
asac__does our default theme really have this annoying firefox dropdown bug?00:03
asac__e.g. blue url on dark background?00:03
ddecatorwant me to test it?00:04
asac__are you running lucid?00:04
asac__sure you are running the default theme?00:04
chrisccoulsonasac__ - yes, it does00:04
chrisccoulson(i'm running the default theme here)00:04
asac__chrisccoulson: noone complained?00:04
ddecatornot right now, but i can switch to it. but looks like i don't need to =p00:04
asac__chrisccoulson: thats ueberannoying00:04
ddecatortheres a lot of reports on it00:04
chrisccoulsonasac__ - there's a bug about it somewhere i think00:04
asac__chrisccoulson: well. ken filed one etc.00:05
asac__but where are the folks bitching us all the time ;)00:05
chrisccoulsonthat might be the one i saw00:05
asac__i cant even read that at all00:05
ddecatorasac__: i believe you were assigned to the bug00:05
asac__i know there was one bug ;)00:05
ddecatorthere are a lot of dupes00:05
asac__but i didnt know our default theme is affected00:05
asac__simply because i was using human all the time00:05
chrisccoulsonassuming our default theme is "ambiance", then that's affected00:06
asac__sigh ;)00:07
chrisccoulsonit had never bothered me before though00:08
chrisccoulsoni can still read it ok ;)00:08
ddecatorfrom the screenshots i saw, it would be annoying though =p00:09
chrisccoulsoni might set gnome-terminal to use the same colours.... ;)00:09
ddecatorfor a program to know what media is inserted in a cd drive, does it have to communicate with nautilus?00:10
ddecatoralright. i was just copying a cd and i noticed that songbird didn't even notice anything in the drive00:13
Mook_sbsongbird doesn't do cd rip on linux yet, fwiw. it'd need to hook up with various bits of stuff to learn to do that.00:14
ddecatorhuh, i thought it did before...maybe not, maybe i'm thinking of my windows days, haha00:15
ddecatorMook_sb: that's something i'd be interested in helping make a reality =)00:15
Mook_sbif you're interested in trying that out, it might be a good thing to do, yeah.00:16
ddecatorfirst i have to get this ready for merging into the ppa, then try and figure out the bug i'm having, but that'd be a high priority imo00:17
asac__micahg: was prism finished?00:22
asac__think it was just the stnadard lines in control and verification missing00:22
ddecatori can't get this to create a build-area...00:35
micahgasac__: I forgot :(00:36
micahgasac__: yes, enhances looks sane, so does depends00:37
asacrecommends is the one that hsould have the apps now00:37
micahgrecommends is empty00:38
micahgRecommends: ${xpi:Recommends} ?00:38
asacwhat is in Depends?00:38
asacimo Recommends should have firefox etc.00:38
asacor xulrunner?00:39
asacwhats in install.rdf?00:39
micahgfirefox or firefox's id00:42
micahgmroe specifically00:42
micahgonly for target application00:42
micahg.substvars is correct00:43
asachmm. not expanded00:44
asaccheck the real .deb00:44
asacwhat it has00:44
micahgasac: is there a command to do that or just install?00:44
asacmicahg: dpkg -x DEB /path/where/to/extract00:46
micahgno recommends, just depends00:46
micahgthere's a note in devscripts the xpi:Depends is deprecated00:46
micahgI'm checking what happens when I get rid of it00:47
micahgrecommends shows up when I get rid of xpi:Depends00:49
asacmicahg: yes, no xpi:Depends00:50
asacjust what is on the wiki00:50
micahgasac: you told me depends too :P00:50
asacDepends: ${misc:Depends}00:50
asacRecommends: ${xpi:Recommends}00:50
asacProvides: ${xpi:Provides}00:50
asacEnhances: ${xpi:Enhances}00:50
asacdidnt i paste that?00:50
asacmaybe add ${shlibs:Depends}00:50
asacto Depends:00:50
asacbut no xpi:Depends ;)00:50
micahgasac: apparently I can't read too well...00:52
asacwell, i think i said it wrong initially00:53
asacbut i hoped i pasted the full lines from above ;)00:53
micahgno, I checked the scrollback00:53
ddecatori feel like i must be making a stupid mistake...every time i try to make a build-area for the latest songbird release, it goes fine until it looks for the 1.4.0 source instead of 1.8.0...00:53
micahgI have a reading problem :)00:53
asacgood to feel less guilty ;)00:53
* micahg wonders how many times a release can be rereleased00:53
asacddecator: thats the version you have in changelog00:53
asacit looks for the version there00:54
ddecatorasac: ah, that's easy enough to fix. thanks =)00:54
micahgasac: looks good now00:54
micahgexcept it says it provides xul-ext-prism00:55
asac__thats ok00:55
asac__actually wanted ;)00:55
asac__so folks that want xul-ext-prism can install that still ;)00:55
micahgasac__: so, retag on top again?00:55
asac__release and tag00:55
micahgasac__: ok, pushed00:58
asacmicahg: you didnt update the tag00:59
micahgasac__: I did01:00
micahgI get a conflicting tag notice01:00
asaci didnt get an updated01:00
asacmicahg: you need to --delete the tag fiurst01:00
micahgasac: I did01:00
asacits not here ;)01:00
* micahg goes over to #bzr01:01
asaclet me try again01:01
asaci will just move it now01:01
micahgasac__: do I have to push overwrite?01:02
asacok tagged01:02
asacno clue01:02
asacmost likely01:02
asacjust pull now01:02
micahgwell, I can01:02
asacyou can?01:02
asaci retagged ;) ... so better leave it there01:02
asacmaybe push has an --include-tags?01:02
micahgyeah, I see your tag01:03
micahgno option for that01:03
asacok i sponsored01:05
micahgasac; thank you01:06
micahgasac: fennec too?01:06
asacno that one is left i think01:06
* asac produces orig with the tag in changelog and 1.001:08
micahgasac: thakns01:14
ddecatorthere we go, now i can get to work =)01:14
asacmicahg: so saw that read said we get an early .2?01:14
micahgasac: ?01:14
asacmicahg: and 3.6.2 are released today ;)01:15
asacreawd scrollback01:15
asac00:52 < [reed]> Firefox 3.6.2 shipping later this evening01:15
asac00:52 < [reed]> (
asac00:52 < [reed]> pushed up 8 days01:15
asac00:53 < [reed]> asac__ / micahg / fta: ^01:15
asac00:53 < [reed]> you should prepare for release ASAP01:15
asac00:53 < [reed]> 3.5.x and 3.0.x still on track for the 30th01:15
micahgasac: fun...I'll prepare them now01:15
asacno need to hurry01:15
asacjust FYI01:15
asacchris can also do that01:15
asacfocus on porting ;)01:15
asacand only do this for recreation ;)01:16
micahgasac: at least they're not in stable releases yet :)01:16
micahgasac: so we leave your mini patch in tehre for bug 51842201:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518422 in firefox "Firefox does not start with certain addons installed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51842201:17
asacmicahg: please leave ffox open01:18
ddecatorand no build-tree...should there be? or is that a ground control thing?01:18
asaci will figure that tomorrow and do the release if not01:18
asacddecator: ?01:19
ddecatorasac: in the build-area, there is only a debian folder and a source.tar.bz2 file. with the last release there was a build-tree file that had all of the songbird files in it to look at and view01:20
micahgddecator: it's created when you run debuild01:20
asacnot sure why debian folder ends up for you there01:21
asacprobably something messy ;)01:21
asactrash the build-area01:21
asacstart over ;)01:21
ddecatormicahg: ah, that's why. thanks, =)01:21
ddecatorasac: before i used that copy of the debian folder to test new changes and patches for building01:21
micahgddecator: the source is bz2 to save space/time uploading01:21
ddecatormicahg: ?01:22
micahgddecator: most times the source is only compressed once01:23
micahgwe have a tarball in the tarball :)01:23
ddecatormicahg: i just used the command you gave me before to make the build-area and this is what was made =p01:24
micahgasac: I'll try to run the test list you gave me on galeon later so we can get that out of the way01:24
* micahg will have to check with gnomefreak tomorrow01:25
micahghe said he tested firegpg, but I know it's broke01:25
asacdont wait for him01:25
micahgasac: I won't01:26
ddecatorthere, that's more familiar...01:26
micahgasac: 5 more + gears on the insecure list...01:26
micahgoops and conkeror01:27
ddecatormicahg: should i update the changelog with each commit or just update the log at the end?01:36
micahgddecator: with each commit01:38
ddecatormicahg: thanks =)01:38
ddecatormicahg: how should i describe that patch you had me add for the bash/dash issue?01:39
micahgtake a look at the changelog for thunderbird or xulrunner01:40
ddecatorfair enough...01:40
ddecatormicahg: and one more question. am i supposed to use "dch -i" for each change to the changelog (which would make it -0ubuntu6 or something after all the changes), or just use gedit and add them all under -0ubuntu1?01:42
micahgddecator: dch for the first one, dch -e for the rest01:43
ddecatormicahg: alright, thanks01:43
ddecatoris all of the "-updated debian/rules" style things added manually?01:45
micahgddecator: no01:45
ddecatorgood deal01:45
chrisccoulsonwell, i think i've done enough work for the evening now01:49
ddecatori have a feeling that during the commit i'm supposed to list those changes under the found changelog entry...01:50
micahgddecator: ?01:51
ddecatormicahg: with each commit, the change i made shows up under "unkown" and is ignored. am i supposed to add them to the commit for each change?01:52
micahgddecator: yes01:52
ddecatormicahg: dang...01:52
micahgddecator: nice feature of bzr is uncommit01:52
ddecatormicahg: glad i caught that fairly early on =p01:53
ddecatoralright, getting there. applied all of the changes, just need to re-pull the source with sqlite, then try to build it02:31
ddecatorthere we go, now it's building02:52
ddecatormicahg: songbird built and installed, but i get the following error when i try to start it: (songbird-bin:2899): Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large03:45
micahgthat's a warning, not an error03:45
micahgwe should see if one of the icons it's using is too big :)03:45
ddecatorright, just no idea where to check that, haha. any ideas Mook ?03:46
Mookhehe. err, probably http://src.songbirdnest.com/source/xref/client/app/branding/songbird.xpm - which claims to be 512x512 in the header, if I understand it right03:48
Mookor maybe I'm on crack. in fact, probably.03:48
ddecatorwas that changed recently? the last build didn't have that problem03:48
Mookchanged 06-Jan-2010, last version was 128x128.  according to http://src.songbirdnest.com/source/history/client/app/branding/songbird.xpm anyway.03:50
Mookstevel: I blame you :D03:50
ddecatorhuh, but that would have been in the last build i used then...03:51
ddecatorwon't start in safe-mode either =\03:52
ddecatorand starting the profile manager segfaults -_-03:53
Mookwhat if you just rm'ed that file for now, to see if it does anything?03:54
* Mook doesn't expect it to help, though03:54
ddecatori'm not sure it would either. where can i see the upstream changelog?03:55
micahgddecator: there was a GTK update today03:55
Mookddecator: http://timeline.songbirdnest.com/client/ (or svn log, of course)03:56
ddecatorMook: thanks, i'll bookmark that03:57
ddecatormicahg: you think that might be the cause? would that gtk issue cause it to not load at all?03:57
Mookbookmark the root; that has links to various useful things.03:57
micahgddecator: no, not a big cahnge03:57
ddecatorMook: alright, thanks =)03:58
micahgddecator: actually, yes, there we 2 updates03:58
micahgso it might have broke it03:58
ddecatormicahg: alright, i'll take a look at that too03:58
ddecatorwow, the devs have been busy...04:01
Mookyeah, it's our day job and all; sadly, that also means we don't always get to work on the things we want. (sometimes, though, that's also a good thing.)04:03
ddecatorlooks like most of it is getting everything ready for xulrunner 1.9.2 =)04:03
ddecatorhm, i don't see anything in the upstream changelog that stands out04:15
ddecatormicahg: which gtk package got updated twice?04:15
micahgddecator: check bugs.gnome.org for the warning and see if anything comes up04:16
micahgddecator: gtk itself04:16
ddecatori can't find the changelog for gtk...and the warning isn't on b.g.o or lp04:25
ddecatori'm stumped, i guess i'll see if any updates tomorrow fix it, otherwise i'll try the latest release04:30
ddecatormicahg: i can still push it if you want to try it04:30
micahgddecator: you should know that flash click bug by now :)05:09
ddecatormicahg: haha, we get enough reports about it ;)05:09
ddecatoraw, i was going to verify that he had flash installed from the repos first =(05:16
micahgddecator: you can look at the plugin registry file05:18
micahgddecator: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/41682957/profile_default_pluginreg.dat.txt05:19
ddecatorand there it is...05:20
micahgddecator: sorry, I actually added the comment before I noticed you commented05:37
BUGabundo_remoteasac whats nm-applet Package?10:14
BUGabundo_remoteI don't seem to have the applet when I have more then one session10:14
BUGabundo_remoteasac https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/54492610:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 544926 in network-manager-applet "An instance of nm-applet is already running. " [Undecided,New]10:20
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo_remote, there's not really any need for a bug for that, that's a well known issue with how the user settings works10:28
BUGabundo_remotechrisccoulson: its news for me :\10:28
BUGabundo_remotecare to point me to where it is documented?10:28
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo_remote, it's been like that pretty much forever. is this the first time you've used user switching?10:29
chrisccoulsonsee http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2010-March/msg00071.html for example10:29
BUGabundo_remotechrisccoulson: I send all my work day remotely connected10:35
BUGabundo_remoteso, no, its not the 1st time10:35
asacBUGabundo_remote: use system connections if you do user switching10:35
asace.g. "available to all users"10:35
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo_remote, then you must have noticed this before. it's almost always been the case that only a single user can run nm-applet at any one time10:35
BUGabundo_remoteasac I'm not having any prob with the connection, since its already up since I ever left home.10:40
BUGabundo_remoteasac chrisccoulson its just that having the applet missing (and yes, I only notice now, and I would bet it was there last week) doesn't allow me to mess around network10:40
BUGabundo_remotenot that it would be a good idea to do, if I'm remotelly connected :D10:40
chrisccoulsonasac - AFAIK there is not any way around that currently, other than killing the existing nm-applet and starting a new one in your new session10:42
chrisccoulsonif you're using a user connection rather than a system one, you will lose the connection after killing the first nm-applet10:43
chrisccoulsonasac - sorry, that was meant to be directed at BUGabundo_remote ;)10:43
asacah ok10:43
chrisccoulsonheh, i should read what i write before hitting enter ;)10:44
BUGabundo_remotechrisccoulson: you can do that? please teach me how10:46
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo_remote, which bit?10:47
BUGabundo_remote(2010-03-23 10:44:14) chrisccoulson: heh, i should read what i write before hitting enter ;)10:52
asac!info swt-gtk12:45
ubottuPackage swt-gtk does not exist in karmic12:45
chrisccoulsonasac - shouldn't libswt-mozilla-gtk-3.5-jni have a binary depends on xulrunner?13:22
asacif it uses the glue to start it up, then yes.13:22
chrisccoulsonasac - it seems to13:23
chrisccoulsonso, i will add a binary depend then13:23
chrisccoulsonasac - swt-gtk is ready (bug 545099)13:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545099 in swt-gtk "Rebuild against xulrunner 1.9.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54509913:54
chrisccoulsoni tried uploading it, but i'm not privileged enough ;)13:54
asacok let me look14:10
chrisccoulsonasac - thanks :)14:13
chrisccoulsonasac - mozvoikko is done also: bug 54515215:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545152 in mozvoikko "Port to xulrunner 1.9.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54515215:04
chrisccoulsoni can't upload that either ;)15:04
asacyeah checking15:08
asacchrisccoulson: libxul-unstable is dead?15:08
asacmaybe we should add a compatibliity .pc ... to ease porting15:08
asacwould think more than one is using that15:09
micahgasac: yep, a lot of it is stripping libxul-unstable and libxul-embedding-unstable15:09
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i think a lot of that work has been done already though15:09
micahgasac: that's the easy part :)15:10
asacmicahg: we should add that to xulrunner-dev15:10
asace.g. just links from libxul.pc to libxul-unstable.pc and libxul-embedding to libxul-embedding-unstable15:10
asacbut well. not sure how many are left now15:11
asacchrisccoulson: i think mozvoikko should be moved to mozilla-devscripts evnetually15:11
asac_chrisccoulson: the depends is wrong still15:12
asac_its firefox-3.615:12
asac_should be firefox15:12
asac_and firefox-3.5 dropped15:12
asac_probably firefox (>= 3.0)15:12
chrisccoulsonoh, i'll fix that then15:12
asac_i can add that. please remember to move that to mozilla-devscript next cycle15:12
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem15:12
micahgasac: mozvoikko actually has a maintainer in debian15:12
chrisccoulsonbrb, need to reboot15:13
micahgasac: BTW, I"m test building xul192.2 now15:13
micahgasac: you want the .pc links?15:13
asacmicahg: for the upload today? yeah, if that doesnt take much time add it15:14
micahgI was going to say I don't think it's a good idea, but until debian gets to xul192 it'll decrease our diffs15:15
asacmicahg: i think its a good idea. upstream should have kept it and depreacated15:15
asacrather than dropping15:15
asacupstreams often want to build for 3.5 and 3.6 etc.15:15
* micahg wonders if it was deprecated in 3.5...15:15
asacwithout that link its painful15:15
asacif it was, then its ok for them to drop15:16
micahgthe problem is a lot of upstreams are still using the 1.8 API15:16
asacthat reminds me that i whould send stuff to enigmail15:16
asacmy patch moving it to frozen api15:16
micahgasac: BTW...had some success and some failure with galeon15:17
micahgasac: it was still using xul191 somehow15:17
asacwhat succeeded? were the failures regressions over 19215:17
asacmicahg: thats the glue code you have to change15:17
asacminVerseion 1.915:18
micahgafter I purged that from my system, it worked great15:18
asacmicahg: yeah. thats the minversion in the glue code15:18
asacit picks up whatever it finds first in /etc/gre.de15:18
asacif its within the min/max version bounds specified in the GREVersionRange thing15:18
micahgah, ok, seems I forgot a patch then...I think I found it15:18
asacgrep for that string if you dont know how to find that15:18
micahgalso was testing tuxguitar last night and noticed it was also looking for xul191, the fix ready for that though15:20
micahgasac: should I bother renaming xul191 patches to xul192?15:20
micahgasac: also, if flash doesn't look as sharp, do I need to worry?15:24
asacmicahg: renaming?15:24
asacchrisccoulson: whats your ubuntu address?15:25
micahgasac: yes, a lot of the patches are named xul191 patch, I've been renaming, but I want to know if I should bother15:25
asacmicahg: well. rename them to 19x ;)15:25
asacso we dont do that next time again ;)15:25
asacbut i wouldnt really bother15:25
micahgasac: ok, I'll just modify then15:25
chrisccoulsonasac - chrisccoulson@ubuntu.com15:26
micahgthe good news with galeon is that flash seems to work fine, I was able to watch videos with it on multiple sites, just the quality seemed a little lower than firefox15:32
micahgasac: edbrowse uses libcurl4-openssl-dev, but is ships a libcurl.pc file and dpkg-checkbuilddeps fails to find it, any ideas?15:45
micahgasac: is this note ok in the .links file: Only needed for transition from unstable API or until Debian migrates to xulrunner 1.9.215:49
asacmicahg: how sure what you mean by libcurl15:50
asacfor the .links its ok15:51
asacbut dont mention debian15:51
asacwe ship it until its old enough for upstreams to catch up15:51
micahgasac: k15:51
micahgasac: about libcurl, it fails to find it, but I have it installed with the proper version15:51
micahgoh, I see the problem :(15:51
micahgmy fault15:51
micahgasac: wait, you said I shouldn't migrate packages to pkg-config, but rather just add the string from it?15:53
asacmicahg: as you wish16:05
micahgasac: k16:05
micahgasac: is it add symlinks from or add symlinks to *-unstable?16:09
* micahg needs more caffeine16:10
micahgfta: sorry about the dailies will try to clean up a little tonight16:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
AnAntasac: Hello, I need to modify xulrunner-1.9.2 to provide libmozjs packages, would that be a complex thing to do ?18:20
asacthats a doomed way18:20
asacwe wont do it for now18:20
micahgasac: anything else before I tag xul192.2?18:22
AnAntasac: doomed way means ?18:22
mahfouzthat you go to hell18:24
AnAntasac: btw, I am not asking Ubuntu to do it, you told me before your concerns about xulrunner and its API/ABI issue18:25
AnAntasac: I just ask how hard is it to modify xulrunner-1.9.2 package in order to provide it18:25
asacAnAnt: cant you work around with LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc.?18:27
asacotherwise its probably a diff to sonamify the libmozjs18:27
AnAntasac: can you elaborate about that workaround please ?18:28
asacAnAnt: why do you need a libmozjs?18:47
AnAntasac: a package is using it18:47
ftaasac, micahg: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3610218:47
AnAntasac: elinks has support for javascript, and that needs libmozjs. The current Debian/Ubuntu package doesn't enable it, but I want to enable it for myself18:48
ftaasac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3128718:49
ftamicahg, why do you want to split prism? does the ext work without the core?18:51
ftajdstrand, type=1503 audit(1269334904.401:21):  operation="open" pid=6159 parent=31639 profile="/usr/sbin/tcpdump" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" fsuid=0 ouid=0 name="/dev/bus/usb/"18:53
jdstrandI think there is a bug on that...18:53
jdstrandfta: are you using usbmon?18:54
jdstrandfta: or even better, with what args did you start tcpdump?18:56
ftajdstrand, usbmon? no. tcpdump host foo.bar.baz18:56
jdstrandfta: ok, thanks18:57
micahgfta: no, just a separate package name for the extension so that it follows the extension naming convention19:03
micahgit would depends on prism19:03
micahgfta: I don't know if it's necessary19:03
ftai don't think it's useful, but it's your choice ;)19:04
micahgfta: I'll talk to bdrung about it to see if it's necessar19:04
micahgfta: about the TB bug, for some reason it seems that xdg-open was not the way they wanted to do things19:05
micahgfta: nm, that was xdg-email19:06
micahgasac: anything else before I tag xul192.2?19:29
bdrung_micahg: i am here now20:11
micahgbdrung_: do we need to do bug 54464520:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544645 in prism "Split Prism Extension into its own package" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54464520:20
bdrung_micahg: can you classify prism as "extension"?20:22
micahgbdrung_: idk...it's the extension and the core prism...it provides xul-ext-prism right now20:22
bdrung_micahg: can you use the core as stand alone?20:25
micahgbdrung_: idk, fta: do you need the prism extension to use the webapps provided as packages?20:26
ftamicahg, not sure but at some point, it was necessary. try to drop it manually and see by yourself :)20:27
bdrung_i wouldn't make sense to split a package into two package that must be installed both in all cases20:28
micahgfta: bdrung_: appears that it's not needed20:32
bdrung_micahg: then i vote for an extra package20:32
micahgbdrung_: ok, then I'll leave the bug open for next cycle :)20:33
micahgasac: anything else before I tag xul192.2?21:24
micahgasac: anything else before I tag xul192.2?23:21
asacmicahg: not sure23:21
asacmicahg: fennec doesnt start anymore23:21
asacmicahg: e.g. second run23:21
asacmight be same extension issue as with firefox23:21
asacwe should use that to try the patches23:21
micahgasac: wfm23:22
asachmm. now it works again23:22
asacprobably forgot on which desktop it was ;)23:22
micahgasac: I didn't request blocking yet on teh upstream bug as your patch seems to work...wasn't sure what you wanted me to do23:23
asacmicahg: i am confused. didnt you say it didnt help?23:23
micahgasac: on karmic, but on lucid it's fine23:24
micahgidk why23:24
asacwell. i dont see what else xul 1.9.2 needs for now.23:26
micahgasac: ok, should I tag then?23:28
micahgand then you can push?23:29
micahgbuilders are pretty empty23:30
micahgasac: tagged and pushed to bzr23:36
asaclet me look23:38
asacchrisccoulson: hey ;) ... sorry to bother you with so many things. but we should try to get latest nss in ... not sure about nspr23:39
asacjust saw that xulrunner would rever to in-source nss ... which would be a mess23:39
micahgasac: I warned you about that last night :)23:39
asaci know23:39
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, i will make some time to look at that tomorrow23:39
chrisccoulsonit's getting a bit late to start new tasks this evening ;)23:40
micahgasac: do you want me to untag before the 5 minutes expires?23:40
asacchrisccoulson:... its never too late :-P ... lol. no sure. tomorrow would be great.23:42
micahgasac: does that mean I should try to tag firefox tonight?23:42
asacmicahg: untag?23:42
micahgasac: xul192?23:42
asacnot sure23:43
asacif you think it helps go for it23:43
asaci have no strong opinion ;)23:43
micahgasac: on untagging?23:43
asacexcept that i pulled it already23:43
micahgor on tagging FF?23:43
micahgah, well the only reason it would help is if I need to add something else before release23:43
asacboth. i assume FF is also affected?23:43
micahgasac: yes23:43
asacmicahg: go ahead and tag FF23:43
asacwe will release it when nss is in23:44
micahgasac: with your patch, it'll close that bug in LP23:44
asacyeah do that23:44
micahgasac: k23:44
micahgasac: will do later tonight23:44
micahgfirst, I'm going to try to fix a few dailies before the bot spins23:45
micahgasac: also what to do about firefox-stable...NSS won't be in the other releases23:45

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