
=== bladernr__ is now known as bladernr_
DarkwingDucknixternal: ping01:31
DarkwingDuckAnyone seen jjesse?01:43
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DarkwingDucknixternal: ping02:48
nixternalDarkwingDuck: pong03:16
DarkwingDuckemails away03:16
DarkwingDucknight all.03:37
DarkwingDucknixternal: I'll be around tomorrow03:38
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
apacheloggerno body is saying anything :(09:13
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* Riddell tickles apachelogger 10:37
* apachelogger giggles10:52
rgreeningRiddell: I need to get my kubuntu-dev. What do I need to do? Update my old motu app and create a wiki for it for kubuntu-dev app and then ask for a meeting?12:07
Riddellrgreening: yep12:10
Riddellwant to be the chief ninja for the 4.4.2 packaging?  that would make it an easy application to approve12:11
shadeslayerRiddell: btw whats the path to becoming a ninja? do you have to be a member?12:13
Riddellshadeslayer: simply help out when a new KDE release needs packaging12:14
Riddellyou can become a member by doing ninja helping12:14
Riddellshadeslayer: so 4.4.2 tars should appear tomorrow, we'll need those packaged for lucid and karmic and tested in triplicate before uploading12:15
Riddellshadeslayer: I invited you to the top secret ninjas channel12:16
shadeslayerRiddell: thanks :D12:18
shadeslayerRiddell: will this last forever?12:18
Riddellonce a ninja, always a ninja12:19
shadeslayerRiddell: \o/12:19
shadeslayerRiddell: oh btw im starting to package choqok beta 112:21
Riddellnice, let us know when it's available for testing12:21
shadeslayerRiddell: sure :)12:21
* shadeslayer checks LP builders...12:22
shadeslayerheh... 14hrs for the amd64 one :D12:22
shadeslayerRiddell: btw package name should be choqok-0.9.55b right? following choqok-0.9.55a12:23
Riddelldunno, what's the version number used by upstream?12:23
shadeslayerRiddell: choqok-0.9.5512:23
Riddellso what's the a or b for?12:24
shadeslayerRiddell: we used choqok_0.9.55a in our repos12:24
shadeslayerRiddell: alpha beta probably12:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: ping12:24
shadeslayerRiddell: im not entirely sure though12:24
Riddellif 0.9.55 is the beta and that's what we have in our archive that means we already have this in the archive12:25
rgreeningRiddell: I can do...12:28
Riddellrgreening: you sound hesitant12:28
rgreeningnot at all12:28
Riddellrgreening: are you on the kde-packager mailing list?12:28
rgreeningI have a "can do" positive attitude12:28
rgreeningRiddell: not that I am aware of.12:29
rgreeningwhats the link to sign up for that12:29
shadeslayerRiddell: um actually the package hasnt been updated once,and it seems to uploaded during the alpha release of choqok12:29
Riddellrgreening: sign up for notification of what the tars appear https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-packager12:30
Riddellrgreening: use your kubuntu e-mail address so they know where you are12:30
Riddellrgreening: do you have access to ktown?12:30
shadeslayerRiddell: meh.. it is the beta version12:30
shadeslayerjust checked the changelog12:30
rgreeningRiddell: I remember getting into it a while back12:31
Riddellrgreening: ssh ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org to check12:31
shadeslayerRiddell: any other stuff that needs packaging? small stuff...12:31
Riddellshadeslayer: check the sponsorship queue?12:32
shadeslayerRiddell: the REVU one?12:32
Riddellrgreening: when the time comes clear out https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging and do the !ninjas thing for the bot and get everyone packaging12:32
rgreeningIm in to ktown12:33
Riddellshadeslayer: http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/12:33
Riddellshadeslayer: see if there's anything KDEish we care about in there12:33
shadeslayerRiddell: oh and idk why but plasma-widget-networkmanagement doesnt pick up wifi at my uni,but does so at my home 0_o12:34
Riddellrgreening: make sure pacakging gets committed to bzr, make sure karmic packaging gets updated from the current backports packaging.  make sure the packages get into the ninjas PPA and built and tested there12:35
Riddellrgreening: I'm away tomorrow and friday so I'm counting on you to keep everyone right! :)12:35
rgreeningIf I get stuck, Im sure Jon or Harlod will offer advice :)12:36
rgreeningHarold that is12:36
Riddelllex and neversfelde are top ninjas too12:36
shadeslayeroh btw can someone post the default bashrc for karmic? i get no colors with grep :P12:38
ejatshadeslayer: :)12:43
shadeslayerejat: ?12:43
ejatnvm ..12:43
shadeslayerejat: :P12:44
ejatu should check the grep alias ..12:45
shadeslayerejat: yeah.. also the ls alias... but it would be better if i could copy paste the original bashrc..12:45
ejatalias grep='grep --color=auto'12:46
shadeslayerill boot the iso in kvm and copy the default one from there12:46
ejatalias ls='ls --color=auto'12:46
ejatshadeslayer: yeah .. thats better :D12:47
ejatfinally .. the openclipart get fixed..12:47
shadeslayeri just replied to a guy and my reply becomes favorited in like micro seconds12:52
* shadeslayer uploads choqok git version12:53
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txwikingerIs there a way to run GNOME applets under KDE?15:14
Tm_Twhich applets you mean?15:15
txwikingerJust in general15:16
Tm_Twell, systray applets works as is15:17
DarkwingDuckhmm... Wonder if nixternal is back yet15:19
Tm_Tno he is not15:20
* Tm_T hides nixternal15:20
DarkwingDucknixternal: you get the email?15:21
DarkwingDuckspeaking of my next question... there is jjesse15:21
nixternalyahooanswerfail.com is good stuff :)15:21
DarkwingDuckBug reporting for Lucid: http://havethebuttonsmovedbackyet.com/15:23
nixternalhaha, saw that last night15:23
DarkwingDuckI about died15:25
shadeslayerAlso http://isthemusicstorereadyyet.com/15:28
* shadeslayer wants amarok integration15:28
* DarkwingDuck agrees15:29
nixternalwhy pay for music when you can torrent it? I want a torrent store in my amarok :p15:29
shadeslayerNeglection of kubuntu has to stop :P15:29
jjesseDarkwingDuck: whats up?15:29
shadeslayernixternal: lawll15:29
shadeslayernixternal: well.... your'e right...15:30
* shadeslayer hides his torrents under the bed15:30
DarkwingDuckjjesse: my desktop doc i think included most of the config-desktop one15:30
DarkwingDuckI want Jono's collection15:31
DarkwingDuckjjesse, nixternal I wonder if they should be merged instead of a seperate one.15:31
jjessei would argue they hsould be merged and make mine validate :)15:32
DarkwingDuckThat works too :P How much you got done?15:32
* DarkwingDuck ducks15:32
nixternaljjesse: yours is easy to validate silly once you see the double tab15:32
jjessenixternal: that would mean i would spend time looking at it :)15:33
nixternal"How to I become autistic so I can with at casinos?"  - I am telling you, yahooanswerfail.com is killing me this morning15:33
nixternaltoday is the last day, we only have 6.5 hours left15:33
* yuriy_ mourns the loss of speedcrunch by default15:33
jjessefrom the link in the ubuntu-us-mi15:33
DarkwingDucknixternal: to get the docs in?15:34
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nixternalIf your Blood Alcohol Levis is above .10 and you get bit by a mesquito does the mesquito get drunk?15:34
nixternalmust be wearin' some tight fittin' jeans15:35
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DarkwingDucknixternal: what else needs to be done in the next 6 hours?15:36
nixternalthe docs that are still WIP on the list15:36
* DarkwingDuck takes a look15:36
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DarkwingDuckHardware, Office and Config-desktop...15:37
DarkwingDuckI think most of config was covered my desktop...15:37
DarkwingDuckHardware and Office are the two other ones...15:37
nixternalmy oh my. this stuff is hilarious15:38
nixternalQ: Do black people have feelings?    A: Yes. Everyone has feelings. Except the Russians. The Russians are to bad ass to have emotions.15:39
nixternalAHAHAHA: Q: How to get YouTube to come film you?15:39
yuriyA: do something stupid. anything. then film it yourself you lazy bum.15:40
DarkwingDuckohhh my... this is amazing15:41
nixternalthe best yet!  Q: Can a female dog get preg by human male?   A: Yes, just look at Paris Hilton15:42
nixternalok, I gotta stop..I have work to do15:43
jjessemy favorite, how do you remove playdoh from your vagina15:43
DarkwingDuckI like to get a woman pregnant by telling them I'm sterile... Is this morally wrong? ROFL15:43
nixternaljjesse: waiting to hear back concerning the clearance15:47
* shadeslayer_ wonders why plymouth still doesnt booteth with the nvidia driver15:47
nixternalshe said it could take a bit because my status is "unimportant"15:47
nixternaldamn government15:47
jjessedamn the government15:48
DarkwingDuckyeah damn the... wait... they give me a paycheck15:48
nixternalwhy I would want to do anything for them is beyond me, I am starting to think this job could be potentially detrimental to my beliefs15:48
DarkwingDucknixternal: http://www.yahooanswerfail.com/page/17/   The Fone question15:48
shadeslayer_DarkwingDuck: which comes out of taxes.. so youre actually paying the govt to pay you to pay the govt :D15:48
nixternalDarkwingDuck: is that a paycheck or is tips?15:48
DarkwingDuckOh I know... isn't that great?15:49
nixternalshadeslayer_: we don't pay taxes15:49
DarkwingDucknixternal: The way my chief rams us I'm thinking its tips15:49
nixternalDarkwingDuck: or do you pay taxes now15:49
DarkwingDuckThey ram me for taxes15:49
DarkwingDuckIts not cool15:50
nixternaloh that sucks. I know I didn't pay state taxes while I was in, but I did file federal15:50
nixternalDarkwingDuck: what is your rank again?15:50
DarkwingDuckState and Federal15:50
nixternalyou qualify for welfare15:50
nixternalsince when?15:50
DarkwingDuckI pulled 61K last year15:50
nixternalin the navy?15:50
nixternalyou are burnin' some books15:50
DarkwingDuck+3 kids15:51
shadeslayer_nixternal: i bet you have a country of your own...15:51
nixternalcome on now15:51
DarkwingDucknixternal: I'll have to show you a copy of my LES15:51
nixternalmyself, my x-wife, and daughter, at E7 didn't even rake in 61k15:51
DarkwingDuckfrom december15:51
nixternalbarely 41k15:51
nixternalmust be nice to be in the military now15:51
DarkwingDuckI'm basing that off of My YTD etitlements from December15:51
nixternalexcept for those stupid uniforms :D15:52
Mamarokapachelogger or neversfelde: could we have a newer package of Kraft in a PPA? the shipped version is 2 years old :(15:58
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Mamarokdragotin would be very happy :)15:58
DarkwingDucknixternal: thanks... i cant stop laughing. http://www.yahooanswerfail.com/inspirational-bible-quote-fail/16:00
shadeslayer_Mamarok: i might be able to look into it.. im searching for packages to update :P16:08
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ugh...KDE 3 app?16:09
Mamarokshadeslayer_: nope, KDE416:10
Mamarokshadeslayer_: he has beta tarballs already, release of the final will be in approx. 1 month16:10
shadeslayer_Mamarok: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Kraft?content=5417216:10
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ah can you point me to them?16:11
Mamarokshadeslayer_: http://sf.net/projects/kraft16:11
Mamarokwe are demonstrating it here at OpenExpo, so a package where we could point the Kubuntu users to would be great :)16:12
shadeslayer_ah thanks16:12
* Mamarok has distributed all the 9.10 CDs she had left16:12
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Mamarokand demonstrating Lucid beta116:12
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ok well ill try this tonight,if its done ill upload it to my ppa,else youll have to find someone else since im going to TEDx for days :P16:13
shadeslayer_Quintasan: hey :)16:13
Quintasanshadeslayer_: sup?16:13
shadeslayer_Quintasan: nothing much... there was a fest in the college today... and theres one on the 30th and 31st again :P16:14
Mamarokshadeslayer_: could you point me to the PPA?16:14
Mamarokso I have ab eye on it and can try it out :)16:15
DarkwingDuckjjesse, nixternal, with the remaining docs, how you want to divvy those up?16:15
Quintasanoh man lucky16:15
* Quintasan has only tests16:15
shadeslayer_Mamarok: lp.net/~rohangarg16:15
Mamarokshadeslayer_: thanks a bunch :)16:15
shadeslayer_Mamarok: probably the playground PPA16:15
shadeslayer_Mamarok: no guarantees :P16:15
nixternalDarkwingDuck: dunno if I will have time to actual doc work, but if needed, gimme the less of the evils16:15
Mamarokshadeslayer_: no problem, would be cool to have :)16:16
* Quintasan goes to cpp magic16:17
shadeslayer_Mamarok: glad to help :)16:17
shadeslayer_Quintasan: hehe16:17
DarkwingDuckOkay. jjesse, unless you have something finished for config I can take (or you can) what I have for desktop and merge the two (desktop and config-desktop) and we'll both push out one doc. Office and Hardware16:17
shadeslayer_Quintasan: *and* i get to go to TEDx this weekend16:17
shadeslayer_Quintasan: its TED based event org. independently16:18
* Quintasan wonders if he should bother applying for UDS16:18
shadeslayer_Quintasan: http://www.tedxiitroorkee.com/16:18
QuintasanI'm not 18 years old and I wonder what I will be doing there :S16:18
Mamarokshadeslayer_: and I could point you to the developer directly, he is standing at my side :)16:18
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ah that would be cool16:19
shadeslayer_i can directly get the build deps from him ;)16:19
shadeslayer_instead of waiting 1-2 hrs for pbuilder to do its stuff16:19
Mamarokshadeslayer_: well, what do you need exactly? He made some packages with the OpenSuSE build service16:20
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ask him the names of the packages kraft depends on...16:21
Mamarokbuild.opensuse.org, but I don't know if the Kubuntu packages generated are useable16:21
shadeslayer_Mamarok: a general idea would do...16:21
Mamarokwait, I give him my keyboard16:21
Mamarokthis is dragotin ;-)16:21
shadeslayer_Mamarok: hi :D16:21
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ok can you tell me which packages kraft depends on?16:21
shadeslayer_Mamarok: as in like which ones do i need to compile it16:22
Mamaroksure, its kdelibs4, kdepimlibs and ctemplate16:22
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ok and thats it right?16:22
Mamarokand you probably want to depend on sqlite and the qt sql driver for it16:22
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ok...16:22
shadeslayer_ill have to search that package in kubuntu...16:23
MamarokI hope you have ctemplate16:23
shadeslayer_i think libqt4-sql is the one16:23
shadeslayer_Mamarok: libctemplate-dev - A simple but powerful template language for C++ - development files16:23
Mamarokcool, thats it16:24
shadeslayer_Mamarok: :D16:24
shadeslayer_Mamarok: and does it use cmake?16:24
shadeslayer_for building kraft?16:24
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ^^16:25
shadeslayer_Mamarok: ok thanks for the info.. thats all i need about right now :D16:26
shadeslayer_ill poke around motu for more help if i need it :D16:26
Mamaroksorry, I forgot two deps: python-trml2pdf libctemplate0 pdftk libqt4-sql-sqlite libkdepimlibs416:26
Mamarokpython-trml2pdf and pdftk16:26
MamarokI hope you have them16:27
shadeslayer_lemme searcg16:27
Mamarokpdftk is recommended, so if it is missing, no worries16:28
Mamarokbut the python-trml2pdf is important16:28
Mamarokit converts some xml derivate to pdf16:29
Mamarokthe source is at sf.net/projects/kraft as well16:29
Mamarokit was quite unmaintained and I picked it16:29
Mamarokyou want to check there: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/kfreitag:/Kraft/xUbuntu_9.04/16:30
Mamarokwell, you _might_ want to check... ;-)16:31
Mamarokbut dont laugh about my deb packaging skills ;)16:31
jjesseDarkwingDuck: why don't you take what i have16:35
jjesseDarkwingDuck: trying to get several things done tonight and you migt be more successful then me16:35
lex79Riddell: python-qt4, qscintilla2, sip4-qt3 https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/staging/+packages16:42
Riddelllex79: oh?  what's new?16:44
lex79bugfix releases....16:44
DarkwingDuckOkay jjesse. Did you have anything writted for either office or config-desktop?16:54
nixternalDarkwingDuck: which topic should I do?16:58
DarkwingDucknixternal: only ones left are office and hardware16:58
nixternalI think, what we will have to do is quickly some up with something for hardware, or remove it for this release16:58
nixternalI will do hardware now, or see what options we have16:59
nixternalshould I merge in your docs now or wait?16:59
DarkwingDuckUm, I'm going to toss together an office one.16:59
DarkwingDuckOr rather, fix the karmic one16:59
nixternalshould I upload web and desktop then?16:59
DarkwingDuckand upload it for Lucid16:59
nixternalor commit them rather17:00
DarkwingDuckyeah... Have you look at them at all?17:00
jjesseDarkwingDuck: i wrote stuff for office, though nixternal keeps telling me it is empty17:00
nixternalno :)17:00
DarkwingDucknixternal: roger17:00
nixternaljjesse: no, there is something in there17:00
DarkwingDuckjjesse: lemme check17:00
nixternalyes, there is stuff in office.xml17:00
DarkwingDuckOffice is done17:01
* DarkwingDuck thwaps jjesse for not updating the ToDo list17:01
DarkwingDuckI fixed that17:02
DarkwingDucknixternal: what do you want to do with hardware?17:03
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nixternalDarkwingDuck: looking in on that17:06
nixternalI just fixed your desktop.xml file17:06
* nixternal teaches DarkwingDuck scripts/validate.sh foo.xml17:06
jjessemight also want to teach me as well :P17:06
nixternalonly jjesse can upload broken stuff17:06
DarkwingDuckhmm? :P17:06
DarkwingDuckOkay okay17:06
DarkwingDuckI kinda forgot to validate :(17:07
jjessein the scrips folder it will tell you what you broke17:07
nixternalso what's up with config-desktop then? toss it?17:07
nixternalgood, that's easier than getting it to validate :p17:07
DarkwingDuckI posted that it was merging with desktop on the ToDo wiki17:07
* nixternal kicks jjesse for not having a validated office17:08
DarkwingDucknixternal: I'm reviewing the Karmic hardware file to see if it is still valad.17:08
nixternaljjesse: it is guibutton, not guibuotton :p17:09
DarkwingDuckKarmic hardware still talks about grub17:09
nixternaldid you guys spell check at all? I am about to find out....I shall bring down the hammah!17:10
* DarkwingDuck puts himself in the corner with a pointed cap17:11
RiddellScottK: I'm away for the next two days, are you able to do Kubuntu at the release team meeting on Friday?17:12
jjessenixternal: i don't believe in spellcheckinga17:13
ScottKRiddell: Should be.  Can you update the wiki page before you go?17:13
DarkwingDucknether doo ie.17:13
nixternaljjesse: I could tell, whereas DarkwingDuck had 1 typo in 2 docs, buttton, you had 2 per line :p17:16
DarkwingDuck1 typo in 2 docs? Not too bad17:17
* DarkwingDuck hands jjesse the pointy cap17:17
jjessehey i was drinking while i was typing17:17
nixternalw00t, all docs built locally, time to debianize them, or in other words, create one hell of a nightmare17:18
DarkwingDucknixternal: are we nixing the hardware doc?17:18
DarkwingDuckjust add it to Lucid +1 when we change to Mallard?17:18
yuriyMallard? did you just make that up or was the name announced?17:19
DarkwingDuckyuriy: Mallard vice DocBook17:19
jjessemallard is a new way of writing docs17:19
yuriyjust happens to be an animal with an M17:19
jjessebig in gnome17:20
DarkwingDuckLOL I know I didn't think of that.17:20
DarkwingDuckI still think Mandrake Moose should be the next one17:22
jjessemandrake falls?17:23
DarkwingDuckOr, like the Root17:24
nixternalDarkwingDuck: haven't made up my mind yet on that doc17:24
nixternalstill have a bit of time to massage it into shape if I need to17:24
DarkwingDuckOkay, 4.5 hours17:24
DarkwingDuckIt's the only remaining one actually...17:25
DarkwingDuckNot too bad for a re-write17:25
shadeslayerRiddell: i cant get in again ,i guess the invite was just for once :P17:27
Riddellhmm, really?  irc modes are a pain17:29
shadeslayerRiddell: hehe : 22:57 -!- Cannot join to channel #kubuntu-bunker (You must be invited)17:29
nixternalDarkwingDuck: I am going to somewhat copy hardware from ubuntu-docs17:39
shadeslayeri can put the README of a program in debian/README.source right?17:44
ScottKWhy would you do that?17:45
shadeslayerScottK: ok then what comes in README.source?17:45
ScottKshadeslayer: Mostly stuff about packaging or patching.  Nothing an end user would care about.17:45
ScottKConsult Debian/Ubuntu Policy for details.17:46
shadeslayerah ok17:46
shadeslayerso i guess i can safely remove that to...17:46
shadeslayerhmmm... which section to choose...17:47
shadeslayermeh..stupid me17:47
shadeslayerScottK: do we still add pkg-kde-tools as a build dep?17:59
ScottKFor a KDE package, yes.17:59
shadeslayerim talking about lucid here tho :)17:59
ScottKYes, I assumed so.18:00
ScottKYou still want pkg-kde-tools.  What you don't want is cdbs.  You want to use debhelper based rules.18:00
shadeslayer!find libkdepiml18:02
ubottuPackage/file libkdepiml does not exist in karmic18:02
shadeslayer!find libkdepim lucid18:02
ubottuFound: libkdepim418:02
shadeslayerah there we go18:02
shadeslayerScottK: im also assuming that the new packaging format will detect the docbook in debian/ and i dont have to add a seprate override line like : override_dh_installdocs18:05
shadeslayeror do i have to add that?18:05
ScottKNot sure.  Build it and see.18:05
shadeslayerScottK: um.. dont have a very fast connection... :)18:06
shadeslayerand i just created a pbuilder tarball18:06
DarkwingDucknixternal: that will work... You need any help with that?18:11
shadeslayerejat: hey there :)18:11
nixternalDarkwingDuck: I got it18:13
DarkwingDucknixternal: okay sweet.18:13
DarkwingDucknixternal: Now we wait? LOL18:14
shadeslayerScottK: what does : debhelper-but-no-misc-depends : mean... ive seen that error just once before...18:21
nixternalDarkwingDuck: do we have a topic that has stuff about disks and partitions?18:21
ScottKshadeslayer: Read the detailed output of lintian, it explains that pretty clearly.18:21
DarkwingDucknixternal: Hardware in Karmic covered that...18:21
shadeslayeri just googled the error :P18:22
nixternalDarkwingDuck: ok, just wanted to make sure before i typed this shit out18:22
DarkwingDucknixternal: roger18:22
ScottKshadeslayer: I'm more excited about helping people who at least appear to have tried to figure stuff out on their own first.18:24
shadeslayerScottK: i just remembered what apachelogger had said about lintian errors,most of them are googlable.. so im sorry18:25
DarkwingDuckScottK: any last minute testing on the netbook?18:25
ScottKSeems to be working pretty well.18:26
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
ScottKWe'll need netbook testing with the new 4.4.2 packages we should have soonish.18:27
DarkwingDuckScottK: okay. I'll keep my eyes open for it then.18:28
nixternalbesides the cli, what else can i use to show drive space available?18:33
shadeslayernixternal: partitionmanager18:34
DarkwingDuckyou can find it in dolphin as well18:35
nixternalhow do you do it in dolphin?18:37
nixternalnevermind, found it18:37
shadeslayernixternal: :P18:37
shadeslayernixternal: i guess the devs get so much used to CLI they forget about GUI18:38
nixternalseems a bit much like windows :)18:38
nixternaldf for the win!18:38
DarkwingDucknixternal: right click > properties18:39
DarkwingDuckOh NM, you found it :P18:39
shadeslayernixternal: yeah df is just too good :)18:39
DarkwingDucknixternal: you can use konqueror the same way as dolphin18:41
ejatshadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400707/18:41
shadeslayerejat: missing boost libs i think18:41
ejatgot a lot of boost libs ?18:42
ejatwhich one ?18:42
ejatlibboost-all-dev <-- ?18:43
shadeslayerejat: well libboost-all-dev gets all of them :P18:43
shadeslayerejat: yeah why not.. im not sure which boost lib you need so install all of them :P18:43
shadeslayerbtw anyone here have a decent connection and a pbuilder chroot?18:44
ejat2 minute ..18:44
shadeslayerejat: eh?18:44
ejatto install the libboost-all-dev18:44
shadeslayeroh cool :)18:45
ejatextracting ..18:46
shadeslayerejat: sent the ubuntu one link to fenris@ubuntu.com18:49
shadeslayerejat: then you need to extract the whole tarball to a folder and run sudo pbuilder build kraft_0.40b2-0ubuntu1~ppa1.dsc18:49
ejatok ..18:50
ejatmy make almost done here ..18:50
ejatok ..18:51
* ejat checking mail18:51
ejatshadeslayer: dloading it18:53
shadeslayerejat: cool :)18:53
ejatrunning the pbuilder18:54
shadeslayerejat: ok18:55
ejatshadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400718/18:56
shadeslayerhmm.. i cant make head or toe of that error :P18:57
shadeslayerah.. it couldnt install the stuff :P18:57
shadeslayerejat: apparently therese no kdelibs4-dev in the pbuilder chroot18:59
shadeslayerand i have no idea on how to get it :P19:00
ejatanyone can help us ?19:00
shadeslayerScottK: its more of a pbuilder issue...19:02
ScottKejat: I'd run pbuilder update and try again.19:02
shadeslayerScottK: i created a pbuilder chroot a few hours ago,fully updated,logging into it and searching for kdelibs4 does not come up with anything19:04
ScottKshadeslayer: What makes you think such a package exists?19:04
shadeslayerScottK: because in my normal login there is a package kdelibs4-dev19:05
shadeslayerScottK: kdelibs4-dev - development files for the KDE core libraries19:05
ScottKshadeslayer: I'm reasonably certain that's not the one you want.  Look at apt-cache show kdelibs4-dev19:06
shadeslayerScottK: hmm.. well thats what the upstream dev said.. he said to use kdelibs419:07
shadeslayer( development files )19:07
ScottKshadeslayer: Look at the version number apt-cache show gives you.19:07
ScottKAre you workingon a KDE3 package?19:08
shadeslayerScottK: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/03/24/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t16:2219:08
shadeslayerScottK: ok i get what you mean here....19:08
shadeslayerScottK: but the guy said it has a dep on kdelibs4... so should i bump it to kdelibs5 then?19:09
ScottKshadeslayer: apt-cache showsrc kde4libs will give you a good hint.19:09
shadeslayerScottK: ok i get what im doing wrong,thanks once again19:10
ScottKshadeslayer: You're welcome.19:10
shadeslayerMamarok: ah :)19:16
Mamarokhey, shadeslayer :)19:16
shadeslayerMamarok: im almost done,but my internet connection is very slow :)19:17
shadeslayerso i cant use pbuilder :P19:17
Mamarokdid you see the last lines dragontin wrote19:17
shadeslayeryep.. there was a power outage here19:17
shadeslayerMamarok: pulled it from the logs19:17
Mamarokabout two deps he forgot19:17
Mamarokah, OK :)19:17
shadeslayerScottK: why wont apt install the missing deps? : http://pastebin.ca/185171819:18
nixternalhey, to use apt-url in kubuntu, do we link with "apt:packagename" or "apturl:packagename"?19:19
ScottKshadeslayer: Not sure.  Sorry.  No time to get into details.19:20
shadeslayerScottK: ok no problem :)19:20
shadeslayerim gonna try for 10 more minutes and then upload to the ppa :P19:21
nixternalit was quicker to 'echo "<a href=\"apt:foo\">Foo</a>" > index.html'19:23
nixternalslow poke developers you are :D19:23
shadeslayerMamarok: ok i uploaded it to my playground PPA,if it builds correctly,please check the size of each package before passing it on,it should ideally be more than 100KB,if its above that,then it was probably correctly build,please test it out and lemme know :)19:29
shadeslayerejat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#Universe%20support19:37
ejatcreate a new pbuilder ?19:38
shadeslayerejat: nope19:41
ejat.pbuilderrc ?19:42
shadeslayerejat: just make a pbuilderrc like : http://paste.ubuntu.com/400741/ :19:42
shadeslayerejat: replace the mirror with a one closer to yours19:42
shadeslayerejat: its working now though :)19:42
DarkwingDucknixternal: hows it coming?19:45
shadeslayerejat: does it work?19:46
ejatshadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400744/19:47
ejatshadeslayer: what should the output look like?19:47
shadeslayerejat: meh.. did you : sudo pbuilder update --override-config19:47
ejatnope . wait ..19:48
shadeslayerejat: well it should look like : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/41856215/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.rekonq_0.4.0%2Bgit20100324-0ubuntu1~ppa1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz19:48
shadeslayernot exactly that... but kind of19:48
ejatowh ok ..19:49
ejatupdating my pbuilder ..19:50
shadeslayerejat: does it work now?19:50
shadeslayeroh ok19:50
shadeslayerMamarok: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/playground/+packages << Kraft packages here if they build :)19:51
shadeslayerMamarok: package size should be about 500 KB give or take19:52
shadeslayerejat: whats the status?19:54
neversfeldeMamarok: if no one else does, I can have a look next week. I alread updated it a while ago for me, but I do not know what happened to this project :)19:54
ejatshadeslayer: still updating my pbuilder19:55
nixternalDarkwingDuck: slowly but surely19:55
nixternalhey, do we have a partioner yet?19:55
nixternalcan't tell users to head to the cli with some mkfs love19:56
shadeslayernixternal: partitionmanager does the trck19:56
nixternalI can't believe I just asked that damn question, when you told me partition manager earlier19:56
shadeslayerejat: wow..19:56
shadeslayernixternal: :)19:56
* nixternal goes back to the docs19:56
shadeslayernixternal: you need some sleep19:56
Mamarokneversfelde: well, shadeslayer just did a try he told me, maybe check his PPA then :)20:33
Mamarokthe pacakges don't appear to be nuilt yet though20:34
QuintasanRiddell: Hmm I will apply tomorrow, first of all I need to discuss with my parents who would go with me if I get sponsorship20:43
* Quintasan goes to bed with books related to cpp class magic20:48
DarkwingDuckyou good nixternal?21:28
nixternalall done!!!21:34
nixternalREVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!21:34
DarkwingDuckLOL When is the lock for translations?21:35
nixternal3.5 hours21:36
nixternalthough I usually spread that 24 hours just in case we find something major21:36
nixternalgotta email dave21:38
DarkwingDuckSo we have 3.5 hours to review?21:38
nixternalOH LP I HATE YOU! Actually, not you LP, but the turds who use you, and are in a position of responsibility, don't have a public email address setup21:41
nixternaloh, i love it...they don't have their email address on lp, but low and behold it is on their wiki page21:41
* nixternal smacks dpm with a trout21:41
nixternalthough he isn't here to enjoy that one21:41
DarkwingDuckisn't that an old mIRC thing?21:42
DarkwingDuckare there some dev meetings I should be attending at this point?21:43
JontheEchidnawell, it's a known fact that we have am mIRC lover in our midst21:43
macodrkonqui gets a big confused by network manager21:44
DarkwingDuckJontheEchidna: I've been known to use it21:44
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!21:45
* DarkwingDuck snickers21:45
JontheEchidnacracked mIRC + wine for default Kubuntu IRC client~1!1!!!!21:46
nixternalemail sent...now I can take a break21:47
nixternalmIRC FTW!21:48
DarkwingDucknixternal: I'll start working on a written proposial for transition to Mallard for Lucid +121:48
nixternalcan you honestly say there is a better GUI client than mIRC for IRC?21:49
nixternaltotally impossible to do so21:49
nixternalDarkwingDuck: holy smokes, we won't even be able to transition in Lucid+1 probably, might be a Lucid+5 deal :)21:49
DarkwingDucknixternal: I'm tempted to run mIRC in wine :D21:49
DarkwingDuckand that what we thought about a rewrite.21:50
nixternalKHelpCenter needs to be recycled/redone from the ground up, mallard support needs to be included...right now Shaun McCance, myself and others are working on a Freedesktop Specification for cross-desktop help21:50
DarkwingDuckok ok21:50
* DarkwingDuck goes back to the bugs for Karmic21:50
DarkwingDuckAt least I can fix the doc bug there.21:51
nixternalwe use help:/ and they use ghelp:/...seems we might agree on help:/, some unified help backend, with some groovy de based guis21:51
nixternalis the bug in lucid too?21:51
nixternalno fixing karmic doc bugs21:51
DarkwingDuckNo fixing?? So, should I just tag these bugs for karmic I have as fix released and note that they are being fixed in Lucid?21:51
nixternalwe can't do anything to them, and since nobody responded to my "are the translation things ready" nobody answered, and then I looked at the amount of work involved, and it is a solid 2 days of work, and I am sorry, I am not volunteering 2 days21:52
nixternalwhen I release the lucid package, it will automatically fix release all of those bug reports21:52
DarkwingDuckOkay, I just do what I said up there then.21:52
DarkwingDuckSo, close the bugs out with fix proposed then.21:52
nixternalwhat I am thinking about doing, is branching kubuntu-docs from lucid to lucid+1, but I would at least like to have a name for the next release21:53
nixternalfix committed21:53
DarkwingDuckOnce we get a name that would be good.21:53
DarkwingDuckgarg, I can't close a bug report...21:55
nixternalhehe, not a developer :p21:55
DarkwingDuckYeah yeah yeah... one more thing to bug YOU about nixternal21:56
DarkwingDuckBug #486309 - Fix committed21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 486309 in kubuntu-docs "Package Manager should be KPackageKit (Internet, #37)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48630921:56
nixternalDarkwingDuck: are you good with bzr?21:57
DarkwingDuckyeah whats up?21:57
nixternalI want to propose you as a committer21:57
DarkwingDuckOh cool. What do I need to do?21:57
nixternalthere, if he says no, I will go bat shit insane21:58
nixternalhe has a habbit of saying no when I ask...if he does, batshit insane means I will remove Kubuntu Documentation from the Documentation Project21:59
nixternalforcefully remove it21:59
nixternalwith a baton21:59
nixternaland 2 good whacks to LP21:59
* DarkwingDuck chuckles nervously22:00
nixternalthere is no way he should say no, you helped the entire Lucid cycle22:00
nixternalalso, have you applied for either ubuntu/kubuntu membership?22:00
nixternalif and when you do, let me know so I can leave a testimonial22:00
DarkwingDuckNot yet I have not.22:01
nixternalwell do it already :)22:01
DarkwingDuckI was going to send the rest of this week gathering my stuff for kubuntu membership22:01
DarkwingDuckThey are seperate correct?22:01
DarkwingDucknixternal: This is something we need to watch for later... Bug #47266822:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 472668 in kubuntu-docs "bad diction in english original makes translation difficult or impossible" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47266822:02
nixternaldo a generic one22:02
nixternalshit, I don't even know wtf that means in english22:03
nixternalthe line he is referring to22:03
DarkwingDuckI know, but, it's something to watch for when we are writing.22:03
DarkwingDuckI'm going to be writing documentation on how to write documentation on my blog here shortly22:03
nixternalanother one, is try to not use the word "see"...example: Please see <ulink url="http://foo.com">Foo</ulink> for more information22:05
nixternalthat is impossible for someone who is visually impaired to do22:05
nixternalthat's why I do "Please review"22:05
nixternalI already checked our repos for the word see, and we are good22:05
nixternalbbiaf, gonna walk the dog then get some food22:06
larsivihi folks - is it possible to get digikam 1.1.0 (or at least something that is not 1.0.0-beta5 (broken)) in karmic?22:40
neversfeldelarsivi: afair 1.0 is in a PPA?22:55
larsivineversfelde: indeed, I still find it curious that the version in the main repo is a broken one22:55
neversfeldelarsivi: isn't there a newer one in the official backports archive?22:56
neversfelde+ppa1 suggests, that there is something that should be overwritten22:56
larsivineversfelde: hrm, seems like I didn't have backports activated - but I don't see any digikam in the updates fwiw22:59
neversfeldelarsivi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=digikam&searchon=names&suite=karmic-backports&section=all23:00
larsivineversfelde: it is held back - can I find out why?23:04
neversfeldelarsivi: apt-cache policy digikam ?23:04
larsivineversfelde: the info there doesn't tell me much (both installed and backports have 500)23:06
neversfeldelarsivi: please paste it23:06
larsivineversfelde: http://pastebin.com/94BqMPsc23:07
neversfeldemhh, it should be there23:08
neversfeldedid you do a dist-upgrade?23:09
larsividoing that now23:10
neversfeldeprobably new dependencies23:13
larsivineversfelde: thanks, it worked :)23:20
neversfeldegood to know :)23:20
lex79JontheEchidna: did you build Qt with new phonon patch?23:24
JontheEchidnalex79: yes, should be ready to go23:26
JontheEchidnalex79: I also have phonon-backends packaged23:27
lex79JontheEchidna: oh, ok :) I think there are two patch in Qt bzr that are still missing23:27
JontheEchidnareally? which ones?>23:28
JontheEchidnaoh, looks like I hadn't pushed :<23:28
JontheEchidnashould be there now23:29
lex7990 and 1223:29
JontheEchidnaI appear to no longer be able to access ktown. :(23:37
lex79JontheEchidna: your key is in authorized_keys file in ktown, weird23:42
neversfeldeI have no problems to access23:43
JontheEchidnaAll I get is: Permission denied (publickey). :(23:43
NightroseJontheEchidna: ssh key changed23:43
Nightroseclear known-hosts file23:43
* Nightrose snoozes23:44
lex79JontheEchidna: with wich key are you trying?23:44
JontheEchidnaNightrose: this is after I added their new key to known-hosts23:44
Nightroseah then idunno23:44
JontheEchidnalex79: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x801EC66802067BD06F3C962E25AC96F997870010&op=index23:45
lex79JontheEchidna: your key in ktown is: http://pastebin.com/Bu4UfWT523:46
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, the ssh key, not my gpg key23:46
JontheEchidnathen it should be this one: https://launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+sshkeys23:48
JontheEchidnaactually, that's different than the one in ktown...23:48
lex79yes, it's different, I add it23:48
lex79JontheEchidna: try23:49
JontheEchidnadoesn't work :(23:50
lex79JontheEchidna: strange, I added that key...23:52
neversfeldewrong permissions?23:53

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