
Sarvatthmm that guy followed up more with a mesa patch00:00
RAOFSarvatt: Yeah, sweet.00:00
jcristauthere's people reporting server crashes on closing clutter apps fwiw00:06
tormodwow knarf really rocks, looking forward to testing that stuff00:09
tormodjcristau, do you think the debian -ati should be updated for  fdo 27186 mentioned above?00:10
jcristautormod: i don't know, brice handles radeon.  is updating for the next RC or release not good enough?00:11
bryceh-intel apport freeze hook OFF00:11
tormodjcristau, ok I can ask brice. this would be a regression from the previous version.00:14
Sarvatthmm, seen a few bugs with this problem, wonder if the patch works - https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2560701:23
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25607 in Driver/Radeon "drmCheckModesettingSupported fails if X loaded radeon modeset=1 just before" [Normal,New]01:23
brycehwe need our log scanner :-)01:35
RAOFLets test these mmiotrace scripts.01:53
RAOFHm.  Not exactly a turnkey solution.03:04
RAOFStop losing events, damnit.03:04
RAOFAh, my old friend IPEHR: 0x0180002003:57
Sarvattheh notice anything interesting about this log? http://pastebin.com/bKV4UuPL03:59
Sarvattjust added a check for KMS to vesa and made it not load if a KMS driver is in use04:00
RAOFSarvatt: I, too, have done that.04:00
RAOFThere's a bug on xserver-xorg-video-vesa & b.fd.o04:00
RAOFShouldn't it fallback to fbdev though?04:01
Sarvattgood because mine is incredibly hacky, darn autotools04:01
RAOFAh.  Mine might be better, then :)04:01
Sarvattthats only because i forced vesa in xorg.conf, it'd fail to load right if it was autoconfiguring04:01
RAOFMine should do things like allow vesa to be built without libdrm and such.04:01
Sarvattwould unload vesa and move on to fbdev I mean04:01
RAOFbug #531736 btw04:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531736 in xorg-server "VESA driver should fail to load when KMS is active" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53173604:02
RAOFdrmCheckModesetting makes that pretty easy, though.04:03
Sarvatt(ignore the screwy includes)04:05
Sarvattchecking out that bug04:06
RAOFIt's basically a placeholder to say “this should be done, I'm doing it”04:06
RAOFHm.  xf86LoaderCheckSymbol is nicer that what I'm doing, which is to just snprintf a busid string :)04:08
Sarvattkay, control+alt+f1, sudo service gdm stop, screen shuts off and power key brings it back up with the plymouth shutdown screen04:17
RAOFThat's fun.04:17
Sarvattthats new from some update today04:18
Sarvattoh yay its after midnight, i can upload mesa with all the fixes now04:18
RAOFNew snapshot date?04:19
SarvattMesa 7.7.1 Release Notes / March 26, 2010 woohoo04:21
Sarvattyeah launchpad handles version numbers weird now04:21
Sarvattit wont accept say mesa_7.9.0~git20100323.fffffffff as being newer than mesa_7.9.0~git20100323.0000000004:22
Sarvattso wont let me upload new orig.tar.gz's unless I use +04:22
Sarvatt7.9.0+git20100323.ffffffff is > mesa 7.9.0+git20100323.00000000 and accepted but 7.9.0~git20100323.ffffffff is < 7.9.0~git20100323.00000000, i dont get it04:24
Sarvatti thought it was dpkg since it started right at a big dpkg upgrade last november but dpkg still evaluates them right04:27
Sarvattnv40 should be all fixed up with this mesa upload04:27
RAOFYay!  Compiz for me!04:29
RAOF(Until it dies in gem_cpu_prep)04:29
Sarvattthe mesa 7.7.1 release notes make it look boring, then you look at the git log and see all the actual fixes :)04:44
Sarvattoh whoops, forgot i had a hard dep on the kernel abi version in the nouveau ddx on edgers04:51
Sarvattnot cool, broken all day :D04:52
brycehI see tjaalton has done the xserver 1.7.6 merge, it's in git04:53
Sarvattoh sweet!04:53
brycehSarvatt, broken in edgers or in lucid?04:53
Sarvattjust edgers, no biggie :)04:54
tjaaltonhmm, did bugabundo file a but about the vbox issue?05:11
brycehhi tjaalton05:11
tjaaltonhey bryceh 05:11
brycehubuntu-bug may refuse to do vbox bugs against xorg05:12
bryceh(at least it should for crashes)05:12
tjaaltonright, but manual ones probably work05:12
* bryceh nods05:12
tjaaltonsounds like the vbox video driver is autoloaded but it doesn't support the server abi05:13
brycehwhat's new05:13
brycehtjaalton, do you mean it's in video-all?05:14
brycehmaybe it should be drummed out then05:14
tjaaltonbryceh: no, but adding the guest additions will install it05:14
tjaaltonthere's a bug to split the driver from the vbox package though, to let it install with video-all, but it's not trivial05:15
brycehI don't think we'd want to accept it anyway05:15
tjaaltonand then there's the proprietary version too05:15
tjaaltonof vbox05:15
tjaaltonso yeah, pointless imo05:16
brycehI talked with kirkland and he confirmed vbox is not something we need to support05:16
tjaaltoni'd be nice if it supported usb05:16
tjaaltonthe free one that is05:16
brycehso I'd say if they want to insert their own X stuff into the xserver, then it's on them to maintain05:16
bryceh(by "them" I mean the vbox proponents in ubuntu)05:17
brycehI've gotten a pretty hard attitude about it after going through tons and tons of vbox crash bugs due to not supporting the right xserver api in karmic ;-)05:18
tjaaltonactually those ones were kinda strange, since the additions did support the server, but the server would crash on start (or shutdown) for some strange reason.. never bothered to check that, though I have it installed and confirmed myself05:20
tjaaltonand that only happened on the first time05:20
Sarvattok the gnome-screensaver-gl-helper bugs for nvidia are all silly, you get that crash report when you activate the nvidia drivers and the screensaver kicks in before you reboot05:48
Sarvatti think thats gnome-screensaver's fault personally05:51
tjaaltonwhoa! there's a proper fallback patch for the xorg-conf-available situation05:53
ubottuFreedesktop bug 27229 in Server/general "Video driver autoselection does not work with xorg.conf/xorg.conf.d in place" [Critical,New]05:53
tjaaltonshould we switch to xorg.conf.d now :P05:53
brycehtjaalton, gonna pull it in?05:53
brycehtjaalton, sure05:53
tjaaltonbryceh: not without discussion05:53
tjaaltonwith debian too05:53
Sarvattyou guys are insane :)05:54
* bryceh nods05:54
tjaaltonhave to read the thread first05:54
tjaaltonSarvatt: this is in 1.8 anyway, and I've got a backported patch already05:54
tjaaltonabout xorg.conf.d05:54
Sarvattdoh, looks like nvidia-current's blacklist alternative dealie doesn't work from a liveusb with persistant storage either05:55
Sarvattwrong glx loading :(06:08
Sarvattahhhhhhhhh I was completely wrong, it's not libglx that's the problem it just requires 24 bit depth being forced in xorg.conf. I made an xorg.conf with just a screen section that had DefaultDepth 24 and it works06:13
tjaaltonuploaded wacom 0.10.5 to my ppa07:08
tjaaltonsuperm1: ^ it has the udev rule fix to match the vendor id too when setting x11_driver, so your laptop should work with this version07:17
tjaaltonbah, didn't bump the epoch07:18
RAOFxorg gets all narky when you call xf86DMsg () in a probe function.07:48
bjsnidertseliot, is nvidia-settings creating a menu entry in lucid?13:43
tseliotbjsnider: yes, why are you asking?13:43
bjsniderit didn't in karmic13:43
bjsnideri'll have to investigate13:43
tseliotwell, nvidia-$flavour does it13:44
bjsniderthat explains it13:44
bjsnideri really only wanted the polkit patch. i went too far13:44
tseliotbjsnider: the polkit patch shouldn't work without lucid's version of screen-resolution-extra13:45
bjsnideri changed the dependency so it just asks for screen-resolution0extra without specifying a version13:46
tseliotthat won't work13:47
tseliotunless you have that specific version installed13:47
tseliotwhich has the polkit code13:47
tseliotnvidia-settings calls that13:47
bjsnideri don't understand that13:48
bjsnideri asumed there would just be a button that says "click here to unlock" or something13:48
bjsnidermaybe there's another patch somewhere13:49
tseliotthe button needs to call something else, right?13:51
tseliotthat something else is in screen-resolution-extra13:52
bjsniderall it needs to do is elevate privileges so the user can save the xorg.conf file13:52
tseliotprivileges of what?13:53
tseliotyou have a polkit agent and a mechanism13:54
tseliotthe mechanism runs with root privileges and the agent (with user privileges) talks to it through dbus13:54
bjsniderprivileges to edit system files13:56
tseliotit works as I explained, for further information you might want to have a look at the documentation13:57
bjsniderthat's why it won't work14:06
bjsniderand if i take that file and add it as a patch to nvidia-settings14:07
bjsnideror not even a patch but just install it14:08
bjsnideri could do that easily14:08
tseliotyes, I guess that should work (if I remember correctly what I did)14:08
Sarvatttjaalton: matching n-trig vendor id too?14:23
tjaaltonSarvatt: no, that's missing14:25
tjaaltonbut I've finished the xorg.conf.d/inputclass -backport, pushed it to my personal repo on alioth. will send an email next14:27
tjaaltontseliot: ^ it includes the suse patch which makes autoconfig work if there are conffiles around (but no screen sections in them)14:28
tseliottjaalton: I would like to see that14:29
tjaaltondebian-unstable branch14:31
tjaaltonhaven't merged it in ubuntu yet14:31
tjaaltonbut will do so next14:31
tjaaltonsince unstable doesn't build on lucid (udeb stuff)14:31
Sarvattwhy isn't xf86-input-wacom in pkg-xorg already? can we create it?14:35
jcristaubecause it's maintained independently14:38
Sarvattguess thats a good one to start maintaining the ubuntu changes in bzr then14:41
jcristauVcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/users/ron/xf86-input-wacom.git14:41
jcristauyou could maintain the ubuntu branch in pkg-xorg though14:42
jcristauif you wanted14:42
tseliottjaalton: thanks, I'll have a look at it14:42
tjaaltonSarvatt: I have it on my personal repo atm14:42
tjaaltonhuh, the ubuntu patches applied as-is14:55
tjaaltonand builds too15:02
tjaaltonand works15:05
tjaaltonneed to check the fallbacks too15:06
tjaaltonthat's the whole point of this sillyness .. :)15:07
Sarvattyou removed an input abi bump though, dont forget we're going to need to remove all the input abi 9 ifdefs from input drivers now :(15:08
tjaaltonwhich means wacom15:08
tjaaltonit's the only one15:08
tjaaltoni should have them all cloned on my hd15:09
Sarvattas much as I dislike bzr because it is *really* a pig with big repos, the idea of keeping ubuntu deltas in bzr and setting up bzr-builddeb for everything is really growing on me these days, i just wish I knew a way to go backwards and merge our debian/ bzr branches if we had them into git without a lot of pain. having one ubuntu branch in debian git doesn't seem to be enough and there is a divide between that branch and SRU stuff thats in bzr.  15:25
Sarvattalso there's a split if we do decide to do something like stable mesa version updates in released versions, and there are a number of packages with no ubuntu branch at all because we usually track upstream like intel and ati.15:25
tjaaltonheck yeah, fallbacks work (at least it loads vesa/fbdev too)15:27
tjaaltonSarvatt: well, no-one has bothered to create other branches15:41
Sarvatttjaalton: do you think 1 month really is enough time to really convert everything and get enough feedback on issues if we backported that? it's such a major change15:41
tjaaltonSarvatt: dunno, we'll see15:43
tjaaltonand it's just for configuration, the drivers itself won't care15:44
Sarvattfor the debian upstream-* branches, do they just pull master into that branch and merge a tag from that branch into unstable or experimental?15:45
Sarvattif so, can we just update upstream-unstable daily? i'm thinking about the packages where we have a newer version in ubuntu than debian and can't just merge from a debian branch in git15:48
tjaaltonno, the same tag is pulled to the upstream branch15:49
tjaaltonthe you can get the exact diff by checking against the debian branch15:49
tjaaltonapart from nouveau I can't find such packages atm15:55
Sarvattso thats another hinderance, we can't maintain stuff in git that has newer versions than debian which is why intel and ati don't have ubuntu branches and libdrm gets *really* out of sync when we do git snapshots. how can we alleviate that? if packaging branches were in bzr we could just point it at a different branch to merge, upstream vcs's (including debian's) are imported into bzr automatically multiple times a day and we can automatically cr15:55
Sarvatteate tarballs and releases any time we wanted15:55
jcristaui don't understand this15:56
tjaaltonSarvatt: that's not the reason why ati/intel are not maintained in git15:57
tjaaltonthe ubuntu branch doesn't have to use upstream-*15:57
tjaaltonif you've added the upstream remote then feel free to pull from there :)15:57
Sarvattah that works, jcristau I don't either thats why I'm asking :)15:58
tjaaltonhaving it all in bzr makes it easier for drive-by-committers to add crappy patches :)16:00
tjaaltonthough it's just as easy now16:00
jcristauspeaking of which i think xorg-server -1u4 is not in git :)16:01
tjaaltonbecause I told asac to upload it if he was in a hurry :)16:01
tjaaltonsince 1.7.6-1u1 is still shaping up16:02
tjaalton(i guess)16:02
Sarvattso what would be the workflow to use if I wanted to say, merge xserver 1.8 in git in the ubuntu branch today? 16:05
asacjcristau: blame me ;)16:05
asacwe wanted this in so we can verify the feature. some folks are waiting for it downstream16:06
jcristauasac: no blame needed :)16:06
asacheh ... thanks for being kind16:07
tjaaltonSarvatt: add the remote, git merge <tag>; git mergetool etc16:07
Sarvattadd fdo as a remote, merge the tag from it and push?16:07
jcristauSarvatt: yes16:07
tjaaltonoh and git fetch upstream too16:07
* Sarvatt nods.16:08
SarvattI thought I'd need to push a new remote branch containing that remote first16:14
tjaaltonnope, not needed. remotes are local16:16
Sarvatttjaalton: I know driveby crappy patches suck, but I just dont see them being able to update the actual package anyway with it because they are core-dev and us having to bring it into git manually as any kind of hinderance towards it happening :D16:17
tjaaltonSarvatt: yeah, but if it was enforced (probably won't happen though) :)16:18
superm1tjaalton, cool thanks16:20
Sarvatti think i'm going to go ahead and bzr-ify xorg-edgers at some point though, keeping packaging in bzr and setting up bzr-builddeb to work with it would insanely simplify things. that or move packaging into git somewhere so we only have to update that instead of making an increasingly insane amount of hooks and manual packaging adjustments every time I update16:22
tjaaltonyeah whatever works for you16:23
tjaaltonemail sent, but I think it'll get on the queue since my address has changed16:24
mpt_testpcCould someone please help me with a keyboard that has stopped working in Lucid?17:11
mpt_testpcUbuntu is still detecting that I'm using it (the cursor in a Terminal window stops blinking when I type), but no characters come out17:11
mpt_testpcMaking things worse, the Onboard on-screen keyboard isn't working either (it just shows a blank grey window), so any debugging that requires text entry may be tricky17:13
mpt_testpcI could install GOK or Kvkbd from Ubuntu Software Center, but that would require typing my password17:21
tjaaltonso you can't start apps from the terminal?17:23
mpt_testpctjaalton, correct17:24
mpt_testpchttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HalBreaksKeyboardAndMouse suggests the problem might be that hal isn't running, but I thought HAL was removed in alpha 2.17:25
tjaaltonmpt_testpc: could you put the logfile somewhere? or file a bug17:25
tjaaltonudev is used instead of hal17:25
mpt_testpctjaalton, System Monitor doesn't list a process called udev. Should it?17:26
mpt_testpctjaalton, which log file?17:26
tjaaltonwell if udev isn't running you'd have no mouse either17:28
mpt_testpchooray for USB keys17:30
tjaaltonyou could start xev and see if it lists any events17:30
mpt_testpctjaalton, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/400671/17:31
mpt_testpcAny suggestion for starting xev using a mouse? :-)17:32
tjaaltonoh I thought you had a usb keyboard17:33
tjaaltonso if you do, just plug it in :)17:34
mpt_testpcI do, and that has exactly the same problem17:34
mpt_testpcI figured it out though17:34
tjaaltonoh i see17:34
mpt_testpcI saved "xev<carriage return>" to a text file on this computer17:35
mpt_testpcsaved it on the USB key17:35
mpt_testpcplugged it into the sick computer17:35
mpt_testpcopened it up, copied and pasted it into a terminal window17:35
mpt_testpctjaalton, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/400680/17:37
* hyperair grumbles that i915's ACPI-based brightness keys still don't work with KMS.17:38
tjaaltonmpt_testpc: huh, weird. is it a fresh install or an upgrade?17:39
tjaaltonmpt_testpc: try changing the model from gnome keyboard options17:40
mpt_testpctjaalton, upgrade. The keyboard was working fine on Lucid until today.17:41
jcristaui blame gdm17:43
mpt_testpcI changed it from "Apple" "MacBook/MacBook Pro" (which it is) to "Apple" "Apple", and now most keys work17:43
tjaaltonoh right, it had to work at least on the login screen, right?-17:44
mpt_testpcNo, it didn't, but Onboard worked at the login screen17:44
tjaaltonhmm ok17:44
mptnow to try a restart17:45
mpt_So far, so good17:48
mpt_Thank you very much tjaalton 17:48
tjaaltonstill weird that it'd break so badly17:48
tjaaltontry with a new user, and check what's in /etc/default/console-setup (XKB*)17:49
tjaaltonbbl, sauna while it's still hot ->17:50
mpt_testpcso now I'm back to bug 31922117:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319221 in xkeyboard-config "Option+key combos in "USA Macintosh" keyboard layout don't work" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31922117:51
mpt_testpcI can't log in to a new user account, it says "Authentication failure" when I type the password17:53
mpt_testpcbut I was having that problem before the keyboard problem, so it's probably unrelated :-)17:54
mpt_testpcAnd I'm still experiencing bug 524406.17:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524406 in libxklavier "Frequent "Error activating XKB configuration"" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52440617:55
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
tjaaltonmpt_testpc: if you can reproduce the original problem again, please get a dump from 'setxkbmap -print' and 'xkbcomp :0 -'18:26
mpttjaalton, ok, I'll copy and save that in preparation :-)18:30
brycehtjaalton, I see 1.7.6 xserver is staged in git; is it pending any other changes before it can be uploaded?  (Want me to upload?)18:32
tjaaltonbryceh: the patch that asac uploaded is probably the only one18:33
tjaaltonso the changes in -1u4 need to be merged18:33
brycehshall I take care of that?18:34
tjaaltonyou may18:34
tjaaltoni'll futz with the backports18:35
tjaaltonhuh, of the 40 openchrome bugs open, 15 have patches18:37
tjaaltonthough I've no idea how many of them are valid18:37
brycehyeah but that's because there is an upstream guy who asks users to test possible fixes by posting patches to the bug18:37
brycehI looked through those a while ago and found most looked not viable for us to pull in18:38
brycehI think they get kinda fussy if we include patches unique to ubuntu in the packaging18:39
brycehor I should say, they did get fussy once, so I've kept my hands off since18:40
brycehtjaalton, can you link me to the .orig.tar.gz I should use for this upload?18:51
tjaaltonbryceh: you can find it here for instance http://packages.debian.org/source/unstable/xorg-server18:52
tjaaltonlinked from http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xorg-server.html18:53
tjaaltonwhere you get from versions_current ;)18:53
brycehhey, I've messed it up before, I figure best to ask ;-)18:54
* bryceh pbuilders18:57
tjaaltonso we can sync packages ourselves, that's great18:58
tjaaltonthere aren't much to sync atm though18:58
brycehyeah saw that19:00
tjaaltonbryceh: did you see my email about the backports?19:00
brycehtjaalton, yep19:00
tjaaltonso i'm thinking that it's either both take it or leave it19:01
brycehyeah sounds like a smart strategy19:02
brycehthe changes sound cool but a bit scary given we've got just a month to go19:02
brycehit sounded like we'd need to touch a bunch of packages to update their config stuff, is that correct?19:03
brycehe.g. turn udev rules into xorg.conf snippets etc.19:03
tjaaltonevdev, synaptics, wacom, joystick19:03
brycehnice, xserver built w/ no issues.  uploading...19:03
tjaaltonvmmouse maybe19:03
tjaaltonevtouch too19:04
tjaaltonbut those are trivial19:04
tjaaltonneed to check serial wacom support too19:05
tjaaltonhow to handle it19:05
tjaaltonprobably just a matter of matching the right string or so19:06
tjaaltonah actually the udev rule sets ID_INPUT_TABLET, so the normal rule will match then19:06
tjaaltonand fedora has 10-wacom.conf already19:09
jcristauis sis synced with tormod's fix?19:22
* hyperair thinks that the source of his graphical corruption is xserver-xorg-video-intel..19:53
* hyperair tickles Sarvatt 19:54
hyperairhmm maybe i should just revert to 2.9.0 and see what happens19:55
brycehhyperair, no it's probably drm stuff19:56
brycehhyperair, so boot an earlier kernel19:56
hyperairbryceh: oh so it's a kernel thing?19:56
hyperairbryceh: is this a known issue?19:57
brycehdunno check launchpad19:57
hyperairbryceh: i'm running karmic and xorg-edgers.. i don't think such bugs would appear in launchpad.19:57
hyperairand a 2.6.34 kernel19:57
brycehwow, pretty jacked out19:58
hyperairit's a custom compiled 2.6.34 kernel in fact19:58
brycehyou're a crazy man19:59
hyperairi blame it all on intel.19:59
hyperairafter they screwed over the performance of i915, i followed xorg-edgers and never stopped19:59
hyperairi think i began compiling my kernels around then as well19:59
hyperairno wait i think i started compiling them even before that because i needed phc20:00
* hyperair tries restarting X20:00
brycehyeah Intel's really bad about pushing everyone to bleeding edge stuff20:01
brycehbut it gets people into weird configurations that are too far from stock for us to deal with20:02
brycehhyperair, really with your config you should be asking on #intel-gfx20:02
hyperairbryceh: i did.20:05
hyperairwith no reply =\20:06
hyperairwell, at least i got a response on the backlight keys issue20:06
hyperairand so i'm compiling a new kernel to check20:06
hyperairbryceh: i think it is xserver-xorg-video-intel after all. i just install 2.9.0 from karmic-updates and i don't see any graphic corruption20:09
hyperairwell for the time being20:09
hyperairlet's see whether it returns20:09
brycehhi tormod20:14
tjaaltonhah, I made it on phoronix \o/20:41
tjaaltonjcristau: not yet20:42
jcristauhah, he calls you mad.20:42
tjaaltonwell put20:46
tormodhi bryceh, I fear I won't get far with -ati today...20:48
tjaaltonmaybe I should create an account to comment on the phoronix thread :)20:50
tjaaltonbut not today ->20:51
jcristauthe peanut gallery is having so much fun20:54
Sarvatttjaalton: did you throw it up on a PPA?20:59
brycehMore Phoronix Madness21:08
brycehpeople who can't spell, giving their advice on how X should be maintained in ubuntu21:10
jcristauit's not advice, really.  it's obviously The Truth.21:11
brycehI like airlied's reply #17 though21:14
jcristauairlied knows what he's talking about.  that should disqualify him for phoronix comments21:15
brycehjcristau, don't worry I'm sure his comment will be ignored into oblivion21:15
RAOFbryceh: Good morning.  I've got a fix for bug #531736 in x-x-v-vesa in the ubuntu branch of pkg-xorg git; could you check it out & sponsor?21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531736 in xserver-xorg-video-vesa "VESA driver should fail to load when KMS is active" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53173621:50
brycehhi RAOF, certainly21:51
RAOFbryceh: Have you uploaded vesa yet?  If not, could you hold off on it - I may have outsmarted myself with the build-time checks :X22:23
brycehhaven't uploaded yet22:24
bjsniderbryceh, just because they can't spell and don't know what they're talking about doesn't mean we shouldn't listen to their worthless opinions'22:41
RAOFbryceh: There we go.  I *had* outsmarted myself.  x-x-v-vesa git now has the correct build-dependencies to actually enable the patch!22:44
* RAOF reinstalls xserver-xorg-video-all again22:46
brycehRAOF btw a convention we've been using is to number ubuntu patches starting with 100, so we can more easily distinguish them from debian's patches22:48
RAOFOk.  I'll update git to follow that convention.22:48
brycehmm I like the patch, looks good22:51
RAOFOk.  git updated to make the patch number start at 10022:57
aboSamoorI would like to ask about Poulsbo for the dell netbook, it is not working in lucid, any news or related bugs that I look at ?22:58
brycehno news on psb23:02
brycehW: xserver-xorg-video-vesa source: patch-system-but-direct-changes-in-diff ChangeLog and 1 more23:04
* jcristau ignores that warning23:06
RAOFYeah; that's unchanged from the debian package.23:07
brycehRAOF, uploaded23:08
SarvattRAOF: what did you end up doing? something like http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/vesa.diff ?23:10
RAOFI incorporated some of that; mainly the DRICreatePCIBusID bit rather than hand-creating my own pciid string.23:11
RAOFI stuck it in the PCI probe function, though.23:11
RAOFSo X probes the vesa driver, which detects kms, and doesn't create a screen object.23:12
RAOFYou can have a look http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/driver/xserver-xorg-video-vesa.git;a=blob;f=debian/patches/001_ubuntu_bail_when_kms_active.patch;h=4d2880fdcc6954225303db0cca31b06209c933ee;hb=22017c781ac34e1bbc62908eeccc830709fbe2f323:12
brycehbtw if you guys are interested, kees and I set up a bzr tree with some scripts to revert some of the design annoyances...  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wilson/ubuntu-wilson/main23:17
* kees recommends reading each and picking the ones you want instead of running the bulk installer. :)23:18
brycehmoves the toolbar buttons back to the right.  I got an inkscape friend to fix the buttons so they're all rotated correctly although don't have the packaging to install those23:18
* RAOF actually rather likes the buttons on the left.23:19
RAOFGah!  vga16fb, I stab at thee!23:25
Sarvattoh nice, the only thing that bugged me was the button graphics being dependant on the changed button ordering and all other themes not looking right with that configuration23:25
Sarvattthanks for that kees and bryceh :)23:25
brycehSarvatt, you have to manually copy them into place for now, I'm not sure how to set up the diversions properly23:26
brycehbut they look great23:26
bjsnider"Timo Aaltonen has now published a patch to Ubuntu-X that brings most of the X Server 1.8 features back atop their 1.7 server."23:48
brycehbjsnider, <3 phoronix23:52
bjsniderit's true because i read it in the interwebs23:55
Sarvattyeah apparently the ubuntu-x mailing list is a good ad money maker :) can't have a discussion there without it showing up as news and interpreted as exactly whats going to happen23:58
brycehwe should totally get them for apr-1st23:58
Sarvattlucid upgrading to xserver 1.8 and mesa 7.8? :)23:58
jcristauor lucid delayed 2 months because X is too broken23:59
Sarvattsomeone else got them last year with xorg 7.5 release :)23:59
brycehjcristau, :-)23:59
jcristau"we'll wait for 2.6.34"23:59
brycehfull source for psb?23:59

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