=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3 | ||
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mikebeecham | good afternoon...have I found the right channel where the principal designers for the new Ubuntu UIs hang out? | 15:19 |
mikebeecham | I was hoping I could talk to someone and hope to contribute in some way...I'm an interface designer | 15:21 |
alex_mayorga | Is OSD on it's way to become "clickable"? | 15:23 |
alex_mayorga | I ask as it no longer fades when mousing towards it | 15:24 |
mikebeecham | if I can be of any help...or if you're looking for someone then please by all means contact me here. I''ve designed some Android applications interfaces, as well as the default UI for the Plex Media Center for the Mac Platform. I've been using Ubuntu for about two years now and hope to be able to 'give something back', as it were. | 15:25 |
Nafai | mikebeecham: Any Android applications I might know? | 16:03 |
mikebeecham | I've almost finished the green theme on the BeyondPod application, as well as a new air flight planner (unfortunately I cant give the name right now as it's not yet released) | 16:04 |
mikebeecham | also some work on the YouVersion Application for Android (as well some work on thier blog site...not yet released) | 16:04 |
Nafai | cool | 16:05 |
mikebeecham | plus I have a SHED load of artwork never used in my photobucket, box.net and deviantart galleries | 16:05 |
mikebeecham | and I've just been messing round with colours on the new Ambience theme | 16:06 |
mikebeecham | http://img401.imageshack.us/i/ubuntuambience2.png/ | 16:07 |
mikebeecham | thats about 10 mins work! | 16:07 |
mikebeecham | my latest messing: http://img169.imageshack.us/i/ubuntuambience2.png/ | 16:29 |
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=== MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow | ||
jcastro | Nafai: think we can get those patches reworked by mid-next weekish? | 20:04 |
Nafai | jcastro: gnome-bluetooth? | 20:05 |
Nafai | Yeah, waiting for some clarification from hadess | 20:05 |
jcastro | cooh | 20:06 |
jcastro | hopefully luis will have a chance to test. | 20:06 |
jcastro | so we can finish off brasero | 20:07 |
Nafai | btw, slightly related to your nautilus context menu post: http://twitter.com/puzzlement/status/11073340224 | 20:07 |
Nafai | yeah | 20:07 |
Nafai | that would be nice | 20:07 |
jcastro | ah yeah, that bug | 20:07 |
Nafai | I'm always confused as to which option to use | 20:07 |
kklimonda | it's not easy to fix | 20:10 |
Nafai | I haven't looked at the code, so I'm not sure what the differences are between the items | 20:10 |
Nafai | kklimonda: Is that the "not easy" part? | 20:10 |
kklimonda | Nafai: you can read http://ubuntutalk.tumblr.com/post/346018554/the-unmount-eject-and-safely-remove-drive-dilemma and linked articles to get some idea why it it this way (and which option could be removed) | 20:13 |
Nafai | kklimonda: Thanks, should be interesting | 20:19 |
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