
=== ShadeS_ is now known as ShadeS
kaainaathwhat is the best program to replace adobe after effects?13:06
holsteinhey kaainaath13:58
holsteinwhat adobe?13:59
holsteinand what effects?13:59
* holstein smacks 4head14:40
holsteinhow the hell am i suppose to know what adobe makes ;)14:40
holsteini thought we were talking about adobe pdf's after applying some kind of effect to them14:41
huayrahi guys22:39
huayraI need some advice here22:39
huayraI've got this very promising artist in Norway wanting to move to Ubuntu22:39
huayrabut I have a couple of problems: an external USB Audio Card AND Fuity Loops Studio 722:40
huayrathe first one seems to be supported on the Kernel22:40
huayrathe second seems to be supported by Wine as Platinum22:40
huayramy questions:22:40
huayra1. Ubuntu Studio should be the choice for such an operation, right?22:41
huayra2. Anyone has an overview of how sound is handled in linux and can give me some help (specially with the wine part)22:41
huayraanyone tried this kind of crazy combination?22:41
huayratha was 3.22:42
tucemiuxanykone knows how to fix mic problems in ubuntu karmic?  The mic has no sound in karmic, youre in there holstein ??23:43

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