
* MTecknology doubts anyone will answer his RFS in debian :(01:55
nigelbMTecknology: there a few DDs around here01:55
nigelbso if you ask in a more lively time here, you might get a sponsor ;)01:56
MTecknologynigelb: I'll try that - i usually quiet myself when things are busy because i figure my issue isn't a very big deal in comparison :P01:56
MTecknologyIf I want my package to build two pacakges; how do I do that?02:22
micahgMTecknology: .install files02:23
nigelbpackagea.install and packageb.install02:23
nigelband have packagea and packageb inside control file02:23
MTecknologyhow will the rules file change for that?02:24
MTecknologyor is that decided by the .install files?02:24
nigelbsomewhere in debian developers guide there should be more details02:25
MTecknologyalrighty, I'll run off to search02:25
MTecknologylal.install -> lal usr/bin means the package lal will install the binary lal after it's built02:27
MTecknologythat makes sense02:27
MTecknologyif i got it right :P02:27
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duanedesigntrying to update glunarclock i am getting this when I try and build the package with the new source from Debian using the /debian from the current Ubuntu version. http://paste.ubuntu.com/399088/03:12
persiawhy are you using new source from Debian with /debiian from Ubuntu?03:14
persiaSurely a full merge would be more useful.03:14
persiaThat said, that error indicates a bug either in the upstream build system or in the flags passed in debian/rules.  You can debug or ignore, as long as you're not massively changing the dependencies from the in-archive version.03:15
duanedesignpersia: i think i was doing that because a build dependency was fixed in UBuntu03:18
persiaduanedesign: It's always better to try a proper merge.  Debian orig.tar.gz + Ubuntu diff.gz has little value.03:21
duanedesignpersia: ok so i will get the Debian source and then fix the missing build dependency on libgnomeui-dev03:22
persiaduanedesign: Right.  Get the debian source.  Review the current Ubuntu patch.  Apply anything from the Ubuntu patch that is still relevant.  If any of that is relevant in Debian, make sure that bugs have been filed in Debian.03:23
duanedesignpersia: ahh, ok. thank you. that makes sense03:24
persiaduanedesign: No problem.  Thanks for helping to integrate more bugfixes from Debian.03:24
duanedesignpersia: ii am enjoying it. this is my second one from the Debian RC list.03:25
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jdetaeyeHave a question on the MOTU process to bring new packages to ubuntu.07:44
jdetaeyeI filed a package review request last august.   Nothing happened with it since them.07:44
jdetaeyeA new upstream release is now released, and I uploaded an updated package. As a result my package is again at the bottom of the review queue.07:44
jdetaeyeThis doesn't move forward...07:44
jdetaeyeIs this normal? Is there anything I can/should do to make the review progress?07:44
RAOFjdetaeye: Sadly there's much more work available than MOTU to do it.  REVU tends to get a bit neglected because of that.07:46
RAOFThe *best* way to make the review progress is to try to get the package into Debian; then you get it into Ubuntu for free.07:46
jdetaeyeRAOF: Doesn't going through debian and then ubuntu add yet another step to the process?   It's not really "for free", is it?07:48
happyaronhhi, does CC BY-NC-SA meet DFSG?07:48
christoph_debianhappyaron: seriously?07:49
happyaronchristoph_debian: I am packaging a input method, and one of the table file is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA07:50
christoph_debianhappyaron: free means free for all uses07:50
jdetaeyeRAOF: I also submitted a similar review request with the fedora team, also around last august.   The review has long finished, and the new upstream release is already published on fedora as well.    I am surprised that it takes sooo much longer at Ubuntu07:50
christoph_debianhappyaron: NC means not for comercial use07:50
RAOFjdetaeye: You don't have to go through Ubuntu if you go through Debian; it gets pulled in for free.07:51
happyaronchristoph_debian: so I need to put them to non-free or remove it to make the package suitable to DFSG?07:51
persiahappyaron: Either way works.07:51
happyaronpersia: thanks07:52
jdetaeyeRAOF:   I'll try the debian route then.    IMHO, you should close/review the revu process itself: it's simply not working...07:52
christoph_debianhappyaron: or convince the author to relicense ;)07:52
RAOFjdetaeye: That's been considered.  Some of the problem is that MOTU is in a bit of flux at the moment, with the archive reorganisation.07:53
aboganiAnyone could review my merge proposal https://code.launchpad.net/~abogani/ubuntu/lucid/avrdude/avrdude.fix-529444/+merge/21640 ? Thanks!07:53
christoph_debianjdetaeye: I guess a pre-release freeze isn't the best time to get stuff added07:53
RAOFjdetaeye: Also, we've always preferred people to go through Debian.07:53
happyaronchristoph_debian: I didn't get the author's response, so looks I have to remove that file07:54
jdetaeyeRAOF: To go the debian route, do I close my revu request and/or launchpad bug?    Or leave them open?07:54
persiajdetaeye: You may as well leave them open.07:54
persiajdetaeye: The LP bug should be closed when the package enters Ubuntu.  You can add another task for the Debian ITP.07:55
jdetaeyeok, thanks all for your input.    I know what to do now...07:55
persiajdetaeye: Depending on who you work with in Debian, you may be able to have them look at the package in REVU, but they may ask you to use mentors.debian.net07:55
persiaSome packages do get through REVU, but there's just never enough reviewers.07:55
happyaronpersia: hi, I see when removing a file I need to change the tarball to something-versiondsfg, how should I do that? simply recompress a new tarball?08:22
Rhondahappyaron: Yes.08:22
happyaronRhonda: thanks08:23
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Rhonda… and it's not as if persia would be the only one to answer that so I don't see much sense in hilighting him particular for such questions. :)08:23
happyaronoh, I know now08:23
persiahappyaron: Especially when you can figure out the answer before I notice the highlight :p08:24
Rhondahappyaron: Don't forget to document which files you left out debian/README.source08:24
RhondaAnd people consider it nice to provide a get-orig-source target in debian/rules to produce the stripped tarball in such cases.08:25
happyaronRhonda: oh, what to do in get-orig-source target? is there any example that I can look in?08:26
persiaThere's a few in the packaging guide (and stop highlighting people for general questions)08:26
RhondaI don't have such a package myself so I'm uncertain what to suggest. I think christoph_debian might know some?08:27
Rhondapersia: Well, that was a direct response so in this case I consider it acceptable. :)08:27
RhondaOh, btw.: "On saturday, 20th of March, at five to midnight, we have released our most straining and time consuming project ever. Its codename is Simon André and we are pleased that it was (more or less) a smooth release process with just a minor delay of three days - but the best don't release on time but when it's ready."08:28
\shRhonda, who?08:29
persiaRhonda: Congratulations!08:30
\shRhonda, oh...congrats :) happy sleepless nights :)08:31
Rhonda\sh: We as in me and my SO ;)08:31
\shRhonda, yeah got it :) as said: happy sleepless nights :) I can sing a song about that :)08:33
christoph_debianhappyaron: hm where is a good one?08:34
christoph_debianhappyaron: mybe the irrlicht is nice one minute08:34
christoph_debianhappyaron: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-games/irrlicht.git;a=blob;f=debian/rules;h=2a0fc94526d5c4c5419fab481773ad9e37870bf2;hb=HEAD08:35
christoph_debiancould of course be improved08:35
persia $dir(_) !!08:36
persiachristoph_debian: Also, why all in a subshell?08:37
christoph_debianpersia: to have all that running in ../foo08:38
happyaronchristoph_debian: thanks, I will look it08:38
persiaHrm.  I thought there was a make construct for that, but it slips my mind now.  Anyway, running in .. seems odd given the "must run in any directory" requirement, although it's *incredibly* common, as everyone always wants it in ..08:40
happyaronwell, I am trying to use the rules.tiny, how can I add such stuff to it?08:40
persiahappyaron: Just add get-orig-source at the bottom.08:40
christoph_debianpersia: if you know a better one I'm happy to improve ;)08:41
persiahappyaron: If you7re feeling especially cool, add a dh_uscan and have dh(1) call it from dh get-orig-source *unless* there is an override.08:41
persiachristoph_debian: As soon as I catch up on my backlog, I'd be happy to fix any number of get-orig-source rules, but I know it will take me a couple hours to fix that one now, and I ought be catching up.08:42
happyaronlooks to be a good idea when I wanna to be cool, :)08:42
christoph_debianpersia: ya a good example will do as well :)08:43
christoph_debiangoing to university now anyway see you all in the evening ;)08:43
persiadirecthex: Didn't you have a nice get-orig-source that repacked in some package?08:43
RAOFpersia: Yes.  I stole it from one of *your* packages. :)08:44
directhexpersia, what degree of repackingness? we use it in a few places08:44
* persia clearly needs more memory08:44
persiadirecthex: Something like http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-games/irrlicht.git;a=blob;f=debian/rules;h=2a0fc94526d5c4c5419fab481773ad9e37870bf2;hb=HEAD08:45
directhexpersia, mysql-connector-net.08:47
persiachristoph_debian: When you get back: there's your example08:47
Laneythere's some magic to make the tarballs be md5sum consistent too08:48
Laneyyes, there08:49
* Laney runs08:50
hyperairLaney: ?08:51
hyperairmd5sum consistent?08:51
hyperairi've generally used --rsyncable to get md5sum consistent tarballs08:52
Laneydoes that work?08:53
Laneywe pass an mtime to tar and then gzip -9fn08:53
hyperairit works.08:57
Laneyi don't see that guarantee in the man page08:58
hyperairLaney: it has to be the same tarball.09:00
Laneywell it's not09:00
Laneywe're talking about get-orig-source rules here09:01
hyperairthen it won't work09:01
hyperairback in the days of debsrc 1.0, get-orig-source has to convert tar.gz into tar.bz209:01
hyperairer sorry09:01
hyperair.tar.bz2 to .gz09:01
hyperairmy way was to bunzip2 and gzip --rsyncable09:01
hyperairas long as the input is the same, gzip --rsyncable should yield an identical stream09:02
hyperairthe purpose of --rsyncable was not to change blocks unnecessarily09:02
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skwashdhi all10:04
skwashdi'm a bit of a n00b when it comes to the ffe process10:04
skwashdbased on what i now know ...  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glusterfs/+bug/518029 doesn't look to me like it is ready to go for lucid10:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 518029 in glusterfs "glusterfs 2.0.x max's out CPU" [Medium,Fix committed]10:05
persiaskwashd: Basically, file a bug describing all the ways in which the upload would break FeatureFreeze, and all the benefits of the upload, and as much detail as possible, and subscribe the release team.10:05
skwashdpersia: i did all that ... but didn't sub the release team10:06
skwashdand there is nothing in the project bzr repo showing a commit10:06
persia"Fix Committed" is almost certainly the wrong status if the bug isn't mostly fixed.10:06
skwashdthere are packages in the guy's ppa10:06
skwashdwhich i tested and seem to work10:06
skwashdbut i don't want to rely on a ppa for the next 2 years or so :)10:07
skwashdpersia: should i change the status and sub the release team?10:08
persiaSo, update the title, etc. to make it clear it's an FFe.10:08
persiaChange the status to NEW or something (needs confirmation), and subscribe the release team.10:08
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.10:08
persiaRead the wiki for current details.10:08
persiaBased on upstream's comments, I suspect there's at least an even chance.10:08
skwashdpersia: ttx held my hand through another ffe which made me realise this one didn't seem right10:09
persiaYeah.  This one isn't right yet.10:10
persiaNeeds a hand along the way.10:10
skwashdi'm working on it now10:10
skwashdglad i caught it now ... not in 4weeks ;)10:11
skwashdpersia: does it now look better?10:16
persiaThe release team still won't see if, because the status is wrong.10:18
persiaBut you really want to chat with RoAkSoAx about it.10:19
skwashdah clicked save for the status change ,,, thought it would do that when i posted my comment'10:19
skwashdwhat timezone is RoAkSoAx in?10:19
Rhondapersia: Is there anything more we can/should do for bug #539061?10:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539061 in pgadmin3 "Please sync pgadmin3 1.10.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53906110:20
* persia makes minor noises about highlighting for general questions10:21
persiaRhonda: Oh, not general at all.10:22
persiaNo, there should be nothing else required.  It just needs an archive-admin to do something.10:22
persiaWe were in beta-freeze through friday, so I suspect there's a backlog, and it ought get hit in the next day or two.10:22
persiaYeah, 134 outstanding sync requests to process.10:23
* persia hopes native-source-sync comes for lucid+1 to avoid this sort of thing10:23
skwashdpersia: when is RoAkSoAx likely to be around?10:26
persiaskwashd: LP claims UTC-4 is the right timezone.  I'm not sure of daily schedules :)10:28
persiaBut it's 6:30 there now, so maybe soon, maybe in ~12 hours.10:28
persia(assuming LP has the correct timezone)10:28
skwashdok ... and i should be waiting here for him/her?10:29
persiaOr try to catch some other time.  I wouldn't recommend doing nothing but watching joins/parts waiting for a specific nick :)10:29
skwashdi will look back in here from time to time10:30
persiaBut as RoAkSoAx has self-assigned the bug and has upload rights to the package, I presume that's the best contact to move forward.10:30
Laneyor use an asynchronous communication edium10:30
skwashdthanks for the help10:30
persiaLaney: What, like email?10:30
Laneythat would be an example :)10:30
LaneyI need to get a better 'm' key10:31
skwashdi find irc is usually more efficient at sorting stuff out10:32
skwashdbut if he isn't around by the time i'm going to bed i'll email him10:32
skwashdnow i have figured out who roaksoax is too :)10:33
* Laney moans about changelog verbosity (lack thereof)10:35
slytherinLaney: You can not complain about both in same sentence. :-)10:37
LaneyI *want* verbosity, and I'm not getting it!10:38
Rhondaslytherin: One can, if one is meant cynical. :)10:39
RhondaOne of my alltime favorites is "New Upstream version (closes: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5)10:40
slytherinhe he10:41
azeem_that was the second upload of dpkg in 93?10:41
LaneyHa, Closes: is young compared to dpkg10:41
Rhondaazeem_: I was rather refering to the fact that none of those bugs were about "there's a new upstream version".10:54
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duanedesignwhat is the 'Ubuntu delta'?12:06
skwashdpersia: now i feel like a real idiot ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glusterfs/+bug/53154512:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 531545 in glusterfs "[FFe] Please sync glusterfs 3.0.2 from debian testing" [Wishlist,Confirmed]12:21
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nigelbnixternal: thank you for the offer to help with patch review :)  I'd greatly appreciate if you hung around there and helped the new contributors deal with some of the more difficult doubts.  Currently, only persia is very active there :)14:35
MTecknologynigelb: isn't persia active everywhere somebody might need help? :P14:40
nigelbMTecknology: oh yes.  I was just looking to give him a break :)14:41
persia`skwashd: Always wise to check all bugs in a package :)14:42
aboganiAnyone could review my merge proposal at https://code.launchpad.net/~abogani/ubuntu/lucid/avrdude/avrdude.fix-529444/+merge/21640 , thanks!14:50
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lfaraonenhandler: does http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/p/python-debian/current/changelog#versionversion0.1.15 read as something that requires a FFe? 0.1.15 of this library is required to fix a RC bug in debtorrent (and apply a bunch of other fixes in that upload)15:47
james_wlfaraone: if that is pulled in then there will be some work required on rdeps to use the new module name15:56
james_wsimple stuff though15:56
james_wplus, we should have 0.1.16 if we want to update15:57
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lfaraonejames_w: so it's not as simple as a sync request, I take it?16:20
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nigelbnixternal: can you pop by in #ubuntu-reviews when you get the time :)17:02
* DktrKranz grumbles at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/41622655/ggcov_0.8.1-1_0.8.1-1ubuntu1.diff.gz17:11
james_wnhandler: I hear rumours that groundcontrol is currently broken by LP changes, do we still want to sync it?17:51
aboganiAnyone could review my merge proposal at https://code.launchpad.net/~abogani/ubuntu/lucid/avrdude/avrdude.fix-529444/+merge/21640 , thanks!17:56
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james_wLaney: apparently you cannot upload haskell-zip-archive, which seems odd to me18:04
Laneysay what?18:04
LaneyDid I do a sync request?18:04
james_wah, because it's NEW, my mistake18:04
Laneyactually there was a new version of that uploaded just today18:05
Laneyif you haven't already done it, we should wait for that18:05
Laneyjames_w: ^^^^^18:05
Laney(I dunno if your archive tools can see it yet)18:05
james_wI haven't asked it to sync yet18:06
Laneylet's wait18:06
LaneyI'll set it to incomplete18:06
hyperairdoes anyone here use a usb keyboard with a notebook?18:07
hyperairLaney: using lucid?18:07
hyperairLaney: okay, when you plug in your notebook, is your key-repeat different from your notebook's key-repeat?18:08
hyperairthe key repeat rate18:08
Laneyi haven't noticed that18:08
Laneyremind me tomorrow and i'll look18:08
hyperairmine is set pretty high. then when i plug in the external keyboard, the key repeat rate gets really slow18:08
hyperairi have to disable and re-enable it in the keyboard preferences18:08
hyperair(in karmic)18:09
LegendarioIs the debian merge valid for universe too?18:11
Legendariothere is a software in universe I would like to be updated but packages.ubuntu.com says it will be kept the same version for lucid, although debian testing brings the last version18:13
* abogani waves18:34
aboganiI bother you for two reasons:18:34
abogani1) Again I have a package that is built perfectly locally but not on PPA (seems that it didn't able to find included headers). What is the best way to "replicate" buildd build process? Simple dpkg-buildpackage and pbuilder don't seems be the right tools. Do you have some suggestions?18:34
abogani2) Anyone could review my merge proposal at https://code.launchpad.net/~abogani/ubuntu/lucid/avrdude/avrdude.fix-529444/+merge/21640?18:34
geserLegendario: what package did you look at?18:35
geserabogani: have you a build log from PPA at hand?18:35
Legendariogeser asunder18:36
aboganigeser: Sure: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/41621441/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.simavr_1.0a1-0ubuntu1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:36
geserLegendario: if you get a FeatureFreeze exception, the new version could be synced to lucid.18:38
Legendariogeser, and how to do that?18:39
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.18:39
geserLegendario: ^^18:39
aboganigeser: I really appreciated your help (this isn't first time that you help me) but Do you know if there is a way to replicate "buildd"? In this way I can investigate for my own and stop to bother you every times.18:39
aboganisbuild perhaps?18:39
aboganior what?18:39
Legendariogeser, but besides that, how do things usually work? Which are the repos merged automatically from debian? Is universe included?18:40
geserabogani: sbuild or pbuilder, both should work. If only one works or fails, you seem to have found a special bug18:41
aboganigeser: I tried pbuilder but it always fail because it don't able to satisfy dependencies.18:42
geserLegendario: yes, till the DebianImportFreeze all unmodified packages get synced from Debian (for Lucid this was syncing with Debian testing and the deadline was Feb 11th). After that date and till FeatureFreeze, a sync has to be requested manually. And after FeatureFreeze some more checks and if necessary exceptions are needed too.18:44
geserabogani: have you universe enabled in your pbuilder?18:44
aboganigeser: Ouch. No.18:45
geserthat's a common error when someone setups a pbuilder for the first time18:45
Legendariogeser, so i must think this version got to debian testing after the freeze date?18:46
aboganigeser: I already know to be stupid! :-) Do you have some RTFM for me?18:46
geserLegendario: yes, it got to testing on 2010-03-02 (see http://packages.qa.debian.org/a/asunder.html)18:47
geserabogani: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#Universe%20support is one way to enable universe support18:48
aboganigeser: Do you have a name? So in this way I can write a memo for offer to you a glass of chianti... :-)18:48
Legendariogeser, thanks a lot. I'll take a look at the ffe wiki18:49
geserabogani: look at my LP page :) https://edge.launchpad.net/~geser18:50
hyperairjames_w: thanks for syncing banshee =)18:50
hyperair1.5.6 is out, and on its way to debian, by the way =\18:51
aboganigeser: Ohh!18:51
Legendariogeser, to the ffe, do I have to make the package myself or should I just point the debian package?18:52
aboganigeser: Could you do something for my merge proposal https://code.launchpad.net/~abogani/ubuntu/lucid/avrdude/avrdude.fix-529444/+merge/21640 ?18:52
paissadguys, if you download a package from git, knowing that i would like to append the revision number to the package, how can you retreive the revision from git ?19:07
paissadfor svn, i use to do "svn log -q -r HEAD $url)19:08
paissadBut with git, i'm a little bit confused !19:08
geserabogani: I'm currently busy with other things, but your branch is listed on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/index.html for needed sponsoring.19:09
highvoltageHow do I make plymouth run in dry mode so that I can test a theme?19:12
arandI'm trying to "apt-get source poppler-utils=0.12.4-0ubuntu1.1~ppa1" (ppa:arand/poppler), this being an older version than currently in repos. But this gives: E: Ignore unavailable version... _?_20:38
james_wdo you have a deb-src line for that PPA?20:41
arandAh, *facepalm20:41
anzenkethI am trying to use dh_installinit to package over multiple init scripts but it is only doing one.20:42
arandAnnoying that add-apt-repository doesn't auto-add it..20:42
nhandlerjames_w: I had not heard that. Do you have a link to a bug?21:09
james_wno, 'fraid not21:10
james_wbug 527978 I guess21:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527978 in groundcontrol "Launchpad now using openid breaks login" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52797821:10
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MTecknologyHow is this for making a watch file?   http://projects.l3ib.org/lal/files/ lal-(.*)\.tar\.gz debian debian/orig-tar.sh21:29
RhondaMTecknology: Would that actually work? debian/orig-tar.sh won't have execute permissions I would guess?21:30
MTecknologyRhonda: I don't completely understand how the watch file works, what is that part for?21:33
RhondaIt's covered in man uscan, but first two are URL and pattern, optional third is version and fourth an action to call.21:35
RhondaNever actually used different things than debian and uupdate in there so you might just want to experiment a bit.21:36
MTecknologyRhonda: thanks, just tried it out and that's pretty cool how it checks and downloads the latest21:43
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MTecknologyMy make file builds and installs but I want to separate it into two packages so  %:  dh $@  probably won't work - i'm guessing. If the makefile has install targets I was told I have no reason for package.install files. How am I supposed to handle this?22:39
MTecknologyI know I could easily just build two binaries and install them in one package but I'd rather do something harder and that installs less on the users system if they don't want it22:40
RAOFMTecknology: The tiny dh rules file will work just fine for multi-binary packages; you need package.install files.22:43
RAOFMTecknology: There are two reasons to have package.install files - (1) Because upstream's build system doesn't provide an appropriate install target, or (2) because you only want to take particular pieces of what upstream's install target does.  Multi-binary packages fall into the latter.22:44
RAOF(There may be more reasons for .install files that I've not thought of in that list)22:45
MTecknologyok, thanks :D22:45
MTecknologymakes perfect sense why he said that then too22:45
MTecknologyRAOF: so adding .install and .manpages files means that anything used in those files will be used instead of what's in the make install section?22:52
RAOFMTecknology: No.  You want to check out “man dh_install”, as dh_install is what reads the .install files.  Basically, for multi-binary packages, “make install” gets redirected to a debian/tmp directory, which you then need to use .install files to copy the relevant bits to your packages.22:55
MTecknologyRAOF: I love how when I started packaging things it felt like there was about a 90 deg learning curve - now that I know a tiny little bit I feel like it's only ~80deg now :)23:01
RAOFIt's quite intuitive after you've spent time familiarising yourself with it :)23:01
MTecknologyMy problem is that I'm adding features to somebody elses code, writing make files from scratch, doing the debian/ stuff, learning about LP packaging, trying to understand the processes, and all with no background before I started :P23:04
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