=== jay is now known as Guest26316 [04:19] hello [04:21] o/ [04:22] i am trying to install maya in ubuntu ...i've read the instalation guidelines, and i believe that i installed everithing i would need to proceed ....but every time I try this it gives a couple or errors: [04:22] sudo rpm -ivh AWCommon-11.5-19.i686.rpm Maya2009_0_64-2009.0-101.x86_64.rpm --force-debian [04:22] error: Failed dependencies: [04:22] /bin/sh is needed by AWCommon-11.5-19.i686 [04:22] /bin/sh is needed by Maya2009_0_64-2009.0-101.x86_64 [04:22] any ideas how to make this work? I would apreciate it ...have been trying all day long [04:23] rpm is for Fedora/RedHat-like distributions [04:23] Ubuntu uses dpkg [04:23] you'll have to convert the package using 'alien' [04:24] the installer kept telling me that but i don't really know what it means [04:24] is that a software to convert rpm to dpkg? [04:25] yes - sorta kinda... :) [04:25] it's not the cleanest thing in the world, but it is suitably efficient [04:25] tzufli, usage would be: [04:25] is a command that i have to execute on the maya rpm file [04:25] fakeroot alien -d AWCommon-11.5-19.i686.rpm [04:26] fakeroot alien -d Maya2009_0_64-2009.0-101.x86_64.rpm [04:26] tzufli, and that should create two new .deb files for you. [04:27] in the same folder i supose [04:27] and the debian files will be executable? [04:29] tzufli, via command-line, you will be able to install them using dpkg -i [04:29] rather than rpm -ivh [04:29] ohhh [04:29] i will try it right now :) [04:30] please excuse my stupid questions....but i am kinda new to linux...i use it at work ...but there... it's all set up by the admin [04:30] and thank you for the help [04:31] fakeroot alien -d AWCommon-11.5-19.i686.rpm [04:31] /usr/bin/fakeroot: line 176: alien: command not found [04:32] i am guessing that i have to install some library to get this to work? [11:22] morning all [11:23] Hello [11:24] hey there Silver_Fox_ [11:24] good weekend? [11:25] No worse than usual. How was yours ? [11:25] we've had the third major snow storm in as many months [11:25] so stayed in all weekend [11:28] Is everyone okay? [11:32] there have been about a half dozen deaths mostly car accidents and elderly people succumbing to exposure. All my family is ok thank godness. [11:37] That is some relief. [12:13] What's the default buffer size for Audacious? [12:37] Hi everyone [12:40] Hello [12:54] Hiya [14:15] hi [14:16] I should write a script to say hi every once in a while [14:16] never know [14:16] /nick/the_undertaker [14:16] oops [14:17] hi leo [14:17] hi [14:17] hey you're a seedling for the unanswered questions tonight right? [14:18] uh, i missed something here [14:18] lol [14:18] well maybe not then x) [14:46] Hi swoody :) [14:46] hey Silver_Fox_, swoody :) [14:58] hello Silver_Fox_ and nigelb :) [14:58] how are you two doing? [14:58] doing good. had a tiring monday [14:59] nigelb: I know that feeling ;) [16:11] heya PabloRubianes [16:11] hey nigelb [16:22] hey [16:22] i'm looking for help [16:23] i can't custmize my gnome [16:23] i try to install a gdm theme [16:23] anyone can help me ? [16:25] Which version of ubuntu are you using romulus_ ? [16:25] the last one i guess [16:25] 9.10 [16:25] karmic [16:26] system -> administation -> login window [16:26] Then click local tab [16:27] You should see a button labeled "Add" on the right [16:27] Find your theme (should be a tar.gz file) [16:27] i dont see any tab [16:27] i can only choose to connect auto [16:30] maybe it's because i already changed the appearence [16:30] with gtk theme changer [16:31] Hmm, okay, a thought: [16:31] Try this System > Preferences > Appearance > Theme [16:31] Then choose install and find where you downloaded your theme. Then click okay [16:33] it doesn' work [16:33] should i extract the file ? [16:34] No, you should not need to. [16:35] the file is .gz and not tar.gz [16:35] but this is a gmd theme [16:35] gdm* [16:37] romulus_: hi - theming in gdm changed in karmic (and looks like lucid is the same ) [16:37] gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties [16:37] should open the theme window for gdm [16:38] it looks very similar to the normal one - shoudl be able to drag and drop the theme onto there and it install [16:43] ok but there is no special tab for the login screen ? [16:44] i'm happy with my current theme but i want to remove the old login sreen [16:46] i'm lost with gdm compiz gtk ... is there a how to i can read ? [16:46] ifound nothing clear on google [16:46] no - there is no tab for the login screen afaik [16:47] it all changed in karmic and in lucid too [16:47] so i drag and drop and there is no confirmation [16:55] romulus_: gdm compiz and gtk are all different things [16:57] they are desktop engines ? [17:27] Hello I wonder if someone can give a little assistance with VLC Media player? [17:29] I have somehow hidden it completely. If i right click an .mp3 it will play it, but I see no window or control options... very frustrating! [17:30] anyone?? [17:32] Alt + Tab [17:32] Is VLC shown in the running applications ? [17:34] If i look in system monitor it is [17:36] benny1: is it minimized to your notification area? There may be an orange traffic-cone icon there? [17:36] but alt + tab has no active window apart from one labelled " VLC (X11 Output)" [17:36] (notification area, not the taskbar) [17:36] Which is the notification area? [17:37] the area with your sound icon, network icon, etc. [17:37] right next to the clock [17:37] There is nothing there apart from Rhythmbox which I just closed in case it was hiding something [17:37] hmm... [17:38] benny1: and you right-click on the file and select 'open with VLC' correct? [17:38] I have tried uninstalling and completely removing VLC but to no avail, exactly the same issue. it was working not half an hour ago! [17:39] Yeah open with VLC, I can play a song, infact I can open many instance until I get a cacophony of simultaneous songs, but still no interface to actually control anythng [17:40] benny1: well, if you don't mind losing any VLC settings, I would try closing VLC (via system monitor) and delete your ~/.config/vlc folder [17:41] then when you try again, it should open VLC with default settings [17:42] OK I have closed all the instances where is the /.config folder located ? [17:43] /home/yourname/.config/vlc [17:43] you can hit ctrl+H to show hidden folders [17:43] i.e. the .config folder [17:43] (if you're using gnome?) [17:43] OK I will give this a go. [17:44] Do I delete the folder or just the contents? [17:44] benny1: either one, it should recreate the folder and/or it's contents if it's not there [17:45] Should I reboot before restarting VLC or go right ahead? [17:45] benny1: shouldn't need to reboot, just try opening a file w/ VLC again [17:46] (as long as you made sure there weren't any other instances of VLC running in system-monitor) [17:46] Success!!! thank you swoody [17:47] benny1: excellent, that's good to hear :) [17:47] yeah, must have enabled some kind of setting that was throwing it off :/ [17:48] I wonder woudl you also know how to get the ghastly green and black vertical stripes when I go full screen to stop, i guess it can't be an issue with codecs as it works great windowed. but something to do with stretching to fir a HD tv on ps3 running ubuntu? [17:49] hmm... [17:50] IM not sure where I'm going wrong but can't make the display options match my tv.. [17:51] maybe try going to Video>Aspect Ratio and trying various options there? [17:51] or possibly try Video>Deinterlace and try some changes there [17:52] Yeah deinterlace helped, can I make my chosen setting a default? [17:53] benny1: yeah, you should be able to. Go to Tools>Preferences [17:53] and then on the left-hand side, click on Video, and there's a box there for deinterlacing [17:53] Thanks!!! [17:53] then be sure to save, and close VLC [17:53] and try it out :) [17:54] benny1: it's np :) [18:08] Goodbye [19:12] hi all... [19:12] hi christine11 [19:12] goin' nuts here trying to work on an assignment and new to ubuntu [19:12] hi pedro3005 [19:12] christine11, need any help? [19:12] absolutely pedro3005 [19:13] petra.. thanks [19:13] i'll see what I can do.. ask away [19:13] yes, I'm trying to create a shell script and am really really NEW at it [19:13] it's for a class I'm taking [19:13] i've seen better people at bash scripting than me [19:13] and I have some background in other scripting - such as java... [19:14] that means i'm a complete utter idiot at bash scripting.... [19:14] well... it's not even the scripting that has me hung up at the moment [19:14] geirha, i think i've seen you do some bash, care to help? [19:14] it's more creating the file and getting it into my VMPlayer to run it [19:14] christine11, oh [19:14] I know I'm supposed to be able to use vi as a text editor, correct? [19:15] but using ubuntu in the player, well... I'm just lost [19:15] christine11, yes.. don't see why you wouldn't use VIm but you can use VI [19:15] that's a good point pedro3005.... how would I use VIm instead of vi? [19:16] (hates being the newby) [19:16] christine11, type 'vim' on a terminal [19:16] :) [19:16] slapping my forehead [19:16] lol [19:16] it's okay [19:16] okkk... well I'm just panicking since this project is due tonight [19:17] don't panic [19:17] let me see how far I can get... it's so comforting to just know you are here!!! [19:17] I'll be back in a few if I fail miserably... ok? ;) [19:18] christine11, ok [19:18] tc cya and thanks for understanding [20:08] hi phillw [20:09] hi hobgoblin [20:10] hi pedro3005 [20:12] hobgoblin, how are you? [20:12] not too bad ty :) [20:13] pedro3005: and you? [20:14] hobgoblin, good, good [20:14] hobgoblin, physics test tomorrow [20:15] :) [20:17] hobgoblin, yes, :) hoping for a total, like math.. probably not though [20:18] he he he [20:18] hi Orby [20:18] hi :) [20:20] hobgoblin, math is a joke... the test was about venn diagrams and groups.. the teacher today talked slowly about stupid linear functions.. i'm like what the fuck [20:20] :( [20:20] hobgoblin, :/ [20:30] Howdy: I have a problem with a 8.04 LTS install. It was orinally a stock 8.04.1. I did apg-get [20:30] update then upgrade [20:30] it updated t 8.04.4 with this message: [20:30] The following packages have been kept back: bind9-host dnsutils libbind9-30 libisccc30 libisccfg30 linux-image-server linux-server [20:31] sudo apt-get install bind9-host linux-image-server linux-server got it to install also these "kept back" packages [20:31] after this a reboot: the system does not reboot [20:32] there was a screen with L 99 99 99 99 99 99 [20:32] some research showed this could be lilo propblem. [20:32] I booted with the orinal CD in rescue mode [20:32] and tried /sbin/lilo [20:32] same problem [20:33] atm, I have the system booted with the rescue CD, sheel started on my original root disk. [20:33] all the disks seem ok, and the content is there. but it does not boot at all. [20:33] pombreda: Um lilo isn't supported anymore tho... I don't think... [20:33] !lilo [20:33] an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead. [20:33] I have no idea if lilo or grub was installed. [20:34] cd /boot && ls [20:34] I used the standard install on 8.04.1 from then. [20:34] do you see a grub folder? [20:34] yup, you've got grub most likely then [20:34] That is, unless you've reconfigured lilo to replace grub [20:34] no grub folder in /boot [20:35] yup, you've reconfigured it :/ [20:35] I woudl not know the first thing on how to configure lilo :D [20:35] sudo apt-get install grub [20:35] ok [20:35] tell lilo to get the mess outta your computer xD [20:36] Flare183: sudo apt-get install grub : done [20:36] um did it remove lilo? [20:36] how do I get rid of lilo beyond this? and noy hose my drives/partitions? [20:37] sudo apt-get remove --purge lilo [20:37] you understand I am booted with the rescue cd right? [20:38] crap [20:38] >>< [20:38] >.<* [20:38] pombreda: I forgot >.< [20:39] ? not sure I parse :P [20:39] do you know how to mount your main root filesystem that's on your HD(S)? [20:39] this is done [20:39] this is mounted [20:39] cd to that folder and look in /boot [20:40] yes this is what I did [20:40] Alright, then do this [20:40] I have 2 linux images there: the old 8.04.1 and the new 8.04.4 [20:41] Well don't worry about the images, I guess. [20:41] hmmm [20:41] ie initrd.img-2.6.24-19-server ( and initrd.img-2.6.24-27-server (the one that I installed above [20:41] ok [20:42] bah if I could ssh up to the server, I could do it for you >.< [20:42] But like, its hard to explain how to fix it [20:43] What I would do is install grub onto your main root fs [20:43] but the way grub looks at the HD's is whack [20:43] hum... let me see. the server is in rescue mode, but a buddy did start and sshd there, that is how I am accessing it atm, but through a few other hosts [20:44] Set up images to boot from DEVICE. DEVICE must be a GRUB device (e.g.``(hd0,1)''). [20:44] ok [20:44] That comes from grub-setup's man page [20:45] If you'd let me ssh up to it, I might be able to fix it for you [20:45] let me see if that is possible [20:45] pombreda: Alright. [20:53] Flare183: I think I should be able to get an ssh access. should take 20 minutes to get help for this. will you still be there then? [20:53] pombreda: yeah [20:53] btw thx ++ for taking the time to help :) [20:54] Flare183: thx mucho, brb as soon as the config is there [20:56] ok [21:01] Hello everyone, are there any ipod users out there that can offer a little advice to a linux newbie? [21:04] benny: What's your problem? [21:04] Specifically, is there any software available to backup an ipod on linux? I have gtkpod, but it's usefulness in making a backup of my ipod is pretty limited as it will lump everything together in one folder, I would like to split everything up by/artist/album/ I have used a program called copy trans manager under windows to do this previously but can't find anything similar for linux [21:05] The only things Google are returning relevant to gtkpod only. [21:06] s/returning relevant/returning are relevant [21:08] Yeah thats what I got, too Maybe gtkpod can do this and I can't figure out how. Rhythmbox that comes with ubuntu at installation is going to be fine for everyday use, it's just this once i need to backup my original ipod after my windows PC bit the dust a few years ago, I only have a ps3 running linux to do this from... hmm well thanks for looking anyways. [21:09] Hellow: I wonder is there any kind of program that can do something similar to Shazam, but for music on a computer, for example "listen" or take a sample to parts of a tune then automatically fill out a completed ID3 tag? Without me having to sit and play every song then type all the info into things I don't know the names of? [21:09] benny: What I have found, however, is that, if gtkpod maintains the correct tags for your music, you could sort them using a program known as "id3tool" and a bash script: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/bash-script-for-sorting-and-renaming-multiple-mp3-files-by-id3-tags-602105/ [21:12] Hellow: That seems like it will pretty much do what I need and anything further I can fiddle with at my leisure, Thank you! [21:12] Glad I could be of assistance. [21:13] very much so! [21:26] Flare183: re. [21:27] If I want to install a piece of software that isnt under synaptic or ubuntu software manager, Which version do I download is it ther ".deb" or a "tar.gz" ? [21:31] benny: a lot of times a .deb can be easier to deal with [21:32] Okay, can I assume they will both work then? I will go for the .deb if it's easier. but just for reference what is the difference? [22:18] Flare183: thx ++ for being so helpful, and have a great day! [22:18] pombreda: Alright you too :) [23:02] off to bed . ciao yo fine newbies helpers! [23:41] I've taken away my ability to use the LAMPP installation, and placed some other server in its stead. How do I undo this? [23:42] Yes, it's a pickle ... [23:43] Is there a different chat room I could ask in? [23:48] Is this channel open?