
tonyyarussokermit: "outside looking in" my rear; more like parroting talking points00:51
tonyyarussoalso, lol at package management being cited as a downside :P00:52
h00kDownload your network drivers! 404 Not connected.00:55
* h00k facepalms00:55
kermittonyyarusso: yeah, win doesnt HAVE package managemnt, lol00:55
kermith00k: haha00:55
h00kkermit: unless you count Add/Remove "This software has already been uninstalled, click Okay to remove it from the list"00:56
TakyojiI have not required to compile anything yet at all.00:56
TakyojiAnyone prefer a specific web-based IMAP client?03:31
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Roundcube looks nice.03:33
tonyyarussoWhat are the options anyway?  Roundcube, squirrelmail, horde, egroupware, anything else?03:33
TakyojiI suppose. My reason for asking is because my Horde installation went poof on my server.03:35
tonyyarussoroundcube is young, so not feature-complete, but nice and functional.  squirrelmail is only functional, and ugly :P  Beyond that your options are full groupware setups that are probably overkill.03:36
TakyojiBut yea, gotta love proprietary solutions, being a complete black box.03:47
TakyojiHave no idea why Horde went poof from my Plesk installation03:47
TakyojiBut yea, I'll poke around between the two options03:48
netbookwait web-based client? Why not gmail? The imap import tool in it is awesome.05:12
TakyojiBleh, I have no idea why people use ColdFusion... http://www.dctc.edu/future-students/index.cfm05:13
TakyojiIs there any sane reason whatsoever?05:13
TakyojiOtherwise I'm still unsure of a college, or even a specific career to focus towards in terms of college05:27
_diablomr_steve: ugh. sorry I've been offline so much, I've been distrohopping a lot and travelling a bit. I'll be back again next week if you want to do ubuntu hour again somewhere17:10

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