
davidsansomeI uploaded a package to revu about 20 minutes ago but it hasn't shown up on the list yet - does it take a little while or have I probably done something stupid with gpg keys?00:19
RAOFdavidsansome: There is a certain processing time (I'm not sure how long), but do you have a sponsor / FFe / etc lined up for that package?  Lucid is frozen for new packages, so it's likely to sit there until at least after the Lucid release.00:32
davidsansomeRAOF: I'm in no particular hurry to get it in, I suppose it's fine if it waits until after Lucid00:36
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psusihow do I take a trunk and release it as an initial ppa?03:31
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_AndrewIs there anyone I can talk to about packaging up something for Lucid? I want to see this package upgraded to 1.7.0 stable ( https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/ogre/1.6.4.dfsg1-1 ) however it looks like it's just imported from debian with no ubuntu maintainer?05:05
_AndrewActually maybe ubuntu-release is a better place for this..05:07
persia_Andrew: You'd really want to see it upgraded in Debian first.05:10
_AndrewShouldn't the libogremain packages have a virtual package for the latest version? I see two different versions available in lucid because of dependencies on them.05:13
persiaThat mostly just needs cleanup on the depending packages.05:18
dholbachgood morning07:24
LaneyJack sense now works on my Macbook11:05
* Laney hugs crimsun 11:05
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shadeslayerwhats the difference between cowdancer and pbuilder?13:05
hyperaircowdancer and pbuilder are like apples and oranges13:05
hyperairyou can't compare them.13:05
shadeslayerive already read the wiki,but it doesnt cover the differnces13:05
hyperairyou want to compare cowbuilder and pbuilder13:06
shadeslayerhyperair: hmmm13:06
hyperaircowdancer uses copy-on-write.13:06
hyperairand cowbuilder uses cowdancer13:06
shadeslayerhyperair: whats that?13:06
hyperairhmm how to explain..13:06
shadeslayerhyperair: in english :P13:06
hyperairokay, you know how pbuilder tarballs your chroot, then unpacks it during build?13:06
ari-tczewis it right channel for asking about SRU?13:06
shadeslayerhyperair: yeah13:06
hyperairari-tczew: #ubuntu-devel i think13:07
hyperairshadeslayer: right, cowbuilder basically cp -l's everything so you get a hardlink of every file.13:07
hyperairshadeslayer: and cowdancer encapsulates everything (like fakeroot) to make sure that whenever you write, the file is copied away13:07
hyperairand the copy modified13:07
hyperairso your original remains intact13:07
shadeslayerhyperair: ah so it kinda makes a copy of everything and then in the end you get 2 things,the original stuff and the modified one13:08
shadeslayerhyperair: whereas pbuilder modifies the original one13:09
hyperairshadeslayer: it doesn't make a copy if you reads.13:09
hyperairi mean13:09
hyperairif you do reads alone13:09
hyperairit doesn't make a copy13:09
hyperairthat's why it's called copy-on-write13:09
hyperairwhen you start writing, a copy is made so that the original is untouched13:09
hyperairand pbuilder's "original" is a tarball.13:09
shadeslayeri think ive got some idea....13:10
hyperairokay, think about it this way...13:10
shadeslayerhyperair: ok well here comes the next stupid question,which is better :P13:11
shadeslayerhyperair: sure go on13:11
hyperairwhat pbuilder does is like.. tar -xzf sometarball.tar.gz, cd sometarball, edit edit edit, purge.13:11
hyperairwhat cowbuilder does is like.. it listens to your write() calls13:11
hyperairand chmod13:11
hyperairand stuff that modifies things13:11
shadeslayerand copy edit write13:11
shadeslayergot it!13:12
shadeslayerhyperair: ok so your right they cant be compared :P13:12
hyperairso your first write() will cause cp fileA tmp/fileA, and redirect writes to tmp/fileA. subsequent reads will read from tmp/fileA13:12
shadeslayerand it really depends on your pref. which is better13:12
hyperairwell yes13:12
hyperaireach comes with pros and cons13:12
shadeslayerhyperair: cowdancer probably takes more time to build a package...13:13
shadeslayerhyperair: oh btw how do i get pbuilder to keep the cache? like while creating the pbuilder tarball13:13
hyperairpbuilder: it uses tarballs, so when you're not building things, you will use very little space. if you have multiple pbuilder environments, this is wonderful.13:13
hyperaircowbuilder: it does not compress when inactive, so you get larger storage13:14
hyperairpbuilder: it unpacks the tarball at the beginning of the build, this causes tremendous I/O, and on some filesystems, can cause your system to lock up until it's done.13:14
hyperaircowbuilder: cp -l everything. that should take a few seconds, or less for preparing. lets you get straight to the job.13:15
hyperairas for during-compilation... i don't think there is much difference.13:15
hyperaircompilations generally create new files, rather than modifying existing files.13:15
hyperaircopy-on-write does not apply to creation of new files, because there was nothing to copy in the first place.13:16
shadeslayerohh... ok13:16
shadeslayerso basicaly cowbuilder makes links to these files like you said earlier13:16
hyperaircowbuilder is an alternative to sbuild that uses a pbuilder interface (so it's easier to configure, and doesn't require you to create an LVM partition per chroot)13:16
hyperairyeah. hard links.13:17
hyperairi suppose you know what hard links are, right?13:17
shadeslayeryeah of course13:17
hyperairso it makes hard links, so new files and stuff mv'd into place will not affect the original13:17
hyperairrm'd things also don't affect original13:18
hyperairbut chmod/chown, and write will13:18
hyperairso it will encapsulate those and force a copy to be made13:18
shadeslayerahh.. ok i get it :D13:18
shadeslayerhyperair: thanks for the info13:18
hyperairnp =)13:19
hyperairshadeslayer: by the way, hard links are just the way cowdancer implements copy-on-write. there are copy-on-write filesystems around like btrfs. i expect that to be quite cool when it gets stable (it's cool enough already like this)13:19
hyperairand then there's also unionfs which is another implementation of copy-on-write, one which pretends to be a filesystem.13:20
hyperairi think it's now superseded by aufs2 or something13:20
shadeslayeryeah ive heard of those13:20
hyperairyou could probably implement a better cowdancer using unionfs =p13:20
hyperairthere are places where cowdancer complains about stuff being not implemented13:21
hyperairlike flock and stuff13:21
hyperairi don't really bother -- it shouldn't matter, i think.13:21
hyperairi maintain a complete ubuntu mirror on my campus so if my chroots get messed up i can always re-create them in a matter of minutes13:22
shadeslayertakes about a hour here13:23
lfaraoneHow often are the debian bzr branches updated? I want to merge in some changes off a just-uploaded package from Debian.13:30
Laneylfaraone: I believe you can import-dsc to the debian branch locally13:30
hyperairshadeslayer: it takes well over an hour for debian ;-)13:30
lfaraoneLaney: yes, but I read that's discouraged against since it can mess up future merges, no?13:31
LaneyI dunno13:31
hyperairshadeslayer: i can also dist-upgrade to the next ubuntu version in a matter of an hour or so (more time spent on I/O than downloading)13:31
hyperairuse teh git. and git import-dsc =D13:32
lfaraoneLaney: "This import functionality is very convenient, but due to the nature of Bazaar it is not a good idea to do this more than once. If there are two contributors to a package, and they both do the import independently then they will find it difficult to merge between themselves, as the two branches are not related in Bazaar's eyes. "13:32
lfaraone(per http://jameswestby.net/bzr/builddeb/user_manual/normal.html)13:32
james_wlfaraone: what package?13:33
shadeslayerhyperair: nice13:35
shadeslayerhyperair: i guess it pays to have a server close by...13:35
shadeslayerill probably setup a local ubuntu server when i start earning :D13:36
shadeslayerso itll be my personal clone of the entire ubuntu repos :D13:36
hyperairshadeslayer: well yeah. it pays to weasel your way into your university's open source society and use their resources and authority to start an ubuntu server ;-)13:36
hyperairshadeslayer: the hard disks were donated by the ubuntu-sg loco13:37
shadeslayerhyperair: i proposed setting up a server in my uni... they shot it down :D13:37
shadeslayerubuntu server i mean13:37
hyperairshadeslayer: well, you need to be more influential than just an ordinary student ;-)13:37
shadeslayerthey run a OS X and a windows server13:37
shadeslayerhyperair: hehe.. i guess so...13:38
hyperairshadeslayer: i had support from the teacher advisors of the society, as well as some laboratories which use ubuntu.13:38
shadeslayerhyperair: nice.. everything my uni uses is MS.. and more MS13:38
hyperairshadeslayer: couple that with the fact that we started underground (we got permission from one of the labs to use their port 80 and mod_proxy to reverse-proxy stuff from a certain domain name into our server)13:39
shadeslayerhyperair: heck.. they use a C++ compiler from the 90's13:39
hyperairshadeslayer: it's the same here =p13:39
shadeslayerhyperair: borland turbo C++ ?13:39
hyperairshadeslayer: some labs use ubuntu, but most labs use windows. and a lot of them use windows-only software.13:39
lfaraonejames_w: autokey.13:39
hyperairshadeslayer: okay, that's sad.13:40
shadeslayerhyperair: i bet that all ports apart from 8080 are blocked13:40
shadeslayerhyperair: dont ask....13:40
hyperairshadeslayer: i requested a DMZ. port 80 was opened, and they claim it's a DMZ.13:40
hyperairjust port 8013:40
shadeslayerhyperair: good thing my isp just bumped my speed to 70 KBps for free13:40
hyperairgood god.13:40
hyperairooh nice13:41
shadeslayerhyperair: yeah it actually came as a shock...13:41
hyperairshadeslayer: my ISP did that once.13:41
shadeslayerhyperair: http://www.airtel.in/wps/wcm/connect/about+bharti+airtel/Bharti+Airtel/Media+Centre/13:41
hyperairshadeslayer: then they realized their mistake after a few months and dropped the speed again =(13:41
shadeslayerhyperair: thankfully its not a mistake :D13:41
shadeslayerhyperair: oh its this one actually : http://www.airtel.in/wps/wcm/connect/About%20Bharti%20Airtel/bharti+airtel/media+centre/bharti+airtel+news/telemedia/pg-airtel-breaks-the-speed-barrier13:42
hyperaircool =\13:42
hyperairi want =(13:42
shadeslayerhyperair: i was actually thinking of switching ISP's :D13:43
shadeslayerbut not after this :D13:43
james_wlfaraone: yeah, launchpad currently has to mirror the package for it to be imported to bzr13:43
hyperairshadeslayer: over here we have a few small-time ISPs which suck, and one major ISP which sucks less.13:43
hyperairshadeslayer: needless to say, they have a monopoly, and continue to suck like hell due to lack of competition =.=13:44
lfaraonejames_w: okay. what's the replication lag currently?13:44
shadeslayerhyperair: hehe... looks like LP has a full work load : https://launchpad.net/builders13:44
james_wlfaraone: dunno13:45
shadeslayerwth... only 4 builders online :D13:45
james_wit's LP-internal13:45
lfaraonejames_w: I take it that I was correct in my understanding that I shouldn't just import the dsc, right?13:47
james_wlfaraone: you can, but it won't reflect history quite how you would like13:48
lfaraonejames_w: so you'd advise against it.13:49
james_wgenerally, yes13:50
shadeslayerah nice...13:50
lfaraone(at this point I'd need to get a FFe for a NUV, not sure it that'd fly, but the changes made in the NUV have been well tested for a while now in PPA and elsewhere)13:50
shadeslayerno errors in creating the pbuilder13:50
psusihrm... when viewing the bzr branch on lp it recognizes my name on the initial import that I did via lp and hyperlinks it to my lp home page... but the subsequent commits that I did with bzr push from my machine it does not recognize my username and hyperlink... why?14:47
cody-somervillepsusi, you need to do a bzr whoami14:48
psusicody-somerville: and?14:49
cody-somervilleset your name and username.14:50
persiaIsn't it bzr lp-login or something?14:50
psusiohh... ok, so the full name and email have to match exactly?  I see...14:51
psusiyou'd think it would figure it out when I push and it logs in with my ssh key14:52
cody-somervilleyou don't commit when you push, how could it know?14:55
cody-somervilleWhat if you merge in someone elses branch? Should it just assume all those commits someone else made are yours too?14:55
cody-somervillepersia, no, thats for pushing to launchpad and has nothing to do with commits.14:56
psusiwell then bzr launchlad-login should probably figure it out ;)14:57
cody-somervilleProbably not.14:58
cody-somervillelp-login only sets the username used when connecting to bazaar.launchpad.net14:58
psusiwhy not?  it's authenticating to lp using your ssh key, it seems a good place to check that your bzr whoami matches lp14:58
cody-somervillepsusi, :) I'm sure they'd appreciate a patch then.15:01
psusiis there a bzr version of cherrypick?15:03
lfaraonepersia: re bug 511502 in dvi2ps, can't we just sync over -3 from Debian? looks like it includes the patch for TexXLive2009, and it builds from source on my machine.15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511502 in xdvik-ja "TeXLive 2009 transition: libkpathsea5" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51150215:35
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persialfaraone: That would be great.15:36
lfaraonepersia: okay, -3 is still in Unstable, but it works fine afaict.15:37
persialfaraone: Could you open a new bug for that, and unassign me from the transitoin bug?15:37
lfaraonepersia: in progress :)15:37
persiaI've those three packages locally, and fiddle with them when I have time, but I'll admit to not having as much as I'd like :)15:37
lfaraonepersia: bug 54611315:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546113 in dvi2ps "Sync dvi2ps 4.1j-3 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54611315:38
persialfaraone: "ubuntu-sponsors" please :)  The ubuntu-*-sponsors groups are going away.15:39
lfaraonepersia: so I should set the transition bug to "in progress" assigning me?15:39
lfaraoneor assinging nobody?15:39
lfaraonepersia: mk. tell requestsync that :P15:40
persialfaraone: It's been done.  Which requestsync are you running?  Maybe an old one?15:40
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lfaraonepersia: karmic.15:58
lfaraonepersia: 2.10.53ubuntu315:58
persialfaraone: upgrade :)15:59
lfaraonepersia: backports anybody16:00
persiaNo point.  It's post-beta, so it's best to be testing on a live system :)16:03
lfaraonepersia: can I subscribe ubuntu-release to bug 546139 even though I haven't prepared the merge yet? (I'm waiting for the release to be imported into LP bzr)16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546139 in autokey "Merge 0.61.5-1 into Ubuntu Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54613916:29
persiaI wouldn't subscribe them until you have something for them to review.16:30
stashi guys, i'm trying to patch a package that had no patches before16:49
stasso I followed this page16:49
stasbut I got some errors like this16:49
stasdiff: ./alpine-1.0+dfsg/.pc/maildir.patch/imap/src/osdep/unix/maildir.c: Permission denied16:49
stascan you help me what I'm doing wrong16:50
stasthe error comes after I'm trying to dpkg-buildpackage -d -S16:50
stasnvm solved17:14
napsterHi all...17:14
napsterI'd like to do daily builds for VLC media player on PPA on launchpad. Can anyone help me to do this? I've the latest tarballs and build essentials with me17:15
stasnapster: the easies way to do that si to `fork` someones vlc deb sources, take the `debian` dir from there and use it to build your packages17:25
napsterstas, I'm a newbie. Me and most of my friend use vlc. I think it is helpful if I do this. Can you explain a little bit? How to 'fork'?17:26
stascopy and modify it in case something doesn't work17:27
shadeslayerhey whats the command to create a new debian/ folder with the new source format?17:32
stasshadeslayer: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ch-first.en.html#s-dh_make17:33
hyperairdh_make && echo '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format =p17:34
shadeslayerstas: thanks17:34
napsterstas, I've 'apt-get source vlc' and copied the debian/ to the latest source tarball from vlc(git)17:35
shadeslayerhyperair: =p is a part of the command?17:35
hyperairno it's an emoticon17:35
shadeslayerhyperair: ah i thought so :D17:35
hyperair ;-)17:35
napsterstas, But debuild -S returns errors. How can I fix this : http://pastebin.com/xP30KSME17:36
shadeslayernapster: you probably want #ubuntu-packaging17:38
stasnapster: first you have to update the changelog17:38
stasget some docs17:38
stasit will help you a lot17:39
napsterah... ok :(17:39
shadeslayernapster: just browse manpages online : manpages.ubuntu.com17:39
shadeslayerREADME.debian and README.source can be deleted right?17:42
shadeslayertheyre not that imp. i mean17:42
shadeslayertheres a readme of the package in the source dir though..17:43
ari-tczewI'm working on switch package to 3.0 quilt format and I;m reading http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0#FAQ ; what's the different between quilt and native package?18:03
nigelbari-tczew: native packages are ones that are specific to debian with no upstream, like apt18:04
ari-tczewnigelb, thanks!18:05
shadeslayerari-tczew: quilt is a patching system18:13
ari-tczewshadeslayer: I know18:13
shadeslayerari-tczew: ah.. then both of them are quite different :P18:13
nigelbshadeslayer: he was just confused reading the wiki page18:14
shadeslayerbtw do i need to specify in the rules page that install foo.docbook or do i just leave foo.docbook in the debian/ folder and it will be automatically be picked up18:15
shadeslayernigelb: ah ok18:16
ari-tczewwhat's a field in debian/control: Uploaders?18:30
siretartari-tczew: it doesn't really have a meaning in ubuntu. in debian, comaintainers are listed there18:38
EzraRwhats the proper way of dealing with translations, after I update a package the stuff I add isnt translated and gets thrown into the po files18:54
EzraRlintain says to send a request to debian translaters but that seems rude18:54
shadeslayerhi i need help with pbuilder :   pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy19:21
shadeslayerum i meant this error : http://pastebin.ca/185171819:21
gesershadeslayer: my guess is that you don't have universe enabled in your pbuilder19:33
shadeslayergeser: would that be about it?19:33
akher0nor karmic-backports (if you're using karmic)19:34
akher0nat least the first package that's not found is in -backports19:34
shadeslayergeser: akher0n lucid pbuilder19:34
shadeslayerok how do i enable those repos then?19:35
shadeslayerah.. thanks19:35
shadeslayergeser: should i add this to the top or the bottom?19:36
MTecknologyIs there any easy way to package a binary only closed source application? - like truecrypt20:39
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geserlike any other package but you can probably skip the compilation state20:40
MTecknologygeser: I'm guessing it's been done - truecrypt20:47
kitta1652I need help with an Avaahi related networking issue. I am in a situation where I do not have a DHCP server and need to use APIPA Addressing.21:11
kecsap hi all! I would like to push some new softwares to the multiverse repository. I am a newbie here and would like to be an Ubuntu developer. Is it the right process is the reviewing through REVU?21:38
kecsap(for the new packages)21:39
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cousteauI find it very annoying the way "shared" numeric pads work on laptops, so I made a script that remaps all num pad keys to the numeric version, independently of whether the NumLock or shift are pressed or not23:41
cousteauI find that it could be useful, so I've made a .deb with it, something useful I can do with it?23:42
cousteautried to follow the SponsorshipProcess wiki but got lost in the "report a bug" step23:44
cousteaucause I don't know which package is this "bug" related to... all the X server?23:50

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