
satellit__grantbow: hello01:32
grantbowsatellit__: aloha01:34
satellit__aloha (I lived in Kamela HI for 35 yrs)  did you look at the links to sugarization01:34
satellit__can it be applied to USR? or does quidam's appliance for creating USB w/persistence in trisquel look better?01:36
satellit__* it is ppa for Ubuntu01:36
satellit__alsroots work01:37
satellit__I am more partial to "real Installed" ext3 structured USB sticks though...01:38
satellit__opensuse-edu uses a file structure that installs their live fs and then converts it to real on firstboot01:39
satellit__cyberorg on #sugar and #opensuse-edu (in India, so watch TZ) is the guru01:41
grantbowonline meeting in #ubuntu-california now but I'll be back02:06
grantbowyou can drop in if you like02:06
satellit__* watching CSPAN....02:44
=== fRCSUGAR-675d is now known as satelli_sugar

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