=== anzenketh|brb is now known as anzenketh [00:14] If a bug is reported in another language, do we mark it as invalid or incomplete ? [00:19] dupondje: invalid, ask the reporter to open a new one in english (or not at all) [00:20] or find someone to translate it ;) [00:20] pace_t_zulu: looking for me? [00:20] sometimes it's possible to work out what a reporters problem is by using an online translator [00:21] chrisccoulson: right - and it's not like we have enough on our plates already :) [00:21] anyway, not being able to translate is not a valid reason to close invalid [00:21] just checking some thunderbird bugs, as its a mess right now :) [00:21] agreed, but some reporters may not be able to re-submit in english [00:23] dupondje: what is the bug #? Perhaps I know (or somebody here knows) the language [00:24] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/456369 [00:24] Launchpad bug 456369 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Ligthning no agrega nueva tarea desde barra de texto (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] [00:24] for example ... [00:24] looks spanish [00:24] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/242265 => and this is a bug in 'english' ;p what should we do with such thing for example ? [00:24] Launchpad bug 242265 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "This is not a bug (dups: 1)" [Undecided,New] [00:25] eeeek. Here goes a rather bastardised translation [00:27] in the window that opens when one presses the button below and to the left "Tareas" (tabs?) there is a text area whe it should be possible to create new "tareas" [00:27] now wtf is tareas... [00:28] below there is a grille with the existing tabs [00:28] hggdh - my translation says it is "tasks" [00:28] which makes sense [00:29] oh. Now it does, indeed. Thanks, chrisccoulson, this is what happens when I translate from Spanish-looking languages ;-) [00:30] tareas == (Portuguese) tarefas == (English) tasks. Heh [00:34] seems like half of the thunderbird bugs are garbage. 'Hi, I can't sent emails' ... :p [00:36] anywya going to sleep [00:36] nite [00:39] dupondje: I added a comment on the bug. You can always use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Not%20reported%20in%20English [01:23] anything I need to add for Bug #543114 ? [01:23] alex_mayorga: Bug 543114 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/543114 is private [01:24] alex_mayorga: what bug is it? [01:24] (I can't see it since its private) [01:41] nigelb: try once more [01:41] Bug #543114 [01:41] Launchpad bug 543114 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "gnome-screensaver-gl-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in _fini() (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/543114 [01:41] this is a bug on Lucid [01:42] information is enough, changed back to private [01:42] need to wait for apport retracing === yofel_ is now known as yofel [06:34] micahg: have you seen bug 531987 ? [06:34] Launchpad bug 531987 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox displays extension page on start (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/531987 [06:39] ddecator: sorry, not in the bug mindset tonight [06:40] micahg: that's fine, i'm just not sure if it's something you've seen before (didn't find any dupes) and if the error message has enough info for you. no rush though, you can look at it later [06:49] ddecator: BTW, openjdk is registered in my browser on upgrade to lucid [06:50] micahg: you mean that java is recognized by firefox without needing to change anything? [06:50] ddecator: right [06:50] * micahg hunts for a java site [06:51] micahg: well that's good news =) [06:52] ddecator: ugh, the verify java test on java.com crashed my browser :( [06:53] micahg: darn... [06:55] micahg: in better news, i've gotten sqlite to build and so far the build is going further than it has before =) [08:22] boo [08:22] any one home? [08:23] whatcha need? [08:23] I was trying to work out how to file a bug [08:23] on a failed installation [08:23] when did it fail? [08:23] install worked well [08:24] but on reboot, there is a glitch with booting using UUID [08:24] had to force it to /dev/sda1 to boot up [08:24] then of course X wont start cause of a segmentation fault with the nouvea driver [08:24] so thought Id try and log a bug and help out [08:24] hm, so the first problem was with grub? [08:25] but all the online documentation says about opening the help menu, which of course I cant get to [08:25] yeah, 1 with grub [08:25] 2nd on nouvea [08:25] alright, have you searched to see if they have been reported yet? [08:25] so I guess the question Im hoping for help is [08:26] where do you go to log a bug if you can't get to it in the menu [08:26] "help and support" [08:26] bugs.launchpad.net [08:26] ok going there now [08:26] you may want to do a google search of "site:bugs.launchpad.net " to see if those bugs have been reported yet =) [08:26] dbwalsh72: ubuntu-bug [08:27] oh yah, i keep forgetting about that command... [08:27] thatnks you two [08:27] Ill search first [08:27] dbwalsh72: you can also run "ubuntu-bug " to use apport for reporting a bug =) [08:28] that works from cli? [08:28] yes [08:28] (no X due to nouvea bug) [08:28] cool thats exactly what I needed [08:28] thanks [08:28] np =) [08:29] dbwalsh72: have you tried manually starting X? [08:29] dbwalsh72: I think that it might work on lucid in cli, just not exactly sure how [08:29] yes. [08:29] get a segmentation fault on nouvea [08:29] so next step was to reconfigure X and use a different driver [08:29] hm, didn't know if it just happened automatically or if you tried manually too [08:29] but thought perhaps I might help out with submitting the bug first [08:30] dbwalsh72: well we appreciate the help =) [08:30] I been using linux long enough that perhaps Its a way I can help for a change :) [08:34] it works from lucid in cli [08:34] gives you lists to choose from [08:34] perfect =) [08:35] hmmm wants me to reproduce the crash and produce a backtrace, this is interesting :) [08:36] yup, that'll help apport look for possible dupes and, if it's new, will be information that devs can use to help debug the problem [08:42] ooops [08:42] crashed the whole systme hehehehe [08:42] how did you install lucid? [08:42] usgin latest beta cd [08:42] the alpha3 worked fine on this other box [08:42] thought Id install the beta [08:43] gotto reboot it [08:43] didnt like gdb [08:43] huh, ok, just wanted to make sure you had the latest release [08:43] gotto go give it the old three fingered salute [08:44] bbl [08:47] I'm trying to debug a Firefox segfault on Karmic. I saw a new graphical debugger recently but have lost it. Anyone know what it might be? recommendations? [08:50] how many bugs about empathy in Lucid? [08:51] it's really strange for me that I need to open and close the program more than 3 times if I'm lucky for it to connect [08:52] Damascene: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy [08:52] you'll have to search for lucid-specific ones [08:52] I see [08:53] Damascene: a lot of times they'll have a 'lucid' tag =) [08:54] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&fi [08:54] eld.subscriber=&field.tag=lucid&field.tags_combinator=ANY&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.affects_me.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_branches.used=&field.has_branches=on&field.has_no_branches.used=&field.has_no_branches=on [08:54] sorry [08:54] that was the advanced search [09:20] how do you add a directory heirarchy in gdb? [09:20] you add 1 dir with the 'directory' command. I don't see how it finds a heirarchy. === kermiac is now known as kermiac_ [09:26] are there any more appropriate channels to help with these questions? [09:26] more appropriate --> more likely to get answers [09:26] probably #gnome on gimpnet [11:47] Got my resolution to the Firefox bug: the developers are uninterested because the cause is being Out Of Memory. [11:47] * edakiri sighs [12:33] nigelb: for the cheese apport hook , you are doing it like the rb one , asking questions of the problem before collecting info , right? [12:33] vish: nothing to ask [12:33] k.. [12:34] I'm collecting hardware info, gstreamer info, and, xorglog [12:35] righto. [12:35] vish: running lucid? [12:35] yup [12:35] aha, perfect test candidate [12:36] * vish should probably have thought before answering :p [12:36] okay, so create a file in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ called source_cheese.py [12:39] vish: paste this content into it http://pastebin.com/WPk3VQmz [12:39] and run ubuntu-bug cheese from alt+f2 [12:39] see if it opens cheese. if it does not, I'm doing something wrong [12:48] nigelb: cheese doesnt open , let me upload the bug report it generates [12:48] did you get warning? [12:48] err, information pop up [12:49] the "Cheese will now open. Please wait till you see a video or an error message before closing cheese" message? [12:49] nigelb: you got those [12:49] but cheese didnt actually open [12:50] vish: yep [12:50] s/you/yup* [12:50] ah [12:50] I hate that command_output thing [12:50] its always a little messy [12:50] vish: try changing to "report["Cheese-Debug.log"] = apport.hookutils.command_output(['GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3', 'cheese -v'])" [12:56] nigelb: nope [12:56] vish: last try (['GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3 cheese -v']) [12:56] nigelb: hehe , tried that too :) [12:56] didnt work [12:57] okay, try (['cheese', '-v']) [12:59] nigelb: \o/ [12:59] that works [13:00] which means I need to talk to pitti about apport dealing with debugging symbols [13:00] vish: okay one more favor [13:00] ...? [13:03] typing [13:03] vish: http://pastebin.com/6bbtfEQk [13:05] nigelb: GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3 cheese -v 2>&1 | tee cheesedebug.txt [13:05] that works^ [13:05] vish: ah, well whatever ;) [13:05] simply doing > debug.txt didnt work [13:06] vish: you wont see output, but it should work [13:06] nigelb: yup , i mean the output doesnt get written in the .txt , it stays only in the terminal [13:07] vish: worked for me. anyway, nonissue ;) [13:14] vish: done yet? [13:15] nigelb: cheese -v give nothing except the version and no debugging [13:15] vish: ugh :( [13:15] nigelb: only this line > Cheese 2.29.92 [13:16] nigelb: its the pre Cheese 2.29.92 and post difference i guess [13:16] vish: I'm on 2.28, so its very differnt from that [13:16] exactly :) [13:16] vish: this means, hook not ready yet. Need to talk to pitti [13:17] vish: i'm not sure debugging needs to be done in the hook yet though [13:17] most packages require uses to debug only when the debug output is really necessary [13:18] nigelb: i dont think we need debugging in the hook always.. [13:19] nigelb: but would be easier if it was there ;) [13:19] vish: I did that for rhythmbox, but seb told me not required [13:19] if we want it, we can ask it [13:20] nigelb: why not have it as an option? when debug required we can ask user to select the debug option.. [13:21] vish: basic UI design. Present user with least amount of choice. [13:21] it is very difficult for user to judge whether required or not [13:21] nigelb: not necessarily .. [13:22] nigelb: when we have the bug report , we know what option to ask the user.. if only hard info needed we can say collect info. if the user says video crappy/no audio recorded/ crashes , we can say select the option 2 and it will collect the info [13:23] hardware info* [13:23] ah, apport doesn't yet do that difference [13:23] it presents the same ui with apport-collect and ubuntu-bug [13:24] the same choices. maybe something that needs to be added to appotr [13:24] nigelb: what wrong in having same choices for both? we need the proper wording , thats all... like how the RB one is done [13:25] vish: In RB different things can go wrong. Here there are only 2 and either ways we need both [13:25] one is hardware and other is gstreamer [13:26] yes , so lesser choices ;) .. i'm still not sure why it is a problem asking for the option [13:26] vish: we can't identify whats wrong with symptoms [13:26] we need hard information [13:27] nigelb: then we need debug always.. which you mentioned it was not needed.. ;) hence i mentioned the options ;p [13:27] vish: no no, for debugging gtreamer trouble, gstreamer log would be sufficient [13:29] nigelb: hmm... then when is it we /need/ the cheese debug? [13:30] vish: unsure. its when something breaks and you want to figure out waht [13:31] vish: lemme ask upstream dev anyway [13:31] neat.. :) [13:32] vish: just a doubt [13:32] GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3 [13:33] vish: ^ runs cheese and gives debugging info? [13:33] nigelb: nope [13:33] GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3 cheese -v [13:33] try removing -v? [13:34] that works too , but we need to start "cheese" [13:34] nigelb: lemme compare the two debugs [13:35] vish: without -v cheese doesn't start? [13:35] it starts [13:36] this could fix the trouble [13:36] any difference between debugs? [13:36] vish: need to step out at 7:30. we need to wrap up soon :) [13:38] nigelb: diff of cheese -v and cheese > http://paste.ubuntu.com/398765/ [13:39] vish: only one difference, it doesnt report version number, I can live with that [13:39] yea [13:39] vish: try playing with the hook with (['GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3', 'cheese']) [13:39] and (['GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3 cheese']) [13:41] nigelb: nope nothing starts cheese :( [13:41] ugh [13:42] vish: last try (['GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3') [13:42] :( no.. [13:43] * nigelb thinks in a cooler mind it might be something to with python [14:10] vish: hacking apport source code now at frustration :p [14:10] :) [14:34] My sound not mute external audio when input my headphone, it's a bug or how can I do this with configuration? [15:00] nigelb: just mention to fillipo , you meant "for all the bugs " :) === ccooke_ is now known as ccooke === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:31] vish: around? [17:33] vish: test hook with (['cheese', '--gst-debug=*cheese*:3']) and let me know what happens [17:43] * vish TRIES [17:44] bad caps lock :/ [17:45] nigelb: \o/ works [17:46] vish: success. I'll take your choice for menu options. [17:47] nigelb: the wording for the first dialogue needs a bit of change too [17:47] nigelb: since we wont be using that always [17:47] vish: your call. you're the designer. I'm only the developer [17:47] ;) [17:48] nigelb: can cheese be restarted if we use the Help> report a problem? [17:49] vish: we can ask that cheese be closed if its already running :) [17:51] nigelb: right , so we should detect if it is running first . then ask for close if the debug option is selected [17:52] vish: not really. Just modify the current info pop up. Please close cheese if its already running. Cheese will be restarted in debug mode to collect more information. [17:52] nigelb: yes , but asking for close if the user wants to select the second option would not be required [17:53] nigelb: or we should ask for user to close before proceeding when debug is selected [17:53] vish: I'll check with some pythonf folks abot it [17:53] vish: thts what I meant. when debug is selected. we ask user to close cheese [17:54] nigelb: hmm , right. but the dialogue show appear only when already running [17:54] nigelb: if they run apport-collect or ubuntu-bug it would be misleading [17:54] vish: I think it is entirely possible from code. Have to check with python folks [17:54] nigelb: neat thanks.. [18:15] vish: the gz is not my doing [18:15] its thanks to LP [18:20] vish: could you take a look at bug 501054 if it comes under papercutters purview? [18:20] Launchpad bug 501054 in gcalctool (Ubuntu) "gcalctool 5.29 hides switch for display format in its settings window (affects: 4)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/501054 [19:03] I have a bug that looks like a kernel bug, but I'm not sure. [19:03] What can I do to isolate useful information on it? [19:04] When I create a process that uses enough memory that it forces a large swapping operation, the system hangs with no disk activity for several minutes, before commencing the expected thrashing and eventually becoming responsive again. [19:04] What do I need to include in a bug report to maximize the odds that it will be successfully reproduced? [19:05] I have a C program that triggers it pretty consistently, as well as an equivalent Python snippet. [19:07] vmstat, iostat [19:07] (yes, I realise there will be non-trivial interaction) [19:10] crimsun: What precisely do I need to do? [19:12] continuous output from both those [19:17] crimsun: As in do iostat 1 > iostat.log, vmstat 1 > vmstat.log, and run the triggering program? [19:19] that's one approach, yes [19:19] crimsun: Did you have another one in mind? [19:19] there are a couple of increasing complexity and resourcefulness (no pun intended) [19:25] Should I file this against package "linux"? [19:25] it really isn't very useful at this stage. [19:25] What can I do to make it more useful? [19:25] e.g., you haven't demonstrated that it isn't related to possibly-broken hw [19:26] Such as bad HDD sectors? [19:26] correct [19:26] (assuming you have rotary, of course) [19:28] It seems like it would be logical to find someone else running Ubuntu64 and see whether the same behavior happens when they run the code snippets. [19:32] crimsun: I don't know how I would rule out a bad HDD. I checked smartctl, and no errors or sector relocations have been reported. [19:35] crimsun: Is there any special formatting on swap partitions? I am thinking of swapoff'ing and zeroing the partition to see whether it chokes. [19:36] Orborde: none, really. [19:37] Orborde: if you've run the thorough test in smartctl, you could file a bug report and attach all the info. [19:37] crimsun: smartctl -t long ? [19:38] That runs fine in the background even when the machine is in use, correct? [19:50] OK, here's some interesting stuff from dmesg: http://pastebin.com/AeGktjza [19:50] I have a bunch of entries like this. [19:51] From various random programs. [19:52] hmm. [19:52] Orborde: check bug 262843 [19:52] Launchpad bug 262843 in linux (Ubuntu) "[2.6.27-2.3] (sometimes temporary ?!) system deadlock with io_schedule (affects: 3)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/262843 [19:54] Could be related, I guess. [19:55] Doesn't seem like they have a specific set of steps to reproduce [19:55] scheduling is hard [19:55] if you're running -generic, can you reproduce the symptom using -preempt? (You have to be using amd64.) [19:57] crimsun: Are you asking me to change a boot flag, install a package, or what? [19:58] *install a kernel image package [19:58] crimsun: linux-image-*-rt? [19:59] -preempt. It's available for amd64. [20:01] crimsun: I can't find it. It's not in a weird repo, is it? [20:02] are you using lucid on amd64? [20:02] sorry, I should have made that explicit [20:03] crimsun: 9.10 [20:03] karmic [20:03] right, so that is insufficient for -preempt [20:04] try reproducing it in 1) a mainline kernel, 2) a mainline kernel, 3) a mainline kernel [20:04] Euuuuuugggghhh. [20:05] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ [20:07] crimsun: Where did you get those kernel versions you wanted me to try? [20:07] Also, I don't see a on here, just a bunch of RCs [20:08] bah, apw ^^^ (no [20:09] Orborde: those kernel versions are the latest stable point releases for upstream [20:09] i.e., one of the first things that will be asked is, "Can you reproduce the symptom using a mainline kernel?" [20:17] W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [20:17] crimsun: ^ [20:18] Orborde: it isn't a ppa. [20:18] Orborde: I specifically pointed you to the directory because it *isn't* a ppa. [20:18] crimsun: Oh, I should be downloading the .debs directly, then? [20:18] correct. [20:19] doesn't seem to have any debs -> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.32.10-lucid/ [20:20] it failed to build from source (ftbfs) [20:20] sigh, it'll probably be addressed this work week [20:20] sorry, I can't push magic buttons,since I'm not a Canonical employee [20:20] Haha, I understand === FlannelKing is now known as Flannel === anzenketh_ is now known as anzenketh