
epkugelmasshi. i'm looking to double-check that the content of my chapter fits the ui changes in lucid. i'm trying to install beta1 in virtualbox, but i can't get past the first screen 'try ubuntu...install ubuntu...memtest...etc.'00:22
epkugelmassanyone got a pointer?00:23
humphreybcalright time to roll out the new logo01:37
humphreybcgodbyk: ping01:54
godbykhumphreybc: I'm back now.02:19
humphreybcgodbyk cool02:19
godbykI started to read through the manual earlier.02:20
godbykYou use 'simply' way too often. :)02:20
humphreybccould you update the website with the new logo?02:21
humphreybcincluding the favicon02:21
godbykI can try.02:21
godbykIs it the same size as the old one?02:21
humphreybcyou'll have to change things a bit02:21
humphreybcthe new logo files are under team-images/logo02:21
humphreybcand team-images/banner02:21
humphreybcalso can you add the following as options to the form02:23
humphreybcInconsistencies in wording02:23
humphreybcMissing references02:23
godbykwhat's missing references mean?02:25
humphreybclike links to community docs and things02:25
godbykhow will people know when a ref is missing?02:27
humphreybcno idea02:27
humphreybcokay maybe don't add that option in, they can just specify it if they need to02:27
humphreybcsome people might know of a good guide to setting up ATI drivers or something that they think should be linked02:28
godbykThey can categorize it under 'missing information' or use the 'other' option.02:28
godbykAs I started proofreading the manual (I've only got halfway through the installation chapter), I've been making a list of common errors I'm encountering.02:29
godbykthat way we can send that list out to give hints on what to look for, too.02:30
humphreybci'm just typing up the OMG post now02:30
humphreybcwon't post it for another couple of hours02:30
godbykI think I'm gonna have to play with the graphic a bit.  :(02:32
godbykyeah, we should figure out a couple details before you post it.02:32
godbykubuntujenkins brought up a point earlier as to who should have access to edit the spreadsheet so we know what's been fixed and what hasn't.02:33
godbykalso, who's allowed to make edits? we don't want everyone in the universe editing at the same time, or bzr will murder us.02:33
humphreybcjust me, you, Jamin, Josh and Bryan02:34
godbykWhen we're ready to push out the article, I'll add a para on the website about helping us find bugs.02:34
godbykis the svg for the logo and stuff in the repository?02:35
humphreybcperhaps you and dutchie can triage the bugs from the spreadsheet to launchpad and assign them to either myself, Jamin or Bryan02:35
humphreybcall under team-images02:35
humphreybcand is there a way in the spreadsheet to mark something as triaged? just delete the row?02:35
godbykjust delete a row.  maybe we can add a column.. I don't know if the added column will show up in the form or not. we'll have to try it.02:38
godbykhumphreybc: okay, inkscape hates me.  when I copy the logo and paste to a new svg, it is invisible.02:50
godbykHere's what I want:02:50
godbykthe original graphic on the site was 344x10002:50
godbykcan you make the logo the same size as the original logo (roughly) and then put the text "Ubuntu Manual Project" in two lines, left-aligned next to the logo?02:51
godbykthe font is Linux Biolinum O02:51
godbykor we can wait for thorwil to make an appearance. :)02:51
humphreybcbollocks. I suck at Inkscape too. I can't even select the logos for some reason02:52
humphreybci can probably do it in photoshop.02:52
humphreybc344 x 100 you say02:53
godbykwell, x100, really.02:53
godbykthe width can be up to 364.02:53
godbyker 34402:53
humphreybcwhy does the text have to be on two lines02:55
humphreybcgodbyk http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/websiteimage.png02:57
godbykhumphreybc: because one line looks crappy? http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:57
humphreybcI just see the old one02:58
humphreybcno i dont'02:58
humphreybcdoes that one there work for you?02:58
humphreybcwe could just do a heap of spacing above it02:59
humphreybcto push it down02:59
humphreybclike this: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/websiteimage2.png03:00
humphreybccan you try them both on the site please?03:01
godbykhumphreybc: first one is up now.03:01
godbykopen the site in a new tab and I'll try the second03:01
godbyksecond is up now03:02
humphreybcwhat do you think?03:02
godbykmaybe just make the second one bigger?03:03
humphreybccan I make it longer?03:03
godbykabout 50% larger?03:03
godbykwe can try. :)03:03
humphreybctry that03:05
humphreybcI moved it up a bit to try and line it up with the language combo box03:05
godbyk'kay, it's up03:06
humphreybcthat looks okay03:06
humphreybci might move it up a tad higher03:06
godbykI s'pose we could even make it a bit bigger, even.03:06
humphreybcsame link again03:08
godbyklook good enough for me right now. we can have thorwil fix anything he finds wrong with it. :)03:09
humphreybcnow it's not going to get overwritten by the branch auto update?03:10
godbykit will in 20 minutes if I don't commit it now.03:10
godbykokay, pushed.03:11
humphreybcso did the healthcare reform work03:11
godbykI don't know that they've actually done it yet.03:12
godbykthe republicans were dragging it out last I heard.03:12
humphreybcah ok03:12
humphreybcwhat's the plan?03:12
humphreybcthe blog post is all ready to go03:13
godbyklooks like it passed.  216 to 203.03:13
humphreybcso what does it mean?03:13
humphreybcare they publicising healthcare?03:13
godbykno clue.  most of it doesn't really take effect until 2014.03:13
humphreybcoh ok03:13
humphreybcwhen's the next election?03:13
godbykI've lost track of what's in there and what isn't.  It's probably not nearly as cool as I'd hope.03:13
humphreybcbtw, http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-en.pdf better work because that's what i'm linking to for the post03:14
godbykthe next presidential election is 2012.03:14
humphreybcah okay. will Obama be re-elected?03:14
godbykhumphreybc: well it does now, but may break sometime.03:14
humphreybcsurely if W could reelected three times Barack has a chance...03:14
godbyklet me copy that pdf over to the real site03:14
godbykthat way everyone's using the same revision.03:14
godbyktry this link03:15
humphreybcyeah that works03:15
godbykdo you want to leave megan fox in there?03:16
humphreybcis that what we should have as the download link on the wiki and the post?03:16
humphreybcoO almost forgot haha03:16
humphreybcwe should probably take her out03:16
humphreybcin case we get into trouble with some feminist OMG! readers03:16
godbykit might be best to just direct them to the website and use the download link there.03:17
godbykthat way we can change it on the fly if needed.03:17
humphreybcnah, people are lazy03:18
humphreybcthey won't want to click more than once to downloa it03:18
humphreybci can update the link on OMG if need be03:18
humphreybci'll remove megan and push03:18
humphreybcdecide on a URL to use for the download link03:19
godbykuse the link I gave you then.03:19
humphreybcthat's a good idea to include "draft" in the PDF namne03:20
humphreybcall clear for me to push?03:21
godbykthat's what I figured too.  will make it obvious it's a draft copy.03:21
godbykhold off one sec.03:21
humphreybcI wonder if it's worth adding some red text on the top of the license page saying it's a draft03:21
godbykpull then push. I just pushed03:21
humphreybcman it takes ages to make now03:25
humphreybca good 20 seconds03:25
godbykyeah, I know.03:25
humphreybcokay, i removed Megan and replaced the PDF in daker with the new one without Megan03:26
humphreybcpushing it now03:26
humphreybcthat's weird03:28
humphreybcwhenever i try to make the link on the OMG! post03:29
humphreybcit changes it to a google docs viewer link03:29
godbykthat's lame.03:29
humphreybcblogger is owned by google right?03:29
* sunson referer: http://kanchilug.wordpress.com/03:31
humphreybcokay it might have fixed it03:31
humphreybci might post it now godbyk03:32
humphreybccheck everything is alright03:32
humphreybcit's 3:30am in the UK03:32
godbykhold on a bit. let's triple-check everything first. :)03:33
godbykI'm still waiting for bzr to pull down the updates03:33
humphreybchi sunson03:33
humphreybcgodbyk you better triple check everything fast03:34
humphreybci don't think there's a way to un-do the publish :P03:34
godbykwell, first, the pdf hasn't been updated on the site yet.03:34
humphreybcand someone has already commented haha03:34
humphreybcoh bollocks03:34
godbykdid you actually push?03:35
godbyk'kay. just checking03:35
* humphreybc thinks so03:36
humphreybcrev 55503:36
humphreybc9 minutes ago03:36
godbykstill waiting on it.03:37
humphreybcI just filed a test bug03:38
humphreybcthe thanks thing on the form looks crap03:38
humphreybcand it says "Your response will now appear in my spreadsheet"03:38
humphreybchow do I get to the spreadsheet?03:39
godbykthey should report if they think there should be a screenshot and there isn't.03:39
godbykstill no bzr update. :-(03:40
humphreybci'll push again03:40
godbykI saw the email message that said you pushed.03:40
godbyknot sure why it's not pulling03:40
godbykit's not pulling on any of the 3 machiens I've tried.03:41
godbykdid it pull already?03:41
godbykcheck the pdf on the site and see if it's the new one03:41
humphreybcwhat rev have you gt?03:41
humphreybcbuild it and check in the license03:42
humphreybcit's quite slow to download off your server03:42
humphreybccould just be our shitty internet03:44
humphreybchow do I get into the spreadsheet?03:44
godbykthe pdf on the site is rev 55403:45
godbykI downloaded it at about 400 kbps03:45
humphreybccan you manually stick the new one there?03:45
godbyksure, if I had a copy of it. :)03:45
godbykmy home computers aren't pulling the update yet either.03:46
humphreybcrev 555: humphreybc.homeip.net/files/ubuntu-manual-draft.pdf03:46
godbykdownloading at 15 kbps from you. :)03:47
godbykthe one you gave me is 554, too.03:49
godbykit looks like megan is gone.03:49
humphreybcoh yea03:49
godbykso maybe you're just off by a rev?03:49
humphreybci copied it before i pushed03:49
humphreybcso i removed megan, compiled the manual, copied it into daker's folder, make clean and the pushed03:49
humphreybcso it would have been 555 after because I made it on rev 55403:50
humphreybcso that's okay03:50
godbykso the pdf would lag behind by one rev #.03:50
humphreybcnow how do I get into the spreadsheet?03:50
humphreybcto change the thank you text03:50
godbykwhat's the thank you text say?03:52
humphreybc"Your response will now appear in my spreadsheet"03:52
humphreybcand it looks all screwed up03:52
humphreybc(when it's embedded inside the website)03:52
godbykI don't think we can edit that.03:53
humphreybcthat sucks03:53
godbykat least, I never typed anything like that.03:53
godbykfeel free to look around.03:53
godbykdon't break it, though. people are already using it.03:54
humphreybcthat's quite the link03:54
humphreybcoh god people alreay are using it03:54
humphreybcI found it03:55
humphreybcwhat do we want to say?03:55
godbykHow about: "Thanks for your bug report.  We'll get it fixed soon."  or somesuch.03:56
humphreybc"Thanks for helping us make "Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04" the best it can be."03:57
humphreybcyup i changed it to what you suggested03:57
humphreybcand now we wait?03:57
humphreybcor start triaging...03:57
godbykwe just wait.03:58
humphreybcAny idea what Bryan Behrenshausen's LP name is?04:04
humphreybcfound it04:05
humphreybcgodbyk could you de-capitilize "Edit" on the front page, in "Help Edit the Manual"04:18
humphreybcplease :)04:18
godbykYou get to choose between "Help edit the manual" and "Help Edit the Manual"04:19
humphreybcthe former04:19
humphreybcdo that with all the links04:19
humphreybcheadings sorry04:19
TakyojiWouldn't "in-built" make more sense to be "built-in"?04:19
humphreybcTakyoji: where is that?04:19
TakyojiFirst page of Proluge04:19
Takyojipage 704:20
humphreybcsure, can you report it as a bug?04:20
Takyoji"What this guide is not" 2nd paragraph04:20
godbykhttp://ubuntu-manual.org/  better?04:20
TakyojiIs that a frontend to Launchpad by the way?04:20
humphreybcTakyoji, nope04:20
humphreybcit goes to a spreadsheet where we can look at the bugs and then report them to launchpad, assign them to the right people04:21
humphreybcthanks for using the form, it means we can keep track of stuff easier. Otherwise i'll just forget xP04:21
humphreybcgodbyk much better04:21
humphreybcgodbyk, could you put this underneath the countdown? http://linuxhub.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/alarm-clock.png04:22
humphreybcmaybe make it a bit smaller04:22
humphreybcbout 70%04:22
godbykif you resize it, I can put it there.04:23
godbykdon't make it too big or the rest of the text will get pushed down and people may not read it04:23
humphreybcyou should run this command...04:23
humphreybcsudo apt-get install gthumb04:23
godbykI'm busy editing the manual. :)04:23
godbykI leave the graphics work to those who are better at it than me.. Mr. Photoshop. ;-)04:24
TakyojiBug submitted.04:24
humphreybcthanks Takyoji04:24
* Takyoji continues reading04:24
humphreybcif you find more errors, just submit them in the form :D04:24
humphreybchi Guest3953004:25
TakyojiBy the way, when is the day that screenshot capture starts?04:26
humphreybc1st April04:27
godbykhumphreybc: http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:27
humphreybcgodbyk beautiful04:28
Guest39530hi humphreybc04:29
humphreybcgodbyk, not sure if you can fix this or wait for Daker, but when you click on "Get Involved" on the site, both the Get Invovled and Report a Bug links are dark and bold04:36
humphreybcwhereas it should just be the "Get Involved" link that's dark and bold04:36
humphreybcand the bugs start pouring in04:36
godbykhumphreybc: should be fixed now04:40
godbykfour bugs are "pouring in"? :)04:41
humphreybcbear in mind that it's 5am in the UK04:42
humphreybcand I have at least one person who's going to post it on Planet Ubuntu Monday morning US time04:42
godbykWell, thorwil's blog is syndicated on ubuntu planet.04:48
humphreybcMartin is going to post it, maybe Elizabeth04:48
humphreybcI could ask Jono and Alan04:48
* humphreybc imagines the entire Planet Ubuntu filled with Ubuntu Manual Project04:48
godbykfor bugs that I've found while proofreading, should I submit them to the spreadsheet, submit them to launchpad, or just fix them immediately?04:50
humphreybcfix the immediately04:51
humphreybcno point wasting time if you can fix them straight away cos you have the source etc04:51
godbyklucid didn't wake up on my laptop after the lid was closed. that's a bummer.04:51
humphreybcoh no! it fixed my suspend/resume but broke yours?04:51
humphreybcthat sucks04:51
humphreybcdid you do a completely clean install or upgrade?04:52
godbykwhen I lifted the lid, the hard drive ground away for a bit, the screen was showing garbage.04:52
godbykI waited for the hard drive to stop and it did, but the screen was still garbled.04:52
humphreybcwhat graphics card?04:52
godbykI hit ctrl+alt+f1 (to get a text terminal) and nothing happened.04:52
godbykfinally had to hold down the power button to power off.04:52
humphreybcwhen you hit caps lock, does the caps lock light go on?04:52
godbykclean install.  nvidia04:52
godbykusing the nvidia binary driver04:52
godbyknope, it didn't.04:53
humphreybcsame problem i had in Karmic04:53
godbykwell, trade back then!  :)04:53
humphreybcseems that everything starts up fine but the keyboard and monitor don't wake up properly04:53
godbykI love that the spreadsheet auto-updates as new bugs are filed.04:53
humphreybcme too04:53
godbykalso, telepathy-haze crashes all the time.04:54
godbykI'd file a bug, but there are already bugs with the same summary line and I'm too lazy to read through them and see if mine's the same bug.04:55
humphreybcuse Pidgin04:55
humphreybctelepathy is empathy stuff right?04:55
godbykI'm going to turn on some music and proofread more of the manual.04:55
godbykif you need more, just invoke my name. :)04:55
godbykI usually use pidgin, but I figured I'd give empathy another shot.04:56
humphreybcRobert Ancell is testing our manual04:56
humphreybc(Ubuntu core dev, wrote Simple Scan among other things)04:56
godbykwell, at least the scanning bits.04:56
humphreybcneat that he knows about us though04:57
humphreybcI think everyone knows about us to some degree04:57
humphreybcwhich means we're doing pretty well for a 3 month young project :P04:57
godbykyou should tell the omg readers to pick a random chapter to start with.  that way we don't have all the bugs in the prologue and installation found, but none in chapter 9 or whatever.04:58
humphreybcgood idea04:59
godbykI'm going to go read some more of the manual.04:59
godbykping me if you need anything.04:59
TakyojiSo does Quickshot need any testing yet, or?04:59
humphreybcTakyoji: not sure. You'll have to talk to Red_HamsterX,  TommyBrunn or ubuntujenkins - they're some of the developers05:00
humphreybcI think they're mainly doing in house testing at the moment until they get the UI finished05:00
humphreybcyou can download the branch if you like05:02
TakyojiI might, out of curiosity.05:02
humphreybcsweet :)05:03
humphreybcokay who the hell used the word "Snooping" in the manual05:11
humphreybcgodbyk, see the spreadsheet06:23
godbyk-androidOne sec.06:23
humphreybchey godbyk, howcome spanish isn't listed here? http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/06:26
humphreybc(that's looking really pretty btw)06:26
godbyk-androidI think I had both those marked in my edits already too.06:27
pleia2humphreybc: blog post forthcoming, I'll let you know once it's up06:27
godbyk-androidIt is there.06:27
humphreybcpleia2: awesome, thankyou!06:27
humphreybcgodbyk oh so it is06:28
humphreybcI was looking under S for the name06:28
godbyk-androidAlphabetical by language code.06:28
humphreybchey jamin06:29
humphreybceverything is under way06:29
jamindayhey humphreybc06:29
humphreybcexcellent *does the finger thing*06:29
jamindayyeah i just read that post06:30
jamindaydid you get the email i just sent you?06:30
humphreybcit's going to be reposted on the planet too06:30
humphreybcnope i'll check just now06:30
humphreybcthe draft is updated whenever we want to update it06:30
humphreybcit's just the one under website/daker06:31
humphreybc(anything in daker is hosted at ubuntu-manual.org)06:31
humphreybcwe could quite easily have the draft be updated for each revision if we wanted to06:31
jamindayah ok. What about just once a day at a set time?06:32
humphreybcyeah maybe, we could do it manually06:32
humphreybcor godbyk could set a cron job to run at the same time every day that copies main.pdf from the latest build to daker and renames it06:32
jamindayyeah thats what i was thinking06:33
humphreybcthe PPA is a good idea, but I think it might be a bit too difficult to do right now06:33
humphreybcI don't know anything about PPAs or packaging06:33
jamindayyeah ok - like i said i've got no idea about setting up ppa's06:33
jamindaynah thats cool - could be useful for next release maybe?06:33
godbyk-androidI can just have the build script copy the latest to the website too.06:33
humphreybcwe'll definitely do that for 10.1006:33
humphreybcgodbyk-android, yeah we could do that, can you rename it to ubuntu-manual-draft.pdf ?06:34
jamindayoh ok - godbyk-android how often does the build script run06:34
godbyk-androidI've thought about making a ppa, but don't want to have people complain that it gets updated too often right now.06:34
godbyk-androidMaybe after the writing freeze06:35
jamindayyeah that's why i thought calling it ubuntu-manual-daily or something06:35
jamindayand just updating it once a day06:35
godbyk-androidRight now the build script gets run manually by me, but I can automate it pretty easily.06:36
humphreybcgodbyk-android: maybe just have it run at a set time every day06:36
humphreybc0000 UTC?06:36
jamindayok. Yeah that way people can see the changes that are made if they are interested, and might save us getting the same bug reported multiple times06:37
jamindayanyway i just got home from work so am gonna go eat some food etc then i'll be back in an hour or so to do some editing06:38
humphreybcawesome :)06:38
humphreybcjaminday, I'll start too06:38
humphreybcI'm thinking we should just make changes ourselves06:38
humphreybcinstead of reporting them to the form06:38
godbyk-androidI hate proofreading06:38
jamindayhumphreybc: you mean if we find bugs we just fix them and not worry about reporting?06:39
humphreybcjaminday: yep06:39
jamindayyeah that's what i was gonna do06:39
humphreybcwe may as well not waste time, since we have the source and are on the team as editors :)06:39
jamindaydoesn't seem like much point reporting the bugs to ourselves06:39
humphreybchaha nope06:39
godbyk-androidWhen I was in school and had to proofread mt neighbor's paper I always felt bad because I'd scribble all over it and they wouldn't find many steroids in mine06:40
humphreybcsteriods huh, android keyboard is fun :P06:40
jamindayhehe steroids06:40
godbyk-androidDamn android keyboard.06:41
humphreybcgodbyk-android: it certainly has room for improvement06:41
jamindayAt first glance i thought it said hemorrhoids for some strange reason06:41
jamindayi have no idea why06:41
godbyk-androidI wouldn't put it past this keyboard!06:41
jamindayanyway, i'll be back06:42
jamindayAlso maybe we should add on the website that the draft is updated once per day at 0000 UTC so people know to come back and re-download if it's been a couple of days06:42
godbyk-androidGod idea.06:43
godbyk-androidGood idea, rather.06:43
* godbyk-android goes back to his book for a bit.06:43
humphreybcjaminday: if you log in to the spreadsheet, it gets updated live as people report things06:46
humphreybcit's awesome06:46
humphreybcwe're up to 20 reports already06:47
humphreybcI love how our new logo stands out on a page07:06
vishhumphreybc: when did that[new logo] happen?07:16
humphreybclast couple of days07:16
humphreybcthorwil designed it07:16
vishah.. neat07:16
humphreybcyou like it?07:17
vishyup , looks good07:18
humphreybcneat :)07:18
humphreybchey so vish, what happened with chapter icons?07:18
humphreybcwe were going to do watermarked ones rightr?07:18
vishhumphreybc: i thought we dropped them.. thorwil didnt want them07:18
* vish doesnt like it either :s07:19
humphreybcrighto then07:20
humphreybcbut i went to all the trouble of mocking up a series of different icon implementations :P07:20
* vish saw that , wasnt a fan ;p07:21
humphreybcokay then Vish07:21
nisshhdamn the website looks kickass07:43
humphreybchey nisshh :)07:43
nisshhdaker did the website yea?07:43
humphreybcyup, i designed it tho :{07:44
humphreybchave a look at planet ubuntu07:45
humphreybcand omgubuntu.co.uk07:46
humphreybcgodbyk interesting list. I think we're pretty good and adhere to most of those. I don't agree with the first one, my mum for example wouldn't make the connection that a button that says "open" opens a document07:49
humphreybcfor people who have never ever used computers before, even the most obvious things can be overwhelming when you are sat in front of a screen for the first time07:49
nisshhmany bugs been reported yet?07:49
humphreybcnisshh: yeah just over 2007:50
nisshhah nice07:50
humphreybcnisshh: do you have a login to the spreadsheet?07:50
nisshhnope i think it requires a @ubuntu-manual.org email07:50
humphreybcwe need to start reporting these on launchpad and assigning them to people07:51
nisshhif i had a login i would help lol07:51
humphreybcgodbyk can we get Ryan a ubuntu-manual.org email address?07:51
godbyk-androidSure. Email me his address and I'll set it up in a few minutes.07:53
humphreybcnisshh: ^^07:53
humphreybcwhat's your email?07:53
humphreybcand we'll go with ryan@ubuntu-manual.org ?07:53
humphreybcor do you want nisshh ?07:53
humphreybcwe've all got our first names07:54
humphreybcit's friendlier :)07:54
nisshhyea go with first name07:54
humphreybccool, so godbyk-android: nisshh@hotmail.com and if you could do ryan@ubuntu-manual.org07:54
nisshhgodbyk: so i presume anything sent to ryan@ubuntu-manual.org will be forwarded to my actaul email?07:55
humphreybcso nisshh, basically, there's a spreadsheet with the form results. You'll need to take the stuff from the spreadsheet and manually report each one as a bug under our project in launchpad, then assign it to me, Jamin or Bryan to fix.07:55
humphreybcnisshh: nah you'll have to log in to @ubuntu-manual.org and set up email forwarding07:55
nisshhok easy to do07:56
humphreybcwhen assigning bugs, bear in mind that Jamin is doing chapters prologue - 3, i'm doing 4,5,6 and Bryan is doing 7,8,907:56
nisshhis there some way of knowing which ones have already been manually reported on launchpad07:56
humphreybcnone of them have yet07:57
nisshhok cool07:57
humphreybcwe have to work out a way07:57
nisshha column in the spreadsheet07:57
humphreybcah nope i found a way07:57
humphreybca strike through07:57
nisshhsaying "reported on launchpad"07:57
humphreybci did the first one as an example07:57
nisshhah cool07:57
humphreybca column would be better but it might show up on the form... i'll check07:57
humphreybcokay no it doesn't, column is good07:58
nisshhyou will have to bear with me since i havent used google docs or whatever before07:58
humphreybcdo we need to even use launchpad then07:58
humphreybcwe could have an "assigned to" column07:59
nisshhthat would be far quicker07:59
humphreybcand then once the bug has been fixed, strike through or have a "fixed" column07:59
humphreybcokay let's do that07:59
nisshhok sounds good07:59
nisshhalso, what are the mugshots of team members going to be used for?07:59
humphreybcit's a surprise!08:00
humphreybcnothing evil i promise08:01
nisshhi bet your going to compile a list of team members and post them somewhere arent you?08:02
nisshhok ill send you my mugshot later today08:02
humphreybcclose, but no cigar08:04
* humphreybc added in a "Which chapter is the error in" field in the form08:04
nisshhhehe oh well worth a shot08:04
nisshhgodbyk: ping me on here when you have my email setup, thanks.08:05
godbyk-androidnisshh:  what's your full name?08:08
nisshhRyan Macnish08:08
humphreybcgodbyk, I added in a chapter question08:10
humphreybcbut i don't think it's working properly08:10
humphreybcno it's not08:11
godbyk-androidnisshh: I've sent the info to your email address08:12
nisshhcool thanks08:12
godbyk-androidhumphreybc:  isn't the page number enough to locate the error?08:13
humphreybcprobably but i wanted to make it easier to assign errors to people based on chapters08:13
godbyk-androidMake it easier for the bug reporter08:13
humphreybcdoesn't look like it's going to work properly08:13
humphreybci removed it08:14
godbyk-androidWe can glance at the pdf and see what chapter it's in  pretty easily08:14
godbyk-androidThe more questions we ask, the fewer responses we'll get.08:15
nisshhhumphreybc: ok im logged in and setup, what is the link to the spreadsheet08:16
nisshhok got it08:17
nisshhso i just need to assing each report to one of you three?08:17
humphreybcand if you come across duplicates, mark them as duplicates08:18
nisshhhehe ok08:18
humphreybcand as they are fixed, we'll mark them as fixed08:18
humphreybcin theory08:18
humphreybcfun times!08:18
humphreybcthe spreadsheet auto updates when new entries are submitted08:19
humphreybcso you don't need to refresh08:19
humphreybcyou can just stare at the screen waiting for one to come in and then assign it real quick :P08:19
nisshhok cool, i already found aduplicate08:19
humphreybcwe should probably get to fixing them asap and then update the manual so we don't get a crapload of duplicates all week08:19
humphreybchey it's thorwil!08:20
nisshhhow should i mark the duplicate?08:20
humphreybcyour new logo is all over the net :P08:20
humphreybcnisshh, switch to the chat in the spreadsheet08:20
nisshhthorwil: really like the logo!08:21
thorwilhumphreybc: cool, but why did i create specific sizes if you go and just scale it?08:23
humphreybcI tried to export the big size one08:24
humphreybcbut it had this problem, i'll show you08:24
humphreybcsee the green bar at the bottom left, is out of place08:26
humphreybcI couldn't work out how to fix it in Inkscape :P08:26
godbyk-androidthorwil:  if you can whip up one to  fit the header area of the website, I'll get it uploaded.08:26
humphreybcoh yeah thorwil, we had to do a quick and nasty fix for the website :P08:26
godbyk-androidInkscape was being cantankerous.08:27
* humphreybc doesn't know how to work inkscape08:27
* humphreybc used photoshop08:27
thorwilif a hammer is the only tool you know, every problem looks like a nail08:28
humphreybcthorwil, you're so clever08:28
thorwilgodbyk-android: the first likely stumbling block would be that i have a locked layer in that file08:29
humphreybcthere's the problem08:29
humphreybcno wonder I couldn't select it08:30
thorwilthere's a "main" and a "targets" layer08:30
thorwilmain contains all artwork. targets contains rectangles with IDs such as "ump_logo_192px"08:31
thorwilso you can lock the main layer, do a select all in the targets layer, -> export and enable batch export there08:31
thorwilyou end up with one PNG per rectangle with the IDs as filenames08:32
godbyk-androidWhen I copied the logo to a new svg file, it was invisible. I gave up.08:32
humphreybcvery good08:32
humphreybcgodbyk, you probably only copied the target area08:32
humphreybcsame as what I tried to do...08:32
* humphreybc spent ages furiously clicking the icon to see if he could select that bar to move it one pixel up08:33
thorwilhit ctrl-shift-L for the layers panel08:33
* humphreybc hits ctrl+alt+L and locks his screen08:34
nisshhhumphreybc: there is a report on the spreadsheet that says "multiple pages" under which page08:34
humphreybcthat the XSane one?08:34
nisshhits a "multi-chapter bug08:35
nisshhno its number 22 on the spreadsheet08:35
nisshhShould i assign it to all three of you?08:35
humphreybcassign it to Kevin08:36
humphreybcit's a LaTeX thing08:36
humphreybcgive him pink :)08:36
humphreybcheh nice, one step ahead of me!08:36
humphreybcmight make it a bit lighter08:37
nisshhgoogle docs is easy to use08:37
humphreybcthat other pink was killing my eyes08:37
humphreybcit's google, what do you expect? :P08:37
nisshhmeh yea true!08:37
humphreybcI added in a "Notes" column08:38
nisshhyep, see it08:38
humphreybcthorwil: there's a bug about the title page there08:39
nisshhhumphreybc: whats with number 30 in the spreadsheet?08:41
nisshhok, they are all assigned at the moment, i will keep checking over the rest of today and update the spreadsheet as needed08:44
humphreybc# 30 was me testing something08:45
humphreybcbut i deleted the row08:45
jamindaywow this spreadsheet is gonna save us heaps of time catching bugs08:46
* humphreybc thinks the form/spreadsheet thing will work quite good in future for surveys08:46
thorwilhumphreybc: what bug?08:46
humphreybc"The chat icon's edges are cut"08:47
* nisshh agrees with benjamin08:47
humphreybcdropping your game thorwil, *shakes head* :P08:48
thorwilhumphreybc: not at all. this issue does not exist in the svg08:49
nisshhhumphreybc: you have it easy, chapter 4, 5 and 6 only have a couple of bugs08:49
thorwilit would take effort to produce something like that08:49
humphreybcso far they do, nisshh, so far :)08:50
humphreybcthorwil: hmm. well it's cut in the PDF, so somewhere along the line that's happening. It's not particularly noticeable08:50
thorwilhumphreybc: it's alos not cut in a direct export to pdf08:50
thorwilgodbyk-android: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/48269/screenshot_013_xb86tF.png ?08:51
godbyk-androidthorwil: not sure. I just selected the icon and saved as pdf using the selection as the bounds.08:52
thorwilgodbyk-android: we were going to use exports of the whole svg, anyway, right?08:53
godbyk-androidif inkscape can handle the typesetting correctly, sure08:54
godbyk-androidOtherwise we'll have latex do the typesetting and compose they page from within latex.08:54
* jaminday has his icecream and finally ready to sit down for an hour or two of editing09:00
humphreybcjaminday: yay!09:01
* humphreybc is watching The Cleveland Show09:01
* nisshh has just finished cleaning out his entire room09:02
godbykjust finished my book.09:13
nisshhnew bug reports rolling in09:16
nisshhbig one for you benjamin09:16
jaminday I like it how at the top next to the 'Form" menu it has in brackets how many responses we've received.09:16
nisshhjaminday: yes i saw that too09:17
godbykI think both the bugs assigned to me are NOTABUGs.09:18
godbykThe PDF is set up to be duplex and the chapters open on the right (recto) side of the spread.09:18
godbykjaminday: I was trying to figure out what that meant when it was (3).09:19
godbykI was thinking, 'did I screw up and make 3 forms?!'09:19
jamindaynope just google being kick-ass again09:20
godbykapparently. :)09:20
nisshhgoogle is part kick-ass and part privacy-encroaching09:21
jamindayhehe yes true09:22
jamindaybut it's the way of the new digital age09:22
nisshhgood point there09:22
jamindayno one under 15 seems to give a sh*t about privacy anymore!09:23
godbykyeah, I'm torn on the privacy thing.09:23
godbykI like the idea of privacy, but I'm also a pretty open person.  I just don't want to be *forced* to be public.09:24
jamindayyeah that's true09:24
godbykseems like society is headed that way anyway, though.09:24
nisshhgodbyk: exactly09:24
jamindaybut google does give you the option of making things public or not09:24
jamindayit just wasn't too obvious when buzz first launched so they copped a lot of flack09:25
nisshhcriticism comes first these day09:25
jamindayyes it does09:25
jamindayI just freaked out at how many bug reports i'm getting, but then i realised that most of them are from pages i haven't even looked at yet. Phew!09:26
nisshhbenjamins got alot of bugs coming in for him09:27
popeysomeone broke the bug reporting page09:28
popey"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/godbyk/bzr/ubuntu-manual/website/daker/includes/structure.php on line 139"09:28
nisshhgodbyk: you better take a look09:28
humphreybcoh noes!09:28
godbykit's back09:28
godbyktrying to re-add the google analytics code and mucked up the copy/paste.09:29
nisshhreal smooth09:29
humphreybchey jamin, nice, you're burning through the bugs09:29
nisshhbryan has alot of bugs to fix09:29
humphreybcpopey: thanks for letting us know it was gebrocht09:29
humphreybcpopey, was going to get you to look over the manual later in the week, along with a few other ubuntu community folk09:30
jamindayyeah my first ones were pretty simple, but got a few bigger ones to look at09:30
humphreybclooks like we've got a fun week ahead of us09:31
jamindaydefinitely! I've got thursday + friday off from work this week so I'll do most of mine then09:32
godbykokay, google analytics code should be back in there now.09:32
humphreybci'm pretty busy tomorrow but should have free evenings09:32
godbykI'll be reading the manual through this week and editing as I go.09:33
nisshhi have college middle of the week but will assign people after i get home at night09:33
godbykLots of little bugs so far.  I'm only halfway through the installation chapter.09:33
* popey has filed a few bugs humphreybc 09:34
humphreybcpopey, just reading through them now. Very good work, helpful suggestions :)09:34
humphreybcwe'll get them fixed asap09:34
humphreybcfeel free to do some more bug checking as you have free time in the rest of the week09:34
jamindaygodbyk: installation chapter has a few bugs around the partitioning section, as i haven't really fixed that bit up yet09:35
jamindaybut there are probably others09:35
godbykwhoever wrote the prologue and installation chapters really likes the word 'simply'. :)09:35
humphreybcgodbyk... that may have been me :P09:36
humphreybcsimply is a good word09:36
godbykI've also been marking down where I think we should add glossary entries.09:36
jamindayhehe i probably added a few as well09:36
godbyksimply is usually not a good word to use in a manual, though.09:36
humphreybcthis is true09:36
godbykif you tell me I can 'simply' do something, and it's not simple for me, then I feel bad.09:36
jamindayThat's good feedback cos when you only write bits at a time you don't realise how often you use particular words09:37
godbykfailing that, it sounds like bragging. :)09:37
humphreybcyeah absolutely09:37
godbykand everyone has their own pet phrases and words when they're writing.09:37
nisshhactually i put a few 'simply' in there too09:37
popeyhumphreybc: why aren't you using launchpad for bug tracking?09:37
godbyk'as well as' is a phrase that jumps out at me, too.  usually 'and' will suffice.09:37
godbykpopey: too high a barrier of entry09:38
humphreybcpopey: what he said09:38
godbykwith this form we get to control the format and questions09:38
godbykas opposed to the free-form stuff we'd get via launchpad09:38
humphreybcwe can make it specific to our project09:38
popeyhow will i know if my bugs are fixed?09:38
godbykand the form doesn't require anyone to log in.09:38
godbykso my mom can glance at the pdf and easily file bugs.09:38
godbykpopey: you won't.09:38
godbykunless you track them yourself.09:38
popeythats unfortunate09:39
godbykDo you really want the three emails per bug when we add a comma?09:39
humphreybcunfortunate, but worth the trade-off09:39
popeyi would like to track my bugs09:40
popeyas I do with every other part of ubuntu09:40
humphreybcbut you're not reporting small bugs like commas and things09:40
godbykyou're welcome to file them via launchpad if you really want to.09:40
godbykjust provide the same type of info.09:40
nisshh44 bugs reported now09:40
godbykthere's nothing that prevents anyone from filing a bug via launchpad.  this form is just for collecting a bunch of small bugs in a short period of time.09:40
humphreybcfor people who are just doing tiny bugs like spelling mistakes and whatnot, a form/spreadsheet type thing is more optimal than launchpad09:40
popeyi can just see a few of mine generating discussion09:41
popeyand that wont be captured09:41
godbykpopey: if you think they'll generate discussion or you want to track them more closely, you can submit them via launchpad.09:41
humphreybcand besides, we honestly don't have time to discuss every bug - we're pressed for time as it is09:42
humphreybcthe idea of this is to fix quality issues like spelling, grammar, formatting errors, inconsistencies and whatnot - small bugs09:42
humphreybcbugs that anyone who knows anything about english can find09:42
humphreybcit will be interesting to see how effective this means of bug reporting and tracking is09:42
popeydepends how you measure 'effectiveness'09:43
humphreybcif we get all of the bugs fixed before the writing freeze, then it's worked well.09:43
godbykI'm hoping that this method will have reduced the barriers to entry so that we get more bug reports than we would have via launchpad.09:44
humphreybcit's also working out quite well at the back end too, the spreadsheet is updated live and we have a couple of people assigning bugs to people with colour-coding09:45
humphreybcthe fixers, three of us, can go through and see the ones assigned to us very quickly, all the information we need is in one row09:45
humphreybcthen we can just cross it off and mark it as fixed, move onto the next09:45
humphreybcmeanwhile the whole thing is working live like etherpad, and we can chat to each other while it's working09:46
humphreybcfor our project, it's a far more efficient and faster bug reporting and assigning tool than launchpad. That's not to say Launchpad isn't good, it is good for other projects that don't have to get hundreds of tiny bugs from hundreds of people and fix them in 9 days.09:46
godbykAt least we're hoping that's the case.09:47
godbykAsk us how it worked next week. :)09:48
godbykI think that icon bug you have assigned to thorwil is on me.  But I may need thorwil's help to resolve it.09:49
humphreybcthis is what it looks like: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/spreadsheet.png09:49
godbyk(I probably just checked the wrong box when I exported from inkscape.)09:49
godbykthe cover page that's in the pdf is one that I coded in latex. it's not the one thorwil created.09:50
godbykin other words, it's not per thorwil's spec. :)09:50
jamindayDo you think we need a side note explaining what a 'window' is?09:51
humphreybcI prettied up our twitter account btw09:51
humphreybcjaminday: hmm09:51
jamindayit's kinda just introduced without any introduction to what it actually is09:51
humphreybcokay let's do that09:51
godbykis there an api for submitting bugs to launchpad?09:51
humphreybcgodbyk apparently there is one, but I'm not sure where the info is on it09:52
godbykthat may be handy in the future.09:52
godbykso we could design a nice web form that's specific to our project and submit the bug to launchpad in whatever form we prefer.09:52
humphreybcthat would be good09:53
* humphreybc might head to bed09:55
humphreybclong day at uni tomorrow09:55
jamindayhumphreybc: no worries, have a good one09:56
jamindayi'll do a bit more then join you09:56
jamindaynot literally of course09:56
humphreybci hope not!09:56
humphreybcsomeone might need to contact Bryan btw09:56
nisshhdid i miss something??09:56
humphreybchas anyone heard from him recently?09:56
jamindayhumphreybc: no not since the meeting09:56
humphreybcokay, jamin if you could flick him an email before you hit the sack09:57
nisshhhe needs to be contacted, he has alot of bugs to fix09:57
humphreybcjust make sure he knows what's going on09:57
jamindayhe seemed keen to help out though so hopefully it's still ok09:57
jamindayyeah no worroes09:57
humphreybcgodbyk can you make sure Bryan has an email to log in to the spreadsheet please09:57
godbykwho what huh?09:57
godbykgimme his full name and current email address and I can set up an account for him.09:57
jamindaygodbyk: Bryan Behrenshausen09:58
humphreybcor behrenshausen@gmail.com109:58
humphreybcwithout the 109:58
humphreybceither of those09:58
humphreybcor this one bryanb@gmail.com09:58
humphreybcsend it to all three :)09:58
godbykgah.. pick one. :)09:58
humphreybcset him up with bryan@ubuntu-manual.org09:58
nisshhhumphreybc: expect there to be alot of bugs reported tomorrow, since everyone will check their feed readers in the morning09:58
humphreybcnisshh: yeah, well omgubuntu is on UK time09:59
humphreybcbut there are a couple of posts going up on Planet Ubuntu09:59
humphreybc(to sync with US time)09:59
humphreybcpopey: if you want to post on the planet too I'll buy you a cookie at UDS :)09:59
godbykI sent the info to behrenshausen@gmail.com.09:59
popeyyou coming to UDS humphreybc ?09:59
humphreybcpopey: not confirmed no, but i remain hopeful haha10:00
humphreybci applied for sponsorship10:00
humphreybc"Power of positive thought" right?10:00
humphreybcElizabeth has already posted an article about our testing, but if you want to do one as well then that would be awesome :)10:01
nisshhwhere is UDS this time around?10:01
humphreybcany extra pair of eyes we can get on the manual won't go to waste10:01
humphreybcnisshh: Brussels, Belgium10:01
nisshhright cool10:01
nisshhjust hit 50 bugs too10:01
* humphreybc wonders if there are any UMP members in Brussels10:01
nisshhnot that i know of10:02
jamindayWow they are coming in thick and fast10:02
humphreybcjaminday: heh10:02
humphreybcwell Joey does have 8000+ subscribers on omg!10:02
nisshhand planet ubuntu is huge10:02
jaminday8000+ !10:03
humphreybcand if we've made it as simple as it ought to be, there should be 8000 people clicking that download button and submitting bugs. besides, OMG! readers are total grammar nazis.10:03
jamindaythat works well for us10:03
jamindayAlso i set the Fixed? column to autoformat to green whenever a 'yes' or 'y' is typed in10:03
humphreybcjaminday: nice!10:04
jamindaywe can remove it if distracting but thought it might make it easier to glance10:04
nisshhmakes it easy10:04
humphreybcjaminday: could you set up the Assignee one to default to yellow if "Jamin" is typed in, green if "Benjamin" is typed in etc?10:04
nisshhits only 6pm here so ill keep assigning bugs10:05
jamindayIt should work for Kevin, Benjamin, Bryan and Jamin now10:06
godbykOoh.. I'm aubergine! :)10:06
nisshhaahhhh, not aubergine!10:06
nisshhreminds me of the lucid theme too much10:07
jamindayKevin now you're WHITE TEXT on aubergine...10:07
godbykah, that's better.10:07
godbykNote that my name is left-aligned, too.  Take that, Luddites!10:07
godbykI'm saving the space to the right of my name for something special.10:08
godbykYou'll have to wait 'til October to find out.10:08
jamindayargh i'm not good at waiting10:09
godbykthe bugs marked 'fixed'.. have those been committed or are they just fixed locally on someone's hard drive?10:10
jamindayAt the moment mine are just on my hard drive till i do a push10:10
nisshhif not, they  should be committed and pushed10:10
jamindayno point pushing after every bug or i'll be here all night10:10
jamindayso i'll just do it when i go to bed10:10
godbykright. was just curious.10:11
godbykthough we'll have to orchestrate it well or it'll be hell resolving all the conflicts.10:12
jamindayyeah i was thinking that10:12
godbykI suppose it everyone sticks to specific chapters, it should be okay.10:12
godbykSo all the chapter 1 bugs get fixed by A, ch 2 by B, etc.10:12
jamindayyeah hopefully our system will work that way10:12
jamindayif we stick to it!10:12
godbykMust not deviate from the plan!10:13
godbykI think I'll test out the form myself with some of the bugs I've found.10:13
godbykWe'll see how fast/slow the form us.10:13
godbykform is.10:13
godbyk(Can't blame that one on the android keyboard!)10:13
nisshhgodbyk: which android phone do you have?10:14
godbyknisshh: I have a Nexus One.10:14
nisshhcool! is it any good?10:14
godbykI love it.10:15
nisshhnice, i would get one if they would lower the price a bit10:15
godbykI think I may have to add a 'style / voice' entry to the list of bug types as I have more of those.10:19
jamindayyeah good idea10:20
jamindaywow, i just worked out that if you right click on maximise, it maximises the window horizontally but keeps the vertical height as is10:24
nisshhjaminday: cool!10:24
jamindayI've never seen that before!10:25
jamindayMaybe it's a compiz thing10:25
nisshhobviously they moved that out of compiz and actaully made it a feature10:25
nisshhnah, theres a shortcut for it in compiz10:25
godbykWell, there's six bugs for page 7 alone.10:26
godbykOn to page 8!10:26
nisshhbut, if you cant run compiz(like me) then its better10:26
jamindayhehe good work godbyk10:26
* nisshh thinks that godbyk just opened a can of woop-ass10:26
* jaminday wishes godbyk started on someone elses chapters first10:27
godbykthis is why I hate proofreading. takes so long to do a thorough job.10:27
jamindayhumphreybc: are you sleep-typing?10:28
* humphreybc just read back through the channel10:29
humphreybci've been trying to feature our bug checking marathon all over the web10:29
nisshhlike where?10:30
godbykDoes that involve typing a lot of question marks? :)10:30
humphreybc*"Help the Ubuntu Manual Project!" appears on google.com*10:30
humphreybcfacebook.com login screen: "Think. Do you REALLY need to perve at your hot friends' photos today, or should you come and help the Ubuntu Manual Project?"10:31
humphreybcnah but seriously, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu Forums, various blogs10:31
humphreybcand that right click on maximise thing is cool10:31
jamindayyeah but it's definitely compiz10:32
jamindaydoesn't work in default lucid10:32
nisshhno your right10:32
jamindayi just googled ubuntu manual and saw this https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/pdf/ubuntu/C/desktopguide.pdf10:32
jamindayit's from 6.06!10:33
godbykpage 8 -- done10:33
humphreybcyeah i know10:33
humphreybcnothing like a bit of outdated documentation to throw newbies off xP10:33
nisshhthat always pops up when i do a search for docs i need10:33
jamindaythat's right. Still, someone put a lot of effort into it back in the day10:33
nisshhyea looks like it10:34
godbykanything worth stealing?10:34
nisshhmost of its waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy out of date...10:35
humphreybcjaminday: Canonical stuff10:35
jamindayThe 'conventions' page is a good idea10:35
humphreybcjaminday: we have been meaning to put that in10:35
jamindayah ok10:35
humphreybcI believe godbyk was going to do that... :P10:35
godbykoh, yeah. totally forgot about that.10:35
godbykremind me again in 12 hours. :)10:36
jamindayOurs is much more newbie focused - ie we explain a lot of jargon and lingo10:36
jamindaybut at the price of a lot more words on the page10:37
nisshhand alot more work for us10:37
jamindaythere's a good summary of directories/file systems10:37
jamindayie stuff we were talking about the other day humphreybc10:37
humphreybcdid you see the image martin made?10:37
humphreybcit's in the manual10:38
humphreybcend of the installation chapter i believe10:38
humphreybcit's just chilling10:38
jamindayah - i'll take a look10:38
nisshhoh crap, that reminds me should i explain the different parts of the file system in my chapter for 10.10?10:38
humphreybcwe need to a) find somewhere to put it and b) write some text to go wit hit10:38
humphreybcwith it*10:38
jamindayah cool10:38
jamindaywould it work if the home folder was a different colour to represent it's own partition10:39
humphreybcby default it's not on it's own partition thoug10:39
jamindayyeah i know but as an example of how partitions are mounted10:40
jamindaythat they fit into the existing directory structure10:40
nisshhyou need to say its not default to have home on a seperate partitiion though10:40
thorwilhumphreybc, godbyk: shall i add a "logo" dir to the manual branch?10:40
jamindayrather than a separate 'e drive' or something10:40
jamindaynisshh: yeah definitely10:40
humphreybcthorwil, team-images/logo10:41
humphreybcalready one there10:41
humphreybccheck out /banner too10:41
humphreybcgodbyk have you got that build script automized to make the manual and copy it across to /website/daker each day at 0000 UTC?10:41
nisshhoooh, 78 bugs reported now10:42
humphreybccould you do that asap so that it's ready for tomorrow?10:42
godbykI'll do it when I wake up, though.10:42
humphreybckk thanks10:42
humphreybcbets on how many bugs we'll get to by next Monday?10:42
humphreybcwe'll get way more than that!10:43
humphreybcthat's a safe bet :P10:43
nisshhif godbyk keeps going, ALOT more!10:43
godbykI'm almost finished with page 9.10:43
humphreybcwell, we've almost got 80 and it's only been available to the public for 8 hours10:43
thorwilpushed updated logo files10:43
godbykAnother downside to using this form is I don't get mad karma points. :(10:43
nisshhyea good point10:44
humphreybcgodbyk, true, you don't!10:44
nisshhgodbyk: lol10:44
humphreybcgodbyk if you want mad karma, go through and update some blueprints :P10:44
nisshhgodbyk, we will just say you have heaps of imagniary ones10:44
godbyknisshh: I'll take it!10:45
humphreybcso, I reckon we'll easily get about 600 bug reports by next Monday10:45
humphreybcpotentially a lot more10:45
nisshhshould we have had more than the three of you on fixing?10:45
humphreybcwe'll see how we go10:46
jamindaynisshh: possibly, but then you potentially sacrifice consistency10:46
humphreybcif we need more then yeah we'll have to get some more10:46
godbykpage 9 -- done10:46
jamindaya lot of bugs will be simple, quick fixes like a spelling mistake or something10:46
thorwilgodbyk: want a logo-title image flattened on that grey for the website?10:46
godbykthorwil: sure! if that is transparent.10:47
nisshhyea i guess10:47
godbyk(not sure if the transparency would blend well or not)10:47
thorwilgodbyk: huh? current one seems to have alpha channel, but is on a flat grey ground, afaics10:48
godbyknice.  blame humphreybc. :)10:48
thorwilhumphreybc: the website background will stay flat grey?10:49
humphreybcthorwil: yep10:49
humphreybcfor the foreseeable future10:49
* humphreybc is expecting to wake up tomorrow to see 200 bug reports10:50
godbykWe're at 87 now10:50
humphreybcanyone else notice that we've had about 4 or 5 people join the team since this started?10:50
humphreybccould prove to be quite the publicity stunt as well10:51
godbykpage 10 -- done10:51
jamindaygodbyk: nice work on the bug reporting. I've been mainly focussed on bigger changes like rewriting paragraphs that needed it, so there's lots of little stuff I've missed along the way.10:51
jamindayIt will save me so much time just going through your bugs to find them.10:51
godbykyeah, it's not difficult to find the errors, just time-consuming.10:51
godbykwho's assigned the installation chapter?10:52
jamindaythat would be me10:52
godbykoh, man.  you're gonna hate me today!10:52
jamindayi still need to finish partitioning and some stuff at the end i think10:52
jamindayi'm sure i will!10:52
jamindaydon't hold back though10:53
jamindaygodbyk: just a thought - you might want to skip chaps 2 and 3 for now and come back to them later.10:56
jaminday I am still doing my first edit (major edit) on these chapters so there will be a lot of stuff that gets fixed10:57
godbykI've only done the first couple pages of chapter 210:57
godbykso I'll leave off that and come back to it later then10:57
godbykI'm going to try to finish entering the bugs I've got so far and then get some sleep.10:58
jamindayok. I'm up to 'managing windows' in ch 2.10:58
nisshh91 bugs now10:58
jamindaybtw - that bug you just reported on heading styles, page 1110:58
humphreybchey, i wrote the installation chapter, it shouldn't have that many bugs :P10:59
godbykjaminday: yeah? that applies to all the headings. just assign the bug to me.10:59
jamindayare you talking about formatting?10:59
jamindayah ok10:59
godbykalso assign the lining figures bug to me.10:59
jamindaynisshh: can you reassign bug 90 to kevin10:59
jamindayand bug 8811:00
nisshhto kevin?11:00
jamindaythey are latex issues11:00
nisshhok done11:00
jamindayok all, ive gotta work tomorrow so heading to bed. I'll try and do a bit more tomorrow night.11:04
humphreybcjaminday: awesome11:04
humphreybcthanks for your help11:04
jamindayno probs, talk later!11:05
humphreybci'll head off now too11:05
humphreybcnight all11:05
humphreybckeep it up :)11:05
humphreybc102 bugs now11:05
godbykhow many are ones I've entered?11:05
godbykam I artificially inflating the bug count? :)11:05
humphreybcabout 20?11:06
humphreybca bug's a bug, regardless of who entered it :)11:06
godbykpage 11 -- done11:06
humphreybcand with that11:06
nisshhok who broke the colors when i assign people?11:06
humphreybci'm out!11:06
humphreybcthe rule just stopped working11:07
humphreybci made them again but it doesn't want to work11:08
humphreybcmaybe it'll come back...11:08
humphreybck night!11:09
godbykpage 12 -- done11:16
nisshhok, cya godbyk.11:16
godbykpage 13 -- done11:21
godbykpage 14 -- done11:24
godbykpage 15 -- done11:28
godbykpage 16 -- nothing to report11:28
godbykpage 17 -- done11:32
godbykpage 18 -- done11:35
godbykpage 19 -- done11:37
godbykpage 20 -- nothing to report11:37
godbykpage 21 -- nothing to report11:37
godbykokay.  I think I'll stop there.11:38
godbyk152 bugs so far.  I think humpreybc will get his wish and wake up to over 200 bugs. :)11:39
ubuntujenkinswe are going to need more people to fix them11:41
godbykmost of them are pretty easy fixes, I think.11:41
godbykat least the ones I reported were.11:41
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk yesterday i commented out 3 lines in /prefs-hardware/sound so that the manual would compile again. there is an image missing I don't suppose you happen to know who added it?11:43
godbykI added the few example screenshots. (Unless someone else has added more since then.)11:44
ubuntujenkinsThat might be the case see if you have the file in the /pref-hardwar/images folder11:45
godbykthere's a folder, but it's empty.11:48
godbykthe screenshots should go in ubuntu-manual/screenshots/LANGCODE/11:48
ubuntujenkinssomeone else must have added them then11:48
ubuntujenkinsthere are images folders in each subfolder now11:49
godbykGuess we'll have to look into that.11:53
godbykWell, I'm gonna head to bed.  I'll be back in some number of hours.11:54
godbykI trust you'll hold down the fort in my absence?  :)11:54
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I will do my best but i am in and out all day12:57
wyhhi there, I wonder where to download the source code and compile it myself?13:17
ubuntujenkinswyh have you used bzr before ?13:28
ubuntujenkinswyh I have to go but have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/authors follow that through and you should be fine13:34
wyhubuntujenkins: sorry, I was away for other things. thank you.14:01
wyhubuntujenkins: actually I didn't know much about Launchpad...14:01
wyhI'll look it over.14:03
xfactI need help about Ubuntu manual17:37
xfactI am searching for a different language Bengali (India, Bangladesh) is that available yet, or if not I would love to help Ubuntu manual to translate in that language17:37
xfactAny help I can get?17:38
Takyoji(note: this channel may be a bit dead; as I think a handful are in a different timezone or something)17:38
ubuntujenkinsxfact: I will just find the link17:39
xfactubuntujenkins, Ok, But can yo utell me where to apply (or what to do) for translating Ubuntu manual in my own language?17:40
xfactI want to start the work ASAP, cause we have only one month time and the manual is long....17:40
ubuntujenkinsxfact https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/main/+lang/bn should be your language17:41
xfactubuntujenkins, Thank you very much.... :017:42
ubuntujenkinsno problem17:42
ubuntujenkinsIf anyone has any questions feel free to ask them, if we are not always here we wil answer them when we get back17:44
xfactOne more question, do we have to end this job before 29th?17:44
ubuntujenkins29th of march?17:44
xfact29th April the day of Lucid stable release17:45
xfactI am waiting for the answer...17:46
ubuntujenkinsthat would be ideal, sorry just checking the wiki17:46
xfactok no problem....17:47
ubuntujenkinsyea 29th would be great17:48
ubuntujenkins@all ask any questions, I will answer them when i get back from getting my dinner17:49
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
=== titeuf_87_ is now known as titeuf_87
dutchiewow, planet ubuntu's picked up our testing18:29
ubuntujenkinsthats good18:30
titeuf_87hey ubuntujenkins, do you still have the list of languages with short code?19:15
titeuf_87I can't remember where I saved it anymore19:15
ubuntujenkinshave I have an in comlpete one I will look it up but also look at builds.ubuntu-manual.org19:16
ubuntujenkinstiteuf_87: http://paste.ubuntu.com/399472/19:17
titeuf_87aha, this is helpful, thanks!19:17
titeuf_87and thanks for that second link too19:17
ubuntujenkinsno problem19:17
ubuntujenkinsI am going to do some wiki work next week for quickshot19:17
titeuf_87I'm going to finish the basic functionality of quickshot, will try to get it done asap19:19
ubuntujenkinscool it would be good to get a alpha/beta out before the 1st19:19
titeuf_87yeah that should be certainly possible :)19:19
titeuf_87not a lot missing anymore really19:20
ubuntujenkinsI will do the sample screenshots tomorrow, I am having problems changeing the live cd username I found one post that implied it worked but it doesn't work that way any more19:21
titeuf_87does it have to be changed?19:21
ubuntujenkinswell it would be easyier if it could be ,c an you create a new user whilst in the live cd?19:22
ubuntujenkinsif so we can do a preinstall of quickshot and the languages needed19:22
titeuf_87no idea, but the live cd runs a default setup anyway, so we can just use quickshot as the default user19:23
ubuntujenkinsyes but thats called ubuntu in the top right. I have a few things to add on release, detection if the user is using lucid19:23
ubuntujenkinsI can't remember the other one19:24
titeuf_87How do you plan to distribute the iso? Just as a big file everyone can download?19:25
ubuntujenkinsBig file on the wiki was my thought, I will try and build one regulary so that it is up to date19:26
Red_HamsterXNeed anything from me, titeuf_87? I not, I'll write a basic index page for the server to make exporting a little more intuitive.19:31
Red_HamsterXIf not*19:32
titeuf_87Red_HamsterX, not right now, but if I'll have a question I'll be sure to let you know19:32
Red_HamsterXOkay. I'll be around for a while, working on some other stuff.19:33
Red_HamsterXJust highlight me and I should notice in a few minutes.19:33
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: its a bit slow19:34
dutchieit's basically a website embedded into RB aiui19:36
ubuntujenkinsi know but the other stores are quiker19:36
dutchiehasn't been a problem for me19:37
dutchiehadn't really noticed speed one way or the other19:38
ubuntujenkinsstrange i should probably do an update19:38
Dakerhi @all20:07
dutchiehi Daker20:09
godbyk-androidHey Daker. will you be around for a bit?20:09
godbyk-androidI'm going to shower then be back.20:09
ubuntujenkinshello Daker20:10
godbyk-androidI want to make sure I haven't screwed up  your website code too much. :-)20:11
Dakerhi ubuntujenkins20:11
Dakeroki godbyk-android20:11
Dakerbe back20:11
ubuntujenkinstiteuf_87: how do i set up a flag for quickshot like the "quickshot run -r"20:23
titeuf_87near the bottom of bin/quickshot add something like: parser.add_option("-r", "--remove", action="store_true", dest="remove", help="Remove quickshot user")20:23
titeuf_87then you can access that from anywhere with options.remove (or the name you've chosen)20:24
ubuntujenkinsok thanks i will have a play20:24
ubuntujenkinstiteuf_87 how can you call windows form options i have added http://paste.ubuntu.com/399527/ but i get  an error shown at the bottom.20:50
titeuf_87That's because you're not calling this from the window class. You should move this over to the finish_initializing function20:52
titeuf_87also, is this to show a different message when you're logged in as the quickshot user?20:53
ubuntujenkinsalso trying to under stand more20:53
godbykOkay, I'm back now.20:54
titeuf_87when quickshot is run it detects the username of the user running it, and if it's the quickshot user then the loggedIn function is called20:54
ubuntujenkinsbut that is called on the click of the first next button.20:55
ubuntujenkinshello godbyk20:55
godbykHey, ubuntujenkins. How's it going?20:55
ubuntujenkinsI am good, its been quite in here we have over 217 bugs last time i checked20:56
titeuf_87you could check again at the end of finish_initializing: if os.environ["USER"] == "quickshot": ...set label text...20:56
ubuntujenkinstiteuf_87: I would like the first screen to be a congrats you will soon be ready to take screenshots message20:56
ubuntujenkinsare that sounds good i will have aplay again20:57
titeuf_87no problem, let me know if it doesn't work or you have more problems :)20:57
ubuntujenkinstiteuf_87: it works :-)20:59
godbykubuntujenkins: We're up to 254 bugs now.20:59
ubuntujenkinsouch thats a lot good though21:00
godbykHow's quickshot coming along?  Any major snags?21:00
ubuntujenkinserm not as far as I know21:00
titeuf_87godbyk, it should be able to launch an application now, maximize it, take a screenshot and upload it21:01
godbyktiteuf_87: sweet!21:02
godbykif you guys need me to set up stuff at screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org, let me know.21:02
titeuf_87So far I'm still using Red_HamsterX's test server, may want to ask him about what needs to be done server-side to make it work21:03
Red_HamsterXIt's just a simple symlink right now.21:04
Red_HamsterXI've symlinked the working capy from bzr into a web-acessible location.21:04
Red_HamsterXAnd that's all.21:04
Red_HamsterX'bzr pull' updates everything.21:05
godbykSounds easy enough.21:05
godbykwhich dir is symlinked?21:05
ubuntujenkinsthis apears bland what can i add to it http://imagebin.org/8994321:05
Red_HamsterXserver/screencaps -> ~/public_html/screencaps21:06
Red_HamsterXYou could symlink the contents under a virtual vost without issue.21:06
godbykCan we just skip that screen if it's not doing anything?21:06
Red_HamsterXThe only catch will be adding authentication, since we'd want that outside of bzr for obvious reasons.21:06
Red_HamsterXUnless we use mcrypt or something.21:07
Red_HamsterXOr maybe sha.21:07
godbykRed_HamsterX: like this? http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/21:08
godbykwhat's the auth talk about?21:09
Red_HamsterXJust to prevent someone from flooding the server.21:09
Red_HamsterXOr from uploading questionable content.21:10
godbykAh, I see.21:10
Red_HamsterXA simple key (or set of keys) we could give out to anyone helping.21:10
Red_HamsterXWhat OS are you running?21:10
godbykDo you mean a key that quickshot and the server share?21:11
Red_HamsterXEverything seems to be working fine, except for the bzr query.21:11
godbykIt's running Linux (Debian, I think).21:11
Red_HamsterXYeah. A simple key like that.21:11
godbykas long as the user doesn't have to deal with the key -- i.e., it's in the config file or something.21:11
Red_HamsterXKey goes into a file in config/ and the user puts it in Quickshot somehow.21:12
Red_HamsterXOr that.21:12
Red_HamsterXI dunno how it'll work.21:12
Red_HamsterXIt's not necessary right now anyway.21:12
godbykwe can deal with that later.21:12
Red_HamsterXIs it a VPS or a more restrictive environment?21:13
Red_HamsterXIf it's a vps, just install bzr with apt and everything should be good.21:13
Red_HamsterXI'll work on writing a more intuitive export proces this evening.21:13
godbykRed_HamsterX: the screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org site should auto-update every 30 minutes.21:13
godbykthough the way it's set now, it'll wipe anything uploaded to that dir21:14
godbykif screenshots get uploaded under a subdir there, then I'll have to recode the cronjob a bit.21:14
godbykIt's a shared server.21:14
godbykI have bzr installed.21:14
Red_HamsterXAh... Yeah, they go into data/.21:14
titeuf_87the screenshots end up in the data directory21:14
godbykI don't get to use apt (no root access).21:14
godbyklet me see if I can fix something then.21:15
Red_HamsterXIf bzr's installed, then it's not working right...21:15
godbykit's not in the path, I don't think.21:15
godbykwhere is it calling bzr?21:15
godbykah, it is in the path..21:16
Red_HamsterX/usr/bin/env bzr, called in get_status.php21:16
godbykbut the php file may not inherit the environment variables I set in .bashrc or _profile or whatever.21:16
Red_HamsterXCan you see if the webserver's user can see bzr from env?21:16
Red_HamsterXIf not, I can just hardcode the path.21:17
Red_HamsterXIt's in /usr/bin under Ubuntu.21:17
Red_HamsterXProbably the same under Debian.21:17
godbykCan you tell me what error msg you're getting?21:17
Red_HamsterX(Though I haven't had cause to install it on my Debian systems)21:17
Red_HamsterXNo, I cannot.21:17
godbykIt's installed in my ~/local/bin dir.21:18
Red_HamsterXTo simplify parsing, I just have the PHP script drop the bzr-query from its output if the command fails for any reason.21:18
Red_HamsterXYour error log should tell you, though.21:18
Red_HamsterXI could do an exists() check on the system location, then use ~/local/bin before aborting...21:19
humphreybc256 BUG REPORTS.!?!?!?21:19
Red_HamsterXIs that bad?21:19
ubuntujenkinsI KNOW ITS LOADS21:19
ubuntujenkinsI can help if you like21:20
godbykRed_HamsterX: call the file again.21:20
godbykI'm tailing the http error log21:20
Red_HamsterXI'm going to implement the workaround, though.21:21
godbyknothing in the http error log21:22
godbykthe only error I see in the http error log (aside from the missing favicon) is: "client denied by server configuration: /home/godbyk/screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/config/"21:24
Red_HamsterXSo the bzr binary is in /home/godbyk/local/bin/?21:26
Red_HamsterXconfig/ is protected by .htaccess.21:26
Red_HamsterXThat's probably what caused the error.21:26
godbykRed_HamsterX: yes.21:27
godbyk$ which bzr21:27
Red_HamsterXI just tried loading it twice to make sure.21:28
Red_HamsterXPushing a workaround...21:29
godbykRed_HamsterX: pulled21:30
Red_HamsterXStill doesn't seem to be working...21:34
Red_HamsterXdoes it auto-pull?21:34
Red_HamsterXCan you put the following in get_status.php, on line 25, just before the exec() call?21:35
Red_HamsterXecho $bzr_path.' ls -qR '.$_BZR_SCREENCAP_BASE.escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['language']);21:35
Red_HamsterXI want to see exactly what it's trying to call.21:35
godbykRed_HamsterX: It's set to auto-pull every 30 minutes at the top and bottom of the hour21:36
godbykRed_HamsterX: done21:37
Red_HamsterXOkay. I can work with that timeframe pretty easily.21:37
godbykI can disable the auto-pull for now, too.21:37
godbykIn fact, I'll do that.21:37
godbyksince it was killing me the other day when I was fiddling with the website. :)21:38
godbykokay, disabled auto-pull for now21:38
Red_HamsterX/home/godbyk/local/bin/bzr ls -qR lp:~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual-screenshots/'fr'21:42
Red_HamsterXThat's what it says it's running...21:42
Red_HamsterXIf you put that into a shell, does it work?21:42
Red_HamsterXYou should see, after a few seconds, a list of chapter directories.21:42
Red_HamsterXI'm expecting some sort of error to be reported almost immediately, though.21:43
godbykRed_HamsterX: $ /home/godbyk/local/bin/bzr ls -qR lp:~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual-screenshots/'en'21:43
godbykbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual-screenshots/".21:43
Red_HamsterXWe don't have an 'en' branch.21:44
Red_HamsterX(Which is why I chose fr)21:45
godbykRed_HamsterX: $ /home/godbyk/local/bin/bzr ls -qR lp:~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual-screenshots/'fr'21:46
Red_HamsterXSo it's working fine...21:46
Red_HamsterXThat's what it should generate.21:46
Red_HamsterXThe --END FINAL signifies that bzr found data.21:46
Red_HamsterX(It's one entry per line. I just didn't bother setting it to text/plain)21:47
godbykI'm trying to see if php will tell us the output to STDERR21:48
Red_HamsterXThe single quotes are just a bash-escape, to prevent arbitrary execution of additional commands or stuff like that.21:48
Red_HamsterXWell, we could change the comamnd to redirect STDERR to STDOUT and then echo $output...21:49
godbyklemme do that21:49
Red_HamsterXIt should work in PHP.21:49
Red_HamsterXSince I think the entire command is processed by the shell before pipes are set up.21:50
humphreybcwiatt whtf21:51
humphreybcwhy am I now on rev 530 of the manual?21:51
humphreybchave we gone backwards?21:51
godbyk    [0] => bzr: ERROR: Couldn't import bzrlib and dependencies.21:52
godbyk    [1] => Please check the directory containing bzrlib is on your PYTHONPATH.21:52
godbyk    [2] =>21:52
godbyk    [3] => Traceback (most recent call last):21:52
godbyk    [4] =>   File "/home/godbyk/local/bin/bzr", line 107, in ?21:52
godbyk    [5] =>     import bzrlib21:52
godbyk    [6] => ImportError: No module named bzrlib21:52
Red_HamsterXYes, that could definitely do it.21:52
humphreybcwhat's happened to the branch??21:52
godbykhumphreybc: ?21:52
humphreybclatest revision is 53021:52
humphreybclast night it was 55421:52
Red_HamsterXMaybe someone merged the newer changed with one of their commits.21:53
humphreybccheck the spreadsheet, everyone is checking bugs on 554/55521:53
Red_HamsterXReducing them all to one node.21:53
ubuntujenkinsI am looking it doesn't build which i can fix i think it has been merged21:53
godbykThat is odd.21:53
godbykbzr frightens and confuses me!21:53
humphreybcwe've lost 50 commits?21:53
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: you know i was telling you about the line calling screenshots it has been uncommented again21:53
humphreybcit was dutchie who broke it!21:54
ubuntujenkinsis sayantandas here?21:54
humphreybcthere are no commits on record between the 18th and the 21st March21:54
Red_HamsterXbzr fightens and confuses me, too.21:54
humphreybcdoes that mean we lost three days worth of commits?21:54
Red_HamsterXDVCS in general does that.21:54
Red_HamsterXIt means the merge superseded everything.21:54
Red_HamsterXIt may include all of those changes.21:55
humphreybcso now all the testers are testing something that's older than our branch, but 24 revisions ahead?!21:55
Red_HamsterXI merged over someone's changes in Quickshot a few days ago, but I think I was able to patch everything back in.21:55
godbykubuntujenkins: great.21:55
ubuntujenkinsI am fixing with a note not to uncomment21:55
godbykhumphreybc: do you want to skim through the bzr logs and see what's been changed and if we're still okay or if things are borked?21:55
ubuntujenkinsthat was mine Red_HamsterX ;-) you did it fine21:56
dutchiewhat did I break?21:56
Red_HamsterXDoes anyone have a 555 working copy?21:56
humphreybcdutchie, the branch had gone back about 20 revisions21:56
dutchiesince when?21:56
humphreybcyesterday it was up to about 560 odd21:56
Red_HamsterXIf so, you can probably diff it and apply a patch.21:56
humphreybcwe released rev 554 to the testers21:56
Red_HamsterXSorry, ubuntujenkins. D:21:56
humphreybcand that's what everyone is testing on21:56
godbykI've got a copy of this: $ bzr revision-info21:56
godbyk555 humphreybc@gmail.com-20100322032628-x7u14y55m6ap1uib21:56
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: no problem it still works21:57
humphreybcbut now we're back to 530 somehow21:57
dakerhumphreybc, hi :)21:57
* dutchie hasn't done anything bzr related for a while21:57
dutchie$ bzr revno21:57
humphreybcif you check the dates, it looks like there has been a gap for 2 days, nothing committed on the 19th or 20th21:57
humphreybcdutchie: you have 535?21:57
humphreybcokay i'm confused21:58
humphreybcdoes this mean we lost two days of work somehow?21:58
godbykwe were at 565 and then Sayantan pushed 528-530.21:58
ubuntujenkinsI had a felling Ayantan caused it21:58
godbykhumphreybc: are you subscribed to the bzr log emails?21:58
humphreybcgodbyk, yea21:58
dutchiehang on, I've got a subscription to the RSS feed21:59
godbyklooks like 529 was the big merge.21:59
humphreybcyeah so we got up to 56521:59
humphreybcwhere jamin pushed all his changes21:59
dutchieit lists 561-565, then goes back to 50621:59
humphreybcfixed a tonne of bugs from the spreadsheet21:59
dutchieask the folks in #bzr what's going on?21:59
Red_HamsterXhumphreybc, it's possible that the bugs are still fixed. The number-change may not reflect a progress-change.22:00
Red_HamsterXDon't panic just yet.22:00
humphreybccan someone please check22:00
humphreybctake a look at the spreadsheet22:00
humphreybcfind a bug that's marked fixed by jamin22:00
humphreybcsee if it's actually fixed22:00
ubuntujenkinsbzr push has been done the manual will compile again22:00
* ubuntujenkins looks22:00
dutchieuh oh, looks like the errors are still there22:01
Red_HamsterXLooks like my cron pulled a post-merge update...22:02
Red_HamsterX...so I can't provide a diff. :(22:02
humphreybccan we revert to jamin's last push. 565?22:03
humphreybcrun bzr log -n022:04
ubuntujenkinsrow 62 is fixed22:04
Red_HamsterX529 mentions some commits by jaminday...22:05
humphreybcrun bzr log -n022:05
humphreybchave a look at rev 52522:05
humphreybcthere are a shitload of *sub* revisions22:06
* godbyk is scared to touch anything now. :)22:06
Red_HamsterXFor 525? No, there aren't.22:06
dutchiewow, this is a *big* pull22:06
Red_HamsterXFor 529, yes...22:06
humphreybcbut if you look at22:06
humphreybcrevno: 525.4.2522:06
humphreybcjamin's last push22:06
humphreybcwas rev 56522:06
Red_HamsterXOh, actually, there are a lot of 525-subs in 527.22:07
Red_HamsterXMany by jaminday.22:07
* dutchie prefers git ;)22:07
Red_HamsterXSo maybe a lot of the fixes were preserved.22:07
* Red_HamsterX prefers Subversion.22:07
Red_HamsterXbranch and tag. =P22:07
ubuntujenkinscjohnston: what revison is you version of the manual on?22:08
* godbyk at least groks svn. DVCSs seem a lot more complicated.22:08
dutchiebzr confuses me22:08
dutchiegit took a while to get my head around properly, but it seems founded on a much sounder model than bzr22:09
Red_HamsterXI suppose all we can do is ask jaminday to quickly check the status of 530...22:09
* dutchie is now on rev 53122:09
Red_HamsterXgit makes sense.22:09
ubuntujenkinscjohnston what bzr revison are you on?22:09
humphreybclook at the files removed/modified22:09
ubuntujenkinsdon't update it yet22:09
* cjohnston isnt doing anything with manual yety22:10
Red_HamsterXWhat version have you pulled?22:10
ubuntujenkinscjohnston: no problem we just could do with an older version if someone has one22:10
cjohnstonyou can get it all from LP22:10
cjohnstonI have to head off to my ubuntu hour... ill be back online when I get there22:11
dutchiecjohnston: we've had a bit of a scare, with a load of revisions apparently disappearing22:11
Red_HamsterXcjohnston, there was a branch merge and we're trying to make sure everything is accounted for.22:11
Red_HamsterXIf you have a pull from the past couple of days, please on't update it yet.22:11
humphreybci think we might be okay22:12
humphreybcsomeone check if megan fox is still in the prologue?22:12
* dutchie wonders if there is a way to make it not have to compile the manual 15000 times every time22:12
Red_HamsterXI think so, too, based on the sub-commits.22:12
Red_HamsterXComppiling postscript is fun, though~22:12
dutchiehumphreybc: she is in my 535 version22:12
humphreybcmegan isn't in my 530 one22:13
humphreybcso your 535 one is older than my 530 one22:13
ubuntujenkinsnot in mine either22:13
humphreybcwhich means that the testers have an older version, but a newer revision number.22:13
humphreybcso i think our changes are fine22:13
godbykdutchie: probably, but we have run it at least 3-4 times with makeglossaries and makeindex interspersed to get everything to come out right.22:13
humphreybcjust the rev count was fucked when there was a big merge22:13
humphreybcum okay22:13
ubuntujenkinswhy was she ever there?22:13
humphreybcfor times like this :P22:13
dutchiegodbyk: another thing for your todo list ;)22:14
dutchieare we sorted then?22:14
humphreybcso when we update the testers PDF, they'll all be like WTF cos the rev number has gone down22:14
dutchie(and it wasn't my fault :P)22:14
humphreybcbut we'll have to somehow tell them that they now have a newer version...22:14
Red_HamsterXI think we should wait for this to die down before worrying about PYTHONPATH, godbyk. =P22:14
godbykRed_HamsterX: apparently. :)22:14
godbykI'll eat lunch in the meantime.22:15
humphreybceither that, or we could push 40 times in the next few hours before we update the translations stuff22:15
* dutchie returns to maths22:15
godbyk(good excuse to take a break)22:15
* Red_HamsterX returns to Python issue-tracker stuff.22:15
humphreybcand whoever Sayantan is needs to be banned from bzr22:15
Red_HamsterXThat seems a bit harsh. :(22:16
Red_HamsterXI still fail at bzr.22:16
ubuntujenkinshe needs a talking to22:16
ubuntujenkinsall you ahev to do is a pull before a commit22:16
Red_HamsterXPull beore you commit?22:16
Red_HamsterXIt's a hard habit to break when coming from centralised VCS, though.22:17
Red_HamsterXPull before developing anything new...22:17
ubuntujenkinsI messed up bzr on my first use, I e-mailed the person whos commit I wrote over in a right panik22:17
Red_HamsterXI think I have four such offenses in Quickshot.22:17
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: if you only commit when you upload and always do a pull before you will be fine22:18
Red_HamsterXYeah, that's what I'm doing now.22:18
Red_HamsterXBut I'm so used to svn complaining during the commit process that I've learned to use it as a crutch for speed's sake.22:19
ubuntujenkinsis my name showing in the spread sheet any one? if not how do i make it show?22:19
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: fair enough22:19
Red_HamsterXUpdate before writing code, write code, commit, walk away.22:19
dutchiehope nobody else does the same while code is being written...22:20
Red_HamsterXWell, yes, but if they do, it'll get caught during the commit.22:20
Red_HamsterXInstead of branches diverging.22:20
dutchie"Merging that Just Works truly can change how developers work together."22:21
* humphreybc wonders if we need to make our team/branch restricted22:21
dutchiefrom the bzr docs page22:21
dutchieright, maths time22:21
dutchiestop distracting me22:22
dakerhumphreybc, +122:22
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: do you know if jamin wants any help fixing bugs?22:22
humphreybchey so daker, you all good with the website? did josh pass the message on?22:22
dakerjosh =? dutchie22:23
humphreybcubuntujenkins: not sure, you could probably go through and help him fix small ones like spelling mistakes/missing commas and what not22:23
humphreybcjosh = dutchie22:23
humphreybcubuntujenkins: perhaps it would be better if you assign all the new bugs to people22:23
humphreybcfrom 111 onwards they're not assigned22:23
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: I don't mind what i do but  can't write to the spreedsheet22:23
humphreybcoh can you not?22:24
ubuntujenkinslast time i checked you needed a @ubuntu-manual.org e-mail22:24
humphreybcgodbyk, can you set up Luke with an @ubuntu-manual.org email please22:24
godbykhumphreybc: Give me his full name and email address.22:25
humphreybcubuntujenkins: ^^22:25
ubuntujenkinsLuke Jennings ubuntujenkins@googlemail.com22:25
* daker wants a @ubuntu-manual.org e-mail to :)22:26
humphreybcgodbyk, while you're at it, give daker one as well :)22:27
godbykgimme his details22:27
humphreybcdaker ^^22:27
dakerAdnane Belmadiaf adnane002@gmail.com22:27
humphreybchey daker did you see the new contributions mockup I did?22:28
humphreybc(presuming it wasn't overwritten22:28
dakernot yet :s22:28
humphreybcyay it's still there22:28
humphreybcin the branch, website/source/contributors.png22:29
humphreybcoh and daker, all the text is now finalized, I've changed some of it22:29
humphreybcI just changed it in the mockups22:29
dakeroki humphreybc22:29
godbykboth accounts are created now22:29
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: if the bug is just grammer does it matter who i assign the bugs to just do it evenly?22:29
ubuntujenkinsthanks godbyk22:30
humphreybcalso, i was just thinking, when you see the contributors page you'll see the top section with the key people like me, Kevin, Jamin etc. Could you make each name a hyperlink with their email address, so like Jamin's name would be a hyperlink "mailto:jamin@ubuntu-manual.org"22:30
dakerthanks godbyk :)22:30
godbykassign all the bugs for one chapter to one person.  that way it reduces the potential conflicts we'll have.22:30
ubuntujenkinsmakes sense22:30
humphreybcyeah, so basically jamin is doing prologue - 322:30
humphreybci'm doing 4,5 and 622:31
humphreybcBryan is doing 7, 8 and 922:31
humphreybcI think that's how it is22:31
ubuntujenkinscool on it now22:32
humphreybcthere is meant to be a rule that automatically colour codes the boxes22:33
humphreybcbut it's not happening for some reason22:33
humphreybcno idea why22:33
humphreybcso you'll just have to do it manually22:34
godbykis bzr sorted now?22:34
humphreybci think so22:34
humphreybcgodbyk, did you set up the auto update thing?22:34
godbykhumphreybc: not yet.22:34
godbykhave any edits been committed yet?22:35
ubuntujenkinscan someone link me the docs login page please22:35
godbykubuntujenkins: docs.ubuntu-manual.org22:37
ubuntujenkinsits not showing in the list22:37
godbykwhy isn't it showing in the list?22:39
godbykit's set to allow all ubuntu-manual.org users to edit it22:39
humphreybcno idea22:39
ubuntujenkinsit does now must be a accout set up thing22:39
humphreybcthere should be no excuse for not pulling before pushing now, i've emailed the list, facebook, twitter and contacted that user directly22:40
dakerhumphreybc, the website works very well in Chrome, Opera, FF, IE6,7 and 8, Safari22:41
humphreybcdaker, yeah i saw that, awesome work22:41
humphreybcit's looking great :)22:41
godbykshouldn't it be 'pull before commit'?22:49
humphreybcdid i cock it up?22:53
humphreybcoh right22:54
humphreybcyeah it should be22:54
humphreybcbut whatever22:54
* humphreybc has too much stuff on to worry about details 22:54
godbykpff.. it's *all* about the details. :)22:55
humphreybci know i know22:55
godbykRed_HamsterX: I've added "PYTHONPATH=my_pythonpath" to the beginning of the exec line.  we should add that as a var to the config file along with the bzr path location.23:01
ubuntujenkinsare well night all o/23:06
humphreybchey godbyk, can you give us some fun statistics on how many people have downloaded ubuntu-manual-draft.pdf?23:08
humphreybcand how many hits we've had at ubuntu-manual.org ?23:08
godbykone sec.23:08
godbykwon't have any real stats until tomorrow after the stats programs run.23:10
humphreybcah okay23:10
humphreybcthat's all good then23:10
godbykany numbers I gave you now would be useless.23:10
humphreybclooking forward to seeing some numbers23:10
humphreybci'm going to stick my neck out here and say that UMP brings a whole new level of epicness to Ubuntu projects23:11
humphreybceverything we seem to do is highly ambitious and completed in an incredibly short time frame23:11
humphreybclike fixing potentially thousands of bugs in 7 days23:11
dutchiewow, that maths paper was fun23:11
dutchienow for more maths23:12
* daker will release a beta version of the website the 31 march23:13
humphreybcdaker = awesome23:13
humphreybcgodbyk, daker, can we still keep using test.ubuntu-manual.org while we have the other website running like it is at the moment?23:13
godbykhumphreybc: they're pulling from the same place right now.23:14
godbykso unless someone reorganizes stuff, no23:14
humphreybcso we'd have our final website, which is being tested at test.ubuntu-manual and then we have our temporary countdown/bug reporting website for this bug reporting stuff23:14
godbyk(and if you do go about reorganizing things you have to talk to me first, or you'll break the live site)23:14
humphreybceither that or daker integrates the bug reporting form into his final website23:14
dakeri can23:14
godbykthe live site is the final site.23:14
humphreybcperhaps daker copies everything in daker to daker-test and works on his site from there23:15
godbykI just hid the nav options for pages that aren't complete yet.23:15
humphreybcokay cool23:15
humphreybcAll i'm trying to avoid is testers seeing our website change all the time as daker changes stuff23:15
godbykyou can still access the pages directly.23:15
humphreybcokay that's cool23:15
godbyklikt http://screenshots.ubuntu-manual.org/get_status.php?language=fr23:15
dakeri'll copie daker to daker-test ?23:15
godbykif you know where to look23:16
humphreybcso daker can work on the home page with the fancy javascript transition thing and no one will see it23:16
godbykstop confusing me! :)23:16
humphreybcall i want to do is make sure that a) the current site that people are using for reporting forms stays that way and is stable, and b) daker gets a place to test his website, where no one else can see23:16
humphreybcso in theory we want ubuntu-manual.org to stay how it is, but test.ubuntu-manual.org to be pointing at a different folder in the branch, ie, daker-test, where he can test out the new home page/contributors pages and stuff with the links intact23:17
humphreybcdoes that make sense?23:17
dakergodbyk, one minute23:17
* humphreybc thinks that our manual might be more popular and highly anticipated than lucid itself23:18
humphreybc"Enrique Raimundo I just can't wait!!! 60% Ubuntu manual progress!!!"23:18
dutchiethat'd be pushing it I think humphreybc23:18
dutchiethe music store is ludicrously cool23:19
dutchieas is the deep integration of mail/microblogging/chat23:19
humphreybcwould be kinda funny if ubuntu-manual.org got more hits on the 29th than ubuntu.com23:19
humphreybcnot going to happen but23:19
humphreybcdreams are free23:19
* daker is doing a hundreds things at the same time23:21
godbykif you want test.ubuntu-manual.org to differ from ubuntu-manual.org, then they should be pointing to two separate directories, yes.23:21
humphreybcokay, so let's copy what's in daker to daker-test23:21
humphreybcleave daker as it is23:21
dakerhumphreybc, +123:21
humphreybcpoint test.ubuntu-manual.org at daker-test23:21
humphreybcdaker can work on his beta release of the final website in daker-test, with the nav buttons restored, no countdown timer and what not23:22
humphreybcdaker, because we're going to be using the bug form after this week anyway, you could build support for it into your final website23:22
humphreybcand daker, if you could fix the integration of the form confirmation dialog, that would be cool23:23
humphreybc(fill out the bug form and hit submit, you'll see what I mean)23:23
dakerone sec23:23
godbykwhat integration?23:24
humphreybcthe confirmation box where it says "Thanks for reporting the bug, we'll fix it as soon as we can."23:25
godbykwhat about it?23:25
humphreybcyou can see how it's just sort of floating in the content area of the website23:25
humphreybc(maybe it's just in chrome)23:25
godbykthe whole form is in an <iframe>23:26
* humphreybc takes screenshot23:26
godbykso the height has to be set explicitly23:26
godbykif that's what you're complaining about.23:26
dakergodbyk, !!23:27
dakeropen includes/router.php23:28
godbykdaker: what about router.php?23:28
humphreybcgodbyk, not exactly the end of the world, but something that could be fixed for the final website23:28
dakerand comment23:28
dakercase 'contributors':23:28
daker72 23:28
daker$file = 'pages/contributors.php';23:28
daker73 23:28
daker74 23:28
humphreybcright i have to head off23:29
Red_HamsterXgodbyk, I agree about adding that as a config parameter. I'll refator some constants into an appropriate file in the next revision.23:30
godbykRed_HamsterX: 'kay.23:30
humphreybcttyl guys, keep triaging and fixing those bugs!23:30
humphreybci'll knock off as many of mine as I can tonight23:30
daker<godbyk> http://ubuntu-manual.org/?contributors23:32
daker<godbyk> if you know where to look23:32
dakeropen includes/router.php23:32
dakerand the case 'contributors':23:32
dakerthis $file = 'pages/contributors.php';23:33
godbykright.  I don't mind that you can access ?contributors by entering in the url explicitly.23:33
dakerthis $class[4]='class="selected"';23:33
godbykI was letting humpreybc know that he could if he wanted to.23:33
godbykalso it might be easier to read parts of the code if the $class array used keys instead of indexes.23:34
godbykso $class['contributors'] = "class=\"selected\"";23:34
godbykthen use $class['contributors'] in the structure.php file23:34
godbyk(instead of the numbers which you have to look up all the time)23:34
dakergodbyk, the url rewriting is enabled on the server ?23:35
godbykdaker: mod_rewrite is supposed. I don't know if it's enabled by default.23:36
godbykwhere do you want to use it?23:36
godbykyou can create a .htaccess file to set up the rules you want.23:36
dakeris already created23:37
dakerex: http://ubuntu-manual.org/contributors23:37
dakermor usefull for SEO23:37
dakerand so23:37
Red_HamsterXgodbyk, config/local_variables.php can now be used to set the bzr-binary stuff and PYTHONPATH. Please revert changes to get_status.php, pull, and update config/local_variables.php accordingly. (When you have time)23:38
godbykRed_HamsterX: 'kay. one sec.23:39
* dutchie -> bed23:41
dutchienight all23:41
godbykRed_HamsterX: okay, I've set that var.23:41
godbykthough if I don't commit the setting, we'll lose it during an auto-update.23:41
godbykg'night, dutchie23:41
Red_HamsterXWhy not just auto-pull instead of wiping it each time?23:56
godbykRed_HamsterX: right now I do bzr pull --overwrite -q23:57
godbykI could drop the --verwrite23:57
godbyk--overwrite, rather23:57
Red_HamsterXThat would probably be best. I'm sure I can remember any local changes you've had to make.23:58

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