
MyrttiI wonder if anti is about mosques00:47
Myrttinot mosquitos00:47
Picimostiques? mistakes? mousetweaks? something else?00:48
Myrttijudging his ident...00:48
Picigeoip says Morocco.00:48
PiciI guess we'll never know.00:51
Myrttithere's people coming into -fi on weird times, asking for assistance in English, because it's "a bigger channel"00:52
MyrttiI must have teleported into neverNeverland00:53
elkyaaaaaaand they notice the lart disappearance01:27
elkydabid PM'd me to ask01:28
PiciI'm glad it was turned off,  it was getting annoying01:34
elkyPici, well yeah, they were using it as proxied emoted violence02:00
ubottuCalmvsKhaos called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (bac)02:22
ubottuFlare-Laptop called the ops in #ubuntu (lordarko)03:22
KB1JWQLordarko was having a meltdown in #ubuntu, I gave him a ten minute quiet.03:24
KB1JWQNo ops were about.03:24
FlannelNo worries03:24
jussi01Morning all06:57
dholbachgood morning07:24
highvoltagegood morning dholbach08:27
dholbachhi highvoltage08:28
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (Traveler4)09:01
elkyshould we just ban-forward the nick traveler* to here?09:01
elkylike srsly.09:02
elkyheh, immediately before that he joined my lug's channel to tell us we suck09:08
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (drizzt_)09:50
bazhangtrolling in +1 as well09:53
ikoniawould someone be a trooper and remove by forward in #ubuntu please10:34
bazhangikonia, welcome back and done :)10:36
topyliikonia, oh. i tried to but apparently failed10:36
ikoniathank you10:36
topylithere was also a forward in place for -irc10:36
ikoniaoh really ?'? that let me straight back in10:36
ikoniaI guess I evaded that10:36
ikoniaclose enough for me to manually fix10:37
jussi01ikonia: has someone removed your -women one also?13:22
ikoniaooh no, good spot13:43
ikoniayes they have13:43
jussi01ikonia: I just did it before that :D13:45
ikoniaahh, thank you13:51
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from racerd)16:20
Myrttisomeone just pm'd me with "m/f?"17:12
mneptok"I don't use MySpace *or* Facebook."17:15
highvoltagewell I use facebook so I guess that makes me an f.17:16
Myrttiright, there is no macedonian factoid17:22
Piciand google translate is having no luck translating that.17:22
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LzrdKing said: !ping is !pong17:59
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LzrdKing said: ubottu: !ping is !pong17:59
* Myrtti pulls her dictionary18:03
* Myrtti pulls her coffee thermos18:03
PiciHow about http://ftp.arl.army.mil/~mike/ping.html18:04
Tm_Thow about no answer?18:06
Picithats evil18:06
Tm_T...why I'm laughing ):18:06
topyliwell, it would either be "ping is networking program that uses the ICMP protocol's mandatory ECHO_REQUEST datagram to elicit an  ICMP  ECHO_RESPONSE from a host or gateway, for more information, see http://ftp.arl.army.mil/~mike/ping.html"18:11
topylieither that, or Tm_T's suggestion, which i also like18:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LzrdKing said: !Java is a computer janguage18:13
Myrtti!scope > LzrdKing18:13
ubottuOne ping only, Vassily.18:17
ubottuping has no aliases - added by Hobbsee on 2006-07-11 15:58:48 - last edited by mneptok on 2010-03-07 15:33:3719:42
jussi01!ping is <reply>pong19:42
ubottuBut ping already means something else!19:42
jussi01!no, ping is <reply>pong19:42
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0119:42
mneptokpffffft  :(19:42
jussi01that is the point...19:44
ubottuarvind_k called the ops in #ubuntu (AlVaRiToOo on join spam)20:39
Myrttidoesn't fit the pattern20:40
Myrttithe realname isn't the same as the onjoin spammers we've had recently20:40
ikoniaI got no join spam20:43
Myrttime neither20:44
Myrttidid he tell you what the onjoin spam message was?20:44
ikoniahe didn't log it20:46
Myrttiwell Alvaritooo seems legit now20:47
Myrtti!pm > AlVaRiToOo21:11
Trekwho manages ubottu?21:43
Trekas in its configuration21:44
Myrttithere's couple of people doing it, why?21:44
Treki'm wondering what config was needed in its code to make pipes and redirects ( | and > respectively) operate correctly, the staff of #amberlamp are trying to incorporate some of the features that we see in ubottu into our bot there21:48
Treki'm part of that group, and I've been helping out as part of the bot team there21:50
pleia2Trek: http://ubottu.com/ has the plugins and things21:52
Trekpleia2: yeah, i know, but sifting through the code and many many revisions to find the exact code is rough, and I"m not a fan of copying files right out from ubottu's nose21:53
Trekunder ubottu's nose *21:53
Trekwow, I'm type failing today21:53
Myrtti#ubuntu-bots would be the next stop21:54
Trekthe bot managers are around in there, then?21:58
Myrttiand other intrested21:59
Trekalright, are they ever around then?22:00
MyrttiI should assume so22:01
ikoniaamberlamp - isn't that spaceghosts web design company ?22:07
ikoniaI think it is22:07
Myrttigood luck and godspeed22:08
ikoniayes it is22:08
Trekthere's no live people around in #ubuntu-bots22:24
* Myrtti goes to look at her backlog for up-to-date information22:24
pleia2Trek: a number of the bot people are in europe, and it's late-o-clock over there, you'll probably have better luck tomorrow morning22:26
Trekyeah, i'll probably do that22:26

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