
LMAltCan someone help with getting sound to my flat screen.  Here is what i have graphics card (GeForce 8400 GS), ubuntu (9.10), tv (vizio va320e). currently hooked up dvi to hdmi00:56
phillwLMAlt: possibly not here, but there is a really good area on the forum for you 'lunatics' connecting stuff up --> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33401:02
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LMAltthanks phillw01:12
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=== hax is now known as Hellow
andrew_46Hmmmm..... can anybody here 'de-voice' me?03:17
xcrunnercan anyone help me with my wireless03:18
andrew_46Have to go but if anybody is reading the logs I would appreciate it if this could be done....03:18
pedro3005hello hobgoblin06:18
pedro3005hobgoblin, how are you?06:19
hobgoblinI'm fine thanks - you?06:25
pedro3005hobgoblin, pretty good06:26
pedro3005hobgoblin, so.... what is up?06:30
hobgoblinnothing :) just got up06:30
pedro3005hobgoblin, me as well... diving in some homework06:32
pedro3005hobgoblin, not much for talking today, are you?06:39
hobgoblinlol - I am waking up, drinking tea and smoking and the cat keeps on whining ...06:39
pedro3005hobgoblin, good, good06:42
hobgoblinpedro3005: how's your physics test go?06:53
pedro3005hobgoblin, it's in ~10 hours06:53
hobgoblinaaah - good luck then :)06:54
pedro3005hobgoblin, hopefully not too hard.. only dilation of solids, scales of temperature and vectors06:54
pedro3005hobgoblin, a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2 * a * b * cos รข ;)06:56
pedro3005c/5 = f-32/906:57
hobgoblinwell I do not have the slightest idea what you are going on about :) too much like school work for me to remember :D06:57
pedro3005hobgoblin, the law of cosins!06:57
pedro3005hobgoblin, dilation = inicial size * dilation coefficient * temperature variation! all that crap06:59
pedro3005hobgoblin, left me hanging :/07:06
hobgoblinhanging where?07:14
pedro3005hobgoblin, never mind07:21
=== hobgoblin is now known as hobgoblin|afk
pedro3005hello denis-k08:07
pedro3005hey leoquant08:09
duanedesignmorning all08:23
pedro3005hi duanedesign08:23
duanedesignhey there pedro300508:27
duanedesignI am checking out the new Ubuntu One Music Store :)08:27
pedro3005duanedesign, cool :)08:29
pedro3005doing physics exercises08:29
pedro3005for the test today08:29
duanedesignpedro3005: you and Diego and your Physics ;)08:37
leoquanthi pedro3005 and duanedesign08:37
pedro3005duanedesign, :D it's cool man.. my first year of it08:37
pedro3005hello leoquant08:37
leoquantduanedesign hows the snow today?08:38
ZachK_hey guys08:39
pedro3005hi ZachK_08:39
leoquantsome firework from ZachK_, hi!08:39
duanedesignleoquant: it warmed up a bit so not as bad today. thanks for asking08:39
ZachK_leoquant: wha?08:39
leoquantduanedesign ok08:40
duanedesigni was just telling pedro3005 that iam making my first purchase on the new Ubuntu Onne Music Store08:40
leoquantZachK_ your were on and off like speedy gonzalez (cartoon)08:40
ZachK_leoquant: ah.....ok08:40
duanedesignleoquant: 3 major snow storms in as many months. we usually only get snow once a year08:41
pedro3005guys, heading for a bath... gtg to school in a bit08:41
leoquantyeah, it is somewhat late in the season also?08:41
duanedesignZachK_: yeah you joinrd,quit,joined,quit,joined in less than a secoond :)08:42
duanedesignleoquant: true08:42
leoquantok pedro3005 have fun08:42
leoquantman its fin springtime here...12 c+ lots of sun08:43
leoquanti am going outside to catch some light08:43
pedro300512 c?!08:52
pedro3005i'd freeze08:52
pedro3005hi Silver_Fox_09:04
duanedesignhello Silver_Fox_09:05
pedro3005Silver_Fox_, :P09:05
Silver_Fox_How are you both ?09:05
ZachK_i'm good09:05
ZachK_you Silver_Fox_ ?09:05
pedro3005Silver_Fox_, fine, fine.. playing a bit of guitar. you?09:06
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: good. just browsing the new Ubuntu One music store09:06
duanedesigntrying to see if i can stump it with some obscure musical choices :P09:07
Silver_Fox_pedro3005 - Not too bad,  just going though my emails09:07
ZachK_duanedesign: .....09:07
Silver_Fox_duanedesign - Isn't it all DRM ?09:07
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: nope09:08
duanedesignthey are regular MP3's09:08
pedro3005duanedesign, see if they have http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Gibson :P09:08
ZachK_guys....we should move to -team09:09
pedro3005yes, we might interfere with all the support going on here09:10
duanedesignpedro3005: Clifford Gibson - Clifford Gibson (1929-1931)09:10
ZachK_pedro3005: true...but we should....09:10
Silver_Fox_Lots of support happens around here...09:10
pedro3005duanedesign, :O09:10
pedro3005Silver_Fox_, not now09:10
ZachK_Silver_Fox_: you on the Wiki FG?09:11
pedro3005ZachK_, once you follow rules just for the sake of following them....]09:11
duanedesignpedro3005: i came up with some obscure bands from Libya and a Jazz band from NY and was suprised it had them both09:12
pedro3005duanedesign, we have to find something it doesn't have :P09:12
Silver_Fox_duanedesign,  Do a search on Roxum09:12
Silver_Fox_Do I win ?09:12
ZachK_Try Def Leppard09:12
pedro3005of course it's gonna had def leppard09:13
ZachK_pedro3005: you'd be surprised....iTunes doesn't have Def Leppard09:13
pedro3005ZachK_, O.o09:14
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: yep09:15
Silver_Fox_They also have a studio album called: My Money's On The Bear09:15
pedro3005duanedesign, but pretty good, it seems09:16
Silver_Fox_They released a single also entitled:  Around and Down09:16
duanedesignIt even had 'Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey' a jazz trio from Tulsa09:17
Silver_Fox_duanedesign,  Do a search on Statician109:18
* Silver_Fox_ could go on all day like this >:)09:18
duanedesignI wonder why no Def Leppard09:18
duanedesignthey must have some kind of anti-mp3 deal09:19
pedro3005Silver_Fox_, Statician1? they are running out of band names?09:20
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: you win the prize again09:20
Silver_Fox_I have no idea,  its just the name09:20
Silver_Fox_Does it know:  Chocolate Watch Band ?09:20
ZachK_Try Relient K09:20
Silver_Fox_They were one of my favourites from the 60's09:20
ZachK_and Pillar09:20
ZachK_Ooh! and try Pink Floyd09:21
pedro3005Pink Floyd?!09:21
Silver_Fox_Dark side of the sun anyone....09:21
pedro3005I can't believe it'd have freaking Clifford Gibson and not pink floyd09:21
* Silver_Fox_ thinks the music store is broken09:22
duanedesignChocolate Watchband - Get Away09:22
duanedesignthat is an awesome album cover09:22
ZachK_no pink floyd?09:22
ZachK_Silver_Fox_: are you gonna stay with the Wiki FG?09:23
duanedesignZachK_: yes09:23
Silver_Fox_I shall continue with my LP's09:23
duanedesignZachK_: 27 albums09:23
ZachK_duanedesign: ok thank you09:23
ZachK_Silver_Fox_: good09:23
ZachK_talsemgeest: ping09:24
ZachK_anybody know when the voting for the elections/nominations start?09:25
Silver_Fox_duanedesign,  Sir Lord Baltimore ?09:25
Silver_Fox_It must know kingdom come09:26
talsemgeestHey ZachK_ :)09:26
ZachK_talsemgeest: please pm me09:26
ZachK_or go to switch2nix talsemgeest09:26
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: it even has a history of the band09:27
duanedesignkingdom Come09:27
Silver_Fox_Winston's Fumbs09:27
Silver_Fox_It should know snow white09:28
pedro3005Curley Weaver09:28
duanedesignsome bands it has a whole page write up. Which I found to be very good. i read the one on Pearl Jam, a favourite of mine, and found it to be accurate and even informative09:28
Silver_Fox_duanedesign,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro7gW3VBEZo09:29
duanedesignlol, it has Winston Churchill09:29
duanedesignpedro3005: it has Curley Weaver09:31
pedro3005fuck lol09:31
duanedesignpedro3005: and it has: Blind Willie McTell & Curley Weaver - The Postwar Recordings Of Blind Willie McTell & Curley Weaver (1949-1950)09:31
Silver_Fox_!language | pedro300509:31
Votebotpedro3005: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:31
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: no Sir Lord Baltimore09:31
pedro3005Silver_Fox_, ><09:31
Silver_Fox_3/4 isn't too bad09:31
Silver_Fox_From me I mean09:31
Silver_Fox_Epic fail on the music store09:31
ZachK_pedro3005: language?!??! bad man....lol09:33
pedro3005duanedesign, what are the prices?09:34
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: i like Sir Lord Baltimore _\m/09:36
duanedesignpedro3005: 99cents09:36
Silver_Fox_duanedesign what about:  The Sound of Sandwich09:37
duanedesign77cents for Curley Weaver09:37
duanedesignoops, gotta run. bee back in 30 minutes or so09:38
ZachK_latah duanedesign09:43
pedro3005k guys09:44
pedro3005see y'all later09:44
ZachK_bye pedro300509:48
ZachK_welcome leoquant09:48
ZachK_i mean lelamal09:49
* ZachK_ hates tabfail09:49
lelamalthanks hello ZachK_09:50
ZachK_lelamal: and how are you today? or is it night for you? lol09:51
lelamalI'm fine thanks, it's morning here09:52
lelamaland there?09:52
ZachK_lelamal: 5 am...09:54
ZachK_lelamal: but it's night for me as i work the night shift09:55
lelamalI see09:58
lelamalwell, have a good night then!09:58
ZachK_lelamal: i'm not leaving.....lol09:59
ZachK_lelamal: did you need any help or just hangin out....10:00
ZachK_welcome LifeLiner10:05
Silver_Fox_Hi swoody  :)10:32
lukjad86Hey Silver_Fox_10:35
Silver_Fox_How are you ?10:39
lukjad86Silver_Fox_ I am well, and you?10:39
Silver_Fox_I am okay lukjad86 ,  I am glad you are well.10:40
lukjad86Thank you :)10:40
lelamalZachK_, I know, it was me who was leaving10:44
lelamalno, I didn't need help, this channel is in my favourites in xchat, so when I connect I get automatically in10:44
lelamalI'm still relatively new to ubuntu, so I get to learn basic things from others over here I didn't know10:45
lelamalbut thanks anyway for now10:46
ndefontenayHi everyone11:58
lukjad86Hey ndefontenay11:58
ndefontenayit's good to see lots of ubuntu users all in one place :)11:58
ndefontenayWe've just had a pretty big update on the beta 111:59
lukjad86Glad you could join us :)11:59
ndefontenaytesting a few things11:59
ndefontenaywell I'm always connected at odd hours for the rest of the world11:59
ndefontenaymakes it hard to talk to people11:59
ndefontenayI'm in Thailand12:00
Silver_Fox_Hello ndefontenay12:00
ndefontenayhi people12:00
ndefontenayhi Silver_Fox12:00
ndefontenayanybody running lucid lynx beta 1 already?12:01
Silver_Fox_I have had it since alpha 212:05
ndefontenayer I was out trying teeworld12:11
ndefontenayquite funny12:11
ndefontenayI lag too much though12:11
=== worellana_ is now known as worellana
ndefontenaytesting the ground14:11
nigelbon lucid?14:11
nigelblike it?14:11
ndefontenaylove it14:11
ndefontenayI like all the microblogging integration14:12
nigelbmy testdrive seems to be broken, I need to take a look some time14:12
ndefontenayI don't like the less amount of games14:12
ndefontenayah it seems pretty ok here14:12
ndefontenaythe only problem remains the boot14:12
ndefontenayI keep having that black screen and cursors14:12
ndefontenayah facebook chat in empathy is pretty sweet too14:13
=== mohi1 is now known as mohi_away
=== hobgoblin|afk is now known as hobgoblin
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=== mohi1 is now known as mohi_away
=== mohi_away is now known as mohi1
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drubincan some one help me with Lucid? http://pastebin.com/WsQC4w1u can't install java ;/18:02
Hellowdrubin: Looking.18:04
Hellowsun-java* is being removed from the Ubuntu repos and moved to partner repos in Lucid.18:05
HellowThat's all I know.18:05
drubinHellow: Ah duh thanks18:05
drubinHellow: :)18:05
HellowNo problem.18:05
drubinthat is very very very annoying18:06
HellowYeah, it is.18:06
hobgoblindrubin: you seen this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1432100&highlight=java18:06
hobgoblinhi Hellow18:06
HellowHey hobgoblin18:06
hobgoblinhow's you - not seen you about for a while18:07
HellowBeen trying my hand at bug triaging and Debian packaging more recently - the latter isn't going as well.18:07
hobgoblinnot too bad thanks - busy still - but such it is :)18:08
hobgoblinoh not so much fun with the packaging thing then - I'm sure you will get it sorted18:08
drubinhobgoblin: lolz I just found that in google before.18:10
drubinhobgoblin: not even sure my java dev stuff is going to work with openjdk18:10
drubinhobgoblin: Thanks though :)18:11
hobgoblinoh well - can;t help much I'm afraid as it works ok for what I need with what I have18:11
drubinHellow: even after adding the partner repo's sun java doesn't install18:11
drubinhobgoblin: Giving it a try worst thing it doesn't isntall18:11
Hellowdrubin: apt-cache search sun-java18:11
drubinHellow: Says it is there... but doesn't install see pastebin same error18:12
Hellowdrubin: Do you need openjdk?18:12
HellowBecause I'm seeing sun-java6-bin and sun-java6-jre18:13
hobgoblindrubin: I can install the jdk one here - are you sure your repos are completely up to date18:13
drubinhobgoblin: They might not be.18:14
drubinhobgoblin: but doing a search shows the package but trying to install gives the no release candidate message18:14
Hellowcollin@enterprise:~/xe2$ apt-cache search sun-java618:14
Hellowsun-java6-jre - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files)18:14
Hellowsun-java6-bin - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture dependent files)18:14
Hellowsun-java6-plugin - The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 618:14
hobgoblindrubin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400097/18:14
drubindrubin@jizmo:~$ aptitude search sun-java18:15
drubinc   sun-java6-bin                   - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (18:15
drubinc   sun-java6-jdk                   - Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 618:15
drubinapt-cache is pooo;-p18:15
drubinaptitude ftw18:15
drubinbut still18:15
drubindrubin@jizmo:~$ aptitude show sun-java6-jdk18:15
HellowYour repos must be out-of-date, then.18:15
drubinNo current or candidate version found for sun-java6-jdk18:15
drubinPackage: sun-java6-jdk18:15
Hellowsudo apt-get update18:15
drubindone that18:16
drubinmaybe my mirror is out of date!18:16
HellowOr that.18:16
hobgoblinbe a waste of time if mirror is behind18:16
hobgoblind'oh slow typing18:16
hobgoblindrubin: try the main server or the uk one18:16
hobgoblinI have just updated recently18:16
drubinIf my mirror is out of date I am going to get very annoyed. because using this one is freee18:17
drubinhobgoblin: I am going to wait for the open jdk to finish isntalling before changinng mirrors then I will see18:17
hobgoblindrubin: why do you have to pay for yours ?18:18
hobgoblinhi there smeag0l18:18
smeag0lhi hobgoblin18:19
drubinhobgoblin: bandwith here is expensive and you pay per gig18:19
drubinhobgoblin: this is my ISP's local mirror so they don't count to your gigs18:19
drubinopenjdk seeems to work for now18:30
retlaw_how can I see a list of irc channels in empathy?18:40
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retlawEmpathy question: How do I see a list of channels19:01
pedro3005retlaw, /list19:02
retlawpedro3005: It returns "Unknown command"19:02
pedro3005retlaw, :O19:03
retlawpedro3005: tells me to see /help for available commands but the list command aint there.19:03
pedro3005retlaw, wouldn't know, sorry19:04
retlawpedro3005: what irc client are you using?19:05
pedro3005retlaw, xchat19:05
retlawfunny. I would think that ppl would use the default irc client that comes with ubuntu, but it seems not.19:06
pedro3005retlaw, I hate these multi messaging programs with 1000 protocols... they have a thousand and are good for exactly zero19:07
BGL-[e]how or where do i view a log file from the startup process ?19:28
ghostofmybrain_how can I see how big a certain directory is?19:29
pedro3005BGL-[e], System > Administration > Log File Viewer19:29
pedro3005ghostofmybrain_, from the terminal?19:29
BGL-[e]ghost: right click the directory & go to properties?19:29
BGL-[e]pedro thx19:30
ghostofmybrain_from the terminal, yes19:30
ghostofmybrain_ah, I guess it's du -h /directory19:37
pedro3005hi steelsteve20:05
BGL-[e]how do i manually remove the battery icon from the gnome panel? (laptop) is it in configuration editor somewhere?20:49
geirhaBGL-[e]: System -> Preferences -> Power management20:53
BGL-[e]heh thanks i duno why i didn't look there20:54
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DarkwingDuckpaultag: thanks for the offer earlier... I'll keep u in mind next time.23:21
DarkwingDuckpaultag: +123:21
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=== phillw is now known as phill_sleeps
bodhi_zazencompiledkernel: poke23:50
bodhi_zazenyou will like this , lol23:50
bodhi_zazensee PM23:50

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