
histosetuid: well you are looking for the oem installs then that sort of thing?  You coudl create images of each one etc..00:00
setuidlukus, Things have changed, make sure you have a system backup00:00
setuidor install etckeeper and be careful00:00
abe3klukus, don't get confused when you see the title bar buttons in the opposite positions :)00:00
sagaciok, i've just upgraded from karmic and want to check my apt sources, tried gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list but it looks like it's moved or changed, where is it these days00:00
setuidhisto, I'm trying to automate the install, so there is zero human intervention...00:00
lukusI was planning on helping with beta testing .. I've done so for the past few releases, and it's been pretty painless00:00
histosetuid: how are you going to do that? setup partitions to what?00:00
histosetuid: it can be done with the debian isntaller00:00
lukusabe3k, i've read a bit about that .. quite contentious, eh00:00
setuidsagaci, /etc/apt/sources.list00:00
abe3klukus, you can say that again heh00:01
* setuid is lucky, he doesn't use title bars or buttons or window frames, so I never see that breakage00:01
histosetuid: each distro would be different though dependign on their installer.  Or you can take images of each and then use something to just put the image on the drive etc..00:01
lukusabe3k, surely if you don't like it - you can just change the theme though?00:03
Lonely-Trollabe3k, surely if you don't like it - you can just change the theme though?00:03
abe3klukus, nope, it happens to all themes, but some of the guys here came up with a way of changing it00:04
Lonely-Trolllukus, nope, it happens to all themes, but some of the guys here came up with a way of changing it00:04
yofelLonely-Troll: ?00:04
setuidboot de troll00:04
lukusdid shuttleworth have any research to back up the decision?00:04
lukusit seems a bit arbitrary00:04
Lonely-Trollyofel Hello :) Are you from Paris?00:04
abe3klukus, even the close button isn't positioned in the window corner lol00:05
Lonely-Trollsetuid Do you wanna buy me a a boot's?00:05
yofelLonely-Troll: nope, and this isn't a chat channel but a support, channel, use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat00:05
* lukus gives Lonely-Troll 00:05
* lukus gives Lonely-Troll a hug00:05
Lonely-Trollyofel They banned me for nothing 2 minutes ago  :'(00:05
lukusthere, there - it'll be alright00:05
yofelLonely-Troll: I doubt they did that for nothing00:06
Lonely-Troll Lonely-Troll gives lukus  a hug00:06
yofelLonely-Troll: you can go to #kubuntu-offtopic or similar then00:06
Lonely-Trollyofel They are some stupid moder, she did it00:06
lukusabe3k, i dunno - it seems like a risky move, but to be honest - I think we'll probably all get used to it pretty quickly.00:06
yofelLonely-Troll: please don't call people stupid, especially members, it's against the coc00:07
Lonely-Trollyofel ok)) I 'll try #kubuntu-offtopic00:07
abe3klukus, it just gives you the feeling of wanting to use the mouse with your left hand :)00:07
Lonely-Trollyofel You say that before you've banned :-)00:07
lukusmaybe it'll be more effective - being able to control the window without spanning left to right all the time?00:07
lukus(I'm trying to be optimistic)00:08
abe3klukus,  uhm ,,,, what ?00:08
abe3klukus, it more like wasting time clicking on blank space hah00:08
lukusabe3k, well .. the menu is generally aligned with the left of the screen00:08
lukusabe3k, .. if the window controls are aligned left too00:08
Lonely-TrollSo.. why you are here ?00:08
abe3klukus, you're totally right00:08
abe3klukus, I didn't think about it that way :)00:09
abe3klukus, at least the user should have the choice  of positioning them, right ?00:09
Lonely-TrollI am hungry... I am dieing....00:10
Lonely-TrollI need food...00:10
Lonely-TrollFeed me!!!00:10
yofel!ot | Lonely-Troll00:10
ubottuLonely-Troll: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.00:10
lukusabe3k, yes - but creating too many fractured choices in terms of a standard Ubuntu UI might not be a good idea00:10
setuidDon't feed the troll!00:10
Lonely-Trollsetuid But I wanna eat!!!00:10
setuidlukus, Exactly the opposite is what we need, MORE choice, not less.00:11
setuidThis isn't Windows, please don't try to turn it into that platform00:11
Lonely-Trollsetuid Do you wanna that I will die from hungry00:11
lukussetuid, i'm not sure if we do need more choice .. I think a user should know what to expect from ubuntu00:11
lukuslimitations are good and necessary imo00:11
setuidI think a user should be able to do what they want with Ubuntu00:11
abe3klukus, you can't even change event sounds in ubuntu anymore .... I'm not liking these limitations00:12
lukuson one level - this is positioning ubuntu apart from the crowd .. in the same way that the mac has quirks which define that system00:12
Lonely-Trollsetuid +1 I think a user should be able to do what they want with Ubuntu-channel's00:12
setuidIt's limitations that got us in this trouble a few years ago... removing all of the useful/power features from the GUI and the applications, in order to fall back so "granny" could use it00:12
Lonely-TrollNah... what about food?00:12
* setuid has been doing this a very, very long time... and we've de-evolved quite a bit over the last 10 years00:12
yofelLonely-Troll: no, the channels are divided by the topics that are discussed in  them, and you have to follow the code of conduct in all of them00:12
lukusI must admit, I do strongly dislike the 'make it so an idiot can use it' philosophy00:12
lukusbecause no one is beginner for long - everyone learns ..00:13
setuidMost of GNOME turned that way about 2 years ago00:13
abe3klukus, they have windows for that00:13
yofellukus: you can graduate to kubuntu all the time :P00:13
Lonely-Trollyofel Ok :) So, let's crack a windows.com?00:13
setuidLook at how KDE does it... they allow you to change the level of power in the GUI, with a single prefercen00:13
Lonely-Trollyofel Ok  So, let's crack a microsoft.com?00:13
abe3kyofel, I'm thinking about that myself actually, I'm liking the plasma looks :)00:13
setuidWhen you're a beginner, you only see beginner options... and you can check Advanced or Expert if you want, wihch enables those hidden power features00:14
lukusI like gnome though00:14
abe3kme too :(00:14
setuidMost of gnome is non-graphical (thankfully), and that's the way I keep it00:14
lukusI think that the UI should maybe pass responsibility to the xwindows teams00:14
Lonely-Trolllukus Do you like gnome? But what about the elf's?00:14
lukusbe in KDE or GNOME or xxxx00:14
lukus*be it00:14
lukusLonely-Troll, I only like elfs on toast - with a bit of hot pepper sauce00:15
* setuid runs sawfish, been running that for ~9-10 years... with gnome support libs behind it 00:15
Lonely-Trolllukus Cool :) But were do you catch them?00:15
lukusSo I'm imagining that lucid is going to be an annoying disappointment?00:16
lukusand will break everything00:16
lukusand this is the LTS release00:16
abe3klukus, I did a fresh install, I like the new nautilus look00:16
abe3klukus, but you can''t toggle the text address bar anymore !00:16
lukusI really liked that feature00:16
abe3klukus, You'll have to use a keyboard shortcut each time you want it00:17
lukusbeing able to type a location is great00:17
abe3klukus, there isn't a button to even turn it on00:17
lukusoh my days00:17
Lonely-TrollEqus  Helllo!!!00:17
Lonely-Trollrobin0800 Helllo!!!00:17
Lonely-TrollEqus What do you do here?00:17
lukusI might wait for lucid to go to release00:17
lukusI actually quite like karmic00:18
abe3klukus, I'm using it on my eeepc but not my desktop computer00:18
lukuswell after the intel graphics cluster fck in jaunty, i'm pretty happy leaving my netbook alone ;)00:19
* setuid is happy with the non-ubuntu nvidia drivers in Lucid00:19
abe3klukus, I'm not facing any graphical problems so far, only on startup I'm getting an annoying exclamation point about a crash00:19
lukusah .. well - you can always report though via launchpad?00:20
setuid43427 frames in 5.0 seconds00:20
setuid46176 frames in 5.0 seconds00:20
Lonely-Trolli am dieng00:20
abe3ksetuid, I've never used ubuntu nvidia drivers for like 4 years00:20
Lonely-Troll DG19075 hi :)00:20
setuidabe3k, they're packaged wrong00:20
setuidthe ubuntu ones also hard-lock my laptop... the nvidia.com ones of the _same version_ do not00:20
abe3ksetuid, well at least they're helping the newbies :)00:21
lukusabe3k, are you using the latest nvidia drivers?00:21
setuidWho is?00:21
bjsniderthat's an absurd and factually inaccurate statement00:21
abe3klukus, 195.36. something00:21
lukusthe ones which previously had fan problems?00:21
bjsniderthe nvidia drivers are not packaged wrong00:21
Lonely-Trollthe nvidia drivers are not packaged wrong00:21
abe3klukus, not that I know of no00:21
Lonely-Trolllukus, not that I know of no00:21
abe3klukus, tempratures pretty stable00:22
setuidbjsnider, There is something subtly different, which causes the ubuntu driver of the same version to hard-lock Lenovo laptops (3 different models). The same version driver from nvidia.com, does not.00:22
Lonely-Trollbjsnider, There is something subtly different, which causes the ubuntu driver of the same version to hard-lock Lenovo laptops (3 different models). The same version driver from nvidia.com, does not.00:22
darthanubisanyone notice FF3.6 fonts seem not to be AA'd like FF3.500:22
Lonely-Trollanyone notice FF3.6 fonts seem not to be AA'd like FF3.500:22
Lonely-Trolldarthanubis noup00:22
darthanubisI noticed this in 9.10 but it was easy not to use 3.600:22
lukusdouble check abe3k - that version was recalled, and a new revision was put out due to overheating probs00:22
Lonely-Trolldarthanubis i've notise it not00:22
darthanubisbut now in 10.04 it seesm I'm stuck with 3.600:22
abe3klukus, which version are you talking about ?00:23
Lonely-Trollis better00:23
abe3klukus, uh huh, mine is 195.36.1500:23
Lonely-Troll195.36.15 is for losers00:23
lukusah, you're fine then00:23
yofelLonely-Troll: doesn't exist in ubuntu, please be quiet if you don't know what you're talking aboutt00:24
Lonely-Troll195.36 is for loser too00:24
lukuswas a fan speed issue in 195.36.08 and 195.36.0300:24
Lonely-Trollonly 195.37 is for genius00:24
abe3kLonely-Troll, trolls are misleading and bisexuals00:24
Hellowabe3k: There's nothing wrong with being bisexual.00:24
Lonely-Trollabe3k I have only one sex00:24
yofellukus: the fixed drivers were uploaded a day or 2 ago00:24
HellowIn my opinion, at least.00:24
lukusyofel, ah cool00:25
Hellowyofel: Confirming in just a second.00:25
nightsjammiesanyone in here run calibre?00:25
Lonely-Trollabe3k Ah! So you are a rasist!!!!100:25
abe3kyofel, mine was released on the 19th I think00:25
yofellukus: nvidia-current is now 195.36.1500:25
geoff918Which kernel/install should I use for the lowest power consumption given the following?00:25
geoff918I will be using an HP Tower for use in a dedicated server set-up. It will host a website for my small business, a PostgreSQL database, and probably an email server.00:25
geoff918Expected system usage: Always on with few requests per day00:25
geoff918Website: Few requests, maybe a few per week at best00:25
geoff918Email: Similar00:25
geoff918PostgreSQL / PHP: One to two accesses per day00:25
geoff918SSH: Used for administrative connections00:25
geoff918Basically, the server will need to be "always on". It will be a headless system (no monitor). I would like it to be as power friendly as possible as consuming 100s of watts per hour is a complete waste.00:25
geoff918My tower has a 1 TB HDD, dual CPU @ 2.6 GHz w/6 GB RAM. I will be using a 64-bit kernel. I am versed at the command-line, and don't need GNOME, etc. However, seeing as the basic desktop install can incorporate all functions of any server install, I'm willing to go that route if the energy consumption would benefit me.00:25
setuidgeoff918, aieeeee00:25
bjsnidersetuid, that is impossible00:25
setuiddon't paste00:25
lukusyofel, good stuff00:25
geoff918oops, didn't mean all that, sorry00:25
Lonely-Trollgeoff918 What you DOING????00:25
Hellowgeoff918: For pasting, use http://pastebin.com/00:26
Lonely-TrollSomeone kill geoff91800:26
setuidbjsnider, 100% reproducible on two T61p units (different bios versions) and an X61s00:26
HellowAnd, version of nvidia-current in Ubuntu Lucid is 195.36.15-0ubuntu1.00:26
geoff918this would be better: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9006250&posted=1#post900625000:26
Lonely-TrollAnd, version of nvidia-current in Ubuntu Lucid is 200.36.15-0ubuntu1.00:26
HellowLonely-Troll: ...wait, what?00:27
lukusI installed the nvidia vdpau extensions the other day .. they make quite a difference to video00:27
yofelHellow: it's a troll...00:27
setuidgeoff918, I use EarthWATTS PSUs... when running low workloads or idle, it's less than a 40W bulb00:27
Lonely-TrollHellow What what what&00:27
bjsnidersetuid, how do you know the nvidia driver is causing the hard lockup?00:27
Hellowyofel: Ah, ok.00:27
Lonely-Trollyofel I am NOT!!!00:27
abe3klukus, what does that do if I may ask  ?00:27
geoff918setuid: What is EarthWATTS? Is that something available in the repository?00:28
Lonely-TrollHellow Don't believe him!!!1100:28
HellowJust apt-get update'd, apt-cache policy is returning package candidate version of 195.36.15-0ubuntu1 for nvidia-current.00:28
setuidbjsnider, Because using nv, under the same exact reproducible conditions that cause it to lock, does not... using upstream nvidia, does not. Using ubuntu-provided nvidia of the same version, does. Every, single, time.00:28
lukusabe3k, it covers mpeg acceleration on chip afaik00:28
lukusabe3k, similar to purevideo on windows00:28
geoff918setuid: Okay, google says it's a power supply00:28
setuidgeoff918, yes, it is00:28
bjsnidersetuid, in lucid or previous distros?00:28
lukusabe3k, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103762500:28
abe3klukus, cool, do you think it would do a good job on a satellite DVB video ?00:28
setuidgeoff918, I replaced my Duron machine with _two_ amd64 machines, and a 550W EarthWATTs in each, and both machines consume less power than the single Duron did.00:28
yofelLonely-Troll: randomly repeating stuff that others posted, being rude and off-topic  all the time make you a troll00:29
Lonely-Trolllukus, cool, do you think it would do a good job on a satellite DVB video ?00:29
lukusabe3k, possibly - i think the article mentions mythtv00:29
abe3klukus, cool stuffs I'll install it immediately :)00:29
abe3klukus, I'm using xine for dvb00:29
Lonely-Trollyofel I don't do thet!!!11100:29
setuidgeoff918, If you're concerned about power, just get your machines on a solar battery array... charge during the day, run from battery at night00:29
setuidI'm moving to putting my servers here at home onto solar soon00:29
lukusLonely-Troll, you need to find something more interesting to do00:29
Lonely-Trolllukus For example?00:30
abe3ksetuid, what happens on a rainy day ? ;)00:30
lukusLonely-Troll, start by changing your nick to something else - your nick is limiting your behaviour00:30
geoff918setuid: That would seem a bit extreme. I mean, I have the option of maybe purchasing a Marvell Sheeva Plug (cost about $99)00:30
setuidabe3k, Solar has advanced quite a bit... as long as there is light, there is power.00:30
Lonely-Trolllukus Yep, but I am a honest troll00:30
abe3ksetuid, now you have me thinking about it :)00:30
lukusLonely-Troll, aim higher00:30
setuidgeoff918, still requires power... I (personally) am trying to get rid of land-line power requirements (part of my migration to living entirely off of a yacht)00:31
bjsnidersetuid, a yacht?00:31
Lonely-Trolllukus So you are a troll too? :-)00:31
abe3ksetuid, what about internet ??00:31
setuidabe3k, The newer (very expensive) solar panels can capture power from artificial light too, like street lamps and reflected light from other surfaces.00:31
Lonely-Trollabe3k internet is evel00:31
setuidbjsnider, Yes, trying to reduce my entire living into an amount I can fit on a yacht00:31
HellowLonely-Troll: Your packets are transversing the internet right now.00:31
abe3ksetuid, 3g connection ?00:31
setuidabe3k, Or satellite00:32
setuidDepends how far off-shore I am00:32
lukussetuid, won't you have a mooring?00:32
abe3ksetuid, as downlink you mean00:32
bjsnidersetuid, sounds awesome. i love boats00:32
lukusi'd like a houseboat00:32
setuidbjsnider, Here's my post on that process: http://blog.gnu-designs.com/how-to-become-a-high-tech-minimalist00:32
Lonely-TrollHellow Noup, I use a signals bonfireэы like an indians00:32
epkugelmasshas anyone tried to install lucid beta 1 in virtualbox? i can't get past the 'try ubuntu..install ubuntu' screen00:32
glaucoushello.  can anyone help me make lucid stop spinning my fan?00:33
glaucousepkugelmass, turn off acpi support and lucid will run in virtualbox00:33
epkugelmassglaucous, thanks!00:33
Lonely-Trollglaucous use hammer00:33
glaucousepkugelmass, you're welcome.  it's a known bug and already fixed upstream00:33
bjsnidersetuid, between the nvidia installer and the ubuntu package the only variance is how the issue of the replacement of mesa is handled, which ubuntu has dealt with in diversions or alternatives00:33
abe3kglaucous, shouldn't that be setup from the bios ?00:34
geoff918As a general concern, would the server kernel or desktop kernel (10.04) be better in terms of power consumption?00:34
* setuid is a Linux dinosaur... going into my 15th year running Linux 00:34
glaucousepkugelmass, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ose/+bug/51057100:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox" [Undecided,Fix released]00:34
setuidgeoff918, Used powertop?00:34
abe3ksetuid, gratz00:34
setuid       powertop - program to analyze power consumption on Intel-based laptops00:34
geoff918setuid: Yes, I've used powertop before, and it seems decent.00:35
setuidabe3k, yeah, I'll be 39 in July... no spring chicken00:35
setuidgeoff918, Played with /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor00:35
geoff918setuid: The system I'm using is a dual core AMD00:35
glaucousabe3k, set up my fan in the bios?00:35
geoff918setuid: No, I haven't played with that. I do know there are some settings (I've come across that in my searches)00:35
abe3kglaucous, like turn of os fan control00:35
Lonely-TrollI am hungry00:36
setuidgeoff918, I set mine to ondemand or powersave, and it's using 1/3 the power on my laptops00:36
glaucousabe3k, I don't recall seeing any option like that, but I'll take another look.00:36
abe3ksetuid, try doing that with an intel i7 :P00:36
Lonely-TrollLets stop talk about linux. let's talk about life?00:36
abe3kglaucous, I'm sure theres a way to do it from ubuntu though00:36
setuidLonely-Troll, #ubuntu-offtopic please00:36
setuidabe3k, Why?00:36
setuidAre they making i7 laptops yet?00:37
Lonely-Trollsetuid I CAN not00:37
abe3ksetuid, I have to go through 8 processors to change it00:37
* setuid has a kickass Nehalem machine at work... 64 core, 64gb ram 00:37
Lonely-TrollThey kill me00:37
setuidabe3k, Simple one-liner...00:37
abe3ksetuid, 64 core eh, hows that workin for ya ?00:37
setuidabe3k, Full gcc build from source, ~20 seconds.00:37
geoff918setuid: that sounds good, I think I should probably contact HP and see what hardware settings can be tweaked, or what powersaving modes exist in my model. A Google search turned up rather empty on a few tries00:37
abe3ksetuid, hah00:38
Lonely-Trollsetuid, hah00:38
setuidabe3k, I'm not jojking, that machine SCREAMS00:38
setuidabe3k, We just put a farm in for an internal cloud computing effort... 8,000 cores00:38
abe3ksetuid, I'm sure it does !00:38
Lonely-Trollabe3k, I'm not jojking, that machine SCREAMS and EATING CAT'S00:38
* setuid works for $THAT_BIG_BANK00:38
abe3kecho $THAT_BIG_BANK00:39
Lonely-Trollecho $THAT_BIG_BANK_OF_SWEIZ00:39
lukussetuid, 64core?00:39
Lonely-Trollsetuid, 1024core?00:39
abe3ksetuid, how many virtual machines can you run on a 64 core machine ? O.o00:41
Lonely-Trollabe3k a lot!00:41
glaucousokay, I just changed my bios to00:42
Lonely-Troll glaucous Hello!! We are wayting for you!!!00:42
Lonely-Troll glaucous how many virtual machines can you run on a 64 core machine ? O.o00:42
kklimondaabe3k: i/o becomes the bottleneck really fast00:42
glaucous*enable* "fan always on" and guess what!  the fan is always on now00:42
Lonely-Trollmpontillo Hello!! We are wayting for you!!!00:43
abe3kglaucous, is that good or bad ?00:43
glaucousabe3k, it's bad00:43
glaucousabe3k, I don't want my fan to spin00:43
Lonely-Trollmpontillo how many virtual machines can you run on a 64 core machine ? O.o00:43
glaucousunless it needs to00:43
abe3kglaucous,  you mean you want it to run on a low rpm right ?00:43
Lonely-TrollWho wanna eat?00:44
yofelabe3k: ideally a fan should have 0 rpm unless it's needed00:44
Lonely-Trollabe3k: ideally a fan should have 270 rpm unless it's needed00:45
glaucousI don't want to hear it.  I haven't had windows on this machine in a few years, but it certainly *did not* spin my fan all the time like this.  I seem to remember karmic not spinning either but now when I boot to it it does00:45
kklimondaLonely-Troll: can you please stop that?00:45
abe3kyofel, that is if your room temp is like what ?00:45
Lonely-Trollkklimonda Of course, If you wanna to talk with me :)00:45
yofelabe3k: here on my eeePC the power consumption is so low sometimes that the fan really isn't needed, but it still runs at 50% all the time00:46
kklimondaLonely-Troll: I don't and it is not a channel for idle chat00:46
yofelabe3k: that's really annoying00:46
Lonely-Trollkklimonda What a shame... *crying*00:46
glaucousyofel, yes it is annoying00:46
abe3kyofel, whats the temperature reading of your cpu ?00:46
Lonely-TrollSo maybe you send each other a PM?00:47
glaucousabe3k, how can I check my cpu temp?00:47
Lonely-Trollglaucous Use termameter00:47
Lonely-Trolldreamnid  Hello!!!!00:47
glaucousLonely-Troll, use a spell checker00:47
yofelabe3k: core temperature is usually between 40 and 50 °C, it shouldn't run at all < 40 and only slow at 50°, faster speeds only make sense for >60°00:47
Lonely-Trollglaucous I am too lazy :-D00:48
Lonely-TrollEarth core temperature is usually between 40000 and 500000 °C,00:48
glaucousthe fan noise is driving me mad :(00:48
abe3kglaucous,  try lm-sensors00:48
kklimondaLonely-Troll: don't make us call operators to ask you to stop talking..00:48
glaucousI read something about it being nvidia driver related, but those are not installed (trying out nouveau)00:49
Lonely-Trollkklimonda Do you think they wanna to talk with me?00:49
lukusnouveau = open source nvidia drivers?00:49
kklimondaLonely-Troll: if you are wondering type !op and find out00:49
yofelglaucous: could be that nouveau doesn't have fan control either like the open source ati drivers (the fans spin at full speed with ati all the time)00:49
Lonely-Troll!op  kklimonda00:50
Lonely-TrollLike this?00:50
Lonely-TrollIt is not works00:50
kklimondaLonely-Troll: just !op00:50
lukusonce of the reasons i like nvidia, is their support for linux00:50
Lonely-TrollAnd what will be happened?00:50
nightsjammieswhen I type ipconfig in the terminal, I get:00:50
glaucouslukus, yes00:50
kklimondalukus: their support for linux isn't really that great00:50
lukuskklimonda, well - they produce drivers regularly00:50
Lonely-Trollnightsjammies But "ipconfig" it is in Windows!00:51
lukuskklimonda, even if they are closed source00:51
yofelkklimonda: it's better than ati... (in the sense of fglrx)00:51
glaucousyofel, do you think installing the nvidia drivers would help me?00:51
nightsjammiesoops. what do I type for terminal?00:51
lukusand they release full apis for their drivers and tech00:51
nightsjammiesand I'm in the wrong room. Oh well.00:51
lukusi like the company a lot00:51
kklimondasure, they are better than ATI but still nothing great00:51
Lonely-Trollnightsjammies Type "kill-all-humans"00:51
kklimondalukus: they do? guys who are writing nouveau would disagree ;)00:51
yofelglaucous: that's something I can't say, I have a fanless nvidia gpu in my desktop and an intel card in my eeePC00:51
glaucousthis is a laptop, btw.  dunno if that changes anything00:52
abe3kyofel, 40 and 50 requires fans to run00:52
lukuskklimonda, well - the drivers are closed source00:52
abe3kyofel, try lm-sensors and see the rpm and cpu temp from there00:52
lukuskklimonda, and that's not ideal ... but, they seem to invest in linux to a certain extent maybe00:53
yofelabe3k: I said core temp, you don't  need a fan running at 40°, where the cpu cooler will maybe be at 30-3500:53
glaucousI get "lm-sensors: command not found"00:53
nightsjammiesso what do I type in the terminal troll?00:53
lukusi'd love it if more linux apps made use of the GPU .. via CUDA or Open CL00:53
abe3kyofel, now my cpu is 56 on my eeepc and the fan is on 890 rpm, I can hardly hear it00:53
lukusthere's a lot that could be done imo00:53
yofelabe3k: I've been compiling stuff right now, so the core temp is at 57, and the fan running is ok00:54
nightsjammiesto get my ip address?00:54
kklimondalukus: I disagree - their drivers are efficient but their support for new linux technologies is negligible00:54
yofelabe3k: what I mean is that if I power the eeePC on and the cpu is cool and I don't use much power after that the fan shouldn't be running at 1000RPM from the beginning00:54
abe3kyofel, I think for the fan to be really slow requires 25°00:54
Lonely-Trollnightsjammies Use google00:54
glaucous$ sensors00:54
glaucousAdapter: Virtual device00:54
glaucoustemp1:       +55.0°C  (crit = +97.0°C)00:54
glaucouslooks a bit cryptic :(00:55
Lonely-TrollI am using yandex.ru -----> IP00:55
Lonely-Trollor 2 ip.ru00:55
Lonely-Trollfor information about ip00:55
yofelabe3k: err, I once was in the train after walking outside in the winter and the fan was still running at 1000RPM even though the notebook was almost frozen00:55
Equsnightsjammies,  ifconfig00:56
Lonely-Trollnightsjammies Don't believe him! He is a haker!00:56
hggdhLonely-Troll, please stop00:56
abe3kyofel, only time I really hear my eeepc fan is when the cpu hits 100% load00:56
kklimondayofel: my fan in the thinkpad starts spinning when temperature reaches ~54C and then spins at 3300rpm indefinitely :/00:56
Lonely-Trollnightsjammies Belive noone! Exapt me, of course00:57
abe3kyofel, thats about it,  the rest of the time the fan is running but with no sound at all00:57
glaucouskklimonda, how can I see how fast it is spinning?00:57
Lonely-Trollglaucous use your eyes00:57
kklimondaglaucous: I use /proc/acpi/ibm/fan00:57
nightsjammies...troll, shut up.00:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:58
yofelkklimonda: same here, but that's by design I guess00:58
Lonely-TrollWhy me???00:58
hggdhbecause you don't stop00:58
Equs!op | Lonely-Troll00:58
ubottuLonely-Troll: please see above00:58
* yofel has the cpu temp and fan speed always visible in byobu ^^00:59
glaucouskklimonda, I only have /proc/acpi/fan/FAN/state00:59
nightsjammiesthanks much Equs00:59
Equsyour welcome00:59
kklimondaglaucous: it probably varies from one hardware vendor to another00:59
abe3kyofel, I use gkrellm :)00:59
glaucousI wish I knew more about this stuff01:00
yofelabe3k: yeah, but I don't like a window always sticking on my desktop (not enough space on my eeePC)01:00
glaucousI'm going to go deaf here with this fan :(01:00
nightsjammiesthe bad thing is that unless I use something on a day to day to day basis, I usually forget it...01:01
abe3kyofel, use the "alt" key to move the window around :)01:01
CalmvsKhaoshow do you guys get sensor working? I try sudo sensors-detect and it seems to do something or another, then i type sensors, and it says 'No Sensors found! blah blah'01:01
yofelabe3k: nah, i like having byobu open in yakuake, ony a press of F12 away ;P01:01
* yofel needs to clean his KB some time...01:02
nightsjammiesI loved my triple e01:02
abe3kyofel, always use compressed air :)01:02
yofelabe3k: my can's empty, need to buy a new one ;)01:02
CalmvsKhaosyofel, its not nice to kill bacteria, they are living organisms, leave the keyboard alone, and let them grow ;)01:02
Equsis there a way to move the close max and minimize buttons back to the right side or are we going to have to learn to like them on the left01:02
yofelCalmvsKhaos: LOL01:03
abe3kCalmvsKhaos, tree huggers ....01:03
CalmvsKhaoselky, Lonely_Troll is in #ubuntu now just a heads up01:04
happyhoboEqus: I have the command line to fix that01:05
happyhobo gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"01:05
Equshappyhobo,  thanks01:05
happyhoboI hate them on the left01:06
Equsme too01:06
abe3khappyhobo, makes you feel dizzy01:06
happyhoboIt does abe3k?01:06
abe3khappyhobo, actually it did01:07
abe3kI've also noticed one more annoying thing, before using 10.04 the multitouch pad on the eeepc used to have middle click on 2 fingers and right click on 3 now it is reversed, anyway of fixing that ? say from xinput2 ?01:10
abe3kthe scroll still works with two fingers though01:11
setuidabe3k, re: your last question, not enough... I think they're pushing 150 stateful VMs on that kit01:12
setuidThey can get ~2x that if they're stateless01:12
abe3ksetuid, would be cool to use VMware VMs on  a server and only an IO interface with the users01:14
setuidabe3k, that's essentially what the stateless nodes are01:15
abe3ksetuid, I don't recall what those interfaces are called01:15
abe3ksetuid, yeah those exactly, I've read about SUN's VMCIs they're pretty nifty tools :)01:16
abe3ksetuid, I wonder if you could use thosee VMCIs via wireless instead of an ethernet connection01:17
setuidWhen OpenSolaris zones can seamlessly run a full Linux distro, then I'll consider that an option01:17
abe3ksetuid, I think SUN have accomplished mac windows and linux on their VM software01:19
setuidThat's not quite zones though... everyone and their brother has a VM solution these days01:19
setuidVendors are getting on the bandwagon... to the point of enforcing a specific VM, or they won't supoprt their product01:20
setuidOracle, for example, DOES NOT support their software running on anything but their own VM, period. Microsoft VM? Nope. VMware Enterprise? Nope. Nothing else...01:20
setuidWe give Oracle like $400M a year, and they still refuse to support us... so we're tossing them :)01:20
abe3ksetuid, but I've heard that mySQL is in danger01:21
setuidWe just spent a lot of coin on 8,000 cores, all VMware ESXi backed... and Oracle refused to support that environment. Easy decision... goodbye Oracle ;)01:21
setuidThey're losing their #2 customer. Ahem.01:21
setuidabe3k, MySQL is in trouble, but the fork is not.01:22
abe3ksetuid, pretty strange I thought major banks use something like SAB01:22
setuidOracle, Sybase, DB2... mostly.01:22
setuidLots and lots of Oracle.01:23
abe3kuh huh01:23
setuid$30M/year in support costs alone, which are _required_01:23
setuidI actually raised that as an issue... why are we paying Oracle $30M/year, and the contract specifically states that they do not support our VMware environment? (red flags and shitstorm ensues)01:23
abe3ksetuid, I think its an issue between VMware and oracle01:25
setuidA lot of these vendors are getting a kick in the ass from some pretty high-quality OSS software01:25
setuidWebLogic -> JBOSS, Oracle -> MySQL/MariaDB, etc.01:25
setuidIBM HTTP Server -> Apache01:26
setuidThe list goes on and on01:26
setuidA lot of entrenched, proprietary software is being harshly audited... now that money in companies is scarce01:27
abe3kpretty amazing how they've managed to make their software recognize it's running in a VM01:27
setuidNot hard to do at all... detecting that you're inside a VM is easy01:27
setuiddmidecode will give you a pretty big leg up01:28
abe3klukus, I've found out that xine has a vdpau support :D01:30
abe3klukus, let me see if I could get it working in ubuntu :>01:31
lukusabe3k, nice - i found it really helped performance on my pc01:31
lukusabe3k, there are some repos you can add to your sources01:31
setuidWhat is this vdpau?01:31
lukusdoes most of the work for you01:31
lukussetuid, i hadn't heard about it until the other day01:31
lukusallows you make use of nvidia mpeg decoding on hardware01:32
abe3kI've used the nvidia decoder back in the windows days, it is "crystal" clear decoding01:32
setuidhrm, I guess I'm already running it... never noticed any difference01:32
lukussetuid, not necessarily01:32
lukusyou need to install extra01:32
setuidextra what? it's built into nvidia-17301:33
abe3ksetuid, try viewing live DVB from your satellite card, you'll notice a big difference01:33
setuidThen the packager lists it wrong01:33
setuidnvidia-173 - NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library01:33
lukussetuid, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103762501:33
lukusthe driver is capable - but that doesn't mean it's being used01:33
histoyeah I just noticed that01:34
histolukus: mines not in use either01:34
abe3kI think the nvidia driver comes with the API only01:34
lukusit's worthwhile sorting out01:35
histoI'm trying to figure out what the recomended driver is that its installing now01:35
histolukus: Mine is showing as driver is active but not in use on the 17301:35
setuidlukus, Not really useful... and I don't see why I'd need it over what already is installed and working01:36
abe3klukus, I just want to make sure it'll work on my machine before starting to download stuff and start compiling01:36
histosetuid: VDPAU?01:36
setuidhisto, yep01:36
histosetuid: is veery usefull.01:36
setuidhisto, for what?01:36
lukuswell, i installed a repo, which has packages precompiled with VDPAU support enabled01:36
billybigrigger_does anyone here use virtualbox for itunes???01:37
lukussetuid, it is useful .. means you can watch HD video without using yr CPU01:37
abe3kbillybigrigger_, doesn't it work with wine ?01:37
histosetuid: it handles all the graphics for systems like that couldn't handle full output of HD the video card handles the output etc..01:37
billybigrigger_unless ipod touch/iphones are supported natively now in lucid01:37
histosetuid: rather than taxing the CPU01:37
billybigrigger_abe3k, don't think wine has usb support01:37
setuidOk yeah, not very useful to me01:37
abe3kbillybigrigger_, I've never owned an iPod :>, I always use my sonyericsson walkman :P01:38
billybigrigger_work handed out ipod touches so i wasn't complaining :)01:38
histowhat is nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version current)[recommended] in hardware drivers vs. (version 17301:38
abe3kbillybigrigger_, nice01:38
billybigrigger_yeah company logo engraved on the back, right from apple...they went all out :)01:39
lukushisto, check the nvnews forum01:39
abe3kbillybigrigger_, I just got me a new nokia N900 it is soooo fine, if you love linux you must have a look  at that device01:39
setuidbillybigrigger_, Sounds like a layoff round is coming ;)01:39
histolukus: huh? I'm jsut wondering?01:39
lukushisto, ^01:39
billybigrigger_setuid, i work on an oil rig, they can fire us if they want haha they won't have anyone to make them money :P01:40
billybigrigger_so back to my question, before i get yelled at for being offtopic...01:40
billybigrigger_is there native support for iphones yet? or am i stuck with the virtualbox/itunes route01:40
histolukus: that doesn't really answer my question01:40
setuidbillybigrigger_, amarok doesn't support the iphone? I'd be shocked01:41
histolukus: what is the difference between the two in the hardware drivers page?  Is one 195 and the other 173?01:41
ZykoticK9histo, nvidia-current is 195.36-15 (which might have the fan issue - not sure if there have actually been any confirmed linux cases, but it's possible)01:41
setuidZykoticK9, which fan issue?01:41
kklimondahisto: the current version is the latest stable version (195) and 173 is 17301:41
lukushisto, ahh.. they support different devices01:41
histoZykoticK9: my laptops on fire with whatever i'm running now anyways01:41
abe3kI've got this http://blog.mymediasystem.net/avchd/hdtv-with-karmic-koala/ if anyone is interested in dvb acceleration01:41
yofelZykoticK9: the fan issue is supposed to be fixed in .1501:41
billybigrigger_setuid, hmmm....amarok might...im a rythmbox user so ill try it out01:41
histolukus: How do I find out which one i'm using now? it said 173 was activated but not in use.  So I clicked on current the recomended one.01:42
setuidbillybigrigger_, rhythmbox is sticks and rocks compared to amarok01:42
ZykoticK9yofel, thanks - good to know (i never switched actually)01:42
yofelsetuid: there was a bug in the driver that could lead to gpu overheating since the fan was off/too slow01:42
lukushisto, which card are you using?01:42
histolukus: nvm I see 173 in nvidia-settings01:42
billybigrigger_setuid, ubuntu devs obviously think it's better...i don't get why they give us crap default software01:42
histolukus: let me check hold up01:42
setuidyofel, ah, I control the fan myself with scripts...01:42
yofelsetuid: GPU fan01:42
abe3kZykoticK9, I have 15 and there is no fan issue01:42
setuidyofel, Ok, my GPU has no fan :)01:43
histolukus: GeForce 8400M GS01:43
setuidyofel, My laptop has a discrete (not onboard) nvidia card... no fan01:43
histolukus: G8601:43
abe3ksetuid, usb  ? O.o01:43
histoOn my laptop01:43
ZykoticK9abe3k, i wasn't overly concerned but did keep the GPU hardware monitor on my panel ;)01:43
histoZykoticK9: well my laptop is burning up running the 173 driver.01:43
histolukus: should I be using 195 then?01:44
setuidabe3k, No, it's internal, just not built into the motherboard. I lose 1 hour of extra battery life for choosing that option, but the graphics are MUCH nicer than the onboard nvidia that Lenovo offered in place of it.01:44
lukushisto, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_195.36.15.html01:44
setuidhisto, I found that 173 is the only one that works for everything, including suspend/resume/hibernate, and not locking up01:44
lukushisto, ^^ think that 195 is good for you01:45
abe3ksetuid, Nice01:45
histolukus: I'm going to try it reboot time01:45
setuidI'm surprised vdpau isn't the default configuration these days01:47
setuidAnyone else having their public websites pounded by skipfish scans?01:49
histoyeah its working with 195 but hardware drivers has a bug.01:49
histoIt shows that nvidia is installed but not in use and i'm using it. Just like it did with the old one01:49
abe3khisto, if you had that problem, then just install it twice01:51
abe3khisto, it'll get fixed01:51
ArenOk, apparently I'm a complete idiot. I can install Hardy just fine, but when I try Lucid I get nowhere.  I tried the Beta 1 ISO, burned to CD, and get nothing but blackscreens and lockups no matter what 'boot options' I mess with.  I tried the alternative ISO, on my USB with unetbootin...and even to my eye (been using computers for 20+ years) it reads like it's in greek.  Does anyone have any advice for me, other than staying with Hard01:51
histoabe3k: install what twice?01:51
abe3khisto, the nvidia driver01:51
histoabe3k: you can only activate it once01:52
abe3khisto, you're using the repository ?01:52
histoNo i'm saying there is a bug in hardware drivers01:52
histoSystem > admin > hardware drivers01:52
histoI have the driver activated but it says its not in use. Even though I know its in use.01:52
abe3khisto, yeah so you're using the repositories01:52
histoabe3k: in a round about way use01:53
kklimondaAren: what graphic card do you have?01:53
abe3khisto, I was talking about the drivers you download from nvidia.com01:53
histoabe3k: oh no i'm not using those01:53
setuidAren, Add vga=0 to your kernel boot line, remove any quiet or splash items01:54
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:54
Arenkklimonda: Aside from the RAM being maxed out and a larger hard drive being installed, this laptop conforms to the specifications for a Toshiba Satellite laptop, model number A105-S2131.01:54
Arensetuid: Translate to newbie-ese?  My experience with Ubuntu is less than three months in total.01:54
abe3kAren, did you get a busybox message by any chance ?01:55
Arenabe3k: What are you talking about?01:55
ZykoticK9histo, the nvidia and hardware drivers showing sorta incorrect/confusing stuff has been an issue for a long time.  if you want to comb through "lspci -vnvn" and find your VGA card it will say "Kernel driver in use: nvidia" or nouveau if that's what's running - but it will be nvidia i bet01:55
histoMuch better with the 195 driver01:55
robin0800Aren: have you tried the alternate as a booting CD? note the Beta1 cd is broken so you will need an internet connection for updates01:56
histoZykoticK9: thats what i'm saying I can see in nvidia-settings that I'm running 195 and glxinfo reports the same01:56
histoZykoticK9: but hardware drivers is goofy saying its not in use even though I activated it throught here.01:56
ZykoticK9histo, long standing issue man01:56
setuidMine says I'm not running 173, but I am01:57
Arenrobin0800: I used the alternate as a Live USB, I don't have a ton of blank CD-Rs I can use here.  Already down to less than a dozen, so any attempt to install up to Lucid must be done via a 2 gig USB drive.01:57
setuidOpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation01:57
setuidOpenGL renderer string: Quadro FX 570M/PCI/SSE201:57
setuidOpenGL version string: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.2201:57
lukushisto, i installed my driver manually01:57
lukusand removed all associated deb packages01:57
abe3kme too :)01:57
abe3kbeen using the nvidia.com drivers since forever01:58
robin0800Aren: I think it will still appear as broken01:58
lukusyeah, me too abe3k - they work well01:58
lukusonly problem is, having to reinstall when the kernel upgrades01:58
Arenrobin0800: So I'm stuck with Hardy Heron, then?01:58
abe3klukus, thats when I go check for newer versions ;)01:58
abe3klukus, I only update them when a kernel update is up01:59
abe3klukus, I've installed mine today since theres been some kernel update on karmic01:59
robin0800Aren: My advice would be to download a daily alternate iso and use that02:00
kklimondaAren: if you have been using linux for 3 months than the safest route is to wait until 10.04 is released02:00
* setuid agrees02:00
robin0800kklimonda: what makes you think that will be better given the Beta1 farce02:01
abe3kanyone knows if there's a chance of gnome 3 coming with 10.04 ?02:01
Arenkklimonda: Then any intentions I have to help with Ubuntu's beta is in vain.  Very well then.  See you again in early May, when I am trying to install and fail again.02:01
* Aren disconnects.02:01
abe3kawe :(02:02
ChogyDanabe3k: i dont think so02:02
setuidabe3k, it's due to be02:02
abe3kChogyDan, the only thing I know about gnome 3 is youtube videos tbh, but they've looked nice02:02
kklimondarobin0800: there have been any problems with beta1 release? not with updates that came just after beta, with beta iso02:02
robin0800abe3k: not ready in time I hear02:02
AbortDcan anyone help me install the lucid kernel in karmic02:03
abe3krobin0800, cool thanks02:03
ChogyDanAbortD: what for?02:03
asymptoteMy machine won't boot - it says "Mount: mount point /proc/bus/usb does not exist" - can someone help me fix this ?02:04
AbortDto solve issues with my graphics driver02:04
AbortDi run a ati radeon 3200 hd02:04
jandersatlHello. I'm running 10.04 with kernel 2.6.32-16 generic kernel. Having some issues with invisible mouse pointer. Is it ok to upgrade to the latest stable kernel,, even though it doesn't show up with apt-cache search linux-image?02:04
setuidAbortD, http://blog.gnu-designs.com/building-custom-kernels-for-ubuntu02:04
robin0800kklimonda: My beta1 iso boots with no panel and no icons hardly a great sucess02:04
kklimondaAbortD: for 9.10 related questions please check #ubuntu channels, here we are talking about lucid02:04
AbortDkklimonda, they sent me here02:05
asymptoterobin0800: there's a post in the ubuntuforums.org Lucid Testing thread about this issue02:05
AbortDsince i want the lucid kernel02:05
ChogyDanjandersatl: yeah, it is fine, you just wont get the ubuntu patches, so you may run into problems02:05
campassianyone have screenshots of 10.04 beta netbook edition?02:05
kklimondarobin0800: that doesn't really sound like beta1 to me, rather like beta1 + broken gnome-panel package. but this particular issue is going to be fixed for the stable release so your comment have no merit.02:05
asymptoteMy machine won't boot - it says "Mount: mount point /proc/bus/usb does not exist" - can someone help me fix this ?02:06
setuidhrm, so wait... menus in gnome 3 have no sub-menus?02:06
abe3kI'm running the desktop edition on my eeepc02:06
ChogyDanAbortD: I'm running karmic with a lucid kernel from my ppa.  You are welcome to use it, but then you get to test my ppa :)02:06
setuidThat'll rapidly get annoying02:06
setuidWhy are they removing features and flexibility, for yet more eye-candy?!02:06
jandersatlChogyDan: hmmm..maybe I should wait then. The invisible mouse thing is driving me nuts though.02:06
robin0800asymptote: fortunately I have an always on cable connection and just used that to get the updates02:06
bjsnidersetuid, what card is this you're running the 173 driver on?02:07
setuidbjsnider, see above...02:07
asymptoterobin0800: I don't know what that means02:07
ChogyDanjandersatl: just install it from the mainline ppa, and keep the old kernel.  It is quite painless to test out02:07
asymptoterobin0800: or why you are telling me02:07
kklimondasetuid: I'm pretty sure that gnome-shell is just a elaborate joke02:07
setuidbjsnider, OpenGL renderer string: Quadro FX 570M/PCI/SSE202:07
jandersatlChogyDan: good point. thanks02:08
AbortDChogyDan,  whats your ppa02:08
bjsnidersetuid, you should be using the 195 driver02:08
setuidbjsnider, Why?02:08
ChogyDanAbortD: https://launchpad.net/~chogydan/+archive/ppa02:08
setuidEvery time I jump from 173, I regret it02:08
AbortDwhat is a ppa  i never messed with a kernel before02:09
abe3ksetuid, you can always reinstall the older one back02:09
bjsnidersetuid, because that is the driver nvidia has designed to support your hardware02:09
setuidEither suspend/resume fails to work, it overheats and hard-locks, or the driver flat-out fails to work at all02:09
asymptoterobin0800: or why you are telling me02:09
asymptoteMy machine won't boot - it says "Mount: mount point /proc/bus/usb does not exist" - can someone help me fix this ?02:09
AbortDChogyDan, is that the original kernel or is it editted02:09
ChogyDanAbortD: unfortunately, the latest kernel won't install on karmic.  I don't know if you can still install -15.  It is edited02:09
AbortDi dont mean the latest but this is a ubuntu release or did you compile it02:10
abe3kasymptote, what happens if you choose recovery mode from the grub menu ?02:10
bjsnidersetuid, the revenue cards like the one you've got are the ones nvidia pays particular attention to02:10
robin0800kklimonda: I know that problems been fixed I am dismayed having delayed beta 1 for a day they did not do better02:10
AbortDand when i add this it will install the kernel for me?02:11
spwAbortD,  no. you still have to run sudo apt-get install linux-ck-generic linux-ck-headers-generic02:11
asymptoteabe3k: I can't boot into recovery mode02:11
asymptoteabe3k: it comes to the same error02:12
ZykoticK9campassi, http://imagebin.org/8985902:12
asymptoteabe3k: I have a post on UF if you want to see the exact message02:12
bjsniderspw, what does the ck in that string stand for?02:12
abe3kasymptote, can you access your filesystem from a live cd ?02:12
setuidbjsnider, Unless there's a bugfix, performance enhancement or other feature add, I don't see a reason to switch. 173 works fine.02:12
ChogyDanAbortD: spw is sorta correct, but since the latest won't work, you have to pick out the versions, Ill write the command in a sec02:13
spwbjsnider, no idea, not my package. It's just the instructions on chogydan's ppa.02:13
asymptoteabe3k: of course I can02:13
campassithank you very much ZykoticK902:13
asymptoteabe3k: I'm searching all the text files for anything that contains "/prob/bus/usb"02:13
hackeronE: Couldn't configure pre-depend libplymouth2 for mountall, probably a dependency cycle.02:13
abe3kasymptote, try to check if anything is messed up in fstab02:13
setuidasymptote, Put it in fstab02:13
bjsnidersetuid, 195 accelerates xrender for the first time02:13
AbortDChogyDan, thx02:14
setuidbjsnider, I don't believe I"m actively using xrender anywhere02:14
bjsnidersetuid, but for all the 173 is giving you, you might better use nouveau02:14
setuidbjsnider, nouveau doesn't support 3D, which I need for vmware workstation (no, not games, it barks if you don't have 3d support though)02:14
abe3ksetuid, is too lazy to download and install 195 :P02:15
setuidabe3k, No, I don't want to break my machine and set me back hours before work tomorrow morning, when I need to use it02:15
bjsniderhe doesn't have to since it's in nvidia-current02:15
asymptoteabe3k: I'm familiar with fstab - do you know what I should be looking for ?02:15
AbortDwhere do i add that pp in other sources?02:15
setuidbjsnider, Sure do, since I dont' run nvidia-current02:15
abe3kasymptote, if theres anything pointing to the issue you mentioned, if not do as setuid said and add it to your fs tab02:15
bjsnidernvidia hasn't touched the 173 blob in so long i can't believe it's stable02:16
setuid$ dpkg -l | grep nvidia  |wc -l02:16
ChogyDanAbortD:  sudo apt-get install linux-ck-headers-2.6.32-15ck linux-ck-headers-2.6.32-15ck-generic linux-ck-image-2.6.32-15ck-generic02:16
bjsniderdoes ck stand for con kolivas?02:16
ChogyDanbjsnider: yes02:16
AbortDChogyDan, where do i add this ppa02:16
asymptotesetuid: you said "put it in fstab" - what do I put in there02:17
asymptotesetuid: just "/proc/bus/usb" ?02:17
asymptotesetuid: I'm just trying to understand this02:17
setuidnone /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,devmode=0666 0 002:17
asymptotesetuid: ok I'll try that02:17
setuidThen do a 'mount -a' and then 'mount | grep usb' and see what shows up02:18
abe3kasymptote, and if you find that already exist in your fstab just hash it out #02:18
ShawnRso after updating from alpha3 to beta, nautilus and gnome-panel weren't loading.  I get nautilus working now, but gnome-panel doesn't load until i run it from terminal.  can someone point me towards the right place to look to fixing it?02:18
setuidI dont' think usbdevfs is even used anymore02:18
abe3ksetuid, he can't boot to his system02:18
setuidShawnR, gnome-panel &; gnome-session-save;02:18
abe3ksetuid, I told him to use a livecd02:18
setuid'init=/bin/bash', then fix fstab02:19
setuidor add usbfs to the initrd02:19
asymptoteabe3k: and setuid do you have anything like that in your fstab ?02:19
setuidasymptote, Nope02:19
ChogyDanAbortD: I updated the webpage, run the command there02:19
abe3kasymptote, no02:19
asymptotejust seems odd that this happened to me02:19
* setuid tempts fate and tries to install nvidia 195 from the Ubuntu repo02:20
setuidI know I'm going to regret this02:20
abe3ksetuid, I hope you won't02:20
asymptotesetuid: abe3k ok thanks I'll edit it and try rebooting02:21
abe3ksetuid, worst case is that it won't run, and you'll reinstall the older one02:21
AbortDsudo apt-get install linux-ck-headers-2.6.32-15ck linux-ck-headers-2.6.32-15ck-generic linux-ck-image-2.6.32-15ck-generic02:21
AbortDthat is to install the kernel?02:21
bjsniderthis is the number of kernel lockups the nvidia driver has caused on my system in the past 3 years: 002:21
abe3ksetuid, just make sure yoou have the older onr .run file before you start with the 19502:21
setuidbjsnider, I'm well over 100 in the same timeframe02:21
kklimondabjsnider: btw if nouveau is supposed to support just as much cards as nv but then why so many people complain about it?02:21
setuidkklimonda, nouveau _is_ nv...02:22
setuidunless by 'nv' you meant 'nvidia'02:22
bjsniderkklimonda, i'd have to know what the complaints are, beyond "no 3d"02:22
AbortDChogyDan, didnt work after putting that in my repos02:22
robin0800ShawnR: Run sudo aptitude update and sudo aptitude safe-upgrade to get the aprox 120 updates they forgot to put in the beta1 iso02:22
bjsniderit's certainly better than the disatrous nv driver02:22
ChogyDanAbortD: make sure to run sudo apt-get update02:22
abe3ksetuid, and when you install it, try installing it twice, it just detects symbolic links better that way O.o02:22
kklimondabjsnider: mostly about getting black screen and no X02:22
ShawnRi ran updates last night, i haven't tried safe-upgrade before, i'll try that, thanks02:23
setuidI just wish I could get my 1920x1200 bootup console back02:23
setuidhaving to be forced at 80x25 is painful02:23
AbortDChogyDan, nothing02:23
bjsniderkklimonda, sounds like the nvidia blob to me02:23
ChogyDanAbortD: now run this install command02:23
kklimondabjsnider: also does choosing "safe video" or however it's called right now disables nouveaufb?02:23
bjsniderwith nouveau you give up 3d but gain kms02:23
AbortDsudo apt-get install linux-ck-headers-2.6.32-15ck linux-ck-headers-2.6.32-15ck-generic linux-ck-image-2.6.32-15ck-generic ?02:24
bjsniderkklimonda, i don't know what you're referring to02:24
ChogyDanAbortD: yes02:24
bjsniderChogyDan, have you got a kolivas .33 kernel in there?02:24
AbortDi did and it said not found02:24
ChogyDanbjsnider: no.  I will work on that when Ubuntu releases a .3302:25
bjsniderChogyDan, the kernel team ppa has builds of it02:25
kklimondabjsnider: some people won't be able to even launch livecd due to nouveau not supporting their hardware - can they just choose safe graphics mode at the boot time and use vesa X driver and get no KMS and no nouveau frame buffer?02:25
bjsnideri'm running one now02:25
ChogyDanbjsnider: really? where?  not the mainline ppa02:25
bjsniderkklimonda, could just be a lack of pciid or something like that. i think nouveau has the potential to support everything. but nv has the same issues, considering that nvidia spends 5 minutes a year working on it02:27
abe3kI'm really liking this gbrain game lol02:27
bjsniderChogyDan, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.33/02:29
kklimondabjsnider: the question is more general - now that we have 3 drivers that support KMS but not on all hardware is it possible to turn it off for the installation time with a nice switch without manually editing kernel command line? I agree that nv is bad and nouveau is better but people aren't going to care - for them if it doesn't work then it is our fault02:29
AbortDChogyDan,  any ideas02:29
bjsniderkklimonda, kms can be turned off with a kernel boot parameter02:30
ChogyDanAbortD: go here and download the packages manually: http://ppa.launchpad.net/chogydan/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ck/02:30
AbortDChogyDan, which one.......02:31
ChogyDanbjsnider: my understanding is that those packages don't have any of the ubuntu patches, like dkms.  So I don't know how worth it it is.02:32
AbortD2.6.32-15 amd64?02:32
ChogyDanAbortD: i38602:32
AbortDi'm running karmic 6402:33
ChogyDanoh, then yeah02:33
AbortDcan i just open it in gdebi?02:34
ChogyDanAbortD: you may just want to use the mainline ppa, since this is getting too complicated.  The mainline may work better02:34
AbortDsoooo how do i do that then02:34
ChogyDanAbortD: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds02:36
ChogyDanAbortD: and if that is confusing, just install the lucid beta02:37
AbortDhaha tried lucid beta got a jockey-gtk error i couldnt even google02:38
setuidI knew I'd regret that02:40
ShawnRthanks robin0800 that did the trick :)02:40
robin0800kklimonda: KMS can also be turned off in xorg.conf not that that helps because on a clean install this file is not present02:41
setuidbjsnider, 195 (inside nvidia-current) does NOT work02:41
setuidgdm attempts to load, flickers the screen to black a few times, then dies with no errors, no warnings, just refuses to load up X at all02:41
bjsnidersetuid, did you have the nvidia-installer on that system prior to this?02:42
setuidbjsnider, Just the 173 package02:42
bjsniderthe nvidia-173 package int he repos?02:42
setuidI'm going to try Nvidia's version: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_195.36.15.html02:43
setuidIf that fails, I'm rolling back to 17302:43
bjsnideryou can't use the nvidia instaler in lucid02:43
setuidI've done it before, by bypassing the installer's detection02:43
bjsnideryou've done it on lucid before?02:44
setuidWith 185, yes.02:44
setuidNot with 195 though02:44
bjsniderok, then all bets are off02:44
setuidWhy's that?02:44
bjsnideryou can't do that and expect things to work afterwards02:44
bjsniderthe nvidia-installer is too far away from the xorg/mesa system in lucid02:45
quentusrexCan someone help me with a network driver issue?02:45
setuidOk, then I'll roll back to 173, because nvidia-current is definitely non-functional02:45
bjsnideruse it once and you've probably condemned yourself to using it for the forseeable future, unless you do a wipe & reload02:45
setuidGood news is that I got my 1920x1200 consoles back though02:45
quentusrexI've been tracking this bug since 8.10 and I think it is still in 10.0402:45
setuidquentusrex, Reported it?02:45
quentusrexNetwork chip RTL8111D has an unstable driver02:45
quentusrexsetuid, I have reported it.02:45
* quentusrex goes and gets the link02:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 347711 in linux "Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller Unstable on Jaunty" [Unknown,In progress]02:46
quentusrexI have this motherboard: http://www.gigabyte.us/Products/Motherboard/Products_Spec.aspx?ClassValue=Motherboard&ProductID=3161&ProductName=GA-P55-UD4P02:46
setuidWhat's the issue?02:46
setuidI can't load up a browser to check that url02:46
quentusrexI have kvm running virtual machines, this all works. If I have any of the virtual machines max out my gigabit network at 40MB/s then 'something happens' and the server becomes unresponsive.02:47
quentusrexI have reproduced the issue with out kvm02:48
setuidquentusrex, tried setting MTU to 1492?02:48
bjsnidersetuid, it would be good if you could report that "quirk" to nvidia02:48
quentusrexbut since I can test it more easily with kvm I do that.02:48
setuidbjsnider, I'll narrow it down next weeekend, not on the night before wrk :)02:48
quentusrexThe problem is easily 'fixed' with "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"02:48
quentusrexand the network comes back02:48
setuidRight, try lowering the mtu02:49
quentusrexbut after it gets up high again, it crashes out.02:49
setuidand disable wol02:49
Spirits-Sightwhy would after 2 week gparted, parted, and udisk be held back from updating? on two differnet system02:49
setuidbjsnider, http://pastebin.ca/184888002:49
setuidSeen that before?02:49
setuidStarted happening about 3 days ago, after the "bad" updates came down02:50
Spirits-Sighthow does one fix it?02:50
yofelSpirits-Sight: no idea, but fixing it is easy02:50
quentusrexsetuid, I have set the mtu to 1492. I'm stressing it out now02:51
quentusrexIt usually will crash very quickly.02:51
yofelSpirits-Sight: for udisks remove devicekit-disks, it's been replaced, for parted make it install libparted0 (will remove libparted)02:51
setuidquentusrex, I'd be curious to see if it takes longer, or stops crashing altogether02:51
bjsnidersetuid, no02:51
yofelSpirits-Sight: you should use synaptic or aptitude/apt-get to do that02:52
quentusrexsetuid, if you are around in here I'll let you know02:52
setuidquentusrex, I'm going to reboot, but I'll be back in a few minutes02:52
nightsjammies##apple Cannot send to channel02:53
Spirits-Sightyofel: done :-)02:53
nightsjammies##apple Cannot send to channel02:53
nightsjammieshow do I fix that?02:53
yofelnightsjammies: what were you trying to do?02:54
kklimondanightsjammies: register your nick02:54
kklimonda(most likely response)02:54
nightsjammiesyeah, that's right. what's the command for that?02:55
kklimonda /msg nickserv help02:55
ZykoticK9!register > nightsjammies02:55
ubottunightsjammies, please see my private message02:55
nightsjammiesthanks much :)02:55
setuidyay, 173 works again02:56
quentusrexsetuid, it crashed.02:57
MikeChelentype /nickserv help02:57
setuidquentusrex, Same spot again?02:57
quentusrexwant any debug info?02:58
setuidNah, what's the chipset and driver again?02:58
quentusrexI have this motherboard: http://www.gigabyte.us/Products/Motherboard/Products_Spec.aspx?ClassValue=Motherboard&ProductID=3161&ProductName=GA-P55-UD4P02:59
quentusrexlsmod |grep r816           r8168                 101556  002:59
quentusrexI just built and installed the new driver03:00
abe3kcya guys, gnight03:01
quentusrexsetuid, from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1022411&page=303:01
setuidquentusrex, Just a sec... 'apt-get autoremove' just removed a bunch of in-use, critical packages03:03
setuid...including 2 of my browsers03:03
quentusrexfun, fun03:04
yofelsetuid: autoremove shouldn't remove anything that something else depends on03:04
setuidLife on the bleeding edge... carry bandages.03:04
kklimondanor anything installed manually03:04
setuidyofel, It did, reinstalling all of them now03:04
yofelsetuid: what did you remove before that?03:04
setuidyofel, nothing03:05
setuidbsh epiphany-browser-data gir1.0-freedesktop gir1.0-gconf-2.0 gir1.0-glib-2.0 gir1.0-gstreamer-0.10 gir1.0-gtk-2.0 groovy ivy junit4 libasm2-java libass4 libcommons-logging-java libgirepository1.0-0 libhamcrest-java libjline-java libmockobjects-java libnetpbm10 libruby1.8 libservlet2.5-java libxpp3-java libxstream-java mplayer-nogui python-eggtrayicon python-gtkmozembed03:05
setuidThose were autoremoved, and the epiphany and lib* ones were required by other packages (including epiphany)03:05
setuidquentusrex, So this new driver works?03:06
quentusrexsetuid, breaks differently03:06
yofelwell, if epiphany is removed the libs aren't needed anymore, but the fact stays that autoremove will not remove manually installed packages and packages that other packages depend on03:06
setuidyofel, I never removed epiphany, but it removed all of the other packages that epiphany required... like libgir and epiphany-data03:07
Kanowhy does mounting in dolphin not work on hd insall03:08
Kanousing gnome it works03:08
yofelKano: mounting of *what*?03:08
Kanohd partitions not usb03:08
Kanoas they are not in the fstab this is suboptimal03:08
yofelsetuid: well, check if epiphany-browser is installed then, because it shouldn't remove -data or libgir... if -browser is installed03:10
quentusrexsetuid, So, no the driver is no better than the previous one.03:10
Kanoyofel: did nobody try that?03:11
yofelKano: what error do you get?03:12
Kano1000 not allowed03:12
Kanoin the status window of dolphin03:13
Kanofor every hd partition03:13
yofelok, confirmed03:13
yofelthis did work once in lucid...03:13
Kanousually it should ask for pw03:13
yofelKano: bug 52890703:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528907 in kdebase "unable to mount disks in dolphin / hal permission denied" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52890703:16
Kanomaybe udisks is not compiled against policykit03:17
Kanoor is still hal used?03:17
yofelKano: kde still uses hal03:17
yofelKano: see the error message03:18
Kanowell check if hal is configured to build against policykit03:18
robin0800yofel: why are you using hal its been dropped by lucid03:19
yofelrobin0800: it's not been dropped by lucid, it's been dropped by gnome03:20
robin0800yofel: thats not what the beta1 release note states03:21
yofelrobin0800: run 'apt-cache rdepens hal' in a terminal if you want to know what packages still need it03:21
yofelrobin0800: yes, the Ubuntu release notes, and Ubuntu uses gnome03:22
BoondoKlifeyofel: Just found that rdepends command. soooo useful03:22
yofelrobin0800: you won't find that on the kubuntu release notes03:22
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=== rw is now known as rww
robin0800yofel: so they haven't realy got rid of it have they perhaps just from the booting part03:26
yofelrobin0800: hal isn't started on boot anymore but started by dbus when needed. As long as you just use the default system it shouldn't be installed afaik03:28
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robin0800yofel: and will be called if I use any files from the rdepends list?03:30
yofelrobin0800: it should be (note that rdepends doesn't make a difference between depens/recommends/suggests)03:32
yofelso not all apps in the list will actually force you to install hal03:32
wgranthal was gone for a while.03:32
wgrantBut it's back in the default installation, thanks to pitivi (which Recommends it).03:33
yofeloh, haha03:33
robin0800yofel: I can see the Xog.config file coming back so they can disable KMS03:35
yofelwait, you have to disable kms with a kernel parameter, or can you do that in xorg.conf?03:35
robin0800yofel: yes its one of the options .... #Option     "FBTexPercent"       # "0"03:37
orbisvicishow do I change ubuntu versions?04:02
orbisvicisprobably some lucid package changed it, but I would like it back to hardy04:02
orbisvicisthe "official" name, wherever that's kept04:02
kklimondaorbisvicis: what versions do you mean?04:11
orbisvicisthe versions shown by lsb_release,/etc/issue,/etc/apt.source.list etc.. just in case i decide to use do-release-upgrade04:13
orbisviciscurrently ubuntu thinks it is lucid04:14
orbisvicis* not a very lucid conclusion :|04:14
kklimondaand it's not lucid?04:15
orbisvicisno, atm it is mostly hardy iirc04:15
kklimondaUbuntu is not really designed to be "mostly" one release04:16
orbisvicisi know04:16
orbisvicisi simply figured, with lucid around the corner, the do-upgrade-tool should start working04:17
kklimondahave you tried do-release-upgrade -d ?04:17
orbisvicis(it refuses to process when packages are from unreleased versions)04:17
orbisvicishm, no04:18
orbisvicishowever, that might not result in the upgrade i need04:19
orbisvicisa hardy do-upgrade-tool that thinks it is upgrading from lucid -> dev04:19
kklimondaif you start mixing packages it's pretty hard to get any good results ;)04:20
kklimondayou can either clean the installation - i.e. revert all packages to the official versions or just enable lucid repositories, run dist-upgrade and hope for the best04:20
* orbisvicis thinks he should finishing backing up everything first04:21
kklimondaindeed, this upgrade may be pretty rough in your case ;)04:21
NinoScriptI don't think this is the place to ask this, but anyway: GnomeShell design page says: "Don't unnecessarily rely on metaphor. Especially mechanical-age", can anybody tell me what that means?04:21
orbisvicis* and not decide things in the wee hours of dawn04:22
orbisvicisbe specific ?04:22
orbisvicis@ NinoScript:  ^04:22
kklimondaNinoScript: nope - sounds like gibberish to me04:22
linshineanyone know how to fix gdm fonts? login screen is all square [] fonts. completely illegible. lucid beta.04:23
NinoScriptkklimonda: that's exactly what my brain said :P04:23
orbisviciskklimonda: well thanks for the thoughts04:24
orbisvicisill mull it over04:24
linshine/var/log/gdm logs say this: gdm-simple-greeter[1286]: Pango-WARNING: failed to choose a font, expect ugly output. engine-type='PangoRenderFc'04:24
robin0800orbisvicis: I think you have to know what mechanical age is a metaphor for and I don't04:25
NinoScriptrobin0800: (he left)04:27
NinoScriptthe only thing that comes to my mind after reading that, is the typical Nut icon in preferences04:29
jmcantrellwhy is lucid so tightly integrated with a specific IM client?04:36
BoondoKlifejmcantrell: Do you mean prepackaged? You can always install something else.04:40
jmcantrellBoondoKlife: well, in the preferences, the accounts you setup only apply to empathy04:41
NinoScriptBoondoKlife: I think he's asking about the change status stuff, but would that work with other IMs?04:41
jmcantrellNinoScript: yes, that too04:42
BoondoKlifeNinoScript: I use pidgin and the status works for that too04:42
BoondoKlifejmcantrell: Are you talking about the chat accounts or what ever is under you login?04:43
kklimondajmcantrell: because it's the empathy tool for setting accounts. every IM has its own04:43
jmcantrellBoondoKlife: yes. chat accounts04:43
kklimondaah, this04:43
kklimondajmcantrell: but the more generic answer is that we only have that much people to do the work04:43
BoondoKlifejmcantrell: Yea that will only work for that, but if you remove it the option goes away.04:44
jmcantrelli just find the decision to switch to empathy odd. what was wrong with pidgin?04:44
jmcantrellremove empathy?04:44
BoondoKlifejmcantrell: yup04:44
jmcantrelloh i see04:44
BoondoKlifejmcantrell: I removed it from my systems and installed pidgin04:45
kklimondajmcantrell: empathy (or rather telepathy) is a part of the GNOME platform.04:45
jmcantrellthanks. i'll try that04:45
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ubottuUbuntu bug 492392 in linux "[lucid, intel] After suspend, flickering screen and then blank screen." [Medium,Confirmed]05:04
holsteini want to apply the patch listed at the bottom of that bug report05:04
holsteini run patch -0 thepatchfile.patch ??05:05
kklimondapatch -Np0 < thepatchfile.patch from the main directory of the unpacked source05:10
holsteinthanks kklimonda05:16
holsteinit shouldnt take very long right?05:16
kklimondapatching? no05:18
kklimondafew seconds at most05:18
holsteinthats what i was thinking05:18
DanaGStupidest computer name I've ever seen:05:22
DanaGTo Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M.05:22
DanaGThat is, manufacturer="To Be Filled By O.E.M." and model="To Be Filled By O.E.M."05:23
rwwmy desktop has this :(05:26
ddecatorhello community =)05:37
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Damascenewhat is the problem with swfdec? it's not working with firefox06:20
Admin_hi guys does anyone here know if this new driver will work with a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODA4MA06:26
ranjanwhat will be the effect of removing HAL from boot06:30
ranjanhow will ubuntu recognize new devices connected06:30
Damascenedid you buy the card yourself or it's pre-installed?06:30
Admin_it was pre-installed on the laptop06:31
ranjanwhat will be the effect of removing HAL from boot06:31
ranjanhow will ubuntu recognize new devices connected06:31
Damasceneranjan, I don't know. wait till someone who knows answers you06:31
DamasceneAdmin_, I think the manufacturer should be contacted and hold responsibility for that06:32
Damasceneevery day I hear why ati or nvidia doens't work.06:33
ranjanDamascene, ok06:33
Admin_Acer offers no support at for linux .06:33
Damasceneif people complains they well have a second thought I guess06:34
kklimondaranjan: if application depends on hal it's going to start it when needed06:34
kklimondaranjan: all applications but pitivi in the default installation don't use hal at all06:34
Admin_its a $900 laptop and i really need to get ubuntu back up for school work etc... if i can not get the ATI driver to work tonight i will return the laptop for a refund tomorrow06:35
Admin_NVidia cards work right out of the box each and every time06:35
Admin_its only ATI that does not06:36
DamasceneI don't think so06:36
Damasceneintel are the ones supported I guess06:36
kklimondaAdmin_: weren't the new fglrx driver uploaded that supports new kernel and xserver? you can just test it06:36
Admin_yes they were06:37
DanaGmy ATI works nicely with the open-source drivers from xorg-edgers.06:37
Admin_what ATI do you have ?06:38
Admin_mine is the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 547006:38
DanaGMobility HD3650.06:38
Admin_well of course06:39
Damascene5470 > 365006:39
Admin_right up till HD4800 is supported on the ATI website06:39
Admin_but these new cards are not06:39
czr_hmm. on startup. network manager isn't started, instead I have three icons of battery (power manager) in the upper right panel. any ideas?06:41
czr_an two bluetooth icons06:41
DamasceneI think Dell has better support for linux and some asus laptop at least. is that true?06:42
czr_I did a system upgrade yesterday.. maybe that was a bad idea (on top of beta 1)06:42
Admin_yes Dell comes with preshiped ubuntu OS's06:42
DamasceneAcer doesn't ship linux at all?06:43
DanaGhmm, I do think HD5xxx is better-supported with this driver (a prerelease 10.4)06:44
ddecatorczr_: your network isn't working at all, or the applet just doesn't show up?06:44
Admin_they do not even support it .06:44
czr_ddecator, network not working also.06:44
ddecatorczr_: since you upgraded, can you verify that network manager is installed and let me know what version is installed?06:45
DamasceneAdmin_, it would have been better if you checked before you buy06:45
Damasceneyou could have run a live cd at least06:45
ranjankklimonda, ok...i heard that banshee also uses hal...06:46
Admin_in fact when i told the ppl who sold me the laptop that i was going to install ubuntu they said it would void the in store and Acer Waranity06:46
Admin_well i did06:46
Admin_i had a destop with a HD575006:46
Admin_and worked perfectly with ubuntu 9.1006:47
czr_ddecator, 0.8-0ubuntu206:47
ddecatorczr_: yup, that's the latest build...06:47
czr_also, from syslog I see something weird (although not sure whether it's normal, since I didn't look at syslog when everything worked):06:47
Admin_never gave it a thought that a mobility hd5xxx would not work06:47
czr_(eth1): deactivating device (reason: 2)06:49
czr_ddecator, is there a way to start the applet?06:49
DamasceneAdmin_, I think you might find some work around to make it work. but not with it's full feature06:49
czr_can't add it to panel from the regular "add" interface, it's not listed there.06:49
Damascenenm-applet = network manager applet06:50
czr_hmm. there's an instance of it already running06:51
ddecatorczr_: it looks like network-manager-gnome has the frontend for the network manager, but this isn't my best area =\06:52
Admin_ok well i will give ubuntu 10.4 beta 1 i try and see what happens06:52
Admin_thanks guys hope to see you soon06:52
TrueSongMediaSo is 10.04 going to have the WM (Min, Max, Close) buttons back on the right where they should be?06:57
* czr_ arghs for the lack of the nm-applet.06:57
czr_this blows .. -> smoke.06:57
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: not likely06:59
TrueSongMediakklimonda: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23899/06:59
TrueSongMediaIf they don't move them, this will be the single worst mistake in Ubuntu's history.07:00
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: ubuntu is not democracy07:00
TrueSongMediaJust look at that split. People hate them on the left.07:00
TrueSongMediaDidn't say it is, kklimonda07:00
TrueSongMediabut if this isn't fixed, it will lose a LOT of users07:00
Damascenecould any one test swfdec?07:01
kklimondaI doubt it07:01
Damasceneit's not working fo rme07:01
Damascenefor me07:01
TrueSongMediagood article regarding the topic: http://digitizor.com/2010/03/06/is-ubuntu-having-an-identity-crisis/07:02
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: the discussion about it here is pretty much poinless as we weren't the ones who made the decision.07:05
TrueSongMediaI didn't say you did, kklimonda07:05
TrueSongMediaNow did I.07:05
TrueSongMediaBut this is something people need to be aware of - and, if it's not fixed, switch to something else.07:06
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: why would they switch?07:06
TrueSongMediaBecause it's becoming apparent that the Ubuntu developers think very little of their opinions.07:07
TrueSongMediaThe question is: why would they not switch?07:07
TrueSongMediaI hope this was just an experiment07:07
TrueSongMediaAnd that it will be switched by by the release07:07
TrueSongMediaBut if not, it may not go well for Ubuntu as a whole.07:08
kklimondathe opinion of random people isn't really important - now if there were some people who were good interface designers and who worked with open source projects in the past their opinion would have merit and it would be worth to listen to their opinion07:09
TrueSongMediaRandom people? Random people? Really?07:09
czr_ddecator, found the issue. I had removed the notification area (was trying to get rid of the extra power/battery icons and so on)07:09
TrueSongMediaSo the USER doesn't matter?07:09
DamasceneI agree on that kklimonda07:09
TrueSongMediaIt doesn't matter what the average USER has to say?07:09
TrueSongMediaThat's arrogance07:09
DamasceneTrueSongMedia, do you know linux mint?07:10
ddecatorczr_: glad you figured it out. sorry i wasn't more help, i still haven't figured out what all has become part of the notification area and everything...07:10
TrueSongMediaI do. Yes.07:10
DamasceneTrueSongMedia, for god sake it's just theme07:10
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: not really - average user have no expertise to say what is a good or bad opinion07:10
TrueSongMediaNo, Damascene It's not. It's a metacity setting07:10
czr_ddecator, heh, no prob. I'm pretty clueless about gnome in general, I normally write system software and kernel stuff.07:10
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: he can only voice his own opinion but opinions are just that - opinions and every person has its own.07:10
TrueSongMediakklimonda, well I'm glad I found how little you think of the user.07:10
Damasceneit's only appearance thing I mean07:11
TrueSongMediaSo you really don't care what they think.07:11
TrueSongMediaThat's a failure.07:11
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: there was one good reason I've heard in this discussion07:11
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: that moving buttons to the left place them close to the Activities hot area of the gnome-shell07:11
ddecatoreveryone is entitled to their opinion, but there needs to be someone to say "lets do something different" in order for new innovation to take place07:11
Damasceneand coming form mac os is easier now07:12
kklimondaall other arguments were subjective - most people simply don't like any change.07:12
TrueSongMediaWhich makes it extremely easy to hit the menus - or otherwise07:12
Damasceneand people are more likely to come from mac os than windows I think07:12
TrueSongMediaYes, Damascene... I *am* a mac user. But most people who switch are coming from Windows07:13
TrueSongMediaIgnoring that fact will be detrimental to the OS07:13
TrueSongMediaand this is not innovation. This is foolishness07:13
TrueSongMediaAt the very LEAST there needs to be an option for the user07:13
Damasceneyou are a man with a case I see07:13
TrueSongMediaBut...wait... you don't care about the user07:13
kklimondaif the people are going to be scared away by the position of buttons there is no hope for Linux on desktops.07:13
ddecatorthe difficult part is giving too many options to the user becomes too burdensome for them and less "it just works"07:13
TrueSongMediaThat's the problem. RIght now, it doesn't "just work."07:14
TrueSongMediaThis is a radical departure from what the majority of users know and love.07:14
TrueSongMediakklimonda, users are going to be scared away by developers who could change something so central to the OS at any time without their input.07:14
czr_TrueSongMedia, are you seriously suggesting that the location of the buttons is the primary thing that people use to select their OS?07:15
ddecatorbut that's true for windows and mac07:15
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: but they are already using system that is developed by people who do changes without their input07:15
TrueSongMediaczr_ it is one major consideration, indeed. Take Windows vs Mac OS for example.07:16
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: you don't believe that, right?07:16
TrueSongMediakklimonda, but something so central to the OS like the WM buttons will not be flipped without input07:16
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: you are saying that people choose between mac and windows based on the position of window controls?07:16
* Damascene wasted enough time on discussions today07:16
czr_TrueSongMedia, I find that view rather sad.07:17
TrueSongMediaNo not at all, kklimonda. There are other considerations to take into account. But in my experience, this is one major thing users think about. The user interface is the face of the system. The user needs to be able to work with it.07:17
TrueSongMediaWhy is that, czr_?07:17
TrueSongMediaCare to offer some constructive input instead of calling my view "sad" ?07:18
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: internet has proven that people can adapt to new and unfamiliar user interfaces.07:18
ddecatorit's still fully functional, it's just different from the ordinary. it also allows for adding new innovations to metacity later on07:18
czr_TrueSongMedia, that you place such value on a single GUI issue and throw away other values like freedom, stable systems, free support and other issues like they don't matter.07:18
alex_mayorgaTrueSongMedia: how is people not able to work because the buttons are on the left?07:18
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: and all people who switch to Linux are going to have much bigger issues than the position of buttons07:19
TrueSongMediaYou're putting words in my mouth, czr_. I'm saying that this change is indicative of the mentality of Ubuntu's developers - that the user matters so very little. THAT is the problem here.07:19
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: every change to the interface that is being made is being made with user in mind.07:19
TrueSongMediakklimonda Not really. Ubuntu was fast becoming something even a long-time Windows user could switch to.07:19
alex_mayorgaI do agree that making it modify a gconf just to switch side of them IS a bug07:20
TrueSongMediaSo that's why you don't listen to them?07:20
TrueSongMedia+1 alex_mayorga07:20
ddecatorultimately software is a creation of the developers and they can do with it as they want. if users want to contribute to it, they can. but progress would be too slow if there was a poll for all changes07:20
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: they do listen to people who have experience in this matter.07:20
czr_TrueSongMedia, they way that you rant about this single issue gave _me_ the impression that it was a single thing.07:20
Damasceneis TrueSongMedia the first one complaining about that or you just have plenty of free time07:20
alex_mayorganow imagine giving that feature, you can have the buttons "wherever" you want in 3 clicks07:20
alex_mayorganot win32 nor osx have that07:21
TrueSongMediaI'm not the only one with this view http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23899/07:21
TrueSongMediaobviously not, kklimonda07:21
alex_mayorgaor at least doing such a change requieres more hacking powers on win32 and osx07:22
TrueSongMediaThat would work well, alex_mayorga07:22
ddecatorit's a controversial issue, but i respect the developers for taking the risk of trying something new in hopes of creating something better even with so much backlash07:22
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: can you show me the opinion of person who is recognised usability expert in the open source community and who disagree with this change?07:22
TrueSongMediaThe 'too many options' argument doesn't work07:22
TrueSongMediakklimonda, just what would you call an "expert" ?07:23
ddecatorthe too many options argument comes into play when everyone wants there to be options for everything07:23
TrueSongMediaIs Ubuntu not a COMMUNITY OS?07:23
TrueSongMediaBy people for people?07:23
ddecatoryes, it is, in the sense that everyone can get involved and contribute07:23
kklimondano, that's debian ;)07:23
alex_mayorgabut I'm convinced that something like, this is the new "better" design, do you want it? prompt would be the right thing to do07:23
kklimondaalex_mayorga: not really07:24
ddecatoryes, but then we get into people wanting a browser ballot, then choosing a theme during install, and so on07:24
TrueSongMediaI do have to say that I find your disdain for the user appalling07:24
underdevi can't imagine why this is so controversial- YOU ARE MAKING RADICAL UI CHANGES, MAKE IT EASY TO SWITCH BACK07:24
alex_mayorgaactually I wonder, would dist-upgrade ask you or just stubbornly change your theme?07:24
TrueSongMediaIf the devs can just ignore what the majority of users are asking for...07:24
kklimondaalex_mayorga: good question07:24
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: majority?07:25
czr_asking is evil. goes against all automation.07:25
TrueSongMediaBingo, underdev07:25
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: you call some 800 people a majority?07:25
TrueSongMediaThe majority of every discussion I have seen07:25
alex_mayorgakklimonda: what about users that have "invested" their time to customize their ubuntu appearance already?07:25
ddecatordevelopers for ubuntu volunteer their time to make their own software. what they decide to do is up to them07:25
TrueSongMediaStatistics, dear Watson07:25
TrueSongMediaelementary statistics07:25
underdevEven windows, who shove whatever down the throats of the public, usually lets you use "classic" look and feel07:26
alex_mayorgaczr_: since when has a prompt prevented automation?07:26
czr_TrueSongMedia, that single page does not include "keep the new design", so it's not statistics.07:26
kklimondaalex_mayorga: I'm pretty sure that the theme doesn't change by itself.07:26
czr_it's an opinion poll.07:26
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: it's not statistics - it's a flawed poll07:26
dupondjeczr_: tried the kernel ?07:26
alex_mayorgakklimonda: that's good I guess07:26
TrueSongMediaczr_, a simple down vote on the first option would suffice07:26
czr_alex_mayorga, I don't know how many years of scripting d-i for large PXE environments you have..07:27
TrueSongMediait is an exercise in statistics kklimonda. And show me mathematically how it is flawed.07:27
czr_dupondje, not yet. was having issues with network manager, and ranting here about silly stuff, hold on.07:27
underdevso seriously, there are arguments that everyone should just learn to love the new look and feel?07:27
ddecatoryes but the most extreme users are the ones answering the poll, so it's skewed07:27
ddecatorall polls of this sort are skewed07:27
Damascenecould some one test swfdec on Lucid please.07:27
Damasceneit's not working for me07:27
TrueSongMediaThen why does brainstorm exist? Hm? If it's a feature that you like it's probably not "skewed" is it07:28
alex_mayorgaczr_: I guess using PXE on one of my laptops won't classify as "large" certainly :)07:28
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: you have based your calculation on a microscopic number of users on the brainstorm page that is visited mostly by people who care about the change.07:28
TrueSongMediaNot really, no07:28
ddecatori'm not saying all polls are useless, but they cannot be taken as an accurate depiction of the user population07:28
alex_mayorgaTrueSongMedia: brainstorm was created to give newbies something to be entertained and don't pollute launchpad directly :D07:29
TrueSongMediaThat's lame07:29
czr_alex_mayorga, but seriously, I suggest you try doing fully automated installs of debian/ubuntu over the network and that might give you another perspective on "questions". not that options aren't good and all, but still.07:29
underdevkklimonda: really, this isn't an issue of statistics- if there is any significant outcry, its a trivial thing to include a "classic view" Under system->preferences07:29
alex_mayorgaTrueSongMedia: I was obviously kidding, you got it that from the smiley right?07:30
TrueSongMediaAgreed, underdev07:30
TrueSongMedialol, alex_mayorga. I'm half-awake07:30
kklimondaunderdev: people who really care are going to find a command to type and revert this change.07:30
TrueSongMediaPeople who really care should have to find a command07:30
ddecatorbut offering too many options creates confusing menus07:31
alex_mayorgaczr_: I understand, yet trying to warn people if the install is interactive can be only consider being forgiving to users07:31
underdevkklimonda: my mom has converted to ubuntu- you really think she is going to config at the command line?07:31
TrueSongMediaConfusing? No. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40647960/window_controls_position_gui.png07:31
kklimondaunderdev: you are going to do that for her most likely07:31
alex_mayorgalast time I check being forgiving to users was a key part of good UI design or something07:31
TrueSongMediaAnd if she doesn't have someone to do that for her, kklimonda07:31
underdevthat's the f'n point of Ubuntu- it's not just another crappy distro- right?07:31
TrueSongMediaLooks like it's becoming that, underdev :(07:32
alex_mayorgaunderdev: yup it should "just work" or something...07:32
underdevTrueSongMedia: yeah, and its killing my soul07:32
ddecatorthe ui is designed to be simple and easy to use for users. just because it isn't familiar doesn't mean it isn't functional and easy to use07:32
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: then she's either going to change the theme or just get used to the new controls - that's not really that hard - various people switch from windows to mac and live though it07:32
TrueSongMediaKeep in mind that none of the users who have been using Ubuntu from the beginning will be familiar with 10.04's WM07:33
TrueSongMediapretty sad07:33
ddecatori've seen a lot of people on identi.ca say that they prefer the buttons on the left after they get used to it07:33
TrueSongMediakklimonda, have you not yet figured out that this is not a theme issue?07:33
ddecatorso ubuntu should look the same forever?07:33
czr_TrueSongMedia, what about all the slackware 2.0 users? to them the WM is really different too!07:33
underdevkklimonda: yeah, f' em.  love it or leave it.07:33
TrueSongMediaAny theme used has the new WM button placement07:34
rskoh wow07:34
rskcranky about looking the other way07:34
TrueSongMediaJust because one distro makes a foolish move doesn't mean the others must as well, czr_07:34
czr_TrueSongMedia, that wasn't my point at all.07:34
rskdo you have a defect on your left eye?07:34
underdevTrueSongMedia: seriously07:34
TrueSongMediaI know. I'm just saying07:34
czr_point was rather that linux has always changed.07:34
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: people have managed to switch from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X and most Mac OS users aren't tech savvy07:35
czr_no matter what distro.07:35
TrueSongMediaTo be fair, kklimonda, OS 9 and OS X aren't in the same league07:35
TrueSongMediacompletely different base07:35
TrueSongMediadifferent purposes07:35
kklimondabut same users07:35
TrueSongMediaTo a large extent, but keep in mind that in the gap between 9 and X, many users went to Windows - which was, at the time, more advanced.07:36
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ are experiencing issues, https://help.ubuntu.com/ should be functioning normally07:36
TrueSongMediaAnd people switch from Win to Mac (or Mac to Win) because the new OS has something of value to offer the user that eclipses the fact that the buttons are in a different place.07:37
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: that's true - and they still had to learn the new interface. People can adapt and developers should be free to make changes to the interface if they believe they are right. What they shouldn't do is revert back after one release.07:37
TrueSongMediaYou know, kklimonda if the developers want to leave the buttons there, fine. But users do need a non-CLI option. It wouldn't be difficult. It could be put in the Appearance menu very easily.07:39
TrueSongMediaThe problem here is their refusal to do something so basic to help a few users.07:39
czr_I hear volunteering for translations07:39
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: but the appearance menu is already cluttered and we try to remove options from it.07:39
underdevTrueSongMedia: seriously.07:39
underdevkklimonda: omg, are you from cononical?!!?!07:39
TrueSongMediaRemove options from your OWN appearance menu. Leave ours alone07:40
kklimondanot really, I just prefer the development model that is used by Canonical07:40
underdevkklimonda: please please please, if you are, please please please listen to us07:40
czr_dupondje, sorry, still not tested. the laptop doesn't want to associate with a faster WPA network at all, so I'll have to use another one, gah..07:40
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: actually the interface tab has already been removed by GNOME developers.07:40
alex_mayorgahow about a little buttons left/right radio button under the theme tab?07:40
TrueSongMediaInterface tab? Huh?07:41
ddecatorif i remember right, the majority of developers are not canonical employees...07:41
underdevgeez, this isn't gnome on kde!  THIS IS UBUNTU!!!07:41
TrueSongMediaIf you look at GNOME's packages, it has the buttons on the right by default07:41
underdevthis isn't linux, or debian, IT IS UBUNTU!!!!07:41
dupondjeczr_: plugin a usb stick :P07:41
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: that's a bug of course. Also please note that the button order is supposed to be changed only for two themes made by Canonical07:42
czr_dupondje, arr, but that's the wrong solution! but yes. I could. nevermind, I'll have a smoke meanwhile.07:42
czr_dupondje, the funny thing is my N900 doesn't want to associate with that network either.07:42
czr_all other devices work (and linuxen too)07:42
TrueSongMediaThen why have they changed the location and order in the METACITY ENGINE, kklimonda07:42
TrueSongMediaThat doesn't affect only those themes07:42
ubottuThe titlebar buttons have switched to the left during the development phase of Lucid. No need for alarm! The developers are testing this and listening to user feedback. The final decision about the position will be made after beta. Kindly be patient. For more insight , kindly read : http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=28107:43
TrueSongMediaIt affects every theme that uses Metacity07:43
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: because that was the only way of doing that at the time.07:43
alex_mayorgaoh! BTW just checking that themes tab "ambiance" has the buttons on the LEFT on the preview, is that a bug?07:43
ddecatorvish: nice try...07:43
TrueSongMediaSeems like a foolish workaround07:43
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: it's supposed to be fixed before 10.04 release.07:43
TrueSongMediaI hope so07:43
TrueSongMediaThis guy has a good point07:45
vishTrueSongMedia: dont quote yourself!07:45
TrueSongMediavish, it's a screenshot07:45
TrueSongMedialook at the PNG at the end of the URL07:45
DanaGkklimonda: is that official, that they'll revert it?07:45
TrueSongMediait's just hosted on my server :P07:45
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: the argument "people are used to old way" is the worst argument ever07:46
vishDanaG: nothing is official, mostly they wont change :/07:46
TrueSongMediaNot really, kklimonda07:46
TrueSongMedia^ also a good comment07:46
kklimondaDanaG: I'm not really sure - there has been a comment made by Shuttleworth at some point but changing it now is going to make many people miserable. People are already working on promotional stuff and screenshots for documentation...07:48
DanaGhmm, then would you say we should rearrange the number keys on a keyboard?07:48
TrueSongMediaSucks for them. ^_^07:48
underdevkklimonda: seriously.  that people prefer a UI that makes sense to them and is familiar to them is "the worst argument ever"??!?!07:48
kklimondaTrueSongMedia: I agree that they could give a better reason than the one they gave.07:48
vishkklimonda: DanaG: read the 6th from last comment on > http://yokozar.org/blog/archives/194   , sabdfl is quoted there07:48
AbortDcan anyone help me with installing compiz?07:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 533566 in metacity "[Lucid] Window controls are on the left side after update (dup-of: 532633)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:49
kklimondavish: thanks07:50
underdevi just went out to smoke with my wife.  i have demonstrated to her that WoW runs much better on my crappy computer than the family computer, which she has insisted be a windows box.  thats what she knows.  She will never, ever, adopt some radical ui change: "i just can't be bothered".07:50
kklimondaAbortD: what problem do you have?07:50
DanaGI'd love to go forcibly rearrange Mark Shuttleworth's mouse buttons.07:51
DanaGNo longer will it be left, middle, right... it'll be middle, right, left.07:51
DanaGSame idea.07:51
underdevDanaG: programmers dvorak for the keyboard layout07:52
ddecatorbut that's talking about a hardware change as opposed to a graphical software change07:52
TrueSongMediaHaha DanaG07:52
TrueSongMediaLet's do it07:52
vishddecator: potato/potato ;p07:52
DanaGah, good blog post.07:52
underdevDanaG: don't worry, you can reconfigure it with just a few changes in your /etc directory.07:53
TrueSongMediaIt's a significant usability change, ddecator. That's the point.07:53
vishanyways we are all being opp topic here.. this is a support channel07:53
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.07:53
kklimondavish: it's not really that offtopic - it is also a discussion channel07:53
underdevlol- just stfu?  niiiiiice07:53
TrueSongMediaWe're discussing Ubuntu's development and the consequential support of users vish07:54
TrueSongMediaso perfectly on topic07:54
vishTrueSongMedia:  kklimonda: i include myself :)  but we keep discussing this with some person or the other every hour ;)07:54
ddecatorvish: TrueSongMedia: i'm just saying that rearranging how the number keys on a keyboard or the buttons on a mouse work is different from a ui change. the hardware has it's purpose physically set while the software is adjustable and has not physical characteristics that imply the use07:55
TrueSongMediaGee, that should tell you something vish ^_^07:55
vishTrueSongMedia: i /dont/ support the change :)07:55
DanaGposition of things on screen is a physical characteristic.07:55
TrueSongMediaYou're reading into that too much, ddecator. It's just an analogy07:55
ddecatorDanaG: but then the characteristic is changing as well. if you reordered the numbers on a keyboard, but also changed the keys so they match, that'd be more equal =)07:56
DanaGYeah, that's what I meant.07:56
DanaGswap keys both in software and in hardware.07:56
DanaGMouse buttons example was better, though.07:56
ddecatorthen yes, that makes sense07:57
underdevddecator: but you demonstrate that a radical ui shift would be unreasonable in the hardware layer.  so why would it be cool in the software07:57
ddecatorunderdev: i'm not saying it was a good choice, i just support that the developers should be able to do what they want with their software that they take the time to write07:57
vishddecator: if there is no /absolute/ problem with what was earlier , and there is no /absolute/ benefit with the new position.. there is no need for change.  why change just a NIH syndrome?07:57
DanaGmy parents' computers have keyboards with h key on the right size....07:58
czr_actually I have a counter-point to this. my laptop manuf decided to switch the functions of the F-keys. so that in order to get F1-F12, I have to now press Fn+F key, otherwise it does something else (control contrast, audio volume, etc).07:58
underdevi have remapped my hardware (((((((( <-- thats my capslock key, i'm a lisp programmer07:58
DanaGI ave a really ard time typing every time I ave to use that keyboard.07:58
DanaG(missing the letter on purpose this time.)07:58
underdevshould my moms keyboard be configured out of the box to do the same?07:58
czr_dupondje, heh. kernel panic. no root. will investigate07:58
DanaGczr_: check bios settings.07:58
czr_DanaG, no.07:58
czr_ah, you meant for the F-keys?07:59
czr_hmm. will do.07:59
ddecatorvish: i'm not saying that the change was necessary or a good idea. i have my buttons on the right. i just don't like the argument that the developers need to do what the users want them to do07:59
DanaGthey need to not muck around with stuff that worked without good reason.07:59
wgrantddecator: One point: it was nothing to do with the developers.07:59
DanaGSame thing was true of notify-osd...07:59
wgrantIt was the Canonical design team.07:59
vishddecator: i dont think anyone is arguing that..07:59
DanaGit sucked horribly at first; now it's reached "tolerable".07:59
underdevddecator: and that's why linux is 1% of the desktop.  i threw up in my mouth a little.  cya07:59
vishddecator: it is as wgrant mentions on the design team , 'new idea" ;)08:00
TrueSongMediaThen it's the Canonical design team that needs to be tarred and feathered so to speak08:00
ddecatorwgrant: vish: that's just how i see the "ubuntu doesn't care about the users anymore" arguments08:00
czr_DanaG, you're a star, bios had "Fn key switch" setting08:00
DanaGWhenever I get a new PC of any sort, I check what settings exist.08:01
wgrantDanaG: Tolerable, perhaps, except that the notifications do not stack, and it always leaves an empty slot for the volume/brightness indicator.08:01
TrueSongMediaWell it stands to reason that if a developer stops taking input from his users regarding critical functions, that he no longer cares about the users.08:01
TrueSongMediaJust sayin'08:01
DanaGAnd often they rape the CPU when doing the "omg you pressed the volume-up key when I was at max volume" flicker.08:01
DanaG... and since the volume change waits for notify-OSD (stupid design... imagine if your brakes waited for your brake lights!)... so you get stuck at max volume for a while while it spazzes.08:02
czr_dupondje, can't break into grub to select the old kernel. any ideas?08:03
TrueSongMediaHaha, that is a good point DanaG08:03
TrueSongMediathe OSD should be indicative of the change08:03
TrueSongMedianot the other way around08:03
DanaGSo, while it spazzes... you're stuck blasting whatever was playing, while it lags on waiting for it to go down.08:04
DanaGalso a bug that makes me angry: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2370508:04
ubottuFreedesktop bug 23705 in Server/general "xserver 1.7.0rc0 uses wrong dimensions" [Normal,Reopened]08:04
* vish wonders is DanaG is ever not angry ;p08:05
czr_dupondje, I'll have to defer the testing until evening, need to work now. will get back to you if I have a moment during the evening and manage to rescue the system.08:05
DanaGyeah, when people aren't going around deliberately breaking stuff.08:05
rwwso never ;P?08:05
* TrueSongMedia must agree with DanaG 08:05
DanaGczr: check the bios... it may also have stuff like fan-always-on-when-on-ac (my HP does).08:06
DanaGjust curious: what system?08:06
czr_DanaG, hp mini 510208:06
DanaGOoh, what res screen?08:06
DanaGI really want one of those.08:06
DanaGWish I could get one with that case... but with the Athlon Neo.08:06
czr_hmm. I just packed it away (since it borks on kernel not finding root).08:06
DanaGczr_: also interesting: that laptop is 32-bit UEFI.08:07
czr_yes, noticed a setting to enable that in the bios08:07
czr_never used UEFI. used EFI though. some years back08:07
DanaGmy EliteBook (8530w) has 64-bit uefi... but their memory map is broken.  it tries to put the framebuffer at 0x0.08:08
DanaGAnd my PCI bridge winows are screwed up if I don't boot with CSM.08:08
czr_broken bios? how "suprising" :-)08:08
DanaGWorks fine with BIOS-based boot mode.08:08
DanaGAnd supposedly the new ones do have working UEFI.08:09
TrueSongMedialol I love this08:09
czr_DanaG, you might want to check #543314 if you decide to get 5102.08:09
DanaGI had some fun loading the Apple firewire drivers and booting my laptop from Firewire.08:09
DanaGCouldn't suspend/resume with it, though.08:09
DanaGwhat bugtracker?08:09
DanaGbug 54331408:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543314 in linux "Frequently used NIC (Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Device 4381) not supported" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54331408:10
czr_DanaG, it's not a biggie, but still, FYI08:10
DanaGWish I could get a hybrid of that and this: http://www.engadget.com/2009/12/10/onkyos-dx-dual-screen-laptop-is-a-far-better-deal-than-kohjinsh/08:10
czr_heh, that's sick :-).08:11
DanaGYeah, badass.08:11
DanaGToo bad they didn't make it tablet-able.08:12
DanaGI also wish the HP one could do touch and 1366x768 at the same time.08:12
czr_I think there's a touch option for the 5102 though08:12
czr_I wanted mine cheap, so it doesn't have any extras08:12
DanaGYeah, but only with 1024x600.08:12
czr_yeah, it sucks kind of.08:12
DanaGer, gotta' go to bed soon.08:12
DanaGMon Mar 22 01:13:15 PDT 201008:13
czr_although it's still better than 701.08:13
TrueSongMediakklimonda, you might find this interesting http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/poll-do-you-want-ubuntu-window-controls.html08:13
DanaGnetbook my parents got me: samsung n130.  google it and "archwiki".08:13
czr_DanaG, why archwiki?08:16
DanaGit's a useful resource.08:23
DanaGanyway, off to bed I go.  running finch in screen on my elitebook running torrents.08:23
MindVirusI upgraded successfully, with one final minor problem remaining.08:34
MindVirusI used to use UNR; now, when I start Firefox, it's as if maximus was still running. I can't see the window bar.08:35
MindVirusWait -- this still happens with nautilus too. I will try to solve it myself then.08:35
MindVirusOK. Is there any way to kill maximus?08:36
Ian_Corneoops sorry08:36
=== elite is now known as Guest98123
=== Guest98123 is now known as Elite1
Elite1hey guys ubuntu 10.4 beta 1 found my ati card right out of the box08:37
Elite1i have full 1600x90008:38
Elite1but now my wireless card is not working any ideas ?08:38
Elite1i am trying to understand what this website is saying to do: http://madwifi.org/08:41
MindVirusCan someone help me kill maximus?08:46
MindVirusAny advice?08:50
Elite1can i paste a few lines of text here from term ?08:50
MindVirusElite1: No. Pastebin.08:51
Elite1how can i find out what wireless card i have ?08:52
TrueSongMediaIan_Corne, that's disgusting...08:54
MindVirusTrueSongMedia: I personally think it's hilarious.08:54
MindVirusTrueSongMedia: Yeah... yeah.08:55
MindVirusTrueSongMedia: I cannot dispute what is disgusting to you, but what I can say is just because it's pornographic doesn't mean you should automatically dismiss it.08:56
MindVirus(Unless you're at work or religious.)08:56
TrueSongMediaYeah... to me it does08:57
MindVirusTrueSongMedia: There's a lot of beautiful art that is pornographic in nature.08:57
Ian_CorneIt does have a tag: "NSFW"08:57
MindVirusTrueSongMedia: May I ask why?08:57
Ian_CorneYou should read the comments, some funny links in there :)08:57
MindVirusTrueSongMedia: To me the only thing more beautiful than procreation is math; any sort of satire to me is automatically funny.08:58
MindVirusSex isn't taboo anymore.08:58
MindVirusI believe it should be embraced. We should stop hiding from ourselves.08:59
Ian_Corneah damn, this channel is logged..08:59
MindVirusTrueSongMedia: Are you there? Does this conversation make you uncomfortable? I'll stop if it does.09:01
rwwMindVirus: This conversation is offtopic for Ubuntu's channels. I'd appreciate it if you could stop :)09:01
MindVirusrww: Yes, sir.09:01
rwwty :)09:01
MindVirusOr ma'am. I don't know.09:02
MindVirusAnyone know how I can kill maximus?09:02
MindVirusIt keeps getting restarted.09:02
TrueSongMediaNo, I'm still here. What I find offensive about such things is that it 1) degrades women and sexuality. and 2) makes sexuality a laughing matter when it should be something special shared within marriage.09:02
TrueSongMediaAnd no, I don't know MindVirus09:02
TrueSongMediaI had that issue when I tried the UNR on 9.0409:02
MindVirusTrueSongMedia: Would you like to continue in PM?09:03
TrueSongMediawound up having to reinstall because I didn't want to mess with it09:03
TrueSongMediasure :)09:03
Elite1can someone have a look at this and offer some kind of help please: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/399178/09:03
LinuxGuy2009 Is there any way to export the radiance and ambience themes from Lucid thats installed on my netbook to put onto 9.04 installation on my desktop or is there a tar.gz of theme somewhere I can download?09:05
nperryLinuxGuy2009: There is a ppa of them, let me find them :)09:06
LinuxGuy2009nperry: Great09:06
nperryLinuxGuy2009: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/ubuntu-lucid-light-themes-radiance-and.html09:06
LinuxGuy2009nperry: Thank you so much for taking the time!09:07
nperryLinuxGuy2009: Just follow the two commands for jaunty09:07
bjwebbhmmmm, lucid doesn't seem to want to mount stuff for me09:14
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:30
stoojAnyone installed lucid ubuntu beta1, then installed kubuntu-desktop?09:42
xsachahey guys. apparently there's a mystical fglrx driver, 8.721. i did an update on main ubuntu server, it's on 8.660. i searched the fglrx driver on launchpad, it's on 8.660. any ideas?09:43
Elite1xsacha try here:
rwwxsacha: fglrx-installer (2:8.721-0ubuntu4) is the version on launchpad. it came out 22 hours ago, probably didn't hit your mirror yet.09:46
rww( https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer )09:46
rwwoh, wait, I see09:47
xsachayeah :(09:47
rwwxsacha: it didn't get pushed out to the repositories yet for some reason, likely something to do with the beta freeze09:47
xsachathat sucks...09:47
Elite1rww i myself want to try and install that on ubuntu 9.10 32-bit think it will work ?09:48
xsachamy system is sort of unusable without it. cant use any other fglrx due to Xorg incompatibility. opensource driver has no power management, so my laptop burns thru battery in an hour with massive heat and fan noise. this new fglrx is my only option09:48
rwwxsacha: shouldn't be too long before it comes out.09:49
Elite1i was able to d/l this file fglrx-installer_8.721.orig.tar.gz09:49
rwwxsacha: you could try getting the .deb files from launchpad I guess, but I'd recommend just waiting09:49
stoojCan anyone point me in the right direction for fixing gdm? I installed kubuntu-desktop and it broke gdm :(09:50
xsachaoh i see. when i search launchpad it comes up with 660, but if i type in 721 manually, i can get the debs to appear :D09:50
rwwElite1: yeah, that's not the file you want. If you're intent on fownloading it manually, you'd want the .deb files at the bottom of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/2:8.721-0ubuntu4/+build/157179109:50
rwwor some of them. I'm not knowledgable enough about fglrx to know which are necessary for desktop users.09:51
Elite1oh ok thanks rww09:51
Elite1what about this code: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/399195/09:52
xsachayeah i actually want the one before that, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/2:8.721-0ubuntu4/+build/1571790   (amd64)09:52
rwwElite1: that looks like an Arch package file, not an Ubuntu one.09:52
Elite1oh ok thanks rww09:52
rwwthough they're apparently using our orig tarball, I guess ATI didn't make it available elsewhere yet or something09:53
Elite1it seems so09:53
Elite1others have said that code works for them09:53
xsachayeah it's an early alpha of the 10.04 catalyst drivers (that is april).. the actual release isnt due for over a month09:53
xsachacause the 10.03 drivers (that arent even out yet) dont support this Xorg either09:54
rwwElite1: other people... on the Arch forums you linked to? I imagine an Arch package file would work for them, yes :)09:54
xsachaubuntu always seems to get these packages early09:54
rwwxsacha: I imagine some ATI users wouldn't be too happy if we didn't get them and ended up shipping without them. I guess ATI thinks there are enough Ubuntu fglrx users to work with us 'specially.09:56
xsachafglrx depends on libqtcore4? they use Qt? cool09:57
Elite1i was very happy to see that my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 works right out of the box with ubuntu 10.04 beta 109:57
rwwxsacha: I think the catalyst control center does, yeah09:58
Elite1but i was hoping to use this alpha driver on ubuntu 9.10 32-bit09:58
rwwoh, I totally missed the "9.10" part of your message =\09:59
xsachaElite1: someone on forum with your card said they got crazy increase in performance with this alpha driver09:59
xsacha"Just tested Direct2D.It works great.Unbelievable actually,resizing sometimes stutters but that's when you have 15+tbas with youtube videos,...transformers in 1080p and HON(heroes of...)in background.And it didn't crash. Right now i'm the happiest guy in the world."09:59
Elite1i just want to have my full 1600x900 screen10:00
Elite1so what do i have to do to install this new ati driver on 9.10 32-bit just run the .debs >?10:01
Elite1i d/l'ed all of them10:01
rwwElite1: I have no idea. They're built for 10.04, which uses a different version of Xorg and the kernel, so that likely wouldn't work.10:02
xsachaElite1: download all 4 debs, then sudo dpkg -i fglrx*10:02
xsachayou might have dependency issues, resolve those, install again.10:02
Elite1ok thank you xsacha :)10:03
xsachawhen it's installed run: aticonfig --initial10:03
Elite1ok last time i try that it said no driver found10:04
xsacharww: hey have you noticed when installing some things from disc, it prompts you to insert disc (even though it's already in)? the solution is you have to unmount each time10:05
xsachaElite1: i dunno, the packages mustnt have been installed. make sure you dont have any errors from the sudo dpkg -i fglrx*10:05
xsachaElite1: should see lines like this: Setting up fglrx (2:8.721-0ubuntu4) ...10:06
Elite1no i did not mean with this one i try to use the ATI Catalyst™ 10.2 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver10:07
xsachaoh you arent using lucid lynx?10:07
Elite1i just installed lucid lynx10:07
xsachaoh ok10:07
Elite1to test it10:07
Elite1and my ati card works perfectly10:08
xsachashould be fine :) i just did what i said above10:08
Elite1i didn't have tp do anything10:08
xsachayeah ati card should work out of the box because it uses opensource driver. it's quite slow and has no power management for our cards though10:08
Elite1it found my ati card right out of the box10:08
xsachayou'll want the catalyst driver to play games10:08
xsachathe catalyst driver also has this new feature Direct2D that speeds up 2D operations like resizing and moving windows10:09
Elite1but i need to see if i can get this to work on ubuntu 9.10 32-bit10:09
redanyone know if lucid + samba is fixed yet?10:09
Elite1if not i have to return this laptop for a refund10:10
xsachawhy cant u use it on 10.04?10:12
Elite1well i can i guess10:12
Elite1but i was not able to set up lvm10:12
Elite1it failed10:12
Elite1when i was installing10:12
xsachacant in 10.04 but can in 9.10?10:13
Elite1yes lvm works perfectly in 9.1010:13
Elite1i really like to have encryption in use10:14
Elite1i use the alt. install of the cd so i can set up guided lvm encryption10:15
xsachaim sure it'll be fixed soon anyway10:15
xsachaprobably some workaround if u check forum. like workaround i just did to get catalyst drivers10:15
Elite1it said something about was not able to create partition10:16
Elite1like the /dev/sda was locked or something10:16
Elite1sure is10:17
Elite1maybe i will try again10:17
Elite1now that Windows 7 is gone10:17
xsachadont know about that stuff sorry. i mean that shouldnt happen if ur doing text based install and didnt drop in to console to do anything out of the ordinary. id just take it as a bug. maybe try the new beta 110:18
Elite1i am using beta 110:18
xsachaoh :(10:19
Elite1but its ok10:19
Elite1i am sure April 29th will be a very good day10:19
xsacha:) catalyst 10.04 wil be out officially by then10:21
xsachabrb restart X10:21
MindVirusCan someone help me kill nautilus?10:21
MindVirusI mean maximus. Sorry.10:23
Elite1MindVirus This daemon is part of the session, in lucid, you can switch back to gnome session to not have it. As every session daemon, you can activate/deactivate them in System -> Preferences -> Startup apps which is the right and only way to stop session deamon.10:25
MindVirusElite1: It is not in that list.10:25
Elite1you can read more here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maximus/+bug/39648510:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 396485 in maximus "No way to kill maximus" [Wishlist,Confirmed]10:26
MindVirusI have already read that bug.10:26
Elite1oh ok10:26
Elite1well i have to get ready for school cya guys later thanks everyone and good luck10:27
MindVirusCan anyone help me kill maximus?10:42
SensivaI have installed beta1 in vbox and X doesn't start anymore10:43
gnomefreakMindVirus: did you try ps aux |grep maximus than kill -9 pin(whatever the pin # is10:46
MindVirusgnomefreak: Yes.10:46
gnomefreakMindVirus: than wait for the fix. maybe restart?10:46
MindVirusgnomefreak: Eh?10:46
gnomefreakrestarting the system it should not load at start up IIRC10:47
gnomefreakfrom what bug says disable maximus from starting up at login using the startup manager10:49
MindVirusgnomefreak: And it doesn't exist in the startup manager.10:50
MindVirusgnomefreak: Furthermore, logging out and back in would do.10:50
gnomefreakok give me a minute im reading bug atm10:50
gnomefreakMindVirus: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maximus/+bug/396485/comments/610:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 396485 in maximus "No way to kill maximus" [Wishlist,Confirmed]10:51
gnomefreakthat is last comment posted 6 minutes ago10:52
gnomefreakcrap forgot to remove "edge."10:52
gnomefreakremove that part of link if you are not using LP edge10:52
gnomefreaki suggest the gconf-editor10:52
MindVirusgnomefreak: I just responded. I already did that.10:54
gnomefreakMindVirus: and restarted after that?10:54
* gnomefreak never used it or installed it10:55
MindVirusThat option actually should take effect instantly.10:56
gnomefreakMindVirus: remove it until bug is fixed?10:56
gnomefreakMindVirus: yes there maybe other packages to remove as well maybe like if there is a maximus-server or something like that10:57
MindVirusgnomefreak: ubuntu-netbook.10:57
MindVirusWhich I hope I don't have to remove.10:57
gnomefreakMindVirus: it doesnt show it in depends but that doesnt always mean it wont remove something. you can try to remove it and it will give you the rest of the packages you need to remove than you decide if you still want to remove it10:59
gnomefreakbrb smoke10:59
MindVirusgnomefreak: I can either remove maximus, which will remove ubuntu-netbook, or not, which will retain both.11:00
MindVirusgnomefreak: I can either remove maximus, which will remove ubuntu-netbook, or not, which will retain both.11:03
gnomefreakanyone know how ipod support is (using rythembox or what not)11:08
redwhats the system tray app panel app called?11:21
redwith minimized to tray icons list11:21
gnomefreakred: im not sure this bug is what you are seeing but here you go bug 39648511:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396485 in maximus "No way to kill maximus" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39648511:23
gnomefreaksorry one minute11:23
gnomefreakred: bug 396485  maybe this is your bug?11:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396485 in maximus "No way to kill maximus" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39648511:26
gnomefreakok here you go red bug 54234311:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542343 in cdbs "gnome-panel will not autostart on lucid" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234311:27
Dr_WillisHmm. removeing the light-themes  does not remove the Ambiance gnome-terminal profile.. Wonder if that counts as a bug.11:35
zniavreit's  ubuntu-artwork no ?11:40
martronhi, just installed lucid for fun, on second hard drive, new to ubuntu, how to see my windows hard drive?11:42
redgnomefreak: nah, ty for trying to help thought11:46
redthe panel starts but is partly empty11:46
reduntil I switch it to bottom and back up x)11:46
SvedrinI just updated to lucid and now keep getting this error message for munin-node and nfs-{common,kernel-server}: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused11:51
SvedrinI only find websites talkiing about chroots, but I'm in a VM instead...11:51
Svedrinwhat should I do to fix this? :/11:52
BittarmanVM's can still have chroots11:52
Bittarmanso the solution there probably still applies11:52
Svedrinthey suggest replacing /sbin/initctl with /bin/true11:53
Svedrinbut I'm not sure that's a good idea - I do want services to start :)11:53
Svedrinand I'm not inside a chroot, it's the plain guest system11:53
Svedrinor does ssh chroot somehow?11:54
Pirate_Hunterhi anyone care to suggest a filesystem that is good at handling many files  in one volume, it will get accessed often, small files are created, written and removed. Was looking into reiserfs... but what is the other alternative?11:56
Svedrincould dbus not running be the cause for this?12:12
HAMBURGwere can i get audio/x-private-ts-lpcm decoder ???12:18
HAMBURGwere can i get audio/x-private-ts-lpcm decoder ???12:21
gnomefreakHAMBURG: please dont repeat. someone will help you if they know the answer12:21
HAMBURGok sorry12:22
OerHeksHAMBURG, you still can't find restricted extra's when you search for 'restricted' ??12:25
HAMBURGi cant12:26
HAMBURGits not there12:26
OerHeksodd, it should be there, without extra steps12:26
OerHeksKubuntu-restricted and ubuntu-restricted12:27
pmatulis!info ubuntu-restricted-extras12:27
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 39 (lucid), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB12:27
HAMBURGill try apt-get it12:27
Dr_WillisHas anyone noticed the default 'console' having sort of a purple tinge/color ?  Or are my eyes getting old...12:28
OerHeksDr_Willis, your eyes are fine :-D12:28
PiciDr_Willis: Thats new default gnome-terminal profile.12:28
Dr_Willisnot gnome-terminal but the Console.12:29
Dr_WillisGome terminal default annoys me because it has silly transparancy set12:29
PiciOh, It wouldn't suprise me if that was changed as well, but I can't check it here.12:29
Dr_WillisIt looks like the other box is using a framebuffer. and a purpleish tinge..12:29
HAMBURGcouldent get the package even with apt-get12:29
Dr_WillisI normally disable the FB and stuff12:29
yofelHAMBURG: do you have the multiverse repos enabled? (it's off by default)12:30
HAMBURGmy other software tab in synaptic is12:30
HAMBURGhttp://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner12:30
yofelyou don't need the partner repos for that, just multiverse12:31
yofelHAMBURG: so what goes wrong if you want to install ubuntu-r-e?12:31
HAMBURGim trying to get a decoder12:32
HAMBURGthat should (apparently) be in there12:32
Dr_Williswhat decoder?12:33
HAMBURGim reloading packages again12:33
HAMBURGcant tell you while im doing that12:33
HAMBURGaudio/x-private-ts-lpcm decoder12:33
HAMBURGthat one12:33
yofelDr_Willis: he said audio/x-private-ts-lpcm before12:33
HAMBURGgot it working12:36
HAMBURGthanks for the help guys12:36
* Dr_Willis sends HAMBURG the bill12:38
glancegrub-probe /target/12:42
glancegrub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `rootvg-rootlv'.12:42
glancewhen reading on the bug-pages for grub2, the symtoms has bin seen before, but now it looks like they are back...12:43
Dr_WillisHmm. there is a purple tinge to the console - Not sure how they are setting that.12:47
Dr_Willisyet somthing else to disable. :)12:47
zekoZekoDr_Willis: terminal -> change profile -> default :)12:49
zekoZekobut i kinda like it this way.12:49
pmatulisDr_Willis: not sure what you mean.  i have switched to the console and i have normal light grey and black12:50
zekoZekopmatulis: gnome terminal has an "Ambiance" profile now, which is transparent and a little bit purple.12:51
pmatuliszekoZeko: terminal != console12:52
PiciDr_Willis is talking about the VTs12:52
zekoZekomine are black....12:53
zekoZekosorry for the misunderstanding, just dropped in here after the weekend :)12:53
Dr_Willisits definatly NOT black on this one pc.. but the grub menu is black. so i know its not the Monitor12:59
Dr_Willisseems the Vga16fb module is getting loaded. even tho i used the nofb option12:59
Dr_WillisAnyone noticed that If you Upgrade, the users 'button order' getting changed to the Radiance default. (on the left) even IF the user had allready set to use a diffrent theme?13:12
PiciDr_Willis: Yes.13:16
Dr_WillisPici:  Thats really going to be an annoyance  for those that have /home seperate and several dozen+ users.13:17
Dr_WillisI thouhg i saw it happen that way..  just wanted to double check.13:17
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
sykhmm my volume icon seems to be gone. how do i get it back? lol13:44
yofelsyk: it's part of the indicator applet now13:45
sykyofel, i dont understand13:46
yofelsyk: well, do you have the indicator applet in your panel?13:46
sykyofel, i dont think so?13:46
yofelsyk: well, the audio control applet is now integrated into the indicator applet, so you need to add the indicator applet13:47
sykyofel, ah ok ty13:47
Dr_Willislet see... I got a Network Jack, a speaker, a Envelope, the date/time, a Funny Square and my name.. and a power button in my top panel :)13:47
Dr_WillisHard to tell which ones are  together.13:47
Dr_Willisspeaker + mail = indicator it seems.13:48
Dr_Willisi just went to move that to the lower panel.. and it crashed. :) no speaker or mail icon now13:48
Dr_WillisThats a little annoying. I really dont want/need the Mail indicator thing.13:49
LinuxGuy2009I didnt know that until now myself. Battery, bluetooth, volume, and indicator are all together on my netbook. Strange change.13:50
Dr_WillisI dont see what we are gaining by 'mergeing' what looks like 2 applets into One.13:50
jmcantrellhow do i get rid of that envelope notification icon?13:51
Dr_Willisjmcantrell:  you dont without getting rid of the spealer/volume also13:51
LinuxGuy2009jmcantrell: Yeah theres at least 4 icons that I see that are linked now. Kinda goofy.13:52
jmcantrellit's so pointless.13:53
jmcantrelldeanus: thanks for that link13:53
LinuxGuy2009At least they didnt mess with something important like eyeballs in my panel.13:54
Dr_Willishttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/how-to-remove-social-network-features.html   gotta bookmark that. I see a Future FAQ answer there13:55
ianmartinhi, having problems with X/logging in with lucid.  Having logged in at the user prompt it hangs showing the background and the wait timer.  If I kill X and log in again it works fine.  How can I find my problem?13:55
Dr_Willis_ive noticed similer quirks ianmartin  -  try the alt-ctrl F1 through F9 - On my system for some odd reason i actually had 2 X sessiosn getting started.13:56
jmcantrelli wish there were a theme similar to the default, but looked ok with the window controls being on the right side and reordered13:57
Dr_Willis_I found it easier to just sudo apt-get remove light-themes13:57
Dr_Willis_or whatever its called13:58
jmcantrellDr_Willis_: what do you mean?13:58
Dr_Willis_i remove that silly theme. :)13:58
jmcantrellheh. what theme do you use?13:59
h00kI just opened bug 544177 against go-home-applet on Ubuntu Netbook Edition13:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544177 in go-home-applet "Icon doesn't match new theme and branding in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54417713:59
h00kI wonder if it'll stick13:59
Dr_Willis_Ive so many issues on my netbook that has UNR + normal Ubuntu-desktop installed.. its scary14:00
BoondoKlifehrm something odd is afoot, the bug report for the samba mounting asks to run stacktrace, but I can not find the pstack package in the repos. The packages site says it should be there. Can anyone else see it?14:02
geniiBoondoKlife: I see the 32 bit there but not 64 bit14:03
BoondoKlifegenii: Ok, that makes me feel better. I didnt notice the i386 at the end. wonder why there is not a 64bit.14:05
yofelhm, pstack is indeed i386 only14:05
yofel    pstack |      1.2-1 | lucid/universe | source, i38614:05
BoondoKlifeshould there not be a 64bit version?14:05
yofelno idea, maybe a bug report would be nice, but pstack doesn't seem to have changed since dapper :/14:07
h00kDoes this help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace14:07
BoondoKlifeh00k: Thanks14:09
h00kBoondoKlife: :)14:09
Damascenecould some one test this link with vlc14:17
Damascene http://www.khayma.com/tajweed/taha/lameyatebnalqayem.mp314:17
BoondoKlifeI dont use compiz, is it safe to completely remove it from my system?14:23
electroIs there a workaround for flash / firefox 3.6 yet?14:23
electroi haven't been able to find one on the net14:23
electroand its 64bit14:23
yofelelectro: the bug report about that has a workaround14:23
yofelelectro: (if you're talking about bug 410407)14:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410407 in flashplugin-nonfree "Clicking on items in Flash player does nothing [READ DESCRIPTION]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41040714:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 529153 in flashplugin-nonfree "flash player not available after upgrade to lucid" [Undecided,New]14:25
yofelelectro: oh, you don't have flash at all?14:27
waltercoolfluendo vs ugly? For mp3 playback?14:28
PiciYingFan: The schedule in the topic might answer what you're looking for.14:30
YingFanhow is the the release schedule for betas in ubuntu done? The beta exist all from the start and is continously built on until it becames the next standard release or does e.g. the beta1 a specific date to its release?14:30
YingFanoops, was typing...14:30
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:31
YingFanok thanks pici, will check milestones14:31
woodyjlwim running the 10.04 and have had it for 2 weeks now and it is the best by far! every problem I had with wake and suspend is fixed and I have better 3d support and all the other little bugs I had with older ubuntu ver. is fixed so far....only thing I have not gotten to work properly is wicd but I am sure it will be fixed by final release......very very pleased so far14:31
OerHekssame here, woodyjlw :-)14:32
woodyjlwrunning an hp l2000 lance armstrong laptop14:32
YingFanwoodyjlw what about new hardware support? SATA3?14:32
woodyjlwdont have sata14:32
woodyjlwso I dont know14:32
woodyjlwgoing to build a new desk top soon and want to build it for ubuntu to run on so i will be doing lots of research soon for best video card that is supported by linux14:34
YingFannvidia vs ati as usual I guess14:34
woodyjlwi hear nvidia is better supported14:35
YingFanI know nvidia is easier on mac for sure, so assume same goes for linux14:35
tgpraveen12ati is better in long term even if not using linux. and their open source drivers are going to be good14:36
tgpraveen12though nvidia has pretty good but proprietary drivers14:36
woodyjlwif that is case I want to use ati but so far I am not impressed with them on linux14:36
YingFanprobably, but the 'are going to' is usally the deal breaker14:36
* yofel makes a note that noveau is going to get better too...14:37
* charlie-tca thinks it depends on the day of the week as to which is better14:37
woodyjlwit has been easier for me to install ubuntu and teach the basics of it to people then to constantly clean the viruses from there MS all the time and I have noticed that all the people I have switched have been very happy with it14:38
woodyjlwso this 10.04 will be very nice to start installing for friends14:39
tgpraveen12woodyjlw: well for common folks/non power users ubuntu is defienetely better14:39
jmcantrellthe darklooks theme with the default icon theme looks good. :)14:39
woodyjlwmy goal is to switch as many friends and family to it as I can14:40
YingFanStable release should be better for introductions14:40
woodyjlwI do like the software installer a lot better14:40
woodyjlweasier for new people to use14:41
woodyjlwand irc is great support to14:41
woodyjlwI show them irc and google and they are able to fix most problems without calling me all the time too lol. ubuntu has great support14:42
arandwoodyjlw: One problem with irc is that the support in empathy is, rather lacking.14:43
YingFanany better place than devel-announce to look for a supported hardware list of some sort?14:43
woodyjlwmost hardware info I find with google or forums14:45
woodyjlwwhen is the final release for ununtu 10.04 ?14:45
YingFan29th apr14:46
KB1JWQwoodyjlw: See the /topic14:46
arandwoodyjlw: See schedule in topic ;)14:46
woodyjlwoh ok14:46
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snoafternoon all, 10.04 amd64 can't seem to resize my ext4 or ntfs partitions, am i missing something? worked fine in 9.04, the otion is gray'd out during install or if i manually open gparted14:56
snoim using the latest beta14:56
rskare you opening gparted as root?14:56
snorsk yes14:56
snogksudo gparted14:57
arandsno: or are the partition locked?14:57
snoarand: i don't belive so, i mounted them first to verify which was which, then right click -> umount and opened gparted after14:57
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arandsno: gparted has a lock symbol if they are14:58
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snoi see, ill try again here *boots laptop*14:58
CalmvsKhaosHow can I tell which version of Gnome I have by command line?14:58
arandsno: or a key symbol, rather14:58
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snoCalmvsKhaos: dpkg -l | grep -i gnome is a good start14:58
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CalmvsKhaossno, ok ty :)14:59
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snohmm definately no lock type symbol arand , uploading screenie now15:03
alienohi everybody. just curious, a new icon appeared on my indicator applet. http://imagebin.ca/view/2luZZSu.html. anybody knows what is it?15:05
ouinecayveuneis that blutooth ?15:05
alienoouinecayveune, possibly. but I've got the "regular" bluetooth one showing as well15:06
ZykoticK9Nvidia 6150 (onboard) video is booting system to a text login (X is not starting) - I've tried without an Xorg.conf and with nvidia-settings Xorg.conf = same result.  Nvidia-xorg, X log at http://pastebin.com/6f4CiBSj -- without an xorg.conf X log at http://pastebin.com/0S5cA6ip15:06
alienoand is not telling me anything, nor with mouse over neither with clicks15:06
Dr_Willis_i would guess bluetooth15:07
YingFanbluetooth with caries15:07
Dr_Willis_unless you changed a theme and got diffrent icons15:07
alienonope, original theme15:07
alienoit's a bit weird cause is mute15:07
snohmm finding it tough to take a screenshot, installed gimp and it doesn't seem to have the option to take a delayed screenshot anymore, pressing screenshot button on keyboard doesn't work when right clicking a menu item, doh!15:12
arandsno: sleep 5 && gnome-screenshot15:13
tgpraveen12sno: applications->accessories->take screenshot15:13
ZykoticK9sno, the regular Gnome screenshot has an adjustable time option15:13
snooh great, thanks to all15:13
snohttp://i.imgur.com/zxr8g.png thats the pic , notice how resize is gray'd out15:15
snosame happens for the ntfs partition(s)15:16
arandsno: odd, and no change if you swapoff?15:16
alienoabout http://imagebin.ca/view/2luZZSu.html   . do you think is it too much for a bug report? :)15:18
arandsno: and no further clues if you check out information for the partition15:18
KB1JWQalieno: Hold.15:18
KB1JWQalieno: I just show an icon?15:18
snoaha that was it arand , great thanks15:18
snoturned off swap, resize option is available :)15:18
alienoKB1JWQ, yeah, is an icon in the indicator applet15:19
alienoKB1JWQ, but I think is confusing because I've already got a bluetooth icon and most important, the new icon is not interactive in any way15:19
KB1JWQOh, I don't want to file a bug report until I'm sure it actually is a bug, but I can't seem to remove the Universal Access Preferences indicator from the top bar.15:20
arandsno: hmm, that might be eligable for a bug report if there aren't one already... There should at least be an informative warning that swap locks gparted functions...15:20
snoarand: intersting, i honestly don't know if this happened in earliler versions, will try 9.10 live image and see15:20
alienoKB1JWQ, sure no rush15:21
PiciKB1JWQ: I believe  theres an option in System>Preferences>Preffered Applications that has to do with accessability, perhaps that might do it? I'm just guessing here.15:21
arandsno: I know swap inside an extended partition will show the same behaviour, but apparently the master container of the primary four acts similarly, it seems..15:21
KB1JWQPici: Yeah, I'm checking launchpad to see if anyone else has reported it, as a starting point.15:22
snoguess it would be understandable if using extended partitions, but im not so *shrug*15:22
KB1JWQPici: Mind if I PM you?15:22
PiciKB1JWQ: go ahead.15:22
KB1JWQ(Unrelated to the issue)15:22
Pici(its still okay)15:23
* arand is off15:23
deanusIs fglrx available/installable yet?15:25
Dr_Willis_ive heard mention that it is.. but ive no idea15:29
ZykoticK9deanus, you might want to check the status/comments in bug #494699 and see what people are saying there15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494699 in fglrx-installer "Does not support current Lucid kernel (2.6.32) or xserver (1.7)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49469915:31
Imperionhelp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1436138 (3D rendering abysmally slow)15:31
KB1JWQFOund the solution to my question.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6383300 solved it, but that was extremely un-intuitive.  Is it worth filing a bug report for?15:31
deanustrying the amd64 fglrx debs now.15:36
deanusdont know why I need lib32gcc1 libc6-i386  tho...oh well i`ll go along with it15:38
deanuscool, it installed/built..  ATI Fire GL appears in hardware drivers.15:40
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deanushere goes...15:41
deanusit works.15:48
deanushad to do aticonfig --initial before desktop effects could be enabled,15:48
deanusor use CCC15:49
deanusit boots up using a low res splash screen tho..15:49
plitteris there a way to update alpha 3 to beta 1?15:50
BUGabundo_remoteplitter: sure15:51
BUGabundo_remoterun you fav apt interface15:51
BUGabundo_remoteits that easy15:51
BUGabundo_remoteactually I'm wrong15:51
BUGabundo_remoteyou can't get Beta1... we are past it now.15:51
plitterwe are?15:51
plitterno we aint, i just downloaded it15:51
BUGabundo_remoteplitter: I would go with : $ sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade15:51
BUGabundo_remoteor update-manager15:52
BUGabundo_remoteplitter: B1 is 5 days old... trust me15:52
BUGabundo_remoteyou already have a bunch of updates after it15:52
BUGabundo_remotetip: zsync to a daily image, when ever you want to get a newer test iso15:52
ZykoticK9plitter, "best1" is just a point in time, there have been updates - so now it's past, examples of this are in Update Manager as well as new Daily ISOs15:53
plitternot exactly sure what u meant but doing the upgrade with the commands now:)15:55
Picisudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude full-upgrade15:55
BUGabundo_remotePici: nothing is requiring full-upgrade15:56
PiciBUGabundo_remote: I always do it anyway.15:57
BUGabundo_remoteand running it without being sure of the consequeces can do more evil then good15:57
BUGabundo_remoteoh me too15:57
BUGabundo_remoteI just don't accept the changes15:57
BUGabundo_remoteI just want to know what they are15:57
ZykoticK9Fresh install from beta1 (Mythbuntu) cd, now fully updated - Nvidia 6150 (onboard) video fails to start X - tried with no xorg.conf as well as nvidia-settings xorg.conf = same result.  Nvidia-xorg, X log at http://pastebin.com/6f4CiBSj -- without xorg.conf at http://pastebin.com/0S5cA6ip15:57
BUGabundo_remotealias aptitudeupgrade='sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade'15:57
technovikingZykoticK9: same here15:58
ZykoticK9technoviking, same gfx card?  same Mythbuntu?15:58
technovikingnvidia card with Ubuntu15:59
technovikingkeeps going to safe graphic mode15:59
ZykoticK9technoviking, on my other nvidia system it is working fine (from alpha2 install mind you)15:59
technovikingwill work with 173 driver, but crappy video output16:00
flodinecan someone tell me why lucid is working my hard drive when im doing nothing.16:02
CalmvsKhaosIn Ubuntu having issue Does anyone know of a work around for alt-sysRq-k or even REISUB doesnt do anything? Ive searched google no luck :(16:03
flodineanyone else running a t42p with lucid and after install harddrive still working.16:04
gnomefreakflodine: does it happen when you restart?16:04
* gnomefreak thinks its hardware profiling that is causing it16:05
flodineyes sir and im not doing anything16:05
ZykoticK9flodine, try running "top" and see what's using memory/cpu that could be accessing your HD16:05
abhi_navwll you recommend me to use beta 10.04 and upgrade it to final 10.04? I want it for day to day use. I want stable version. But cant wait one month. Or should I now Install 9.10 and when final 10.04 comes upgrade to it?16:06
gnomefreakabhi_nav: use 9.10 until 10.04 is stable16:06
ZykoticK9abhi_nav, if "stable" is your main concern - then wait till final16:06
gnomefreakbest ^^^16:06
PiciLord-Rahl: On a terminal, you can use: sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:06
abhi_navbut how to know that when 10.04 becomes stable?16:06
gnomefreakabhi_nav: in april of 201016:07
Lord-RahlHow can I do a inplace upgrade from 9.10 kubuntu to kubuntu 10.416:07
Traveler7is it beta or RC?16:07
gnomefreakLord-Rahl: kde has an update manager of some sort i thought16:07
gnomefreakTraveler7: beta116:07
abhi_navgnomefreak: can i do like, e.g. have beta and accept whatever it performance, because just matter of one month, and then upgrade?16:07
gnomefreakabhi_nav: there is still breakage so if everyday use i would not upgrade until final16:08
PiciLord-Rahl: Did you see my reply, I answered before you asked.16:08
Traveler7any major bugs16:08
BluesKajLord-Rahl, you can do the command to upgrade in the terminal once the final stable release is issued16:08
Lord-RahlPici: yup thanks that worked :)16:08
abhi_navgnomefreak: but then upgradation from 9.10 to 10.04 wll have its own new bugs?16:08
PiciLord-Rahl: Great :)16:09
gnomefreakTraveler7: we can not accuratly answer that question16:09
Traveler7gnomefreak :) where can i take the beta but netbook remix16:09
gnomefreakabhi_nav: a system is never without bugs but the worst of them are normally fixed by release. since it is a LTS its best to wait16:09
gnomefreakTraveler7: i dont understand what you mean16:10
gnomefreakupgrade == beta116:10
gnomefreakdoesnt much matter what you are running16:10
Traveler7gnomefreak i need ubuntu for the 9" netbooks16:10
Lord-RahlPici: I search for two day for that command on the web.:)16:10
abhi_navgnomefreak: so what should I do? 1. Wait for 10.04 and then fresh clean install of 10.04 or 2. Now Install 9.10 and when 10.04 comes upgrade to it? which one?16:10
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BluesKajLord-Rahl, or you can upgrade from 9.10 with the command sudo do-release-upgrade -d , if you want to upgrade to 10.04 before it's officially released16:11
gnomefreakabhi_nav: upgrade when 10.04 is stable16:11
abhi_navgnomefreak: ok thanx16:11
PiciBluesKaj: I assume thats what he was asking.16:11
abhi_navZykoticK9 and gnomefreak: thank you!16:11
gnomefreakTraveler7: IIRC there is a netboot remix16:11
Lord-RahlBluesKaj: yep thanks i good now :)16:11
gnomefreakabhi_nav: np16:11
ZykoticK9gnomefreak, you mean "netbook edition" ;) it was renamed16:12
gnomefreakyeah that than :)16:12
gnomefreakim not seeing it on daily site16:13
Lord-Rahlis it true that in this release xorg does not have a xorg.conf file?16:13
gnomefreakLord-Rahl: correct16:14
Lord-Rahlgnomefreak: do you know if ati and nvidia have drivers release for this new vrs? i have both desktop and laptop16:15
CalmvsKhaosIn Ubuntu having issue Does anyone know of a work around for alt-sysRq-k or even REISUB doesnt do anything? Ive searched google no luck :(16:16
Lord-Rahlgnomefreak: I mean no xorg file bot write one as you know16:16
gnomefreakLord-Rahl: you mean that ther eis a file that replaced it?16:17
ZykoticK9Lord-Rahl, the xorg not being present happened in Kamic first.  there is nvidia drivers.  ati i'm not sure, see bug #49469916:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494699 in fglrx-installer "Does not support current Lucid kernel (2.6.32) or xserver (1.7)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49469916:17
lorenz__hi guys16:18
lorenz__I'm having an issue with empathy - I cannot sign on anymore16:18
BluesKajLord-Rahl, after installing the nvidi-current driver for your card , do sudo nvidi-xconfig and that command will write new xorg.conf file for the setup16:18
jmcantrellis ubuntu one optional in lucid?16:18
BluesKajerr nvidia16:18
lorenz__more specifially, I cannot set my status to anything via the MeMenu (I thnk that is what it is called)16:18
lorenz__am I missing a package or something?16:19
lorenz__am I alone here?16:20
jmcantrellthe weather on the clock applet is not showing? is there anything i can do to force a refresh or something?16:20
Lord-RahlBluesKaj: Thanks I was not sure if Xorg would read a file if present. This confirms my thought it would16:20
jmcantrelllorenz__: just use pidgin16:20
lorenz__that's not really the solution I was hoping for, jmcantrell16:21
tgpraveen12lorenz__: me menu is for twitter and other broadcast accounts16:21
jmcantrellempathy blows16:21
ZykoticK9lorenz__, when you click on the "me menu" is everything grey?  is empathy running and are you signed into some networks?16:21
tgpraveen12not to set chat status16:21
lorenz__Zykotick9: right, everything is grey - empathy is running and I'm not signed in to any network (it says I'm set to offline)16:21
tgpraveen12lorenz__: the status msg cant be seet. but available/busy can be set16:21
lorenz__it's greyed out for me16:22
tgpraveen12lorenz__: use gwibber to configure an account and it wont be greyed out16:22
ZykoticK9lorenz__, in empathy sign into something - then it will be ungreyed in me menu16:22
tgpraveen12use broadcast in messaging indicator16:22
lorenz__but how can I sign in to something in empathy? there is no "connect" button or anything, is there?16:22
lorenz__I have set up several gwibber accounts, but they won't sign in either16:22
ZykoticK9lorenz__, i use pidgin instead for im so i can't help with empathy - but once you getting empathy straight i'm guessing me menu will work16:23
lorenz__sorr,y actually gwibber is online and working (facebook feed)16:23
dabaRWow, moved the window manipulation icons.16:24
BluesKajLord-Rahl, if you do a clean install , then the nvidia-current driver should install from the kernel source and you should be fine.16:24
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dabaRAny links to places talking about that?16:25
lorenz__foudn the setting to go online in empathy, but it won't sign in...16:25
ZykoticK9dabaR, http://www.workswithu.com/2010/03/16/why-window-button-placement-doesnt-matter/16:25
lorenz__ah, if anyone cares: I had to disable and re-enable the accounts im empathy to get it working16:26
ZykoticK9lorenz__, and does the me menu work now?16:27
dabaRZykoticK9: thanks very much, great links.16:27
lorenz__menu works now, yes16:27
lorenz__just....no contacts are shown as online...this is weird16:28
Linwhere can I get a howto to upgrade 9.10 to 10.04?16:28
guntbertLin: remember 10.4 is still beta16:29
Linguntbert, remembered =D16:30
guntbertLin: so "upgrade " may not be the correct word ... :-)16:31
Linguntbert, im just asking cause do-release-upgrade -d isnt working.16:31
Linguntbert, I will do the old fashioned way, open /etc/apt/sources.list ;-)16:31
guntbertLin: sorry I never did this in the beta state - so no hints from me16:31
ZykoticK9Lin, are you using KDE by chance?16:31
LinZykoticK9, no16:32
gnomefreakLin: run update-manager -d16:32
ZykoticK9Lin, ok just checking16:32
gnomefreakthat should do it16:32
Linok.. trying now =D only 12 files to update ;-)16:32
Lini cannot call it a complete update to 10.0416:33
lorenz__well, I feel there are not too many empathy lovers on here16:33
lorenz__thanks for the help anyway, I'll figure out what the problem is...16:33
Linnot many. I really dont care =D16:33
gnomefreakmay have to update packages before the upgrade to 10.0416:33
Linboth work to me16:33
Linbut i didnt like that consolidations on a single icon16:33
gnomefreakLin: when you can upgrade you will see a button to press for dist upgrade16:33
BluesKajLin, sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:34
LinBluesKaj, Checking for a new ubuntu release16:35
LinNo new release found16:35
gnomefreakLin: does lsb_release -a tell you that you are on lucid or karmic16:36
BluesKajLin, odd then you must have it already, what does lsb_release -a say ?16:36
dabaRAlso the http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1 shows how to test the beta16:36
dabaRBluesKaj: Are you from ex-Yugoslavia by any chance?16:37
BluesKajdabaR, nope, Canada16:37
dabaRBluesKaj: I live in Canada too. I just thought because of your nick. What's the story with the nick?16:38
guntbert!ot | dabaR16:39
ubottudabaR: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.16:39
BluesKajdabaR, Kaj is my first name , rhymes with sky , and I play drums in a blues/rock band , hence the nick :)16:39
dabaRBluesKaj: cool.16:40
BluesKajdabaR, i'm near Sudbury ON, where are you ?16:40
gnomefreakwho was it with the ati bug? i found the bug report for it16:41
dabaRBluesKaj: In Winnipeg Manitoba.16:41
dabaRWell, there is only one winnipeg, probably.16:42
BluesKajyup, been there a few times ,,spent asummer in the Whiteshell , Lac Du Bonnet...long ago :)16:42
jmcantrellhow do i turn off the sound when the login screen appears?16:45
JoshuaLim having troubles with wpa2 enterprise connections16:47
Lineven after a apt-get-update; update-manager -d ; do-release-upgrade -d (returns No new releas found).16:48
JoshuaLi can connect fine but the connection is instable, altough it does appear to be connected16:48
Linlsb_release -a returns karmic, how can I upgrade to 10.04?16:48
BluesKajlin have you updated your sources.list ?16:49
Linnot yet. I will update now and do a old fashined dist-upgrade ;-)16:50
ryeLin, doublecheck the sources list, possibly some older upgrade failed leaving you with lucid deb links?16:51
BluesKajLin, run this : sudo aptitude install update-manager-core16:52
LinBluesKaj, i did already =D16:52
Linnow im running with sources pointing to lucid repos.16:52
Linwill run a upgrade now16:52
gnomefreakLin: comment out any extrea repos you have16:52
Lini did16:53
BluesKajLin, then run this sudo sed -i 's/karmic/lucid/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade16:53
Linlol. Im asking because i have tried everything =D16:53
gnomefreaknot everything :)16:53
LinBluesKaj, this method i know. I do it snce debian 2.0, im trying to do something more ubuntu way =D16:53
Linim trying to feel like a regular user.16:53
Linok. regular users dont go to beta16:54
BluesKajLin, it's the same command as debian16:54
LinBluesKaj, debian dont have do-release-upgrade16:54
BluesKajkubuntu/ubuntu is debian based\16:55
Linyou mean, use .deb packages. ;-)16:55
BluesKajlin did you try the command I posted above , sudo sed -i 's/karmic/lucid/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade16:55
LinBluesKaj, this works =D16:55
Lin3 hours and 8 minutes left ;-) thank you all!16:56
BluesKajlin , I hope it goes well for you :)16:57
LinBluesKaj, if dont.. I can handle ;-)16:57
FFForeveranyone notice xorg flickers for a second every now and then on the lower half of the screen16:59
Lord-RahlI choose the wrong boot drive in grub when doing the upgrade. what is the command so I may reselect the right one grub-update?17:02
technovikingIs anyone experiencing this bug and can confirm? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/53243617:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 532436 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "nvidia driver sometime does not load at boot" [Undecided,New]17:03
technovikingZykoticK9: try restarting gdm, and see if nvidia loads, maybe the same bug I'm having17:07
ZykoticK9technoviking, doesn't help here.  Thanks for the suggestion though.17:07
devurandomIs it possible to install Kubuntu 10.04_beta1 in e.g. german? The install automatically chooses english and no option to for me to choose.17:07
high-rezI think the boot menu on the dvd lets you select your language...17:08
devurandomI did that, the livecd desktop is in german already.17:09
high-rezBut the install menus aren't localized?17:10
devurandomNope, ubiquity is fully in english.17:11
devurandomBut now it is "downloading language packs"... Does it have to do that for english, too?17:16
Equsdevurandom, apparently yes17:17
BUGabundo_remotedevurandom: no17:17
FFForeverno love for me?17:18
ryedevurandom, yes17:19
devurandomIs this a vote of the majority? ;)17:19
Equswell it did for me too17:20
devurandomBut I think I saw some engb packages before, so I guess "yes" is the correct answer. ;)17:20
quentusrexAnyone here able to help debug a network driver instability issue?17:20
quentusrexI have had a bug that has lasted since 8.10, and seems to still be in 10.0417:20
quentusrexIt is a known bug, and others have had issues as well17:20
ChogyDanquentusrex: does it have a bug report?17:21
quentusrexyes, here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/34771117:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 347711 in linux "Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller Unstable on Jaunty" [Unknown,In progress]17:21
quentusrexThe only way to 'reset' the driver to get access again is to run "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"17:22
quentusrexand that will last for 'a while' under max network load17:22
quentusrexthen it dies again.17:22
git__"unable to enumerate USB device" bug is bothering me17:22
git__occassionally my usb mouse would not work17:22
quentusrexChogyDan, I have setup a testing system and I am able to reproduce the issue on demands17:23
quentusrexit only takes me about 20-30 minutes to cause the networking to fail.17:23
ChogyDanquentusrex: have you tried the .33 kernel?17:23
quentusrexChogyDan, I have this motherboard: http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Products/Motherboard/Products_Spec.aspx?ClassValue=Motherboard&ProductID=3160&ProductName=GA-P55-UD4P17:24
ChogyDanquentusrex: btw, I can't really help17:25
ChogyDanquentusrex: you should post upstream17:25
mikelifeguardDid the design team make a decision about keeping min/max/close buttons on the left vs right for the final release?17:26
quentusrexChogyDan, no I have not tried that kernel17:27
technovikingMy nvidia driver goes into safe mode when I boot into Lucid. restarting gdm will make the nvidia and X load properly. Anyideas what is causing the problem. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/53243617:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 532436 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "nvidia driver sometime does not load at boot" [Undecided,New]17:27
Equsmikelifeguard,  who knows but there is an easy fix if you install ubuntu tweak17:27
mikelifeguardEqus: yeah, I have that already. I'm more concerned about what the UI team is doing.17:28
mikelifeguardOn that note, does notify-osd still put the notifications randomly in the middle of your screen?17:28
mc44mikelifeguard: yes, and yes :p17:29
mikelifeguardmc44: ohaithar17:30
mikelifeguardWas their decision to move back to buttons on the right?17:30
mc44hahaha. No.17:30
jmcantrellwhat is the reasoning for moving it to the left? it seems like such a ridiculous and annoying change17:30
mikelifeguardThey must have some nice drugs.17:30
mikelifeguardjmcantrell: More like pointless - the notify-osd thing is much worse :)17:31
mikelifeguardWhen users repeatedly report your feature as a bug, *it isn't a feature, it is a bug*17:31
jmcantrellmikelifeguard: i don't use notify-osd. where did it place the messages before?17:31
mikelifeguardin the corner17:32
mikelifeguardlike any sane notification system would do17:32
mikelifeguardinstead, it is now against the side of the screen, but randomly ... not in the corner, just... weirdly floating in the middle of nowhere about an inch from the top O___x17:32
jmcantrellis there an ubuntu-like distro that doesn't try to impose stuff like this on its users?17:32
mikelifeguardjmcantrell: mint is nice17:32
mc44mikelifeguard: well, to be fair, it's not randomly there, there is a reason (not that I agree with it)17:33
mikelifeguardeven better, notify-osd can't be configured, even though the ui to configure it is still there :D17:33
jmcantrellmikelifeguard: i saw that. keeping it in mind17:33
tgpraveen12jmcantrell: u want to use GNOME upstream version it seems.17:33
tgpraveen12Fedora is good for it i hear though havent used it.17:33
tgpraveen12if u are an advanced user try arch.17:33
mikelifeguardmc44: Like I said, they have some nice drugs17:34
ChogyDananyone ever use enlightenment?17:34
mikelifeguardtgpraveen12: That's spelled "you."17:34
* mikelifeguard runs17:34
jmcantrelltgpraveen12: i just want to use a distro that is as easy to install and configure as ubuntu, but doesn't try to impose stuff like ubuntu17:34
ChogyDanjmcantrell: that is kinda a catch22, its easy to configure _because_ they make decisions for users before hand17:35
pmatulisthat's right17:35
jmcantrellChogyDan: not really. forcing users to use empathy and putting window controls on the left side is an imposition that has nothing to do with simplicity17:36
deanus"Forcing" ?  not really..17:36
jmcantrelldeanus: forcing is probably a bit much, but they're definitely imposing it17:37
mikelifeguardIt isn't about forcing anything on anyone. It is about making good UI design decisions. Canonical brags about having a world-class UI team, and in many cases they've done excellent work. But I also find it hard to believe that a world-class UI team would make this kind of error.17:37
deanusjmcantrell, empathy is there as a default app, like every other app there.. there aint no one preventing you installing pidgin.. so imposing is wrong too17:37
ChogyDanjmcantrell: empathy was a decision made by gnome, right?  (I still use pidgin btw)17:38
tgpraveen12ChogyDan: yes17:38
mikelifeguardLuckily it isn't my money being wasted on paying for the bad decisions, it is just my time in dealing with them.17:38
deanusnetwork-manager is the default, i use wicd, go figure17:38
jmcantrellyou're free to disagree. i still see it as an imposition17:39
BluesKajdeanus, jmcan17:44
deanusI really dont see what all the fuss is about.. you dont like something, you change it.  Thats always been the way with linux17:44
BluesKajwicd is solid , nm is flaky ...that's my experience17:44
jmcantrellit seems that they are not giving us sane defaults to start with17:46
JoshuaLim having problems with wpa2 enterprise, i already reported the bug a few months ago¸and there it is still marked as new17:46
yofelJoshuaL: which bug?17:46
Saviqhi all, trying to get a xubuntu 10.4b1 alternate install onto a usb stick, tried unetbootin and dd so far, neither worked... can anyone report any success installing without an optical drive?17:46
JoshuaLyofel, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/52011117:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 520111 in network-manager "network-manager unstable connection WPA2-Enterprise" [Undecided,New]17:47
SaviqI can't get it to boot at all, with unetbootin it shouts about a floppy (sic!) missing17:47
Saviqwith dd it completely ignores the stick and boots from hd17:47
deanususb startup creator?17:48
yofelJoshuaL: hm, do you get any messages in /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog or the output of 'dmesg' when this happens?17:48
kklimondaSaviq: have you tried usb-creator-gtk ?17:48
deanusI personally use http://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html  as I have a large stick and its easy puttin iso`s to.17:49
JoshuaLyofel,  i have no idea to be honest17:49
Saviqkklimonda: it will only work from an installed system?17:49
yofelJoshuaL: oh, and can you plese run 'apport-collect 520111' after this happens to you again so we get a bit more information on the bug to work with? Thx.17:49
Saviqk, will get a VM running17:49
quentusrexChogyDan, post upstream? where?17:50
yofelJoshuaL: if you just say that it's unstable it could be anything from the applet, n-m itself to the kernel driver that's buggy17:50
BluesKajjmcantrell, IMO nm and pulseaudio are examples of apps with a dev's agenda behind them , theynwork for some setps but not nall17:50
JoshuaLyofel, can i do it now? it happend earlier today when i was at school (and school blocks the ubuntu bug report tool)17:51
mikelifeguardBluesKaj: You mean world domination? :o17:51
ChogyDanquentusrex: see the link to the kernel bug?17:51
kklimondaBluesKaj: they are both examples of the software that have to deal with messy drivers and whose developers decided to do things the right way17:51
yofelJoshuaL: yes (I think)17:51
BetaCloneAnyone knows why the SpeedLevel and Accel options are removed from xsetwacom in Lucid?17:51
Saviqkklimonda: will I be able to create a 10.4 installation stick from 9.10 installed?17:52
BetaCloneOr any ideas for where to find more about it? X11 irc channel or is it a Wacom issue?17:52
kklimondaSaviq: you should be17:53
Saviqkklimonda: ok thanks, will try17:53
JoshuaLyofel, To finish authorizing the application identified as apport-collect to access Launchpad on your behalf you should go back to the application window in which you started the process and inform it that you have done your part of the process.17:53
JoshuaLyofel, nothing happens when that message shows up17:53
msandbuhowdy, anyone know howto install xbmc for lucid?17:54
yofelJoshuaL: hm, it should open your default browser at that point, does it give you a link?17:54
BluesKajkklimonda, nm worked for 24 hrs on this laptop and pulseaudio prevented alsa  from working til I removed it17:54
yofelJoshuaL: are you using karmic or lucid btw17:54
JoshuaLyofel, lucid, and yes it opens the browser and asks for permission (which i accept) but after that message nothing happens17:55
yofelJoshuaL: did you press enter in the terminal?17:55
JoshuaLyofel, ah i started it via alt+f2 :)17:55
yofeloh, honestly no idea what happens in that case..., abort it and try again... I guess17:56
JoshuaLyofel, via terminal it works. ty17:56
kklimondaBluesKaj: most problems with both pulseaudio and network-manager can be traced back to either misbehaving applications or drivers. not all of them but most. and I know people don't care, just saying how it is.17:56
yofelJoshuaL: btw, you can run 'ubuntu-bug ... --save <reportfilename>' in a terminal to save a bug report instead of sending it immediately (usefull if you don't have a working connection)17:57
odayhello everybody17:57
JoshuaLyofel, a good to know! Thanks17:58
BluesKajkklimonda, why nm is still the default is beyond me..there are so many probs with it.17:58
odayi'd like to ask, can my Howto guide for Karmic get me through Lucid just fine?17:58
yofelJoshuaL: later just run 'ubuntu-bug <reportfilename>' to send it17:58
odaybecause from the exterior, i dont see that big of a difference17:58
JoshuaLyofel, thanks! Now I have to eat.17:58
odayand also,  does the Empathy on Lucid or any other distro, use the same port as MSN does?17:59
kklimondaBluesKaj: because there is no better solution and not all of us are having any problems with it.17:59
BluesKajkklimonda, stick around , yo'll ses lots of questions how to get nm to work18:00
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
BluesKajyou'll see18:00
odayanybody? :)18:00
kklimondaBluesKaj: I do stick around18:00
kklimondaBluesKaj: what card do you have btw?18:03
ChogyDanoday: your questions is very generic18:03
ChogyDanoday: you will probably just have to try the guide and see18:04
odayand about MSN and Empathy? do they use the same port?18:04
odayif for example an ISP has blocked the MSN port, will Empathy not work as well?18:04
BluesKajkklimonda, network card ?18:04
kklimondaBluesKaj: yes18:05
ChogyDanoday: correct, the apps don't choose the port, it is the IM protocal18:05
odayi see, right18:05
nightsjammiesI f*cking hate windows, and apple.18:05
nightsjammiesthough I like my itouch...18:05
odayand apache for web server, right?18:05
odaylocal web server, to run from 127....18:05
nightsjammieswhich I've managed to break..18:05
BluesKajkklimonda, atheros AR928X18:07
odayim trying to find out if i have apache, i used "locate apache", and i only got two files, one in etc called "apache2ctl" and the other in usr called "README.apache2"18:08
odayi'm sure there would be more output if it were installed, right?18:08
BluesKajkklimonda, I'm happy with wicd ..works well18:09
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
nightsjammieshey, quick question. does anyone know if it's possible to get rhythmbox to work in karmic like it's working in lynx?18:09
ChogyDanoday: ya,  you can also try this command: apt-cache policy apache2       and to see if it is running: ps aux | grep apache18:09
kklimondanightsjammies: what do you mean?18:11
nightsjammieswell, rhythmbox writes music to my itouch in lucid, but not in karmic. Is there anyway to change that without upgrading right now?18:12
nightsjammiesyou know, by installing packages and stuff?18:12
kklimondamaybe - you could find out what packages have to be updated/installed/replaced and do it18:13
nightsjammieswhere would I find that list?18:14
kklimondastart with checking dependencies of the rhythmbox package18:14
nightsjammiesyou mean as in lucid vs. karmic?18:15
kklimondayes - but that may not be worth your effor, there is only a month or so before 10.04 release18:15
nightsjammieswell, I've got the beta, but I like karmic18:16
BluesKajnightsjammies, lucid seems quite stable atm , take a chance, you might solve yor problem :)18:16
dbristowI am downloading the 10.04 beta1, any reason why the SHA256SUMs wouldn't match?  I'm getting it from mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/10.04/18:23
redb76d1000-b77ef000 r--p 00000000 08:05 1442763    /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_COLLATE18:24
redAborted (core dumped)18:24
redduring safe-upgrade18:24
redwhat does that mean?18:24
guntbertdbristow: how did you download? with your browser?18:24
dbristowNo, with lftp.18:25
nightsjammiesno I know that it's mostly stable, but I just like the way that karmic looks18:25
nightsjammiesand the new locations of the minimize/ max/ kill buttons keep messing me up.18:27
guntbertdbristow: in any case - if the checksums don't match the d/l is broken - try it with wget18:28
dbristowOK, with wget.18:28
redThe following packages have been kept back: gdc parted udisks18:30
redkept why?18:30
dbristowOK, this time I will wget it from releases.ubuntu itself.18:31
ZykoticK9red, install libparted0 and that will resolve the parted and udisks parts18:31
=== gord is now known as gord|afk
vishhow do i clear my .xsession-errors?  it seems pretty overloaded with a gedit error loop [~nearly 330mb of error created when i tried to open it in gedit]18:33
vishwhich was basically the gedit error looping itself in the .xsession-errors18:35
redZykoticK9: it says two packages broken, 1 package to be installed, 2 with conflicts but to be installed and then says "Score is 330"18:36
redwhat does the score mean? :D18:36
ZykoticK9red, i've never heard of "score" before18:37
ZykoticK9red, from cli i'd try running "sudo apt-get install libparted0"18:38
nightsjammiesokay, could someone please do me a quick favor, and check your dependencies in synaptic for rhytmbox, and then paste the output so that I can compare?18:44
redZykoticK9: thats what I did and it worked18:45
redjust odd stuff :)18:45
redand i use aptitude instead of apt-get18:45
BigRedS_nightsjammies: http://pastebin.com/RSDb9gNa18:45
mikebeechamcan anyone tell me if there's a way to reposition the panel clock, so that the date and time are beside each other, rather than above each other?18:46
redmikebeecham: only thing I know that works is to reduce size of the panel18:46
nightsjammiessweet, thanks much BigRedS :)18:46
mikebeechamred: I tried reducing down to 16pt, but nothing changed18:46
mikebeechamthe size of the panel didnt even shrink!18:47
mikebeechamI'm on 10.0418:47
redchecked with gconf-editor18:48
redcouldnt find any hidden settings for that either18:48
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
zniavremikebeecham, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/11/gnome-panel-clock-themes.html18:49
vishmikebeecham: the size of the panel usually lies , it is tied down to the font size18:51
vishmikebeecham: if you make the fonts smaller , the panel size can be made smaller18:51
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
claptrapOk, so I just did a "Mark All Upgrades" in synaptic and now I can't log in to my Ubuntu install.18:51
redis there any app for ubuntu that when I drag my mouse to screen corner "X" it would automaticly do something, like lock screen or activate screensaver18:52
yofelred: doesn't compiz have a plugin for that?18:52
claptrapAnd I'm completely locked out now~18:53
mikebeechamzniavre: thanks for that...I just went through it....and it doesn't work :(18:53
BigRedS_Since updating to Lucid I've no TTYs bar the one running X. I can ctrl+alt+Fn and switch to a blank screen, though. This is with the vesa driver. I have a damaged Intel Mobile chipset, and when the Intel driver works, I think I had the same problem.18:53
BigRedS_I did once get another tty, but I can't remember under what conditions. Anyone else had this?18:54
claptrapOk, so I just did a "Mark All Upgrades" in synaptic and now I can't log in to my Ubuntu install. I'm completely locked out of my Ubuntu at the moment.18:54
BigRedS_claptrap: Can you log in through a tty?18:54
yofelclaptrap: when did you do that and do you remember what packages were upgraded?18:54
* BigRedS_ can't exactly remember what 'mark all upgrades' does in synaptic18:54
claptrapAbout ten minutes ago, and no. There were a lot; I was trying to get rid of "obsolete packages" so that bug reports could go through.18:55
claptrapBigRedS_ About ten minutes ago, and no. There were a lot; I was trying to get rid of "obsolete packages" so that bug reports could go through.18:55
BigRedS_What happens when you try? Or is there just no login prompt? Are you running an ssh server?18:56
tasslehoffI'm considering karmic->lynx via apt. Is that likely to work atm? No known breakage?18:56
claptrapBigRedS_: There is a login prompt. I type in my password, screen goes blank and looks like it's going to log in, I hear the little "da dink" sound it goes back to prompt. Wrong password acts like it normally would. Dunno what an ssh server is.18:57
mikebeechamha!  discovered the problem18:58
mikebeechamit's the font I'm using...it doesn't like Myriad Bold18:59
mikebeechamwhich is the only one I like!!18:59
redI like Segoe UI18:59
red(The Windows 7 font)18:59
claptrapBigRedS_: Any thoughts?19:01
BigRedS_claptrap: sorry, distracted by my other broken box ;)19:02
claptrapBigRedS_: Oh dear, lol.19:03
BigRedS_but nothing comes to mind, really19:03
BigRedS_haha, the other one's a little more, er, planned19:03
nightsjammiesHas anyone gotten video in rhythmbox to work via: http://code.google.com/p/rhythmbox-videosource/19:03
mikebeechamnightsjammies: havn't used RB for ages....Banshee is MUCH bette19:04
claptrapBigRedS_: Any basics I can be run through on something like this? I'm a tad nubly.19:04
kklimondaheh, as I've been afraid living in "the rest of EU" limits the amount of music I can buy from the store :/19:04
claptrapBigRedS_: I just tried doing a startx. It's throwing up errors.19:06
nightsjammieswill banshee write to my itouch?19:06
BigRedS_claptrap: Ah, were you in the terminal so far?19:06
BigRedS_If you do   grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:06
claptrapBigRedS_: No, I just tried that after a bit of Googling. I'm in it now.19:06
BigRedS_you should see all the actual errors from X, rather than just notes about how it's doing and what it thinks of the weather19:07
claptrapWW warning, EE rror, NI not implemented, ?? unknown19:08
claptrapLoading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER19:08
claptrapAnd then kicks back to prompt.19:08
BigRedS_I don't know much about xorg really (i break it lots, but don't pay much attention when fixing), but generally someone else has had whatever errors you're having before19:09
BigRedS_Though X-related problems shouldn't stop you logging in19:09
BigRedS_perhaps check /var/log/auth.log (i think)19:09
claptrapI was able to log in just fine in terminal19:09
claptrapShould I do this19:10
claptrapdpkg-reconfigure thingy?19:10
BigRedS_It wont hurt19:10
BigRedS_It basically configures X with a mix of best-guess and your answers to questions19:11
claptrapMagic cookie not very magic.19:11
claptrapThat did uh19:12
claptrapAbsolutely nad.19:12
BigRedS_haha. it's great when that happens19:12
BigRedS_any answers from googling the logs?19:12
mikebeechamgoodness I love 10.0419:13
claptrapWW warning, EE rror, NI not implemented, ?? unknown <- This?19:13
BigRedS_Nah, that's just the key19:13
BigRedS_you're (currently) only interested in EE lines19:13
BigRedS_if there are any, in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:13
claptrapOh, the grep command didn't return anything but that.19:14
odayi have apache now, and ive put the folders and files i want to put in "www"19:15
odaybut when i try to access 127, i get Permission denied19:15
odaywhy is that?19:15
BigRedS_ahhh, then X isn't throwing any errors either19:15
BigRedS_maybe check /var/log/gdm19:15
* BigRedS_ clutches at straw19:15
git__mikebeecham, what u love about 10.04?19:16
git__does suspend/resume work in 10.04?19:16
claptrapgrep that^?19:17
jmcantrellis there a way to reset the compiz settings to the default?19:18
mikebeechamgit__: I love the new 'feel' to it, but I'm loving some of the new additions.  I'm wondering whether it's worth investigating empathy yet19:18
vishanyone have a good auto-away plugin for xchat?19:18
git__mikebeecham, my experience with empathy on 9.10 is subpar19:19
mikebeechamin fact, the only things I cant do in Ubuntu these days is a) Use photoshop and b) remove drm from my purchased itunes tvshows19:19
TrueSongMediaEmpathy has always disappointed me19:19
git__mikebeecham, i'm more interested in kvm and suspend/resume of 10.0419:19
markl_i like pidgin a lot19:19
git__pidgin = empathy19:19
mikebeechamgit__: the last time I tried it (a while ago) I was less than impressed...I use pidgin19:19
BigRedS_claptrap: tail it first19:19
TrueSongMediaNo it's not19:19
claptrapBigRedS_: Eh?19:19
mikebeechamand no pidgin does not = empathy19:19
BigRedS_I can't remember the format of it, and don't have gdm on here19:19
BigRedS_tail /var/log/gdm  < claptrap19:20
TrueSongMediagit__, Pidgin is a completely different program19:20
mikebeechamthere are simply LOADS of things pidgin can do that empathy cant19:20
BigRedS_it'll print the last several (20?) lines of the file19:20
TrueSongMediawhich can be installed via apt or the Software directory19:20
BigRedS_which is normally the bit of the logfile with interesting bits in it19:20
mikebeechamor I would have jumped to empathy by now19:20
* TrueSongMedia just hopes the button situation is fixed by release19:21
jmcantrellhow can i change the theme used by gdm?19:21
claptrapError reading gdm: is a directory19:21
claptrapCan't CD into it either19:21
TrueSongMediaYou can't. jmcantrell :/ Unfortunately19:22
TrueSongMediaIf you mean the login screen19:22
TrueSongMediaIf you mean the UI theme, that's in Appearance19:22
BigRedS_claptrap: try sudo cp  ing19:22
BigRedS_you might need to be root to read the logs19:22
git__ubuntu one does not seem to work19:23
BigRedS_though, thinking about it, if X doesn't error, and you have issues loggin in only in X, I'd try creating a new user and seeing if they have those problems19:23
git__i tried to sync a 35MB zip file, it doesn't do it19:23
arandjmcantrell: As with Karmic, customization is very limited, https://edge.launchpad.net/~gdm2setup/+archive/gdm2setup has an utility which does the few things that are avialable.19:23
claptrapAlright, how can I do that?19:23
Jaymacsweet, music store is up :)19:24
claptrapAlright, created a new user. Lessee.19:26
Bittarmanhmm.. what would "resuming libgcrypt" at startup imply?19:29
Bittarmanits been happening for a little while now, I figured an update would have gotten rid by now19:29
JaymacBittarman, have you an encrypted home directory?19:30
BittarmanJaymac, nope19:30
JaymacBittarman, then *shrug* sorry19:30
claptrapNow it wants to check my hard disks and won't let me skip it19:30
BittarmanJaymac, heh, no worries19:30
claptrapBigRedS_: Still around?19:33
BigRedS_Er, you might just have to wait for the fsck if there's no 'skip' option19:34
claptrapOh, got past that.19:34
claptrapBut uh19:34
BigRedS_ah, cool19:34
claptrapNow it's telling me the PW for the new user is wrong. >> Same password works in terminal, though.19:34
BigRedS_ah. that's definitely something broken, then19:35
BigRedS_(not that you hadn't already worked that out)19:35
yofelclaptrap: anything keyboard layout dependent in the PW?19:35
claptrapI used the numpad? :E19:35
BigRedS_try setting a password that's all lower-case letters19:37
BigRedS_just to eliminate odd keymapping issues and the like19:37
claptrapy u haet me ubuntu19:38
claptrapAlright, new PW worked. Same problem on the new user, though.19:38
claptrapY'know, I'm noticing there's nothing at all in the "sessions" menu at the bottom; ot19:39
claptrapit's grayed out. Is that relevant?19:39
fabio_kms+plymouth working there fo u?19:40
claptrapDunno what you mean.19:41
claptrapYea, I'm seeing that.19:41
fabio_kernel modesetting for the video card also19:42
fabio_nvidia or ati?19:42
fabio_please can u try this: dmesg | grep modesetting19:43
blekoshello, the window buttons (minimize,close,maximize) are on the left. Is that because of 10.4?19:44
blekos(and on the different order)19:44
claptrapfabio_: Nothing showed.19:44
fabio_blekos: you can change that19:44
fabio_claptrap: dmesg | grep drm19:44
arandblekos: yes it is.19:45
blekosi've tried changing the themes, and window borders with no luck19:45
fabio_i didn't notice because im with kde 4.419:45
yofelblekos: it has nothing to do with the theme19:45
fabio_it's a metacity trick19:46
yofelblekos: it's a gconf settiing for all themes19:46
claptrapfabio_: Nothing again.19:46
yofelblekos: if you really can't live with it there's a way to change it, but how about trying it out for a while?19:46
fabio_claptrap: ok thank u, it's ok19:47
blekoswell ok (but as you know the power of habit is quite strong-especially if you want to installed for others...)19:47
fabio_i can't stand gnome19:48
claptrapIt does look like gnome is to blame, from the Googling I'm doing. v.v lol19:48
blekosfabio:but gnome support alt+shift for changing the keyboard :)19:48
iontehi. i'm transferring files between my two not-too-old 500GB hard-drives, and the transfer is really slow. 3-4 MB/s, and decreasing. Any ideas?19:49
claptrapfabio_: So, any ideas? x.x19:49
fabio_plymouth is working for you, not for me19:49
fabio_i wish i had a better card19:50
yofelblekos: use the gconf command from here to change it if you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/AmbianceMod19:50
fabio_ionte: we can run a speed test on your hard drive19:50
=== user_ is now known as C-S-B-N900
iontefabio_: i've tried with "hdparm -tT and get 109.19 MB/sec on disk reads, on both disks19:51
arandI'm eagerly awaiting Bug #533758 ...19:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533758 in metacity "Button order/position should be part of Theme" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53375819:52
ZykoticK9yofel, just as an FYI that particular gconf command is missing the "menu" entry which typically goes before the :19:52
yofelblekos: and alt+shift for layout change is something you can use in KDE as well, so not exactly a gnome point here ;)19:52
fabio_ionte: let me try it here19:52
ionteor wait, 77 MB/sec on the second one, but still ok i think ..19:52
iontei'm quite sure this has to do with nautilus19:53
yofelZykoticK9: I know, but it's not like I have the correct gconf key just ready for copy and paste here19:53
fabio_Timing cached reads:   572 MB in  2.00 seconds = 285.92 MB/sec, Timing buffered disk reads:  100 MB in  3.02 seconds =  33.16 MB/sec19:54
fabio_old laptop19:54
iontefabio_: yep, i get about 3500 MB/sec on cached reads19:54
fabio_i can transfer @10 Mb/sec19:54
ionteusing nautilus?19:54
fabio_i wish  i had a better hd19:54
fabio_using dolphin19:55
claptrapDolphin >>>>> Nautilus19:55
iontefunny thing, it's faster to copy files on the same HD than between HD:s19:55
iontedolphin = KDE's nautilus?19:56
Bittarmanionte, thats because the file is not actually copied usually in that case19:56
fabio_ionte: kde konquerora replacement19:57
Bittarmanthe file is simply allocated elsewhere19:57
ionteBittarman: if it's 4.4G it probably is19:57
ionteBittarman: i'm copying, not moving.19:57
Bittarmanoh, copying.. sry19:57
Bittarmanits been a long day!19:57
claptrapfabio_: So no idea what I can do? :( I can't get into my Ubuntu at all.19:58
fabio_claptrap: sorry i din't know u had a problem19:58
claptrapfabio_: Oh. I can't login.19:58
fabio_no lucid there?19:58
claptrapfabio_: It keeps looping.19:59
fabio_about gdm?19:59
fabio_Or X crashing?19:59
claptrapfabio_: Not sure. I type in my password, it goes black then comes back to login.20:00
=== Oer is now known as OerHeks
fabio_claptrap: your talking about the gdm login?20:00
ivzeGood day! I am trying to install ath_pci from source. Module is loaded, but no network interfaces appear. Am I doing anything wrong?20:01
claptrapfabio_: I guess? The login that comes after bootsplash.20:01
ivze(this used to work in 9.10)20:01
iontehm, i'm now copying files between HD:s using the midnight commander (console app), and i get somewhat faster rates, but still about 5 MB/s .. way too slow ..20:01
fabio_claptrap: you can start your ubuntu in recovery mode20:02
fabio_when  you there you can get kde or just type startx (see what happens next)20:03
fabio_it has to do with gnome session or X session, but i think it's a gnome issue20:04
claptrapstartx gives me a fatal server error: server is already active for display 020:04
claptrapI'ma try reinstalling gnome20:04
fabio_claptrap: kill the X server20:04
fabio_stop gdm and try again20:04
claptrapHow I do that/20:05
fabio_sudo /etc/init.d gdm stop20:05
=== gord|afk is now known as gord
yofelactually with upstart you should use 'sudo service gdm stop'20:06
claptrap. /etc/init.d: command not found20:06
yofel /etc/init.d/gdm ;)20:06
claptrapAlright, sudo service gdm stop got me "gdm stop/waiting"20:06
claptrapRight thing to see?20:06
claptrapOk, I'm seeing... stuff...20:07
claptrapI had a blue-ish background with some kind of splash screen that I've never seen before20:08
claptrapNow I have a mouse cursor20:08
claptrapAnd nothing else20:08
claptrapAlt-f2 and things are working, though not in any forms I've ever seeb,20:08
ionteanother problem which i've had since 9.10: grub is very slow to boot. with the new release it's quite funny as the time to boot grub is longer than the time to boot into desktop. :)20:09
fabio_i'm back,20:09
fabio_yofel: u are right20:09
fabio_claptrap: what background?20:09
iontegrub1 was much faster (instant)20:09
claptrapfabio_: Black now20:09
fabio_where are you now?20:10
claptrapTotally black screen with a cursor20:10
fabio_ionte: because you got a hell of pc20:11
fabio_grub is slow, but ubuntu loading is slower20:11
bullgard[Ubuntu 9.10] Update Manager shows: "Release upgrade > Show new distribution releases > Normal releases." How can I upgrade to Ubuntu 10.04 Beta?20:11
yofelbullgard: run 'update-manager -d' it should show lucid then20:12
yofel(with sudo/gksu)20:12
claptrapfabio_: So where do I go from here? x.x20:13
fabio_claptrap: where are you20:13
claptrapTotally black screen with a cursor.20:13
fabio_do you some gnome stuff there20:13
claptrapI got one error message about my soundcard (like always)20:14
claptrapAnd alt-f2 brings up a little command thingy at the top20:14
claptrapDoesn't look like gnome at all20:14
fabio_can you run nautilus?20:14
fabio_so the graphic card is ok?20:15
fabio_still no background?20:15
claptrapSeems so, and still no bg.20:15
claptrapIt ran Dolphin, btw20:16
claptrapNot Nautilus. :p20:16
fabio_try with nautilus20:16
claptrapI typed nautilus and got Dolphin20:16
claptrapProlly cause I replaced Nautilis as default?20:16
ubuntujenkinsDoes anyone know how to change the live cd user name? I would like to build a custom lucid cd20:16
fabio_nautilus is responsible of the bacgound20:17
claptrapOh lol20:17
fabio_maybe there is something wrong with te gnome session20:17
claptrapI noticed that the login screen wasn't showing ANYTHING in sessions20:17
fabio_X is running, gdm can't start a gnome session20:17
fabio_but ' can't help with gnome or anything20:18
fabio_start gnome-panel...20:18
ZykoticK9claptrap, is this a fresh beta1 install?20:19
claptrapNo. Upgraded from Karmic.20:19
claptrapAlt-f2 isn't doing anything now.20:19
fabio_claptrap: there missing packages there20:19
blekosi read that will be support for iphone. Which program should I use?20:19
fabio_see later20:20
Saviqguys, trying to get 10.4 onto a level 1 mdraid, having trouble installing grub20:20
claptrap... ._.20:20
claptrapOooook, so he just kinda left me hanging here. D:20:20
Saviqgrub-probe throws "no mapping exists for `md0'."20:20
bullgardyofel: Thank you very much for your help. But the prefix "gksu" does not work. Only sudo worked.20:20
yofelclaptrap: when did you last install updates?20:20
abe3kbullgard, gksudo ?20:21
claptrapRight before this happened20:21
claptrapI did a "Mark All Upgrades" in synaptic, rebooted and then this started.20:22
claptrapyofel: Any thoughts? ._.20:23
yofelhm, we did have an error with gnome-panel and nautilus but that's supposed to be fixed (see topic)20:24
kklimondaclaptrap: what version of gnome-panel do you have?20:25
claptrapNo idea.20:25
kklimondacan you check? do apt-cache policy gnome-panel20:26
claptrapSure, let me get back to a terminal~20:26
claptrapShould I try an apt-get upgrade? Or... ? x.x20:29
abe3kwhat problem is claptrap having ?20:29
bullgardabe3k: I cannot tell you if this works. I already started dist-upgrading.20:30
claptrapabe3k: I did a "Mark All Upgrades" and rebooted, and I'm stuck in a login loop.20:31
abe3kbullgard, good luck with that :)20:31
bullgardabe3k: Thank you. :-)20:31
abe3kclaptrap, as if you type your name and password and you get back to the login screen ?20:32
claptrapabe3k: Yes.20:32
abe3kclaptrap, this happens on all sessions ?20:33
claptrapabe3k: My Sessions menu doesn't have anything listed. It's grayed out.20:34
abe3kclaptrap, what happens if you login from the tty ?20:35
claptrapabe3k: Logs in fine.20:35
abe3kclaptrap, all your files are there ?20:35
claptrapabe3k: Seem to be, yes.20:35
duanedesignwaltercool: I found out a little more about your <local host> issue you had with Ubuntu One20:36
waltercoolduanedesign, oh, good memory... what was the problem?20:37
claptrapabe3k: Any ideas? x.x20:38
abe3kclaptrap, I'm trying to figure it out I had a problem almost similar to this once a while ago20:38
claptrapabe3k: kk!20:38
abe3kclaptrap, you don't have any other users you can login to ?20:39
duanedesignwaltercool: you removed all the computers but the token was still present locally in the keyring20:39
KB1JWQWell, that's an interesting report from my host based intrusion detection system...20:39
KB1JWQTrojaned version of file '/bin/login' detected. Signature used:20:39
KB1JWQ'bash|elite|SucKIT|xlogin|vejeta|porcao|lets_log|sukasuk' (Generic).20:39
KB1JWQClaims the same about su.20:39
KB1JWQAH, and it's a known issue.20:40
waltercoolduanedesign, so, is a minor bug?20:40
duanedesignwaltercool: the <local machine> entry went away? You have just your machines there that are supposed to be there?20:41
waltercoolduanedesign, i fixed with u1sync...20:42
waltercoolduanedesign, but idk another solution20:42
abe3kclaptrap, I'm not sure if this will work but try the following from the tty, export DISPAY=:0.0 then sudo -u gdm gdmsetup and then goto your tty720:42
abe3kits DISPLAY not DISPAY***20:43
duanedesignwaltercool: i was just making sure you were good to go. The devs said you could go to Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption and delete the Token and then opening Ubuntu One should prompt to add computer20:43
duanedesignwaltercool: i think we got there just a little different route :)20:44
claptrapabe3k, Alright, doing that. Looks like it's throwing up errors, but it appears to still be running.20:44
JoshuaLis it wise to install prelink in lucid?20:46
waltercoolduanedesign, oh! Ubuntuone token... great20:46
JoshuaLas in; will it give a performance boost?20:46
waltercooli see that20:46
claptrapabe3k: It looks like it's just sitting there? .-.20:46
abe3kclaptrap, the setup dialog didn't appear in tty7 ?20:47
duanedesignwaltercool: great. Wanted to pass along any info i foound out. It was handy I had seen the problem before when it cam up again today20:47
A71KR117Is Lucid Beta 1 any faster?20:48
BluesKajfaster than ?20:48
claptrapabe3k: gdmsetup threw up WARNINGS and DEBUGS and now is just sitting there blinking at me.20:48
A71KR117the Karmic boot time? I have a 8 sec boot!20:48
JoshuaLA71KR117, SSD?20:49
=== KB1JWQ is now known as kb1
JoshuaLA71KR117, what kind of HD do you have?20:49
=== kb1 is now known as KB1JWQ
A71KR117a Segate Barracuda 7200 RPM 250GB20:50
BluesKajA71KR117, I guess you'd better not instsll lucid. My bot time is only 15 secs from grub20:50
abe3kclaptrap, and what about tty7 ? can you change the settings from there or not ?20:50
BluesKajerr boot time20:50
A71KR117kay, thanks20:50
waltercoolduanedesign, well... how reproduce the bug... remove your ubuntuone account?20:50
claptrapabe3k: Should I reboot out of this, then?20:50
JoshuaLA71KR117, i wonder how i can reach 8 seconds boot..20:50
claptrapabe3k: To try what you're asking? I can't do anything atm20:51
A71KR117is there any way to customize the GDM in lucid?20:51
abe3kclaptrap, if you're at tty1 then just do a ctrl+c20:51
BluesKajA71KR117, you can't be serious ...15 secs usn't fast enough from grub?20:51
claptrapabe3k: Ah, ok. Then what? Type "tty7?"20:51
anicholsIt seems whatever is halting me from installing Lucid's beta is more than just +1 issues.  I tried Karmic a few hours back, with zero luck as well.  So there's a common element there that's going to keep me in Hardy for the forseeable future.  I'm guessing my hardware's crap.20:52
abe3kclaptrap, no no, start it from tty1 then switch to tty7 while its still running20:52
A71KR117I installed GDM2Setup and I can customize it. Link here: http://bit.ly/a0nkeu20:52
abe3kclaptrap, ctrl+alt+f720:52
claptrapabe3k: Oh! ok, sec then20:52
A71KR117BluesKaj: Guess I'm lucky.20:52
deanusoo, I just noticed the new animation while wifi is connecting.20:53
anicholsAnyone have any ideas what may be a part of Lucid and Karmic that is not a part of Hardy...so I don't have to walk up version by version...I could just find the most advanced one my laptop will tolerate?20:54
claptrapabe3k, Ok, I have a login screen settings, with everything greyed out. Unlock button not doing anything. Sorry for shortness and for nubness. )=20:54
A71KR117does anyone know if ambiance (the new theme) is available for karmic? dont want to upgrade. . . ;)20:54
duanedesignwaltercool: if you remove all your devices from the ubuntuone-preferences20:55
waltercoolduanedesign, yes20:55
claptrapabe3k: Guessing that's not what you wanted to hear? :p20:56
A71KR117Gotta go, must do my book report ;)!20:56
abe3kclaptrap, hmmm, try creating a new user and see if you can login with that20:57
claptrapabe3k: Tried that one. No good.20:57
=== David-T_ is now known as David-T
abe3kclaptrap, do you by any chance have nvidia drivers installed ?21:00
claptrapabe3k: I do have an nvidia card, so yea.21:00
abe3kclaptrap, I think it could be from that since xorg has changed in lucid21:00
abe3kclaptrap, try downloading and installing lucid friendly nvidia drivers21:01
claptrapabe3k: I saw that Googling, but I didn't see any real solutions.21:01
abe3kclaptrap, let me see if I can fetch a link for you21:01
claptrapabe3k: Alright. Can I do all that from a terminal?21:01
abe3kclaptrap, yea21:01
claptrapabe3k: Awesome! Again, sorry if I'm being short. Been fighting with this for three hours now. )=21:02
abe3kclaptrap, I know how you feel :)21:02
basixhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633 What is wrong with the designers?21:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 532633 in metacity "[Master] Window Control buttons: position/order/alignment" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:02
vish!currentissues | basix21:08
ubottubasix: The titlebar buttons have switched to the left during the development phase of Lucid. No need for alarm! The developers are testing this and listening to user feedback. The final decision about the position will be made after beta. Kindly be patient. For more insight , kindly read : http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=28121:08
deanusubuntu one just doesnt work, for me....21:08
basixvish: listenting to user feedback my ***. Look at Mark's post. It really enrages me when you piss off the target audience.21:09
vishi'm having a weird problem , the system slows down and everything is slow to respond. the mouse has no lag though...21:10
vishoddly when i switch to a guest session and return , everything is normal21:10
basixvish: how many people complain about design decisions? Very few. When you make changes that directly affects an end user and when *he* complains, thats when you stop screwing around and listen to him.21:10
sterz i have lucid-partner repo enabled but still cannot install acroread?21:11
vishnothing in the logs or .xsession-errors .. where do i need to look to file a bug?21:11
ubottuOne ping only, Vassily.21:11
claptrapabe3k: Any luck?21:11
* sterz ?21:11
abe3kclaptrap, did you install your earlier drivers manually or from the repositories ?21:12
KB1JWQsterz: Why acroread specifically?21:12
KB1JWQsterz: evince works wonders here.21:12
orion_SuNhelp for vlc !21:13
claptrapabe3k: Repos.21:13
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:13
sterzKB1JWQ, in some ebooks i cannot click on page references thats why21:13
h00kSo, if I went to the website and de-authorized my computers because they kept asking me to reauthorize every so-often, now in Lucid I can't figure out where to make Ubuntu One reauthorize me.21:13
* vish not interested in debating ;)21:13
* TrueSongMedia doesn't think anyone asked you to?21:14
vishbasix: if you have a complaint , do comment on the bug or the blog21:14
vishnothing is gonna change by debating here21:14
TrueSongMediaAlthough, I happen to agree that the left-side WM buttons is a stupid stupid move21:15
sterzTrueSongMedia, agreed 100%21:15
abe3kclaptrap, have a look at this http://www.ubunturoot.com/2009/12/how-to-fix-problems-with-xorg-and.html21:16
basixIts a very dramatic change to the way people fundamentally interact with the "Window". Sure newbies will not have an issue with it but for people who've been using computers for ages or even a little bit will find it very irritating.21:16
claptrapabe3k: If this works, do you accept donations? :)21:17
abe3kclaptrap, lol lets hope this will fix it21:18
claptrapabe3k: Is this something that sbackup could've fixed?21:18
TrueSongMediaVery true, basix21:20
TrueSongMediaIf this isn't fixed by release, I'm jumping to a different distro21:20
orion_SuNhelp me ! for vlc  >>>>Depends: vlc-nox but it is not going to be installed21:20
orion_SuN Recommends: vlc-plugin-pulse but it is not going to be installed21:20
h00kUbuntu One Music Store public beta is now open.21:21
arandTrueSongMedia: Mint?21:21
TrueSongMediaare you going through the software center or apt, orion_SuN ?21:21
TrueSongMediaPerhaps, arand21:21
TrueSongMediaThe developers' arrogance is pushing me away anyway21:22
orion_SuNTrueSongMedia,  out of nowhere did not want to install :(((21:23
inveratuloTrueSongMedia: what's that?21:23
arandTrueSongMedia: That conflict is not really ubuntu-specific though, gnome springs to mind...21:23
basixTrueSongMedia: Its pointless to jump to a different distro. I think its more important that whoever makes such decisions, should allow for "switching back" to the original way. This adds bloat but its a necessary evil. Gnome developers are notorious when it comes to making decisions for users without actually listening to what the user wants. This decision is kinda like that. It pisses off most of your users, why the21:23
basix heck would you want to do that?!21:23
TrueSongMediaout of nowhere VLC didn't want to install? Are you intending to install VLC, orion_SuN ?21:24
claptrapabe3k: couldn't find package nvidia-glx-19521:24
TrueSongMediaarand, it's not a GNOME issue. It's a setting made in Ubuntu by the Ubuntu art team21:24
arandTrueSongMedia: This single thing, yes, I was speaking in general terms.21:25
claptrapabe3k: Should this work? http://www.webupd8.org/2009/08/how-to-install-nvidia-190xx-drivers-in.html21:25
ZykoticK9h00k, music store looks pretty cool, any idea how to change the price from pounds to dollars?21:26
TrueSongMediaorion_SuN, if nothing else, try running "sudo apt-get install (package name)" to install the packages it's missing21:26
h00kZykoticK9: no idea, I haven't even seen it yet, still reading :D21:26
MTughanI just installed 10.04b1 on my laptop which already has F12, and I want to dual-boot it. I've partitioned and installed it, but I didn't install GRUB because I wanted to edit the existing GRUB from Fedora. However, I think it'd be preferable now to install GRUB to the /boot I created and chainloader that.21:26
TrueSongMediaGotcha, arand :)21:26
MTughanIs there a way I can install GRUB to /boot after installation?21:26
arandMTughan: "man grub-install"21:27
abe3k_claptrap, sorry my router started to act out on me, so how is it going ?21:27
MTughanarand: Okay, thanks. Now to figure out how to boot Ubuntu...21:27
TrueSongMediabasix, I agree that there needs to be a way to switch back. But since it's an Ubuntu dev setting, switching to a different distro solves the problem :) And part of my issue is with the Ubuntu team. Not listening to users is the first step toward a rapid decline.21:27
claptrapabe3k_: couldn't find package nvidia-glx-19521:28
abe3k_claptrap, did you add the ppa ?21:28
basixTrueSongMedia: Its one thing to be innovative and totally different being stupid :/21:28
claptrapabe3k_: Yea. Trying another guide for it.21:28
TrueSongMediaMake sure you have the extra software sources enabled in Software Sources21:28
abe3k_claptrap, kk21:28
TrueSongMediaAmen, basix21:28
TrueSongMediaI'm all for innovation, but this is a regression in usability21:29
basixTrueSongMedia: Its like the devs have not heard of muscle memory =)21:29
TrueSongMediaheh yeah21:29
orion_SuNTrueSongMedia,  now before the 9.10 am to 10.04 (after upgrade) and does not want to install vlc Get all ppa and still gives me error21:30
TrueSongMediaI mean heck, I'm a Mac user much of the time. I'm used to buttons on the left. I know what it should be like. I also use Windows often. Ubuntu is Ubuntu.21:30
TrueSongMediaIt sounds like you have some broken packages / dependencies, orion_SuN21:30
h00kSo, if I went to the website and de-authorized my computers because they kept asking me to reauthorize every so-often, now in Lucid I can't figure out where to make Ubuntu One reauthorize me.  Any ideas?21:30
claptrapabe3k_: Yeah, it can't find either of those packages. All the guides are giving me the same nonworking info.21:30
TrueSongMediatry this, orion_SuN: sudo apt-get update21:31
basixTrueSongMedia: same thing here. I use Mac at work, at home its either Windows or Linux(Ubuntu tbs). This breaks *everything*21:31
TrueSongMediathen sudo apt-get upgrade21:31
TrueSongMedia*orion_SuN ^21:31
arandTrueSongMedia: Hope for inclusion of patch in Bug #533758 ;)21:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533758 in metacity "Button order/position should be part of Theme" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53375821:31
TrueSongMediaThat would be good, arand :)21:32
basixorion_SuN: try apt-get -f update21:32
TrueSongMedia^ orion_SuN That's better21:32
abe3k_I'm not sure if the latest nvidia deivers would work with lucid or not21:32
TrueSongMedialooks for broken stuffs21:32
abe3k_from nvidia.com21:32
TrueSongMediaworth a shot, isn't it?21:32
basixabe3k_: they're broken atm21:32
TrueSongMediaNevermind then21:33
Plagman_what's broken about them?21:33
Plagman_the latest driver package should work fine with lucid21:33
basixPlagman_: Read the Beta 1 release notes.21:33
h00kBe careful that you're not using the nVidia card that is hurting cards.21:33
h00kI am using Nouveau and loving it.21:33
TrueSongMediahurting cards, h00k ?21:34
claptrapabe3k_: Uuuuuugh lol21:34
abe3k_claptrap, hang on21:34
h00kTrueSongMedia: yes, one of nvidia's drivers was reported to possibly damage/break cards21:34
TrueSongMediaOh my.21:34
TrueSongMediaOne for Linux or in general?21:34
basixPlagman_: I think its just to do with the installer. Not the actual drivers. Not sure though :) But its issue #1 in known issues for beta 121:34
h00kTrueSongMedia: in general.21:34
abe3k_overheating was fixed in 195.36.1521:35
basixh00k: that issue was specifically wrt to Windows drivers.21:35
h00kbasix: orly21:35
Plagman_works fine here21:35
ZykoticK9h00k, i was told yesterday that the issue is fixed in most recent 195 driver (if there ever was a linux issue)21:35
TrueSongMediaHm. I'd better check on that one. I think I have that version installed in Windows 721:35
TrueSongMediaon my Mac21:35
orion_SuNTrueSongMedia, basix >> The following packages have unmet dependencies:21:35
orion_SuN  vlc: Depends: vlc-nox (= 1.1.0+svn20100322-git8b61de2~webupd8~karmic2) but it is not going to be installed21:35
orion_SuN       Recommends: vlc-plugin-pulse (= 1.1.0+svn20100322-git8b61de2~webupd8~karmic2) but it is not going to be installed21:35
orion_SuNE: Broken packages21:35
h00kah, alright21:36
orion_SuNwebupd8 ?!?!?!21:36
basixorion_SuN: please use pastebin next time..21:36
TrueSongMediaDid you use update and upgrade, orion_SuN ?21:36
TrueSongMedia(and yes please use pastebin :) )21:36
h00korion_SuN: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade;21:36
h00kaptitude contains more logic than apt-get21:36
TrueSongMediaGood call, h00k21:37
claptrapabe3k_: I feel I should mention I'm running 64 bit. lol.21:37
abe3k_claptrap, you're using 32 or 64 ?21:37
abe3k_claptrap, lol21:37
abe3k_claptrap, ok21:38
claptrapabe3k_: Timinggggggg21:38
MikeChelen1how can the chat program (empathy) be shut down?21:38
TrueSongMediabtw, here's the pastebin link, orion_SuN21:38
TrueSongMediaoops: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com21:39
BUGabundoevening friends and not so much21:39
prayiiso running aptitude update is different than apt-get update?21:39
bjsniderorion_SuN, you're trying to install a karmic build of vlc built against karmic packages on lucid. that will not work21:39
abe3k_claptrap,type in this command in tty1:   wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/195.36.15/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-195.36.15-pkg2.run21:40
bjsniderno one should be trying to install the nvidia-installer on lucid21:40
h00kon lucid, the release notes state the drivers from the nvidia site will not work yet.21:40
bjsniderif you get it installed it will bork your system21:41
bjsnidernvidia-current has the 195.36.15 driver21:41
BUGabundoprayii: well not diferent21:41
ZykoticK9Fresh install from beta1 (Mythbuntu) cd, now fully updated - Nvidia 6150 (onboard) video fails to start X - tried with no xorg.conf as well as nvidia-settings xorg.conf = same result.  Nvidia-xorg, X log at http://pastebin.com/6f4CiBSj -- without xorg.conf at http://pastebin.com/0S5cA6ip21:41
BUGabundoboth are frontends to APT db21:41
=== yuriy_ is now known as yuriy
claptrapabe3k_: It's downloading somethingggggggg21:42
BUGabundobut aptitude does tend to handle depencies breakage better then apt-get prayii21:42
orion_SuNbjsnider, and how to fix this problem I want my vlc21:42
bjsniderorion_SuN, it's in the lucid archive i'm sure21:42
bjsnider!info vlc lucid21:42
prayiiBUGabundo: i had no idea. thanx.21:42
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.5-2ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1611 kB, installed size 3832 kB21:42
avarSome_Person: Here's something for your PPA: In 9.10 the volume up/down notify and other notifies were lower on the screen so as to not go over the window buttons, now they're on top of them again. Make your PPA change that21:43
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, that's finished downloading.21:43
abe3k_claptrap, ok, type in this sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` binutils pkg-config build-essential xserver-xorg-dev21:44
h00kclaptrap: on lucid, the release notes state the drivers from the nvidia site will not work yet.21:44
BUGabundoprayii: and now you know :D21:44
abe3k_h00k, are you sure ? I've just read its xorg 1.7 compatible21:44
vishi'm having a weird problem ,the system slows down and everything is slow to react[random]. the mouse pointer has no lag though... earlier i used to SAK/logout of session and return to session and everything would be fine.. ..  now , i seem to have a workaround of sorts.. when i switch to a guest session and return , everything is normal and works fine... anyone heard of such a bug?21:45
h00kabe3k_: yes, I'm sure: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1#Known%20issues21:45
claptrapNo don't ruin my hopes h00k damnitttttttttttt21:45
* vish is just gonna blame everything on the latest drm :p21:46
h00kclaptrap: it says it right there on the site. :p21:46
claptrapabe3k_: Well, that last command finished,21:46
abe3k_claptrap, ok now so a sudo service gdm stop21:47
claptrapabe3k_: k, did21:47
abe3k_claptrap, sudo sh NVIDIA-   then press tab for it to complete the line and press enter21:47
rrosI'm having problems with the combination of php5, php-apc and phpmyadmin. In my syslog I get the following errors "ALERT - canary mismatch on efree()"21:47
claptrapI hit ok on the next screen anddddd21:48
claptrap"The distribution-provided pre-install script failed! Continue installation anyway?"21:48
claptrapabe3k_: Yes/no?21:49
orion_SuNbjsnider, TrueSongMedia   fixed is ppa "webupd8" is the culprit thanks ... :)))21:51
TrueSongMediaAhhhhhh haha21:51
TrueSongMediaWell there you have it21:51
claptrapabe3k_: Did you die againnnn?21:51
TrueSongMediaGlad you fixed orion_SuN21:52
MTughanarand: Okay, I got Ubuntu booted now, and am looking at the man page for grub-install. It says it installs to /boot/grub of the given partition though, and I just want it to install to /grub, as this partition is being mounted at /boot. Is that what it'll do, or am I missing something?21:52
abe3k_claptrap, I just want to make sure if it is related to the driver or the packaging21:52
jemarki justed wanted to install centos in a virtual machine in text mode, cpu usage in virtual machine is about 100% and then after a while 60%, is that normal?21:52
claptrapabe3k_ Kay!21:53
abe3k_claptrap, let us goto #nvidia and see what they can provide there21:53
jemarkvirtual machine = virtualbox by the way...21:53
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, I'm in there.21:54
arandMTughan: So you have the relevant /boot mounted atm?21:54
MTughanarand: Should be, I'll verify.21:55
arandMTughan: so if you go to /boot/grub that's the place you plan to install to?21:55
orion_SuNTrueSongMedia, Another problem I have with which a Player Signature is placed online tv wmv format21:55
MTughanarand: That's correct.21:56
basixMTughan: depends. Tell us your system's config. What hypervisor are you using?21:56
MTughanbasix: Hypervisor? Isn't that related to VMs?21:56
basix^^ sorry, i meant jemark21:56
dupondjeczr: so it just works ? :)21:56
arandMTughan: In that case just runninng the install should put it there, by default it uses "/"  unless you specify --root-directory21:57
claptrapabe3k_: I guess I'll just go for it? v.v21:57
TrueSongMediaorion_SuN, with VLC?21:58
abe3k_claptrap, I don't know wait a moment21:58
claptrapabe3k_: Mmk.21:58
MTughanarand: Perfect. Just had the machine crash, although I know it's a hardware issue somewhere because it affects Fedora too.21:59
arandMTughan: How pleasant.21:59
MTughanarand: Although trying to run grub-install without any arguments makes it ask for an install_device.21:59
jemarkbasix, single core laptop centrino 1.7Ghz, 1Gb RAM, ATI 9700 Mobility22:00
alkisgIs Intel 82852/855GM ok with xorg in Lucid? Or I'd better keep running Karmic?22:00
arandMTughan: Yea you need to specify a device for setting up the mbr/vbr.22:00
MTughanarand: So do I give it the partition for /boot then?22:01
MTughanI want to leave the MBR as it is right now.22:01
basixjemark: hm. i would suggest using Xen on sucha a hardware as it can work in para-virtualized mode.22:01
jemarkbasix, i see22:02
basixjemark: I would also think your processor doesn't have VMX22:02
jemarkbasix, probably not22:02
basixjemark: so all in all it is not entirely suitable for running VMs but not entirely unsuitable either.22:02
arandMTughan: Give it a partition as the argument, or if you care about the vbr of partitions as well, I don't know how to tell is not to install an mbr (there should be a way though ..)22:03
NinoScriptwhat happens in #ubuntu+2?22:03
jemarkbasix, better would be the duo core 2 1.6Ghz laptop, 1 Gb RAM, intel x3100 video that I own22:04
abe3k_claptrap, install them again just to make sure22:04
abe3k_claptrap, do a sudo sevice gdm stop22:04
arandMTughan: It /j #grub22:04
abe3k_claptrap, then do the sudo sh NVIDIA- blabla22:04
basixjemark: yep. btw why do you want to use CentOS inside teh VM?22:04
MTughanarand: Well, I tried giving it a partition. It said "/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea.." Also said embedding is not possible, and I needed to use blocklists.22:04
MTughanarand: Ah, thanks.22:04
arandMTughan: sorry, ignore22:05
MTughanOh, heh.22:05
MTughanWell, I can watch anyway.22:05
jemarkbasix, just to play with the commands and compare with debian22:05
arandMTughan: Well, they likely know more, but it is a rather unpopulated channel though22:05
basixjemark: ah.22:06
MTughanarand: I've seen worse.22:06
arandMTughan: Yea, those messages are as it should be when installing to vbr22:06
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, I'ma run through the questions with you.22:06
claptrapabe3k_: Install NVIDIA's 32-bit compatibility OpenGL libraries?22:07
abe3k_claptrap, yes22:07
jemarkbasix, i would do it on the other newer laptop then...22:08
claptrapabe3k_: Automatically update X configuration files?22:08
abe3k_claptrap, yes22:08
claptrapabe3k_ k, it's complete.22:08
basixjemark: yeah and you can use VirtualBox in that case.22:08
MTughanarand: So I do want to tell it to use blocklists?22:09
abe3k_claptrap, do a sudo serivice gdm start22:09
arandMTughan: Does it ask for confirmation?22:09
jemarkbasix, i better make multiboot test laptop of this older laptop later. thanks for the advise22:09
MTughanarand: No, it quits and asks me to use --force if I want blocklists.22:09
claptrapabe3k_: Nonblinking little cursor. Looks like it locked up.22:10
abe3k_claptrap, switch to tty722:10
arandMTughan: Ah right, that *should* be ok (*should* as in *playing with partitions should be fine*)22:10
claptrapabe3k_: Can't.22:11
MTughanarand: Maybe there's a simpler way then... Fedora 12 uses GRUB legacy. Is there a way that Ubuntu can append onto the menu by making its own menu.lst?22:12
abe3k_claptrap, can't or you get a blank screen ?22:13
claptrapabe3k_: Nothing happens. Keyboard isn't responding at all, to be honest. No numlock or anything.22:13
claptrapShould I try once more?22:13
arandMTughan: simply updating grub in fedora ~# update-grub   should pick up ubuntu's kernels and append them to the current grub menu.22:14
abe3k_claptrap, if it's still not responding try a reboot22:14
arandMTughan: If things work as they should22:14
MTughanarand: Even with GRUB Legacy? I thought that was just with GRUB 2.22:14
arandMTughan: Hmm, at least I think so...22:14
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, rebooted.22:15
abe3k_claptrap, loop is still there ?22:16
claptrapabe3k_: Yep.22:16
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
NinoScriptis upgrading from karmic the same as installing lucid from the disk?22:16
devurandomHi again!22:18
devurandomHow do I change the startup splash screen? That violet thing looks like utter crap...22:18
devurandomNext think I'll buy is a pink netbook with Swarowskys on it...</irony>22:19
abe3k_claptrap, what does "startx" give you in tty1 ?22:19
orbisviciswell, so the 10.04 livecd could not mount /dev/loop022:20
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orbisvicis - the squashfs filesystem. any ideas ?22:20
claptrapabe3k_: Sec, having some keyboard issues.22:21
claptrapabe3k_: Same as before. Server is already active blabla22:22
abe3k_claptrap, are you able to login with previous kernels ?22:24
claptrapabe3k_: ?22:24
abe3k_claptrap, from the geub menu when you start booting, when you select an earlier kernel22:24
claptrapabe3k_: I didn't know you could do that.22:25
claptrapabe3k_: Oooh, is that what the multiple Linux listings sre?22:26
bullgardI just finished dist-upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 Beta. The Desktop background does not cover the upper  and lower 12% of the screen. Is this a known error?22:26
claptrapabe3k_: No, still couldn't get in.22:27
abe3k_claptrap, try sudo ddpkg-reconfigure gdm22:29
abe3k_claptrap, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm22:29
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, did that.22:31
claptrapabe3k_: Back to terminal22:31
abe3k_claptrap, try relogging in tty722:31
claptrapabe3k_: Looped.22:32
abe3k_claptrap, try doing a sudo nano /etc/gdm/custom.conf22:33
claptrapabe3k_: Ok, got what looks like an old DOS text editor22:33
abe3k_claptrap, is there anything in the file ?22:34
claptrapabe3k_: Nay.22:34
abe3k_claptrap, heres what mine looks like http://pastebin.com/tcfcdYQN22:34
abe3k_claptrap, change my name to your user22:35
thieusoaiI can't connect to Yahoo or AIM on Empathy  --- anyone else experiences the same thing ?22:35
claptrapabe3k_: ALright, did that.22:36
abe3k_claptrap, ctrl+X then make sure the file is actually /etc/gdm/custom.conf22:37
abe3k_claptrap, and save it to that22:37
claptrapabe3k_: Done.22:38
abe3k_claptrap, sudo service gdm restart22:38
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, took me to the login screen.22:38
abe3k_claptrap, login22:39
claptrapabe3k_: Looped.22:39
abe3k_claptrap, try changing all the "false" parts in the custom.conf file to "true"22:40
Some_PersonIs the ubuntu one music store open yet (outside of rhythmbox)?22:40
abe3k_claptrap, without the "brackets22:41
claptrapabe3k_: And service restart again?22:41
abe3k_claptrap, yes22:41
nightsjammieshas anyone installed vbox yet?22:42
abe3k_nightsjammies, I did22:42
nightsjammiesdo you have usb support?22:42
claptrapabe3k_: Uh. Now I'm at the login screen, and... the screen is split up and looks like it's going aroudn the desktop. o_o22:43
claptrapabe3k_: And it's still looping. lol.22:43
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, to get USB in VBox i had to do http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/virtualbox#TOC-USB-support-with-Lucid22:43
nightsjammiesabe3k_: actually, ...22:43
abe3k_nightsjammies, I haven't enabled it yet buddy22:44
nightsjammieshave you installed anything through it yet?22:44
abe3k_nightsjammies, I have an older image I used to test it22:44
abe3k_claptrap, I didn't get the part about the splitting22:45
claptrapabe3k_: Ye, it's hard to explain22:45
abe3k_nightsjammies, windows xp22:45
claptrapabe3k_: Oh, it's wrapping around, there's the term.22:45
nightsjammiesah, okay...22:45
nightsjammiesThat's what I want to do for itunes support22:46
claptrapabe3k_: What should be the left border is in the middle of my screen now..22:46
rothspec_This is hard to describe--under 10.04, when I shut down a VM under vmware workstation 7, the host video mode goes "invalid" and the monitor says 'invalid timing' and stops displaying anything.22:46
claptrapabe3k_: Would it be easier to just do a fresh install? >>22:46
bullgardI just finished dist-upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 Beta. The Desktop background does not cover the upper  and lower 12% of the screen. Is this a known error?22:46
abe3k_claptrap, I'm not sure, depending on how much you have to backup22:47
claptrapabe3k_: Not a lot, but uh... there's not a net install anywhere for 10.04, is there?22:47
Some_PersonWhy does the ubuntu one music store sell songs as mp3s, not a free format?22:47
abe3k_nightsjammies, I think if you follow what ZykoticK9 said you'll be able to enable the usb22:47
claptrapabe3k_: I don't have a CD/DVD drive or large USB stick atm.22:47
claptrapabe3k_: And I don't think I want to do the 9.10 -> 10.04 route again22:48
h00kIs anyone aware how to re-authenticate my Lucid install with Ubuntu One?22:48
abe3k_claptrap, I've had a fresh install of it on my eeepc, my desktop is still on  jaunty22:48
abe3k_claptrap, sorry karmic22:48
claptrapabe3k_: How'd you do it?22:48
abe3k_claptrap, flash memory22:49
claptrapabe3k_: So a USB stick? /=22:49
abe3k_claptrap, yeap22:49
claptrapabe3k_: Yea, don't have one bigger than 128 MB.22:49
abe3k_claptrap, I think I've seen something about a network installation22:49
abe3k_claptrap, but I never tested it though22:49
nightsjammiesZy who?22:49
nightsjammiesAh, nm. I'm sorry. I wasn't paying enough attention, apparently.22:50
abe3k_claptrap, it would be a shame to give up though :P22:51
claptrapabe3k_: Got more ideas? If you're willing to keep going, I am. loll.22:51
abe3k_claptrap, why not!!!1 shift one22:51
claptrapabe3k_: Any more logs or anything we should be looking at?22:52
abe3k_claptrap, right now I think it is a gnome problem but I'm not sure22:52
claptrapabe3k_: Me, too. I was gonna try reinstalling gnome-desktop-environment earlier.22:52
DarkTaoanyone elses 10.04 taking AGES to load gnome-panels?22:53
nightsjammiesokay, next question..anyone else managed to get video working in rhythmbox?22:53
abe3k_claptrap, you still have that new user you've created ?22:54
ZykoticK9DarkTao, do you have bootchart installed?  I think it was after installing it that gnome-panels started to take longer to start at boot22:55
DarkTaoZykoticK9, one sec, i'll check22:55
claptrapabe3k_: Sure do22:55
h00kIs anyone aware how to re-authenticate my Lucid install with Ubuntu One?22:55
abe3k_claptrap, cd to that user's home directory22:56
DarkTaoZykoticK9, bootchart isnt installed22:56
Ian_Cornehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/544617 can anyone confirm?22:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 544617 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Showing 1 to 0 of 0 downloads is shown" [Undecided,New]22:57
ZykoticK9DarkTao, that probably isn't even the cause then, but personally it didn't use to take gnome-panels so long to start and now it does...  I'll pay attention if anyone else makes any suggestions to you and see if it can apply to me as well.  Good luck man.22:57
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, O22:57
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, I'm there.22:57
ZykoticK9Ian_Corne, i see the same thing22:57
ZykoticK9Ian_Corne, i just "me too" on your bug22:58
holsteinhi all..22:58
Ian_Corneok ZykoticK922:59
holsteini have a crash detected icon22:59
DarkTaoZykoticK9, rather strange problem to be honest, fresh install of Alpha 2 was fine, I think it was introduced in alpha 3+22:59
holsteincomes up and says 'nautilus has crashed'22:59
holsteinthe reporting fails though22:59
holsteinthis sound familiar to anyone?23:00
ZykoticK9DarkTao, that would be a similar time line for my noticing the problem as well23:00
DarkTaoholstein, is there also a crash with plymouthd?23:00
holsteini forget the other one that come up too23:01
DarkTaoi receive a nautilus crash after the reporter tells me plymouthd crashed23:01
holsteinbut im able to report it23:01
infectohello, want to sync my ubuntu today23:01
DarkTaoi assume thats because i'm on nvidia hardware23:01
infectosome problems? :)23:01
h00kIs anyone aware how to re-authenticate my Lucid install with Ubuntu One?23:01
abe3k_claptrap, try renaming these directories .gconf .gconfd .config .gnome2 to something like .gconf_2 ... etc   use the mv command : mv .gconf .gconf_2 ...23:01
ZykoticK9h00k, does System / Preferences / Ubuntu One - Devices tab help you out?23:03
claptrapabe3k_: No such file/dir for .gconf.23:03
arandh00k: if not here, maybe #ubuntuone23:03
abe3k_claptrap, are you in the user home ? /home/somename/ ?23:04
claptrapabe3k_: Yea23:04
h00kZykoticK9: yeah, that doesn't exist here23:04
abe3k_claptrap, try an ls .g*23:04
ZykoticK9h00k, are you using Lucid?23:05
h00kZykoticK9: yes23:05
h00kZykoticK9: (this is the Lucid support channel ;))23:05
claptrapabe3k_: None.23:05
ZykoticK9h00k, are you using Gnome?23:05
h00kZykoticK9: yes23:05
claptrapabe3k_: I got .config23:05
abe3k_claptrap, what about your user ?23:05
h00kZykoticK9: it's a really stock install of Lucid23:05
ZykoticK9h00k, not sure why you wouldn't have that then, sorry man best of luck.23:05
h00kZykoticK9: I'll check in #ubuntuone23:06
claptrapabe3k_: Yeah, it has them.23:07
Ian_Cornefiew, this clean install on my ati box is blazingly fast23:09
claptrapabe3k_: Alright, got it.23:09
claptrapabe3k_: All mv'd successfully.23:11
abe3k_claptrap, when you try logging in again, do you get the folders with the original names back ?23:12
claptrapabe3k_: no.23:15
abe3k_claptrap, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop23:16
NinoScriptif I ugrade tu lucid, will my themes and stuff stop working? :O23:17
claptrapabe3k_: It's running.23:19
abe3k_claptrap, what is ?23:19
claptrapabe3k_: That command. And it's done.23:19
abe3k_claptrap, still getting looped ?23:20
claptrapabe3k_: TTY7 is just a blinking cursor. Reboot/23:20
abe3k_claptrap, no try a sudo service gdm start23:21
claptrapabe3k_: Job already running? Stop it?23:22
abe3k_claptrap, yeah or gdm restart23:22
claptrapabe3k_: I want your body. Do you take donations?23:23
abe3k_claptrap, ha ?23:23
abe3k_claptrap, did it work ???23:23
claptrapabe3k_: Translation, I'm back in.23:23
abe3k_claptrap, gratz23:23
claptrapabe3k_: I'm in love with you.23:24
abe3k_claptrap, lol nice to hear that23:24
claptrapabe3k_: Looks like it killed all my settings, but this is better than a complete reinstall. THANK YOU SDFSFS23:25
abe3k_claptrap, just remember that your old configurations are still there, if you want everything to look the way they used to be just rename them from the tty1 while gdm is stopped23:25
abe3k_claptrap, you're welcomed23:27
claptrapabe3k_: Won't that re-break it? ._.23:27
abe3k_claptrap, I don't think so23:27
abe3k_claptrap, just rename the new folders to something like .gconf_3 and move the older _2 ones back in their place23:28
claptrapabe3k_: Awesome, settings came back. Seriously, give me an address and I'll send money lol23:35
abe3k_claptrap, lol, no need buddy, I'm glad everything worked out well!!23:36
abe3k_claptrap, just what if ....23:36
abe3k_claptrap, what if I thought of it as a desktop issue in the first place lol23:36
abe3k_claptrap, anyways the time was worth it23:37
claptrapabe3k_: I know, lol23:37
claptrapabe3k_: It was easier than we made it. ;D23:37
abe3k_claptrap, but hey, look on the bright side, yoou have the latest nvidia drivers installed ;)23:37
claptrapabe3k_: lolol23:37
abe3k_anyways I'm off for a slice of pepperoni pizza :)23:39
abe3k_cya guys23:40
nightsjammiesOkay, so I know that I can write songs to my itouch in rhythmbox in lucid, but I can't figure it out in karmic...any ideas?23:40
claptrapabe3k_: Seeya!23:40
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, iphone and ipod touch are supported by default in Lucid and not supported by default in karmic - but you should be asking your question in #ubuntu as Lucid is not where you're experiencing the problem.  Good luck (i don't own an iphone/ipod so i have no ideas obviously)23:56
spidoodleso whats new with this version23:58
OerHeksboot time23:58
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
ZykoticK9spidoodle, see the "new features since ubuntu 9.10" on the download page http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta123:58

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