
nhandlerWhat is the LP poll date time format? YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS didn't work00:34
wgrantnhandler: That should work. What happens when you try it?00:35
nhandlerwgrant: "There is 1 error" "Invalid datetime data"00:35
wgrantnhandler: Something like '2010-03-25 11:00:00' works fine for me.00:37
nhandlerwgrant: I had 2010-03-24 01:00::0000:38
wgrantWith a double colon?00:38
nhandlerAh, good catch. It also looks like I need to push it back to at least 12 hours from now00:39
wgrantI think so. that restriction is quite ridiculous.00:39
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
MTecknologywhere's kiko been?03:16
cody-somervillesecret missions and the like03:23
cody-somervilleWhy do you ask? Is there something you need help with or just curious?03:24
* wgrant has also been wondering that.03:36
lifelessrotations - spread the knowledge around inside the company03:42
xnoxHello! I'm trying to add a team member and I get "Unexpected form data" "lp doesn't understand the form data submitted in this request"03:49
xnoxboth on edge & stable03:49
wgrantxnox: Your browser doesn't send Referer information?03:50
xnoxHmmmm I'm using daily firefox 3.6 builds from ppa03:51
xnoxI'll try with epiphany03:51
wgrantIt's more likely to be an extension.03:51
doctormopoolie: I agree with you in your comment to bug 53205504:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532055 in launchpadlib "Trusted credential-management apps are broken and doomed" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53205504:18
pooliethanks :)04:18
doctormopoolie: One suggestion was to have an openid provider dedicated to desktop apps.04:19
doctormopoolie: But openid consumers would have to accept more than one openid provider as valid for any given account.04:20
xnoxwgrant, thanks. Dunno about extensions disabled some still didn't work. Worked in epiphany though04:37
wgrantxnox: Odd. It probably was blocking Referer, though.04:37
pooliedoctormo: so the idea is that there are very many different desktop apps that all need to talk to lp?04:40
poolieand they're not all trusted?04:40
doctormopoolie: No, there all all these desktop apps that want to talk to launchpad and launchpad doesn't trust anyone.04:40
doctormoThe user could trust them quite fine04:40
poolieistm the simplest thing that could possibly work is to just say "there are credentials in ~/.launchpadlib/credentials" and that's it04:40
poolieand/or in the gnome keyring04:41
wgrantHow does U1 do it nowadays?04:41
wgrantStill opens up a browser?04:41
doctormowgrant: I think so04:41
doctormoBut then again I don't think U1 uses launchpad credentials does it?04:42
wgrantIt uses USSO.04:42
doctormoI thought it used ubuntu SSO04:42
wgrantWhich LP is about to.04:42
lifelessnear enough to the same doohicky04:42
lifelessexcept wgrant can't audit our SSO code ;P04:42
wgrantlifeless: Sadly, because it's probably full of even more pathetic holes.04:42
doctormopoolie: If we could get it to the point of just pointing stuff at .cache/launchpad/credentials but the problem with that is you can't limit what each app can do and all apps will need all permissions.04:43
doctormoIf that's acceptable, then just do that.04:43
doctormolifeless: That's a horrible thing to say, taunting that it's not FOSS. ;-)04:44
poolieistm that if you don't trust this code, you really shouldn't be running it in your real account04:44
poolietbh messing with your launchpad account is one of the least dangerous things it could do04:45
poolieif we are going to have a "do you trust $app to do $foo" then04:45
doctormoThe deb it installed with already had root access via preinst.04:45
pooliethen firstly it would be nice to do that through the existing system mechanism04:46
pooliesecondly i think it needs finer-grained permissions04:46
pooliei would actually kinda like a role account for automatic stuff04:46
lifelessdoctormo: I'm not intending to taunt; wgrant has been very very helpful with lp and SSO in recent (and not so recent) times04:46
poolielike 'poolie-bot'04:47
doctormopoolie: Have you seen the blueprint?04:47
pooliethen it's a bit clearer that it can't change my actual account itself, its actions will be attributed, etc04:47
pooliemaybe not?04:47
* poolie checks04:47
poolieactually yes04:48
poolieso istm it's kind of unnecessary complexity considering it doesn't actually add any security04:49
pooliesorry to be harsh04:49
doctormopoolie: Correct04:49
doctormopoolie: It's not meant to04:49
pooliethis has to be done on the server side anyhow to accommodate non-ubuntu clients04:49
wgrantImagine the day when our desktop security model doesn't suck. Then it might be useful.04:49
wgrantI think it's still useful, though, to have a common interface for authorizing all the applications.04:50
wgrantmakes it easier for app authors, and nicer for users.04:50
poolieso does this actually need to be different process04:50
poolieor could it be a standard library for getting tokens-04:50
doctormopoolie: yup04:50
pooliethat's a bit more advanced than "do the web browser thing then press enter"04:50
doctormopoolie: If only the web browser could just quit and kick off a damn signal, that would be helpful for workflow.04:51
pooliedoctormo: so to back up a bit, what is the actual benefit of this?04:51
doctormopoolie: Desktop apps don't break trying to log onto launchpad by faking a web browser.04:52
doctormopoolie: Desktop app makers are _not_ going to want to do OAuth via website, it's rediculous.04:52
pooliewhat do you mean?04:52
pooliedoctormo: poolie: Desktop app makers are _not_ going to want to do OAuth via website, it's rediculous.04:53
doctormopoolie: Would you want your lovely designed workflow to be springing up unknown applications that can execute any old random code, that can't singnal when they're done to do god knows what, interupting the user and breaking your app in two?04:54
poolieright, you're saying the current 'get me a token' is gross04:54
poolieand i agree it is04:54
poolieit manages to be gross for both command line and gui apps04:55
doctormoOAuth was never meant for desktop apps and was further pulled back from doing authentication (which is why we use openid)04:55
poolieso if we look at the best/nicest web-api client apps, what do they do?04:55
pooliein my experience they mostly ask you for a username/password04:56
poolieand then some do an oauth dance, but asking you to click a button when you're done04:56
poolie(which is gross but not so bad; you could presumably avoid that by just polling a url to see if we're done.)04:56
doctormoI could never understand why I couldn't get a token from launchpad by doing an ssh key challenge, forget passwords.04:58
pooliethat would be pretty classy04:59
poolieat least for some subset of users04:59
poolieor gpg for that matter04:59
poolieit does seem a bit nicer that what eventually gets stored in a dotfile is a token not a password05:00
doctormopoolie: I'd never recommend saving a password, we should always be encouraging apps to store tokens.05:02
pooliei did file a bug against this pointing out that reseting your password no longer locks out people who may have created tokens in your name05:02
pooliewhich is a bit of a drawback05:02
pooliebut it's still better, yes05:02
wgrantChanging passwords doesn't even revoke cookies :/05:03
doctormoThe UI for token management in launchpad is a bit bad ATM I think, "Associated Applications" link, token deletion etc.05:03
pooliei guess the two channels that seem to make sense to me are05:04
poolieA- enter a username and password; they're sent to the server which gives back a token05:04
pooliethis is nice for text mode apps or mobile apps05:04
poolieit does require the user actually have a password05:04
poolieand B- pop up a web browser window (probably in an already-authenticated session), click a button in it, and then have the app somehow detect that you've done this05:05
wgrantDoesn't U1 redirect to a local HTTP server to indicate that it's finished?05:06
pooliei don't know, but that would be one way to implement it05:06
poolieanother would be to just poll a url every so often05:06
lifelesswgrant: yes05:07
lifelessthe U1 daemon provides a callback url05:07
lifelessthat the auth completion opens, and which is localhost05:07
* doctormo is off to bed05:12
doctormotalk later05:12
pwnguinim guessing this is the wrong place, but who's responsible for planet ubuntu?05:18
xnoxpwnguin, read the docs about Ubuntu Membership on wiki.ubuntu.com05:21
xnoxit has pointers to Ubuntu Planet, who gets syndicated etc05:21
xnoxThe lp branch were config is stored is owned by somebody probably you can get in touch with them05:22
* xnox finished with random thoughts05:22
mat_hi there09:20
mrevellHello mat_09:20
mat_I'm trying to figure out a problem we have, our trunk here https://code.launchpad.net/~openstreetmap/josm/trunk is failing due to http://launchpadlibrarian.net/41817977/openstreetmap-josm-trunk-log.txt09:22
mat_I'm wondering if it's a problem on our side of the repository, or on the launchpad servers09:22
mat_and if I should ask for it to be fixed or try to add the repository again :-)09:23
mrevellmwhudson, Is it too late for you to be around?09:24
mwhudsonmrevell: yes09:25
mrevell:) Ok09:25
mwhudsonmrevell: email?09:25
mrevellmat_, Would you mind filing a request in Launchpad Answers? https://answers.launchpad.net/answers09:25
mat_mrevell, I don't mind, no :-)09:26
mrevellmwhudson, mat_ above has an import issue but if you're not around, don't worry.09:26
mrevellthanks mat_, we'll take a look later today.09:26
mrevellmat_, I'd help but I'm not familiar with the code import system.09:26
wgrantjelmer: ^^?09:27
mwhudsonmat_: that does look rather like some odd server side problem09:27
* mwhudson isn't here though09:27
jelmerwgrant,mat_: That's a cscvs import, I'm not really familiar with it.09:43
mat_jelmer, cscvs ? it's a svn repository09:44
jelmermat_: Confusingly cscvs also supports svn repositories09:44
mat_ah, ok :-)09:44
jelmermat_: Older code imports are made using cscvs, newly created imports use bzr-svn09:44
jelmermat_: It might work better with bzr-svn, so we can try to remove the existing branch and re-add it using bzr-svn09:45
mat_jelmer, well, as it's been broken for five months, anything could be better than what it is now :-)09:45
jelmermat_: If you're in the openstreetmap team you should be able to do the delete + readd yourself09:46
mat_I'm not that familiar with launchpad yet, joined today, but I'll try to see to that today though, thanks :-)09:47
jelmermat_: if you need any help, feel free to ping me directly or just ask here09:48
mat_will do :-)09:48
wgrantjelmer: Oh, I saw 'foreign branch' and presumed bzr-svn. Sorry.09:50
jelmerwgrant: No worries, I'm familiar with cscvs as well, though not as much with its internals as bzr-*09:51
jelmermat_: fwiw the current branch appears to be a mirrorred bzr branch, not a code import09:56
mat_jelmer, yeah, mistake on my part09:57
bialixdpm: have you seen this? http://www.crowdin.net/10:30
_AndrewIs there a way to delete my comments on a bug?10:39
maxb_Andrew: no10:42
dpmbialix, someone pointed me to it some time ago, but I haven't looked at it since. It is proprietary, isn't it?10:44
bialixit seems so. I just like the idea of transaction memory10:44
bialixso maybe something could be used as inspiration to improve lp translations10:44
dpmbialix, sure, thanks a lot for the heads up. The problem, though, is not so much that there is a lack of cool ideas, but rather the resources to implement them :) I'd love to see translation memory support as well. I'm hoping to see more community contribution in LP Translations as well, and it is featured in the Google Summer of Code as well -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2010/Ideas (from nr. 39 onwards)10:52
bialixdpm: yes, I understand. we have the similar problem in qbzr re lack of hands10:57
bialixdpm: the one thing I would like to see improved is the search for the strings10:57
bialixwhen there is several hundred strings it's very hard to find desired10:58
bialixbecause of presence of & to indicate hotkeys10:58
dpmbialix, you mean implementing string search on a global level through LP? Otherwise, what would you like to see improved in the current search functionality within translation templates?10:59
bialixsearch within specific template11:00
bialixmaybe all templates of one project11:00
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napsterHi all...13:17
napsterI like to help the community by building some common software as a contribution using ppa facility in lp. Can anyone help me to do this?13:18
=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
napsterHello.. :-?13:22
doctormonapster: Are you in the #ubuntu-app-devel channel?13:22
doctormonapster: Such impatience the youth have these days. ;-)13:23
napsterdoctormo, ?13:23
napsteroh... sorry13:23
napsterdoctormo, Im not in ubuntu-app-devel13:23
doctormonapster: That's where you can find help on making an application.13:24
napsterdoctormo, Can you help me to use ppa facility in lp?13:24
doctormonapster: As a user, uploader or back-end hacker?13:24
napsterdoctormo, I'm not sure, I think I've nessessary build-essential + gcc. Can I build and package some apps and upload?13:25
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
pabelangermorning.  Does launchpad's ppa support PowerPC packaging?13:28
dnjlhi! there is a huge queue again on builders - eg. 4 builders and 15h queue on amd64 - is someone attend on this?13:29
doctormopabelanger: I don't believe so, it's limited to what the builder is building.13:30
pabelangerYa, I don't see any powerpc being build within the PPAs.  Not sure if this is a limitation of launchpad or because there are not powerpc boxes attached.13:37
doctormopabelanger: Having no ppc machines is a bit of a barrier, but I believe it's policy to only have a limited number of targets. (IANALD)13:40
shadeslayerwow... only 4-5 builders online for the PPA builds... thats got to be a record.. what seems to be the problem?13:46
noodles775shadeslayer: it's usually not a problem, just that the extra PPA builders are borrowed from elsewhere... we get to use them when they're not needed (which is most of the time).13:47
shadeslayernoodles775: ooh..13:47
noodles775shadeslayer: and you meant 4-5 i386 builders right?13:47
shadeslayernoodles775: noth amd and i38613:47
noodles775As there are 12 ppa builders.13:47
shadeslayeramd64 413:48
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adevc_thanks for launchpad - problem resolved itself ...13:56
adevc_bye all13:56
orbarronhello all...14:59
shadeslayerorbarron: hi15:02
orbarronnot sure if the is the right place to ask... but I have pulled down 9.10 through rootstock and I am wonder if rootstock locks it's release to 9.10 based on it's releases (e.g. rootstock-0.1.3 will always give me a base release for 9.10 as long as karmic is selected)...15:04
Flare183When I try run dput a package to my team's ppa, it gives me this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400582/15:06
Flare183What should I do?15:06
noodles775Flare183: can you paste your changes file too?15:07
noodles775I'm guessing you're missing the files section?15:07
Flare183oh wow15:07
Flare183the changes file it empty o.O15:07
* Flare183 can't seem to package this binary package at all15:09
rippsa bunch of packages in one of my ppa's failed to build because a package wasn't done building when they were uploaded. Strangely, they weren't put into Dependency Wait, but were instead marked as failed. Is there someway to mark all of them for rebuild enmass? There are alot of packages I need to have rebuilt.15:16
noodles775ripps: you could use the API: https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html#build15:20
noodles775But other than that, I'm not sure of an enmass method via the ui.15:20
gnomefreakis the "upstream bug comments to show on LP bug" turned off? im not real sue what it is called15:24
jenredhello! I need to make tgz file availabe using the "Download" option in lp15:25
jenredI cannot find any doc on how to do this15:25
jenredany suggestions?15:25
marsbac or sinzui, ^ ?15:27
sinzuijenred: you add the file to a release. You can create a release from a series.15:28
jenredsinzui ok thx15:30
jenredsinzui is there anyway to generate a release off of a branch? without registering a series etc15:33
sinzuijenred: no15:33
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
persiaSo, I've a *brand new* unexpected login screen from launchpad.  Did something change recently, or am I being spoofed?15:40
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doctormopersia: No, that's as expected I think15:52
doctormopersia: It's openid15:52
persiadoctormo: But I'm not being redirected to my OpenID provider.  I'm aat a +decide page.15:52
doctormopersia: screenshot?15:54
jenredsinzui we are actually trying to make a dev image available - and I wanted to keep it under version control15:55
jenredbut it seems like there maybe some file size-limit issues?15:56
sinzuijenred: large files that are about 60Mb+ tend to timeout15:57
nigelbpersia: I think I saw that too15:57
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sinzuijenred: some projects set the releasefileglob on the series to point to a server where the releases are published. The servers is checked each day and new files that match the release file pattern are uploaded to launchpad15:58
jenredsinzui are the files actually uploaded or is it just a link to another download site?16:00
sinzuijenred: the finder will create the milestone and from the version number in the file for you16:00
* persia wants some confirmation that this is really LP before entering credentials.16:00
sinzuithey are uploaded to the launchpad librarian16:00
jenredpersia is the screen green?16:00
jenredand it appears to be openid enabled now16:01
kb9vqfCan someone take a look and see why my PPA does not seem to be purging superceded packages?16:02
persiajenred: Yes.16:02
jenredsinzui sort an extra layer of complexity16:02
jenredpersia you are fine16:02
jenredsinzui I really just want to take .tgz file - check it in and make it available for download16:03
jenredit's for GSoC students :>16:03
sinzuijenred: launchapd downloads feature is badly named. It is intend as an automatic mechanism for projects to publish releases to users. it is not ftp storage. The feature in intrinsically flawed because most users that the location of the archive so that their OS installs everything for them16:03
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jenredsinzui thanks16:08
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jordibarry: heh, http://lwn.net/Articles/380065/16:41
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ari-tczewwhere can I find latest touched bugs in Ubuntu?17:12
nigelbari-tczew: come again.  what exactly are you looking for17:14
ari-tczewpreviously the page at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ shows latest touched bugs in Ubuntu, currect version doesn't work correctly as I see17:16
nigelbari-tczew: you can select the dropdown and say "Least recently changed" and click on search17:18
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ari-tczewnigelb: "most recently changed" is better... btw. this is not what I need :(17:21
ari-tczewwhy https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ has been changed?17:21
nigelbari-tczew: I dont think it has been changed17:22
nigelbare you looking for most recently reported bug?17:22
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lysiConcerning Bug #538236 now I'm not even able to submit replies to bugs.edge or answers.edge anymore. Any idea what I'm supposed to do? Thanks.17:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538236 in launchpad-foundations "UnexpectedFormData does not show helpful error messages" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53823617:28
lfaraonehow often does Launchpad pull in new packages from Debian?17:53
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geserfor the LP Debian mirror? AFAIK twice daily17:57
lfaraonegeser: okay, just wondering. I uploaded a package to sid earlier today, and want to merge in the changes via bzr in lp :)17:58
lfaraone(into lucid)17:59
geseryou might also want to check http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/. If the package import into bzr failed in the past, it won't try for new uploads until the first error got resolved18:01
lfaraonegeser: mk. it hasn't failed yet. there's no way to manually trigger it? (like how you can trigger mirrored branches)18:01
geserlfaraone: what's the package name?18:04
lfaraonegeser: autokey.18:07
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geserlfaraone: the only trigger I know of for package imports is pinging james_w18:27
geserbut wait first till gina synced it to the LP Debian mirror and the automatic import attempt has be tried before pinging him18:28
james_wI can trigger them if LP has mirrored from Debian, but that should be automatic18:28
maxbjames_w: Hi, a question for you on imports - I'm fixing a broken one, and the current situation is that testing == unstable for that package. I notice that the importer wants to import the current debian revision with lefthand ancestry from the previous version published in *testing*, with a *merge* of intermediate versions that were in unstable but never propagated to testing. This produces an unnecesarily obfuscated revision graph, IMO. Is t18:51
maxbhis supposed to happen?18:51
maxbPresumably if the import had never been broken, it would have been imported onto the sid branch when uploaded, and then pulled into squeeze when it propagated to testing - producing a different DAG18:52
james_wthat's true18:52
james_wI'm not wedded to that implementation though18:52
maxbThe package is subversion: what's your preference, should I just file a bug explaining how to fix the current import and let it happen with the odd merging?18:53
maxbOr do you view the inconsistency as something which should be fixed first?18:54
james_wmaxb: hang on, it won't have pulled it it was working I don't think. If the uploads never made it to testing then they won't be in the left-hand history.18:56
james_wif testing has previously diverged from unstable that is18:57
maxbOh, will it actually do merge commits for testing propagations?18:57
james_wI think it tends to do that yes18:58
james_wif you think it should pull when possible then I'm open to changing it18:58
maxbThe fix is to restore the missing debian branches by pulling the relevant revisions out of the ubuntu ones, and adding missing upstream-* tags - is it easier for you if I push branches and ask you to reassign or re-push them to ~ubuntu-branches, or if I provide a shell script to manufacture appropriate ones?18:59
james_wI can reassign quite easily19:00
james_wso I'm happy for either really19:00
maxbOK, I will push and file a bug on udd asking you to reassign19:00
=== leonardr-lunch is now known as leonardr
lfaraonejames_w, geser , okay, just wondering.19:29
maxbjames_w: I have extended LP 516464 with the reassign request. Should I subscribe you to it?19:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516464 in udd "Debian import branches are missing for 'subversion'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51646419:50
james_wmaxb: I'm already subscribed19:51
james_wthanks, I'll do that for you soon19:51
Guest30317hey guys20:02
kb9vqfCan someone take a look and see why my PPA does not seem to be purging superceded packages?21:00
kb9vqfIt should have over 1Gb free at the moment21:00
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nuovodna_i cannot remove pacakges from my ppa... i recevie an error22:15
nuovodna_i remove succesfully22:16
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