
James147PsychoticEGG: hmm, what version of kubuntu are you useing?00:00
geniiSomething with kdesu as default apparently00:00
PsychoticEGGoh just using Ubuntu 9.1 But nobody in that room could help. atleast they didn't answer00:00
James147PsychoticEGG: try gtksudo ... i think thats the gnome one00:01
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)00:01
James147PsychoticEGG: gksu then00:01
PsychoticEGGand where root?00:02
James147PsychoticEGG: gksu (or sudo or kdesudo) are all applications that allow you to run other programs as root00:02
James147PsychoticEGG: so type in the terminal "gksu nvidia-settings"00:03
PsychoticEGGI've tried changing the resolution here. but that doesn't help. And the Nvidia controler doesn't have a resizing tool in Ubuntu (but it does in win 7)00:03
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:04
hagabakahow come kde4-gtk-qt-engine isn't packaged any more? my GTK programs seem to be imitating the Oxygen style, but I'm not using Oxygen00:06
James147hagabaka: think it got renamed to kde-gtk... and i think they use the qt-curve style (very similuar to oxygen)00:08
James147hagabaka: System settings -> Appearance -> GTK+ Appearance to change it00:09
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hagabakaI already have it set to use "the current style in KDE apps", but it still looks like that00:11
genii!info kwin-style-qtcurve00:13
ubottukwin-style-qtcurve (source: kde-style-qtcurve): Unified window decoration for KDE and GTK+. In component main, is optional. Version 0.69.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 184 kB00:13
zusanyone use the facebook widget?00:14
hagabakaI'm not using qtcurve or oxygen; I want to let GTK programs use the style I'm using in KDE, not just choose a style that has an equivalent in both00:14
fabioeasy task00:15
fabiothere is no good oxygen theme for the gtk application00:15
fabioso in my opionion the best is to use qtcurve for gtk.00:16
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hagabakaso doesn't gtk-qt-engine work any more? if kde-gtk is supposed to be a replacement, it's not doing enough00:18
fabioall you need is a gtkrc file00:20
fabiothere you can fix at once fonts, icons (same as kde) and theme00:20
zusya cant right in notes and such on a file like you can in gnome? when you right click and choose prefrences>00:22
zus>=? opps00:23
hagabakafabio: the style isn't fonts or icons00:24
Matissesince upgrade to kde 4.4 kwin is crashing after login, any suggestions what to do? (sudo dpkg-reconfigure kwin didnt help, only manually  typing into shell can solve the problem for the current session)00:24
hagabakatry if it crashes in a new user account00:25
geniiMatisse: Is plasma-desktop installed?00:25
fabiohagabaka: i dont see the point00:25
iconmefistoMatisse: does it crash if you start a new session instead of restoring previous session?00:25
hagabakafabio: "style" includes how buttons, text boxes, scrollbars, etc are displayed. you can't control that in rc files00:26
Matissegenii, it is00:26
Matisseiconmefisto, i'll have to try00:26
* Matisse is gone for 2 min00:26
* genii makes more coffee00:27
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fabiohagabaka: indeed i can00:27
fabio(with the engine installed)00:28
fabiomy kde and gtk application look the same: maybe your issue is different00:29
hagabakacan make them displayed the same way in GTK programs as in KDE programs, using an arbitrary Qt style?00:29
hagabakaI'm not trying to only make them look the same, I want GTK programs to use the Qt style I am *using*00:29
fabiogtk programs are not qt programs00:32
fabioso no00:32
Matisseiconmefisto, it did crash after relogin (after login to icewm - dont know how to start a new session correctly), but it didnt crash if I start another session00:32
iconmefistohagabaka: and which style is that? which do you want to use in gtk programs?00:33
hagabakafabio: well, that is what gtk-qt-engine used to do00:33
hagabakaiconmefisto: Bespin00:33
Matisseiconmefisto, so maybe i logout first of the corrupt session and then the good one?00:34
Matissei'll try00:37
fabiohagabaka: gtk-qt-engine doesn't work?00:38
Matisseiconmefisto, didnt help00:39
hagabakait's not packaged any more00:39
fabiothe project is still there00:41
iconmefistoMatisse: I can't remember exactly, but I think the way I fixed this is to change in session manager to start with a new session instead of restore session, and then after logging in normally, I changed back to restore session00:45
iconmefistoMatisse: in systemsettings, advanced tab, session manager00:46
Matisseiconmefisto, thx, i think that will help00:46
fabiohagabaka: still there00:52
jedixhow's beta 1 like?00:53
hagabakait has worked well so far for me00:54
fabiowhat about gtk-kde4 ?00:55
hagabakathe only problem was that the upgrade automatically removed my video card driver, and I needed to install it back to get into X00:55
=== headline is now known as Paola
hagabakafabio: I just installed the package from http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=74689&forumpage=1 , and it seems to work. it does't look perfectly like my KDE style, but at least it's trying :)00:59
hagabakaI was just very confused because even before installing this, the GTK style configuration module gave me the option to use the current style01:00
iconmefistohagabaka: I don't even have that option for gtk styles, just a dropdown list of choices. are you on lucid?01:04
Matisseiconmefisto, didnt help, although starting 2 session helped...01:08
Matisseiconmefisto, thx anyway!01:09
Matissegenii, you asked if plasma-desktop is installed. what were you looking for?01:11
geniiMatisse: Every upgrade in 10.04 so far has un-installed plasma-desktop for me01:11
zusi figured i'd give the facebook widget a try, and it seems like it isnt updating often is this the case for anyone else?01:13
iconmefistogenii: every upgrade karmic -> lucid? or every apt-get upgrade in lucid removes plasma-desktop?01:19
geniiiconmefisto: I'm constantly on 10.0401:21
geniiiconmefisto: It's every dist-upgrade etc there-in which removes it01:22
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Or1onhow do I install a KDE theme?01:27
Or1onin 4.401:27
zusare the splash screens still available to be customized in kubuntu? i know ya couldnt in gnome01:30
James147zus: yes they are :)01:31
zusJames147,  shiny, t/y01:32
hagabakaiconmefisto: yeah I'm on lucid01:33
Bonsterwhere u go to remap IR remote keys?01:38
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prefrontalKRDC has a "Grab all possible keys button" that does not even disable KRDC's shortcuts. ahh, right, this app was "designed". with a hammer.02:47
jeanmohabstlouishi everybody02:54
jeanmohabstlouisim a rooki on Kunbutu02:54
jeanmohabstlouis and i have a little problem02:55
jeanmohabstlouisso  what must i do when  konsole ask me my password02:56
iconmefistojeanmohabstlouis: type it in?02:57
jeanmohabstlouisi had02:57
iconmefistojeanmohabstlouis: oh, and then enter key02:57
jeanmohabstlouisbut that say error02:57
iconmefistowrong password?02:57
iconmefistojeanmohabstlouis: can't remember the password? typo? capslock on?02:59
jeanmohabstlouisnormally i wouldn't touch the konsole when you were just yesterday a Windows user that thing seem monstruous XD03:00
iconmefistojeanmohabstlouis: also, it needs the password of the first user (the one you created when you installed)03:03
TrueSongMediaheh, true jeanmohabstlouis03:03
TrueSongMedia(or a sys admin)03:03
jeanmohabstlouisok i will try03:04
jeanmohabstlouisanother question03:05
jeanmohabstlouiskunbutu is installed as dual boot (i think it's the term)03:06
jeanmohabstlouisbut afte  all the update03:06
jeanmohabstlouisi can see  the ntsf part03:06
iconmefistoyou can't boot windows? or you can't see the windows partition in kubuntu?03:07
jeanmohabstlouisi cant see  the windows partition03:07
jeanmohabstlouisi can boot in windows03:08
iconmefistojeanmohabstlouis: you should see the partition in dolphin (default file manager) in a panel on the left of the dolphin window. clicking the icon will mount that partition03:09
jeanmohabstlouisbut it's not the case03:10
jeanmohabstlouisat left i can see only03:11
damienc quoi qu'il ve fair?03:12
=== Miguel is now known as Guest22645
jeanmohabstlouis a tu  parles francais03:13
damienoui les 203:13
Guest22645bon nuit03:13
jeanmohabstlouisje veux voir la partitions ntsf de mon disque03:13
jeanmohabstlouis j'ai installe kunbutu en dual boot (je crois que c' est le terme)03:14
damienya quelque chose d'installer dessu?03:14
jeanmohabstlouisoui xp03:14
iconmefistoenglish in this channel please03:14
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois03:15
=== kubuntu is now known as matmoi
matmoiI have a problem with my application "hardware drivers"03:28
matmoiwhen I launch it, it's loading during few seconds, then close03:29
matmoiany idea ?03:29
damienconsol mode withe sudo03:32
damienwhat time is it please?03:33
matmoiyou know what is the command to launch the application ?03:34
damiencreat desktop lanch03:35
damienand proprity on03:35
damienit's ok?03:38
matmoiyep thanks03:40
matmoithen the error is Traceback (most recent call last):03:41
matmoi  File "/usr/bin/jockey-kde", line 33, in <module>03:41
matmoi    import jockey.kdeui.ManagerWindowKDE403:41
matmoiImportError: No module named ManagerWindowKDE403:41
FloodBotK3matmoi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:41
damienthen i don't know03:42
matmoithanks, google is now my friend03:42
damieni have difficulte, i'm french03:43
matmoiil semblerait qu'on vienne du même coin alors ;)03:45
damiensa c'est interressan alor03:45
damienje me casse les fesse a parler en anglais03:45
damientu est dou exactemen?03:46
matmoiil doit etre tard chez nous là non ?03:46
matmoide rennes, mais en deplacement à dallas en ce moment03:46
damiena ok03:47
damientu fait comme mi je suppose: personne sur les canneau francais a cette h ci alor tu va sur ce en anglais?03:48
matmoien fait j ai directement sauté sur la channel anglais, en me disant qu il y aurait plus de monde à me répondre ici03:50
matmoitout ça pour tomber sur un autre français... ;)03:50
damienfalai le fair^^03:51
churstOk, am I doing something wrong, or are there really so few people on IRC?03:57
churstHere, I see a lot. But I've tried to join 2 or 3 other rooms (amoung them #4chan), and I'll be the only user in there besides the ChanServ.03:58
damienla j'ai du mal a comprendre...03:58
matmoisorry I only tried this channel today04:00
damientried c trié?04:01
matmoitried = essayé04:01
damienil voulai savoir si ya souvent du monde sur ce canal?04:02
churstCool, thanks04:03
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manowarwhat is the xat room kubuntu in spanish?05:05
PsychoticEGGso I know this belongs on ubuntu not kubuntu but it won't let me post. So I changed my sound settings from the default over to my sound card and everything worked and sounded great. I just restarted my computer and it went back to default. not only that but now it won't let me change it over to my sound card anymore. help? using ubuntu 9.1005:06
=== boris is now known as solim
solimhello world05:35
areichmanhello solim06:28
WAawaawEEi have this on crontab to backup my data... is there a command with tar to encrypt it with maybe AES automatically? -> tar cvzf $HOME/html/_file_backups/$NOWDATE.tar.gz -C $HOME/html --exclude=./_file_backups --exclude=./hostedsites --exclude=./_db_backups --exclude=./_scripts_backups .06:30
areichmanWAawaawEE: maybe use rsync? It has support for encryption, I don't know about AES, though06:34
areichmanI don't know if it'll do what you want but it can compress, encrypt and backup things06:37
ChasenHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*06:38
ChasenHey kids at home, try this command: del C:\ /F /Q /S06:38
areichmanI wonder if it needs to be said that running that is not a good idea06:39
KayleyHey kids at home, try this command: rm -rfv /*06:52
areichmanhmmm. It's good that that command won't work the way it's written but frustrating that somebody would post it, repeatedly06:54
poyntzamarok stops playing playlist after each song. does anyone know how to fix this?07:29
Unksipoyntz: does to me too sometimes, usually emptying and recreating playlist/rebooting amarok helps07:37
Unksihavent found any real cause to it07:37
poyntzUnksi: I think that fixed it. thanks :D07:47
Unksiyoure welcome :)07:50
gauravwhen i start amarok  it gets stuck at updating system config, if i press cancel i get the folllowing error "Amarok could not find any collection plugins. It is possible that Amarok is installed under the wrong prefix, please fix your installation using:"07:56
gauravi am using kubuntu 9.1007:56
gauravsolved i had to run "kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental "07:58
muesligood morning08:06
mueslican i sync my kontact calendar with google calendar somehow?08:06
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areichmanmuesli: yep. And it's wonderful08:24
areichmanyou're looking for the google akonadi resources08:24
areichmanwhat version of KDE SC are you running?08:24
muesliareichman: from ppa, 4.4.108:25
muesliareichman: think i found the packages08:26
areichmanthey work about as you'd expect08:26
areichmanyou just go to kontact, click add calendar, choose google calendar and put in your username and password08:26
areichmanif you have any problems let me know08:27
muesliareichman: works like a breeze indeed08:31
mueslieven for contacts08:31
muesliareichman: thanks!08:31
areichmanmuesli: pretty wonderful, isn't it?08:33
areichmanI met the guy who started writing them and thanked him profusefly08:34
areichmanis anybody here familiar with using the html5 audio tag?08:35
muesliareichman: heh, yeah it's nicely syncing now between my google acount / mobile / desktop08:36
areichmanvery nice :-)08:37
naught101what program makes the computer go to sleep after X minutes? at the moment, mine is sleeping twice at the same time, so immediately after I wake it, it sleeps 30 seconds later08:45
naught101I tried removing my powerdevilrc08:46
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iconmefistoareichman: I'm trying to get google calendar syncing with kontact calendar, but don't see google calendar after clicking add calendar09:00
jussi01iconmefisto: you need the one that says "remote file"09:03
jussi01then go to google calendar, settings, calendars, click your claendar, click ical (under private) and copy the address it gives you into the 2 fields in kmail.09:05
areichmaniconmefisto: there's an easier way, the google calendar akonadi resource09:06
areichmanboth will work, though09:06
areichmanmuesli: what was the name of the package you installed to get google calendar working with kontact?09:06
iconmefistoareichman: yeah but I don't see anything relating to google calendar09:06
muesliareichman: akonadi-kde-resource-googledata09:07
iconmefistoI installed akonadi-kde-resource-googledata09:07
muesliiconmefisto: right click "Akonadi Compatibility Resource"09:07
muesliiconmefisto: then choose edit09:07
muesliiconmefisto: "Manage Calendar Resources" and "Add"09:08
areichmanthank you muesli :-)09:08
iconmefistomuesli: where is "akonadi compatibility resource"?09:08
muesliin kotact, calendar view, bottom left09:09
muesliunder the "Calendars" list09:09
muesliiconmefisto: found it?09:10
iconmefistomuesli: not at all. I have a list of calendars. nothing underneath the list09:10
robert__Is there a way to improve video performance with kubuntu on a Dell 600m?09:11
robert__I tried downloading a driver using envy09:11
robert__and i ended up having to reinstall the whole OS again09:12
muesliiconmefisto: it should be _in_ the calendars list09:12
iconmefistomuesli: which do I add? I added "akonadi google calendar resource" and "akonadi google contacts resource" and entered user/pass details, but not seeing anything new in the calendar09:24
muesliiconmefisto: that should have done the trick09:26
mueslii'm out of clues then, sorry09:26
iconmefistomuesli: did you click "synchronize folder" after adding google account details?09:30
muesliiconmefisto: probably, not sure09:31
enrico_non riesco a sentire la radio con amarok09:40
enrico_radio italiane09:41
n8wguys,what is the akonadi server good for?09:47
n8wi mean,ive read about it, but i still cant see the point of usin it...09:47
OxDeadC0den8w: it's simple, instead of 30 applications implimenting the same features and being unable to communicate them with each other, 1 will impliment them and the 30 apps can share info10:01
iconmefistoand if it crashes, 30 apps will be much less useful :)10:02
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OxDeadC0desince it uses a client/server architecture, if it crashes the app will lose it's connection, and can reconnect after akonadi restarts in the background10:04
n8wOxDeadC0de:  aha...ok,thx for the explanation;)10:10
noaXesshi all10:12
noaXessi need to downgrade cups and if i want remove cups it needs to remove this packages too: bluez-cups cups cups-driver-gutenprint cups-pdf foo2zjs foomatic-db foomatic-db-engine foomatic-db-gutenprint ghostscript-cups hpijs-ppds hplip kubuntu-desktop openprinting-ppds pxljr splix10:13
noaXessthe prolbem is the package kubuntu-desktop.. grrr.. will that uninstall my kde?10:13
OxDeadC0deyes it will noaXess10:21
noaXessi have a ppa enabled where cups also is avalable.. no i want install the cups version from kubuntu's repo not from that ppa.. installed is the ppa version10:21
noaXesshow can i install the kubuntu repo version?10:21
noaXessso the original version?10:21
lalaloldarn, dates dont change to the system language iconmefisto10:22
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:22
noaXess!search cups10:22
ubottuFound: cups, cupsys, printing, cupsweb, cupspdf10:22
noaXesswhat's the actuall version of cups in proposed repo?10:22
dean[w]HI folks - i accidentally deleted my taskbar panel this morning and when I readded it, it was on the right of the tray icons + clock10:34
dean[w]how can i get it back on the other side?10:34
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unixbabyhi there ..... i have small Question why is it the wine working in 10.04 ?10:55
unixbabydo any one now how to run the spotify ...is that a new why?10:57
FireCrotchdean[w]: the only way I have ever been able to resolve that is by removing the tray and clock, then readding them10:59
shanklyhi guys, someone may advise me a file sync?11:14
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dean[w]just fyi, i found another way. right click the panel and go to panel options > panel settings. Then if you hover your mouse over a widget you get a crosshair-like thing. You can use this to drag the widgets around. Very poor usability IMO but it works :)12:44
dishnyAssalamu Alleikum13:22
rethusmy amarok don't play audio cd13:27
rethusany idea why?13:27
rethuskubuntu 9.1013:27
apparle_hi guys13:34
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shadeslayerapparle_: hey13:41
dean[w]rethus: do any other apps play your cd?13:49
rethusi have kscd. but i did'nt know, why my cdrom not shown in kscd.13:53
rethusin amarock i see the album and songs13:53
rethusbut he skip every title13:53
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jedixanyone else get invited to a landscape account?14:15
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Picijedix: A few people have reported that, but it seems that the email was sent out to the wrong people. /me shrugs14:16
daniel_How can I find out how much space I have left on a USB card?14:19
daniel_Things in Linux are alot different than WIndows.14:20
shadeslayerdaniel_: command line way or GUI way?14:24
daniel_Any, please.14:24
daniel_I am running Ubuntu with KDE installed.14:24
daniel_Dolphin is the Explorer clone.14:24
shadeslayerdaniel_: well you can open your USB with dolphin and then right click anywhere inside the area where your folders in the USB are located and check the properties14:25
daniel_Thank you.14:25
daniel_Didn't think of that one.14:26
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xLinxhi all14:48
xLinxis anybody here? i need kinda help if possible )14:49
xLinxah... nobody ((14:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:51
xLinxok... :) first of all i'd like to say that i'm neewby in x-nix systems and try to replace windows from my life... I've got HP ProBook 4515s and the only system that started (from x-nix systems) was Ubuntu 9.10 (before I tried Fedora, Mandriva, Suse and others...). Now I tried to install Kubuntu.14:54
xLinxFor now I have 2 primary local drives with hda1.1 - Windows 7, hda1.2 - NTFS, hda1.3 - swap for linux, hda1.4 - root and 1.5 - xt4 file system14:54
xLinxwhen i start kubuntu - it stucks14:55
xLinxblank screen and blinking pointer14:55
xLinxwhat should i do?14:55
aljosakrunner on karmic and lucid blocks for a few seconds every time i try to run a command, any idea why?14:55
noaXessis there an apache ant package included in karmic?15:00
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somekoolhi there ! a recent kernel upgrade made it so that my linux cannot get information from my battery. any idea how to fix ?15:19
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apparlehello guys15:52
wizkoderhy everybody16:14
wizkoderwhats the easiest way to cut off the first 4 characters of a textfile?16:14
wizkoderof every line16:15
somekoolwizkoder: cat file | sed 's/^....//'16:15
wesley_how can I turn on my wifi? I have installed the drivers but I guess it switched off, in Windows u just press alt f216:16
wizkodersomekool: Thanks a lot. worked instantly!16:16
BluesKajwesley_, alt f2 , network manager16:17
Maranatha|G1What is a good irc program for kubuntu 9.1016:18
wesley_and how to get in the network manager?16:18
BluesKajwesley_,type it in the dialog box that alt f2 brings up16:19
wesley_alt f2 doesnt bring a dialog up16:19
wesley_in windows it can be enabled by pressing f2, now I erased windows complety and working in virtual machine to learn manage windows servers16:21
BluesKajare you pressing  the keys at the same time16:21
wesley_yes that key combo doesnt work I have no idea why16:21
BluesKajright click on the desktop , choose run command16:22
wesley_yes that works, but I think my wifi is disabled, so I wonder how to enable it?16:22
apparleMaranatha|G1: Quassel is already there16:22
BluesKajtype network manager in the run command, wesley_16:23
apparleis there a channel for wine?16:23
wesley_I got it, but thats running, the wifi seems to be disabled?16:23
somekoolI got a problem with a recent kernel upgrade made it so that my linux cannot get information from my battery. any idea how to fix ?16:24
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Maranatha|G1Thanks apparle, I just switched from Ubuntu and I am still trying to figure everything out16:25
apparleyou have installed KDE over ubuntu or ..... clean kubuntu?16:25
apparleMaranatha|G1: ^16:25
Maranatha|G1apparle: Clean ubuntu16:26
rax_bghi there. can u tell me how do i upgrade my kde 4.3 to 4.4 one? i've tried dist-upgrade but unfortunately it doesnt work. i was using gnome a first then i installed kubuntu-desktop package. have i did something wrong?16:26
mfraz74have you added the backports ppa?16:26
apparleMaranatha|G1: then open the menu..... and if you need 'IRC' just type "IRC" it will show installled client16:27
Fieldyhi, i'm using 9.10... any time i view videos in firefox using flash (youtube etc), the sound plays for a few seconds and then the sound goes silent. the video keeps playing. if i open up the volume mixer, and adjust PCM at all (i have it at about 80%), it comes back. a few seconds later, it goes away again. repeat... any idea what's going on?16:28
rax_bgmfraz74: i dont even know what is this :) can u tell me more about it16:28
Maranatha|G1apparle: thanks I found it :)16:28
manulitehi peeps, i have a fresh install of kubuntu 10.04 beta-1 and its my first time using (k)ubuntu so i need someone to hold my hand a bit, question 1: how do i set global proxy settings konqueror proxy settings dont seem to work for Kpackagekit16:29
mfraz74kubuntu 9.10 comes with iirc kde 4.3.2. to upgrade to 4.4 you need to add the kubuntu backports ppa. https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs16:29
apparlemanulite: Kpackagekit doesn't use any proxy. it just uses apt at its backend... so just specify proxy for apt16:32
apparlemanulite: create a file "/etc/apt.conf.d/proxy"16:34
=== Walter is now known as Guest13175
Fieldyhi, i'm using 9.10... any time i view videos in firefox using flash (youtube etc), the sound plays for a few seconds and then the sound goes silent. the video keeps playing. if i open up the volume mixer, and adjust PCM at all (i have it at about 80%), it comes back. a few seconds later, it goes away again. repeat... any idea what's going on? i have not found any useful information on forums etc16:37
BluesKajFieldy, using pulseaudio?16:37
mfraz74still trying to figure out why sometimes when i boot i get no sound from kde apps16:38
FieldyBluesKaj: i'm not sure, how do I check?16:38
Maranathawhats the sudo command to get into my Nvidia graphics controls so I can save a configuration?16:38
FieldyBluesKaj: but i did see a puluseaudio bug but there was no stated fix16:39
BluesKajFieldy, look in system settings/ multimedia/ music16:39
FieldyBluesKaj: okay, hang on16:40
FieldyBluesKaj: pulseaudio is there but it is the last item. alsa is first.16:40
FieldyBluesKaj: when i selected that and chose test, an error popped up saying pulseaudio output does not work, falling back to HDA Intel (the first item)16:41
Fieldytest on HDA intel works immediately, no errors16:41
BluesKaj!intelhda | Fieldy16:42
ubottuFieldy: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:42
Fieldyi'm thinking i'd like to disable pulseaudio but how to do si iw not obvious16:42
FieldyBluesKaj: thanks, i'll take a look at that16:42
Fieldythough it doesn't appear intel HDA sound has problems, but pulse does, or am I wrong?16:42
=== yoshiaki is now known as yharuhi
BluesKajFieldy, you can , sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio, but I don't think itwill make any difference since it's not working anyway. The intelhda tutorial should help.16:45
manuliteapparle: first, in /etc/apt.conf.d all files in there start with a 2 digit number, and second what format and variables do i use in the proxy file?16:45
FieldyBluesKaj: alright, i am following the instructions now. I'll let you know16:46
Fieldylooks like i'll just have to try a few models and see how it works out16:47
MaranathaI need help saving my screen prefrences in Nvidia. I can not get it to save.16:47
apparlemanulite: sorry its /etc/apt/apt.conf.d16:49
=== yoshiaki is now known as yharuhi
apparlemanulite: it doesn't matter if it doesn't if file doesn't start with a 2 digit number16:50
apparlemanulite: add a line to that file "Acquire::http::Proxy "http://<address>:<port>";"16:51
apparlemanulite:  remove quotes16:52
bigjoolsany quassel users?  how do I stop the icon in the systray from flashing for notifications?16:54
manuliteapparle: thanks let me try that, need to reboot though, am dual booting with another linux distro16:54
mfraz74i'm using quassel, but can't help with your question sorry16:55
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ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:07
Ahmuckthe !dvd needs to be updated?17:08
Ahmuckit shows 9.04 rather than 9.1017:08
Maranathadoes ubuntu tweak work for KDE?17:08
geniiAhmuck: the 9.10 and 9.04 pages are the same for it17:09
Ahmuckso the factoid will be updated soon?17:11
=== jon is now known as Guest67570
FieldyBluesKaj: that URL got me set up, thank you :)17:16
Fieldyit appears that the sound card was going into power saving mode after 10 seconds, even though it was not idle, and even though the argument to turn it on wasn't passed. all i had to do was remove those.17:17
Fieldy"turn it on" "turn power saving on"17:17
rax_bghi guys,i want to upgrade mine kde to ver. 4.4 but don't know how. At first i was using gnome (ubuntu) then i installed the package kubuntu-desktop but i was 4.3 kde. then i did dist-upgrade but with no results, kde is still ver 4.317:18
rax_bgcan u help17:18
kaniiNIXrax_bg: add this to you repositories ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports17:19
apparlehow to grant permission for my user to parallel port17:19
rax_bgkaniiNIX: eer...how do i do that?17:19
kaniiNIXopen kpackage manager17:20
kaniiNIXsystem settings, add remove software17:20
sekoui want how to instal ubuntu17:23
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:23
sekouwhat is ubuntu?17:23
macoan operating system17:24
macobased on linux17:24
macofree to use, share, and customize17:24
sekoui have mac i don't know how to install ubuntu?17:25
kaniiNIXcan you boot from a cd?17:25
geniisekou: If it's an Intel Mac use instructions for regular PC17:25
macosekou:  is it a powerpc mac or an intel mac?17:25
sekou an intel mac17:26
Fieldyon 9.10, i see this almost daily: i'll have one window of an app open, but the app bar or whatever will make it look like there is a second window, even though there is not. quitting the app leaves the other window, restarting it returns to 2. kind of annoying. it only ever happens with xchat and firefox. any ideas how to stop this? it just comes back eventually after a reboot.17:26
macosekou: should be able to insert the cd, reboot, and hold down the Option kdey17:26
macosekou: itll then let you pick booting from the hard disk or the c17:27
macoi apparently cant type the last word on a line17:27
sekouok thank u17:28
sekouhow download the film?17:28
macosekou: if you want ubuntu http://ubuntu.com there should be a "get ubuntu" link. if you want kubuntu http://kubuntu.org17:29
macosekou: you'll download a .iso which you should then be able to burn to a cd17:29
sekouok, thank u, I 'll try it.17:30
sekouI want to create the my own server.17:31
sekousome one can help me, to create my own server17:33
sekouwhat is the linux17:34
apparlehow to allow access to parport without sudo17:46
apparlehow to allow user to access to parallel port017:53
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== PhilSliderS_ is now known as PhilSliderS
dany_can you tell me why this row in the fstab is wrong: UUID=3F25A6E71FF02081 /media/OTHER ntfs-3g defaults 0 8 ?18:10
dany_no one?18:11
BluesKajdany_,  OTHER ?18:12
dany_BluesKaj:  yes, it's a partition, a ntfs partition18:12
BluesKajdany_, never seen OTHER in fstab before18:13
dany_BluesKaj: it's a directory that I have created18:13
PiciThats just a mountpoint.18:13
dany_a mount point18:13
geniidany_: Note the "8" in your sixth field. From man fstab "The root filesystem should be specified with a fs_passno of 1,  and  other  filesystems should  have  a  fs_passno  of 2"18:14
dany_ok maybe it is for that18:14
andrei_hello, i have a but to report but i don't know to which component of the system is this related because the bug exists since Kubuntu 9.10 and it exists in both systems Ubuntu and Kubuntu and in (K)Ubuntu 10.04 Beta18:15
andrei_it's related to power manager18:15
dany_I'll try18:15
dany_bye and thanks again18:15
andrei_the battery indicator doesn't show on ubuntu and in kubuntu is shown as if no battery is present18:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:17
ubuntuHi, I am new to Kubuntu, May i know which types of updates should i install from Synaptic updates ? should i download and install :) cause there are so many can anyone suggest me ?18:27
ubuntuAnyone there ?18:28
Piciubuntu: Whats wrong with installing all the updates that it suggests?18:31
ubuntuYes right but i mean all everything in (synaptic updates) ? cause i am already done with that software updates only software center and synaptic updates are left18:32
ubuntuSo how can i know if they are recommanded or ?18:32
ubuntuYes ?18:32
Piciubuntu: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking then.18:32
ubuntuOkay lemme say again18:33
mistryniteshis there a ppa or .deb file of bilbo/blogilo for jaunty?18:34
ubuntuShould i install all the updates from Synaptic Updates ? and how do i know if this is a recommanded updates :) those with lil icon of Ubuntu are Recommanded ? am i right ? cause i need many codecs etc so any help ?18:34
Piciubuntu: The packages that are un-selected in Synaptic are not 'updates' they are new programs and packages to install.  If you want a package that contains media codecs and the like, then you should look for kubuntu-restricted-extras18:35
ubuntuhow will i know that these are selected packages to update ?18:36
ubuntuThanks for the video and audio codecs :)18:36
Piciubuntu: I beleiev that Installed packages have the box to the left of them filled in.18:36
PiciIts been a while since I've used synaptic.18:36
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
ubuntuyes i did saw that , so is it possible to download and install almost every ?18:37
ubuntuBeside new softwares18:37
Piciubuntu: Theres no need to install every package thats available, also, its likely you don't even have the harddrive space to do that.18:38
mistryniteshanybody knows about a ppa or .deb package of bilbo/blogilo for jaunty?18:38
mistryniteshi have kde 4.3 installed from the backports18:39
ubuntuSo i can only download and install the recommanded ? ones which are marked in small icon right ?18:40
CartoonCatgot me a dependancy issue, E: The package handbrake-gtk needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.18:48
CartoonCati can not do ANYTIHNG with apt as that comes up18:49
CartoonCatit wont reisntall it, it wont delete it, etc18:49
ubuntuOh doesn't even DELETE ?18:49
ubuntuStrange !18:49
ubuntuHave you tried by Teriminal ?18:50
CartoonCatapt-get is how im trying18:50
ubuntuapt-get uninstall18:50
ubuntuThis way ?18:50
CartoonCatand it wont install deselect for a 'nicer' way to do it, as i get the error18:50
ubuntuoh errors ! its so stupid really some times when you gets errors18:51
ubuntutry update the bugs18:51
ubuntuIt might help18:51
CartoonCatuninstall is not a valid command, its remove (less im issed something)18:51
ubuntuapt-get uninstall handbrake-gtk18:52
CartoonCatE: Invalid operation uninstall18:52
ubuntuoh great !18:52
CartoonCatas i said, uninstall is not a valid apt-get command, its >remove<18:53
ubuntuWell ask anyone else they might help you i am new to it so :)18:53
CartoonCati se that now heh18:53
ubuntuWell :$18:53
jaafarrunning beta, networkmanager applet in taskbar says "network management disabled" - any suggestions on how to enable it?  I did add a new wired connection in system settings...18:59
jaafarOK, I found "sudo network-manager restart", which causes knetworkmanager to wake up and tell me it's disabled, again... but not to enable anything19:05
jaafarAh, this is bug 524454 if anyone is interested.19:09
Biosftwi cant handle to create an ad hoc connection19:13
Biosftwnothing happens when i press the create ad hoc button : P19:15
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jaafarcan anyone tell me where xorg.conf has gone to in the beta?  There's not even a trivial one anymore.19:30
Picijaafar : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.19:32
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Download Kubuntu 9.10: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE 4.3.5 in backports | KDE SC 4.4 in the Kubuntu Backports PPA: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines | Regular helpers: #ubuntu-irc-helpers | Lucid/1
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Download Kubuntu 9.10: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE 4.3.5 in backports | KDE SC 4.4 in the Kubuntu Backports PPA: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines | Lucid/10.04 Support in #ubuntu+1
jaafarPici: thanks19:33
Picijaafar: np19:33
cuzntyou go chanserv!19:33
=== emil is now known as Guest69358
Digital-PioneerWell this is dreadfully unpleasant. I just installed Kubuntu 9.10 and after installing the proprietary nvidia drivers, my screen (a TV over HDMI) has severe overscan issues and all of the fonts are nightmarishly large.20:30
Digital-PioneerI've googled this issue, and apparently lots of people have it; solutions are a bit less common. I stripped the extensions out of my edid and set it in xorg.conf as per a tutorial online, but no help.20:31
Digital-PioneerAhh, got the fonts fixed. Had to manually set DPI in xorg.conf20:50
=== riemann is now known as Guest42048
areichmanDigital-Pioneer: this is what i use to fix the fonts every time I install the driver: http://my.opera.com/CrazyTerabyte/blog/2006/02/20/nvidia-vs-fonts20:53
Digital-PioneerAhh, and got the overscan fixed by changing TV settings. :D20:54
areichmancongratulations :-)20:54
sea__is there a way to direct sound output to the speakers even when I have headphones in? Or even better, to choose which device to use? (per executable though)20:55
* Digital-Pioneer calculates his actual DPI as resolution/physical dimensions and finds 42 DPI. Isn't that a bit low?21:01
Digital-PioneerSince I'm using 96 DPI right now and it looks pretty decent.21:02
Digital-PioneerOh well, BRB. Trying with 42.21:03
dany__hi all21:04
dany__I have a problem, I'm on Kubuntu and if I watch a video on youtube there is no sound21:04
wizkoderdany__: do you have sound in other applications?21:06
dany__wizkoder: yes21:06
wizkoderdany__: For me sometimes the sound stops completely. So I restart it with : "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart"21:07
dany__wizkoder: thx, I m gonna trying it21:08
RedLizardAny idea what drivers i need to use fox an ati x1650-based card on kubuntu 8.04? I can't get either radeon or fglrx to work...21:08
dany__wizkoder: nothing :(21:09
Digital-PioneerNope, sticking to 96 DPI. 42 makes fonts way too small. :P21:11
petr_what name of codec pack ????21:16
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Guest79213sudo apt-get install *****   ???21:16
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senorpedrohow can i find out how much free space a device has? without using df -h ?21:24
Digital-PioneerOK, so I bought this system to run my TV, and I got a remote control for it, which had reviews of Linux-friendliness. Anyone know how I can set it up? I got this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1688012100121:25
apersonquick question: how can I input unicode characters?21:28
rorksenorpedro: in Dolphin go to the place where you've mounted the device and check the properties21:31
senorpedrorork: you mean /media?21:33
senorpedrook i found it, thx rork21:33
rorksenorpedro: you're welcome21:33
senorpedrorork: god bless you :)21:35
skramer_as for the filter rules in KMail, which is the correct order?21:35
rorkskramer_: top filter will be the first, bottem will be the last21:36
skramer_rork: now I have SpamAssassin Check / Clam AntiVirus Check / Virus Combat / Bogofilter / SpamAssassin Service Check / Spam Combat / Classify as Spam   / Classify as Ham21:38
skramer_rork: exactly in this order21:38
skramer_rork: and the question is if this would be okay or not21:38
rorkDigital-Pioneer: I have no experience with it at all but you may want to have a look at kde-lirc (or anything with lirc in it's name)21:39
Digital-PioneerOh, I spent several hours last night looking at everything with lirc in its name. :P21:39
rorkDigital-Pioneer: lol21:39
rorkDigital-Pioneer: no luck then I guess21:40
Digital-PioneerNo, not really.21:40
rorkskramer_: hard to say, is there a difference in the actions between the filters?21:42
skramer_rork: each of the actions is different21:43
rorkskramer_: does the filter stop after a test is positive or is the next test triggered?21:45
skramer_rork: the next tst is triggered21:46
rorkskramer_: then I guess it doesn't matter which order they are in, otherwise just move around test until you find something to your likings21:48
skramer_rork: I tried to find something on internet about how to configure KMail + ClamAV + Bogofilter + Spamassassin21:49
skramer_rork: bu, unfortunately, couldnot find anything useful :-(21:50
Digital-PioneerSo is there any particular reason why apt-get update so dearly loves to hang on "waiting for headers"?21:53
Digital-PioneerAnd more importantly, is there any way to make it move on?21:53
rorkskramer_: what exactly is the problem?21:59
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skramer_rork: I'm not sure if all the rules are executed22:00
skramer_rork: or if some of them are just ignored22:01
rorkskramer_: in the filters in advanced options you can set an option to add the filter to the Apply filter menu, with that you can manually test each filter22:03
skramer_rork: ok, i'll try that. thank you22:04
rorkskramer_: you're welcome, I'm off now, gl22:05
ubuntu_What is the best firewall22:24
ubuntu_for kubuntu22:24
ubuntu_I am at software center22:25
blendmaster1024i lost the game22:56
blendmaster1024and #ubuntu-offtopic wanted you to know22:56
lookTHE GAME!!!!!!!!22:56
lookTHE GAME!!!!!!!!22:56
lookTHE GAME!!!!!!!!22:56
lookTHE GAME!!!!!!!!22:56
lookTHE GAME!!!!!!!!22:56
lookTHE GAME!!!!!!!!22:56
FloodBotK3look: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:56
looki would like everyone to know know about THE GAME22:58
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
lookand by the way everyone that is looking at this IRC channel has now lost the game also KDE lags and sucks sorry gnome is better =322:58
kaddilook please stop spamming or I'll have to alert the mods22:59
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== Mauricio is now known as Guest81410
cersHi, I just updated to kubuntu 9.10 from 9.04, and well.. something went wrong. much of plasma seems to be broken, all window decoration is garbled, the entire start menu and kicker bar (or what ever it's called) too23:07
cersany ideas how to debug the problem?23:09
kadditry killing of kde and moving .kde to .kde-backup23:10
kaddiwhen you restart kde it will create a default .kde wit default settings23:10
kaddithat may hlep23:10
cersI'll try23:11
cers_that didn't fix it :-S23:19
cers_(and forgot killing kde would disable wifi)23:19
cers_so even with clean kde profile, window decorations, kmenu, krunner and kicker is dead23:21
=== ubuntu is now known as helper
=== helper is now known as lostagain
lostagainhaving problems finding the grub stage1 file.. lost boot menu after windows reinstall.. can anyone help?23:35
darcycan ne1 help me with xp?23:39
Lynouredarcy: try on ##windows?23:40
Lynoureor ##d&d, depending on which you mean... =)23:40
darcyyea, my father screwed his computer up and i've not used xp for about a year now i forget how to use it kinda23:41
darcyhis admin account can't be accessed23:41
darcyi think he has a virus23:41
darcyhe can't use safemode or system restore23:41
LynoureI'd use dd to back up the data, then install kubuntu23:42
darcyis there a channel or something with this im system where ppl use windows?23:42
Typos_Kinglostagain:     sooooooo.... ntldr  is in the MBR and you want grub back, right?23:42
darcylol well he kinda needs to get back into xp23:43
lostagaini do believe so23:43
Typos_Kingdarcy:   do you have a question?   I haven't read it :}23:43
darcyi don't know what all that means but i think yes. sorry i'm not really much of a pc guru so the jargon is kinda greek23:44
Typos_Kinglostagain:     are .. you using .... 8.x?  9.1?23:44
Typos_Kingdarcy:   soooo?23:44
lostagainTypos_King: i forget what version of kubuntu is installed.. but i'm sure it's grub2.. has grub.cfg23:44
darcymy father is using xp and i was going to try and help23:44
Typos_Kingdarcy:   how can we provide you today with excellent service, and may we tell you about our new 'save the whales' pins for just 0.99?23:44
Typos_King hehe23:45
smokealotdarcy: try running avast free23:45
darcyi've not used windows in about a year and he can't run safemode23:45
darcyhe has avast23:45
Typos_Kinglostagain:    alrite... sooo... boot into your live-cd now :)    what partition is windows and what partition is ubuntu?23:45
lostagainlooks like update-grub may have worked23:45
darcyhe doesn't use linux23:45
smokealotthen its a matter of backing up files and replacing the os like Lynoure said :/23:46
darcyhe uses windows23:46
Typos_Kingdarcy:   do you have a question?   I haven't read it :}23:46
Typos_KingI mean... what's the full story, is there any?23:46
lostagainTypos_King: booted into live cd.. windows is /dev/sda1 root is sda3 and home is sda423:46
Typos_Kingsoooo, you dad screwed up the machine with a virus... or so he thinks23:46
darcyhe can't back them up cuz the stuff he needs is under the admin login23:46
darcywell i think he has a virus23:47
darcyhe disagrees23:47
cers_after upgrading to kubuntu 9.10 (from 9.04), even with clean kde profile, window decorations, kmenu, krunner and kicker are dead - any ideas what could cause that?23:47
darcyi'm guessing someone in the fam probably looked up one too many not so good sites23:47
Typos_Kinglostagain:    one sec23:48
robertzaccourright now my style setting is set on high resolution and very high cpu. what would happen if i put it on low cpu?23:49
smokealotdarcy: it sounds to me the trojan has total control over the machine with that you said cant be done on it23:49
Typos_Kinglostagain:    http://pastebin.ca/1849832   <----    for hte XPPARTTIION then use   sda1 and sda3 for the UBUNTUPARTITON23:49
darcyalright thanks that's what i figured23:50
Typos_Kinglostagain:    I dont' think you need to mount the win32 partition... but not sure :)23:50
darcysmoke: anyway he can recover any of it before he wipes it clean?23:51
Typos_Kingdarcy:   so... what do you want todo?   can he boot into the xp account?23:51
Typos_Kingis he locked out?  does the machine give a black screen or a bsod?23:51
darcyno bsod or black, normal23:52
darcyjust can't login under admin23:52
darcywhen he goes to restore tells him he needs to speak to admin23:52
Typos_Kingand how does he know the restore point doesn't have the virus 'backed up'?23:53
darcyno idea, i did google searches and they come up with similar probs if u create new admin account but he didn't create new one, the account just disappeared23:53
Typos_Kingfor all we know it may or may not be a good restore point23:53
darcythat's true23:54
Typos_Kingwhat brand machine is it?   dell, hp?23:54
darcyno he built it himself23:54
lostagainTypos_King:  is the "#" my windows partition??  (grub-install /dev/sda     # assuming here your 1st HD is sda, if it is hda, so use that)23:54
Typos_Kingsoooooo..... who is the administrator? isn't that him?23:54
darcyhe used to be good with this stuff actually but he's gotten lazy i guess and woke one day and lost all computer knowlegde lol23:55
* Lynoure is wondering if this is an elaborate troll23:55
smokealotdarcy: i would try something like http://www.file-recovery.net/download.htm then reinstalling the os23:55
darcyhis admin name was rob, but rob is nowhere to be found23:55
Typos_Kinglostagain:    hehe, tha'ts a comment after the #.. you can skip the #... line altogether.. .but no you use   -> grub-install /dev/sda;    that will put Grub back in the MBR of the 1st HD, no partiion a partition mbr23:56
Typos_Kinglostagain:    did update-grub find win32?23:56
lostagainInstallation finished. No error reported.23:57
lostagainTypos_King: seems to have worked properly23:57
Typos_Kinglostagain:    now reboot :)23:57
lostagaincool.. will try23:57
darcywell thanks guys i appreciate it.  i think i'm just gonna buy him a new shot gun and tell him to have fun23:57
Typos_Kingdarcy:    are there any other accounts?  besides adminstrator and his?23:57
lostagainthanks Typos_King23:58
darcyyea he created a new one but it has only limited access23:58
Typos_Kingdarcy:   what about wiping the whole machine and reinstalling windows?  is that a possibility?   does he have the installation cd?23:58
darcyi tried to get him to switch to kbuntu when i did.  it hasn't been perfect for me but the fact that i can actually fix or get help and fix has been awesome23:59

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