
poolielike having no register_command() call, just looking up bzrlib.commands.$foo?00:00
jamthat sort of thing00:02
jamand then falling back to some other place00:02
jambut honestly, it doesn't really matter00:02
jamand this is better than what we have today00:02
GaryvdMHi igc00:05
GaryvdMNight all00:05
igchi garyvdm00:05
GaryvdMMust get some sleep...00:06
pooliehello spiv00:08
pooliejam, that might be nice, but it seems to hit some snags with aliases etc00:08
pooliei'll try to keep going on it00:08
pooliebeing able to actually test that it's working and does not regress is very nice00:08
poolieif i say so myself00:08
pooliejam, spiv, don't forget to organize your travel btw00:08
codeblocI'm consistently getting "out of memory" errors migrating my huge svn repos to bzr.  Any way to get 64-bit bzr on windows?00:31
pooliecodebloc: if you install a 64-bit python and then install from source that should do it00:32
codeblocpoolie: thanks, and I almost got that going, but failed when zlib was missing00:33
pooliei would have thought that would be included with python00:33
codebloc"bzrlib/_chk_map_pyx.c(32) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'zlib.h': No such file or directory" is the error00:33
codebloci read it's statically linked with python00:34
poolieah ok, you're trying to compile it?00:34
codeblocbut even if it's included, the header file isn't00:34
codeblocdon't I have to compile it, to install from sources?00:34
poolieyou can run the pure python version00:34
pooliebut that will be slower, which might be bad if you have a huge project00:34
poolieigc is working on windows build stuff00:35
codeblocI tried adding "--allow-python-fallback", as an option to setup.py build, but that wasn't recognized as a valid option00:35
poolieit may ring a bell with him00:35
codebloci'm absolutely willing to use the slower pure python option if it gets me over this hump00:35
codebloci'm trying to convince executives to switch to bzr from svn00:35
pooliewhat happens if you just run 'bzr' from the source directory?00:36
codeblochmm.  it seems to run at least well enough to display usage00:37
codebloclet me try to run the convert command line from here00:37
igccodebloc: are you converting using svn-ipmort or fastimport?00:37
codeblocI read svn-import was faster, so that's what I'm trying00:38
igccodebloc: you might want to try the --incremental option and convert the repository in batches00:39
codeblocok, so I tried what poolie suggested, and did a 'python bzr svn-import', but it reports the svn-import command is unknown, which I imagine is due to the warning it also issues saying some compiled extensions could not be loaded00:40
codebloci'm willing to try batches as a one-time thing if that'll work00:40
codeblocbut here's my concern00:40
codeblocsome of the revisions in this repos include changes to a ~100MB binary file00:41
codeblocwhen I tried converting those revisions with mercurial, which I realize is somewhat different, the process jumped to nearly 2GB of memory and crashed almost right away00:41
pooliethat will probably fit00:41
codeblocis it realistic to expect 32-bit windows bzr binaries to handle a few hundred MB files?00:41
poolieespecially if you're using bzr 2.1 and going to a 2a repository00:41
codebloci am00:42
codeblocok, I'll try to do it incrementally00:42
pooliei'd try it00:42
lifelesscodebloc: memory overhead for a X MB file is ~ 3X00:42
lifelesscodebloc: some operations are a lot better, some few are worse.00:42
pooliethere is a00:42
pooliebug, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-windows-installers/+bug/331342 that you can subscribe to/vote for00:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 331342 in bzr "bzr python-based installer requires 32-bit python on windows; unclear message" [Medium,Confirmed]00:43
codeblocyeah, i saw that bug.  i'll definitely subscribe to it00:43
codebloci'll try the incremental approach00:43
codeblocthanks for the help00:43
codeblocif I run into more trouble i'll be back00:44
pooliecodebloc: oh also https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/545637 thanks for pointing that out00:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 545637 in bzr ""setup.py build --allow-python-fallback" doesn't work; need build_ext" [Medium,Confirmed]00:54
codeblocpoolie: no problem.  I'll subscribe to/vote for that one too00:56
fullermdSpeaking of bugs, which we weren't, am I somehow missing the blindingly obvious way to see the list of affects-me-too bugs?00:57
poolie https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/283539 does claim to be fixed...01:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 283539 in malone "Make it possible to search for bugs affecting me" [Medium,Fix released]01:00
pooliefullermd: there is an option hidden 3 pages down in the advanced bug search page :/01:04
fullermdYes, but it doesn't show me all the bugs that I set affect on.01:05
pooliei think you're right01:05
fullermdI search for any status, affects me, and I get 7 results, but bug 374734 (which I hit Affects on) doesn't show up.01:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374734 in bzr "upgrading many branches is tricky" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37473401:06
fullermdAnd the list it does give is kinda weird.  Some of them I filed, but it's not all the ones I filed.  I'm pretty sure I didn't click affects on at least some of them...01:06
fullermdOwell.  Just wondered.  If I'm gonna be puzzled, I might as well be puzzled in company   8-}01:15
pooliei commented01:17
poolieyou can too :)01:17
fullermdI would, but I set that it affects me, and now I can't find it again  O:->01:18
mwhudsonjames_w: now what's happening? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/400307/01:25
igcpoolie ping01:30
igcI need to run in a few minutes01:30
igcwhile I'm gone ...01:30
igcis there any chance we can rebuild the desolution instance?01:31
igcor whatever the term is01:31
igcthere's new windows updates and some new software (sphinx) installed there01:31
igcpoolie: it keep asking me to reboot but I'm not sure if we need to rebundle first or not?01:32
poolieon phone, we'll do it when you get back?01:32
pooliewe can rebuild it but i don't want to rush01:32
igcpoolie: sure01:32
igcpoolie: it may reboot itself (thanks to Windows updates) while I'm gone anyway01:33
igcok - got to go01:33
* igc back in a few hours01:34
fullermdOh bother.02:23
meoblast001fullermd: looks like someone's having client issues?02:46
SamB_XPor is an evil bot02:47
naoki^fmm... zlib124dll.zip doesn't contain zlib.h03:22
naoki^Windows installer fails.03:22
james_wmwhudson: I think the package hadn't built yet03:38
wgrantHow do I resolve a 'path conflict'?03:39
wgrantAh, looks like if I just resolve the target it works.03:40
pooliehi igc05:19
igchi poolie05:19
GaryvdMMorning all.05:33
GaryvdMI'm trying to use lazy imports in qbzr more.05:33
GaryvdMI've run in to a problem I'm not sure how to solve.05:34
GaryvdMI get this error on all os.path.xxx calls:05:34
GaryvdMbzrlib.errors.IllegalUseOfScopeReplacer: ScopeReplacer object 'path' was used incorrectly: Object already cleaned up, did you assign it to another variable?: _factory05:34
GaryvdMBut no where am I lazy importing os or os.path05:35
GaryvdMAny ideas ?05:35
igchi GaryvdM - no ideas from me sorry05:36
* GaryvdM smacks forhead05:36
GaryvdMdid have a lazy import of os.path - sorry all05:37
bjacquesWhen I commit a bunch of changes to my local branch, and then I 'bzr push' to a remote branch, which of the commit messages will be shown primarily?06:07
bob2all of them06:09
bob2since push will only work if the remote branch has no new commits06:09
bjacquesah, I thought that06:11
bjacquesbzr would show a "tree of commits", like what you see when you look at the output of bzr log --include-merges06:12
poolieare you talking about push -v or something?06:13
bjacquessorry, I should have been clearer06:14
bjacqueswhat I was thinking of was the commit notification emails that other people receive. (I might be incorrectly using the word "commit" here.)06:14
bjacquesbut it also shows in the output of 'bzr log', without --include-merges, it shows sort of a "parent" commit summary, and if you specify --enable-merges you see the individual commits that happend before the person merged and, presumably, subsequently pushed their branch.06:15
bjacquesso, basically, what I'm trying to do is this. bzr branch remote local; (make change); bzr commit -m "minor change 1"; (make change); bzr commit -m "minor change 2"; bzr push -m "Summary of changes: ..." remote06:18
bjacquesat least, it is my understanding that is roughly how a bzr workflow should look...06:19
RAOFbjacques: There is no message on the push.06:19
RAOFIf you want something like that, you can do it.06:20
bjacquesWell, obviously I also want to show people the big picture rather than a long list of incremental changes.06:20
bjacquesSo how would I do something like that?06:21
RAOFSo, what you want to do is make a merge commit.06:21
RAOFYou can't do that remotely, but that's ok.06:21
RAOFYou'd do something like bzr branch remote trunk; bzr branch trunk mychanges; ... hack in mychanges, committing as much as you like ...; cd trunk ; bzr merge ../mychanges ; bzr ci -m "Summary of what the mychanges merge does" ; bzr push remote06:22
bjacquesah, cool, will try that06:23
pooliespiv, you might like to update hydrazine to get a fix for bug 54158606:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541586 in hydrazine "feed-pqm should match subject to avoid breaking threads in gmail" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54158606:23
poolieor to tell me it's not fixed :)06:23
spivpoolie: hmm, I did run 'bzr pull' just before using it06:30
spivOh, the fix is very new, ok :)06:34
spivpoolie: FWIW, mutt already threaded them just fine :P06:36
bjacquesRAOF: that did the trick, thanks!06:36
spivpoolie: (I think because Launchpad automatically sets the In-Reply-To header for those messages?)06:38
GaryvdMpoolie: with --profile-imports, can I turn it off at a certin check point. I want it show me all the imports before a gui window shows, not after06:54
pooliespiv, i know, it's really a gpg bug07:01
GaryvdMpoolie: Figured it out.07:02
poolieGaryvdM: what did you do?07:02
pooliespiv: s/gpg/gmail07:02
GaryvdMI insert this at the point that I want to view:07:03
GaryvdMimport profile_imports; import sys; profile_imports.log_stack_info(sys.stderr)07:03
GaryvdM(it assumes that profileing is on)07:03
GaryvdMpoolie ^07:04
vilahi all07:24
vilaGaryvdM: still there !!! Hi !07:24
pooliehi vila07:24
pooliehow are things07:24
GaryvdMhi vila, at work07:25
vilaGaryvdM: pfew, so you had some sleep, good :)07:25
vilapoolie: pretty well, I'm working on bug #37589807:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375898 in bzr "bzr merge fails: bzr: ERROR: No final name for trans_id 'new-1'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37589807:26
vilaI think I roughly understand what is happening and will try to write a small enough test for it,07:27
vilabut ISTM that what is really wanted is nested trees and I don't expect to fix that :-( :-) :-?07:27
vilaSo I'll try to see if a simple fix can be devised and investigate possible workarounds (including fixing bzr-merge-into)07:28
vilaAnd I'll try to keep up with the patch pilot stuff but I've lowered  my expectations there :-/07:30
* vila afk07:47
poolievlia, thanks for looking at that one07:56
poolieand for telling me07:56
poolienight all08:05
spivvila: review sent your way08:23
* spiv is done for the night08:24
igcnight poolie, spiv08:36
igchi vila08:36
* igc dinner08:36
mvohello! is there a known problem with upgrading branches from the LP ui? I'm trying to upgrade https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/synaptic/ubuntu so that I can merge my changes from trunk into that branch but it does not work, upgrading via cmdline downloads ~30mb and then tells me backup.bzr is already there. deleting that via sftp (I'm sure it was gone) does not help, got the same error again. I'm on lucid, bzr 2.108:41
* vila back08:43
parthmmvo: maybe you can upgrade via web ui. the branch owner will see an "upgrade" link on the page https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/synaptic/ubuntu08:43
vilahi spiv, igc08:43
mvoparthm: thanks, I tried that first, I see a "upgrade in progress" box then for some minutes and when it vanishes the branch format has not changed (both on the web-ui info and from bzr info -v bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/synaptic/ubuntu/)08:44
mvoI wouldn't bother much, but it prevents me from merging from my other branches because the formats are not compatible :/08:45
vilaspiv: hehe, the test scenarios went through multiplesss iterations, I'll check your remarks and will try to explain why I went this route,08:53
vilaspiv: the principal intent was to be able to define the scenarios right before the tests instead of in load_tests()08:54
vilaspiv: these tests are unusual in that their setup is far more complex than our usual tests08:54
vilaspiv: but as always when focused on a given task, and exploring various ways, reviews are usually raising interesting points so I'll look into that carefully08:56
vilaspiv: thanks for the review anyway08:57
spivvila: I don't have much time right now, but part of my concern is that hopefully we don't need multiple ways of defining scenarios08:57
vilaspiv: there is one reason here: each scenario needs to be mirrored so that merges are tried in both directions *and* resolutions are tried for both sides08:58
spivvila: the APIs for it are already a bit esoteric08:58
vilayeah, it was hard to get there so there is certainly ways to improve that08:58
spivI don't understand why the mirroring requires special support08:58
spivAs opposed to e.g. scenarios = scenarios + mirror_scenarios(scenarios)08:59
vilaspiv: may be I missed a simplification at one point, but when I introduced mirror_scenarios, multiply_scenarios wasn't doing the right thing09:00
spivMy gut reaction is that it can be simpler.09:01
vilaspiv: hehe, you should look at some previous versions :-D09:01
spivBut if you need a more advanced scenario-construction API, then TestCases aren't the tool for it.09:01
vilaspiv: but I'm all for simpler tests :)09:01
spivI can take a stab at simplifying tomorrow if you like.09:02
vilaTestCases allowed me to keep some locality which make tests simpler to understand09:02
vilaspiv: if I don't find the time to push anything until tomorrow, you're warmly welcome !09:02
vilaspiv: I'll try to answer your review at least09:03
spivI seems to me you have a base set of scenarios, and then you wish extrapolate a bunch of other scenarios from that basis.09:03
spivAnd that's something you ought to be able to express directly with the scenarios themselves.09:03
spivMaybe the scenarios should have less keys but richer objects in them?09:04
spivNot sure, I have a few rough ideas I can explore.09:04
spivMaybe inspiration will strike while I sleep :)09:04
spivActually, I'm not sure I get the point about locality either.09:04
vilaspiv: I'm not confident I've found the right hooks yet (not the right infra for that matter), I've discovered many details why translating the test (from back to white boxes)09:04
vilaspiv: have a look at the history, things may be clearer that way09:05
spivAFAICT, you're essentially just keeping the components of a scenario local with itself?09:05
spivI don't see why inheriting from TestCase helps there.09:05
vilaerr, by TestCase you mean TestParametrizedResolveConflicts ?09:06
spivI know you want to define custom methods like assertion methods, but that can be done pretty easily in a plain scenario dict without grouping the scenario parts in a TestCase definition.09:06
spivEr, right.09:06
spivThat's not a TestCase?09:06
vilaoh wait ! You need to look at  lp:~vila/bzr/537956-parent-loop-incomplete !09:07
vilaspiv: I've changed many things in the test infra there !09:07
spivI see no prerequisite-branch on the merge proposal :P09:07
vilathat's because I changed things *after* this branch and this branch is a pre-requisite of the following one :)09:08
vilaspiv: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/537956-parent-loop-incomplete/+merge/2122409:08
spivWell, a comment about this would have been handy, at least :)09:08
spivFeel free to tell me if I missed one, of course! :)09:08
vilaspiv: sorry about that :(09:08
spivOk, I'll take a look at that tomorrow.  Thanks for the pointer. :)09:09
vilaspiv: I didn't realize this when we started this discussion :(09:09
spivMe either ;)09:09
parthmmvo: i tried the upgrade locally and it worked. http://pastebin.com/8iZrsJGb09:10
parthmmvo: i am using bzr 2.1 on karmic09:10
spivvila: so, a final thought before I go for the night09:10
vilaspiv: And I don't remember exactly what I backported from one branch to the other, I'll re-read everything carefully09:10
spivvila: I can see the attraction of using the class statement to construct a complex scenario09:10
spivvila: but does that class actually need to inherit from TestCase -- or anything else?09:11
parthmi get a large set of "can't start new thread" error on 'bzr --no-plugins selftest --parallel=fork' http://pastebin.com/AbQ8G0Ge is this expected?09:12
spivAlso, I wonder if a hugely complex scenario is a smell.  I think probably they are unavoidable for genuinely complex situations, but I'm not sure...09:12
spivvila: anyhow, good night, and thanks for fixing bugs and improving the test coverage :)09:12
vilaspiv: one final remark before you go to sleep too :) : I consider this a work in progress, there are still tests that needs to be translated and there are still *no* tests involving several conflicts... So I'm definitely open to enhancements but I don't want to to delay landing fixes either09:13
parthmmvo: i am not too sure how launchpad branches work but you branch seems upgradable to me :)09:13
mvoparthm: thanks, locally I can upgrade too, its the remote end I want to upgrade. what is the most efficient way? or some reason bzr+ssh errors out with "backup.bzr" already exists (even if I delete it with nautilus on the server). and the LP webui upgrade does nothing for me. I'm trying sftp:// upgrde now, but it appears to be really slow09:13
mvo(locally I have upgraded already :)09:13
vilaspiv: yeah, the complex setup allows to use pdb with the right simple context in the right place, that's the goal, this smells, but I don't want to cheat too much either, building the conflicts "manually" with their associated wt.... yells "brittle" far too loud to my ears :)09:15
vilaspiv: thanks for feedback anyway, this is hard stuff and I'm glad to be able to discuss it09:16
parthmmvo: fwiw, bzr 2.2dev allows multiple backup.bzr folders as backup.bzr.~N~ so that particular error will go away. you could try using lp:bzr09:16
parthmmvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/300001 i am not sure how that plays with launchpad though.09:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 300001 in bzr "existence of backup.bzr blocks running upgrade a second time" [High,Fix released]09:18
mvoparthm: thanks, I check the new bzr out now and will try that09:19
mvoparthm: thanks for your help (much appreciated). I solved it now the cheap way by renaming the lp branch and pushing my local upgraded one as a new branch09:26
parthmmvo: that sounds good to me :)09:27
* mvo is *so* happy to be able to commit again09:27
pantahi everyone09:47
pantaI've implemented some new hooks for bzr, and I'd like to know if I should propose them for merging09:48
bialixhello all09:50
pantaI've read "Contributing to Bazaar", but I'd like to know if they could be considered interesting09:50
parthmbialix: ^ quote "I've implemented some new hooks for bzr, and I'd like to know if I should propose them for merging"09:54
parthmfrom panta09:55
bialixah, ok09:57
jelmerpanta: Please send an email to the list about them09:59
jelmerpanta: If they're generic enough I think we'd be interested in them.09:59
pantajelmer: ok, thanks. Should I include a preliminary patch?10:02
jelmerpanta: yeah, please do10:03
pantajelmer: ok, thanks for the info.10:05
shane_Hey, im getting a strange error when committing http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/400482/10:15
=== shane_ is now known as fagan
faganI got it when I did a bzr commit10:16
faganI have my ssh and pgp key set up but I only did it an hour ago. (I did a fresh install so I made new keys)10:18
bob2shane_: you can't commit via http10:19
faganWhy is it trying that then?10:20
bob2presumably you have bound your branch to another branch via http10:20
bob2'bzr info' oughta show you10:20
faganbob2: can I change it to https?10:21
bob2you probably can't commit via https either10:21
bob2is this an lp project?10:21
faganYep its planet-ubuntu10:22
faganIm just updating my hackergotchi :)10:22
bob2well, bind to the bzr+ssh url10:23
faganbob2: I figured out what was wrong10:25
faganIt hadnt logged me into bzr yet :)10:25
bob2that you had bound to a http url10:25
bob2and you can't commit via http :)10:25
bob2ah, launchpad-login10:25
faganbob2: yep I have it working now10:27
faganGot to run10:27
u-fokahy! i'm get this: "ERROR: exceptions.IndexError: list index out of range" when I try to bzr fast-import my.fi new-repo/trunk11:06
u-fokawhat I doing wrong?11:06
u-fokanew-repo is created with init-repo before, and it's empty, using bzr 2.1.011:06
bialixu-foka: use just `bzr fast-import my.fi new-repo`11:11
bialixif it does not work you need to file a bug11:11
u-fokasame error :S11:13
bialixu-foka: pastebin output of `bzr -Derror fast-import my.fi new-repo`11:13
u-foka1 sec11:13
bialixhow you have created my.fi?11:14
u-fokabzr fast-export old_repo my.fi11:14
u-fokaold repo need to be altered11:14
u-fokabut the unaltered fi makes the same error11:15
bialixpretty odd11:19
bialixare you on windows?11:19
u-fokaI'm on lucid11:21
bialixu-foka: I don't know what the version of fastimport you have. You may want to try to use the latest version from trunk11:24
bialixbut there is definitely error in fastimport plugin11:24
bialixplease, file a bug, and specify the version of the plugin11:24
u-fokaokay, thanks!11:24
u-fokathe same fi imported on the karmic machine fine11:25
bialixdefinitely the bug11:26
bialixuse fastimport as of version on karmic then11:26
u-fokafastimport 0.9.0dev11:28
u-fokait seems to me that this already reported as bug #28776711:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287767 in bzr-fastimport "fastimport from git fails" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28776711:31
mgedminbzr rm file1; bzr ci file1 -> "paths are not versioned: file1"11:34
mgedminsorry, my bad11:35
mgedminbzr st prints filenames relative to branch root, not to my $PWD :( :( :(11:35
spivmgedmin: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/52066211:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 520662 in bzr "Add option to output relative paths" [Medium,Confirmed]11:41
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
igcnight all14:28
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
nlisgowhy is sftp so slow. I tried bzr+ssh and I was worried when it had finished so quickly. I thought perhaps it didn't send the commits to the repo. But it had!!15:42
NfNitLoopsftp has to do everything via file reads over the network.15:44
NfNitLoopbzr+ssh spawns a remote bzr instance that can do those file reads on the server.15:44
NfNitLoopso it's faster.15:44
NfNitLoopbut sftp works even if you don't have bzr installed remotely.15:44
vilajelmer: ping15:46
jelmervila: 'lo!15:46
vilajelmer: hi !15:46
vilabzr-loom is currently broken because BranchFormat.open got a new 'name' keyword arg, rings a bell ?15:47
jelmervila: ah, yep15:47
jelmervila: It's documented under "API CHANGES" in NEWS ;-)15:47
vilajelmer: long story short, that means bzrlib API needs to be bumped :-/15:47
jelmervila: I'll submit a aptch to bzr-loom15:47
vilajelmer: thanks ! Not a big deal for loom (I just added the name arg in a hurry as I couldn't use my loom anymore), but bumping the API will have more consequences...15:48
vila(for other plugins that is)15:49
vilajelmer: the related patch in only in bzr.dev right ?15:49
jelmervila: yep15:49
* vila checks 2.2 release date15:49
jelmervila: this is all work done towards colocated branches15:49
vilajelmer: I know, I know, good work ! :D15:50
vilarats, 2.2b1 expected in 8 hours15:50
vilajelmer: could you propose a patch with the API bump so that poolie wont miss it ?15:51
jelmervila: ok15:51
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
jelmervila: Whoa, I wasn't aware 2.2 was already that close15:51
vilajelmer: thanks a ton !15:51
vilajelmer: well, that's what https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/2.2 says (I have a bit of mail backlog but I'm pretty sure poolie announced it)15:52
jelmervila: Thanks15:53
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dashhmm. no jelmer... guess i won't talk about my bzr-svn bug yet. :)16:56
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
MvGHi! What's the easiest way to find the first mainline revision integrating a given revision using the command line? In other words, how do I find out when a given revision actually got merged?17:02
vilaMvG: bzr log <revno>.. -l<max_merge_depth>17:02
dash-l? or -n17:02
vila-l == --limit17:03
dashoh i see what you mean now17:03
MvGMissing -r.17:04
vilaThe idea is to start log at the revision you're interested in until the tip limiting the output to at least the merge depth of the revision17:04
vilaMvG: argh, yeah, sorry17:04
MvGOtherwise it gives me "bzr: ERROR: Start revision not found in left-hand history of end revision."17:04
vilaMvG: double-argh, yes add -n017:05
MvGNo luck either: "bzr log -r 4056.2.1.. -l3 -n0" for the bzr.dev branch prints the same as "bzr log -l3 -n0". No indication of the merge point for 4056.2.117:24
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MvGvila: by max_merge_depth, what number did you have in mind there?17:25
vilaMvG: meh, that's a bug17:26
MvGvila: i still don't see how your approach is supposed to work either.17:27
MvGI understand the -r part, and I see I'd like the last mainline rev printed by that output. I don't see the role of the -l there.17:28
MvGvila: Oh, a --forward does help.17:28
vilaMvG: it's to avoid displaying all the revisions you don't care about, ha rats, yeah, damn, 2 args good out of.. 5 ? :-/17:29
MvG"bzr log -r 4056.2.1.. --forward -l1 -n0" looks pretty good. I guess I'll define an alias.17:29
vilayeah, the result is correct, no bug here, sorry17:29
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rellisIs there a way to merge two distinct revisions from one branch into another branch?18:05
rellisTrying to do it in one command, and it is not a range of commits.18:06
beunorellis, no, not in one command if they are not sequential18:06
rellisgotcha, thanks18:07
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mwhudsonPeng: have you looked at https://code.launchpad.net/~tseaver/loggerhead/sphinxify/+merge/21948 at all?19:43
jelmermwhudson: thanks for the review of my pygpgme branch20:39
jelmermwhudson: do you know if there's any eta on mirrored branches/vcs imports for packaging branches?20:39
mwhudsonjelmer: i think it's mostly a matter of having a ui to be able to create them now20:40
jelmermwhudson: does that mean there's already a API to create them ? >-)20:40
mwhudsonjelmer: ah, no, probably not20:41
mwhudsonthe internal apis probably need to be cleaned up a bit20:41
mwhudsonbut mostly around creation i think20:42
mwhudsonif you could magic one into existence it would mostly work i think20:42
codeblocthe windows installer version of bzr 2.1.0 runs out of memory doing "bzr svn-import"  on my repository due to the presence of a single change to a 250MB file20:54
codeblocthis on a 64-bit windows machine with 12GB of RAM20:54
codeblocI have created a test SVN repository that can reproduce this problem20:54
codeblocI'd like guidance as to whether this should be a separate bug, or just another manifestation of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/10911420:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 109114 in bzr "[master] bzr holds whole files in memory; raises MemoryError on large files" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:54
codeblocif it is another instance of 109114, is there any hope of this bug getting a higher importance?  I can't use bzr as long as it has this limitation20:55
jelmermwhudson: hmm, I might then :-)21:03
jelmercodebloc: it's just another manifestation of that bug21:05
jelmercodebloc: I'd recommend asking for a higher priority on that bug report21:05
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
andreasheintzeHi! Is there anybody here?21:49
jelmerhi andreasheintze21:49
andreasheintzeHi there! I'm having a question about bazaar and I thought maybe someone here can help me?21:50
dashandreasheintze: usually :)21:50
andreasheintzeI'm new to bazaar so... anyway. I have set up a repository of our intranet at work, wich I'm developing in PHP and javascript.21:51
andreasheintzeI have access to the whole site, but I got another developer that is responsible for everything under one folder in this site.21:52
andreasheintzeHow can I limit him to just be able to update the files and folders inside that folder?21:53
andreasheintzeI don't want him to able to commit and merge changes of files outside of that folder. Can I do this?21:54
andreasheintzeIf anyone has a link or can guide me in the right direction, it would be great!21:57
thumperandreasheintze: normally this would be done by having separate branches22:04
thumperI'm pretty sure that bzr doesn't have a restriction like this for a single branch22:05
Pengmwhudson: Um, probably not. I've been AFK. :D22:06
andreasheintzeOk, I thought so, but how? If I make a new branch of my main branch it will create the whole site, not just that folder.22:06
Pengmwhudson: I'll get to it later -- no guarantees I'll do any more than think "hmm, that looks complicated -- I'll let mwhudson handle it". :P22:07
bmmI've posted a bug for bazaar hookless-mail, but I'm not sure anybody will read it as I'm the only one who is subscribed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-hookless-email/+bug/546431 Is this bug going to just die?22:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 546431 in bzr-hookless-email "[whishlist] Support for multiple e-mail adresses" [Undecided,New]22:07
jelmermwhudson: another thing, newer versions of bzr-svn should be able to handle the KDE repository - it'd be nice if we can get a newer version on Launchpad before the rollout22:10
mwhudsonjelmer: i think that got integrated when i did the incremental import thing22:12
mwhudsonPeng: well fair enough22:12
jelmerah, nice22:12
thumperbmm: appropriate prodding here should get some bzr developers to at least look :)22:12
lifelessthumper: perhaps22:13
thumperandreasheintze: you could split out the subfolder - look at the split command22:13
lifelesshookless-email - best to send something to the list I think22:13
lifelessbmm: ^22:13
andreasheintzesplit, ok I'll take a look at it. Thanks!22:13
bmmI have small projects with friends and I have like two to three people per project I want to mail.. so I would like to be able to add just a single address in most cases :)22:14
bmmlifeless: ^22:14
lifelessbmm: sure, but I don't think anyone here as seen the code for the hookless-email at all22:16
lifelessI think the developer is on the bzr mailing list though22:17
lifelessanyone else see'Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded in __subclasscheck__' in <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'> ignored22:17
lifelessrunning the test suite ?22:17
bmmlifeless: Thanks for the tip!22:19
jelmerlifeless: no - is this with or without plugins?22:19
lifelessjelmer: without22:20
jelmermoin poolie22:25
pooliehi jelmer22:40
mtaylorlifeless: hey - wanna see something purty? http://hudson.drizzle.org/job/drizzle-build-spare-macos/84/console22:43
lifelessbug filing time22:44
mtaylorlifeless: (I'm going to upgrade bzr there right now - I just thought I'd paste it in...)22:44
lifelessits a dupe22:44
mtaylorlifeless: that's running bzr 1.1822:44
codeblocassuming i somehow work around the memory issues with importing my svn repository, i have an issue with access control that i'd need to solve with bzr22:45
lifelessthats an issue mtaylor - we didn't intend to break compat like that22:45
mtaylorlifeless: oh good!22:46
* mtaylor is helpful22:46
codebloclet's say my company has a product with two bits of code.  one is '/boring', and another is '/cool'.  we can't build the product without both /boring and /cool, and /boring depends upon the output of the build of /cool22:46
codeblocwe have overseas developers working on /boring22:46
codeblocbut our onshore dev team works on /cool22:46
codeblocwith svn it's pretty easy to limit access for some devs to just /boring, and let the rest access everything22:47
codeblocwhat is the idiomatic way(s) in bzr to solve this problem?22:47
mtaylorcodebloc: ssh22:47
bob2separate repositories, ssh, unix groups22:47
mtaylorwhat bob2 said22:47
codeblocbut if the repositories are separate, that complicates building and branching, doesn't it?22:47
codebloclet's say I want to do a build22:48
bob2it is unrelated to building22:48
codebloci need /boring and /cool22:48
codeblocand I want to create a label for that build22:48
codeblocor see a unified history for prepping release notes22:48
codeblocmaybe this is my svn mindset, thinking in terms of a monolithic repository22:48
mtaylorlifeless: do you need any of the .bzr.log from me / want me to file/update anything?22:49
codeblocif so, do you know of any (preferably large scale) projects that use multiple repositories i could look at to try to understand22:49
bob2you're conflating "repositories" and "projects"22:49
codeblocyes, i suspect I am22:49
codebloci'm trying to imagine how my team would work if we had one svn repos for our driver code, another for our daemons, another for our UI, etc22:50
codeblocit would be a mess22:50
codebloci guess that's not so with dvcs's like bzr?22:50
bob2well, I can only think of two cases where it matters:  you need to do more than one check out, and your build process needs to remember more than one rev no22:51
codeblocwell, in our particular case our build numbers correspond to the svn revision number of the working copy used to do that build, so obviously that assumes a unified repository22:53
codeblocbut we also have some code in, say, 'libraries', that code in, say, 'gui' depends on.  With one big checkout, we can assume the 'libraries' project has a certain path relative to 'gui' so the project file can specify that relative path explicitly22:54
codeblocwith multiple repositories the developer would have to make sure to arrange his working copies so as to preserve this relationship22:54
codeblocand if he did the equivalent of an 'svn switch', he'd need to do so for every working copy22:55
codeblocnot the end of the world, but also not what any of them are used to.22:55
codeblocis that just something teams using bzr or git or hg are used to doing?22:55
mtaylorcodebloc: you may want to check out bzr-builder22:56
mtaylorcodebloc: it allows you to create "recipes" for how you pull stuff from different bzr branches22:56
mtaylorcodebloc: a lot of the dvcs world is modeled around how open source stuff works anyway - as in, I might depend on libgcrypt, but those guys aren't part of my project - so I either grab a tarball release from them, install a deb or I pull from their bzr repo22:57
codebloclet's take canonical for example22:58
codebloceach ubuntu release is obviously a huge build process22:58
codebloceven though most of it is probably packages from other projects, there's still got to be a fair bit of ubuntu artifacts22:58
codeblochow to they use bzr to manage that?22:58
mtaylorso - all of that is much easier when you don't add the "make this bit private" element :)22:59
codeblochehe, yeah, presumably22:59
mtaylorand ubuntu doesn't solve all of that problem with bzr23:00
codeblocbut at the same time that's pretty common in commercial software shops like mine23:00
mtaylorlarge portions of it are solved inside of the debian repository and the debian packaging23:00
mtaylorbut that's what I'm saying - if you draw organizationally from how that's done, right?23:00
codeblocyeah, I get what you're saying23:00
mtaylorhave the display-driver folks actually cut and release a lib that you can install and other groups can consume23:00
codeblocthat's how large-ish software companies tend to work23:01
codeblocperhaps it's time we start working that way too23:01
codeblocmaybe then we wouldn't have this massive svn repos that bzr can't seem to ingest ;)23:02
mtaylorit's a bit of an uphill the first time ... but it has nice payoffs23:02
mtaylorcodebloc: :)23:02
mtaylorcodebloc: also - check your versions of svn and python-svn23:02
mtaylorcodebloc: I know there was a memory leak bug in python-svn at one point23:02
mtaylorwhich I believe has since been fixed23:02
mtaylorcodebloc: heck - if you wanna get really crazy- have each component actually release and install debs :)23:03
codeblocmtaylor: whoa!  let's not get carried away ;)23:03
jelmermtaylor: to add to the confusion, we never actually used python-svn, only python-subversion (yes, they're two different things)23:05
codeblocmtaylor: libsvn is 1.6.5.  python-svn is not installed, which is making me wonder how it works23:06
jelmerand we're now using python-subvertpy, which should not have any memory leaks23:06
codeblocjelmer: aha, that explains it.23:06
mtaylorcodebloc: sweet! listen to jelmer - he knows all23:06
codebloci'm running python-subvertpy 0.6.9-1 on my 64-bit ubuntu box23:06
* jelmer fails to make a bad pun about subversion or somesuch23:07
codeblocneither python-svn nor python-subversion are even installed23:07
codeblocso sounds like I don't have the memory leak bug23:07
jelmercodebloc: you shouldn't need either, just subvertpy23:07
codeblocjust the 'feature' whereby memory is consumed until it is exhausted ;)23:07
jelmercodebloc: you just posted that link to the example repo on the bug right?23:07
codeblocyes, that was me23:08
pooliethanks for giving an example there23:11
codeblocpoolie: no problem.  believe me when I say, I WANT bzr to work for us.  if I have to do another svn merge I'll very likely pop a blood vessel23:12
jelmercodebloc: I'll have a look at it once I figure out how to unpack a 7zip file :-)23:13
lifelessjelmer: install the package ;P23:14
codeblocjelmer: 7zip is the future!  :)23:14
codeblocjelmer: the deb package is p7zip, iirc23:14
* jelmer growls23:16
jelmerin my time we used arj on floppies and it worked just fine23:16
hazmatjelmer, i thought all the leaks in py svn bindings were fixed as of 1.623:17
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mtaylor"Open source Windows utility for manipulating archives"23:19
codeblocjelmer: when I was coming up you paid for a pkzip license like a good little prole.  Thankfully time marches on23:19
* mtaylor == apt-get install tar gzip 23:19
codebloci used it because it usually gets better compression ratios than zip, rar, or gzip23:19
codeblocin this particular case my test data are random byte sequences so there was obviously not much compressing going on23:19
codebloci may as well have just tar'd it for all the space savings I got23:20
jelmerhazmat: possibly - we switched to subvertpy before 1.623:20
lifelesstar + xz ~= 7zip23:21
jelmerrzip ftw!23:21
jelmercodebloc: so, it looks like the memory usage isn't particularly related to the fact that you're importing from svn23:22
jelmerBazaar deals with full files in a couple of places at the moment, so I guess it's a nontrivial amount of work to fix that bug.23:22
codeblocjelmer: that was my suspicion, especially since I can repro it with a repos that only has a few revisions23:22
codeblocjelmer: i get that, but what I couldn't understand was why a 250MB file can exhaust available memory23:22
codebloceven if it stores 4 whole copies in mem, that's only 1GB23:23
codebloca 32-bit process under 64-bit windows has 4GB of addressable memory to work with23:23
jelmercodebloc: Importing that test repo uses max 1.8 Gb here23:23
jelmerand I'm on 64bit23:23
codeblocjelmer: yeah, why do you suppose that is?  Doesn't that seem high given the relatively small quantity of data involved?23:23
jelmercodebloc: probably needless memory duplication23:25
jelmerwhen generating delta's serializing to disk, etc23:25
codeblocjelmer: i see.  meaning it's probably not an easy or forthcoming fix...23:25
spivWe currently expect to hold up to 3 copies of file in memory.23:25
spiv(which is still rather bad for large files, obviously)23:25
codeblocjelmer: is that to say all the teams using bzr simply never deal with binary files even as small as 250MB?23:26
spivI'm not sure why you're seeing even worse than that, but it's probably a bug :)23:26
jelmercodebloc: probably, I don't think I've personally ever dealt with a file larger than 10Mb in a VCS23:27
codeblocjelmer: so if I'm to use bzr I'll need to exclude from revision control any binary files over, let's say, 100MB in size, and version them some other way23:29
codeblocback on the subject of how large teams use dvcs, here's another scenario i'm puzzling over23:45
codebloclet's say I want to use the best practice of feature branches to isolate my work on a new feature while maintaining sync with trunk23:46
codeblocwhat do teams do when the feature they're working on spans multiple repositories?23:46
codebloceg, you're adding a feature that involves a change to a web service, and also a change to a couple of GUI projects to expose this new feature to users23:47
codeblocdoes bzr have any features that allow you to somehow maintain one feature branch with changes to both repositories, and merge that back in to the respective repositories when the time comes?23:47
codeblocor do you just create two separate feature branches in two separate repositories and try to remember to merge them both back at the same time?23:48
spivcodebloc: yes (separate branches)23:48
codeblocspiv: in practice doesn't that get a bit confusing?  particularly if it's not two repositories but three or four or five?23:49
spivcodebloc: I think some of the tools like bzr-builder that help assemble a group of related branches also have some facility to update that collection in synchrony (by assembling a new recipe at least)23:50
codeblocspiv: ah, interesting.23:50
jelmercodebloc: if you have a couple of branches like that that are very closely related,are you sure you don't just want one branch?23:50
codeblocjelmer: actually I do, but remember I need some code to be accessible only to onshore teams, while other code is also accessible to offshore developers, so based on my earlier irc conversation i got the message that the way to do that was separate repositories with ssh and unix groups to control access23:51
spivcodebloc: yes, it gets confusing sometimes, but usually not very.  i.e. just "that's a funny failure -- oh, I need to update branch Y as well, duh"23:51
spivcodebloc: how confusing it will be for you will depend on how often you need to do it, and how tightly/loosely coupled your different components are, etc.23:52
codeblocspiv: i see23:53

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