
jamestaitAnyone else noticed that addresses in U1 contacts differ from the Specification page at http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/contact ?00:13
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duanedesignjamalta_: i notice you have a syncing project you are working on01:36
duanedesignsorry jamalta_ tab fail01:36
duanedesignjamestait: ^^01:36
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marcosrorizhello guys04:03
marcosrorizI found a bug04:03
duanedesignhello marcosroriz04:05
duanedesignwhats the bug?04:06
marcosrorizthe bug is that I have about 350 + files in a folder when I display on a web it seems that it get only 100 files to show at maximum04:06
marcosrorizI don't know if it's a bug, but it looks like04:07
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ryeevolution does not show ubuntuone couchdb contacts if desktopcouch was autolaunched by dbus... Hmmmm07:46
ryeorganization is set to ";" if no organization and department is set during phone sync07:48
ryeafter adding the cell phone via the phone UI and sync, the cell phone became "Other phone" for Evolution07:49
* rye will file those bugs now07:49
=== niels_ is now known as NielsE
NielsEwhen I press F5 on one.ubuntu.com sometimes my folders are there, and sometimes half of them appear, and sometimes I can see them all08:30
NielsEis UbuntuOne having problems or something?08:30
ryerodrigo_, are you the one to poke about couchdb/evolution integration?08:31
rodrigo_rye, yes08:32
ryeNielsE, unfortunately this i the flaw in the presentation code for ubuntuone files. The browser is instructed to send too many requests and some of them fail even though the response is on the way.08:32
ryerodrigo_, I figured out what causes my e-d-s to eat all my CPU - when evolution starts and desktopcouch is not started, then dbus autostarts dc, right? However at this time something becomes bad and my couchdb contacts do not show up. I need to shut down evolution completely for the addressbook to pick up the entries from desktopcouch08:34
ryerodrigo_, where to dig for more useful info? Lucid08:34
rodrigo_rye, hmm, run e-d-s on a terminal and pastebin the output08:34
ryeSegmentation fault (core dumped) :-/08:35
rodrigo_e-d-s segfaults?08:35
ryerodrigo_, yup08:35
rodrigo_rye, then run it under gdb, please08:36
rodrigo_$ gdb /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.2808:36
rodrigo_and when it segfaults:08:36
rodrigo_(gdb) thread apply all bt08:36
ryerodrigo_, guess what?08:37
rye0x00f13180 in ?? () from /lib/libdbus-1.so.308:37
rodrigo_and before that?08:38
ryerodrigo_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/400443/08:39
rodrigo_I'd say this is the dbus-is-broken bug nessita was having the other day08:40
rodrigo_rye, are you running with all the latest updates?08:40
ryerodrigo_, yup08:40
ryerodrigo_, i believe i did a pretty bad thing now08:43
rodrigo_what did you do?08:44
ryerodrigo_, that backtrace contained my Google Account password :)08:46
rodrigo_ugh, change it!08:46
ryerodrigo_, since I was using Google Calendar08:46
ryerodrigo_, heh, already done :)08:47
PaulGitbeuno: Just thought I would let you know that I am loitering around so if you get the CouchDB bug fix I can test the iPhone sync again.11:09
ryePaulGit, warning - do you have contacts in your couchdb ?11:10
ryePaulGit, there is an issue with couchdb -> funambol translation that does not bring the phone numbers and emails to syncml clients11:10
ryethe syncml client -> funambol -> couchdb works fine though11:10
PaulGitrye: No, bueno yesterday showed me how to empty couchdb and then the contacts OOPS via web interface, my first sync yesterday showed that emails did not get syncronised but phone numbers and addresses did.11:11
ryePaulGit, ah, you have empty server-side couchdb, ok11:12
PaulGitrye: So just to be clear, syncing contacts from iPhone->funambol did work except for email addresses, but then I stumbled accross another bug so no longer can access contacts via web.11:12
duanedesignis syncml client the phone client?11:14
ryeduanedesign, yup, SyncML is a standard for syncing contacts, calendars, notes and tasks (i believe)11:24
* rye needs to find whether SyncML is a standard...11:24
ryeOpen Mobile Alliance Data Synchronization and Device Management11:24
ryethat's how that is called now11:25
duanedesignand also Funambol?11:25
duanedesignit is the server side....11:25
duanedesignoop quick google found that11:26
ryeduanedesign, Funambol is the server-side application, but the clients may be built-in to the handsets or running as a separate application if the phone supports that11:26
duanedesignthank you sir, informative as always11:27
PaulGitIt would be great if U1 supported Calendars, I could then remove all my data from Google! :)11:28
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
olyhi, i have tested out the music store last night i can see the music on the web interface but not on my desktop12:57
olyi have been told it should appear in ~/.ubuntuone but this folder does not exist12:57
olyis this a known issue ?12:57
duanedesignhello oly12:58
olyhi, its not a problem as i can get the music from the link just wondering if i have found a bug12:59
duanedesigni have not had a chance to use the music store yet. But maybe I can summon someone to help you :)12:59
duanedesignrye: ping13:00
* rye appears13:01
ryeoly, need some terminal magic from you what does "u1sdtool --status" say?13:01
olyall okay is_error is false is_connected is true is_online is true13:03
olydescription nothing on the wire13:03
olyand i can confirm my python code i am working on is in sync13:04
dns53i'm having problems adding my computer to ubuntu one13:06
ryenothing on the wire.. hm, it means that it believes that there is really nothing else to download. ...13:06
ryeaquarius, is it possible that the files are transferred to the U1 storage, but there was no signal to syncdaemon at the client side?13:07
aquariusrye, yes. You can verify whether that's the case by looking at the web UI.13:07
olyi could create the hidden folder which may kick it in but obviously i should not have to :p13:07
aquariusmusic store downloads show up in the web UI13:08
olyi can see them in the web ui13:08
aquariusoly, you don't have to create the hidden folder; it'll be created for you when it works :)13:08
aquariusoly, ok...try disconnecting from Ubuntu One and reconnecting (on the command line, that's "u1sdtool -q" and "u1sdtool -c")13:08
aquariusthat should re-do the server rescan, which should pick those new files up13:09
olyout of intrest why does it put them in a hidden folder ?13:09
olyits currently scanning by the way, will let you know when it has finished13:09
PaulGitoly: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/+question/105279  will answer your question regarding hidden folder.13:10
olyah kind of makes sense13:17
=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
dns53i think i need to wipe out all traces of ubuntu one on my system, it will not authenticate this computer, any suggestions on how to do this?13:21
joshuahooverdns53: it won't authenticate your computer? what is it doing exactly?13:25
dns53joshuahoover ok so i had lots of duplicate entries for all my computers so i decided to remove them and clear our the list13:26
joshuahooverdns53: so the list is completely empty? no computers associated with your u1 account?13:27
joshuahooverdns53: can you try opening Applications->Accessories->Passwords & Encryption Keys and then delete your "ubuntuone" token there by right-clicking and select "delete"?13:28
joshuahooverdns53: also, what version of ubuntu are you on?13:29
dns53joshuahoover lucid, deleting that key seems to have fixed things13:30
joshuahooverdns53: ok, so i filed a bug for this problem yesterday when i was testing it out...so the good news is we know about it and will be fixing it :) bug #54550613:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545506 in ubuntuone-client "Removing computer from account doesn't delete ubuntuone token" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54550613:33
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
dns53yes that sounds like the bug13:36
olywell i now have the hidden folder, but its still syncing so not got the music yet13:44
olybut looking promising13:44
olyCheers guys thats worked a treat i can now see the music13:55
olyi will have to remember to do the same on my home machine13:56
duanedesignoly: great \o/14:00
olydont suppose theres any chance of running ubuntu one on debian arm is there ?14:02
olyso i can have the music synced onto my phone :)14:02
olyi was considering adding the ppa and seeing what happens :p14:03
olybut guessing the packages might not even be compiled to run on arm processors14:03
dobeyi don't think the ppa compiles for arm automatically14:05
dobeybut you can add just the deb-src line, and apt-get source and rebuild the packages, and any necessary dependencies14:06
olyam i likely to hit any major problems ?14:07
olyjust trying to figure out if its worth attempting14:08
olyor am i likely to end up stuck in dependencie hell14:08
olymight give it a try later see what happens14:13
olywould be an excellent feature to have, especially with maemo and android being based on linux14:14
dobeyi don't think so, unless it's debian stable or something14:16
dobeyas long as the dependencies are satisf{ied,yable}, it should be pretty easy to do14:17
dobeyjust will take a little bit of time14:18
olywell i have debian stable on my phone in a virtual machine so i guess it could be done using that then :p14:22
olythe base os of maemo is debian but its modified and i dont know how much it varys from original debian14:23
olyi would guess biggest issue will likely be versions of the software not being upto date enough14:23
dobeyyou can install the sdk on a real computer, and cross-compile things14:24
dobeythat's what i had to do for building webkit for it14:24
olyi will give it ago and post a howto if it works14:28
dobeycool :)14:29
TechnovikingGot an idea for the Ubuntu one music store, be able to send a tweet/dent when you by a song/album.14:50
jblountTechnoviking: I like it.14:52
TechnovikingIt has been 5 minutes and still has not started transfering to my Ubntu One account, is there a heavy load?14:54
duanedesignTechnoviking: there is a Rhythmbox plugin for tweeting the song your listening to. I wonder if that might be a good place to start....14:54
Technovikingduanedesign: maybe, was think ways to promote the music store, build some hype14:56
ryeduanedesign, I believe the /etc/hosts size is affecting desktopcouch startup. I believe it scans it through compeltely (spitting the errors with invalid entries) but fails to start before its own heartbeat kills it due to being unresponsive14:58
jblountrye: I'm having some trouble with syncdaemon being all crashy, does this look familiar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/546074 ?14:59
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/546074)14:59
duanedesignTechnoviking: i like the idea14:59
ryejblount,  "Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. "15:00
dobeyTechnoviking: interesting idea, but perhaps somewhat difficult to implement at the moment :)15:00
jblountrye: That's weird, it was marked private, but since you are a u1 hacker it should have still let you in.15:01
ryedobey, dbus signal to gwibber on item adding and viola - it tweets/facebooks/dents/diggs, whatever15:01
jblountrye: It's now public though.15:01
duanedesignrye: intteresting. I wonder if mine is a unique problem causing a common symptom or if all these bugs have this problem.15:01
dobeyrye: the web doesn't have dbus signals15:01
ryeduanedesign, startup speed I believe15:01
dobeyrye: and purchases are all on the web15:02
ryedobey, ah, yep, right. sorry, I thought that rhythmbox is more involved, i.e. it gets some signals that 'hi, i am a new song!'15:02
dobeyrye: it only sees the new song once it's been downloaded to the local machine, but it would get that signal whenever any song is put in that library15:03
dobeyrye: which is not a reliable indication of 'purchased' :)15:03
dobeyrye: because "file created" isn't at all related to the music store really15:04
ryejblount, hm, you have an upgrade from earlier metadata going on. While this looks familiar and suggests that you should remove the offending metadata item, I'd like to ask chicharra people about this. nessita? bug #54607415:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546074 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with KeyError in _load_pickle()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54607415:04
olyyou could use inotify to look for new files that appear in the purchased sync folder15:05
nessitarye: verterok is the guy to ask for... not sure of the status of that15:05
ryedobey, "just purchased /home/rtg/Documents/Download Day 2008.pdf from #ubuntuone #music #store. yay!"15:05
nessitarye: we do have a master bug for that15:05
nessitaI'm looking for it15:06
ryenessita, thanks!15:06
ryeverterok_, ^ ?15:06
nessitarye, jblount: this is the master bug, I'll close the new one as dup https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/52285915:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 522859 in ubuntuone-client "Metadata corruption (KeyError while loading metadata)" [Medium,Confirmed]15:06
jblountnessita: Thanks15:07
nessitathank you!15:07
ryejblount, yep, file removal - in your case what " find ~/.local/share/ubuntuone -name '48f58fd9-9b87-4d10-971b-fd084c620a43' " returns?15:09
ryenessita, thanks!15:10
dobeyrye: exactly15:10
jblountrye: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/400584/15:11
ryejblount, find ~/.local/share/ubuntuone -name '48f58fd9-9b87-4d10-971b-fd084c620a43' -delete15:12
ryejblount, and restart syncdaemon / reopen me-menu, etc.15:12
* rye thinks of a local lucid mirror - 3 real machines and 4 virtual ones.. It takes time to upgrade and keep them in sync15:16
ryeduanedesign, you had ~103570 lines in your /hosts, hmmm15:17
jblountrye: Seems to be rocking now, thanks for the help15:29
* jblount notices that "Shared With Me" gets synced first before his files. 15:30
ryeCardinalFang, ping, I know what's happening with duanedesign's couchdb, well, I now I know that we can't do much in our desktopcouch startup code15:33
ryeCardinalFang, duanedesign. For some reason reading /etc/hosts took a lot of time. It reads and parses every line, thus it takes more time. We could increase the timeout for starting up couchdb, BUT the couchdb gets killed by its own heartbeat system:15:34
ryeheart_beat_kill_pid = 454915:34
ryeheart_beat_timeout = 1115:34
CardinalFangrye, dang.15:34
CardinalFangrye, I thank you for figuring that out.15:34
ryeheart: Wed Mar 24 17:31:07 2010: heart-beat time-out.15:34
CardinalFangI'll harass couchdb folks.15:35
ryeheart: Wed Mar 24 17:31:08 2010: Executed "/usr/bin/couchdb -k". Terminating.15:35
ryenow we have two questions, why  it worked earlier - duanedesign started having the issue after upgrade to Lucid and 2 - how we can ask heartbeat to stop killing busy couchdbs15:37
ryeduanedesign, have you opened the bug report regarding that?15:37
* rye restores his vm to a "regular broken" state15:38
duanedesigni was just looking at it. This is the one they made the maswter for the issue bug 53054115:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530541 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch-service crashed with RuntimeError in run_couchdb()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53054115:38
jmlI just tried launching Ubuntu One and got a crash in lucid15:39
jmlapport popped asking me if I wanted to report it. I do, so I said yes.15:40
jmlbut it's been chewing up a whole CPU core for several minutes now15:40
jmlooh, now I've clicked cancel and it's gone grey15:42
jmlalso something is eating my memory :(15:42
jmlkilling gdb seemed to help there15:42
duanedesignhello jml . rye went to post some info on a bug report. I am sure he or someone else will be right in to help you15:44
ryeCardinalFang, that might be somehow related to slow couchdb startup on the servers as well... Though in case it starts up for several minutes... where's the heartbeat then?15:45
ryejml, hm, gdb involved, so that's probably python crash and I believe it is somehow related to dbus... Could you please tell whether there is something SEGFAULT/sigsegv-like in your dmesg now?15:46
jml[ 4299.092433] __ratelimit: 9 callbacks suppressed15:47
jml[ 4299.092444] ubuntuone-login[7548]: segfault at 3 ip 00007fee2806422c sp 00007fee258707e8 error 415:47
jml[ 4299.092511] ubuntuone-login[7547]: segfault at b ip 00007fee280644b5 sp 00007fff9659df70 error 4 in libdbus-1.so.3.4.0[7fee2803e000+3d000]15:47
jml[ 4299.093057]  in libdbus-1.so.3.4.0[7fee2803e000+3d000]15:47
ryejml, eeexactly15:48
jmlrye, so it's a known bug?15:49
ryejml, could you please check whether you are running latest software?15:49
ryejml, just regular upgrade/update, to make sure we are on the same page15:49
ryejml, hm, additionally, could you please check whether ps aux | grep [c]ouch returns something now?15:50
* rye thinks that ubuntuone-login might want to talk to couchdb, that was not started, so it autostarted and died... Much like couchdb-evo.. hmmmm15:51
tcolealecu: ping15:51
jmlyeah couchdb is running15:51
tcoleer, wrong channel15:51
ryejml, ok, could you please run u1sdtool --connect  from the terminal ?15:52
ryedobey, is ubuntuone-login talking to couchdb in any way?15:53
jmlrye, there are a lot of packages that have changed since I last upgraded15:53
jmlrye, I'm in a cafe so I'd rather not hit them w/ a 350MB download15:53
ryejml, ok, could you please try connecting via command line then? (actually it does pretty much the same thing as the preferences app callable from MeMenu)15:54
jmlrye, jml@truth:~$ u1sdtool --connect15:55
ryejml, now try me-menu app?15:55
jmlrye, the MeMenu crashed after I logged in, fwiw15:55
jmlrye, I don't know how to get it back.15:55
ryejml, /usr/lib/indicator-me/indicator-me-service & ?15:55
dobeyrye: it sets up the desktopcouch pairing to u1 when you get an oauth token, yes15:56
jmlrye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/400612/15:56
jmloriginally, I tried to launch Ubuntu One using gnome-do (just typed ubuntuone and hit enter)15:57
jussi01hrm, Ive installed ubuntuone-client, but I dont seem to have any way to start ubuntuone - its not in the menu's and tab complete gives me nothing I can see... help?15:57
jussi01Im on kde if that makes a difference...15:58
ryesomething is wrong with desktopcouch autostart... and it causes external apps to crash... hmmm. Or there is something wrong in all apps15:58
ryejussi01, you can start ubuntuone-preferences or use cmdline client - u1sdtool --connect15:58
ryejussi01, not cmdline client, but cmdline interface to ubuntuone client, that's better15:58
jussi01hrm, I dont seem to have ubuntuone-preferences15:59
ryejussi01, ah, that is in ubuntuone-client-gnome that depends on nautilus that depends on gnome... which will take a lot of dependencies if you are running kubuntu-only install16:00
ryejussi01, do you have u1sdtool app?16:00
jussi01rye: yes16:00
jussi01jussi@workhorse:~$ u1sdtool --connect16:01
jussi01Usage: u1sdtool [option]16:01
jussi01u1sdtool: error: no such option: --connect16:01
dobeymust be on karmic16:03
jmlrye, anyway, let me know if you need more debugging information. I'm going to go deal with other stuff that lucid inexplicably broke16:03
jussi01dobey: correct16:03
jussi01*G* I love your explanations...LOL:   -w, --wait            Wait until ubuntuone-syncdaemon reachs nirvana16:05
ryejml, I will try to reproduce this segfault on a vm, so far I have pretty much reproducible crash with couchdb/evolution-data-server16:05
jmlrye, cool. good luck!16:06
ryejussi01, I believe the only option for now would be to install ubuntuone-client-gnome :(16:06
jussi01rye: oh. :( Right, Ill wait the month and install Lucid :)16:07
* rye is off for an hour or so, ping me and I will reply once available16:16
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
ryesandy|lurk, ping18:03
sandy|lurkrye: pong18:03
ryesandy|lurk, I  found that Lucid Tomboy does not dump the response content in case server returned an error, is it ok?18:04
sandy|lurkrye: the only reason that happened in Karmic is because rodrigo_ patched the package to enable extra-verbose debugging18:04
sandy|lurkyou guys could reapply that patch if you think it's important18:04
sandy|lurkI was meaning to add another command-line option so that it wouldn't have to be a code change, but just didn't get around to it18:05
sandy|lurkand GNOME is in code freeze now18:05
ryesandy|lurk, here's what we are thinking about - in case server produces an error, we might need some bits except the 500 phrase. Since adding this to the status line might be overriden by the library, I am wondering whether we can start adding some X-Reason/etc header in order to provide some info about the failure18:06
ryebut I still like the status line for this thing more...18:06
sandy|lurkI'm not sure what you mean by "status line"18:07
sandy|lurk(sorry, I'm still pretty new to web development)18:07
ryesandy|lurk, "500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR"18:07
sandy|lurkoh :-)18:07
sandy|lurkso we have a related upstream bug for snowy https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59145618:08
ubottuGnome bug 591456 in general "Server response should be more verbose when sending wrong last-sync-revision" [Normal,New]18:08
sandy|lurksame idea, of trying to return a more helpful error message somehow18:09
sandy|lurkso whatever you guys do in U1, we should do in Snowy, so that Tomboy only has to handle one approach18:10
sandy|lurkif you want to do it in the status line, that seems reasonable to me18:10
aquariusI recommend adding a header18:18
aquariusbecause then if you've got two reasons, you can add two headers, rather than trying to encode them into the status line18:19
aquarius"The Reason-Phrase is intended to give a short textual description of the Status-Code". Note "short".18:20
aquariusyou might want to give a longer reason.18:20
sandy|lurkmakes sense18:23
ryeaquarius, sandy|lurk but we need the header to be standardized somehow then :)18:41
ryeaquarius, and our server-side should not strip it18:41
ryewell, I am just stating the obvious things18:42
sandy|lurkyes, the header stuff would have to be part of our Tomboy Web REST API spec18:42
sandy|lurkbut that's fine18:42
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
PaulGitbeuno: Are you about, is it safe for me to try the contacts sync with iPhone?  The web bug now appears to be fixed.19:24
beunoPaulGit, it shouldn't of been fixed AFAIK19:25
beunogo for it!19:25
PaulGitbeuno: Mmm, I don't get the oops.  OK here goes.....19:26
beunoI don't see anything bad happening other than having to try again later19:26
* beuno crosses fingers19:26
PaulGitbeuno: No luck, error in log says'  'Server Failur'e: server returned error code 51119:29
beunoPaulGit, as expected19:30
beunothisfred is dealing with the server migration/fix right now19:30
beunoso it'll take a while19:30
PaulGitbeuno: It was worth a try!  I will hang around, give me a shout if the migration happens today. :)19:31
beunoPaulGit, you're the first person on my list!19:32
PaulGitbeuno: :)19:32
polterso I'm having a couple of issues with U1, or maybe, more likely, one big problem. I can't get UbuntuOne to sync files, and the options under "services" in the preferences are all greyed out.. running Lucid..19:34
polteris this the right place to ask?19:34
polterI looked around for open bugs on Launchpad but it's somewhat of a swamp of incomplete reports right now19:35
joshuahooverpolter: this is the right place19:35
dobeythe services tab is supposed to be greyed out (the options don't actually do anything in the version you have)19:35
polterah, alrighty then, that's one down19:35
joshuahooverpolter: can you first run the following command in a terminal session: u1sdtool -s19:36
dobeybut they will work in an update to come soon :)19:36
dobeyand joshuahoover can help you with the other problems :)19:36
joshuahooveryes, dobey can get back to making more stuff work now :)19:36
polterpaste here or in a pastebin?19:37
polterhttp://fpaste.org/Jpu4/ Fedora pastebin, blasphemy!19:38
joshuahooverpolter: ok, it looks like you need to connect19:38
joshuahooverpolter: you can do this from the command line: u1sdtool -c19:39
joshuahooverpolter: and you should be able to do it through the preferences on the devices tab with the "connect" button19:39
joshuahooverpolter: and we won't hold it against you for using the fedora pastebin ;)19:40
polterI have tried that several times. I also removed my key for ubuntu one to reconnect my computer.. but it still wouldn't work19:40
polterlet's see if it syncs..19:40
joshuahooverpolter: hmmm...if you do "u1sdtool -c" what does it output?19:40
joshuahooverpolter: was it ever working for you?19:40
polterwell I had it working on Jaunty and Karmic before and I believe I've had it working on Lucid too.19:41
polterbut honestly,, I'm not 100% sure, now that you mention it19:41
joshuahooverpolter: ok, just wanted to check19:42
polterno output with "-c" but now "-s" tell me I'm connected.. but I still can't sync19:42
joshuahooverpolter: ok, what are you doing to see if files are syncing?19:42
joshuahooverpolter: adding files? waiting for files from the server?19:43
polterah wait.. I think it's working!19:43
polterbut it's still kind of weird that it wouldn't let me do this through the preferences-dialog19:43
joshuahooverpolter: what version do you have? apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client19:44
polterI just did the updates an hour ago or so19:44
joshuahooverpolter: ok, you have the latest version...just had to check :)19:44
joshuahooverpolter: hmmm...when you clicked the "connect" button, it didn't ever change to a "disconnect" button?19:45
polterI could disconnect it and try to run it from preferences again..19:45
joshuahooverpolter: sure, that would be helpful for seeing if there's a bigger problem that we may need to fix19:45
polterbtw, where do I find log files for UbuntuOne?19:46
polterit actually seems to work now19:47
joshuahooverpolter: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log19:47
polterthat's odd19:47
polterI've had a couple of "Authentication failed"-errors19:48
vistro_Hey, is it normal that I can only get it to sync a file by deleteing and re-adding it repeatedly for over an hour?19:48
joshuahoovervistro_: no, that's not normal19:50
vistro_It's been that way for the past 4 computers I've used U1 on19:50
joshuahoovervistro_: how big is the file?19:50
vistro_Well, it does this for every file, big and small. It did this on a 14kb file, and it's doing this on a link to a folder wiht many subfolders with 190MB of data collectivley19:51
polterwell anyways joshuahoover , thank's a bunch for your help. I'll keep testing it for a couple of days or so and if I experience any more issues I'll get in here then maybe file a bug report19:51
joshuahoovervistro_: hmmm...how do you know it's not syncing? checking the web ui? looking at the file emblems? etc.19:52
joshuahooverpolter: happy it's connecting for you now...don't hesitate to ask for more help here :)19:52
vistro_the emblems lie. I know this. I know this because I can completley remove my computer from the internet, add a file, and if I refresh the folder, the check mark is there19:52
vistro_Online I realize can be slow, but I check it anyway19:52
joshuahoovervistro_: what version of ubuntu are you on?19:52
vistro_and I also try to force other computers also looking at the account to synch19:53
joshuahoovervistro_: ok, yeah the file emblems there aren't as useful as they are in our ppa and lucid versions19:53
vistro_I have also recently started to use u1tool --current-transfer19:53
joshuahoovervistro_: and you never see any files being uploaded/downloaded?19:53
vistro_and it either says nothing either way, or it's downloading some random file I put in there months ago19:53
vistro_from another computer19:54
joshuahoovervistro_: ok, i think we may need some debug logs...19:55
vistro_The purpose behind the folder link is to share it, I'm collaberating with another Ubuntu user to create a very large /b/ folder before we launch it online19:55
vistro_I already have debug going and logging19:55
joshuahoovervistro_: ah, good19:55
vistro_I'll CDC or whatever it over if you would like19:55
joshuahoovervistro_: do you have a bug open on this already?19:55
vistro_I opened a bug like last september and I opened one today19:56
vistro_couldn't tell you where the links are19:56
joshuahoovervistro_: can you attach ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log to the new bug?19:56
vistro_Kinda hard to spread the evangellical word of Linux when it's a tad... buggy lol :p19:56
joshuahoovervistro_: oh, you don't know the bug #?19:57
vistro_I can find it in Chrome19:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 546281 in ubuntuone-client "Crashed on attempt to disconnect, trying to force it to synch" [Undecided,New]19:58
vistro_now is when I realize the two problems have nothing to do with each other20:00
joshuahoovervistro_: yeah, i'm reading through the log you just attached...20:01
joshuahoovervistro_: can you give me a name of a file you've copied to ~/Ubuntu One recently that is not syncing?20:03
vistro_link to b20:03
joshuahoovervistro_: hmmm...i see that in the log but only see deletes on it20:05
vistro_but I keep adding it20:06
joshuahoovervistro_: i see a delete around 14:23 and then another delete on the same file at 14:29 but that's it, only deletes20:08
vistro_now this is strange20:08
vistro_I deleted the link20:08
vistro_and then20:08
vistro_I added the same link, and a gif file20:08
vistro_the moment I released the button on the gif file20:08
vistro_I got a balloon saying it's synching20:09
joshuahoovervistro_: you said "added the same link"...are you copying the file or linking to it?20:09
vistro_I go to my Downloads folder, select, Make Link, then drag the link to U120:10
joshuahoovervistro_: ahhh...that won't work20:10
joshuahoovervistro_: we don't support links like that20:10
vistro_osmeone in #ubuntu said that's what I need to do if I want to keep a folder in it's same location and still share it20:10
joshuahoovervistro_: in lucid and our beta ppa version we support syncing folders outside of the ~/Ubuntu One folder but we don't follow links20:10
vistro_what are the risks to running the beta ppa?20:11
joshuahoovervistro_: not sure who told you that, but that will not work20:11
vistro_because I'm not going to 10.04 until launch day20:11
joshuahoovervistro_: right, well, the beta ppa changes quite a few things (as does our lucid version)...most for the better but some not (as we're rapidly fixing/adding things)20:12
joshuahoovervistro_: it's pretty low risk...i have it on some of my karmic instances and it's fine20:12
joshuahoovervistro_: it does lose the applet, which is a big change everyone notices right away20:12
vistro_as long as it syncs, I'm fine20:12
joshuahoovervistro_: but it gives you syncing outside of the ~/Ubuntu One folder, fixes a lot of bugs, and provides better file emblems20:13
vistro_how do I get it?20:13
duanedesignon my karmic install i added a custom launcher to my panel that uses the command ubuntuone-preferences20:13
duanedesigncreates the same look and feel of the applet20:13
joshuahoovervistro_: from a terminal session: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuone/beta20:14
joshuahoovervistro_: sudo apt-get update20:14
joshuahoovervistro_: sudo apt-get upgrade20:14
duanedesignjoshuahoover: i was on the forum last night and saw a user talking about a couch U1 app he would like to make. I thought 'someone else has already done 3/4 of that on another app'20:16
duanedesigni was thinking of a place where all these U1  couch projects could be put together20:17
joshuahooverduanedesign: what app?20:17
joshuahooverduanedesign: yeah, definitely...we should capture it on our wiki for now somewhere20:17
duanedesignlike a wiki page or something where people post their personal couch U1 projects20:17
duanedesignjoshuahoover: this particular one was a user wanting to have his rhythmbox ratings synced between computers20:18
duanedesignjoshuahoover: just the other day a user was in here making a plugin that syncs playlists20:18
vistro_sounds nice20:19
joshuahooverduanedesign: oh, i missed that20:19
vistro_What would be awesome is an app that syncs with Android20:19
duanedesignjoshuahoover: i think it came over right after you where there ;)20:19
vistro_HTC Sync not for Linux :p20:19
duanedesignit was late last night20:19
joshuahoovervistro_: we have someone interested in doing that as part of google summer of code...we're going to get him a mentor from the team to hopefully make an android client a reality20:20
duanedesignbut i have been working on a package sync app. I know others have expressed an interest in maybe putting a gui to it20:20
vistro_Will the phone not know the difference?20:20
vistro_mkay now how do i Start the new client?20:21
duanedesignjoshuahoover: anyway wanted to get my idea out there. Now I have to do it, ive told people, lol.20:21
joshuahooverduanedesign: heh20:22
joshuahoovervistro_: system->preferences->ubuntu one, click the devices tab, click the "connect" button20:22
joshuahoovervistro_: let me know if that doesn't appear to connect for you20:24
vistro_restarting nautilus in hopes of a shell change20:24
joshuahoovervistro_: ah yes, to get the new context menu options and emblems you'll likely need to do that, forgot about that20:24
vistro_I see one change in the context, but I can sense there is more...20:25
vistro_like it got much longer20:25
joshuahoovervistro_: you should now see an option for "Synchronize on Ubuntu One" when you right-click on a folder outside of the ~/Ubuntu One folder20:26
vistro_the subfolders aren't gridded anymore20:26
statikhi duanedesign, are you around?20:26
vistro_okay, the main folder has no emblems, subfolders have emblems, and the network activity isn't showing much20:27
joshuahoovervistro_: your ~/Ubuntu One folder, correct?20:28
vistro_ /b/ foldr20:28
joshuahoovervistro_: if you go to https://one.ubuntu.com/files do you see anything under "User Defined Folders" there?20:32
vistro_>< posted in wrong channel20:34
vistro_folder structure is there20:34
vistro_but no files20:34
joshuahoovervistro_: how many files are in that folder?20:34
vistro_the real one?20:36
vistro_let me check20:36
vistro_If I had to guess, over 900020:36
joshuahoovervistro_: that's going to take quite a while to sync i'm afraid20:36
vistro_877 to be exact20:36
joshuahoovervistro_: so not 9000?20:37
vistro_the goal of the project (before it goes online on friday) is over 900020:37
vistro_but there are 877 files there right now20:37
vistro_which means we need to get busy20:37
joshuahoovervistro_: still will take a while...we're working on improving the speed of syncing lots of files (regardless of the size, it takes a while for a lot files to sync)20:37
vistro_but the tool says nothings synching at all20:37
vistro_wait... does the program send data in 3 second bursts?20:38
joshuahoovervistro_: right, it's essentially "prepping" to sync the files right now...can you try running: u1sdtool -s20:38
vistro_    connection: With User With Network20:38
vistro_    description: processing queues20:38
vistro_    is_connected: True20:38
vistro_    is_error: False20:38
vistro_    is_online: True20:38
vistro_    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH20:38
joshuahoovervistro_: ok, it's working on it...lots of files (say, 100's, which you have in your /b folder) take a while to start transferring20:39
vistro_I'll give it like ten minutes then start debug mode20:40
joshuahoovervistro_: ok, thanks20:41
mandelping rodrigo_20:43
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jamestaitEvening all.  Has the Contacts and Notes downtime started yet?22:43
beunojamestait, about to I think23:02
jamestaitHi beuno, thanks - useful to know in case things appear to start breaking after I've been hacking!23:03
beunojamestait, hopefully, we'll be on a stable system after that23:04
jamestaitExcellent. :)23:05
jamestaitI expect breakage at this stage, it's just good to know about it. identi.ca alerts to the rescue!23:05
beunoyeah, I think joshuahoover will start tweeting when it kicks off23:06
jamestaitbeuno: Are you able to check an OOPS for me? I think I killed my U1 contacts. :-S23:09
jamestaitOh that's handy. :)23:10
jamestaitAh, if you have the right credentials, of course!23:11
beunojamestait, I am23:20
beunolet me check...23:20
jamestaitI may be missing design docs?  I did the delete/put thing.23:21
beunojamestait, yes23:22
beunothis is a bug23:22
beunothat is fixed23:22
beunoand is waiting to be deployed23:22
jamestaitOK, that's fine then.23:22
beunothisfred, are we deploying tonight?23:22
thisfredbeuno: it looks like it yes, in a few minutes if all goes well23:23
jamestaitI'm just conscious that sometimes I spit out garbage and break U1 contacts view.23:23
jamestaitthisfred: Rock 'n' roll! :)23:23
beunoI think in this case it's our fault23:23
jamestaitSee, this is why Free Software rocks. :)23:26
dutchieI can't get connected on lucid23:30
dutchieu1sdtool -s gives is_error True, is_{connected,online} False23:30
dutchieubuntuone-preferences just hangs23:31
marcosrorizhello guys23:43
dutchieOK, it seems that it's the auth failing23:44
dutchieany ideas?23:44

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