
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
darkblue_Bhi all- our user gorup has made a LiveDVD with XUbuntu as a base.. its working really well.. 9.10 I think.. but one thing.. I cannot ssh in when it is running as a VM. I installed openssh-server, and can ssh out.. the connection closed immediately when I try.. what to do? what to check?01:15
darkblue_Byes, 9.1001:19
charlie-tcadid you install openssh-server?01:31
charlie-tcaIt might be the vm is blocking ssh in also. VBox does that if everything is not set up just right01:31
darkblue_Bhi charlie-tca01:35
darkblue_BI did install openssh-server01:35
darkblue_BI have been on the vbox channel, and no one could identify anything wrong with my setup01:35
darkblue_Bnmap shows port 22 open01:36
charlie-tcajust a minute01:36
charlie-tca64 or 32 bit?01:36
darkblue_Blinux generic i68601:37
charlie-tcalet me bring up vbox01:37
darkblue_Buname -a01:37
darkblue_Bdoesnt say 64bit01:37
charlie-tca686 is 32bit01:37
charlie-tcaI'm pulling up a 9.10 VBox machine01:37
darkblue_Bok nice01:38
charlie-tcabridged adapter on eth001:38
Myrttiuname -m01:38
Myrttiif it says x86_64...01:38
Myrttithen you've got a 64-bit system01:38
darkblue_Bok thx Myrtti01:38
darkblue_Bi686 is 32bit01:38
darkblue_BI have also compared the output of ifconfig -a and netstal -lptn on a working VM (debian) and the problem VM.. they seem equivalent to me01:39
darkblue_Bsame host and vbox01:40
charlie-tcaOkay, I can ssh out of the VBox machine01:41
darkblue_Byes - me too01:41
charlie-tcaNow, you want to ssh in, right?01:41
darkblue_Bvery much01:41
charlie-tcaI am in01:42
charlie-tcaI haven't even put a passphrase into the vm01:42
charlie-tcafirewall blocking the ip?01:42
charlie-tcaI can ssh both directions without changing any defaults01:43
darkblue_Byes, I also.. on other VMs01:43
darkblue_Bbut not this one.. for some unknown reason01:43
darkblue_BI just confirmed that I can ssh in and out, on a Debian VM with the same host01:43
charlie-tcaNo messages about why it isn't going in?01:44
Myrttihave you tried telneting into port 22?01:45
darkblue_Bnmap shows port 22 as open on the XUbuntu guest..01:45
darkblue_Btelnet.. trying now01:45
darkblue_Bwhat should I type into telnet?01:46
darkblue_BI get  SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu201:47
darkblue_Bfrom telnet addr 2201:47
Myrttitelnet hostname.or.address sshport ( telnet 192.168.0.foo 22 )01:47
darkblue_Bright - after that01:47
Myrttiwhat output did you get?01:48
darkblue_BI get  SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu201:48
Myrttiin that case, the ssh server does answer01:48
Myrttihow exactly are you trying to connect to it with ssh? you are aware that Ubuntu doesn't have a root password and by default ssh login by root is of course disabled?01:50
darkblue_Bits a network issue somehow Myrtti01:51
Myrttiit indeed is01:51
darkblue_B.. so I am told by others01:51
darkblue_BI can connect to other VMs on this host fine01:51
darkblue_Bit is the XUbuntu one, this one, that fails01:51
darkblue_BI tried 4 of the 5 network cards supplied bu VirtualBox.. same response01:54
darkblue_BI have also compared the output of ifconfig -a and netstal -lptn on a working VM (debian) and the problem VM.. they seem equivalent to me01:54
charlie-tcaI didn't have to change /etc/network/interfaces in my vm to ssh into it01:57
charlie-tcaand you said VBox on irc checked this out too?01:58
darkblue_Bthe vbox people could find nothing wrong01:58
charlie-tcaTried using a different ip address in the vm?01:58
darkblue_Bhmm looking at /etc/network/interfaces nw01:58
charlie-tcashouldn't matter. The other vm used the ip, right?01:58
darkblue_Bcan you say that in a differnt way?01:59
charlie-tcaYou used the same ip address in the vm that worked and this one?01:59
darkblue_Bno - I let dhcp assign it02:00
darkblue_Bso they were differnt02:00
darkblue_BI find it odd that this XUbuntu network/interfaces defines *only* the lo (loopback) and nothing else02:00
darkblue_B.. its 2 lines02:00
darkblue_Bauto lo \n iface lo inet loopback02:01
darkblue_Bthats it02:01
charlie-tcaYes, if you use dhcp, network manager handles everything02:01
charlie-tcaAs long as you don't manually change the interface file, it works02:01
charlie-tcaOr does it?02:02
charlie-tcaI use static IP addresses, so I manually fill in /etc/network/interfaces with the information02:02
charlie-tcaMyrtti: could that be the problem here?02:02
darkblue_Blinux gurus from my user gourp built this setup on top of XUbuntu.. it has tons of things in there and correct02:02
darkblue_Bthis is the one thing I am having problems with02:03
darkblue_BI dont follow most of what they talk about02:03
darkblue_BI am willing to try a manual IP address or whatever..02:03
charlie-tcaCan you ping the vbox from outside of it?02:04
darkblue_Byes definitely.. nmap shows port 80 and 22 open02:04
charlie-tcabut does ping work?02:04
darkblue_Boh trying02:04
darkblue_Byes.. 0.5 ms ping :-)02:05
charlie-tcaThe only thing I can come up with is to try a manual ip address02:05
darkblue_Bok trying charlie-tca02:05
charlie-tcaHey, what is in /etc/hosts.deny ?02:07
darkblue_Bhi charlie-tca I followed a recipe for changing /etc/network/interfaces and it worked fine.. afer networking restart I got the static IP, can ssh out to another machine.. ssh back in.. fails int he same way :-(02:10
charlie-tcadarkblue_B: what is the fail message?02:11
darkblue_BI have seen only two error msgs.. this one is 'Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer'02:12
darkblue_Bhosts.deny appears to be stock - 100% commented out02:12
vn_heya, that may be a stupid question...but how can I drag a "terminal" icon to my taskbar?02:18
charlie-tcaCan not do that in xubuntu02:18
charlie-tcavn_: you will need to create a launcher on the panel, and add terminal02:18
vn_ok thanks02:19
charlie-tcadarkblue_B: uninstall and reinstall openssh-server?02:20
darkblue_Bok trying02:20
charlie-tcawith a restart in between02:20
vn_and whats the command for that "terminal"02:21
charlie-tcavn_: xfce4-terminal02:21
vn_ok tks02:21
vn_back to GUI after years of CLI aint easy ehe02:25
vn_what would be the xfce equivalent of krdc?02:27
charlie-tcaI don't know. What is krdc?02:27
vn_remote desktop client02:28
vn_theres one for ssh and vnc but not rdp02:28
charlie-tcaremote desktop viewer? in Applications -> Networking02:28
darkblue_BOOOOOHHHHHHH that worked02:29
vn_doesnt do rdp02:29
darkblue_Bthat was a lot of trying02:29
charlie-tcaYes it was02:29
charlie-tcadarkblue_B: but you got it, right?02:29
darkblue_Byes, I am in02:29
darkblue_Bthx very much for your patience charlie-tca02:30
darkblue_BI tried so many things02:30
charlie-tcayou are very welcome.02:30
charlie-tcavn_: You could use krdp02:31
vn_isnt that going to install 50348203 deps?02:31
vn_I'd like to avoid that02:32
charlie-tcawhat about xrdp02:32
charlie-tcashould have almost everything it needs already installed02:32
vn_gonna try that one tks02:33
charlie-tcaYou are welcome02:33
hexdump_I'm having an issue here maybe one of you geniuses can help me...02:41
hexdump_Unable to connect : java.security.AccessControlException : access denied (java.net.SocketPermission irc.freenode.net resolve)02:41
challmanis that the problem?02:41
hexdump_I have an applet running on my site02:42
hexdump_can u see if you have the same problem?02:42
challmanwhat applet?02:42
challmanis that a plugin for Pidgin or a separate iirc prog?02:43
hexdump_just a java applet for pjirc02:44
hexdump_see I didn't have the problem at first now it's starting up02:44
hexdump_ah ha02:45
hexdump_something simple02:45
hexdump_I'm an idiot02:45
hexdump_nm I figured out why02:45
hexdump_challman:  did it work for you?02:46
challmani saw your link and browsed the site. what is it for?02:46
hexdump_It's just a central location where people can get network security tools, distributions and read different e-books related to computer networks, voip, servers, programming, the works02:49
hexdump_discuss whatever.  programming, exploits, network security, help each other out with problems.02:49
hexdump_Pfff if it works the way I want02:49
hexdump_I have a ton of pdf files and I'm converting older txt files to nicer pdf format02:50
challmani'll have to bookmark it then ;)02:51
hexdump_phrack magazine e-zines, red hat server e-books, VoIP ebooks, cisco certs, assembly language, php, c, C++ all of it02:51
hexdump_I can't really put up the windows distro's to the public02:52
hexdump_as you can see all of the windows distros I had to password protect, but there are some more distros that people might now know about.02:52
hexdump_such as linux for dreamcast, backtrack4, and openvms/vax02:52
hexdump_u should get really good speeds since nobody knows about my site02:53
challmancisco certs?   hmmmmmm02:54
challman<<< network engineer02:54
hexdump_yeah I have a ton of them02:54
hexdump_I just haven't put them online yet02:54
challmanis this a personal hoby? professional interest? what?02:56
hexdump_just to give back02:56
hexdump_Cisco ASA, Cisco area application services, deploying and troubleshooting, wireless lan troubleshooting, cisco IOS xr fundametnals02:57
hexdump_cisco router and switch forensics, advanced internetworking guide and tons more.  no popups no bullcrap02:58
hexdump_well, I gotta get back to work02:59
challmansweet. I just started studying for my CCNP and CCDP02:59
hexdump_I might have some info for you on that03:00
hexdump_I'm disabled so I have all day to do things03:00
challmani'll keep looking. do I create an account or what?03:00
hexdump_should I add a cisco section to my docs page?03:01
challmanwould be nice03:01
hexdump_well I'll give you my e-mail.  I haven't setup anything yet.  This is a pretty big project03:01
hexdump_just give me your e-mail and I'll add you an account or something03:02
vn-where do I do is I want vlc instead of another app to open when I wanna play a dvd?03:04
hexdump_challman:  if you want there are some files available under the network tools section.03:04
challmanhexdump_: i saw that. good stuff too03:05
hexdump_challman:  I allow people to browse directories and I have everything backed up so if somebody feels the need to hack it, it will be back up within minutes03:05
hexdump_I would hope people wouldn't want to because I'm trying to help our community03:06
challmanhexdump_: ppl hack for all sorts of reasons. beware03:07
hexdump_challman:  I know I've done it, but I never felt the need to destroy anything or had the reason.03:08
hexdump_challman:  pff and some people had their bank accounts, e-mail login/passwords and credit cards on their computer.03:09
challmanhexdump_: there are plenty of malicious ppl in this world03:09
hexdump_one person had their motorcycle license and another scanned all four of their credit cards onto their computer?!03:09
challmanhexdump_: ppl who insecurely store personal info on the computer almost deserve what they get, poor ignorant bastards. I use the latest encryption and complex passwords for all my info03:10
hexdump_another couple (husband/wife) had typed up an entire spreadsheet of every login/password they had credit cards pins/bank account l/p e-mail l/p all on their computer.03:10
hexdump_yeah encrypt your info like 3 or 4 times over03:10
hexdump_encrypt the encryption then encrypt that encryption, then do it again.03:11
hexdump_spoof your mac go through multiple routers/firewalls03:11
hexdump_use a proxy as well03:11
challmanhexdump_: lol, i use keepassx with AES 256 for my personal data03:12
hexdump_make your pc a firewall/router spoof its mac and connect it to a router.  connect your primary pc to your other pc that's connected to your router thats connected to the net03:12
hexdump_now what heh heh03:12
hexdump_yeah isn't there 512 encryption ?03:13
challmanhexdump_: possibly, but i haven't seen it yet03:13
challmanhexdump_: when it comes out, i'll switch immediately ;)03:13
challmanhexdump_: the bigger the key, the more likely you'll slow someone down03:14
hexdump_2048 encryption.03:14
challmanhexdump_: AES is only up to 256  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard03:15
hexdump_i know03:15
hexdump_that's interesting stuph too maybe I'll add a section in docs for that03:16
hexdump_what do you think?03:16
hexdump_I'll also have some historical texts presenting the olden days of phreaking and its transition into VoIP03:16
hexdump_if you're into sort of modern day phreaking check out Warvox on my site03:17
challmanhexdump_: i use 2048 bit keys for all my SSL certs too. bigger is better03:17
hexdump_yeah I'll just pull out the jaguar and crack it in a less than a second03:18
challmanhexdump_: jaguar?03:19
hexdump_lol j/k03:19
hexdump_its the fastest super computer in the world03:19
challmanhexdump_: ha, haven't heard that name since Atari03:20
hexdump_used for complex algorithms and for scientists analyzing solar systems n shit like that03:20
hexdump_that thing would crack anything03:20
challmanhexdump_: well, not many have access to that power and if you do, i doubt you'd want access to my piddly info :D03:20
hexdump_I wish03:21
hexdump_man a hacker would jizz in their pants if they had access to that03:21
challmanhexdump_: yeah, i've read about that one03:21
challmanhexdump_:  can't remember if its a TRUE CRAY or some Intel based bullshit03:22
hexdump_I bet that facility is locked down more than this place ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Bullion_Depository03:22
challmanhexdump_: ah, well, it's AMD based03:22
challmanhexdump_: CRAY used to be an awesome hardware company. Now they just take other's parts and build their boxes03:23
hexdump_ah yeah I don't know very much about it to be honest with you.03:23
hexdump_challman:  I'm taking network administration in school soon, anything I should concentrate on?03:23
hexdump_challman:  btw I'm adding a bunch of CCNP stuff for you03:24
hexdump_challman: and ccdp03:24
challmanhexdump_: hmmm, network admin can have many definitions. workstation/server admin, unix, and (true) network hardware router/switch/wireless admin. what are you going after?03:25
hexdump_challman:  I really would like to concentrate on anything that has to do with network security, so I'm guessing pretty much everything03:26
challmanhexdump_: i have the most fun with packet/protocol analysis. have to understand hexadecimal and binary. obviously a good understanding of networking is required; subnetting, IPv4, IPv6, routing (nothing too complex such as BGP/MPLS, OSPF) basics, etc.03:27
hexdump_yeah I understand hex and binary03:27
challmanhexdump_: security..... then I definitely suggest packet/protocol analysis03:28
hexdump_I'm aware of the OSI model and what operates on what level03:28
hexdump_challman:  but I'm just now getting back into computers after an 8 or 9 year hiatus03:28
challmanhexdump_: DDOS attacks, MAC spoofing, port knocking, etc. all network layer exploits.03:28
challmanhexdump_: firewalls, VPN, IKE, PKE, encryption, tunneling, etc.03:29
challmanhexdump_: tcpdump, ssldump, wireshark.... all good tools03:30
hexdump_challman:  yup I placed a few of those on my site, but I need to learn the basics again03:30
challmanhexdump_: btw, i'm not an expert but i know enough to be proficient at my job ;)03:30
vn-drferm..in vlc, the text is extremely small, but in the general system, the font size is OK, how can I correct that?03:31
hexdump_yeah I know about DOS attacks, MAC spoofing, DNS zone transfer spoofing, syn floods03:31
hexdump_challman:  you know much more than I, I'm sure.03:32
challmanhexdump_: everyone has to start somewhere03:32
hexdump_vn-: did you try fonts in appearance?  not sure if that makes any difference03:32
hexdump_challman:  yup, well I gotta get back to trying to get some of these files online.  privmsg me your e-mail so I can get you an account eventually.03:33
vn-hexdump_: that changed the general font size, but not vlc's03:33
hexdump_challman:  I'll have some good info up soon.03:33
challmanhexdump_: done. i'll keep checking03:34
challmani gotta figure out how to write a boot script to make a tmpfs to mount /var/tmp. never done that before03:34
hexdump_vn-:  sorry bud I'm not even sure what program you're talking about03:34
vn-vlc as in VideoLAN03:34
challmanvlc? let me install and look03:35
challmanoh, sorry. i'm not in xubuntu. i'm on mepis currently. sorry03:35
hexdump_challman:  I don't even know what tmpfs is.  It sounds like temporary filesystem.  I've only had linux for 3 weeks03:36
hexdump_vn-:  I use pms-linux for my media server and serve movies n shit to my ps303:36
hexdump_sorry guys I gotta run03:37
challmanyeah, it's a temp filesystem03:38
hexdump_challman:  before I leave, how is mepis?03:40
hexdump_challman:  is it worth adding to my distro section?03:41
challmanhexdump_: sorry, are you there?03:46
hexdump_challman:  yeah03:46
challmanhexdump_: i was hacking on my boot script. i think i got it working. time to do a reboot and see :D ..... in a few minutes03:46
hexdump_challman:  I've added sunos, and vms/vax also centos03:47
challmanhexdump_: yes, I prefer Mepis when I'm in a KDE mood03:47
hexdump_hope it works I'll cross my fingers03:47
hexdump_Suse looks nice03:47
hexdump_really nice03:47
challmanhexdump_: I've tried KDE on ubuntu, suse, gentoo/sabayon, etc...  None seemed to work natively as KDE on Mepis. I guess it's because Mepis is truely debian based and I'm biased to debian03:48
vn-aha, found out03:48
challmanhexdump_: yes, suse looks like, but I couldn't get over how the underlying OS isn't like debian03:48
hexdump_challman:  I'll add debian and mepis03:48
vn-vlc had an option to set the interface to the video size...and im on the tv...03:48
hexdump_challman:  only takes me like 3 minutes to download a gig03:49
challmanhexdump_: I liked sabayon. nice faste gentoo based distros but it doesn't use apt-get or synaptic03:49
challmanhexdump_: ? what kinda bandwith you have? OC-3?03:49
hexdump_yeah i really like apt-get.  much better than urpmi03:49
hexdump_challman:  cable.  road runner turbo boost03:49
hexdump_challman:  I'm getting road runner extreme soon as it hits our area03:50
hexdump_50mbps cable03:50
challmanhexdump_: nice. I've got four girls, a house, etc. so other priorities come before faster internet :)03:50
hexdump_challman:  well when I setup a proxy maybe I can allow you to browse through me03:51
challmanhexdump_: you running torrent as well?03:51
hexdump_challman:  not right now just a webserver.  I'm not quite fast enough yet03:51
hexdump_challman:  off a good server I get like 3.5mb/sec03:52
challmanhexdump_: just be careful what you host. doesn't want the RIAA/MPAA/whatever-AA after you03:52
hexdump_challman:  yeah that's why all my "backups" are password protected.03:53
hexdump_challman:  try to download a windows distro on my distro section03:53
challmanhexdump_: now? as in M$ ?03:53
hexdump_challman:  what is the newest mepis release?  is it 8.5.00?03:53
hexdump_challman:  yeah M$03:53
challmanhexdump_: 8.5 is the latest beta, that I'm running03:54
hexdump_what is rc3?03:54
challmanhexdump_: it's stable. have the newer KDE..... release candidate 303:54
challmanhexdump_: win7 password protected..... (I've got an old Win7 RC VM that I need a new key for)  :P03:55
hexdump_oh acronyms acronyms acronyms.  computers = acronym insanity03:55
challmanhexdump_: lol, yes just another TLA (three letter acronym). if you go into networking, OMG the TLA's  :D03:55
hexdump_hah TLA03:56
hexdump_right, well my BLT drive on my computer just went AWOL, and I've got a big03:57
hexdump_       project due tomorrow for Mr. Kawasaki03:57
hexdump_<Dade> and if I don't get it in he's going to ask me to commit Harry Carry03:57
challmanhexdump_: TCP/IP, UDP, BGP, EIGRP, 802.1q, 802.11n, MPLS, OUI, etc., etc.03:57
challmanhexdump_: no worries. good luck. i think it's almost time to reboot and see the mayhem ensue from my new script03:57
hexdump_lol on and on03:58
hexdump_do you want that?03:58
challmanhexdump_: ad infinitum03:58
challmanhexdump_: doesn't work without a key, right?03:58
onaoghwhen xubuntu 10.04 is going to be released ?, is there beta version ?06:08
hexdump_onaogh:  it's available06:24
hexdump_onaogh:  you can update it from your current version06:24
hexdump_onaogh:  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha206:25
onaoghhexdump_, which one is better for my thinkpad x61, ubuntu or xubuntu ?06:38
onaoghhexdump_, if i install the beta version, then when the it is released, the beta will be updated to the release version ?06:41
Balsaqthat x61..has plenty of resources for either...its just that xubuntu is zippier06:45
waxmanDoes somebody of you have experience with installing linux directly on a SD card? I just installed it, but it seems that the used SD card is too slow or something08:20
Sysiif it's too slow it's just slow08:21
Sysiwhere does it stop?08:21
waxmanit's not really stopping. xfce is starting after a minute or so and I can work with the system but the system freezes for some seconds from time to time08:22
waxmannothing serious and i will stick with it, but I though I ask here if anyone have tried this with xubuntu08:22
mnemochi, in 9.10 there is a nice volume manager in the panel, very complete. but i installed beta1 of lucid's and got back to a simple applet triggering xfce4-mixer. how can i get the sounds preference thing from 9.10 in 10.04?09:54
bazhangmnemoc, lucid support in #ubuntu+109:55
mnemocbazhang: ok09:56
mnemocno #xubuntu+1 :(09:56
mr_pouitmnemoc: nothing changed, so you probably installed something to get this "nice volume manager"09:56
mnemocmr_pouit: it's there right after installing xubuntu/9.10 ... it's not the classic "mixer" applet from xfce. on right button it says "mute; sound preferences" only09:58
mnemocaha! it's the notification area, not an applet09:59
mnemocfunny i got that gnome thing in my xubuntu installtion10:00
mnemocwell, no more noise. thanks!10:01
Sysibtw, does anybody know if we're gonna have proper gdmsetup in lucid?10:49
knomeSysi, well there is gdm2setup ..10:50
Sysiother than current with two buttons?10:50
knomegoogle for gdm2setup10:51
Sysilooking good, finally10:54
Sysijust waiting for xdmcp10:56
dvdm_running xubuntu 9.10... in networkmanagerapplet, why would the "add" button under the VPN tab be disabled?12:06
dvdm_aaahhhhh just need to install the network-manager-xyz plugin's...12:34
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
* dvdm__ hold the breath in his left lung15:53
HowitzerI'm having some problems with mounting a USB harddisk read-writable, using /etc/fstab18:38
HowitzerI'm using the following line: '/dev/sdb1 /media/lacie vfat rw,users 0 0'18:40
Howitzeranyone know what's wrong with it?18:40
pteaguewhere do i find the files for the various styles that show up in Settings -> Appearance? & any idea where i need to put my modified versions in ~ ?20:57
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:59
charlie-tcaI think you can put them in ~/.local/themes21:02
charlie-tcaor it might be ~/.themes21:03
pteaguek, ty :)21:43
Dracariis there any support for the Compaq Presario R3000's Multi Card reader in xubuntu 9.10?21:59
Dracariall i know it's a Texas Instruments Based Chipset22:02
Dracari(just need SD access )22:02
pteagueseems to find stuff in ~/.themes & not ~/.local/themes ...  just messing around with settings atm, trying to figure out which is the inactive window title text22:02
Dracari;-; just ran lspci.. an di think ist teh Bad Chipset... its the TI PCI1620 Rev 01 Chipset22:05
pteaguehmm...  anybody that's using the gtk2-engines-xfce able to get the background/foreground colors of the inactive window's title bar to change? i can't seem to get anything other than dark grey on black23:14
charlie-tcamine are light grey using raleigh23:19
pteagueweird... what's the contents of your /usr/share/themes/Raleigh/gtk-2.0/gtkrc ? mine is basically just a comment stating it's the default theme if no other theme is selected... which makes me wonder how it's getting any colors23:24
charlie-tcaoops, that isn't right. Mine are light grey using G223:24
charlie-tcaRaleigh is the appearance theme I use23:25
pteagueusing g2?23:25
charlie-tcaWindow Manager -> Style23:26
charlie-tcathat controls the windows23:26
charlie-tcaappearance controls the panels23:26
charlie-tcaWhich is really light grey23:27
pteagueaha! i was using... um, er...23:28
pteagueAlbatross maybe?23:28
charlie-tcait is very confusing to try to find how to change theme items, huh?23:28
charlie-tcadefault to Albatross23:28
irqsRFunIs this  the correct IRC channel for support for Gnome based ubuntu?23:29
pteaguegnome based is #ubuntu23:29
charlie-tcairqsRFun: that would be #ubuntu23:29
pteaguethis is for xfce :)23:29
charlie-tcaactually, xfce based Xubuntu23:30
pteaguehmm...  guess i need to mess around with modifying the window manager styles as well then23:30
charlie-tcano problem23:30
pteaguei've been using xfce since kde4 & intrepid made my desktop completely unstable... & even though kde4 has probably gotten over that, last i looked i don't want to go back to kde23:32
charlie-tcaI only been using it since 6.0623:33
pteaguei still have my 6.06 ubuntu disk from linux format around somewhere... saw it the other day... made me try gnome again after which i promptly installed kde followed by all the others & an uninstall of gnome23:37
pteaguenifty... some of these wm styles are pretty cool... going to have to mess around with making my own at some point i guess23:44

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