
JontheEchidnanixternal: sire, wouldst thou grant a wish for a UI freeze exception? bug 52760600:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527606 in kpackagekit "Rollback button should be hidden and not disabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52760600:03
* JontheEchidna counts fingers00:04
nixternalACK'd :p00:04
nixternaltrying to figure out, which driver is better for my mini 10v, the broadcom b43 or sta driver00:04
nixternalnobody seems to know00:04
JontheEchidnadantti: ^Shouldn't be any problem with that button being hidden, since it's not enabled atm, right?00:04
JontheEchidnanixternal: (un)fortunately I'm not an expert on proprietary vs unproprietary wireless drivers...00:06
nixternalyeah, me either00:06
JontheEchidnaI could moan about proprietary vs free nvidia drivers all day, though00:06
JontheEchidnathey both suck in their own little ways00:06
nixternalthe STA drivers I know work, and work fairly decently...however I can't scan with the STA drivers00:06
nixternalI guess I could try b43, see how it works, and if I don't like it, roll it back00:06
verbalshadownixternal: i have had very good experiences with b43 worked well for b,g networks00:10
nixternalthanks verbalshadow00:11
nixternali guess you can install drivers with jockey-text, only enable/disable them00:11
verbalshadowi always just use jockey-kde but text should work00:12
JontheEchidna-kde is broken atm00:13
nixternalmaco: did you ever figure out your wifi issue? my netbook will not connect to a damn thing01:24
nixternaleven with nm-applet, which always worked for me01:24
nixternalwell shit, nm-applet just worked01:29
* nixternal tries knetworkmanager now01:29
nixternalwtf, so there is a network somewhere near by that is stronger than my own network in the house01:30
nixternalmy signal is 80%, this other networks signal is 100%01:30
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jjessemy netbook on lucid is very #%#%#%# so i'm going to reload it w/ the beta01:42
jjessewhat's the name of the app for creating a live usb drive?01:44
JontheEchidnajjesse: usb-creator-kde01:47
jjessewhy does it appear some cleaner/prettier when run w/ kdesudo?01:50
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jjessewhy can't i get usb-creator-kde to work, am i retarted?01:59
verbalshadowjjesse: let me try i need to make a new usb install anyway02:01
jjessei have a blank usb drive however i can't create or format it02:02
verbalshadowjjesse: last time i tried it would work for me either, but unetbootin did02:02
verbalshadowumm wouldn't02:02
jjessewow unetbootin works fine02:04
verbalshadowit is copying files for me so i will let i a couple of minutes02:04
jjessehrmm unetbootin just gives me a menu but doesn't actually boot02:09
verbalshadowjjesse: usb-creator-kde seems to work for me, have not booted it yet though02:12
jjessehrmm redownloading my isos to see if there is something wrong02:16
ScottKnixternal: The not creating a user thing is not known to me.  AFAIK the installer does that, so I don't see how it could be netbook specific.02:54
ScottKJontheEchidna: I assume you saw I got the kde4libs upload done ...02:54
JontheEchidnaScottK: yeah, thanks02:54
ScottKI'm in the middle of the rosetta onslaught from the kdepim upload i did a coupld of hours before.02:55
nixternalyeah, ubiquity went from the config partitions dialog, and when I clicked ok, went right to partitioning and installing02:55
ScottKSounds like shtylman's area to me.02:56
maconixternal: yeah after like 4 reboots, ifup started working, and after probably 4 more, NM started working but had lost my entire set of configured networks (boo!) even though they're still in my .kde/share/config/knetworkmanagerrc or whatever it's called03:37
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Quintasanryanakca: okay, thanks, I asked Jorge and he told me it would be a good idea to mention it in Further information so I did that. The problem is who exacly will be going with me :O06:43
amichairJontheEchidna: I see mvo is getting around to software-props, maybe we should put in the final touch as well... are there any issues that can still be reproduced in lucid?12:15
ejathi ..12:21
ejatcan someone help me with this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/401749/12:21
amichairanyone know what's the difference between http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ ? one I can rsync, the other not, and the duplicity is strange in any case...12:46
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rgreeningamichair: the rsync protocol looks for the cdimage path.13:34
rgreeningit doesn't know about the http paths that the web server may have aliased to cdimage path13:34
amichairrgreening: why are there two web paths?13:36
rgreeningdunno. but I expect that the non-cdimage one is an alias to cdimage.13:37
amichairbtw I specify the full url to rsync, do u mean it's configured not to follow symlinks or something like that?13:37
rgreeningamichair: its likely an alias in the web server and rsync doesn't know about the alias (a symlink may not exist)13:38
amichairoh, right13:39
rgreeningamichair: here's the path I use (for x86): rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso13:39
amichairrgreening: yeah, that's basically what worked for me (with amd64).13:40
rgreeningamichair: its the correct path to use for rsync.13:40
amichairI guess I just don't like useless configuration redundancy13:41
amichairrgreening: thanks in any case :-)13:41
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amichairi just had an installer crash (in virtualbox, from daily amd64 iso) - is this a known issue?15:04
tseliotScottK, JontheEchidna: I need to upload my patch for bug #540177 . How shall I proceed?15:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540177 in kdebase-workspace "KDM needs plymouth transition patch" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54017715:16
tseliote.g. commit my change in my own bzr branch, upload the package and ask you to merge from my branch?15:16
ScottKtseliot: That or just upload the package and one of us can update the branch from the source.15:17
ScottKWhichever works for you.15:17
tseliotScottK: also, any objections to the changes that I made to the debian/patches/series file (also, I promise to format the changelog a little better)? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/401837/15:19
ScottKtseliot: Why the change in 07_kdmrc_defaults_kubuntu.diff?15:20
ScottKYou document that you're changing it, but not why.15:21
ScottKIs the bulletproof X patch ever going to be useful again?  IIRC it was not working before and should probably be removed, not just commented.15:22
tseliotScottK: right, because we need to start the xserver without clearing the screen (which still has the bootsplash on) in order to get a nice transition15:22
ScottKOK.  Makes sense, but it'd be good to say that.15:23
ScottKAlso you don't document disabling kubuntu_104_kdm_active_vt_plymouth.diff.15:23
ScottKShould that be removed too?15:23
tseliotI merged my patch with the bulletproof X one and bulletproof X will work when a new plymouth is uploaded15:23
ScottKAh, Ok.15:23
ScottKWhat about 104?15:23
tseliotyes, that patch doesn't really work well15:23
tseliotand should be removed15:24
ScottKI gather it's OBE due to your new patch?15:24
tseliotof course I'll document things better ;)15:24
ScottKThat should get documented.15:24
tseliotI doubt it ever worked as planned (as they do things differently in fedora) but yes, my patch replaces that too15:25
ScottKAs long as it works and the changes are well documented, I'm happy.15:26
tseliotok, good15:26
ScottKSomeone may want to backport the packaging changes I did for kdepim yesterday to the karmic PPA.  It would solve some problems I've seen people report.15:34
tseliotScottK: the final debdiff: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/401853/15:39
ScottKJontheEchidna: Do you have any input ^^^?15:39
JontheEchidnaLooks good to me15:40
tseliotnote: the patch works well here with -intel15:40
ScottKtseliot: Why are we disabling the patches instead of removing them?15:40
ScottKIntel is all I have, so I couldn't contribute to more testing.15:40
tseliotScottK: some may want a smaller diff but if you prefer to simply remove those patches, I'll do it15:42
tseliotwhatever works better for you, I'm not the maintainer ;)15:42
ScottKtseliot: I'd prefer to not leave junk patches in the package.  You don't need to show me the diff again, just correct the changelog to match.15:42
ScottKI'd say go for it.15:43
ScottKThe patches are in the bzr history if we ever need to refer to them.15:43
tseliotScottK, JontheEchidna: ok, I'll remove those patches. Thanks for reviewing my patch15:44
ScottKtseliot: No problem.  If it doesn't work, we know where to find you ....15:45
JontheEchidnaThanks a lot for making the patch, otherwise this probably wouldn't have gotten don :)15:45
tseliotoh, shall I remove or comment out those lines in the "series" file?15:45
tseliothehe, yes, sure, if you have problems, just let me know ;)15:46
ScottKtseliot: Thanks for helping out with Kubuntu.15:46
ScottKtseliot: Remove the patches from series too please.15:47
ScottKAnyone have any issues for the release team meeting?16:17
ScottKI've already bitched about branding.16:17
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ScottKAny word on 4.4.2?16:59
* daskreech sighs. Stop being so persistently cool KDE Srsly17:04
DarkwingDuck:D but, hey... its better now right?17:36
daskreechIn some aspects I keep hitting on regressions. Nothing heartbreaking but probably not "better"17:41
daskreechAkonadi plugins keep looking for soprano and spitting thousands of error messages17:42
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jussi01akonadi is the new devil. right after knetworkmanager.17:50
DarkwingDuckjussi01: akonadi fix it self then broke now it fixed... without updateing anything...17:51
nixternalI just looked at what it takes to create a Kubuntu Plymouth theme, and it is actually quite easy. Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and Edubuntu have already done so...what are we waiting for?17:52
ScottKOTOH, having something would be better than what we have now.17:59
DarkwingDucknixternal: have we merged the docs in yet?17:59
DarkwingDuckor rather, Carls updates18:00
daskreechnixternal: Draw one by hand in Krita and use that :)18:03
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yofelin the date/time settings in the timezones tab the 'Apply' button is grayed out regardless of the selected timezone, bug?18:40
daskreechI think I bugged that already18:41
daskreechI haven't checked if it was fixed though18:41
vbgunzis this ever getting implemented http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2009/06/10/smooth-and-solid-resizing-on-x11/ ?18:49
rocketman768I have an app built on Qt and Phonon for KDE that I was hoping someone might help me include directly into Kubuntu. It is called brewtarget and can be found on http://sourceforge.net/projects/brewtarget . I have built it as a debian package and submitted it to mentors.debian.net, but after about a year, it seems that no one at debian is willing to sponsor my package and put it in their repositories. I would appreciate any 19:32
ScottKrocketman768: Did you contact the Debian Qt/KDE team?19:33
ScottKI'd go to #debian-qt-kde on oftc and ask about getting sponsored there.19:33
ubottuHelp! apachelogger, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, Lex79, Quintasan, neversfelde, maco, rgreening19:34
rocketman768ScottK: thanks, I'll see what they say.19:34
rgreeningto the batcave. 4.4.2 is ready for pkg19:34
rgreeningJontheEchidna: batcave. kde 4.4,.2 rdy for pkg19:38
JontheEchidnargreening: I thought we weren't using the batcave anymore19:39
rgreeninghmm.. news to me19:39
rgreeningi thought for pre-rel pkging we were still.19:39
rgreeningJontheEchidna: I mean bunker (==batcave)19:40
JontheEchidnaWe've switched to just adding our packagers to ktown's access list, instead of hosting the tars on a secret external server19:40
rgreeningnot the website19:40
rgreeningyes. see my comment above :P19:41
JontheEchidnaso there's really no need for a secret channel, since the only thing that is/needs to be secret would be the link19:41
rgreeninggood enuf.19:41
JontheEchidnaI guess I'll join there, but I'll do packaging talk out here :)19:42
rgreeningso JontheEchidna, Riddell asked me to lead this one.19:42
rgreeningAny tips for starting?19:42
JontheEchidnato tell you the truth things have gotten a bit less structured over the last few releases19:42
rgreeningok then...19:43
rgreeningI guess I'll just make sure everything gets done and review the bzr to make sure the updates match the uploaded packages in the PPA prior to upload to archive19:43
JontheEchidnaBefore, the person leading would personally pbuild the packages for extra QA, but we haven't done that recently (not necessarily a good thing)19:43
rgreeningI have no issues building everything from scratch as we go19:44
rgreeningif we should start that up again19:44
JontheEchidnathe workflow we've been using is pbuild -> push to ppa/bzr -> test install -> release19:44
rgreeningJontheEchidna: we still using ninja PPA first though, correct?19:45
rgreeningokies. then Im set.19:45
JontheEchidnargreening: oh, and once uploads start, I can help out with that.19:45
rgreeningI have to take the dog out.. so I'll be out for a bit. I'll check in after. cool. ty JontheEchidna19:46
JontheEchidnaI only have upload priviledges for half the packages though... still waiting on my core-dev app :(19:46
JontheEchidnahave fun19:46
rgreeningJontheEchidna: so the kubuntu-dev doesn't allow upload all the kde packages?19:46
JontheEchidnargreening: no :/19:47
rgreeningor you are seeking motu+core19:47
JontheEchidnaI am seeking kubuntu-dev+core19:47
rgreeningI thought the per package upload was why we did all this?19:47
rgreeningso all kde core apps would be covered by kubuntu-dev19:47
JontheEchidnaIt's not, though. And the powers that be said they won't change it19:48
JontheEchidnavery :/19:48
rgreeningthats just stupid then.19:48
rgreeningwhy have the kubuntu-dev at all19:48
rgreeningit would have been better for just keeping motu+core-dev then wrt kde19:48
JontheEchidnawell, I do have privs to most of the non-core, seeded KDE apps like KPackagekit, konversation, quassel, kbluetooth, etc19:48
JontheEchidnaand about half of the core kde modules19:49
rgreeningso, what, kdelibs doesn't get approved by kubuntu-dev and possibly kdepimlibs?19:49
rgreeningsome days I wonder how kubuntu survives at all19:50
JontheEchidnaI bitch about this in my core-dev app: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/JonathanThomas/CoreDevApplication19:50
JontheEchidna"Areas of work" section19:50
ScottKMaybe we need a kubuntu-core-dev for the non-kubuntu-dev bits of Kubuntu20:00
ryanakcatoo many teams :P20:06
ryanakca... and he's gone. Anybody else working on the 4.4.2 packages and would like some help?20:07
ScottKrgreening's the boss.20:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: Do you know enough to respond to pitt's question in Bug #528907?20:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528907 in kdebase "unable to mount disks in dolphin / hal permission denied" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52890720:08
JontheEchidnaScottK: I think we have a patch that should do the launch-with-kdesu bit. Appears to not be working though20:09
QuintasanJontheEchidna: it is in kdebase-apps?20:10
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: the patch is in regular kdebase, yes20:10
JontheEchidnaI think20:10
ScottKThat'd make sense.20:10
JontheEchidnamaybe kde4libs20:10
JontheEchidnayeah, kde4libs, kubuntu_06_user_disk_mounting.diff20:11
JontheEchidnaI don't know much except "It should in theory work" and "this seems to break in a different way at least once per cycle"20:11
Quintasanshouldnt is use kdesudo not kdesu?20:13
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://wklej.org/id/304517/ <-- like this20:14
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: then we have a circular dep between kdelibs and kdesudo20:15
JontheEchidnaanyways, that shouldn't be the issue20:15
Quintasan /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu points to /etc/alternatives/kdesu which points to /usr/bin/kdesudo20:17
JontheEchidnathat too20:17
QuintasanJontheEchidna: where the hell kdesu comes from anyways?20:19
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: kdebase-runtime20:19
QuintasanI wonder what is the actual problem since Dolphin only puts come HAL error which tells nothing20:20
ScottKdebfx: Nowish would be a good time to discuss your brightness OSD patch since we're doing an update.  It didn't get in already did it?20:22
QuintasanHAL was crap already and IMO the best solution would be very sudden transition to PolicyKit20:24
gon_clHello, I would like to help with some arrangements of the Spanish translation20:24
debfxScottK: I don't so, Riddell said he'll look at it, but he probably didn't come it yet20:24
gon_clWhere can I propose translations?20:24
gon_clIn the launchpad (Lucid), I see no translations for KDE packages20:24
Quintasangon_cl: contact your upstream tranlslations team for your language20:25
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: It's not a question of HAL vs PolicyKit. One's a hardware layer and one's an authorization layer20:27
QuintasanI know that, but the fault is somewhere between those two20:28
Quintasanso either PK or HAL is crap20:28
JontheEchidnaah, I see. I misunderstood your original rant20:28
Quintasanbut since the HAL throws some nasty messages at users the it is probably HAL20:29
Quintasancd /var/log20:29
Quintasannothing in logs20:32
QuintasanJontheEchidna: policykit-desktop-privileges20:33
JontheEchidnaI think those are all for GNOME Polkit services :(20:34
Quintasanlet me update all that crap and restart20:34
JontheEchidnaNautilus for default file manager!11!1!!!!!!!!!20:34
* Quintasan hits JontheEchidna with a whip20:34
QuintasanJontheEchidna: what were you expecting from spreading heresy?20:37
debfxScottK: previously I didn't show the OSD if brightness_in_hardware was set to true as some buggy hardware/driver sent brightness key events on every brightness change20:43
debfxspecifically the MSI Wind, which has been fixed in Lucid20:43
ScottKdebfx: So what should be do now?20:44
debfxin Lucid brightness_in_hardware is always true as an acpi brightness kernel config has been activated20:45
ScottKMaybe JontheEchidna could review your updated patch since Riddell is away.20:45
debfxI think we should always show the OSD and ignore brightness_in_hardware for that part20:46
ScottKI think if we get it in before the beta2, that sounds OK.20:47
debfxJontheEchidna: this is the merge request: https://code.launchpad.net/~debfx/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/+merge/2178520:48
JontheEchidnaI'll test it later today, but from first glance it looks good.20:53
QuintasanJontheEchidna: installing that policykit crap didn't help21:00
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nixternalhey, how do you install .desktop.in files?22:05
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shtylmanRiddell: any news on logo?23:05
crimsunnixternal: generally they're processed to generate the .desktop23:07
crimsunnixternal: are you using cdbs or some other patch and/or build system?23:07
nixternalgot it crimsun, thanks :)23:09
nixternalcrimsun: do you know how to create po files for .desktop.in files?23:51
DarkwingDuckStill can't figure it out?23:53
nixternalall i need to do is create the pot files and it is done23:59

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