
newz2000MTecknology: I've forwarded your email on to some decision makers and I think we're going to get some good assistance14:29
newz2000and by "think" I mean I have absolute confidence we're going to get some useful response14:29
knomenewz2000, hmm. how is the JS?14:30
newz2000knome: which JS?14:30
knomenewz2000, the one with which rime was mentioned14:31
* newz2000 looks14:31
newz2000knome: I don't have a record of this, was it in email or here on IRC?14:32
knomeemail originally14:32
knomethe l10n thing14:32
* newz2000 hopes it's not something serious14:33
knomejust was in a train and LOADS of people hopped in14:56
knomewhere's my nail scissors :(15:02
knomeanyway, how's the js?15:02
newz2000knome: I can't find a reference to it, I looked in my email15:07
knomenewz2000, it was in the website ml15:07
knomelet me find it15:07
newz2000or tell me his email address and I can pull it up15:07
knomeit wasn't him sending email15:08
knomei just told he could do something about it15:08
newz2000ah, cjohnston is going to set up a meeting soon to do the next step, but as I understand it now15:09
newz2000we should come up w/ something simpler by using apache's content negotiation feature15:09
knomemeeting, like in irc or...?15:10
newz2000this will serve a different js file for each language15:10
knomeoh, okay15:10
newz2000yeah, I think on IRC15:10
knomeis somebody on it already?15:10
newz2000no, I don't think so15:10
knomei read some mails on it on the ml15:10
knomedo you know if they already know HOW they'd like to decide who gets which file?15:11
newz2000(here's the link describing it btw: https://lists.canonical.com/archives/ubuntu-website/2010-March/000868.html )15:11
newz2000regarding who gets which file, apache will serve the file for their language automatically15:11
newz2000is that what you mean?15:11
knomeyup, pretty much15:12
knomeso what needs to be done then?15:12
newz2000I'm waiting for confirmation from the IS team that they'll support this method15:12
* newz2000 should ping them today on the matter15:12
knomeokay. then what? ;)15:12
knomeshould ping the UX team today myself15:12
newz2000Then a planning meeting to decide what needs to go into the js file and how it will be translated15:13
newz2000then do the work15:13
knomethe work is?15:13
knomeis it something somebody will be able to work on or you need help?15:14
newz2000I'm going to ask the community to do the work15:15
newz2000and by "i" I mean cjohnston. :-) He's the project manager this time.15:15
knomeokay, if nobody seems to step up, feel free (to tell cjohnston) to ping me so i can ask rime15:20
=== FFEMTcJ is now known as cjohnstoncell
cjohnstoncellnewz2000: You talking bad about me?15:22
newz2000cjohnston: mostly just slandering you15:23
cjohnstoncellI am aware. My phone is going nuts from you pinging me15:23
knomehaha :D15:23
MTecknologynewz2000: cool17:09
newz2000MTecknology: You've definitely got some people interested and have asked me how best to collaborate on this. :-)17:10
MTecknologyhorrible university internet....17:12
MTecknologyI can't even check email :(17:12
MTecknologyapparently it has something to do with 10.04.....17:22
cjohnstonnewz2000: you around boss?20:37
cjohnstonI'm guessing still no updates?20:38
cjohnstonwhat the crap is up with the wiki20:38
newz2000still no updates but I have a reminder to bug them tomorrow morning20:38
newz2000(our time)20:39
cjohnstonim at work tomorrow so ill be around whenever i get around20:39
cjohnstonnewz2000 needs to fix the wiki20:39
newz2000what's up w/ the wiki?20:40
cjohnstontons of timeouts20:40
newz2000are you editing? I'm viewing and it's snappy for me20:40
cjohnstontrying to view20:40
cjohnstonjcastro was complaining about it earlier too20:41
newz2000must only be affecting those in eastern time zone20:41
newz2000when you get a timeout error do you see an error message from a proxy server?20:42
cjohnstonhave not payed that much attention20:43
newz2000if you do, tell me the name of the proxy server and I'll look into it20:43
newz2000it maybe that we're running more than one currently and one is flaky20:43
cjohnstonnewz2000: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400169/20:45
newz2000sounds frustrated20:46
jpdscjohnston: The main reason it's so slow is because it has a HUGE user database.20:57
* cjohnston thinks newz2000 needs to write a wiki for ubuntu's use that is faster :-P20:58
newz2000yeah, it'll be done in 201520:59
newz2000Moin is a bit of a dog20:59
newz2000it really only has about one benefit, it's written in python20:59
newz2000theming stinks, performance is not super, installation is a pain in the butt21:00
jpdsWell, even you save a page, by design, it stats EVERY SINGLE users data files to check if that user is subscribed to that page.21:00
cjohnstonis there something better?21:00
newz2000jpds: yeah, not good21:01
newz2000cjohnston: mediawiki is good but we don't like php21:01
cjohnstonseems like there would be a better way to find or save subscribed users21:02
newz2000cjohnston: yeah21:02
newz2000I spent nearly 5 years writing a commercial CMS before coming to Canonical, and a strategy i used21:03
newz2000pages should be optimized for viewing21:03
newz2000fundamentally, that means things that are done repeatedly should be optimized21:03
newz2000so when a person subscribes to a page an index should be updated21:04

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