
robertzaccourmy screen blinks every few minutes. is that bad?00:03
deanusrobertzaccour, unless your screen has eyelids, I`d guess so00:05
robertzaccourdeanus, i meant the screen flickers once every few minutes. black for a very split second00:06
deanusrobertzaccour, what driver.00:06
robertzaccourdeanus, i dunno00:06
AbortDdo the lucid repos have 64 bit flash00:09
BUGabundono they don't00:09
Again617I am unable to login with any users with an account type of "Desktop User"00:09
AbortDBUGabundo, would 32 bit run under 64bit?00:10
robertzaccourmy system and os are 64 bit flash and mine works00:10
BUGabundoas always00:10
BUGabundorobertzaccour: sure, I had the 64bits .so too00:10
BUGabundobut that's not in the archive00:10
MTughanIs there a way to mount an LVM volume on Lucid?00:15
abe3kI kind of miss the timer that shows up when you choose to shutdown ubuntu, it shuts down automatically in 1 minute even if you don't click any confirmation button, but in 10.04 it just waits for you to choose00:25
MTughanAh, found it via Google Search. Although just command line, no GUI method.00:26
MTughanNot intimidating to me, but could be problematic for a newer user.00:26
PiciMTughan: newer users really shouldn't have LVM volumes.00:26
MTughanPici: Users switching from Fedora do.00:27
PiciMTughan: Oh.  I really haven't touched any other distros in a long time.00:28
MTughanPici: Actually, Fedora is my default distro. Fedora 12 to be specific. I'm trying out Ubuntu 10.04 with the new interface.00:28
BUGabundoMTughan: prepare to be shocked00:29
BUGabundopink shocked00:29
MTughanBUGabundo: I'd seen screenshots before.00:29
BUGabundonot of the boot it self00:30
KB1JWQOops.  I should not have pushed that button.00:33
MTughanNaughty KB1JWQ. :P00:34
bjsniderthat's what they said after the first nuclear weapons test00:34
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tprankdAny application that uses Open GL is very slow, could the cause be that my graphics card is not detected?  I did not have this problem on 9.1000:35
histotprankd: what type of video card?00:37
vkaramanhello, i just updated to lucid. now my mouse-theme in ubuntu (gnome) is the default kde4 one (oxygen?). ironically this is what i hated about kde4 the most ;(00:38
tprankdhisto:  Radeon HD 3200, not too great for this setup, but it worked out pretty well on 9.1000:38
histotprankd: did you install the drivers from System > hardware drivers?00:39
vkaramanany chance of getting my mousecursor back? i tried changing the theme settings, but no effect00:39
MTughantprankd: My Radeon HD 3470 Mobile seems to work fine with the default drivers. Compiz works in any case, and I have direct rendering on.00:39
tprankdHisto:  Nothing is returned from the Hardware Drivers00:40
tprankdCompiz is pretty smooth, so I'm not sure why other applications would run at a low framerate00:40
histo!ati | tprankd00:40
ubottutprankd: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment00:40
MTughanI thought Compiz used OpenGL?00:41
CalmvsKhaosI would think that sense your compiz works, its detecting the graphics card00:41
vkaramanheh, can't open nautilus00:41
MTughanhisto: The open source drivers included with 10.04 support 3D rendering on some of the latest ATI cards.00:41
vkaramanmouse cursos seems to be the least of my problems now :)00:41
MTughanThe binary drivers shouldn't be needed.00:41
ruffleShi everybody. i'm getting a little 1px border around my background on lucid lynx after i changed my application's font size. is anyone here experiencing the same issue?00:43
CalmvsKhaosruffleS, donno but relogging might fix it.00:45
ZykoticK9ruffleS, try running "nautilus --quit"00:45
ruffleSZykoticK9, is that gonna log me out?00:45
tprankdI accidentally changed the default audio device, and now I cannot open up the sound configuration dialog.  How can I restore this?00:45
ZykoticK9ruffleS, no00:45
ruffleSZykoticK9, dude it worked!00:46
ZykoticK9ruffleS, ya that issue's been hanging around for a while00:46
ruffleSZykoticK9, that's only happening on lucid though, eh?00:46
ZykoticK9ruffleS, yup00:46
CalmvsKhaosZykoticK9, i thought nautilus doesnt run the window manager anymore in Lucid?00:46
CalmvsKhaosor did i read wrong?00:46
ZykoticK9CalmvsKhaos, the 1 pixel thing is certainly caused by nautilus00:47
omikron4is there a channel for a lucid discussion in spanish language?00:47
ZykoticK9omikron4, i don't thing so00:47
ruffleSthere's another bug i saw today. file transfer dialog ain't showing anything when copying files over smb protocol00:48
omikron4ok thanx00:48
ruffleSomikron4, preguntate en ubuntu-es a ver lo que encuentras :)00:48
CalmvsKhaosyo kero taco bell!00:48
omikron4my problem is I understand what you are writting, but I don know how to explain in english one00:49
CalmvsKhaosGoogle Translate FTW00:50
ruffleStry us, omikron400:50
omikron4in ubuntu-es everybody y sleeping out00:51
CalmvsKhaos-y and -out +is and that would of been a perfect sentence ;)00:51
ruffleSomikron4, perhaps if u message me with the spanish question i can try to translate it for you. my mother tongue is portuguese so i guess i can understand ya00:51
omikron4thanx, i have no problems now. My desire was to keep a chat about the new lucid experience00:53
MTughanIs there a way to tell Nautilus to refresh previews for movies for which it didn't have a codec before? The proper codec is installed now.00:53
omikron4and Gnome 300:54
ruffleSyour english looks very clear to me omikron4 don't be afraid of using it00:55
ruffleSMTeck, ups.. u have to clean up the thumbnails cache00:57
MTughanruffleS: Where would that be?00:58
ruffleSMTeck, i guess u can use ubuntu tweak to do that00:58
MTughanUbuntu Tweak? In the software centre?00:58
MTeckruffleS: seriously... you're not even completing my nick and getting the wrong person00:58
MTughanAlso, I'm MTughan, not MTeck. :P00:58
Some_PersonWoah, why did my shutdown icon turn red?00:59
ruffleSMTeck, i'm sorry dude00:59
MTeckruffleS: :P00:59
ZykoticK9Some_Person, updates requiring a restart00:59
Some_PersonZykoticK9: And we're supposed to just guess that?00:59
ruffleSMTughan, rm .thumbnails/fail/gnome-thumbnail-factory/*.png01:00
ZykoticK9Some_Person, i just notice it turned red after the kernel update which asked for a restart01:00
MTughanruffleS: Would that be from the folder that the videos are in or from ~?01:00
ZykoticK9Some_Person, and after rebooting it isn't red anymore01:00
omikron4Well. thanx. This is the first time i am in a Ubuntu support irc, but im sure i,ll come back. chaus for everyone bye01:00
Some_PersonThey should implement a tooltip or something to indicate that01:00
ruffleSMTughan, from any folder you happen to be.. ~/ will take u to ur home directory01:01
ruffleSSome_Person, true.. u should let 'em know abt it01:01
ZykoticK9ruffleS, even easier way to return to your home dir is to type "cd"01:01
ruffleSZykoticK9, yep.. in case u want to return to it01:02
ar0nhey guys01:14
ar0ni installed lucid01:14
ar0nit rebooted into a CLI xstart isnt working01:14
ar0nany way i can start it and change to NOT ask for anything on boot01:14
ar0nany way i can start it and change to NOT ask for anything on boot01:16
ZykoticK9ar0n, does the command "startx" work?  I'm assuming it was just a typo, and also that it will fail as well.01:17
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solid_liqZykoticK9, if you're at a regular shell without an xserver running, startx will start the xorg server up01:18
solid_liqoh heh, now I read above01:18
ar0nno it doesnt ZykoticK901:18
solid_liqar0n, startx as ZykoticK9 said is the command, not xstart01:18
ZykoticK9solid_liq, true.  but i'm assuming GDM doesn't start because X can't start01:18
ar0nit gives errors with startx01:18
ar0nit seems like it tries to load
ZykoticK9ar0n, what graphics card are you using?01:19
ar0nshit i dunno'01:20
solid_liqwow, quite a few more updates in apt since 8 hours or so ago01:20
ar0nit says waiting for x server to shutdown01:20
ZykoticK9ar0n, "lspci | grep -i vga"01:20
ar0nno read out01:21
ar0nthis version its trying to load, is old01:22
ar0nnov 0901:22
ar0nhow would i upgrade from CLIE01:22
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
ar0ni didnt install from cd i upgraded from 9.401:22
ar0nanyone around01:25
Ubuntufan123Ubuntu 10.04 alpha and beta does not recognize my 42" LCD TV but works perfectly on my 20" LCD computer monitor.  Anyone heard of this problem or know how to fix it?01:26
MikeChelen1after latest update, my hardware drivers options say "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and there is only one choice nvidia_current which says "this driver is activated but not currently in use"01:29
ar0nis it possible to reinstal the current over a beta01:30
IdleOnear0n: yes01:30
ar0nwell 10.4 wont boot01:30
red_ar0n: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -d01:30
ar0nthat wouldnt work red01:30
red_wont boot :p01:30
ar0nyeah =|01:30
dtohi. what's the general status of Wacom Bamboo Pen support in Lucid?01:30
ar0nguess i got too go back to 9.101:30
IdleOnear0n: fresh install with a 9.10 cd01:30
ar0nhow do i get data off01:31
IdleOnear0n: oh you want to install a daily build?01:31
ar0nlast stable01:31
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:31
ar0n10.4 shit up on me01:31
ar0nIdleOne =01:31
IdleOnesee the above link to save your /home01:31
ar0ni can login to 10.401:32
ar0ni cant do xstart01:32
IdleOneapart from that put in the 9.10 cd and make sure you select the correct partition to install to and DO NOT format your /home partition01:32
IdleOnear0n: with karmic I was not able to boot until the final release01:33
MikeChelen1you mean startx01:33
IdleOneyeah startx not xstart01:33
MikeChelen1what happens when you try?01:33
ar0nit didnt work01:34
IdleOnear0n: 10.04* the zero is not just for decoration :)01:34
ar0n"waiting for x server to shut down ddxsiggiveup01:34
ar0ni understand01:34
ar0nthat error aboved01:35
ar0nsorry MikeChelen1* i was scrolled up*01:36
ar0nit tells me markers for like kde and WW EE ni01:36
MikeChelen1ah hmm01:36
ar0nHMM so if i reinstall  9.1001:36
ar0ni can just not format the old partition01:36
ar0nthere are only two directorys01:36
ar0ner HOME PARTITION rather01:37
adam7Anyone having trouble with the mouse not working once logged into GNOME?01:38
IdleOnear0n: correct01:42
red_are the repos running slow01:44
red_or is it just me01:44
ZykoticK9red_, you could try switching mirrors... just a suggestion01:47
ZykoticK9adam7, that hasn't been a common problem01:48
red_ZykoticK9: im connected to my machine via ssh, is there any easy command to switch?01:48
ZykoticK9red_, sorry i only know the GUI method01:49
red_well guess ill install php5-curl later01:49
ar0nwill it give me prompts for this IdleOne?01:50
ar0nsorry im kinda drunk right now01:50
IdleOnear0n: yes01:50
ar0nthats why i didnt read that faq01:50
IdleOnear0n: then wait till morning to do it01:50
ar0nmy girlfriends laptop01:50
ar0ni made her use linux01:50
ar0nthen i upgraded..srsly she will kill me and ill get no poontang for weeks01:51
IdleOneok well she can wait a day before you go a brake it all01:51
ZykoticK9IdleOne, that's wise counsel01:51
ar0nim sober i just not reading long sprawled out sites01:51
IdleOnear0n: keep it family friendly01:51
ar0ngive me the cliff notes01:51
ar0nit says i have to reinstall via live01:51
IdleOneZykoticK9: lol I have my moments of clarity01:52
IdleOnear0n: you could use either the Live cd or the alternate01:52
ar0nill do this01:52
KB1JWQWelcome to #ubuntu+1, ar0n. You upgraded your girlfriend to Linux and you're making her run a beta version?01:52
ar0ngot a quick link for stable releases01:52
ar0ndamn right01:52
ar0ni wanted to see what it is about01:52
IdleOnear0n: ubuntu.com01:53
ar0ni told her the only way id give her a pc is to give her linux01:53
ar0nshes gettin good at it01:53
ar0nshe knows how to use the gui pretty much01:53
KB1JWQWelcome to #ubuntu+1, ar0n. That doesn't seem like a very good idea.  Stable is the way to go with new users, pre-release software is not.01:53
ar0ni nokw01:53
ar0ni read some sites..it seemed like it worked at least booted into xserver01:53
CalmvsKhaosI think Google's CONSTANT Beta programs has ruined what the word beta actually means, so people just think beta Ubuntu is 99% stable and there's no testing left to do.01:54
ar0noi didnt expect 99 stable01:54
KB1JWQWelcome to #ubuntu+1, ar0n. It may work fine and break tomorrow.  THere ahve been "format and reinstall" mere days before release before.\01:54
ar0nall she does is browse web do i figured since people were loading into the gui to review it , it worked.01:54
CalmvsKhaosyeah im just saying in general not singling you out ar0n  :)01:55
ar0noh i know01:55
ar0nthere was a package i had to install01:55
jmcantrellanyone using chromium? does bookmark syncing work?01:55
ar0none that ubuntu didnt carry anyomre apparently01:55
ar0nknow what it is?01:56
ZykoticK9jmcantrell, yes working01:56
ar0nit was the common that ubuntu didnt carry any longer01:56
jmcantrellZykoticK9: which version are you using?01:58
adam7ZykoticK9: yeah, I dunno, the mouse was working early, and now it doesn't work after I'm logged in. Works great in GDM though01:59
ZykoticK9jmcantrell, 5.0.307.11 direct from repo01:59
ZykoticK9adam7, your mouse stops working after you log in?01:59
adam7ZykoticK9: yup. The touchpad does.01:59
jmcantrellZykoticK9: thanks02:00
adam7ZykoticK9: if I log back out it works again02:00
adam7in GDM, and then when I log in it stops working again02:00
ZykoticK9adam7, i don't have any experience with touchpads i'm affraid - other then it working properly on my old EEE02:00
adam7ZykoticK9: hm. The keyboard stopped working too, then I switched to a VT, and then back to X, and now they both work.02:01
adam7very strange02:01
ar0nthere was a package i had to install02:02
ar0nit was the common that ubuntu didnt carry any longer02:02
ar0nknow what it is?02:02
ar0n[no a package SORRY02:02
ar0nit was the uhm02:02
ar0nreposiotory lololopl02:02
natetHell. After upgrading to Lucid, the "Sessions" menu is blank and grayed-out. After logging in, GDM disappears, is replaced by a terminal, then reappears.02:03
ZykoticK9adam7, you should think about submitting a bug02:03
adam7hm, now I get the following in my dmesg, with the mouse workin02:03
adam7[ 2605.987852] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 4 bytes away.02:03
jmcantrellZykoticK9: strange. i can't get syncing to work02:03
adam7[ 2606.494511] psmouse.c: resync failed, issuing reconnect request02:03
ZykoticK9jmcantrell, are you getting any sort of error or output message?02:04
adam7ZykoticK9: I think I will file a bug02:04
jmcantrellZykoticK9: nothing02:04
adam7not sure what to put it under, but...02:04
ZykoticK9jmcantrell, i have no idea man, it's working out of the box for me02:04
natet7Anyone answer me? Please say it again if you did, sorry02:05
adam7natet7: no answers02:06
un214X is still broke after update today02:06
adam7un214: what does "broke" mean?02:06
un214selects a driver that writes garbage to display and unhooks the text consoles02:07
IdleOneCurrent status: 124 updates [+73], 3423 new [+46]. here goes something02:07
un214X driver selected is fbcon02:08
un214fbcon driver is nouveau02:08
un214only on this machine, the nvidia graphics card should not be used (hardware fault)02:08
un214if it weren't integrated into the motherboard I'd pull it02:09
psusidisable it02:10
un214normally I'd disable it by selecting driver vesa but that doesn't seem to work with KMS02:11
psusiif you plug in a normal card you can disable the one on the motherboard in the bios02:11
un214hmmm that's not a bad idea02:11
un214I'll see if I can pull that off.02:12
psusiany adventurous souls have a throwaway partition they don't mind sacrificing to test defrag?02:12
patdk-laphmm, probably a few02:12
patdk-lapbut do I have to have lucid on it to test?02:13
psusiI'm sure I could have a karmic build made02:14
psusibut lucid would be preferable ;)02:14
patdk-lapthen I don't right now, I was going to build a test machine for lucid tomorrow02:15
adam7psusi: what is this supposed to defrag?02:15
* psusi is glad he started using lvm... can create and delete throw away test partitions at will02:15
psusiadam7, ext2/3/402:15
patdk-lappsusi, all mine are in vmware02:15
* psusi is resurrecting the old defrag package that debian and ubuntu dropped last year because upstream had abandoned it like 10 years ago ;)02:16
CalmvsKhaossame here vmware that way i dont have to muss with graphic card issues and i have the extra ram (8 gigs)02:16
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patdk-lapheh, I had horrible experiences with that :)02:16
* psusi has fond memories of using it back in the mid 90's on slackware like, 2.0 or something02:17
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patdk-lapya, mine was on slackware too02:17
patdk-lapdon't remember when02:17
psusigood old 486/dx2 50Mhz with 80 meg drive... ahh those were the days02:18
un214darn it02:18
un214Unfortunately I don't have an old graphics card on hand02:18
patdk-lapheh, 48602:18
un214and no time to mess with it02:18
un214for now I'll just live without X02:18
patdk-lap386dx40, 80meg rll drive :)02:18
un214can anyone tell me how to disable X on boot?02:19
psusiI didn't think RLL got that big02:19
patdk-lapcan't remember if I ever ran it on the 386sx1602:19
psusiun214, edit /init/gdm?02:19
patdk-lapwell, 80meg mfm02:19
patdk-lapin rll mode I got it up to 117megs02:19
psusiI didn't think MFM got that big either02:19
patdk-lapsome seagate 5.25 FH02:20
un214nothing matching /init/gdm02:20
psusiI seem to remember those going by the wayside by the time 40 meg drives were common02:20
ZykoticK9un214, sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled02:20
un214!ls /etc/init02:20
patdk-lapI actually tossed the last motherboard I have with isa slots on it last week02:20
Volkodavanybody dealt with Dynamic disks?02:20
un214there we go it was /etc/init/kdm.conf02:21
patdk-lapdynamic disks? as in windows?02:21
VolkodavI cam mount it ok but not see the contents - it shows the right usage tjough02:21
Volkodavyeah - the one from win 7 got converted by some idiot and i can not access the contents anymore02:21
CalmvsKhaos!ops | bac02:22
ubottubac: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:22
psusiafaik windows dynamic disks use the Veritas logical volume management which there is no linux support for02:22
KB1JWQelky: Beat me to it. :-)02:22
patdk-laphmm, looks like 80meg was the largest mfm drives they made02:23
VolkodavSo I will need to back up, convert back to basic and then restore all the info02:23
Volkodavoh shit 320 Gb to move twice02:23
curgood evening02:24
* psusi has been looking for a proper norton ghost open source clone lately and coming up short... very disappointed02:24
curI had a question about LL beta testing02:24
adam7psusi: use dd02:24
ZykoticK9psusi, check out the clonezilla live cd - it even does multicasting02:24
psusiadam7, wastes time copying unused blocks, can not copy to a different size disk/partition02:24
cousteauVolkodav: I once moved about a HDD and a half doing my "experiments"... and I forgot to keep the timestamps so now my oldest files date from 2008/12/2502:25
psusiZykoticK9, it copies blocks exactly as they are unlike ghost, so can not restore to a smaller disk, and restoring to a larger requires a resizefs after to expand02:25
psusiZykoticK9, also preserves any fragmentation present in the original fs02:26
Some_PersonHow can I make it unlock the "login keyring" automatically?02:26
patdk-lapisn't that what dump/restore are for?02:26
psusipatdk-lap, I've been playing with those lately... while dump seems to be the fastest way to backup a fs, restore is not truely its inverse since it does not extract the dumped fs to a raw block device.. it's more like an archive extractor02:26
curI tried lucid out earlier and I ran into the exact issue I had with Karmic, my screen brightness will not change and my keybindings will not work either...02:26
* patdk-lap wonders if anything saves metadata/acl/... besides dd02:26
myk_robinsonHey. In Nautilius, how can I enable the option to type in my location versus clicking on stuff?02:27
psusidump/restore saves acls and extended attributes02:27
patdk-lapah, it does02:27
patdk-lapya, I know it would defrag :)02:27
patdk-lapI've only used dump/restore on freebsd a few times, never needed it on linux02:27
psusimy only problem with it is that it requires you to format the partition and mount it to restore... it would be faster if it rebuilt the fiesystem on the fly on the raw block device02:27
psusithat's what ghost does02:28
patdk-lapI wonder how acronis does it02:28
myk_robinsonnevermind, found it. Pressing CTRL+L brings up the editable location bar. Anyone know how to make this the default behavior now?02:28
psusipatdk-lap, my recent testing shows dump to be significantly faster than tar... though I was confused as all hell for a day while testing before I found out that tar cheats when you tell it to write the backup to /dev/null... it just stats the input files. doesn't read them and write the data to null02:28
patdk-lapmy friend backs up linux systems with it, but I haven't yet02:28
Some_Personmyk_robinson: gconf-editor02:29
psusidoesn't acronis use partimage?02:29
ZykoticK9myk_robinson, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/location-bar-in-nautilus02:29
Some_Personmyk_robinson: /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry02:29
patdk-lappsusi, I do most of my backups over the network, so speed doesn't matter02:29
patdk-lapdunno, I haven't tried it on linux, just ntfs02:29
myk_robinsonSome_Person: ZykoticK9: Thank you both02:30
CalmvsKhaoslol i love that 'how-i-do' in that link ZykoticK9 :)02:30
patdk-lapit will take forever to backup an ntfs partition, but it's fast to restore it02:30
Some_PersonWhy does my nautilus have an old-style appearance?02:30
psusiafaik acronis uses partimage, which understands ext and ntfs and in either case, essentially does a dd but skips any blocks not marked as used in the allocation bitmap02:31
curnothing? no one?02:32
* psusi watches the block map as defrag relocates swaths of the disk02:34
patdk-lappsusi, know how to check how fragmented my drive is?02:34
patdk-lapwithout doing a full fsck on it02:35
psusipatdk-lap, fsck reports a fragmentation number... not sure how it computes it these days02:35
* KB1JWQ doesn't give a toss about fragmentation02:35
psusibut last night I saw a ~20% speedup in dumping an fs after defragging it when fsck reported only 4% fragmenatation02:35
cur1I had a question...02:36
patdk-lapwell, I think fsck only reports inode fragmentation or whatever it is02:37
patdk-lapnot datablock fragmentation02:37
psusiI also managed earlier on a test to shave a few more seconds of boot time by having defrag pack all the files that ureadahead pre fetches at the start of the disk02:37
thom_i've a prob when i tried live cd of Lucy (Lucyd Lynx). I can not get the desktop but just error msg about int. I've insert command 'noacpi bootparam', but still not helping.02:37
patdk-lappsusi, well, I would defently try it on my laptop :)02:38
patdk-lapI am fine with compiling stuff, thanks to 17 years of slackware02:38
psusiI'm still not sure what this "inode framenatation" is that I've heard someone else mention lately is... I do know that a year or two ago fsck would report a file as fragmented after a defrag when it wasn't... since it had an indirect block intersperesed in the middle of the data blocks02:38
psusiand now it doesn't02:38
patdk-lapI'm not sure, I just read someone else talking about it, but it didn't go into details on what he meant02:39
patdk-lapI was thinking he was meaning like directory listing fragmentation or something02:40
natet7Hello. My GDM sessions are gone!02:40
thom_can anybody help me out? I would really like to taste the Lucy desktop on my computer. Not just on the virtual box02:40
psusiwell, I can tell you that after running defrag, fsck reports 0.0% fragmenation for me so far02:40
patdk-lapnext will be lvm defrag? :)02:42
patdk-lapoh here is a question, dunno if you know, but can't find anyone that does02:43
patdk-lapI have several ext3 systems that *leak*02:43
natet7Help, please!02:43
patdk-lapI create/write/delete many many small files on it (mailspool)02:44
patdk-lapand df reports available space going to 0%02:44
patdk-lapbut du reports it at like 60% used02:44
patdk-lapreboot with fsck forced, and both report 60% again02:44
cur1How do I change the screen brightness?02:44
zekoZekopatdk-lap: how about a reboot without fsck?02:45
patdk-lapzekoZeko, nope, still all used up02:45
zekoZekopatdk-lap: so it's not something deleting files and keeping them open, that would explain it, but obviously not.02:45
psusipatdk-lap, whoa... that's fubar... what does the fsck say?02:46
patdk-lapnot sure it said anything, let me check to make sure, been alittle bit02:46
patdk-lapodd, where would fsck messages go02:47
psusiif you manually fsck it, to the terminal02:47
patdk-lapna, boot fsck02:48
psusicheck /var/log/fsck?02:49
patdk-lapna, this system redirects it's syslog to another machine02:51
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MTecknologyMy wireless problem tracked down kinda! -> [  312.910959] iwlagn 0000:06:00.0: iwl_tx_agg_start on ra = 00:23:eb:61:d7:ce tid = 002:54
MTecknologyIt without a doubt has something to do with that02:54
patdk-laphmm, isn't logged anywhere :(02:54
leftyfbSo has it been decided that the window control buttons are going to remain on the wrong side?02:54
MTecknologyleftyfb: you can always change it02:55
leftyfbMTecknology: Not the question I asked and the means by which it is to be changes is not adequate.02:55
* patdk-lap always found the buttons on the right annoying02:56
leftyfbI have heard that the decision if they were to be left in the incorrect position was to be made at or after beta 1 release. I have yet to find any official posting about this or it's conclusion.02:57
Blue1leftyfb: it is pretty annoying, but it's fixable03:00
NinoScriptI'm upgrading to Lucid! :D03:00
leftyfbBlue1: It is not fixable in a "Human" fashion, nor does it fix the new themes made specifically for them being on the wrong side03:01
Muscovyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/AmbianceMod for window controls.03:05
Blue1leftyfb: you can fix it with gconftools and I am not aware of any themes with that design in mind.03:05
MuscovySee link.03:05
leftyfbBlue1: the default theme is broken when they are moved to the correct side03:05
Blue1leftyfb: i guess I don't use themes03:05
leftyfband gconf-editor is not an adequate solution for "human beings"03:05
Muscovyleftyfb: That's why I made AmbianceMod.03:06
Blue1leftyfb: agree about last remark03:06
Blue1ahh okay I use the clearlooks them -03:07
leftyfbMuscovy: mind making one for the light theme as well? I was going to do this myself for both once I had confirmation that the bad decision had been left in place03:07
leftyfbSomeone should also package these things up along with the gconf setting and put it into a PPA for people to install. This would be one of the first things added on all my customers installs.03:08
patdk-lapodd, my laptop is suprisingly fragmentation free03:08
patdk-lapbut my new squid drive, that I just put in a month ago, is 10% frag already03:08
Blue1patdk-lap: how do you tell what the fragmentation looks like?03:09
Muscovyleftyfb: Within the next few days. ;303:09
patdk-lapjust doing an fsck -nf03:09
leftyfbMuscovy: awesome! Will you be updating that wiki page?03:10
MuscovyAlso, I don't know why, but I can't seem to embed the images.03:10
MuscovyHopefully this weekend I'll figure out .debs and make a PPA.03:10
Blue1wow I have file structure problems but only .1 % fragmentation03:10
myk_robinsonEvening, all. How do i restart the sound system in Lucid?03:11
lucidupgradejust updated from karmic --> lucid03:11
lucidupgradeno mouse or keyboard response upon reboot03:12
lucidupgradeany pointers?03:12
lucidupgradei'm in a live CD session on the machine now03:12
Blue1lucidupgrade: I've had problems doing upgrades - I always backup /etc/ and /home/ and then do a clean install.03:12
KB1JWQWelcome to #ubuntu+1, lucidupgrade. What does dmesg say?03:12
rzx237Muscovy: do you have one that button is in left: "close,max,min:menu" ?03:12
Blue1i am curious why the ubuntu folks would do a dumb@$$ thing like but the buttons on the wrong side?03:14
lucidupgradeKB1JWQ: dmesg is empty :-(03:14
lucidupgradehow do i edit grub menu to list old kernels with version 2?03:15
myk_robinsonBlue1: I agreed for a short time, but actually got used to it pretty quick03:15
leftyfbfound a fix03:18
MTecknologyWhat's changed from 9.10 to 10.04 that would negatively impact iwlagn?03:18
leftyfbPPA already created03:18
rzx237myk_robinson: some people need to place button on place they want, but Ambience metacity  theme will break if we do that, right?03:18
myk_robinsonrzx237: no, many people have hapilly moved the buttons back using gconf-editor03:18
leftyfbrzx237: you can use tweak ubuntu ot gconf to change the order of the buttons03:19
leftyfbrzx237: not exactly. The new themes are broken when doing so.03:19
leftyfbBut the link I just posted has a PPA package that fixes it.03:19
Blue1I am running metacity and it works fine moving the buttons03:19
leftyfbBlue1: I said when using the new themes.03:19
leftyfbthe new themes break03:19
Blue1leftyfb: any particular theme?  the ones I've tried (all the precanned ones) seem to work okay03:20
leftyfbthe new light themes are broken when moving the buttons to the correct side03:20
leftyfbAmbiance and Radiance03:21
Blue1leftyfb: let me try that one.03:21
myk_robinsonleftyfb: guess i havent heard that. What happens, what do you mean by broken?03:21
Blue1leftyfb: naw it seems okay to me, the button changed to an up and down arrow - but it will works03:22
patdk-laphmm, this seems to be the fsck line for the missing space03:24
patdk-lapPass 5: Checking group summary information03:24
patdk-lapBlock bitmap differences:  -263407 -284987 +296967 +(296986--296989) +(297169--297175) +297187 +(297190--297191) ...........03:24
patdk-lapjuge list, a few hundred lines long03:24
leftyfbBlue1: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/102233/Screenshot.png03:25
leftyfblook closer03:25
Blue1leftyfb: omw (on my way)03:26
leftyfbregardless, the PPA I posted fixes this and there's a bug report on it.03:26
Blue1leftyfb: I guess I am to clueless to figure out "what's wrong with that picture?"  so what is wrong?03:27
leftyfbBlue1: you've already confirmed this isn't an issue for you either way. You're not going to be an integral part in getting something fixed that you don't care about anyway.03:27
leftyfbgotta go now03:27
leftyfbthank you for your time03:28
Blue1alrighty then -- so someone tell me, what's wrong with the picture?03:28
MTecknologygolly... then next time I install an alpha version of ubuntu I expect nothing to be broken -_-03:29
* Blue1 must be as dense as a brick because I saw nothing wrong...03:30
MTecknologyBlue1: you using the iwlagn wifi driver?03:32
arandBlue1: minimise has ugly edges, which are supposed to go and match in the middle of the buttons, but looks ugly is being at either end..03:32
Blue1MTecknology: no I am using the stock ati driver03:35
MTecknologyBlue1: ati = video, not wifi03:35
Blue1indeedy not03:35
MTecknologyunless i missed something...03:35
MTecknologythe issue seems to be with iwlagn03:36
rzx237arand: indeed, and mine is here: http://evran.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/ambience-mod.png03:36
Blue1MTecknology: my bad -- no I am not using that I have an atheros card03:36
DanaGA shame I STILL find those themes ugly. :(03:38
Blue1find something you like yeah those are pretty fugly03:38
DanaGthe Murrine-based Human theme is nice.03:42
skydromeis there a repository for server kernels?03:47
MTecknologyI wish I could see the progress of am apport upload03:48
MTecknology14.6MiB is a big upload.... I don't like not seeing where it's at03:49
Blue1MTecknology: much of technology today, is FM03:50
MTecknologyBlue1: hm?03:51
Blue1bleeping magic!03:51
denis_hey, folks! How to get battery icon to be shown only when on batter power?03:51
arandMTecknology: Report feature request ;) "ubuntu-bug apport"03:51
Blue1denis_: gapcmon?03:51
MTecknologyarand: :P03:51
running_rabbit07Which backport module do I need to install so that the wireless backport gets upgraded with each kernel.03:52
denis_nope, i don't need a ups daemon03:52
denis_i mean laptop battery03:53
Blue1running_rabbit07: this is what I did:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=152 i installed them all03:53
running_rabbit07denis: does the icon pop up at intervals? That is what it does on my Netbook.03:53
denis_yep, exactly03:54
denis_annoys me a lot)03:54
Blue1denis_: yup same here03:54
running_rabbit07Blue1 thanx03:54
Blue1running_rabbit07: supposedly the problem I encountered, there, is fixed in lucid --03:54
MTecknologythat was a big big upload...03:56
Blue1MTecknology: yes03:56
tonyyarussoAnyone using KVM w/ virt-manager in Lucid?  Are you able to make guests full screen yet?03:58
running_rabbit07I am guessing they don't have the backport module up for the new kernel. That bites. It shortens the range.04:01
=== celthundar is now known as celthunder
AbortDwhat version of flash do i need to get for amd 6404:07
Some_PersonAbortD: I recommend the beta version on Adobe's website04:08
ddecatorthe version in the official repos04:09
Some_PersonThe version in the official repos installs the 32bit version in some sort of wrapper thing04:09
ddecatoryes, but it's considered more stable and gets official ubuntu support04:09
Some_PersonAdobe has a beta version that's native 64bit04:09
DanaG!info linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic04:09
ubottulinux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic (source: linux-meta): Backported wireless drivers for generic kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)04:09
* patdk-lap has never had issues with flash 64bit on his system04:09
ddecatori had some performance problems with the 64bit alpha flash04:10
patdk-lapI have downloaded and compiled it from source though04:10
DanaGI prefer having nspluginwrapper... so I can killall -9 npviewer.bin04:11
SunnyMoliniHow come my computer that runs 64bit Win7 won't install 64bit ubuntu10.0404:11
DanaG... and nuke Flash.04:11
denis_SunnyMolini: you just donna howto cook it :)04:12
SunnyMolinidenis_: clearly, I need to get me some cooking lessons.04:13
ddecatorSunnyMolini: are you able to run it as a live environment?04:15
Blue1i love to cook04:16
SunnyMolinihavn't tried that yet,04:16
SunnyMolinijust the install, and it hangs.04:16
ddecatoryou could also do an md5sum to make sure it's all on there correctly =)04:16
SunnyMolininow I'm in the process of making a VMware image.04:16
Blue1SunnyMolini: I've the same issue I am running 64 bit 9.10 but 10.04 no go04:16
ddecatorstrange o.o04:16
Blue1i put 10.4 on my 32 bit machine04:16
ddecatori upgraded from 9.10 64bit to 10.04 64bit with no problems04:17
NeezerI am getting an error when pluggin in my ipod touch....I'm getting unable to connect to null null device04:17
ddecatorNeezer: is that from nautilus?04:17
ZykoticK9Neezer, you're welcome :)04:17
Neezerddecator, I think it is from rhythmbox.04:18
ddecatorNeezer: and i'm assuming the ipod plugin is enabled?04:18
Neezerit says unable to open.04:18
NeezerI think so...I thought I saw it being installed and updated just now when I upgraded to the beta from the alpha.04:19
ddecatordouble-check the plugins menu in rhythmbox04:19
ddecatori think it's on by default...04:19
ddecatordoesn't hurt to look though04:19
NeezerI was having problems getting it to work with the beta and figured i'd try now. I know I wasn't getting this error before, so I figure it might be something new and easier to work through.04:20
Neezerit is checked ddecator04:20
ddecatorthen i have no idea =) i know support for the itouch and iphone is buggy though04:21
Neezerwhen I plug in my ipod it gets recognized as a camera and an ipod. I think that is by nautilus...then when I'm in rhythmbox the icon pops up on the left side, then goes away when I get the error message.04:21
kelvlHi, does anyone know how to confirm SHMConfig is turned on?04:21
Neezerok. Thanks.04:21
NeezerI think I'll wait to really tackle this until I do the fresh install of the release.04:22
ddecatorit should be more stable by then04:22
kelvlI tried following the instructions the synaptics touchpad in the wiki04:22
kelvlbut I can't seem to enable SHMConfig04:22
Neezerhope so...is there a programming forum for ubuntu?04:22
ddecatori think it's getting a lot of attention from rhythmbox devs04:22
Neezerby forum, I mean irc channel.04:22
ddecatori'm sure there is. one sec04:23
Neezeryeah. I talked to someone about it before....I'm sure they're aware that there might still be some issues.04:23
kelvlanyone have experience with SHMConfig?04:24
DanaGoh, you mean on touchpads?04:24
kelvlDanaG: yes04:24
kelvlDanaG: I am having trouble turning on SHMConfig on 10.0.404:24
kelvli mean 10.0404:24
DanaGIt's udev now, not HAL.04:25
DanaGcopy /lib/udev/rules.d/66-xorg-synaptics.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d, and edit it.04:25
ddecatorNeezer: i know someone who works a lot on rhythmbox, but he's not on, so idk where the devs hang out =\04:25
Neezerthat's ok.04:25
kelvlDanaG: let me go check that out thanks!04:25
NeezerI gotta get some sleep.04:25
DanaG"rules.d" is a directory, of course.04:25
Neezerthanks for your time anyways ddecator04:25
ddecatorNeezer: no problem =)04:25
DShepherdis empathy to ask for the gnomekeyring password on initial startup?04:28
ZykoticK9DShepherd, usually it's nm-applet (network manager) that asks for the gnomekeyring password on login (if you turn of autologin this goes away)04:30
Some_PersonZykoticK9: Is there any way around that?04:33
ZykoticK9Some_Person, don't think so - it's a security feature04:33
ddecatorit's happening every time?04:33
Some_PersonBut if you can't get online without a password, what the heck is the point of autologin?04:33
Some_PersonI did something in karmic that made it go away, but I can't remember what04:34
ddecatorfinding the right permission and setting to "always allow"?04:35
Some_PersonIf you're only two choices are enter a password to log in or enter a password to unlock the keyring, what's the point of auto-login to begin with?04:37
DanaGSome_Person: try setting the wifi connection to "available to all users" in the connections editor.04:37
mizuhoset the keyring to auto04:37
DanaGThat makes it connect even at the login screen.04:37
Some_PersonI'd rather have it unlock the keyring (I'll inevitably have to do it later for something else)04:38
MindVirusMy computer starts up into plymouth but doesn't move from there.04:40
MindVirusWhen I use init=/bin/bash without splash or quiet I get a blank screen.04:40
MindVirusAny advice?04:40
=== Some_Person_ is now known as Some_Person
Some_Personmizuho: How do I set it to auto?04:41
mizuhoSome_Person: when you're asked for it, click detail and choose from the list, I don't remember right now, but you will only need to place it once, with wifi and peripherals devices04:42
Some_PersonIt didn't have any "detail" or any "list"04:43
mizuho:s, I did saw it the first time04:43
bbordwellMindVirus, What was your ? i just joined04:43
MindVirusbbordwell: When I start up the computer, I get plymouth and nothing happens.04:44
denis_hey, i got a vary slow flash video playback on a good computer04:44
ZykoticK9MindVirus, ubuntu desktop?04:44
denis_why is that?04:44
MindVirusZykoticK9: ..? Yes?04:44
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bbordwellMindVirus, nvidia ati or intel graphics?04:44
ZykoticK9MindVirus, ok just checkin'04:44
MindVirusdenis_: Flash is slow on Linux because Adobe doesn't care about us.04:45
MindVirusbbordwell: nVidia.04:45
mizuhoSome_Person: sorry I don't get asked for it anymore, I'll try to see if I can find that again04:45
Guest13039I have a touch screen and I have installed xserver-xorg-input-evtouch but I can't run ev_calibrate... it says I need to install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch when I run ev_calibrate...04:45
bbordwellMindVirus, are you using nouveau or the proprietary driver?04:45
DanaG!find ev_calibrate04:45
MindVirusbbordwell: Proprietary.04:45
ubottuFile ev_calibrate found in xserver-xorg-input-evtouch04:45
MindVirusbbordwell: But that's for xorg.04:45
MindVirusI have a deeper problem than that AFAIK.04:45
erosswith this music store, I'll be able to buy music online?04:46
Guest13039DanaG, was that supposed to help me?04:46
DanaGhmm, try dpkg -S ev_calibrate04:46
ZykoticK9eross, that's the idea04:46
bbordwellMindVirus, you say you get plymouth though? just the blue bars? or the actual splash screen?04:46
MindVirusbbordwell: The splash screen; I don't know what the blue bars are.04:46
MindVirusYou mean text mode?04:46
Guest13039xserver-xorg-input-evtouch: /usr/lib/xf86-input-evtouch/ev_calibrate04:47
MindVirusBecause I get graphical plymouth.04:47
bbordwellMindVirus, the proprieatary nvidia driver does not support the splash screen afaik04:47
bbordwellwhen i used them i got blue bars04:47
Guest13039running xserver-xorg-input-evtouch: /usr/lib/xf86-input-evtouch/ev_calibrate gives me XLoadQueryFont: failed loading font '*freemono*'04:47
MindVirusbbordwell: I think you have the wrong idea on when the proprietary nVidia drivers come into play.04:47
MindVirusbbordwell: They only matter for Xorg.04:48
MindVirusbbordwell: I am using proprietary nVidia drivers for Xorg; yet my plymouth is doing just fine doing nothing.04:48
alien5p5gI just had an issue with upgrading to the lucid beta from karmic. For some reason, right as it was about to install the downloaded updates, the update manager quit and I could not install again, instead it gave me the option of a partial upgrade which I could not complete. So I went back into the update manager and it listed several updates (did not say if it was the ones downloaded from the lucid  upgrade) to install.04:48
alien5p5gMy question is that if I download them, will it go ahead and upgrade the system? Whats going on and what do I do?04:48
alien5p5gWell, I am downloading them now04:49
Guest13039gah. Back to karmic I go.04:49
alien5p5gAny ideas?04:49
bbordwellMindVirus, the plymouth boot screen depends on KMS support, if there is no KMS then it falls back to the blue progress bars04:49
bbordwellgive me a few min. and i will install the propietary drivers and see what happens.04:50
MindVirusbbordwell: I don't know what that is; my Plymouth is working fine so I assume KMS is working.04:50
bbordwellit has been since alpha 2 since i used them04:50
ZykoticK9bbordwell, actually i'm getting a purple text plymouth on my nvidia machines now (use to just get the blue bar)04:50
bbordwellZykoticK9, thank you i did not know they improved this04:50
bbordwellMindVirus, do you have just 1 display connected?04:51
alien5p5gI should just post this on the fourms then?04:51
MindVirusbbordwell: Aye.04:51
ZykoticK9bbordwell, it still isn't the graphic boot you get with nouveau mind you04:51
DanaGI have a system with ATI KMS... and I still get no splash screen.04:51
DanaGI get "ureadahead main process terminated with status 5".04:51
MindVirusZykoticK9: What does that look like?04:51
mizuhoSome_Person: when you click on detail you have the option, "Automatically unlock this keyring whenever I'm logged in"04:52
mizuhothis is for wifi04:52
ZykoticK9MindVirus, the text or the graphic?  hard to describe either really04:52
bbordwelli have had many problems with plymouth also04:52
MindVirusZykoticK9: Link, I mean?04:52
alien5p5gare these updates I am installing the upgrade?04:52
ZykoticK9MindVirus, ?04:52
alien5p5gI'm so confused. sorry04:52
MindVirusZykoticK9: Nevermind. :)04:52
bbordwellalien5p5g, go to system>about GNOME, what version is reported there?04:53
alien5p5gbbordwell: 2.29.9204:54
bbordwellMindVirus, as i  have done in the past you could just apt-get remove plymouth and wait for the next version to reinstall04:54
MindVirusbbordwell: No I can't.04:54
MindVirusI have no access to my computer.04:54
bbordwellalien5p5g, it appears the upgrade worked04:55
ZykoticK9MindVirus, i just did some quick google search for plymouth versions - didn't see either of the plymouth versions i've seen.04:55
bbordwellMindVirus, have you tried alt+sysreq+k?04:55
MindVirusbbordwell: From Plymouth?04:56
MindVirusNot yet. Will do.04:56
alien5p5gbbordwell: but the program quit, and the desktop never rebooted04:56
bbordwellplymouth locks for me with two displays and this resets it04:56
bbordwelltakes me to the login screen04:56
MindVirusbbordwell: Plymouth seems really shitty.04:56
bbordwellhave you tried manual reboot?04:56
bbordwellMindVirus, yep there are alot of bugs still04:57
bbordwellMindVirus, the reboot thing was directed at alien5p5g04:57
MindVirusYour button combination freezes my computer.04:57
ZykoticK9OT but i love how everyone has 9 character nics right now04:57
alien5p5gbbordwell: I suppose I will when its done applying these updates. Thanks for your help :)04:58
MindVirusbbordwell: ^^04:58
MindVirusZykoticK9: Yep. :)04:58
MindVirusEverything's aligned and nice.04:58
bbordwellMindVirus, plymouth has locked me out of my system in the past and i booted to recovery mode and then apt-get removed plymouth04:59
MindVirusbbordwell: Recovery mode does not work.04:59
bbordwellMindVirus, that is a deeper issue then, recovery mode does not use plymouth at all afaik05:00
MindVirusIt does IIRC.05:00
MindVirusBut plymouth is not the problem IMO.05:00
bbordwellMindVirus, hmm last time i tried was at alpha2 so things may have changed, bad idea i think05:01
bbordwellMindVirus, have you tried the nouveau driver?05:01
MindVirusHow do you suppose I do that?05:01
MindVirus(The recovery option has splash at the end of the kernel line.)05:02
bbordwellMindVirus, haha well i was just thinking the same thing myself :)....you should never run a pre-realease without some recovery media laying around05:02
MindVirusI can always do that.05:03
bbordwelli started testing on alpha one and i have had to do about 5 fresh installed05:03
MindVirusI want to solve it without touching that stuff.05:03
MindVirusThis is a learning experience.05:03
MindVirusTrying recovery without the splash option.05:03
MindVirus(It gets stuck.)05:03
bbordwellMindVirus, yes, I am sure there are some boot parameters that could help but i am not knowledgeable enough to help you with that05:04
MindVirusbbordwell: I'm using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Common%20Boot%20Options05:04
MindVirusbbordwell: You there?05:14
bullgardI switched  to my virtual console #1. When I returned to virtual console #7 I read: "init: plymouth main process (252) killed by SEGV signal. ... " My X is now on virtual console 8. What does this mean?05:14
bullgardMindVirus: Please do not replace interpunction with the Enter key.05:15
bbordwellMindVirus, yes05:15
MindVirusbullgard: Sweet.05:15
MindVirusbbordwell: I tried something weird and it worked.05:15
MindVirusI have a terminal.05:15
MindVirusI just can't see it.05:15
bbordwellMindVirus, that is not very useful :)05:16
MindVirusI tried typing a bunch of stuff and pressing Enter; nothing would work. Then I typed "reboot" and it worked.05:16
bbordwellhave you tried alt+f7? i think that switches consoles05:16
MindVirusbbordwell: Will do.05:18
bbordwellMindVirus, i do not expect it to work, but its worth a try05:18
MindVirusbbordwell: How can I make my computer produce a beep, or noise?05:19
bbordwellMindVirus, I do not know anything but i can try and look05:20
bullgardIn Karmic I had vesafb. But Lucid installed vga16fb. Why did it change?05:22
bbordwellbullgard, I am guessing it has to do with the new boot proccess, perhaps vesafb could not produce a clean boot like the developers want05:24
bbordwellMindVirus, sudo apt-get install beep05:28
MindVirusbbordwell: I tried that already.05:28
bbordwellI am not sure how to use it but that will make it beep05:28
bbordwellecho -e /a ?05:29
bbordwellI am guessing you already read the page i am on though05:30
bullgardbbordwell: "new"? The latest copyright remark in vga16fb.c is of 1999.05:30
MindVirusGreat; now plymouth isn't accepting keyboard input.05:30
MindVirusLike my keyboard's not plugged in.05:31
DanaGhmm, what I'd use instead of vesafb: uvesafb.05:35
DanaGvesafb is obsolete.05:35
bullgardDanaG: "obsolete" is an niridescent word. What do you mean by "obsolete" exactly?05:38
DanaGfine, it's "deprecated".05:39
MindVirusbbordwell: Hmm.05:39
MindVirusNow plymouth gets killed.05:39
MindVirusExcept I'm not dropped into a shell. It prints out "init: plymouth main process (345) killed by SEGV signal"05:40
MindVirusIn terminal 7. Pressing escape does naught.05:40
bullgardDanaG: Righ. And why is vesafb deprecated?05:41
DanaGuvesafb is more flexible... even lets you change modes on the fly.05:42
kelvlDanaG: hey, i am back... i still don't seem to be able to enable SHMConfig05:45
kelvlDanaG: i want to see whether i can use synclient to configure the two finger thresholds05:45
kelvlis there a way for me to start X with a xorg.conf?05:46
kelvlor generate a xorg.conf05:46
kelvlso that i can explicitly put "shmconfig on"05:46
kelvlin xorg.conf?05:46
MindViruskelvl: You shouldn't do it in xorg.conf.05:46
MindVirusThere is a HAL option.05:47
MindVirusGoogle it.05:47
kelvlMindVirus: i have tried creating a shmconfig HAL following the HAL tutorial to enable SHMconfig05:47
kelvlbut it doesn't seem to run it05:48
kelvli followed the synaptics touchpad tutorial on the ubuntu wiki05:48
kelvlis there anyway for me to explictly enable shmconfig on 10.04?05:49
bullgardDanaG: Thank you very much for your help.05:50
bbordwellHas anyone here tried burning an audio cd through rhythmbox?05:52
bullgardbbordwell: Me not yet.05:53
wastrelis it possible to restore the gnome volume control panel applet05:54
bbordwellbullgard, when i make a playlist, then right click on it and press create audio cd nothing happens05:54
bbordwellIf you test this out and have the same bug i already filed a bug05:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 543892 in rhythmbox "Clicking "Create Audio CD" does nothing" [Low,Incomplete]05:54
wastrelbecause the indicator applet sucks05:56
ddecatorbbordwell: when i tried, it used brasero05:56
bbordwellddecator, that is the expected behavior05:56
ddecatori wish it didn't =\05:57
bbordwellnot working for me though :(05:57
bbordwellwastrel, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/indicator-applet/+bug/51955305:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 519553 in indicator-applet "Right click menu could confuse users, leading to accidental removal of panel applet" [Low,Confirmed]05:57
wastrelbbordwell: no i mean, i don't like the indicator applet and would like to remove it and restore the old volume applet which was good05:58
ZykoticK9wastrel, i don't see the gnome-volume in the default repo, "perhaps" you could try installing the version from Karmic05:59
wastrelyou can scroll on the volume icon in the panel to change volume with the gnome-volume applet05:59
wastrelbut not with the indicator applet05:59
wastrelwith the mouse scroll wheel05:59
bbordwellddecator, when you insert a black disk does a menu come up asking you what you would like to do?06:00
ZykoticK9wastrel, NOT that this helps at all - but if you click on the volume so the drop down shows up you can scroll wheel on that (dumb i know)06:00
wastrelZykoticK9: yeah but you have to hover over the correct location06:00
wastrelit's poor ui06:00
ddecatorbbordwell: i don't remember, i did it yesterday. i know it did for the audio cd...06:00
ZykoticK9wastrel, i totally agree - i MUCH preferred the old volume - i miss the mouse wheel :(06:01
maccam94what happened to sun-java6-jre?06:01
bbordwellddecator, okay because i do not get a menu and i was not sure weather i should get one or not06:02
ZykoticK9maccam94, just add the partner repo and it's there06:02
wastrelplus the notification area is way bigger and hogs a ton of space on the panel06:02
maccam94ZykoticK9: ah ok, cool06:02
wastreler, indicator applet06:02
almoxarifethe volume applet is part of "Indicator Applet 0.3.4"06:04
almoxarifelearned that yesterday06:04
almoxarifehas anyone figured out how to add 'thunderbird' to the indicator applet?06:06
bbordwellalmoxarife, this is just a workaround but you could use alltray06:07
bbordwell!info alltray06:07
ubottualltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 58 kB, installed size 256 kB06:08
fatumAudio output just completely stopped working, is it possible to somehow revert back?06:08
almoxarifefatum: after upgrade?06:08
fatumalmoxarife:  It was working after installing 10.04, however I changed the default audio device and output / input stopped working.  After restarting, the device was changed back, but still no output.06:09
fatumWait actually, it seems to be working from one application.06:10
almoxarifefatum: if it works with one it must ..........06:10
bbordwellfatum, in a terminal type alsamixer and mess with the volumes and see if you can get it to work06:10
fatumVery strange, audio output is now working with every application.06:10
fatumI didn't change anything.06:11
almoxarifeI had to change my output option from 'output line' to output speaker. or was that the other way around?? while cycling thru the choices and with alsamixer up and running you can tell which as the speaker on by default06:12
DanaGweird... the alc268 (I think it is) in the samsung netbook thinks it's capable of 4-channel output.06:14
almoxarifeDanaG: all you got to do now is find the two missing jacks :)06:15
DanaGheh, and the built-in thing is MONO.06:16
almoxarifesold as mono?06:17
almoxarifeI notice screen flicker in lucid that I didn't see in karmic, fix?06:18
ZykoticK9microlith, are you using VBox from Oracle or the OSE version from the repo?  What is your host OS?06:21
microlithoracle version, host is vista 6406:22
wolterhas anybody experienced an extreme slowdown in boot time?06:22
wolterin lucid, recently06:22
ZykoticK9microlith, someone earlier was having the same problem.  you might want to ask in #vbox channel - it's working fine with my 10.04 and OSE version (mouse integration was a problem with PUEL version)06:23
microlithweird, ok06:23
bbordwellwolter,  I am not sure when it occured but my boot times are much slower then when i started testing at alph206:23
wolterbbordwell, same here!06:23
woltergod.. what did they do?06:23
wolterI was login in in 3 seconds i swear06:24
bbordwellwolter,  thats with a faster hdd installed too06:24
wolteri mean, it took 29 secs to get to login screen, but after that only 3 damn seconds06:24
bbordwellLast time i times it i was at 18 sec from the time my bios finished loading to useable desktop06:25
bbordwellI have not time it recently though06:25
bbordwellwill do though, brb06:25
WutzanHey guys, when booting of the live cd of 10.04 beta 32 bit I cannot get past the boot logo, for it gives this error "stdin: error 0" repeated until it finally gives this error "Unable to find a meduim containing a live file system". It is not the cd as I've tried it on a laptop, and it runs fine, it's not the dvd drive as previous versions of ubuntu live cds still boot just fine.06:26
bbordwellwolter, I think I have simply gotten used to the short boot. It was 23 seconds06:27
bbordwellstill not as fast as it used to be06:27
bbordwell+5 seconds and its on a faster hdd, but i also have 3hdds now which may slow it down a bit06:28
bbordwelloh well im happy, still faster than karmic06:29
wolteryeah well, 18 secs is real flying06:29
wolteryeah indeed06:29
wolterbut i dislike that i was having faster logons before beta06:29
bbordwellyes, but it does boot more reliably now06:30
bbordwellThough it still fails to boot in my preffered configuratoin06:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 533135 in plymouth "System fails to boot with plymouth installed (nouveau driver with >1 display)" [Medium,Triaged]06:31
DanaGheh, anyone here remember the old bootsplash, when it advanced from left to right when booting up, and receded from left to right when shutting down?06:34
DanaGWell, the new boot splash looks like it's starting up and shutting down, over and over.06:34
DanaGIt looks really bad.06:34
DanaGMake up your mind already... are you BOOTING, or shutting down?06:35
DanaG(oh, and occasionally my netbook gets stuck at that confusing startupshutdown splash screen.06:35
bbordwellmine does not act like that06:35
DanaG.... could not write bytes: broken pipe.)06:35
bbordwellit keeps going to the right06:36
DanaGwell, if you think of red as full and white as empty, it does do that.06:36
DanaGfills to the right... then empties to the right.06:36
bbordwellwhen they are all lit up the one on the left turns off06:36
bbordwellthen the second one06:36
DanaGThat's exactly the same thing as I'm saying it does!06:36
bbordwelluntil they are all off again06:36
bbordwelli thought you were saying it filled up from left to right (which it does) and then emptied from right to left06:37
DanaGanyway, it looks really stupid to be "shutting down" while starting up. =þ06:38
bbordwellits all a matter of taste though06:38
DanaGIt should be "scrolling", not looping from 0% to 100% and back again. =þ06:38
bbordwellsudo plymouth-set-default-theme --list06:42
bbordwellhave you tried chaning the theme?06:42
DanaGoh yeah, how many dots are there?06:42
bbordwell4 or 5?06:42
bbordwelli cant remember06:42
bbordwellbrb I am going to try the solar theme06:43
bbordwellpretty :)06:45
DanaGposted my thoughts there.06:58
TheSageGood evening/morning/afternoon everyone.07:06
ZykoticK9TheSage, well Good evening/morning/afternoon to you too :)07:09
bbordwellhaha do you consider 2 am morning or night?07:13
drizzt_does Ubuntu software center hanging constantly? why we ever need this pos?07:14
bbordwelldrizzt_, software center hangs for me sometimes but not often07:15
bbordwellWhy do you use it if you don't like it?07:15
bbordwelldrizzt_, and for why we need it, it is very helpful to new users07:16
TheSageSo, I update the Beta and get the new -17 Kernal and it killed by Internet :)07:16
drizzt_because it is in prominent place in start menu?07:16
TheSageRunning the same update on my VM to see if it has the same effect07:17
* TheSage likes the new Software Center.07:17
TheSageANyone else have the same problem?07:18
ZykoticK9TheSage, i updated my desktop as well as VMs and didn't have that problem with -1707:18
* DanaG goes off to bed.07:18
bbordwellTheSage, are you using wireless?07:18
DanaGWed Mar 24 00:18:47 PDT 201007:18
ZykoticK9TheSage, i don't remember seeing anyone mention this problem today07:18
TheSagebbordwell: Yes07:18
bbordwellya i hear of kernel updates killing this or that wireless adaptor alot07:19
bbordwellshould be an easy fix if you file a bug report07:19
TheSagebbordwell: I am trying to track this problem down a bit.07:19
bbordwellhave you looked at your kernel log?07:19
TheSagebbordwell: No07:20
bbordwelladministration>log viewer07:20
bbordwellyou may find some useful information there07:20
bbordwellThe devs are smart about not removing the previous version of the kernel when there is an update07:21
drizzt_and why the beta do not support virtualbox?07:22
bbordwelldrizzt_, it does?07:22
bbordwelli have it installed07:22
bbordwelli used software center07:22
TheSagebbordwell: Well, about the only thing I have conformed at this point is that it was -17 that did it to me. -16 still works fine. But I want to make sure its not me because I have an Intel Wireless Adaptor which is pretty darned common.07:22
ZykoticK9drizzt_, i'm using lucid as both host and guest just fine07:22
drizzt_well lucid runs only in safe video mode in virtualbox for me07:23
ZykoticK9drizzt_, are you using the version from Oracle (is your host Vista by chance?)07:24
drizzt_no it is not; it's official 3.1.4 version07:24
TheSagedrizzt_: I have had some video issues with Ubuntu in Parralells.07:24
TheSageApparently Parralells doesn't like the new nvidia driver.07:25
TheSageIs that what it is called?07:26
bbordwellthe open source nvidia driver in lucid is called nouveau07:26
bbordwell!info nouveau07:27
ubottuPackage nouveau does not exist in lucid07:27
TheSageVERY interesting, now the internet works again.07:27
bbordwell!info libdrm-nouveau107:27
ubottulibdrm-nouveau1 (source: libdrm): Userspace interface to nouveau-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.18-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 391 kB, installed size 452 kB07:27
bbordwell!info xserver-xorg-video-nouveau07:28
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-nouveau (source: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau): X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver (experimental). In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.0.15+git20100219+9b4118d-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 100 kB, installed size 272 kB07:28
TheSageahhh... the fun of Beta's :)07:28
bbordwellI have been running lucid since alpha 207:28
bbordwellto be fair though i have only had one major problem not related to plymouth07:29
bbordwellthough plymouth has caused me alot of grief07:29
TheSagebbordwell: I normally avoid the Alphas, but I figure sending bug reports in on the Betas is my contribution to project :)07:29
TheSagebbordwell: Ahh yes, that took me by surprise as well.07:30
bbordwellyes, bug reports and trying to help on the IRC channel is all i can do so i try and do what i can07:30
ZykoticK9drizzt_, just to show it is possible http://imagebin.org/90103 the wobbly windows didn't come out too well in the screenshot, but they look fine in the VM in real life07:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 533135 in plymouth "System fails to boot with plymouth installed (nouveau driver with >1 display)" [Medium,Triaged]07:31
bbordwellthis bug is my biggest concern07:31
TheSagebbordwell: The only real grief I have with 10.04 is how they Macintoshed the menubar buttons.07:32
bbordwellI avoid macs so i have no idea what you mean07:33
TheSageThey put the Menubar Buttons on the left :)07:33
bbordwelli didnt like it at first07:34
TheSageThats a straight up copy of Apple07:34
bbordwellbut now i find myself liking it07:34
bbordwellwell its kind of a catch 2207:34
bbordwellif its on the right its a copy of microsoft07:34
bbordwellon the left its a copy of mac07:34
ZykoticK9bbordwell, and microsoft copied it from Xerox i believe07:34
doogluswhat's the package name for openoffice.org help for en-us?07:34
dooglus!info openoffice.org-help-en-us07:35
ubottuopenoffice.org-help-en-us (source: openoffice.org-l10n): full-featured office productivity suite -- English_american help. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0-4ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 5319 kB, installed size 20956 kB07:35
TheSageNo, this is specific to mac, they are the only ones who put it on the left side. EVen they used to have them on the right side.07:35
dooglusI can't install that one07:35
dooglusbecause: "Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (< 1:3.2.0) but 1:3.2.0~rc4-1ubuntu1 is to be installed"07:35
TheSageThe justification was that people focus on the top left of any square more than any other place on that square (how they figured this out I have no idea)07:36
bbordwellIts logical07:37
bbordwellwe read left to right07:37
bbordwelltop to bottom07:37
dooglussu fo lla ton07:37
TheSagebbordwell: Thats true, I hadn't thought of that07:38
dooglusthere's a device you can use to trace eye movements07:38
dooglusthey'll have studied people using computers and seen where their eyes point07:38
TheSagebbordwell: Well, its an easy fix to put the menu buttons back on the right so I suppose there is no foul.07:38
bbordwellmaybe they should put a set on the left and a set on the right?07:39
dooglushttp://eyetools.com/research_google_eyetracking_heatmap.html for example07:39
bbordwelldooglus, are you using 64bit on a hard install (not vb)?07:39
dooglusbbordwell: I installed from a USB stick.  it was easy.07:40
dooglusbbordwell: I don't know how many bits07:40
TheSagebbordwell: Heheh. We just need a computer that knows what we intend to do rather than what we actually tell it to do :)07:40
dooglusbbordwell: if it helps: chris@vikki-laptop:~$ uname -a07:40
dooglusLinux vikki-laptop 2.6.32-16-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 9 16:33:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux07:40
bbordwellwhat type of processor do you have?07:41
dooglusbbordwell: model name: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor TK-5507:41
bbordwelldooglus, you might as well use 64bit07:42
dooglusbbordwell: I don't like how stuff doesn't work in 64bit07:42
bbordwellI have had better experiences on 64bit than on 32bit07:42
dooglusflash in particular is flaky in the 64bit version in my experience.  and I've found no way of getting ndiswrapper to work in 64bit07:42
bbordwelldooglus, +107:43
bbordwellflash can be a pin07:43
bbordwellare you talking about the clicks not registering in flash?07:43
dooglusbbordwell: this isn't my laptop, it's a friends.  the 32 kernel is fine.  it doesn't have enough RAM for it to matter in that way07:43
dooglusbbordwell: I just want to install the OO.o docs07:44
dooglusbbordwell: I am07:44
TheSageIt works fine under the virtual machine07:44
TheSageThat narrows it to a problem specifically with my laptop07:44
bbordwelldooglus, i think this is a case were you must just wait a couple of days for the docs package to be updated07:45
dooglusbbordwell: ok, will do07:45
dooglusI have another question.  maybe a week ago I had an email saying the 10.04 beta was available07:46
dooglusso I ran the update manager with -d flag, or whatever, and it aid 'warning, this is alpha software'07:46
dooglusam I on an out-of-date mirror?  or does it do that for everyone?07:46
bbordwelli think i saw a bug about that07:46
bbordwelli think it was fixed recently though07:47
bbordwelldooglus, openoffice.org-help-en-us is installed on my system07:47
bbordwellis that what you are trying to install?07:47
dooglusbbordwell: "apt-cache policy openoffice.org-help-en-us" please?07:47
bbordwellben@ben-desktop:~$ apt-cache policy openoffice.org-help-en-us07:48
bbordwell  Installed: 1:3.2.0-4ubuntu107:48
bbordwell  Candidate: 1:3.2.0-4ubuntu107:48
bbordwell  Version table:07:48
bbordwell *** 1:3.2.0-4ubuntu1 007:48
bbordwell        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages07:48
bbordwell        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status07:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:48
dooglusI see: chris@vikki-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy openoffice.org-help-en-us | grep -i candidate07:49
dooglus  Candidate: 1:3.2.0-4ubuntu107:49
dooglussame as you.  odd.07:49
almoxarifeI broke the package ubuntu-standard, I did it so that I didn't have memcheck installing, is it possible to filter out a pckg from another pckg?07:50
dooglusbbordwell: what about this command?   this is the one that it's conflicting with for me: chris@vikki-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy openoffice.org-core | grep Candid07:50
dooglus  Candidate: 1:3.2.0~rc4-1ubuntu107:50
bbordwellCandidate: 1:3.2.0-4ubuntu107:51
dooglusbbordwell: that's the difference then.  you have a 3.2.0 final release, and I have the 4th release candidate07:51
bbordwellhow long since you updated your cache07:51
dooglusbbordwell: 3.23 minutes07:52
bbordwelli think i got that update 2 days ago07:52
dooglusbbordwell: I use the calgary repo07:52
=== basix` is now known as basix
TheSageI don't suppose there is a way to re-update the Kernal?07:53
bbordwelldooglus, you could manualy download the packages from packages.ubuntu.com07:54
dooglusbbordwell: see here - scroll down to openoffice-core_3.2.0...07:54
dooglusbbordwell: which repo do you use?07:54
bbordwelli do not know07:54
bbordwellwhatever was set by default07:55
bbordwellyou could manualy download and install with gdebi07:55
bbordwellit may take a while because you will have to get all the dependencies first07:55
dooglushttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openoffice.org/ shows that the version you have was there at 8am yesterday07:57
dooglusnot sure what time zone though07:57
dooglusmaybe the mirror I'm using only syncs once a day07:57
doogluswell this is ridiculous.  I just clicked an explosion icon in the top panel.  it's asking me to report an 'issue' but I have no idea which one07:59
dooglus"has this issue been confirmed to exist with the upstream kernel?" it asks me.  how on earth should I know?08:00
Jaymacdooglus, e08:00
dooglusJaymac: think that would help?08:00
Jaymacdooglus, yeah that isn't the most end-user friendly system08:00
dooglusI always find it makes things fuzzier08:00
bbordwelldooglus, that is apport08:01
Jaymacthere was me hoping you'd ignore my accidental enter press08:01
bbordwellif you do not know what went wrong then don't report anything08:01
dooglusbbordwell: that's not an option.  I have to guess 'no' or 'yes'.  there's no "ok, forget it" or "I don't know" button08:02
Jaymacsay no08:02
Jaymacthen before you report the bug hit cancel08:02
dooglusI said 'no'.  now it wrote a 5 line paragraph asking if I wanna test the upstream kernel.08:02
bbordwellwant to do it again for fun? type ubuntu-bug linux in a terminal08:03
bbordwellyou will have to say no like 5 times08:03
dooglusI don't.  now it wants to know if this is a regression.  this is crazy.  users shouldn't be asked such hard stuff08:03
bbordwellthe it will say collecting data and you can hit cancel08:03
doogluslol.  after all that, "The problem cannot be reported: This is not a genuine Ubuntu package"08:04
doogluswhy not check that first, before asking all the details?08:04
dooglusthe title bar says "Problem in linux-image-2.6.31-20-gene" - like that's not official?08:04
bbordwellor are you not on lucid right now?08:05
dooglusbbordwell: I am08:05
bbordwelllucid uses 2.6.3208:05
dooglusbbordwell: I upgraded from 9.10 an hour ago08:05
bbordwelldid you restart?08:05
dooglusI did08:05
dooglusthe explosion icon told me that an old resume had failed, but appeared to work08:05
bbordwellin a terminal type uname -r08:06
dooglusI guess 9.10's apport hadn't noticed, but the new one did?08:06
bbordwellsounds like it08:06
dooglusbut it's reporting on a crash that happened in 9.10 some time ago?08:06
doogluschris@vikki-laptop:~$ uname -r08:06
bbordwellhaha thats strange08:06
bbordwelllucid apport reporting a crash from karmic......08:07
dooglusI installed ubuntu 9.10 on 6 or 7 computers here08:07
dooglusand they'll all be upgrading to 10.04 when it's released08:07
bbordwelli always do a fresh install instead of upgrading08:08
dooglusI was hoping not to have to download the 1000 updated packages over and over, for each machine08:08
dooglusbbordwell: doesn't it get annoying to have to reinstall all the packages you use and configure them every 6 months?08:08
TheSageMe too, I just install everything fresh08:08
bbordwellmy install does not vary to much from default, so it does not take a whole lot08:09
bbordwelland i just started using ubuntu at 9.0408:09
dooglusI started with 5.0408:10
bbordwellat first i dual booted08:10
dooglusme too08:11
bbordwellbut now im microsoft free08:11
dooglus'cos the software modem wasn't supported in linux :)08:11
qwertyjustinIf i put on the new release of ubuntu 10.04 Beta, when the final release is available, will i need to do a clean install for it, or can i simply update the left over packages then required???08:11
ZykoticK9qwertyjustin, you don't need to fresh install you can just keep updating08:11
dooglusqwertyjustin: either.  update or reinstall as you like08:11
TheSageI am afraid I will not be microsoft free until Linux has a decent replacement for OneNote08:12
dooglusTheSage: what's that?08:12
bbordwellwhat is onenote?08:12
dooglus"Welcome to Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, the easy-to-use note-taking and information-management program in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. Use OneNote to capture your thoughts and ideas in electronic notebooks, where you can easily organize, search, and share them."08:13
bbordwellhave you tried wine?08:13
TheSageYes, it doesn't work under wine08:13
TheSageTomboy is no match for onenote08:14
TheSageReally, even the Apple side of things hasn't come up with a decent competitor to OneNote08:14
ZykoticK9TheSage, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=12899 gives Silver - and one Gold review08:14
Bittarmanif you ask me, tomboy is one note without all the useless cruft :P08:14
TheSageZykoticK9: And three garbage ratings :)08:15
dooglusI can't find the volume control since upgrading, I just noticed08:15
ZykoticK9TheSage, true - but the rating on the left side is Silver (for whatever reason)08:16
TheSagemeh... I guess I will stick to the -16 Kernel for now.08:16
bbordwelldooglus, its part of the idicator applet08:16
bbordwellshould be there08:16
TheSageI am sure there will be more Kernel updates before this thing is done.08:16
dooglusbbordwell: what's the indicator applet look like?08:16
bbordwellTheSage, lucid is almost caught up to karmic on kernel updates08:16
bbordwellwhats lucid at -20?08:16
bbordwelldooglus, I am not realy sure what exactly the indicator applet consists of. My volume indicator looks very similar to the one in karmic though08:17
bbordwellin the top right08:17
bbordwell!info indicator-applet08:18
ubottuindicator-applet (source: indicator-applet): GNOME panel indicator applet. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.4-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 17 kB, installed size 112 kB08:18
dooglusbbordwell: oh, I see. it used to just show me an envelope icon, and never did anything, so I removed it08:18
dooglusbbordwell: now it seems the volume control, battery level and useless envelope are stuck together, so if I want one I have to have all of them?08:18
TheSagebbordwell: I think its just a specific problem on my end.08:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 519553 in indicator-applet "Right click menu could confuse users, leading to accidental removal of panel applet" [Low,Confirmed]08:19
bbordwelldooglus, yes it kind of sucks08:19
bbordwellTheSage, are you still talking about the wireless?08:19
dooglusbbordwell: the GNOME guys seem kinda clueless.  lots of steps in the wrong direction08:19
TheSagebbordwell: Yeah08:19
bbordwelldooglus, I think idicator-applet is ubuntu specific. i could be wrong though08:20
dooglusbbordwell: whatever.  :)08:20
TheSagedooglus: Yeah, I wonder how well they new interface is going to over? Its really a departure from what we have now.08:20
bbordwellTheSage, More likely a problem with the wireless drivers. I would file a bug report08:21
ionte_hi. i'm having problems with SATA disk speed on lucid. I have 1 IDE and 1 SATA disk (about same age). On the IDE  I get speeds about 30-50 MB/s (read or write), on the SATA i get about the same for writing but only 3-4 MB/s while reading! Tried with ext4 and fat32. In Windows XP there is no problem.08:21
ZykoticK9TheSage, have you seen Gnome 3 (gnome-shell) now that's a departure08:21
TheSageZykoticK9: That is what I am taking about08:21
dooglusTheSage: moving the window controls (min, max, close) to the left by default seems silly.  that's going to annoy people.08:21
TheSagebbordwell: I am08:21
maxbwindow controls (min, max, close) to the left, and not providing any way to reconfigure it short of gconf-editor is downright ridiculous :-(08:22
bbordwelldooglus, like a said before its all a matter of taste08:22
maxbchange for change's sake == bad08:23
bbordwellas long as it is configurable i dont care08:23
maxbadequate reasoning that this change is done for good reason == not provided08:23
bbordwellat first i did not like it, but now i do08:23
maxbadequate configurability == not provided08:23
dooglusbbordwell: it is, but this seems like it's only going to annoy people.  it's been on the right for years, and suddently it moves?  offer it as an option, sure, but moving the buttons around without asking?08:23
maxboverall == Ubuntu fails to provide good user experience08:23
bbordwellmaxb,  they should make it more easily configureable08:23
dooglushow do you configure it?  I tried to find it, but the 'window manager' config panel seems to have vanished too08:24
maxbyou twiddle a gconf key manually08:24
drizzt_what a bunch of idiotic changes08:24
dooglusthe program to set the screen resolution is now called "Monitors" too?  wtf?08:25
dooglusmaxb: seriously?  there used to be a GUI for it I'm sure08:25
bbordwelldooglus, monitors does more than change resolution08:25
bbordwellyou also set up multiple screens there08:25
maxbdooglus: not that I nor googling could find08:25
dooglusbbordwell: it does, right.08:25
drizzt_because everyone has multiple screens?08:26
TheSagebbordwell: Of course, using Apport without working Internet could be tricky :)08:26
dooglusI like the ability to rotate the display.  but most will never want to use it08:26
bbordwelldrizzt_, no but making it easy to set up multiple screens is a huge usablitly feature08:26
drizzt_I'm still waiting for Home Network Wizard08:27
drizzt_or at least for Internet Connection Sharing from Windows 9808:27
bbordwellTheSage, perhaps you can save your kernel logs while on -17 then reboot and attach them by hand on the -16 kernel08:27
doogluswhat's the program called that lets you twiddle the GNOME 'registry-like' thing?  gconfd-editor or some such?08:28
drizzt_most other distros have internet sharing OOBE, except this 'user-friendly' Ubuntu08:28
bbordwellgconf-edit i think08:28
ZykoticK9dooglus, gconf-editor08:28
bbordwellin a terminal08:28
TheSagebbordwell: I'll deal with it tommorow :) I need to get to bed anyways :)08:29
bbordwellMy most common use of that is to remove my mounted file systems from my desktop08:29
TheSagebbordwell: I will figure something out.08:29
drizzt_I don't understand, Canonical has paid developers and all that they do is moving window buttons and inventing more psychodelic colors08:29
TheSagegoodnight everyone08:29
bbordwellTheSage, ok night08:29
bbordwelldrizzt_, improved boot up time, plymouth08:30
bbordwellmusic store coming soon08:30
TheSageAs for home networking...08:30
bbordwellimproved software center08:30
TheSageCheck out Amahi.08:30
dooglusso which gconf variable controls the button placement?08:30
bbordwell!info amahi08:30
ubottuPackage amahi does not exist in lucid08:30
TheSageIts built for Fedroa, but it has almost all of the same features that Windows Home Server does and is 100X as stable.08:31
drizzt_wtf is plymouth?08:31
bbordwellthe new boot experience08:31
bbordwellto replace usplash08:31
dooglusthe boot seemed very fast08:32
bbordwelldooglus, mine was at 18 seconds on alpha 208:32
TheSageAnd the developers are looking for Ubuntu developers to help create an Ubuntu Version.08:32
bbordwellit is now 2308:32
almoxarifedoes having a 2 gig swap increase boot time?08:32
bbordwellalmoxarife, it shouldnt08:32
almoxarifeI have a long boot time08:32
dooglusalmoxarife: I've had it take a long time to mount large swap partitions before08:33
bbordwellalmoxarife, how long?08:33
drizzt_why that boot obsession? people boot their machines once in a month and suspend|hibernating them at night08:33
dooglusalmoxarife: try disabling the swap partition and rebooting - that'll tell you08:33
Bittarmanalmoxarife, encrypted home partition?08:33
almoxarifebbordwell: it may also have to do with wubi08:33
Bittarmandrizzt_, not everyone does08:33
almoxarifeBittarman: no encrypts08:34
bbordwellBittarman, +108:34
bbordwellBittarman, i have never used wubi08:34
almoxarifeI don't boot often enough to worry about it, it comes out of sleep in secs, so no worries here08:35
Bittarmanbbordwell, ?08:36
bullgardMy loadable framebuffer module is vga16fb. I am using Grub2. How can I set the framebuffer resolution to 0x0340?08:36
almoxarifeI was too lazy to make a partition, started in wubi, now that I know how to recover from wubi/grub2 crashes with little effort it is a non issue08:36
Bittarmanalmoxarife, actually, cups could be causng your delays08:37
almoxarifecups? how?08:37
Bittarmanin  my experience that always slows boots08:37
Bittarmanif you have no printer, just uninstall it08:37
almoxarifeI guess I could run that boot charting thing to find out for sure what is causing it, but I just wondered08:38
almoxarifeI have a printer, hp08:38
almoxarifeI decided to upgrade instead of clean install, seems to be working fine now, since I fixed the sound and the compiz and the volume applet, and :)08:40
bbordwell_I just tried suspending for the first time and it did not work08:41
bbordwell_nouveau is at fault08:41
almoxarifebbordwell_: your swap big enough?08:41
bbordwell_yes, i can tell it was nouveau's fault because everything shut down but my graphics card08:42
Bittarmanbbordwell_, try using the nvidia drivers instead08:42
bbordwell_Bittarman, I know suspend works with nvidia drivers, but i like how dual head works on nouveau better, plus plymouth is better08:43
almoxarifethere is something called s2??? a alternate method to put it to sleep?08:43
bbordwell_plus an 18 second boot time is hardly slower than waking up08:43
Bittarmanbbordwell_, how better? I use nvidia on dual head on two machines, and it works fine08:43
bbordwell_almoxarife, that is for the proccessor not related to the graphics card08:44
Bittarmanand plymouth works fine with the nvidia driver08:44
bbordwell_Bittarman, how does it look? last time i used it it was just blue bars08:44
Bittarmanlooks like normal08:44
almoxarifebbordwell_: mine wakes up in about 1.5 sec, never have gotten my wifes compaq to sleep08:44
Bittarmansome weird libgcrypt thing on my laptop keeps it from displaying for a while, but my other machines "just work"08:45
bbordwell_Bittarman, with nvidia driver running two x sessions it does not work well, running twinview i get tearing on my second display08:45
Bittarmanweird. I've tried twinview and separate x's and i've never had any problems08:45
bbordwell_Bittarman, the tearing issue is well documented08:46
almoxarifeone thing I used to be able to do that I can't do now, drag a app across to the other space, won't do it and I don't know how I did it before08:46
bbordwell_since it treats it as one display it can only synce to on monitor08:46
bbordwell_almoxarife, i think you have to enable ximera or something like htat08:47
almoxarifebbordwell_: I don't think so, I would remember that, never loaded anything special for it08:48
bullgardMy loadable framebuffer module is vga16fb. I am using Grub2. How can I set the framebuffer resolution to 0x0340?08:48
almoxarifebullgard: I would help, but I don't have a clue what you just said08:48
almoxarifebullgard: you want to increase your resolution?08:50
almoxarifetried doing it in 'monitor'?08:50
bbordwell_bullgard, "sudo apt-get install startupmanager" then system>administration>startup-manager then simiply change the resolution08:52
bbordwell_for some reason i can not get my grub menu to show up08:55
almoxarifebbordwell_: did you just update?08:56
bbordwell_almoxarife, no08:56
bbordwell_fresh install about 1 week ago08:57
almoxarifebbordwell_: partition?08:57
bbordwell_almoxarife, what exactly do you want to know?08:58
almoxarifebbordwell_: what kind of install?08:58
bullgardbbordwell_: I just installed startup-manager and looked through its settings. I don't think that it offers an option to set the resolution of my virtual consoles.08:58
bbordwell_i ereased the entire disk and put lucid on08:58
bbordwell_bullgard, oh i thought you wanted to change the resolution of the grub menu sory08:59
bullgardbbordwell_: No.--  Never mind.  --  Thank you.08:59
almoxarifebullgard: virtual consoles?09:00
bullgardalmoxarife: What do you mean by "monitors"? I cannot find a DEB program package "monitors" in Synaptic.09:00
bullgardalmoxarife: Yes, virtual consoles.09:01
almoxarifebullgard: sys>pref>monitors09:01
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bbordwell_almoxarife, i have a 920.17gb ext4 sda1, and a 11.34gb sda2 swap09:03
bbordwell_thats it09:03
bbordwell_well plus my other two data drives09:03
bullgardalmoxarife: System > Preferences > Monitors does not offer an option to set the resolution of virtual consoles.09:03
almoxarifewhat is running virtual?09:04
almoxarifewhat virtual software?09:04
almoxarifewhat is the host OS09:04
almoxarifewhat is the virtualized os?09:05
sanderjWhen will the lts version be out?09:06
bullgardalmoxarife: I do not understand your message: "what is running virtual?" Please say it in other words.09:06
bbordwell_sanderj, end of april09:06
bullgardalmoxarife: My OS is Ubuntu Lucid Beta.09:06
bullgardalmoxarife: I do not understand your question: "what is the virtualized os?" Please say it in other words.09:07
bullgardsanderj: On April 29th, 2010.09:07
sanderjbullgard, cool.. Is it that predictable?09:08
bullgardsanderj: This is the official date.09:08
yofelsanderj: see the schedule in the topic09:09
almoxarifebullgard: I am trying to understand what a virtual console is, so far I have no clue09:09
yofelmorning btw.09:09
bullgardgm yofel09:09
bullgardyofel: devices.txt (Karmic): "Virtual consoles are full-screen terminal displays on the system video monitor.  Virtual consoles are named /dev/tty#, with numbering starting at /dev/tty1; /dev/tty0 is the current virtual console. /dev/tty0 is the device that should be used to access the system video card on those architectures for which the frame buffer devices (/dev/fb*) are not applicable....09:10
bullgard...Do not use /dev/console for this purpose. Siehe auch »«/»console device«"."09:10
bullgardalmoxarife: devices.txt (Karmic): "Virtual consoles are full-screen terminal displays on the system video monitor.  Virtual consoles are named /dev/tty#, with numbering starting at /dev/tty1; /dev/tty0 is the current virtual console. /dev/tty0 is the device that should be used to access the system video card on those architectures for which the frame buffer devices (/dev/fb*) are not...09:10
bullgard...applicable. Do not use /dev/console for this purpose. Siehe auch »«/»console device«"."09:10
bullgardMy loadable framebuffer module is vga16fb. I am using Grub2. How can I set the framebuffer resolution to 0x0340?09:26
=== sanderj is now known as Snadder
bbordwellHas anyone added a splash image to grub on lucid?09:31
AbortDim extracting a .tar.gz file and after its in the folder i cant see the .conf file i need09:39
AbortDcan anyone help09:39
chandru_inIt was possible to remove the messaging menu from the top panel by removing the indicator applet in Karmic.  However in Lucid the sound preferences icon also uses the indicator applet and hence there is no way to specifically remove the messaing menu09:43
chandru_inIs there a workaround for this09:43
drizzt_no, shuttleworth said you need it, ypu should be a good bitch and be glad09:44
chandru_inIs there any plans to allow selective removal of icons from the indicator panel.  They way it currently works is annoying!09:45
drizzt_it brings you online OOBE and stuff09:45
chandru_inWhat if I just don't want it?09:46
om26erdrizzt_, you should watch your language09:46
drizzt_someone always draw language argument when has niothing to say09:47
drizzt_chandru_in, you can recompile indicator-applet without this feature09:47
chandru_indrizzt_: You mean with this feature?09:48
drizzt_chandru_in, I though you want to remove <envelope> icon from notification area?09:49
chandru_inDo you mean that the messaging icon is baked right into the indicator applet?  Also, was there a specific reason why the sound preferences icon was moved to indicator applet while the network icon remains in notification area?09:50
chandru_inWhat is the basic purpose of the indicator applet anyway?09:50
om26erchandru_in, so you did not even notice the difference09:51
om26erchandru_in, you dont have to click on each different app now to access it09:51
chandru_inom26er: What do u mean?09:51
chandru_ininstead I have to click a menu and then the item for  the app!09:52
chandru_inIf the only purpose of indicator applet was to allow starting apps why include sound preferences into it?09:52
drizzt_which application shows keyboard layout indicator in notification area?09:55
om26erchandru_in, the previous volume appet only showed volume control, right click to open sound preferences, no button to mute (You had to double click).09:55
chandru_inIt had a mute checkbox when clicked09:55
chandru_inThe same is the case even now except that it is now a button isntead of a checked menu item09:56
chandru_inSame functionality with same # clicks except that messaging and sound preferences are essentially tied together now!09:56
drizzt_why that gnome scrubs had dropped layout panel applet?09:56
drizzt_i have no damned idea where I should report bugs now09:57
om26erdrizzt_, are you a troll09:57
bazhang!bugs > drizzt_09:57
ubottudrizzt_, please see my private message09:57
drizzt_i don;t know the package name09:57
om26errayt, hello!09:59
chandru_inIs the indicator panel ubuntu specific or done by Gnome?09:59
raytdoes anyone know how to disable the "bubble help" in the gnome menu in ubuntu lucid?09:59
om26erchandru_in, purely ubuntu10:00
chandru_inIf you are faimiliar with this addition could you please point me to the discussion which was used to arrive at this decision10:00
chandru_inBecause frankly it feels very under polished10:01
chandru_inI see no reason why sound preference must be tied with messaging still :(10:01
drizzt_chandru_in, it was intended to make it look modern and improve new user experience10:01
chandru_indrizzt_: How?  That's why I wanted to have a look at the discussion which led to this10:02
om26erchandru_in, why would canonical discuss their internal decissions with you?10:03
om26eryou here means not specificall you (everyone)10:04
chandru_inom26er: What makes you think that?  I wanted to see the discussion on mailing lists!  Isn't Ubuntu supposed to be built by the community or has it somehow become a Canonical only thing?10:04
chandru_inRecent decisions (like theme change a day before UI freeze) kinda makes it look like community voice doesn't matter in ubuntu development anyway10:05
om26erchandru_in, my best guess, nothing you are speaking are your thoughts probably from some blog. (we might be kicked from this channel for offtopic talks)10:06
chandru_inNot at all10:06
chandru_inAt least not the one related to the indicator applet10:07
chandru_inI'm struggling with it right now10:07
chandru_inThe theme thing yes was based on blog posts but that's not the main point anyway coz it is changeable10:07
om26erchandru_in, the changes were made before feature release. but yesterday I got new icons in the memenu10:07
om26erand also in the messaging menu10:08
chandru_inI've posted regarding the indicator applet to the mailing list10:08
chandru_inhope I'd get some explanation there!10:08
om26erchandru_in, ayatana?10:08
om26erchandru_in, I meant which mailing list10:09
drizzt_and terminal window has sick beetroot color... great10:11
gbear14275so tried to do an upgrade and ran into an error... worried now about how to recover... anyone have any advice? http://paste.ubuntu.com/400477/10:11
chandru_indrizzt_: That's changeable too10:11
raytis it already known that adjusting the brightness using the function keys on a thinkpad crashes the system?10:14
gbear14275anyone have any advice on how to resume my upgrade?10:14
gbear14275synaptic is reporting I have broken dependencies and not exactly sure here how to resume/recover...10:15
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
drizzt_gbear14275, try to switch off 3rd party repositories10:16
drizzt_gbear14275, and downgrade conflicting packages10:16
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om26ergbear14275, can you please pastbin the error message?10:21
gbear14275hmm... looks like I'm pointed at all the lucid repos now...10:21
gbear14275 http://paste.ubuntu.com/400477/10:21
om26ergbear14275, no not this. open terminal and type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade then if you get any error pastebin that10:23
nailorai am running lucid inside vmware (mac os x host system). can i install the the vmware tools bundled with my vmware (thinking about hal removal, upstart replacing init.d ...) or is there something packaged in the repos or any other suggested approach?10:27
gbear14275om26er: should I force the upgrade?10:28
om26ergbear14275, pastebin what you see now10:29
gbear14275om26er: I haven't done anything since the last pastebin10:29
om26ergbear14275, type sudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get upgrade in a terminal, it will tell you following packages will be updated it it dont show any package will be removed then you should go with the upgrade10:31
gbear14275om26er: I already ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and then pastebinned the results (except for the update repo status) and its saying to try -f...  should I force the upgrade?10:32
om26ergbear14275, you should pastebin that10:33
arand_gdm -> 2.29.92-0ubuntu5 /me sheds a tear of joy10:33
gbear14275om26er: I did here it is again http://paste.ubuntu.com/400489/10:34
om26ergbear14275, try sudo apt-get -f install and see what it says10:35
om26ergbear14275, if you have any ppas you should disable them10:35
gbear14275om26er: looked at my sources.list file and it only has lucid repos10:36
om26ergbear14275, try apt-get -f install if it dont remove many things10:37
gbear14275its removing some but not many packages http://paste.ubuntu.com/400492/ om26er10:38
om26ergbear14275, so you upgraded from karmic?10:39
gbear14275i wonder how botched this is going to be... :-/10:41
gbear14275i think I've needed to do a fresh install for a while now anyways though10:41
gbear14275it will be interesting to see if a resumed upgrade works well10:41
gbear14275most services that use PAM need to be restarted to use...  ...Services to restart for PAM library upgrade: cups cron atd   <- Should I just hit OK?10:44
minohelp me install lucid no start ubiquity10:49
arand_mino: If you run ubiquity-gtk from terminal, do you get any error messages?10:49
twagerscreensavers not running in Kubuntu lucid ?10:49
minoarand_:  i update system live, my idea10:50
arand_mino: So you are upgrading from 9.10?10:50
arand_mino: And you are in 9.10 at the moment?10:51
minoarand_: no10:51
minoarand_:  i have clean laptop10:51
arand_mino: Ok, so you are in the liveCD desktop? can you try that command in a terminal and see what happens?10:53
minoarand_:  yes dekstop 38610:53
arand_mino: If you run ubiquity-gtk from terminal, do you get any error messages? (possibly you'll need gksudo with that).10:54
minoarand_:  error line 14110:55
arand_mino: That's quite a non-verbose error.. hmm, I would assume a bug report on that would be in order, what you could try is "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ubiquity-frontend-gtk ubiquity" and see if the issue is fixed in updates...11:01
arand_mino: Also, try running "gksudo ubiquity-frontend-gtk", and see if the same happens there..11:01
minoarand_:  Input/output error11:05
ryemino, what's printed if you run dmesg?11:07
ryemino, any I/O errors with the cd drive?11:07
minorye:  error squash error11:07
arand_Hmm, indicating bad CD burn?11:08
minoarand_:  i burn new cd11:08
arand_mino: check the md5sums of both the downloaded iso and the burnt CD to make sure that side is ok.11:09
arand_!md5 | mino11:09
ubottumino: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:09
minoubottu: i don't use windows from 8 years11:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:10
minosorry i download again this is googd link : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ ?11:11
ryemino, are there any messages about drive read errors? not squash only11:11
ryemino, and try burning the disk on somehow lower speed, that might be also a problem with some drives/disks11:12
minohttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso is good?11:12
arand_mino: Yea, that's the relevant CD. Also, it might be that todays build is borked, and installing form the beta CD works.11:13
minoarand_:  now i test it (beta), now I download current and again install11:14
arand_mino: if it still doesn't work, the beta CD http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1 has presumably been more well-tested and confirmed to work that the newest build, so possibly it might work better, there's only a few upgrades that separates them anyways, and I think you can even update the installer before installation...11:18
* arand_ is off for now11:19
Dr_Willisanone care to see if the following command works --> 'man --html=firefox  ls'11:31
hifinot even on karmic11:32
MachtinDr_Willis: man: command exited with status 3: /usr/bin/zsoelim | /usr/lib/man-db/manconv -f UTF-8:ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8//IGNORE | preconv -e UTF-8 | tbl | groff -mandoc -Thtml11:33
Dr_WillisSame error im getting11:33
Dr_WillisIt aparently works in 9.XX11:33
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Guest83652hi. how do i install the latest lucid theme in karmic?11:34
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Dr_WillisIts avail at several ubuntu news sites and ppa repos. papul_11:34
papulhi. how do i install the latest lucid theme in karmic?11:34
Dr_Willissuch as the omgubuntu site. and the webupd8 sites11:35
Dr_WillisI just removed that theme from my 10.04 machines. :)11:35
Machtini wonder why /dev/mapper/home is not mounted.. since it's opened and the entry in the fstab seems to be correct..11:35
vistakillerwhy in the last update remove hplip-gui?11:35
papuli want the default lucid theme11:36
om26erpapul, for karmic?11:36
Dr_Willispapul:  there are ppa's for them and downloads - mentioned at several web sites.  and proberly the gnome theme sites as well11:36
papulom26er, yes11:36
om26erpapul, as mentioned above :)11:37
nailorapapul: as Dr_Willis said either install from a ppa or wait for lucid to be released11:37
Dr_Willisvistakiller:  i see some hp stuff being 'held back' here.11:42
Dr_WillisThe following packages have been kept back:11:42
Dr_Willis  capplets-data hpijs-ppds hplip-data linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic11:42
vistakilleri dont do the last update because i see that removes hplip-gui11:42
vistakillermaybe will fix it later11:42
vistakillerjust to inform11:42
Dr_WillisI just ran the updates on 2 machines.. No mention of hplip-gui at all.. lets try a dist-upgrade11:43
Dr_WillisNow THAT did say11:44
Dr_WillisThe following packages will be REMOVED:11:44
Dr_Willis  hplip11:44
Dr_WillisThe following packages will be upgraded:11:44
Dr_Willis  hplip-data linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic11:44
Dr_Willisso it seems theres been some work done on the hplip11:44
Dr_Willisbut it may be i dont have the hplip-gui installed.11:45
Dr_Willisbut I do have a HP laser printer. :) and old old old one11:45
vistakilleri need the gui to manage the printer11:47
Dr_WillisNow heres somthing interesting.11:49
Dr_Willis$ sudo apt-get install hplip-gui11:50
Dr_WillisThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:50
Dr_Willis  hplip-gui: Depends: hplip (= 3.10.2-1ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed11:50
Dr_Willisand that package has broken deps as well.11:50
Dr_Willishe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:50
Dr_Willis  hplip: Depends: hplip-data (= 3.10.2-1ubuntu2) but 3.10.2-1ubuntu3 is to be installed11:50
Dr_Willisseems some Hplip updates are not correct perhaps11:51
vistakilleryes i think will fix it11:52
vistakillerwill upload the last compiz version in lucid?12:05
WizzupHi. I was wondering what exact stuff ureadahead does to the system. Previously I got it with an upgrade in 9.10. I suddently noticed an increased memory usage after reboot ~512, and barely any speedup. After a few days I figured out it was ureadahead, and I removed it. Bam, memory usage back to normal.12:06
WizzupNow I'm using 10.04, and hitting against exactly the same issue12:06
WizzupI just removed it and my memory usage is back to normal... ~512MB less memory in usage12:07
WizzupI don't see how it can usage such a massive amount of memory. I also can't find it the process monitor or with other scripts. And I couldn't find a single bug report for it12:08
patdk-wkthat is cause ureadahead doesn't stay running, it quits12:08
patdk-wkand exactly how are you measuring memory usage?12:08
Wizzuppython scripts, system monitor, etc12:09
Wizzupthey all show about ~600mb for my running apps, but 1.2GB is in use12:09
patdk-wkwhat does it show without ureadahead?12:09
Wizzupcorrect numbers12:09
patdk-wkwhat is *correct*12:09
nailoraWizzup: are you talking about "real" ram usage or usage as cache?12:10
Wizzupreal memory usage12:10
WizzupCorrect is... the sum of all running applications (approx.)12:10
patdk-wksystem monitor shows cache usage, not real12:10
patdk-wkthe only thing I can think of is12:11
patdk-wkthat ureadahead is loading the whole file into mem12:11
patdk-wkwhereas you apps only need a part of it12:11
Wizzuphttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/193222/ that's from my last session where sysmon showed 1.2 GB. If it shows cache mem as well, you are probably right. But I thought cached mem at least showed up different12:12
WizzupTake for example the sysmonitor applet, it shows diff colours for cache and ``real'' in-use mem12:12
* patdk-wk recommends always using free12:12
Wizzupdark green for in use, light green for cache, at least that's what I assumed12:12
WizzupI'll install ureadahead and see.12:13
pmatulisanyone else experience weird updates today?12:13
hifiI made my applet to use almost black as cache12:13
hifilooks a lot better12:13
Dr_Willispmatulis:  seems to be some issues with hplip12:13
pmatulisDr_Willis: yeah, noticed it wanted to be removed12:13
Wizzuppatdk-wk: Also, if the light green indeed indicates cache, nearly no cache was used on my last session12:13
patdk-wkI have firefox leaking memory like nuts again :(12:13
bullgard[Grub2] I changed in /etc/default/grub the line »GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nosplash quiet"« to »GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nosplash quiet vga=0x340"« and did '~$ sudo update-grub'. The resolution did not change. What went wrong?12:14
pmatulisDr_Willis: anyway, i've just had a lot of packages removed (including gnome-panel and ubuntu-desktop)12:14
patdk-wkwizzup, I can't help you, unless you report numbers using 'free' or '/proc/meminfo'12:14
Dr_Willisbullgard:  i thought there was a seperate line in the  default/grub file that defined the res. you dont do it via the way you did any more12:14
Dr_Willispmatulis:  ive had very little removed.  Just a few things with Hplip12:15
pmatulisDr_Willis: also a lot of indicator-* stuff12:15
Dr_Willisdident see that12:17
Dr_Willislets try the 3rd box and see12:17
ryeanybody found some strange behavior of notifications today? When I hover the mouse over it, that does not make it disappear (nouveau w/o 3d) - it makes it bigger and it does not let clicking through12:18
Wizzuppatdk-wk: I am trying. However, installing ureadahead does not reproduce the problem. I'm not sure if it is being used.12:18
patdk-wknot till the second boot will it be12:19
Wizzupi reboot twice now12:19
Wizzupafter installing it, that is12:19
Dr_Willis157 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 9 not upgraded.12:20
pmatulisDr_Willis: oh well.  thanks12:20
photonIf I install Ubuntu 10.04 beta, will it automatically update/give me the option to update to the stable 10.04 version, or do I have to reinstall the whole thing once the stable release candidate is out?12:28
pmatulisphoton: the former12:30
pmatulisphoton: (software can be upgraded)12:30
Dr_Willisphoton:  faq - :) You can upgrade.12:31
Dr_WillisI often DO a clean reinstall however.. just to remove the cruft ive installed to 'test' on the beta12:31
photonOh I see. Thought so, but wasn't entirely sure, since it's a beta. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any AMD64 versions for the beta :(12:33
pmatulisphoton: i d/l'd a 64-bit ISO a couple of days ago (server and desktop)12:33
gnomefreakthey are there12:34
gnomefreakphoton: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/12:35
gnomefreakthey are there12:35
StryKaizeronce 10.04 is released, will I be able to upgrade within 9.10, and have exact the same version as a clean 10.04 install?12:41
gnomefreakStryKaizer: yes12:42
gnomefreakexact not really12:42
gnomefreakbut you will have a full system12:42
abhi_navwhy not exat?12:42
gnomefreakabhi_nav: there is nothing that is exact :)12:42
abhi_navgnomefreak: when it wll be released should I fresh install or just upgrade?12:42
gnomefreakabhi_nav: up to you. i do clean installs every ISO release12:43
gnomefreakbut i upgrade on some so maybe not every ISO update12:43
abhi_navgnomefreak: ok thankyou I wll fresh install then.12:44
StryKaizerI'm prolly doing a fresh install too12:44
abhi_navyah :)12:44
bullgardDr_Willis: How should I modify the line '#GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480' to factor in 'vga=0x=340'?12:44
gnomefreakfresh install you will have less chance of having problems12:45
bullgardgnomefreak: Your statement is not true.12:46
gnomefreakbullgard: you sure? upgrade can and normally does have issues due to user adding PPAs and such12:46
gnomefreakor packages not in official archives12:47
gnomefreakoh and profile problems12:47
bullgardgnomefreak: A dist-upgrade has less problems in other areas, though.12:47
pmatulisgnomefreak: that's nonsense.  all packages will be upgraded12:48
gnomefreakbullgard: in areas yes but clean install is normally safer (dependsing on the user)12:48
gnomefreakpmatulis: never said the official packages wouldnt be upgraded12:48
pmatulisgnomefreak: 'all' includes PPAs12:48
StryKaizerI'll backup and upgrade, and see if I need to do a clean install, if I'm not happy with the result ;)12:48
gnomefreakpmatulis: PPAs cant be upgraded if the lucid packages are not there12:49
Picipmatulis: PPAs are unsupported. They do not go through the same testing that packages in the archive do.12:49
bullgardgnomefreak: Your statement is not generally true. You are right that the truth of your statement depends on the knowledge of the user also.12:49
gnomefreakand update-manager comments out all unofficial archives12:49
pmatulisgnomefreak: well ok, if it's a PPA not related to a package in the archives12:49
gnomefreakpmatulis: same with ddebs repos and any other package built by user or another repo that we dont have12:50
pmatulisgnomefreak: but if you install, say, a firefox PPA, it *will* be upgraded to the lucid package12:50
gnomefreakpmatulis: we have Lucid packages there12:51
pmatulisgnomefreak: bingo12:51
PiciI wouldn't make any assumptions when it comes to PPAs.12:51
pmatulisgnomefreak: obviously you cannot upgrade to a package that does not exist12:51
gnomefreakpmatulis: not everyone uses a bot or keeps up thier PPAs for example the liferea12:51
gnomefreakpmatulis: if the depends changed on a package in PPA and Lucid hasnt been built you are going to have problems12:52
gnomefreakclean install you dont have to worry about these things12:52
abhi_navbut does clean installation each after 18 months (not talkin about lts) wll reduce hdd life?12:53
gnomefreakabhi_nav: it is user hardware that would fit in there. clean install never removes anything from harddrive but over writes it12:54
abhi_navgnomefreak: ddnt get you12:55
pmatulisabhi_nav: back up your data and upgrade.  if you have problems then re-install and put back your data.  simple12:55
gnomefreakso yes it can. I have the same hard drive since breezy devel. and i reinstall at least 3 times during dev cycle12:55
abhi_navgnomefreak: new clean os install wll format the whole drive so it wll reduce the hdd life?12:55
abhi_navpmatulis: talking about health of hdd12:55
gnomefreakabhi_nav: it over writes not erases completely12:55
abhi_navso it is not harmfull to hdd health? gnomefreak? pmatulis?12:56
gnomefreakabhi_nav: depends on the hard drive and manf specs and recommends12:56
gnomefreakthere is a tool (microscope but dont recall name) can read past formated info12:57
gnomefreakerase compltely == take happer and hit hard drive as hard as you can :)12:58
patdk-wkhmm, buying a harddrive is harmful to the drives health12:58
abhi_navohh :D12:59
abhi_navthank you12:59
patdk-wkif anything else causes your harddrive to reduce life, you need a new drive12:59
* gnomefreak sick of grub asking things on update13:02
inveratulogreetings all, has anyone had success installing the Lightning addon to Thunderbird 3 on a 64-bit lucid?13:02
gnomefreakinveratulo: you cant i havent updated it yet13:02
gnomefreakwaiting for tb dev crap13:02
inveratulognomefreak: oh you're on lightning dev?  good to hear it is known :)13:03
gnomefreakinveratulo: yes but depending on when tb crap lands will depend if i package it or not13:03
gnomefreakmicah may do it13:03
* gnomefreak was seamonkey/iceape lightning-sunbird since day one in our repos13:04
gnomefreakmvo: are you around? can we get update-manager to just update grub on the sector its on already instead of asking where13:06
gnomefreakit asks than you choose all(generally new users dont have a clue) and it fails on all ectep the one its on13:06
mvognomefreak: do you have a bugnumber as reference?13:14
gnomefreakmvo: im filing it now :) just not sure if i should use dpkg or u-m for the bug13:15
mvognomefreak: please use grub as the target13:15
mvognomefreak: and let me know once its there, I will target it13:16
gnomefreakmvo: ok thanks13:16
Machtinkay, why doesn't sleep work? shutdown does.13:20
Machtinand the sleep-script also works.. just not the button in the k-menu.13:20
gnomefreakmvo: bug 54598913:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545989 in grub "Grub needs interaction on where to install it on upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54598913:22
mvothanks gnomefreak13:23
mvognomefreak: is that a common thing? are there dupes of this paricular bug?13:23
gnomefreakmvo: np thanks for looking at it13:23
gnomefreakmvo: not that i found but it has been happening since new grub-pc. i asked you when i first ran into it and you said to be safe select all so i do13:24
Dr_Willisgnomefreak:  i have grub on several of my hard drives. :) so Id have to wonder how it would decided where to install to.13:26
bjwebbis it possible to upgrade from jaunty to lucid?13:27
gnomefreakDr_Willis: that is more of an advanced set up but should use wher eit is than. but depends on your set up13:27
gnomefreak!upgrade > bjwebb13:27
ubottubjwebb, please see my private message13:27
warriorforgod!upgrade > warriorforgod13:28
ubottuwarriorforgod, please see my private message13:28
gnomefreakbjwebb: not advisable to skip releases. better chance of having problems13:28
gnomefreakmvo: i only see 11 bugs on grub and that is odd alone but nothing close to this bug13:28
Dr_Willisgnomefreak:  yea. I had on my 'test' upgrade machine. it somehow installed/upgraded the wrong hard drive.   some how the system was booting the wrong hd. i had to  dig a little to get it booting properly.13:29
Dr_Willisof course the other HD was just a data drive thatused to have linux on it.. so it had an old grub..  Still not sure exaftly what happened.13:29
gnomefreakmost users will turn around and walk away if they have to do something where as Win does everything for you13:30
* gnomefreak wonders why you left grub there13:30
Dimmuxxany eta on firefox 3.6.2 and how long does it usually take before new firefox versions are in the repos?13:30
gnomefreakDimmuxx: hold on a sec13:30
gnomefreakDimmuxx: it should be in archive soon if not already there.13:31
gnomefreakim using pre-release and it is pre-release of 3.6.313:31
gnomefreakbut i will ask Alexander or Micah if i run into them13:32
gnomefreakMicah is on TB so Alexander should be FF13:32
Dimmuxxokay thanks13:32
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.513:32
gnomefreakim going to have to change that13:32
gnomefreak!info firefox13:34
Oer3.6.3 pre is fine, not affected with that bug, i think.13:34
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu6 (lucid), package size 10559 kB, installed size 28596 kB13:34
gnomefreakwhat bug?13:34
gnomefreakok 3.6.2 has landed but we are waiting on nspr/nss to be uploaded13:35
gnomefreakkeep in mind Mozilla as well as us no longer use versioned firefox thunderbird13:36
gnomefreak"Firefox" == current stable release. bugs will be fixed along the way13:37
Dimmuxxso lucid will get 3.7+ when it's released?13:37
saxlapHmmm... I get two icons of wlan-symbol and battery-symbol... what is up with that?13:37
gnomefreakDimmuxx: 3.7 will not be released pre say since there is no major updates anylonger but yes all versionf of supported Ubuntu releases will get updated versions as they land13:38
Picignomefreak: Does that mean that we'll be getting 3.8 in Lucid whenever it gets released?13:38
PiciGood, this will get rid of a lot of the confusion and mixed packages that people have had to install in the past.13:39
gnomefreakPici: yep13:40
gnomefreaknow 4.0 will be released under the same set up (got rid of major versioning) so 4.0 will be security release along with new features13:41
gnomefreaksame with tb13:41
gnomefreakbe back smoke. there was a blog of 6 on it and i think we set up a page on it, we also have a transional packages in a stable PPA but Lucid no longer needs it. not sure how far back we have gone in Ubuntu releases yet13:42
MTecknologyWhere is linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-17-generic ?13:50
MTecknologylinux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic: Depends: linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-17-generic which is a virtual package.13:51
MTecknologyI'm hoping back to -16 in hopes that the backports can fix my issue but not really holding any high hopes....13:52
jpdsMTecknology: In NEW probably.13:53
MTecknologyjpds: that'd make sense13:53
om26erMTecknology, linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic13:54
bpgoldsbDoes anyone know if 10.04 is going to have native Xen support?13:55
jpdsbpgoldsb: Probably not.13:55
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen13:55
shane2peruok, with all the updates, my wirelesss worked great out of the box, no configuration, and now is non-existant?13:55
shane2peruIs this a know problem13:56
MTecknologyom26er: what about it?13:56
BluesKajshane2peru, network manager eh ?13:58
MTecknologyhrm... with the backports things seem to be working decent so far...13:58
jpdsMTecknology: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=3&queue_text=linux-backports-modules&start=3013:58
shane2peruBluesKaj, I'm not sure if it is a network manager problem, or what, but doesn't show up in the notification area either.13:58
shane2peruBluesKaj, ifconfig -a shows wlan0 as a connection though13:59
MTecknologyjpds: thanks13:59
kklimondabpgoldsb: if by native support you mean dom0 kernel than no13:59
BluesKajshane2peru, alt + F2 network manager13:59
jpdsMTecknology: So, yeah; binary NEW.13:59
shane2peruBluesKaj, is it possible that network manager is missing?14:01
BluesKajshane2peru, what does  iwconfig , show ?14:01
bpgoldsbkklimonda: So there's no clean 8.04 -> 10.04 upgrade path?14:01
MTecknologyjpds: Once that's around I'll need to figure out how to use the headers against my custom kernel - could be fun14:01
shane2peruwlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any14:01
shane2peru          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm14:01
shane2peru          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off14:01
shane2peru          Power Management:off  BluesKaj14:01
shane2peruBluesKaj, so I guess it is being picked up14:02
kklimondabpgoldsb: doesn't look like it - you should ask people on #ubuntu-server14:02
bpgoldsbAlright, thanks!14:02
BluesKajshane2peru, I installed wicd on my laptop after nm stopped working , it works well , even with wpa2 .14:02
gnomefreakPici: and who ever it was asking about FF here is a little more info on it http://techie-buzz.com/firefox/firefox-3-7-dropped-next-firefox-4-0.html?rel=web_related&utm_source=self&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=web_related14:03
shane2peruBluesKaj, yes, I usually use wicd, however I figured for testing purposes, I would try and keep the coonfigurations standard, to help with testing14:03
BluesKajshane2peru, well you just ran intoi a common problem with nm , it quits without any obvious reason and it's difficult to track down ...good luck with your testing14:04
shane2peruBluesKaj, well, I guess that is the end of the road for me, wicd is coming to town!14:06
shane2peruBluesKaj, they have some real issues with nm that really need fixed, I can't tell you how many times wicd has been recommended to me.14:07
shane2peruBluesKaj, and not just with the beta/alpha releases, I mean with all the stable releases too.14:07
BluesKajshane2peru, heh, some ppl have fixed their probs with nm , I haven't bothered because i seem to get the version without wpa2 options, and that's another mystery i can't be bothered with :)14:08
BluesKajshane2peru, yeah i see complaints about nm on #kubuntu/ubuntu every day14:09
bcurtiswx_hey guys and gals.  Opinion question here.  Who thinks that when starting rhythmbox it should open like it currently does which is minimized to the indicator applet. or should it be opened to the screen first so the user can choose which music to listen to?14:12
om26erI like the way it is14:15
tgpraveen12i want to select the music14:15
zubatacarand: 10, 04 its ok, new .iso14:15
tgpraveen12first otherwise what will it play14:15
gnomefreakplease move that topic to #ubuntu-offtopic14:15
bcurtiswx_gnomefreak: my topic?14:16
gnomefreakyes bcurtiswx_14:16
vishbcurtiswx_: Bug #27020614:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270206 in rhythmbox "RB should never start minimised to tray" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27020614:16
bcurtiswx_vish: ty :D14:17
bcurtiswx_gnomefreak: is this not a lucid lynx discussion ?14:17
gnomefreakbcurtiswx_: opinions are not support related14:17
bcurtiswx_gnomefreak: the topic says support/discussion14:17
gnomefreakbcurtiswx_: this is a support chanel please keep it support related. discussion == will Lucid have..... something like that14:18
bcurtiswx_gnomefreak: i think thats debatable.  Not trying to stir anything tho.  Thanks again vish :D14:21
vishbcurtiswx_: np..14:21
bcurtiswx_vish: hundredpapercuts triaged means they've accepted it.. right?14:25
vishBUGa_carAccident: < whaaaaat?14:25
bcurtiswx_BUGabundo!!! no14:25
bcurtiswx_everyone cool?14:25
killownhey, what advantages i will have upgrading karmic to lucid?14:25
BUGa_carAccidentvish: kklimonda bcurtiswx_^^^^^^^14:26
bcurtiswx_Buga_carAccident: if i could only read spanish comments :P14:26
vishBUGa_carAccident:  hmm , drive safe/r/ man ;p14:26
BUGa_carAccidentsleep, rain, distration14:27
vishBUGa_carAccident: no harm to you right?14:27
vegakillown: see last link in topic..14:27
bcurtiswx_BUGa_carAccident: assumed no physical harm to you tho?14:27
BUGa_carAccidentI'm fine. only pride and wallet damage14:27
BUGa_carAccidentthanks for worrying though14:28
kklimondaBUGa_carAccident: that's good to hear14:28
vishkklimonda: use the google translate bookmarklet14:28
bcurtiswx_you mean me?14:28
vishoh right bcurtiswx_ ;)14:30
=== bcurtiswx_ is now known as bcurtiswx_laptop
BUGa_carAccidentdoesn't chrome already offer translation ?14:34
MIOWhello :) i'm unable to get dual boot for ubuntu 10.04 and windows 7. I installed win 7 first and after installing ubuntu i can't boot into win 7 from grub2. i found a way of repairing win7 boot on the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1437155 but it destroys grub214:34
MIOWafter i reinstall grub2 it destroys win7 boot again :S14:35
arandMIOW: let bootmgr chainload grub instead?14:37
arandMIOW: And report a bug on it.14:38
bcurtiswx_laptopvish: when a hundredpapercuts is triaged.. does this mean it's accepted to be fixed?14:39
vishbcurtiswx_laptop: yeah , well we accept the bugs that we find as irritating and /need/ to be fixed..14:40
vishbcurtiswx_laptop: trivially fixable user irritations == papercuts14:41
bcurtiswx_laptopvish: i looked for a wiki page that may explain this with no luck.. is there such one?14:41
vishbcurtiswx_laptop: explain what? i didnt understand14:41
vishbcurtiswx_laptop: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut ?14:42
bcurtiswx_laptopvish: sorry i'll try to explain better.  When a reporter feels a bug is a hundredpapercut its set to new.  Then when its accepted to be fixed it goes to triaged and then regular fix-committed/released applies.. but this mindset isn't documented anywhere14:43
bcurtiswx_laptopas far as I could see in a search.. even on that papercut site14:43
vishbcurtiswx_laptop: hmm , probably the first person who asked this.. the status is the same as the other bugs , the triaged are the bugs we accept as usability fixes and trivial.. not sure it needs to be documented , seems similar to other projects14:45
vishusability problems*14:46
MIOWarand, thank you :) will definitely try that14:46
bcurtiswx_laptopvish: OK14:46
patdk-wkhmm, why doesn't the installer let me pick encrypted or lvm drives anymore?14:50
CalmvsKhaospatdk-lap, where on thie installer did you ever get to choose those? I've must of missed that step14:54
patdk-wkI didn't :)14:54
patdk-wkwhen I went to manually setup the drives14:55
patdk-wkI always had that option on previous versions14:55
CalmvsKhaosI just let installer pick14:55
patdk-wkwell, I care about my systems, cause I put /var, /boot, /home, /opt, /usr on different disks14:55
CalmvsKhaosI want to do that some day too, just lazy :)14:56
arandOh, look we have restart-required back as an indicator, completely unintuitive and obscurified as a red reboot button with info hidden in the middle of a menu, but still :) Nao can haz update-indicator back awso plz?14:57
running_rabbit07sounds like too much work. /, /home and swap are plenty, IMHO14:58
CalmvsKhaosI think I would just do /home on a separate partition15:00
BluesKajCalmvsKhaos, because you can or is it faster ?15:01
Dr_Willisi alwyas keep a  extra /data partition also :) just for special stuff...15:01
patdk-wkI have my /home split per user15:01
patdk-wkluks encrypted, and decrypted using user password on login15:01
BluesKajnever found any benefit to a separate partition for /home15:02
patdk-wkmuch perfer that over encfs15:02
jpdspatdk-wk: You know that Ubuntu intregrates eCryptfs to do that automagically?15:02
patdk-wkidiot admins/users killing your server :)15:02
kklimondawhoa, ubuntu server 10.04 boots really fast15:02
kklimondaI love it15:02
patdk-wkjpds, yes, but only on a file level15:02
patdk-wkI don't want them to even see files15:03
patdk-wkI like the large block of stuff15:03
patdk-wkand you don't know what is actually data, or what is just empty space15:03
patdk-wkmy friend was describing the options his mac gives him to do it15:04
patdk-wkseems like it has some kind of sparse file block encryption option15:04
kklimondaMac way of doing this sucks in my humble opinion15:08
kklimondathe sparse image can only grow so once in a while you have to shrink it manually and it takes time..15:08
kklimondaunless they have fixed it?15:08
patdk-wkbut still seems better than people figuring out how much space they need before hand15:09
kklimondatrue - but that's why I prefer the ecryptfs solution15:10
patdk-wkI just don't like letting people know what they should attempt to hack at15:10
patdk-wkknowing a file has plaintext in it is a good start15:10
kklimondapatdk-wk: they wouldn't know15:12
kklimondaecryptfs also encrypts filenames15:12
patdk-wkif I remember correctly, the directory structure is intact15:12
patdk-wkit is not hard to figure out where the firefox page cache or email spool cache are15:12
patdk-wkjust by looking at the dir tree15:13
kklimondapatdk-wk: that was some time ago - now all names are encrypted15:13
patdk-wkI'm not talking about names :)15:13
patdk-wkI'm talking about the tree15:13
patdk-wkunless all encrypted files are stored in a single directory15:14
patdk-wkI was pretty sure it used a tree layout based on the normal directory layout15:14
patdk-wkencryped names don't help to protect the layout15:14
cdE|Woozypatdk-lap: it still does15:15
patdk-wkso you know firefox cache will be exactly 4 directories deep, and have a crapload of files15:16
kklimondapatdk-wk: true but attacker would need quite a lot of computing power to decrypt files and if you piss someone who has that much power he can as well break your legs and shoot knees ;)15:17
patdk-wkin that case, why encrypt at all? :)15:17
patdk-wkhe doesn't need that much computing power to break knees15:18
patdk-wkbut if we forget the encryption options15:18
patdk-wklvm is totally missing from the installer menu15:18
patdk-wkand I use it on most of my systems15:18
kklimondapatdk-wk: well, you can encrypt your files so if your laptop is stolen you don't have to change passwords to all services in hurry15:19
psusiafaik mac lets you create an encrypted disk image then loopback mount it15:19
CalmvsKhaosWould anyone know how i could make this a bash script? http://paste.ubuntu.com/400590/15:19
psusipatdk-wk: from the livecd?  yes... use alternate for menu driven raid or lvm setup15:21
cnd_sooo... what do I do when "update-manager -d" dies in the middle of upgrading to lucid?15:21
psusicnd_: run it again?15:21
mvocnd_: a bugreport with the logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade/*15:21
mvocnd_: and the crash file from /var/crash please15:22
cnd_so it's safe to run again?15:22
mvocnd_: what is the error?15:22
mvocnd_: or did it just disappear?15:22
arandcnd_: Did it die during downloading or installing?15:22
cnd_it died during package upgrade/installation, it just disappeared, there's a traceback in the terminal ending with "AttributeError: 'webkit.WebView' object has no attribute 'get_load_status'"15:23
cnd_for example, empathy is dead because libempathy-gtk no longer exists15:23
cnd_so the system state is definitely hosed right now15:24
leagrisHellow, What is the state of SSD trim command support with kernel+ext4+jfs+btrfs?15:24
mvocnd_: this is a upgrade from karmic?15:24
cnd_mvo: yes15:24
kklimondacnd_: what is the version of update-manager ?15:26
kklimondaapt-cache policy update-manager15:26
mvocnd_: thanks, fixing now, I think I know what bug it is15:26
mvocnd_: please run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and "sudo apt-get install -f" to get it back into shape15:26
cnd_kklimonda, 1:0.126.915:27
cnd_mvo: will do, thanks15:27
cnd_mvo: after that's done, will I be upgraded to lucid?15:28
cnd_or do I need to rerun update-manager?15:28
MTecknologyapparently wlan0 is now n ethernet device.........15:28
arandRemoval of devicekit-disks, libparted-2.1-0, libparted1.8-12 is sane?15:28
mvocnd_: best is to set your sources.list back to karmic and re-run update-manager, but wait a little bit until the bug is fixed15:29
cnd_mvo: so vim :%s/lucid/karmic/g in /etc/sources*, and then wait for some package to be upgraded, then rerun update-manager?15:30
cnd_do I wait for a fix in update-manager itself, or in some other package?15:30
mvocnd_: the fix will come with the next update-manager upload, so until its build+published ~2h or so15:31
pmatulismvo: for what it's worth, this morning an update removed a lot of packages, from what i can see, most were due to gnome-panel, ubuntu-desktop, and hplip being removed15:31
mvocnd_: does lsb_release -a still report karmic?15:31
pmatulismvo: i just re-installed those15:31
mvopmatulis: oh, could you please mail me the logs? that sounds like a bug in the logic that should prevent this15:31
cnd_mvo: says lucid now15:31
mvopmatulis: that was a karmic->lucid upgrade?15:31
pmatulismvo: no, i've been on lucid for a while now15:32
mvocnd_: ok, in this case it will not offer the full upgrade, you can downgrade the lsb-release package or simply let "sudo apt-get install -f ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" do its job, downgrade will be closer to the real upgrade experience though15:32
mvopmatulis: it should have written a log in /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log I think, could you check if that has a matching time and mail it to me please?15:33
cnd_mvo: I don't care about experience or anything, I just need a working lucid system15:33
cnd_mvo: is that as simple as "apt-get dist-upgrade" at this point?15:34
mvocnd_: yes15:34
mvocnd_: to be certain also run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" afterwards15:34
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cnd_mvo: thanks15:34
pmatulismvo: why dist-upgrade?  thought was was for a... dist. upgrade15:35
mvopmatulis: well, yeah, this is what we need in this case, he is probably in a limbo state, some packages upgraded already, some not (because of the crash)15:36
mvopmatulis: the difference is really just that upgrade will not remove anything and dist-upgrade may remove stuff, so its safer to run upgrade15:36
arand...Bug #437429 is _Fixed_ \o/15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437429 in gdm "No GUI to configure/disable login sound" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43742915:37
pmatulismvo: no, timestamps don't show any recent changes to that file15:38
pmatulismvo: anyway, will send you what i have15:39
Dr_WillisTheres not really a good tool to  configure the noprmal system sounds either.15:42
Dr_WillisI find the default startup sounds way tooooo looooooooonnnnngggggg....15:42
arandDr_Willis: Yea, there it's still all-or-null, where in my opinion, null is infinitely more preferable.15:44
frecklehi, just upgraded to 10.04 and now when i reboot I am dropped to command line, any ideas?15:44
psusifreckle: can you be a little more vague? :)15:45
frecklesure , I clicked on the upgrade from update-maanger -d and went through the update to Lucid Lynx, after the system rebooted it did not start X and went straight to a console based login15:48
Dr_Williswow that  https://launchpad.net/bugs/43742915:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 437429 in gdm "No GUI to configure/disable login sound" [Wishlist,Fix released]15:48
Dr_Willishas a lloooooooonggg list of  comments.. :)15:48
Dr_WillisI dont see any 'fix' released.. just a work around on how to set it.. but im only 1/4 the way through the messages15:48
Dr_Willisa simple  and not too loud 'ding dong' :) or somthing would be  a good  idea id think15:50
ccmonsterhey guys.15:53
ccmonsterhaving issues with a lamp-server^ install on 10.04. Any help would be appreciated.15:53
wolterif i install the noveau driver (theoretically with the kms for the plymouth boot screen) having the propietary installed already, would the blob need to be removed?15:53
lifestreamI read the Partial Uprade @ UF. It advises to hold off upgrading when apt-get wants to do a partial upgrade that will remove packages. However, I have a partial upgrade available "136 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded".  No packages will be removed. So it's ok to upgrade,right>?15:54
Dr_WillisHmm.. here we go ->15:55
Dr_Willissound-theme-freedesktop - freedesktop.org sound theme15:55
Dr_WillisA Not as nasty startup sound perhaps.15:56
BoondoKLifelifestream: That is really up to you, if it is a production machine then I would say not, but then again I would not run a beta on production.15:58
lifestreamNot production, but dont really want to mess it up either. I'll give it a try anyway ;p Thanks15:59
ccmonsterWhen i hit .php pages on my lamp install in lucid, the browser prompts me to download a .phtml file. Any help overcoming this?16:00
BoondoKLifelifestream: I have a fun box that I do things like that on myself. Normally if there is a real issue it is fixed quickly.16:00
lucian_in lucid, is there another way to install the nvidia proprietary drivers besides jockey?16:01
ccmonsterHowever, when i make a phpinfo.php page, it renderes fine.16:01
wolterlucian_, yes, but they can cause serious troube16:01
wolteri think its envy or something like that16:02
cndugh... today is just not my day, apt-get dist-upgrade failed on qemu-common cause some files conflict with qemu-kvm16:02
cndwhat's the best way to fix this issue during an upgrade from karmic->lucid16:02
arandlucian_: Or simply install nvidia-current, I think16:02
yofeljust installing the nvidia-current package won't blacklist nouveau16:02
lucian_not installing right through jockey for the time being16:03
yofeljockey does that afaik16:03
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGa_CarAccident
ekkonI'm going to do a port of IE6 for linux.16:03
ekkonRight now.16:03
ekkonI'll put the firefox icon onto it and spread it all over the internet16:04
yofelcnd: you should usually upgrade using update-manager or do-release-upgrade16:04
ekkonThen everybody has IE6 and you are DOOMED16:04
arandekkon: ie4linux already has right?16:04
lucian_isn't ie6 an activeX virus?16:04
yofelcnd: but if you get overwrite conflict message from dpkg, file a bug16:04
cndyofel: I have to do dist-upgrade because update-manager died during upgrade16:04
ekkonarand: I doubt ie4linux managed to port all bugs correctly16:04
cndso my system is in an unstable state right now16:04
cndI have to get it upgraded all the way to lucid before I worry about anything else16:05
yofelcnd: oh, then file a bug against the package that wants to overwrite something (the newer one)16:05
cndyofel: yes, I will, but before I do that I have to get past this issue16:05
yofelcnd: and use dpkg to remove the older package before you continue16:05
yofelcnd: something like 'sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends <pkgname>'16:06
ccmonsteris there a reason why a lamp-server^ install on lucid has an unconfigured conf file?16:08
ccmonsterthe previous versions always were fine right out of the box (after install)16:08
guntbertccmonster: is "being beta" reason enough?16:10
ccmonsterPossibly. But odd they would change something that's likely not going to change on release.16:12
lucian_lovely, nvidia failed to load the kernel module again16:13
BUGa_CarAccidentekkon: FYI you can't put FF icon. Mozilla will SUE16:14
ZykoticK9ccmonster, when you say "lamp-server" do you mean you installed apache2 from the Ubuntu repo OR are you using home 3rd party installation?16:26
ccmonsteri did a sudo apt-get install lamp-server^16:30
ZykoticK9!info lamp-server16:31
ubottuPackage lamp-server does not exist in lucid16:31
ZykoticK9ccmonster, you must have a 3rd party repo on your system then.16:31
BittarmanLAMP = Linux, Apache, Mysql, Php. You just told a linux system to install linux 0.o16:33
ccmonsterlol Bittarman, when u put it like that, yes.16:33
BittarmanI don't think youll ever find an official package called "lamp"16:34
Picilamp-server is a valid task in tasksel.16:34
ccmonsteryes. it is16:34
Bittarmanif you do, the vendor needs his head read16:34
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BoondoKLifeI love redundancy like that Smiles at an old window NT disc, "Built on NT technology" = "Built on New Technology Technology"16:38
znhHeh. That's.. marketing or something16:39
redReminds me of CSI episode where a woman says "I'll create a GUI interface with visual basic, see if I can track an IP address"16:44
redyo, i'll make a graphical user interface interface!16:45
Zeelot3khey guys, I've installed 10.04 beta1 but the fonts look horrible (seems like no AA), what setting do I need to change for that? I've never had to change anything before in order to make fonts render properly16:45
sulleWhen i am trying to sign the code of conduct. What passphrase am i supposed to type in?.16:45
redZeelot3k: system / preferences / appearance / fonts16:45
redfrom the top menu16:45
redyou can choose which font rendering to use16:46
Zeelot3kI've been there and there doesn't seem to be anything that looks good16:46
tom__anyone know how to get sound to work in ubuntu 10.0416:46
Zeelot3kred: it's exactly how it is on my current machine (mint-8) and looks nothing like it though16:46
redi don't know how else to help, sorry :/16:47
Zeelot3kalright =(16:47
Zeelot3kit's not a video driver issue by any chance? why doesn't the ATI proprietary driver show up in the hardware driver app?16:47
ZykoticK9Zeelot3k, see point 2 in Known Issues at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1#Known%20issues16:51
Zeelot3kI did notice the open source drivers actually work nicely now16:51
Zeelot3kZykoticK9: but could that be why my fonts are rendering so horribly?16:52
patdk-wksound seems to work perfectly here16:52
Zeelot3kthe OS feels much nicer with the open source drivers though, windows actually maximize normally16:52
ZykoticK9Zeelot3k, i doubt the font issues is related - maybe?  I was just addressing your "why doesn't the ATI proprietary driver show up in" Jockey part.16:53
Zeelot3kZykoticK9: alright, thanks16:54
cndso I have two ubuntu partitions, and both think they are the grub boot partition17:06
cndright now, my lucid testing partition is the one that is read for grub.cfg17:06
cndhow do I switch that to my (previously karmic) new lucid partition?17:06
straterraI don't need any help with Lucid, but I was told to come here..17:08
Ian_Corneyou'll need to explain your problem first17:09
straterraI have an issue with 9.10 that's fixed in Lucid and was wondering if it would get backported..or if I could use the Lucid package.17:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 518582 in util-linux "mount ext fileystem fails, booting fails, blkid produces no output" [High,Fix released]17:09
straterraI have the bug exhibited there17:09
patdk-wkpsusi, anything on the defrag? :)17:09
ZykoticK9straterra, sorry when you said "It's in Lucid" i figured you where using Lucid - sorry17:09
straterraThe fix is in Lucid17:10
ZykoticK9straterra, ahh - ya you need the regular #ubuntu channel17:10
straterraNo one there can help me either17:10
mfraz74have you submitted a backport request?17:11
straterraNo..I guess I just assumed a bug that effects 1 out of every 16k was severe enough to be backported..17:12
straterraWhere is this backport request procedure?17:14
alex_mayorgajust got "gnome-screensaver-gl-helper crashed with SIGSEGV in _fini()" what do I do with it?17:20
znhI just ran a upgrade from 9.10 to lucid and I think it failed17:20
alex_mayorgathe reporter found a bunch of invalids with similar signature17:20
znhupdate manager claims that it cannot see all updates an propose an partial upgrade. This however fails with the message, cannot upgrade from lucid to karmic17:23
znhapt-get -f install seems to do something now...17:24
BUGa_CarAccidentznh: DON'T force upgrades17:24
BUGa_CarAccidentunless you really know what you are doing17:24
* patdk-wk knows :)17:25
BUGa_CarAccidentznh: $ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade is much better17:25
patdk-wkbreaking the system, so he can reinstall it :)17:25
alex_mayorgaBUGa_CarAccident: did you crash?17:25
BUGa_CarAccidentyou can try $ sudo aptitude full.-upgrade and see the conflits and decide17:25
BUGa_CarAccidentalex_mayorga: sorta17:25
BUGa_CarAccidentalex_mayorga: http://p.bugabundo.net/sometimes-you-are-just-not-that-lucky17:26
seangoudyI need help. cannot update. no space available. How do I expand memory?17:27
cndok, I just got all upgraded to lucid, but I'm missing the "Me Menu"17:28
cndhow do I get that?17:28
psusipatdk-wk: eh?17:28
patdk-wkhow is defrag coming?17:29
patdk-wkgot my lucid system setup17:29
DGMurdockIIIis there any way to to do a upgrade to the beta from ubuntu 9.10?17:29
mfraz74doesn't it say on the ubuntu beta website?17:30
psusipatdk-wk: got it working with the larger inodes last night.... still need to tackle some of the other features in ext4... the toughest one should be extents17:30
patdk-wkya, I'm thinking switching my mythtv system to use ext4 extents would be a good thing :)17:31
yofelDGMurdockIII: sure, run 'gksu update-manager -d' and it will show lucid as available17:31
DGMurdockIIIok thanks17:31
mfraz74think there is if you're using kubuntu, but not sure about ubuntu - perhaps you have to go to 9.10 first17:31
yofelDGMurdockIII: remember to make backups for important data before that17:31
yofelDGMurdockIII: and don't rely on lucid for anything ;)17:32
DGMurdockIIIii dont use ubuntu for much17:32
znhyeah.. Keep in mind that it will likely turn your system into crap17:32
DGMurdockIIIi many use windows17:32
DGMurdockIIIit a dual boot systam17:32
patdk-wkit could very well trash windows on that system17:33
patdk-wkshouldn't, but possible :)17:33
yofelpatdk-wk: and lucid still has no e4defrag17:33
mfraz74i would love to trash windows17:33
patdk-wkyofel, heh?17:33
yofelpatdk-wk: the ext4 developers are working on it from time to time, but it's just not important to them17:33
DGMurdockIIIdo i tryp gksu update-manager -d in the consoal17:34
h00kZykoticK9: I just happened to find your site, clicked "about" and there you are.  *thumbsup*17:34
* patdk-wk has no idea what yofel is talking about17:34
znhDGMurdockIII, yep.17:34
yofelpatdk-wk: you were asking "<patdk-wk> how is defrag coming?"17:34
patdk-wkyofel, in response to psusi17:34
yofelah, sry then ^^17:35
znhuhm, are there any fun Ubuntu blogs? about it's progress and everything17:36
BUGa_CarAccidentznh: lots17:36
BUGa_CarAccidentis a nice place17:36
yofelor http://www.ubunturoot.com/17:37
patdk-wkI wish planet.ubuntu.com had more useful info17:37
patdk-wkit's just a stream of peoples personal lives :( don't care much17:37
BUGa_CarAccidentpatdk I'm of the opinion planets should only stream tagged popsts17:38
psusiyea, e4defrag seems like it won't be done before we're all using btrfs anyhow, which is why I'm resurrecting e2defrag17:38
mfraz74how about omgubuntu.co.uk17:39
jpdsBUGa_CarAccident: $ grep ubuntu ubuntu/planet-ubuntu/main/config.ini| wc -l17:40
DGMurdockIIIwhen i do the command it try to run a brute force on password17:40
BUGa_CarAccidentno wonder I stop reading my greader planets tag17:40
BUGa_CarAccidenthumm actually its not that big: 2168 ubnread items17:42
guntbert!ot | BUGa_CarAccident17:43
ubottuBUGa_CarAccident: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.17:43
myk_robinsonevening, all. I am running Windows XP inside VirtualBox PUEL on an Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 1 host. Anyone able to get USB support running in VB on Lucid yet?17:44
BUGa_CarAccidentmyk_robinson: VB from archive or SUN?17:45
myk_robinsonfrom Sun17:45
BUGa_CarAccidentcause OSE doesn't have USB support17:45
BUGa_CarAccidentare you sure??17:45
myk_robinsonhave Guest Additions installed as well17:46
myk_robinsonI'm sure, just downloaded it yesterday and installed the .deb manually17:46
patdk-wkwhat version is it?17:46
mfraz74any reasons why pitivi is a default app in UNR 10.04?17:46
myk_robinsonits version 3.1.4 r5764017:47
cndmvo: I've gotten upgraded to lucid, but I'm not sure everything worked right17:47
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cndsome of the new lucid packages are missing, like rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store and indicator-me17:48
cndis there something extra I need to do to get new packages?17:48
ZykoticK9h00k, thanks man (the site is crappy...)17:49
mfraz74have you done an update?17:49
cnd(I also tried apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but it was already installed)17:50
myk_robinsonlooks like running "sudo hald --daemon=no" allows VB to use USB17:50
h00kZykoticK9: it works. I was going to try your X-Plane instructions, but I'm wary of using the getlibs18:04
h00kZykoticK9: for Lucid18:04
sqwertleI'm having this problem when I try to run codeblocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/400691/ , any idea?18:04
kklimondasqwertle: try deleting this default.conf file? it looks empty18:15
mvocnd: you can try apt-get install --fix-policy that will give you your missing recommends18:17
mvoor should18:17
DarkTaohi everyone, does anyone know whats happening with Plymouth on nVidia hardware?18:18
DarkTaoI get a purple load screen with blocky text saying Ubuntu 10.04 with parts of text as certain things load, almost like watching a verbose boot... no sexy loadings :(18:18
bjsniderthat's because the nvidia blob has no kms driver18:19
_lemsx1_I'm using Ubuntu Lucid on a mobile device (OQO). it's crashing at boot. how do i turn off plymouth ?18:19
bjsnideryou'd have to use nouveau for that18:19
cndmvo: what exactly does --fix-policy do? there's nothing about it in man apt-get18:19
DarkTaowasnt there supposed to be a module that fixed it for proprietary drivers?18:19
cndit's about to install a bunch of packages on my system, so I want to be sure it's a "good thing"18:19
cndDarkTao: yeah, I think vga16fb can cause the same symtpoms18:20
cndyou can blacklist it through /etc/modprobe.d18:20
DarkTaocnd, meh, so no sexyness for nVidia users then?18:20
DanaGwhat I do when I have binary drivers: I use "uvesafb"18:20
cndDarkTao: honestly, my computer boots so fast I never see plymouth...18:21
mvocnd: it looks at what packages have missing recommends basicly, if the list looks sane it should be fine18:21
DarkTaocnd, well just amazes me Canonical are feeding these things in and it only works on 2 of 3 gfx vendor cards18:21
DGMurdockIIIwhen doing the upgrade how long dose it take to calcuate the changes?18:21
* gnomefreak has no issue with nvidia+plymouth18:22
_lemsx1_does booting into single user mode disables plymouth ?18:22
gnomefreakcnd: it will grab the missing recommends18:22
cndDarkTao: it works fine if you want to use the open source nouveau driver (and perhaps blacklist vga16fb, which is a bug we need to work on)18:22
cndgnomefreak: mvo: thanks18:22
DanaGGdk-ERROR **: The program 'gnome-settings-daemon' received an X Window System error.18:22
DanaGThis probably reflects a bug in the program.18:22
DanaGThe error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'.18:22
DarkTao_lemsx1_, didnt realise you could disable it? it has superseded usplash?18:22
gnomefreakDarkTao: yes18:22
DarkTaocnd, if I use that, then I cant enable desktop effects18:22
cnd_lemsx1_: single user mode will not use plymouth during that boot18:23
_lemsx1_DarkTao: uh? yes, Plymouth is the graphic boot provider. i can't disable it. it seems18:23
_lemsx1_cnd: thanks... then my problem is elsewhere18:23
DanaGI had to actually BREAK vga16fb to get it to stop blocking my radeon KMS from working.18:23
DanaGbreak as in adding a kernel parameter: "vga16fb.DoNotWant=1".18:23
_lemsx1_I'm doing cmdline args "single init=/bin/sh" now18:24
gnomefreak_lemsx1_: disable no but blacklist and/or remove you can18:24
cndDarkTao: correct, but Canonical didn't make the nvidia drivers, so they can't tell them to put kms in18:24
DanaGMerely blacklisting it didn't work for the compiled-in driver.18:24
cousteauso I tried to install a program today connected to a wifi, and the hash sum mismatched. I tried again twice and it finally worked. Would it be possible to add a "Retry" option to apt after a download mismatches?18:24
DarkTaocnd, ergo... canonical are breaking 2 features of the desktop system they've made18:24
cndDarkTao: what have they broken?18:24
DarkTaocnd, either have a seamless bootup experience which is what they're trying to accomplish, with no compiz, which is built in18:24
BoondoKLifeWhy was the measurement of files changed form 1024 to 1000? Is there a real benefit to anyone?18:25
cousteaualso, check them just after downloading them, so you save time if a download failed18:25
_lemsx1_no luck... after init-bottom it simply stops18:25
DarkTaocnd, or have a fudged boot up (that looks even worse than usplash) and have compiz18:25
gnomefreakcousteau: apt you need to use apt-get update and than try again. synaptic already has a refresh option and IIRC so does smartpm18:25
_lemsx1_oh, but i do have a shell! no prompt18:25
gnomefreakcousteau: there is an option to check but not install or download IIRC18:26
cndDarkTao: again, it's proprietary drivers that canonical doesn't support, and can't support18:26
DarkTaocnd: i'll be right back, just testing something... going to remove nvidia blob and use noveau, it may sort out the gnome-panel load times18:26
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
cndDarkTao: I'm very happy with nouveau myself18:27
DarkTaocnd: i just like my wobbly windows :'(18:27
cndDarkTao: as a data point, nvidia suspend resume takes 10 s total just for the graphics drivers18:27
cousteaugnomefreak: anyway, after running `sudo aptitude install qucs` it finally worked18:27
cndnouveau takes < 400 ms18:27
cndso yes, you've lost desktop shadows and wobbles, but for me I'm much happier with nouveau18:28
DarkTaocnd: also my Docky will break, which requires compositing18:28
cndwith out of the box multimonitor support through xrandr18:28
BoondoKLifecnd: you can get the shadows back using metacity compositing18:28
DarkTaoBoondoKLife, which is utter rubbish18:28
gnomefreakIIRC the upstream installer is broken let me see if i can find it18:28
cousteaucnd: nouveau doesn't have 3D afaik, or is unsupported, am I right?18:28
cndBoondoKLife: is that software graphics?18:28
BoondoKLifeDarkTao: Also gnome-do and docky run fine with that too18:28
DanaGFor me, fglrx suspend/resume sometimes takes anywhere from 5 to INFINITY minutes.18:28
DarkTaoBoondoKLife, moving windows gives you about 2fps... its like running Crysis on a Speak and Spell18:29
cndcousteau: correct, unsupported 3d that I haven't been able to get working18:29
DanaGsO, I just use the open-source ATI, instead.18:29
BoondoKLifecnd: That is the the window manager. I use it one my boxes and dont have an issue.18:29
cousteau(that's what I saw on their page)18:29
cndcousteau: but phoronix has been able to, so it's possible on some hardware18:29
cousteauand it means no openGL18:29
BoondoKLifeDarkTao: Not in my case, moving windows is fine18:29
cndBoondoKLife: you use it with nouveau?18:29
gnomefreakDarkTao: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta1#Known%20issues18:30
BoondoKLifecnd: Yup18:30
cousteauwell, not exactly unsupported, but experimental, iirc18:30
jo-erlendin the MeMenu, it's possible to write messages to your microblogging accounts, but I18:30
cndcousteau: the nouveau wiki says unsupported18:30
jo-erlendI'm only able to send to facebook. What am I doing wrong?18:30
BoondoKLifecnd: Only downside is conky casts a shadow, but o well18:30
DarkTaognomefreak, why link me that? O.o18:30
gnomefreakDarkTao: nvidia issues are on there18:30
cousteauok, then I recalled incorrectly18:30
DarkTaognomefreak, one of them, which isnt applicable18:31
DanaGI tried nouveau on a gf6100, and it went like 0.5 fps (and then froze) when moving a window.18:31
cousteau"But you can read GalliumHowto  in case you are brave enough."18:31
gnomefreakDarkTao: did you try one of the other 2 drivers?18:31
DarkTaoDanaG, does the same to me on a 7950GT18:31
DarkTaognomefreak, we're discussing noveau and metacity compositing18:31
gnomefreakgood luck with that ;)18:32
DarkTaognomefreak, exactly my point ;)18:32
_lemsx1_i think i found it. kernel panic!18:32
_lemsx1_f* me18:32
DanaGheh, I read that as f-star me.18:32
cndIMHO, nouveau's features more than make up for lack of 3D when you compare it to nvidia18:32
cndbut I understand that my usage scenario is different from others18:33
DanaGheh, especially compared to legacy (96) drivers.18:33
cndand it may be the other way around for some18:33
_lemsx1_DanaG: yeah, this is a family place. so your mind is in the right mode :-)18:33
DarkTaocnd, I like eyecandy :(18:33
DanaGThe nvidia 96 driver seems to have only one feature: segfault the X server.18:33
DanaGAnd every year, they update it to segfault NEW X servers!18:33
DarkTaoDanaG, it also reportedly creates a wormhole to 186718:34
BoondoKLifeDarkTao: Hmm if that is the case let me grab a sports compendium and go back in time right quick.18:34
russ5811i've recently upgraded to 10.04 64bit. I cannot get flash to work. i've tried to do it manually and with scripts. I've uninstalled and reinstalled ubuntu restricted extras. can someone help?18:35
cousteauDanaG: well, that's the problem with new X servers, people on Nvidia have to make a new driver for them18:36
platiusruss5811,   http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html    there are install insturctions in the link to the release notes18:37
DarkTaoBoondoKLife, I did that in KDE, i created a network wormhole but all the files the other end were from 198518:37
DarkTaoBoondoKLife, malfunctioning flux capacitor I think18:37
russ5811platius, i'll try it again. thanks for the link.18:37
cousteau(and that driver is normally not included in the ubuntu version with that server, so I ended up installing the driver manually)18:37
BoondoKLifeDarkTao: Gawd, that had to have sucked. no pun intended!18:37
BoondoKLifeDarkTao: Im getting a lag time of about 25 years here.... WOW18:38
platiusruss5811,  basicly you uninstall any falah stuff, the put the downloaded *.so file in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins18:39
_lemsx1_in lucid, what event from upstart changes the screen before /etc/rcS.d is exec?18:39
russ5811ok, platius, i'm back to where i started. let me ask you a clarifying question. I've got the following folder: home/.mozilla/plugins with the .so file18:40
russ5811is that wrong?18:40
* cousteau has a subdirectory in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins to store several flash plugins, and switches them frequently18:40
* BoondoKLife must be lucky, never has had all these flash issues.18:40
platiusruss5811,   I did that /home b4 but it works well just installing it in the /usr... location sudo cp it to the dir18:41
russ5811ok. i'll give it a shot.18:41
platiusruss5811,   remove any flash stuff you already have installed 1st18:42
cousteauBoondoKLife: I use 32 bits, but sometimes I want to try a beta, or an older version...18:42
cousteauyou know, the typical bug on the flash player that adobe doesn't want to fix18:43
russ5811platius, is there a command line to remove the flash or should i just search "flash" in my synaptic18:43
platiusruss5811,   I did the synaptics to remove flash18:45
russ5811ok. thanks18:45
priodevsorry for the noobish question, but is it correct that an install as fresh as a Beta version gives me 200MB of Updates right after the install?18:45
KB1JWQpriodev: yes.18:45
cousteaupriodev: the beta is really old... almost a week18:45
JEEBsvand packages get updated :)18:45
cousteauI got about 200 daily updates when I was in hardy beta18:45
Oerincl kernel update :-)18:46
priodevok, thanks.. now.. after applying the updates left me without keyboard.. it just doesn't work.. only mouse18:46
russ5811platius, sorry for all the questions here, but when i search "flash" in synaptic, it only comes up with ubuntu restricted extras. is there a way to remove flash surgically?18:46
priodevthat's a VMWare install, btw18:46
platiusruss5811,   hmm, gimme a sec18:47
russ5811no prob18:47
platiusruss5811,  my synaptis search comes up with flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-nonfree which are not installed18:49
dragonWhat's more stable? beta1 or latest daily?18:49
Sioux-33hi i wanted to ask is there any chance to install in lucid beta udev (version 147~-6)?? i tried synaptic but cant downgrade it there18:50
charlie-tcaalways the latest daily18:50
Clark3934Hey, I'm having problems with my Intel Mobile 4 Series GM45.  When I boot on lucid, there seems to be something wrong with the window manager.  None of the minimize/maximize/etc buttons show up until I manually turn on desktop effects (enabling compiz, i guess).  Then everything works pretty well, except the colors seem to be off when I try to run any window with transparency.  However, when I restart my computer.... it reverts to its previous problem.  I 18:50
dragoncharlie-tca: thanks18:50
russ5811platius, i had the same result. so i guess i won't worry about the ubuntu restricted extras pkg interferring.18:50
platiusruss5811,  sounds good18:51
priodevwhere do I report or help debug my keyboard not working (in a vmware install) ?18:51
jo-erlendit's kinda funny: Gwibber is a rich social networking client, yes? It's been shorted to "social client". But it is a rich client, which makes it a rich social client. A social client in my language, is someone who lives on welfare. :)18:53
jo-erlendbut should messages posted on the memenu also post to twitter?18:54
russ5811platius, THANK YOU!! All it took was moving the .so from the home/.mozilla/plugin to the usr/lib/mozilla/plugin. thanks for the help and your time.18:55
platiusruss5811,  yw18:55
Sioux-33 hi i wanted to ask is there any chance to install in lucid beta udev (version 147~-6)?? i tried synaptic but cant downgrade it there18:56
Oerjo-erlend, Gwibber is a Twitter client, so yes, it is normal your post shows up at twitter.18:58
sroeckerhi, I noticed that I am missing os-prober (I upgraded from karmic to lucid) Shouln't it be installed by default so that grub detects other OSes?18:59
kklimondaSioux-33: I wouldn't really recommend it as lucid depends on newer udev that has been configured for it.19:00
photonAfter installing 10.04, I cannot boot the OS. Right after the BIOS messages, my monitor complains that the mode is not supported and I cannot see anything. Any idea what could cause this?19:00
harisundCan someone please help me with https://bugs.launchpad.net/blueman/+bug/35047919:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 350479 in blueman "A2DP doesn't automatically configure when service connects" [Wishlist,Fix committed]19:01
harisundoops wrong channel19:02
kklimondaphoton: what gpu do you have?19:02
photonkklimonda: ATI (HD 4850)19:02
photonkklimonda: oh wait no19:02
kklimondaphoton: try booting linux with nomodeset argument (press left shit during boot to get to the grub console and then follow instructions how to edit command line)19:02
Sioux-33<kklimonda> just the newest use to much cpu so i wanted to downgrade it the same issue i had in karmic with udev 147 6.1 i downgraded it to udev 147 6.0 and everything was ok and i think that in lucid beta i have the same problem19:02
photonkklimonda: sorry, that's the current PC I'm writing this one. The one in question has Nvidia19:02
photonkklimonda: I'll try, thanks19:03
jo-erlendOer, I'm new with twitter. Should I be able to see the messages I send?19:03
kklimondaSioux-33: you should work with developers to fix the excessive cpu usage and not downgrade19:03
kklimondaSioux-33: it worked in karmic because karmic wasn't as much dependant as lucid is19:03
alex88/jk/join #ubuntu19:04
jo-erlendOer, to be honest, I'm only using twitter in order to know the new social stuff in lucid. It's valuable to me, as I'll be creating videos and presentations of Lucid, so I have to know how all these stuff works.19:04
_lemsx1_@#$@ plan b. removing gdm plymouth and reboot... system works fine if i start everything by hand ( init=/bin/sh single ). i can start getty on tty1, loadkeys, etc.. etc..19:04
Sioux-33<kklimonda> where are those developers?19:04
kklimondaSioux-33: report a bug on the launchpad19:04
Sioux-33tnx <kklimonda>19:04
OerTwitter is cool, to share and recieve jo-erlend, like i follow http://twitter.com/ubuntusecurity ( for vulnerabilities )19:06
kklimondaI prefer mailing list for security announcements - I tend to miss tweets or dents19:08
jo-erlendOer, ... I "follow" that on the mailinglist. Aren't those security notices way too big for twitter?19:09
Oerall i need is 1 word ( what program is affected ) and a shortened url in 140 characters.19:11
kklimondatwitter gets a small desciptio and the link to announcement19:11
BluesKajOer, twitter is cool ?... gawd19:13
jo-erlendTwitter seems like a network for twits to me, but since we're now supporting it, I have to understand these things.19:15
DarkTaohmmm is it just me or does scrolling lag out in the Ubuntu Software Centre?19:17
Roberj13Is there any word on any better flash video solution,  its so slow atm..19:19
cdE|WoozyDarkTao: it's a gtk bug19:20
DarkTaocdE|Woozy, thanks woozy :)19:20
jo-erlendRoberj13, flash video is wrong, and bad by design. You want something that's less bad, but still flash, or do you prefer WWW and HTML5?19:21
cdE|WoozyDarkTao: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/524567 :)19:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 524567 in software-center "Software list views with variable-height rows scroll slowly" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:21
Roberj13Less bad but still flash atm, till o can find new sources to where I'm used to going coming from windows19:24
russ5811anyone know how to get back the little envelope that launches empathy back by the clock if removed from the panel?19:24
jo-erlendin Gwibber, there are icons to select which networks to send with. Does this affect sending from the MeMenu?19:25
ZykoticK9russ5811, add "indicator applet" back to panel (right click on panel / Add to panel)19:25
russ5811zykotick9, thanks19:27
_lemsx1_ok, i found where the crash happens... getting closer. when udevadm trigger executes it loads something that kills the system19:27
platiusRoberj13,  are running 64bit lucid?19:47
photonkklimonda: I pressed left shift during boot, but I didn't get to the grub console. my monitor still says 'mode not supported'.19:47
platiusRoberj13,  Following this worked for me  http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html19:48
kklimondaphoton: you have to press it before system starts to boot - i.e. when your bios shows up (or a bit later depending on the bios)19:48
photonkklimonda: yup, did that. still no effect. maybe I pressed it too early? or grub is totally messed up.19:50
ZykoticK9photon, don't press shift - hold it down as computer boots19:50
Roberj13Cool ill check it out19:51
kklimondaright, press and hold19:51
platiusRoberj13,  make sure  flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-nonfree  are not installed19:52
platiusRoberj13,  b4 you start19:52
centaur5Why is the text mode installed for Lucid now unable to detect my motherboard's sata controller automatically when Karmic used to?19:52
Roberj13Platius, thanks so much ill try it when o get home19:52
platiusRoberj13,  good luck19:53
psusi_lemsx1_: you debugging a 3 minute hang followed by timeout and emergency shell in the initramfs?  you have hardware fake raid?19:54
_lemsx1_psusi: no. I'm passed initramfs at this point. when udev triggers the events, some driver loads, the screen goes to blank. and the system hangs19:55
_lemsx1_psusi: i have not been able to find what it is yet19:55
_lemsx1_i think i found the sucker... viafb20:00
beeeznhi, i'm using lucid with the xorg-edgers ppa for nouveau 3d support. now compiz is working fine but a would like to give gnome-shell a shot. compiled latest git and started. now it is running, but it only takes 1/4 of the screen (top left) I was told this is probably due to bleeding edge nouveau. but i've heard from people running gnome-shell just fine with nouveau20:08
beeeznany ideas?20:08
_lemsx1_yep. that was it!20:08
_lemsx1_added blacklist viafb and now it works20:08
cndbeeezn: I'd suggest heading over to #nouveau maybe? It's not likely anyone here would know since lucid will not have 3d for nouveau20:11
beeeznyeah maybe a good idea. i just thought maybe somebody in here has gnome-shell running with nouveau20:11
cndbeeezn: from my experiences, you're fairly lucky enough as it is :)20:12
beeeznNo 3D user support here <-- channel topic in #noveau :D20:12
cndI tried to get nouveau 3d through xorg-edgers without any luck20:12
beeeznyes very happy with it20:12
beeezncompiz runs smoothly20:12
beeezncrashes a few times a day20:12
beeeznbut i can live with that for now20:12
cnduhhh... I'll stick with 2d then20:12
ubuntujenkinshas any one tried the wubi in windows 7?20:18
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CalmvsKhaos!Away > FFForever20:19
ubottuFFForever, please see my private message20:19
FFForeverCalmvsKhaos, its not busy right now though ;)20:19
guntbertFFForever: that applies to all ubuntu channels20:20
FFForeverwhat is the update schedule for the pre release ubuntus?, I did ~30mb this morning and another ~70mb right now in packages20:28
yofelFFForever: update schedule? updates are available as new packages/fixes are uploaded and built20:30
cemcI've upgraded to lucid from karmic. how to set the default theme?20:32
charlie-tcacemc: System -> Preferences -> appearance20:33
charlie-tcapick a them20:33
cemcwhich one is the default?20:34
charlie-tcawhichever one you pick. I think lucid is radiance ?20:34
JoshuaLcould it cause any harm to install prelink?20:35
cemc(default theme: not a fan ;) )20:46
charlie-tcacemc: that the one with the purple background?20:55
cemccharlie-tca: yes, that's the one20:56
cemcthe boot screen looks fine, the login doesn't. after login still doesn't :)20:57
Bittarmanso, anyone know what libgcrypt is doing when I boot? its spoiling plymouth20:57
sqwertleI've had this problem for a bit now, and I can't seem to get it fixed. I've followed the guides I've found on it to the best of my ability but have not come to a solution. Upon running most programs without root I get this error Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks".20:57
charlie-tcaThat is what comes up be default now on new installs. You might like the radiance better. It is the new light theme20:57
charlie-tcacemc ^^ ^^20:57
cemcyeah, that's what I tried and didn't like ;)20:58
cemchuman-clearlooks ftw ;)20:59
ekogood evening20:59
ekoi have a trouve with Ubuntu 10.04 beta 1, when I try to install it on my Windows platform (with wubi.exe), I reboot, I select Ubuntu on the grub menu and then a cleared grub console appear ... the kernel doesn't load, any idea ?21:00
Some_Personsqwertle: That's weird. ubuntulooks was phased out years ago21:00
sqwertleIt came standard with either lucid or was hidden somewhere in a depository for something I downloaded21:00
sqwertleSome_Person: perhaps attempting to remove it?21:01
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
Neezeranyone here have experience with ipod touch and rhythmbox?21:10
NeezerI got an error when plugging in my ipod last night, and today...something about not beign able to open null null21:11
Some_Personsqwertle: ubuntulooks was completely removed in lucid21:12
sqwertleSome_Person: Aside from that error when trying to apt-get install gtk2-engines-ubuntu looks I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/400788/ .21:14
Some_Personsqwertle: Try installing human-theme21:15
jmcantrelli can't get past the splash screen after a fresh install from the alternate cd. anyone have any ideas?21:15
sqwertleSome_Person: same problem21:15
jmcantrelli've tried booting into rescue mode, updating, and it still won't boot21:16
Some_Personsqwertle: What does it say when you try to install human-theme?21:16
sqwertleSome_Person: I should clarify, it installed correctly, but I still have the original error.21:16
Some_Personsqwertle: Oh. Where does this error appear exactly?21:16
sqwertleSome_Person: Upon typing "codeblocks" in terminal.21:16
ZykoticK9Some_Person, sqwertle Human theme was removed in Lucid, you'd need a karmic package i'm guessing21:20
Some_PersonZykoticK9: It's still in the repos21:21
ZykoticK9Some_Person, ahh thanks - when it disappeared from available themes i'd figured they just removed it entirely.  Good to know it's still available, thanks.21:22
sqwertleZykoticK9: Hm?21:22
ZykoticK9sqwertle, never mind :)21:22
_lemsx1_finally got everything to work. last one was the openchrome video driver breaks the OQO21:23
_lemsx1_so, blacklist viafb and use vesa for xserver21:23
_lemsx1_now i need to open bugs for these problems :-)21:23
Some_PersonOddly, even though the ubuntulooks engine was completely removed (including from the repos), at least 2 themes in the repos still use it21:24
avarWhen I upgraded to 10.04 openoffice was installed even though I'd removed it before upgrading, is this a known issue or does the installer just not respect packages you may have removed in general?21:32
cemchow do I prevent mysql from starting at boot? how do I disable it in upstart ?21:32
MindVirusI found out what my problem was.21:32
avarcemc: man update-rc.d21:32
MindVirusMy fstab had things that weren't on my system.21:33
MindVirusWhat I don't know is why it caused my system to hang on plymouth indefinitely.21:33
MindVirusI don't think an invalid fstab should cause locking out of everything I hold dear.21:33
ZykoticK9avar, i'm guessing OOo is in the ubuntu-desktop meta package and would thus be reinstalled21:33
avarZykoticK9: Yeah, it is. I'm just wondering whether the installer shouldn't prune packages from ubuntu-desktop on upgrade that aren't installed when upgrading from an earlier version.21:34
cemcavar: I was using sysv-rc-conf, but mysql is nowhere in rcX.d with S to start up, but it still starts21:35
avarWhich could be done reliably if the release shipped a list of packages ubuntu-desktop depended on in previous releases21:35
avarcemc: what does find /etc -iname '*mysql*' look like?21:35
yofelMindVirus: +1, check if there's a bug filed against mountall, it's responsible for mounting drives in fstab and many services depend on it finishing without error I think21:35
cemcavar: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/400801/21:36
MindVirusyofel: Mountall causes lots of issues, no?21:36
avarcemc: Odd, no idea. It does seem the init system changed in 10.04, at least it whines if I do 'sudo /etc/init.d/* cmd' now21:37
yofelMindVirus: could be, here it shows nfs mount error cause the network isn't up yet (shouldn't _netdev prevent that?) but continues otherwise21:37
avarcemc: There's service(8) now which still points to update-rc.d..21:38
yofelavar: there still are a few old sysvinit scripts in /etc/init.d, but the new upstart scripts are (since 9.10) in /etc/init21:39
MindVirusWhy does mountall depend on plymouth?21:39
yofelupdate-rc.d is still used for the existing  sys-v-init scripts21:40
avarI see, I should read about upstart then21:40
Some_PersonI want to know why installing usplash removes gdm21:41
avarI wonder if it supports user-started programs like osx's launchd..21:41
blackmambahey everyone, is anyone having issues with brightness using 10.04 netbook remix ?21:42
yofelSome_Person: it was made to conflict with usplash so usplash gets properly removed for plymouth (don't ask me why though, can't remember anymore, it's been like that for a while)21:43
cemcyofel: so, how do I stop mysql from starting at boot?21:43
Some_PersonSo why not just make ubuntu-desktop conflict with it?21:44
Some_PersonOr make plymouth conflict with it?21:44
IT_manuse sysv-rc-conf21:44
yofelSome_Person: like I said, don't ask me, ask in #ubuntu-devel maybe21:44
cemcIT_man: we've just been through this ;) it doesn't appear in the old /etc/rcX.d/ locations, sysv-rc-conf shows it's disabled21:45
blackmambahey everyone, is anyone having issues with brightness using 10.04 netbook remix ?21:46
yofelcemc: upstart has IMHO grave issues with configurability, iirc the only way to disable it is to edit the start on statement in the mysql init script in /etc/init/ for now21:47
blackmambaor know how to revert to the working version in 9.1021:47
cemcyofel: that's what I was afraid of ;) thanks21:47
yofelthere was a rumor about a system service editor, but I'm not sure if that was added or not (I use Kubuntu, not Ubuntu)21:47
cemcanother issue: I have an ecrypted home. it's a major PITA to boot up lucid because of this. It asks for the passphrase once, then it just waits, no error, I don't know what's happening...21:48
yofelhey BUGabundo, got your car moving again? ^^21:49
BUGabundogoes tomorrow to shop21:49
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=== amberbot is now known as funkyHat
MindVirusyofel: Found a bug.21:52
MindVirusyofel: This should be in the topic.21:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 545658 in mountall "System fails to boot / Unclear mountall prompt." [Undecided,New]21:52
cemcit seems I can't boot without 'splash quiet' settings. when i remove those I don't see a thing until it gets to the login screen21:52
MindVirusAt least the [SM] is actually a prompt to press S = skip? / M = maintenance part.21:52
MindVirusyofel: This has caused me so many problems; you have no idea. Stupid stupid interface design.21:53
yofelMindVirus: did you get the same prompt?21:54
MindVirusyofel: Basically, except for CDROM.21:54
yofelMindVirus: please set the bug to confirmed then21:54
yofel*bug status21:54
dupondjelol, I just started rythmbox, and it not apearing :)21:56
dupondjestupid thing :)21:56
yofeloh, my nfs mount issue is acutally known as bug 504224 :D21:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 504224 in mountall "NFS mounts at boot time prevent boot or print spurious errors" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50422421:57
Oerrhytmbox icon right side top ?21:57
yofelOer: the icon should be part of the indicator applet (I think)21:57
dupondjeOer: oh god :) indeed :p21:57
Blue1yofel: there were some nfs updates in todays updates21:57
dupondjedamn, if you don't know that, you search to death :)21:58
yofelBlue1: didn't install yet, will look in there later, but this is a bug in mountall21:58
yofelthe shares mount fine... once the network is up21:58
Blue1yofel: owch!21:58
dupondjerhytmbox is default player or ?21:58
yofeland _netdev doesn't seem to do anything21:58
MindVirusyofel: Can you link me to that bug I just posted?21:59
netbookLucidLynx menu icons don't show up by default for the system menu... same bug was in Koala22:00
netbookOf course it was an easy fix in Koala, go to 'Pref.' -> 'Appearance' -> 'Interface' tab -> check 'Show icons in menus'22:00
netbookthere is no 'Interface' tab in Lynx Appearance Preferences'22:00
yofelMindVirus: you mean bug 545658?22:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545658 in mountall "System fails to boot / Unclear mountall prompt." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54565822:00
MindVirusyofel: Yes.22:00
netbookWhat is difference between gconftool and gconftool-222:02
Blue1netbook: dunno22:03
Blue1netbook: hmm man gconftool redirects to gconftool222:04
drbobbI installed today on a pc using karmic alternate installer, just the CLI preseed, and attempted to upgrade to lucid - didn't work22:04
Blue1drbobb: i'm not sure why you did it that way...22:05
drbobbuh, I had the karmic cd with me, and no blanks handy22:05
Blue1ah --22:06
Blue1i have found that upgrades usually don't go well, and backup /home/ and /etc/ and then do a fresh install22:06
drbobbso I figured I'd put up a CLI karmic to avoid wasting time on d/l of packages that would be mostly replaced in the next step22:06
yofeldrbobb: *what* went wrong?22:07
drbobbsome dependency thing22:07
yofeldrbobb: please make sure that there's a bug filed about that, this shouldn't happen22:07
drbobbbtw this procedure is described on ubuntu.com as something that ought to work22:07
Blue1drbobb: so you install the server version of karmic, then tried to install the gui version of lucid over the top?22:08
drbobbit was about the new bootsplash framework, what's it called?22:08
Blue1drbobb: grub2?22:08
drbobbplymouth, yeah22:08
netbookheh gconf-editor is a lot like registry22:09
drbobbI believe the error message hinted there might be a dependency loop22:09
drbobbBlue1: almost, except of course the CLI system must be upgraded in between22:09
drbobbactually that's how I do most installs, except for the version hankypanky22:10
drbobb1. CLI from CD 2. apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:10
Blue1drbobb: odd way to do it....22:11
drbobbBlue1: think about it, it makes sense if you're on a fast net connection22:11
Blue1drbobb: i just stick the cd in, answer a few questions, comeback 1/2 hour later - done22:12
drbobbbesides I use LVM so I need to use the textmode installer anyway22:12
Blue1lvm is the windows thingy?22:12
drbobbBlue1: not done yet, must upgrade to current versions before you're ready22:13
drbobbLVM = logical volume manager22:13
Blue1drbobb: usually what I do, like when I migrated my parents, I just copied their "my documents" folder to a dvd, and then played it back into ubuntu...22:13
drbobbBlue1: setting up a server or multiuser system takes a bit more work, believe me22:14
Blue1drbobb: yeah i am not there yet...22:14
enavwhat is the meaning of this channel22:14
Blue1i have multiple systems, but only 1 user - far different22:15
enavis to fix beta bugs or is simple another support channet22:15
yofelenav: see /topic22:15
yofelenav: mostly support, we can help you fix bugs for you too, but for bug filing you should go to #ubuntu-bugs and you can find the developers in #ubuntu-devel22:16
leagrisHellow, What is the state of SSD trim command support considering it needs kernel&&(ext||jfs||btrfs) support?22:19
DanaGureadahead: Error while tracing: no such file or directory22:19
DanaGno wonder my boot is so slow.22:22
netbookmight switch to xubuntu for this next release22:26
netbookgnome has become too much of a hassle22:27
netbookstill can't find how to 'show icons in menus' option in gconf editor22:27
histonetbook: what do you mean show icons in menus?22:28
Blue1histo: took the words out of my mouth22:29
histonetbook: the icons are there already you want to disable them?22:29
harisundI think you can do that without gconf-editor22:29
netbookNo, the icons are not there for the system menu22:29
netbookLucidLynx menu icons don't show up by default for the system menu... same bug was in Koala22:29
platiusnetbook,   I believe I found them in the latest ubuntu-tweak22:29
netbookOf course it was an easy fix in Koala, go to 'Pref.' -> 'Appearance' -> 'Interface' tab -> check 'Show icons in menus'22:29
netbookthere is no 'Interface' tab in Lynx Appearance Preferences'22:29
Blue1netbook: nope there isn't22:30
netbookYea, my point exactly.22:30
netbookTried looking in gconf editor, can't seem to find it there22:30
Full-Polar-FoxHello : )))22:31
platiusnetbook,   ya, ubuntu-tweak is where I turned the icons on22:31
netbookpretty lame you need a third party app :(22:31
histonetbook: how bout desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons  ?22:32
=== Full-Polar-Fox is now known as LonelyTroll
histonetbook: and there is /schemas/desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons22:33
socket_77Hmm, the Ubuntu Software Center seems to be missing from my menu after updating today..22:33
netbookhisto yea looking at that now... changing the checkbox doesn't seem to do anything22:33
histonetbook: you'll prolly ahve to log out and back in22:33
histonetbook: also youc an search gconf-editor22:34
netbookheh already ahead of you22:34
histoI just searched for icons and found those few. But I think The system and places menu are ubuntu specific not gnome.  but I could be wrong.22:34
netbookMy search for icons didn't turn those up... didn't click 'search also' boxes22:35
platiussocket_77,   have you checked the edit menus to see if got unchecked?22:35
netbookicons still not up for some reason22:35
socket_77platius: hmm, I didn't uncheck it, but I'll check there, thanks22:35
socket_77platius: I'm also missing most of the openoffice menu entires as well22:36
jmcantrellhow do i change the grub menu now?22:36
platiussocket_77,   wow22:36
socket_77platius: yeah22:36
cdE|Woozynetbook: I just checked /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons and got all the icons, cluttering the menus again ;)22:37
Blue1jmcantrell: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=193 ?22:37
CalmvsKhaosim getting a lot of 404 errors, whats a good mirror? Apperantly the one i was using no longer works22:37
jmcantrellBlue1: no22:38
Blue1jmcantrell: ;-(22:38
jmcantrelli don't want to download a tool to have to edit grub22:38
socket_77platius: Interesting, after I fired up the Menu Editor, everything's back now.22:38
netbookAlright, I got it. Wonder why they took out interface menu.22:39
platiussocket_77,   yuk22:39
yofelCalmvsKhaos: check sofware sources and select the one it recommends you22:39
CalmvsKhaosyeah im running a test now22:39
netbookWhat are the benefeits of gnome over xfce?22:40
platiusCalmvsKhaos,   osuosl always seems strong22:40
charlie-tcanetbook: simplicity22:40
CalmvsKhaosplatius, where are they located?22:40
bullgard[grub2, vga16fb] How can I  select a smaller font in my virtual console?22:41
yofelcharlie-tca: wasn't it supposed to be the other way  around?22:41
jmcantrelli found something strange. if try to boot as normal, it hangs. if i turn off the plymouth splash screen, it boots fine. what could be the problem?22:41
platiusCalmvsKhaos,   oregon state  oopen source labs22:41
bullgardnetbook: Much more help in case of trouble.22:41
CalmvsKhaosoh ok im just a bit south in california that might work thanks platius22:42
charlie-tcaxfce never declared the easiest to do anything, but gnome keeps trying to cut out your options22:42
Prettowhat is the correct package to file a bug about this? http://laudecioliveira.org/blog/?p=23022:42
platiusCalmvsKhaos,   I think linus hangs there22:42
Blue1well they cut off my cox this week but that was there error22:42
netbookthey be cutting my interface menu now22:42
charlie-tcaIt is harder to set xubuntu up, but it works on older equipment22:42
CalmvsKhaosisnt linus in finland?22:42
CalmvsKhaosor something22:42
Blue1their switched digital network is incompatible with my system22:42
macoCalmvsKhaos: born there, lives in portland, i believe22:43
charlie-tcaCalmvsKhaos: linus is in portland, ore, usa, I believe22:43
netbookGnome seems to choke when the going gets tough. Even though I had a great machine, if I am copying files over and moving windows, it seems to choke22:44
Blue1netbook yeah you sound like you're missins some updates - had same problem last wek22:44
netbookBlue1, I keep up-to-date with Update Manager... I am running ubuntu stock gnome22:45
netbookMaybe gnome 3 is better22:45
CalmvsKhaoshow to get gnome 3?22:45
netbookbuild it yourself, LL won't be running it iirc22:46
Blue1netbook: yesterday I had to run the update manager 3 times and reboot once to get all the updates - today I had to run updatemanager twice to get all the updates (the reboot was because of a new kernel)22:46
bullgardPretto: gnome-session22:46
CalmvsKhaosah thats too bad22:46
yofelgnome-shell is in lucid if someone wants to test it22:46
Prettobullgard: thank you22:46
netbookI updated kernel last week (miss the notification icon as well, sniffle)22:46
netbookVirtualBox Guest Additions don't work with LL beta22:47
Blue1yeah the gnome-typing-monitor icon is missing for me last week it was the speaker icon22:47
netbookactually lokos like there is a workaround: http://maxolasersquad.blogspot.com/2010/03/ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx-alpha-in.html22:48
CalmvsKhaosvmware tools installs automatically with LL :)22:48
Blue1then to get the sound to work, I have to jiggle the volume control in the speaker, otherwise it crackles really bad.22:48
aboSamoorany news regarding GMA500 Poulsbo ? it is not working with 10.04 on dell netbook22:52
yofelaboSamoor: I think there's only the vesa driver for those cards, as there's no driver that works with the lucid kernel and X server22:55
aboSamooryofel, do you think that would be the latest situation for the release ?22:55
yofelaboSamoor: no idea, news about poulsbo are rare, you could ask in #ubuntu-x if you want to make sure22:57
ludersonHi!!!! Im using lucy beta 1 - Kubuntu - and Im trying to hide the firefox menu bar... but I dont find the option... is it working???22:57
CalmvsKhaosLucy? You mean Lucid?22:57
jmcantrelli'm unable to manually mount any luks drives with cryptsetup. it asks for the sudo password and immediately exits. any ideas?22:57
rickfosbaboSamoor, Currently running 10.04 on my net book with same result;  its usable with 4:3 aspect.  I keep scanning the feeds for information...22:58
petn-randallwhat do I need to do to so I can upload packages to Ubuntu Lucid?22:58
petn-randallIs there some kind of mentoring program like in Debian?22:58
ludersonops, lucid.. sry22:58
* Crashbit to sleep22:59
CalmvsKhaosAlthough Lucy sounds better than Lucid, silly names, badgers, lynx's, please no more animal names!!! /rant  :)23:00
CalmvsKhaoslets leave mac OS have their animal names, tiger, Leopard, Ubuntu is better than that!23:01
Some_PersonIs there any way to hold back a package (i.e. make update-manager ignore it)?23:05
Some_PersonI have the karmic version of one package installed so that tilp works23:05
harisundI am not sure, but there's something called "apt-pinning" but it's an advanced topic. I am hoping someone can suggest something easier23:06
Some_PersonHaving this package makes update-manager always prompt me for a "partial upgrade", probably because lucid's tilp2 has dependency problems23:06
lucian_i have a qustion about the boot up, lucid wants to always check my drivers for errors on every boot up. is this normal of a bug?23:07
lucian_drives for error*23:07
lucian_not drivers, sorry for the typo23:07
yofelit is indeed possible with apt-pins and aptitude can hold packages too, no idea if update-manager can do tht23:08
Some_PersonThe actual karmic package is 'libticalcs2-7'23:08
CalmvsKhaosi installed kubuntu-desktop updated it, restarted, now i cannot use keyboard to even log in23:09
yofelthat sounds more like an issue with X23:10
CalmvsKhaosits in vmware though23:10
CalmvsKhaosshould work23:10
lucian_lucid wants to check my drives for errors on every boot up, is this becuase my partitions(lvm, encrypted) are not being shutdown correctly during shutdown?23:10
CalmvsKhaos*sigh* guess its back to gnome for meh! :(23:11
yofellucian_: if a partition isn't unmounted during shutdown it will be marked unclean which will trigger a fsck on next boot23:12
yofelwon't be marked clean to be more accurate23:12
lucian_hmmm ok so they're not unmounted correctly23:12
lucian_is there a way to trace it?23:12
yofelcould be, but I'm no expert on boot/shutdown23:13
lucian_ok but no one else is having their drives being checked all the time?23:13
yofellucian_: there is a bug filed against mountall I think that sounds similiar23:14
CalmvsKhaoshowcome kde --replace isnt working? i just installed KDE23:14
CalmvsKhaosinstalled Kubuntu-desktop23:14
yofelCalmvsKhaos: huh? what are you trying to do?23:15
lucian_yofel: aw ok, yeah becuase i've got lucid installed on an encrypted lvm so there might some bugs there23:15
CalmvsKhaoswelli cant boot into kde using the login screen so i booted into gnome thinking i could start it using kde or kdm --replace23:15
yofelCalmvsKhaos: if you want to login to kde go to the login screen and select kde (you can use gdm for that)23:15
OerCalmvsKhaos, select KDE @ login.23:16
CalmvsKhaosi did23:16
yofelCalmvsKhaos: the login still fails if you use gdm?23:16
jmcantrelli'm unable to manually mount any luks drives with cryptsetup. it asks for the sudo password and immediately exits. any ideas?23:17
lucian_jmcantrell: does it crash if you do a luksDump?23:18
CalmvsKhaosyeah keyboard not working in login screen23:19
jmcantrelllucian_: no23:19
lucian_just on luksOpen?23:19
yofelCalmvsKhaos: how did you login to gnome then?23:20
jmcantrelllucian_: yes23:20
DarkTaogood evening23:20
jmcantrelllucian_: odd though. i can mount the drives through gnome, just not over the command line23:20
lucian_jmcantrell: hmmm strange i just did a luksopen on an encrypted lvm and it worked23:21
lucian_what if you reinstall it?23:21
jmcantrelllucian_: i'll try that.23:21
CalmvsKhaosyofel, on the kde login screen you can select terminal thats how i got in, but now both the gnome and kde login not working23:22
smerzh4f, the new look is within a package which is in the repository. Maybe google for that one23:23
smerzdunno about the package name23:23
h4fI have upgraded to Beta. Where is the new Gnome Look ? how do I change back pidgin font size. now its to small23:23
smerzcould be a theme too though :)23:24
h4fsmerz:yeap I tried it in karmik. But I told when I will upgrade it will be the default one23:24
smerzi'm not running lucid. and it doesn't want to run in virtualbox for some reason so I don't know much more than that :)23:25
thon0925I've been running 10.04 since alpha 3, but recently an update seems to have updated the bootloader from grub-legacy to grub2, which crashes and causes a reboot loop (on RAID 0), how can I revert it back to grub-legacy?23:25
h4fsmerz I guess it doesn't run in virtualbox because of default compiz23:25
yofelCalmvsKhaos: that still sounds like an issue with X then, or kdm / gdm messing with each other, not sure23:26
lucian_i dont mean to sound like an rtard but i forgot the command to unmount the lvm group so i can do the luksClose on it23:26
jmcantrellok my monitor just went to sleep and now all i have is a black screen with a cursor23:26
CalmvsKhaosyofel yeah, could be something with vmware23:27
h4fI don't have sound volume icon any more:(23:28
yofelthon0925: you could try to mount the system from a live disk, chroot into it and install 'grub', but please remember to file a bug on launchpad against grub2 about your issue23:28
h4fand there is no applet for doing that23:28
thon0925I used the super grub disk, so I'm in the system now23:28
DanaGE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-17-generic_2.6.32-17.999~git20100321.4d950853~xorgedgers_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite '/lib/udev/compat_firmware.sh', which is also in package linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-16-generic 023:29
yofelh4f: the sound icon is part of the indicator applet now23:29
thon0925looks like the windows system partition got corrupted somehow23:29
h4f yofel: hm. just added indicator applet. so how do I change my sound from that ?23:29
yofelh4f: it should appear there, if not wait for someone else to answer (I use KDE)23:30
h4f yofel: how to safely launch new look gnome-shell --replace with root or user privliges ?23:31
francishey I receive this when attempting to install todays build via USB - GLIB WARNING ** GLib - getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)23:31
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Guest5325anyone have an idea what I could do or a workaround would be good23:31
yofelh4f: user I think, gnome shouldn't run as root23:31
h4fyofel:  the applet itself appease but there is no way to set volume in there23:31
=== Guest5325 is now known as francis3
yofelh4f: maybe pulseaudio isn't running properly? do you get any sound?23:32
lucian_i jsut realized my system is bugging and it might be due to the unclean shutdown, right now the entire system is read only even to root/sudo23:33
lucian_that happened yesterday too23:33
lucian_i cant install anything23:33
lucian_nor remove23:33
lucian_it just now triggered apport23:34
cousteauI find it very annoying the way numeric pads work on laptops, when they're shared with alphanumeric pad: if the num lock is on you can't write the letters UIOJKLM, and if it's off you have to press Fn+Shift+U instead of just Fn+U in order to write a 423:37
cousteauso I did a small script that fixes this and packed it in a .deb23:37
cousteauis there something useful I can do with the .deb? I tried to follow the SponsorshipProcess wiki, but got lost when trying to report a bug23:39
cozziemotohey guys...is grub2 absolutely necessary to run plymouth?23:39
yofelcousteau: if you want to add a package to the ubuntu archive you should ask the MOTU foks in #ubuntu-motu for the process23:39
cousteauk ,thx23:40
lucian_just filed Bug #54651723:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546517 in firestarter "package firestarter (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: unable to securely remove '/etc/firestarter.dpkg-new': Read-only file system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54651723:40
lucian_but its not firestarter, the system became read only23:40
lucian_gonnd rboot23:41
CalmvsKhaoshow would i start kde? I'm already logged in, startx starts gnome not kde23:42
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TecnoBrathow long did an upgrade from 9.10 take for you guys (minus the download, just the installing bit)23:42
TecnoBratcurious what I've got myself into, lol23:42
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DanaGcousteau: do you have a bug report for that numlock issue?23:43
cousteaunope, don't know what package it's related so I can't submit it23:43
TecnoBratcousteau: you don't happen to have the option to use the number pad as a mouse enabled do you?23:43
cousteauTecnoBrat: no, I think I don't23:44
Andre_Gondimis there any tip to connect ubuntu one?23:44
yofelTecnoBrat: I don't have it enabled either, and I too have to press Fn+Shift+U23:45
DanaGsame here.23:45
cousteauthe problem is that the numlock is disabled by default; and enabling it (with numlockx, for example) makes the right part of the alphanumeric pad behave as a num pad23:45
TecnoBratwas just a stab in the dark ... I had that issue on karmic and it drove me nuts until I figured it out23:45
cousteauthis is, with numlock off, Fn+U is a left arrow key, not a 423:46
yofelthe numpad works fine once I press Fn+NumLk, but that's impractical most of the time23:46
yofelindeed o.O23:47
charlie-tcaAndre_Gondim: not really, should be just install ubuntuone-client packages23:47
charlie-tcaIt runs in the background in lucid23:47
CalmvsKhaoshow come nautilus is no longer the default File manager?23:47
yofelCalmvsKhaos: it should be in gnome23:47
Blue1CalmvsKhaos: they changed it to?23:47
charlie-tcaIt isn't?23:47
lucian_just discovered another bug: when lucid does an fcheck on any of the drives, it reboots after the percentage is complete23:47
TecnoBratwell the option I'm talking about is barried in the accessibility prefs on karmic ... I don't have lucid installed yet (working on it) :)23:47
lucian_at least on my system23:48
CalmvsKhaoson 9.10 mine changed to pcman23:48
yofellucian_: if it had to fix fs errors it might need to reboot23:48
h4f is there a way to place minimised and close buttons where they where ?23:48
h4f what was the reason to place them in left corner ?23:48
TecnoBratand I can't type23:48
Blue1CalmvsKhaos: mine has always defualted to nautilus --23:48
Blue1h4f: hellifino23:48
cousteauyofel: that's what I mean, with my script you don't need to enable the num lock , it re-maps e.g. KP_Left to KP_423:48
lucian_its constantly wanting to check all the drives for errors on every boot up and sometimes the system goes into read only too23:49
CalmvsKhaosyeah mine has too until a couple days ago Blue123:49
yofelh4f: you can, for the reason: there is one, and there's a huge discussion/flame war going on about it23:49
Blue1CalmvsKhaos: 32 or 64 bit system?23:49
h4fBlue1:  what about  hellifino ?23:49
Blue1h4f: hell if I know23:49
h4f yofel:  where can I read pros and cons?23:50
charlie-tcah4f: http://blog.daviey.com/blogroll/anything-but-the-buttons.html23:50
h4fcharlie-tca: thanks23:50
CalmvsKhaosblue1 64 bit23:50
yofelh4f: bug 53263323:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532633 in metacity "[Master] Window Control buttons: position/order/alignment" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53263323:50
yofelh4f: see the bug descriptions for 2 workarounds23:51
TecnoBratcousteau: what does Shift+Numlock do?23:51
cousteauTecnoBrat: enable the numlock, which can be really annoying if you want to write letters shared with the num pad23:51
yofelTecnoBrat: here, paste. (as NumLk is the same button as Insert)23:52
h4fyofel:  Well I am not sure yet if I want to place them back. If I will find out that there is a good reason for them to be in the left corner23:52
cousteauoh, Shift+Numlock? no idea23:52
TecnoBratcousteau: I mean .. does that fix your issue, try it23:52
TecnoBratcause that disables / enables changing 4 into a -> etc23:53
TecnoBraterr 4 into a <-23:53
yofelnope, pressing shift+numlk is paste here, and I still have to press fn-shift-u for a 423:53
cousteauTecnoBrat: nice, now I know how to enable the "control mouse with numpad" feature. It has absolutely nothing to do with my problem.23:54
DarkTaonot sure if this is possible, but can you assign a keyboard key in GNOME to act like the CD eject key on a mac keyboard?23:54
cousteauwhen I say left arrow key, I mean left arrow key, as in you're writing and the keyboard cursor moves one character to the left23:54
cousteaunot as if you move the mouse23:55
cousteaunext time I'll use 0/Insert as an example23:56
cousteauor 1/End23:56

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