
fedoraloggerJontheEchidna: please take a look at bug 21279600:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212796 in kubuntu-default-settings "Kubuntu lacks default key bindings for Switch One Desktop Down/Up/etc" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21279600:00
* fedoralogger doesnt think we should set that00:00
fedoraloggeralso ctrl+alt+arrow is used in various apps00:00
macofedoralogger: what does? O_o00:20
fedoraloggerI have a feeling I use that shortcut at times00:22
fedoraloggeror used maybe00:23
macoctrl+alt+arrows is what compiz uses00:23
macoive never *heard* of it colliding with anything00:23
fedoraloggercompiz collieds with all sorts of things00:23
fedoraloggermostly it just stays unnoticed :P00:23
fedoraloggeri.e. it used to collide with ooo for years on some rather unused shortcut00:24
* Sput has been using ctrl+alt+arrows for desktop switching for a decade00:24
Sputcan't remember it ever having collide00:24
macoyeah the non-default plugins sometimes do00:24
fedoraloggerin that case00:24
fedoraloggerlets bring it to upstreams attention!00:24
macobut the desktop switch ive never heard of a collision00:24
macoooo does WEIRD shortcuts, btw. try F11. it's NOT fullscreen! wtf?00:24
fedoraloggerf11 is not fullscreen in a lot of kde apps either :P00:25
macodo those ones *have* fullscreen at all?00:25
macofor OOo, f11 is "styles" and fullscreen is something else that doesnt fit any hig that im aware of00:27
SputF11 was styles already back when it was still Star Office00:29
Sputwhich predates KDE :)00:29
Sputhm. now I feel old again.00:31
* fedoralogger wants a machine that goes "bing"00:31
macothats old00:37
macoi was a gnome user when i noticed the f11 weirdness. gnome and i think kde both say f11=fullscreen, and windows does too i'm sure00:37
fedoraloggermaco: I do not think KDE's hig says f11 for fullscreen00:38
macoi'll go look00:38
fedoraloggerif so then I would know more apps that violate that guideline than those following it ^^00:38
macoi was assuming it since it seems to be default elsewhere00:38
macoyes, the hig says fullscreen = f1100:39
fedoraloggerkonsole doesnt follow that00:41
fedoraloggerneither does kaffeine, dragon or bangaran IIRC00:41
fedoraloggerin fact only konqueror and rekonq come to mind regarding f11 for fullscreen00:41
fedoraloggerthough those also support ctrl+shift+f IIRC,00:41
fedoraloggerwhich seems to be more an established standard than f1100:42
fedoraloggerkrdc also does use ctrl+shift+f and not f1100:42
fedoraloggersame for okular00:43
fedoraloggerseele: ^ I think the f11 for shortcut paradigm should either be enforced within core KDE software or exchanged with ctrl+shift+f00:44
fedoraloggerlatter seems to be the better choice because konsole for example cant use f11 at any rate because it might conflict with CLI shortcuts00:45
nixternalwhew, so good to be back home04:18
nixternalI am going to sleep for 2 days I think04:18
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Mamarokwhat -dbg package do I have to install to get a valid backtrace for Dolphin? I have repeated crashes when copying07:57
Mamarokthere is non for dolphin, shouldn't there be one?08:00
corigoLoaded 4.4.1 on 9.10 (Kubuntu_64) and now my workspace is crashing on login. Black desktop with no UI08:00
persiaAre there dbgsym ddebs?08:01
persiaIf there's *neither* -dbg nor ddebs, it's an issue, but often there are ddebs when there is no -dbg08:01
Mamarokpersia: ddebs? Never heard of :)08:05
persiaThey're all housed at http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/08:07
persiaI'll give you a wiki page if I can find it that talks about them.08:07
Mamarokpersia: thanks a lot :)08:11
Tonio_sebas: hey :)08:59
corigoSeeing this bug all over again on 4.4.1 on Ubuntu_64_9.10 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22534108:59
ubottuKDE bug 225341 in general "Plasma Workspace (kdeinit4), signal: Segmentation fault [KCrash Handler]" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate]08:59
Tonio_sebas: I found out a little bug in the plasmoid08:59
Tonio_sebas: as some points when it starts up, I see the list of all available networks, and the button on the bottom shows "show more", which means I should only see the known networks09:00
Tonio_I have to click on show more, then show less, and then I get something "normal"09:00
Tonio_I'll take a screenshot next time it happens...09:00
fedoraloggerMamarok: kdebase-dbg09:30
Mamarokfedoralogger: thanks, I just added all -dbg packages for the base system10:19
markeygah gah10:37
markeythe new Nvidia driver really hates me10:38
markeycrashed again :(10:38
markeyoh well, restarting KDE once in a while fixes memory leaks nicely ;)10:38
markeyfedoralogger: heh, what's up with your nick? :)10:38
markeyfeel like reading some FUD? it is pretty nasty, so maybe better not read it: http://sandeep.wordpress.com/2010/03/21/ubuntu-lucid-worst-ever-kde-4-4-1-slowest-ever/10:44
markey"Instead what we have is an OS with a weird unusable theme"10:44
markeyit didn't look unsable to me10:44
markeyunusable even10:45
* jussi01 giglles at that article... surely he cant be serious...10:50
fedoraloggersure he can!10:53
fedoraloggermarkey: nixternal unveild that I was secretly in love with fedora, so now I am fedora developer10:53
markeyah, heh10:53
markeya double agent10:54
fedoraloggernot anymore10:54
markeyI secretly work on XMMS, btw10:54
fedoraloggerxmms2 is the gnome!10:54
fedoraloggerwants to install a billion packages10:54
markeynah, the _real_ XMMS, version 0.610:54
markeyall later versions were crap10:54
markeyit's my favorite player10:55
markeyit's funny to try pushing the fixed size buttons on a display with high DPI :p10:55
fedoraloggeris xmms written in C?10:56
fedoraloggerif so I could join you... that cpp business is getting annoying :P10:56
fedoraloggerlatest newsgroup posting is about whether instance N of class A ought to delete instance B of class C, even though B is not on the heap and not even created by N10:58
jussi01fedoralogger: shhh, you are making us look insane... oh whoops :P10:59
fedoralogger"should I, as fedora developer, delete opensuse's kde 3 kdelibs?"11:00
fedoraloggersame thing11:01
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fedoraloggeralways them things no one knows about11:37
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robinpI'm trying to install kdevelop from the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta repository however KPackageKit seems to keep getting stuck on downloading vlagrind. Anyone know what the problem might be ?11:57
Riddellstuck in what way?11:58
robinpRiddell: you jinxed me. It was just not downloading but as soon as you said something it started working again :/12:01
Riddellrobinp: beta was out recently so I think the servers have been busy12:05
robinpRiddell: kk np12:05
markeyfedoralogger: yes, XMMS is C, but I plan to implement a C compiler in Ruby, and then put it in there, and then make the C compiler run a Ruby interpreter. that seems to be a simple solution12:20
markeyI like simple solutions12:20
markeypossibly also adding Visual Basic support12:20
Mamarokmarkey: could I has GW Basic, too?12:21
markeygood idea!12:21
markeyof course12:21
Mamarokand maybe dBase?12:21
* Mamarok knows dBase12:21
markeybut we have to remove music playing. that's rather useless anyway12:22
Mamarokyeah, what was that for again?12:22
markeya silly idea, nothing more12:22
markeyultimately, I also want to put KMail in XMMS12:23
markeyit could fit nicely in the playlist12:23
Mamarokmarkey: to play mails?12:30
Riddellhow do I link a bug in launchpad to a KDE bug?12:33
Riddellhum, seemed to work now12:34
ScottKmarkey: They guy with the blog post was pointing at a bug about the Ubuntu theme while he was complaining about Kubuntu, so clearly he's confused.12:37
ScottKI do think there's a point about slowness with nepomuk or something.  4.4 is a lot slower on 1GB RAM than 4.3 was.12:38
markeyScottK: yep, the blog seemed rather bizarre. I wouldn't take it too seriously :)12:40
ScottKI considered leaving a sarcastic comment, but that would only lend it credence.12:40
Riddellooh CDs don't have icon cache on them today and down to 661MB (even with french and german installed), nice12:47
Riddellagateau: I uploaded oxygen with nepomuk icon also in hicolour13:16
Riddellmarkey (agateau): how do I read this http://gitorious.org/amarok/amarok/commit/4089c5848702367146b7b441a1347be1720f9ee213:21
Riddellthere's nothing saying what red or green means13:21
shadeslayerok um.. the network management widget... it cant detect wifi networks,this is via the kubuntu experimental ppa13:24
Riddellis the kded enabled?13:25
markeyRiddell: yeah, the colors are confusing. Red = removed. The green line is what stayed13:25
markeyRiddell: I only removed the block above13:25
markeyI can't even see the colors properly without shifting my screen slightly13:26
markey(I'm minimally color blind, and the colors they chose are probably the worst possible)13:26
markeyRiddell: wait, I can show you a much better diff13:26
shadeslayerRiddell: the load on demand service one? nope13:27
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Riddellmarkey: looks like we already have that in then, slotScrollRequired is just the one line http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/amarok/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu/05_kstatusnotifieritem.diff13:30
Riddellshadeslayer: well, there you go13:30
ScottKRiddell: Did you plan on uploading kde4libs today?13:32
RiddellScottK: nothing currently kde4libs-ish on my todo13:33
markeyRiddell: yep, looks OK13:34
ScottKRiddell: OK. Jon Thomas put some worthwhile stuff in bzr.  I'll maybe take a look at uploading this afternoon if no one else does first.13:34
shadeslayerRiddell: so how do i enable it?13:35
Riddellshadeslayer: instructions are in the original e-mail i sent to kubuntu-devel13:37
shadeslayerRiddell: ok ill have to pull that out :D13:37
shadeslayerRiddell: can you tell me which month you sent the email?13:40
Riddellshadeslayer: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2010-March/004137.html13:41
shadeslayerRiddell: ah ok...i was browsing from the jaunary version13:42
Riddelldantti: ping13:42
Riddellkubuntu-devel-03-13.txt:[08:04] <glatzor> Riddell, I made some bug fixes to the 0.5.X branch of packagekit which are worth cherry picking.13:42
danttiRiddell: pong13:42
Riddellkubuntu-devel-03-13.txt:[08:04] <glatzor> Riddell, especially the fixes to the search and the encoding handling13:42
Riddelldantti: do you know where I can find those ^^13:42
shadeslayerRiddell: thanks :D13:43
danttiRiddell: afaik it's about the last Pk version released today...13:43
macoum did knetworkmanager explode yesterday? i dont think i installed any updates for it (just for quassel) in the last week though...13:44
danttiRiddell: btw what do you think it's more important for aptcc, install .deb files or get distro upgrades?13:44
Riddelldantti: ah, there's a packagekit 0.5.8 which isn't listed on http://www.packagekit.org/pk-download.html13:45
Riddelldantti: in lucid we're using kpackagekit for distro upgrade (karmic too although the update-notifier-kde is the main one) so we'd need to keep that13:46
Riddellinstall .deb files we can keep using our install-package script even though it's been on our list of things to get rid of for some time13:46
Riddellin general glatzor and mvo still need to be convinced about aptcc though, they know more about the issues than I do but I don't think they're convinced by it yet13:47
danttiRiddell: hmm but afaik python apt can install files..13:47
Riddellof course if you come to UDS you can convince them :)13:47
Riddelldantti: yes kpackagekit can install .deb files using python apt backend which is nice, but mostly we havn't got around to porting things to using it yet13:48
danttihehe, well I conviced myself this weekend while installing packages on a notebook with 1gb of ram.. :P13:49
Riddelldantti: I think kpackagekit can't do "apt-get update" which is needed for software-properties-kde and is another reason we can't get rid of our install-package script13:49
danttiRiddell: why It can't?13:49
danttipython apt does it (or did) the wrong way, since it didn't get localization of package descriptions13:50
danttiRiddell: btw did they fixed this issue in newer versions?13:50
danttithat was one of the first things aptcc did... :P13:51
Riddelldantti: why it can't do "apt-get update"?  I don't think there's a command line for it is all, software-properties-kde needs a graphical way to call apt-get update13:51
Riddelldantti: I don't know, I've not looked into package translations13:51
danttiRiddell: I'm confused do you need a cmd line like kpackagekit --refresh-cache?13:52
Riddelldantti: yes13:52
danttiRiddell: that's quite easy to do.. :P iirc there is a dbus object for that too which one do you prefer?13:53
Riddelldantti: probably just a command line is easiest13:53
danttiorg.kde.KPackageKitSmartIcon there is a RefreshCache but I can add a cmd line..13:54
danttis/there is/has13:54
Riddelldantti: nothing here   qdbus org.kde.KPackageKitSmartIcon /org/freedesktop/PackageKit | grep -i cache13:55
danttiRiddell: is it running?13:55
danttiit's dbus activated13:55
Riddelldantti: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/n8rt8GbN yes13:56
danttiweird it's there for quite a while..13:56
danttiRiddell: ah no there are two interfaces13:56
danttithat one is shared with gnome packagekit13:57
Riddelldantti: where is the other?13:58
danttiRiddell: if you open with qdbusviewer you will see13:59
danttiI'm trying to use this qdbus but no lucky yet13:59
danttiRiddell: qdbus org.kde.KPackageKitSmartIcon /14:00
danttiRiddell: no, qdbus org.kde.KPackageKitSmartIcon / org.kde.KPackageKitSmartIcon.RefreshCache14:01
Riddellah "/"  dbus can be confusing14:01
Riddelldantti: that's not quite what I'm after, the only GUI there is the systray icon, I'd like a dialogue with a progress bar14:02
danttithe only problem is what i've told you, you should check if python apt is now downloading the packages localizations..14:02
Riddelldantti: this isn't high priority of course, we have install-package and it works for now :)14:02
danttiwell that's easy to add too.. I'll just talk with richard what he thinks on adding it to gpk too14:03
danttithis way any pk tool could do it14:03
macopossibly knm just freaks out if you've pressed the rf kill button at some point? ive had "networking is disabled" coming from it since i pressed that switch yesterday, through 4 reboots14:15
Riddellmaco: neither network-manager nor knetworkmanager have been updated since a week before beta14:16
macook then i think i found a bug in knm14:17
shadeslayerRiddell: choqok released their beta version,will this get into the repo?14:17
shadeslayer( the main one )14:17
macoit refuses to use network devices after the rf kill switch has been used, *evar*14:17
Riddellshadeslayer: if someone packages it, gets it tested and it passes feature freze requirements14:17
* shadeslayer thinks....14:17
shadeslayerRiddell: oh and kcm touchpad is very buggy14:18
Riddellmaco: try killing it and rm ~/.kde/share/config/networkmanagementrc then restarting14:18
Riddellthat'll tell us if it's knetworkmanager's fault or network-manager14:18
shadeslayerRiddell: apparently tapping works in KDM but not after logging in14:18
macoRiddell: is that gonna lose all my saved wpa keys?14:19
Riddellmaco: they should be in kwallet but it may lose other details, move it aside rather than remove it if you care about them14:20
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macoew battery level tooltips in ubuntu went away?15:08
macoScottK, seele: thanks for convincing me to switch to kubuntu15:08
nigelbmaco: I might switch.  I'm missing that quite a lot15:11
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dpmRiddell, in Catalan we'd like to have the 'ca@valencia' translations in the same language pack as 'ca', as in the gnome language pack. I still have to check if other teams using variants also prefer to have it like this. But in any case, how can we do this, shall I just open a bug?15:51
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fedoraloggerdpm: shoulnt that be done in rosetta/lang-pack build scripts?16:44
dpmhi fedoralogger, it actually is, but there is a bit missing. Kubuntu translations are a bit different in the sense that apart from the translations in language packs, they need the kde-l10n-$LOCALE packages installed as well. This is the part I meant: having the kde-l10n-$LOCALE and kde-l10n-$LOCALE-variant packages merged into one (I think that part is the one the kubuntu packaging tools do)16:48
fedoraloggerdpm: in that case language-selector should map ca@valencia to ca16:48
fedoraloggerbecause doing it in the source package would make them a lot more difficult to manipulate via scripting magic16:49
jussi01fedoralogger: that nick really doesnt suit you... can we have our apachelogger back? :D16:52
dpmfedoralogger, well if it has to make packaging more difficult, we might as well leave them as they are. I just wanted to ensure that they are installed with the main locale's packages, since I remember we had problems with that not being the case at some point in Karmic. I'll just have to re-check that they are indeed installed together.16:53
fedoraloggerdpm: making langauge-selector install kde-l10n-ca and kde-l10n-cavalencia if the ca language pack is a lot easier to archive and ultimately leads to the same result16:54
=== fedoralogger is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerI read Harald's last post about Kubuntu. It's good to see that the situation is being finally acknowledged by some of the people in the Kubuntu team. Kubuntu is the blue-headed step-child.16:55
apacheloggerthe fuck16:55
dpmapachelogger, ok, I'm happy with that, thanks for the info.16:56
apacheloggerdpm: just poke arne, I am sure he can make that happen in no time :)16:57
dpmapachelogger, yeah, I think in fact it does happen, that was fixed at some point. I just need to re-check it is the case on a new Lucid installation.16:58
nixternalapachelogger: yeah, i read that and commented, as he said I was in denial about the blue-headed-step-child ordeal. does he not realize that I coined that term on buntudot.org in 200517:01
apacheloggerhis blog posts are always heavily undereducated and a big blah IIRC17:02
macowait im confused17:02
macoi thought apachelogger = harald17:02
macoapachelogger: whats your name?17:02
apacheloggermaco: it continues that previously the team was in denial referencing rich's post about the step-child business17:04
apacheloggerwhereas I am not in denial because I obviously unveild canonical's evil game!17:04
macoapachelogger: are you not harald, or do you like referring to yourself in the 3rd person?17:05
apacheloggermaco: that was a quote17:05
macoapachelogger: ooooooh17:05
apacheloggershtylman: it took me half an hour to start installation on a dell mini 10 today17:12
apacheloggercouldnt find out why since I was running in installer-only mode17:12
debfxcould someone test an updated brightness osd patch that should bring it back to life? :)17:30
debfxmainly I need to know if the osd isn't shown when the brightness is changed through the battery applet17:31
shadeslayeroh btw just so that you know : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/541868 : i changed this to kcm-touchpad17:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 541868 in kcm-touchpad "Synaptic touchpad has soft lockups in lucid" [Undecided,New]17:32
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lex79Riddell: soprano 2.4.1 https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/ppa18:25
shtylmanapachelogger: jesus... really? is this with latest cd images?18:38
apacheloggershtylman: no, beta1 from stick18:38
apacheloggerbut it has been like that earlier too18:38
shtylmanwas it using alot of cpu?18:38
shtylmanwhat was the problem?18:38
apacheloggerI would think CPU really, I cant tell, I'll try to reproduce it tomorrow18:39
apacheloggerthere was no usb nor disk acitivity18:39
apacheloggerso it either was cpu or ram18:39
shtylmanhmm... cpu bug should have been fixed18:39
shtylmanmaybe the package didn't make it for the beta18:39
shtylmanbut should have18:39
apacheloggerI can try with latest image if you want18:39
shtylmanyea... try that... cause it deff should not be like that18:40
shtylmananyone have any good suggestions for open source tools to do widespread file distribution?19:08
shtylmanbasically a glorified rsync maybe?19:08
shadeslayershtylman: torrents :P19:13
shadeslayerjk :D19:13
shtylmanwell.. yes... that is one possibility... : http://github.com/lg/murder/19:14
shtylmanbut... I don't think I need something on that level19:14
shadeslayershtylman: theres was something called opencloud...19:15
shadeslayerbut idk if it works for sharing files and stuff19:15
shtylmanI see19:15
shadeslayershtylman: its ownCloud actually19:16
shadeslayershtylman: http://gitorious.org/owncloud/19:16
shtylmank... I will have to check that out19:17
shadeslayershtylman: yeah its a cloud server... enables file sharing and stuff.. *and* its based on kde libs19:17
shtylmanthat part I don't really care about :)19:17
apacheloggerwhy would a server be based on kdelibs?19:18
shtylmansounds like a webserver with ssh to me19:18
shadeslayerhehe...well its going to be integrated into kde... so thats just an added advantage i guess19:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: idk...19:18
shtylmannot what I want19:18
shadeslayeri heard about it a few weeks ago..19:18
shadeslayershtylman: well use the open bit-torrent tracker then :D19:19
apacheloggershtylman: my analysis tools say it is not even containing any cpp19:19
apacheloggerso I doubt it is based on kdelibs19:19
apacheloggeryou might be misinformed19:19
shadeslayeryeah probably....19:20
shadeslayerok well ive gtg..19:20
shadeslayerbye :)19:20
ScottKIs amarok going to be patched to support the Ubuntu music store? http://popey.com/blog/2010/03/22/ubuntu-one-music-store-public-beta-begins/19:37
macoScottK: there's a plugin already in existence, i thought?19:37
ScottKmaco: For amarok?19:37
macoyeah... ithought one of popey's older blog posts said that19:37
JontheEchidnaI think he was more talking about potential for a plugin19:39
nixternalright, there is no plugin yet, unless apachelogger has it hiding somewhere19:40
jjessehas anyone got ubuntu one to work in kubuntu lucid?19:40
jjessei installed everything named ubuntuone on my vm and still no joy19:41
* apachelogger strips naked19:41
apacheloggernothing hiden!19:41
nixternalhaven't tried.... apachelogger had put together a hack/app to get u1 in kubuntu19:41
* ScottK dons goggles.19:41
* apachelogger needs to apply at canonical first19:41
nixternalapachelogger: +1 :)19:41
jjessei got it to work in karmic at one time19:42
macoJontheEchidna: yeah youre right19:42
nixternalUbuntu Desktop Display and Input Engineer - Xorg19:42
nixternalUbuntu Desktop Display and Input Engineer (Network)19:42
nixternalUbuntu Desktop Engineer - GTK19:42
JontheEchidnaapachelogger + job at canonical + year's supply of alcohol == ruby code to generate Ubuntu One Music plugin for all music players19:42
nixternalUbuntu Desktop Sound Engineer19:42
nixternalapachelogger: ^^ any of those fit?19:42
apacheloggerI could get cracking with GTK19:43
* apachelogger loves c anyway :D19:43
apacheloggerthen again that kind of GTK engineer must only do python19:43
nixternalthat's what kubuntu devs in the past did...once they realized there was no potential for employment, they started using gnome19:43
jjesse+1 nixternal19:43
apacheloggerI can always apply at kdab :P19:43
apacheloggermove away from that silly stepchild stuff all together19:44
apacheloggerthen again19:44
yuriy_is it just me or is there no way to put a plasmoid (nemely the message indicator) in the systray?19:44
ScottKjjesse: After I upgraded my netbook from Karmic -> Lucid I lost the Broadcom wireless drivers and had to reinstall them.19:44
apacheloggerI recently got scared quite a bit when I saw how many KDE devs are working for kdab these days19:45
jjesseScottK: jockey says they are enabled19:45
apacheloggeryuriy_: only possible in lucid19:45
ScottKOK.  Different than the problem I had.19:45
jjessewill try to reinstall tonight when get home19:45
jjessethe drivers that is19:45
nixternali think for most of us here now, we aren't looking for employment with canonical, and have just come to love Kubuntu so much19:46
apacheloggerlove aint gonna pay bills though19:48
apacheloggerneither is proofing leibniz right19:48
apacheloggeryet I have to do it -.-19:48
ScottKThey say that love will find a way ....19:48
nixternalwhat's love got to do, got to do with it19:51
nixternalwho needs a heart when a heart can be broken19:51
macomeatloaf time yet? so now i'm prayin for the end of time..19:51
nixternalwhat's love but a second hand emotion19:54
nixternaldamn, tina turner makes you wanna go all ike turner on this place :p19:54
apacheloggeroh my, better help me find my notes on congruence classes or whatever those might be called in english :P19:55
nixternalright now I am trying to design, well not design yet but figure out, a much better help system19:55
nixternalKHelpCenter blows arse, and after hanging out with Shaun McCance this weekend and seeing what he is doing with Yelp 3.0 for GNOME, I am envious19:56
apacheloggerrm -rf khelpecenter => 100% improvement19:56
nixternaland then to see what Mac has done for help, holy hell that was bad ass19:56
nixternalapachelogger: yup19:56
nixternalrm -rf khtml too19:56
apacheloggernixternal: I would go derive the qt help thingy and build up on that19:57
nixternalseriously, khtml codebase is so freakin' confusing, that I would rather write an entire documentation implementation for webkit19:57
nixternalapachelogger: qt-assistance is garbage too19:57
apacheloggernixternal: well, so it needs fixing and khc needs fixing19:57
nixternala help app shouldn't need to be full screen with an insanely large index on the left side...Yelp is compact, so you can see around it19:58
nixternalapachelogger: and that's what I have been playing with, though fixing isn't the word I would use19:58
nixternalhell, I wouldn't even recycle this crap, forget mother earth on this one, she can have it!19:58
apacheloggerbut khc got fancy perl scripting internals :P19:58
* apachelogger finds that the most weird part about khc really19:59
apacheloggerthough I can see its advantages19:59
apacheloggerthe once it had at some point for a developer ^^19:59
nixternalthis weekend we also had the Flourish Open Source conference, and they had a Women In Open Source panel with one of BSDs leaders, which I have just totally forgotten her name...I am waiting for the video because I missed it, but I heard it was an amazing talk/panel19:59
nixternalapachelogger: perl scripting and shell scripting, and hell even scripting with c++20:00
nixternal"meinproc << "--xslt foo.xsl" << "--outfile foo.html" << "--cache index.cache.bz2";20:00
apacheloggerIn computer science, it is the remainder operator that is usually indicated by either "%" (e.g. in C, Java, Javascript, and Python) or "mod" (e.g. in SQL, Visual Basic, Haskell), with exceptions (e.g. Excel). These operators are commonly pronounced as "mod", but it is specifically a remainder that is computed (since in C99 negative number will be returned if the first argument is negative, and in Python a negative number will be returned20:01
apachelogger if the second argument is negative). The function modulo instead of mod, like 38 ≡ 14 (modulo 12) is sometimes used to indicate the common residue rather than a remainder (e.g. in Ruby).20:01
yuriy_apachelogger: i'm on lucid. i can't seem to drag it in there or anything20:01
yuriy_oh you have to do it in teh systray settings20:01
apacheloggeron Z/nZ : a_n+b+n=(a+b)_n20:02
apacheloggerthat actually makes sense20:02
apacheloggeryuriy_: no draggery20:02
apacheloggeryuriy_: well, the plasma devs where wicked in applying their containment paradigm everywhere20:02
apacheloggerbut they forgot about one rather important part where you could drag stuff ;)20:02
yuriy_everything else in plasma is draggery20:02
apacheloggerfail of paradigm obviously20:02
apacheloggerthey should have derived :P20:03
yuriy_now the other issue is that now that it's in the systray it gives me a message about needing to run an indicator enabled app even though i have kmail running and configured to use it20:04
nixternalanyone hiring a "realistic unmotivated opportunistic"?20:05
nixternalI think that should be an eminem song20:05
yuriy_it scares me that my computer would be completely unusable right now without quad core20:08
yuriy_top is showing consistently 6-10 processes with double digit cpu usage20:08
seeleNightrose: love the streak in your hair..is that new?20:12
Nightroseseele: ;-) old actually20:13
Nightroseshould do it again20:13
* maco wonders if a coloured streak of hair will be come kde gal uniform20:13
Nightroseit's hip!20:13
macoafaik there are no photos of me with punk rock red hair in existence20:13
macomum failed *miserably* at making streaks20:14
=== yuriy_ is now known as yuriy
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: seen kde svn 1105780?21:52
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1105780&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1105780 | Some MySQL versions need an explicit run of mysql_install_db when creating the database initially. So, let's do that if mysql...21:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yes I requested21:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: feel free to try creating a patch for akonadi 1.3.121:53
apacheloggerbecause trunk is not even remotely related to 1.3.1 :P21:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: neoclust might have done that already though21:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://pastebin.com/QtiqB11A21:55
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: know where mdv hides all their packaging goodies?21:55
apacheloggerin their svn :P21:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also we need another patch for updates it seems21:55
apacheloggerI do hate mysql very much21:55
apacheloggerit is like the python of databases -.-21:56
JontheEchidnawhat is the patch you pastebin'd21:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: for new databases21:57
JontheEchidna"make things not break for new databases"?21:57
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yes21:58
JontheEchidnaand then we'll still need a patch for "make existing databases not break"?21:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: but please try that first21:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: volker did a fix yesterday and neoclust only did that backport attemt21:59
apacheloggera) someone needs to subscribe to kde-pim ml because they apparently want to start a akonadi deployment issue thread21:59
apacheloggerb) akonadi might gain sqlite support21:59
apacheloggerc) I still hate mysql, can we please use psql?21:59
JontheEchidnasounds like you're the expert. I don't know much about such things22:00
JontheEchidnaanywayz, pbuildin'22:03
ScottKIt's a given that apachelogger is the expert.  The question is can he be motivated to bring his awesomeness to bear on the problem.22:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ftbfs22:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: logy22:08
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: http://pastebin.ca/184972022:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: happy debugging22:12
apacheloggerme recommends building outside pbuilder first ;)22:12
apacheloggerjtechidna: it seems that paste thingy returns invalid patches23:03
apacheloggermanual patching seems to work23:03
apacheloggercompiling outside pbuilder now23:03
apacheloggerjtechidna: works like a charm23:14
jtechidnaapachelogger: neat23:22
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
* JontheEchidna in windoze playing sim city 300023:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the update_db patch can probably be incorportaed into that23:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we need major changes to the mysql packages going with that23:22
apacheloggerthe two scripts depend on quite a bit of magic and must be moved to the -core package23:23

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