
bluefoxicywhy is empathy retarded and pidgin broken?00:04
bluefoxicyempathy:  because if you get a message from someone not on your buddy list, there should definitely be no way to talk to them.00:05
RAOFThere's a bug # for that, I presume?00:08
RAOFThat sounds like pretty obnoxious behaviour, and I don't think I've hit it.00:08
bluefoxicyRAOF:  if someone messages you do you get a new tab?00:14
bluefoxicyor does their username flash in your buddy list?00:14
RAOFThe latter, last time I checked.00:15
bluefoxicyRAOF:  and which username flashes when someone not on your buddy list messages you?00:17
RAOFNo idea.00:18
RAOFI presume that for you the answer is “none”.  And is there a bug report for this?00:19
bluefoxicyRAOF:  there shall be soon.00:29
lifelessI need a 'which package to file on' consult00:59
lifelessugprading grub-pc in a UEC instance, the AMI is running a slightly older lucid01:00
lifelessI get this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/400297/01:01
lifelessand its looping, its gone around 30 or 40 times now01:01
amstanLauraxia: hi01:03
amstanLauraxia: what's new?01:03
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psusiwoohoo!  first try patching e2defrag to handle the new larger size inodes and it works!01:35
lifelessStevenK: ping01:51
xnoxhow long does it take between debian upload & update on launchpad.net/debian/+source/package?02:12
* xnox can't wait to request sync02:12
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slangasekxnox: from 1 to 7 hours, since Debian's publisher only runs 4x daily02:30
xnoxslangasek, thankx =(((((((((02:38
StevenKlifeless: Pong02:39
xnox2 hours to go then.02:39
lifelessStevenK: hey02:39
lifelessStevenK: so, see scroll back for me chatting with slangasek; are you subscribed to ubuntu-archive, or the appropriate list I should email for an opinion ?02:40
StevenKlifeless: What time roughly, since I didn't see it at a glance, and yes, I am02:41
StevenKlifeless: Right, I think file permissions are important, at least in the short term, since that is how we currently stop people grabbing broken stuff when it's critical02:47
lifelessStevenK: how hard would it be to simply start using rm ?02:51
sorenI /think/ there's a rationale for the current approach on the wiki somewhere.02:52
lifelessStevenK: I don't see it being more than 's/chmod 000/rm/' in your blacklist script02:52
sorenlifeless: Possibly on one of the DWCIU sub-pages.02:52
lifelesshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/LucidUpdateManagerStopTheLine ?02:53
sorenlifeless: No.02:53
lifelessright, have read it now ;)02:53
sorenI forget what the rationale is, though. Something about mirrors, I think.02:54
lifelessmirrors propogate deletes though02:54
lifelessand cached things in e.g. squid will equally become inaccessible when a file goes, as when the access bits change.02:54
* soren didn't write the wiki page, nor come up with the rationale :)02:55
lifelessI appreciate the pointer, but I can't find the rationale02:55
sorenYou found the relevant DWCIU page?02:55
lifelessStevenK: so /where/ do I discuss this? implementing support for permissions is easy; but propogating a mode 000 file is /impossible/02:56
lifelessI'm frankly amazed that rsync doesn't blow up in everyones face02:56
lifelesssoren: no02:56
sorenlifeless: Hm. Well, I obviously can't help you find it. :)02:57
sorenlifeless: that is, if it's there at all. This may all be a figment of my imagination.02:57
StevenKDoesn't rsync just go "Argh, can't read, skipping" ?02:58
lifelesssoren: oh, internal wiki ?03:08
lifelessStevenK: which implies that mirrors that didn't have the file already *won't get it*, so it acts like its been deleted.03:08
sorenlifeless: Indeed.03:10
lifelesswhat does DWCIU expand to then ?03:11
lifelessStevenK: and if thats the case, then why not just delete from day one ? :)03:11
sorenlifeless: DealingWithCrisisInUbuntu03:12
StevenKlifeless: I'm not sure, it's always been the case to chmod 0000 the file, not delete03:12
lifelessq/win goto StevenK03:16
lifelessI've found the doc03:17
lifelessand it explicitly says that we can't mirror because rsync will blow up03:17
lifelessStevenK: As I see it, deleting, or replacing with a zero-length file, should be friendlier to the mirror process, propogate further with less issues, and be functionally equivalent03:20
StevenKlifeless: Then I'd suggest asking elmo why it's chmod 0000 rather than rm03:21
lifelesswill do03:21
lifelesselmo: ^03:21
lamontmeh. that whole notification thing in the upper right of my screen?  interferes with what I'm using that part of the real estate for.. how movable/killable is that, I wonder?03:51
stgraberlamont: right click + unlock + right click + move should do the trick. Removing it should also fallback to the old behavior.03:53
stgraberlamont: or you mean notify-osd ? (too much notifications in that corner ;))03:53
lamontit covers up several channels in xchat.03:54
lamontmore of an irritation - it started with karimc, after all03:54
lifelesslamont: remove notify-osd03:55
stgraberok, so that's notify-osd. Removing notify-osd should fallback to notification-daemon (the old notification system) though it'll likely uninstall ubuntu-desktop so I'd be careful with that03:55
stgraberor actually, IIRC notification-daemon takes priority on notify-osd (I had that "bug" happening a few times at customers), so installing notification-daemon + logout/login should revert to the old notification system (<= jaunty)03:57
wgrantStevenK, lifeless: Why do you play with the file at all?04:12
wgrantDon't you really want to delete the broken package and revive the old one?04:12
lifelesswgrant: I don't play with it :P. and yes.04:15
wgrantI've heard of this thing called Soyuz. It's pretty cool, and just about lets you do that.04:17
wgrant(and I wish people would stop trying to work around it)04:18
lifelesswgrant: the internal process doc uses soyuz commands04:36
lifelesswgrant: and says 'a future soyuz command to reinstate old version of same package' or something approx == to that04:36
lifelesswgrant: so I think its mischaracterisation to say working around it; soyuz is not the end of the deployment process04:36
wgrantPlaying around in archives generated by Soyuz because nobody has spent 10 minutes to write the Soyuz tool -- that *is* working around Soyuz.04:37
wgrant(it's probably <10 minutes, actually. it just needs a fix in copy-package.py to look at deleted versions as well)04:39
xnoxI'm cross-compiling gcc as a debian package. Any ideas how can I modify debian/rules to play around with binary target without cleaning & rebuilding it?05:29
xnoxCause build target takes forever on my machine05:29
persiaxnox: Why cross-compile?05:30
* xnox has nothing to do.....05:31
xnoxI'm trying to build mingw-w64 toolchain bootstrapped from scratch without mingw32 dependencies without using pre-build binaries05:31
persiaxnox: Have you considered unmetdeps, NBS, or RCBugs?05:31
StevenKlamont: No fair uploading livecd-rootfs without commiting your changes to the bzr branch05:32
xnoxpersia, good point05:32
xnoxthe real goal is to make mingw-w64 awesome on ubuntu/debian05:33
* hyperair finds it interesting that aptitude in a lucid chroot takes up 50% CPU on a dual core machine just to install things.05:36
hyperairit's almost like aptitude is busy-waiting for something..05:36
hyperairah damnit, it is >_>05:37
hyperairwait4(27698, 0x7fffa041e688, WNOHANG, NULL) = 005:37
hyperairpselect6(36, [0 35], NULL, NULL, {1, 0}, {[], 8}) = 1 (in [0], left {0, 999996927})05:37
hyperairrepeated endlessly05:37
hyperairthis is ridiculous05:37
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pittiGood morning06:04
cooloneyhi, does anybody know how does NetworkManager know this "<info>  (eth0): driver 'fec' does not support carrier detection"?06:09
slangasekcjwatson: I think in all the rush last week, we didn't pick a chair for this week's foundations meeting? :)06:35
spmslangasek: a chartreuse comfy leather chair perhaps?06:46
slangasekI didn't know leather came in chartreuse06:47
spmyou haven't seen the chartreuse cows? tho tbh, possibly not; they blend in well with some grasses. evolution at work - camouflage.06:49
slangasekmust be an .au thing :)06:51
spmpossibly - I heard some noise that it was a defence against Yowies and/or drop-bears. But well... you do wonder at some of the tales... Drop Bears work off vibrations; the colours wouldn't stop them. and Yowies are smell. so...06:52
micahgis there a trigger to get something to appear in Software Center after changing the .desktop file?07:08
persiaYou have to wait for an update to app-install-data07:09
micahgpersia: ah, does that rebuild it?07:09
micahgor is it stored there?07:09
persiadpkg -L app-install-data will tell you more than I could explain :)07:10
micahgpersia: ok, so if I update the desktop, the next time the package is spun, it'll be picked up then07:12
persiaThat's been my experience.07:12
micahgpersia: k07:12
persia(although I think we ought find a better way than storing duplicate copies of 2500 .desktop files to handle this :) )07:12
micahgpersia: i modified the .desktop in that package and it didn't help07:15
persiamicahg: What are you attempting to accomplish?07:17
micahgpersia: I wanted to verify that Thunderbird will be added under Mail07:17
persiaWhat is your Categories value?07:17
micahgpersia: now: Application;Network;Email;07:18
persiaAh, that's why.07:18
micahgI added Email as I saw that in the other programs that appeared07:18
persiaYou want "Office;Network;Email"  See http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html07:18
micahgpersia: nope, that didn't do it07:20
micahgpersia: is there a guide to the software center categories?07:22
ionSee “See http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html”07:23
persiamicahg: Not to my knowledge, but I've a tendency to go source diving before looking very hard.07:24
ionAre you sure the software center is reading your updated desktop file? It may have a cache of some kind.07:24
dholbachgood morning07:24
micahgion: that's what I'm wondering07:24
ionHi dholbach07:24
dholbachhi ion07:24
ionupdate-software-center, anyone?07:24
micahgfound the cache :)07:24
micahgactually not :(07:26
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cjwatsonslangasek: hm, possibly not.  are you volunteering? :)09:19
peciskhi people, It is known bug in Gwibber that it doesn't honor GNOME proxy settings. Well, I have investigated and find out, that it uses pycurl and it is very easy to patch for this. Question is - if we want to get this feature into Lucid, it is a) new feature or b) fixed bug?09:25
mvothat is a bugfix09:27
pittipecisk: sounds like a bug fix to me09:30
peciskpitti: cool, then I will work on patch and will let you know where to get it and test it09:30
pittipecisk: please let kenvandine know; I'm not that attached to gwibber09:32
pittipecisk: thanks for fixing this!09:32
peciskok :)09:32
nipasI have 10.04 beta installed, with all updates. Since my first update after a clean beta 1 install , the boot logo does not show correctly09:53
nipasIs this a common bug?09:53
Keybukdepends what you think correctly is09:53
Keybukand what you actually see09:53
pecisknipas: nvidia graphics card?09:53
pecisknipas: it is known bug with plymouth, people working on it09:54
nipasaha, ok09:54
peciskone sec, will provide bug numbers09:54
Keybukpecisk: what's a known bug?09:54
peciskKeybuk: plymouth and nvidia09:55
Keybukno it isn't09:55
peciskno? :)09:55
nipasI just wanted to be sure that it is reported :)09:55
Keybuknipas: you haven't reported anything yet09:56
Keybukyou just said the logo does not show "correctly" ?09:56
Keybukfor all I know, that means you think the logo should have more dancing monkeys09:56
nipasnot thit bug09:56
nipasi can see graphics09:56
nipas, but09:56
nipasthere is no backround09:56
nipas(that urple backround)09:57
Keybukperhaps you could take a photo of what you see?09:57
pecisknipas: you can see mouse moving and nothing else?09:57
nipasI can do that with a photo camera09:57
peciskdo it09:57
nipasI will be back in 2-3 mins09:57
nipaswill send a link10:00
nipasit is being uploaded on imageshack10:01
nipashttp://img535.imageshack.us/img535/7742/dsc07208.jpg sorry about the quality10:02
Keybukthat looks normal?10:03
nipasof cource10:03
nipassth goes wrong10:04
Keybuklooks fine to me10:04
pecisknipas: it is disk check, not sure what a problem is :)10:04
nipasit wasn't like that when booting from the live cd10:04
nipasand before the update10:04
Keybukthat's because you hadn't installed evil, proprietary, binary, non-free, freedom hating drivers when you booted the Live CD10:05
Keybukyou only did that after you installed10:05
Keybukbecause you like 3D more than you like freedom10:05
nipasaha heh10:05
nipasand now what i'm supposed to do?10:05
pecisknipas: well, I don't quite get where is the problem. this is disk check, let it pass and it shouldn't bother you anymore for a while10:05
Keybukfeel free to write to your nvidia support representative and ask them to add a true-colour frame-buffer API to their crap stupid idiotic driver :p10:05
nipasyou 're right....10:06
nipasit might be isc check.....10:06
nipasIt also happens on shutdown10:07
peciskjust let it pass and try again clean booting process10:07
nipasok , will do it now10:08
nipasI removed the nvidia driver and now,10:16
nipasat the first reboot there was no splash screen10:17
nipasat the following 3 reboots10:17
nipasi could not even10:17
nipasenter login screen10:17
Keybuksounds like the driver wasn't removed10:17
nipasI could see some random colora10:18
nipasnow i selected the previous kernel and managed to login10:18
nipasno there is no driver installed10:19
nipaswhat a mess..10:19
nipaswhat do you suggest?10:20
KeybukI don't suggest anything10:20
Keybukpeople on #ubuntu may be able to help more10:20
pecisknipas: #ubuntu+110:21
nipasjust entered :)10:21
peciskgo, ask your question again10:21
nipasI try to do sth first...10:21
peciskin that channel10:21
nipashave a nC day10:22
pecisksee ya10:22
* pecisk sights10:22
Keybukwelcome to my life ;-)10:24
bdrungpersia: can ubuntu-sponsors be a member of ubuntu-{main,universe}-sponsors?10:35
lamontStevenK: it's more one of forgetting to push it back.  done10:54
StevenKlamont: Thanks!10:55
ogralamont, so did you succeed ?11:09
ogralamalex, the network issues are very likely caused by the NIC driver only being half implemented, see bug 45787811:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 457878 in linux-fsl-imx51 "imx51 on board ethernet plug/unplug events not detected" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45787811:10
lamontogra: successfully got network, totally failed to have a disk, other than seeing it in dmesg.11:10
lamontreads return EOF on inital read of the device11:11
lamontiz plugged directly into the board11:11
ogradirectly like the SATA interface ?11:11
ograwell, thats USB as well :)11:11
ograjust pretends to be SATA11:11
ograbut doesnt give you any advantage over a plain USB disk11:12
lamontso we've been told11:12
ograi havnet seen any issues with it though, butu i use external power, it might be a prob if you power the disk from the board11:12
lamontogra: ok.  he should be at the DC in the next hour or so, at which point we'll be able to swap things around11:13
lamontwe'll try external power11:13
* ogra has a real 5 1/4" disk attached, power coming from an ATX supply ... i only got an SSD with proper interface a week ago11:13
lamontany reason not to use the beta1 image?11:14
ograno reason at all :)11:14
ograthe kernel might even be better11:14
ograthe karmic and jauntyx kernels both were forward/backports of the BSP patches, lucid is actually the plain BSP kernel and the ubuntu patches being ported instead11:15
ograso you can expext better results with it11:15
ograand expecially there is a fix for the PHY NIC issue in the pipe atm11:15
ograwhich i suspect to solve a lot of ethernet issues11:16
ograthough note that i dont know how well the netinst image is tested in lucid11:16
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peciskkenvandine: here? I have question about bug fix for gwibber11:34
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pecisk/whois pecisk11:38
peciskyah, sorry11:38
persiabdrung: Ideally not, because that would create a loop (as both those teams are members of ubuntu-sponsors).11:38
stgrabercjwatson: ping11:39
stgrabercjwatson: seems like Edubuntu DVD built before the i386 LTSP chroot was built (or something similar) causing a build failure for amd64.11:40
bdrungpersia: but then i can't unsubscribe ubuntu-{main,universe}-sponsors11:41
stgrabercjwatson: oh, nevermind, just saw -release ;)11:41
persiabdrung: I know.  It's a bug.  We're hoping it goes away soon, because all the docs and tools have been updated to point at ubuntu-sponsors.  Just ask for help, and someone else will unsubscribe.11:41
dmartcjwatson: Hi there, I've been playing with the klibc build configuration for armel.  Are there tests I can run?  make test builds a lot of test binaries, but I can't see how the binaries should be invoked or what the expected results should be.  Some segfault if not supplied with the proper args.12:10
asac_dmart: do you see the same segfaults with default options?12:18
sladenYokoZar: is it not in the 'signing-party' package?12:22
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kenvandinepecisk, pong12:34
cjwatsondmart: I think in practice testing will involve installing it, building an initramfs, and booting ...12:36
cjwatsondmart: you could try fstype on a filesystem as well (we should replace this with blkid, but)12:37
peciskkenvandine: I have a patch for Gwibber to honor GNOME proxy settings, can I attach it to this bug and you will review it? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/25983012:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 259830 in gwibber "Honor gnome proxy setting" [Medium,Confirmed]12:37
kenvandinepecisk, sure12:37
kenvandinepecisk, of if you have a bzr branch, propose it for merging12:37
peciskkenvandine: I would do that, but I'm behind firewall and bzr stuff doesn't work correctly, so I better of with patch. It is one file anyway.12:38
kenvandinepecisk, a patch is fine12:41
kenvandinepecisk, thx!12:42
kenvandinepecisk, ping me when you attach that patch, i am anxious to check it out12:49
peciskkenvandine: sure thing :)12:49
peciskI'm testing it to be sure that it works nicely12:50
StevenKlamont: Still can't see your changes at lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk12:50
lamontprolly because I pushed them the wrong place12:51
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lamontbzr push12:53
lamontUsing saved push location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/12:53
lamontbzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/.bzr/)12:53
lamontis not compatible with12:53
lamontdifferent rich-root support12:53
lamontbzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/livecd-rootfs/lucid/ is where the tree _is_ pushed12:53
cjwatsonlamont: I've hit the "Upgrade this branch" button on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk.  Wait for the "An upgrade of this branch is in progress" message to go away from the top of that web page, and then try again13:01
lamontah. doh13:01
dmartasac_: For the particular test program (fnmatch) the crash is just caused by deferencing argv[1] etc. -- providing options solves it.  The tests all build, but there is no definition of how to run them etc. that I can see...13:01
dmartcjwatson: I'll try installing the debs and rebuilding the initramfs13:02
lamontafk for those few minutes13:03
ari-tczewplease review SRU bug 421684 before intrepid EOL which is going13:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421684 in obexd "bluetooth send malformed files " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42168413:08
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cjwatsonlamont: it's upgraded now13:14
didrocksseb128: cjwatson: as Compiz doesn't show the "as username" string, I will be in favor of removing the functionality from metacity. (upstream is also wondering about that: http://blogs.gnome.org/metacity/2010/02/08/as-superuser-considered-harmful/). What do you think?13:24
Ngif one were booting a lucid beta ISO in a VM (Parallels on OSX specifically) and the initramfs said it was unable to find a medium containing a live file system, would one confirm bug #543875 or file a new one? (that bug is about real hardware)13:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543875 in ubuntu "unable to find a medium containing a live file system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54387513:24
lamontcjwatson: why yes, yes it is.  ta.  and diverged.. le sigh13:24
seb128didrocks, +113:24
cjwatsondidrocks: fine by me, I don't think Thomas will mind13:24
didrocksseb128: cjwatson: ok, doing it so and reporting it in upstream bug report too13:25
cjwatsonlamont: if you branched from the automatic import, then it probably has no revisions in common at all13:25
cjwatsondidrocks: thanks!13:26
cjwatsonNg: always better to file a new one13:26
didrocksy/w ;)13:26
cjwatsonNg: that's just a generic symptom of "errr - hardware detection failed, somewhere"13:26
lamontcjwatson: very true, that13:26
lamontI'm thinking I'll just do one commit of love, though13:26
Ngcjwatson: is there any particular arrangement of options which will yield a more useful amount of information to debug? I'm about a hundred miles away from this system and I'm unlikely to have much opportunity to capture stuff from it later13:27
dmartcjwatson: sorry - I've been away for a while... What did you mean by trying fstype on a filesystem, how does this relate to klibc?13:27
cjwatsonNg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingCasper13:28
cjwatson$ dpkg -L klibc-utils | grep fstype13:28
cjwatsondmart: ^- is how it relates to klibc13:28
cjwatsonit's an executable klibc ships that is used in some situations during boot, although not in all situations IIRC13:28
Ngcjwatson: fantastic, thanks13:29
dmartcjwatson: ah, OK13:29
cjwatson$ sudo /usr/lib/klibc/bin/fstype /dev/sda513:29
dmartcjwatson: That seems to work for me13:30
dmartcjwatson: Do you know anything about the homebrew dynamic linking system in klibc?  This could have arch-specific risks, but I'm not sure what to review13:31
cjwatsondmart: nothing, I'm afraid13:31
cjwatsondmart: if it works well enough for booting, IMO that's good enough13:31
primes2hpitti: Hello. giving a look at this https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/536914 could you give me a quick suggestion about it so I can make a patch for itplease ? It's really trivial but I need a small hint.13:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 536914 in udev "[Lucid Alpha3][khk-004 testcase failed] Click on Internet hotkey opens Home folder on Acer Laptops" [Low,Triaged]13:32
dmartcjwatson: OK.  I'll have a quick dig, but I've no special reason to believe it doesn't work.  I'll build an initramfs and try booting it.13:32
lamontStevenK: pushed, and 1.109 uploaded13:32
StevenKlamont: I was about to upload one as well13:34
pittiprimes2h: sure, I followed up on the bug report13:34
StevenKlamont: The changelog and control disagree. :-P13:39
lamontyeah - fix that pls?13:40
lamontor shall I?13:40
StevenKlamont: Sure, I can fix13:40
primes2hpitti: Thanks a lot.13:41
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mvoRiddell: hi, do you think you (or someone from kubuntu) could check bug #546024 ?14:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546024 in phonon "file overwrite error" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54602414:00
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Riddellmvo: yes can do14:01
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barrymvo: or anybody else.  any thoughts on updating update-manager's trunk branch to 2a format?14:23
mvobarry: just go for it14:24
barrymvo: awesome, thanks14:24
barrymvo: ah, i can't.  'm not a member of ~ubuntu-core-dev14:25
pittibarry: want me to run it?14:30
barrypitti: that would be great14:31
pittiis that still lp:/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/karmic ? (there's no /lucid)14:31
barrypitti: actually i was thinking trunk branch, e.g. 'bzr upgrade lp:update-manager'14:31
pittibarry: running14:31
pittiah, /main14:31
pittimvo: you should fix Vcs-Bzr: :)14:32
barrypitti: but i'm always so confused about the relationships between upstream trunks in launchpad and ubuntu release branches.  i wish there was a better relationship between the two.  but i digress (gotta talk w/ james_w about that ;)14:32
pittibarry: there is in fact: lp:ubuntu/update-manager ;)14:32
barrypitti: yeah ;)14:33
barrypitti: actually, i guess you should upgrade that one too14:33
pittibarry: that's 2a already14:33
pittipackage branches are quite recent14:34
pittiand mostly come from the auto-importer14:34
pitticommitter: Bazaar Package Importer <james.westby@ubuntu.com>14:34
pittiI guess mvo isn't actually using that14:34
pittibarry: upgrade in progress (had to remove the old backup.bzr on the server first)14:34
barrypitti: cool.  i'm sure it'll take a little while.  can you ping me when it's done?14:35
pittiyou're welcome14:35
mvoI don't use lp:ubuntu/update-manager14:36
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mvopitti: Vcs-Bzr points to lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main14:38
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primes2hpitti: ehm... What does it mean #define KEY_SCREENLOCK          KEY_COFFEE in keymaps file? Should it be numeric?14:42
primes2hKEY_COFFEE ? :-)14:42
robbiewmvo: ping14:42
pittimvo: ah, sorry, I have additional karmic deb-src in apt, and just saw the last output14:43
pittiprimes2h: KEY_COFFEE is defined numerically, and KEY_SCREENLOCK is an alias14:43
mvorobbiew: pong14:43
mvopitti: no worries :)14:43
mvojames_w: you can make lp:ubuntu/update-manager and lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main have a common history so that they can be merged? can I do that myself too? is there a process to follow (file a ticket, bug?)14:44
primes2hpitti: Oh, sorry. I didn't catch it just a line above.14:44
james_wmvo: I think there's already a bug open for it14:46
mvojames_w: is there anything I can do/help with?14:47
james_wmvo: afraid not14:47
mvook, no worries, its not urgent14:47
mvoI know you have *tons* to do14:48
barryjames_w: istm that this will be a common theme for packages now.  do you have A Plan for how to address that in general?14:48
james_wbarry: a long term plan for the general case, but this case is easier, with just a couple of kinks to work out14:49
barryjames_w: cool.  i've been thinking about the general case more and it's hurting my brain ;)14:50
* mvo brains is already hurting even without thinking about this particular problem14:52
ograseb128, hey, i'm trying to write a CD from rhythmbox, i installed the cdwriter plugin but it seems to not show up anywhere14:52
cjwatsonbarry: so, I'm doing the "argh, action for today's meeting I haven't followed up on" thing - I basically want https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone=21447 with an extra "assignee" column (and probably removing "heat"), so I'm actually just having a go at doing that myself14:53
cjwatsonbarry: unless there's a really easy secret way to do this with Launchpad :-)14:53
seb128ogra: dunno, is it on in gconf-editor?14:53
barrycjwatson: not that i know of14:54
* ogra didnt check gconf-editor ... i dont see it in the plugins list in RB14:54
barrycjwatson: sounds good though14:54
ograseb128, active and hidden are checked14:54
* ogra tunrs off hidden14:55
seb128ogra; that's ok14:55
seb128the hidden is to show it in the ui or not14:55
ograuh, and RB doesnt like that i unchecked it14:55
seb128dunno open a bug if there is none yet14:56
lamontwhich gconf-edit key do I want to tweak to get multi-pixel wide window borders?15:04
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cjwatsonbarry: ridiculously raw first cut: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-10.04-beta-2.html15:16
cjwatsonnot sortable for some reason15:16
cjwatsonoh, the original page isn't sortable either15:16
cjwatsonwell then, that should do, now to produce the same thing for lucid as a whole15:17
barrycjwatson: +115:17
barrycjwatson: upload the script somewhere?15:17
cjwatsonbarry: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/task-assignments.py (haven't run this version yet so may be broken, takes a while)15:20
cjwatson*cough* at the massive cargo-culting from LP15:20
barrycjwatson: ;)15:21
cjwatsonI should probably run it in the DC rather than shipping a bazillion JSON requests back and forward over ADSL15:23
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pittibarry: conversion just finished15:33
barrypitti: thanks15:33
cjwatsonbarry: moved that to http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/task-assignments/ubuntu-10.04-beta-2.html, and the script is in that directory too15:35
cjwatsonlucid.html not so happy though!15:35
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bdrungcan a ubuntu-release member have a look at bug #544075?15:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544075 in eclipse "[FFe] Please sync eclipse 3.5.2-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54407515:45
sebnerbdrung: eclipse \o/15:47
bdrungsebner: FYI: http://overbenny.wordpress.com/2010/03/19/eclipse-3-5-2-1-in-debian-unstable/15:48
=== MacSlow|afk is now known as MacSlow
iulianbdrung: Looking.15:50
sebnerbdrung: yeah, I wanted to ask you if you will sync it so I'd have build it from Debian source myself but it's not that urgent and if we bug the archive-admins enough we'll have it soon :P15:50
bdrungiulian: thanks15:51
sebnercjwatson: ^^^15:51
ari-tczewMOTU SRU, please more activity until end of march, because intrepid is going to EOL15:52
pittiari-tczew: "more activity"?15:54
ari-tczewpitti, yea, take a look sometimes15:54
pittiall queues are empty, and everythign verified got moved to updates15:54
pittiari-tczew: the SRU team isn't responsible for verifying updates15:54
ari-tczewhuh? I'm waiting to review15:54
sistpoty|workmaybe motu-sru vs. ubuntu-sru mismatch?15:55
pitti(it's the same team now)15:55
Laneyari-tczew: what bug are you talking about?15:56
sistpoty|work(yes, but not everyone may know... like I see things in the queue for motu-release here and then ;))15:56
ari-tczewLaney bug 42168415:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421684 in obexd "bluetooth send malformed files " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42168415:56
* sebner waves at sistpoty|work :)15:56
pittiari-tczew: erm, you just submitted that 18 hours ago..15:57
sistpoty|workhi sebner15:57
iulianbdrung: Accepted.15:57
bdrungiulian: thanks.15:58
ari-tczewpitti: I know, but I'm impatient because there is no time15:58
pittiari-tczew: "no time"?15:58
sebnerbdrung: yeah, now we need a archive-admin. Let's ask pitti :P15:58
pittiari-tczew: karmic has been out there for 4 months, it hardly makes a difference whether we push SRUs a day earlier or later?15:59
bdrungsebner: eithar that or i do it by myself.15:59
peciskkenvandine: ping? :)15:59
peciskkenvandine: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/25983015:59
pittisebner: hm?15:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 259830 in gwibber "Honor gnome proxy setting" [Medium,Confirmed]15:59
peciskkenvandine: patch is there15:59
sebnerbdrung: nah, I consider this bad pratice15:59
kenvandinepecisk, thx16:00
sebnerpitti: do you mind to sync bug #544075?16:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544075 in eclipse "[FFe] Please sync eclipse 3.5.2-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54407516:00
pittispeaking of impatience... :)16:00
ari-tczewpitti, omfg! I'm wrong! mistake intrepid with karmic shit, nevermind :P16:00
pittiari-tczew: SRUs for intrepid are pretty much closed anyway now16:01
cjwatsonari-tczew: and in any case, a release about to go EOL means we do less work on it, not more16:01
sebnerpitti: I still prefer (if time allows) archive admins sync >>>> manual sync upload (with your script)16:01
cjwatsonno point doing lots of hard work when it's about to go away anyway16:01
pittialso, intrepid is so old now that any bug that is in it is hardly important enough now to get fixed16:01
peciskkenvandine: will be here for some ten mins, if you have any questions, then to home, will be back at after half and hour16:01
pittipeople have either upgraded to a newer version, or abandoned Ubuntu, or learned to live with the bug16:02
kenvandinepecisk, looks straight forward... i just wish there was a way we could do that without importing gconf in the backend :/16:02
pittisebner: right, but syncs are much more efficient to be done in batches during regular archive days16:02
peciskkenvandine: why?16:02
kenvandinepecisk, we desparately want to keep the service light16:02
peciskit is your decision :)16:02
kenvandineand not gnome specific16:02
pittisebner: anyway, syncing now16:02
kenvandinepecisk, i don't see any other way though...16:03
sebnerpitti: hrm, yes but in reality this is something between 1 and 10 days tells my experience. Thanks! :)16:03
peciskkenvandine: if you keep this for Ubuntu only, then python-gconf is already in deps16:03
ari-tczewpitti, cjwatson: so security updates are too not necessary? for intrepid16:03
sebnerbdrung: see ;)16:03
kenvandinepecisk, yeah... the dep is the least of it, it is memory footprint16:03
pittiari-tczew: they are16:03
pittiari-tczew: but usually not SRUs any more16:03
kenvandinepecisk, but really there is no straight forward way to do that any other way16:03
ari-tczewokay, thanks! and I'm waiting for response to SRU for karmic :)16:04
peciskkenvandine: you can grep gconf xmls, but it will take much more resources16:04
kenvandinepecisk, ideally gnome settings like proxy info would just automatically be exported in your login shell so the whole desktop has access to it16:04
pittikenvandine: it is16:04
pittikenvandine: $http_proxy16:04
pittiGNOME sets that16:04
kenvandinepitti, not in a terminal16:05
pittiso that it's working with wget and just about any other program16:05
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pittikenvandine: sure it does16:05
pittiif not, that's a bug16:05
peciskpitti: no, it doesn't16:05
kenvandinethen why is this even an issue :)16:05
pittipecisk: WFM..16:05
kenvandinepitti, how are you testing it?16:05
peciskpitti: I am siting behind nice firewall without any other access than proxy, and I have tested this well :)16:05
kenvandinegnome-terminal gets it from gconf, i think16:05
jdstrandari-tczew: fyi, intrepid is fully supported until the end of April16:06
pittisystem -> prefs -> proxy16:06
pittiselect my "proxoid" profile (for my G1)16:06
pittiopen terminal16:06
pitti$ echo $http_proxy16:06
kenvandinepitti, how about from like xterm?16:06
ari-tczewjdstrand, ah until end of April? okay, thanks! :)16:07
pittikenvandine: doesn't work in xterm for me16:07
peciskpitti, you're right16:07
Laneykenvandine and pitti: We talked about this earlier16:07
kenvandineyea... gnome-terminal sets that up for you16:07
kenvandineLaney, i know :)16:07
peciskkenvandine: but it doesn't let Gwibber work anyway16:08
pittibut why doesn't the proxy thing just export it to the entire session..16:08
Laneyyou have to read it from gconf on a per app basis basically16:08
pittithat would work so much better16:08
Laneypitti: mvo gave some reasons in scrollback16:08
pittiI don't think we should fix each and every program to work with that16:08
kenvandinepitti, it would solve lots of potential for problems...16:08
Laneykenvandine: did you try libproxy?16:08
Laneythat was the suggestion16:08
Laneyit's supposed to abstract all of this16:09
mvopitti: see scrollback, I'm not opposed at all, we just need to think about the corner cases16:09
Laneyscrollback in #ubuntu-desktop16:09
kenvandineLaney, can you get at libproxy from python?16:09
pittimvo: you mean opposed to exporting $http_proxy to the session?16:09
Laneykenvandine: yeah there are binding16:09
pittimvo: I actually thought that's what it would do anyway16:09
bdrungpitti: thanks16:09
kenvandinemvo, i can't think of a case where you wouldn't want that16:10
kenvandineif you set it for your desktop, you likely need it16:10
peciskpitti: if proxy has auth, how http_proxy looks like then? http://user:password@host:port/16:10
LaneyI have to set it for work and then unset when I get home16:10
kenvandineLaney, yeah... but you do that via gnome right?16:10
pittipecisk: I don't know, probably?16:10
kenvandinepecisk, yes16:11
Laneyapps won't be able to tell when the env var changes, so they'll have to be relaunched16:11
Laneynot that that's any worse than the current situation where they don't work at all16:11
kenvandinethat is ugly16:11
peciskkenvandine: in nutshell, I think reading it from gconf would be proper and easier way to do this, but that's just me :)16:11
kenvandinepecisk, for now... i just wonder how much memory that takes :)16:11
* kenvandine will profile16:11
Laneybut maybe the libproxy api supports events for this16:11
kenvandinei do know the libproxy author :)16:12
peciskkenvandine: will do profiling now or later? :)16:15
kenvandinepecisk, soonish :)16:15
kenvandinefixing a u1music store bug atm16:15
peciskkenvandine: ok, you will be here after 2 hours?16:16
kenvandinepecisk, yup16:16
pecisksee ya later16:16
kenvandinepecisk, give me a ping when you get back16:16
kenvandinethx for the patch!16:16
pecisknp ;)16:17
mrenoufPackaging question: I've got a couple custom packages. I'd like a new version of one to replace the other. Each "Conflicts" with the other, and the new one is marked with "Replaces" the other. The other one does get uninstalled, but it seems to remain selected, aptitude prompts be to resolve a conflict by putting things back (reinstall the removed one, downgrade the other). How can I prevent it ending up in this state?16:34
pittiKeybuk: do you plan to update udev to a new upstream version in lucid still? or should I start cherrypicking keymap changes to the ubuntu package?16:34
Keybukpitti: no, kay changed something fundamental that I don't want to include in lucid16:35
Keybukcan't remember what that is, but I remember reading the patch and putting the safety catch on the upload button ;)16:36
Keybukso yes, backport keymap fu16:36
pittiKeybuk: would you mind if I backport a bug fix or two, and some rules for keymaps?16:36
pittiok, that's fine16:36
pittithe next bzr merge should get along with it16:36
Keybuk(though 151 is still the latest)16:36
pittiKeybuk: at least it means that I don't need to coordinate with you any more to do the git-> bzr dance :)16:37
mrenoufsorry if this is not the right place ;-) #ubuntu was no help16:37
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pittiKeybuk: okay, thanks16:37
Keybukpitti: yeah, you only need that for new upstream versions16:38
cjwatsonpitti: should bug 445852 be assigned to you?16:38
Keybukthe *day* that they get the udev import into lp working, I'm going to cheer very loudly16:38
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/445852)16:38
Keybukso loudly that for a brief moment, you won't be able to hear elmo laugh16:38
pittiKeybuk: what about StevenK?16:38
pitticjwatson: uh, I'll have a look at this, yes16:39
Keybukpitti: nothing is that loud16:41
Keybukpitti: that's the libatasmart bug that Lennart claims is deliberate behaviour, or something16:41
pittiKeybuk: that, too?16:41
Keybukeven though it's not doing the same thing as smartmontools16:41
Keybukand if it was doing the same thing as smartmontools, it wouldn't kill people's SSD16:41
pittiKeybuk: I recently fixed the libatasmart bug that says "OMGyourdriveisbroken!!"16:41
pittiwhere lennart said it'd be deliberate16:42
Keybukthis is the libatasmart that *causes* you to say OMG MY DRIVE IS BROKEN!16:42
pittiI haven't seen that one yet16:42
Keybukin the bugzilla bug16:42
highvoltageKeybuk: I couldn't find the text-fallback theme settings in the theme script, where would I find that?16:42
Keybukhighvoltage: the what?16:42
Keybukpitti: read through the bug, and see the associated kernel.org and fd.o bugs16:42
Keybukbasically libatasmart does something invalid and invasive to the SSD that can kill the firmware of some of them16:42
Keybuk(it ended up on udev at one point, so I aided in debugging back then, and traced it to devkit-disks)16:43
pittiKeybuk: yes, will do; as I said, I haven't seen #445852 yet; I just dealt with bug 438136 the othher day16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438136 in libatasmart "palimpsest bad sectors false positive" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43813616:43
Keybukbug #445852 is more fun16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445852 in libatasmart "devkit-disks-probe-ata-smart causes HSM Violations on SSD, and potential hardware death" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44585216:43
Keybukpopey has the smouldering remains of some hardware iirc16:43
Keybuk(he first alerted me to it)16:43
popeyits fixed now after maximum prejudice with dd16:44
popeyalthough if I did install karmic, it would break again16:44
Keybukpopey: does it not break on lucid?16:44
highvoltageKeybuk: sorry, I'm talking about plymouth16:44
Keybukhighvoltage: yes, but I didn't understand your question16:44
popeyi dont know, I haven't installed clean karmic on it16:44
popeyi upgraded from a fixed karmic install to lucid16:45
highvoltageKeybuk: for the edubuntu theme, it still shows the purple background and "Ubuntu" in the text fallback mode, how can I change the background and text for the fallback mode?16:45
Keybukhighvoltage: you can't16:45
highvoltageKeybuk: ok16:46
Keybukyou could write an edubuntu-text theme that had a different background color and text ;)16:46
highvoltageKeybuk: would you mind if I file a feature request for that for lucid+1?16:46
Keybukhighvoltage: only if you also supply a patch <g>16:46
highvoltageKeybuk: sounds like an interesting project, I might just take you up on that16:47
Keybukthere might be a way to do it16:47
Keybukthemes in plymouth are ini files16:47
Keybukif there's a way to add custom fields to those ini files, and source them from the plugin that actually draws it16:47
Keybukthen we could make ubuntu-text pick up the colours and text from its theme ini16:47
Keybukso we'd have one ubuntu-text.so16:47
Keybukbut /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text16:47
Keybukand /lib/plymouth/themes/edubuntu-text16:47
Keybukwhich both just contained an ini file that re-used the same plugin16:47
Keybukif you can find out, that would be AWESOME!16:47
pittiKeybuk: is lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/udev/ubuntu still "the" branch? or did you switch to lp:ubuntu/udev now?16:50
KeybukI think lp:ubuntu/udev16:50
Keybukbut I may have pushed to both16:50
davmor2meh wifi isn't connecting, it's showing AP but not connecting to them after yesterdays kernel update.  BCM wifi card using sta driver.16:51
pittifor lp:ubuntu/udev we should drop vcs-bzr:16:51
Keybukpitti: right, but last time I pushed there, the branch vanished again16:51
Keybukso I haven't "definitely" pished yet ;)16:51
Keybuklp:ubuntu/udev has been overwritten *again*16:51
Keybukso carry on using lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/udev/ubuntu16:51
pittiKeybuk: ack16:51
Keybukall the time the udev import fails, it seems the importer retaliates by wiping and restarting16:52
pittiKeybuk: there is a magic "bzr mark-uploaded" (or so) command16:52
pittiI'm not sure what it does, though16:52
pittiI didn't need to use it for the last couple of uploads I did with package branches16:52
cjwatsonmark-uploaded => bzr tag $(top thing from debian/changelog)16:52
Keybukit doesn't help ;)16:52
Keybukit still wipes branches every now and then16:52
pitticjwatson: ah, is that like debcommit -r?16:53
Keybukbut only if they're problem branches16:53
cjwatsonpitti: yes16:53
pitticjwatson: ah, that's why I don't need it then16:53
pittidch -r/debcommit -r is hardwired in my fingers by now16:53
mdzKeybuk: I've been helping mfrey isolate a race which causes mountall to stall waiting for the root filesystem to be mounted. can I run a theory by you for sanity checking?16:53
Keybukmdz: of course16:54
Keybukis this different to "the kernel calls the root filesystem /dev/root, and there's no symlink for that in udev" bug?16:54
mdzKeybuk: I looked at that one, and yes, this looks different16:55
mdzKeybuk: what I think is happening is that it's missing udev events while blocking in ply_event_loop_run()16:55
Keybukevent queue overflowing?16:56
Keybukor because it's blocking, it's not actually waiting for events?16:56
mdzKeybuk: because it's blocking in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events, which I don't think will wake up if there are udev evetns16:56
mdzbecause it's only polling on the plymouth fd16:56
mdzand not the udev monitor fd16:56
Keybukright, but when it comes out of that poll - it should see the pending udev events, right?16:57
mdzKeybuk: it blocks there forever without timing out16:57
Keybukit's waiting for you to press a key in plymouth ;-)16:57
Keybukthis is a bug16:57
Keybukwe shouldn't do it that way at all16:57
Keybukbut I was in a rush when I wrote that code16:57
Keybukbetter code is on my To Fix list this week16:57
Keybuk(about to get kicked out of coffee shop - but on IRC at __keybuk :p)16:58
mdzKeybuk: should I open a bug? do you want to describe the fix and maybe one of us can take a stab at a patch?16:58
mdz__keybuk: ^^16:58
mdz__keybuk: on plymouth?16:59
__keybukThough bear in mind that all the Plymouth code in mountall is going to change anyway16:59
mdzor mountall?16:59
__keybukNo on mountall16:59
__keybukThe epoll fd of Plymouth can be stuffed into libnih's own main loop16:59
__keybukSo mountall never needs to block on it16:59
mdz__keybuk: how ought it to work? should it run nih_main_loop instead of ply_event_loop_run?17:00
__keybukThis also fixes the waits for a filesystem that shows up while waiting issue17:00
mdz__keybuk: in fact I think it already does watch the plymouth fd17:00
__keybukIt should not block at all17:00
__keybukIt should put a message up, and deal with key events in the normal main loop17:00
mdz        NIH_MUST (nih_io_add_watch (NULL, *(int *)ply_event_loop,17:01
mdz                                    NIH_IO_READ,17:01
mdz                                    (NihIoWatcher)ply_event_loop_process_pending_events,17:01
mdz                                    ply_event_loop));17:01
__keybukRight that's what it should use17:01
__keybukRather than a separate one for the prompts17:01
mdz__keybuk: so I think I know how to get rid of the ply_event_loop_run call, but I don't know how to avoid ply_event_loop_process_pending_events blocking17:03
__keybukThat should never block17:03
__keybukIf it does Plymouth has a bug17:03
cjwatsonbarry: lp:~ubuntu-foundations-team/+junk/task-assignments - feel free to commit directly17:03
__keybukIt will only get called when the epoll fd polls true17:04
__keybukAnd that means epoll_wait should not block on that fd17:04
mdz__keybuk: I agree, though it would be nice if this could be coded more defensively17:04
mdzsince it ends up stalling the boot if there is a bug17:04
__keybukI think fixing the bug is better than assuming the code is buggy17:05
mdz__keybuk: which reminds me...I noticed along the way that if plymouth exits while we are blocked in this state, mountall remains blocked17:05
mdzso there are surely other cases where this could be triggered, e.g. a plymouth crash17:05
mdzI'm not sure whether that's because epoll() is blocking, or it's not noticing the error when it does17:06
mdz__keybuk_: did you miss my previous few messages?17:07
mdz__keybuk_: pasted to /query17:07
dokottx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbeans/+bug/544459 any opinion on this? applications getting their updates (not just extensions and plugins) over the web and shadowing parts of the system libs?17:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 544459 in netbeans "netbeans downloads it's own updates over the web" [Undecided,New]17:07
__keybuk_Probably neither l17:08
highvoltage__keybuk_: sorry I was away a bit, I'll check it out, thanks for the insight17:08
__keybuk_Epoll will go true cause fd polls true for Reading etc17:08
__keybuk_Plymouth runs epoll twice17:09
__keybuk_It sounds more like Plymouth runs epoll twice17:09
=== __keybuk_ is now known as __keybuk
__keybukIf select/poll/epoll had bugs, we'd know about them ;)  they'd affect more than half-finished code I wrote on a train :p17:11
mdz__keybuk: so...bug on mountall (should avoid calling blocky libply function) and bug on plymouth (function shouldn't be quite so blocky)?17:11
__keybukI'd blame my code in mountall first :)17:11
__keybukMountall has to call into Plymouth to process events - so a "should avoid" bug is nonsense17:12
mdz__keybuk: so...bug on plymouth (ply_event_loop_process_pending_events shouldn't block) and leave mountall using ply_event_loop_run()?17:13
__keybukAnd make sure mountall is actually behaving17:13
__keybukWhich it definitely isn't in many paths17:14
mdzand there are at least two cases in which it can block, one of which is unknown and the other is when the plymouthd process exits17:14
mdzthe unknown one may be when it's waiting for a keystroke, but I haven't confirmed17:14
__keybukThe "boredom" code is definitely wrong17:14
__keybukFd close > I may not have set a handler for that17:15
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
__keybukMountall is next on my todo list after Plymouth17:25
AnAntah, Hello, what's the license of the ubuntu-logo plymouth artwork ? I don't see anything explicit about it in /usr/share/doc/plymouth/copyright17:25
AnAntor who can I ask ?17:27
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pecisk_kenvandine, I am back :)18:11
kenvandinelooks like libproxy is much lighter weight and we could easily use your existing patch with slight modifications18:12
kenvandineif we went the libproxy way18:12
kenvandinejust instead of using gconf to get it, use libproxy to get the values18:12
pecisk_kenvandine, libproxy can get values from GNOME proxy settings?18:13
kenvandineit is like 1/3 the size, memory wise18:14
kenvandinepecisk_, and it isn't dependent on gnome... i think it works in other environments18:14
pecisk_nice :)18:14
pecisk_kenvandine, it won't make gwibber depend on libproxy?18:16
pecisk_on python-libproxy I mean18:16
kenvandineit would, but we ship with that anyway18:16
pecisk_allright then18:16
kenvandinewell we could just include enough libproxy code in gwibber for now18:16
kenvandinelicense is friendly to do that, and it is super small18:16
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pecisk_kenvandine, ok, seems fairly easy, I will try to modify patch right now18:23
kenvandinepecisk_, awesome... thx!18:23
ccheneyhow do you manually create a deb with ar?18:34
ccheneyassuming i have the three pieces already? control.tar.gz  data.tar.lzma  debian-binary18:35
* ccheney is trying to test a change in install scripts and didn't want to rebuild OOo to do it18:35
* ccheney bets he probably added the files in wrong order18:36
ccheneyyea order of files matters, must be in order of: debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.lzma18:37
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Caesarslangasek: before I do the work to write up a FFe for rsyslog, what's the likelihood of it being approved?18:48
highvoltageCaesar: well, usually you'd put the rationale/risks/etc in the FFe, how would he be able to tell you that without having seen that?18:50
Caesarhighvoltage: it's true18:51
highvoltageCaesar: there's a lot of packages going through every day, I think that if the reasons are sound there's a good chance18:52
CaesarThe reasons that I'm being asked to do it relate to the current version being old, and the version currently in Debian testing is the last development change to that branch18:52
CaesarBugfixes only from here on18:52
CaesarI'll go ahead and write up an FFe as time permits18:54
beunopitti, hi  :)   who do I talk to about aptitude segfaulting all the time in lucid?18:59
beunoI've reported the bug with the dump attached, but I rarely can due to things to being up to date19:00
beunowhich is usually why I'm running aptitude  :)19:00
slangasekCaesar: I assume that you will be giving me a clear FFe that presents a reasonable analysis of the tradeoffs, and that it is likely both to be approved and to be approved quickly.19:10
Caesarslangasek: I'll do my best19:14
cody-somervilleFor lp #507238, does the fallback text theme also have alternatives support?19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507238 in plymouth "No alternatives support for default theme yet, all themes in main package" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50723819:14
jdstrandttx, kirkland: I am working on a merge of libvirt 0.7.7-4 as part of my apparmor work this cycle (the plan was to work off newer code and backport my work to 0.7.5-5ubuntu15 which is in lucid now)19:16
jdstrandttx, kirkland: that said, I looked at http://libvirt.org/news.html 0.7.6 and 0.7.7 do not offer many new features, but offer a ton of bugfixes. are you interested in 0.7.7 for lucid?19:16
jdstrandttx, kirkland: if not, that's fine, I just thought since I was doing a merge anyway, you might be interested19:17
oknhi eveyone20:16
oknI looking for help20:16
oknto develop wubi-like software for another linux distro20:17
oknnamely pardus20:17
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Some_PersonWhy does gdm conflict with usplash?21:46
slangasekSome_Person: because usplash and gdm no longer play well together on the question of VT management (and won't in the future, plymouth now owns this at boot time)21:50
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Some_PersonSo I can't ditch plymouth and use usplash instead21:51
slangasekany attempt at doing so would fail horribly for reasons deeper than gdm21:51
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superm1would it be worthwhile removing it from the archive then too to prevent allowing people to break so bad?21:52
slangaseksuperm1: probably; though perhaps we should explicitly push plymouth a bit farther down the stack before doing so (e.g., mountall doesn't currently depend on it)21:53
cjwatsonokn: I explained this in depth to somebody else just a day or two ago, so rather than me repeating it, I'd recommend you read the logs - they're on irclogs.ubuntu.com, this channel, you should only have to look back a couple of days22:01
okncjwatson: thx22:28
arpuanyone can help me find out the problem on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/53155622:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 531556 in gdm "[Lucid] Blank Screen after login" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:30
arpusame problem on intel grafic card22:31
Some_Personslangasek: Why would replacing plymouth with usplash fail horribly? That's what karmic used22:36
slangasekSome_Person: a) I guess you haven't seen the bug list for karmic, b) the software hasn't stood still since then, and a fair amount of code has changed since karmic to use plymouth to the exclusion of usplash, precisely to fix the bugs on that list :)22:38
jbebelcjwatson or superm1, Are ubiquity plugins the new method of adding custom hooks to oem-config?  And is there any relatively simple method of converting old oem-config hooks to ubiquity plugins?22:38
Some_Personslangasek: You're right, I have not seen the bug list22:38
Some_Personslangasek: But what about all the people with plymouth not working?22:39
lifelessSome_Person: we should fix those bugs22:39
cjwatsonjbebel: you can still add post-install hooks as before, and that's still the simplest approach for noninteractive hooks22:39
cjwatsonjbebel: if that worked for you before, you shouldn't need to change.  plugins allow you to do interactive things22:40
Prettowhat is the package for shutdown option in the memenu?22:40
jbebelWe need these to be interactive.  For instance, this is where we get the users real password and apply it to LUKS.22:40
slangasekSome_Person: the only place where plymouth is known to outright not work is on nvidia with the nouveau driver and multiple displays; everything else should be at various stages of "working", and getting better22:41
jbebelrelating to the email you should have received about preseeding a default crypto password.22:41
Some_PersonOn my intel graphics, I don't see plymouth on boot but do on shutdown22:41
cjwatsonjbebel: Ubiquity/Plugins on the wiki has the interface docs, but ev and superm1 have done much more than I on that22:41
slangasekSome_Person: bug #535108 - there's a one-liner you can use to force the boot splash on startup, and the expense of boot speed22:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535108 in plymouth "Hide console messages while Plymouth is running" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53510822:42
cjwatsonSome_Person: on hdds, we don't show the splash until after ureadahead has finished, because the alternative approach slows down boot22:42
cjwatsonSome_Person: we have a plan for lucid+1 that will fix that, but it requires a newer kernel and is generally too intrusive for lucid22:43
jbebelI didn't write the previous oem-config hooks, but it looks like we dropped some things into oem_config/components and oem_config/frontend which asked the questions for us.22:43
jbebelThis was for hardy.22:43
cjwatsonjbebel: ah, so not the post-install hooks I was thinking of then.  you'll need to migrate those, but I don't know of a howto22:44
jbebelright.  We have a post-install hook as well, but it's the interactive part I need to migrate.22:44
cjwatsonyour component should turn into the main plugin file, and you'd migrate the frontend changes into PageGtk etc. classes in the plugin file22:44
Some_Personcjwatson: I did notice that the live CD's splash seems to work22:45
cjwatsonSome_Person: yes, the live CD starts the splash in the initramfs instead because that typically takes much longer and live CD boot speed isn't critical22:45
cjwatsonand we don't do ureadahead on the live CD anyway22:45
jbebelOk.  Thanks.  I'll read through the doc and experiment.22:45
Some_Personcjwatson: Is the speed difference really noticible?22:46
slangasekSome_Person: yes - the liveCD uses the equivalent of the one-liner change in that bug22:46
cjwatsonSome_Person: yes, it can be22:46
Some_PersonSo this will not be fixed with lucid's release22:47
cjwatsonSome_Person: you basically end up doing nothing else for a bit except waiting for the framebuffer to come up (can take seconds) or else ruining ureadahead's perf by doing something else while it's running22:47
slangasekthe fact that boot splash doesn't show up on every boot on all systems will not be fixed for lucid, no22:47
cjwatsonon the upside the lucid+1 plan is *really* cute22:48
Some_PersonWhat's the plan for lucid+1?22:48
slangasekhowever, slightly more importantly, the boot splash *will* show up reliably when you need to interact with the boot scripts because, say, your hard drive needs surgery22:48
cjwatsonwe should be able to run in graphical mode all the way from the bootloader, and in many cases without a mode switch22:49
cjwatsonusing efifb with handoff to a kms driver as necessary22:49
cjwatsonwe won't have to change bootsplash system to do this, so we won't lose the reliability benefits of multiplexing I/O through plymouth22:51
Some_PersonAnother big question: why do 2 old themes still in the repos require a now-unsupported GTK+ theme engine?22:52
RAOFcjwatson: Then all we'll need is some hardware that supports EFI?22:54
barryRAOF: like a mac?22:55
RAOFbarry: And aren't they shiny! :)22:55
barryRAOF: they are indeed22:55
cjwatsonRAOF: that's what I thought initially, but it turns out I was wrong22:59
cjwatsonRAOF: probing efifb from scratch requires EFI, yes, but actually running it only requires a simple linear framebuffer region in memory22:59
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cjwatsonRAOF: so if grub2 sets up efifb's screen information structures in memory at boot (it already knows how to do this), then it works on non-EFI systems too23:00
ttxjdstrand: about libvirt, I think it's interesting, but I'd wait for kirkland's advice -- I know he planned to work on libvirt soon23:00
cjwatsonRAOF: the thing we're missing in lucid is handing off from efifb to a KMS driver23:00
RAOFcjwatson: Sweet!  That sounds surprisingly simple.23:00
cjwatsonRAOF: this is what gfxpayload=keep in grub2 does, and is why lots of people are raving about it23:01
cjwatsonit's just not *quite* ready for general use yet23:01
* ttx disappears23:01
cjwatsonbut apparently it's fixed in 2.6.3323:01
RAOFDoes that mean I'd miss out on Keybuk's awesome text-mode plymouth theme, though? :)23:01
cjwatsonafraid so ;-)23:01
petn-randallHello, I've found a way to squash two bugs in Lucid, how do I get to upload the packages? I've got a launchpad account23:02
slangasekyou can console yourself by installing grub-invaders23:02
petn-randallIs there some mentoring program like in Debian?23:02
cjwatson(also I'm definitely not willing to switch how the boot framebuffer works a few weeks before release!)23:02
RAOFIs that what I think it is?  Space invaders from the bootloader?23:03
cjwatsonpetn-randall: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess is probably a decent place to start23:03
cjwatsongrub-invaders> it's actually booted from GRUB, rather than running in GRUB directly23:04
cjwatsonit's multiboot-compliant, hence the grub- prefix23:04
petn-randallhmmm .... how can I sign up as a MOTU developer with upload rights?23:07
petn-randallIs this a lengthy process like becoming a DD?23:07
cjwatsonit's on the same general order of magnitude as joining Debian, but I think usually somewhat quicker23:08
cjwatson(that's maybe not the best entry point, but it's one I had to hand)23:09
petn-randallok, I'll work my way through from there, thanks again cjwatson :)23:10
slangasekbryceh: bug #545832 has just come in; it appears users who are using the fglrx driver still see the radeon KMS driver used at boot time - probably a kernel bug, do you know for sure / have you seen this bug before?23:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545832 in plymouth "System fails to boot with plymouth+radeon+fglrx" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54583223:24
barryslangasek, bryceh i saw some problems with my radeon when i upgraded to lucid.  switched to using the xorg-server-edgers ppa (or whatever it was called).  that fixed things, with a small glitch here and there23:26
slangasekbarry: what sort of problems?23:26
brycehslangasek, weird, probably more a question for tseliot though23:26
brycehor apw maybe23:27
barryslangasek: system crash after getting purple splash screen23:27
slangasekbryceh: I was hoping you could channel him since he logs off in the evening :-)23:27
RAOFThat'll be a failure of the fglrx packgae to properly blacklist radeon, surely?23:27
brycehRAOF, yeah that's what I'm thinking23:28
slangasekah, it adds blacklists? ok23:28
slangasek"it" --> "nvidia"23:28
barrydont ask me, i know so little about this stuff ;)  but i'm willing to be a guinea pig for anything you want to test.  i'd like to not use the ppa packages if possible23:28
slangasekbarry: do you have fglrx installed?23:28
brycehit's possible people can louse up their systems if they manually install things without updating initramfs23:29
barryslangasek: is there an easy test of that?23:29
barrybryceh: i just did update-manager -d :)23:29
slangasekbarry: 'dpkg -l fglrx', I believe :)23:29
brycehafaik as long as you use update-manager it should blacklist radeon for fglrx23:29
brycehtseliot would know better23:30
barryslangasek: ah :) no, not installed23:30
brycehbarry, aha23:30
slangasekbryceh: hrm, would've thought that's jockey's job to do the blacklisting, or the package itself, not u-m23:30
brycehbarry, did you uninstall it yourself or did it get uninstalled by the upgrader?23:30
barrybryceh: i've been meaning to ping you about this since i upgraded last week but have just been kind of swamped ;)23:30
brycehslangasek, specifically (IIRC) it's in the post-inst script of the package23:31
barrybryceh: i had some weird stuff going on when i upgraded because it had some nvidia stuff loaded.  i think i might have uninstalled fglrx23:31
brycehslangasek, so update-manager and jockey should both be triggering the same thing23:31
barrybryceh: ftr, i have an HD 467023:32
slangasekbryceh: heh, quite23:32
brycehbarry, ah then that is probably what happened23:32
barrybryceh: but i don't think i did that until *after* i noticed the crashes23:32
brycehthe upgrader is not super smart about cleaning up situations where the user manually installed/uninstalled stuff23:32
barrybryceh: iow, update-manager -d; reboot; crash; boot from live cd; chroot + fix; reboot23:32
slangasekbryceh: I'm not aware of any cases where the upgrader itself isn't smart about this; are bugs filed an update-manager?23:33
barrybryceh, slangasek: /me -> dinner.  if you need a guinea pig i can check back later or tomorrow and retry standard packages23:35

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