
kirklandsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400294/00:51
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rameshwori'm using lampp.. and i get two different hosts for " localhost " and " "    shouldn't they be same ?01:42
yann2not necessarily01:46
yann2127.0.0.1 will serve you the first virtual host declared, while localhost will serve you the host declared with Servername localhost01:47
rameshworyann2: ok..01:48
twbvhosts piss me off.01:49
yann2twb ?01:49
twbI shouldn't have to add entries to my laptop's /etc/hosts or write GET requests directly just so that the site will work through an SSH port forward.01:49
yann2uh? what are you trying to do?01:50
twbAccess an internal vhost from outside a LAN by hopping through a bastion.01:53
twbe.g. ssh -fNL 8080:porn:80 example.net && w3m will fail, because w3m will send "Host:" which doesn't match the vhost "porn".01:54
twbThe godsawful workaround being to make "porn" resolve to "" locally, and then tell w3m to go to "http://porn:8080/"01:55
yann2I'm afraid you might be right :)01:59
yann2on the other hand its your fault if porn doesnt resolve locally, as really it should ;)01:59
kirklandsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400316/01:59
twbyann2: it's a weak point if DNS failures also break the HTTPd.02:01
yann2twb, well you're right again but then that's how much of the internet work 'plus it's up to you to have enough dns servers :)02:03
twb"That's how much of the internet works" isn't an excuse.02:04
twbRather, it's an invalid excuse.02:05
smoserkirkland, http://paste.ubuntu.com/400322/02:13
kirklandsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/400323/02:18
trimetaI just ran smartctl -t short on my drives, and it's giving me a LifeTime(hours) of 2600. Is that the estimated time until the drive fails, or just how long it's been running so far?02:32
twbtrimeta: you need a big bag of grok to understand the numbers that come out of SMART02:34
twbBut based on what you've said and my memory, I'd expect lifetime is the number of hours the disk has been running so far -- not how long it has left.02:34
trimetatwb: Cool.02:35
trimetaThe drives I bought have some negative reviews, and I figure I should probably be monitoring them to make sure they don't die when I least expect it.02:35
twbUnfortunately I don't have any good references to give you (re grokking)02:35
twbOh, these are new drives?  Then 2600hrs runtime wouldn't make sense.02:36
trimetaNo, it's been a couple of months since I got them.02:36
trimetaBeginning of December, I think.02:36
twbThat'd be about 2900 hours if they were running continuously02:36
trimetaWolframAlpha gives me 2592 hours since December 5th, which is when the RAID says it was first created. So it's probably fine.02:39
sorentrimeta: LifeTime is how long they've been running for.02:40
twbWhat is a WolframAlpha?02:43
twbsoren: thanks.02:43
trimetatwb: Wolfram's "knowledge engine;" there was a bunch of hype when they released it about how it was better than Google, able to actually understand your searches and find the answer from its own database; in practice, it's useful if the question you've got can be answered definitively with some calculations.02:44
trimetaSo time between two dates, what day of the week something falls on, that sort of thing is useful.02:45
twbI would normally use Emacs for those02:45
twbOr GNU date02:45
twb$ date -d '1 Jan 1970' +%a ==> Thu02:46
twbI don't know how to do P intervals, but you can kludge it thusly:02:47
trimetaWell, it does things other than date stuff, too...I can't remember anything useful, though.02:47
twb$ sh -c 'TZ=GMT date -d @$(($(date -d "$2" +%s) - $(date -d "$1" +%s))) -Iminutes' -- '22 Jan 2010' '18 Oct 2010' ==> 1970-09-27T00:00+000002:47
twb...which means 9 months, 27 days (more or less)02:47
trimetaEasier to let someone else parse my human input string and give me the answer.02:48
twbFSVO someone = proprietary, unaccountable third-party02:49
trimetaThis is purely factual stuff, I'm not concerned about them fucking up horribly.02:49
trimetaPlus this is the company behind Mathematica. They know math.02:49
trimetaI wouldn't trust them as far with encyclopedic information, but I'll believe in their internal Gregorian calendar.02:50
axisys_i am failing to start apache203:16
axisys_[Tue Mar 23 23:15:58 2010] [error] Unable to configure RSA server private key03:16
axisys_[Tue Mar 23 23:15:58 2010] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch03:16
axisys_any help would be appreciated03:17
axisys_it was working until thursday03:36
psteynHi guys.  I've had some filesystem inconsistency which fsck has fixed, but now when booting the process is taking very long at 'Checkign qoutas..'03:51
psteynAny idea how I can either skip Quota checking, or is it normal to take that long?03:51
rap424I am getting ready to run "euca-run-instance -k keyname " where can I find the keyname, or create one?03:53
rap424"EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable must be set"03:55
rap424I just ran "euca-add-keypaid mykey > mykey.priv"03:57
rap424ran a couple more commands and get the same environment variable must be set03:58
lifelesswell, do you have it set ?04:00
rap424I am not sure what to set it to04:00
lifelessyou generally set it by sourcing the eucarc that the euca admin web pages give you in a zip file04:02
lifelessfollow the general getting started stuff if you don't know what I'm talking about04:02
rap424Thanks, probably  should've done that in the first place. Thought it would be as easy as downloading from the web interface04:03
Xodiac13i just mounted a ext hdd to my ubuntu server i need help because it gives me the total and I formated the 320gig hd and without the ext hd it was about 280gig and now its 586gigs but with 568gigs used how can i get it to give up more space thats its not even using04:07
Xodiac13i am doing all this in the command line and if there is any way i can get some help by leading me to a website04:08
Xodiac13baffle: can you plz help me04:10
rap424Xodiac13: Did you add a file system to the ext hd?04:11
Xodiac13rap424: no i just want to add extra space to the server its on a laptop and i want to add a 329gig ext hdd04:11
axisys_i did follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html04:12
axisys_still failing to start apache2 ssl04:12
Xodiac13rap424: i mounted it but it shows that 560 gigs total and 530 gigs used i just formatted the hd04:12
erossis the cloud the same as google os?04:12
erossi meant similar04:13
rap424run "mkfs.ext3 /dev/sd*"04:13
Xodiac13rap424: okay04:13
rap424Xodiac13: make sure to subsitute sd* for the ext hd, and unmount it first04:14
Xodiac13rap424: okay04:14
rap424lifeless: Would the keypair end with .pem?04:14
lifelessno, you'll nee dto create it04:15
Xodiac13rap424: i just unmounted and did what you said and it said it needed to be unmounted?04:15
lifelessthe command you ran before errored ;) - check the file it created04:15
Xodiac13rap424: somehow its still mounted with the command04:16
rap424Xodiac13: When you ran fdisk did you just erase all the partitions?04:17
Xodiac13rap424: no i get this /dev/sda1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!04:17
rap424Xodiac13: I don't think the ext hd will be sda1, that is generally your first hd04:18
Xodiac13rap424: thats wierd cause hda1 is the filesystem04:19
twbHe might have PATA disks and a pre-libata release04:19
Xodiac13rap424: thats how i got it mounted by using sda104:19
Xodiac13rap424: i also renamed the mnt extdisk04:19
rap424Xoadiac13: Run umount extdisk04:20
Xodiac13rap424: k04:20
Xodiac13rap424: it says its not mounted04:21
Xodiac13rap424: or not found sorry04:21
rap424Xodiac13: When you run "ls /dev/sd<tab>" what comes up?04:21
rap424lifeless: cat eucarc >> .profile ??04:22
Xodiac13rap424: i get this ls /dev/sda104:22
rap424Xodiac13: That is all that is listed?04:23
Xodiac13rap424: yeah04:23
Xodiac13rap424: im runing ubuntu server 8.0404:23
rap424Xodiac13: I am guessing twb might be right04:23
Xodiac13rap424: twb?04:23
rap424Xodiac13: Are your disks PATA?04:24
Xodiac13rap424: im thinking they are04:24
rap424Xodiac13: There should be more partitions on your drives, unless you manually created partitions during startup and didn't make a swap partition04:24
rap424Xodiac13: Try "ls /dev/hd*<tab>"04:25
Xodiac13rap424: i just used the auto install04:25
Xodiac13rap424: it says its not found04:25
lifelessrap424: or add '. path_to_eucarc' to .profile04:25
Xodiac13rap424: im using webmin if that makes a difference from actually being on the server04:26
rap424Xodiac13: I have never used webmin, so not sure04:27
Xodiac13rap424: is there anything i can do to get my ext hdd working for extra space04:27
rap424Xodiac13: I am sure there is, but I am not sure why there is only one partition showing up in /dev04:28
Xodiac13rap424: uh04:28
rap424Xodiac13: On a manual install Ubuntu should create a primary partition and a swap partition, usually /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 or /dev/hda1 and 204:29
Xodiac13rap424: uh thats wierd04:30
Xodiac13rap424: is there anyother way to format it and then after that it should work just fine?04:30
rap424Xodiac13: All I know of is fdisk04:31
Xodiac13rap424: okay i will try04:31
rap424Xodiac13: If you have a windows box you can double check there04:31
Xodiac13rap424: what program can i use for windows to format it to ext304:32
rap424Xodiac13: I don't think there is one, but you can format it to FAT. Linux will read FAT04:32
rap424Xodiac13: or just format it to FAT, and when Linux recognizes it format it to ext304:33
Xodiac13rap424: okay but with FAT i dont think it can use 320gigs though04:33
rap424Xodiac13: but at least you will make sure you formatted the right drive with fdisk, it will be labeled as a FAT drive04:34
Xodiac13rap424: true04:35
rap424lifeless: Not enough resource :(04:45
rap424lifeless: ./eucarc didn't even work, had to copy and paste04:45
pwnguinwhat's the channel for ubuntu sysadmins?05:10
pwnguinthe planet RSS fails to validate05:10
qman__yeah, it's coming back empty05:13
qman__been that way all day05:14
pwnguinqman__: its not empty05:15
pwnguinqman__: it just doesn't validate05:15
pwnguinif someone cleared the planet cache it would probably pick right back up05:16
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rcsheetsis this the right channel for UEC issues, or is there a better place for that?08:25
Callum__rcsheets: yes, this is the right place to ask for help on Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (Eucalyptus) if that is what you are talking about08:30
rcsheetscool, thanks. sorry that was kinda asking to ask :)08:31
rcsheetsi've done the cloud controller install, which seemed to work fine, and i rebooted. i was under the impression that the first node i install would get its network configuration via dhcp, with the cloud controller being the dhcp server, but there doesn't seem to be a dhcp server running.08:37
rcsheetsin fact, when asked which interface would be used to communicate with nodes, i said eth0, and eth0 didn't have an ip address at all08:38
Callum__rcsheets: did you select a DHCP server to be installed while installing Ubuntu Server on the cloud controller?08:38
rcsheetsno, was that somethingg i needed to do manually?08:38
Callum__rcsheets: no08:38
rcsheetsi just accepted defaults for virtually everything08:38
Callum__rcsheets: eth0's configuration shoud have been configured during install too08:39
rcsheetsi said eth1 was my primary network connection, and that the nodes would be on eth008:39
rcsheetseth1 is using dhcp (served by my router) and that is working fine08:39
Callum__rcsheets: you will have to configure eth0 manually by editing the /etc/network/interfaces file as superuser08:39
rcsheetsok. did that.08:40
Callum__rcsheets: did you ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0?08:40
rcsheetsdo i need to tell something to run a dhcp server there, beyond simply telling the installer that the nodes will be on eth0?08:40
rcsheetsi rebooted (the machine needed to be moved off the floor :)08:40
Callum__ah lol08:40
Callum__so everything is working but you need a DHCP server to assign IP address to the nodes?08:41
rcsheetseth0 now shows both and
rcsheetsi am only assuming that a dhcp server should be running to assign IP addresses to nodes. i haven't begun the install on the first node yet. i was trying to sanity check the cloud controller configuration before i went down that road.08:42
rcsheetsi can install dhcpd if i need to ... i was just kind of surprised it (or something similar but more UEC-themed) wasn't already there, so i thought maybe something was wrong08:43
Callum__rcsheets: obviously not =) sorry, I'm not familiar with cloud computing configuration because I don't use it on any of my servers, but I'll assume installing a DHCP daemon on that server and configuring it will do the trick08:43
Callum__rcsheets: it needs to be specified to be installed at install-time08:43
rcsheetswith the "Install Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud" option i had been hopeful that it would install all the necessary software by itself08:44
rcsheetsbut i will go get dhcpd :)08:44
Callum__rcsheets: you can select more than one option08:44
Callum__rcsheets: using the space bar and then pressing enter once you have selected all you need08:44
rcsheetsoh, dhcp3-server is installed08:45
rcsheetsCallum__: on which menu do you mean?08:45
Callum__rcsheets: when you go through the Ubuntu Server installer, I mean..08:45
rcsheetsthe UEC install process doesn't present the task selection menu08:45
rcsheets(or i missed it)08:46
rcsheetsit seems to be a bit single-purpose08:46
rcsheetsi think i might try it again with eth0 as the primary interface, in case something is assuming the first interface will be primary08:46
Callum__heh, my SCSI cables keep getting damaged or something (probably because of the way it is in the case...) so that my array becomes degraded and I have to get a new cable and then rebuild the array... I'm pretty sure its the way I have the cables sitting in the case, I'm going to rearrange my drives so that the SCSI drives are in a much better place where they can't get damaged08:46
rcsheetsthat's an unusual reason for an array to be degraded :)08:47
Callum__rcsheets: I know lol, but this is kinda old equipment so I'm waiting on some 1TB SATA drives to be ordered so I can put this hardware SATA RAID controller I also have in the machine to good use08:48
rcsheetsoh one other oddity with UEC i'm noticing ... any idea why some uids wouldn't be resolved to usernames by ps?08:48
Callum__sometime I may be able to "borrow" an external SCSI enclosure to put some SCSI drives in so I can still use my SCSI RAID controller (since that is still fine)08:49
Callum__rcsheets: not sure about that I'm afraid08:49
rcsheetsif you're curious... http://pastebin.com/vi1jVmSJ08:50
Callum__wow, that is weird...08:52
Callum__rcsheets: maybe its because they are remote users?08:52
Callum__well, are they?08:52
rcsheets'getent passwd 102' and 'getent passwd 107' do exactly what you'd expect08:52
rcsheets107 is eucalyptus and 102 is messagebus08:52
Callum__because I notice that happens when foreign users put content onto my home server...08:52
rcsheetsmaybe from expanded tarballs with the uids preserved08:53
rcsheetsyeah but these are running processes, and the users are in /etc/passwd08:53
Callum__rcsheets: it that a problem, or it just nitpicking? =P08:53
rcsheetswell ...08:53
rcsheetsit's weird. i wonder if it's a symptom of some larger problem.08:53
Callum__if you know what UID 107 and 102 are, its not a big problem08:53
rcsheetswell, sure. it's not like a showstopper.08:54
rcsheetsoh i guess i never mentioned this is on lucid beta108:54
Callum__Hah, I see08:54
rcsheetsit just seems like some polish that would be nice :)08:54
Callum__rcsheets: it might be a good idea to report the bug, it can and might be fixed by the final release...08:55
Callum__unless its been reported already08:55
rcsheetsi'll look around08:55
Callum__I defy the laws of the man... I'm multitasking, talking here, fixing a server and doing my Japanese homework08:56
rcsheetsyeah the closest thing i'm seeing to the task selection menu (which would have the option for manual package selection, i think) is [!!] Select cloud installation mode08:56
rcsheetswhich asks me if i'd like this to be a cloud controller, walrus storage service, cluster controller, storage controller, and/or node controller08:57
rcsheetswith the first four selected by default08:57
Callum__In which case, DHCP server should be installed by at least one of those, not sure about it being actually being configured08:57
rcsheetsthen i tell it which interface to use to talk to the nodes08:57
rcsheets(in this case eth1)08:57
rcsheetsthen i wait forever for mkfs.ext408:58
rcsheetsyeah, then it starts installing packages. there's no opportunity to select extra packages.09:02
rcsheetswhich is probably fine for the UEC installer09:02
rcsheetswow, 9999% cpu usage09:12
rcsheetsreported by top09:12
rcsheetstaht's a lot09:12
rcsheetshmm yeah09:27
Callum__hmm, whats the plain past form of む verbs...09:28
rcsheetsi specified eth1 as the interface for the controller to talk to the nodes, but 'sudo grep -ir eth1 /etc' shows nothing even vaguely related to eucalyptus09:28
rcsheetsthat definitely doesn't seem right09:28
rcsheetsi'll file a bug tomorrow after i investigate a bit more. for now, some sleep.09:29
rcsheetsthanks for the help Callum__, and good luck with homework09:29
Callum__rcsheets: there is probably some information about setting up Eucalyptus at the Ubuntu and/or Eucalyptus website...09:29
Callum__rcsheets: thanks lol09:29
rcsheetsyeah it looks like i need to set VNET_PRIVINTERFACE="eth1"09:30
rcsheetsbut it's set to eth009:30
jetoledoes anyone know how I can view what the current version of a package is from the command line before I install it?09:45
jetolenevermind, got the answer from someone else09:49
rcsheetsCallum__: my ps username resolution bug turns out to be a wontfix. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/procps/+bug/1402709:49
maxohi, I've been looking into virtualization, but I'm still confused about it - what are the immediate benefits?09:51
Callum__rcsheets: I see. Well, that's too bad...09:52
Callum__maxo: you can run many different "machines" on a single computer provided you have the hardware, and you can backup, restore and run VMs on different computers easily, as well as do some other fancy things09:54
Callum__maxo: virtualisation is really only advantageous if your machine is actually capable of running more than one or two09:55
Callum__as it can be difficult to set up for users who don't know what they are doing09:55
Callum__and VMs are slower than running on native hardware09:55
maxoCallum__, I'm considering getting a new server where I work and put Ubuntu on it. But there are 2 issues: the first, the organisation uses Microsoft's ISA server firewall, and I'm worried that configuring Ubuntu to get through that firewall could be a problem. The second issue, it would be good to be able to run ASP.NET applications, and Mono didn't work that well for me. So I'm considering whether it might be worth running Ub09:57
Callum__maxo: ISA can be configured to allow Ubuntu through it (although technically it definitely should give it access without any configuration as all the protocols are operating system independent)09:59
Callum__maxo: I'm afraid ASP.NET requires IIS, which as I'm sure you know is Windows only and always will be09:59
Callum__oh wait10:00
Callum__Mono can run ASP.NET?10:00
Callum__heh, never knew...10:00
maxoCallum__: yes it does, but I had problems testing it out. I got some things working, but not quite how I wanted. It's not ideal10:00
Callum__but anyway, an IIS server is always best if you are locked into a Microsoft technology such as ASP.NET10:00
Callum__maxo: you could always virtualise Windows Server lol10:01
maxoCallum__: as for the ISA server, I think it grants permission on a user basis? But on Ubuntu, I'd have local users trying to connect to the internet, like apache's user account, and then apt does something different I think10:01
maxoI think connecting through to the ISA server is my main worry. If I can't even use apt - that would be terrible!10:02
Callum__maxo: APT uses direct HTTP downloading...10:03
maxoCallum__: yes but ISA servers use some strange different protocol to normal proxies10:03
rcsheetsunless you have some kind of NAC going on which isn't willing to let Ubuntu onto the network, I'd expect it would work fine10:03
rcsheetsyou could always try a live cd10:03
Callum__maxo: well you can always try it out and see what you come up wioth10:04
maxothe ISA server definitely requires some kind of authentication. Even on my windows machine logged on, because Google Chrome doesn't fully pick up proxy settings, it prompts for a login when I go to any external website10:05
Callum__maxo: hmmm, so when you try to go to a website it instead asks you to login...10:05
maxoI think I might need to set up something like this: http://ntlmaps.sourceforge.net/ - but then I would need to configure every account to go through the proxy, and I'm not sure how I'd do that.10:06
Callum__maxo: yeah, Ubuntu would have problems with something like that10:06
Callum__well, APT would10:06
incorrectcan i stop dhcp client from setting the default route?10:15
leniosyes incorrect10:25
incorrecti don't see an option like "no route" in the dhclient.conf file10:26
lenioslook in /etc/network/interfaces10:27
lenioswait, you're talking about routes, not adresses?10:27
incorrectwhen you say dhcp as the config method you then defer configuration to dhclient10:28
incorrectthat has its own config10:28
incorrecti've stopped it from setting my resolv.conf, now i want to bring up multiple interfaces using dhcp, just need to stop the default route from getting set by dhclient10:28
leniosdo you have multiples interfaces with dhcp?10:28
incorrecti will do once i can bring them up without over riding the default route10:29
leniosbut how do you set the routes then?10:30
incorrectwith dhclient, just for only one interface10:31
lenioslooks like this is interesting https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetAndNetworking/DualHomedGatewayDHCP10:34
incorrectsort of10:37
incorrectthe guy only has one dhcp configured interface10:37
incorrecti am going to have 410:37
maxoCallum__: ok so I looked some more into it, and it seems it's possible to configure an ISA server to allow computers through by IP address. So that would probably solve things. And then perhaps I could even run windows server virtually on ubuntu lol10:37
lenioshe's creating a hook in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-exit-hooks.d10:39
Callum__maxo: yeah, that would do the trick =)10:39
lenioswell,  /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-enter-hooks.d too10:39
* Callum__ facepalms10:39
Callum__I hate these SCSI drives10:40
Callum__They are the bane of my existence in my home servers...10:42
Callum__why can't they be like my SATA drives, aka "just work"10:42
Callum__there, good push in of everything made it bloody work...10:42
* Callum__ closes up the case and tidies up everything10:43
geneticx_rsGood morning everyone. Anyone know how to run rsync so that it copies the results to a file but still maintaining verbose on the screen (-v) ?11:08
henkjangeneticx_rs: man tee11:09
henkjantee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files11:09
henkjangeneticx_rs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tee_(command)11:10
geneticx_rshenkjan: thanks11:12
RoyKanyone that knows a tool on how to automatically create a network map, layer two? I guess some switch autodiscovery protocol would do12:04
bogeyd6RoyK, there are a couple but they are made of fail of and disappointment12:04
bogeyd6RoyK, you got solarwinds, cisco, 10strike12:05
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djveerHey guys, I am making a dd_rescue copy of my failing hard disk's ubuntu server install currently but I was wondering if there is a way to do a mysqldump (to export the databases) without actually having to boot the OS.. aka can I dump them from the image?13:25
djveeror does mysql actually have to be running to get them13:25
zulaxisys_, http://www.enterprisessl.com/ssl-certificate-support/server_faq/ssl-server-certificate-apache.html13:27
ninjixdjveer: you could collect the data files13:28
ninjixthere are KB available on restoring MySQL from data files.13:29
djveerninjix: interestnig.. because even dd_rescue is giving me 'bad block' errors tryign to create this image.. so this hdd is probably pretty buggered.13:29
djveerhowever the databases aren't very big.. maybe I can get them off there without getting I/O errosr13:30
ninjixI've done it from a failing Win2k box to a new Ubuntu server a year ago13:30
djveer*interesting, *errors13:30
ninjixdjveer: I'm a big fan of Steve Gibson's SpinRite for HD recovery (even if it isn't OSS) it just works.13:31
djveerOh yeah .... dang I think I had a copy of that... isn't it a paid for thing now?13:31
ninjixIMHO it's cheap from a cost / benefit analysis of your time and money.13:33
djveeryeah true13:34
ninjixif you can get your disk to a "readable" enough state, other recovery options may become available13:34
djveeryeah, thanks for your recommendations ninjix13:40
djveerthis hard drive is really buggered. getting I/O errors like 10% into the dd_rescue transfer13:40
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ChrisRut_How can I jump to the EOF in nano ?14:01
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bpgoldsbI'm trying to do a little planning for the upcoming 10.04 release.  It looks like there's no native Xen Dom0 support, and thus no native 8.04 -> 10.04 upgrade path, for Dom0's.  Is that the case?14:03
zulbpgoldsb: you are own your own14:08
bpgoldsbI guess the suggestion is to use KVM instead?14:08
Jeeves_bpgoldsb: Yes, I think so14:16
henkjanbpgoldsb: maybe switch the dom0 to debian14:17
BillyBoy^Bhi can anyone help me.. i'm stuck configurating FW and mysql access14:18
BillyBoy^Bi've mysql user test set to allow login from % .... and via UFW i've allowed Anywhere ALLOW
BillyBoy^Bif i'm right this should be enough right?14:20
BillyBoy^Bto allow connections from local lan to that machine wtih that user14:20
henkjanBillyBoy^B: by default mysql-server is not listening on external interface but only on localhost14:23
BillyBoy^Bhmm ok.. and where can i allow it.. do you know?14:28
henkjanBillyBoy^B: /etc/mysql/my.cnf14:32
henkjanbind-address           = <your-ip>14:32
BillyBoy^Bhuh shit mysql is binded by default... omg14:35
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jpdsBillyBoy^B: To the local address right?14:38
BillyBoy^Bnow it works14:38
BillyBoy^Bhenkjan thx14:38
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bpgoldsbhenkjan: Do newer Xen kernels talk back to older hypervisors without issue?14:42
vegar_Hi, I'm running a system-wide pulseaudio server to receive sound from computers around the house to play on my speaker system. I'm encountering two issues, one of which is after the server has run for around 24 hours, the network interface on the server stops listening to traffic of any sort(incl. ssh). Restarting networking on it solves it, but it's still fairly annoying.14:47
henkjanbpgoldsb: i'm running the lucid 2.6.32-302-ec2 kernel on my domu vms without any problems14:47
vegar_anyone encountered something similar?14:48
bpgoldsbhenkjan: Running Lenny or Etch as the Dom0?14:48
vegar_The server does not have the same problem when I'm not running the pulseaudio server, thus leading me to believe pulseaudio is the culprit14:48
henkjanbpgoldsb: lenny14:49
bpgoldsbhenkjan: Did you have to set the clocksource, or was that not an issue for you?14:51
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axisys_zul: thanks15:24
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nucc1how do i make my postfix respond to sender address verification requests?16:04
zoopsteranyone know of a updated amazon AMI tool .deb that may be in a PPA somewhere?16:19
jpdsMaybe smoser.16:21
axisys_ok /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl is pointing to the following16:24
axisys_SSLCertificateFile    /etc/ssl/certs/puppet.crt16:24
axisys_SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/puppet.key16:24
smoserzoopster, hold on16:24
axisys_the modulus are matching on key and crt file16:24
smoserzoopster, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/+archive/ec2-tools16:25
axisys_but i am still getting this error16:25
axisys_[Wed Mar 24 00:17:06 2010] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch16:25
smoserthe karmic ones are probably fine for intrepid or jaunty16:25
axisys_any idea why?16:25
zoopstersmoser: you rock thanks16:25
mathiazhggdh: hi!16:28
mathiazhggdh: what's up with the UEC test rig? Are you using it?16:28
hggdhmathiaz: yes, I am running the tests16:33
hggdhmathiaz: you need it?16:33
mathiazhggdh: not for noow16:33
hggdhmathiaz: OK. Then we may have a problem. The maximum instances test failed16:34
mathiazhggdh: how?16:34
hggdhmathiaz: all 64 sessions go into pending, then are terminated16:35
hggdhmathiaz: same with 32 sessions16:35
mathiazhggdh: is starting one instance working?16:36
hggdhmathiaz: yes, just did it, then started 7 more, which worked, now I am adding 8 more16:37
hggdhmathiaz: 16 sessions (starting as I described above) working. Will stop all, and start 16 in one single sweep16:37
mathiazhggdh: seems like a good plan16:41
hggdhmathiaz: -n 16 worked. Adding 8 more16:43
hggdhmathiaz: ah, got it:  Not enough addresses left in the network subnet assigned to requested group: default16:44
mathiazhggdh: ha - makes sense then16:44
hggdhmathiaz: so we either increase the address allocation, or decrease the stress test16:45
mathiazhggdh: increase the address allocation16:45
mathiazhggdh: hm - I though there was more than 16 addresses allocated thogh16:45
hggdhmathiaz: roj. Should it be documented somewhere?16:45
mathiazhggdh: we should the preseed files16:46
mathiazhggdh: to configure an infrastructure that supports maximum number of instances the hardware can run16:46
mathiazhggdh: the public ips are:
mathiazhggdh: that should be more than enough for the testing16:48
hggdhso the CC /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf is seeded from there?16:48
hggdhmathiaz: (I see a VNET_ADDRSPERNET="32" there)16:49
mathiazhggdh: right16:50
mathiazhggdh: is 32 the limit you've hit?16:50
hggdhmathiaz: not sure, will check now16:50
hggdhmathiaz: 24 seems to be the limit\16:52
mathiazhggdh: -n 31 fails?16:53
mathiazhggdh: make sure that there aren't instance running16:53
mathiazhggdh: another way to test it is to create a new security group16:53
mathiazhggdh: and try to start instances there16:53
hggdhmathiaz: will do it simple first16:55
hggdhmathiaz: but, anyway, this does not explain why starting 66 sessions from idle does not leave any sessions running16:56
mathiazhggdh: right - creating a new security group makes sure you're starting from scratch16:56
mathiazhggdh: 66 -> you're above the 32 limit for a single security group16:56
mathiazhggdh: it should fail IIRC16:57
mathiazhggdh: however starting -n 31 instances in a security group should work16:57
hggdhmathiaz: I have just terminated all of them, and will start 31 now16:58
mathiazhggdh: I've updated the test case to cover the maximum number of instances17:00
hggdhmathiaz: thank you17:00
hggdhmathiaz: how long should it take for the instances to get to running? 31, this run17:06
hggdhmathiaz: 10 minutes?17:06
mathiazhggdh: hm - it should be fast actually17:06
mathiazhggdh: what's the scheduling policy?17:06
hggdhmathiaz: round-robin17:07
mathiazhggdh: ok17:07
hggdhmathiaz: right now, 8+ minutes from the euca-run-instances -n31, and all are pending17:07
mathiazhggdh: ok - it may take more time17:07
mathiazhggdh: the NC needs to prepare the local files for each disk17:08
mathiazhggdh: which takes a lot of IO17:08
mathiazhggdh: so it may take more time17:08
hggdhmathiaz: roj. So we may be on disk contention17:08
mathiazhggdh: probably17:08
mathiazhggdh: you can log on one of the NC and double check17:08
hggdhmathiaz: will do17:09
hggdhmathiaz: complete failure. No nodes running17:12
mathiazhggdh: hm - and 16 works correctly?17:12
hggdhmathiaz: roj17:12
mathiazhggdh: next step is to log on the NC17:13
mathiazhggdh: on one of the NC17:13
mathiazand go through the logs to figure out what failed17:13
hggdhmathiaz: any one should do, right?17:13
mathiazhggdh: I usually grep from one of the instance ID17:13
mathiazhggdh: yes17:13
mathiazhggdh: you may need to figure out which instance ID had been running on which NC17:14
mathiazhggdh: you can look at the cc.log on the CC17:15
hggdhmathiaz: ack17:16
mathiazhggdh: on the CC grep for RUN_INSTANCE in the cc.log file and you should be able to get which NC the instance ID was sent to17:16
mathiazhggdh: and then on the NC you can dig through the log files17:16
hggdhmathiaz: /me is confused: on the cc.log all I see (for one of the instances) is:  TerminateInstances(): calling terminate instance (i-32C006C7) on (
hggdhmathiaz: no previous reference for this instance17:18
mathiazhggdh: the cc.log are automatically rotated17:19
mathiazhggdh: you may find a previous reference in one of the rotated log17:19
hggdhmathiaz: still...17:20
mathiazhggdh: how did you start the 32 instances?17:20
hggdheuca-run-instances -k mykey $EMI -t c1.medium -n 3117:21
hggdhmathiaz: ^17:21
hggdhmathiaz: also, $EMI is set to the image I downloaded from the store17:22
mathiazhggdh: ok - you may have run into a bug then17:22
sorenjdstrand: Have you guys seen this? http://www.vupen.com/english/advisories/2010/058117:40
jdstrandsoren: yes, mdeslaur is looking at it17:40
jdstrandsoren: thanks for the heads up :)17:40
sorenjdstrand: Cool.17:40
sorenjdstrand: sure, no worries. A colleague just pointed it out. I completely missed it myself.17:41
mdeslaursoren: they're all kernel issues. we've fixed CVE-2010-0309 already. CVE-2010-0298 and CVE-2010-0306 are waiting for a proper upstream fix, and CVE-2010-0419 I just marked as a kernel issue, so it'll get done with the next kernel updates.17:43
sorenmdeslaur: Awesome, thanks.17:44
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vegar_I have installed ubuntu-server on an ideapad laptop. After a while, the machine becomes unreachable from the network. I cannot ping the server, and the server itself is unable to ping any other hosts, including the router.18:20
hggdhmathiaz: there is bug 462140 which seems to describe a similar issue. Would you like me to reopen it, or to open a brand new one?18:21
vegar_The problem started after installing the pulseaudio server on it and configuring it to listen for incoming audio streams18:21
mathiazhggdh: new one18:21
mathiazhggdh: with a reference to the old bug18:21
vegar_The problem occured just now, I cannot ping it. It cannot ping other machines. Are there any tests I could do on it to determine what the problem is? If I restart networking, it solves the problem temporarily, but I'm looking for a more permanent fix.18:22
sherrvegar_: suspicious re: pulseaudio .... ideapad is "fairly" new hardware - what is it? Atom?18:25
vegar_yeah, atom n270 i believe18:25
vegar_it's an ideapad s9e18:26
vegar_if I turn off pulseaudio server, the problem never occurs. It's been running for weeks just fine until I installed pulseaudio server18:26
vegar_I saw a post somewhere that when RTP is enabled(which it isn't currently) the network can be saturated with multicast packages rendering the interface unreachable18:27
vegar_I tried restarting the router/switch as well, but the problem remains.18:36
sherrvegar_: Hmmm - do without a oulse server? Maybe you can enable some logging/debug in it and check the logs? Might be something the pulse devs would be interested in? Maybe fixed in a newer version (Lucid)?18:43
vegar_Doing without the pulse server is hardly a solution :p It's immensely useful when it works, and it does work most of the time.18:46
vegar_The logs seem fine. Are there any tests I can do to see if the network interface is saturated with traffic or some kind of buffer is full or something like that?18:46
elb0wI installed the Cloud from ubuntu server and one node. I have added the node. Now whats my next step?18:47
elb0wshould euca-describe-availability-zones verbose take awhile to respond?18:50
Picielb0w: I know this channel isn't nearly as busy as #ubuntu is, but this is where the gurus are. :/18:53
elb0wits fine18:53
elb0wGetting an error now though :/ http://pastebin.ca/185169618:53
elb0wPeople taking time to respond normally allows you to solve your own problems :P18:53
lullabudhow do i get an ubuntu vmware guest to report its IP# and DNS name to the vmware host (esx)?19:15
hggdhmathiaz: the limit on concurrent sessions on the default install seems to be 29, not 3219:24
hggdhmathiaz: perhaps IP addresses are also allocated for the CC, SC, etc?19:25
SripaHi, i need help on setting up UEC...any one can help ??19:26
Sripagot few configuration doubts19:26
Sripastuck at a point19:26
thebwtdon't ask to ask ;) just ask19:26
thebwtif somone can help, they will19:27
=== jeiworth__ is now known as jeiworth
SripaI have setup uec on i cc and i nc with karmic 9.1019:27
SripaI can see my available resources using euca-describe-availability-zones but when i launch an instance (downloaded from uec-images) i jus cant ssh it19:28
SripaIt asks me for a password19:28
Sripawhich i don have19:28
Sripawat to do ?19:28
thebwtdefault password for the ubuntu image.... sec trying to recall (also hitting the wiki)19:29
SripaI  tried it as ubuntu@IP, admin@IP, root@IP...no luck!19:29
SripaI have a dhcp server running on cc as well as my router...will there be any conflicts ?19:30
thebwtif you're getting a password request, it seems that you're connection is just fine19:30
SripaBut i got a password request when the ip was
Sripabut when my dhcp assigned an ip (as my dchp server log shows too) I don even get it19:31
thebwtisn't loopback?19:32
thebwtah kk19:32
thebwtno wonder I don't recall passwords19:32
thebwteuca does it all with keys19:32
Sripathe fresh errors in my logs:19:32
Sripa1. I can see from the logs of dhcp server on my router that my instance had been assigned IP though im unable to ssh it. So my instance is assigned an IP successfully though it took sometime to show up on the euca-describe-instances. ssh ing it gives the following error19:32
Sripassh -vi mykey.priv eucalyptus@
Sripadebug1: connect to address port 22: Connection refused19:32
Sripa**I have executed both euca-describe-groups and euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 -s before running the image.19:32
Sripa2. On trying euca-get-console-output i see the following errors.19:32
Sripamountall: mount /mnt [419] terminated with status 3219:32
Sripamountall: Filesystem could not be mounted: /mnt19:32
Sripa* Setting preliminary keymap... [80G * Starting AppArmor profiles [80G * Setting up console font and keymap... [80G [ 10.962236] ext3: No journal on filesystem on sda219:32
Sripamount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,19:32
Sripamissing codepage or helper program, or other error19:32
SripaIn some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:32
Sripadmesg | tail or so19:32
Sripamountall: mount /mnt [705] terminated with status 3219:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:33
thebwtstep 719:33
thebwtspecifically part 5 and 619:34
SripaI understand that19:34
Sripait gives something like this19:34
Sripassh -vi mykey.priv eucalyptus@ debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection refused19:34
Sripawhat does that mean and where am I making a mistake ?19:35
Sripasorry for sounding like an idiot, Im a newbie :)19:35
thebwtI'm no pro either, I've just tinkered with it a bit.19:36
lullabudSripa: "connection refused" usually means there's no ssh server listening on your target host,
lullabudSripa: at least not on port 22...19:36
elb0wEverytime I start a EUCA instance it goes from running to shutting down19:36
thebwtmy thoughts exactly19:36
Sripaok lullabud, so what do i need to do ?19:36
elb0wAny ideas?19:36
lullabudSripa: start an ssh server on that host, it will default to port 22.19:36
Sripaelb0w...you sure you are running the right architecture instance ?19:37
Sripacoz 64bit ones doesnt run on a 32 bit machine19:37
elb0wI have a 64bit head with 32bit node19:37
elb0wis that an issue?19:37
lullabudSripa: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-openssh-server-installation-and-configuration/19:37
Sripathanks lullabud, but it being a virtual instance19:38
elb0wim trying to run a 32bit instance19:38
SripaI don have acces to t hat host19:38
thebwtSripa: are you using a stock image or custom?19:38
lullabudSripa: then call tech support.19:38
Sripa@elb I had the same problem before, and running 32 bit image did the trick :)19:38
SripaI am using a stock image19:38
SripaFrom uec-images.ubuntu.com19:39
elb0wso run a 32bit on the cluster you mean?19:39
elb0wfor the image or the actual server?19:39
Sripa@elb Think so, not sure buddy..as i said..i am a new bie too19:39
thebwthmm I assume those are the same as the ones fetched with the web interface19:39
Sripayes, i too think they are the same ones got from the web UI...isnt it ?19:40
thebwtback at those steps, int step 7, did you do part 2 as well? (auth the ssh ports)19:40
thebwtthat seems to be specifically related to this sort of issue19:40
Sripayes, I did authorize them with euca-authorize command19:41
SripaIs having dhcp servers both on cc and on the router physically connected to nc and cc acceptable ?19:42
Sripaor does it raise any conflicts ?19:42
thebwtit can19:42
SripaAnd do i need to allow port forwarding on my router specifically ?19:42
thebwtnot always, but it is not a good setup19:42
thebwtnot if you're also behind it19:42
Sripaoh ok, yes i am behind a router19:42
SripaMy router is WRTN120N linksys and it is Auto dhcp configured19:43
SripaMy UEC mode is SYSTEM19:43
Sripahave a look at this too .. http://adommeti.webs.com/imagesproject.htm19:44
Sripado I need to configure anything on my router ?...jus in case..19:44
Sripaor is it totally related to my configuration on my CC/NC ?19:44
thebwtSripa: don't know, it can be either at this point19:44
thebwteither that port is blocked some how, or the ip is wrong or unreachable19:45
Sripa Both the <strong>httpd logs in CC and NC show the following error: ERROR: Disallowed command ///usr/share/eucalyptus/populate_arp.pl</code>19:45
Sripawat does this mean ?19:45
thebwtgood question, pasted into google yet?19:45
SripaIP is assigned for sure, as my dhcp log shows a new instance of ubuntu running on
SripaBut i am unable to reach it19:46
Sripayes, pasted it. couldnt find much information though19:46
SripaAlso tried it in eucalyptus support forums, but the replies come either very slowly or rarely19:46
SripaI got 10 more days for my project submission, so need to get things right soon, shd say!19:47
SripaBTW...I can ping my instance, supposedly running on
SripaBut cant ssh/telnet to it19:47
thebwttelnet should never work :p19:48
SripaHehe lol! yes19:48
SripaAnd the axis 2 logs show: OXS ERROR [x509.c:287 in openssl_x509_get_subject_key_identifier] oxs default error , The extension index of NID_subject_key_identifier is not valid19:48
Sripadonno wat it means :-/19:48
thebwtwhat version of everything are you using?19:50
SripaI see that support to uec is very less as of now, is it really is ?19:50
thebwterr what ubuntu version19:50
SripaI am using ubuntu 9.10 karmic, I got a cd dispatched by canonical to my home19:50
thebwtUEC is -very- young right now19:50
RoyK^hi all. I have 10+ ubuntu servers running and I want them to be in sync in respect of installed packages and their versions. Any idea what I can use to do this properly?19:50
Sripa!pastebinit mountall: mount /mnt [419] terminated with status 3219:52
Sripamountall: Filesystem could not be mounted: /mnt19:52
Sripa* Setting preliminary keymap... [80G * Starting AppArmor profiles [80G * Setting up console font and keymap... [80G [ 10.962236] ext3: No journal on filesystem on sda219:52
Sripamount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,19:52
Sripamissing codepage or helper program, or other error19:52
SripaIn some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:52
Sripadmesg | tail or so19:52
thebwtSripa: I have no idea then, the ip seems to be correct (because you can ping it), the port just isn't opening..19:52
thebwtSripa: stop pasting into here19:52
thebwtSripa: use pastebin19:53
Sripaokay, sorry i didnt knew that19:53
RoyK^erm.. anyone?19:54
SripaI get the following error in doing euca-get-console-output on the running instance http://paste.ubuntu.com/400746/19:54
Sripaanyidea wat it means ?19:54
pmatulisRoyK^: landscape19:54
SripaAnd what I also find weird is when i ssh to It asks me for a password, but after a while when it gets an IP from the dhcp, it says connection refused, not even a password...why ?19:56
thebwtnot sure, but I don't think is related at all19:56
RoyK^$150 per node per year. I wonder if something open exists, oer perhaps it's worth it19:57
Sripayes, I too think the same.19:57
thebwtRoyK^: there are ways to do it free, I can't name them off hand, but I know ti can be done. Sorry I can't be more help.19:57
RoyK^I think will connect to localhost19:57
Sripa@Roy^K yea think so...but giving the root password doesnt logs me in :-D19:58
SripaWhat does this in euca-get-console-output mean ?: mountall: mount /mnt [419] terminated with status 3220:00
thebwtSripa: not sure, to be honest20:00
Sripaoh ok, do you think i need to try lucid instead ?20:01
thebwtPersonally, I would.20:01
thebwtThough if the issue is ntwrok related, this wont change anything20:01
Sripayes, that is there..20:02
SripaIs it an issue with my router ? I have also tried it on my college network...but the same result20:02
thebwtcan't tell20:02
SripaMy college network is also a dhcp network20:02
SripaAnyone else out there with similar issue ?20:04
RoyK^any idea how Canonical defines a "node"?20:04
RoyK^is it a machine or any 64MB RAM VM with ubuntu?20:05
Sripadon think so20:05
RoyK^don't think what?20:05
SripaAny machine which can offer its resources, and on which VM's can be run20:05
Sripaso shd have VT on it20:06
Sripafor sure!20:06
SripaAnd the more the RAM, more can be allocated to the VM's20:06
* RoyK^ emails Canonical20:07
thebwtwell if a NC is a node controller20:07
SripaSo what do you think i gotta do thebwt20:08
SripaAre there anymore forums apart from eucalyptus support ?..20:08
SripaMany on eucalyptus forums had similar problems, few got solved, few didnt. or atleast they didnt post them20:09
thebwtthis si the best place for questions honestly, the issue is that we don't fully understand your site, and can't do so unless we are there20:09
thebwtyea, people don't post when they have no problems :p20:09
SripaI will put my situ we explained on my site and get back tomorrow, will it do ?20:10
SripaWit screen shots, if possible :P20:10
Sripabtw...are you able to open http://open.eucalyptus.com/20:12
SripaIt says Forbidden for me :-/20:12
thebwtI am20:12
SripaYou mean you can ?20:13
Sripaoh yes, i jus got it :)20:13
thebwtalso: nodes are instances/vms, a Node controller runs nodes20:13
thebwt@ RoyK^20:13
SripaHave a look at this to better understand my problem20:14
RoyK^thebwt: haha - so if using Landscape a new VM will cost me $150?20:14
RoyK^that reduces the likelyness of purchasing Landscape with a small truckload of percent20:15
thebwtRoyK^: lol not sure20:15
zulmathiaz: the mysql testsuite is available as a deb now20:15
SripaAlso this is an almost a same one but SOLVED: http://open.eucalyptus.com/forum/problem-accessing-image20:15
RoyK^these days, I use a new VM for most stuff instead of installing whatever app on an available server20:15
RoyK^far easier to manage20:15
Sripaplease let me know when you are done with them..20:16
thebwtSripa: I have to go away for a bit, good luck with your issue (give lucid a spin)20:16
thebwtI have som stuff to work on ;)20:16
Sripayeah ok20:16
Sripasee you again, ifpossible20:16
thebwtno problem, good luck!20:16
mathiazzul: have you checked whether the mysql tests can be run if the package is installed?20:33
zulmathiaz: they should be there is documentation all over for it20:37
mathiazzul: have you tried to run it?20:37
mathiazzul: there may be some issue with the path20:37
zulmathiaz: not yet20:37
incorrectmy isp has given me 5 static ip addresses, however they use dhcp to configure them,  my firewall has 2 nicks, which means unless i can create multiple interfaces configured with dhcp i can't use more than one20:53
incorrectso i wonder, can i use vlans to create multiple interfaces on the same vlan20:53
jeffesquivelincorrect, how about using virtual network interfaces?20:56
incorrectjeffesquivel, tried that,20:56
jeffesquivelincorrect, do you need to use vlans or you want to use them just to have the multiples ip addresses?21:02
lenioswhy do you want to use more than one?21:05
RoyK^ip addr add dev eth0
incorrectwell i am trying to figure out a way to get dhclient to run on multiple virtual interfaces21:05
incorrecti thought i might be able to do it with vlans21:06
RoyK^incorrect: if it's http, just use the host header21:06
incorrectif dhcp is http, err sure21:07
RoyK^if you have five ip addresses on a server, where does dhcp get in?21:09
incorrecti have 5 static ip addresses, problem is my isp assigns them from dhcp21:09
incorrecteach interface needs its own mac address21:09
incorrectthis is not a problem if i have 5 devices or 5 ethX's21:10
RoyK^I don't think you can assigne multiple mac addresses on an interface21:10
incorrectRoyK, if you can virtualise the interface21:10
RoyK^well, of course21:10
incorrectelse you can could run a vm21:10
incorrectvlan's could if you can assign the same vlan create a virtual interface with a different mac address21:11
RoyK^but wouldn't it be easier to just set them statically?21:11
RoyK^I don't think I've heard of an ISP not allowing static IPs21:11
incorrectwell you have now21:11
RoyK^then agagin21:11
RoyK^why do you need five IPs?21:12
RoyK^if it's not for VMs21:12
lenioswhy does it help?21:13
RoyK^is it possible to run these web servers in tiny VMs?21:13
incorrectalso i don't like my smtp gateway being on the same ip i am nat'ing from21:13
RoyK^lenios: you can't use host header with https21:13
incorrectno because my firewall is not my vm farm21:13
RoyK^get a new isp21:13
incorrectsounds where i live21:13
incorrecti am sure its not hard to virtualise21:14
RoyK^then use your server as the firewall21:14
RoyK^ufw is rather nice and can do much stuff21:14
incorrectmy servers as a firewall, eh no21:14
incorrecterr i can write iptables rules, don't nee ufw21:14
RoyK^then no,  I have no idea.21:14
RoyK^you can prolly do some userspace hacking with iptables and make it work, but don't ask me21:15
RoyK^or manual dhcp client hacking21:15
lenioscan't you do https with only one ip address?21:15
incorrectwell if you know of a way to assign multiple vlan interfaces to the same vlan that would be good21:15
RoyK^but this is way out of the ubuntu server stuff21:15
RoyK^lenios: if you have two https servers, yo need two addresses unless you have some wierd extension that I don't think the normal apache supports21:17
incorrectRoyK, also your cert would be broken21:18
incorrectyour server would say, hi i am blahblah,com when you are hehehehe.com21:18
lenioswhy would you want two https servers?21:18
leniosbehind a nat with limited dhcp21:19
incorrect5 static ip address is enough for 5 https sites21:19
RoyK^seems it's rfc2817 for https to work21:20
jeffesquivelincorrect, have you read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=483375  ?21:20
RoyK^and that should be supported on recent apache versions21:20
incorrectlooks interesting21:20
jeffesquivelincorrect, I think OP may be using your same ISP21:21
jeffesquivelincorrect, but he doesn't answers to say if it did work21:21
incorrectjeffesquivel, looks promising21:22
jeffesquivelincorrect, yep, that's what I thought :-)21:25
incorrectthank you21:26
jeffesquivelincorrect, np21:26
lifelesskirkland: http://people.canonical.com/~kirkland/ubuntu-vm-builder.html seems out of date22:01
kirklandlifeless: dreadfully, yes22:02
kirklandlifeless: soren has always hated it22:02
kirklandlifeless: i'd like to get it up-to-date, and into the vm-builder package itself22:02
kirklandlifeless: so that you could point a browser to something local22:02
lifelessso I want to make a VM22:02
lifelessto do LP patches22:02
lifelessso I don't have to change etc/hosts etc etc22:02
kirklandlifeless: open a bug against vm-builder, though, and i can try to get it updated22:02
kirklandlifeless: what's your goal?22:03
kirklandlifeless: and can you just use testdrive?22:03
lifelessanyhow, what is the rune I should use to get a VM with a couple of GB of memory, say 4GB of disk, lucid22:03
lifelesskirkland: I need persistent storage22:04
kirklandlifeless: k ...  yeah, vmbuilder is supposed to do that for you22:04
kirklandzul: around?22:04
kirklandzul: lifeless is having some trouble with vm-builder22:04
kirklandsmoser: or maybe you can give lifeless the one-liner?22:04
lifeless--help tells me I need to pass parameters that I don't know the value of, and man ubuntu-vm-builder gives me 'cmmand without man apge' :P22:05
lifelessinfo ubuntu-vm-builder is less helpful still22:05
kirklandlifeless: gimme a minute22:06
lifelessno worries; Ima grab foodstuff anyhow22:06
jeffesquivelhmm... gotta leave for classes... bbl22:31
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
mathiazhggdh: hi23:02
mathiazhggdh: what's the state on the Uec beta1 testing?23:02
hggdhmathiaz: I am going over the topologies23:03
hggdhso far, no probs23:03
hggdhmathiaz: where can I find the stress tests?23:08
mathiazhggdh: in the uec-testing-scripts, you can use the config_multi.yaml23:09
mathiazhggdh: stress testing is build around the functional test23:11
mathiazhggdh: running it multiple times23:11
mathiazhggdh: in a loop, starting multiple instances, etc...23:11
mathiazhggdh: I'm not it's documented in the testcase wiki23:11
hggdhmathiaz: thank you, will look at it23:21
hggdhmathiaz: for the 'starting multiple' instances... being doing it in many different forms today ;-)23:22
mathiazhggdh: right - the multi instances setup also covers using *multiple* users23:23
hggdhmathiaz: OK, that's different. All I did was setup multiple groups, and run then in paralel, per se, start & terminate , etc23:24
mathiazhggdh: groups or users?23:25
mathiazhggdh: I guess you've always used the default admin account23:25
hggdhmathiaz: so far, groups23:26
hggdhmathiaz: you meant the iso_testing_scripts, right?23:26
mathiazhggdh: yes23:26
ruben23anyone here have live email server production23:27
hinkIf i want ssh 4.8 or higher on 8.04 do I have to compile myself?23:29
hinkssh server rather23:30
hggdhmathiaz: in the iso-testing-scripts there is no config_multi.yaml23:30
mathiazhggdh: *uec* -testing-scripts?23:31
hggdhmathiaz: OK. Where is uec-testing-scrupts?23:31
mathiazhggdh: lp:~mathiaz/+junk/uec-testing-scripts23:31
hggdhmathiaz: ah. This one I did not have, thank you23:32
hggdhmathiaz: and this is run from tcempedak?23:36
mathiazhggdh: yes23:37
mathiazhggdh: I'd suggest to look at the README.testing file23:37
mathiazhggdh: in the uec-testing-preseed branch23:37
mathiazhggdh: on tamarind23:37
mathiazhggdh: it outlines how to use the uec-testing-scripts for testing23:37
hinkDoes anyone know if there is a port of ssh 4.8+ for Hardy?23:39
hggdhmathiaz: thank you23:40
kirklandsmoser: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/52070723:50
keesmathiaz: can you add bug 423252 to your radar?  it sounds like it needs a lot more investigation.23:57

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