
elkycountdown until seveas realises lart has been disabled 3, 2, ...00:07
ubottukklimonda called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()00:58
ubottuEqus called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (Lonely-Troll)00:58
FlannelHe's making the rounds it seems00:59
elkyThis is the one who got shirty at me under the assumption I was jealous of her for being a russian girl.00:59
elkyFlannel, can you take it in #u just for some variance?01:04
FlannelI'm watching, yeah.01:05
ubottuhisto called the ops in #ubuntu (Lonely-Troll)01:13
SpaceGhostC2CHey, I was just wondering who manages ubottu.01:37
FlannelSpaceGhostC2C: What's up?01:38
SpaceGhostC2CI am playing with my own supybot and I wanted to know if I could talk to someone who knows how it works, I'm looking for documentation, but I can't seem to find anything.01:38
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (Lonely-Troll is ban evading. again.)01:43
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from lonely-troll)01:43
Flannelelky: it needed to be -* not .*01:50
elkyah, thanks01:51
elkyblegh. stupid troll is stupid01:51
elkyshe got a k-ticket from lorez anyway01:51
SpaceGhostC2CCan I get some help with supybot plugins? A link or just some help would make me very :)01:56
elkyall the plugins are in launchpad01:57
elkydon't know the url01:58
SpaceGhostC2Celky: thanks, I'll go look.01:58
jussi01o/ nixternal07:15
jussi01Good morning offtopic !ops - Ive noticed we have a lot of stale bans in -offtopic, could you please each check your bans and remove/clean as necessary.07:16
=== nixternal_ is now known as Guest87737
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (Timberly repeats everyone's messages)07:56
ubottuTimberly called the ops in #ubuntu (Timberly repeats everyone's messages)07:56
persiaOh my, that's a bit damning :)07:57
jussi01yep :D07:58
jussi01we have those fairly regularly07:58
ubottulorenzosu called the ops in #ubuntu ()08:11
Jordan_UEviLz Spammed then left #ubuntu08:27
ubottuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu (VEvilz)08:28
MindVirusHi. Why am I banned?08:48
MindVirus(From #ubuntu, that is.)08:48
MindVirusI recall having no conflicts with anyone.08:49
MindVirusCould it be because I'm using webchat?08:50
elkylet me check09:00
elkyhe was in proxy-users, so i'd guess he didn't pay attention09:01
PiciSetup a forward to ##fix_your_connection for bac in #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-bugs11:54
ubottuIn #ubuntu, djay_ said: ubottu there is no libpango-perl13:22
piojunbabiahi i made a nick-related mistake yesterday so i was banned in #ubuntu, please unban me..13:45
elkylet me look13:45
bazhanglinux-cli is panarchy?13:48
elkybazhang, yes13:51
bazhangelky, thanks13:51
bazhangpiojunbabia, seems to be a proxy user, or was the issue of being banned13:52
elkyhe's apparently gotten himself banned, i believe jussi is looking in to it13:53
jussi01if someone else can look that would be good... Im just on a conference call here...13:53
PiciI'll take a look.13:53
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)13:56
Picithat would do it.13:56
elkythat would indeed13:56
elkyi thought we fixed this leakage...13:56
elkymind you, there's about a million tis-dialog.ru bans thanks to our russian troll friend13:57
PiciI'll take care of the old exceptions. just a moment.13:57
bazhangsafe to remove those elky ?13:58
bazhangthought he/she was klined13:58
elkyi'm leaving the broad one there for now, she knows how to reset her modem13:58
elkybut piojunbabia should be able to leave the -proxy-users channel and rejoin it and get in13:59
piojunbabiathanks for effort people13:59
piojunbabiai am still banned i think13:59
elkyuh... that's not quite what i meant14:01
Pici381 exempts removed14:18
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:19
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:19
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:19
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:19
Mamaroklorenzo_: quanto difficile e di scrivere la parola /join prima del nome del canale? Ti abbiamo detto qualsiasi volte addesso15:21
Mamaroklorenzo_: ?15:23
lorenzo_si lo so15:24
Mamarokallora, perchè non lo fai?15:24
lorenzo_ma nn posso metterlo come predefinito15:24
lorenzo_quando mi connetto15:24
Mamaroklorenzo_: si, ma questo lo dovresti dommandare nel canale #ubuntu-it, il mio Italiano non e abbstanza buono per spiegarti15:25
lorenzo_a ok15:25
lorenzo_grazie lo stesso15:25
Mamarokti prego :) Speriamo chè questo e l'ultima volta che dobbiamo dirtelo :)15:26
Mamaroklorenzo_: se non hai altre chose da dommandare qui, sei pregato di escere questo canale, ch'è solo per questione di operatori15:27
KB1JWQI can't believe that Floodbot4 yelled at me. :-(15:57
PiciKB1JWQ: Yeah, doesn't it know who you are?15:58
* Mamarok wonders if this time lorenzo understood what I told him15:59
Mamarokmy Iltaian is rather rusty, I rarely ever write it16:00
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
gnomefreakno thanks16:03
gnomefreakit seems he speak English now ;)16:30
Mamarokwho, lorenzo?16:44
gnomefreakMamarok: yeah16:50
Mamarokgnomefreak: *sigh*16:50
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
=== gord is now known as gord|afk
=== gord|afk is now known as gord
=== KB1JWQ is now known as kb1
=== kb1 is now known as KB1JWQ
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (rubi mega)21:26
mneptokdonde esta casa del sabdfl?!?!?!??! jejejejejejejejejejejeje!!!!!!21:29
* mneptok beeps Myrtti's nose21:30
Myrtti#ubuntu+2 ???22:05
MyrttiI see Lonely-Troll made a visit to #ubuntu again22:20
elkynow in -ot22:26
elkywaiting for a slipup22:27

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