
artnaydoes anyone have an idea about the cd cover? will it be translatable? /me is comparing its translation to ubuntu manual12:41
knomeprobably will12:46
dashuaHey knome13:02
knomehey dashua13:04
knomehow are you?13:04
dashuaGood, good.13:04
dashuaHow in the artwork coming along in Xu?13:04
knomewaiting for the vector stuff13:04
knomestarted working on a new wallpaper yesterday13:05
dashuaGoing with that greenish/blue one?13:05
knomethat was just playing around13:06
knomei'm not sure if i'm going to go with the new one i did yesterday either13:06
knomei'm trying to wait for inspiration13:06
knomeand a new theme we still haven't used in our blue series13:06
knometheme as in thing, like sea13:06
knomebut sea/lake and tree is already used13:06
dashuaThat'd be cool.13:07
knomeideas are welcome13:08
dashuaOk, I'll see what I can come up with. :)13:10
knomehehe, no pressure13:10
knomedashua, http://emonk.fi/temp/drawing-1-small.png13:13
knomedashua, that's heavily WIP, but i already think it's a bit same than the one we had in jaunty13:13
dashuaYeah, I can definitely see the Albatross influences.13:14
knomeyup ;)13:14
knomei'm not so sure about something completely abstract either, even if i'm quite bad at realistic looking things13:14
=== zniavre is now known as ouinecayveune
=== ouinecayveune is now known as zniavre
thekornhi, I'm preparing an ubuntu talk right now, does anyone know of templates for ooimpress or LaTeX beamer using the new brand?16:34
knomethekorn, there are none.16:35
thekornknome: ok, thanks16:35
thekornis the specification of the new brand (color codes etc.) available somewhere?16:37
knomethekorn, no, not yet.16:37
thekornok, I *think* I've seen a wiki page about it some time ago16:39
thekornbut maybe I'm just dreaming of the new design ;)16:39
thekornok, thanks again knome16:41
knomeno problem16:41
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
highvoltagehi! How do I do a plymouth dry-run to test a theme?18:20
vishhighvoltage: pretty sure no one here knows that ;)  probably -desktop or -devel might know18:31
highvoltagevish: ok thanks18:45

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