, that's highly offtopic06:31
chelzamouge: you sure. you read both of those links?06:31
jguzikowskiWell, crap. I hope I can find that CDs serial then06:31
ActionParsnipBatch: and what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga06:31
amougechelz: yes...06:32
amougelemme post my new hosts file06:32
BatchActionParsnip, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)06:32
shazbotmcnastyhow to check an .md5 with md5deep06:32
ActionParsnipBatch: oh one of those :(06:32
amougethats what I came up with for hosts after reading those two links06:32
BatchActionParsnip, Yes, Exactly. :<06:32
wazzaaaaaVigo , no06:32
ActionParsnipBatch: ive seen folks on launchpad ask questions of those, it usually resorts to forming an xorg.conf file to specify settings06:33
bullgardActionParsnip: '~ sudo lshw --class disk' does not give clues either.06:33
BatchActionParsnip, I don't have an xorg.conf.06:33
BatchActionParsnip, I have even tried generating one, No success.06:33
chelzamouge: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=42005306:34
chelzamouge: /etc/hostname needs some stuff too apparently06:34
Vigowazzaaaaa: Use the Search in Synaptic or look at the packages, there are a few utilities for that. or that may be of some use in that.06:34
theadminWell, crap, app-install-data is one huge template. I'll definetly come back to it later.06:35
chelzamouge: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/archive/index.php/t-252484.html06:35
ActionParsnipBatch: thats all i know then dude, they arent very powerful chips afaik so i dont expect much gaming. if you can get a groovy xorg.conf you may06:35
BatchActionParsnip, I know they aren't :) But they should be able to play games with 32MB dependant graphics, DirectX 8.0 games?06:36
amougechelz: getting closer06:36
amougemy /etc/hostname had the fqdn.. but it should have just had the hostname06:36
ActionParsnipBatch: 32mb isnt a lot at all, most gaming cards have at the very lest 128mb06:36
amougeI think I got it :)06:36
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
BatchActionParsnip, The game works, But the FPS is unplayable.06:37
BatchVery laggy.06:37
ActionParsnipBatch: drop resolution and graphic depth so the card can handle it06:37
chelzamouge: for the record, should be localhost and the should be the domain thing06:37
amougeyay.. apache is now resolving06:37
amougechelz: thanks.. I will change that06:37
BatchActionParsnip, Via ---> Appearance?06:37
BatchActionParsnip, Unless you can tell me how to properly install windows XP via usb XD06:38
ActionParsnipBatch: via the settings in the games you play, drop to a lower res and use less colour depth, use less or no shading06:38
wazzaaaaaVigo , i guess its just a hardware just needs a driver or something , probably a cardreader or modem , i just need to confirm which one06:38
theadminBatch: There is a tool for that.06:38
ActionParsnipBatch: i dont use xp, its garbage for my needs and costs06:38
Batchtheadmin, I have tried alot of tools via googling, Most give me errors at boot.06:39
BatchActionParsnip, Roger.06:39
theadminBatch: AFAIR one of wintoflash.com works fine. It will need a working XP CD or a ISO (mounted) at the install time though06:39
Batchtheadmin, I use downloaded .iso's.06:40
Batchtheadmin, But i have a legal serial.06:40
pvh_sa|wrkhey there... i got a problem with the graphical update manager06:40
theadminBatch: Well... as i said, AFAIR those serials are cd-dependent06:40
theadminBatch: But you can try anyway06:41
ActionParsnippvh_sa|wrk: does: sudo apt-get update  go without a hitch?06:41
Batchtheadmin, Ok thanks. Cheers ActionParsnip and ^mNotIntelligent.06:41
pvh_sa|wrkwhen i hit "install updates" it just freezes. doesn't ask for my password, nothing. so i do all my passwords on the commandline with apt-get upgrade, no problems. this is on karmic06:41
BatchI'm out, Later.06:41
pvh_sa|wrkActionParsnip, yup, works fine06:41
ranjanis there a chaching nameserver package for ubuntu06:41
ActionParsnippvh_sa|wrk: try reinstalling the updater app from CLI06:42
theadminWoah, that's one dangerous quit message Batch got there06:42
ActionParsniptheadmin: lots :(06:43
theadminActionParsnip: eh?06:43
ActionParsniptheadmin: about the quit message...its lots dangerous06:43
pvh_sa|wrkActionParsnip, could this be related to pam config? since i use pam_fprint in addition to pam_unix?06:44
Nitrohaxit's a line form death06:44
MilliganHey. Im using OSS wrapper for sound in wine. The problem is that if wine is running an app that uses sound, no other apps can use sound. Is there any way around this ?06:44
bullgardranjan: You can find that out yourself using Synaptic: Look for descriptions of all packages and look for the catchword »nameserver«.06:44
ActionParsnippvh_sa|wrk: not something ive used dude, no idea06:44
NitrohaxMilligan> no06:44
SathHi, I don't suppose this would be the place to ask a seriously noob question regarding an Ubuntu problem, would it?06:44
misterBanyone here ever got DSL to work in karmic without breaking network-manager?06:44
NitrohaxSath> what's up?06:44
runemasteHello, Im trying to commit to an SVN repo through a freenx session - but it keeps asking me for the "Password for 'login' GNOME keyring" - but ive never set one06:44
ActionParsnipSath: its for all levels06:44
runemasterunning 9.10 by the way06:45
bullgardmisterB: me.06:45
theadminrunemaste: Usually same as your user password06:45
misterBbullgard: how?06:45
runemastedoesnt accept it06:45
SathI have a mini-dell I picked up last year when they had a big sale, never used Ubuntu before, opened it up for the first time in months and am locked out of all apps06:45
runemastenor does it accept blank06:45
Sathby some Synaptic password that I do not know06:45
NitrohaxSath> it's the password that you use to log in06:45
theadminrunemaste: hm, strange %) Dunno what is freenx though so maybe it's a problem with it06:46
SathThere isn't one currently, to my knowledge/recollection06:46
SathI booted up tonight without any password06:46
bullgardmisterB: I have written 6 books in my life. But I will not write another one just for you. Please put a more specific question here in this channel addressed to everyone.06:46
Nitrohaxthere's a SUDO password that you put in during setup.06:46
SathI am getting prompted when I try to add/remove programs or update programs06:46
MilliganSath, they probably have a default username/password . I'd google your brand and see what comes up.06:46
pvh_sa|wrkActionParsnip, thanks, the reinstall fixed it06:46
SathAppreciate it.06:46
theadminSath: Mabe it's set to log in automatically. There ALWAYS is a password.06:47
runemastetheadmin: also, it works fine from a session on the actual machine06:47
Nitrohaxthe user password, it might not login with it, but you need it to run any type of admin function to a linux system06:47
runemasteno prompt06:47
SathIt's a dell inspiron 91006:47
NitrohaxSath> oh it came with ubuntu?06:47
Sathwhen I went to the user topic there was no password entered in any field, but to change it, it asked for a password -.-06:47
SathI've only used windows before but I saw some cool math/science apps and was really looking forward to trying them out06:48
ActionParsnippvh_sa|wrk: nice06:48
shazbotmcnastyI made an md5sum of a bunch of files, then I moved them to an external, how do I check that md5sum?06:48
almoxarifethose pesky forgotten passwords can be such a chore06:48
theadminSath: lol that's a pretty unusual reason to switch...06:48
shazbotmcnastyI know I can do md5sum -c06:48
NitrohaxSath> did you by chance just leave them blank and press enter?06:48
amougeso far, for a basic cpanel replacement for my clients, ispConfig 3 seems decent06:48
shazbotmcnastybut like, it doesn't work, because the md5sum says it goes to ~/, when it's going to /media/external/06:48
SathWell, I have 2 main windows PCs and my wife has a windows PC as well, but I'd heard linux was a better choice for a lot of things06:49
SathI tried the blank password already :(06:49
Sathalong with every password I've ever had in my entire life06:49
Sathand all variations of them06:49
Nitrohaxok, see if he finds a default for you06:49
Nitrohaxdell mini what?06:49
chelzSath: restart and boot to the recovery console and select reset password06:49
Sathmini 1006:49
Nitrohaxthere you go.06:49
bullgardshazbotmcnasty: Read 'man md5sum'06:49
Nitrohaxchelz> is the man06:49
theadminchelz: Huh? never seen such an option there06:50
shazbotmcnastybullgard, I DID06:50
shazbotmcnastyand I read man md5deep06:50
SathOk, let me try that06:50
shazbotmcnastyI used md5deep to actually do the md5sum06:50
NitrohaxSath> lets us know what happens06:50
chelztheadmin: "recovery mode" http://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/image55.png06:50
chelzSath: recovery mode06:50
bullgardshazbotmcnasty: So, what did you not understand in it?06:50
shazbotmcnastythe stuff is not at the original place06:51
chelzSath: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword06:51
chelzyeah there's no specific reset passoption06:51
theadminchelz: Here's what mine has, off top of my head: root console, repair X.org (this one dissapeared in Karmic though), update grub, resume to normal boot... and some other sutff06:51
chelztheadmin: yeah, gotta drop to a shell prompt and do passwd06:51
shazbotmcnastyokay, the stuff is at "/media/BIGTB/Big TB/torrentbackup/My Torrents" - the original file is at "~/My Torrents"06:52
theadminchelz: Oh, right, makes sense now06:52
chelzwould be nice to have a reset password option right there06:52
chelzi thought there was one for some reason06:52
shazbotmcnastyI can do 'md5sum -c file.md5' that I made, but it looks in ~/My Torrents06:52
SathI did boot menu and I have HD/CD/Removable devices/Network Boot/Diagnostics06:52
shazbotmcnastynot the place that they actually are.06:52
Nitrohaxchelz> might be to much of a security risk though you know06:52
Sathshould I have pressed 2 for setup instead of 0 for boot options?06:52
NitrohaxSath> somethings changed hold on06:53
Nitrohaxthat's from chelz06:53
chelzSath: follow that link. get to the GRUB menu. you might have to press esc to get it.06:53
theadminchelz: Sath: or shift06:54
Apokalepsisq all!06:54
ApokalepsisHow speak Russian?06:54
chelz!ru | Apokalepsis06:54
ubottuApokalepsis: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:54
misterBDoes anybody know how to get DSL working in karmic? I've tried pppoeconf. That messed with my network devices and caused a big headache. I tried adding the launchpad ppa, and I had no wireless. Can anybody help me out?06:54
Sathlemme check this out, I esc'd out of the boot menu and it logged me in. Going to reboot now06:54
ActionParsnip!adsl | misterB06:55
ubottumisterB: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE06:55
ActionParsnipmisterB: thats the way you set it up, if you grab a router you don't have that hastle ;)06:55
ActionParsnipSpaceGhostC2C: sup06:55
SpaceGhostC2CActionParsnip: just rolling out my own linux distro and looking for people to help.06:56
NitrohaxSpaceGhostC2C> tell zorak i said hi!06:56
bazhang!ot > SpaceGhostC2C06:56
ubottuSpaceGhostC2C, please see my private message06:56
misterBActionParsnip: Like I said. pppoeconf broke my computer before. That's why I'm here asking.06:56
SpaceGhostC2Cbazhang: sry bazhang.06:56
misterBActionParsnip: and the person I'm setting it up for doesn't have a router and doesn't want to buy one.06:56
bntlymisterB: then they are silly :/06:57
NitrohaxmisterB> i'll look at somethings also06:57
misterBbntly: now that's something I can't change.06:57
bntlymisterB: hehe very true!06:57
NitrohaxmisterB> you say dsl right?06:57
misterBNitrohax: yeah.06:58
NitrohaxmisterB> under the networking options all the dsl settings are there without having to d/l anytign else06:58
bntlyHas anyone else been having problems with flash 10 under lucid? Choppy video but fine sound playback?06:58
NitrohaxmisterB> what are you trying to do with the dsl?06:58
ravibnHi! I have a problem with my Frontech ecam JIL 2214. When gstream-properties is used it works perfectly alright.06:58
ravibnBut when I use skype or cheese webcam booth any other application it does show blank06:58
ravibnThis webcam is fully functional with www.chatroulette.com and u can see me online06:58
bazhangbntly, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please06:58
FloodBot3ravibn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
misterBNitrohax: yeah.06:58
bntlybazhang: thanks :D06:59
misterBNitrohax: was using network manager, but that broke in Karmic06:59
NitrohaxmisterB> what prob are you having with the dsl setup?06:59
ravibnOk! FloodBot306:59
Nitrohaxshouldn't have. did you make sure it's fully up to date?06:59
misterBNitrohax: connection tries to connect and never does.06:59
misterBNitrohax: it times out I think07:00
NitrohaxmisterB>  one sec i'm pming07:00
shazbotmcnastywhen I do md5sum -c file.md5 - and it says "OK" after... that means that the file matched up right???07:00
SathHaving issues getting to the recovery boot, neither esc nor shift worked, I'm in the setup menu right now07:00
shazbotmcnastyor do I have to md5 again?07:00
Sathand it has Quickboot enabled, I don't suppose that is part of the issue?07:00
NitrohaxSath> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword07:01
NitrohaxSath> did you try that link?07:01
leeping_mtx_init, fsck is returning an error.  It says : "only 1 or 2 FATs are supported, not 235."07:01
ravibnHi! I have a problem with my Frontech ecam JIL 2214. When gstream-properties is used it works perfectly alright. But when I use skype or cheese webcam booth any other application it does show blank. This webcam is fully functional with www.chatroulette.com and u can see me online. Can u provide a fix?07:01
mtx_initleeping_: maybe it only does fat and fat1607:01
leeping_ActionParsnip, are you still here?  It seems foremost is a way to recover individual files, whereas I'm hoping to get the entire partition back07:01
Nitrohaxravibn> try skype prefrences?07:01
SathYeah I clicked it but it has said the same thing you guys said, aka press esc to select recovery boot07:01
Sathwhich is what I'm having trouble accessing :\07:01
ActionParsnipshazbotmcnasty: yes :D07:01
leeping_mtx_init, it supports FAT32.  I just don't know if it recognizes my disk as such07:01
shazbotmcnastyActionParsnip, YES07:02
mtx_initis it mounted leeping_ ?07:02
NitrohaxmisterB> do you need a log in or user name to get on the dsl?07:02
leeping_mtx_init, the partition doesn't show up.  It simply says /dev/sdb07:02
s4aluckdo somebody has tripwire installed?07:02
Sathalthough it does say 'hold' the shift key, I'll try that07:02
leeping_There is no /dev/sdb107:02
SpaceGhostC2Cs4aluck: do you have a question?07:02
ActionParsnipleeping_: then use a wildcard for the mask of files yuo require recovering. Do you not have a backup of the data. This would be smarter and easier and garuntee results07:02
ravibnNitrohax: I tried that and there is a test button. when I press that it shows blank options ---> video07:02
s4aluckSpaceGhostC2C:  yes, I was trying to make the setting but something went wrong07:02
leeping_ActionParsnip, I wish I had.  They aren't my files, there is no backup07:02
mtx_initleeping_: try fsck.vfat /dev/sdb107:03
SpaceGhostC2Cs4aluck: you should ask your question. What exactly are you trying to do, and what is happening?07:03
mtx_initsee if it works07:03
ravibnNitrohax : it really works great with www.chatroulette.com why not with skype?07:03
leeping_mtx_init, No such file or directory07:03
Nitrohaxthere should be a setting with skype to control the hue and brightness07:04
leeping_mtx_init, the best luck I've had so far was with GetDataBack (a Windows program).  It was able to recover most of the files except for the most recent ones, and the directory names got all scrambled up07:04
mtx_initActionParsnip: what did you nmean by a wildcard?07:04
s4aluckSpaceGhostC2C: See this http://pastie.org/87784207:04
mtx_initleeping_: I use it all the time, its pretty good07:04
leeping_mtx_init, do you know if it's possible to get directory names back?07:04
ravibnNitrohax : lette me try changing that in skype once again07:04
ActionParsnipmtx_init: a * like in searches etc, it means ';everything'07:04
mtx_initleeping_: I usually just take what it gives07:05
nomad77leeping_: if all else fails,try testdisk,but read about its useage first before using.07:05
SathBoth shift and network boot are bringing me to a MBR 2FA: prompt07:05
SathI am so confused, lol07:05
leeping_nomad77, I tried testdisk as well.  It first reports no partition found.  If I try the deeper scan, it seems to report a partition found, but doesn't allow me to select it07:05
leeping_nomad77, I think I should be able to get some utility out of testdisk, but I don't know why it's not allowing me to select the partition that it found07:06
leeping_maybe the partition is blank because it has no name?07:06
nomad77leeping_: hmm well distrowatch-search will let you look for forensic,recovery distro's,etc.07:07
leeping_nomad77, I'll see if I can find anything there.  Let me try testdisk again though :)07:07
SathI cannot for the life of me figure out why my computer won't let me into this area07:07
ravibnNitorhax : there are no hue and brightness setting are not there in Skype under options---->video devices but it is pointing to the correct device file /dev/video007:07
Nitrohaxone sec07:08
s4aluckSpaceGhostC2C: I think I made something wrong. Probably I made mistake with editing the setins. Can you help?07:08
ActionParsnipleeping_: you only need testdisk or dd_rescue if trhe drive is physically failing, you can use foremost directly on the partition if its healthy07:08
SathMBR 2FA prompt again, ugh07:09
leeping_ActionParsnip, I doubt that I can use foremost if Ubuntu can't find the partition.. it can only find the device.  or am I mistaken?07:09
ravibnNitrohax : my Q is how come it is working with www.chatroulette.com and gstreamer-properties why not with any other apps ?07:09
ActionParsnipleeping_: then use the device raw, its all good07:09
leeping_nomad77, testdisk reports having found a FAT32 partition, but it doesn't allow me to select it after the search is over.  I don't know why it's doing this07:09
DcMeeseAnybody know of a good DEBIAN manager?07:09
Nitrohaxravibn> looking at it right now07:09
mihirhow to open corel draw .cdr file in ubuntu Inkscape is not able to open cdr file is there any other way to open it07:10
SpaceGhostC2CDcMeese: yourself?07:10
ActionParsnipDcMeese: debian isnt supported here07:10
DcMeeseActionParsnip: Oh :( why not?07:10
s4aluckdo somebody know how to edit the setins for tripwire???07:10
ravibnNitrohax : thank u I will wait for your answer07:10
mtx_initleeping_: foremost wont find much more than getdataback, but its a try07:10
leeping_mtx_init, do you know if foremost tries to get the directories back too?07:11
SpaceGhostC2CDcMeese: because this is ubuntu, not debian support channel.07:11
mtx_initleeping_: it doesnt07:11
DcMeeseSpaceGhostC2C: :) thanks07:11
SathOk, maybe I can approach this a different way. Someone else suggested that if I can't get this to work I can download a newer version and reformat?07:11
SpaceGhostC2CDcMeese: later friend.07:11
mihirhello friends07:11
Nitrohaxravibn> so when you click on the test button in the window you aren't seeing anythign but on other programs you are seeing stuff? and it's pointed at the right device? am i correct?07:11
DcMeeseSpaceGhostC2C: Im not leaving lol07:11
mtx_initleeping_: its a forensics application, its there to look at descriptors of files rather than recover them.07:11
mihirhow to open corel draw .cdr file in ubuntu Inkscape is not able to open cdr file is there any other way to open it07:11
SpaceGhostC2CDcMeese: I didn't say that, I said later as in I'm gonna do other things now. Later.07:12
ravibnNitrohax : yes! your are correct07:12
Nitrohaxravibn> when did you download skype?07:12
ravibnnitrohax : from www.skype.com07:12
DcMeeseSpaceGhostC2C: Oh. Lol. Ha. 0_O07:12
Nitrohaxravibn> when?07:12
mtx_initleeping_: gl im off to bed07:13
ravibnNitrohax : yesterday07:13
Nitrohaxflukebox> halcyon + on+ on07:13
mihirhow to open corel draw .cdr file in ubuntu Inkscape is not able to open cdr file is there any other way to open it07:13
Nitrohaxravibn> ok one sec more pelase07:13
ActionParsnipmihir: you may be able to get a plugin. I'd ask in inkscape. If its a proprietary format you may luck out07:13
leeping_mtx_init, thanks!07:14
kosnicki tried to upgrade my ubuntu istallation on my eeepc and seems like it stucked at the very end. it did downloaded all the packeges, it did installed them and then while "cleaning up" (less than one minute remaining - as it said) it stuck in "processing triggers for python support" . Any ideas what to do? (by the way i tried to ctrl-c and i got a message that if i do that i might leave the system broken and finally backed off.07:14
Nitrohaxravibn> i sent you a pm07:15
mihirhow to open cdr format in ubuntu07:15
ravibnNitrohax : What pm?07:15
flukeboxNitroxhax: what ?07:16
Nitrohaxflukebox> nm you must not be a fan of fluke the band07:16
flukeboxthat must be the case07:16
mihirhow to open corel draw file in ubuntu07:17
kosnickok i just got a message to go on  ;)07:17
SpaceGhostC2Cmihir: did you ask where another user told you to go ask?07:17
Ten-Eightmihir: from what I have been able to find, there is no way to open a .cdr file with Inkscape.07:17
Nitrohaxravibn> well since the private message (pm) isn't working. i would try to video chat with a skype user and see if they can see you. Seems more like a skype program glitch07:18
timClickshi - is the new light theme available anywhere?07:18
ravibnNitrohax : No ! I need it for video conf with my clients across globe07:18
timClicksI would like to experiment with it wihout trying the whole karmic beta07:19
Ten-Eightmihir: if a drawing created in coreldraw can be saved as .svg, then Inkscape should be able to open it as it deal with .svg quite nicely.07:19
Nitrohaxravibn> unless you want to tell me your skype number and or name here and i try to connect with you that's my solution. i think it's just skype not showing you the test picture. so test it on another user07:19
SpaceGhostC2CtimClicks: karmic isn't in beta, Lucid is.07:19
Ten-Eightif someone else knows differently, please correct me.07:19
ravibnNitrohax : sure my skype id ravi.kumar.b.n07:20
nomad77mihir: this may work or try the gimp http://sk1project.org/modules.php?name=Products&product=sk107:20
timClicksSpaceGhostC2C: *facepalm*07:20
ravibnNitrohax : can u give me your skype id pl07:20
mihirbut in that case we need to embade image and it will almost turn out to be jpg file which cannot be ungrouped in inkskape07:21
racerdso did ubuntu send out an update for video drivers?07:22
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:22
Ten-Eightif the image can be saved as .svg in Coreldraw, Inkscape should be able to deal with it.07:22
Nitrohaxravibn> that was me calling, you need o try to turn on your webcam when i try again. i don't have a mic on this computer07:22
s4aluckdo somebody knows how to edit the setings for tripwire???07:23
Bob_Dolehow's the 10.04 release coming along? still as buggy as the 9.10 release?07:24
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ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:31
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DcMeeseI was surprised at canonical's haste at sending me my copy of Ubuntu 9.10... Is that typical? Im in the USA.07:33
Sathis there an ubuntu 8.4?07:35
lonejackHi, does someone know if exist a sw on ubuntu repo like source navigator?07:35
Pokerulernight :D07:36
DcMeeseSath: yes07:36
Sathcould that be why I'm having issues? is it booting differently or has a different command?07:36
Sathapparently I have 8.0407:36
ldvxlonejack: what do you mean? an apt-get search GUI?07:36
n3k0rmWhats a good GUI IRC client for Ubuntu? Using the Empathy client now, would use irssi, but I'm in the mood for a GUI IRC07:37
CrustyBarnaclen3k0rm: xchat07:37
Ten-Eightxchat is a great gui irc client.07:37
ldvx+1 for xchat07:37
DcMeeseXchat rocks07:37
n3k0rmOh, yeah, I forgot about xchat. Thanks CrustyBarnacle and Ten-Eight07:37
lonejackldvx: I would like a sort of sw that allow me to browse: methods, variables, constant on a C/C++ project. Like "source navigator"( http://sourcenav.sourceforge.net/).......07:39
=== blueghost is now known as programming
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djdarkmanhello, does someone know how can I get dpkg errors?07:39
djdarkmanI can't upgrade a package and I want to know what the error is07:40
n3k0rm_dj, have you installed the essienstials package?07:40
timClicksdjdarkman: are you using apt-get or aptitude?07:40
djdarkmantimClicks: apt07:40
ldvxlonejack: aah. what about emacs or vim?07:40
djdarkmaninvoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "stop" failed.07:40
djdarkmanthis is what I get07:41
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DcMeese"sudo apt-get install packagename", djdarkman ?07:41
petsounds!ask | Sath07:41
ubottuSath: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:41
winXPuserhello I got the ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.nrg image from the website but don't have a CD to burn it (yet). what are the possible things for me to do?07:41
djdarkmansudo apt-get remove mysql-server-5.1 but the same happens when I want to upgrade07:42
harisundhow do I replace metacity with something that supports tiling on Ubuntu?07:42
ldvxharisund: look for an xmonad/awesomewm guide07:42
timClicksdjdarkman: guess: anything in /var/log/?07:43
n3k0rm_Is there not built-essentials package anymore? DJ, installing that fixed a lot of my dpkg problems, but I'm on 9.10 right now and I don't see it07:43
lonejackldvx, emacs can do it? I didn't know07:43
srinihow to do network installation in ubuntu?07:43
timClicksn3k0rm_: it's "build-essentials"07:43
timClicksn3k0rm_: build-essentials != built-essentials07:44
djdarkmanit's there07:44
djdarkmanwhere can I look for logs that say something07:44
n3k0rm_timClicks, I know, I re corrected myself07:44
Slart!info build-essential07:44
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB07:44
DcMeeseWould you say Nautilous is the best for FTP?07:44
djdarkman /var/log/dpkg.log is useless07:45
timClicksn3k0rm_: opps07:45
n3k0rm_Grr, why do I have an underscore... brb07:45
SiennaPhoenix43My friends is trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on his ppc iMac. Any tips?07:46
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timClicksSiennaPhoenix43: use a virtual machine07:46
SiennaPhoenix43Is there no way to set up a dual boot?07:47
timClicksSiennaPhoenix43: probably, but a VM will mean that it's higly unlikely to go badly07:47
SiennaPhoenix43timClicks: That's a good point.07:47
Evetwhat virtualization solution is suggested for 9.10?07:48
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications07:48
=== Intrepid is now known as n3k0rm
ricardinho22hello, I need some help on a little issue07:51
winXPuser!ask | ricardinho2207:51
ubotturicardinho22: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:51
rocket16What is it ricard?07:51
ricardinho22Fair enough :) Upgraded from lucid alpha to beta, now gnome is not loading07:52
ricardinho22when running apt-get from terminal window it shows that something is wrong with the application headers.07:52
winXPusergo to #ubuntu+1 ?07:52
rocket16ricardinho22: Does it crash?07:52
ricardinho22no, it just doesn't load. I'm able to run a terminal session.07:53
ardchoille!lucid | ricardinho2207:53
ubotturicardinho22: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:53
rocket16ricardinho22: Ok, have you tried reinstalling?07:53
ardchoille!lucid | rocket1607:53
ubotturocket16: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:53
chelzSath: did it work?07:54
rocket16!ask | arc\dchoille07:54
ubottuarc\dchoille: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:54
SathNo unfortunately07:54
rocket16!ask | arcdchoille07:54
ubottuarcdchoille: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:54
SathI haven't been able to access the recovery boot from any angle07:54
ardchoillerocket16: Please don't do that, I know what I'm doing07:55
Sathesc, shift, setup, etc07:55
rocket16ardchoille: I understand, but we must Ubuntu testers07:55
DcMeese!fload | ardchoille07:55
DcMeese!flood | ardchoille07:55
ubottuardchoille: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:55
rocket16* help ubuntu testers07:56
Nitrohaxi'm goign to go to bed now. goodnight all07:56
ardchoillerocket16: you canhelp them in #ubuntu+107:56
rocket16ardchoille: O07:56
rocket16ardchoille: Ok07:56
chelzSath: hold shift07:56
SathTried it, it boots very quickly so that might be an issue? I'm running 8.04 according to the system info.07:57
Bear10How do I install a Japanese IME for Ubuntu?07:57
Baloe4567HI.I'm trying to install karmic from PXE networkboot. Everythings woroks (hardy works and lenny installs also) but with karmic it hangs at initrd.gz ready then nothing. Did i forget something ?07:58
chelzSath: follow the video at the end of this: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword07:58
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
SathI did that as well. Since it's a mini-dell it doesn't have a CD drive. Tried external but it doesn't register/recognize the device and doesn't show up as accessable. Lol, I'm losing my mind.07:58
=== Bear10_ is now known as Bear10
diwantI have installed Chrome beta, and it is working well so far.08:00
chelzSath: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/dell-mini/+faq/31108:00
SathGiving it a look now, thanks08:01
timClickshow do I use apt-get to download the source of a package?08:02
roughmouthhi, i am new to the ubuntu world08:03
Sathomg it's not kidding about 'very fast' I'm doing them almost simaltaneously and it continues to boot. Raging.08:04
DcMeeseroughmouth: Kool. Im rather new myself. You have ubuntu 9.10?08:04
casttimClicks: man apt-get, /source<enter>08:04
roughmouthI believe so08:04
chelztimClicks: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html08:05
Sathgot it!08:05
roughmouthI am having trouble getting my printer to work and was hoping to find some help08:05
SathYou're a beast Chelz, thank you so much.08:05
timClickscast chelz: thanks, I'm looking to find out how to direct where the source will be downloaded to08:05
chelzSath: np. thx for using ubuntu08:05
DcMeeseBye all08:05
castwill be cwd08:05
SathI'll let you know if it works08:06
roughmouthit is a lexmark 3650 and it looks like it instaled ok but it wont print a test page08:06
roughmouthany sugjestion would be apreciated08:06
timClickschelz cast: that's quite nice, apt-get tells you that the is available from launchpad and gives you the link to the right branch08:09
SathYES! It worked. I have full access.08:10
roughmouthis my question not worthy?08:10
SathDamn you Dell for setting the delay to 0. And thanks again Chelz.08:10
DcMeeseroughmouth: Can you print stuff tho?08:10
Baloe4567Anybody have some PXE knowledge ?08:10
roughmouthno it just hangs when i go to print08:11
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=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
fatcakeI switched operating systems from Windows to Ubuntu, in the final stages of the switch, I must have deleted a file I shouldn't have.  Now, when I start is up, it tells me that bootmgr is missing.  How do I fix this problem without just wiping my computer and starting again?  There are files on it I would like to keep.08:15
castif you boot off a livecd you'll be able to make another backup of your important files08:16
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researcher1Im trying to get dhcp automatic for LAN of my computer lab. Its failing.I want u to view log.Where can I get the log file?08:17
fatcakeThanks, I'll try that.08:17
wazzaaaaahi all , at boot up some hardware fails a probe , where do i look which one is it.. does ubuntu have a log ?08:18
Seventy8Anyone around who can help me with remote connection / mounted ntfs drives in deluge?08:18
=== cwe_moetz is now known as cwe_niez
winXPuser!ask | Seventy808:20
ubottuSeventy8: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:20
winXPuser!anyone | Seventy808:21
ubottuSeventy8: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:21
winXPuserSeventy8, what is the specific question?08:22
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Seventy8Well, I'm trying to use remote connection to deluge, and download to mounted ntfs drives, but whenever i try to download, it tries to check the progress, and stays at 0%08:23
Baloe4567Anybody have some PXE knowledge ? I cant install karmic from PXE it just hangs at initrd.gz loading08:24
playeri am a new one in linux08:25
researcher1where can I find the system log file?08:25
castresearcher1: /var/log/*08:25
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researcher1can I get specific log file for dhcp3 failures?08:26
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CrustyBarnacleBaloe4567: Trying to do network install or network boot?08:26
roughmouthDcMeese thanks for the suggestion. i feel sooooo dumb :)08:26
Baloe4567Network install08:27
Baloe4567CrustyBarnacle network instal . i could load the vmlinuz fromhd-media but not the one fromnetboot08:27
wolf89hi guys..how can i avoid that ubuntu overwrites my mbr?08:27
ciccioi need something to download from youtube, whats the best?08:28
wolf89when installing it..08:28
sash_ciccio: youtube-dl08:28
wolf89ciccio, download helper, it's an add.on 4 firefox08:28
wazzaaaaahi all , at boot up some hardware fails a probe , where do i look which one is it.. does ubuntu have a log ?08:28
Baloe4567wazzaaaaa typ dmesg08:28
duffydackciccio, buffer the entire clip and copy the file called Flash(sometihng) from /tmp to your home.08:28
wazzaaaaabaloe4567 , you mean in terminal08:29
Baloe4567wazzaaaaa yup08:29
wazzaaaaathats loat of data where do i look specifically?08:30
wazzaaaaaBaloe4567 , ah got it08:30
roughmouthAny ubuntu wizards out there know how to set up multiple displays that will not revert to single display upon restart?08:31
almoxarifewolf89: my music collection was started and kept that exact way :)08:31
CrustyBarnacleBaloe4567: using NFS for actual drives on the same server that is providing PXE services and the boot image?08:31
wolf89almoxarife, =)08:31
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wolf89almoxarife, can u help me with a feature when installing ubuntu?08:32
Baloe4567CrustyBarnacle Yes but NFS is not needed right ?08:32
almoxarifewolf89: I can try, shoot08:32
wolf89i want to install backtrack 4 final n my macbook white, it's based on ubuntu intrepid..08:32
wolf89the problem is that i don't want ubuntu to overwrite my mbr..08:33
wolf89how can i do that?08:33
mrselfpwndon't run grub08:33
almoxarifewolf89: way over my head08:33
wolf89mrselfpwn, ? what do u mean?during installation what i have to do?08:34
wolf89almoxarife, thx anyway=)08:34
castwolf89: backup your mbr then08:34
KaVhello fellows i have a question about an nics could you recommend any channel to ask ?08:34
mrselfpwnwell, i haven't installed to harddisk though I would edit the backtrack install script and have it not run grub08:34
almoxarifewolf89: I am the guy who actually gave the key to my win7 install in virtualbox, then saw his real install ask for something he no longer had08:35
mrselfpwnthen manually add backtrack with the proper settings to ubuntu's grub08:35
CrustyBarnacleBaloe4567: No, NFS is not needed.08:36
wolf89mrselfpwn, i'm under macosx..i'created a partition..it's empty..i want to install in this empty partition bt 4 final without interferring with efi..08:36
mrselfpwnthen don't let it overwrite our mbr08:37
chelzfatcake: you need to reinstall grub08:37
CrustyBarnacleBaloe4567: TFTP can be used for sharing the boot image/file08:37
mrselfpwnchelz: it's efi08:37
roughmouth Any ubuntu wizards out there know how to set up multiple displays that will not revert to single display upon restart?08:38
CrustyBarnacleBaloe4567: Sleep time for me.. but, http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/996308:38
wolf89mrselfpwn, ok, what options have i got to click or not or what i have to set to do that?08:38
Baloe4567CrustyBarnacle I know and lenny worked, testing worked, hardu worked, Jaunty give nasty error and after that nothing works08:38
mrselfpwnwolf89: how do you plan on using something as cli intensive as backtrack, though are not able to figure that out?08:38
CrustyBarnacleBaloe4567: Try Karmic instead?08:39
almoxarifewolf89: do you have the ram to run one in virtual?08:39
chelzmrselfpwn: fatcake is using efi?08:39
Baloe4567CrustyBarnacle thats the point it doesnt work .. seems like the netboot installer is bugged, but all the toturials speak fine of it08:39
wolf89almoxarife, yep..08:39
mrselfpwnwolf89: honestly, i haven't installed to harddisk, i would havve to look at it08:39
wolf89i get it...vmware..=)08:39
mrselfpwnchelz: ah, nvm08:39
amol112 hi all, i have MTNL modem lsusb shows 0451:6060 ,it gets detected after modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0451 product=0x6060 but wvdialconf not works with this08:40
chelzroughmouth: lexmark x3650?08:40
amol112dmesg shows usbserial_generic 4-2:1.0: generic converter detected usb 4-2: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB008:40
chelzfatcake: follow this: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin708:40
wolf89thx guys!bye bye=)08:40
chelzroughmouth: depends on your gfx card08:40
amol112as well ifconfig also not shows detected usb modem08:41
chelzroughmouth: please talk in the channel. good to hear you got it printing.08:41
fatcakeI think so, and I tried to download the missing file, because it didn't have a problem until i went to restart it and now I can't find the files that were in music and photos.  Is EFI the wrong one?08:41
roughmouthsory chelz08:41
roughmouthi have a gfx 260 nvidia card08:42
CrustyBarnacleBaloe4567: I'll have to try it myself... good luck08:42
chelzroughmouth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd5HoC0VaQM08:43
roughmouthiil go chek it out08:43
chelzroughmouth: also for fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhMErNsEoZw08:43
playeri want to download the lib files one time ,but how08:44
amol112chelz, any idea about why modem is getting detected with wvdialconf08:44
ranjbHi can anyone help me with a 'grub loading' issue?08:44
almoxariferanjb: lost it after update?08:45
chelzroughmouth: nvidia-settings should set things up pretty well08:46
amanii can play game on ubuntu or not?08:46
ranjbI have 2 laptops and on 1 laptop i have successfully installed 9.10 on the other one which is a same brand laptop but slightly higher spec. I can install but once it restarts all I get is 'grub loading' no other message. I have Windows 7 installed already on the laptop. Could this be the cause?08:46
magn3tsSigh, is there a way in rhythmbox to get play counts of songs?>08:47
ranjbI have heard that I have to ensure that grub is installed on the ubuntu partition08:47
chelzamani: depends on the game. there are lots of games for linux but playing Windows games on linux can get tricky08:47
roughmouthi get this message when i try to save - Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!08:47
ranjbdoes anyone know how I do this. I was going to download gparted and run it on both laptops and see how each of the disks are setup and partitioned08:47
brando753is there any voting applications in ubuntu08:48
chelzranjb: all you need is an ubuntu livecd. the livecd has parted on it as Partition Editor.08:48
roughmouthany idea chelz?08:48
amanigame like nfs, hello etc08:48
chelzranjb: try #2 here: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin708:48
ranjbso by default if i have dual booted the laptop and ubuntu is my second OS install where will it store grub? will it store this on a windows MBR?08:49
chelzroughmouth: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:50
djdarkmanHi, is there a way to change the order of the playlist columns in rythmbox?08:50
djdarkmanthe current order is very akward to me08:50
chelzranjb: grub usually has its files on an ubuntu partition and installs another part to the root of a drive. it's much more reliable to have grub boot with the system rather than anything from microsoft08:50
amaniwhere i foun the game for ununtu??08:51
ranjbok that makes sense, I will have a look at the link you sent08:51
chelzamani: Applications -> Software Center08:51
chelzin ubuntu08:52
researcher1when Im behind the office proxy I cant update.Any help please? While web browsing does not fail for the same repository source.08:52
roughmouthchelz: what is that suposed to do08:52
chelzresearcher1: that's something to talk to your office IT staff about08:52
tusharhow to change the buttons of the window to right side , its left sided now08:52
chelzroughmouth: reset xorg.conf so nvidia-settings can edit it08:52
chelztushar: lucid help is in #ubuntu+108:53
roughmouthchelz: ok ill give that a try08:53
aurilliancewhenever I press ctrl+alt+f7 to come back to the desktop after using a tty shell, my netbook goes into suspend. Any ideas on how to stop this?08:53
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:53
chelzroughmouth: if that doesn't work, this will: "The other thing I found out you can do is delete the xorg.conf file. Then restarting the X session with startx. Doing this will create a brand new xorg.conf file with the absence of not having one."08:54
chelzaurilliance: what model?08:54
researcher1I have configure proxy settings to enable access to Internet but update is failing with the message 'Proxy authentication required ". My question is where else apart from Network proxy do i have to authenticate?08:54
aurilliancegigabyte t1028x netbook, ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix08:54
aurilliancechelz, ^08:54
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks08:55
nibblerresearcher1: so the proxy needs authentication, did you supply this, or do you just do it with your firefoxß08:56
chelzresearcher1: "Open up your Synaptic package manager (usually as root), go to Settings-> Preference -> Network. Enter your proxy server details like : username:password@proxyserver.net, and put the proxy server port (usually 8080)."08:56
nibblerCrustyBarnacle: this is not asked for,i believe ;-)08:56
researcher1I did with firefox n also did in System-Preferences-Network Proxy08:56
CrustyBarnaclenibbler: indeed08:57
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nibblerresearcher1: sounds like youdidnt do it correctly in synaptic.... check if you did it exactly like chelz said - but issnt it http://user:pass@proxy?08:57
amol112anyone can tell me how to configure 0451:6060 usb  modem in Linux?08:57
researcher1nibbles: ok08:57
researcher1nibbler: this link failed08:58
researcher1let me correct n report soon08:58
nibblerresearcher1: this is not a link, this is a scheme that needs to be adapted and used as proxy definition08:59
zetherooDoes Ubuntu have any issues with being installed on an SSD?08:59
Baloe4567Anybody have some PXE knowledge ? I cant install karmic from PXE it just hangs at initrd.gz loading08:59
amanitell me some games name??08:59
nibblerBaloe4567: if you get it to initrd loading i'd say your pxe works fine, maybe the hardware just wont boot with karmic?08:59
CrustyBarnacleresearcher1: http://user:pass@proxy:port09:00
overshardamani, crawl09:00
Baloe4567nibbler well it boots the installfor the server CD disk and also lenny/hardy/testing works .. just not karmic and lucis insallers.Also install kamric earlier with a usb stick09:01
nibblerBaloe4567: strange, did you disable splash screens and quiet modes in grub?09:02
roughmouththat didnt work09:02
Baloe4567nibbler if i can even install grub i could .. i cant even get the installer which should be super simpleto acces with the default settings09:02
almoxarifeBaloe4567: what kind of install?09:03
Baloe4567almoxarife netboot install09:03
fatcakeI can't keep firefox open for more than 30 seconds so that I can read about fixing my problem.09:04
almoxarifekarmic and lucid are grub2, what are the other debian you listed Baloe4567?09:04
amanimy finger print reader not work.....09:06
aurilliancewhenever I press ctrl+alt+f7 to come back to the desktop after using a tty shell, my netbook goes into suspend. Any ideas on how to stop this?09:06
nibblerfatcake: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.old then restart09:06
nibblerfatcake: restart firefox, that is09:06
Baloe4567almoxarife Debian stable installed fine, Debian testing installed but i get kernelpanic after install and hardy gets me into the install screen fine.But karmic doesnt give me a install screen.Which is odd because i tried the HD-media one and CD one and those works perfectly only can use them to install09:06
nibblerBaloe4567: did you use alternate installer?09:06
jastorsomeone that knows a graphical filemanager (midnight commander style) that actually MOVES files? and not: copies them and when all the files are copied, deletes them09:06
nibblerjastor: midnight commander e.g.09:07
Baloe4567nibbler there is only one netboot installer09:07
nibblerBaloe4567: ah okay, sorry09:07
SensivaHello, I am using HTTrack, if I close its GUI, it will work in the background??09:07
jastornibbler: well i said something like midnight commander ... except htat midnight commander is not what im after since it doesnt move files09:08
nibblerjastor: of course it moves files, thats why i recommended it. but pls mind that a real move is only possible when working on the same fs09:08
almoxarifenautilus moves09:08
jastornibbler: midnight commanders idea of how to move a file is rather fcked up ... "hey lets copy the files from A to B .. and when all the files are copied, we delete them from A"09:09
nibblerjastor: not if you are on the same fs...09:09
jastornibbler: its between disks ;)09:09
nibblerjastor: than how do you think it should be moved, if not copy+delete?09:09
almoxarifejastor: nautilus has a 'move script'09:10
jastornibbler: copy file 1 from A to B, delete file 1 from a .. copy file 2 from A to B, delete file 2......09:10
Baloe4567Hmmm just tried the pxe on another pc .. it works fine there ... so it's not the installer09:10
nibblerjastor: that makes such a big difference.....09:10
jastornibbler: instead of copy n to b .. copy next to b .. copy next to b .. when all the files are copied, dlete from a09:10
amol112hi all,i don't know much modem configuration after search i got running #modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0451 product=0x6060 it detctects as /dev/ttyUSB0 but dont know how to configure it..09:10
jastornibbler: yes it does09:10
almoxarifejastor: sounds like something you might want to put together?09:11
nibblerjastor: i thinkg you wont find any application that does it differnt from nautilus/mc, they are all "rather *ed up"09:11
jastornibbler: whatever moron thought it up like that anyway?09:12
jastorthat instead of deleting the source file after each copy, delete them after all are copied09:12
almoxarifejastor: you have had way too much caffeine09:13
jastoralmoxarife: nautilus .. isnt that a graphical one?09:13
r43gh4rhi... i have a Q.. can someone help me?09:13
almoxarifejastor: yes09:13
mealstromnothing wake ups you better then a smell of burning server09:13
jastoralmoxarife: X isnt installed ;)09:14
=== tushar_ is now known as tushar
almoxarifer43gh4r: ask09:14
syriusdoes smbmount give password over network in plaintext?09:15
syriusor does it encrypt it09:15
=== tushar is now known as thevishy
shazbotmcnastyGOD DAMNIT09:16
nibblersyrius: encrypt09:16
shazbotmcnastyI'm sorry09:16
FloodBot3shazbotmcnasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:16
nibblersyrius: but sniff it, if you want to know....09:16
shazbotmcnastyI'll just be going now, I thought i was in a different room.09:16
syriusit is encrypted09:16
r43gh4rwell... i installed ubuntu on toshiba satellite m100 laptop.... but the problem is that when i log in... it kind of freezes09:16
syriushow would I sniff it? nibbler09:16
syriuswhat tools would be the job for that?09:17
syriusI never tried it before09:17
syriuslike wired share or something?09:17
syriuswird shark*09:17
nibblersyrius: wireshark or just ngrep09:17
jastorso .. anyone that knows a filemanager that moves files between disks like 99% of all the other does? (nortoncommander,norton commander 95,windows commander, total commander, etc.etc.etc.)09:17
almoxarifesmbmount does plain text password09:17
syriusdo you have link for this? almoxarife09:18
zetheroo Does Ubuntu have any issues with being installed on an SSD?09:18
syriuson some site it says that modern windows doesn't accept plain text09:18
duckwarsdoes anyone know if there is a media center type program that uses mplayer, or how I can force boxee or xbmc or moovida to use mplayer instead of whatever they use?09:18
Dr_Willis_jastor:  clarify what you mean09:18
jastorDr_Willis_: midnight commander .. it moves files like "copy files from A to B .. when all teh files are copied, remove them from A"09:19
Dr_Willis_duckwars:  geexbox used mplayer. So i think its latest version 'enna' does also09:19
n3k0rmmy speakers keep popping when playing sounds, especially when sound hasn't been played in a while. Using a fresh install of 64-bit 9.1009:19
amol112i am now clueless why my usb modem is not getting detected with linux09:19
duckwarsthank you09:19
jastorDr_Willis_: about all other filemanagers ive used "copy file 1 from a to b, dlete file 1 from a, copy file 2 from a to b, delete file 2 from , ......."09:19
Dr_Willis_jastor:  so? that may or may not be good. :) I tend to use mc for console and 'rox' for gui.09:19
almoxarifeamol112: problem exists only after return from suspend?09:20
amol112almoxarife, no always problem exist09:20
amol112it got detected by kernel as /dev/ttyUSB009:20
jastorDr_Willis_: whatever its good or not im looking for a filemanager that does it like that09:21
almoxarifeamol112: did it ever work?09:21
amol112but wvdialconf not detects it09:21
amol112almoxarife, yes09:21
syriusalmoxarife, where does it say it sends it out in plaintext?09:21
amol112LED glows09:21
syriusall I see is this line09:21
syriusThis is preferred over having passwords in plaintext in a shared file, such as /etc/fstab. Be sure to protect any credentials file properly.09:21
syriusI am not using /etc/fstab09:21
syriusto auto mount it09:21
jastorDr_Willis_: i dont even see why midnight commander would go against the "file manager standards" when it comes to moving files09:22
syriusnibbler, how would I use ngrep?09:22
zetherooDoes Ubuntu have any issues with being installed on an SSD?09:22
syriusfor that purpose09:22
jastor(filemaanger standards in this case would be what nc,nc95,windows commander, total commander etc.etc.etc. use)09:22
fatcakeI'm sorry, I still can't get Firefox to even work.  I didn't quite understand what I was told to do to fix that.09:23
Dr_Willis_jastor:  its been around longer then most of the other file managers out. and it tried to clone the old 'norton commander' file manager that was out for dos AGES befor that09:24
sreejui am new to ubuntu,can anyone tell me how to install packages downloaded from web09:24
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Dr_Willis_sreeju:  what packages? Its best to use teh package manager09:24
jastorDr_Willis_: i just mentioned norton commander09:24
sreejui mean softwares09:25
anirbani got broken pak while try to install vlc,     i update the packge list but no luck......help plzz?09:25
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  yes.. we know you mean software.. what software?09:25
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  do you mean .deb files or somthign else?09:25
jastorDr_Willis_: you just lectured me up on filemanagers :D stating norton commander was the first one ... and yet missed that when i said nc didnt know that nc is norton commander?09:26
sreejuwhile iam downloading anything from web they are not giving .deb file09:26
almoxarifesyrius: By default, Samba uses plaintext passwords to authenticate clients who access network resources. Samba also supports the use of LanManager- and NT-encrypted password authentication.rd ????? http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/271709:26
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  it all depends on exactly what it is.. and who is doing the packageing.09:26
sreejuthey are giving some tar.bz file etc09:26
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  thats just a generic 'archive' extension.09:26
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  so what IS it you are trying to install exactly?09:27
anirbani got vlc: Depends: vlc-nox (= 1.0.2-1ubuntu2.1) but 1.0.4-1~getdeb1 is to be installed in error09:27
sreejuok after extracting iam getting more files09:27
r43gh4rcan anyone hlp me pls09:27
sreejuwhat should i do with it to install09:27
Dr_Willis_anirban:  you got the getdeb repos enabled. and they are confliucting. You may want to  remove it09:27
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  we cant say.. untill you tell us EXACTLY what it is you are messign with.09:28
timClickshi - is the new light theme available anywhere? i would like to try the lucid look and feel without installing the whole beta09:28
almoxarifeanirban: did you try to 'repair' via synaptic?09:28
sreejui have down loaded kmplayer from the web and i have to install it09:28
Dr_Willis_timClicks:  theres theme downloads for that - at various ubuntu news sites. OMGubuntu I think has them. as does that webup8 site09:28
anirbanalmoxarife geting same error in syna ..but in gui mode09:28
Baloe4567almoxarife can grub 2 from previous install block pxe ?09:29
timClicksDr_Willis_: ty09:29
jastorDr_Willis_: so .. you have no idea then i guess09:29
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  seeif they got debs. for starters.. and i belive that tool may be avail in some PPA repositories09:29
Baloe4567almoxarife nvm it works lol09:29
anirbani use sudo apt-get install vlc09:29
Dr_Willis_jastor:  i cant even rember what we were talking about. Ive been helping in other channels09:29
jastorand im damn interested to know when i ask for something OTHER than midnight commander. . i get midnight commander as an answer?09:30
jastorheh ... youve smoked way too much crack09:30
Dr_Willis_jastor:  i recall some other console based file managers in the repos. but ive rarely used them09:30
almoxarifeBaloe4567: I know this about grub2, it crashes on wubi installs after updates, there is a fix, I am wondering if the same problem you have is associated with it, the crashes are on wubi installs09:30
sreejuwhatever i am downloading from web is not in .deb format they are some source codes how can i install them09:31
Dr_Willis_jastor:  theres also numerous 2 pane file managers out like 'gentoo' 'filerunner'  and proberly a dozen others that i cant rember09:31
anirbanDr_Willis i got it ...i remove vlc-nox  and then try to install vlc againg ..now its woeking09:31
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  compiling from source is going tobe a rather large undertaking for a linux beginner.09:31
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html09:31
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)09:31
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  you would have better luck finding a PPA repoistory for unofficial/new packages09:32
jastorDr_Willis_: filerunner is for x09:32
Dr_Willis_jastor:  its an old 2 pane file manager with GUI written in TCL. :)09:32
sreejusorry i didn't get you09:32
Dr_Willis_madeit very easy to 'tweak'09:32
almoxarifesreeju: I learned how to install from source using 'check-install', much simpler and saner way to do it09:32
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.09:32
jastorDr_Willis_: ok .. i only saw it said for X09:33
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  you may want to search  for whatever it is you are trying to compile and 'ubuntu ppa' and see if there exists a PPA for it.09:33
tusharhow do I use compiz i dont see any effects on my cojmp09:33
Baloe4567almoxarife apparantly a reset of bios did the trick ...it was bios at fault here09:33
tushareven thhough i turned on cube desktop and all09:33
sreejuwhat is ppa09:33
Dr_Willis_!ppa  | sreeju09:34
ubottusreeju: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.09:34
almoxarifesreeju: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2356 <-- the noob way to do the impossible, hope it helps09:34
jastorfuck it ill just move one at a time >:P .. but its going to be an pain in the ass09:34
almoxarifeBaloe4567: cool09:35
jussi01!language | jastor09:35
ubottujastor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:35
Aciidis ppa easy to start, if you havent done any packing ever? except bash installers09:35
sreejuwhy the websites are not giving .deb file? it is easy to install no09:35
Aciidsreeju: apt-add-reporsitory ppa:name09:36
HaffeBecause they don't want to support a deb package+09:36
overmindsreeju: Because there are more distros than ubuntu, and they won't make packages for all distros09:36
almoxarifesreeju: too many version of linux with too many installers09:36
Lantheshello all is there anyone can help me why i cant use the google.com or msn messenger?09:36
tusharhow do i use compiz09:37
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sreejuoh thats why they give source codes right09:37
sreejuok how can i run/install them?09:37
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  one normally dosent just 'download from a web site to install'  thats windows thinking.. its best to learn to use the repositories and the PPA feature of the package manager system09:37
almoxarifesreeju: did you read up on the link I gave you?09:38
Dr_Willis_jastor:  wite a shell script :) or use find09:38
n3k0rmtushar, have you installed compiz?09:38
tusharyeah its installed09:39
sreejusorry i dont know repositories and PPA09:39
tushari have an integrated intel gfx card btw09:39
tusharwhy isnt 3d enabled even09:39
n3k0rmtushar, have you installed compizconfig-settings-manager?09:39
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  thats why ive had the bot give you information on using PPA's like 3 times now.09:39
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.09:39
tusharyeah n3k0rm i have opedned that too now09:39
almoxarifesreeju: download the current 'ubuntu-tweak' , that's a d/l and it will have lots of apps to pick from09:39
Lantheshello all is there anyone can help me why i cant use the google.com or msn messenger?09:39
embrikto activate the on-screen keboard from login-screen into a gnome session?09:39
jastorDr_Willis_: i wouldve used mv ... except that id like to know the transferprocess09:39
n3k0rmWell, what exactly are you having trouble with, Tushar?09:39
Dr_Willis_jastor:  i recall some addon/tool that gave cp/move a progress bar.. but i cant recall wher i saw it at09:40
tushari need to make my computer like one of those cool compiz09:40
almoxarifeLanthes: you behind a firewall?09:40
tusharlike 3d and all09:40
embrikIs it possible to have the on-screen keyboard activated in a gnome session?09:40
Aciidjastor: mc has progress bar for move and cp09:40
Lanthesalmoxarife: dont know am I i just fix the wireless problem and now have this problem09:40
jastorAciid: I KNOW09:40
fatcakeWhat is mv?09:41
embriktushar: administration, synaptic.... searc for compiz-fusion, install09:41
jastorBUT MIDNIGHT COMMANDER .. doesnt move files the normal way09:41
duckwarsso I tried enna, but it doesn't work (not exactly sure why), but anyway, are there any other media centers that use mplayer?09:41
almoxarifeLanthes: you are using the wireless now?09:41
Lanthesalmoxarife: yes very good :)09:41
n3k0rm@tushar: Well, the effects you're probably looking for and how to install them can be found on this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80969509:41
Aciidjastor it does09:42
jastorim moving 500GB of files 8-20GB each to make some freeespace ... but .. instead of getting 8-20GB at a time after every file... i get 500GB free space when everythings finished :P09:42
jastorAciid: no09:42
Ashokhi any one tel me what is sudo and how to access root user09:42
Aciidstop downloading warez jastor, thats how u get freespacw09:42
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)09:42
jastorAciid: instead of deleting every source file after each copy ... it deletes them AFTER every copy is done09:42
embrikhow can I activate on-screen keyboard in a gnome session, without a keyboard, just using the mouse09:42
almoxarifeLanthes: then the wireless works, but you can't browse the web?09:42
Dr_Willis_This silly keyboard has a  big enter key where im used to the | key heh..  i keep miss hitting the | :)09:43
Lanthesalmoxarife: i can see only facebook but cant see google.com or cant open msn messenger nor skype09:43
Lanthesalmoxarife: as you understand im using irc now so im coonnected t internet but cant browse google .com or msn09:44
almoxarifeLanthes: if you can see face book then the problem is not your wireless or dns, your browser is what?09:44
AmadiroGood evening. There is some package in the ubuntu repo, which seems slightly out-of-date, and a newer version of the software with security updates was released. Is there some way I can help/notify the downstream devs, for instance by flagging the package out-of-date?09:44
Lanthesboth browse mozilla doing that09:45
Aciid!language | jastor09:45
ubottujastor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:45
nexsja'ello. I've got a bit of a situation here. I think i've accidentally deleted partition tables. and now i'm afraid to reboot O_O09:45
rothsdadhey, why the setup speed is so slow when I choose the LVM??09:45
Dr_Willis_Amadiro:  theres teh backports and other  repositories that may have the updates.09:45
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging09:45
AmadiroDr_Willis_, thanks, I will look into it.09:45
Lanthesalmoxarife: konqueror and mozzziila ah yes i fix the wireless problem by myself09:45
nexsjais there a way to revert the changes if i didn't reboot yet? :<09:46
Spacemanthis morning I have been greeted with "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode" any ideas how to fix it?09:46
Dr_Willis_nexsja:  see what 'sudo fdisk -l' says ?09:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:46
nexsjaDr_Willis_, nothing good :/09:46
Dr_Willis_nexsja:   sometimes the kernel dosent see the changes tull a reboot.. but that is not a guarentee09:46
Dr_Willis_nexsja:  id be making some backups real fast09:47
nexsjaso i can't suspend the system either?09:47
almoxarifeLanthes: I am not sure what to tell you, might try to re-install firefox???09:47
Lanthesalmoxarife: hımmm not just firefox same with Konqueror to09:48
rothsdadhey, why the setup speed is so slow when I choose the LVM??09:48
almoxarifeLanthes: try one of them?09:49
roughmouthjust in case anyone would like to know of a good tutorial for setting up dual monitors with nvida cards i found one that worked perfectly---http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html---this resolved my problems. Thanks for your help. I woldent even have know where to look if it were not for yall09:49
Lanthesalmoxarife: tryed few times already same ......09:49
Bob_Dolein ubuntu...If I'm on a laptop with a USB mouse, and a built in trackpad, is there any way to disable the trackpad? I keep accidentally hitting it while typing which is making bad things happen09:49
Lanthesalmoxarife: its says could not find usable proxy something something...09:49
Ashokim unable to access my root account any one help me plz09:49
roughmouthnow the only thing i need is sound in tvtime and i will be all set up!\09:49
Bob_DoleUbuntu 9.04*09:49
AmadiroDr_Willis_, I did find one in the backports, which is newer than the version currently in the repository, but that one is still too old to have the security update.09:49
roughmouthany sugjestions?09:50
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:50
almoxarifeLanthes: you have proxy setup?09:50
Lanthesalmoxarife: dont know how can i check?09:50
=== antivirtel is now known as antivirtel`afk
nexsjaDr_Willis_, so i can't suspend either, right?09:51
almoxarifeLanthes: if you had proxy set as a system default we would not be talking09:51
Ashokubottu: hey tel me how to access root user thru terminal09:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:51
Lanthesalmoxarife: checking proxy right now and seems i dont have any proxy thing so what should i do now?09:52
tvstebutHi, my static routes in etc/network/interfaces are note taken in consideration09:52
almoxarifeLanthes: what does system > pref > network proxy              say set to?09:53
Lanthesalmoxarife: connet to internet directly09:53
maxoratorI had this window restore lag (~2 secs) and then just tried to turn off the desktop visual effects, turns out I can't turn them back on09:53
almoxarifeLanthes: check the firefox pref's , what does it say about your connection?09:54
Bob_Doleagain, is there a way to disable a trackpad in ubuntu 9.04?09:54
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twrightmaxorator: have you tried pressing ALT+f2 and running the command compiz --replace09:55
Dr_Willis_Bob_Dole:  i had some settings on my aao to disable it on 'typing'  Or i could use the laptops special key combos09:55
maxoratoroh, seemed to work, the restore lag is back09:56
thingyBob_Dole: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=271052&highlight=disable+touchpad+while+typing09:56
Bob_DoleDr_Willis_, thingy thanks09:57
twrightmaxorator: if you install compiz config settings manager, you can turn down the level of effects09:57
maxoratoractually I tried turning off everything in compiz, lag still there...09:57
almoxarifeLanthes: I am officially out of ideas, maybe some one else can help09:57
Lanthesalmoxarife: ok i check and its says no proxy connection and when i try to get in google.com its says Found09:57
LanthesThe document has moved here.09:57
LanthesApache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at www.google.com Port 80"09:57
FloodBot3Lanthes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:57
Bob_DoleTrying not to passout now that the oxycodone the nurse gave me kicked in09:58
twrightmaxorator: what graphics card/driver do you have?09:58
maxoratorati hd 385009:58
maxoratorjust installed the latest drivers today, it didn't improve anything09:58
overmind!es | raquelilla09:59
ubotturaquelilla: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:59
twrightmaxorator: is that the propitiatory ati driver then?09:59
LanthesIs there anyone can help me why I cant connect to MSN or Google.com09:59
raquelillano se inglesssssss09:59
overmindraquelilla: Entonces ve a #ubuntu-es09:59
maxoratortwright, what do you mean?09:59
maxoratorI just downloaded it from the ATI website and ran10:00
twrightmaxorator: Ah right, did you have this issue with the driver installed by default?10:00
Ashokhow to create graphical user account in ubuntu10:01
SeveasAshok, system -> admin -> users & groups10:01
mary__Hello, I am using evolution and I have setup my gmail account for imap and on the left side it lists my account but the drop down triangle is unresponsive and it will not display my mail by clicking on the shown email address.10:01
maxoratorI don't know, I don't remember when this lag started10:01
mary__Does anyone have any suggestions?10:01
maxoratorI haven't used ubuntu for a long time, had it on dual boot, just a few days ago I used it and noticed the lag10:01
almoxarifemary__: did you get to the password prompt?10:02
mary__well at one point i did and i deleted and tried to setup a new account but since i have set up a new account it has not asked for the password10:03
AshokSeveas: no im not able to create tat add user is not wrkin r sth10:03
mary__it says scanning for new messages and reaches 100% but is still unresponsive10:03
SeveasAshok, eh? I don't understand a word of that... try english...10:03
almoxarifemary__: did you set up the imap  and smtp ports for gmail correctly?10:04
twrightmaxorator: if it is a new lag then you might want to try the default driver instead - you can reset it using the command sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and start from there.10:04
AshokSeveas: hey i am not able to create from what you said10:04
SeveasAshok, what's the error you get?10:04
mary__almoxarife: i beleive so I just selected gmail then imap, interesting the drop down triangle just responded10:04
AshokSeveas: that adduser button  is un sensitive i mean not responding at all10:05
almoxarifemary__: your gmail account is already setup for imap?10:05
overburnhello guys. anyone know how i can setup a network between kubuntu 9.10 and windows 7? i'm kinda lost at the ip configuration for the network adapter in kubuntu10:05
SeveasAshok, isn't there an 'unlock' button?10:05
mary__almoxarife: it appears to be a problem with evolutions gui10:06
maxoratortwright, do I have to restart?10:06
twrightmaxorator: yes10:06
Spacemanhow do you show the list of other kernels during the start up?10:06
almoxarifemary__: nothing against evolution but I gave up on it and installed thunderbird10:06
mary__the drop down triangle is very touchy, then when it opens and i click on inbox it acts as if i clicked to close the drop down triangle and pulls the list away10:06
AshokSeveas: no man there is sth called as click to make chnages10:07
twrightoverburn: do you mean connection sharing10:07
mary__thanks for the suggestion10:07
almoxarifemary__: if you created a new account and you never got to the password login from google I don't think you talked to the imap server10:08
Seveas!br | YSNESHY10:09
ubottuYSNESHY: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:09
overburntwright: erm yes. i have a kubuntu box with 2 nic's . one is connected to the net, the other is connected to a pc with windows 710:09
mary__i guess since everything was exactly the same the old config was still in there10:09
SeveasAshok, screenshot please :)10:09
mary__let me send a test email10:09
AshokSeveas: hello tell me how to create user account10:10
almoxarifeSeveas: nice to see someone who knows the diff between ES and PT/BR10:10
overburntwright: and i'm trying to be able to share stuff between then as well as share the net connection on the linux box10:10
mary__]looks good i guess i will just have to deal with the skiddish gui10:10
zongo_cab anyone tell me if he has issue muting the internal speakers while jack connected and what would be the fix ?10:11
Seveasalmoxarife, just did a whois on the ip address and it said .br :-)10:11
overburntwright: as well as share the keyboard and mouse using synergy10:11
twrightoverburn: right, sinergy and file sharing should be easy10:11
almoxarifeSeveas: that works too :)10:11
Dr_Willis_Ashok:  'sudo adduser billgates'   is one way10:11
SeveasAshok, please upload a screenshot of that dialog somewhere. I'm using a different version of Ubuntu and am a bit puzzled by what you say. Screenshots help debugging :)10:11
overburntwright: yes, but i'm lost on how to set the network adress on the linux box so the windows box would see it on the network10:12
nishanthdoes anyone know if there is a channel for compiz?10:12
twrightoverburn: this should help with the internet connection http://superuser.com/questions/5960/internet-connection-sharing-windows-vista-windows-7-or-windows-vista-ubuntu10:12
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz10:12
Dr_Willis_nishanth:  yes there is.10:12
overburnthanks twright10:13
nishanthwhat is the channel?10:13
Dr_Willis_nishanth:  the bot just said.. its #compiz10:13
twrightoverburn: it is generally difficult though - don't be surprised if you encounter some issues on the way10:14
AshokSeveas: /home/ubuntu/Desktop/Screenshot-2.png10:14
SeveasAshok, yeah, that doesn't work via the internets :-) Upload it to imagebin :)10:14
b33tfr33krhello everybody10:14
YSNESHYqual servidor br ta bombando no  xchat e qual sala so tem br ?10:15
overburntwright: when is it ever easy getting windows and linux to work together? lol10:15
Seveas!br | YSNESHY10:15
ubottuYSNESHY: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:15
SeveasYSNESHY, /join #ubuntu-br10:15
AshokSeveas: im new to ubuntu i dont know what is image bin10:15
artinstartinafter upgrading to the latest "update" the desktop is not visible anymore. the autostart programs run but there is no "system, places" and also no time visible just a blank screen in the purple colors of lucid lynx alpha310:16
artinstartinwhats th epropblem please10:16
SeveasAshok, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add10:16
twrightoverburn: fairly in my experience - you could always just get an Ethernet switch quite cheaply10:16
Seveasartinstartin, gnome-panel was not started.10:16
b33tfr33krartinstartin, you upgraded from alpha3, right? known bug.  wait a few and update from term10:16
AshokSeveas: ya sure i will do it right now10:16
artinstartinSeveas: what do i have to do? recovery mode?10:17
Seveasartinstartin, or start gnome-panel. Is there anything in you autostart programs that can launch other programs?10:17
overburntwright: yeah but that would defeat my purpose of having to deal with scary stuff as a timewaster10:17
artinstartinb33tfr33kr: correct10:17
GeografHello from Ukraine10:18
artinstartinSeveas: i will check10:18
artinstartincu later and thanblks10:18
PenquiteHi all, I don't know if anyone can help but I think an Apache update on my Ubuntu Server has just broken php. Instead of php scripts running they are just offered to you as a download. When I set the server up, I took the LAMP option, so I am not sure how to configure Apache to make php work again. Any hints would be gratefully received.10:18
b33tfr33krhello Geograf10:18
AshokSeveas: hey i uploaded check it10:19
SeveasAshok, click the button with the keys on it. That asks for your password. After that you can add users.10:20
halis there a way to move several screenlet widgets at once between workspaces?10:21
AshokSeveas: but i don know that password10:21
SeveasAshok, same password as what you use for logging in10:21
Ashokk wait i wil try10:21
SeveasPenquite, please pastebin the output of this command: ls -alR /etc/apache210:22
AshokSeveas: hey i got thanks very much10:22
SeveasAshok, np, enjoy :)10:22
HRH_H_Crabive just installed a dvb card in my karmic machine. after install i rebooted and confimred it was there with lspci. i then installed linux-firmware-nonfree and me-tv, rebooted and now the system wont boot. in recovery mode the machine gets to fsck, and then it just reboots itself.10:22
Ashokso now i can access root user also rite10:22
AshokSeveas: can i access root user now10:23
HRH_H_Crabcan anyone give me some troubleshooting advice? i guess i'm going to have to boot from a live cd?10:23
KartiHi all, anyway to list complete directories and then send to .csv So far I have ls > directory.csv but it doesnt go down deep enough :)10:23
SeveasAshok, yes, you can change things for root now10:23
NetScr1bekartis ls -r10:24
SalmonSamis it possible to configure empathy so that when chat windows are closed you don't leave the chat?10:24
b33tfr33krHRH_H_Crab, what's up?10:24
Seveas!pm | penquite10:24
AshokSeveas: how to change root password now10:24
ubottupenquite: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:24
Seveas!pastebin | penquite10:24
ubottupenquite: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:24
NetScr1bekartis excuse me ls -R10:25
rocket16Ah! Many Indians are here!10:25
KartiNetScr1be: Many thanks -10:25
SeveasAshok, I think you can do that if you hit the properties button after selecting root, but I'm on lucid an that interface changed considerably so I'm not sure10:25
b33tfr33krrocket16, nope, but plenty of cowboys (haha, jk)10:25
Penquiteapologies, what do you mean by pastebin?10:26
rocket16Good joke, b33tfr33kr10:26
rocket16Pastebin is an Online Codepasting area10:26
timClicksPenquite: http://pastebin.be/10:26
overmindPenquite: If you wanna paste text, instead of pasting and flooding in channel, you can paste text in a web called pastebin, where everyone will be able for read it :)10:26
SeveasPenquite, ubottu told you a few lines above :)10:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:26
rocket16Where you can paste your Codes10:26
timClicksPenquite: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ I think also works10:27
HRH_H_Crabb33tfr33kr: well basically i can no longer boot. the last change i made was installing linux-firmware-nonfree / me-tv. since doing so it wont boot the kernel cant figure out why atm.10:27
NetScr1beanyone know anything about stopping false errors from palimpsest?10:27
halis there a way to move several screenlet widgets at once between workspaces?10:27
rocket16Anyway, Kubuntu Network Manager is not a mess like Ubuntu 9.10's,10:28
rocket16So, when will be the Network Manager fixed?10:28
NetScr1bepastebinit not installed by default (on UNR anyway) use sudo apt-get install pastebinit to install10:28
b33tfr33krHRH_H_Crab, yeah, at the very least you'll have to boot off a live cd. where does the boot sequence stop? can you tell?10:28
b33tfr33krHRH_H_Crab, you have a live cd?10:28
PenquiteThanks all, http://paste.ubuntu.com/398253/10:31
sqwertleI'm curious; in certain channels whenever I try to say something I get "Cannot send to channel". Any idea as to what causes this?10:31
HRH_H_Crabb33tfr33kr: i have one somewhere.10:31
HRH_H_Crabatm im removing the dvb card.10:32
HRH_H_Crabit booted at least once since i installed it but i'll see what happens.10:32
HRH_H_Crabim sure i have a dvd somewhere10:32
HRH_H_Crabas for where it stops,10:32
HRH_H_Crabit seems to stop at 3 different places10:32
Seveassqwertle, probably you need to register and identify before you can talk10:32
Seveas!register | sqwertle10:32
ubottusqwertle: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode10:32
HRH_H_Crabone is early in the process where i see "[2.353992] Invalid checksum 0018"10:33
SeveasPenquite, looks like php5 has been disabled: sudo a2enmod php5; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart10:33
HRH_H_Crabor, it does a lot more udev stuff, then goes to fsck and reboots itself right after that (before giving results)10:33
HRH_H_Crabthe third possibility is it will do that, confirm fsck was clean, and then mess around with ntp before rebooting itself.10:34
SeveasHRH_H_Crab, looks like dodgy hardware. Boot into memdisk and let it run for a while10:34
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HRH_H_CrabSeveas: ill try that if removing the dvb card doesnt work.10:35
AshokSeveas: how to open root account graphically10:35
Milpis there any option for mount to print out more detailed stuff on how and why something went wrong?10:35
solid_liqAshok, don't ;)10:35
b33tfr33krHRH_H_Crab, yeah, sounds like you're on the right track with pulling that card.  i agree with the memdisk boot suggestion.10:35
SeveasMilp, look in /var/log/messages or the output of the dmesg command10:35
Ashoksolid_liq: what10:35
HRH_H_Crabi did play with memtest for a while,10:35
solid_liqAshok, you don't open root account graphically10:36
HRH_H_Crabbut by the time it got to 2% passed i was bored and determined my memory must be 100% rock solid! ;)10:36
Seveassolid_liq, he means in the account editor :-)10:36
Ashoksolid_liq: why10:36
Seveassolid_liq, are you on hardy? If so, please help Ashok. I'm on lucid and they changed that thing completely...10:36
Ashoksolid_liq:tell me why man10:37
AshokSeveas: tell me how to open root account graphically10:37
PenquiteSeveas, thanks, but it failed with Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so into server cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:38
SeveasPenquite, then php got removed. sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php510:38
Ashokhello any one tell me how to open root account graphically im new to ubuntu10:39
DaZAshok: you don't want to do this.10:39
Dr_Willis_Ashok:  for what reason exactly?10:39
b33tfr33krAshok, he meant that you don't log into the graphical interface (gnome) with root. you sudo into it from a terminal10:40
Dr_Willis_biggest danger to a ubuntu system - is often the users doing things they shouldent be doing10:40
AshokDaZ: y10:40
Dr_Willis_Ashok:  tell us exactly what task you are trying to preform10:40
DaZAshok: because only thing you gain from it is higher probability of crashing your system.10:40
=== eric is now known as Guest8617
AshokDr_Willis_: ist that possible atleast i want to know im new to ubuntu thats y10:41
DaZAshok: it is possible10:41
b33tfr33krAshok, it was decidedly removed as an option in ubuntu.  you can in, say, debian for example.  but it's too risky.10:41
bazhangAshok, not support unsafe in the extreme10:41
Dr_Willis_Ashok:  use 'gksudo programname'10:41
zetheroowhat is the key combination to hard restart from within Ubuntu?10:41
DaZbut needs gdm conf. file editing.10:41
Dr_Willis_Ashok:  if you want to ask a more clear/exacting question - please do so.10:41
sreejui have downloaded kmplayer from the web please help to install it10:41
DryGrainyou can open gnome-terminal graphically and sudo from there10:41
DryGraindoes that count10:41
HRH_H_Crabwell... surprise surprise removing the card has got it back to a desktop again, but since i booted once without problems and only ran into issues after installing that firmware package, i wonder. i think ill remove the firmware replace the card and see what happens...10:42
AshokDr_Willis_: fine what is root i am new to ubuntu10:42
b33tfr33krHRH_H_Crab, haha, right on10:42
chuchumaoluhow to use xchat10:43
NetScr1beyou can also open a file browser as root10:43
HRH_H_Crabwell, it could just be coincidence. this card has been stuck in a box for a good while maybe it only had one "good" boot in it.10:43
NetScr1beroot = all-powerful superuser10:43
bazhangchuchumaolu, go to a different channel is /join #channelname10:43
nmvictorwhich package provides XVID MPEG 4 decoder and H.260 decoder in ubuntu?10:44
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  i see a 'kmplayer' repository/ppa  - but why are you even bothering with kmplayer? theres other players you can use.10:44
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:44
zetheroo what is the key combination to hard restart from within Ubuntu?.10:44
nomadhow all where can i find where to add new gimp brushes?10:44
Dr_Willis_zetheroo:  alt-ctrl-sysreq-k I think10:44
Dr_Willis_nomad:  on a per user basis. thers a .gimp dirctory I belive10:45
sreejui want to study to install a package downloaded from web10:45
PenquiteSeveas, php5 is now re-installed, and have restarted apache, but I am still getting offered my php scripts to download. Can you think of any other dependencies that I may have broken?10:45
Some_uxI need some help with my HDDs, Seems like my Raid 1 may have gone kaput. How do i run diagnostics if I can't boot the kernel ?10:45
Dr_Willis_sreeju:  you got a lot of learning to do.  and proberly 200mb+ of downloads to install befor you can compile from source10:46
b33tfr33krAshok, root is an account that has full file access permissions.  your user account, for example, cannot modify system components for security purposes10:46
NetScr1besreeju what's after the. in the package name?10:46
Dr_Willis_kmplayer is just a very minimal front end to mplayer.10:46
nomadDr_Willis_, I am going through finding a bunch from the net and kinda need a "usr,share" or something ,I know I can put them wherever I want but not advanced to do that w/o making system a wreck lol10:46
SeveasPenquite, run these commands and pastebin the output: dpkg -l '*apache*'; ls -laR /etc/apache; ps aux10:46
sreejuoh ho10:46
Dr_Willis_nomad:  when in doubt.. put stuff like thatin your users home. No need to clutter up the whole  system10:47
zetherooThis laptop screen here keeps blacking out when browsing in Firefox10:47
zetheroovery odd10:47
zetheroothe laptop is still on and the wifi is still working .. but the screen is just black10:47
nomadkk thanks ,then I can direct gimp to it if I remember right,right?10:47
NetScr1bepenquite maybe your browser doesn't have the add-on to handle python scripts?10:47
bazhangchuchumaolu, next you want to go into preferences and choose how to highlight others; last spoken instead of alphabetical10:47
zetherooit only happens when using Firefox10:47
sreejuthe how can i get packages from web?10:47
nmvictorwhich package provides XVID MPEG 4 decoder and H.260 decoder in ubuntu?10:47
NetScr1bepenquite browsers offer to download files they don't know how to handle otherwise10:48
zetherooDr_Willis_: not working for me10:48
Dr_Willis_nomad:  gimp has a setof dirs it keeps such in that it uses10:48
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap10:48
chuchumaolufirst time chat this way10:48
bazhangchuchumaolu, if you type two or three letters then hit the tab key, it will complete the nickname, and the person can read what you are saying clearly10:48
nomadI am using something called swiftfox ,it is firefox but made for specific processor architecture and it seems good10:48
Dr_Willis_nmvictor:  install ubuntu-restricted-extras for starters..10:48
bazhangchuchumaolu, so for you I type chu <tab> and it becomes chuchumaolu10:48
HRH_H_Crabb33tfr33kr: removed the firmware and me-tv, rebooted, all good. @_@10:49
Some_uxHow do i run diagnostics on my Raid if I can't boot ?10:49
HRH_H_Craboh well.10:49
HRH_H_Crab(after replacing the card that is)10:49
NetScr1beSome_ux: boot from liveCD or SysResc10:49
nomadDr_Willis, are you familiar with the conduit toolbar making website?10:49
nomadI have java and flash and I cannot get the media player in the toolbar I made showing up ion ubuntu10:50
Some_uxOnce I boot from the LiveCD, how do i run diagnostics ?10:50
zetherooany ideas?10:50
bazhangchuchumaolu, you also likely want to register your nickname if not done so, and then put the nickname:yourpass in the server field10:50
PenquiteNetScr1be, I thought it would be that the server should be running the script and the browser should not need to know about it, but I am using Namoroka firefox pre-release. Have also tried firefox on a mac and also opera10:50
chuchumaolui try what you told me10:51
bazhangchuchumaolu, try highlighting me  type baz then hit tab key10:51
chuchumaolubazhang, isn't like this time10:53
bazhangchuchumaolu, nicely done; you may also want to edit your favorite channels, so you join them at startup10:54
ranjancan any body on the network can help me with fixing the correct display with the battery status on my  hp mini .. it is not giving correct information .. any help would be of great help ......10:54
NetScr1behow do we stop join/quit messages?10:55
bazhangchuchumaolu, this is done by choosing network list under Xchat menu item, then hitting edit for Ubuntu (freenode server) ; you type in the channels thus:  #channel1,#channel2,#etc10:55
bazhangNetScr1be, what client10:55
chuchumaolubazhang, how to edit channel10:55
merniliogreetings fellow friends!10:56
mernilioof free software.10:56
bazhangchuchumaolu, if you wish to hide all the joins/parts from the channel, then right click channel name and choose there10:56
nmvictori am running ubuntu server in my iBook, i installed Gnome env which was accompanied by open office, however open office is not in the menu?is their a way i could have it their?10:56
b33tfr33krhello mernilio10:56
bazhangnmvictor, under applications--> office ?10:57
=== antivirtel`afk is now known as antivirtel
merniliob33tfr33kr: hi there .. im the one of few who have actually talked with RMS.. can you belive it?10:57
bazhangmernilio, do you have a support question?10:58
disappearedngon my local network my laptop + handphone cannot ssh into my desktop, how do I go about debugging this situation? (Not just ssh, but http doesn't work either)10:58
merniliobazhang: no.. he dismissed me :-P10:58
bazhangmernilio, #ubuntu for support ; #ubuntu-offtopic for chat10:58
HRH_H_Crabb33tfr33kr: even stranger (but lovely) is the fact that i mysteriously now have drivers installed for it.10:59
nmvictorbazhang: not their10:59
mernilioStallman is overrated i think. I do however support him.10:59
bazhangmernilio, please stay on topic10:59
merniliobazhang: whats the topic?11:00
bazhangmernilio, Ubuntu support. chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:00
merniliooki, sorry!11:00
merniliobazhang: im banned from ubuntu-offtopic.. can  you fix that in any way?11:02
bazhangmernilio, /join #ubuntu-ops11:02
PenquiteSeveas, I was wondering if you had missed my paste, http://paste.ubuntu.com/398264/11:03
Milpif i mount something and get a "no such file or directory" error even though both locations exist, what could possibly be going wrong?11:04
wh1t3I'm having a problem with my ubuntu installation. Went from 8.10 -> 9.04 -> 9.10 yesterday (the 8.10 was a fresh install) it was working fine yesterday. Left it running overnight, now it wont start... Goes as far as the canonical logo, then just a black screen instead of logon screen. ANy ideas?11:04
Dr_WillisMilp:  checkspelling.. caseis imporntant11:04
Milpthanks dr_willis, but its all lowercase, no mistake there :/11:05
wh1t3I found some things to try, nvm my question for now. Should have done a bit more research before coming here asking for help.11:09
=== isilion is now known as felix__
KamaLhello... i'm trying to update the xmlrpc-c to a newer one, but I'm getting errors.. this is what i get when using the ./configure command11:18
halwhat key combo is <Shift><Super>Button1 , please?11:18
zongo_hey guys, should I be using pulse audio or alsa ?11:18
zongo_would it make any difference ?11:18
KamaLand this error when i use the "make" command11:19
Nagatoi bought a laptop (sony vaio vpceb1e1r/wi) and installed ubuntu 10.04 (also checked on 9.10). wireless connection is fine, but wired doesn't work - ifconfig -a shows lo, pan0 and wlan0, but no eth0, what should i do?11:19
halah - it's ok, I found it - it's the left mouse button11:20
motsI'm planning to get an analog 5.1 set11:20
motswill i have to fiddle around with alsa or will it work by default?11:20
=== antivirtel is now known as antivirtel`afk
zongo_mots: I am not an expert, but I am pretty sure that you are going to have to fiddle with alsa11:21
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:21
motsoh great :P11:21
zongo_the same why I am fiddling with alsa now :)11:21
sburwoodI have a file that I want to install.  It ends *-install.  How do I install that??11:22
=== Mowiiii`Aw is now known as Mowee
nmvictorwhich command can i use to read the log during boot up? the Staring mysql ...; Starting apache2...; Configuringg network....  kind of thing11:25
halis there a way to move several screenlet widgets at once between workspaces?11:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:25
bazhangindus, he just asked11:25
^mNotIntelligenti'm having standby problem with ubuntu9.04 on dell studio 1555... can someone help me out  ?11:26
nmvictoris their a package like ppc-codecs?11:26
heatherjm45hi all anyone help with problem connecting to my new BT home hub please?11:27
^mNotIntelligentclosing the lid puts the system in standby apparently, but when i reopen the lid, the systems comes up[i think so ] but there is no display as if the system is down.... the only way is to manually restart the system11:27
heatherjm45hello new to this and I need some help please11:28
heatherjm45hello help!11:28
Nagatohad anyone the same problem with wired connection?11:28
KamaLhello... i'm trying to update the xmlrpc-c to a newer one, but I'm getting errors.. this is what i get when using the ./configure command11:28
dubzii^mNotIntelligent: having the same problem with my laptop11:28
^mNotIntelligentdubzii, i tried googling but to no avail.. no idea what to do ... really freaks me out11:29
Nagato^mNotIntelligent, me too11:29
heatherjm45is there an expert in the house?11:29
^mNotIntelligent!ask | heatherjm4511:29
ubottuheatherjm45: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:29
bazhangheatherjm45, router? dsl modem? please provide more details11:30
heatherjm45ok ty this is my first time in here so I dont know etiquette ty11:30
^mNotIntelligentheatherjm45, just ask your question, who ever knows the answer will respond back...11:30
^mNotIntelligentheatherjm45, no probs.. just ask your Qs. go ahead....11:30
dubzii^mNotIntelligent: i installed 10.04 on my laptop, so figured this was just some bug in the beta. what version of ubuntu are you running?11:31
bazhangdubzii, lucid support in #ubuntu+111:31
heatherjm45upgraded BTHomeHub and can connect to BTOpenzone using my wireles connection but not to my new hub even though I am puttting in the new password11:32
^mNotIntelligentdubzii, i bought this lappy last Aug and installed 9.04 32-bit... dint upgarde since... and from the very begining i'm facing this problem11:32
dubziiah bazhang yeah you're right, but looks like this also runs in older versions11:32
nmvictori get the massage: eth1 : Could not load ager_sta_fw.bin while system boots and so i cant connect to any network, anyone know what i should do?11:34
dubzii^mNotIntelligent: my first guess was something with my display driver but hitting the capslock key doesn't light it up either, so it's not just the display11:34
bazhangdubzii, as it is lucid, please ask for support in the proper channel11:34
tarelerulzIs that translation thing for chrome web browser for the Linux version?11:34
^mNotIntelligentdubzii, i'm pretty sure must be some display driver issue with our specific version of dell model... but dont know much11:35
erUSULnmvictor: find that firmware file ?11:35
erUSUL!find ager_sta_fw.bin11:35
dubziibazhang: you're right, i'll switch channels11:35
ubottuPackage/file ager_sta_fw.bin does not exist in karmic11:35
nmvictorerUSUL: thanks i trying GOOooo..agere_sta_fw.bin..ooooGLE11:36
erUSULnmvictor: good luck. what wifi chip is this ?11:37
nmvictorerUSUL: ok, i wish i knew the command to check this ,  could it be lspci | grep wifi?11:38
erUSULnmvictor: lspci | grep -i net11:38
^mNotIntelligent!hi | Wasgood_11:38
ubottuWasgood_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:38
aurillianceI want to run a .sh file by typing it's name into gnome-do any clues?11:38
erUSULnmvictor: or lsusb if it is a usb stick11:39
Wasgood_Installing Ubuntu has fucked my boot sequence11:39
erUSUL!language | Wasgood_11:39
ubottuWasgood_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:39
Wasgood_It also installed on the wrong partition11:39
bazhangWasgood_, no cursing please11:39
erUSULWasgood_: what is the problem ?11:39
^mNotIntelligentWasgood_, now what?11:39
rammsteinвсем привет11:39
Wasgood_It won't boot into Windows anymore11:39
bazhangrammstein, /join #ubuntu-ru11:40
PenquiteHi all, Just thought I should admit my idiocy. Seveas solution solved my problem, which I would have realised sooner had I cleared my browser's cache11:40
rammsteinпомогите мне пожалуйста поставить плагин в мозиллу и ооперу11:40
erUSULWasgood_: what happens when you choose windows in the grub menu ?11:40
bazhangrammstein, english here  /join #ubuntu-ru11:40
^mNotIntelligent! ru | rammstein11:40
ubotturammstein: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:40
snypzzgood morning all11:40
Wasgood_I believe it says that, it has a problem booting11:40
Wasgood_I'll recheck in one second once I connect with my ipod.11:41
heatherjm45unable to connect to my new bthomehub wireless connection11:41
Dr_Willisnice clear windwows w error message :)11:41
Penquitephp is working again, now I have to get mysql support working again, which also seems to have broken11:41
Wasgood_Sorry, I'll get a more accurate one once I connect11:41
Mr_DarkI'm trying to compile my app with GCC and everything goes fine untill it hits the linker, then it dies on libmysqld.a (undefined reference to 'yaSSL_xxxxx'). I tried to compile mysql by hand but this did not work, also google doesn't give me much results about this matter.11:42
coachjhow do I get to 10.4 support?11:42
erUSULcoachj: #ubuntu+111:42
^mNotIntelligent! coachj | #ubunut+111:42
bazhangcoachj, /join #ubuntu+111:42
SpiKeCycan someone help me a bit here?11:42
^mNotIntelligent!ask | SpiKeCy11:42
ubottuSpiKeCy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:42
bazhangSpiKeCy, ask a question first11:43
srinikickstart possible in ubuntu?11:43
erUSUL!clone | srini11:43
ubottusrini: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate11:43
DelphiWorldhi dear all11:43
DelphiWorldhow do i chmod 777 a directory including all subdirectory/files?11:43
erUSUL!automate | srini sorry for the previous spam11:43
ubottusrini sorry for the previous spam: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning11:43
heatherjm45unable to connect ti wireless connextion11:43
erUSULDelphiWorld: which directory ?11:43
nmvictorerUSUL: thanks, I just got: Apple Computer Inc, UniNorth/Pangea GMAC (Sun GEM)11:44
^mNotIntelligentDelphiWorld, chmod 777 -R <dir-name>11:44
DelphiWorlderUSUL: /usr/local/freeswitch/conf11:44
erUSULnmvictor: that may be the wired chip ...11:44
* erUSUL is having a deja vu11:44
nmvictorerUSUL: so what of the wireless one?11:44
erUSULDelphiWorld: do you really need to change permissions of all files there ?11:45
erUSULnmvictor: post the entire lspci output on a pastebin11:45
SpiKeCy!ask i got a laptop 'Satellite m105-s3004' , and i installed the latest desktop edition of ubuntu, and everything seems to working perfectly except the internet.. i cannot enable my 'atheros' wireless network, and also the ethernet slot on my laptop seems to not be working either. can anyone help?11:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:45
DelphiWorlderUSUL: yes, problem with sudo lol;)11:45
erUSULDelphiWorld: systems files are not world accessible for a reason11:45
sriniubottu:  how to install from Client side??11:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:45
DelphiWorlderUSUL: i need to connect to it from winnSCP and edit/delete files... but no root access11:45
erUSULDelphiWorld: connect via ssh use a terminal editor such as nano ?11:46
nmvictorerUSUL: thanks, let me get pastebinit first11:46
heatherjm45how long do you wait for an answer before you just give up on here please11:46
SpiKeCyso can anyone help?11:46
SpiKeCyi got a laptop 'Satellite m105-s3004' , and i installed the latest desktop edition of ubuntu, and everything seems to working perfectly except the internet.. i cannot enable my 'atheros' wireless network card, and also the ethernet slot on my laptop seems to not be working either. can anyone help?11:47
erUSULSpiKeCy: checked System>Admin>hardware drivers ?11:48
shazbotmcnastyheatherjm45, as long as you want11:48
shazbotmcnastywhat was your problem?11:48
SpiKeCyyep.. there doesnt seem to be anything there11:48
shazbotmcnastyprobably something wayyy over my head11:48
heatherjm45need help getting new wireless connection working please11:48
erUSULSpiKeCy: if you do « iwconfig » in a terminal do you see a wlan0 ?11:48
WassaHere Is the error message, it first says "windows vista loader" i don't have vista and before this I tried to install win7 but it failed and I installed ubuntu instead11:48
SpiKeCygimme a second, ill just startup the laptop11:48
shazbotmcnastyheatherjm45, are you new to ubuntu?11:49
shazbotmcnastyor linux...11:49
WassaWhen I select it it just returns me to the menu11:49
ALEJOof which you speak11:49
heatherjm45loaded it a while ago but dont know much about it11:49
ALEJOi am spanish11:49
erUSUL!es | ALEJO11:50
ubottuALEJO: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:50
* DelphiWorld is algerian11:50
shazbotmcnastyheatherjm45, I believe you just go to system>administration>networking - pick your router, put in your ssid and passkey11:50
DelphiWorlderUSUL: any way thank you for your suggestion, but why nano? why no vim? vi?11:50
erUSULDelphiWorld: is easier; choose whatever you prefer11:50
ALEJOno matter11:50
SpiKeCy@erUSUL : it says no wireless extensions11:50
heatherjm45it is not accepting my passkey, i can get a btopenzone connection going11:50
erUSULSpiKeCy: "lspci | grep -i" net ?11:51
shazbotmcnastyI don't know what btopenzone is11:51
shazbotmcnastybut if you've got a wireless router you would have to do to that config page and change your passkey11:51
shazbotmcnastythat is not within ubuntu11:51
SpiKeCymy bad, there is for wlan0, but there's nothiong for eth011:51
DelphiWorlderUSUL: no, you're realy smart, i prefer it in order to by simple and accessible11:51
shazbotmcnastyalso, I need to get to bed before my girlfriend stabs me11:52
erUSULDelphiWorld: simple and accessible ==== insecure11:52
heatherjm45if u mean my aadmin password I have changed that on BT11:52
heatherjm45thanks shazbotmcnasty11:52
erUSULSpiKeCy: try "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan"11:52
SpiKeCyit says : "interface doesn't support scanning : network is down"11:53
shazbotmcnastyheatherjm45, you should google more - the ubuntu forums will most likely be your biggest help11:53
heatherjm45anyone had problems when changing wireless router and not able to reconnect to their wireless connection?11:53
SpiKeCyhow can i do the whisper thing btw?11:53
heatherjm45I thought that was where I was sorry11:53
shazbotmcnastyheatherjm45, this is a irc support channel, not a in the ubuntu forum11:55
erUSULSpiKeCy: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up11:55
shazbotmcnastyheatherjm45, this is ubuntu forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/11:55
heatherjm45my bad I thought this was ubuntu forum11:55
SpiKeCynope, that wont work either, i get the following error : "SIOCSIFLAGS: Unknown error 132"11:56
intihow do i prevent the updates window to keep popping up11:57
erUSULSpiKeCy: you have wifi disabled via a laptop button11:57
WassaHelp me!11:57
SpiKeCyit's on enabled :/11:57
erUSULSpiKeCy: do this " sudo rfkill list "11:57
erUSULSpiKeCy: and you will see at least a yes there ...11:57
WassaHow do I remove grub/install windows bootloader?11:58
SpiKeCyit says hard blocked yes11:58
DaZWassa: use fixmbr from windows cd11:58
DaZWassa: or something simillar if it's not xp.11:59
WassaWhich one?11:59
SpiKeCythe switch must be dislocated and stuck to On, when its actually on Yes11:59
SpiKeCythanks erUSUL.11:59
erUSULSpiKeCy: there you are11:59
DaZWassa: which one?11:59
SpiKeCyill see what i can do. thank you very much erUSUL12:00
erUSULSpiKeCy: no problem12:00
WassaIs that a console command?12:00
intuitionthe volume control isn't visible when i boot ubuntu. How can i set it up for it to get enabled on boot? :s12:00
Stvewassa: boot into windows disk, go into repair console the use fixmbr command12:01
gregor_hello, what does this mean and how do i install the missing dependancy: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libmplayer-perl (>= 0.04)12:02
jribgregor_: what are you trying to accomplish (and how)?12:02
WassaCommand not found12:03
jrib!who | Wassa12:04
ubottuWassa: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:04
SpiKeCyerUSUL, i managed to get it to both 'no'12:04
WassaStve command nit kind12:04
WassaNot found*12:04
WassaBut I think I found a way to fix it12:05
erUSULSpiKeCy: good now the card should work. do « sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && sudo iwlist wlan0 scan » to test it12:05
Stvewassa: when in the windows console you get command not found when typing fixmbr?12:05
jribWassa: did you run it from a recovery console after booting from a WINDOWS install disk?12:05
Stvewassa: what version of windows are you using?12:05
WassaIm doing " startup repair" now12:06
SpiKeCyscanning seems to work now12:06
nmvictorubuntu--this one now my heritage, this one now my calture, this one now my tradition,12:06
WassaIt's taking ages12:06
nmvictoris it possible to install ndiswrapper in my iBook?12:07
gregor_@jrib i found a program that added ability to watch TV with mplayer (called mplayerTV). i want to install it. it has adeb package file.12:07
WassaHahah figures cannot repair this computer automatically send info to Microsoft12:08
nmvictoris it?12:08
EhrN!wiki apache212:08
WassaIm not sure that win7 install has a recovery console12:08
gregor_jrib: i checked i have all the packages, but when i tried to install it, it just doesn't want to and give me the error12:09
jribgregor_: what is the exact command you ran to install it?12:09
gregor_i downloaded the .deb file and double clicked it :-)12:09
jribgregor_: ok, now look at the dpkg command your link tells you to run, notice anything?12:10
aurilliance!who | Wassa12:10
ubottuWassa: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:10
gregor_jrib i will try it...12:11
WassaGrub overwrote my boot records so it won't boot into windows12:11
PolanusIs there anything I should be aware of installing GRUB to a portable drive?12:12
jribWassa: but now you want to get rid of grub and restore the windows mbr, correct?12:12
WassaCorrect or fix grub somehow12:12
SpiKeCyhow can i connect to the wireless modem btw?12:12
jribWassa: does grub boot ubuntu fine?12:13
Lantheshi guys is there anyone how to use skype in kubuntu with webcam when i start my webcam its get shut it down and how do i fix that also same with msn i can sending messages via msn but cant see the webcam button12:13
SpiKeCythere used to be an applet on the top right12:13
SpiKeCyits not there anymore12:13
Wassajrib: Yes12:13
jribWassa: what happens exactly when you try to boot windows 7?12:13
WassaO don't have win 712:13
WassaOnly xp12:13
jribWassa: why did you say "Im not sure that win7 install has a recovery console"?12:14
=== intuition is now known as Time`s_Witness
WassaBecause im using that disc12:14
jribWassa: you would use your xp disc....12:14
jribWassa: anyway, let's see if we can figure out why grub doesn't boot your windows first.  What happens when you try to boot windows xp12:14
Time`s_Witnesshey..  control volume isn't working for me and while trying tofix it i somehow disabled sound so that only one app can use sound at a time. >.<12:14
Time`s_Witnessall i did was reinstall pulseaudio12:15
jribSpiKeCy: see if you can add something like nm-applet or network manager to your panel (right click -> add to panel)12:15
jribTime`s_Witness: reinstall how?12:15
Time`s_Witnesspurged and then installed in console12:15
Wassajrib: It aays Windows Vista loader for some reason12:15
jribWassa: and?12:15
Wassajrib: When I select it it cycles and reappears with the same menu12:16
jribWassa: what ubuntu version?12:16
jribWassa: pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst12:16
Time`s_Witnessit's ubuntu 9.10 mine btw :x12:16
jrib!pastebin | Wassa12:17
ubottuWassa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:17
WassaI also can't pastebin sorry12:17
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
halhas anyone else noticed that when moving the desktop cube, the apps shown running in the bottom bar are the same on every side of the cube, until you actually select one?12:17
WassaAnd I don't know how ro get thar list12:17
jribWassa: please use my nick if you want to grab my attention to your response.  Why can't you pastebin?12:17
halis this the same for everyone else?12:17
WassaIm using iPod jrib12:17
switchgirlmy wifi is reaaaaaaaaaallllly slow12:18
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:18
jribWassa: boot ubuntu12:18
WassaI'll boot into ubuntu jrib12:18
phrixhi all, I've installed phpmyadmin, but I dont know where the direcory is, anyidea??12:18
gregor_jrib: it keeps on telling me no such file or directory when i try ot run that command in terminal. evetnough i downloaded the second (missing file) and then i went to d9ownloads in terminal and run the command from there...12:18
jribgregor_: does « ls » list the file?12:18
nmvictorerUSUL: Ooops!, forgot about the lspci output,here it is http://pastebin.com/SHgHeD7312:18
WassaHow do I get that list jrib?12:18
SpiKeCyjrib : nope12:18
Time`s_Witnesshum. isn't there a guide "how to have basic OS systems just like sound and volume control" for linux newbies?12:19
Time`s_WitnessOS functions*12:19
SpiKeCyit used to be there.. i got no idea where it run off to..12:19
WasgoodI am Wassa12:19
jribWassa: open /boot/grub/menu.lst in your editor12:19
Wasgoodjrib: in terminal?12:19
erUSULnmvictor: o.0! i do not see a wifi chip there sorry; this apple hw is confusing12:19
jribSpiKeCy: make sure network manager is installed12:19
jribWasgood: wahtever you prefer12:19
jrib!pl | wojtek12:20
ubottuwojtek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:20
SpiKeCyit is12:20
=== ShapeShifter499 is now known as ShapeShifter499|
nmvictori asked if is possible to install ndiswarapper in my iBook or an Apple box in general12:20
jribSpiKeCy: and when you run nm-applet yourself?12:20
=== ShapeShifter499| is now known as ShapeShifter499-
wojtekwho is from poland?12:20
Wasgoodjrib: Sorry, I don't know how to open it12:20
ShadeSjestem polakem12:20
SpiKeCyactually it isnt.. im sure it used to be12:20
=== ShapeShifter499- is now known as ShapeShifter499A
wojtekz jakiej częsci polski jesteś?12:20
jribWasgood: double click on the /boot/grub/menu.lst file12:20
WasgoodIf I just type it in jrib, I get permission denied, and if I sudo it12:21
=== ShapeShifter499A is now known as ShapeShifter499
jribwojtek: english only here please, polish in #ubuntu-pl12:21
=== administrator is now known as Guest36075
nmvictorerUSUL: but nm-applet shows the wireless networks  and even tries to connect to some only that the connection is inconsistent12:21
wojteka ja niedaleko krakowa12:21
wojtek40 km od częstochowy12:21
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:21
Guest36075I've a problem, is there someone can help me?12:21
jribGuest36075: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:21
Wasgoodjrib: can I have the pastebin link again sorry?12:21
jribWasgood: paste.ubuntu.com12:21
wojtekMusimy pisać po aagielsku12:21
gregor_jrib: sorry i am cooking while trying to undestrand linux at the same time.  --- yes it does list it mplayertv_0.2.1rc1-1_all.deb12:21
erUSULnmvictor: well if the conection is inconsistent ... idunno what to do about it12:21
alvarok pasa por ahi12:22
erUSUL!es | alvaro12:22
ubottualvaro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:22
gregor_jrib: sorry i am cooking while trying to undestrand linux at the same time.  --- yes it does list them mplayertv_0.2.1rc1-1_all.deb12:22
gregor_jrib: sorry i am cooking while trying to undestrand linux at the same time.  --- yes it does list them12:22
SpiKeCyi went in 'ubuntu software center' and the network manager is in installed software12:22
Wasgoodjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/398289/12:22
jribgregor_: pastebin your terminal session12:22
wojtekhave anyone a some windows to ubuntu12:22
jribwojtek: that doesn't make sense, what do you mean?12:22
nmvictorAre we happy plastic people, ...would it set me free... if i dared to let you see... the truth behind the person...that you imagine me to be.12:22
wojtekno no sorry12:23
aurilliancemy webcam in xp required me to enable it via a software button (Ie I have no Function+SomeKey button to toggle the webcam enabled/disabled). How can I enable my webcam now that I'm in linux???12:23
ShadeSwojtek: jestem w ubuntu-pl12:23
gregor_jrib: sorry again i just noticed they are different files (newer versions). i ill modify the command accordingly and try to run it12:23
PatcherManhi to all12:24
jribwojtek: #ubuntu-pl for polish, this channel is for english only12:24
PatcherMananyone to try and clear a doubt?12:24
nmvictori am seeing emacs22-nox, and emacs22-gtk but no emacs22 in aptitude, dont either or both of this depend on emacs22?12:24
orb01Hi, I have some problems with my sound on 9.10. I just updated to KDE 4.4 via backports, and initially my sound stopped working. It unmuted some channels, and I get sound in Flash, VLC, Dragon Player and through aplay, but testing my soundcard in System Settings doesn't work, and neither does Amarok.12:24
jribwojtek: so now you will stop speaking polish here?12:25
Wasgoodjrib: I'm getting sick of using ubuntu :D12:25
orb01Amarok error in debug mode is: Cannot find demultiplexer plugin for MRL. I have deleted my catalog.cache file for xine as recommended, but that does not help.12:25
nmvictoris their ubuntu for swahili?12:25
* khalil walks into the room12:26
* Signal360 waves12:26
ShadeSnmvictor: isn't that just clicks and whistles?12:26
jribWasgood: what partition is windows installed on?12:26
khalilCan anyone help?12:26
Time`s_Witnesshum. how to fix sound problems?12:26
Wasgoodjrib: /dev/sda112:26
orb01Never mind, it did work. Removing catalog.cache solved my problem for both Amarok and the System Settings testing interface.12:26
arand!sound | Time`s_Witness12:26
ubottuTime`s_Witness: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:26
Time`s_Witnessvolume control disabled12:27
Time`s_Witnessanything else?12:27
arthur_question run a 32bit or 64bit os?12:27
WasgoodAlso a secondary question, what font does ubuntu use by default?12:27
khalilCan someone help me with grub2 problems?12:27
overmindWasgood: sans and monospace12:27
jribWasgood: add "makeactive" to the windows stanza in /boot/grub/menu.lst12:27
nmvictorShadeS: what? my query about ubuntu for swahili?I am a kenyan, dont i have a right to query if my national language is supported in freenode or ubuntu IRCs?12:28
orb01arthur_: if your hardware is 64-bit then run the 64-bit version of the OS.12:28
Wasgoodjrib: sorry where?12:28
khalilI need help12:28
Wasgoodjrib: just under chainloader?12:28
jribWasgood: at the bottom of your file, above "savedefault", add "makeactive"12:28
ShadeSwell I was curious if that language was just clicks and whistles12:28
ShadeSbecause I know there is a language like that12:28
AceKingIs there a way to do an upgrade from Live CD? The reason I am asking is because my brother has 9.04 installed on his laptop. He went to start the other day and after the grub menu he just got lines across the screen and couldn't do anything. I've been working on this for 3 days12:29
orb01nmvictor: your question would be answered by a simple Google search. Please don't waste our time if you can find the answer yourself.12:29
khalilI have vista on an internal drive and ubunutu on an external hdd12:29
wojtekhow can i get to diffrent servers like pl ubuntu?12:29
aurilliancemy webcam in xp required me to enable it via a software button (Ie I have no Function+SomeKey button to toggle the webcam enabled/disabled). How can I enable my webcam now that I'm in linux???12:29
WasgoodIt's not letting me edit the file jrib12:29
Time`s_Witnesslets suppose that volume control is disabled and that i have read nearly all sound topics from ubuntu forums. is there any hope but to uninstall the OS?12:29
Wasgoodjrib: I don't have permission12:29
khalilI want to boot windows but it dosen't show up on grub212:29
jribWasgood: type: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:29
orb01AceKing: look for a guide on Google on how to reinstall Grub from the Ubuntu live CD12:29
Time`s_Witnessin fact before reading the forums i had less problems than after12:29
Time`s_Witnessbecause sound still worked, just that i had no volume control12:30
AceKingorb01, but why would I need to reinstall grub?12:30
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=== enghezi is now known as erghezi
Wasgoodjrib: saved, now reboot?12:30
jribWasgood: yes12:30
PatcherManto anyone who can help me, i have a virus on ubuntu, on my shared folders, tenga/licum anda also every shared folder have a file called khw and exe with a random name, currently is ejjkxu.exe. any ideas?12:30
jribPatcherMan: this is some windows virus?12:31
b2p1mpTime in USA is: Sat Mar 20 07:31:54 201012:31
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)12:31
nmvictororb01: whose time?what else would one do here other than ask or answer, i just did one of those and now am wasting time..., i think sitting here to advice everyone to find answers from Google is wasting not only other people time, but thy own time too12:31
Wassajrib: No go12:32
jribWassa: what happens now?12:32
PatcherManjrib true but the fact is where12:32
Wassajrib: Same thorn12:32
orb01AceKing: it is usually the easiest solution for filesystem problems like that. What kind of errors do you see after Grub?12:32
PatcherManand i cant shake it off my tail12:32
jribPatcherMan: install an antivirus, clam or whatever12:32
PatcherManso to speak12:32
jribPatcherMan: use it? :P12:32
PatcherMandeleted 108 fles12:32
khalilcan I get a 1:1 tech support?12:32
Time`s_Witnessoh well nevermind i'll just keep googling till OS won't boot at all xD have fun :)12:32
jribkhalil: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:33
Wassajrib: Same thing*12:33
PatcherMandeleted 108 fles12:33
khalilI can't boot windows12:33
PatcherManstill the problem remains12:33
jribWassa: do you have more than one hard drive?12:33
=== metehan is now known as Lanthes
jrib!enter | PatcherMan12:33
ubottuPatcherMan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:33
IdleOnePatcherMan: I suspect the virus is on a windows share. use clam to scan and clean12:33
AceKingorb01, no errors. You just start seeing these lines across the screen, and what looks like chinese writing across the top. I can't even Alt f2 to get a terminal12:33
khalilI have GRUB2 loader on internal (WIndows) and a full GRUB2 on external (Ubuntu)12:33
khalilOn my internal not all of grub is there12:34
AceKingorb01, if you think that reinstalling the grub may help I'll try it12:34
aurilliancemy webcam in xp required me to enable it via a software button (Ie I have no Function+SomeKey button to toggle the webcam enabled/disabled). How can I enable my webcam now that I'm in linux???12:34
orb01AceKing: that doesn't sound good at all. Can you access the drives through a live CD?12:34
sYskkwhat is the recommended directory for putting executables in ubuntu ? /usr/bin ? id like to be able to access my script from any repertoy without having to write the full path everytime12:34
PatcherManIdleOne it was my idea bu the shared is on my pc ubuntu 9.10 and the files on the other pc (windows) dosen't have any virus what so ever12:34
AceKingorb01, yes12:34
erUSULsYskk: /usr/local/bin/12:34
jribsYskk: use ~/bin12:34
llutzsYskk: ~/bin12:34
sYskkjrib: thx12:34
khalilI want to boot windows but I cant12:34
alvarose podra conectar al messenger no12:34
orb01AceKing: Good, then it is probably not a disk problem.12:34
intihow do i prevent the updates window to keep popping up?12:35
Wasgoodjrib: anything new to try?12:35
jribsYskk: /usr/local/bin/ as erUSUL said if you want something available to all users on your system.  But ~/bin is good if you just need it for your user12:35
khalilw/o external plugged in I get GRUB2 error then a grubrescue thing12:35
snypzzneed to mount guest services drive in VBOX win7 host ubuntu9.10 guest12:35
sYskkwhat if i want to install a script for all users ? /usr/local/bin then ?12:35
gregor_@jrib - thanks it installed...unfoirtunatelly it still doesn't work... the only program that recognises the card properly is Linux itself and Skype. wlel i will work on this a bit later. for now thank you. i nneed to finish the lunch and eat...12:35
orb01AceKing: Reinstalling Grub is probably your easiest option then, instead of tinkering with the Grub (2?) configuration files.12:35
alvaroa ok12:35
sYskkjrib: thx12:35
AceKingorb01, I checked memory too, it's all good12:35
jribWasgood: do you have more than one harddrive?12:35
khalilBut when external IS plugged in I can't boot windows!12:35
sYskkwhat is /usr/bin used for then ? for binaries installed through apt i guess?12:35
Wasgoodjrib: I do12:35
snypzzshared folders at startup12:35
alvarowhat did you do this weekend12:35
jribWasgood: how many?12:35
jrib!ot | alvaro12:36
ubottualvaro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:36
Wasgoodjrib 212:36
jribWasgood: what is on each?12:36
=== erghezi is now known as enghezi
Malkavian_I have a problem with the gedit latex plugin12:36
AceKingorb01, he's running 9.04 on the laptop because in 9.10 his keyboard and mouse disabled12:36
alvarowhat did you this weekend12:36
khalilcan anyone hel or not12:36
Wasgoodjrib: Windows XP, this Ubuntu partition, and the parition that ubuntu was supposed to install on12:36
jribalvaro: that's not related to ubuntu support, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here12:36
orb01AceKing: that is strange. You could try the 10.04 beta and see if that solves it.12:36
Wasgoodjrib: on the second harddrive I have nothing12:36
Wasgoodjrib: It's an external12:37
alvarocuando acaba esto12:37
AceKingorb01, That is what I was going to do. I think I'll try reinstalling the grub first.12:37
khalilI need urgent tech help!!12:37
IdleOne!es | alvaro12:37
ubottualvaro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:37
IdleOne!ask | khalil12:37
Lantheshi guys i just install the skype and now when i test my webcam on skype its shut it ,what should i do to fix it?12:37
ubottukhalil: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:37
aurilliancemy webcam in xp required me to enable it via a software button (Ie I have no Function+SomeKey button to toggle the webcam enabled/disabled). How can I enable my webcam now that I'm in linux???12:37
jribWasgood: have you seen if booting without the external plugged in makes a difference?12:37
alvarook k12:38
Wasgoodjrib: It is unplugged12:38
Time`s_Witnessyay =) the only tutorial that said it wouldn't work in 9.10 worked! i just installed alsa and removed pulseaudio to actually have sound12:38
jrib!es | alvaro12:38
ubottualvaro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:38
Time`s_Witnessnow how can i have a volume control please?12:38
snypzzwhere do i find ubuntu printer drivers for Canon LBP86012:38
alvarobye bye12:38
AceKingorb01, Thank you for the info. That's why I love Ubuntu and this forum!12:38
orb01Time`s_Witness: gnome-volume-control.12:38
jribWasgood: don't know then.  Try using fixmbr with a windows xp disk and seeing if windows actually boots12:38
orb01AceKing: No problem. :)12:38
PatcherManIdleOne i even disconnect the windows pc from the network and still the files appear, needless to say that every exe file on the shared folder gets infected with tenga and the file is bigger 10kb compared with the original12:38
Time`s_Witnessorb01: doesn't work. "Waiting for sound system to respond"12:38
sYskkwhere can I read about ubuntu's directories and what their use is ?12:38
Wasgoodjrib: Okay12:38
jrib!fhs | sYskk12:38
ubottusYskk: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier12:38
Time`s_Witnessorb01: i believe that is just for pulseaudio. i removed it to install alsa12:38
sYskkthanks jrib12:38
intihow do i prevent the updates window to keep popping up?12:39
=== erghezi is now known as navid
jribinti: install the updates12:39
IdleOnePatcherMan: I don't have experience with anti virus, sorry I can't help more12:39
Lantheshi guys i just install the skype and now when i test my webcam on skype its shut it ,what should i do to fix it?12:39
orb01Time`s_Witness: alsamixer from terminal.12:39
intii dont have space12:39
khalilI have two drives. One is internal and has windows vista installed. The other drive is external and has ubuntu 9.10 installed. On the external there is a full version of grub2 (It has all the parts I mena, Loader AND config files) The internal (windows) only has the GRUB2 loader. I cannot boot windows at all! Any ideas?!12:39
PatcherManIdleOne  no problem12:39
intii have 4gb hard drive12:39
Time`s_Witnessorb01: and how to set it to tray?12:39
=== erghezi is now known as enghezi
aniahello world12:40
orb01Time`s_Witness: you can't, it's a terminal tool. You could install kmix, but that might require a lot of other packages since it is for KDE.12:40
ShadeShello ania12:40
Lantheshi guys i just install the skype and now when i test my webcam on skype its shut it ,what should i do to fix it?12:40
PatcherManIdleOne i have 2 anti-virus installed and they can't find nothing on ubuntu except on the shared folder12:41
sYskkwhat does "/opt" stand for ? optional ?12:41
Time`s_Witnesshum. :|12:41
Wasgoodjrib: I have the iso of my xp cd, it's on my partition12:41
IdleOnePatcherMan: the shared folder is comming from windows?12:41
dou213hi everyone, did someone ever do a PDF 2 DOC or better yet 2 ODF conversion?12:41
Wasgoodjrib: I need to burn it to a DVD12:41
orb01Lanthes: did you install Skype from the repositories or from their website?12:41
PatcherManIdleOne no, its on this pc with ubuntu 9.1012:41
Wasgoodjrib: I can't do that from within linux12:41
sYskknvm thats what it means12:41
Lanthesorb01: their website i can be online but still when i test my video it shut it12:42
PatcherManIdleOne and before you say the pc with windows is disconnect12:42
IdleOnePatcherMan: ok so scan and clean that folder12:42
PatcherManIdleOne did and still the virus appear12:42
Slartdou213: pdf's cant reliably be converted to doc/odt.. generally speaking.. some pdf's might be possible or you can do OCR and whatnot on it.. but generally speaking you can't12:42
khalilgonna ask again12:42
orb01Lanthes: run it from a terminal, in debug mode if that is available.12:42
IdleOnePatcherMan: do you access that shared folder from windows and does the guest have write access to the shared folder?12:43
Lanthesorb01: how can i do that?12:43
PatcherManIdleOne yes i did and the guest have permission, its the only way to write on that shared folder from windows12:43
WasgoodIt won't let me mount the windows partition12:43
orb01Lanthes: open a terminal and type Skype, then give me the output when it crashes.12:44
IdleOnePatcherMan: the virus is comming from windows. I know you said windows is clean but seems it is not12:44
jribWasgood: why can't you do that from within linux?12:44
sYskkwhat's the difference between /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin12:44
orb01khalil: reinstall Grub and see if that works.12:44
Wasgoodjrib: because it won't let me use the windows partition12:44
PatcherManIdleOne it can't be, its a clean instalation12:44
WasgoodBut I think I may have a backup12:44
jribsYskk: /usr/bin is managed by APT.  APT won't touch /usr/local/bin, that's for the user12:44
orb01khalil: also see if you can access your Windows drive from a live CD.12:45
jribWasgood: pastebin: sudo fdisk -l12:45
IdleOnePatcherMan: have you looked up the file names? google might have some info on them12:45
sYskkjrib: thx12:45
zetheroois there a bug that causes screens to randomly go black ... as in turn off. leaving the machine still running but with no screen!?12:45
orb01zetheroo: suspend? :P12:45
PatcherManIdleOne did the exe files there is no info on it12:45
khalilI have two drives; one internal (290gb with Vista) and one external (250gb with Ubuntu 9.10 installed). On the external I have the GRUB2 loader and config files (no problem), but on the internal I have only the loader (BIG problem). SO all in all when the external is unplugged no booting at all, not even windows. With the external plugged in I can boot Ubuntu, but again no windows. Any idead on how to fix the problem?12:45
jribzetheroo: does it come back if you press spacebar?12:45
zetherooorb01: no12:45
zetheroojrib: no12:46
IdleOnePatcherMan: like I said I don't have experience with antivirus but ubuntu does not use/create .exe files12:46
Wasgoodjrib: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/QyGMeFcL12:46
orb01khalil: see my above message where I addressed a possible solution.12:46
PatcherManIdleOne did the exe files there is no info on it, the khw there is12:46
zetheroojrib: just turns off and that's that ... have to kill the laptop by holding the power button down12:46
chilli0Hi , how can i find the diffrence's between two files? ( plane text files)12:46
zetherooin Ubuntu Hardy it does not happen12:46
Lanthesorb01: its just open skype as usual but not the problem is that my problem is when i test my webcam inside the skype it gives shut it my skype12:46
Slartchilli0: diff12:46
sYskkjrib: i placed my script in ~/bin and it wont let me access it from any directory... is it normal? do I have to change my "resolve path"12:46
chilli0Slart,  I tryed this.12:47
jribchilli0: diff (see options.  Common ones are -Nurp)12:47
IdleOnePatcherMan: maybe ##windows or #linux can help further.12:47
AceKingorb01, I found a guide to reinstalling grub. One of the things I have to type in is the hard drive, but they want it like hd0,6 or whatever your hard drive is. I know it's sda4 but how do I know how to translate it to the hd0 number?12:47
orb01chilli0: try xdiff.12:47
khalilorb01: I can acces my windows files from within Ubuntu.12:47
PatcherManIdleOne khw Troj/Agent-KHW12:47
chilli0diff /media/CS4/doc /media/CS4/doc12:47
chilli0Gave me no output..12:47
PatcherManIdleOne ok, i'll try12:47
jribchilli0: are those directories?12:47
IdleOnePatcherMan: maybe something you are running in WINE is creating these files12:47
chilli0ofc yes.12:47
jribchilli0: wait, you gave the same path...12:47
sYskki guess so, my $PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games12:47
Time`s_Witnessorb01: thanks12:47
chilli0jrib,  Oh =P12:48
orb01AceKing: you can see it in any partitioning tool, try gparted.12:48
PatcherManIdleOne true, but the anti-virus detected nothing12:48
chilli0I forgot the 2 at the end of the second file.12:48
orb01Time`s_Witness: did it work?12:48
jribsYskk: log out and log back in12:48
AceKingorb01, Thanks again!12:48
WasgoodIt won't let me mount my 2nd harddrive either12:48
PatcherManIdleOne i'll jump over the other channels for some insights12:48
orb01Lanthes: I know that's the problem, but you should see an error message in the terminal when your application crashes.12:48
Wasgoodjrib: I can't access even my secondary harddrive12:48
Time`s_Witnesswell i didn't install kde. Hum how can i disable the system beeps though? When i kinda, click left on this having typed nothing. I think it was called "alerts" in pulseaudio12:49
jribWasgood: you haven't answered my question12:49
PatcherManIdleOne anyway tomorrow i'll install ubuntu and let you know12:49
Wasgoodjrib: which one sorry?12:49
khalilorb01: I dont see how reinstalling grub to ubuntu will help12:49
jribWasgood: pastebin: sudo fdisk -l12:49
WasgoodI did, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/QyGMeFcL12:49
Lanthesorb01: nothing seen on screnn or on terminal12:49
Wasgoodjrib: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/QyGMeFcL12:49
orb01Lanthes: try skype --debug12:49
orb01khalil: too bad.12:49
khalilorb01: so no help at all?12:50
orb01Time`s_Witness: no clue about that one, KDE user here.12:50
jribWasgood: sudo mkdir /media/windows && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows12:50
khalilorb01: I say I dont think it will work because I already reinstalled it12:50
zetherooIn ubuntu hardy the screen stays on !!! What gives ?12:50
khaliland it didnt work12:50
sYskki guess i have to restart bash12:50
jribsYskk: no, you have to log out and back in12:51
Lanthesorb01: interesting i did it and open skype as usual and then give my pass and then online and then test it again and it shut it again but in terminal its says "aborted"12:51
Wasgoodjrib: I get this error, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/KG2k5hjB12:51
jribWasgood: sudo mkdir /media/windows2 && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows12:51
orb01khalil: try making a Grub2 entry for the Windows disk yourself from Ubuntu.12:51
orb01Lanthes: I'll look if this a known problen.12:52
jribWasgood: actually, before you do that, what does « df -h » return?12:52
Wasgoodjrib: sorry, where do I place those?12:52
khalilorb01: I already tried that but windows still dosen't show up when I reboot12:52
jribWasgood: it's a command, in a terminal12:52
Wasgoodjrib sudo fdisk df -h?12:53
SpiKeCythere's no install button in any of the apps in 'ubuntu software center'.. does anyone have an idea how to make it pop up ?12:53
orb01khalil: If it doesn't show up in Grub after manually adding the entry, you did it incorrectly.12:53
jribWasgood: no, just « df -h »12:53
danboidI used rcconf to disable udev and now I can't boot buntu. How can I re-enable udev via editing a config file (under /etc/rc.*?)?12:53
orb01Lanthes: looks like Skype is closed-source, no way to figure out what's wrong. Do you have PulseAudio installed?12:53
jribdanboid: just chroot and use rcconf again12:54
khalilorb01: Someone called Signal360 got me to pastebin the entry thing then overwrite the old one so that vista woluld show up12:54
Lanthesorb01: how can i check?12:54
Wasgoodjrib: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/YK8z5j5D12:54
orb01Lanthes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype, try this guide.12:54
guntbertjrib: hint from the side line: don't give multiple commands to Wasgood12:54
jribWasgood: ok, continue with mount12:54
IdleOneSpiKeCy: the install button should be on the right side of the line after you select the package12:54
Malkavian_i have a problem with the gedit latex plugin: it doesn't want anymore to load. until yesterday it has worked, no not anymore. hier is the ouput of gedit when I start it from the command line:12:54
danboidjrib: Can busybox chroot? Thats my only rescue option here (running buntu on a Zaurus)12:55
Lanthesorb01: ok let me read12:55
[NNUser]Lo lads12:55
IdleOneSpiKeCy: if you don't see it then report a bug on launchpad.net12:55
Wasgoodjrib: I'm currently burning the ISO12:55
jribdanboid: don't know12:55
Wasgoodjrib: (of the windows xp disk)12:55
jribWasgood: ok12:55
orb01khalil: I'm sorry, I can't help you. It is never a good idea to have Grub on your external.12:55
SpiKeCyits not there.. ill see what i can do12:55
danboidWell I'm presuming that even if I can't chroot, I should be able to get udev running again by editing or linking a file somewhere under /etc, right?12:56
Wasgoodjrib: I'm going to reboot, if you have anything to add, highlight wassa12:56
orb01Lanthes: wait, are you on Kubuntu or Ubuntu?12:56
jribdanboid: if it can't, you should be able to guess the pattern for the symlinks (S for start, K for kill and the number gives priority).  Assuming it's not just an upstart script I suppose12:56
ets2006Would anybody be able to inform me of what "hit" means when I run "sudo apt-get update"???12:57
adrianerror setting screen server for xubuntu12:57
Malkavian_ets2006: it means the apt-get has found the package online12:57
SpiKeCyevery package i select, it says : Not available in the current data12:58
jribdanboid: here's what I get: ls rc*/*udev* rcS.d/S02udev  rcS.d/S15udev-mtab12:58
ubottuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:58
joschi ets2006: cache hit12:58
jribdanboid: note I'm on debian squeeze, not using upstart12:58
egertonm20switch girl are you looking for a url for aircrack?12:58
ets2006joschi: shoudld it be doing that???12:58
orb01Lanthes: on Kubuntu 9.10, Skype should work with ALSA without configuration. What webcam are you using?12:59
=== Brenden is now known as BrendenB
joschiets2006: why shouldn't it?12:59
PenquiteSeveas, I don't know what caused my problems, but both php5 and php5-mysql had been uninstalled for some reason, but all seems to be working now, thanks for your help.12:59
guntbertets2006: thats perfectly normal12:59
Lanthesphilips to u cam12:59
Lanthesorb01: philips to ucam fun212:59
Lanthessomething like that12:59
joschiets2006: otherwise it would have to download the package information which would take longer12:59
AceKingorb01, I successfully reinstalled grub but that didn't do it. I think I'll just backup the files and do a reinstall for him.12:59
[NNUser]any recommendations for a ubuntu flavour to run a carpc off?? smallish.13:00
joschiets2006: but since these files didn't change, it doesn't download anything. perfectly fine...13:00
ets2006joschi: oh... i see now.13:00
jrib[NNUser]: carpc?13:00
=== [NNUser] is now known as Spaceraver
orb01AceKing: unfortunate. Good luck.13:00
ets2006joschi: but then why is it 404ing at me for "ppa.launchpad.net/karmic main/packages"13:00
Spaceraveraye.. I want to try my hand at turn by turn gps and all that stuff off an old laptop connected to a lilliput touch screen13:01
AceKingorb01, it was worth a try, and at least I know how to reinstall grub if I had to : )13:01
Wassajrib: The windows xp disk tha I have doesn't work13:02
orb01AceKing: that's always good :P.13:02
jribWassa: borrow one13:02
WassaIt's 12am13:02
AceKingorb01, Thank you again for your help13:02
alexpotatohey, is there a channel specific to getting ipods working with ubuntu?13:02
jribWassa: go to sleep, wake up, borrow one :)  Anyway this is getting into the realm of ##windows at this point13:03
Spaceraverso any recommendations?? I does not have to be heavy on the options...13:03
joschiets2006: complete error message, please13:03
Wassajrib: thanks13:03
orb01Lanthes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams. Some Philips cams work on Skype, some do not. Yours might be one of those that doesn't. Try your webcam in any other program, and/or try and older version of Skype.13:04
ets2006josci: http://pastebin.com/EBRi062V13:05
Lanthesorb01: ok i will do13:05
alexpotato2nd attempt: anyone recommend a channel for ubuntu with ipod issues?13:06
rskets2006are you using hardy heron?13:06
orb01alexpotato: I do not believe there is. What is the problem?13:06
ets2006rsk: oh.. no! i'm using karmic. that might be why it isnt working??13:07
alexpotatoorb01: well, first of all when I switched to 9.10, in order to get banshee et al to recognize the ipod I had to restart nautilus13:07
orb01alexpotato: what iPod model is it?13:08
Spaceraverwould love ubuntu mobile... but as far as i can see it's not available... ;(13:08
alexpotatothen in general, when syncing via amaraok, banshee, songird etc, it seems that songs sync but not playlists13:08
ets2006rsk: oh... hang on.. i'm getting confused.. i see no hardy..13:08
alexpotatooriginal 60gb ipod13:08
rskets2006 that's why it isnt working13:08
alexpotatosorry, firt gen 60gb video13:08
Ashokhi any one help me how to access wammu13:08
rskets2006 W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/alsa-backports/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz13:08
abhi_navAshok: what is wammu?13:08
rskets2006 there is no such url on the PPA13:09
joschiets2006: remove the stale entries from your /etc/apt/sources.list13:09
ShadeSa bank that fucvked us13:09
rskets2006 only hardy13:09
Ashokabhi_nav: pc suite for linux13:09
abhi_navAshok: ohh yah I have it!!!!13:09
joschiets2006: you probably have several entries starting with http://ppa.launchpad.net/ in your sources.list. some work, some don't. remove those that do not work13:09
pauloHeeeeeeeeeeeelp. (: I need to back my kernel version from 2.6.31-20 to 2.6.31-10 to have my USB wireless drive working with ndiswrapper. How I can do this?13:10
Ashokabhi_nav: then tell me how to configure nokia 663013:10
orb01alexpotato: tried gtkpod? Still the best iPod app imo.13:11
abhi_navAshok: how to means? you just follow on screen instruction. it wll be automatically configure then13:11
alexpotatoorb01: that works but it's song by song13:11
Ashokabhi_nav: hey man i tried many times but i couldt13:11
Ashokabhi_nav: connect13:11
ets2006joschi: ok... removed, i'm going to update package lists now13:11
alexpotatoorb01: the claim is that ubuntu has an itunes equivalent (which banshee and songbird come pretty close) but haven't really gotten either to work withe ipod13:11
abhi_navAkshok: hmm13:12
aurillianceMy laptop is on my home wifi. I want to ssh into it, is there anything I need to do first?13:12
pauloErmm... Ubuntu Lucid already fixed the bug #459716 problem?13:12
rainy_Just checking X Irc First time I used it evr Lol13:12
alexpotatoorb01: I've even installed windows xp in a virtualbox trying to get that to work as well13:12
orb01alexpotato: I believe the songbird iPod integration is broken at the moment. Haven't tried Banshee. Amarok support is not very extensive.13:12
joschiaurilliance: start the sshd on your laptop13:12
Ashokwhat ssh13:12
aurilliancejoschi, thanks13:12
bazhangpaulo, #ubuntu+1 for lucid13:12
what1Secure Shell13:12
abhi_navAshok: first check on their site that if your model is supported or not13:12
Ashokaurilliance: 1st install openssh-server13:12
orb01alexpotato: if you want to sync playlists, you could do that manually (although I'm not sure what the file tree looks like in iPods).13:13
paulobazhang: thanks dude :)13:13
aurillianceAshok, thanks again :)13:13
erUSULalexpotato: itunes equivalent ---> rhythmbox is what is installed by default13:13
aurilliancejoschi, how do i start sshd?13:13
Ashokaurilliance:  open ur terminal & type sudo apt-get install openssh-server13:13
alexpotatoerUSUL: I've tried that as well13:13
aurillianceAshok, yeah I got that bit ;)13:13
Ashokabhi_nav: what is that website13:13
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:13
alexpotatoerUSUL: I think it's something with my setup + the ipod13:13
joschiaurilliance: run /etc/init.d/ssh start13:13
aurilliancejoschi, ta13:14
Ashokwhat do u mean by ssh13:14
ets2006joschi: thanks, it's working now13:14
eiranncould someone help me install a ra-link chipset driver it keeps giving me errors, and i've followed instruction from make file13:14
abhi_navAshok: http://wammu.eu/?version=0.2913:14
joschiAshok: ssh is a program/protocol to remotely access a computer in a secure manner13:14
Ashokwhere to see ssh in ubuntu13:16
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
erUSULAshok: see ssh ??13:16
abhi_navAshok: i given the link13:16
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:16
Stormx2Hi. Could someone give me the command which shows a lot of hardware initiation stuff during boot and after?13:17
Stormx2It's quite common but I always forget it13:17
faron 'm trying to edit a file...when I click on "edit" I get a box asking me to "choose your preferred text editor first".On the left in this box is "search,recently used,bobby,desktop & filesystem".On top in this box is an empty box beggin me to put in a "location" for mousepad.Anybody know what I tell this thing ?13:18
alexpotatowish I could find a channel devoted to ipod use in ubuntu13:19
orb01faron: go to /usr/bin and look for the executable for your text editor.13:19
Ashokany one tel me whther wammu supports nokia 6630 mob13:20
eirannhow do i install rt3070 driver, following tutorials from google i still get errors, carn't i show some one the errors see if they can help :)13:20
joschiStormx2: dmesg13:20
Stormx2joschi, ta13:20
abhi_navAshok: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i given the link <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<13:20
abhi_navAshok: http://wammu.eu/?version=0.2913:20
halhas anyone else noticed that when moving the desktop cube, the apps shown running in the bottom bar are the same on every side of the cube, until you actually select one?13:20
faronokay thanksorb01I think I'll try that after I reboot...I've got a bit of another problem here at the moment13:21
halwould someone try this out for me, please?13:21
jaypurmy tv is cutting the sides of the video, how can i resize the ubuntu resolution for the tv, at nvidia driver???13:21
halif you have desktop cube running, press ctrl+alt, and click mouse on the desktop and drag so that you spin the cube13:21
BatchHey, I can't click flash buttons, Flash videos work etc, Just not cam or flash buttons.13:22
jaypurit's like13:22
halwhen spinning it, do you see exectly the same toolbar as the first one on every workspace?13:22
jaypurhal, i can see the close buttons or minimize13:22
jaypurcuz i wanna see some movies but i can't see like this....13:22
Wassajrib: My disk doesn't work and noone would have one13:22
jaypurbecause it's cutting some parts of the videoi13:22
MrDustyHey guys what are the most secure perms i can put on a home directory to keep it safe from snooping users?13:23
haljaypur: um, I don't think you are talking about my problem13:23
halMrDusty: 70013:23
what1try gentoo13:23
jribWassa: did you ask ##windows if there was another way?  Otherwise ask for more help with grub.  I don't know anymore13:23
Wassajrib: I dis13:23
MrDustyhal: i do 700 then i can't do anything in there myself?13:23
eirannwhy carn't won't no one try help me?13:24
halMrDusty: which user?13:24
Wassajrib: They ciukdbt help13:24
jribWassa: I must go now13:24
AJHuntereirann: whith what?13:24
eiranninstalling a rt3070 driver13:24
halMrDusty: are you sure you aren't getting your users mixed up?13:24
SanusAnybody got a minute to help someone who's been up all night trying to fix his Ubuntu install?13:24
WassaCan anyone else help me repair grub13:24
abhi_nav!ask | Sanus13:25
ubottuSanus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:25
AJHuntereirann: oh... nevermind. I was hoping it was something I knew13:25
SanusAlright, alright.13:25
what1go ahead13:25
eirannok thanx13:25
halMrDusty: do a ls -la ~13:25
dfghjkDAAP music sharing isn't retrieving songs properly for me in Rhythmbox. :(13:25
abhi_navWassa: what happends?13:25
halMrDusty: see what the dot directory perms and user/groups are13:25
SanusI'm trying to get Grub working right.  I have no clue what to do with the bash.  Headache.  Just... sooooo long trying to get anything to work.  Found out I was booting to the wrong hd!  Hah!  Took me 16 hours to figure that out!13:26
AJHunterspeaking of stuff I don't know... Is anyone available to tutor me in the ways of Ubuntu certification?13:26
Sanushead hurts so bad.  want to sleep.  want grub to work first.13:26
halMrDusty: to see if you can create files etc, cd ~  and then touch test.txt13:26
Sanusgrub is evil.13:26
what116 hours13:26
halis ANYONE using the desktop cube?13:26
abhi_nav!details | Sanus13:27
ubottuSanus: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:27
Sanuswhat's your problem, mate?13:27
abhi_navhal: yes13:27
what1are you talking to me Sanus13:28
halSanus: when navigating the cube, using ctrl+alt and clicking and holding the mouse button and dragging the workspace around...13:28
SanusI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, fresh install, right out of the cd, so if I'm not mistaken that's the 2.6.31-14 kernal, could be wrong.  I've got Grub2, running a dual boot sort of system with Windows XP on sda1, and Ubuntu 9.10 on sdb1.  grub2 was created by satan.13:28
halin the bottom toolbar I can see the same apps running as is on the first workspace on every single workspace, even tho they don't have any apps running13:28
halSanus: abhi_nav do you see that behaviour too?13:28
abhi_navhal: which?13:29
Spaceraverill try netbook remix...13:29
abhi_navhal: NO13:29
Sanushal: No I do not, but I remember something in something's preferences, lemme look.13:29
halabhi_nav: so you see different toolbars?13:29
abhi_navhal: yes different13:29
halyes please Sanus13:29
abhi_navhal: :P13:30
AJHunterAnyone able to tutor me ing Ubuntu certification? Please?13:30
AJHunter*tutoring me13:30
what1the word that you're looking for is tutor13:30
Sanusabhi_nav: any chance I can get help with this grub thing, or should I just try to sleep?13:31
abhi_nav!details | Sanus13:31
what1install gentoo13:31
Sanusabhi_nav: scroll up >.>13:31
bazhangwhat1, that is not helpful13:31
abhi_navSanus: ohh :-(13:31
Sanuswhat1: That's the antithesis of helpful.13:31
AJHunteryeah, I noticed that, but decide that correcting it would cause me to make another mistake, so I didn't bother13:32
k0alahello what channel do you suggest for website domain discussions?13:32
abhi_navAJHunter: dont you have any local linux class there in your city?13:33
Sanusabhi_nav: When I reboot, I'm getting the rescue prompt, don't want the rescue prompt, how can I change it to give me a menu for just Windows XP hd0,0, and Ubuntu 9.10 hd0,013:33
AJHunterNot in english.13:33
what1try using lilo13:33
SanusLocal Linux Classes?13:33
AJHunterif there are any13:33
Sanussounds neat13:33
Sanuswhat1: Yessir?13:33
what1its another boot loader13:33
bazhangwhat1, if you are not going to be helpful then refrain from offering advice please13:33
what1that was helpful13:33
halSanus: did you find anything relating to my problem?13:33
bazhangwhat1, no it was not. he needs help with grub13:34
Sanushal: I have not, it must be in the compiz settings.13:34
Sanushal: Do you get the issue when you change desktops via an alternate method?13:34
bazhanghal,  you may also wish to ask in #compiz13:34
halok thank you bazhang13:34
abhi_navSanu: have you installed ubuntu or want to?13:34
SanusFound it13:35
Sanushal: Found it, I think13:35
Sanushal: On the far left of your window list, right click and find window list perferences13:35
Sanushal: See if it has "Show windows from current workspace" or "Show windows from all workspaces" checked.13:35
halSanus: yes when I change to a new workspace, I can see the apps in the toolbar, and then they disappear13:35
Sanusthey disappear?13:36
halSanus: where is the windows list preference, please?13:36
b33tfr33krhi alght, what's up?13:36
halSanus: I am sorry, I am not sure where you mean "On the far left of your window list"13:36
Sanushal: Far left side of the window list, before the show desktop icon on a clean install.13:36
alghtfine tnxs13:36
Sanushal: Far left side of the bottom toolbar13:36
=== metehan is now known as Lanthes
Loki__Hi, Sound Juicer has recently 'just stopped' auto-ejecting CDs after it's finished extracting them - what could have caused this?13:37
Sanushal: Between the first area that will show a window, and the "show the desktop" icon.13:37
Loki__The only thing i've installed since has been the compiz settings manager13:37
=== Loki__ is now known as Grey_Loki
leagrishal, this is the last solution but it is possible you will have to delete existing compiz configuration from gconf (if that is the backend used) and from flatfiles directory if needed. I had do do this once because it behavied strangly and not fixable.13:37
abhi_navSanu: have you installed ubuntu or want to?13:37
LanthesHello guys i try to use skype in kubuntu but it shut it when i cal someone or test it no sound working or video working in skype its just shut it how can i fix it?13:37
alghti have the same prob in skype13:38
bazhangabhi_nav, he has it installed13:38
Sanusabhi_nav: I've installed Ubuntu.  I'm here from a liveCD.  I cannot access my partitions via Grub2, because it sends me to the rescue bash.  I would like it if I could find a way to generate a menu, and boot via said menu.13:38
_linux_studentamsn know any of you have a problem with farsight213:38
too5horthey i just installed spotify, and i closed it, but when i want to start it up again it says "spotify is already running" is there a killall command for spotify ?13:38
halSanus: ah, I didn't know about those prefs.  Thank you for explaining it.  It has not resolved the issue tho unfortunatately13:39
Sanus(This is beyond difficult.  My brain hurts.)13:39
Sanushal: I'm sorry, try reinstalling compiz I 'spose13:39
Sanushal: Do they disappear after a short time?13:39
halthank you leagris.  That's a good suggestion13:39
Sanushal: If so, that might just be lag, or the toolbars refreshing slowly.13:39
halSanus: no, but when I select a workspace, then the everything displays correctly13:40
abhi_navSanus: you upgraded from 9.04 or fresh install of 9.10?13:40
Sanushal: Oh, the toolbar stays when you go into the cube?13:40
Sanusabhi_nav: Fresh install13:40
halSanus: yes, but there is no reason for mine to be affected and other ppls to be ok13:40
Sanusabhi_nav: From a mail-order CD13:40
Sanushal: I would think that's a useful feature!  Have you checked the desktop cube preferences?13:40
halSanus: yes, it does not change until another workspace is selected13:40
aaal3how can i start NetworkManager (network-manager) from command line?13:41
b33tfr33krtoo5hort, you can kill anything from the terminal. usage is in "man killall" but it's basically "killall <programname>13:41
abhi_navSanus: you first install windows and then ubuntu, werent you?13:41
halSanus: I don't think it is useful - it defeats the purpose of the cube! ;)13:41
NerveClaspHi! How can I watch licenced DVD on linux?13:41
Sanusabhi_nav: As per the common dual-boot setup.13:41
Sanusabhi_nav: Er, yes.13:41
b33tfr33krtoo5hort, you can list running processes with ps. try "ps aux"13:41
abhi_navNerveClasp: there is product something like called PowerDVD in shop in ubuntu web site.13:42
Sanushal: Fair enough, I suppose.  Check all the cube settings before reinstalling compiz though.  And it might be an issue with your video card, or driver.13:42
aaal3how can i start NetworkManager (network-manager) from command line?13:42
leagrisNerveClasp, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats13:42
halSanus: possibly - but I hope not13:42
b33tfr33krtoo5hort, you can also use "kill <process id>" with the proc id listed from ps aux13:42
Sanusaaal3: gksudo nm-applet if it's installed13:43
aaal3thanks Sanus; it always bothers me how the package name and command are normally different :p13:44
Sanusaaal3: It can never be easy.13:44
Sanusaaal3: They make you think!13:44
aaal3Sanus: is there any trick to figuring out the name of an application?13:44
Sanusaaal3: Google :313:44
leagrisaaal3, /usr/sbin/NetworkManager, but if you intend on setting network interfaces independantly of GUI load, you will have to do it the old school route by editing /etc/network/interfaces.13:44
abhi_navSanus: here they have given method for troubleshooting your problem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 in last bottom section i.e. Command Line & Rescue Mode13:45
Tenantrycant anyone help me im getting error messages trying to install secrtiy update on 8.0413:45
too5hortb33tfr33kr: thanks for the help man!13:45
SanusTenantry: details13:45
b33tfr33krtoo5hort, no prob, anytime.13:45
aaal3Sanus: could you help me with something real quick in privmsg?13:45
NerveClaspleagris: Silly me)) I forgot ot install it) Thank You!!!13:46
SanusHere's hoping it solves my issue13:46
Tenantryunpacking linux header error broken pipe13:46
SanusThanks, abhi_nav13:46
abhi_navSanu: ohh yah, :D13:46
benovicdoes gvfs work for you in lucid? i got a message about obsolete packages13:47
leagrisubottu, lucid13:47
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:47
b33tfr33kraaal3, you can usually find that stuff out from the man page. search using "man -k <keyword>" in the terminal13:47
AJHunterAnyone care to tutor me in Ubuntu certification? I live in Germany, and I don't think there are any English classes anywhere near by.13:47
bazhangbenovic, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please13:47
abhi_navAJHunter: you can join online courses13:48
benovicbazhang, oh sorry! ty for the message :)13:48
aaal3thanks b33tfr33kr13:48
AJHunterany suggestions? preferably free?13:48
ogelamican some one name a good iso burner, iso->dvd13:49
llutzgrowisofs ogelami13:50
AJHunternot yet. But I want to.13:50
bazhangogelami, brasero gnomebaker or k3b13:50
b33tfr33krogelami, ubuntu has a good one built in, cd/dvd creator13:50
_linux_studentamsn can help me a13:50
bullgardGParted: "This hard disk comprises 'Total Sectors: 2930272065.'" How large is a sector in GParted?13:51
leagrisbullgard, actually as of residential disk standards, a sector is 512 bytes13:51
abhi_navAJHunter: you can take their syllbus and do selfstudy. lots of loads of free material on net. they have give link to selfstudy material13:51
llutzleagris: 4k with new big hdds now13:52
AJHunteroh... heh, I guess I should research my questions a little more before I ask them.:-/13:52
ogelamithank you all brasero seems to do the job ;)13:52
Tenantryerror incounterd while processing   /var/catch/apt/archives/linux-headers-2.6.24-27.68_all.deb     E:sub-process/usr/bin/dpkg returnd an error coad 113:53
bazhanga english please13:53
rskTenantry pastebin the whole text and paste it here.13:53
llutzTenantry: delete that deb and install again13:53
Tenantryok will try thnx13:54
piojunbabiai have a problem, it seems that my update manager is not working... i get this error message when i try to Install Update: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  E: _cache->open() failed, please report., can you help me?13:54
anot use korean?13:54
bullgardleagris: Excellent! --  Thank you very much.13:54
bazhangpiojunbabia, run that command ?13:54
Grey_Lokipiojunbabia: have you tried running sudo dpkg --configure -a?13:54
leagrisleagris, the new WD disks line have internal 4k but its SATA firmware only show 512byte sectors to the SATA bus. I wonder if gparted and more inward linux sata drivers will properly handle other block size. This is the reason the current firmware translate block size.13:54
* Grey_Loki smiles13:54
b33tfr33krpiojunbabia, run the comand it gives you in the terminal13:54
piojunbabiabazhang: ok13:54
Tenantryhow do i find that deb? in the term?13:55
leagrisllutz, , the new WD disks line have internal 4k but its SATA firmware only show 512byte sectors to the SATA bus. I wonder if gparted and more inward linux sata drivers will properly handle other block size. This is the reason the current firmware translate block size.13:55
bazhanga /join #ubuntu-ko13:55
llutzTenantry: path is given in your error-msg13:55
Tenantryso it would start with sudo /var/catch/apt/archives/linux-header-2.6.24-27.68_all.deb?13:57
LanthesHello guys i try to use skype in kubuntu but it shut it when i cal someone or test it no sound working or video working in skype its just shut it how can i fix it?13:57
b33tfr33krTenantry, sudo rm /var....13:57
llutzTenantry: sudo rm ...  && sudo aptitude reinstall linux-header-$(uname -r)13:57
Tenantryok will try ^^13:57
bazhangb33tfr33kr, you dont want to remove that directory13:58
mrdeadlockedIn order for me to load the 10.4 beta livecd i had to run with 'other options' NODMRAID+NOMODESET I want to try it installed, but in grub how do i add these flags.13:58
eirann<eirann> ok i have this readout from "lsmod grep" why is the device not working http://pastebin.com/s0L6JcxE13:58
bazhangmrdeadlocked, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please13:58
b33tfr33krbazhang, haha, no no.  i meant /var/catch...  etc to the end of the filename13:58
bazhangb33tfr33kr, okay :)13:59
mrdeadlockedbazhang than ks13:59
halI've heard the term "windowlist" related to gnome. Would someone please explain what it is please?13:59
halhow do I get to it?14:00
leonardoHi, I installed ubuntu and I have a problem: The ubuntu screen doesn't fit the monitor14:00
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ogelamihow do i format an rw disc?14:00
bazhanghal, in ccsm ?14:00
leonardoEven on GDM login page is bigger than normal14:00
wh1t3I get a blank screen after the splash screen on 9.10, already tried changing xorg.xonf to use vesa drivers, no difference14:00
b33tfr33krleonardo, can you change the resolution in system>>preferences>>display14:00
llutzogelami: just overwrite14:00
piojunbabiabazhang: thanks, success!!! now i know... :)14:01
leonardoThe resolution is ok14:01
halbazhang: well, its a screenlet too.   But aparently there is one that is default with gnome14:01
ogelamillutz: "Filesystem is only readable."14:01
bazhanghal, not sure if you mean ccsm or simple-ccsm14:01
leonardob33tfr33kr: the resolution is correct14:01
ogelamiwhen the disc says dvd-rw+14:01
b33tfr33krleonardo, is it a special output? tv out maybe? might have to manually configure xorg.conf or something14:01
leonardob33tfr33kr: Notebook Lenovo, no special output14:02
mrdeadlockedubuntu+1 is aghsot town14:02
bazhangleonardo, which video card14:02
leonardolet me see14:02
ogelamican anyone tell me how to format a rw disc?14:02
bazhangogelami, someone did14:02
llutzogelami: doesn't brasero have an menu-item for that?14:03
ogelamiwhat where when :P, did i miss it?14:03
aliseSuppose I have no optical drive and no USB drive. Is there some fancy bootloader trick I could use to somehow boot an iso off an NTFS partition?14:03
aliseTo install Ubuntu.14:03
ogelamillutz:  idk , ill chekc14:03
leonardobazhang: any command where I can see the video card14:03
ogelamicheck *14:03
b33tfr33krleonardo, might have to search synaptic for laptop screen drivers. (should have detected though...)14:03
bazhangleonardo, lspci should list it14:03
maxdcan someone tell me why this device is not working http://pastebin.com/s0L6JcxE14:03
wh1t3I get a blank screen after the splash screen on 9.10, already tried changing xorg.xonf to use vesa drivers, no difference, any suggestions on how to solve this?14:03
leagrisog01, are you trying to format a DVD-RAM or a DVD-RW? If the first one, this is a little complicated and somehow supported but not with brasero.14:04
piojunbabiais it advisable to install all the updates on Update Manager?14:04
leonardobazhang: Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)14:04
bazhangpiojunbabia, sure14:04
mrdeadlockedi figured it out. Woot14:05
ogelamii have a 4.7gig dvd and 4.6gig data, and it says that the size of the data to be written is to big, why is that?14:05
=== maxd is now known as eirann
b33tfr33krpiojunbabia, yes. update manager is your friend.  use it often14:05
daniskamialise: if you have Windows on that computer, WUBI might help you. http://wubi-installer.org/14:06
llml_Anyone: I've got something weird. I could use the telnet command to connect to the wordpress.com on port 80, but got stuck when trying to wget wordpress.com? Will someone help me figure it out?14:06
llutzogelami: different sector-sizes, 4.7G raw data means about 4.3GB "real data" writeable14:06
leagrisleonardo, is that your problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/41767514:06
ogelamillutz: so it's impossible to burn windows7 to a regular dvd disc?14:06
leonardobazhang: what is more strange is that on Debian after some updates I had the same problem. So I installed ubuntu to see if works ok14:07
enzotibogelami: the max size is about 4700000000 bytes, that are not 4.7GiB14:07
maticllml_, maybe wordpress servers reject wget as user agent?14:07
llutzogelami: i never tried but i guess, it is possible14:07
leonardoBazhang: and now I have the same problem on ubuntu too14:07
leonardoBazhang: after an update too14:07
bazhangogelami, win7 fits fine, but not related to this channel14:07
leonardoBazhang: because was working ok14:07
llml_matic: not just for wordpress.com, it's just a example, i could not wget nothing:(14:07
leonardoBazhang: will see the link14:07
llutzogelami: "growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=/path/to/win7.iso"14:07
Grey_LokiWhat can be used to automatically rip a music CD on insertion and eject afterwards, now that grip is no longer in current repos?14:08
maticllml_, what if you try connecting to IP like: ?14:09
ogelami:-( /dev/dvd: 2295104 blocks are free, 2418656 to be written!14:09
ogelami:-( /dev/dvd: 2295104 blocks are free, 2418656 to be written!14:09
llml_HTTP request sent, awaiting response...14:09
maticsame when using host names then?14:09
wh1t3I get a blank screen after the splash screen on 9.10, already tried changing xorg.xonf to use vesa drivers, no difference, any suggestions on how to solve this? It actually appears to hang on the blank screen. Ctrl+Alt+F1 wont get me a terminal, only way to restart is using reset button14:09
llutzogelami: dvd+rw-format /dev/dvd14:10
bazhangsv Ubuntu support question?14:10
ogelamimedia is already formatted, lead-out is currently at 4590208 KiB which is 100.0% of total capacity.14:10
svкто по русски понимает14:11
bazhangsv /join #ubuntu-ru14:11
OerHekswh1t3, ctrl+ alt + F2 gives you 'terminal' and ctrl + alt + F7 does make you come back in desktop14:11
wh1t3OerHeks, none of those work14:11
OerHekswh1t3, when pressing ctrl + alt +F2, wait a few seconds...14:12
wh1t3OerHeks, just splash screen, then blackness, not even gdm. Ctrl+Alt+F1-6 dont give me terminals, Ctrl+Alt_f7 doesnt do anything either, since there is no gdm14:12
wh1t3OerHeks, I have, it just doesnt come up with anything14:12
wh1t3i can get a terminal via recovermy mode though14:12
wh1t3and i have tried modiffying corg.conf, but still the same issue, dont really understand what is going on :/14:13
llmlmatic: sorry, i;m connect to this chat room through some kind of proxy, hate it, not stable14:14
ArenCould someone please help me with creating a Live USB from within Hardy?14:15
leonardoHi, any other to change displaysize with graphic program14:15
bazhangAren, using unetbootin?14:16
sivelAren: try unetbootin14:16
llmli'm sure it nothing to do with dns, cause wget has already print out the ip of wordpress.com host. only got stuck at :14:16
llmlHTTP request sent, awaiting response...14:16
tehbauthow would I go about DD'ing a recovery partition from a win machine to a DVD in 9.10?14:16
leonardoHi, any way to change displaysize with a graphic program14:16
rrosIs it possible to install Netbeans without gcj on Ubuntu?14:16
tehbaut...or can it even be done?14:17
* Aren rephrases. "Without using unetbootin...tried that before and it didn't work. There was an alternate way, that involved getting the 'Create a Live USB' from System -> Administration that I can't remember how to invoke."14:17
mrdeadlockedHow would i edit grub2 to add nodmraid+nomodeset automatically, instead of manually every time i boot.14:17
SanusOkay, so that didn't work.14:17
llmlmatic: are you still around? i said, i'm sure it nothing to do with dns, cause wget has already print out the ip of wordpress.com host. only got stuck at : HTTP request sent, awaiting response...14:17
bazhangAren, or check pendrivelinux.com dont think usb-creator existed for hardy14:18
SanusI need to know how I can uninstall grub2 from a Ubuntu 9.10 livecd and install grub-legacy from said livecd14:18
aurillianceUbuntu netbook remix: I want to map the keyboard SUPER+D to take me to the main menu. What is the command for the main menu?14:18
b33tfr33krmrdeadlocked, put it outside the automatic section of menu.lst14:18
trismmrdeadlocked: edit /etc/default/grub and add them to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, then run sudo update-grub;14:18
mrdeadlockedtrism thansk i missed that. I even looked at that file. gah my bad.14:19
Sanustrism: I need help with grub, can you assist?  Apparently I don't get it.14:20
leonardowhere is the xorg.conf directory14:20
llmlAnyone could please help me out this? wget got stuck at HTTP request sent, awaiting response...14:20
mrdeadlockedGrub2 seems nice,. but its alot dif than the old edit edit menu.lst14:20
b33tfr33krtrism, good tip.  good to know.14:20
ukebaneleonardo, normally it's in /etc/X11/14:21
ukebanebut I can't find mine there either14:21
llutzleonardo: there is no xorg.conf by default, if you need one, create one at /etc/X1114:21
leonardollutz: I need to change displaysize. Do you know how do this14:22
mrdeadlockedtrism that works thanks!14:22
ukebaneis there a way to auto-create one? I need to put a resolution there because my login screen runs at 1920xsomething rather than my max (1280x800)14:22
llmlAnyone could please help me out this? wget got stuck at HTTP request sent, awaiting response... it reported have connected to the server but just cann't get anything from the server14:22
Sanusmrdreadlocked: do you think you could assist me?14:22
joschillml: only wget or any other HTTP client too?14:23
SanusI have been attempting to boot into a clean 9.10 install for about 19 hours now.  And failed.14:23
aurillianceSanus, ouch14:23
llmljoschi: like ?14:23
joschia web browser of your choice, curl, ...14:23
Sanusaurilliance: I just don't understand how to do anything with the new grub stuff.  It sends me immediately to something like sh:grub>14:23
whoahey can someone help me out with kubuntu installation?14:23
Sanusand from there, I can do nothing.14:24
bazhangwhoa, ask a more detailed question14:24
llmljoschi: yeah, that's why i choose to use some kind of proxy to come here:(14:24
alghtcan any1 help in testing audio in skype?14:24
aurilliancealght, there is a test phone number in skype solely for that purpose14:25
joschialght: the automatic skype call tester?14:25
SanusIs there a grub2 tutorial for dummies?14:25
bazhang!grub2 > Sanus14:25
ubottuSanus, please see my private message14:25
alghtwhen i try the automatic test call i see an audio prblem14:25
whoai think ive installed kubuntu through vista, it created an ubuntu directory, and i have the option to "uninstall-wubi".  now how to i run kubuntu?14:25
bazhangwhoa, wubi?14:26
Sanusbahang I've seen that about 40090billiontimes.14:26
Sanusbazhang sorry, tired.14:26
bazhangSanus, not sure, ubuntuforums has one iirc14:26
arandwhoa: reboot the computer and choose kubuntu in the boot menu.14:26
whoabazhang wubi is the ubuntu installer14:27
b33tfr33krukebane, leonardo sorry, i lagged out.  did you get what you need on xorf.conf?14:27
whoaarand, i dont see that option when i reboot and hits f814:27
Sanusbazhang I've tried to read through here, but from what I've found it says nothing about just setting up a nice neat little menu for your two little oses on your two little harddrives14:27
bazhangwhoa, right, and you also installed a dual boot? or only ubuntu/wubi14:27
bazhangSanus, this is the first mention I have seen of two hard drives14:27
ukebaneb33tfr33kr, well we know it doesn't exist by default now, but we don't know how to make one with the proper content14:27
joschiSanus: grub2 can be a bitch. ;)14:28
Sanusbazhang: I was hear earlier, nobody else from then is on now, sorry14:28
ChogyDanSanus: do you just want to remove some entries?14:28
Sanusjoschi: grub2 was made by the devil14:28
whoabazhang: i installed a virtual box drive on a partition then installed kubuntu into that partition14:28
joschiSanus: what does your /boot/grub/grub.cfg look like14:28
ricdanger1ho there14:28
SanusChogyDan: I want to be able to boot into my OSes, it currently sends me to it's command line thingy14:28
bazhangwhoa,  a vdi?14:28
joschiSanus: and did you boot with the ubuntu live cd, chroot into your local system and try to run `update-grub2`?14:28
whoabazhang: vdi sounds familiar14:29
Sanusjoschi: very basic, booted with livecd, and chroot doesn't seem to work at all for me.14:29
aurillianceUbuntu netbook remix: I want to map the keyboard SUPER+D to take me to the main menu. What is the command for the main menu?14:29
intihow can i prevent the updates program to keep popping up?14:29
bazhangwhoa, seems awfully complicated, why that and not a simple dual boot14:29
aurillianceis there a ubuntu command that opens the main menu?14:29
b33tfr33krsudo Xorg -configure will generate one with current settings.  xorg doesn't require it's prescence, but will use it if provided14:29
b33tfr33krukebane, leonardo sudo Xorg -configure will generate one with current settings.  xorg doesn't require it's prescence, but will use it if provided14:29
joschiSanus: did you setup your local Ubuntu with LVM or just on vanilla block devices?14:29
erUSULaurilliance: no that i know of. what would that be good fo ?14:29
arandSanus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 is also good, as is http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html14:29
erUSULaurilliance: no that i know of. what would that be good for ?14:29
comradekinguhttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta1 is missing although the latest "ubuntu-announce Digest, Vol 42, Issue 1" refers to it14:29
RolandHi. How to remove title bar of maximized windows?14:30
aurillianceerUSUL: Ubuntu netbook remix: I want to map the keyboard SUPER+D to take me to the main menu. What is the command for the main menu?14:30
bazhangcomradekingu, karmic beta1?14:30
joschiSanus: when chrooting into your local installation from the live cd fails, something is quite wrong. or you are using the wrong partitions ;)14:30
Sanusjoschi I have no update-grub2, and block devices (I thin)14:30
whoabazhang: so i could run ubuntu from within vista14:30
aurillianceRoland, use maximus?14:30
erUSULaurilliance: alt + f1 works here to show main manu14:30
ukebaneb33tfr33kr: that gives me an error, I'll query you14:30
Sanusjoschi: No, that's not it, it just seems that it never works.  Especially for aptitude things.14:31
aurillianceerUSUL, true14:31
Sanusjoschi apt-etc. things14:31
comradekingubezhang: Yes, its released, but doesnt have a intro page like the other test releases have, like http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha2 for example14:31
mrwesbeen gone for awhile -- new LTS version coming in April?14:31
aurillianceerUSUL, in windows, pressing super+D takes you to the desktop, I want to do the same thing in ubuntu14:31
erUSULaurilliance: change that to ctrl + D in the keybindings preferences14:31
joschiSanus: `grub-mkconfig` maybe? there should definately be this program on your system14:31
aurillianceonly im in UNR, meaining the desktop is actually the menu14:31
bazhangcomradekingu, there is not an alpha nor beta of karmic; perhaps you mean lucid14:31
erUSULaurilliance: so you want to map show manu or clear desktop ???????14:31
aurillianceerUSUL, lets go with desktop14:32
ukebaneb33tfr33kr: does that mean I have to exit Xorg?14:32
aurillianceerUSUL, is there a command for that?14:32
joschiSanus: when apt* fails, you may not have mounted all needed partitions, like /var for example14:32
bazhangmrwes, yes, discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:32
erUSULaurilliance: System>Preferences>keybindings14:32
mrwesbazhang, yep -- got it.14:32
Rolandaurilliance, is there any compiz trick to do that?14:32
b33tfr33krukebane, yeah, sorry.  you do.14:32
Sanusjoschi: what all do I have to mount in order to get it to work?  I just mount it to mnt and chroot there14:33
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ukebaneright, I'll brb14:33
comradekingubazhang: Ah, yes, but the link found was under mythbuntu, are those releases behind the normal schedule?14:33
leonardob33tfr33kr: Fatal server error:14:33
leonardoServer is already active for display 014:33
leonardoIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock14:33
leonardoand start again.14:33
FloodBot3leonardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:33
aurillianceerUSUL, got it thanks!14:33
joschiSanus: you have to mount every needed partition. I don14:34
ChogyDanSanus: I think you have to mount /dev if you are trying to redo grub14:34
bazhangcomradekingu, not that far behind afaik14:34
erUSULaurilliance: no problem14:34
ukebaneleonardo: you need to exit X first14:34
Tenantrysucsess cheers for the help!14:34
joschiSanus: I don't know which layout you chose during installation14:34
bazhangcomradekingu, you may wish to check in #ubuntu-mythtv14:34
joschiSanus: so that's up to you, identifying these partitions14:34
aurillianceRoland, not afaik, check out the NameBar panel app tho14:34
Sanusjoschi: grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /14:34
Sanusjoschi: just the usual linux/extended/linux swap partitions14:35
aurilliancePressing ctrl+alt+f7 to return to my x-session from tty causes my netbook to go to suspend, anyone know how to fix this?14:35
Sanuschogydan: so confused.14:35
ChogyDanSanus: did you mount /dev?14:35
joschiSanus: so, seperate partitions for /, /var, /usr, /home and /tmp?14:35
Sanusjoschi: chogydan: grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /14:36
joschiSanus: mount these at the respective mount points (e.g. /mnt, /mnt/var, /mnt/usr and so on)14:36
joschiSanus: also mount /mnt/proc and /mnt/dev14:36
Sanuschogydan: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt is what I did14:36
joschiSanus: then chroot into /mnt14:36
Sanusjoschi: okay14:36
ChogyDanSanus: do everything that joschi is telling you14:37
joschiSanus: give me all your money14:37
joschiscnr ;)14:37
Sanusjoschi: I'm broke anyway14:37
Sanusjoschi: Anyway, how do I mount all of those/unmount it first?14:37
intihow can i prevent the updates program to keep popping up?14:38
* mjkjr just switched from vista to ubuntu. Favorite feature so far 'Workspaces'14:38
erUSULinti: disable it in the startup apps ?14:38
comradekingubazhang: /lucid/beta1 works, so I reported it to the mailinglist owner14:38
joschiSanus: given you booted the live cd. now open a root shell with `sudo su -` or prefix every command with `sudo`14:38
bazhangcomradekingu, nice work thanks14:38
bazhangjoschi, sudo -i is preferable14:39
intierUSUL , is not only at startup, is constant14:39
b33tfr33krukebane, leonardo, kick over to ctrl+alt+f1 and login.  then type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" then "sudo Xorg -configure" then "sudo startx"14:39
erUSULinti: if it is not running it will not pop up14:39
joschiSanus: now run `mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt`, `mount /dev/sdbX /mnt/usr`, `mount /dev/sdY /mnt/var` (with X and Y being the respective partitions)14:39
intiok i will check that, thanx14:40
joschiSanus: to mount procfs and devfs run `mount -t proc none /mnt/proc` and  `mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev`14:40
joschibazhang: thanks14:40
b33tfr33krukebane, leonardo, kick over to ctrl+alt+f1 and login.  then type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" then "sudo Xorg -configure" then "sudo startx"14:40
Sanusjoschi: the only other things are sdb2 and sdb514:41
joschiSanus: it is really important, that /mnt/var and /mnt/usr are the right partitions14:41
joschiSanus: when /dev/sdb1 is your root-partition (e.g. '/'), you can peek at /mnt/etc/fstab14:41
Sanusjoschi: I'm beyond confused.  How do I do that?14:41
ukebaneb33tfr33kr: figured that part out ;), it created a what looks like default file in my home directory, so I can go edit it now14:41
SanusI'm stupid14:42
joschiSanus: e. g. `less /mnt/etc/fstab` when /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /mnt14:42
cgabrielHi all, can anyone help me with a installed drivers issued on Ubuntu 9.10?14:42
b33tfr33krukebane, perfect.  keep a backup in case you mess up.14:42
=== aldo is now known as arco
b33tfr33krhi liunx14:43
liunxsay..., cgabriel14:43
liunxmay be i can help you14:43
Sanusjoschi: It's still saying that there's only one installation14:43
liunxhi b33tfr33kr14:43
cgabrielok im trying to installed a LifeView LR214 to used with MythTv14:43
Sanusjoschi: not installation, and not one, wait a sec, I'm not being intelligent gimme a sec14:43
Sanusjoschi: Okay, /proc is the only one that shows up anywhere on this list.  Which is weird.  Yeah, no, nothing else is showing up.14:44
Sanusjoschi: Why shouldn't just mounting the whole big ol' partition work?  Cause they don't have separate partitions, it's all in one thing.14:45
joschiSanus: the fstab only contains a line with /proc?14:45
cgabrielliunx: ok im trying to installed a LifeView LR214 to used with MythTv14:45
joschiSanus: if you have everything installed on one big partition, that's fine14:45
fr3nzyCtrl + Alt + F1 doesn't switch me to the command line, sure it does stop the gdm, but I'm unable to do anything. Any ideas why that might be the case?14:45
Sanusjoschi: Okay!  yay!14:46
bazhangjoschi, iirc he has two hard drives, not sure if he has installed os-prober or not14:46
joschiSanus: it's just about mounting your linux partitions to be able to chroot into your local system14:46
abhi_navSanus: still not soved? so sad :-(14:46
SanusIt does say I'm root@ubuntu~#14:47
Sanusabhi_nav: like... 20 hours and going.  Woo.14:47
b33tfr33krhaha Sanus14:47
abhi_navSanus: best of luck: ha haa haaa :P :D14:47
Sanusabhi_nav: got the... one thing solved... like.... 4 hours ago.14:47
joschiSanus: would have been easier to reinstall ;)14:47
Sanusso tired.14:47
SanusI did14:47
SanusI have been reinstalling14:47
abhi_navSanus: hmm14:47
Sanusit just... doesn't woooooork14:47
abhi_navfr3nzy its Ctrl + Alt + F214:48
SanusHey, osprober works.14:48
SanusSo, why can't grub get os_prober to work?14:48
bazhangSanus, its fixed?14:48
abhi_navSanus: because its grub :P14:49
fr3nzyabhi_nav none of the f1 through f6 work.14:49
abhi_navfr3nzy not f1 to f6 its Ctrl + Alt + F2 in ubuntu14:49
Sanusbazhang: god no.14:49
Tobarjawhere's the preferred place to set user environment vars? (EMAIL, EDITOR, etc)14:50
abhi_navfr3nzy it works for me (but not always, sometimes goes blank and then i have to restart :-(   )14:50
Sanusgrub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /.14:50
SanusAlso, Grub2 was made by the devil.14:50
bazhangSanus, did you install os-prober?14:50
Sanuswas already installed14:50
guntbertabhi_nav: why wouldn't ctrl+alt+F1 work too?14:50
fr3nzyAs far as I know there are 6 console clients running, and yes, none of them, even the one under f2, is working. I can't get to the command line, just the blank screen and a cursor.14:50
abhi_navguntbert: dont know14:50
bazhangSanus, its not installed, its optional14:51
ChogyDanabhi_nav: do you have an f-lock button?14:51
guntbertabhi_nav: because here it certainly works :-)14:51
abhi_navChogyDan: yes14:51
Sanus bazhang: It said I already had it, after apt-getting for it14:51
abhi_navguntbert: :)14:51
ChogyDanabhi_nav: have you tried fiddling with that?14:51
bazhangabhi_nav, it certainly works, please dont misinform others14:51
abhi_navChogyDan: yes, i said sometimes ctrl + alt + f2 works for me. and sometimes not. and when sometimes it not then it close graphical interface and in process to go to command prompt but it caant. it just hangs in between and then i have to restart14:52
bazhangabhi_nav, then you have an issue with your system14:53
SanderXHello, I am trying to boot Ubuntu 10.4 and it loads, but when it is supposed to go to the desktop it just shows some black stripes and other graphic error stuff. I am using a ATI Mobility Radeon HD4650, is this a driver error?14:54
SanusCannot find a list of partitions!14:54
Sanusrawr times infinity14:54
FloodBot3Sanus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
bazhangSanderX, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please14:54
xangua!lucid | SanderX14:54
ubottuSanderX: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:54
ghost_Hi all14:54
singhJust installed Ubuntu 10.04 beta114:54
bazhangsingh, #ubuntu+1 please14:55
alghtaurilliance? ty i used a sound recorder but the test there also fail14:55
joschiSanus: is /proc (in the chroot, /mnt/proc from the outside) and /dev (in the crhoot, /mnt/dev from the outside) correctly mounted?14:55
Sanusjoschi: I think, it has Ubuntu down... but how do I get it to find it's windows body?14:55
ghost_Hey does anyone use the Kodak ESP3250I cant find any linux reviews on it14:55
singhbazhang: I do not understand what you meant14:55
bazhangsingh, the channel for lucid support is #ubuntu+114:55
singhok I see14:55
Sanusjoschi: do I just mount --bind /usr /mnt/usr?14:56
Guest57602alght: pavucontrol - PulseAudio Volume Control14:56
b33tfr33kr_singh, #ubuntu-offtopic is just chat if that strikes your fancy14:56
joschiSanus: no14:56
=== b33tfr33kr_ is now known as b33tfr33kr
Sanusjoschi Okay, what do I do?14:56
alghtguest ? where do i look in it?14:57
joschiSanus: when you have everything in one big partition, /mnt/usr already has the correct files14:57
Sanusjoschi Right, so then chroot into /mnt, right?14:57
Guest57602alght: apt-cache search14:57
SanusWhy is it still "grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /."?14:57
joschiSanus: I'd run `grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg` *inside* the chroot environment14:58
joschiSanus: if this works, take a look at your grub.cfg14:58
mikelifeguardHow can I count how many files are in a directory from the command line?14:58
joschiSanus: if it looks sane, create a custom grub config snippet for your windows. e.g. like described in http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/14:58
crsHi there. How can I disable default sound while starting system?14:59
joschiSanus: then run the grub-mkconfig command again. it *should* work14:59
alghtok is any 1 here able to talk in messenger need help with skpe audio14:59
joschiSanus: if not, go to sleep and try it again tomorrow.14:59
ZteamI recently added umask 077 my /etc/profile to prevent other users from reading my files, this works great but now everytime i add a repository the system can't read the new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:59
fr3nzyNo one has any ideas why ctrl+alt+(f1 through f6) doesn't switch me properly to the command line mode? All I get is a blank screen and a blinking cursor. I can return to the desktop mode with ctrl+alt+f7 though.14:59
ukebanewoops, errored after changing xorg.conf, I accidentally put the same section in twice without closing it, lol14:59
hellyeahin #debian15:00
Guest57602mikelifeguard: ls |wc -l15:00
ZteamIs there any easy way to fix this, without have to change the umask again?15:00
virginislandguys having a problem i want to dual boot on a mac but get this error when partitioning   http://grab.by/3bFm15:00
cooppretty sure its just cheap speakers, but sound on netbook is very muffled, even with ear phones- not very loud. is this a hardware issue or can it be fixed w software?15:00
mikelifeguardGuest57602: great, thanks15:01
Zteamanyone have a fix for my problem?15:02
coopsound OUTPUT is internal audio analog stereo btw15:02
joschiZteam: no. but setting your home directory to 0700 should be sufficient. so nobody can read or write files in it, even if they are 0777.15:02
merniliogreetings fellow friends!15:02
joschiZteam: so change your umask back to 022 ;)15:02
bazhangmernilio, ni15:02
merniliobazhang: ni? What the hell is _that_ suppose to meen?15:03
b33tfr33krhello mernilio15:03
bazhangmernilio, hi; did you have a support question15:03
qweqwei am having some refresh rate problem with my screen , the max value that i have is 60hrz i have ati driver and LG24 , any idea how i can solve the problem with my refresh rate ?15:03
virginislandcan somoene help  http://grab.by/3bFm15:03
Zteamjoschi: yes, but I thought it would be nice to have this by default all users15:03
merniliobazhang: actually i had a question. Why is X so fucking slow?15:04
virginislandtrying to dual boot linux iwth mac15:04
bazhangmernilio, that language is not acceptable here15:04
joschiZteam: then your only possibility is to chmod the created files manually each time15:04
b33tfr33krmernilio, chill out dude.15:04
merniliowell im from a arab counry. bear with me..15:04
bazhangmernilio, that means nothing15:05
Zteamjoschi: I was afraid of that15:05
Guest57602mernilio: How much memory do you have?15:05
liunxit does not matter mernilio15:05
ChogyDanmernilio: how to you know it is slow?  What exactly is happening?15:05
b33tfr33krmernilio, #ubuntu-offtopic is for open chat15:05
mernilioGuest57602: at the moment.. 194 Mhz.. i know it's slow15:05
Guest57602mernilio: How much memory do you have in this system?15:06
ukebaneb33tfr33kr, the reason I asked about xorg.conf was because my login screen for gnome is 1920x1400 while my maximum resolution is 1280x800. I edited the xorg.conf but that didn't do anything.15:06
Zteamjoschi: fourtunatly I doesn't need this very badly, I was just curious if there was a way to fix this :-)15:06
mernilionormaly  i have around 2 gig.. but not now. Okay?15:06
Guest57602mernilio: Is your processor 194MHz?15:06
ukebaneI also tried changing usplash.conf15:06
edwardsechi people15:07
edwardsecsomebody know how to install irssi with ssl support?15:07
qweqweany idea with my refresh rate problem ?15:08
mernilioGuest57602: yes.. im running ubuntu on a headset connected to my brain.15:08
Guest57602mernilio: Modern OS's require lots of memory and a fast processor.  They all have become more and more resource hungry.15:08
bazhangmernilio, please stop that15:08
bazhangmernilio, if you have a genuine support question then ask15:08
mernilioIm asian, and therfore in you mind "gifted" ;-)15:08
Guest57602mernilio: Very good.  Your issues will be better received on the OT channel.15:09
gundashi all, i have a file and folder permissions issue. how can i set up all my files and directories so that the files and directories can be read, written and executed by user "A" and user "B" who belong to group "USERS"?15:09
vargadanishello... what packages are there for opengl, glu and sdl dev for C?15:10
=== kitchen is now known as Guest34582
llutzgundas: chgrp -R suers /path/15:10
vargadanismeaning I'd like to be able to: #include <gl.h>, #include <glu.h> and do #include <SDL.h>15:10
erUSULvargadanis: mesa libs15:11
gundasllutz: yerp, how about permissions and owners?15:11
vargadaniserUSUL, really? O_o, ok15:11
gundasdo I need to worry about owners?15:11
gabrielHi all, im trying to installed a LifeView LR214 to used with MythTv15:11
erUSUL!find glut15:11
ubottuFound: freeglut3, freeglut3-dbg, freeglut3-dev, celestia-glut, glut-doc (and 13 others)15:11
llutzgundas: you said "your files/dirs" so i assume you are owner15:12
llutzgundas: sudo chown -R $you:users /path/          to set user to $you15:12
b33tfr33krman, i keep lagging out!  ukebane, try this link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/gnome-control-center/+spec/gnome-login-resolution15:12
gundasllutz: well there are multiple owners but if i set the group to USERS that means both users A and B have access yer?15:12
gundasllutz: be it the user is A or B15:13
gundasllutz: be it the user who owns it is A or B15:13
llutzgundas: all members of group "users" have access15:13
gundasllutz: cool! what about permissions i.e. chmod15:13
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llutzgundas: set like you need, likely 775/66415:13
abhi_nav!details | gabriel15:14
ubottugabriel: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:14
ukebaneb33tfr33kr, I kept that in mind, so I only specified the one resolution in Xorg.conf15:14
freewarephantomwhat is up15:15
gabrielim trying to installed a LifeView LR214 to used with MythTv on Ubuntu 9.10, My TV does not detect the card.15:15
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Guest57602gundas: How about setting asside a special shared directory for those users?15:16
guntbert!hi | freewarephantom15:16
ubottufreewarephantom: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:16
ariza__anybody ever install eclipse in ubuntu?15:17
guntbert!info eclipse | ariza__15:17
ubottuariza__: eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1+repack~1-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 72 kB15:17
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andrew________Having problems installing dropbox.. Whenever I start it, it just says I don't have the proprietary daemon15:19
andrew________Any suggestions?15:19
Guest57602gundas: Here is some discussion that might be interesting to you: http://www.darkcoding.net/software/unix-shared-directory-permissions-guid-and-umask/15:19
rothchildis anyone getting satisfactory performance with BBC Iplayer and an Nvidia 5200fx gfx card?15:21
rocket16Hello all,15:21
spenny /part15:22
abhi_navspenny: no space before /15:22
rocket16Hello Fisherman. My friend has a PC with Ubuntu 9.10, and has NVidia Card, and I told him to activate Extra effects. But now, he needs to download drivers, so without downloading drivers, can he do the effects?15:22
abhi_nav!patience | gabriel15:22
ubottugabriel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:22
rskrocket16 no15:23
rocket16rsk: Thanks, then is this the only way?15:23
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rskrocket16 yes15:23
rocket16rsk: My Laptop has no cards, still I can enable 3D Effects, so why can't his be pissible?15:24
rocket16rsk: * possible15:24
rskrocket16 evert pc has a videocard15:24
Azelphurrsk: wrong15:24
rocket16rsk: Mine one does not have Graphic card15:24
rocket16Azelphur: I agree15:24
rskrocket16 then how does the signal get sent to the display?15:25
Azelphurrocket16: but that said, if you don't have graphics hardware, how do you expect to see the 3d effects?15:25
Azelphurwhat's the point in enabling them (if that's even possible) if you don't have no graphics device15:25
Azelphurand I doubt you can enable them without graphics hardware that supports 3d acceleration tbh15:26
disappearedngI want to find where the sudo apt-get install science-linguistics is installed15:26
disappearedngwhereis merely points to the executable15:26
Guest57602disappearedng: dpkg -L science-linguistics15:28
rocket16rsk: But cards may not have 3d accelerations15:28
abhi_navrocket16: whats the pc configuration?15:29
rocket16Anyway, I think downloading drivers is the best way.15:29
Aaal3How can i get a ubuntu cloak?15:32
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bazhang!member > Aaal315:34
ubottuAaal3, please see my private message15:34
rocket16Sorry, connection terminated15:34
rocket16In Ubuntu 9.10, can extra login screens be activated?15:34
ubuntuquestion is 64 bit ubuntu going to work flawless on a fresh install? i am looking at the software issues any? like in the repos? and java and flash, i was reading in the fourms about having to do some fancy command-line stuff to get flash working? the posts look to be better than a year old, or is that not an issue anymore?15:35
rocket16In Ubuntu 9.10, can extra login screens be activated?15:35
=== ubuntu is now known as Arthur___
rocket16Or, can't the default login screen in Ubuntu be changed?15:36
* rocket16 waits15:36
=== cooperafk is now known as cooper
schielleruphow do i form my Harddisc, from Ubunto to NTFS ?15:37
bazhangschiellerup, using gparted live cd ?15:38
bazhangschiellerup, presumably you mean format and repartition15:38
schiellerupi don't have Gparted live CD, but i have Gparted installed15:38
augustlReading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVZ - linux-openvz isn't in apt. Do I have to add some sources or something?15:38
dsnydersschiellerup, personally, I wouldn't use linux to format NTFS15:38
augustlthis is on a freshly installed ubuntu server, I did run apt-get update15:39
bazhangschiellerup, its a 60mb download and does ntfs just fine15:39
schiellerupI have installed Ubuntu, to check it out, but i more like to use WINDOWS again. Ubuntu, have changed my Harddisc file system, to a non-windows. so i have to change my harddisc, to a NTFS15:40
danopiathe Windows installers that i seen offer to reformat the disk15:40
BoondoKLifeschiellerup: Just reinstall windoes, that should formation it for you.15:40
bazhangschiellerup, well format via windows installer then15:41
BoondoKLifeschiellerup: You may have to tell it to delete the partition first in the installer.15:41
schiellerupnope, i have tried. it says that it isen't a NTFS file stystem, so i cant15:41
edwardsecsomebody know how to install irssi with ssl support?15:41
schiellerupok, im gonna try it now then15:42
BoondoKLifeschiellerup: Do you have an ubuntu live cd? if so pop it in and use the try ubuntu. Then just format it to fat32. Surely the installer you have will atleast recognize that and allow you to format it.15:42
augustlanyone on openvz?15:42
Arthur___question is 64 bit ubuntu going to work flawless on a fresh install? i am looking at the software issues any? like in the repos? and java and flash, i was reading in the forums about having to do some fancy command-line stuff to get flash working? the posts look to be better than a year old, or is that not an issue any more?15:43
richthegeekArthur__: mostly, yes. But you have to install Flash in a specific way to make it click15:43
richthegeekon that note, does anyone know15:43
richthegeekhow to get Flash working (clicking) on 64-bit?15:44
jubobaArthur___: I did it once15:44
jubobabut can't remember specifically15:44
jubobaI had to come back to 32bits15:44
richthegeekwow Mogwai on Newsnight .... O_o15:44
AmadiroI just installed the flashplugin from the repo, and everything worked.15:44
danopiarichthegeek, you have to get adobe's latest official flash plugin15:44
AmadiroAnd I haven't found anything else that didn't work so far either15:44
richthegeekdanopia: form the repo or the web?15:45
danopiai think i used a script to get it from their website15:45
Arthur___well i have a 64 bit computer now and wanted to know if flash works like installing ubuntu-restricted-xtras or am i going to have to do a walk around?15:45
jubobabecause of a printer driver issue, If you go 64bit you have to change everything to 64. I don't know if now there is more software for 64bits...15:45
AmadiroArthur___, apt-get install flashplugin-installer and you should be set.15:45
=== sandeep is now known as Guest62820
Arthur___well there is only one way to find out c ya in a few... ;)15:46
BoondoKLifeArthur___: I run 64 on two laptops and dont have an issue other than cbs.com wont let you watch videos. Wifey loves them soaps.15:46
canthus13How do I remove all uninstalled packages?15:47
jubobacanthus13:  with synaptic or in the terminal with: sudo apt-get remove [package_name]15:48
richthegeekcanthus13: sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get clean15:48
canthus13richthegeek: Apt-get clean is what I'm missing. :)15:48
RichiieHello i am having problem whit a hard drive15:49
augustlwhat should I use for virtualizing/sandboxing? Neither openvz, kvm or xen seems to have an a-z guide on getting up and running.15:49
jubobadoes ubuntu tell you that?15:49
jubobaSun VirtualBox15:49
richthegeekaugustl: package is "virtualbox-ose"15:50
augustlis there any openvz alternatives? I don't actually need virtualization, I just want sandboxing15:50
Richiieim having problem whit fdisk im trying to format my hard drive but neither Gparted can do the trick or fdisk /dev/sda1 it only says unable to read /dev/sda115:50
richthegeekRichiie: try using a liveCD and the gparted on that15:51
Richiierichthegeek: i tried that but i am only getting errors15:51
richthegeekRichiie: are the drives exotice in any way?15:51
Richiierichthegeek: i cant even boot the gparted live cd when it tries to enter my hard drive i get some kind of i/o buffer errors15:51
marcus_I am currently multibooting using Mint & Ubuntu. In GParted, how can I see which one is Ubuntu and which is Mint? I have sda1 and sda6.15:51
Richiierichthegeek: i cant even mount my hard drive15:51
Richiieis it totally fragged ?15:51
richthegeekRichiie: sounds like they are failing/failed then15:51
Richiierichthegeek: yes but how can i just confirm if its totally fragged if i cant neither mount it or fdisk wont do the trick ?15:52
richthegeekRichiie: if you can't mount it, it's fragged15:52
richthegeekRichiie: if you are lucky, your BIOS will be able to read the SMART data from the disks15:52
Richiiei can boot whit the ubuntu 9.10 live cd but when i try to install it i set it to automatically just put in all but then after 15 % i get inpit /output error durin read on /dev/sda15:52
Richiierichthegeek: no problem if i lose my data on the file system or the drive15:53
Richiiei just want a working operating system on it,  but okay thanks then i know its 120% fragged ?15:53
richthegeekRichiie: try opening "System > Preferences > DIsk Uitility" on teh live CD15:53
Richiierichthegeek: okay then ?15:53
richthegeekRichiie: sorry, Admin... it should tell you if the disk is healthy/failing/failed15:53
Richiierichthegeek: well i can see the Disk 492 GB but where can i detect if its failing ?15:54
chiggavelFailed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  multiverse/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)15:54
swergasI have a problem, my Nautilus doesn't support sftp in path anymore :( (same for sftp favorite places) any idea ?15:54
Richiierichthegeek: should i try to create file system via Disk utillity ?15:55
richthegeekRichiie: no, just that Disk Utility will confirm the health of the disks15:55
Richiierichthegeek: do i need to press any button to see the health ?15:55
richthegeekselect the relevant harddisks15:56
richthegeekit should have a SMART Status with a coloured icon in the mid right15:56
histoswergas: is ssh installed?15:56
Richiierichthegeek: yes and then ? i tried now to create ext3 filesystem but i get the error message Daemon is inhilbited15:56
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richthegeekRichiie: what is it saying? Healthy or Failing?15:56
richthegeekRichiie: if the light isn't green, that disk is gone15:56
swergashisto: yes15:57
ukebaneQuestion: if I install apache, it doesn't publish immediatly does it? (because I want to use it for local testing only)15:57
histoswergas: make sure you have sftp at a terminal type in which sftp15:57
Richiierichthegeek: can you show a pic? what light ?15:57
richthegeekRichiie: one moment, i'll upload one in about 2 minutes15:57
swergashisto: /usr/bin/sftp15:58
richthegeekRichiie: http://richthegeek.dyndns.info:62/diskutil.png15:58
swergashisto: it ceased to work after an update15:58
Richiierichthegeek: okay, because i can just say that scheme is unknown and SMART is not available on /dev/sda15:58
mrayhi there! - assuming i install the lucid beta now - will i be able to automatically update to the IDENTICAL lucid when it is released later?15:58
histoswergas: hrm..15:58
histoswergas: what version of ubuntu15:59
bazhangmray, yes15:59
mray(just by a update)15:59
richthegeekRichiie: then the disk is *definitely* broken, fragged, borked, destroyed, gone, and no longer living15:59
dsnydersRichiie, SMART is not available??? How old is the drive?15:59
swergashisto: jaunty15:59
richthegeekmray: yes.15:59
Richiiedsnyders: 1 year15:59
histoswergas: how are you using it in nautilus so I can test?15:59
histoswergas: also I would try from the command line to make sure its not an issue with networking or something on thej remote end.15:59
Richiiedsnyders: yeah it says SMART is not available on /dev/sda15:59
swergashisto: sftp://grimaud@www.dil.univ-mrs.fr/home/grimaud16:00
mraybazhang, richthegeek: thanks16:00
swergashisto: i use it like that16:00
dsnydersRichiie, I find that very odd.16:00
histoswergas: how are you going to that location in nautilus16:01
Richiiedsnyders: well the point is its my friends computer he got himself an virus i think then i tried to install windows on it but obviously he failed and then i want to save the filesystem but i can not mount the disk16:01
histoswergas: nvm i'm in lucid so nautilus is different.16:01
richthegeekdsnyders, Richiie: if SMART is not available, fdisk and parted give you errors, and you can't write to it... the disk is broken. There is no more conclusive combination of issues16:01
Richiieor Gparted live wont do the trick neither can fdisk read from it16:01
richthegeekRichiie: it's like I was stood over a dead body holding a knife and covered in blood... There is only one possibility16:01
Richiieand when i automatically want to install ubuntu live cd, you know autiomatically partitonate after 15 % i get error message saying input / output error read on the disk16:02
swergashisto: from the address bar on top of the window, or from bookmarks in the very top menu16:02
BoondoKLifeRichiie: Sounds like you might have a bad disk16:02
RichiieBoondoKLife: probably yeah i just want to confirm that its totally dead16:03
swergashisto: it tells me "Nautilus doesn't recognize sftp places" (translation may vary, i'm using it in french)16:03
RichiieLinux Mint 8 live cd wont work, Gparted Live wont work, Gparted program wont work, disk utillity dont want to Create filesystem and Fdisk cant Read from the Disk and i cant mount it16:03
=== jason_ is now known as mjkjr
BoondoKLifeRichiie: Check out his thread, has some good ideas to try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86761116:04
CQhello, I have a sata cage where I can hotplug drives, the MB supports it, do I need to do anything special, or just plug and unplug the drives?16:04
richthegeekRichiie: why are you still asking? It's as conclusive as can be.. the disk is absolutely totally utterly broken and gone16:04
Richiieand i cant install from live CD whit automatically Partitionating, and i find that really odd i get the error message Input/output error during read on /Dev/sda16:04
swergashisto: ssh works from commandline i just tested16:04
Milphow do i make nano not replace chars but rather insert ones?16:06
swergashisto: my problem is maybe linked to the fact that it doesnt mount drives anymore when plugged16:06
Appetitepress insert on keyboard Milp16:06
Milpthe keyboard of the device has no insert key :/16:06
ukebaneMilp, no "ins" key either?16:07
Milpnope, its running on a smartphone16:07
Milpoh wait theres a special key menu16:08
Milpthanks anyways lol16:08
Richiierichthegeek: thank you for your time,16:09
Richiierichthegeek: it is probably dead then, thanks for all of your time16:09
pat_french speaking please !!!16:10
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois16:10
bazhangpat_, /join #ubuntu-fr16:10
ukebaneMilp, which one was it?16:10
denisi can't find /boot/grub/menu.lst in 10.0416:12
bazhangdenis, its using grub2, #ubuntu+1 for lucid16:12
CyLhow is 10.04 beta going?16:12
ukebanesupposedly it released yesterday didn't it?16:13
CyLI know it is still beta, but is it usefull?16:13
Lonely_TrollHello everyone!!!11 Please, don't stand up!!!16:13
Osorpocaqué tal está la peña?16:13
bazhangukebane, you can check the topic in #ubuntu+116:13
richthegeekCyL: yes16:13
richthegeekCyL: I am using it right now. It's lovely, bar the mountain of bugs that you have to swerve16:14
richthegeekCyL: mostly to do with using the Nouveau driver tbf16:14
CyLI mean, I'm going to deploy ubuntu in a few machines, and I wouldn 't like to deploy 9.10 now, and need to upgrade in less than two months...16:14
CyLDo you think it is safe to deplay 10.04 right now?16:15
almoxarifei am not ready to upgrade to lucid, what's in it that would be worthwhile to update karmic to?16:15
richthegeekCyL: you'll have issues across multiple machines16:15
bazhangCyL, lucid discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 please16:15
richthegeekCyL: best to wait until release if you don't have the time/will to babysit each of them for a while16:15
CyLbazhang: okay... didn't know about that...16:16
richthegeekbazhang: I think we are almost done, and he is getting help here?16:16
qweqwei am having some refresh rate problem with my screen , the max value that i have is 60hrz i have ati driver and LG24 , any idea how i can solve the problem with my refresh rate ?16:16
bazhangrichthegeek, with lucid?16:16
dsnydersCyL, Is there a specific problem with 9.10, or have you caught a bad case of update-itis?16:16
richthegeekbazhang: yes it's about Lucid, but it's basically over now and he is not struggling for help. Plus the channel is eerily quiet atm anyway.16:17
babyjuhello..do I need to reboot for the system to reread my changes to sudoers? Can't I kill hup or restart some service16:17
G_A_Cbabyju: no restart/HUP is needed16:17
llutzbabyju: just re-login the user changes apply to16:17
bazhangrichthegeek, the proper channel is #ubuntu+1 for lucid, thanks16:17
CyLdsnyders: no problem, it is just that I'll be deploying a new install on a few macines, and I wouldn 't like to deplay it now, and have to upgrade in those same machines in less than two months16:17
bolexRunning WinXP in Virtualbox makes everything else really slow (naturally). Running it and then changing its nice value to 20 solves this. Currently my VBox launcher icon startsup the machine automatically but if i do gksu nice then it does VBox as admin as well and can't find the machine anymore. I think the solution is to run it normally & renice the process. Any ideas?16:18
abhi_navG_A_C: what is HUP?16:18
richthegeekbazhang: the point of getting people to move over to +1 is to stop "off-topic" becoming the norm, stop lucid questions flooding this one, and so that people who know can help best in the place they are. This is one question, it's specific and short, and there is almost no other conversation occurring.16:18
G_A_Cabhi_nav: it's the "hangup" signal, which can be used to force some daemonised processes to re-read their configuration files on disk without restarting them (which could cause service disruptions)16:19
abhi_navG_A_C: how?16:19
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G_A_Cabhi_nav: "how?" as in....?16:19
abhi_navG_A_C: just can you give example?16:19
abhi_navG_A_C: how to hangup?16:20
dsnydersCyL, If everything is working fine there's no need to upgrade.  You could happily run 9.10 for years.16:20
G_A_Cabhi_nav: kill -HUP $PID16:20
G_A_Cabhi_nav: possibly killall -HUP $NAME as well but I've never tried that16:20
abhi_navG_A_C: hmm, thank you16:20
G_A_Cabhi_nav: you're welcome16:21
llutzG_A_C: works too16:21
abhi_navG_A_C: :-)16:21
babyjuthanks G_A_C and llutz. I added a local group ALL=(ALL) ALL but I seem to not be getting the additional commands available to the non-root user.16:22
almoxarifekill -9 -1 works for me abhi_nav16:22
babyjuHow can I tell the non-root user got the new sudoers reference of ALL16:22
abhi_navalmoxarife: it works for me too. but is it HUP as described by G_A_C?16:23
WhiteHow do I connect Ubuntu computer to Vista to transfer files?16:23
G_A_Cbabyju: is your line properly formatted?16:23
guntbertbolex: and why not just nice VirtualBox ?16:23
G_A_Cbabyju: "%group ALL=(ALL) ALL" works for me, FYI16:23
babyjuG_A_C, I used visudo16:24
abhi_nav!samba | White16:24
ubottuWhite: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:24
bolexgruntbert: ?16:24
bolexguntbert: You mean without the sudo?16:24
bolexoh wait16:24
WhiteI have samba installed, and it lets windows talk to ubuntu, but i cant get to vista...16:24
guntbertbolex: yes16:24
almoxarifeWhite: you need to share a folder in both, samba takes care of the ubuntu share16:24
abhi_navWhite: ????? whats the difference between windows and vista then?16:25
bolexguntbert: Ahh! :)16:25
Whitei just said windows instead of vista16:25
bolexguntbert: Thanks!16:25
G_A_Cbabyju: what's the line you're having problems with?16:25
Whitei need to share a folder in both? install samba on vista?16:25
guntbertbolex: np -- anyone can increase the niceness of a program16:25
almoxarifeWhite: vista must be seen by ubuntu to share, samba on ubuntu16:26
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babyju%consoleadmins ALL=(ALL) ALL16:26
Whitei look through the network on ubuntu and it see's vista, but it says it cant retrieve a share server list, or something like that16:26
G_A_Cbabyju: and if you're logged in as the account you want to use, what does the output of "id" from a command line show?16:27
lusitaniusgreetings ! is there any specific channel for wireless related issues ?16:27
babyjuI did useradd -u 501 -G consoledmins username16:27
almoxarifeWhite: does vista see ubuntu?16:27
G_A_Ctry logging out and back in again and try that. it sounds like you've taken the right steps (adding the user to the right group etc) but group memberships are only applied when you first login16:28
babyjuuid=501(aedwardsx) gid=501(aedwardsx) groups=501(aedwardsx),5000(consoleadmins)16:28
ubuntubamaEnter text here...16:28
almoxarifewhite: make one of your user folders a shared folder, say ''public'??16:28
Whiteyea, public downloads, to be precise...but once i hit share, and then search for shared folders and files, and vista says, None Found...16:29
almoxarifewhite: when did you install samba?16:30
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llutzbabyju: wouldn't it have been easier, just to add you users to "admin"? now you have 2 groups with identical sudo-right16:30
Whiteumm, last night16:30
hdpbhow do i connect to the internet via terminal?  i have no mouse/touchpad control16:30
WallaceI have 2 external/USB HDDs, which, via fstab, mount when my box comes up.  These live on sdb1 and sdc1.  Recently, I rebooted, and they appear to have swapped, so the contents of my "parition A" and "parition B" appear to have effectivly exchanged contents.  Is there any way that I can ensure that these drives appear on the same device at each boot?16:31
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almoxarifewhite: I got issues here now, some one else may help you16:31
erUSULhdpb: it depends on what type of connection you have wifi to router?16:31
G_A_CWallace: you can mount them by UUID rather than device name if they're mounted in fstab16:31
WallaceGAC: how do I find out the UUID?16:32
hdpbwifi wap16:32
G_A_CWallace: I can't remember how to read the UUID though ;)16:32
Whitethanks for trying16:32
llutzWallace: blkid16:32
babyjuG_A_C, True. I think it's logical.16:32
Wallacek, thx gac/llutz :)16:32
hdpberUSUL:  wifi with wap encryption16:32
erUSULhdpb: that complicates things quite you have to use wpa_suplicant by hand16:33
ranjancan any body can tell me how to share internet conection from ubuntu macine to an xp macine i am having an private set of values for this . .. on my ubuntu macine .. any help would be of great help ..16:33
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:33
* matelot does updating WINE require re-install of apps ?16:33
erUSUL!ics | ranjan16:33
ubotturanjan: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:33
erUSULmatelot: no16:33
mateloterUSUL: thanks, how to update WINE ?16:34
hdpberUSUL: what if i go wired to the router?16:35
mateloterUSUL: nm, I found it16:36
erUSULhdpb: that should be as easy as « sudo dhclient eth0 »16:36
erUSULmatelot: wine mantains its own ppa with up to date packages16:36
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.16:36
bazhangthought it was listed in #winehq16:37
hdpberUSUL: eth"zero"?16:37
erUSULhdpb: correct that should be the iface name of your ethernet port16:37
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carlosgaldinoHi, I'm having some problems with my internet connection. Sometimes the connection fails and any of the services(aMSN, Chrome or Firefox) works because the host can't be resolved but if I just restart the computer everything comes to normal again and I also checked with other computers at my LAN and for them this problem never happens. The connection still working while my computer can't resolve the hosts.16:39
carlosgaldinoAny idea about what it can be?16:40
YurtleTheTurtlecan anyone recommend a guide to follow for full system encryption?16:42
abhi_navYurtleTheTurtle: try truecrypt16:42
researcher1where can I get a list of commands on networking?16:42
abhi_navresearcher1: http://www.linuxguide.it/command_line/linux_commands_en.html16:43
YurtleTheTurtleabhi_nav, i use truecrypt for my 2nd and 3rd hdd, but I'm looking for the primary hdd to be encrypted as well, and as far as I know truecyrpt only provides primary drive encryption for windows16:43
researcher1thanks Abhi_nav16:43
abhi_navresearcher1: :D16:43
abhi_navYurtleTheTurtle: yah may be. just read their manual completly16:44
skyzealguem fala portugues /16:44
guntbert!pt | skyze16:44
ubottuskyze: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:44
jaypurskydrome, #ubuntu-br16:44
carlosgaldinoHi, I'm having some problems with my internet connection. Sometimes the connection fails and any of the services(aMSN, Chrome or Firefox) works because the host can't be resolved but if I just restart the computer everything comes to normal again and I also checked with other computers at my LAN and for them this problem never happens. The connection still working while my computer can't resolve the hosts.16:44
jaypurskydrome, hahaha rlx16:44
jaypurskydrome, go there :)16:45
jaypurskydrome, type /j #ubuntu-br16:45
abhi_navskyze /join #ubuntu-br16:45
abhi_navflws means?16:45
BlackbirdI shall guess "thank you" in some weird abbreviation16:46
abhi_navBlackbird :-)16:46
carlosgaldinoflws, means "Bye"16:47
abhi_navcarlosgaldino: oohh, I see, hmm16:47
Blackbirdif you are not assuming that, how did you gather such an assumption?16:47
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abhi_navBlackbird: you are talking to me?16:48
carlosgaldinoHi, I'm having some problems with my internet connection. Sometimes the connection fails and any of the services(aMSN, Chrome or Firefox) works because the host can't be resolved but if I just restart the computer everything comes to normal again and I also checked with other computers at my LAN and for them this problem never happens. The connection still working while my computer can't resolve the hosts.16:48
spirosviiexei asxolh8ei kaneis me to https://www.taxisnet.gr/web/default2.html ? den mporw na kanw login re gmt16:48
spirosviioops wrong room16:48
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Blackbirdabhi_nav: No, to carlosgaldino.16:48
Ashokhow modify photos in ubuntu 9.10 im new to ubuntu any one help me16:48
Red_HamsterXcarlosgaldino, is it possible that you have two DHCP servers on your network, one of which is giving the system having problems bad DNS information?16:49
abhi_navBlackbird: ohh yah, sure!!!16:49
mkquistAshok: gimp16:49
carlosgaldinoBlackbird, what did you say?16:49
Blackbirdcarlosgaldino: Did you just assume that meant "Bye" or do you actually know how it is?16:50
BlackbirdFlws doesn't really seem like much more than gibberish or a bizarre abbreviation to me.16:50
Nijverheidhow do I show the free space left on the filesystem from command-line?16:50
Ashokmkquist:what is gimp16:50
G_A_CNijverheid: df -h16:51
carlosgaldinoRed_HamsterX, yes it's possible because I use the wireless and the wired network at the same time and coincidence or not this problem only happens when the wireless appears offline16:51
carlosgaldinoBlackbird, I know that because I speak portuguese.16:51
abhi_nav!gimp | Ashok16:51
ubottuAshok: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.16:51
carlosgaldinoBlackbird, it's one slang.16:51
NijverheidG_A_C: thanks ;)16:52
Red_HamsterXcarlosgaldino, /etc/resolv.conf, which stores DNS lookup information, is probably being overwritten with bogus data whenever the Wireless connection drops and has to be re-established. Start troubleshooting by looking into that or just use one connection type at a time.16:52
mkquistAshok: !gimp16:54
carlosgaldinoRed_HamsterX, http://pastie.org/878670 that's what i got and when i was using both types i had just the "lan" and the same IP added to the file16:54
Ashokto alter pic i need to downloas gimp or what16:55
Red_HamsterXcarlosgaldino, is that server actually a DNS server?16:55
Red_HamsterXAshok, it should be installed by default. Look under the Graphics menu.16:55
carlosgaldinoRed_HamsterX, that's the IP for the Router at my LAN here16:56
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Red_HamsterXcarlosgaldino, does it support DNS forwarding?16:56
Ashokred_hamsterx:how yo look in graphics menu16:56
mkquistAshok: you looking for image manipulation? then its an option16:57
Red_HamsterXAshok, you might want to join #ubuntu-beginners.16:57
hexdump_hey can I delete the files in /var/cache/apt/archives ?16:57
carlosgaldinoRed_HamsterX, I'm not sure but I think it supports.16:57
Ashokmkquist:ya pic manipulation16:57
Ashokplz tel me step by step16:58
Guest57602Ashok: I highly recommend gimp16:58
hexdump_Ashok:  what are you trying to do?16:58
Red_HamsterXcarlosgaldino, it will either need to be configured to point at your ISP's DNS servers or told to advertise your ISP's DNS servers as part of its DHCP process.16:58
mkquistAshok: gimp is like the open source photoshop... id guess16:58
sick_foxAshok, GIMP ;-)16:58
hexdump_btw does anyone know if I can delete /var/cache/apt/archives?16:58
hexdump_Ashok:  there is a flash program out for linux called moho16:59
Ashokhexdump:i want to improve picture clarity16:59
Red_HamsterXhexdump_, sudo aptitude clean should handle that for you.16:59
hexdump_Red_HamsterX:  cool thanks for the tip16:59
carlosgaldinoRed_HamsterX, how?16:59
Ashokwhere is that flash program i mean wr can i find it16:59
hexdump_Red_HamsterX:  nice...16:59
Tom22Hello. Could someone who is familiar with Yakuake help me?16:59
hexdump_Ashok:  read a little bit man17:00
hexdump_Ashok:  you can automatically get it17:00
Red_HamsterXcarlosgaldino, please consult your router's manuals. It varies greatly by manufacturer and model.17:00
hexdump_either from flash website plugin or I think you can get it using apt-get install17:00
Guest57602Ashok: Digital images that are out of focus are a bit hard to do much with.  If you size them down, they will look a little better but other than that, well you just need something decent to work with.17:00
hexdump_Ashok:  you need to make sure your libflashplayer.so is in your firefox plugin directory if you download manually17:00
hexdump_Ashok:  Moho is the only flash for linux software I know of17:01
Ashokk tc guys17:01
Ashokk tx guys17:01
ugliefroghow do u take out gnome3 and go back to the previoes gnome17:02
hexdump_Ashok:  http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/17:02
Guest57602Ashok: But you can always tinker with contrast and brightness and sometimes do some goodl.17:02
tehbauthow do I DD to a blank DVD?17:02
hexdump_tehbaut: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom_image.iso17:03
hexdump_if = input file of= output file17:03
hexdump_or I think genisoimage17:03
tehbauter, to, not from17:03
tehbautI wanna backup a recovery partition17:03
histotehbaut: you don't use dd to blank a dvd17:03
tehbautto DVD17:03
sick_foxtehbaut I wanna the same thing17:03
histotehbaut: use partimage17:03
Tom22Can anyone help me with Yakuake?17:04
sick_foxhisto, thnx17:04
histotehbaut: sick_fox you can make an image of a drive then just burn it to a disk with cdrecord17:04
Guest57602tehbaut: hexdump_ is telling you how to make an ISO image from a DVD that has data on it.17:04
histotehbaut: sick_fox if you just want to backup a dvd there are other ways17:04
histotehbaut: what are you tryign to do exactly?17:05
hexdump_Guest57602:  you can make it from a directory too.17:05
tehbautGuest57602: yes, I gathered that17:05
histohexdump_: I don't think dd works on directories17:05
Guest57602hexdump_: Yes you are correct.17:05
coophave vista/9.10 partitioned for dual boot. but cannot boot into ubuntu partition, if i try reinstalling and go into the linux partitioner, it sees the existing 9.10 installation, just wont boot?17:06
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hexdump_histo:  you may be right because I've had an error stating "it's a directory" or something17:06
hexdump_histo:  what about genisoimage?17:06
sick_foxcoop try live cd, mount partition and write sudo update-grub217:06
medianmajikcoop: is it a grub problem?  Sounds like you installed windows after ubuntu, which could mean it overwrote he grub menu17:07
hexdump_I don't see why he just doesn't createa small seperate partition.17:07
medianmajikcoop: what sick_fox says17:07
histohexdump_: I'm not sure what he is trying to do exactly17:07
TomLeytonHello... I have a question, for some reason my graphics card is not recognizable in the hardware drivers area... what should I do?17:07
coopmedianmajik: vista first, i can boot from cd and see that grub is instaled17:07
histoTomLeyton: what type of card is it?17:07
ultimate_breaknecode blocks ide of c++ not working on karmic koala17:07
hexdump_tehbaut:  use cfdisk but be careful17:08
medianmajikTomLeyton: have you tried installing restricted extras?17:08
hexdump_tehbaut:  if you are going to be switching between two operating systems maybe make it in FAT17:08
coopsick_fox: was thinking grub 217:08
sick_foxcoop yes, just update grub too see it correctly17:09
ugliefroghelp please....i was trying out gnome 3 didnt like it then removed it...now i have no panels....how do i get it back17:09
tehbauthexdump_: I just want to backup this recovery partition, with the ability to restore it later17:09
ChogyDanugliefrog: are you running metacity?17:09
histotehbaut: you can use partimage and make an image of the recover partition. Then just use cdrecord to burn the image to a dvd so that way its backed up17:09
sick_foxugliefrog, have you tried synaptic?17:09
histotehbaut: if you ever have to restore you just use partimage to put it back17:09
tehbauthisto: and how do I restore it later... ah, ok17:09
ultimate_breaknecode blocks ide of c++ not working on karmic koala17:09
ugliefrogChogyDan: I dont think so...i dont know17:10
ultimate_breaknecode blocks ide of c++ not working on karmic koala17:10
ultimate_breaknecode blocks ide of c++ not working on karmic koala17:10
ultimate_breaknecode blocks ide of c++ not working on karmic koala17:10
histo!partimage | tehbaut17:10
FloodBot3ultimate_breakne: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
Guest57602tehbaut: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom_image.iso17:10
histotehbaut: don't use dd17:10
hexdump_alright gtg get back to verk17:10
sick_foxultimate_breakne it works on 9.1017:10
histotehbaut: use partimage17:10
histotehbaut: they dont' understand the question completely17:10
tehbautwhat's the benefit of partimage over dd?17:10
Time`s_WitnessHey.. my numpad suddenly stopped working :| And i didn't change the keyboard layout. Any idea what happened ?17:10
ChogyDanugliefrog: have you removed the packages?  how did you install it?17:10
tehbautother than risk17:10
RabbitbunnyTime`s_Witness: Numlock?17:10
histotehbaut: dd is a sector for sector copy including the empty space17:10
histotehbaut: partimage is specificaly mad to image partitions and it will only backup the used space.17:11
Time`s_Witnessnop, not even the + signs work17:11
Guest57602tehbaut: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom_image.iso ; cdrecord -v dev=1,0,0 ~/cdrom_image.iso  #May be what you are looking for.17:11
Time`s_Witnessor the slash17:11
ugliefrogapt-get install gnome-shell17:11
histoGuest57602: thats not what he is trying to do17:11
ultimate_breaknecode blocks ide of c++ not working on karmic koala17:11
ultimate_breaknekindly help17:11
histoGuest57602: he is backign up a recovery partition on the machine not a cd.17:11
Guest57602tehbaut: dd if=/dev/hda1 of=~/cdrom_image.iso ; cdrecord -v dev=1,0,0 ~/cdrom_image.iso  #May be what you are looking for.17:11
histotehbaut: let me find you a link explaining partimage17:11
Guest57602histo: Yes, that was a typo, just corrected it.17:12
Time`s_Witnessmy numpad suddenly stopped working :| And i didn't change the keyboard layout, including the /+-* keys, its not about numlock. :S Any idea what happened ?17:12
mintwhat would be your moast recomended moast stable version of ubuntu? which one is easy to configure and has an abillity to run games without lag on a pretty fast computer?17:12
histotehbaut: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DriveImaging17:13
Guest57602tehbaut: Where /dev/hda1 is the partition you want to back up.  And where 1,0,0 is the address of  your  DVD burner.17:13
tehbautOtacon22: just out of curiosity... for future reference, what if you have two cd/dvd drives? what does /dev/cdrom become then?17:13
histotehbaut: that will explain partimage. Once you create the image you can backit up on whatever you want.17:13
callaghanI tried to establish a remote connection from machine A (Windows) to machine B (Ubuntu) via UltraVNC, but when I connect and move the mouse around and do stuff, although it is happening on machine B, I never see it on the screen of machine A, just the initial screenshot I get right after connecting. Any suggestions?17:13
mintwhat is the moast recommended version of ubuntu? anyone?17:13
llutzGuest57602: you don't wanto write an hdd-image raw to cdr17:13
histotehbaut: that link also epxlains dd and why you want to use partimage instead17:13
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sick_foxmint, depends on many factors17:13
histomint: 9.10 is current 8.04 is LTS17:13
katakaiomint: It depends on your needs. If stability is a must, go with the LTS release17:13
Guest57602tehbaut: And cdrecore -scanbus   #Will tell you the address to your DVD burner.17:14
katakaiomint: If you want the most current release, go with 9.1017:14
tehbautOff Topic: just out of curiosity... for future reference, what if you have two cd/dvd drives? what does /dev/cdrom become then?17:14
histomint: if its just a home machine use 9.10 if its business related or production use 8.0417:14
Guest57602tehbaut: cdrecord  #Another typo.17:14
sick_foxmint, 9.10 ;-)17:14
katakaiomint: I second histo. I like to use 9.10 on my laptop and 8.04 LTS on my server.17:14
histotehbaut: usually cdrom1 or cdrom2 etc... my system uses /dev/sr017:14
tehbautI can't trust typos :P17:14
mintbut , mint is so messy and crash , and even quake 3 lags17:15
tehbauthisto: ok, thanks17:15
mintmy graphic card is geforce 250 and 3d acceleration is turned on17:15
tehbautis partimage installed out of the box?17:15
omertahow i can enable vsync in smplayer/mplayer17:16
mintquake live lags, some times when i run some processes they might dont want to stop so i have to restart the computer to get them down17:16
histotehbaut: nah but you can instnall it easily with sudo apt-get install partimage   or you can use the add/remove17:16
katakaiomint: Are you using a native version of Quake 3, or are you running it in Wine or some other emulator?17:16
mintsudo killall procname dont allways work17:16
mintnative version17:16
mintand quake live, trough the firefox browser17:16
histotehbaut: you can even install it whil running the livecd17:16
katakaiomint: I would recommend installing Ubuntu 9.10 for video games17:17
katakaiomint: The graphics drivers in Karmic are pretty reliable overall17:17
mintokay, ill give it a try , anyone have a guide how to do it on my usb?17:17
histomint: what processes are hanging?17:17
omertaguys do you know how i can enable vsync in mplayer, there are lines in the middle (tearing i guess)17:17
omertai'm using xv avivo with my hd 489017:17
histomint: I'll try to install it on my laptop and see how it performs17:18
histomint: haven't played in a while17:18
minti dont remember and some times it says all files on my computer is readable only, and sudo dont work when it gets like that so i have to reboot17:18
dsnydersmint, www.pendrive.org has a lot of info on running various distros from usb flash drives.17:18
mintdsnyders: ty17:18
dsnydersmint, oops, that's pendrivelinux.com17:18
histomint: what version of ubuntu are you running? and are you tyring to run quakelive from a livecd or usb ?17:18
mikebeechamhi..does anyone know of any software in Linux that can remove the DRM from my paid itunes tv shows?17:19
histomint: or is ubuntu installed to the harddrive17:19
tehbautok, I installed 9.10 to an external drive, and grub is messed up now17:19
rajhydthere is some problem with my vlc player audio.. its not clear...17:19
tehbautI get "unknown filesystem"17:19
tehbautwith a grub rescue>17:19
rajhydin ubuntu 9.1017:19
histo!grub | tehbaut17:20
ubottutehbaut: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:20
mintim actually running liux mint17:20
tehbautI know what grub is, how can I repair it?17:20
histotehbaut: the link expalins how to fix grub17:20
tehbautoh, I see a restore link17:20
sick_foxtehbaut, sudo update-grub217:20
sick_foxtehbaut, from live cd17:20
sasori2501hey all, how do i check what device my ethernet uses?17:20
tehbautsick_fox: that would fix it too?17:20
histotehbaut: you may be able to boot to live cd make sure the external drive is mounted chroot to it and sudo update-grub217:20
histotehbaut: was grub installed to the mbr of the internal disk?17:21
raffaelewhy cannot FF distinguish between a "FLV" file and a "file://" protocol?? (ubuntu karmic, FF 3.5.8)17:21
sick_foxsasori2501, iwconfig17:21
tehbauthisto: only if the livecd installer does that17:21
Guest57602llutz: Why would you not want to write a hdd-image to a CDR ?17:21
timyeungi am having problems with my printer server. My lap top is not detecting my printer which is connected to my desktop computer. All computers are running 9.1017:21
sick_foxtehbaut, I fixed it this way when I installed WinXP and it damaged grub17:21
rajhydaudio is not clear in vlc player on ubuntu 9.1017:21
mintso i should get the 9.10?17:21
sasori2501sick_fox: tredi as command line, all show no wireless, it is a wird connection\17:22
tehbautsick_fox: wouldn't that only work if booting into the HDD?17:22
sasori2501thanks for help man17:22
Alex_12345678I need enable root access on vsftp17:22
Guest57602llutz: At any rate, that is the answer to his question.17:22
Alex_12345678could you help me17:22
histomint: yes and 10.04 is comign otu soon17:22
sick_foxtehbaut, yes17:22
medianmajiktehbaut: restore with a live cd.  Any basic live cd can let you restore grub17:22
tehbautsick_fox: on second thought, looks like the same approach is taken by the restore link histo gave17:22
sporedican some one pls help me to setup a ubuntu on esxi i am able to get language selection screen but i am not able to use keyboard17:22
timyeungi am having problems with my printer server. My lap top is not detecting my printer which is connected to my desktop computer. All computers are running 9.1017:23
rajhydnyone knows how to rectify audio problem in vlc player?17:23
* tehbaut sighs17:23
tehbautit's a process, I suppose17:23
histotehbaut: anyone else here should be able to get you going.17:23
Guest57602timyeung: Tell it to search for a network printer.17:24
histotimyeung: are you using cups17:24
medianmajikrajhyd: when did the problems start?17:24
histo!cups | timyeung17:24
ubottutimyeung: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:24
rajhydrecently.. i donno exactly.. which event created that problem..17:24
rajhydmay be some s/w updates..17:24
medianmajiktimyeung: what model is your printer? example: hp printers need a driver to be downloaded17:25
timyeunghisto yes buti'm not sure... I think cups got deleted some how. I tryed typing in this command: /etc/init.d/cupsys restart and it gave me a bad file error17:25
timyeungmedianmajik, every was working fine until i got a paper jame17:25
histotimyeung: you can configure cups from the web interface just browse to ip.of.print.server:63117:25
Guest57602timyeung: dpkg -L cups17:25
histotimyeung: in a browser17:25
Guest57602timyeung: Sounds like there is a problem with the  printer.17:26
Alex_12345678how can enable root access on vsftp?17:26
Guest57602timyeung: lpq17:26
Adida50hey. i have no sound on my ubuntu. can anyone help?17:26
timyeungk cups is still there17:26
medianmajikrajhyd: a good place to start is sudo apt-get install -reinstall vlc17:28
medianmajikrajhyd: a good place to start is sudo apt-get install --reinstall vlc17:28
Guest57602!audio | Adida5017:28
ubottuAdida50: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:28
callaghanI tried to establish a remote connection from machine A (Windows/Ubuntu) to machine B (Ubuntu) via UltraVNC/Vinagre, but when I connect and move the mouse around and do stuff, although it is happening on machine B, I never see it on the screen of machine A, just the initial screenshot I get right after connecting. Any suggestions?17:29
sasori2501hey how do i list hardware devices???17:29
histosasori2501: lshw17:30
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omertaguys how can i enable vsync for video decoding?17:31
DILcallaghan, i have same issue the mouse is actually moving on the other machine but it is not shown on the other17:31
sasori2501histo: wicked i love you, thanks man17:31
tehbauthisto: grub restore, thanks for the link :)17:31
[Screamo]How do i install chromium?17:32
callaghanDIL: ok, so I'm not the only one *whew*. Have you found some sort of solution?17:32
smokealotcallaghan: in the server settings for ultravnc u can choose for machine b to see what your doing or not to see17:32
q_sasori    lshw17:32
DILcallaghan, ssh17:32
smokealotby default its set for not to show user movments17:33
callaghansmokealot: I'm on Ubuntu right now and I have the same problems there too, where do I configure Vinagre?17:33
callaghanDIL: ok, that sure is a possibility :)17:33
smokealotcallaghan: the setting is in ultravnc not the viewer17:35
[Screamo]How do i install chromium??17:35
trismcallaghan: if you have compiz enabled on the machine you're connecting to with vnc, it can cause screen update problems (so you might try disabling compiz)17:36
tehbauthrm, I DD'd a windows partition from one disk to another, and now it doesn't boot... I just get a blinking underscore17:36
tehbautany ideas how to fix this?17:36
callaghansmokealot: oh, now I get it what you mean. I try to connect to Ubuntu, and I have checked "Allow other users to view your desktop" and "Allow other users to control your desktop" in the Remote Desktop preferences.17:36
callaghansmokealot: so there is not vnc server17:37
DILhope you had your /dev/ correct17:37
Jeruvytehbaut: you should ask in ##windows17:37
FloodBot3alex_34: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:37
alex_34u yueiq e3ygy9q gf17:38
alex_34 8y3qw0y ouheugpq17:38
alex_34q qeug qqqqqqqqqqyffuoegugeifghbcq17:38
alex_34 oguef quigfq eugf eugf gqdejwq hcdjdhakhdciuw hw fg wu wgu17:38
alex_34 wiq wiqhffffffffffffffffffwhi99h2hf   uo2hyfru17:38
ubutomHouston, I have a problem ;)17:39
callaghantrism: thanks, that was the problem17:39
ubutomflashplugin-nonfree seems to be broken17:39
sick_foxubutom, what does it do?17:40
sick_foxubutom, possibly nothing17:40
ubutomcan't remove it, can't install it, cant update17:40
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sick_foxubutom, did u use necessary privileges? (silly question)17:41
ubutomyeah,I'm kinda in an infinite loop now17:41
ubutomto remove it I would have to reinstall it, but it doesn't let me reinstall, because dependencies are broken, if i try to install it along with flashplugin-installer it also fails17:42
CosmiChaosI had this lucid-issue too with my hardware back with Ubuntu Karmic 9.110 so i keep posting if anyone here has a suggestion: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/54174917:42
guest39051can someone help me17:43
ubutomalso tried aptitude, synaptic, apt-get, with -f , no joy17:43
sick_foxubutom, so I dont have idea17:43
shamunhi, If you want to test software, give a 10/12 year kids with ubuntu/centos/freebsd, who use regular msn/itunes/windows. I just put in my son computer debian, my god what a experience, he just want back his itunes/msn?17:43
ubutomsick_fox, thanks anyway, I hope its just a bug :)17:43
guest39051as i deleted my patch on cod mw2 by accident and now when i go into the cod game the sreen is just balck17:43
IdleOneubutom: try a sudo apt-get install -f or did you already?17:44
ubutomyeah, tried that17:44
HaffeHave you ever experienced this problem? I am trying to run a flash application under linux.17:44
HaffeSome special characters don't show.17:44
guest39051as i deleted my patch on cod mw2 by accident and now when i go into the cod game the sreen is just balck17:44
xivenDoes Ubuntu have any tools to convert a Thunderbird profile set from Windows to Linux?17:45
guntbert!repeat | guest3905117:45
ubottuguest39051: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:45
IdleOnexiven: thunderbird should be able to do that17:45
ubutomxiven, you can just copy it over into the profile folder17:45
xivenWelll, I've been trying..but every time I set the moved profile folder  as default in profiles.ini, it says thunderbird is already running.17:46
ubutomIdleOne, it then says dependencies not met, needs flashplugin-installer and exits17:46
tehbautwhat would cause a DD-copied partition to fail to boot on the destination disk?17:46
ubutomand when i try to install flashplugin-installer it also fails ;D17:46
xivenPlus, the path names in the preferences.js specifically are using Windows paths17:46
shamunDo we have same msn/itunes what gets released by them officially for ubuntu? same looks atleast using wine?17:46
IdleOneubutom: install flashplugin-installer17:47
ubutom IdleOne and when i try to install flashplugin-installer it also fails ;D17:47
IdleOneubutom: hmmm, seems you broke the Here is 1000 internets for you. Collect them @ http://imagebin.ca/view/usNIR8-3.html :)17:47
ubutomas i said, its an infitinite loop I'm stuck in :d17:47
Red_HamsterXtehbaut, a different UUID, which would prevent the partition from being found by some boot-time tests and scripts. You may need to hack Grub's config files and fstab.17:47
StevenRhi. is there a panel applet or something that will tell me if capslock is on or not? This keyboard lacks an indicator17:48
Red_HamsterXStevenR, there is, and it should be installed by default.17:48
IdleOneubutom: hmmm, seems you broke the internets is what I meant to say17:48
CalmvsKhaosshamun, did you just ask what software does Microsoft MSN put out for linux? or did i read that wrong?17:48
ubutomxiven, did that a while back, I just copied the profile to linux17:48
tehbautRed_HamsterX: great... hack jobs, lovely17:48
wasutton3-1is there a good utility that would let me find out which process is using the network? (and how much its using?)17:48
xivenDid you change the setting in profiles.ini as well?17:48
ubutomxiven, you have to make sure to make the files writable17:48
Red_HamsterXtehbaut, it's not really a hack-job. You've just circumvented the auto-detect/setup process that avoids the need to edit these files manually.17:49
xivenWhat about that paths being Windows paths??17:49
Milpis it true that ubuntu has a lot of improvements for devices based on the arm architecture?17:49
ubutomchmod -r 666 or something like that17:49
StevenRRed_HamsterX: what the applet called please? I've not been able to find it17:49
ubutomyou just have to put the profile into the pforile folder in linux17:49
sick_foxubutom chmod + or - r filename17:49
ubutom, so .tbhunderbird/profiles17:49
CalmvsKhaos!who | ubutom17:49
ubottuubutom: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:49
shamunCalmvsKhaos, no just msn/itunes in ubuntu.17:49
xivenThe characters preceding .default must remain the same huh17:50
Nirkushi! where do I set the defaults eclipse java options like -Xms, -Xmx, .. on Ubuntu karmic?17:50
ubutomxiven, or maybe 777 ;)17:51
CalmvsKhaosshamun, well I think Empathy does that, but im not too sure really, as I dont use those kinds of chat, IRC is really the only way to fly if you ask me :)17:51
xivenYeah, I already used 77717:51
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Red_HamsterXStevenR, actually, it seems I misspoke... It was there in 9.04, but seems to be missing in 9.10.17:51
ubutomxiven, don't remember it too well, anyway, I'm just sitting on ubuntu with my windows-profile in thunderbird17:51
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shamunCalmvsKhaos, i understand you, but i just removed my son windows 7, and put ubuntu on his pc, but he was making me mad for his msn/itunes, thats why just trying to figure out, thank you.17:52
ubutomxiven, only thing i did was change the profile.ini file with the profile name17:52
nowimprovedFlash on linux sucks so bad...17:52
Red_HamsterXStevenR, sudo aptitude install lock-keys-applet17:52
wasutton3-1is there a top for networking?17:53
rabbit1hi, anyway to test web application on IE without WINE?17:54
xivenPlace the contents of the profile folder form windows as the contents of the profile folder on linux right?17:54
guntbertwasutton3-1: iftop ?17:54
qUaNtiC_my keyboard is not writing more than one letter at a time, what happened? keys repetition's enabled... two minutes ago it was working17:54
ubutomxiven, best way to do that is to start thunderbird once without configuration and then copy the profile in .thunderbird/ in your home directory17:54
ubutomxiven, yep, should work17:54
blakkheimso i use the minimal iso to install, but i want the server kernel without downloading the bloated server iso. is it just a matter of replacing the default kernel with the server one?17:54
xivenOkay, I did start thunderbird making no mods. I then copied the contents of the windows profile folder into the linux profile folder. Now thunderbird crashes before it loads at all.17:55
marijuanaubutom: how to import contact / address book from yahoo mail to thunderbird?17:55
StevenRRed_HamsterX: ok... thanks.. it's installed.. is there a way to restart the panel to make it show it, or do I need to logout/in ?17:56
ubutommarijuana, I dont know, never used that17:57
Red_HamsterXStevenR, I think you'll need to log out. I'm doing too many things to try right now, though.17:57
Red_HamsterX(Ubuntu Manual deadlines to meet)17:57
ubutommarijuana, maybe you can export it with yahoo mail somehow and import it with thunderbird?17:57
marijuanaubutom: oh.. it is ok :)17:57
rabbit1Red_HamsterX: thanks a lot for the manual red..... :)17:57
Red_HamsterXrabbit1, I'm not a writer.17:57
Red_HamsterXDon't thank me. =P17:58
rabbit1Red_HamsterX: designer ?17:58
zichoanyone using snes9x?17:58
enthusabhi_nav: hi17:58
abhi_naventhus: hi :D17:58
dsnydersHi all!  Can someone point me to a howto for syncing a palm pilot to Thunderbird, please?17:58
ubutomxiven, there should be a preofile.ini or something like that that needs to be adjusted according to the profile name17:58
StevenRRed_HamsterX: it's ok. google says I can just kill the process. Thanks for the help with the package name :)17:59
xivenIs the profile name the random characters preceding .default, or is it something else?17:59
marijuanaubutom: i already open yahoo mail address book, but when i want to export them to thunderbird, nothing happen..17:59
enthusabhi_nav: i have a problem.17:59
abhi_naventhus: what happends?17:59
enthusabhi_nav: it is now i m running on ubuntu9.1017:59
abhi_naventhus: ask in one line with details17:59
ubutommarijuana, try to export them in an xml-file or something like that18:00
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ubutommarijuana, or maybe there is an utility forthat purpose somewhere on the web18:00
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shamunCalmvsKhaos, is this ubuntu? http://appdb.winehq.org/screenshots.php?iAppId=1347&iVersionId=18:02
enthusabhi_nav: i have installed one kde game in my lap with internet facility, my friend also wants the same game(he doesnt have net), how can i help him now in installing that game, what all i have is a pendrive to carry data to him?18:02
dsnydersenthus, Check out pendrivelinux.com18:03
abhi_naventhus: take the .deb i.e. source file of that game and you can then install that game in frnds laptop18:03
histoabhi_nav: you can roll your own debs with checkinstall18:03
enthusabhi_nav: the thing is the game needs kdelibs too!18:03
abhi_navhisto: I dont know what you are talking about?18:03
histoenthus: did you download the game as source code or as a deb?18:04
marijuanaubutom: thanks.. i can export address book from yahoo web mail.. :)18:04
enthusabhi_nav: i dont know where all these .deb of kdelib4 are available?18:04
abhi_naventhus: source file is one click insataller18:04
histo!apt-cdrom | enthus18:04
ubutommarijuana, glad to be of help :)18:04
zichoanyone using snes9x?18:04
CalmvsKhaosshamun, You're really asking the wrong person, for one i dont have any apple products, and 2, I dont use IM clients, just keep asking in here someone will eventually help you :)18:04
enthushisto: i have installed through synaptic with net connection!18:04
abhi_naventhus: no not for kdelib4. you only need to take .deb of that game only18:04
BoondoKlifewow I sit down and what do I see: marijuana, glad to be of help :) NICE!!!18:05
abhi_naventhus: btw which game?18:05
marijuanaubutom: yeah, it will save the file called 'yahoo_ab.ldif'18:05
histoenthus: look at the dependancies and then you just ahve to make sure you have all those debs on the cd or usb that you are going to take.18:05
enthusabhi_nav: khangman18:05
guntbertenthus: all installed apps are usually in /var/cache/apt/archives18:05
enthushisto: how to know all the dependencies?18:05
histoenthus: apt-cache showpkg khangman18:06
histoenthus: will show you all the dependencies18:06
switchgirli keep having to reboot my pc im on karmic koala skype causes kernal panic (i think its kernal panic as the only time i have seen the keyboard lights flash on and off like a pelican crossing is when there is kernal panic) <cross posted to #ubuntu-uk >18:06
histoenthus: then you just download the dependancies or get them out of your apt archives18:06
n8wim using xine plugin for playin streams, but it always plays the content in my browser window, what do i do in order to play it in a separate xine window?18:07
marijuanai can't wait for lucid anymore18:07
enthusguntbert: if i carry that archives is that sufficient?18:07
histomarijuana: you can install the beta now18:08
guntbertenthus: like histo just said: carry the app and all its dependencies18:08
marijuanasince i migrate from windows to ubuntu... i feel this linux system suitable for me18:08
incadudeanyone get world of warcraft to work with wine i got it installed but it keeps crashing18:09
histoenthus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110081618:09
enthushisto: k..18:09
xivenLinux is not actually hard if you understand a bit about how computers work.18:09
zichoanyone using snes9x?18:09
abhi_naventhus: solved?18:09
histoincadude: the people in #winehq may be able to help you get it going or check wine's appdb for notes18:09
marijuanahisto: are you using lucid? and does it save to upgrade now?18:09
StopSignif i could only get quickbooks pro 2010 to work in wine, i could burn windows lmao18:09
histomarijuana: yes I'm running lucid and it depends on what you consider safe?18:09
histomarijuana: but you can discuss more in #ubuntu+1 is the channel for lucid18:10
marijuanahisto: oh ic. to me lucid is better looking. i like the theme from lucid. but karmic is good too. i am happy with it18:11
yogionewhat remote desktop client for ubuntu is recommended18:11
histomarijuana: you can make karmic look just like lucid but you won't experience some of the other bennefits18:11
histoyogione: default is vino18:11
histoyogione: which is vnc18:11
ActionParsnipYo yo yo18:12
yogionehisto: thx. it works if my partner is using windows ?18:12
enthusabhi_nav: no..trying to solve :)18:12
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greezmunkey'sup AP :)18:12
cameronsutcliffhell all, i have an issue enabling visual effects. just installed 64 bit desktop on my 64 bit intel i5-430. would that be part of the problem?18:12
abhi_naventhus: this is list of packages of khangman: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/khangman in jaunty18:12
histoyogione: yes there are vnc clients for windows he could view yoru ubuntu desktop18:12
marijuanahisto: yes.. i currently use a ambiance & radiance theme.. it look very beautiful18:12
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: off to werk :(18:12
rskcameronsutcliff what's the issie?18:12
histoyogione: you can also view windows desktops from ubuntu with internet>Terminal services client18:13
cameronsutcliffi can't enable visual effects. i got to the "extra" button, and it won't allow me to use it18:13
xivenWhere exactly does Thunderbird store the profile name?18:13
rskcameronsutcliff what does it say?18:13
ActionParsnipCameronsutcliff: you need to get you're video card configured right. You can have effects on any arch18:13
marijuanapuprle is my favourite color to... but the close, minimize, maximize button is on left... i think right is better18:13
xivenI thought awg7ncqn.default menat awg7ncqn was the profile name18:13
yogionehisto thanks. So we don't need to use the same client18:13
cameronsutcliffwhen i click it i get :Desktop effects could not be enabled18:13
greezmunkeyyogione, I use the provided RDP client, it seems to work very well - and it's fast too.18:14
marijuana./query ubutom18:14
ActionParsnipXiven: $HOME/.mozilla/thunderbird I believe18:14
cameronsutcliffhow would i configure the video card?18:14
rskcameronsutcliff have you installed ati/nvidia drivers?18:14
xivenI am inside of that folder18:14
histoyogione: you would share your desktop in ubuntu then in windows he would use a vnc client to connect to your desktop18:14
cameronsutcliffnope, this is a fresh install18:14
xivenI have the profile directory, and profiles.ini18:14
rskcameronsutcliff do that then18:14
histoyogione: he would see your screen and could control it.18:14
xivenprofiles.ini has the appropriate information for awg7ncqn.default18:14
ActionParsnipCameronsutcliff: run: lspsci | grep -i vga,websearch for the output18:14
cameronsutcliffdo you have a link with instructions by any chance?18:14
histoyogione: Basically one person is running the server and the other is running the client. They make vnc clients/servers for windows mac etc...18:14
cameronsutcliffi really have no idea what that means :(18:14
rskcameronsutcliff click install in the hardware manager tab18:15
xivenUnless its the windows paths inside the prefs.js file causing it to crash18:15
ActionParsnipCameronsutcliff: make sure you are fully updated too18:15
researcher1is there a way to maintain a state of machine so that when I restart it , I can continue studying with  the same websites,opened docs, images, terminal execution etc.?18:15
cameronsutcliffyup, it's all finished updating.18:15
yogionethanks a lot histo.18:15
ActionParsnipCameronsutcliff: its a terminal command18:15
ActionParsnip!terminal | cameronsutcliffe18:15
ubottucameronsutcliffe: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:15
histoyogione: np if you are doing it over the internet there are firewall issues to deal with18:15
greezmunkeyresearcher1, have you tried suspending? What does that do?18:16
ActionParsnipResearcher1: suspend/hibernate does that18:16
histoyogione: like port forwarding witht he routers. The simplest way around that is reverse connecting with vnc18:16
Arkavado you know any app to move the mouse with a joystick?18:17
serverduckWhy can't i play quake live? i start the game from the browser it works fine but the sounds is like lagging....i hear funny noises...only on this game thou...18:17
TomLeytonHello... I need some help please18:17
researcher1my concern is when there is suddenly power failure then my current study material goes off.When I rstart PC I dont get the same.I want the same contents to be there so that I dont miss the link in studies18:17
greezmunkeyTomLeyton: Ask your question18:18
histoTomLeyton: what type of card is it?18:18
ActionParsnipArkava: I'm websearching. Gimme a sec. Could be interesting18:18
guntbert!fr | riri18:18
ubotturiri: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:18
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marijuanaguys, how to configure compiz in better way.. i mean how to configure compiz setting. i think my system feel 'heavy' when i running a lot of appz at the same time18:19
TomLeytonI'm trying to install the fglrx driver from ATI, I downloaded the right file however it does not support 9.10...18:20
greezmunkeyArkava: Look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89423618:20
histomarijuana: you can disable it temporarily by hitting alt+f2 and typing in metacity--replace18:20
ActionParsnipArkava: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51670918:20
guntbertTomLeyton: does it support your card?18:20
ugliefrogIve been to gnome looks and like alot of the themes there...but like everyone else i want to try and make my own...is therea program that allows this18:20
histomarijuana: metacity --replace18:20
histomarijuana: and then compiz --replace to turn it back on.18:20
histomarijuana: also you may want to install ccsm18:20
mneptok!info compizconfig-settings-manager18:20
histo!ccsm > marijuana18:21
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB18:21
ubottumarijuana, please see my private message18:21
ActionParsnipMarijuana: use less plugins then. Many can be disabled to reduce weight18:21
ChuraHey Guys18:21
ChuraI've install brand new ubuntu, and ATI drivers, it worked well18:21
Arkavagreezmunkey, ActionParsnip , ok18:21
guntbert!enter | Chura18:21
Churabtu for some reason now i cant see the main GUI windows18:21
ubottuChura: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:21
Vi3GameHkrIs there a way to make an ini file (or whatever the ubuntu equiv. is) that loads a certain number of programs, and positions them in a certain place on the screen?18:22
Churak :)18:22
marijuanahisto : oh ic... wait i want to try disable it 1st18:22
foxy123Got a problem booting up Lucid Beta 118:22
ChuraInstall brand new ubuntu 9.10, ATI original drivers, worked ok after restart. dont know what happend now i dont see the main gui windows, after the grub menu isee black screen only18:22
llutz!lucid > foxy12318:22
bazhangfoxy123, #ubuntu+1 please18:22
ubottufoxy123, please see my private message18:22
ActionParsnipChura: can you expand on "can't see the main gui windows" please18:22
rooftopjoedoes anyone here happen to have a subscription to ACM's digital library? i didn't get to renew mine yet and i really need something...18:23
ActionParsnipChura: do you see a mouse pointer?18:23
Churahmmm i cant tell, AFter the grub menu (Press ESC for menu) i see onnly black screen18:23
ChuraActionParsnip: nope, nothing, only CTRL+ALT+DEL works18:23
greezmunkeyVi3GameHkr: look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43507318:23
guntbert!ot | rooftopjoe18:23
CalmvsKhaos!ot | rooftopjoe18:23
ubotturooftopjoe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:23
marijuanai cannot disable compiz.. if i do that my screen look black at the bottom... maybe i use docky18:23
marijuanahow to re enable compiz again?18:23
histomarijuana: hit alt+f2 and type in compiz --replace18:24
Churathe other problem, when i try the recovery menu, i cant login with my htpc user and pass18:24
ActionParsnipChura: does ALT+F1 take you to a command line interface?18:24
wasmahencan i use ubuntu to recover data?18:24
Churawait, checking...18:24
gnarliewhen I change settings in appearance->fonts it won't save them, and fonts are ugly18:24
histowasmahen: yes18:24
marijuanahisto : oh type compiz --replace at the second time18:24
ActionParsnipWasmahen: sure, foremost is pretty badass. Easier to restore from backups though18:24
meanburrito920_is there a 'top' program for network usage?18:24
greezmunkeywasmahen: From where? what?18:24
marijuanahisto: thanks18:24
histomarijuana: yeah metacity --replace to switch to metacity and compiz --replace to switch to compiz for window decorations18:24
gnarlieso I change to full hinting etc. but when I close it the fonts go back to ugly18:24
marijuanait back to normal18:25
ActionParsnipmeanburrito920_: ntop18:25
meanburrito920_nevermind, google ;)18:25
guntbertmeanburrito920_: try iftop18:25
CalmvsKhaosRIP Linux has foremost i believe18:25
histoCalmvsKhaos: ?18:25
ChuraActionParsnip:  Alt=F1 give me blinking line...18:25
greezmunkeymeanburrito920_: You could also check out bmon18:25
Churalike waiting for something18:25
ActionParsnipClamvskhaos: its on the repo and can be installed. Why is a whole new distro required??18:25
ActionParsnipChura: can you type commands?18:26
CalmvsKhaosdidnt say it was18:26
Churanope, nothing18:26
Churalike stuck, waiting for something to load, not sure18:26
ActionParsnip!ati | chura18:26
ubottuchura: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:26
CalmvsKhaosActionParsnip, plus too what if they cant get ineternet to install it?18:26
ChuraActionParsnip:  the strange thing is, it worked for few hours, with restarts18:27
ActionParsnipcalmvckhaos: it may be on the install cd. Definately on the dvd18:27
ActionParsnipChura: the ati factoid may help some18:27
Emanonhey cvk18:27
CalmvsKhaosyou're not typing my name right, so im not getting highlighted ActionParsnip18:27
=== cameronsutcliff is now known as knuck
ChuraActionParsnip: what is it ?18:28
knuckwell, i don't understand how to get the drivers for my graphics card18:28
marijuanaActionParsnip: what you mean 'use less plugin'? i dont know which one to disable and enable.. if you have a guide for me to refer, i want to see it18:28
CalmvsKhaosActionParsnip, but yeah that works, *IF* they have the DVD18:28
ActionParsnipCalmvsKhaos: sorry. My bad18:28
CalmvsKhaosno prob :)18:28
ActionParsnipCalmvskhaos: it'd be smart to put on the cd18:29
wasmahengreezmunkey: eum, i have a corrupt windows partition and i want to restore it18:29
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CalmvsKhaosUbuntu leaves out a lot of things though to keep things simple18:29
wasmahengreezmunkey: what tool should i use?18:29
Vi3GameHkrgreezmunkey: thanks, but I don't want to load it at startup18:29
greezmunkeywasmahen: Did you back it up anywhere?18:29
coopmore tweaking, vista/9.10 partitioned, vista installed first, 9.10 wont boot, can boot from livecd and mount the 9.10 partition, so its there and installed, how can i get it to boot?18:29
TomLeytonhistro, yes, Radeon 955018:29
wasmahengreezmunkey: nope18:29
greezmunkeyVi3GameHkr: Best I could find...18:29
CalmvsKhaosActionParsnip, i'd like to see photorec on there too18:29
llutzCalmvsKhaos: there are other live-cd special for forensic/data-recovery18:30
greezmunkeywasmahen: you said corrupt, you can't access it at all?18:30
CalmvsKhaosllutz, i know18:31
nmvictorhow do i stop apache2 mysql and nagios3 from starting on system startup?18:31
TomLeytonI also don't see my card in the hardware drivers area18:31
ActionParsnip!startup | nmvictor18:32
ubottunmvictor: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:32
sanguisdexso I just upgraded to 9.10 from 8.10 and I cant connect to some shell accounts, any sugestions?18:32
ActionParsnipTomLeyton: not all cards show in there18:32
llutznmvictor: use sysv-rc-conf18:32
Lancelotwould they show up under the media section?18:32
ActionParsnipTomLeyton: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga18:33
Surlent777I have a strange problem...in GNOME half of my screen is gone. Like, the right half is normal, but shoved over, and the left half is a hall of mirrors effect. I've tried disabling compiz and logging out/in,  but that did nothing. I also tried removing my ~/.gconf and ~/.gconfd folders, and that too did nothing. Any ideas?18:33
* ActionParsnip bets its some intel rubbish18:33
knuckcan somebody explain to me how to install the drivers or whatever i need for my visual effects to work?18:33
wasutton3-1i am looking to find a program that will show me which processes are using the network and how much they are using it. what do you all reccomend?18:33
llutzwasutton3-1: iftop18:34
ActionParsnipSurlent777: same for all users who log in?18:34
Surlent777knuck: System > Admin > hardware drivers18:34
knuckdoesn't work18:34
Surlent777ActionParsnip: Actually, I don't know. I only have one user, and didn't think to try a dummy user18:34
ActionParsnipKnuck: run: lspci | grep -i vga , websearch for the output to find guides18:34
ActionParsnipSurlent777: users are free to make ;)18:34
lonnie_Can someone help me with this problem :  http://superuser.com/questions/122137/how-can-i-make-sftp-accounts-that-can-only-access-their-home-directory18:35
Surlent777ActionParsnip: I know that this randomly happened after "restoring" chromium from a maximized state, and doesn't affect KDE, Fluxbox, or Englightenment18:35
knuck"lspci | grep -i vga" right?18:35
ActionParsnipLonnie: I believe that's default in pureftpd18:35
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ActionParsnipKnuck: yes withou the "s18:35
lonnie_ActionParsnip: I'm able to navigate everywhere though.18:35
minthi, im back again, now i just tried to install ubuntu, and it doesnt seem to install from my usb, instead im in this "live thingy"18:36
Surlent777ActionParsnip: I'm hoping to avoid re-creating my entire account. Kind of a pain. This has got to be some insane config file thing, but I don't really know where I might look18:36
lonnie_I'm trying to setup accounts that can only see their home directories, and are not allowed to navigate outside that scope.18:36
knuckthanks. i get 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 68e0 - is there anything in particular i should be looking for in search results?18:36
mintanyone knows how to install ubuntu from an usb?18:36
ActionParsnipLonnie: look in the conf file, you can lock them with a setting in there. I've not used ftp in ages due to its poor security18:36
lonnie_Also, I only want users to be able to execute commands that are associated exclusively with sftp file transfer and rsync18:37
mintits this shortcut on the desktop that says "install ubuntu" and nothing happen when i try to run it18:37
ActionParsnipKnuck: throw that into a websearch, you will get guides18:37
nmvictorhow do i remove vlc with all its dependecies, if i did sudo apt-get remove vlc it just removes the package vlc alone.18:37
lonnie_sftp not ftp18:37
knuckthanks guys18:37
ActionParsnipMint: do you have internet access in the live cd?18:37
mintActionParsnip: yes18:37
Surlent777nmvictor: This is why I install/remove everything with aptitude instead. What you can do now is just open up Synaptic and do it by hand, I guess18:37
almoxarifehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick mint18:37
TomLeyton01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AS [Radeon 9550]18:37
pochyola iron18:37
mintActionParsnip: since im talking to you trough it :)18:38
=== Letben is now known as Glebelg
trismnmvictor: sudo apt-get autoremove; should remove any deps that are no longer needed18:38
pochyde donde soys todos18:38
ActionParsnipMint: run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade ,it will upgrade the live environment. You can then run the upgraded installer18:38
pochy5j6kim7yiohgvpnl t5yf18:38
Surlent777oh wow I forget about autoremove18:38
sanguisdexoh ActionParsnip, I meant to tank you for your help on thurs with my testing of the latest disto ver18:38
xtony #118:38
sanguisdexit worked and i am upgraded18:39
ActionParsnipSanguisdex: np man. I've drank and slept so I forgot what happened but np anyways :)18:39
sanguisdexActionParsnip:  its just good to thank people when they help18:39
ActionParsnipTomleyton: use that text in websearches to find guides18:39
mintActionParsnip: where will the upgraded installer be placed?18:39
minton the desktop?18:40
rmrfslashAirTunes support in ubuntu/kubuntu?18:40
sanguisdexhey there xtony whats up?18:40
nmvictortrism: thanks though i just tried apt-get remove vlc* which also works, apt-get autoremove is still required though18:40
overmindxtony: Have you got any question releated with ubuntu ?18:40
rmrfslashanyone know?18:40
knuckapparently this is what is wrong with my vid card? "does not list the 5470 as supported so you will have to wait and hopefully next month's driver release 10.2 will have support for it."18:40
ActionParsnipMint: its the same icon18:40
mintActionParsnip: ty18:40
Surlent777ActionParsnip: So, aside from deleting everything and starting over, do you have any idea where I might look around to fix my HOM/split? Google isn't being much help here, so I'm looking more in to "what config settings could possibly be related"...18:41
ActionParsnipKnuck: a little direction and you found your way, like it :)18:41
knucki assume they meant to type 10.04 or whatever the next update is named18:41
xtonyno, thanks but i think that ubuntu is beatiful!18:41
overmindxtony: Then go to #ubuntu-offtopic please, this channel is for support18:41
knuckbut it's all good, i can wait it out and put up with 7 till then, haha18:42
knuckadios guys. thanks again18:42
CalmvsKhaosAnyone get a 5 second delay in synergy on Ubuntu 9.10? It only happens like 30-40% of the time, annoying though.18:42
xtonyok thanks :)18:42
TomLeytonActionParsnip I checked the ubuntu guide which explains how to install the driver, however when I download the file it only has support for ubuntu 9.04 and less18:42
ActionParsnipRmrflash: its apple so I doubt it. Apple are shortsighted. I'll see what jeeves knows18:42
mintbrb i just gona commit sucide, now my diskspace is full, bye.18:42
CalmvsKhaosglad he got that off his chest18:43
nmvictoris it possible to create a multimega file like say 600MB and then activate swapping on it if my system runs out of resources?18:43
anto9usCalmvsKhaos: I had an issue, was network bandwidth, used iwconfig to make sure my wifi connected at best speed and that resolved it.18:44
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  you can make a swap file if you want. It wont be used unlessed needed even if its enabled18:44
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  you could have several such files across differnt hard drives if you wanted18:44
lukaszczy ktos mowi po polsku ?18:44
Emanonnmvictor: actually you can and yes Dr_Willis you can up the priority to make it be used18:44
MetaPhazekarmic is newer than intrepid?18:44
bobby_ja mowie18:44
ActionParsnip!pl | lukasz18:45
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:45
ubottulukasz: please see above18:45
=== bobby_ is now known as Guest21589
ActionParsnipMetaphaze: correct18:45
Moweewhat "mowi" mean?18:45
Moweeis this a poland word?18:45
Guest21589mowi means speak18:45
nmvictorDr_Willis: Emanon i wouldnt want to bother you to take me through the tutorial, would you mind pointin me to one such nice tutorial?18:45
CalmvsKhaosanto9us, didnt know you could make wifi connect faster with iwconfig18:45
ActionParsnipMetaphaze: there is jaunty in between, if you upgrade you must upgrade to jaunty then to karmic18:45
Emanonsure nmvictor let me find it18:46
G-FarkasHi, I made a clean minimal install of ubuntu 9.10 amd64. I have no sound. I always configure it with "alsaconf" but it seems that doesnt exist anymore. I have no sound. I install alsa with: "m-a a-i alsa". Please help me.18:46
MetaPhazeActionParsnip, i'm going to compile a kernel is why i was wondering18:46
greezmunkeyEmanon: Is there a how to on swap files that describes what you said?18:46
Emanonsec greezmunkey finding it18:46
nmvictorEmanon: thanks18:46
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=== Pokeruler is now known as NotPokeruler
ActionParsniprmrfslash: http://www.hersson.net/technotes/stream-audio-from-any-application-to-your-airportexpress18:46
kunszabo9.10-ben csak pulse van18:46
Emanonthree is how to make a swap file http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/18:46
kunszaboha jól tudom18:47
Munckyis there somebody who can help a noob with his just recently installed ubuntu server and ubuntu client18:47
anto9usCalmvsKhaos: yes, sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M fixed18:47
rmrfslashActionParsnip: I googled the hell out of this... but lets see what you came up w/18:47
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál18:47
Emanonand still looking for how to set priority18:47
ActionParsniprmrfslash: looks pretty good. I avoid apple products like Paris Hilton avoids talent18:47
anto9usCalmvsKhaos: then reconnect using networkmanager18:47
rmrfslashyeah... pulseaudio18:47
rmrfslashshould I really install this?18:47
CalmvsKhaosanto9us, oh ok, cool ill try that later :)18:47
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CalmvsKhaosanto9us, do you have to do that all the time, or just once?18:48
ActionParsniprmrfslash: its default in lucid,karmic and I believe jaunty18:48
rmrfslashI posed a question a while ago about what is Pulseaudio and it's relation to ALSA, Phonon, Xine, and probably other audio frameworks I've left out18:48
anto9usCalmvsKhaos: try and see how your system behaves, it may need it every boot I'd guess18:48
rmrfslashI uninstalled it at one point18:49
ActionParsnipRmrfslash: its gonna take a bit of work but can't see why not according to the guide18:49
CalmvsKhaosanto9us, ok one more, how do you reconnect using network manager? Normally gnome just does it for me18:49
ActionParsnipRmrfslash: could backup your system then it doesn't matter ;)18:49
G-FarkasPriority: MAX! Hi, I made a clean minimal install of ubuntu 9.10 amd64. I have no sound. I always configure it with "alsaconf" but it seems that doesnt exist anymore. I have no sound. I install alsa with: "m-a a-i alsa". Please help me.18:49
anto9usCalmvsKhaos: you could just disable and re-enable wifi18:49
Lancelotand I'm back18:49
Lancelotso where was that option again?18:49
coz_Lancelot,  ok18:50
CalmvsKhaosanto9us, oh like sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?18:50
Munckyhello is there someone who can help we with some beginner questions? I would really appreciate it.18:50
medianmajikG-Farkas: have you check alsamixer?18:50
coz_Lancelot,  for compiz?18:50
ActionParsnip!sound | g-farkas18:50
ubottug-farkas: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:50
IdleOneMuncky: ask away18:50
coz_Lancelot,   window management category...place windows plugin...multi output mode18:50
anto9usCalmvsKhaos: maybe, I use the network manager icon18:50
MunckyIdleOne, can I pM you18:50
Emanonso to make a swap file "dd (or dcfldd) if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/desired/swap/file bs=1024(1meg) count=(number of megs)" and just adjust parameters as needed18:50
StopSignor open backports18:50
IdleOneMuncky: better to ask in here so others may help also18:50
medianmajikMuncky: ask here if possible18:50
CalmvsKhaosanto9us, ok thanks!18:50
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Alsamixer doent work!18:50
nmvictortheir was a package in the repos on linux administration which,if my memory is anything to go bt, it contained some info on swapping and so forth, does anyone remember its name?18:50
Lancelotthe window rules plugin?18:51
greezmunkeyEmanon: I found a good explanation here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/18:51
LancelotI don't have a plain windows plugin18:51
IdleOneMuncky: asking in here also assures you get accurate answers18:51
medianmajikG-Farkas: are you getting an error when you try it in the terminal?18:51
coz_Lancelot, no  the Place windows  plugin18:51
[Screamo]Hey, im trying to use Kopete for webcam chat, but im getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/398429/18:51
greezmunkeyEmanon: "swappiness" hehe18:51
Emanongreezmunkey:  look up i posted that earlier hehe18:51
LancelotI see it18:51
G-Farkasmedianmajik, I get:       alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory18:51
greezmunkeyEmanon: thanks!18:51
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Emanongreezmunkey: swappiness is how likely it is to be swapped not which swap it prefers18:52
coz_Lancelot,  then choose the "output device with pointer"18:52
jaycountwhats the easiest way to restart x?18:52
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:52
greezmunkeyEmanon: got it :)18:52
Lancelotso how is that different from the default setting?18:52
ActionParsnipJaycount: reboot18:52
[Screamo]=/ Hey, im trying to use Kopete for webcam chat, but im getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/398429/18:52
IdleOneheh that will restrat X for sure18:52
Lancelotit puts it wherever the mouse is instead of the main output?18:52
Emanonbut you could make a swap file then remove swap partition from fstab swapoff it and that should force it to use the only one left18:52
abbeyi'm having more trouble than expected setting up wireless in ubuntu 9.10 on a dell inspiron 152518:52
coz_Lancelot,  well the windows will open according to where your mouse pointer is located between the screens ...i am hoping anyway18:52
jaycountguess thats how Ill do it18:53
mawstEmanon: funny running into you here.18:53
Dr_WillisI recall you can have several swap files and partions and set their priorties so you can set what one gets used first18:53
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: did you visit the link in the output?18:53
anto9usjaycount: you can restart the login window, along with x, with sudo service gdm restart18:53
MunckyI just installed a ubuntu server, together with a ubuntu 9.10 client pc. I'm trying to connect with my client to the server, but I don't have any clue how. I would first of all like to use NFS and just installed this on the ubuntu server.18:53
medianmajikG-Farkas: google   alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for  default: No such file or directory18:53
coz_Lancelot,  it is real helpful to type the first 2 or 3 letters of a nickname  hit tab to complete then  type your message...this way the person yoou are talking to can be alerted :)18:53
Emanonu hang out in #rantradio or something mawst?18:53
abbeyi did administration >> hardware drivers then hit activate, but nothing seems to have changed.  what's the next step?18:53
[Screamo]ActionParsnip lol its down..  i forgot to mention that18:53
Lancelotcoz_ now do I just attach the second screen and restart x?18:53
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: have you websearched the error? Does the cam work in cheese?18:53
[Screamo]i dont have a webcam18:54
[Screamo]but my sister does18:54
coz_Lancelot,  are you setting this in nvidia settings?18:54
MunckyMy main question is, how can my client connect to the server? do I have to make a new username on the server, and connect with this u/p?18:54
[Screamo]jus trying to do a 1 sided thing18:54
coz_Lancelot,  give me 5 I have a nature call to attend to :)18:54
* freezeloud_ away18:54
ActionParsnip[Screamo] I see, websearch how to get the jasper thing, you'll find guides18:54
IdleOne!ssh | Muncky18:54
ubottuMuncky: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:54
[Screamo]i tried =[18:54
ActionParsnip!away > freezeloud_18:55
[Screamo]didnt find nothing18:55
ubottufreezeloud_, please see my private message18:55
lonnie_ActionParsnip: Where is the config file you speak of?18:55
ActionParsnip!who | [Scremo]18:55
ubottu[Scremo]: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:55
Munckyok, so I have to make use of the SSH protocol?18:55
ActionParsnipLonnie_: for what?18:55
=== [Screamo] is now known as Screamo_Smurf
lonnie_for limited ssh users to their home directory18:55
medianmajikG-Farkas: You still there?18:55
trism[Screamo]: try sudo apt-get install libjasper-runtime;18:56
IdleOneMuncky: read the link ubottu gave you and it will explain more howto and what you need to install18:56
Screamo_SmurfActionParsnip i googled it, but didnt find anything usefull18:56
ActionParsnipLonnie_: it will be in the conf file of the ftp server you use.18:56
Munckyok thanx I'll do that18:56
IdleOneMuncky: welcome and if you have any questions just ask in here :)18:56
ActionParsnipScreamo_smurf: try trism's suggeestion18:56
greezmunkey1st day of Spring!18:56
Screamo_Smurftrism, im doing it now18:56
abbeyi don't the the wireless device is being recognized at all actually, how do i go about fixing this?18:56
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Im in google. I cant find the answer18:56
lonnie_ActionParsnip: I'm just got a default install of ubuntu server with ssh setup. Users are able to sftp, and I'm not sure what the server is.18:57
G-Farkasmedianmajik, I never had this problem before18:57
ActionParsnipAbbey: run: sudo lshw -C netowk ,you will see your devices. Websearch for the product line for the wifi device18:57
Munckyok, thanx once again, I'm afraid this will be my new home ! Damn that ubuntu is addictive :-)18:57
medianmajikG-Farkas: I found a lot upon googling alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed18:57
coz_Lancelot,  ok back18:58
Lancelotcoz_: me too18:58
abbeyActionParsnip, it gave no results18:58
Screamo_Smurfwell i think it worked, but my sister just got offline, so now i cant test it =[ ( ActionParsnip, trism )18:58
abbeyah i think you meant "network"18:58
Lancelotcoz_ I'm in the compiz config settings18:58
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Me too, what i dont find is how to solve the problem. Now I know that: (traslation of the message) "Didnt find sound cards" when   "aplay -l"18:58
coz_Lancelot,  on my setup I use dynamic-twinview  which is setting up of dual monitors manually..I dont have much experience with separate xscreens because i dont like that but18:58
IdleOneMuncky: you may also want to /msg ubottu guidelines and read that :)18:58
ActionParsnipLonnie_: if you want sftp then ssh can do that, not sure how to stop them writing to none home short of standard user access being ok. Users will only have write access to $HOME18:59
coz_Lancelot,  if you open nvidia-settings with sudo  from a terminal you can most likely set this up easily that way unless your separate xscreens are already set up18:59
abbeyActionParsnip, is "BCM4312" the kind of thing i'm looking for?18:59
medianmajikG-Farkas: http://weblog.tinixtech.com.ar/?p=16318:59
ActionParsnipAbbey: try: lspci;lsusb ,one line will identify the device18:59
Lancelotcoz_, I'll get that open now18:59
ActionParsnip!broadcom | abbey19:00
ubottuabbey: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:00
coz_Lancelot,  as I said I have not done it this way  but via terminal type   sudo nvidia-settings19:00
smokealotDoesnt ubuntu find the driver on its own?19:00
LancelotI got it19:00
LancelotI've done it before19:00
ActionParsnipAbbey: that's exactly what we needed =)19:00
Lancelotwell opened it anyways :p19:00
coz_Lancelot,  then go to  "X Server Display Configuration"19:00
medianmajikG-Farkas: looks like it is solved by changing permissions as shown in that link19:00
abbeyalright, thanks ActionParsnip I googled but got non-helpful forum results first19:00
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Ill try, Im reading :)19:01
ActionParsnipAbbey: use a wired connection to download the stuff you need. The driver app will pop up and offer the driver to you19:01
coz_Lancelot,  there you should see both monitors graphics  and once that is set to your liking...at the bottom just above the "Help and Quit" buttons is the "Save to X configuration file" button19:01
Lancelotcoz_, just lemme get my other monitor attached19:01
coz_Lancelot, oh yeah do that first19:01
Lancelotcoz_, It's attached, but disabled19:01
abbeyk thanks ActionParsnip, think i've got it19:01
coz_Lancelot,  you may have to restart x for that to be seen19:02
ActionParsnipAbbey: sweet move19:02
Lancelotit's seen, but disabled19:02
=== richard is now known as Guest99704
qweqweany idea how i can change my screen refresh rate ? i have in the options only 60mhz ?19:02
Lancelotcoz_,it's visible, but disabled19:02
christiancan anyone help me with a ubuntu security issue? thanks! :)19:02
=== christian is now known as Guest52405
Lancelotcoz_,I'll just set it to clone mode...19:02
smokealotActionParsnip: thats what i was thinking, when i installed it poped up and offerd the driver :p19:02
coz_Lancelot,  I would still restart x first19:02
Vampire:ActionParsnip!~ActionPar@genld-216-021.t-mobile.co.uk PRIVMSG #ubuntu :Lonnie19:02
Vampireups, sorry19:02
Lancelotcoz_, how would I do that?19:02
ActionParsnipSmokealot: it ironically needs a network connection19:03
Lancelotcoz_, without restarting ubuntu?19:03
coz_Lancelot, ok19:03
Vigoabbey: What ActionParsnip said is the way I fixed a laptop for a friend, we brought the box here, hardlined it and got all pkgs that were needed, was easy.19:03
qweqweany idea with the refresh issue ?19:03
wevlopdo dell Mini's work ok with ubuntu? the wifi & everything19:03
coz_Lancelot,   dont do anything until I finish....ctrl+alt+F1   then log in...then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart19:03
smokealotyup to download it should be included on the cd19:03
rohanroyHi all, I'm trying to route all my traffic from an Ubuntu JeOS Virtual Machine running inside a Ubuntu 9.10 Server Host, within my LAN here in California to my remore Ubuntu 8.04 Server. I'm following these guides: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/routing.phtml and http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-configure-ubuntu-fedora-linux-pptp-client.html . Thus far, I've been able to successfully connect to the VPN, I managed to allow myself to connect19:03
rohanroyother hosts within the REMOTE lan, but I can't manage to setup the appropriate ip-up.d and ip-down.d scripts such that ALL traffic to and from the local virtual machine gets routed through the VPN. My Mac and Windows machines within my local LAN connect to the VPN and can access the external internet just fine. Can anyone help me?19:03
FloodBot3rohanroy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:03
medianmajikwevlop: they should. dell offers great ubuntu support out of the box19:04
coz_Lancelot,  i would commit that to memory or papter because it is the proper way to do this19:04
coz_Lancelot,  I meant paper19:04
Lancelotcoz_, ok :P19:04
wevlopbeen thinking to get a Dell Mini 10v, to start using Ubuntu again, and may be learn some scripting, python etc19:04
Blackice115I wrote a simple script to hide/reveal desktop icons and I'm trying to put it into my dock. When I put it in there is still shows the image for it as a piece of paper, even though I changed the picture, anyone know of a way to get my dock to show the picture I added?19:04
wevlopmedianmajik: will serve me good?19:04
medianmajikwevlop: mini 10v also supports OSX.19:05
G-Farkasmedianmajik, it seems that you were right. I add my user to the audio group, but still without sound. What is what i have to reload?19:05
Vigowevlop: Did you look at Ubuntu + Hardware?19:05
wevlopVigo: where where!19:05
anto9usqweqwe: if you have lcd screen then you shouldn't need to19:05
wevlopmedianmajik: bah thats a good thing19:05
=== jason is now known as mjkjr
Vigowavelop: At the Ubuntu.com site there is a Docs section, one is Supported Hardware, I think that is listed as working.19:06
medianmajikG-Farkas: Did you add it using sudo?19:06
Lonely_Troll1981Hi!! Lets kill all in the windows channel?19:06
krantixcan anyone help me with a security issue? I see a strange "find" process running sometimes....19:06
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Yes. I shouldent?19:06
mawstIs there a way to reload applets that are installed without reloading gnome panel?19:06
Vigosrry, wEv19:06
medianmajikG-Farkas: you should. :)19:06
Lonely_Troll1981krantix yep.. I will help you!!!119:06
coz_Lonely_Troll1981,  I dont think so ... I still enjoy using windows at times :)19:06
wevlopLonely_Troll1981: nope, not yet, i am still in that club :P19:07
G-Farkasmedianmajik, I did   "sudo adduser miuser audio"19:07
Lancelotcoz_, Well, it worked I guess19:07
G-Farkasmedianmajik, I seems like all its okey for root :)19:07
coz_Lancelot,  you guess?19:07
Lancelotcoz_, well it did19:07
krantixLonely_Troll1981 thanks! I've posted a picture here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143461419:07
=== Peda is now known as Guest94071
G-Farkasmedianmajik,  So, as Im root it give me peace, but still want to use the audio with miuser19:08
coz_Lancelot,  cool...now i did look online for mplab and wine ..it is apparenlty supported but I would go to #winehq  to talk about that there19:08
medianmajikG-Farkas: try running alsamixer again in the terminal as user19:08
Lancelotcoz_, I'm back in the nvidia settings19:08
Lonely_Troll1981krantix nice pictures...I suggest you to use a windows19:08
coz_Lancelot,  ok   but if your settings took then you dont need to be there19:08
coz_Lancelot, ok19:08
Lancelotcoz_, I just have a clone view19:09
coz_Lancelot,   ok19:09
Vigowevlop: Here it is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DellMini919:09
G-Farkasmedianmajik, still get the same error19:09
krantixLonely_Troll1981 sorry I'm not following....19:09
coz_Lancelot, when you click on the secondary monitor graphic in there  do you have options for settings?19:09
wevlopVigo: thanks :)19:09
wevlopmay be Mini9 isn't available at my place though19:09
Lonely_Troll1981krantix Kill the ubuntu and use Windows19:10
krantixanyone expert in security?19:10
Lancelotcoz_,  I have disabled, seperate x screen, and twinview19:10
wevlop10 shouldn't be much different19:10
Vigowevlop: You are very welcome, I hope that helps and please post any fixes or errors at the Forums.19:10
abbeyalright system >> admin >> hardware drivers is giving me "this driver is activated but not currently in use"19:10
abbeyhow do i... use it19:10
Lancelotcoz_, currently it's on twinview19:10
wevlopVigo: i will19:10
coz_Lancelot, but i thought you wanted separate xscreens?19:10
smokealotkrantix is that running as root?19:10
Lancelotcoz_, I did :/19:10
Vigowevlop: Thank YOU.19:10
Lancelotcoz_, hang on, I'll set it and restart19:10
coz_Lancelot,  ok then no19:10
krantixsmokealot not sure19:10
medianmajikabbey: you may need to logout/back in to get restricted drivers working19:11
coz_Lancelot,  first click the primary monitor  and hit the"Configure" button19:11
G-Farkasmedianmajik, this is exactly the problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=543847 and maybe the solution, just that i dont understand the solution :S19:11
smokealotor ifconfig wlan0 up19:11
abbeymedianmajik, just did that19:11
RKOHello everyone19:11
Lancelotcoz_,  ok, I have it19:11
smokealotfor some reason it wont work untill i do that19:11
coz_Lancelot,  choose separate xscreen   then do the same with the secondary monitor  then  click the "Save to x configuration file"19:11
krantixsmokealot do you have any idea what it is? it only runs sometimes. I've run rkhunter and chkrootkit and nothing is found....19:11
Lancelotcoz_, ok19:11
coz_Lancelot,  then restart x again to see if that took19:11
medianmajikG-Farkas: I'll check it out. try running alsaconf in the terminal19:11
smokealotkrantix it would help to see who is running it19:12
smokealotor what19:12
Lancelotcoz_, I'm curious, there's an option called Xinerama, what does that do19:12
RKOGuys may i ask for help?19:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:12
soreau! ask | RKO19:12
ubottuRKO: please see above19:12
coz_Lancelot,  no you cant use that with compiz i believe  so you want to leave19:12
coz_Lancelot,  leave that alone19:12
G-Farkasmedianmajik, There is not alsaconf, Is the first thing that i tried because was the old way that I always did in debian19:12
RKOHow can i edit /etc/hosts19:12
krantixsmokealot right, but it's not running yet... what is more suspicious is that I don't have any user named "alex" on my box19:12
RKOi get no permission at all19:12
Lancelotcoz_, ok, I'll restart then19:12
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Ill try restart the pc :)19:13
soreauLancelot: enabling xinerama will effectively disable compositing19:13
laura82_sudo nano /etc/hosts19:13
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Come back in minutes or less19:13
VigoRKO: Did you try man?19:13
coz_Lancelot,  just leave19:13
soreauRKO: Try 'gksudo /etc/hosts'19:13
coz_Lancelot, just leave xinerama alone19:13
soreauRKO: Try 'gksudo gedit /etc/hosts'19:13
Lancelotcoz_, I am19:13
coz_Lancelot,   I didnt mean just leave :)  my fingers goobered :)19:13
Lancelotcoz_, I've finished setting it, but it's compaining about using absolute positioning19:13
RKOi tried to edit it via normal text editor , but failed to save19:13
coz_Lancelot,  mm19:13
Lancelotcoz_, should I offset it by my resolution?19:14
RKOi try to edit it via nano /etc/19:14
Lancelotcoz_, 1680 pixels over?19:14
coz_Lancelot,  well are both monitors the same size?19:14
Peda____RKO? Press Alt+F2 and type "gksudo nautilus"19:14
Lancelotcoz_, yes they are19:14
coz_Lancelot, and do you have them set identically in the settings?19:14
Peda____now you should be able to edit everything19:14
smokealotkrantix: can i send u a pm?19:14
VigoRKO: Yes, what the others stated, gk or nano or whatever editor you prefer, then save it.19:14
Lancelotcoz_, yes19:14
krantixsmokealot sure19:15
coz_Lancelot, m,m  let me check hold on19:15
rohanroyHey all, How do I create a ip-up.d script such that all my traffic gets routed to the ppp0 VPN PPTP interface upon connection to the VPN?19:16
jMylesI'm getting grub rescue unknown filesystem on aCat's laptop - grub-install doesn't seem to fix it, as suggested in the forums19:16
RKOAfter i edit etc/hosts via nano /etc/hosts19:16
RKOhow to save it19:16
eiranntrying to get backtrack tools on ubuntu,  how do i save perl file19:16
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xcercais there a program the scans your computer for every OS and then can update grub for you ?19:16
coz_Lancelot,   in the nvidia settings ..the monitor graphics19:17
VigoIs there a way to list all running processes and then selectively /kill the ones that are not system or needed on a session?19:17
coz_Lancelot,  click and drag the monitor graphic to see if it is overlapping the primary graphic monitor19:17
xcercaVigo , yea19:17
_TrulloRKO, CTRL-X then Y19:17
lkvvis there a microsoft paint like program for ubuntu (not gimp)19:17
eirannand how come there (tools) are not showing up on gnome menu, i have changed menu using genie19:17
Peda____why not gimp... paint sux...19:17
lkvvPeda____, I love paint19:18
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Hi, WORKS! restarting the system solved finally the problem. I was as you say the permission problem. Thank you very much :)19:18
Vigoxcerca: Thank you.19:18
coz__Trullo,  there is mypaint which is more like  corel painter19:18
xcercaVigo , i have the system monitor toolbar and i just click that and click the proceeses tab19:18
Lancelotcoz_, they are overlapping19:18
Lonely_Troll1981Hi!!! Whow to install the Ubuntu to vacuum cleaner?19:18
coz_Lancelot,  ok set them correctly with no overlapping19:18
medianmajikG-Farkas: No problem. :)19:18
Vigoxcerca: Oh sweet, never thought about that.19:18
Lancelotcoz_, one next to the other, its set19:18
anto9uskrantix: it's parte updatedb cron job, Alex is actually a filesystem being pruned from the process19:19
Lancelotcoz_, save the config file?19:19
coz__Trullo,  but there are applications very similar to microsoft paint19:19
coz_Lancelot,  yeah try that now19:19
medianmajikG-Farkas: You should checkout #! Crunchbang when you get a chance.  It'll teach you a lot about Ubuntu19:19
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Still problems, but not with the sound B)19:19
abbeyok, i followed the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx but still can't find the device, and wifi-radar doesn't seem to work.19:19
Vigoxcerca: Does it actually /kill them or suspend them?19:19
G-Farkasmedianmajik, What is this?19:19
xcercawhat multi-player games are popular in ubuntu ?19:19
coz_Lancelot,  the monitor graphics should be side by side with no overlapping or gaps19:19
uzi_how to remove ttf-dejavu-core pkg without removing ubuntu-desktop?19:19
xcercaVigo , the kill kills19:19
Vigoxcerca: Thank you19:20
Lancelotcoz_, its clean19:20
Lancelotcoz_, I'm restarting now19:20
Peda____lkvv : There is a similar programm to paint, called xpaint... just google19:20
coz_Lancelot,  cool19:20
xcercapeda , what about gimp ?19:20
coz__Trullo,  i think tuxpaint  is close to mspaint19:20
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Ill found it. In wich way? I did the minimal instalation :)19:20
lkvvPeda____, awesome19:20
RKOError writing /etc/hosts Permission denied19:20
medianmajikG-Farkas: Ubuntu with tons of light and fast programs.  Designed so you can get "under the hood" and really mess with things19:20
RKOand that was my question on the first place19:20
uzi_how to remove ttf-dejavu-core pkg without removing ubuntu-desktop?19:20
Peda____lkvv asked for a programm instead of gimp..19:21
coz__Trullo,  no never mind it is not like mspaint...just saw screenshot lol19:21
RKOHow to get permission to Edit /etc/hosts?19:21
medianmajikG-Farkas: you did the minimal install of ubuntu?19:21
coz__Trullo,  maybe gpaint?19:21
G-Farkasmedianmajik, yes19:21
coz__Trullo,  or gnupaint19:21
Peda____Press Alt+f219:21
RKOError writing /etc/hosts Permission denied19:21
Peda____an then type "gksudo nautilus19:22
RKOafter alt + f219:22
coz__Trullo,  if you really want a close replacement I believe it is gpaint19:22
anto9usRKO: use sudo in front of edit command, e.g. sudo nano /etc/hosts19:22
Vigoxcerca: Erm, Synaptic name or what to search for?19:22
laura82_tienes una sesion de usuario19:22
coz__Trullo,    http://tech.shantanugoel.com/uploads/gpaint.png19:22
G-Farkasmedianmajik, You are speaking with a professional (in distro installations :P )19:22
Peda____now you can edit everything19:22
Peda____and save it also19:22
G-Farkasmedianmajik, Could I get some advantages with this distro?19:22
laura82_desde alli no vale que escribas eso. debe ser la sesion del administrador que instalo el sistema19:22
uzi_how to remove ttf-dejavu-core pkg without removing ubuntu-desktop?19:22
Lancelotcoz_, well, I now have seperate screen, that just displays the blank ubuntu login screen background19:22
Lancelotcoz_, it also traps my mouse :/19:23
coz_Lancelot,  ok oooo19:23
MunckyI cannot browse with my arrow keys in the nano editor, anybody have a solution. It says [ unknown Command ]19:23
coz_Lancelot,  ok then from this point I am going to direct you to the #nvidia channel for better advice on this19:23
Lancelotcoz_, ok then19:23
G-Farkasuzi_, did you try with dpkg?19:23
setuiddpkg isn't doing anything inside my chroot... how can I diagnose?19:23
xcercado many people play games like wow and cs on wine ?19:24
medianmajikG-Farkas: Crunchbang?  Only real dependency is C, Openbox plays nice with Gtk and is super easy to configure.  Also, great community and fast.  checkout freenode/#crunchbang19:24
abbeyxcerca i played wow on wine for years19:24
Lancelotcoz_, thanks for the help19:24
Lancelotcoz_, what was the channel for the Wine bunch again?19:24
anto9usuzi_: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, it won't remove all its dependencies along with it19:25
xcercaabbey , did you ever have any problems ?19:25
abbeyxcerca, hardest part is getting video drivers19:25
coz_Lancelot,  no problem ..let me know the solution to this >  I am generally in #compiz  and the wine channel is  #winehq19:25
abbeyxcerca, not really19:25
abbeyonce i fix wireless here i'm going to try that actually19:25
Blackice115Does anyone know if you can turn a ".sh" script into just an executable application?19:25
abbeywas on a different computer running fedora though19:25
Emanon!es |laura82_:19:25
ubottulaura82_:: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:25
Lancelotcoz_, ok then, thanks19:25
=== eirann is now known as Lavin
uzi_G-Farkas, anto9us: should I --force-yes purge ttf-dejavu-core?19:25
xcercai did before playing TF 2  on my old computer, but now i have 4 cores and 2 ati 4890's , so i hope that helps..19:26
medianmajikG-Farkas: what are some distros you are loving?19:26
setuid# dpkg -L && echo $?19:26
setuidSomething's not right19:26
G-Farkasmedianmajik, MP19:26
familySO CAL hooah19:26
setuidHow do I reinstall dpkg, without using dpkg?19:26
setuidor rebuild/repair the apt database?19:26
G-Farkasuzi_, what tell to you?19:26
medianmajikG-Farkas: sorry, guess this is offtopic for support.  We'll get back to support questions19:26
anto9usuzi_: do so at your own risk, there may be other things depending on ttf-dejavu-core19:26
RKOPeda____ Thank you for help19:27
uzi_anto9us: i want to safely remove dejavu without touching its dependencies :/19:28
anto9usuzi_: you can always reinstall by "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" which will bring back in missing dependent packages19:28
PCLoadLetterHey all.  I am having issues with my crontab.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/z6dGaJay  Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong please?  I'm trying to run a .sh file every day at a certain time, but the .sh file isn't loading when the time hits :(19:28
anto9usuzi, it doesn't hurt to try, as long as you know what you're doing :)19:28
Emanon!hi | pershian00719:29
ubottupershian007: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:29
uzi_anto9us :/ i don't wanna remove my desktop, just the font19:29
Gran_GerHi there! I have a problem with nautilus. If I select the option personal folder from places, there is  message that isn't any application asociated with that19:29
Gran_Gerhow can I fix it?19:29
anto9usuzi_: ubuntu-desktop is not your desktop, it's a metapackage19:29
anto9usuzi_: it just installs everything required, removing it will not remove your desktop19:30
Vigosetuid: Do you have a liveCD or an install CD?19:30
abbeyso... after i've supposedly installed the drivers, how to get wifi to actually connect to a network?19:31
Agent_X I'm having a little trouble with a NTP installation19:31
Agent_X<Agent_X> is anyone available to give a little guidance?19:31
Agent_X<Agent_X> http://pastebin.com/Jb4sbjye19:31
Agent_X<Agent_X> I keep getting a connection refused from both the localhost performing19:31
Agent_X<Agent_X> rdate -p
FloodBot3Agent_X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
Agent_X<Agent_X> and from a another host using the same command to the devices IP19:31
uzi_anto9us thanks for your reply. there's a switch to ingore deps in rpm. what is the equivalent in apt?19:31
ugliefrogplay on linux vs wine...are they the same thing19:31
Agent_XI'm having some NTP trouble19:31
pershian007how can i remove broken package by terminal ?19:32
anto9usuzi_: I'm off to work now, sorry :)19:32
Vigo!alien | uzi_19:32
ubottuuzi_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)19:32
pedahzurProblem here with a Dell Inspiron 9400/E1705.  Suspend works the first time, and resumes fine.  The second time, the system locks up on trying to suspend, and I have to reboot.  Anyone seen this or have possible fixes?19:32
Agent_XcanI keep getting a connection refused from both the localhost performing19:33
Agent_Xrdate -p
Agent_Xand from a another host using the same command to the devices IP19:33
Agent_Xin netstat it appears that port 123 is open (though not listening)19:33
Agent_Xhttp://pastebin.com/Jb4sbjye is a copy of the ntp.conf19:33
FloodBot3Agent_X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
PCLoadLetteranyone here familiar with crontab?  just on the basic level?19:33
Vigouzi_: I did not see the full question, so I posted that for you.19:33
hexdump_man I don't know what sony did but their packages install super fast.19:33
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: What's up?19:33
abbeywow.... FloodBot is laming Agent_X bad...19:33
abbeyseems broken19:33
overmindabbey: No, it works perfectly19:33
romeksą tu jacyś Polacy?:P19:33
lonnie_In ubuntu desktop, you can use the gui to setup new users that have limited privileges. How can I do this in Ubuntu Server using the command line. I want create users that only have access to their home directory, and can't shutdown the system or cause any problems like that.19:33
overmind!pl | romek19:33
ubotturomek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:33
PCLoadLetterhey pedahzur.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/z6dGaJay  <-- don't know what i did wrong here :(19:34
PCLoadLetterits a very simple crontab.. and im new to cron in general19:34
PCLoadLetterjust need to see what im doing wrong19:34
abbeyovermind i'll just make sure to not type too fast19:34
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: What's the issue? Not running? running with error?19:34
Agent_XYeah.. ok19:34
PCLoadLetternot running19:34
pershian007helpe meeeeeeee19:34
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: how did you create this file? crontab -e?19:35
Agent_Xdescription of problem and my ntp.conf19:35
uzi_Vigo: whats equivalent to rpm's --ignore-deps in apt?19:35
pershian007how can i remove broken package by terminal ?19:35
PCLoadLettersaved to a /tmp/ directory.. not sure if that has anything to do with it, but once i saved and quit, it told me the new crontab was configured19:35
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: Are you sure 'cron' is running?  What does ps -AF|grep -i cron return?19:36
Vigouzi_: I would have to look that up in the Manual, one moment please.19:36
MilpWhich arch would i use if i wanted to use debootstrap to make a minimal ubuntu for an arm-eabi architecture?19:36
uzi_Vigo: thank you, I shall try --ignore-depends in dpkg19:36
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: Did you keep an eye on /var/log/syslog? Is there any record of cron trying to invoke it?19:36
hexdump_PCLoadLetter:  wtf does that mean?!19:37
Vigouzi_: Here is a Manpage on that. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/apt-get.8.html19:37
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: What user is this running as?  Is there anything in that user's mail file at /var/log/spool/mail?19:37
uzi_Vigo: i've read that manual, sadly didn't find anything useful :(19:38
PCLoadLetterI pasted the output of that command at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Jp2yj7MH pedahzur.  thanks for helping btw :)  and i will check the syslog now19:38
hDyhey guys I installed Ubuntu 9.10 and went to edit the grub config file, but it wasn't at /boot/grub/menu.lst the file doesn't excist.. did they change the config file name?19:38
pedahzurhexdump_, PCLoadLetter: yes, crontab -e copies the file to a tmp location where you edit it, then when you exit your editor, it checks the syntax and installs it if it's OK.19:38
PCLoadLetternothing in the users mail file that im aware of19:38
PCLoadLetterno mail set up or anything to do with mail on that machine19:39
Vigouzi_: You know the Golden Rule, RTM, or something, did you see the Options part?19:39
PCLoadLetterahh ok, that's what i figured but i thought i'd mention that19:39
hexdump_lol pedahzur: j/k office space19:39
PCLoadLetterlike i said, im new :)19:39
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: You do realize that your cron is configured to run the command at 2:19PM local time, right?19:39
PCLoadLetteryeah.. i kept changing the time to test it19:39
PCLoadLetterbut the export never took19:40
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: tip: put my name at the beginning of your replies. That way, my client dings (and highlights the reply in red) so it's easier for me to find your responses.19:40
PCLoadLetterpedahzur: sorry about that. its been awhile since i've looked at irc or ubuntu.. lol19:41
uzi_Vigo: thank you. dpkg --purge worked, not apt-get purge19:41
PCLoadLetterpedahzur: i uploaded the grep output to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Jp2yj7MH19:41
Random832it's apt-get --purge remove19:41
Vigouzi_: You are very welcome.19:41
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: I would recommend installing something like Postfix (in local-only mode if you don't need to use it to send mail off-system) so there is something cron can use to mail the output of the command.19:42
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: Yeah, saw the ps -AF output. So cron is running.19:42
hDyomg, update-grub is amazing.19:42
rabbit1help need on aptana, permission denied, any help?19:42
PCLoadLetterpedahzur:  i will check the syslog right now and look into postfix.  from what you've seen though, is anything out of the ordinary?19:43
Vigorabbit1: Are you su?19:44
rabbit1Vigo: su?19:44
sanguisdexso I just upgraded the disto and now some of my shell connections will not connect any more, any ideas for degugging?19:44
Vigorabbit1: Are you the Administrator?19:44
rabbit1Vigo: its my home PC19:45
Vigo!su | rabbit119:45
ubotturabbit1: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:45
rabbit1Vigo: i also tried sudo on it but, same problem19:45
PCLoadLetterpedahzur:  yes.. the syslog is definitely being invoked19:45
Vigorabbit1: still looking, I am not really familiar with that pkg.19:46
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: The command looks ok in the crontab.  I would suspect some error output is being generated and not e-mailed since there is no e-mail system installed.19:46
rabbit1Vigo: followed all the instructions provided here: http://maketecheasier.com/install-aptana-studio-in-ubuntu-intrepid/2009/03/2319:46
callaghanWhat would be the best VNC Server for Ubuntu that also works when Compiz is enabled?19:46
PCLoadLetteri pastebin'd the output to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sGxSEH9419:46
soreau! best | callaghan19:47
ubottucallaghan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:47
PCLoadLetteryou can see my numerous failed attempts moving into a cleaner command19:47
rabbit1Vigo: you there?19:48
duffydackcallaghan, tried ssh X forwarding? or do you need to control a whole desktop19:48
callaghansoreau: What would be a VNC Server - no matter which one - for Ubuntu that also works when Compiz is enabled? That's what I meant ;)19:48
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: /home/adempiere/Adempiere/utils/RUN_DBExport.sh  I assume the path is correct?19:48
callaghanduffydack: I need to control the whole desktop.19:48
PCLoadLetterpedahzur: correct19:48
duffydackcallaghan, I like freenx but havent found a way to take over an already running session...19:49
AbortDdoes anyone use AR5B93 wireless connection and can help me connect to a network? i tried a it under karmic and lucid and get nothing19:49
salvohello i'm new user19:49
Vigorabbit1: Yes, just found a possible resolution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1384807&highlight=aptana19:49
Milpwelcome, salvo19:49
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: yeah, everything looks correct.  I would have to see the output of the cron command, and you can only get that to my knowledge via the output being mailed.19:49
rabbit1Vigo: checking out,,.....19:50
soreaucallaghan: That really has to do with your graphics drivers I believe. I think there's only one vnc19:50
zongo_hey guys, I was wondering if someone could help me create an alias19:50
pedahzurzongo_: What kind of alias? Mail?19:50
rabbit1Vigo: thats just to create a icon19:50
PantchoHi all, i have compiled the kernel to see if it works like here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile#AltBuildMethod and now i wish to change the kernel source and recompile, so if i just change a few lines in a .c source file in the linux source directory and do the same steps again will it apply? or i need to do a special make for the new objects or delete something to let know make it is missing and it needs to build it again? thanks.19:50
zongo_I have modified my ~/.bashrc file for a command I use all the time19:50
salvosorry for my engish what'is a discussion?19:50
pedahzurzongo_: Oh, and command alias. :)19:50
zongo_it is located in /usr/bin/wvdial19:50
callaghanduffydack: Never heard of that one, but I will take a look, thank you.19:51
soreaucallaghan: There was a nomad branch of compiz that was being worked on by novell folks but I think it kinda died off. See /msg FusioBot nomad19:51
zongo_but when I run it in the terminal it says command not found19:51
PCLoadLetterpedahzur:  thanks for helping me look into my crontab.  i will check out postfix right now to see if i can get the output mailed to me19:51
KhalilI have installed "unrar" but I have no idea how to use it! Help?19:51
Vigorabbit1: In the forums Apatna search came up with a large number, I may have selected wrong one, is a java error?19:51
pedahzurzongo_: Did you log out and log back in?19:51
rabbit1Vigo: that's ok, would like to drop, i am happy with bluefish19:51
rabbit1Vigo: thanks for the help, its late night here, i am sleepy too. out of control :)19:52
zongo_this is the line I have added to ~/.bashrc alias w='sudo /usr/bin/wvdial':19:52
Milpsalvo what country are you from? What is your native language?19:52
zongo_yes I have log out and back in19:52
pedahzurzongo_: What's the alias declaration look like?19:52
zongo_what am i doing wrong because it is not working :)19:52
guntbert!it | salvo19:53
ubottusalvo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:53
pedahzurzongo_: Sorry, didn't see you post it.19:53
callaghansoreau: thx for the info, I see what I can do19:53
salvoitalian, i'm write from Torino Italy (^_^)19:53
Vigorabbit1: Okee dokee, try aracnophelia or give it a test, I also like Bluefish.19:53
IndustrialEvery time I sleep my Wubi install it resets my time, this is quite anoying19:53
salvook ubotto Tank's19:53
pedahzurPCLoadLetter: You're welcome.19:53
Milpah cool, im german :D19:53
Milpdo you need help with anything in ubuntu?19:53
baabahow does gnome-terminal in karmic display glyphs that are not present in the font that it's set to use?19:53
Pantchoanyone? :P19:53
KhalilDoes anyone know how to use unrar?19:54
pedahzurKhalil: unrar <filename>19:54
zongo_another way would be to create a ~/.bash_aliases file and add all the xtras aliases there I suppose19:54
rabbit1Vigo: thx, can u spell it properly, i am getting weired search results in google19:54
Khalilpedahzur: where exactly do I type this?19:54
pedahzurzongo_: Do you really have a : after your alias declaration?19:54
Vigosalvo: Welcome.19:54
zongo_yes I do pedahzur19:54
pedahzurKhalil: At the console.  You can also install a GUI front end for handling compresses files.19:55
zongo_am i not suppose to have that ?19:55
Vigorabbit1: Use the Forums, is a bit more precise to Ubuntu/Debian.19:55
pedahzurzongo_: I don't think so.19:55
Khalilpedahzur: when you say 'console' do you mean terminal?19:55
pedahzurKhalil: Yes, sorry.19:55
zongo_ok let me modify it, be back in a sec19:55
tarvidhow do you get nm-applet back? If I have a wired connect at boot it goes away19:56
Vigorabbit1: here> http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php19:56
rabbit1Vigo: ok, but whats aracnophelia?19:56
takin`bachttp://www.e-castig.com/index.php?r=HzkN please, just click this link to help me win iphone, it's not a virus, i swear :)))))))))))))))19:57
Vigorabbit1: It is a Java app written by Paul Lutus and is free under the Care Ware license.19:57
MilpIs the rootstock tool especially made to generate ubuntu rootfs for arm architectures?19:57
rabbit1Vigo: okkies,,,,,19:57
Vigorabbit1: I built my first website from code using it like ten years ago, it has matured nicely.19:58
Khalilpedahzur: It dosen't work19:58
Vigorabbit1: Google Paul Lutus or Arachnoid19:59
zongo__pedahzur: it's working nicely now cheers19:59
pedahzurzongo__: Glad to hear it. Glad to help.19:59
pedahzurKhalil: What error message does it give you?19:59
zongo__would it possible to add to the aliases the passwd for root access19:59
rohanroyHey all, I've setup a VPN on a remote server using PPTP and CHAP Authentication on an Ubuntu 8.04 Server. Here in California, I can connect to my VPN on my mac, and Windows XP machines. I'm trying to setup a virtual machine on my home server running Ubuntu 9.10 via VirtualBox, VM is running: Ubuntu 8.04 JeOS. I would like this virtual machine to have a persistent connection to the PPTP VPN. I've managed to set it up so it successfully joins the 20:00
rohanroycan ping and traceroute properly to the VPN server and other clients on the remote LAN. However, I would like to have it so that ALL TRAFFIC is routed through the VPN tunnel. I'm following the information here: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/routing.phtml#automatic-setup However, I'm having difficulty getting it to work. Is there anyone here who can provide any help?20:00
zongo__instead of me having to type it everytime20:00
quarkyanyone know how to get my digital camera working20:00
pedahzurzongo__: I don't think so...you can't pass a password to sudo.  But you can configure sudo to not ask for a password.20:00
Khalilpedahzur: I open terminal type in "unrar Portable Photoshop CS4 -" but then it says "ERROR: Unknown option: khalil@Ubuntu-desktop:~$20:01
zongo__would it possible to configure sudo to not ask for a passwd just for that app ?20:01
pedahzurKhalil: Try putting quotes around the file name.20:01
norbi905Hello, one of our clients requires a redundant file server.  I looked at Ubuntu server which includes LTSP.  LTSP seems like a good solution because thin clients can connect to the server to access files/software.  Is there a way I can add clusters of Ubuntu servers together to increase the size of storage and add redundancy?  I guess the function i'm looking for is similar to that of Windows DFS ( distributed f20:02
norbi905ile system ).  Thanks for reading this, I appreciate any input.20:02
Vigozongo_: Or just set the time limit to some crazy long prompt-time. not suggested, but it can be done.20:02
mooni tierd to install adobe flash player20:02
kerncoIs there a way I can hide the USB device icons on my desktop?20:02
moonwhat i should choose20:02
moonto install it20:02
Khalilpedahzur: this came out "UNRAR 3.90 beta 2 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Alexander Roshal20:02
KhalilUsage:     unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>20:02
Khalil               <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>20:02
Khalil  e             Extract files to current directory20:02
FloodBot3Khalil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
Khalil  l[t,b]        List archive [technical, bare]20:02
pedahzurzongo__: Yes...I don't know the exact syntax, but the sudoers file should examples.  Type 'visudo' at the prompt to get into vi to edit sudoers.  Or EDITOR='nano visudo' if you don't like vi.20:02
theadminExcuse me for a very dumb question but can i cat stdin?20:03
Agent_XHaving some trouble setting up NTP to server some devices on a lan..can someone take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/398447/20:03
rabbit1Vigo: screenshots looks great, i am downloading20:03
Nikolai_DGuys, how to add medibuntu to 10.04?20:03
pat_hi will ubuntu run on 256 mb ram20:04
pedahzurKhalil: Looks like you need to do 'unrar e filename path_to_extract/  Not sure. What do the docs say?20:04
kerncotheadmin: cat <&120:04
zongo__cool pedahzur: I will look into it now. thank you for your help20:04
rabbit1Vigo: by any chance can i shift file name tab from bottom to top?20:04
theadminkernco: o_O who is <&120:04
pat_going to install now20:04
Khalilpedahzur: what do you mean 'docs'?20:04
pedahzurKhalil: documentation.20:04
Khalilpedahzur: Docs for what?20:05
pedahzurtype 'man unrar' (without the quotes) at the terminal.20:05
kerncotheadmin: That's how you cat stdin20:05
theadminNikolai_D: sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update20:05
pedahzurKhalil: documentation for unrar.20:05
guntberttheadmin: thats standard: type cat  and then type anything20:05
rabbit1i am dead20:05
TomLeytonHey all... I am trying to install fglrx and I get an error in the build process saying sh: pushd: not found20:06
Vigorabbit1: As it is Java and pretty much mature now, you can do almost anything that the computer can do or relate to, so the answer is possibly, yes.20:06
=== test is now known as Guest6395
theadminpushd? Ain't this a DOS thing?20:06
TomLeytonCan anyone please assist?20:06
pedahzurTomLeyton: Maybe...you haven't asked a question yet. :)20:07
pedahzurProblem here with a Dell Inspiron 9400/E1705.  Suspend works the first time, and resumes fine.  The second time, the system locks up on trying to suspend, and I have to reboot.  Anyone seen this or have possible fixes?20:07
militant-hi folks.  having a bit of an issue on my brother20:07
VigoTomLeyton: Are the Repositories set up to accept that?20:07
Khalilpedahzur: here's what came up: UNRAR(1)                         RAR archiver                         UNRAR(1)20:08
militant-hi folks.  having a bit of an issue on my brother's netbook.  libnotify's volume control and battery popups flashin and out endlessly20:08
Khalil       unrar - extract files from rar archives20:08
Khalil       unrar <command> [-<switch 1> -<switch N>] archive [files...] [path...]20:08
FloodBot3Khalil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:08
Vigo!rar | Khalil20:08
ubottuKhalil: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:08
militant-the popups interfere with basic keyboard function20:08
pedahzurKhalil: yup, and that gives you the commands you need to invoke it and extract the file.20:08
neodemistupid question, i'm using the soundconverter program from the repos to resample some mp3s. i have a track thats 5:20 long, and on resampling the output is 5:51 long. the program does not add any empty space to the resampled track, its is actually slowed so it lengthens to 5:51. has anyone experienced this before, and is it possible to fix?20:08
DarsVaedahi i'm running 9.10 and want to test 10.04, but i don't want to waste a cd so is it possible to install 10.04 from 9.10 in another partition? that would be great20:09
barfHi, I would like to look at the VNC protocol, how would I look at the activity on port 5900?20:09
theadminDarsVaeda: unetbootin?20:09
barfIs netcat a good option?20:09
DarsVaedathx i'll google that20:09
pedahzurbarf: tcpdump if you want to watch the communication.20:09
guntbertDarsVaeda: use a virtual machine - just mount the iso20:09
PantchoHi all, i have build the kernel and all .o and .ko created, now i modified a source file in the kernel code and i wish to recompile, how do i do it so it will know i change one of the source file and recompile with the changes?20:09
Vigoneodemi: K3b?20:09
DarsVaedano don't want to use a vm20:10
theadminguntbert: Meh. This is a meh i tell you, virtual machines are SLOW20:10
barfpedahzur: I would like to see the communcation or the protocol in particular piped through xxd20:10
guntberttheadmin: and what precisely is your point - when talking about testing a beta OS?20:10
pedahzurbarf: not familiar with xxd20:10
SandGorgonbarf, I suggest u use wireshark20:10
norbi905xxd:  Wireshard might do the trick20:10
barfOn the command line?20:11
msandbuhi, is there I command so I can update to the beta 10.04 from terminal via ssh?20:11
theadminSay, is it safe to install {X | K | \ }ubuntu-desktop packages on andLinux? Know it's kinda offtopic, but...20:11
barfThere used to be tethereal20:11
SandGorgonbarf, both cmdline or a gui optionallt20:11
VigoThere is also a GUI for Wireshark.20:11
neodemiVigo, never used k3b, its the soundconverter package20:11
SandGorgonbarf, ethereal++ = wireshark20:11
DarsVaedaunetbootin sound pretty much like exactly what i looked for, thx :)20:11
Vigoneodemi: Right, I was just asking what pkg you are using to record the sample with.20:12
Nikolai_Dtheadmin: ty :)20:12
theadminNikolai_D: Seriously, though, is looking at their site that much of a trouble?20:13
Nikolai_Dmaybe u can help me with onemorething, i try to install Ultamatix, but it gives me an python2.5 problem, any suggestions?20:13
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:13
guntbert!lucid | Nikolai_D20:14
ubottuNikolai_D: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:14
neodemiVigo, its not ripped from a cd, i already have the original mp3 in 320kb/s, trying to resample down to 96 or 64 since i only have a 1gb mp3 player20:14
Nikolai_Dtheadmin: euhm, ive found nearly what u showed me but it wasnt working, so i asked here, and yours worked, i dont know what exactly difference is20:14
DominoHello, I have an old eMachines M5310 with a BCM4306 wireless card, and I use the b43legacy drivers but the speed of it fluctuates alot. Like from 3Mbps to 1Mbps. IS there a way to fix this or will I need to use ndiswrapper. If so, how do I use that?20:14
Nikolai_Dguntbert: ty20:14
theadminNikolai_D: I think the problem is Ubuntu uses python2 which is not very compatible with python2.5, so you'll need to install it manually, no idea how20:14
Nikolai_Di did, still the same20:14
Nikolai_Dand when ubuntu updated i noticed there python6 something20:15
Vigoneodemi: Have you saved to disk then used a sound editor, like ubottu just mentioned?20:15
theadminNikolai_D: Hm, o_O20:15
resnohow can i go about installing ubuntu on a headless machine?20:15
rjbi installed imagemagick, ubuntu 9.10 and cant find command from terminal20:15
theadminDamn, i just typed that last message in a terminal, good thing i didn't hit enter20:15
Nikolai_Dlets see whats in Ubuntu+1 :)20:16
johnsmith60Hi all20:16
Vigotheadmin: Very good thing, I did that once, once.20:16
theadminVigo: Was the message "rm -rf"? :D20:17
Vigotheadmin: As a matter of fact, it was worse.20:17
theadminHow to change locale from a terminal? I did "locale-gen ru", what next?20:17
theadminVigo: What can be worse then this? Except that i missed a / above20:18
Pantchoi have build the kernel and all .o and .ko created, now i modified a source file in the kernel code and i wish to recompile, how do i do it so it will know i change one of the source file and recompile with the changes?20:18
phpechowiectheadmin: type 'locale' it should be set to "UTF-8.ru_RU" or sth like that20:18
Vigotheadmin: Now you have it, that slash makes ALL the difference.20:18
DarsVaedabut pretty useless with not being root, or?20:19
phpechowiectheadmin: **"ru_RU.UTF-820:19
neodemiVigo, i dont get what you mean, i have the mp3s sitting on my hd, when run through soundconverter, they are resampled to a lower rate, and upon playing in audacious/mplayer/totem they have a different length20:20
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aRdoRDoes Ubuntu come with Mailman preinstalled?20:20
Nikolai_Dtheadmin: sorry, i mityped, it is not python6 i mean, but 2.620:20
theadminphpechowiec: This is what i haz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/398457/20:20
neodemii have the original files and the new ones seperate to compare20:20
Vigoneodemi: Ok, have you tried using K3b ?20:21
theadminaRdoR: Nope, and no idea what that is20:21
phpechowiectheadmin: export LC_ALL="ru_RU.UTF-8"20:22
neodemiVigo, i dont have the files on CD20:22
theadminphpechowiec: Wow. Thanks. And i belive i add it to ~/.bashrc for it to be permanent?20:22
aRdoRI did a locate mailman and it returned a bunch of files20:22
phpechowiectheadmin yes20:22
Guest6395what ?20:22
Cotehola soy nuevo aqui20:23
theadminphpechowiec: Or maybe a better idea would be ~/.profile?20:23
Vigoneodemi: You do not need them on CD, I am just suggesting what I prefer to use in that area of data.20:23
overmind!es | Cote20:23
ubottuCote: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:23
neodemiso how do i downsample an mp3 using k3b20:23
almoxarifeI lose the compiz settings on logout, or perhaps it defaults to no settings on login, just started as of today, I back up etc and home if there is an answer there, any ideas?20:23
phpechowiectheadmin: Vigo I kept it in ~/.bashrc20:24
neodemiand more to the point, how do a couple of hundred20:24
xivenWould anyone have an idea of why Firefox's scrolling ends up blurred when run inside Xfce?20:24
MetaPhazehow do i start the sshd in ubuntu?20:24
PantchoI really need a quick help on understanding this, i compiled the kernel once and now i wish to recompile with a small change to the kernel source, what should i do?20:25
guntbertMetaPhaze: if you installed it it runs20:25
xivenPantcho, did you install it or just build it?20:25
=== Wget_ is now known as Qwizie
Vigoneodemi: This link may help a bit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683&highlight=k3b20:25
guntbertPantcho: look for an option called oldconfig20:25
phpechowiecPantcho: if you compile it, go to the kernel source directory then "make menuconfig"20:26
MetaPhazeguntbert, is it installed in koala by default?20:26
Cotehi im new20:26
Pantchoxiven: i first build it to see if can build the kernel and it worked and i even booted from it, now i am back to the original kernel, deleted the one i build and now i wish to build a new one with a small source code change...20:26
Guest6395- -,20:26
guntbert!info openssh-server | MetaPhaze20:26
ubottuMetaPhaze: openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-6ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 278 kB, installed size 748 kB20:26
guntbertMetaPhaze: no, not by default20:27
phpechowiecPantcho: do you have got .config in your kernel directory?20:27
Vigoneodemi: is a long read, and dated, it covers many errors and How-To's.20:27
Pantchoeveryone: i did make oldconfig, but i dont know if when i change /net/unix/af_unix.c file with slight 1 line change if i do make oldconfig how does he know i changed it from the last build?20:27
greezmunkeyMetaPhaze: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start20:27
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Pantchothe first build took 3 hours, now each build takes 1 minute so i assume he build on already compiled source codes20:28
greezmunkeyMetaPhaze: If it's there :)20:28
xivenPantcho> You should be able to build the second one the same way you built the first one.20:28
Pantchophpechowiec: yes i do20:28
lifestreamHI THERE, how do I disable that annoying and very, very loud sound that plays at the login screen? Like, when you log out, it plays a song on max volume O_____O;;;;20:29
Pantchoxiven: but the first build makes .o files, now if i change the .c file will it compile a NEW .o file that will replace the original on the second build?20:29
xivenYou may need to run make clean first20:29
phpechowiecPantcho: copy your .config and then type make clean or make mrporper I don't remember which is correct. Then copy back your .config and type make20:29
phpechowiecthis should build your kernel from scratch20:30
aRdoRYeah, I did a ps aux and mailman is running20:30
Pantchophpechowiec: but i don't want from scratch on a simple 1 source code line.. thats the idea20:30
phpechowiecPantcho: did you try to remove .o file and bzImage?20:31
Pantchophpechowiec: it will take hours on vmware and i just want a simple 1 line source code change20:31
farongood day everybody hope all are well.just curious.Anybody running ubuntu with the new friefox 3.6 & noscript ?20:31
phpechowiecI'm shooting but this may work20:31
Pantchophpechowiec: i will try20:32
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MoryddI'm having trouble with mysql. It wasn't working, so I reinstalled. After a reboot, it's not working again.20:32
theadminMorydd: Is it started?20:32
Churagrrr, I hate LINUX!20:32
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marcus__Why is that Chura=?20:33
phpechowiecMorydd: what is wrong?20:33
PurpleyWhat flag can I put for ./ to make it install the needed libaries?20:33
rskChura #ubuntu-offtopic20:33
ChuraI'm trying to install ubuntu for 10 times ! :)20:33
theadminChura: ...You shouln't be here then20:33
marcus__Chura: Why hasnt it succeeded?20:33
theadminChura: Bad disc?20:33
Churajust want it to run my XBMC20:33
sccluisxim new ithis20:33
Churano it installed everytime20:33
sccluisxcan somebody20:33
sccluisxhelp me please20:33
rsk!ask | sccluisx20:33
ubottusccluisx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
marcus__sccluisx: with?20:33
theadminDo we have XMBC in repos?20:33
Again617sccluisx, what are you trying to doÉ20:33
mernilioAnd sorry for me being an asshole later this evening! Im sober now!20:33
Churafirst, Failed to wait for /dev/raid01 to load20:33
phpechowiecsccluisx: don;t ask to ask20:34
PurpleyWhat flag can I put for ./ to make it install the needed libaries?20:34
Churathen another try, no display activity20:34
Coteustedes donde estan en el ordenador20:34
Coteq an dado?20:34
sccluisxhow to learn IRC20:34
Coteen el cole?20:34
sccluisxto use it20:34
marcus__Purpley: I think you need to install them manually.20:34
rsksccluisx you're already using it20:34
guntbert!es | Cote20:34
ubottuCote: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:34
Churathird time, the display driver removal fucked that up again20:34
neodemiVigo, it still doesnt appear that k3b does what i need, and soundkonverter doesnt see any of the mp3 plugins, or lame that i know are installed20:34
Churawell, i'm on the 5 time now :)20:34
Purpleymarcus__, Oh alright, I just thought I remeber there being a flag for ./ or make &&20:34
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guntbert!language | Chura20:34
ubottuChura: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:34
Churaoops :)20:34
marcus__Purpley: I'm afraid I have never tried that.20:34
merniliomaybe i should start a new channel "sober ubuntu guys"20:35
Again617sccluisx you can start by typing /help20:35
sccluisxany good manual on the web that you can recommend?20:35
phpechowiecsccluisx: basic command /join #channel-name ; /part #channel-name reason; /nick new_nick20:35
PurpleyAlright no problem20:35
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:35
phpechowiecsccluisx: this may also help http://irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html#cmds :)20:36
Churabtw, when i try to start XBMC i get error about drivers something20:36
guntbertmernilio: best start with keeping to the topic :-)20:36
ChuraWhat is the best ATI driver for ubuntu20:36
ChuraRadeon HD347020:37
Moryddphpechowiec: I was getting error 2002 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'20:37
phpechowiecChura: fglrx?20:37
lonnie_Help, I just posted this: http://serverfault.com/questions/124612/creating-limited-user-accounts-on-ubuntu-server20:37
phpechowiecMorydd: is mysql already running?20:37
Churafglrx, isnt that the one i download from ATI website ?20:37
RoastedDoes anybody know if the dust, dust sand, and other themes that came by default in 9.10 will be available in 10.04, despite the fact ambiance/radiance will be the main themes for 10.04?20:38
lifestreamHI THERE, how do I disable that annoying and very, very loud sound that plays at the login screen? Like, when you log out, it plays a song on max volume O_____O;;;;20:38
Moryddjust did a 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start'20:38
lifestreamRoasted, Im not sure if this is wqhat you're asking, but yes, 10.04 has 9.10 themes too20:38
lonnie_lifestream: Go to the preference menu and sounds20:38
Moryddphpechowiec: yes, mysqld is running.20:39
sccluisxphpechowiec : thanks im reading it20:39
Roastedlifestream, well, I tried ambiance and radiance, and to be frank I think they suck... but I'm a big fan of "dust sand" that came with 9.10. I was just curious if it came with 10.04, despite 10.04 being the beginning of switching from human to a new flavor of themes.20:39
lifestreamlonnie_, what about it?20:39
lonnie_lifestream: it use to be there, just looked now it isn't20:39
lifestreamRoasted, yes, Dust Sand is there (atleast it is in beta, which I am using right now)20:40
lifestreamlonnie_, yeah, I guess i'll hack it @_@20:40
Roastedlifestream, good deal. thanks much. when did the beta come out?? I still have alpha 320:40
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:40
phpechowiecMorydd: when you receive this error?20:41
lifestreamRoasted, yesterday.  Keep alpha if it's working well for you. Beta1 is buggy atm :P20:41
Vigoneodemi: Did that Forum link help any?20:41
Moryddphpechowiec: I got that from an app I'm running.20:41
phpechowiecMorydd: which?20:41
Roastedlifestream, well I'm not USING it... just threw it on a spare rig to test it and see what it's like. anyway, thanks dude.20:41
GornjakHey guys, does anyone know the name of channel Ubuntu UK podcast uses on Freenode? :)20:41
lifestreamdudette, and welcome20:41
phpechowiecMorydd: try type from console: mysql -u root -p ang log in20:42
Roastedlifestream, sorry for assuming. not many chicas around these parts. :P have a good one!20:42
phpechowiecmaybe settings in this program are bad.20:43
lifestreamI know :P20:43
lifestreamNo offense taken *rolf* :)20:43
lonnie_lifestream: you can set the alert volume of such sounds there20:43
koubenta_join #cyprus20:43
lifestreamlonnie_, yeah, it's all "Off" and "None", but it  always plays that stinkin' sound anyway20:43
Moryddphpechowiec: same error. ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)20:43
superperson123i hav a question... im trying to figure out how to move multible files at the same time currently i can only move one file like this: mv myfile /dir/subdir/subdir how do i move 2 files?20:44
lonnie_lifestream: I don't know why they changed it. The old way you could change login and logout sounds from the gui20:44
superperson123or more than one at the same time20:44
Again617superperson123 add the flag '-r' after the mv command20:44
neodemithe forum link only says what programs can perform the conversion, the kde ones do not play nice, and the gnome one doesnt do it right20:44
Again617the -r flag makes it recursive20:44
nhakwhat is the command to know my gcc version?20:44
babaiany cpu voltage controlling utility other than cpupowerd?20:44
lifestreamlonnie_, it's actually the Login Screen sound that I want to disable. It goes "duh-ruh-DUH! Then prompts for user/password20:44
superperson123ok thanks again61720:45
Again617superperson123 np20:45
nhakwhat is the command to know my gcc version?20:45
IMoMnhak, try gcc-version20:45
IMoMnhak, try gcc --version20:45
NomadluapI need help with a touchpad problem. My touchpad isn't being recognised as a touchpad.20:46
nhakah ok thanks20:46
nhakIMoM, thanks20:46
IMoMnhak, yw20:46
sccluisxI have a problem, suddenly the xservers restart and take me to the login window , i dont know what triggers it i looked in /var/log/Xorg.0.log  i have  a nvidia gtx260m with the nvidia driver in an alienware m15x20:46
phpechowiecMorydd: paste 'ls /var/run/mysqld/'20:47
lonnie_lifestream: http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132397820:47
Moryddphpechowiec: no such file or directory20:48
Typos_Kingsccluisx:    anything you've done before this started happening?   installed/removed something, changed something, anything you can think of relevant for us to assess20:48
phpechowiecMorydd: what about 'ls /var/run/' ?20:48
lifestreamlonnie_, yeah, *those* are the sounds that happen when you're logging in, already logged in, or logging out.  I need to change the sound that's on GDM before you ever log in at all :P20:48
lonnie_lifestream: I hear you. Other people are complaining too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131375620:49
lifestreamlonnie_, yeah, don't always get my headphone jack in time ;p20:49
lifestream(or some days i forget to bring the headphones to class)_ :P20:50
greezmunkeylifestream: try this: sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 –set /desktop/gnome/sound/event_sounds –type bool false20:50
Moryddphpechowiec: http://pastoid.com/b0z20:50
guntbertlifestream: have you seen http://tacticalvim.wordpress.com/2009/11/27/disable-gdm-ready-sound-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic/ ?20:50
phpechowiecMorydd: stragne... type 'mkdir -p /var/run/mysqld' && /etc/init.d/mysql restart20:51
lifestreamgreezmunkey, guntbert thanks, I will try them20:51
pat_can i boot straight to the install from the live cd?20:51
IdleOnepat_: yes use the arrow keys to select install now20:52
guntbertpat_: there is the menu option "install" - but I suppose you don't want the menu to display at all?20:52
Moryddphpechowiec: same error20:52
greezmunkeyphpechowiec, you seem to be "in the know" on mySQL, what do I have to do to be able to join #mysql on freenode? I can join, but not post..20:53
pat_@ IdleOne  - thanks20:53
ChuraFifth installation went ok :)20:53
IdleOne!register | greezmunkey20:53
ubottugreezmunkey: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode20:53
pat_@ guntbert  - no i just didnt want to have to boot into the ubuntu live session to begin the install20:53
Castorinoqualcuno può dirmi come si setta kvirc?20:53
IdleOne!it | Castorino20:53
ubottuCastorino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:53
greezmunkeyIdleOne: I have a nick regestered afaik...20:53
phpechowiecMorydd: did /etc/init.d/mysql restart return any error?20:54
IdleOnegreezmunkey: then you need to identify20:54
ChuraHow do i Auto mount on boot a NTFS partition for Read and write ?20:54
lonnie_lifestream: Maybe try installing this:   sudo apt-get install sound-theme-freedesktop20:54
IdleOnegreezmunkey: /msg nickserv help identify20:54
greezmunkeyIdleOne: thanks! :)20:54
Moryddphpechowiec: the start failed.20:54
phpechowiecChura: ntfs-3g?20:54
phpechowiecMorydd: paste the error20:54
Churadunno, The built in with ubuntu20:54
greezmunkeyIdleOne: That's been buggin me for days!20:55
Morydddidn't even notice that with the previous start command.20:55
Churadidnt install anything, The system see my NTFS partition and let me mount it by clicking on it20:55
Morydd* Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                                                       [fail]20:55
netanelhey all.20:55
IdleOnegreezmunkey: you should be able to set your irc client to auto identify on connect.20:55
Churaphpechowiec: How can i check that ?20:55
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phpechowiecChura what?20:55
ChuraHow can i check what the system use for mounting ?20:56
jub369i accidently deleted some panels how do i get them back20:56
Typos_KingChura:  what do you mean?20:56
medianmajikChura: You can find that out with fstab.  I nice gui you can install for it is "pysdm"20:56
phpechowiecMorydd: hm.. type mysqld20:57
Churawhen i clock on Places, i see 978G Partition, When i click on it my NTFS partition is mounted for RW, how can i do this automatically?20:57
jub369i accidently deleted some panels how do i get them back ???20:57
Typos_KingChura:  http://maketecheasier.com/auto-mount-your-ntfs-partition-in-ubuntu/2009/04/1420:58
lifestreamjub369, right click a panel, then click Create New20:58
Moryddphpechowiec: http://pastoid.com/b0020:58
lifestreamjub369, sorry, it's "New Panel"20:58
amdVzla_Xhelps. I have a problem with my AMD Graphics for Desktop PCs  ATI RADEON 960020:58
IMoMis there a way to stop Ubuntu changing the font when it is loading the kernel?  I have not yet been able to get any version of Ubuntu to load20:58
ChuraTypos_King: Thanks20:58
jub369my internet20:58
jub369and sound isnt in list20:58
Nikolai_Dokey, ive been for now on five channel, and havent got an answer anywhere, im still trying to install Ultamatix (yes yes i know its not good and so on) on 10.04 and i get python2.5 error, and google doesnt shows alot on that, any help someone plz? And yes ive already installed 2.5 manually, compiled and installed , doesnt help anyway.20:59
lonnie_ Can anyone help me with this: http://serverfault.com/questions/124612/creating-limited-user-accounts-on-ubuntu-server20:59
greezmunkeyIdleOne: You the man...20:59
jendahi, what is best DVD burner for Ubuntu?20:59
Typos_KingIMoM    and how does the non-loadingness of ubuntu has to do with the booting font?20:59
amdVzla_Xhelps. I have a problem with my AMD Graphics for Desktop PCs  ATI RADEON 9600.....i have LINUX ubuntu karmic21:00
medianmajikNikolai_D: sounds like maybe a dependency is missing. have you tried updating/upgrading?21:00
phpechowiecMorydd: did you run mysqld as root?21:00
Typos_Kingjenda:    .... ahe... can't say... I use k3b sooo21:00
Typos_Kingjenda:   surely there are many21:00
IMoMTypos_King, that is about when my LCD bombs out21:00
Moryddphpechowiec: yes.21:00
Typos_KingIMoM    what do you mean?21:00
IdleOnegreezmunkey: welcome21:00
RJ_Y not run xchat as root?21:00
jendawell what programm is most simular to Nero?21:01
jub369the panels i del was the sound / network panel how do i get them back21:01
superperson123i tried to run klavaro from the terminal and i got this error:  *** glibc detected *** klavaro: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x094c89a0 *** what is this?21:01
IMoMTypos_King, it starts to load, see kernel messages up the screen, from watching on other hardware I see the terminal font change..21:01
zongo__Hey guys, I don't know if this is the right place but I have a script that I am trying to use http://pastebin.com/gZ0bcfWp21:01
zongo__I can't see the output at all21:01
guntbertNikolai_D: you won't get support for installing ultimatix in an ubuntu support channel21:02
zongo__anyone good with scripts can have a look21:02
IMoMTypos_King, then my screen stops and starts to "white out"..  no terminal or GUI21:02
zongo__this script is to browse hdd21:02
medianmajikRJ_: always avoid root if you can21:02
Typos_KingIMoM    sooo, hehhe, you THINK is the font change. as opposed to other background process happening simultaneously with the font change.....21:02
zongo__I saved it as a bash script and when I run it, it produces nothing21:03
superperson123does anybody know what this error means?    *** glibc detected *** klavaro: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x094c89a0 ***21:03
jendaporadi nekdo s vyberem klienta na vypalovani?21:03
zongo__what am i doing wrong ?21:03
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IMoMTypos_King, it is still in initrd  hasn't mounted the root partition yet..  unless you have any other ideas21:03
Typos_KingIMoM    I've had issues on some boxes but usually with the acpi module, sooooo turning it off however works,by adding to the bootling line in grub    acpi=off noapic21:03
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medianmajiksuperperson123: klavaro is a typing tutor app21:03
NerveClasp1quick question: how to establish connection between two ubuntu laptops via lan so that I could transfer files from one laptop to the other?21:03
q_how to set a USB stick active for booting?21:04
IMoMTypos_King, tried noapic and nofb21:04
guntbertsuperperson123: how did you install klavaro?21:04
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.21:04
medianmajikNerveClasp1: lots of threads about that exact thing in the forum. I personally have no idea21:04
superperson123sudo apt-get install klavaro21:04
PurpleyIS there an equivalent command for ubuntu for "ren"21:04
IMoMTypos_King, gona try acpi=off  brb21:04
jub369i deleted my internet and sound panel how do i get them back there not in the add panel list21:04
ChuraTypos_King: i'm install pysdm, but the partition list have sda,sdb and nothing else, all greyed out. Its a raid partition if its diffrent21:05
guntbertPurpley: mv (for move)21:05
phpechowiecMorydd: as root: chmod 755 /var/run/mysqld && chown mysql:root /var/run/mysqld && /etc/init.d/mysql start21:05
superperson123guntbert: sudo apt-get install klavaro21:05
medianmajikq_: checkout gparted for partitioning usb drives. also checkout unetbootin21:05
andribhcvzx jxbvilz df-. b jmbvsiuf n.cñj  jfbfvkfniuzfg kjzhfgiuz  fhbzikhf21:05
PurpleyOH thats all ren means? I need to do copy a .bat file for linux OS's and I didn't know what ren is21:05
guntbertsuperperson123: strange -- and how did you try to start it? GUI or CLI ?21:05
superperson123guntbert cli21:06
Typos_KingPurpley:   you mean, 'port', there's a 'rename' in *nix21:06
guntbertPurpley: ren means rename (in dos/windows)21:06
phpechowiecPurpley: ren means rename AFAIR21:06
Purpleyguntbert, That makes sense now21:06
guntbertsuperperson123: let me try it21:06
superperson123i cant run it either way...21:06
q_how to set a USB stick active for booting?21:06
IMoMTypos_King, no change :(21:06
Typos_KingChura:  haven't done... raids yet myself :|21:07
Moryddphpechowiec: seems to have worked.21:07
superperson123guntbert: ill post some of the error log21:07
Morydderr. actually no.21:07
medianmajikis the USB stick already setup with a distro?21:07
Typos_KingIMoM    9.1 I assume?  as oppossed to the beta 10.x21:07
guntbert!pastebin | superperson12321:07
ubottusuperperson123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:07
phpechowiecMorydd: ;( errors?21:07
IMoMTypos_King, yep..921:07
ChuraWell it should be simple, When i click on the "Places" and on the partition, its mounted to /media/04A.... i just need this to be automatic21:08
DILq | system-administartion and a cd with the iso21:08
Typos_Kingmedianmajik:   does 9.1 do usb hotplugging for ubs devices?   yes21:08
medianmajikyou need to go into the system BIOS and change your boot order. make sure booting for external media/usb is an option21:08
q_with unetbootin21:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:08
IMoMTypos_King, granted this is not the latest,current HW, but I should be able to get a login.  8.04 dosent work either21:08
Moryddsame "* starting... fail" but I was able to start by running mysqld21:08
Typos_KingChura:   there's another tool I can think of, is in the repos too, ntfs-config, which has settings for automounting21:08
DILq_   | system-administartion and a cd with the iso21:08
lars_hey ive downloaded the sharutils package from the terminal and it says that "i should rebuild this package with new debhelper to get trigger support can anyone guild me through the steps to do so?21:09
medianmajikq_: good, now you just restart the computer and boot from usb (as long as BIOS is config'd correctly)21:09
guntbertsuperperson123: here it starts flawlessly - did you try to call klavaro_helper?21:09
ChuraTypos_King: k, i'll try now21:09
phpechowiecMorydd: and when you start it from mysqld it works?21:09
Nikolai_Dguntbert: why is that so difficult :D21:09
Moryddphpechowiec: yes, it appears to be running now. my app is working.21:09
phpechowiecMorydd: try /etc/init.d/mysql restart21:10
Moryddheh, was already typing that. :)21:10
Nikolai_Dmedianmajik: yes, ive updated, and now i have 2.6 installed, and still same problem21:10
kimhi all21:10
guntbertNikolai_D: maybe that is one reason it is not supported - in the menatime you would have installed *all* wanted apps :-))21:10
Moryddphpechowiec: ... and fail.21:10
Nikolai_Dhehehe :D21:10
phpechowiecMorydd: paste cat /etc/init.d/mysql21:11
kimim haveing a problem with my wine application, trying to install ladbrokes but the window keeps on closing it self at startup? any ideas? plz help21:11
jub369i deleted my internet and sound panel how do i get them back there not in the add panel list21:11
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jub369kim i use virtual box with all my windows programs it get rid of hassel of wine21:12
Moryddphpechowiec: http://pastoid.com/b0121:13
Typos_KingIMoM     and no errors at all in ubiquitous installation?21:13
MartinBlumenHi, everyone. When I search (ctrl+f) for some text on a web page in firefox and that "something" is not there, I hear a scary loud beep that freaks me out. Could that be turned off?21:13
=== eric is now known as Guest38594
Moryddphpechowiec: to the best of my knowledge, that should be ubuntu default.21:13
lkvva while back somebody posted a bot that showed what the hivemind preferred over X dose any body have the link?21:14
kimany wine gurus out there??21:14
git__how can one install debian package?21:14
superperson123guntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/398472/21:14
git__apt-get install package.deb?21:14
IMoMTypos_King,  I have to install on another box and move the HDD over. no errors.  the box that dosent work does not have a CD/DVD21:14
superperson123guntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/398472/21:14
PurpleyHow do I open a .exe file to see whats in it?21:14
amdVzla_Xhelps. I have a problem with my AMD Graphics for Desktop PCs  ATI RADEON 9600.....i have LINUX ubuntu karmic !!!!!21:14
phpechowiecMorydd: yes, I know. hm.. sb moved /etc/mysql/my.cnf and that helps maybe you alse should try? but don't remove that file21:14
lkvvget___ you just click on it...21:15
IMoMTypos_King, the both are P3, non working has a VIA chipset21:15
phpechowiecPurpley: wine file.exe will run it21:15
Purpleyphpechowiec, that wont work never mind21:16
guntbertsuperperson123: sorry - that doesn't tell *me* anything - I suggest you ask the developper if he knows what could cause it21:16
* SnowmanX11 is away: I'm busy / Valamin mókolok, majd jövök!21:16
superperson123guntbert: thanks anyway21:16
lkvvPurpley, dont bother with wine I know with experience if you want to use any windows program WITHOUT going insane JUST USE WINDOWS21:16
Moryddphpechowiec: I'm not sure I understand21:16
PurpleyHey guys when I run Extra Effects My top bar where Applications, Places and Systems are and my bottom bar where all the apps running disappear21:17
Moryddrename that file?21:17
nhakactually ./configure --prefix=bla/bla and make install prefix=/bla/bla are the same right ?21:17
PurpleyHow do I fix this21:17
Purpleylkvv, I know only program that worked was steam for me21:17
Typos_KingIMoM     hehehe :P~..... well... it depends a lot on the drivers database having the drivers for the 'moved-to' hardware when the switch is done... I've seen that working btw, different hardware though, both machines were Dell in that case21:17
phpechowiecMorydd: mv /etc/mysql/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf.backup21:17
guntbertsuperperson123:    Good luck :-)   and thanks for telling me about klavaro21:17
VigoPurpley: Are you using Willy?21:17
superperson123guntbert: was that a buffer overlow?21:18
lkvvPurpley, steam did not evean work for me21:18
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amdVzla_Xhelp T_T !!21:18
* el_acosador_Drag is away: comiendo 21:18
PurpleyVigo, Whats willy?21:18
PurpleyA DE?21:18
amdVzla_Xheelpme T_T >_<!!21:18
nhakactually ./configure --prefix=bla/bla and make install prefix=/bla/bla are the same right?21:18
superperson123guntbert: np21:18
Typos_KingIMoM     ever considered installing from a usb stick?   I gather the bios may not have a usb-boot option, but you might be able to use it, say using something like  http://www.plop.at/21:18
VigoPurpley: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man1/wily.1x.html21:18
phpechowiecamdVzla_X: I have Radeon 9200 SE and I can't run compiz I think it is fault of this card21:19
guntbertsuperperson123: no, it was a "double free" - menaning that apparently the same memory got released twice21:19
jub369anyone know how to restore the sound and sound panel21:19
Moryddphpechowiec: still fails. but with an error about the my.cnf file not being found.21:19
PurpleyVigo, So a windows manager?21:19
mungojerryevening all, i am long term linux user with a problem that only manifested in karmic - my dell D630 laptop occasionally fails to boot (usually when on battery) with "unable to find boot device" and drops to busybox. i already reverted to legacy grub and refer to the root partition directly (instead of uuid) and tried rootdelay=90 on the grub command. any ideas or bug id known? couldn't find this on launchpad21:19
IMoMTypos_King, if it is any consolation, Fedora doesn't work..  CentOS does, but does not do what I want it to do.  unit is too old for USB booting.. :(21:19
lkvvjub369, what is youre problem?21:19
superperson123guntbert: ok ill research it thx21:19
macfriendlyi have installed ubuntu on my dell mini  10v and am very impressed21:19
medianmajikmungojerry: could be a bad cmos battery21:19
jub369i del my sound and internet panel from the top tollbar and cant get it back21:19
IMoMTypos_King, I am trying to install LinuxICE ...  I don't want to go back to windoze21:20
VigoPurpley: Yes, to view contents and other such stuff.21:20
PurpleyVigo, No I use Gnome21:20
superperson123guntbert: its not a sercurity issue is it?21:20
guntbertsuperperson123: best ask the developper directly - are you on 32 bit or 64bit ?21:20
macfriendlyhowever i would like to get rid of the launcher type desktop as IMO it sucks21:20
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:20
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superperson123guntbert: i68621:20
mungojerrymedianmajik - only happens on karmic, not windows, or previously fine on intrepid. CMOS seems OK since settings remain, it is taking a ong time to spin the disk21:21
macfriendlyhow do disable and replace with a task bar or dock type feature?21:21
phpechowiecMorydd: what the hell?  paste /etc/mysql/my.cnf21:21
Tm_TNeobenedict: what's up?21:21
mark105i need a bit of a hand with this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/QeWe4QM6 parted says i have over lapping partitions but im confused as to where and how to fix it21:21
=== richard is now known as Guest59335
Guest59335Installed 10.4 beta 1 today and I like what I see.21:21
guntbertsuperperson123: not as far as I can see -- ah that could make a difference - I'm on 64 bit21:21
lkvvleft click ,click add to pannel you will be prensted with a new window ,select innacator appet21:21
guntbert!lucid | Guest5933521:21
ubottuGuest59335: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:21
mduponthow can i restore the dev files in ubuntu URGENT21:22
axhmm, i tried to erase a password from my keyring [desktopcouch] and the "deleting" dialog has been going for several minutes now21:22
axcancel doesn't do anything21:22
PurpleyHey guys when I run Extra Effects My top bar where Applications, Places and Systems are and my bottom bar where all the apps running disappear how would I fix this21:22
Moryddphpechowiec: http://pastoid.com/b0221:22
zenlunaticmdupont: what dev21:22
medianmajikmungojerry: is karmic on one of several partitions or is it on a separate hd?21:22
mdupont /dev21:22
zenlunaticmdupont: what happened21:22
mdupontzenlunatic, i tried to del a chroot witht he /dev mounted21:23
medianmajikax: run "xkill" and click the program to terminate21:23
mdupontit killed the files21:23
The[void]anyone know if its possible to enable a wireless nic, only if the wired connection is unplugged?21:23
mduponti need to recreate teh dev quickly!21:23
mungojerrymedianmajik, on separate paritions shared disk with XP21:23
nhakactually "./configure --prefix=bla/bla" and "make install prefix=/bla/bla" are the same right?21:23
nhakcan someone help me ?21:23
zenlunaticmdupont: sorry... not exactly sure what youre saying21:23
mdupontzenlunatic, i need to create the /dev file tree21:23
axmedianmajik: yeah, i got it killed..21:24
mduponti accidentlz deleted it21:24
amdVzla_Xhelps. I have a problem with my AMD Graphics for Desktop PCs  ATI RADEON 9600.....i have LINUX ubuntu karmic21:24
mdupontbut i am still loggen in21:24
amdVzla_XT_T HELPME!!21:24
mduponti cannot log in any more21:24
Typos_KingIMoM     the way I'd do it is, partition the HD in 2, install a minimal console in the smaller 2nd partition, dump the live-cd  ubuntu contents into the smaller 2nd partition, boot with the 2nd smaller console bootable one, and try to run Ubiquity installer on the it to install on the bigger 1st partition21:24
mungojerrybasically my prob is similar to this but intermittent https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/busybox/+bug/29015321:24
medianmajikmungojerry: I would check in the forums relating to that error.  I've read of people resolving it, but can't remember how21:24
Typos_KingIMoM     or, the same procedure, but install PLoP in the smaller bootable 2nd partition, to install from live-usb to the 1st bigger partition21:25
arand!hi | elvis-00921:25
ubottuelvis-009: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:25
elvis-009hay alguien de españa21:25
phpechowiecMorydd: if mysqld works fine and /etc/init.d/mysql start fails..., mqybe is sth wrong with /etc/init.d/mysql? paste this file plz21:25
arand!es | elvis-00921:25
ubottuelvis-009: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:25
elvis-009I dont speak inglis21:25
mungojerrymedianmajik, thanks for the interest. i think you are referring to switching from uuid to partition by name, this isn't that bug. i'm hoping lucid will fix this...the wife is getting cheesed off :)21:25
Moryddphpechowiec: http://pastoid.com/b0121:26
zenlunaticmdupont: google 'populating /dev'21:26
mdupontthanks zenlunatic21:26
medianmajikmungojerry: gotcha, good luck with it.  I'm using jaunty so I won't be much more help atm21:26
IMoMTypos_King, thanks, I'll try that, OpenICE is a live CD,  see if I can get a console21:27
yoliiiyes i am from spain21:27
guntbert!es | yoliii21:28
ubottuyoliii: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:28
almoxarifeI am not keeping my desktop/compiz settings on logout, what could cause that, just started today????21:28
* Typos_King offers yoliii some paiea21:28
IMoMTypos_King, I don't recall seeing an option for a minimal console21:29
yoliiiime no speak english21:29
phpechowiecMorydd: /etc/init.d/mysql restart -v21:29
yoliiino entiendo21:29
almoxarifewhat folder retains the compiz config for system re-starts??21:30
=== lawrence is now known as lsj85
phpechowiecyoliii: ?21:30
phpechowiecdon't do so much noisy21:31
yoliiiyou are english?21:31
sanguisdexis there a spanish channel?21:31
yoliiino entiendo21:32
guntbert!es | sanguisdex21:32
ubottusanguisdex: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:32
G_A_C!es | sanguisdex21:32
Craig_Bcan someone recommend a good utility to run under ubuntu that will recover a windows partition on my secondary hdd?21:32
Moryddphpechowiec: same failure. no difference with -v or without21:32
G_A_CCraig_B: recover the partition, or recover the data?21:32
phpechowiecCraig_B testdisk?21:32
G_A_CCraig_B: try testdisk21:32
Craig_Bthe partition21:32
IdleOneyoliii: we see you21:32
sanguisdexI was more asking for yoliii21:32
IdleOnenot stop acting like a two year old please21:32
tommy^x_hey, i wanna create a graph from some output i got from a command i run with crontab, can i use rrdtool for this?21:33
yoliiii am 11 years21:33
sanguisdex!es | yoliii21:33
ubottuyoliii: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:33
guntbertsanguisdex: I assumed as much but we told him that already several times21:33
pitwalkerCraig_B: commercial windows programs better for NTFS data recovery21:33
millertimek1a2m3anyone program in gtkmm? i need some help21:34
sanguisdexguntbert: I was not paying attention21:34
G_A_Cyoliii: then congrats for wanting to use ubuntu, but we're all grown ups in here, i would suggest you change your attitude a little :)21:34
pitwalkerCraig_B: i usually make recovery from a "dd"-ed idencial copy21:34
macfriendlyis there a how to instal googleearth in ubuntu 9?21:34
pitwalkerbit to bit identical21:34
erUSUL!medibuntu | macfriendly21:34
guntbertsanguisdex: no need to see everything all the time :)21:34
ubottumacfriendly: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:34
IdleOneG_A_C: I wouldn't go as far as saying grown ups :)21:34
claptrapSoooo, I need something that can read the ID3 tags on my mp3s and do renaming en masse. Any suggestions?21:35
yoliii"/join #ubuntu-es"21:35
G_A_CIdleOne: :)21:35
IdleOnesin commillas21:35
newhi!!im trying to conect via ssh to another linuxboxon my lan network but i get that error:    ssh: connect to host desk port 22: Connection refused21:35
morticishould i use KDE or Gnome?..... that is the question :)21:35
IdleOne/join #ubuntu-es21:35
newhi!!im trying to conect via ssh to another linuxboxon my lan network but i get that error:    ssh: connect to host desk port 22: Connection refused     .... why??21:35
guntbertyoliii: sin comillas!21:35
G_A_Cnew: sounds like your target machine isn't actually running the SSH server, there's a firewall running, or you're trying to connect to the wrong machine21:35
sanguisdexnew: that means that the other box has ssh turned off for that port21:36
busatahai, is there any commandline config tool to set up download mirrors?21:36
sanguisdexnew: and is using a non standard one21:36
pitwalkerubuntu server edition also use the upstart?21:36
sanguisdexnew: talk to your network admin21:36
busatato choose from a list that is, not sources.list21:36
guntbertbusata: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list21:36
newsanguisdex: im new in linux.   is there any firewall running on ubuntu by default?    how do i setup the ssh server then?21:37
phpechowiecMorydd: /etc/init.d/mysql restert && dmesg and paste 25 last lines21:37
sanguisdexnew: do you want to set up a server or connect to anither machine?21:37
pitwalkernew: open ssh works out of the box, apt-get install ssh21:37
newsanguisdex: im the admin on my home's net21:38
Typos_Kingbusata:   http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Web-Services/Website-Mirroring-With-wget/1/21:38
sanguisdexyeah install open ssh21:38
sanguisdexyou will be good21:38
newsanguisdex: just to connect to another machine, they both have ssh installed21:39
guntbertclaptrap: try easytag or exfalso21:39
sanguisdexthe machine that you want to connect to needs a server21:39
Loshanew: no firewall by default. I like to run behind a NAT router for safety...21:39
Typos_Kingclaptrap:    I use audio tag tool -> sudo apt-get  install tagtool21:40
newLosha: i dont care about safety21:40
macfriendlygoogleearth sucketh - its easy to instal in win xp and mac os x:(21:40
Typos_Kingclaptrap:    it can do single or multiple files id3v1/v2 tagging21:40
guntbert!hi | Gorgula21:41
Gorgulaquestion - how much ram does 64 bytes can read?21:41
Moryddphpechowiec: there is nothing in dmesg regarding mysql21:41
ubottuGorgula: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:41
sanguisdexmacfriendly: then use one of them, I had now issuise installing google earth on ubuntu21:41
SlartGorgula: more than your motherboard can handle =)21:41
morticiGorgula, do you mean how much ram can a 64bit OS handle?21:41
morticiGorgula, if so do the math of 2 to 64 power or 2^6421:42
phpechowiecMorydd: I have no more idea. try chmod 775 /var/run/mysqld21:43
morticiGorgula, in simpler terms, more than your motherboard can handle :P21:43
Gorgulagot it21:44
Gorgulabut i want to know how much exactly21:44
macfriendlymy mac is broken and its annoying to reboot into windoze just to run gearth21:44
claptrapguntbert, Typos_King : Thanks~21:44
lonnie_What's the best way to setup limited user account on ubuntu server?  Check out these specific requirements: http://serverfault.com/questions/124612/creating-limited-user-accounts-on-ubuntu-server21:44
* Typos_King doesn't really understand Gorgula's question21:44
guntbertclaptrap: have fun :)21:45
sudo\curses i can't get blank characters21:45
morticiGorgula, i would guesstimate about 4petabytes :)21:45
Lonely_Troll1981Feed me!!!21:45
mortici!feed Lonely_Troll198121:45
sanguisdexmacfriendly: well where are you getting stuck? that would be a better thing to tell us then a general complaint21:45
Lonely_Troll1981!thanks mortici21:46
Loshaclaptrap: mp3info is a cli command, so easy to script of you're that way inclined....21:46
morticiGorgula, no problem21:46
sudo-ninJamuch better ^^21:46
morticiLonely_Troll1981, your welcome :)21:46
chocamoI mounted my windows disk in ubuntu, where is the recycle bin on the windows disk?21:46
rohanroyHey all, I've setup a VPN on a remote server using PPTP and CHAP Authentication on an Ubuntu 8.04 Server. Here in California, I can connect to my VPN on my mac, and Windows XP machines. I'm trying to setup a virtual machine on my home server running Ubuntu 9.10 via VirtualBox, VM is running: Ubuntu 8.04 JeOS. I would like this virtual machine to have a persistent connection to the PPTP VPN. I've managed to set it up so it successfully joins the 21:46
rohanroycan ping and traceroute properly to the VPN server and other clients on the remote LAN. However, I would like to have it so that ALL TRAFFIC is routed through the VPN tunnel. I'm following the information here: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/routing.phtml#automatic-setup However, I'm having difficulty getting it to work. Is there anyone here who can provide any help?21:46
G_A_Cchocamo: on an NTFS drive, in $RECYCLER21:46
notjoei dont seem to have an add/remove applications app under my applications menu21:46
chocamoG_A_C: so /mnt/windows/$RECYCLER ? I dont see it21:47
G_A_Cchocamo: there's a folder for each user, named by their SID, and then all the files are renamed inside it to "a000000.exe" etc, so I don't think you'll find it easy (maybe not even possible) to recover them21:47
macfriendlysanguisdex: fair enough - I got the googleearth package i thought i needed from synaptic pm but couldn't find where it was installed.  i will follow through with this mediubuntu package now though as advised21:47
=== urbanguerrilla is now known as pythia
chocamook thanks21:48
sanguisdexmacfriendly: ok, I installed it not using a repo and it was pretty easy, although it installed in in to my ~ dir21:48
Typos_Kingchocamo:     is under the root of the partitiion, named RECYCLED21:48
Typos_Kingchocamo:     it won't give  you any files that I know of, since all it has is some pointers under win3221:49
Lonely_Troll1981Does anybody like Windows?21:49
Typos_Kingchocamo:     what's the matter?   what are you trying to do?21:49
brianhermani <3 windows21:49
phpechowiecLonely_Troll1981: ask on #windows21:49
brianhermangreat for getting something done quick21:49
Lonely_Troll1981phpechowiec they banned my21:49
diligenthi all, does anybody know pacman analogue similar to old DOS-game, like http://fliiby.com/file/43/fnnxwy6qd1.html ?21:49
brianhermanubuntu great for getting a job21:49
chocamoTypos_King: grab a file out of recycle bin before i format drive. windows wont boot21:50
Lonely_Troll1981diligent hi)))21:50
phpechowiecLonely_Troll1981: Oh,...21:50
diablo__headphone jack but no output on spdif21:50
Slartdiligent: hmm.. haven't seen that many pacman clones.. not compared to tetris..21:50
Typos_Kingchocamo:     why is it in the recycle bin? heheh21:50
morticiso many joins and quits :(21:50
epaphushello all. Does ubuntu include drivers for Creative Audigy Sound Cards ?21:50
demonsporkhow do I use limits.conf to restrict the percentage of CPU that a specific user can use?21:50
PcCowboy2005rohanroy visit ubuntu-server channel21:50
chocamolol i dont remember, i think it was an accident21:50
Slartdiligent: perhaps namco (or whoever it was that created pacman) is a bit more stingy with their copyright21:51
guntbertyou can tell your client to hide the joins/parts21:51
Typos_KingLonely_Troll1981:    the god of the cannibals will be a cannibal, of the crusaders a crusader, of the merchants a merchant -- ralph waldo emerson21:51
finonHow to restore grub to the MBR from a live CD?21:51
erUSUL!grub2 | finon21:51
ubottufinon: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:51
rohanroyPcCowboy2005:  Thank you21:51
xivenIs anyone in here familiar with the setup of GoDaddy's Linux Deluxe hosting??21:51
Lonely_Troll1981Typos_King cool))21:52
finonerUSUL: thanks21:52
Lonely_Troll1981PcCowboy2005: Thank you21:52
randommanis there any way to check dependencies before executing make and encountering an error when building from source?21:52
Lonely_Troll1981xiven noup21:52
diablo__im looking for help with digital output on karmic21:52
xivenI'd like to try and setup my localhost server as  a copy of my GoDaddy hosting setup...as far as the databasing and such goes.21:52
phpechowiecMorydd: did you try?21:52
finonerUSUL: I didn't install grub221:52
Lonely_Troll1981diablo__ what is karmic?21:52
Typos_Kingfinon:    http://pastebin.ca/184418421:52
DizzleIMSJust installed Xubuntu 9.10, but the system monitor and pop up messages are not displaying correctly.  They are all garbled.  I'm assuming its a display driver issue, but since I'm new to Linux I need some help.21:52
finonI am having grub21:53
xivenSo that I  may write my web code locally, without the need to change things so it will work on the hosting.21:53
diablo__Lonely_Troll1981, karmic koala 9.10 ubuntu21:53
diligentSlart: yep, and this is pity :(21:53
Slart!info pacman21:53
ubottupacman (source: pacman): Chase Monsters in a Labyrinth. In component universe, is optional. Version 10-17ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 28 kB, installed size 160 kB21:53
epaphushello all. Does ubuntu include drivers for Creative Audigy Sound Cards ?21:53
Typos_Kingrandom:   no per se..... no that I konw offhand21:53
xivenI guess my real question is... can one Ubuntu machine mimick the hosting setup of a commercial host?21:54
Lonely_Troll1981diablo__ koala :-D Do you need to feet it with bambuks?21:54
finonTypos_King: thanks21:54
randommanTypos_King: okay. thanks.21:54
Slartepaphus: some older cards, yes... x-fi and newer might be more tricky21:54
diligentSlart: yep, i've this pacman already, but that old one is more, more attractive21:54
epaphusSlart, thanks21:55
Lonely_Troll1981Slart, thanks21:55
Typos_Kingfinon:   btw....  once 'chroot'ed', you don't need to use sudo, but won't break anything anyway heeh21:55
twocarlohey thanks too21:55
diablo__Slart, i have a similar question but about turtle beach cards21:55
Gorgulanow i get why you didnt understand me21:55
Lonely_Troll1981hey thanks too21:55
Gorgulaand why i didnt understand your answer21:55
Lonely_Troll1981Gorgula WHY?21:55
Slartdiablo__: I have no idea about those, sorry.. there is a hardware compatibility list somewhere21:56
macfriendlywhat is codename for Ubuntu Netbook Remix?21:56
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:56
Gorgulamy question is - how much 64 bits can use?21:56
Lonely_Troll1981diablo__: I have no idea about those, sorry.. there is a hardware compatibility list somewhere21:56
Typos_KingDizzleIMS:   check under the Drivers > Restricted Drivers if there's any for the videocard21:56
Slartdiablo__: see ubottus link above21:56
=== twocarlo is now known as canocicalfreaks
Lonely_Troll1981Gorgula all of them!21:56
Losharandomman: you get sort of do it by running apt-cache depends package. That will show you the binary dependencies, which are related (but not identical) to source code dependencies. It's often enough though if you understand about -dev packages...21:56
Slart!ops | Lonely_Troll198121:56
ubottuLonely_Troll1981: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:56
yogioneipconfig or ifconfig .. for my own ip address21:57
MetaPhazeI'm building a custom kernel for someone... he's using wubi on a windows partition... what filesystem do i use for this? he says mount is telling him ext4... is there anything special i need to do?21:57
Lonely_Troll1981!ops | Slart21:57
ubottuSlart: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:57
=== canocicalfreaks is now known as canonical_freaks
Gorgulais there any maximum for it?21:57
CalmvsKhaosSlart, whats going on?21:57
Lonely_Troll1981yogione use google---> my IP21:57
SlartGorgula: the cpu can handle a lot..  I can get you the specific number if you want.. but you'll be limited by the motherboard21:57
guntbertGorgula: you got that answer already - why do you ask again?21:57
* Typos_King doesn't really understand Gorgula's question21:58
SlartCalmvsKhaos: Lonely_Troll1981 is lonely.. and a troll21:58
CalmvsKhaoshe's done nothing wrong that i can see21:58
millertimek1a2m3anyone program in gtkmm? i need some help21:58
Gorgulabecause i didnt understand before21:58
SlartCalmvsKhaos: I think you need to look harder21:58
MilpIf i get a "failed to connect to upstart"-ish message, how do i go about fixing them?21:58
erUSULGorgula: 2^48 bits or so21:58
Lonely_Troll1981CalmvsKhaos and he is not he21:58
CalmvsKhaosoops sorry21:58
Typos_KingMilp:   on what context?21:59
CalmvsKhaosso a MRS. troll eh? ;)21:59
randommanLosha: that's a good idea, but I was thinking along the lines of any software...that will only work if there is a corresponding package21:59
Lonely_Troll1981CalmvsKhaos never mind)))21:59
superbobhow do a initialize a component within an action?21:59
superbobClassRegistry::init(  ?21:59
MilpTypos_King: i just found out that there is a bug with karmic that does not let you update certain packages in chroot environments, and htats exactly what i am using21:59
canonical_freaksactually guntbert he has neuroloagical syndrome that he eventually forgets things as he comprehends21:59
Lonely_Troll1981Domino Hi! Do you are a real game?21:59
Typos_Kingsuperbob:   checked #perl yet?22:00
phpechowiecLonely_Troll1981: where are you from?22:00
superbobTypos_King, perl??22:00
CalmvsKhaos!ot | phpechowiec22:00
ubottuphpechowiec: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:00
* Typos_King looks up22:00
Gorgulais there an option to put in my Docky a menu of the OS?22:00
Lonely_Troll1981phpechowiec From Russia22:00
Lonely_Troll1981phpechowiec Do you?22:00
Lonely_Troll1981!ot | CalmvsKhaos22:01
ubottuCalmvsKhaos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:01
phpechowiecLonely_Troll1981: Poland. end of ot :P22:01
superbobnot sure what you mean by perl?22:01
Typos_KingMilp:   ... I see22:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:01
Lonely_Troll1981phpechowiec Cool. I know some polish))22:01
MilpTypos_King: It is somehow related with upstart D: which is really confusing lol22:01
CalmvsKhaosSlart, i see what you mean now22:01
SlartCalmvsKhaos: I knew you would come around =)22:02
Neezercan someone recommend a good website editor? I am trying to set up a dns server with apache2 at home and would like to make a basic website22:02
Tm_TLonely_Troll1981: please top repeating using bot22:02
Lonely_Troll1981Tm_T I am not bot! I am swear!22:02
Gorgulais there an option to put in my Docky a menu of the OS?22:02
Tm_TLonely_Troll1981: I mean, stop using ubottu the way you do now22:03
Lonely_Troll1981Tm_T but here is so fun)) the other channel are so qued22:03
hporterNeezer:  Try kompozer22:03
SlartGorgula: here's the info about the max memory of the 64bit cpu.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit#Limitations22:03
Typos_KingMilp:   http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910#Upstart%20jobs%20cannot%20be%20run%20in%20a%20chroot22:03
MetaPhazeI'm building a custom kernel for someone... he's using wubi on a windows partition... what filesystem do i use for this? he says mount is telling him ext4... is there anything special i need to do?22:03
guntbertcanonical_freaks: not funny :-(22:04
Neezerhporter, does that work with gnome? it sounds like a kde thing...22:04
MilpTypos_King: Thanks for the help!22:04
DizzleIMSJust installed Xubuntu 9.10, but the system monitor and pop up messages are not displaying correctly.  They are all garbled.  I'm assuming its a display driver issue, but since I'm new to Linux I need some help.22:04
Typos_KingDizzleIMS:   check under the Drivers > Restricted Drivers if there's any for the videocard22:05
hporterNeezer: work perfectly22:05
kanduruam trying to find drivers for my canon lpb 3010 printer, can any one help me?22:05
Neezerhporter, thanks I'll give it a try....now I just need to figure out dns.22:05
hporterNeezer: It's powered with Mozilla :)22:05
morticinow thats better, not as messy as before :)22:05
dementorhoe to find a world in all files and text files  on my machine?22:05
Slartdementor: grep for regular text files22:06
phpechowieckanduru: are you using cups?22:06
noisehow can i create a flash movie? with what program?22:06
Slartdementor: searching your entire machine might take a while though22:06
Gorgulais there an option to put in my Docky a menu of the OS?22:06
phpechowiecdementor: did you mean word?22:06
phpechowiecGorgula: sth like wbar?22:07
kanduruphpechowiec: yes i am22:07
phpechowiecdementor:  find / -name *.txt | cat -- }grep word or sth like this22:08
dementorok thx i try22:09
kanduruphpechowiec: but am new in using this os22:09
bigtom21485hello everyone22:10
noise how can i create a flash movie? with what program?22:10
Typos_Kingallo bigtom2148522:10
Typos_Kingnoise:   an .flv clip you mean?22:11
Slartnoise: have you searched in synaptic for flash ? I think there are a couple of options.. no real alternatives to what's available in windows though22:11
Typos_Kingor a .swf?22:11
Gorgulaphpechowiec: what do you mean?22:11
Apselhello everyone22:11
sbahraOut of curiosity, why isn't 9.10 available in .img format?22:11
Typos_Kingallo Apsel22:11
bigtom21485i have a laptop running ubuntu, and when i plug anything into the headphones/line out port, i get sound but it doesnt disable the built-in spakers like it did with iwndows22:11
sbahraor is it available? It would male life much easier. :-)22:11
Slartsbahra: any reason for using img instead of iso?22:11
sbahraSlart, different uses. img is much more convenient when using USB flash media.22:11
Slartsbahra: I think you can just rename the iso file as iso is a subset of img.. I think22:11
randommannoise: for .swf i think you actually need flash. for .flv (just a regular movie file) you can convert to it22:12
Typos_Kingsbahra   we were waiting for you to make one off the iso :P22:12
StopSigni had the same sound prob on my hp laptop22:12
guntbertSlart: no - different formats22:12
StopSignmy gateway fx is fine22:12
phpechowiecGorgula: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2147/1744520919_830fef1494_o.png on the bottom is running wbar, I whought you want sth like this22:12
Typos_Kingnoise:   an .flv clip you mean?  or need to make a .swf?22:12
noisei am creating a website22:12
Slartguntbert: sure? last time I checked img was just a copy of the contents..22:12
noiseand i want to put a flash movie22:12
Milpif i do a startx from a default openssh configuration, will i be able to see the x session over ssh, or do i need to do additional config stuff?22:12
guntbertsbahra: but there is usb creator in system/administration22:13
Typos_Kingnoise:  like the ones in youtube?22:13
huntHi, I am on 10.04 and can not get sound to work in flash in any browser, any suggestions?22:13
phpechowieckanduru: you have canon?22:13
randommannoise: I just looked it up: SWF is a file produce by Macromedia Flash. The Flash software is the only way to make .swf files.22:13
kanduruphpechowiec: yes22:13
Gorgulaphpechowiec: what "sth" is?22:13
morticiI don't know if i should go with Kubuntu 10.04 or Ubuntu 10.0422:14
guntbertSlart: I followed a discussion about that not too long ago - so I *hope* I'm sure - but I might mix up some things :)22:14
Lostinspace_46OK I had a small issue with screenlets launching doubles, so I uninstalled, and re-booted.  The only thing screenlets left is the .gz archives.  However, when I try to reinstall I get "screenlets is already the newest version.22:14
Lostinspace_460 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 88 not upgraded.".  Any ideas why?22:14
Typos_Kingnoise:   soooo.. you don't want to make a .swf or flv?22:14
Apseli just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my computer. i tried to install the tv, but it doesn't work. i tried Mythtv, but no success, i tried different tv sofware, nothing work.22:14
randommanmortici, you can install either one and get GNOME or KDE later22:14
phpechowiecGorgula something22:14
morticirandomman, i guess your right22:14
phpechowiecnever mind22:15
randommanmortici: personally, i prefer the default gnome22:15
morticii think i just might install KDE on my current system, and give it a test drive, i just hate cleaning up (removing gnome/kde after i make the choice)22:15
Slartguntbert: as I understand things an img file is just a raw copy of something.. so if you make a raw copy of a cd you'll get a file that is both an iso and a img22:15
Typos_Kingmortici:   why the confusion? hehe, either will do IMO,   I use kubuntu myself... then again. I've used kde since way back even before ubuntu, soooo, I use many kde apps though :)22:15
phpechowieckanduru: http://www.openprinting.org/printers/manufacturer/Canon maybe this can help22:15
huntHi, I am on 10.04 and can not get sound to work in flash in any browser, any suggestions?22:15
randommanmortici, i know what you mean. virtualbox is your friend. I'm actually running ubuntu on it right now :)22:16
Slartguntbert: it's also possible that .img might mean different things to different people.. kind of like .bin or .dat22:16
randommanmortici: and there are tools to create a .vdi image of your current machine to use in virtualbox22:16
phpechowiechunt: reinstall flash?22:16
guntbertSlart: I remember it differently - but my memory may fail22:16
kanduruphpechowiec: thanx, let me try, but if it doesnt work can i come back to u?22:16
Typos_King!lucid | hunt22:16
ubottuhunt: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:16
ScotieHallo can someone help me,22:17
Gorgulaphpechowiec: i dunno what you mean, but i have a bar like that but its called "docky" and i want to know if there is an option to put in it an ubuntu's menu22:17
Out_Cold!ask | Scotie22:17
ubottuScotie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:17
ScotieI have large icons on my desktop, would like to reduce them!22:17
morticirandomman, oh yeah, i have VBOX installed and run many different distro's I was just thinking of switching it up a bit, i used KDE when it first went into 4.0 mode, and was a lil disappointed22:17
ScotieIs there any programs for,22:18
randommanmortici: KDE is always too flashy for me. i like minimalism22:18
Out_ColdScotie, do you want to change you entire resolution or just the icons?22:18
phpechowieckanduru: i don't have canon, so i haven't got enough knowlegement22:18
ApselIt seems the driver for my tv card is not installed. Can someone help tell me how i can install the appropriate driver for the PCI/7130 card22:18
morticirandomman, 4.4 is showing some promise and sure does look interesting...22:18
Scotiejust the icons22:18
huntphpechowiec: didnt work22:18
morticirandomman, ahhh it seems that is always what it comes down to, purty or minimal22:18
Scotiejust the icons Out cold22:18
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phpechowiecrandomman: minimalism... do you use fluxbox?22:19
aspiditesminimalism = openbox22:19
Out_ColdScotie, open nautilus and in the view menu you can adjust global icon properties22:19
aspiditesor a tiling window manager ;-)22:19
=== Guest43542 is now known as rfsdr
phpechowiecopenbox has got xml :)22:19
Loshamortici: purty *AND* minimal does seem possible, but it's really rare...22:19
=== rfsdr is now known as rfsd
phpechowiecand strange configuration imho22:20
Scotieok, thanks Out_cold, have nice day22:20
randommanmortici: no. i admit i'm not that good at technical stuff like switching window managers, etc. so i haven't gotten there yet22:20
=== rfsd is now known as mololololo
Gorgulaphpechowiec: i dunno what you mean, but i have a bar like that but its called "docky" and i want to know if there is an option to put in it an ubuntu's menu22:20
Out_Coldi think i will Scotie thanks22:20
randommanmortici: although i did just install gdb 7.1 from sources, so I'm making progress in learning22:20
FloodBot3mololololo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:20
kanduruphpechowiec: i understand, and i checked but my printer is not on the list, may be someone else in the chart can come up with something22:20
t3218980hi all... pls keep up with me as im all new to ubuntu ;)22:20
phpechowiecGorgula: i don't know how to do that22:20
Lostinspace_460 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 88 not upgraded.".  Any ideas why?22:20
Out_Coldoh Scotie it's in the edit>preferences22:21
t3218980i have problem, i installed ubuntu 9.10 and now i dont have sound :(22:21
Gorgulaphpechowiec: ok, thanks22:21
mololololoo i mjo in ii   k22:21
Lostinspace_46OK I had a small issue with screenlets launching doubles, so I uninstalled, and re-booted.  The only thing screenlets left is the .gz archives.  However, when I try to reinstall I get "screenlets is already the newest version.22:21
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:21
aspiditesobconfig will help avoid the xml config for the most part22:21
bigtom21485sweet were gunna get some action22:21
Lostinspace_46howdy Parsnip22:21
morticiahh screw it lets install the latest KDE and give her a whirl :D22:21
randommanLostinspace_46, did you do a purge clean, or just uninstall?22:22
randommanhave fun!22:22
Gorgulaanyone knows how to put the ubuntu's menu in the Docky?22:22
t3218980someone know how i can get sound?22:22
Lostinspace_46randomman, I purged and the removed all remaining files by hand22:23
gardarGorgula, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114193922:23
Typos_Kingt3218980:    I'm guessing you DO  have sound, nbut might be some audio-mixer setting22:23
ryniekhi everyone22:23
Vigo!sound | t321898022:23
ubottut3218980: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:23
guntbertkaolbrec: thats not cool - try english please22:23
kaolbrecguntbert, sorry - window switched while I was typingh22:23
t3218980Typos... how can i find that?22:23
guntbertkaolbrec: :)22:23
phpechowieckanduru: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=32737 maybe this will help22:23
t3218980im all new to ubuntu'22:23
NullHeliumdamn bot ..22:23
ubottuIf with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.22:23
phpechowiecwitaj ryniek22:23
bigtom21485t3218980: welcome to the best thing to happen to your computer22:24
guntbert!askthebot | NullHelium22:24
ubottuNullHelium: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".22:24
ActionParsnipGorgula: probably a plugin, is it not part of a stock install of docky?22:24
bigtom21485thats a smart bot, d**n22:24
randommangorgula: i was going to say the same thing. look for a plugin22:24
kanduruphpechowiec: ok, let me check it out22:24
trismNullHelium: try using .Xresources instead22:25
extorIs there any way besides chkconfig for a noob to enable daemons during runlevels22:25
bigtom21485t3218980: there are some drivers that interfere with each other.  start by telling us what type of computer you're using22:25
extorHow can I enable sshd at startup if my system lacks chkcnfig?22:25
ScotieOut_cold Nautillus is only for the icons in the browser, need to reduce the one on the desktop22:25
Lostinspace_46randomman, I purged and then removed all remaining files by hand22:25
ActionParsnipextor: bum may be able to help but its a bit weird now that things are changing22:25
NullHeliumtrism: don't think it'l change something .. I was just curious if it's possible to use .Xdefaults color scheme in terminator.22:26
extorbash: bum: command not found22:26
randommanLostinspace_46: i'm not sure what to do.22:26
trismNullHelium: ahh, no idea, thought you were having a problem with xterm settings22:26
extorWhat about the rc.local file...can I just put /etc/init.d/ssh start in my /etc/rc.local?22:26
extorthe rc.local is a sort of linux version of autoexec.bat right?22:26
Lostinspace_46randomman, That's OK..I don't either22:26
Typos_Kingextor:    well.... I'd think gnome has a Services section in the control panel, there's an app you can use as well for that, -> sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf;22:26
NullHeliumtrism: :)22:27
bigtom21485someone tell me what "sudo" does i keep seeing it22:27
Typos_Kingextor:  is a console UI app22:27
extorTyph_, I dont have sudo access on the box right now...just uhmm console access22:27
randommansudo executes a command with root priveliges22:27
philiproHi, is there anyone who could possibly help me troubleshoot my 9.10 installation?22:27
Lostinspace_46randomman, Maybe I can install from source?22:27
t3218980bigtom, i have a compac laptop...22:27
extorI dont have any sysv* binaries22:28
Out_Coldsudo gives your computer super powers22:28
Typos_King!ask | philipro22:28
ubottuphilipro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:28
extorThis /etc/rc.local is a sort of linux version of autoexec.bat right?22:28
jub369i delted my top bar how do i restore it22:28
randommanLostinspace_46, not sure22:28
ActionParsnipextor: it can be used as such, yes22:28
Out_Coldjub369, right click on the bottom bar and add new panel22:28
jub369i meant to be defult22:28
ActionParsnipextor: remember to put &s on the ends of commands so the system wil still run while the app runs in the background22:29
bigtom21485Out-Cold: badass :-)22:29
Typos_Kingbigtom21485     root execution by proxy22:29
jub369so i get everything like i just installed ubuntu22:29
Lostinspace_46randomman, Well, worth a try.  I'll let you know how it goes.22:29
ActionParsnip!fixpanel | jub36922:29
philiproOkay, i guess im not supposed to ask to ask a question. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on an older PC in my home. It has a Pentium D 2.4Ghz and 512mb of RAM. I've tried installing using a CD and a flash drive and have had errors with both. This is my first ubuntu install.22:29
morticikde install has begun :D can't wait for 10.04 official :) Gonna convert to 64bit finally :)22:29
Out_Coldjub369, i think there is a file that is used to create new user settings, you could possibly reload that?22:29
philiproCan anyone help me with that?22:29
ActionParsnipphilipro: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?22:30
extorActionParsnip, damn...I need & at the end of commands in that file??? It's not a scriptfile???22:30
=== jason is now known as mjkjr
ActionParsnipextor: it is pretty much a script file but without the whole system will sit until the command finishes22:30
philiproI did not. I figured it would have worked with a flash drive if it'd been an ISO burning error right?22:30
Typos_Kingphilipro:   errors with the cd and usb installation process, or errors on the cd and usb media? what type of errors and at what stage?22:30
extorAciid, but bash scripts dont need ; or & at the end of lines I thought?22:31
extor# rc.local22:31
extorIt looks like a regular bash script22:31
ActionParsnipjub369: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel22:31
ActionParsnipextor: sure but as I said, if yu dont background a command the system will wait until it completes22:32
philiproOn the CD install, I choose either option, install ubuntu or the "try ubuntu option". neither one works. it appears to be loading off the cd for a while, then I get several error lines beginning with 182.976. they say things like "forget_original_parent +0x32/0x230" and "exit_notify+0x11/0x180"22:32
ActionParsnipphilipro: did you test the ISO?22:32
bigtom21485apparently theres a new lambo named the "reventon"22:32
extorOh damnnnn yes22:32
niedalryhow can I changed the permissions of a specific directory to make it writable?22:32
randommanniedalry, chmod +w directoryname22:32
ActionParsnipniedalry: chmod +w directory22:32
philiproOn the flash drive install, I try simply copying the files to my flash drive and it does not work, it says I must restart the system. If I use unetbootin or something like that, it doesnt work either.22:32
niedalrythanks :)22:32
philiproBy testing the ISO do you mean verifying its contents?22:32
SanusHelp, Ubuntu 9.10 fresh install, dual booting with windows, partitions are hd0,1 windows hd1,1 linux hd1,2 hd1,5 (Neither of these are boot) Grub was an issue, now have that working, only attempting to boot into ubuntu, I get an error reading (Device (my device's long uuid) does not exist) When it clearly does, and not only is it in my box, I can mount it from the livecd.22:32
ActionParsnipphilipro: last time, did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded???22:33
philiprono, I didnt MD5 test it.22:33
ActionParsnipphilipro: no, i mean using MD5 to test if the file is good22:33
SanusI've been awake working on it for over 27 hours.22:33
ActionParsnipphilipro: then how do you know the data wasn't full of errors or incomplete??22:33
philiproI don't, but I also don't know how to do an MD522:33
Sanus27 hours.  I just want to sleep.22:33
kanduruphpechowiec: i got the script from the forum, but the explanation was in a language that i do not understand22:33
bigtom21485Sanus: I would mount it from the live cd, then copy all your important stuff to cd's or an external hard drive then install ubuntu and just get a windows emulator22:33
ActionParsnip!md5 | philipro22:34
ubottuphilipro: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:34
Typos_Kingphilipro:      retry from the live-cd, before pressing Enter to start loading, check off a few extra booting options, found by pressing F6, at least try checking the acpi=off and noapic options there, see if checking others may help22:34
Sanusbigtom21485: very slow computer, and the dual booting isn't the issue, I believe.  I just need to find a way for that search command to recognize my hard drive22:34
ActionParsnipTypos_King: i'd get the image checked first or any attempt will be in vain22:34
philiproI'll try both of these things. Thank you guys.22:34
Sanusbigtom21485 I don't believe there's anything wrong with the hard-drive, nor the ubuntu installation.22:35
Typos_KingActionParsnip   I'm guessing it may not be that, but yea22:35
niedalryerr I'm getting "Operation not permitted" when I try to chmod it22:35
ActionParsnipniedalry: because its not owned by you, you will need sudo in that case22:36
Out_Coldsudo chmod22:36
NeezerI just installed lamp on my server...I'm not sure if that is the problem, but now when I log in with the monitor, I just see the background and my mouse pointer. I don't see the gnome desktop or anything.22:36
julianoliverniedalry: 'ls -l /path/to/file' that will show you who the current owner:group is.22:36
matichey, I've just installed fresh 10.04 b1 and I wonder why the fonts in firefox look different than in other applications?22:37
maticthey're uglier22:37
niedalryok it worked with sudo, thanks22:37
ActionParsnipniedalry: if you mark smoething as writable your username may not get write access due to ownerships of the owner and group ownerships22:37
Pantchohow do i compile a specific directory in a kernel? for example i did make on all kernel sources and i got a .o files on each .c file and now i deleted a .o file and updated a .c file and i wish to recompile it alone not the whole build again.. ?22:37
ActionParsnip!lucid | matic22:37
bastid_raZormatic: /join #ubuntu+1 for lucid22:37
ubottumatic: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:37
digitalfizPantcho, go to the directory its in and do: make myfile.o22:38
digitalfizwhich corrasponds with the correct myfile.c22:38
julianoliverout of interest will Lucid be de-brownified?22:38
Pantchodigitalfiz: thanks i will try it22:38
trismjulianoliver: yes, it is rather purple and gray now22:38
julianolivertrism: ok, good.22:39
q_a good program for making USB stick bootable?22:39
NeezerI have no idea if installing lamp is what killed my gnome or not though. I haven't used the monitor on it in a long time...it has been all ssh access for the past 3 months or so.22:39
ActionParsnip!lucid | julianoliver22:39
ubottujulianoliver: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:39
julianoliverq_: unetbootlin22:39
Arthur___i want to change my default media player i changed it from totem to vlc but how do i change it again? i did it from the thingie that poped up when i inserter the cd..22:40
redwhat  happends to +1 channel in april? :P22:40
julianoliverNeezer: ps ax | grep gdm to see if it's running22:40
q_how to make active USB stick  for boot?22:40
redjulianoliver: it basicly looks like a Mac22:40
philiproI Just checked the MD5 of the original ISO that I downloaded, and the characters do not match what the MD5 should be for my respective ISO. This means there was a corruption in the ISO when I downloaded it?22:40
xivenI know Ubuntu isn't Xubuntu, but they're not answering, so can I ask in here?22:40
ActionParsnipq_: unetbootin or boot to liveCD and use the usb boot creator22:40
xivenIt's regarding blurry Firefox scrolling..22:40
greezmunkeyIdleOne: Thanks for the "identify" info, I was able to get my mySQL problem fixed!22:41
Lostinspace_46randomman, Strangest thing.  The ONLY screenlets files left on my HDD were the .gz archive files, but Synaptic showed screenlets still installed.  I uninstalled using Synaptic and...bingo, problem solved.22:41
DIL q_  system-administration and a cd with the is022:41
ActionParsnipxiven: i'd ask in the firefox channel, its more specific22:41
xivenOh, that's a great idea. Thanks!22:41
q_DIL, can you be more specific?22:41
julianoliverred: right. well, in the absense of a broader vision for the UI, it could be worse.22:41
zaizafoonhow can i use text mode to install mint?22:42
morticiwoot almost done downloading KDE4.4.1 :D22:42
t3218980ubuttu: i have now checked that out, but i guess maybe im to stupid ;) i dont get it...22:42
julianoliverred: albeit i find using OSX very frustrating, something i have to do often, sadly.22:42
bastid_raZor!mintsupport | zaizafoon22:42
ubottuzaizafoon: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:42
redi feel you22:42
Arthur___how do i change the media player ubuntu 9.100 amd64?22:42
underdevhi!  i saw that lucid went beta today.  i went to download it, and its a 4gig dvd iso.  Does it really require all 4 gigs?  does anyone know where i can find a smaller image?22:42
philiproIf the MD5 checksum of the ISO I downloaded does not match the MD5 of what it should be on the Ubuntu website, does this mean my download was somehow corrupted?22:43
morticiunderdev, you downloaded the alternate cd, download the regular one, it should be no more than 700mbg22:43
ardchoille!lucid | underdev22:43
morticierr 700mb22:43
ubottuunderdev: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:43
bastid_raZorunderdev: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/22:43
underdevthank you!22:43
DIL q_  use ubuntu to crate a bootable usb, go to System the Administration then see usb startup creator you need with the is022:43
Neezerjulianoliver, sorry about th delay, I did the command, how do I tell if it is running?22:44
julianoliverNeezer: if you see 'gdm' in the output, the Gnome Display Manager is running.22:44
morticiAnd done downloading, gotta love 1.4MB download speeds :D22:44
ActionParsnipphilipro: then the file you downloaded has been corrupted in transit, if you use torrents then the torrent protocol will add extra checking to the data. ALWAYS MD5 test ISO files you download22:44
NeezerI see quite a few entries....I'm using ssh to log in now though, cause I can't bring up a terminal?22:44
t3218980i now tried what u suggest but i think this not for me... i never programmed in my life...22:44
ActionParsnipTypos_King: MD5 fail for philipro ;)22:45
Mark___hi I am trying to install 9.10 beta 1 I am able to boot to the disk but everytime I select install ubuntu if loads the live cd not the installer22:45
philiproI downloaded it via http from the Ubuntu server. I'll redownload it, and hope that it does not corrupt again. Thats all I can do right?22:45
ActionParsnipMark___: there is no 9.10 beta22:45
ActionParsnipMark___: 9.10 is released22:45
bastid_raZorMark___: go to #ubuntu+1 for 10.0422:45
julianoliverNeezer: odd. i haven't installed the LAMP stack as such on Ubuntu, only on Debian. i have played with Ubuntu Server Edition however, with no such problems.22:45
LjLphilipro: as mentioned, you can download from torrent instead.22:45
Mark___yes there is22:45
ActionParsnipMark___: got a link22:46
DILoh oh22:46
Typos_KingActionParsnip   hehe22:46
t3218980ubottu: i dont understand the links u sent before regarding sound problem22:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:46
Neezerjulianoliver, when i loggedin the first time a window popped up for upgrades, so I installed them. there weren't any bars at the tops of the windows though....then I rebooted from my laptop. so nobody is logged in on the server accept for me through ssh.22:46
Mark___Ohh that's what I mean22:46
Digit0I just installed ubuntu in a new macbook and cant get the sound to work22:46
ActionParsnipMark___: like i said, there is no 9.10 beta22:46
dixondfolks, HP laptop tx2000 with Broadcom BCM4322 wireless card; doesn't work with bc34 driver, with Broadcom STA driver (wl.ko) it can't see past channel 11. with ndiswrapper XP driver, it also can't see past channel 11.22:46
ActionParsnipMark___: #ubuntu+1 for lucid chat22:46
t3218980Digit0: i have same problem22:46
dixondwhen running Windows (vista) it sees channel 13 fine - help?22:46
Mark___i meant  10.422:47
t3218980but im at pc22:47
=== Losha` is now known as losher
ActionParsnipMark___: i know, i was just checking, lucid is not discussed at all here, #ubuntu+1 is for you22:47
julianoliverNeezer: in the console type 'pstree' and tell me what follows along the branch beginning with "login" in the output.22:47
Pantchodigitalfiz: gives me lots of errors22:47
t3218980sound wont work on my compac laptop... ;(22:47
philiproAfter I download the file and make sure it is MD5 verified, should I also verify the MD5 of the actual burned disc? Is this possible? Would I have less of a chance of having MD5 problems if I were to copy the ISO files to a flash drive and install that way instead of doing a CD boot?22:48
phibxrt3218980: have you checked the volume levels?22:48
Arthur___how do i change the media player ubuntu 9.100 amd64?22:48
Arthur___how do i change the media player ubuntu 9.10 amd64?22:48
julianoliverNeezer: if there is no "login", look for "Xorg" directly.22:48
Neezerjulianoliver, I actually just tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop....it did install and didn't tell me that it was already there. I did a reboot just in case...then I'll try22:48
julianoliverNeezer: ok22:48
t3218980phibxr... i checked nornal sound settings and ok22:48
Typos_Kingphilipro:   the live-cd itself has a 'cd integrity test' option :|22:48
Neezerjulianoliver, there is a login screen. it comes up with a list of the users and then other....22:49
Typos_Kingsoooooo, that'd do it I'd think22:49
philiprooh, got it! thanks22:49
philipro[sorry im a huge noob at this]22:49
=== jason is now known as mjkjr
phibxrt3218980: just checking. i remember installing ubuntu on my netbook and thought the sound was broken until i actually ran 'alsamixer' in a terminal and saw that several channels were muted even if the volume was turned up in the gui-mixer. :)22:49
Neezerjulianoliver, thanks for the assistance btw. I really appreciate it.22:49
greezmunkeydixond, you are outside the US?22:50
dixondgreezmunkey: NZ22:50
julianoliverNeezer: no probs at all.22:50
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
julianoliverdixond: kia ora ;)22:50
Pantchohow do i compile a .o file i deleted from the kernel source and now i wish to recompile it with changes? i tried "make file.o" but gives me lots of errors and not compiling i guess due to includes not presented..22:50
greezmunkeydixond, there is a setting for that, I'll have to look.22:50
bastid_raZorArthur___: first install a different media player then go to System > Preferences > Preferred Applications then the Multimedia tab22:50
t3218980phibxr... they all seem ok22:50
dixondactually, I lied, iwconfig allows me to set it to channel 13 with ndiswrapper, but it still won't see any channel 13 networks in networkmanager?!?22:50
Neezerjulianoliver, still no desktop. I'm running the tree right now via ssh.22:50
dixondgreezmunkey: don't bother, the wl module doesn't support it at all :(22:51
bastid_raZorArthur___: you may need to add the new media players full path22:51
Arthur___System > Preferences > Preferred Applications then the Multimedia tab.... not there22:51
Sir_Konradok so my mom and dad got me this MacBook Pro for Christmas, but they asked me not to reformat the main HD(which has OS X on it) with Ubuntu because they think it's going to "break" it. I'd still like to run Ubuntu on it, but without reformatting the main HD. What do you suggest?22:52
bastid_raZorArthur___: what is not there?22:52
Pantchohow do i compile a .o file i deleted from the kernel source and now i wish to recompile it with changes? i tried "make file.o" but gives me lots of errors and not compiling i guess due to includes not presented..22:52
greezmunkeydixond: Oh, well here's what I found anyways: In order to use non-US wireless channels, add the following to /etc/modprobe.d/options:22:52
greezmunkeyoptions cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=EU22:52
dixondjulianoliver: tēnā koe22:52
Neezerjulianoliver, it says gdm-session-wor-----gnome-session and then a bunch of things off on the right.22:53
t3218980phibxr: any other suggestions, that one seem ok...22:53
snxsis there a kernel fix to avoid etherleaks? , or is this directly with the manufacturer ?22:53
dixondgreezmunkey: yeah, that's the one. no dice I'm afraid :(  ndiswrapper looks promising, but the networks won't show in networkmanager22:53
julianoliverNeezer: looks positive.. gnome's running.22:53
Slade-hey where do the standard apt-get packages come from?  i've run into a few packages that install way too much crap and have really bad suggested packages like "ttf-japanese-mincho"  for a database server22:53
dixondit's wacky.22:53
phibxrt3218980: hmm, not really. i'm not that familiar with compaq hardware.22:53
julianoliverdixond: nm is a PITA much of the time. sometimes better to roll your own scripts around the iw tools.22:53
Neezerjulianoliver, is there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal on the desktop?22:53
ActionParsnipSlade-: the packages can be viewed at: http://packages.ubuntu.com22:53
Arthur___it says multimedia and i got options for rythmbox and totem i want to change the default dvd player.. i have it set to vlc now but i want to use mplayer...22:54
ActionParsnipSlade-: if a package depends on another package then it will need to be installed22:54
t3218980phibxr: ok :)22:54
dixondjulianoliver: yeah, I'm leaning that way :( channel 13 makes a huge difference over chan 11 for me or  I wouldn't bother :(22:54
greezmunkeydixond: NZ, are you good at rading upside down?22:54
ubottuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.22:54
julianoliverNeezer: i think there's an ALT-F2 or similar to bring up a run prompt. i'm on Debian here atm without Gnome..22:54
bastid_raZor!who | Arthur___22:54
ubottuArthur___: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:54
dixondgreezmunkey: only on some days ;)22:54
julianoliverdixond: i understand..22:54
Slade-ActionParsnip: right. but where do they come from before going to packages.ubuntu.com ?  i mean are these user created?22:54
Arthur___i want to change the action when a dvd is inserted...22:54
t3218980anyone else that can help me with my sound problem on a compag laptop22:54
justinlillyanyone have some must-have package suggestions for a new 10.04 install?22:55
Arthur___i dont want vlc to open the dvd i want mplayer too22:55
Slade-ActionParsnip: i've seen a few that seem improperly packaged is all, thats why i'm asking22:55
marlunIs there any difference in pairing a bluetooth keyboard with the default bluetooth tool in karmic compared to using blueman? I seem to still have the normal keyboard layout even though I've choosen apple in System Preferences / Keyboard.22:55
loshersnxs: According to http://blog.spoofed.org/2007/03/etherleak-old-dog-old-tricks.html etherleaks are a kernel issue, and fixed in the kernel. Given how old the issue is, I'd be surprised if all current kernels didn't already have the fix...22:55
dixondunfortunately we bought multiple uniden wdect 23xx phones a while ago and the interference is noticeable22:55
bastid_raZorArthur___: then choose custom and add the full path to mplayer .. if mplayer has been installed22:55
ActionParsnipSlade-: the dude compiling it is where they come from before that22:55
julianoliverdixond: hehe, there's a good use-case for channel 13.22:55
Slade-ActionParsnip: is that someone working for ubuntu? or are these community jobs22:56
ActionParsnipSlade-: log a bug if its badly packaged and it will hopefully be improved if it is deemed suitable etc22:56
ActionParsnipSlade-: both22:56
SanusShould I just repost my question?22:56
snxslosher would it be normal for it to appear on a nessus scan ?  not critical though22:57
SanusHelp, Ubuntu 9.10 fresh install, dual booting with windows, partitions are hd0,1 windows hd1,1 linux hd1,2 hd1,5 (Neither of these are boot) Grub was an issue, now have that working, only attempting to boot into ubuntu, I get an error reading (Device (my device's long uuid) does not exist) When it clearly does, and not only is it in my box, I can mount it from the livecd.22:57
Sanuswasn't really a question, more a plea for help.22:57
karmic_indianI am using 9.10 and trying to upgrade to 10.04b1 using 'update-manager -d'. But, as soon as i click the "upgrade" button, the window freezes. Nothing has happened for the last 10 mins. Please help.22:57
t3218980my compac laptop got no sound after i installed ubuntu... pls can someone help a total ubuntu beginner ;)22:57
SanusAre you using Wubi?22:57
Slade-ActionParsnip: cool. yea i think i'll log one for couchdb.. it uses about 10x the packages as the centos package22:57
philiprothe MD5 on my new ISO matched up correctly. The CD, however, I am not so sure about. I ran a "Test CD For Errors" option and it seems to be locked up. I don't know commands or messages, I've never used it before. However, a list of lines was shown when i tried to test my cd for errors. The last line reads [182.972700] [<c0572bb0>] ? do_page_fault+0x0/0x380. Does this seem like a CD error?22:57
Sanust3218980 what sort of internal specs do you have?22:58
Arthur___System > Preferences > Preferred Applications then the Multimedia tab.... set to totem i insert a dvd and vlc plays it , i dont want vlc to play it i would like gxine or mplayer to open it22:58
t3218980Sanus: how can i see that?22:58
dixondphilipro: did you burn the iso to cd from another linux install?22:58
loshersnxs: good question, sorry, no idea....22:58
Sanust3218980 I don't know.22:58
Sanust3218980 But I can find out22:58
snxslosher  ok thanks :)22:59
t3218980Sanus: ok...22:59
Sanussudo lshw -html >> info.html22:59
philiproIf I'm understanding you right, no. I burned it using the Windows 7 image burning tool.22:59
Sanust3218980 Run " sudo lshw -html >> info.html " in the terminal22:59
dixondphilipro: oh :(  (otherwise md5sum /dev/cdrom)22:59
RettawHello, the switch user menu option only locks the screen, and does not in fact switch to another user. Is this a known bug?22:59
SanusThen open up info.html wherever you ran that at22:59
SanusIf you can't find that, just type "firefox info.html".22:59
philiproI've never had/used Linux before and I'm using a brand new laptop to speak to you guys running windows 7. this is also the computer I've used to burn the ISOs and such.23:00
t3218980Sanus: ok i try that23:00
dixondphilipro: although possibly you could boot to the live cd session, and then run that command.23:00
lantiziaCan anyone name a good no-fuss compatible basic USB sound card?23:00
lantiziathe cheapest new one on ebay is £1.99 lol... claims it works with linux... no idea of how to be sure it will however23:00
karmic_indianI am using 9.10 and trying to upgrade to 10.04b1 using 'update-manager -d'. But, as soon as i click the "upgrade" button, the window freezes. Nothing has happened for the last 10 mins. Please help.23:00
philiprodo you mean use that "Test Ubuntu without making changes to my computer" command or something like that?23:00
dixondphilipro: yes, that one23:00
philiproI can't get Ubuntu to run even from that.23:00
dixondphilipro: what is computer - laptop/pc?23:01
lantiziaAlso I need to buy a new USB flatbed scanner... and I was hoping for a nice basic scanner recommendation... looked at the SANE supported list... but I was hoping someone may have a personal recommendation23:01
philiproI know.....I'm not sure what it is. I'll pop out the CD and attempt to MD5 it on this computer.23:01
philiproIt is a PC....about 5 years old. Pentium D 2.4Ghz, 512mb ram, 200gb hard drive....integrated graphics but I also have an FX 5200 installed.23:01
=== Anzenketh is now known as anzenketh|brb
dixondlantizia: brother provide good drivers for their MFC/DCP range, but they are not in Ubuntu by default (needs self-install)23:01
losherphilipro: and what release of ubuntu did you download for the ISO?23:01
philipro9.10 desktop. Also my pc brand is eMachines [its a piece of crap. just wondering if that would help at all]23:02
dixondlantizia: well, *some* of them are in Ubuntu23:02
karmic_indianI am using 9.10 and trying to upgrade to 10.04b1 using 'update-manager -d'. But, as soon as i click the "upgrade" button, the window freezes. Nothing has happened for the last 10 mins. Please help.23:02
KentrelI'm getting two cursors in GIMP when I use my wacom tablet. One for the mouse pointer, one for the pen cursor... This has to be an X issue. How do I fix it?23:02
losherlantizia: whenever I need ubuntu compatible hardware, I check newegg and/or ebay and look for something which reviewers say works well with ubuntu. This will save you no end of heartache at the end of the day...23:03
t3218980Sanus: hmm if i run the "sudo" command it asks for my password... i dont know what that can be!?!? and if i run "firefox" commans i get a blank side23:03
Arthur___when i insert a dvd into my computer vlc plays it. i want to change that back to the default where it askes you what you want to do? is there a way to do that?23:03
Sanust3218980 It's your system asking for authentication, to make sure you're who you say you are.23:04
Sanust3218980 And you have to run the info command first23:04
SanusTo have anything to read!23:04
SanusSo, can anyone help me with my booting problem?23:04
Typos_KingArthur__   you want to be hassled for all DVDs or you just don't want it to autoplay as soon as you stick it in?23:04
SanusAnybody at all?23:04
t3218980Sanus: well... i dont know what password that should be....23:05
philiproI'm not sure how to run an MD5 check for my burned CD. The original ISO file matched up. I'm not expert by any means, I'm a complete beginner. But I'm thinking my hardware is just having trouble working with this disc....23:05
Arthur___i want it to auto play i changed it to vlc. i can not change it back for some reason?23:05
Sanust3218980 You put it in when you installed ubuntu23:06
Arthur___i have the multimedia tab set to totem23:06
Arthur___when i insert a cd vlc plays it23:06
fredfall#join #ubuntu-se23:06
tullingenfredfall, you don't have 'basics::move::join' permissions here23:06
t3218980Sanus: the same as i using when logg in?23:07
losherSanus: you implied you solved a grub problem, I assume you mean you can boot windows but not Ubuntu?23:07
Sanust3218980 Yes23:07
Sanuslosher Yes23:07
Arthur___i would like to know howto revert back to the default setting where it asks me what i want to do i am using ubuntu 64 bit!23:07
t3218980Sanus, that are numbers and i cant press any numbers in the terminal window!!!???23:08
=== jason is now known as mjkjr
RettawAnybody else with a broken switch-user applet?23:09
Sanust3218980 You can't... input numbers in the terminal!?23:09
losherSanus: can you boot the livecd and get a desktop?23:09
karmic_indianI am using 9.10 and trying to upgrade to 10.04b1 using 'update-manager -d'. But, as soon as i click the "upgrade" button, the window freezes. Nothing has happened for the last 10 mins. Please help.23:09
karmic_indianI am using 9.10 and trying to upgrade to 10.04b1 using 'update-manager -d'. But, as soon as i click the "upgrade" button, the window freezes. Nothing has happened for the last 10 mins. Please help.23:09
FloodBot3karmic_indian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:09
Sanuslosher: Am now, sir!  *salutes*23:10
t3218980Sanus: i tried again now but i only end up at prompt...23:10
=== dani is now known as Guest66804
losherSanus: ok, in that case, can you pastebin some files for me, starting with the output of blkid?23:11
CraigYounkinsjoin #ovirt23:11
t3218980Sanus: i think this might not be for me... all this about programming and things isnt what im used to ;)23:11
Sanuslosher blkid has... no output.23:11
losherSanus: sudo blkid ?23:12
Sanuslosher: Ah, there we go.23:12
Sanus/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"23:12
Sanus/dev/sda1: UUID="1240CB0440CAEE13" TYPE="ntfs"23:12
Sanus/dev/sdb1: UUID="16f331fa-0829-452b-8913-a5fcba34265c" TYPE="ext4"23:12
Sanus/dev/sdb5: UUID="eee090a9-286d-446c-a1a0-d4bb6e5f3294" TYPE="swap"23:12
losherSanus: phew...23:12
FloodBot3Sanus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:12
SanusFloodbot3 Oki23:12
Arthur___anybody know how to change the default dvd player, Linux desktop 2.6.31-20-generic  x86_64 GNU/Linux. i changed it to vlc but i dont want vlc anymore i changed the settings in system>pref> perfered applacations back to totem but when i insert a cd vlc plays it....23:13
losherSanus: no, no, no, paste the output into http://ubuntu.pastebin.com and tell us the url...23:13
Guest66804alguien sabe como reproducir archivos *.amv en ubuntu23:13
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:13
Matisseis it somehow possible to restart a crashed flash plugin without restarting firefox?23:14
losherLot of netsplits lately....23:14
SeveasMatisse, yes, restart firefox :-)23:14
julianoliverGuest66804: no lo se, pero esta pregunta es mejor en #ubuntu-es.23:14
Sanuslosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/398510/23:14
MatisseSeveas, i dont wanna :)23:15
tiestooooohey all23:15
MatisseSeveas,  too many open tabs23:15
mooni need help23:15
DG19075no hype; a USB stick is an example23:15
julianoliverGuest66804: de nada.23:15
moonany one here can download adobe flash from shell ???23:15
SeveasMatisse, make firefox save and restore them...23:15
moonany one here can download adobe flash from shell ???23:16
Seveasmoon, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer23:16
tiestooooowebsite for all linux apps23:16
tiestoooooinstall apps easily23:16
CharbeLSeveas, u can find it in software center23:17
losherok, looks like your linux root is on /dev/sdb1, which I would expect grub to refer to as (hd1,0)23:17
SeveasCharbeL, he asked for a shell command...23:17
Cogito1729Hi, I have a question regarding Ubuntu installation using USB only. Is this the right place to ask?23:17
tiestooooocan any one help me?23:17
wjmtiestooooo:  just ask your question :x23:17
Sanuslosher Yes.23:18
tiestooooowhen my machine start up i got this message23:18
julianolivertiestooooo: most Linux distributions use 'package management' to install programs, meaning that you don't need to visit websites to download install software. better, you don't need to check back for updates, as Ubuntu will tell you when a new version is available.23:18
Sanuslosher with that UID23:18
moonnot working23:18
moontell me couldnt find package23:18
losherSanus: ok, you need to mount /dev/sdb1 e.g. sudo mkdir /mnt/sdb1; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb123:19
moonnot working23:19
tiestoooookernel panic not syncing vfs: unable to mount root fs in unknown block (8.6)23:19
moonits tell me couldnt find package23:19
=== Mowee is now known as Mowiiii`Aw
t3218980Sanus: now i got a page with my internal specs....23:19
timClicksis it possible to use wget to send files to stdout?23:19
Seveasmoon, enable the multiverse/partner repos23:19
icerootis there a way to remove the ubuntu-logo at the left-upper-corner? it seems i cant make the panel smaller because the menu-icon is not scaling23:19
ukebaneiceroot, I think it's theme bound23:19
julianolivericeroot: look for the icon in the theme data and alter it, or remove it entirely?23:20
moonhow ???????23:20
Sanuslosher: I've already restored grub about 90 billion times23:20
julianolivericeroot: ... from the theme code i meant to say..23:20
carlosgaldinoHi, earlier I came here and talked about one problem with my internet connection and now I have more details. At this time, I can't connect to the eth0 but I'm connected to the wireless which is the same router that the eth0 is connected to. Why? Any ideas about it?23:20
Sanuslosher And the UUID is correct on the grub.cfg23:21
Sanust3218980: What sort of sound controller does that have?23:21
tiestooooo kernel panic not syncing vfs: unable to mount root fs in unknown block (8.6)23:21
icerootjulianoliver: hm ok but if i remeber correctly there was an option to remove the logo and the logos from the main-menu23:21
moonhow ???????23:21
icerootjulianoliver: doenst matter which theme is enabled23:21
julianolivericeroot: sorry, i actually don't use Gnome all that often..23:21
mooni have 4 hours search for this23:21
moonhow ???????23:21
icerootjulianoliver: dont worry :)23:22
t3218980Sanus: 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller23:22
losherSanus: ok, then we can skip the restore, and checking the UUID. There is one other place that the UUID appears, and that's in /etc/fstab, which in your case will be /mnt/sdb1/etc/fstab. Check the root line's UUID in /mnt/sdb1/etc/fstab23:22
Arthur___anybody know how to change the default dvd player, Linux desktop 2.6.31-20-generic  x86_64 GNU/Linux. i changed it to vlc but i dont want vlc anymore i changed the settings in system>pref> perfered applications back to totem, but when i insert a cd vlc plays it.... is there a file to edit???? i would be happy to go back to the default setting when it asks you what you want to do????? i am...23:22
Arthur___...using 64 bit system.23:22
moonwhat can ido23:23
MatisseArthur___, how about deinstalling vlc?23:23
moonto download adobe  flash23:23
=== Quan-Time_ is now known as Quan-Time
Matissemoon, use google with the given hint + ubuntu23:24
Matissemoon, multiverse/partner repos ubuntu23:24
SanusThe dev/sdb1's UUID is identical to the one used by Grub23:24
moonlook i download it but he told me open23:24
mooncan i open it by cd/root23:24
carlosgaldinoHi, earlier I came here and talked about one problem with my internet connection and now I have more details. At this time, I can't connect to the eth0 but I'm connected to the wireless which is the same router that the eth0 is connected to. Why? Any ideas about it?23:24
losherSanus: the one in your /mnt/sdb1/etc/fstab ?23:24
Matissemoon, if its a file you cant "open" it with cd23:25
moonwhere can i open it23:25
timClickscarlosgaldino: is the cable broken at all?23:25
Matissemoon, what is it?23:25
moonadobe flash23:25
Matissemoon, more precise please23:25
timClicksit could be that something is physically damaged, ethernet is usually the backup to wifi23:26
carlosgaldinotimClicks, no. It seems to be ok.23:26
Matissetiestooooo, already put that message into google?23:26
Sanuslosher Yes23:26
tiestoooooi can't find any solutions23:27
moonok i download the  program adobe flash player from the web site23:27
happyhoboI've fallen for the hype.  10.04 is no different than 9.10 other than the annoying buttons to the left.23:27
losherSanus: above, you said /dev/sdb1 was hd1,1. I think it should be hd1,0. Which one does your grub.cfg use?23:27
moonand i cant open it to work23:27
Arthur___now totem opens the dvd i don't want totem to open the dvd i want gxine too. in the multimedia tab is set to rythmbox wich is not a dvd player...23:27
wjmmoon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1414595 try that23:27
ukebanecarlosgaldino, did eth0 work before?23:27
Matissemoon, is it a .deb file?23:27
Arthur___is there a bug in the 64 bit os?23:28
SanusOh, no, it's hd0,123:28
SanusThough I should check that23:28
Matissemoon, type  dpkg -i  filename.deb23:28
SanusMake sure that's what grub is using23:28
happyhoboHow do I get a volume control on the panel with Lucid?23:28
Matissemoon, with sudo infront of it23:28
losherSanus: please check it...23:28
moonok i try23:29
wgranthappyhobo: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, please23:29
Arthur___anyone know what file to edit to change the default dvd player or make revert back to the default, where it asks you what u want to do?23:29
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carlosgaldinoukebane, yes, it was working normally but suddenly I couldn't connect to any site and then I switched to wireless and continued to use the internet23:29
ukebanecarlosgaldino, I'm guessing you tried ifdown eth0, ifup eth0?23:29
happyhobowgrant:   You're going to make me add another window to pidgin which I had to install myself.23:29
wgranthappyhobo: Yes.23:30
timClicksi wonder whether ubuntu would consider patches to change the settings in apps like gedit to have colours consistent with the rest of the theme23:30
Matissetiestooooo, does your ubuntu start anyway?23:30
timClickse.g. for syntax highlighting23:30
happyhoboNot fair23:30
carlosgaldinoukebane, nope, what is that?23:30
ukebaneyou turn your interface (network card) off and back on23:30
happyhoboI need to shave.23:30
ukebanewhich renews the dhcp ip23:30
Matissetiestooooo, did you change anything before that happened the first time?23:31
timClickscarlosgaldino: sorry, I'm not really able to help you with further diagnostics. I'm not sure what could be causing the problem. Perhaps try a different port in the router if there is more than one.23:31
Sanuslosher Am checking23:31
losherSanus: ok...23:31
Matissetiestooooo, still there?23:32
tiestooooono but i'm restarted my pc23:32
carlosgaldinotimClicks, ok, I'll try that. Thanks.23:32
Matissetiestooooo, if you got different kernel versions installed, try to change it when the menu shows up at boot up23:32
Arthur___i figured it out! open the home folder >edit>preferences> can change the media player there ubuntu amd64 9.1023:32
tiestoooooyeah it works when choose another kernel23:33
Arthur___thanks for ya help!!!23:33
tiestooooobut what's the problem?23:33
Matissedont know :)23:34
Sanuslosher: Oh wow, it sets it to hd(1,1) in the cfg file.  Heh, better fix that in 40_custom.23:34
Sanuslosher: Oh wait, no, not thinking, I got it mixed up in my head.23:34
Matissetiestooooo, how did you upgrade last timeß23:35
Sanuslosher: Sadly, hd(1,1) is right.  I have 2 hard-drives.  I've been up for 28ish hours)23:35
tiestooooosystem>administration>update manager23:36
losherSanus: are you sure? hd1,0 is the first partition on the 2nd drive. That's where I would expect sdb1 to be...23:36
Matissetiestooooo, maybe your running an old file system but i dont know, maybe anyone else knows23:37
r43gh4rhi ppl... i have a Q... i installed ubuntu9.10 on my toshiba laptop but it hangs after login....i cant do anything....the mouse move but nothing responds...help pleaseeee23:37
Sanuslosher: How would I find that out?  Fdisk blkid and the like do not show that23:37
tiestooooo:) ok matisse thanks for ur help23:38
trismSanus: you are right, hard drives count from 0 in grub2 but partitions start from 123:38
Obsidian1723-2Who decided to make 10.04LTS have the minimumize, close, maxumi order as well asm oving them from the right side to the left of the window?23:38
hugo_hola alguien me puede ayudar con ubuntu23:39
Obsidian1723-2That looks like a major bug23:39
losherSanus: in grub2 I'm not sure. In grub1, there was the 'find' command. Just for testing, just add a copy of the existing paragraph in grub.cfg but change hd1,1 to hd1,0. If you can boot with the new entry, then you can worry about making it permanent...23:39
losher!es | hugo_23:39
ubottuhugo_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:39
r43gh4rsomeone hlp me plzzz23:40
SanusI'll be back, all23:40
losherErm, shouldn't that be 'se habla solamente'?23:40
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Obsidian1723-2Who decided to make 10.04LTS have the minimumize, close, maxumi order as well asm oving them from the right side to the left of the window? Is it design or a major flaw?23:40
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montcalmI got vbox to see my usb devices under lucid. ;-)23:41
AlienDKIts a design23:41
AlienDKand it sucks!!!!!!!!!!23:41
Obsidian1723-2flawed design. It breaks the standard.23:41
AlienDKDIE 10.04 "Light"!23:41
losherObsidian1723-2: dunno, discuss it on #ubuntu+1 ....23:41
mkquistr43gh4r: what do umean u have a Q23:41
Obsidian1723-2Who smoked a fat bowl before coding that "improvement"?23:41
AlienDKI would like to know too23:41
r43gh4rmkquist a question23:41
xanguaObsidian1723-2: who said standars are buttons in right¿23:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:41
DILthey were lucid23:41
Obsidian1723-2xangua, well since 90% of the world uses Windows....23:42
losherDIL: :-)23:42
RettawAnybody else with a broken switch-user applet?23:42
LjLObsidian1723-2: that doesn't make it the standard. anyway, #ubuntu-offtopic23:43
Signal360anybody know how to fix this? "No wubidlr"23:43
Matisseis it somehow possible to restart a crashed flash plugin without restarting firefox?23:44
Sir_KonradMatisse: no.23:44
snxsMatisse no, restart firefox23:44
Signal360is there a wubi channel?23:45
happyhoboI just added the mint menu to lucid.  Does anyone else here like the mint menu?23:45
Lokia short question (sorry to interrupt) ... does anyone know a good tutorial for gimp23:45
Signal360wubi doesn't like me :|23:46
Obsidian1723-2Loki, checked YouTube?23:46
gardarLoki, http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/23:46
Signal360or maybe more Vista hates me.23:46
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=== Azelphur is now known as digitalfiz
Lokiwell I checked youtube, but this is all a bit to fast, I want to learn it from scratch ...thanks gardar23:47
dsdaniel_alguem ai na sala??23:48
dsdaniel_alguem na sala pra me tirar uma duvidA???23:48
greezmunkeyLoki: Check gimp-tutorials.net23:49
xangua!pt | dsdaniel_23:49
ubottudsdaniel_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:49
Lokigreezmunkey: will do23:49
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=== Guest6534 is now known as principito
plitterhave anyone gotten chatroulette to work?23:50
Mark___When I try to run os-prober I get an error ls; cannot access /var/lib/os-prober/mount/boot23:51
tucemiuxanyone knows how to fix the mic on intel sound cards?? this is really getting to be quite annoying23:51
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gardarnope plitter :(23:52
plitteri get it to show my cam but cant see anyone else....23:52
andrilhello all23:52
shabhow I think ppa software in launchpad?23:53
Gran_GerHi there. Need help. When I'm trying to select the user folder at the Places menu, there is an error: file:///home/user23:53
Gran_Gerthere is any application asociated to this option23:53
andrilany good tips/help on building FTP server?23:53
mkquistLoki: gimp.org/tutorials23:53
mkquistLoki: www.gimp.org/tutorials23:54
Gran_GerOk. The message is: There isn't any application registered to handle this file.23:54
greezmunkeyLoki: I have gone through several of them, with some pretty decent results!23:55
Lokigreezmunkey: so how did you actually learn to work with it?23:56
whiterdoes anyone else's firefox hang randomly when using it?23:56
kaie`i have ubuntu on an aspireONE... the sdcard slot doesnt detect cards being inserted =/23:56
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j3rgany Wii owners23:59
andrilI ahve a Wii23:59

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