
=== testattion is now known as tetete
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cecilfso hi people, can anyone help me? i have no sound on flash videos in any browser i try... i'm using kubuntu 9.10 on a 32 bit platform. I'm currently using KDE01:29
joviscan you get sound from anything?01:30
cecilfsoyes, i have sound on amarok and kaffeine, but not flash videos nor vlc01:33
joviswhich flash plugin did you install01:33
jovisand which browser01:34
cecilfsoi installed the flash from the adobe page, then i removed it and tried the flashplugin-installer, and the nonfree-extrasound, but nothing yet01:34
cecilfsoi tried opera, firefox and seamonky, and konqueroro as well01:34
jovisyou checked all the mute switches i assume01:35
cecilfsoyes, i did01:36
cecilfsoi tried alsamixer on the terminal and unmuted the PCM as some people suggested, but...01:37
jovistry wine with IE maybe, i dunno sorry01:37
cecilfsowell, i don't have wine here... but thank you anyway, jovis01:39
jovisits not hard to get01:39
jovisyast2 search wine01:39
jovisit will run IE01:39
jovisyou using alsa or the other one OSS whatever01:40
cecilfsohey, i'm sorry... well, i have all this here, vlc used OSS usually, but now nothing is working... on sound devices, system has "fallen back" to the soundcard directly01:43
williballenthinis there a system settings/dialog for changing the window decorations?01:43
dthackerHello, I'm getting a very bad looking taskbar after updating to 4.4.1 http://s842.photobucket.com/albums/zz346/dthacker_photo/?action=view&current=bad-taskbar.png01:45
cecilfsothank you anyway...i must leave...i'll try later again...bye01:46
[Relic]Hello :)02:02
[Relic]Any 9.10 64bit users with a face book account around to check something?02:03
joviswhat are you checking02:03
[Relic]trying to figure out why the text doesn't appear on an app game on facebook, if it is just 64bit or if I missed an install of something02:04
[Relic]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/9352/fbwarstormsnapshot.png  <-  all the text that isn't a gfx image or icon is missing02:05
dthackercleared cache?  restarted browser?02:07
[Relic]other users seem to see it just fine but most are windows users02:07
[Relic]multiple times02:07
[Relic]trying to figure out if it is a 64bit flash incompatibility thing or something else02:08
dthackerI get nothing in the middle, just the top and bottom bar.   However I play another flash game without problems.02:10
dthackerFF 3.5.802:11
dthackerback later02:12
[Relic]I play a lot of other flash games w/o problems02:12
BiggFREEJust reading  Thanks03:05
manu__alguien de españa???03:24
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zarangoalguien de españa???03:26
mintkdeºhi guys, tragedy hit's me on my face. I renamed a *very* important directory in Dolphin via right-click-->Actions as root-->Rename. I was presented a dialog box with "/home/martin" and I wrongly renamed it to "data" when I presume should be "/home/data". Now, I can't access all the valuable files, helpp me here guys, it's very iimportant03:46
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jmcantrellis there a way to change the wallpaper from the command line or python bindings?04:34
globushello all, I got some thing need to ask guru here. It's about file system. When i use "mc" in console and traverse file system and move to some directory( different with current directory before I use mc). Then click F10 to exit mc but the directory now is not the directory which mc pointing to, that's the directory before I use mc. Anybody know how to keep current directory is the place when I exit "mc" ? Thanks !04:47
=== anzenketh_ is now known as anzenketh
jason__so, I just installed kubuntu, and Im very disappointed that I cannot find the application "wifi radar." This is an app I absolutely need at work. How can I get this on kubuntu?06:04
jason__active chat ://06:07
alakooum...by installing it06:07
alakoosudo apt-get install wifi-radar06:07
jason__its not in kpackage kit06:08
alakooit's a gnome application but it should work06:08
jason__apt-get works06:09
jason__yet, its not in kpackagekit06:09
alakoo[08:08] <alakoo> it's a gnome application06:09
jason__so gnome apps dont appear in kdes repos?06:09
jason__I thought they shared the same repos06:09
alakoodunno, I use synaptic and it's there06:10
jason__kpackagekit is kind of a joke....06:10
jason__so is the "firefox installer." how about just add it by default and save the 99% of users the trouble of installing it.06:10
alakooit annoyed me at least06:11
jason__what made you choose kubuntu over ubuntu?06:11
alakooI've been using both and find KDE more versatile06:12
jason__yeah. Ive used gnome for a long time with occasional test-drives of KDE.06:12
jason__Ive always went back to gnome, yet I never had a real reason why. comfort zone, I suppose.06:13
jason__more familiar territory or whatever06:13
jason__but I look at some of these KDE installs and they look wicked nice. trying to mess around and see if I can get a sleek dekstop goin with it06:13
alakoojason__: btw they do share repos but your package kit shows only kde as default06:15
jason__I see06:16
jason__do you use pulse audio with kde06:16
jason__I had problems galore with kde's audio last time I used it, but didnt use pulse. someone told me I should use pulse....06:16
alakoono..just the pulse client libraries, but whatever works06:17
jason__yeah... just like last time, audio problems with kubuntu. sigh....06:21
corigoLoaded 4.4.1 on 9.10 but my plasma workspace is crashing at login. Nothing but a black desktop06:36
corigoLoaded 4.4.1 on 9.10 but my plasma workspace is crashing at login. Nothing but a black desktop06:40
bromashello everyone06:44
bromascould someone give me so advice how to get KDE working on Ubuntu server? I installed X-Windows-core and KDE packages, but KDE doesn't start after system reboot.06:45
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Krooksanyone here use kubuntu ?06:58
bromasi guess my question is ignored... pff.. support... thanks for answer!07:05
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corigoLoaded 4.4.1 on 9.10 but my plasma workspace is crashing at login. Nothing but a black desktop07:19
amatejahi, I get 'hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4' in /var/log/kernel.log while usb drive is plugged in and I'm not able to use any usb drive07:19
amatejaDoes anybody come across this issue?07:20
corigoBromas: your question is not about Kubuntu but KDE as far as I can tell and about KDE on a multiple desktop systm07:22
corigoAmateja: new to me07:22
amatejacorigo: First time I met this bug was using PLD Linux and I solved by removing ehci_hcd module07:23
amatejabut in Ubuntu I have no ehci_hcd module loaded07:25
amatejaimho it's not my error, because even kubuntu livecd can't mount any usb drive07:26
amatejaI tested this with kubuntu 9.10 i 10.04 (notebook IBM T42), but on Dell Latitude D630 it's ok07:26
corigoLoaded 4.4.1 on 9.10 but my plasma workspace is crashing at login. Nothing but a black desktop07:29
TimberlyHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*07:52
smokealotTimberly: thanks!!!, worked just like i knew it would07:54
corigoLoaded 4.4.1 on 9.10 (Kubuntu_64) and now my workspace is crashing on login. Black desktop with no UI08:01
noaXessgood morning08:03
noaXessdoes anybody has a solution for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/40734408:04
noaXessis the cups downgrade really the only solution?08:04
LovieHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*08:09
corigoLoaded 4.4.1 on 9.10 (Kubuntu_64) and now my workspace is crashing on login. Black desktop with no UI08:10
LovieHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*08:10
LovieHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*08:11
noaXesswtf.. no admin here to stop that spammers?08:11
MarlonHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*08:11
=== zbenjamin|away is now known as zbenjamin
corigoWhy is it so quiet here tonight?08:18
corigoLoaded 4.4.1 on 9.10 (Kubuntu_64) and now my workspace is crashing on login. Black desktop with no UI08:22
amatejacorigo: I'd like to hear a solution for my case too :)08:23
corigoThe only UI box I am getting is a warning about a dependency resolution error.08:23
germanjewcan anyone here please help me with setting up a cloiu08:24
germanjewcan anyone here please help me with setting up a cloud*08:25
areichmangermanjew: setting up a cloud? What do you mean?08:26
germanjewI think I have everything set up right, but when I want to run an instance it takes forever to complete. and then the status goes straight from pending to shutting down08:26
areichmangermanjew: what do you mean when you say cloud?08:27
areichmanare you talking about owncloud, the new kde project?08:27
germanjewI have a cluster and two nodes, I followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall08:28
germanjewno, not the new kde project08:28
germanjewsorry I don't know how to better describe what I'm trying to do08:29
germanjeweverything is fine, up until step 7.308:29
areichmangermanjew: sorry, I can't help you :-( I hadn't even heard of UEC until just now08:29
germanjewhehe ok thanks anyways08:30
globushello all, I got some thing need to ask guru here. It's about file system. When i use "mc" in console and traverse file system and move to some directory( different with current directory before I use mc). Then click F10 to exit mc but the directory now is not the directory which mc pointing to, that's the directory before I use mc. Anybody know how to keep current directory is the place when I exit "mc" ? Thanks !08:34
=== caldera is now known as JulienBu
babaluhi, is there a way to check the battery status in command line? and is there a way to get the computer to sleep when we are without server X? or is that a server X feature?09:01
noaXessdoes anybody has a solution for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/40734409:35
noaXessis the cups downgrade really the only solution?09:35
noaXessbabalu: think there are command for battery check.. let me check..09:35
babalunoaXess: i think this one is good: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state09:36
noaXessbabalu: yes.. and i think to that there are scripts to put your machine in sleep mode without x..09:37
noaXessbabalu: ls -l /etc/acpi/09:37
babalunoaXess: oh ok, thanks09:38
rethuswhich programm can i use to play audio-cd? amarok doesn't have this feature ?!09:39
kaHm seems to mee that sound crashes often in kubuntu 9.10. Any workarounds?09:42
rethuska: never crash on my kubuntu09:43
rethusmaybe a special hardware issue09:43
kaHm I figured as much although I havn't had this problem before...09:44
rethuscheck your hardware and search for hardware-specific issues09:45
kaI get an error message sasying "Phonon: KDE's Multimedia Library -  The audio playback device  ... does not work."09:45
kaMaybe I'll just throw 10.04 beta on the box and see if it works...09:46
rethusmaybe try xine-backend09:49
rethusor have a try to 10.0409:49
Tux_SoulHi to all09:52
Tux_SoulI installed Ubuntu, then installed KDE throught kubuntu-desktop09:53
Tux_Soulnow I'm using amarok09:53
noaXessdoes noone has the print problem with cups? /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf failed09:53
Tux_Soulbut the equalizer option is grayed out09:53
Tux_SoulHmmmm... :(09:56
kaWhich amarok version are you running10:03
ka@ Tux_Soul10:04
noaXessis there a way to backport cups 1.4.2 from lucid to karmic? in lucid there is cups v1.4.2 available, in marmic still v1.4.1 which has some bugs..10:16
MamaroknoaXess: did you check the backports and porposed repositories?10:22
noaXessMamarok:  yes.. i think. have backports enabled...10:23
eagles05138785morning guys10:23
noaXessi don't really know, if it's a cups problem or any other package..10:23
noaXessMamarok: any idea?10:26
noaXessalso also have this ppa enabled deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/dnjl/ppa/ubuntu karmic main and there is this cups version: 1.4.1-5ubuntu2.4.1~dnjl2~karmic010:28
noaXesshave contacted dnjl and wait for a answer.. but i think the printing problem is not in cups, it' seams it's in another package..10:28
noaXessMamarok: proposed are ppackage that are unsupported? in updates i have important, recommended, pre-released and unsupported packages activated..10:29
noaXessand also this: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu and http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu... and some others for spec. packages.10:30
mahrendwhen kubuntu logs into kde how i can force that i got a busy cursor until kde start is done?10:30
lalalolHELP!!!!!! i yesterday installed avant window navigator, today i wake up, boot my machine and im running GNOME, HELP!!! i want KDE back10:32
eagles05138785!patience | lalalol10:34
ubottulalalol: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.10:34
MamaroknoaXess: no, check the karmic backports and proposed10:34
eagles05138785lalalol: are you at the login screen10:34
lalaloleagles05138785, no, im on the desktop and quassel is opened10:34
eagles05138785well you need to go back to the login screen and there is a button you press and it gives u options and kde should be listed and you click it then login and u should be on kde10:35
MamaroknoaXess: my bad, their workding is a bit strange10:35
noaXessMamarok: backports i have enabled, that is http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu tight?10:35
noaXessright ^10:35
MamaroknoaXess: no, it is called unsupported apparently, I talk about the regular repositoreis, not the PPA10:36
noaXessMamarok: okay.. so the four check boxes in kapackagekit, settings, tab updates, right?10:36
Mamarokcups has nothing to do with KDE, it is a package in the underlying structure of ubuntu, henc if there is a backport it should be in the karmic-backports10:37
MamaroknoaXess: that would be the ones, yes10:37
noaXessMamarok: so i have they enabled..10:37
noaXessseams to not be the solution10:37
MamaroknoaXess: why do you need a newer Cups version exactly?10:38
lalalolso eagles05138785, i now have GNOME installed on my machine too cause of that 1 app?10:38
eagles05138785you shouldnt10:38
Mamaroklalalol: those are only the libraries10:38
lalalolMamarok, how come i was on gnome then? :O i dont understand10:38
noaXessMamarok: i get ths error, if i print any, even a test page over cups admin: /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf failed.. and found this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/407344 but no solution yet10:39
Mamaroklalalol: I didn't follow your case exactly, but unless you installed ubuntu-desktop, that would be the only package that drags in Gnome, else it would only be libraries10:39
* Jaimie waves10:40
noaXessMamarok: i need to get printing back soon..10:40
lalalolok Mamarok10:41
lalaloleagles05138785, i had like 6 options to choose from, will kde be the default from now on? :)10:41
eagles05138785lalalol: should be once you log in10:41
MamaroknoaXess: well, then talk to tillkampeter in this bug report directly, he is the printer wizardry guy, if you still have the bug with that package, it is in the karmic updates AFAICS10:41
lalalolthx eagles05138785 :)10:42
noaXessMamarok: okay..10:42
Mamarokand the bug should be reopened itf this doesn't fix it10:42
eagles05138785no problemo lalalol10:42
noaXessMamarok: have also make a comment to the bug..10:44
lalaloleagles05138785, do you happen to have experience with AWN?10:44
eagles05138785lalalol: whats that10:45
lalaloleagles05138785, its an app that imitates the dock from OSX10:45
noaXessMamarok: where do i get proposed packages? do i have them allready if i checked all checkboxes in updates?10:46
eagles05138785no i dont have any experience with it10:46
lalaloland with other docks?10:46
eagles05138785lalalol: no dock experience11:04
lalalolk eagles0513878511:04
MamaroknoaXess: if you checked those and did an update, it should show you the packages to upgrade to11:05
Mamarokif there are none, you probably already have it11:05
MamaroknoaXess: else you can check the exact version with that: apt-cache policy cups11:05
andrea_ciao a tutti! e buona primavera :)11:15
n8whow do i enable menubar in dolphin?ive turned it off my mistake11:16
lup0n8w: Ctrl+M11:18
n8wlup0:  heh i just found it:))11:18
n8wlup0:  thx anywai11:18
lup0n8w: np11:18
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Mamarok!it | andrea_11:32
ubottuandrea_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:32
lalalolthere isnt any good dock for kubuntu/kde :'(11:33
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Matisseusb-stuff is always mounted as read-only. How do I change it or is it a hardware error?11:37
Matisse(working with root rights, still no deletion is permitted)11:38
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde411:53
lalalol!kde irc11:53
bazhanglalalol, /msg alis list *kde*11:54
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:05
andrea__ok grazie12:06
ner0xAny good tutorials on how to connect to a vpn?12:11
Mamarokner0x: have a look here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Documentation12:14
ner0xMamarok: Thanks, I'll bookmark that page.12:15
Mamarokner0x: worng link, sorry, I meant this one: http://kubuntuguide.org/Karmic12:16
Mamarokthere is a section about VPN12:16
Mamarokner0x: this one in particular: http://kubuntuguide.org/Karmic#VPN_Clients12:18
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terran4000Hey, is there a user specifc version of the /etc/hosts file? Like .hosts?13:46
terran4000er .. like ~/.hosts13:46
terran4000hm, nevermind. Ended up editing the /etc/hosts file anyway and adding on a few lines in my .bash_aliases file14:09
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s2rIs there any way to use local serial port while connecting to a remote desktop via rdp in kubuntu?14:22
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LynoureLately (last week or so) Amarok has been segfaulting on me, playing or paused, about every 20 minutes15:03
LynoureAny ideas of what could be the cause?15:03
fabrisera a tutti15:09
vbgunzwill kubuntu 9.10 support qt 4.6? if so, will it also support _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST ?15:14
fabrii'm sorry, iìm looking italian chat about kubuntu...15:17
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lalalolhow many choices do you have for your DE on loginscreen?15:18
lalalol2 or 3?15:18
rork_!it | fabri15:18
ubottufabri: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:18
lalalolwho knows?15:26
=== jeff_ is now known as jovis
jovisanyone using a geforce 9500 agpx16 card?15:39
joviswhen I in15:42
joviswhen I install the nvidia driver i get a pillarbox effect (it's not fullscreen) and the mouse cursor can move into the pillerbox'ed area and disappears15:43
jovisif I dont turn on acceleration and enable the card in the bios, it's fullscreen but no acceleration15:44
jovisand no DVI output, i have to use the dvi-vga adaptor15:44
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jovisand then stuff gets all hosed up and i have to reinstall theroot partition15:46
jovissimilar problems with suse15:46
mudassarCan somebody help me installing Centos as a guestOS in xen ? (on fedora machine)15:51
mudassarI don't know which channel to join as everything is relate to different OS :)15:51
joviswhy dont you just put it on a different partition15:53
bright__can someone send me my first ebook on irc15:53
Lord-Rahlwhat is the command to do a inplace upgrade to 10.415:53
jovisyou mean 10.04?15:56
mudassarjovis: it is the requirement of my client15:57
jovisyou said 10.415:58
jovisthe only release I see on the ftp site is called lucid and it says 10.0415:59
PiciLord-Rahl : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.16:00
Lord-RahlPici: that fine but they tell me to use update manager and gnome i have kde16:02
joviswhy would the window manager have anything to do with it16:03
Lord-Rahlkubuntu does not have update manager I know of and the command for gnome pre release in update-manager -d or something like16:04
PiciLord-Rahl: Then tell them that. #ubuntu+1 is for all 10.04 support, regarless of whether its Kubuktu/Xubuntu or Ubuntu16:05
Lord-RahlI want to install it but not download a dvd since I have it kubuntu 9.10 I search on google a number of time and can not find the command to do in place upgrade16:05
jovisLatest news Kubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 1 Available for Testing Fri, 2010-03-1916:05
PiciLord-Rahl: Join and I'll tell you how.16:06
rysiek|plguys, anybody here uses an intel gma96516:06
bigbrovarHi guys I am trying to sync my address book contact with google contact using akonadi google-data, although I am able to pull my contacts from google, I am unable to sync my changes to google contacts it says failed adding new contacts. :(16:16
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rysiek|plbigbrovar: whoa, that's weird to see you here. ;) anywhoo, any other error msgs from Akonadi?16:20
bigbrovarrysiek|pl: nope just says failed adding new contact :(16:21
bigbrovarrysiek|pl: does it work for u16:21
bigbrovarrysiek|pl: is there a way i can get more logs from akonadi?16:22
rysiek|plbigbrovar: humm...16:24
lalalolhow do i uninstall a language via the konsole?16:24
rysiek|plbigbrovar: I don't export my contacts to gmail (I prefer to keep my private data, well, private)16:24
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rysiek|plbigbrovar: but there was an akonadi log file somewhere, lemme check16:24
bigbrovarrysiek|pl: is there a way to keep my contacts synced across all my desktops and devices?16:25
rysiek|plbigbrovar: SyncML/OpenSync/KitchenSync/Syncevolution I think might do it, but I never really tried16:26
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bigbrovardid I see evolution **yikes**16:28
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rysiek|plbigbrovar: "syncevolution" ;)16:34
=== solja-ov-truth is now known as Lavin
apersonhmm... all of a sudden X died16:40
apersonand switching to the 7th TTY doesn't bring be back16:40
* aperson blames amarok - things always go wonky when he uses amarok to transfer music to his ipod16:41
Mamarokaperson: a dying X is more likely a graphic driver problem, unlikely it is due to an app16:45
apersonMamarok, then why does my system only ever lock up and go wonky when I'm transferring music via amarok?16:46
apersonit never happens otherwise16:46
Mamarokask in #amarok?16:46
apersonlets try this again, fresh boot this time16:47
apersonyeah, sadly I usually do get better answers if I don't ask them here :)16:50
=== fedoralogger is now known as apachelogger
zusdoes anyone know how to flip windows? its like alt-tab ecept the window turns around i seen it on one of the youtube videos the guy said it was a compiz feature??? (and also when does kubuntu 10.4 come out?)16:56
Vroomfondlekubuntu doesn't use compiz unless you've re-configured it16:56
Vroomfondleit uses KDE4's in-built compositing engine16:57
zusi am using it from  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:57
Vroomfondlewhich AFAIK doesn't do that effect (I could be wrong)16:57
Vroomfondlethen it's using the standard KDE compositing16:57
Vroomfondlecompiz doesn't work very well with KDE16:57
zusi've seen kubuntu on the live disc a few times but i've only been using this for 2 days... i really like it16:58
Vroomfondlethere's a reference to a "flip switch" effect in the KDE4.4 release goals - dunno if that's the same sort of thing (Kubuntu presently uses KDE4.3)16:59
Vroomfondleyeah, it's a decent desktop environment16:59
zuswhat got me was the tree view when looking in folders.... other than that i like the simplicity of nautilus and gnome just as much...17:00
zuswell its almost like having two windows open but lined up back to back and when ya switch the window itself turns over. was amusing to see, and would like to try it over the window dodge effect,..well i havent set up any eye candy on the kde session17:03
zusnow what about wallpapers and icons and sounds? since i used gnome and the terminal and installed the kubuntu-desktop (though i made the kde default) are the folders and icon installation still the same?17:06
zushow can i find out what kde i am using kde 3   or kde 417:11
babaluzus: in a kde application you can go in the Help menu and 'About KDE'17:15
zusbabalu,  thank you.17:15
=== christian is now known as Guest56637
zusim using kubuntu, can i use the mint KDE themes? , hehe after a while this is TOO much blue17:21
avihayvisit kde-looks, yhere's boud to be something for your taste17:23
zusim here now17:23
zusthere **17:23
zoisshey guys. after upgrading to kde4.4.1 via backports my plasma workspace crashes every time i shut down/restart/log off. the placement of items on the control bar therefore is discarded. did anyone encounter the same problem?17:23
=== Guest56637 is now known as christian__
zusthere is a few items but is the install different with kde? i only know gnome yet.17:24
Pici!br | christian__17:25
ubottuchristian__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:25
=== holli is now known as pausenclown
nacho2khi guys, I have two video cards, one onboard, and one matrox, and I am not able to run dual monitor, I have googled it but nothing helps, everybody seems to use nvida cards and I dont have one, it is possible to have dual monitor with matrox and onboard vga card?17:29
BluesKaj!matrox | nacho2k17:35
zusis kde 4.4 for lucid?17:35
BluesKajnacho2k, install the xserver-xorg-video-mga driver for matrox cards17:38
nacho2kBluesKaj: thanks!  I will try to find it and install it!17:38
BluesKajnacho2k, itshould be available in your package manager or apt in the terminal17:39
nacho2kBluesKaj: I am trying with apt-get17:39
BluesKajnacho2k,in the terminal, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-mga17:39
nacho2kBluesKaj: I have already installed it says...17:40
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS-AtWork]
daniel__In windows you can get system info using keyboard/mouse.  How can you do that in Linux?17:49
daniel__I am looking to find out how much memory Linux says I have.17:50
x0ttabbl4Здесь есть русскоговорящие?17:51
rork_!ru | x0ttabbl417:55
ubottux0ttabbl4: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:55
daniel__OKay, I need to run out, but I will be back later to ask again.17:56
rork_daniel__: check system monitor17:56
daniel__Thank you.17:57
daniel__I think it is saying I have 1,001.9MB.  Should be 1024.17:57
fp|CovaI came in to work this morning - and my workstation is rather screwed up.  I need to get this thing running again asap18:07
fp|Covaits running kubuntu 9.10 amd64, with kds sc 4.4 from the ppa installed18:07
fp|Covathe mouse focus /  keyboard focus is just ... hard to describe and very wrong18:08
fp|Covaif anyone has idea's on what could cause the mouse to behave eratically like that, I'm all ears.  else I've gotta get on backing up / formatting / re-installing this system soon18:09
schmirrwurstWhat is the best way to request a package update for rekonq in kubuntu lucid ? Some important bugs have been corrected upstreams...18:11
schmirrwurstI've already reported on lp, but I don't know if it is enough ?18:12
otswimcould someone help me grab the videos that are on: http://www.livestream.com/striderdoom?18:18
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_kyle__hey guys, i have a gpg key file which i need to import via konsole, any one able to help me on how to do this?20:06
hoppygpg --import key.asc20:10
_kyle__but the files extension is .gpg and not asc?20:12
=== Maniac is now known as Guest15357
zuscan kde change the splash and login still??20:19
vadminhello world!20:34
vadminhow install an pakage in kubuntu?20:36
Koliavadmin: kpackagekit20:38
Koliaor terminal (sudo apt-get install packagename)20:38
vadminthank you Kolia20:38
vadmini want to install a firefox from this utility but i diden't20:40
=== inet is now known as Quam
_kyle__from konsole (sudo aptitude install firefox)20:40
geniisudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox-3.520:41
zuscan you install firefox 3.6 yet in kubuntu?20:42
vadminthank you all freind20:43
geniizus: Yes if you use the firefox ppa20:43
zusgenii,  im new to linux for since  9.10 release and kubuntu for about 3 days20:44
vadminnow i install firefox current....20:45
vadminto genii expain me this command line20:46
Biosftwhey how do i create an ad hoc network? when i try to create one with knetworkmanager nothing happens20:48
zusgenii,  where do i find this ppa for firefox?20:49
skeletorcould't the 10.4b1 iso be dd'ed directly to a usb key?20:52
SentynelIf this is a line in my fstab, why can't I execute files on that disk? The partition is mounted automatically and I can read and write to it, I just can't run anything. "UUID=5e359653-7339-4418-a315-537ed34473a9 /media/disk2 ext3 auto,exec,rw,suid,user 0 0"20:52
zuscan i also get kde 4.4 instead of kde 3.4 on kubuntu 9.10?20:53
dezkhey how to use samba20:56
vadmingenii , thank you your command line is the best20:56
lucituzus: go to kubuntu.org how2. uneed to add kubuntu-ppa20:57
dezki need to conect  kubuntu-ubuntu20:57
lucituzus: what's kde 3.4?20:57
dezkim downloading samba4   samba4-clients    samba.common20:57
dezkkde  4.120:57
vadminhow -ppa?20:57
zuslucitu,  i was using gnome ubuntu 9.10 and did a sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:58
vadminit exist a winamp for unix kubuntu?21:00
lucituzus: 9.10 comes with kde 4.3.x21:02
zuslucitu,  i was looking to upgrad to firefox 3.6 and KDE 4.4.21:03
=== root is now known as Guest94757
vadminhow install 7zip21:15
vadmingenii how install the latest version of 7zip in kubuntu21:16
ybitheh, i've a slight problem where when i move the mouse to the top of the screen, that little bar from kubuntu-netbook-remix appears, and me no likey.21:18
ybithows to make it disappear for great good?21:18
unixxbabyhallo ppl i need help21:20
unixxbabydo any one now how to sher a file or folder in win 7 and kubuntu ?21:21
unixxbabyin same hdd21:21
vadminhow install a .rpm in kubuntu21:21
unixxbabyin same partition21:22
vadminunixxbaby , with vmware21:22
unixxbabyi partitioner it my hdd21:23
unixxbabyso 5o are win 7 and there ander one is kde 4.421:23
unixxbabyso now i need to acc the both in order to shere file like music and move so on21:24
djusticeanybody here use convertxtodvd?21:24
vadminyes , i explain  for me i install kubuntu in vmware and in vm exist a utility to share a partition hgfs21:25
unixxbabyare i need too access the win 7 partitison it give err text as soon i clik on win hdd21:25
James147unixxbaby: you can access all win 7 files in kubuntu but you cant the other way around. The only way to share files both ways is to have a seprate partition formatted as vfat or ntfs21:25
unixxbabyjammes son now anther way .....??21:27
lalalolmy calendar sets sunday as the first day: wth?21:27
unixxbabywhy cant we access the win 7 hdd in side the kde 4.4? help :)21:28
lalaloland when i click adjust date & time, it shows monday as first day in that window, but the calendar itself doesnt update, is there a fix for this?21:28
James147unixxbaby: you cant access extX from windows unless you use the ext drivers for windows (but they havent been maintained in years and I am not sure how safe they are). So only other way would be to store everything on the windows partition21:28
James147unixxbaby: you should beable to acces win 7 from linux21:29
James147unixxbaby: I think you need to be root to mount it though, so dolphin can't mount them21:29
unixxbabyokej,,,, so what do i need to mount the win 7 hdd?21:30
iconmefisto!info ntfs-config | unixxbaby21:30
unixxbabyi got the kubuntu 10.04 beat21:30
ubottuunixxbaby: ntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 40 kB, installed size 432 kB21:30
iconmefistounixxbaby: I think there is a bug in dolphin kde 4.4 where it doesn't mount filesystems21:32
lalaloldoh! i removed the clock from my taskbar and cant add it back21:33
unixxbabyi understand be coze the kde 4.4 is not the full os get right...21:33
unixxbabyso u now ppl i now to linux :)21:34
James147unixxbaby: how much do you know about command line?21:35
unixxbabybut the kde rocks,,,,:)  tnx to u r ppl how put hard work in to it21:35
iconmefistounixxbaby: if you use ntfs-config, windows partitions should be automounted and ready to use21:35
unixxbabynot match21:35
unixxbabyi m mac user :)21:36
lalalolwhy does the calendar from my clock on the taskbar show sunday as 1st day? :@@@@@@@@21:36
unixxbabysh command understand lil:)21:36
unixxbabyi do ..,21:37
unixxbabybut still got som err21:37
RedXIIIhttp://imagebin.ca/view/uWc5n68w.html <- I'm having this problem while using x11vnc over vncviewer21:37
RedXIIIAnyone have any idea?21:37
unixxbabythe win 7 is ntfs partition ...21:38
unixxbabythat why i don understand why i con"t mount the hdd ...21:38
James147unixxbaby: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdXX /path/to/mount/point   <- where /dev/sdXX is the device id and /path/... is the path to where you want it mounted21:39
iconmefistolalalol: check time & date settings in systemsettings > country/region & language21:39
lalaloliconmefisto, i have, its OK, but that calendar doesnt update or so :S21:39
unixxbabyntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/sdXX': No such file or directory21:40
unixxbabyntfs-3g 2009.4.4 external FUSE 28 - Third Generation NTFS Driver21:40
unixxbabyCopyright (C) 2005-2007 Yura Pakhuchiy21:40
unixxbabyCopyright (C) 2006-2009 Szabolcs Szakacsits21:40
unixxbabyCopyright (C) 2007-2009 Jean-Pierre Andre21:40
unixxbabyCopyright (C) 2009 Erik Larsson21:40
FloodBotK3unixxbaby: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
iconmefistolalalol: changes to settings won't show until you log out and log in again21:40
James147unixxbaby: you need to change /dev/sdXX with the actual partition number21:40
unixxbabysorry my bad21:40
James147unixxbaby: use sudo fdisk -l  to list the drives21:41
lalalolmy bad iconmefisto21:41
=== yuriy_ is now known as yuriy
lalaloliconmefisto, i have 1 more problem though, the dates are shown in my mother tongue21:41
lalalolbut i want everything in english21:42
iconmefistolalalol: do you have english in the language list in the locale tab?21:43
lalalolits the only one21:44
iconmefistolalalol: what about the button "select system language"? maybe that will fix things for you?21:45
lalalolill click that ^^21:46
lalalolmeh, its not that big of a deal, maybe itll be fixed on reboot or so, ill see tomorrow, thx :)21:47
lalaloloh wait21:48
lalalol1 more thing21:48
lalalolcan i make synaptic look more kdelike?21:48
* Typos_King scratches head21:49
lalalolyeah, making it look more like a kde app21:49
lalalolit looks like a windows 95 app atm21:50
Typos_Kingnot sure how much skinning you can do to it21:50
Typos_Kingit may not allow much other than for window decorations, which are provided by the window manager already21:50
lalaloli once had it have the same, but i cant remember how21:51
lalalolgonna google it21:52
unixxbabyit works out well did change the partition tnx you 4 all hard word in to the os .... love the kde 4.421:53
iconmefistolalalol: I think it's because it runs as root, and the root user appearance settings are different to your normal user settings. try changing appearance settings with kdesudo systemsettings21:55
James147unixxbaby: you will want to add a line to /etc/fstab if you want the partitions to be mounted again when you reboot21:56
unixxbabyokej tnxxx :)21:57
lalalolstill ugly as hell lol21:59
=== 36DAAEK6R is now known as hoppyite
ybitany ideas why amarok fails to play me mp3s?: xine_open for gapless playback failed!22:13
ybitskips all of them and tells me there are too many errors22:13
iconmefistoybit: can you play mp3s with other players?22:15
ybiticonmefisto: yup, np22:15
Typos_Kingmaybe reinstall amarok22:18
Typos_Kingthere's a new version of it btw22:18
Typos_King2.3 I think22:18
* Typos_King uses audacious22:18
iconmefistoybit: install libxine1-all-plugins and restart amarok22:19
iconmefisto!info libxine1-all-plugins22:19
ubottulibxine1-all-plugins (source: xine-lib): the xine video/media player library, meta package. In component universe, is extra. Version (karmic), package size 62 kB, installed size 92 kB22:19
ybitwell that works22:20
ybitthanks iconmefisto22:20
iconmefistoybit: working now?22:20
Typos_Kingahemm or just install xine-ui,   is a better player than dragofly anywway :P22:20
ybittanks a lot :)22:20
Typos_Kingand I think that comes with all thos libs :P22:20
Typos_Kingamarok for me plays mp3s, but that after I insalled audacious which installed many audio libraries, it didn't before,now it does ehhe22:21
Typos_Kingused to play wav and ogg only before though :)22:21
zuswhere is the update manager in kubuntu?22:27
zusam i over looking something some place?22:27
iconmefistozus: kpackagekit? or the update notifier?22:29
Typos_Kingzus  is kpackagekit22:30
zusiconmefisto, to update the machine and packages22:30
zusi see it i realized the explanation is in bold above the name of the item..22:32
Matissesince upgrade to kde 4.4 kwin (kde-window-decorator) crashes after login22:35
Matissehow do i solve that problem?22:35
Matisse(manually typing kwin --replace works fine)22:35
Typos_KingMatisse:    try with -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure kwin;22:38
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:38
MatisseTypos_King, thx, maybe that'll do the trick22:39
=== Kage_Jittai is now known as Kage
=== jeanmohabstlouis is now known as Elvarios
FremenBluehey, i just set Default in /etc/default/grub to entry 2, that would be the correct entry for the previous kernel right? because entry 0 and 1 are the new kernel and new kernel recovery?22:46
iconmefistoFremenBlue: right, the default will now be the 3rd item in the grub menu instead of the 1st22:49
zuswhats the diference on  kubuntu dvd or cd?  that one ya have to buy and the other can be ordered or downloaded free?22:59
Typos_Kingsizes :)23:00
Typos_Kingthat's about it23:00
Typos_Kingthe dvd will be about 5gbs, including piles of archived apps, the cd just 700mbs with the OS and some apps :)23:01
James147zus: I think the dvd contains more packages on it so you can install more things from the dvd23:01
iconmefistozus: you can download the dvd too. it's just harder to find a link for the dvd downloads23:07
iconmefistoTypos_King: harder than finding links to cd images on ubuntu or kubuntu sites23:08
zusi made a kubuntu disk and it wouldnt work for some reason, it hangs up but it worked well on my other machine....23:08
Typos_Kingahemm hehe23:08
Typos_Kingwell,  I found all in one folder...sooo23:08
Typos_Kingbut I guess they're not upfront on the site...though I seem to recall they have a link there for both23:09
Typos_Kingzus:   define 'hangs'23:09
iconmefistoTypos_King: folder? I'm talking about links on websites. eg "download now" links23:09
iconmefistoTypos_King: what's funny?23:10
Typos_Kingyes, I mean I found an folder, with the .iso, I think it was an ftp23:10
zusTypos_King,  well after the logo, it goes blacks and an _ blinks and stays till i do something like turn of the machine and give up.23:10
Typos_Kingmight have been an http, can't recall, it showed the dvd and also a selection of about 15cds too23:10
Typos_Kingzus:     retry, stick the live-cd, before pressing enter, press F6, check acpi=off and noapic from those boot options, then press Enter23:11
zusone time it did it for a few minutes then i  couldnt wait rebooted, then another time i wound up watching television for an hour and it didnt change at all23:12
Typos_KingF6 has a few more boot options, if you think you could use more, but usually I've had issues with the APM module, at least on some hardware, so turning it off works23:12
zusTypos_King,  i had to use my ubuntu disc and then install the desktop session23:12
Typos_Kinginstall the..?   well...  soooo...how.... I mean.that's the regular installation23:13
zusyeah in the end all is well,23:14
zusim still learning  hehe been on linux for almost 4 5 months?23:15
zusactually some one told me to go to www.kubuntu.org and get a ppa for firefox 3.6 and upgrade kde3.5 to kde4.? im looking on the site now...im a bit lost atm23:17
Typos_Kingand upgrade... why?23:17
Typos_Kingwhy not install kubuntu 9.1, might as well23:18
iconmefistozus: is that for firefox with kde integration?23:18
zuswanted to stay with the most recent stable release, firefox  is my main browser23:20
Typos_Kingthat'll be 9.123:21
Typos_Kingmaybe you should just get 9.1 which comes with kde423:21
zusi thought i seen kde 3.4  in one of the help menus23:23
iconmefistozus: if you're going to upgrade, maybe wait till april when 10.04 will be released23:23
zusfew more weeks, agree.23:24
zuswhen is lucid comming out?23:27
zuswhen in april23:28
iconmefistozus: never any date. they always say "when it's ready"23:28
James147zus: It says the 29th on the release secedual but it can be late :)23:30
zusthank you all for the help and suggestions. i do appreciate it.23:30
Dragnslcrzus- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule is the complete schedule23:31
zusis it still going to be  "blue"?23:31
James147zus: Yes23:32
James147zus: Unless they go to major changes in the last minute, which is very unlikly :p23:32
zusi love the mints color scheme. bright enough, yet dark enough. green and grey are my fave colors blue is also but  this is too much blue lol23:34
James147zus: :) at least its not hard to change all the colours23:35
zusno my gnome session is green...then i found out about mint... and that theyre also not ubuntu... there is so many choices,..and so much to learn.23:37
iconmefistozus: if you want to learn, ubuntu is a good choice. it has great support forums23:38
=== fish is now known as Guest77693
zusyea, i like ubuntu...the  Kde though, what sold me was the different views when managing files. didnt hurt that it was blue too, feels more "me" i dont have to use a wallpaper to get comfy either.23:40
MatisseTypos_King, didnt help (crashing kwin   -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure kwin)23:41
damien__what is the best gome or kde?23:41
Matissedamien__, windows23:42
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:43
Guest77693chrome installation prob: following directions, double-clicking chrome in downloads window of ffox spawns choose "application  to open"23:43
geniidamien__: Depending on your workflow, aesthetics, and other considerations, the desktop environment which fits you could be anything (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, Enlightenment, etc)23:44
James147Guest77693: try clicking it in dolphin23:45
James147Guest77693: Or try opening it with "gdebi-kde"23:45
iconmefistoGuest77693: the app to open would be /usr/bin/gdebi-kde23:45
Matissegenii, #ubuntu-bots is cool :)23:47
=== hamid is now known as Guest15920
mrunagikubuntu have issues with secured wireless on hp dv6000t?23:53
damien__i search a cubeinterface  for gnome23:53
PsychoticEGGI have a 32" HDTV that is set as my one and only monitor and the Resolution isn't fitting in it properly. any way to manually resize would be handy. Input is DVI to HDMI from and Nvidia 9800 GSO23:54
PsychoticEGGThe top and bottom bars are just out of sight23:54
PsychoticEGGI assume same for left and right23:55
James147PsychoticEGG: System settings-> Display    if you cant do it there then you might need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:55
zusi cant log into the kubuntu forums with my ubuntu  name and pass could i?23:55
zusubuntu forum** ^23:55
PsychoticEGGya can't do it in display.23:55
damien__who i find the sources.list of bt423:56
PsychoticEGGeven after installing nvidia drivers23:56
PsychoticEGGhow do I edit it?23:56
James147PsychoticEGG: The esiest way with nvidia is to use nvidia-settings (run as root)23:57
PsychoticEGGO.o? I'm new to ubuntu and never had this with windows. so don't know how.23:57
James147PsychoticEGG: in konsole or krunner type "kdesudo nvidia-settings"23:58
James147PsychoticEGG: yes23:58
geniiterminal/console/konsole equally23:59
PsychoticEGGThe program 'kdesudo' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:23:59
PsychoticEGGsudo apt-get install kdesudo23:59
PsychoticEGGkdesudo: command not found23:59
damien__i want to change the color terminal23:59

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