
edakiriNeither openmovieeditor (as compiled in kubuntu) nor kino support the QT video files made by my digital camera.  Software recommendations?10:13
tarzeauedakiri: lives?10:23
* edakiri looks at lives10:29
edakiriNope.  Not lives.10:37
edakirilibquicktime is getting recent changes in CVS, it will attempt compiling and perhaps building of openmovieeditor10:42
astraljavaedakiri: If all you need is cut&paste, the mjpegtools might come in to rescue.10:57
edakiriastraljava: Hmm.  that may do.  I generally just want to crop them time wise.  hack off the beginning or end.11:08
astraljavaedakiri: That's what I thought you might do. I haven't used the tools myself, just read the description.11:13
vladais there a way to instal kde3.x libs devel files in ubuntustudio?12:55
vladafound it, I guess :)12:57
joejchow do i record multiple channels (hardware)?14:15
warawHello, I would appreciate opinions on whether ubuntu studio would work on a thinkpad T23 (http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T23 ) -- ubuntu seems to work fine on it, will studio?15:57
joejcwaraw, why wouldnt it?15:59
warawUnsure.  I'm pretty noobish.16:00
valkyrIf Ubuntu works then Studio will too - Studio is simply Ubuntu with extra media-specific packages as far as I know...16:00
warawI am checking various hardware compat guides16:00
warawThanks for the info.16:02
joejcanyone know an app that can record from 2 usb mics?16:26
allu2Hey i have synth plugged in gameport and now iam in kinda "what next" point, i would want to hear something from it :P17:28
allu2ubuntu 9.10 if it is any help17:28
allu2so anyone?18:05
allu2i have problem with Midi synth on gameport I'm running ubuntu 9.10 When i try produce soud from synth I don't hear anything But i would want it to sound like piano :P any one want to help me?18:17
duncanidaho1Why would a pdf created with scribus be oversaturated or too bright when opened with acroread but not when opened with document viewer?19:33
holsteinduncanidaho1: does it look ok when printed with either?19:47
holsteincould just be however adobe or whoever wrote or adapted acroread to linux19:48
duncanidaho1let me try printing hold on19:50
duncanidaho1it did print fine with reader from windows19:51
duncanidaho1It does print more saturated from acroread.19:56
holsteinduncanidaho1: yeah, who knows20:04
holsteinis this a 64-bit system?20:05
holsteinor something out of the ordinary?20:05
holsteincould be something like that going on20:05
duncanidaho1well, it's nothing i can't work around i guess20:05
holsteinsince the document viewer got decent pdf support20:06
holsteini havent been installing acroread20:06
holsteinBUT ive never ran acroread on a 64bit system20:06
duncanidaho1well i tried it out to begin with because document viewer kept printing with double the margin than it showed on screen20:06
holsteinthis is kind of old20:08
holsteinbut did you find http://forums.adobe.com/thread/39534820:08
duncanidaho1interesting.  I did use a png.  How in the world did you find that?20:11
duncanidaho1you're good.20:11
holsteinits from june 08 though20:12
holsteinyou would think a fix would be in there by now20:12
duncanidaho1ok, I'm gonna go eat.  Thanks for your help.20:14
holsteinanytime duncanidaho1 , good luck20:14
holsteinallu2: you still around?20:15
holsteinhow about joejc ?20:16
holsteindid you sort out using 2 usb mics?20:17
holsteini would suggest...20:17
joejci havnt even bought them yet so...20:17
holsteinlooking into if jack supports multiple usb audio devices20:17
holsteini looked into it a while back, and it looked like it didnt20:18
holsteinBUT that was at least 2 years ago20:18
holsteinive seen stereo USB mics20:18
holsteinsince you havent bought anything yet20:18
holsteini would suggest..20:19
holsteinsomething like that gives you a little more bang for the buck20:19
holsteinand flexibility20:19
holsteinand you should google around, but i have heard its plug and play with jack20:20
holsteinand ive heard good things about the preamps and the built-in mics20:20
holsteincouple folks over at #opensourcemusicians have them20:20
holsteinthat would be a good start for you too allu220:22
holsteinthere is a podcast there to help get started with using jack20:22
holsteinand software synths20:22
* holstein BBL20:22
allu2holstein, ok thanks20:31
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vladais rtirq script packed somewhere for ubuntustudio?22:03
ScottLvlada, you can always "sudo apt-get install rtirq" or whatever the package is22:20
ScottLapparently it's named "rtirq-init"22:21
vladaScottL, thanks ;) This was a late reply because I was tweaking my rtirq settings. A big thanks anyway ;)22:27

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